Mلrcia Crisna Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos
Mلrcia Crisna Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos
Márcia Cris na Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos Santos 1ªª Edição 1 Ediç San Cruz do Rio Pardo/SP Santa Editora Viena Ed d 2014 Autores: Márcia CrisƟna Giunta Peregini Ana Maria Borges dos Santos Projeto gráfico e diagramação: Luciane Mendonça Capa: Agência Z3 www.agenciaz3.com.br Ilustrações: Renato Nascimento Manoel Ricardo Pegorer orer de Bem Fotos: iStockphoto Impressão ão e acabamento: bamento: Viena Gráfi fica & Editora ora Dados dos Intern Internacionais rnacionais de Ca Catalogação na Publicação (Câmar ara a Brasileira Brasilei (Câmara do Livro, SP, Brasil) (CIP) Peregini, Peregin ere Márcia Cristina Cr Giunta En My journey : English course workbook, 1 / C Márcia Cristina Giunta Peregini, Ana Maria orges dos Santos. Sant Borges -- 1. ed. -- Santa Cruz do Ri Pardo, SP : Editora Viena, 2011. -Rio (Col ção my journey) j (Coleção IS 9 ISBN 978-85-371-0259-6 1. Inglês (Ensino médio) I. Santos, Ana Maria Borg Borges dos. II. Título. III. Série. 11-13878 CDD-420.7 Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Inglês : Ensino médio 420.7 ISBN: 978-85-371-0259-6 Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida, sejam quais forem os meios empregados: eletrônicos, mecânicos, fotográficos, gravações ou quaisquer outros. Todos os direitos reservados para EDITORA VIENA LEI 9.610/98 e atualizações Copyright© 2014 - Editora Viena Ltda 1ª Edição - 01/2014 - SCRPardo / SP EDITORA VIENA Home-Page: www.viena.ind.br e-mail: [email protected] UNIT 1 2 3 4 Exercises Page 1. Stand up and talk to your friends. Page age 7 2. Listen to the CD. Page 7 3. Complete the form a er listening to the conversa on. Page 7 4. Let´s prac ce. Page 8 5. Write the conversa ons in the correct order. Page 8 6. Read the postcard and ck the correct answer. Page 8 7. Mark’s answers. What are the ques ons? Page 9 8. Complete the balloons with the right sentences. Page 9 9. Complete the sentences. Page 10 10. Listen and complete the dialogue. Page 10 11. Describing people. Page 10 1. Let’s complete the balloons. Page 11 1 2. Match the sentences. Page 11 Pag 3. Write in English. Page 11 P 4. Listen and write: Chat room. Page 12 5. Put the dialogue in the correct sequence. Page 12 6. Listen and complete: At the party. Page 13 7. Let’s write. Page 13 8. Listen and cross the food and circle the drinks. Page 14 9. Match the columns. Page 14 10. Talk to your classmates and complete the menu. Page 14 1. Answer the ques ons acoording to the text. Page 15 2. Listen to the interview with Barry. Write the ques ons. on Page 15 3. Reading. Page 15 4. Extra reading. Page 16 5. Match the pictures with the equipment. ment. Page 16 6. Pair work. Page 16 7. Listen. Read the text and answer swer the e ques ons. Page 17 8. Listen and complete aboutt Hellen’s and nd Tom’s om’s ro rou nes. Page 17 9. Let’s label the pictures.. Page 17 10. Put the adjec ves in the e right pla place. Page 18 1. Listen to the CD D and complete mplete with some verbs. Page 19 2. Let’s write. Page 19 3. Complete e the sentences with borrow ow or lend. lend Page 19 4. Complete plete the char with the words. Page 19 5. Match atch the sentences and the pictures. Page 20 6. What does he or she do? Page 20 7. Read the dialogue and rewrite in a b be er way. Page 20 8. Listen to the CD and ck the corre correct adverb. Page 21 9. Interview and write about you your friend. Page 21 10. Listen to the CD. Page 22 Extra - Obody but you Page 22 Three 3 UNIT 5 6 7 8 9 4 Four Exercises Page 1. Let’s write. Page age 23 2. What are their occupa ons. Page 23 3. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons. Page 23 4. Look at the diagram and answer the ques ons. Page 24 5. Let’s talk about you. Page 24 6. Let’s talk about your friend. Page 24 7. Complete the sentences with A or NA. Page 25 8. Listen to the CD and complete the conversa on. Page 25 9. Let’s answer some ques ons. Page 25 10. Test yourself. Page 25 11. Advers sing trainees. Page 26 12. Write your résumé. Page 26 1. Put the le ers in the correct order. Page 27 Pag 2. Put the words in the correct group. Page 27 3. Bring some pictures to class and introduce your family to your friends. Page 27 4. Listen to the CD. Read the text and write some sentences that you hear. Page 27 5. Answer the ques ons. Page 28 6. Write your family tree. Page 28 7. Let’s talk about you. Page 28 8. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjec djec ves. ve Page 28 9. Listen to the CD and complete the sentences. Page 29 10. Tell about someone you like. Page 30 11. Compare. What matches and waht doesn’t match.. Page 30 1. What are the things in the room? Page 31 2. Home sweet home. What is there in the living ving room? Page 31 3. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ues ons. Page 32 4. Listen to the CD and write the names on the right ht picture picture. Page 32 5. Listen to the CD and complete ete the e exercises. Page 33 6. Match the sentences according ording to the e sentence. s ntence Page 33 7. Answer the ques ons.. Page 33 8. Write the names off seven en things iin thekitchen. thekitche hen. Page 34 9. It is your home.. Put the things you want there there. e. Page 34 1. Match the mes and the periods off the day. da Page 35 2. Listen to o the CD. What me do you u her? Page 35 3. Complete plete the crosswaord with the verbs. Page 35 4. Listen sten to the CD and write the me. Page 36 5. Read and complete the text with the w words. Page 36 6. Complete the dialogue. Page 37 7. Answer the ques ons about you your city. Page 37 8. Look at the chart and comple complete it. Page 38 9. Look at the informa on an and write about you. Page 38 1. Listen to the CD and answer a the ques ons. Page 39 2. Add the food to th the pyramid. Follow the diet. Page 39 3. