Mلrcia Crisna Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos
Mلrcia Crisna Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos
Márcia Cris na Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos Santos 1ªª Edição 1 E SSanta Cruz do Rio Pardo/SP Sa Editora Viena 2014 Autores: Márcia CrisƟna Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos Santos Projeto gráfico e diagramação: Luciane Mendonça Capa: Agência Z3 - www.agenciaz3.com.br .com.br Ilustrações: Renato Nascimento Manoel Ricardo Pegorer gorer de Bem Fotos: iStockPhoto Impressão acabamento: são e acabament Vienaa Gráfica & Editora Dados dde C Catalogação Dados Internacionais Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (Câmara (C Câmara Brasileira Brasil (Câmara Brasileira do do Livro, Livro, SP, Brasil) (CIP) P Peregini, Pere Márcia Peregini, Már Márcia Cristina Cristina Giunta Giunta My M My journey journey :: English English course course workbook, workbook, 2 / Már Márcia Márcia Cristina Cristina Giunta Giunta Peregini, Peregini, Ana Ana Maria Borge Borges Santos. Borges dos dos Sa Santos. --- 1. 1. ed. ed. --- Santa Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, SP Rio Par Pardo, S SP :: Editora Editora Viena, Viena, 2011. 2011. -(Coleçã (Coleção (Coleção my my journey) journey) ISBN ISBN 978-85-371-0262-6 978-85-371-0262-6 1. 1. Inglês Inglês (Ensino (Ensino médio) médio) I. I. Santos, Santos, Ana Maria Bo Borges Borges dos. dos. II. II. Título. Título. III. III. Série. Série. 11-14422 11-14422 CDD-420.7 Índices para para catálogo catálogo sistemático: sistemático: Índices 1. Inglês Inglês :: Ensino Ensino médio médio 1. 420.7 420.7 ISBN: 978-85-371-0262-6 Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida, sejam quais forem os meios empregados: eletrônicos, mecânicos, fotográficos, gravações ou quaisquer outros. Todos os direitos reservados para EDITORA VIENA LEI 9.610/98 e atualizações Copyright© 2014 - Editora Viena Ltda 1ª Edição - 02/2014 - SCRPardo / SP EDITORA VIENA Home-Page: www.viena.ind.br e-mail: [email protected] UNIT 1 2 3 4 5 Exercises Page 1. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons below. Page 7 2. Answer the ques ons. Page 7 3. Label the things. Page 8 4. Fill in the I-94. Page 8 5. Answer the ques ons about the form. Page 9 6. Listen and complete the text. Page 9 7. Discuss about the Eiffel Tower. Page 9 8. Let`s travel by plane. Page 9 9. What were they doing? Page 10 10. Complete with the past con nuous tense. Page 10 11. Listen to the CD and complete the text. Page 10 1 1. Listen to the text and answer the ques ons. Page Pa 11 2. It is a ma er of quizz. Test your knowledge. Page 11 3. Use the compara ve of superiority form. Page 12 4. Rewrite the sentences using the compara ve of equality. Page 12 5. Complete the sentences with the compara ve of superiority. Page 13 6. Listen to the text and answer the ques ons. Page 13 7. Find out and exchange ideas with your partner Page 14 8. Listen to the CD and complete the defini ons of the words. Page 14 9. Listen to the CD and complete the dialogue. Page 14 1. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons below. low. Welcome elcome to the Ma Mayan civilizaa on. Page 15 2. Complete the sentences with compara ves es or superla ves. Page 15 3. Put the words in the correct form and write them m on the right righ sentence. Page 16 4. Listen to the CD and complete the conversa onversa on. Page 17 5. Listen to the CD. Elvis Presley. Page 17 6. Let`s talk about Elvis. Page 18 7. Listen to the CD and complete ete the he text. t Page 18 1. Listen to the CD and complete omplete the he conversa nv on. Page 19 2. Put the verbs into the simple p past or present resen perfec te tense. Page 19 3. Listen to the CD and answer th the ques ons. Page 19 4. Put the verbss into present perfect tense. Page 20 5. Listen to the CD and d answer the ques ons ons. Page 20 6. Follow w the example. Page 21 7. Listen en to the CD and complete the conv conversa on. Page 22 8. Complete the sentences with For or Since Since. Page 22 9. Proverbs and sayings in English. Matc Match the columns. Page 22 1. Listen to the CD and answer the q ques ons about the text. Page 23 2. Put the verbs into the present perfect tense. Page 24 3. Use the present perfect tense ten or the present perfect con unuous. Page 24 4. Complete the text as you yo hear the CD and then answer the ques ons. Page 24 5. What dou think abou about: Page 25 6. Listen to the CD aand make ques ons using the affirma ve sentences. Page 25 7. Complete the sentences with Been or Gone. Page 26 8. Let`s play: gguess the names of the animals. Page 26 Three 3 UNIT 6 7 8 9 10 4 Four Exercises Page 1. Answer the ques ons as you hear the CD. Page 27 2. Discuss with your partner and write addi onal Children’s Rights. Page 28 3. Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Tense or the Simple Past Tense. Page 28 4. Think of a point in your life. What had changed before it? Page 28 5. Listen to the CD and complete the text. Page 29 6. Answer the ques ons. Page 29 7. Join the beginnings and the endings to make reasonable sentences. Page 29 8. Listen to the CD and complete with the correct verb tense. Page 30 9. Read the text and answer the ques ons. Page 30 1. What are the things in the room? Page 29 2. Home sweet home. What is there in the living room? Page 29 3. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons. Page 30 Pa 4. Listen to the CD and write the names on the right picture. Page 30 5. Listen to the CD and complete the exercises. Page 31 6. Match the sentences according to the sentence. Page 31 7. Answer the ques ons. Page 31 8. Write the names of seven things in thekitchen. Page 32 9. It is your home. Put the things you want there. Page 32 1. Write condi onal sentences using the second ones. Page 35 2. Complete the le er with the words in the box. Page 35 3. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons about out the e text. Page 35 4. Complete the sentences using the second condi onal. ona Page 36 5. Complete the sentences using the first and second ond condi onal o al tenses. Page 36 6. Complete the sentences using a verb b from the box. box ox. Page 37 7. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons about the text. text Page 37 8. Let`s discuss. Answer the quess ons about abo bout the pictures. Page 38 1. Complete the conversa on as you hea hear the CD. D. Page 39 2. Listen to the CD. What do the customers buy? Page 39 3. Label the pictures with the right words ds and then organ organize in into categories. Page 39 4. Put the right verb rb in the blank blanks. Page 40 5. You are goingg to Paris. ris. Decide the seaso season, on, what wh to pac pack and why. Page 40 6. Listen to the he CD. Filll in the blanks with the e wo words b below. Page 40 7. What words do fit correctly rectly in the followi following sen sentences? Page 40 8. Write te condi onal sentences using the words w provided Page 41 9. Put the following sentences into the third condi onal. Page 41 10. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons about the text. Page 42 1. Listen to the CD and complete the th conversa on. Page 43 2. Match the columns. Page 43 3. Listen to the CD and answe answer the ques ons. Page 43 4. Look at the pictures. Read Re the sentences. Tick the correct ones and rewrite the incorrect ones. Page 44 5. Complete the text w with the passive or ac ve voice. Page 44 6. Put the sentences into the passive voice using the underlined objects. Page 44 7. Listen to the CD C and answer the ques ons about the text. Page 45 8. Pair work. TTalk to your partner. Page 46 9. A er the discussion, write about a trip that you have taken. Page 46 10. Lab Label the pictures with the following sentences. Page 46 UNIT 11 12 13 14 Exercises Page 1. Reading. Read the text and answer the ques ons. Page 47 2. Listen to the CD and complete the conversa on. Page 48 3. Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending. Page 48 4. Listen to the CD and complete the text with the appropriate passive voice. Page 48 5. Put the sentences into the ac ve voice. Page 49 6. Put the sentences into the ac ve voice. Page 49 7. Listen to the CD and complete the conversa on. Page 50 8. Put the right name under the pictures. Page 50 9. Write a conversa on between you and a flight a endant on a plane. Page 50 1.Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons. Page 51 2. Listen to the CD and read some opinions about a wheelchaired person on the plane. Page 51 3. Supply the correct alterna ve pronouns in the sentences. Page 52 Pa 4. Match the sentences and use a rela ve pronoun the join them. Page 53 5. Listen to the CD and complete the text with the rela ve pronouns. Page 53 6. Listen to the CD and complete the conversa on. Page 53 7. Write the words and the correct defini ons. Page 54 1. Listen to the CD and complete the text. Page 55 2. Rewrite the sentences using Can or May. Make the necessary essary changes. Page 55 3. Choose the correct modal to complete the sentences. es. Page 55 4. Listen to the CD. Complete the le er with the missing ssing words. w rds. Page 55 5. Write a le er to someone telling about a trip that yo you ou took. k Page 56 6. Match the columns. Page 56 7. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons about out the text. Page 56 8. Listen to the CD and complete the text ext with Must, t, Mustn’t and n needn’t. edn’t Page 57 9. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons. Page 57 1. Place the words in the blanks. s. Page 59 2. Listen to the CD and complete plete the text. Page 59 3. Reading. Read the textt and write ite T ( True ) or F ( Fals False lse ). Page 59 4. Listen to the CD and d look at the picture. icture. re. Co Complete the text b below. Page 61 5. Listen to the CD and answer tthe ques es ons. Page 61 6. Pair work. Write a dialogue booking a room r aat a hotel. hote Page 62 7. Make sentences. tences. Page 62 8. Complete ete the postcard.. Tick the correct answer a (s). Page 62 Five 5 6 Six 1. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ ½Êó. Unit 1 …………………………………………….... …………………………………………………… ………….............…………………….............……………………… ……………………… ………….............…………………….............……………………… ....……………………… ………….............…………………….............……………………… ........……………………… b. What did they build? ©iStockphoto.com/LUNAMARINA …………………………………………….............……………………… …………….............……………… They …………………………………………….............……………………… ……………….............…………… …………….... … built magnificent nificent cities with huge …………………………………………….............……………………… …………………….............……… … stone temples. …………………………………………….............……………………… ……………………….............…… …………………......... . ………….............…………………….............……………………… ......……………………............. …………………………………………….............……………………… ………………………………........ …… ………….............…………………….............……………………… ….............……………………..... ........……… (from-h p://facstaff.gpc.edu) - Adapted WELCOME TO THE MAYAN CIVILIZATION One of the greatest civiliza ons in Central Americaa was the Mayan. They were excellent in different ways. ays. They were good engineers, they built magnifi ificent ent ci es with huge stone temples. They didn’t n’t have hav ave any idea about some things but they developed veloped an advanced system of wri ng, mathema hemaa cs and astronomy, which they used to calculate late an accurate curate calendar. Religion was part of theirr lives. They ey worshipped hundreds of Gods, because there ere were we many clues that came from m the sculptured sc ured and painted representa ons of their heir ceremonyy sites. si The ancient Mayans can an be long ng remembered remember for fo their remarkable advancements ancements in arts, s, science, scien and religion. The Mayans had an advanced calendar calenda system. First, it consisted sted of 260 days each one with w a specific name and symbol. c. What did they develop? develo They Th develop an advanced system ………… …………………………………………….............……………………… ………… ……………………… ………………… … developed …………… of writing writ ,mathematics and …………………………………………….............……………………… …………… ………………………… …………… astronomy, which they used to astrono …………………………………………….............……………………… ………………………… ……………………… calcul an accurate calendar. ca ………….............…………………….............……………………… …… ………........... ….....calculate …………………………………………….............……………………… ………………… ………… …………………………………………….............……………………… …… ………… ………….............…………………….............……………………… ………… d. How many Gods did they worship? …………………………………………….............……………………… They worshipped hundreds of Gods. …………………………………………….............……………………… …………………………………………….............……………………… ………….............…………………….............……………………… …………………………………………….............……………………… …………………………………………….............……………………… ………….............…………………….............……………………… e. How was the Mayan´s Calendar? 2. AÄÝóÙ ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ: ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄ a. Where did the Mayans live? They lived in Central America. The ………………… …………………………………………….............……………………… …… …………………………………………….............……………………… ……………… …………………………………………….............……………………… First, it was consisted of 260 days each …………………………………………….............……………………… with a specific name and symbol. …………………………………………….............……………………… Secondly, they also had a calendar that ………….............…………………….............……………………… tracked a solar year of 365 days. …………………………………………….............……………………… …………………………………………….............……………………… ………….............…………………….............……………………… Seven 7 Unit 1 3. 4. L½ 㫠㫮ĦÝ. W«Ä ùÊç ÄãÙ ã« U.S.A. A. ùÊç ÃçÝã ÊÃֽ㠥ÊÙÃ,, ó«®« ®Ý ½½ I-94. Iã Ý«ÊóÝ ã« ã ùÊç ÙÙ®ò ®Ä ã« U.S.A. Ä ã« ã ó«Ä ùÊçÙ çã«ÊÙ®þ ÖÙ®Ê Ê¥ Ýãù®Ä¦ øÖ®ÙÝ. YÊç «ò ãÊ »Ö ®ã ó®ã« ùÊçÙ ÖÝÝÖÊÙã. Ùã. T«Ä ùÊç ¦Ê ã«ÙÊ禫 CçÝãÊÃÝ. Ýãù®Ä¦. ÃÝ. EĹÊù ùÊçÙ Ýãù®Ä Lã’Ý ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ¥ÊÙÃ: ©iStockphoto.com/skodonnell ©iStockphoto.com/pavlen credit card money visa check in airport travel insurance camera personal documents passport luggage Luggage ...................... ©iStockphoto.com/alexskopje ©iStockphoto.com/alexskopj iStockphoto.co ©iStockphoto.com/zen lia ©iStockphoto.com/ orgo Passport ...................... Travel el insurance sura ..... ................. ......... ........ .... ........... . . ...................... ©iStockphoto.com/imagestock ©iStockphoto.com/jenjen42 ckphoto.com/jenjen Money ...................... ©iStockphoto.com/adven hoto.com/adven r Credit card ...................... Personal Camera ...... ..Ca ...................... ©iStockphoto.com/ Neustockimages documents ...................... .................... ................... ©iStockphoto.com/ Elenathewise Visa .. ...................... Airport ...................... ............... ......... 8 Eight Check in ...................... 5. AÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ Êçã ã« ¥ÊÙà Êò: Unit 1 The Eiffel Tower is now the ........................ of Paris and it is symbol carries the one and the only Eiffel’s work that ............................ ....................... ....... ......... his name. …………………………………………….............……………………… The form must be completed by any …………………………………………….............……………………… non immigrant, a tourist, for example. b. Who requires this form? …………………………………………….............……………………… The department of homeland security …………………………………………….............……………………… requires it. c. Where do you have to turn this form in? …………………………………………….............……………………… It must be taken to customs. …………………………………………….............……………………… 6. L®ÝãÄ Ä ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ãøã: THE EIFFEL TOWER (source – The Interna onal Encyclopedia) When the French government .............................. ..... ..... was as................. organizing ganizing g. ........................... the 1889 Centennial tennial Exposi xposi osi o on, to commemorate the French Revolu olu on on, the he famous ffam bridge .............................. engineer er Alexandre-Gustave exandre-Gustavve EEiffel was chosen to build a suitable to uitable symbolic structure struct t built buil uilt the happening. The tower ower he ............................. .............................. ..... ......... ... .... was at Campo de Marte, e, near the Sena River, and had h 984 feet and 7000tons. ns. builder Gustave Eiff ffel was a dis nguished ..... ............................ of steam machines, bridges, railway car cars, churches and even railway ilway sta ons, everything in i the remarkable built “Bellee Epoque” style. He also ............................... the “Bon on Marché” store in Paris, as a he was the engineer iron in charge of providing the ................................ structure for the “Liberty Statue” in New York. removed The tower was to be ............................... by the end of the Exposi on, but a great number of people revealed ......................... ................ through general manifesta ons, structure should stay at Campo de Marte. that the struc remained That’s why it .................................... and was used for military milit ............................ ....... ...... purposes during the World War I. ó®ã« ùÊçÙ ÊçÙ ÖÙãÄ ÖÙãÄÙ Ù Êçã 7.D®ÝçÝÝ ã« E®¥¥½ ãÊóÙ. ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ óÙ. AÝ» Øç Ýã®ÊÄÝ ãÊ «®Ã/«Ù. Ù. WÙ®ã ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝÝ Ä ã« ÄÝó ÄÝóÙÝ ½Êó. ÙÝ ©iStockphoto.com/Jamesmcq24 a. Who has to fill the I-94 out? (Student’s answers) ……………………………………………........…….....................… ……… ………………………........…… ……………….....................……………………......................... ….....................………………… ..... ……………………………………...................……..................... ……………………………............ ………………… .................................................................................... ......................................... ....................... .................................................................................. ......................................... ..... ............. .................................................................................. ...................................... ...................... .. ................................................................................. ............. ..................... ............. ............................................................................... ............. ..... .................. . ............................................................................ .......................... ........... 8. 8 L Lã’Ý Lã’ ãÙò½ ù Ö½Ä: aa. Seatbelt b. Get off c. Check in desk d. Overbooked e. Baggage claim f. Aisle seat g. Landing h. taking off f the seat that is next to the aisle. h when the plane leaves the ground. e place where you pick up your luggage a er the arrival. d more passengers than available seats. g returning to the ground a er being in the air. b to leave the plane. a device that holds passengers in their seats. c the place where your luggage is weight. Nine 9 Unit 1 9. W«ã óÙ ã«ù ʮĦ? was crossing c. The woman ............................................ ... the road with the dog. (cross) was eating d. Ed ................................................ ........ a hamburger. (eat) A½® BÄ e. Rick and Ann ...................................................... .......................................... ........................ the were painting house. (paint) JÙÙù was playing f. Breno ................................................ ........................................... ..................... the drums. (play) 11. L®Ý L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ãøã. Ä was eating a. Alice .................................... some cookies. a about Ind India dia is ..... .............................. ........... one-third the size of the U.S. largest country in the world. U . and the seventh se See why ..... ................................. from around the globe travelers marvel marvel its ................................. amazing variety of landscapes ancient ................................. and anc : cultures were playing tennis. b. Mary and Paul ...................................... nnis.. was comingg........ d. The dog .............................................. . out........ in n the house. e. was using ing e. Jerry ................................... ..... ......... a sunscreen sunscreen. 10.. CÊÃÖ½ã ó®ã« ÊÄã®ÄçÊçÝ ãÄÝ: ã« ÖÝã ÊÄã®ÄçÊç (source- www. ww. mesforkids.com) .com) was holding a ball. c. Ben ...................................... A¦Ù The Taj mahal in the city of Agra is perhaps India’s famous most .............................. landmark. In 1638, Emperor Shah Jahan .............................. building it as a marble began beloved tomb for his .............................. wife Mumtaz Mahal. pressed With precious gems and stones .............................. p g into its walls, the Taj Mahal ........................................ ......................................... took 22,000 workmen and 22 years to be completed. It is .............................. as the eighth wonder of the world world. known was offering b. Brian ................. ...................................................... .wa some flowers to Susan. (offer) 10 Ten ©iStockphoto.com/x-drew was traveling a. Élise .................................. .......................................................... ........................ .. to Paris. (travel) . It is composed of more e than………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………… a hundred basic………………… materials, …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………………… called elements. ments. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………… MATTER AND ENERGY (Source: from The Book of Popular Science, Grolier Incorporated. Adapted) Unit 2 b. What are the different forms of ma er? All things in this world are different forms of one and the same thing, what scien sts call ma er. Ma er is what occupies space. It is composed of more than a hundred basic materials, called elements; these, alone or joined together in an infinite variety of combina ons, make up everything in the universe, men, trees, rocks, the ocean and even the air we breathe. The different forms of ma er possess, or can be induced to possess, energy, that is the capacity to perform work. Ma er is everything around you. Ma er is anything made of atoms and molecules. Ma er is anything that has a mass. c. What are the two sciences that deal with ma er? There are two sciences that deal re …………………………..…………………………………………………… ..……………………………………… especially pecially …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……..………………………………… … with these bases: chemistry, the “matter science”, and y,………..……………………………… a physics, …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………..…………………………… science”. the “energy …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………..………………………… ……..………………………… …… science” 2. I T Q ! . ©iStockphoto.com/tazytaz 1. L A Ho A. How ow many st state states of ma er are there? CHANGING STATES OF MATTER Two Tw Elements and compounds can move from m one state to another. There are two sciences es thatt deal especially with these bases: chemistry, ry, the “ma er science”, and physics, the “energy science”. cience”. e”. Chemi Chemistry studies the composi on and proper per es of substances bstance and the changes that they undergo; deals go; physics p deal eals par cularly with the forces es released rele ed by energy. energ Four ur Three X Five Ther are five states of matter. You will find solids, liquids, There gase gases, plasmas, and the condensate (Bose-Einstein Condensate). Condensa Cond Each state has its own traits and ways of interacting with the world of chemistry. B. Ato Atoms in a liquid are farther apart than the atoms in a gas. True X False Atoms in a gas are actually farther apart than the atoms in a liquid. Solids are the densest state of matter (of solids liquids, and gases). Gases are the least dense and have atoms that are the most spread out. C. Which has the least energe c molecules? ©iStockphoto.com/pavlen X Solids Liquids Gases Plasmas Solids have the least energetic molecules. When you think about the different states of matter, you need to remember about energy. Plasmas and gases have the most energetic atoms. D. What force pulls liquids towards the ground? X Pressure Temperature Gravity Centrifugal Solids have the least energetic molecules. When you think about the different states of matter, you need to remember about energy. Plasmas and gases have the most energetic atoms. a. What is the defini on of ma er? …………………… Matter is all things …………………………..…………………………………………………… that occupy space. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………… E. When a substance goes from being a solid to a liquid, it is a... X Chemical Change Physical Change Eleven 11 . 12 Twelve Brazill.................... is .................. c. ................................................ bigger than Italy. Ita .................................................... ........... ...... .. ........... ... .................................................... ................................ ........................ .................................................... .................................... ......................... .................................................... ........................................ ............................. .................................................... ......................................... .......................... The woman .................................. ....................... ...... ........ iis d. ................................................ fatter than .................................................... .................................. .................. ............... man. the man .................................................... .............................. ........... ....... .................................................... .......................... .................................................... ...................... .................................................... .................. e. ................................................ ... A rabbit is smaller than a lion. .................................................... ... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................... ..................................... A chimpanzee impanzee is..... ..................................... ........................ as intelligent ntelligent as a... ..................................... ............................... ............. dolphin. ..................................... ................................... ©iStockphoto.com/crookedart ©iStockphoto.com/GlobalP ©iStockphoto.com/Luso ©iSto The truck is b. ................................................ heavier than the car. .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .... .................................................... ......... .................................................... ............. ... .. b. São Paulo ulo is we er than Rio. ......São .................... ..................................... Paulo is aas ..................................... ........................ Rio. wet as R ..................................... .................. ..... ..................................... ............... c. Tommy iss younger young than Brian. yo ..................................... Tommy is as ..................................... young ..................................... as Brian. ..................................... d. Brazil is bigger than Canada. ©iStockphoto.com/scibak The dress a. ................................................ is more beautiful than the .................................................... skirt. .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ... a. A chimpanzee is more intelligent telligent than a dolphin. ..................................... Brazil is as ..................................... big as Canada. ..................................... ..................................... e. Alp is taller than Brian. .................................... Alp is as tall .................................... as Brian. .................................... .................................... f. The big box is lighter than the small ones. ©iStockphoto.com/alexsl ©iStockphoto.com/jimyjamesb ©iStockphoto.com/jimyjamesbond ©iSt k h t ©iStockphoto.com/GlobalP /Gl b lP ©iStockphoto.com/hayesphotography ©iStockphoto.com/AndreasReh ©iStockphoto.com/scibak ©iStockphoto.com/jondpa on ©iStockphoto.com/AlexandrMoroz ©iStockphoto.com/ariwasabi ©iStockphoto.com/Evgeniy_P dangerous big heavy beau ful fat : ©iStockphoto.com/CelsoDiniz S 4. R ©iStockphoto.com/scibak 3. U C ..................................... The big box ..................................... is as light as the ..................................... small ones. ..................................... ©iStockphoto.com/alexsl Unit 2 better b. This map is ................................ than that one. (good) spicier c. Onion is ................................... than garlic. (spicy) messier d. Her room is .................................... than yours. (messy) more accurate e. Her wri ngs are .................................................... ..... ........... than mine. (accurate) softer f. The mangos are ..................................... ...... than an the pears. (so ) moree......................................... beautiful autiful g. The roses are .......................................................... ............................ .. ............ than the lilies. (beau ful) cheaper h. The le uce iss ....................................... .......................................... ............... . than the apples. (cheap) newer i. Myy car is .............................. ................................. than his. (new) new) more j. Cold juice is ...... ..................................................... ...... refreshing than water. (refreshing) . MISSION TO THE MOON ON People have always been en fascinated by the stars and the moon. They have ve been watching the changing changi shapes of the moon, from rom new moon to full moon. moon The moon’s shadows and nd lunar cliffs cast over the plains. Some writerss put the word moon in th their stories, poetries and songs. The human has tried to get uman an being b ge there since the 50’s. Two important raced to get on the importa countries ra moon on first, the U.S.A. and an the Soviet Union. got there first, Americans Although lthou the he Soviets go there. landed de the first hum ded human ma th name: It happened in 1969. His na ame: me: Neil Armstrong. A Arm By the th year of 1972, 12 astronauts had walked on thee moon, and brought back 850 pounds of rocks. In the th past, pa our only glimpses of the moon were or spacecra that flew by on their from rom telescopes tele way to other er planets. (source: Time for kids, Inc .Adapted.) smaller a. The front yard is .................................. than the backyard. (small) Unit 2 reogan : 6. L to.com/em ©iStockpho 5. C a. What countries were racing to get first to the moon? The United States and the Soviet Union .................................................................................... raced to get to the moon. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... b. Who was the first human on the moon? What year did it happen? The U.S. Apollo program landed .................................................................................... the first human there: .................................................................................... Neil Armstrong in 1969. .................................................................................... Thirteen 13 c. How many astronauts walked on the moon by the year 1972? By 1972, 12 astronauts had walked .................................................................................... on the moon. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... d. What did they bring back to Earth? They brought back 850 .................................................................................... pounds of rocks. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 7. 14 Fourteen CD : someone who ho studies Astronomer ............................................................... ......................................... .................. ................. the starss....................... and planets................... .................................................................................... ..................... .................................................................................... ......................................... a piece of equipment shaped Telescope ................................................................... ......................................... like a tubee......................................... that you look through to make .................................................................................... ........................................ distant objects look closer and larger. ant .................................................................................... ......................................... ........................................ steep side of aan Cliff ........................................................................... ............the ............................ ............................. of a high land. area la .................................................................................... .................. ..... ........................ ...................... .................................................................................... ......................................... ................. F Why is the moon so fascina ng? What else do you know about the moon? Do you believe man really stepped on the moon? Do you know other famous astronauts? What is your opinion about life on other planets? ts? What do you think ink about ut UFOs? How ow many spacecra s have landed on the moon? Who was the last person to walk on the moon? Do you know the phases moon? of the m 8. L . vehicle that a......... vvehic .................................................................. Spacecra pac ............... ...... .... travel in space. can tra .................................................................................... .......................... ............................... ........ .. .................................................................................... ........ ....................... .............. Student’s answer. wer. je engine containing its Rocket ........................................................................ Rock Ro cket ....... ..a jet .... own propellant and driven .................................................................................... .................. ........... by reaction propulsion. .................................................................................... .... ........... 9. L CD . decide A. Why did you ................................. to go to a spa? fatter than I wanted to be. B. Because I was ....................... cheaper A. Was the spa that you chose ................................ than the others? B. Yes, it was. The others were more expensive ............................................................ . A. What was it like? worse B. A er three days, I felt .............................. than before. But a er a few unpleasant moments easier it became .............................. . A. And now? Are you feeling well? slimmer younger B. Yes, I am. I’m ............................... and .................. more relaxed ............... . And my lifestyle is .................................... pleasurable and ........................................ . ©iStockphoto.com/hayesphotography Unit 2 1. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ ½Êó. HITLER Hitler was a Natsi leader on the WWII. He had a marvelous views on art. But he didn’t like all forms of modern art. He appreciated the classical models of Greece, Rome and the Roman c art of the nineteenth century. He didn’t like Gothic and Renaissance art. He said they were too Chris an for his liking. About music he had only ears for the operas of Wagner, some of Beethoven and light opere as such as Lehar’s Merry Widow. c. What kind of music did he like? Unit 3 His liking for music did not extend tend very much…… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………… ………… beyond the operas of Wagner, some of ……… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………… ………………………… Beethoven and light operettas erettas such as Lehar’s… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………… Merryy…………… Widow. …………………………..…………………………………………………… … ………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………………………… d. Did he smoke oke or drink? No,…he didn’t. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………..………………………… ……………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………..……………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………..………………… ……… He ate a especial vegetarian diet. And he declared d that ea ng meat was a habit of past civiliza ons. He prevented himself from all kinds of diseases. seasees. He had horror of catching a cold or some infec ec on on. He didn’t want to die early because hee wanted wante ted to complete his plan about a pure race. e.. W What kind nd of food did he eat? He a especial vegetarian eating habit. especia es sp …… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …… … kept …………… ……………..… ……… … …………………………..…………………………………………………… …… ……………………… ……… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……… ………………… f. W What w was Hitler afraid of? ……… He had horror of catching a cold or …………………………..…………………………………………………… any form of infection. …………………………..…………………………………………………… … …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ©iStockphoto.com/TonyBagge – ©iStockphoto.com/luku n77 (source – By Allan Bullock –adapted) He never smoked or drank. And he never drank tea or coffee, he said they were s mulants. 2. CÊÃÖ½ã ã« ÝÄãÄÝ ó®ã« ÊÃÖÙã®òÝ ÊÙ ÝçÖÙ½ã®òÝ. a. What hat were Hitler’s ideas on aart? Hitler held strong on art, and would put …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………..……………… ……views o up disagreement. He passionately hated with no disagreement …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………..………… all forms of o modern art. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..……… b. What was his taste about arts? His taste tas was for the classical models ………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………… of Greece and Rome, and the Romantic art Gre …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………… …………… of the nineteenth century. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………… better than a. It’s .............................................. I thought. (good) bigger than b. Brazil is ............................................ England. (big) the best c. She is ....................................... in the class. (good) as successful as d. I’m not ................................................................... she is. (successful) Fifeteen 15 the most expensive e. It was ................................... .............................. restaurant. I’ve ever been to. (expensive) further f. I’d like some ................................ informa on. (far) the finest g. It’s .................................................... art collec on in Europe.(fine) cheaper h. It was ................................... than I was expec ng. (cheap) dirtiest i. This is the .......................................... kitchen I’ve ever seen. (dirty) the most difficult j. Which is .................................................................. ......... language, French or German? (difficult) quicker k. She finished ................................. than han everyone else. (quick) more ore expens expensive ive... t........ l. The underground is ................................................. ....................................... .................. . nsive ........... ..... ..than ........ .................... the buses. (expensive) expensive) ensive) 3. Pçã ã« óÊÙÝ ®Ä ã« ÊÙÙã ¥ÊÙÃ Ä óÙ®ã Ù®ã ã«Ã ÊÄ ã« Ù®¦«ã ÝÄãÄ: : ggbiets swtro somt rfneica thgtr roem uenrnis alnpeir seolro eithgtr steolilev tebret eceprha a. Expensive, more ore expensive, most the expensive. b. Fancy, y, fancier the bi biggest c. Big,, Bigger, the the hardest n. It was ......................................... ................................................. test I have ever done. one. (hard) more interesting o. There were ................. ......................................................... ........ in than it was expected. people at the party tha (interes ng) most difficult p. The .......... ............................................................... thing communica on. (difficult) was commu 16 Sixteen . d. Good, od, better bette be , the best. e. Loo e Loose, oose, looser , the loosest. f SSunny, f. unn sunnier , the sunniest. gg. Tig Tight, tighter the ghtest. h. Cheap, cheaper i. Bad, worse, the faster er........ than m. A plane would be ..................................... t a helicopter. (fast)) , tthe fanciest. j. Plain, plainer k. Lovely, lovelier, the more l. Colorful, the most colorful. , the cheapest. worst . , the plainest. loveliest . colorful, ©iStockphoto.com/billyfoto Unit 3 4. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ÊÄòÙÝã®ÊÄ. AN INTERVIEW AT THE MALL A. Good a ernoon, do you mind answering a few .............................. ques ons. B. How long will it take? A. Just a few minutes. answer them. Ok! Go ahead. B. I guess I can ......................... A. What is your opinion about Consumer Electronics? far B. As .............................. as I know, Consumer Electronics is concerned about clients. A. What is the .............................................. brand?? most reliable most reliable brand. rand. d. B. Elektro is the .............................................. expensive ive A. Which brand is the most ................................. .... .............. ? mostt............. . B. Well, Elektro is also the .............................. expensive brand. I guess that’s whyy it’s the best. worst st......... , A. Which brand do you thinkk is .............................. ......the .................. Consumer Electronics or Light? B. I think Light is the worst. I can’t remember using ing any of their products. duct A. And what brand rand is the most ........ .............................. ....... ...... popular popu among young ng people? B. That’s a difficult ques on to answe answer. I think that Somn is probably bably the most popular among amon young people. A. One more ques on, have hav you tried using any Electro Wise products? 5. Unit 3 L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD. ELVIS PRESLEY Elvis Aaron Presley was born rn in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8 , 1935. His twin brother, Jessie Garon died at birth. This le Elvis to grow up as an only on child. In 1954, he began his singing career at the famous Sun Studio udio in Memphis. By 1956, he was an interna onal sensa on. His sound combi combined different styles and challenged the social and racial barriers of r that me. He started of American music st a new era o and popular ular culture. culture made history with his He starred ed 33 films lms, m television vision appeara appearances, rances aand performed many liv live ve concerts. talent, charm, His tal alent, good goo looking, lo and good humor eendeared him to Known by his millions milli ons of people. peo he is regarded as one first nam name, h important cultural off the most m figures of the twen eth century. figu died at home on August 16, He d H 1977. 19 m/PictureLake ©iStockphoto.co Answer the QuesƟons: a. When was Elvis born? He was born on January 8, 1935. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… b. When and where did he start singing? …………………………..…………………………………………………… In 1954, he began his singing career at the …………………………..…………………………………………………… famous Sun Studio in Memphis. …………………………..…………………………………………………… good B. No, I haven’t. Are they .............................. ? c. What kind of things did his sound challenge? try them. Thank you for your A. You should ............ His sound combined different styles and …………………………..…………………………………………………… challenged the social and …………………………..…………………………………………………… racial barriers of that time. …………………………..…………………………………………………… me. B. Not at all. Seventeen 17 d. How many films did he star? He starred 33 films. …………………………..……………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… e. What was he like? 6. Lã’Ý ã½» Êçã E½ò®Ý. a. Why do you think American people see him as an idol? ©iStockphoto.com/prawny ©iSto ©iStoc He had talent, he was good looking, …………………………..…………………………………………………… charming and had good humor. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… Student’s answers. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………… …… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………… ………… b. In your opinion, why does his popularity ularity ty con nue? Student’s answers. wers. s. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………………… ………… ……… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………… …… His first films were in the age of thee .................... ........... silent films. He wrote and directed nearly all his films and sound ound composed the music of all his .................... ........ ............ pictures. Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in family wass poor and he had a hard London. His .................... ............................ childhood . In 1910 he le Britain for the United States and in 1914 he made his first film. In his films little he created the character cter of a ........................ ......... man who always faced life’s difficul es with courage. success Due to his..........................., .........................., .............. ............... he created creat his own film company any in 1918. Some films of his .................... ................... ......... ........ include The Gold d Rush, City Lights and Modern oder Times. Chaplin 1952 married ed four m mes and in 19 with le thee United States Sta lived li his fam family and nd .... .................... ...... ..... in Switzerland. Swit witzerland a. W When did Ch Charles Chaplin Britain? leave Br Britain m/PictureLake ©iStockphoto.co In 1910 he left Britain . ……… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …… b. How was his childhood? c. Listen to a song of Elvis lvis and d try to understand undersstan the words of it. Whatt is it about? ut? Student’s answers. s …………………………..…………………………………………………… …..…………………………………… ..…………………………… .…………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……..………………………………… His family was poor and he …………………………..…………………………………………………… had a hard childhood. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… c. In what age were his first films? 7. 18 L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ãøã. Ä ÊÃÖ½ His first films were in the age …………………………..…………………………………………………… of silent films. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… «Ù½Ý «Ö½®Ä d. What character did he create? Charles Chaplin, who died in 1977 at the age of 88, famous was one of the .......................... stars in the history of comic the cinema. He H was certainly the most .................... actor of the cinema. He created the character of a …………………………..…………………………………………………… little man who always faced life’s …………………………..…………………………………………………… difficulties with courage. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… Eighteen (Source – Modern Movies Magazine) Unit 3 seen have A. Hi Alp, .............................. you .............................. that new film at the Vision Theater yet? have been to B. Yes, it’s good. I ..................................................... recently the cinema a lot ..................................... . were A. Really? I thought you ....................................... a sports person, a soccer fan. have been to B. Yes, but I ................................................... only one or two games lately. A. Well, how about a game this weekend? have you ever been to .. B. Ok .......................................................................... the new sports center? I it’s very good. 3. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ. Unit 4 The Himalayan ranges emerged from a tectonic ac on as the Indian-Australian n-Australian Plate moved move northward from the south about 50 million years y ago. They themselves lves started rising about 25 to 30 million years ago, o, and began to take their thei present form during the Pleistocene Epoch. Everest and its Eve surroundingg peaks are part of a large mountain massif m that forms Informa on ms a focal point. There is some s which indicates that the mountain con nues to move ic a few on of an inch each year. ew inches nches and an rises a frac o always hos le to living things. Thee climate there is alwa day me temperature is about The warmest average da summit. January is the coldest 2°F (19°C) on the su on falls as snow during the summer month. Precipita o monsoon (late (lat May M to mid-September). The risk of frostbite on Everest is extremely high. frostb stbite to climbers cli (Source: (www.history.com)- Adapted 1. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ÊÄòÙÝã®ÊÄ. 2. Pçã ã« òÙÝ ®ÄãÊ ã« S®ÃÖ½ ÃÖ½ PÝã ÊÙ PÙÝÄã PÙ¥ã ã TÄÝ. ©iStockphoto.co m/iso Has Mary fed A. ....................................................... ... ............ (Mary/feed) ..... the dog? has fedd B. Yes, she .............................. .............. (feed) d) him before bef dinner. has she given A. What ........................................ ................................ ....................... (she/give) him? (she/g has given B. She .............................. ......................... ................ (give) him some meat. a. When did the Himalayas themselves start rising? They themselves started rising about 25 to …………………………..…………………………………………………… 30 million years ago. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… did you vote vo A. Who .............. ................................................. ............. .............. (you/vote) for in the last elec on? voted B. I ........................ ................................... (vote) for Mrs. Smith was (be) she? wasn’t (not/be) elected, .......... wasn’ A. She ........ .............. ...... ....... lost B. No, she .............................. (lose) her deposit. b. What is the Everest? How is it composed? Everest and its surrounding peaks are part of a …………………………..…………………………………………………… large mountain massif that forms a focal point. …………………………..…………………………………………………… It is composed of multiple layers of rock folded …………………………..…………………………………………………… back on themselves. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… Nineteen 19 Unit 4 c. How is the climate of the Everest? The climate there is always hostile to living …………………………..…………………………………………………… things. The warmest average daytime tempera…………………………..…………………………………………………… ture is about 2°F (19°C) on the summit. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… Have you locked g. ................................................... (you/lock) u/lock) the house before you le ? have you been h. A. Where ................................................. ....................... (you/be) have gone B. I .......................................... ....... (go) to the den st. Has he taken (he/take) out your bad tooth? A. ............................... too d. How high is the Everest? has B. Yes, he ................................. ................... . ..... ...... It is 8,848m high. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… Hasn´t ´t. the plumber ........... come i. ........................ ........ .... .................... ....... ...... yet? e. What is the risk for the climbers? has only sta stayed B. Yes, but ut he ................ ........................................................... ................ (only/stay) /stay) y) for fo an hour. The risk of frostbite. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… 4. Pçã ã« òÙÝ ®ÄãÊ PÙÝÄã PÙ¥ã TÄÝ: has written (write) a. My brother .......................... ite) several everal plays. pla has just finished(just/finish) his second He .......................... secon tragedy. ragedy. haven’t seen ....... (not ssee) him for b. I ......................................... fo three years, I wonder where he is. hasn’t.................. exercised c. He ................................................... .................................. ................. (not exercise) for two weeks. s. have stayed........... there fo d. I ................................... ................... .................... for two weeks. hasn’t stopped e. He ......... ............................................. ...................... (not/stop) visi ng his friends since he arrived. arriv have you driven (you/drive)? f. A. How long .. ....................................... have dr driven (drive) for ten years. B. I .............. .......................... .......... 20 Twenty 5. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ. ÄÝó ÄÝ A FI IVE DA DAY D FIVE DREAM VACATION WILDERNESS ͵ IN THE T WIL LUXURY & COMFORT! IN LU LUXUR Th p This program, is ideally suited to two couples or a ffamily of four. It offers a combina on of total relaxa on and light ac vi es. Each day there are rela op onal ac vi es in canoeing, hiking, gardening o and explora on. Day 1: You’ll have me to relax in the evening, have a great meal and maybe even take a scenic cruise on the river downtown. You will have a bit of a drive along good highways, from where your Forest House adventure will start on the next day. You will spend the night in one of Churchill River Canoe Ou i ers’ .com/WGXC deligh ul cabins and have a full ©iStockphoto breakfast before star ng your trip to Forest House. Forest House is a luxury wilderness lodge and it is an oasis of peace and quiet well off the beaten path. Your accommoda ons are a rare combina on of first class comfort and rus c elegance. (Source: www.shearwatertours.com- adapted) Day 2: This day is spent travelling to Forest House. You have the choice of flying out by float plane, or driving to MacLennan Lake and spending about four hours paddling into Forest House. Arrival by late a ernoon. Days 3, 4 and 5: Each day you have guided-ac vity op ons. These op ons include: canoeing (with the possibility of an overnight trip), hiking, gathering wild edibles, learning about organic gardening and sustainable living, photography, pain ng... and the list could go on. In late a ernoon the sauna is fired up for a cleansing sweat, punctuated with a refreshing dip in the lake. The evenings are spent taking part in a Forest House, where gourmet meal is prepared in the Forest House kitchen. Day 6: By noon you are either on the float plane or back in the canoe heading home. You will have the chance to gather your belongings and all those memories. a. To whom is the program suited? It is suited to two couples es …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………… …………… or a family of four.……………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……… …… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………… …………………… 6. Fʽ½Êó ã« øÃÖ½: Unit 4 Ex: (The door needed repairing). ). They have repaired epaired the door. ….....…………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……..…………………………………………………… ……………………………………… ...…..…………………………………………………… ………………………………………… a. (He decided ded to plant a tree in the garden) ga has planted plant H …............ ….............……………………………………… ..………… … He a tree in the th garden. ….....…………………………………………………… ….....… ….....…… ………………… ……..…………………………………………………… ……..………… ..………………… ...…..…………………………………………………… ...…..…………… …..……… (Her er bedroom b room nee needed cleaning out) b. (He She has cleaned …. …..................……………………………………… out her bedroom. ….....…………………………………………………… ……..…………………………………………………… ...…..…………………………………………………… c. ((The house needed pain ng) b. How many days does the he trip p last? It lasts s for 6 days. ays…………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………… …… ………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… .……………………………………… He has …..................……………………………………… painted the house. ….....…………………………………………………… ……..…………………………………………………… ...…..…………………………………………………… d. (The car needed fixing) c. What kind nd of things may people do on those hose days? optional Each day …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………… ………..…………………… ……offers op hiking, gardening activities in canoeing, …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………..……………… …h exploration. and explo …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………. .…………… … He has fixed the car. …..................……………………………………… ….....…………………………………………………… ……..…………………………………………………… ...…..…………………………………………………… e. (They decided to buy some clothes) d. What happens on the sixth day? It is time to go back home. …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………… …… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………… They have bought …..................……………………………………… some clothes. ….....…………………………………………………… ……..…………………………………………………… ...…..…………………………………………………… Twenty-one 21 Unit 4 f. (She decided to write some cards) She has …..................……………………………………… written some cards. ….....…………………………………………………… ……..…………………………………………………… ...…..…………………………………………………… 8. CÊÃÖ½ã ã« ÝÄãÄÝ ó®ã« ¥ÊÙ ÊÙ Ý®Ä. since a. Karen has been in Russia .......................... ........................ ......... April. since b. They have lived near ar me .......................... ......... their daughter Susan was as born. 7. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ÊÄòÙÝã®ÊÄ ù Öçãã®Ä¦ ã« òÙÝ ®ÄãÊ ã« ÖÙÝÄã ÖÙ¥ã. A. Alp: Hello, Brian. haven’t seen B. Brian: Hello. I ......................................................... (see) you for a long me. for c. I have worked rked here .......................... .... ..... five years. for d. Shee hass known kn him .............. .......................... .... .. Several years. ars. since e I hav e. have ave lived d in the U.S.A. U. ...................... December. have been A. Yes, I know. I .......................................... (be) busy. sy. B. Well, how are things? Have you been studying at the same school? chool? ool? have studied A. Yes. I ....................................................... ............. (study) there since I moved to this city. since f. We W have b been friends .......................... we were at school. scho 9. 9 PÙÊòÙÝ Ä Ýù®Ä¦Ý ®Ä EĦ½®Ý«. M㫠㫠ʽçÃÄÝ. B. Are you living in that same amee place ? 1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 3. A s tch in me saves nine passed Havee.......... B. ........................ .. you ............. ...................................... ........... (pass) your driving ing test yet? haven’t bbought A. Yes, s, I have but I ......... ......................................... ............ (buy) Has a car ar yet. .............................. aanything exci ng happened .............................. ............................. .................. ..... (happen) to you lately? (happen B. Yes, I traveled to South Sout Africa last month. It was a great trip. A. I believe it was. 22 4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 5. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 4 It’s be er to have a small actual advantage than the chance of a great one. 5 Someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend. B. Alp, it was a pleasure to meet you here but I have to go. go See you soon,bye! 3 A li le mely effort will prevent more work later. 1 The lack of something increases the desire for it. A. Ok. B Bye Brian. 2 Different people have different tastes. Twenty-two ©iStockphoto.com/lunanaranja have foundd.......... (find ve A. No, we ............................................. ........................... .............. ............ nd)) a go good house near my father’s her’s job. 1. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ Êçã ã« ãøã. MADE IN CHINA One of the biggest countries in the world has an area of about 9.6 million square kilometers, which means about 6,5 per cent of the world land area. This country is China, that counts for more than 1 billion inhabitants. Nowadays, it is playing an important role in the world economy and poli cal trades. b. Where do people live in China? Unit 5 About a third of the …………………………..…………………………………………………… …he …… ………………………… ities. es The rest of…… of the population lives in cities. …………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… the people live in …………………… the country. ………………… ………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… gs did the first people in China Ch c. What kind of things use? Thousandss……..………………………………… of years ago Chinese were wer some …………………………..…………………………………………………… …..………………………………… of the first people to use silk, silk jade, …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………..…………………………… bronze, make art. ronze, wood and paper to m …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………..………………………… d. What hat has bee been invented in China? artistic The he…..………… artis writing called ………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………… ………..…… igraphy wa invented in China. ………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………calligraphy ………… …………..……… …..… was ………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………… …………………..…… /best-photo ©iStockphoto.com A great part of its popula on live in the countryside ountryside tryside and about a third of them lives in ci es. They were the first in using silk, jade, de, bronze, wood woo and paper for making arts and craa . Calligraphy raphy was a wri ng art invented by the Chinese. hinese se. They had a religious leader er known nown as Confucius. He H taught people the value of things on, hings such as educa edu on faith and kindness. The country is the he habitat of hundreds ndreds of o animals a and plants. Thousands hundreds sands of species of fish h and h of amphibiouss and rep les live in the river rivers and lakes. Their precious s ll lives in ecious animal, the giant panda pa the misty ty mountains. Although they th are mammals, their diet is ea ng bamboo. The They are always hunted by man, and only 1.600 remai remain in the wild. e Who was C e. Confucius? …… …………………………..…………………..……………………………… ………… Confucius was a philosopher. …………………………..……………………..…………………………… ………… …………………………..………………………..………………………… …… f. Write about China’s habitats. China’s diverse habitats are home …………………………..………………………………………………… to hundreds of species of animals and plants. …………………………..………………………………………………… …………………………..………………………………………………… g. Where do the giant pandas live in China? What do they eat? The giant panda lives in the misty mountains of …………………………..…………………………………………………… Southwest China and nowhere else on Earth. …………………………..…………………………………………………… They eat bamboo. …………………………..…………………………………………………… (Source:www.kids.na onalgeographic.com- adapted) a. How many habitant habitants does China have? ………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… It has mo more than 1 billion inhabitants. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………………… ……………… accounts for 23 per cent of the world’s It accoun …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……… …………… human population. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ……………… h. How many pandas are remained in the wild? …………………………..…………………………………………………… Only about 1,600 pandas have been …………………………..…………………………………………………… remained in the wild. …………………………..…………………………………………………… Twenty-three 23 Unit 5 2. Pçã ã« òÙÝ ®ÄãÊ ã« ÖÙÝÄã ÖÙ¥ã ÊÄã®ÄÊçÝ ãÄÝ. has she been learning a. How long ................................................................ French? (learn/she) has been waiting b. He ................................................................... for Susan since three o’clock. (wait) has been working c. Alp’s father ......................................................... in this company since 2004. (work) has been d. Why is Brian so red? Because, he ........................ playing ........................... soccer for two hours. (play) has been living e. Karen ................................................... In America ericaa for ten years. (live) has he been working ing f. How long ................................................................. ..................... ..... .. ...... in that office? (work /he) Hass.......... it been raining ......... een g. The streets are wet. ............................................... ......... ................. ..... ................ ? (rain) have waiti w h. Sorry, I’m late. How w long .. ....................................... .............................. ...................... .you been waiting .................................. .... ? (wait/you) you Have yo swimming been swi i. Why is yourr hair wet? ........... ............................................. ............ .................................... ................... ? (swim/you) 3. UÝ ã« PÙÝÄã PÙ¥ã ÊÙ T« PÙ¥ã CÊÄã®ÄçÊçÝ. PÙÝÄã PÙ¥ haven’t eaten all day. (eat) a. I’m very hungry. I .............................. haven’t done b. Our bedr bedroom is a mess. We .............................. any cleaning clean for weeks. (do) 24 Twenty-four c. We discovered this great restaurant have gone and we .............................. there a lot. ot. (go) haven’t ven’t seen seee.n...... d. How’s your Father? I .............................. ................ him for ages. (see) e. Their new kitchen n looks fantas c. They have decorated decorate .............................. ... completely .................. .............................. ........... ............ it. (decorate) have f. You’ree covered in paint! What ............................... been doing.. you ........................................... ......................................... .................. ...... ? (do) have been waiting g. Where have you be been? I ........................................ been ........................... ........................ fo for aages. (wait) have been meeting h. I tthink they are h a da ng. They .................................. ......................... .................. ........... a lot each other recently. (meet) i. I ha have to write an ar cle for the newspaper. I ........ ..................................... ... have written about half of it so far. (write) 4. CÊÃÖ½ã ã« ãøã ó«®½ ùÊç «Ù ã« CD Ä ã«Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ. Cç½ãçÙ Ý«Ê» first It was my ............................ visit in Japan. The shock public bath was a great ......................... of my life. baths in a People there .................................. take shower public .................................... area. In those places there are .............................. baths with hot water, large into where they get .............................. without any clothing. finished When I ................................. my bath, I saw a cleaning the men’s dressing room. I woman .......................... situation have never seen such a ............................................ in my culture. It conflicted with my expecta ons, so I felt ........................... uncomfortable.
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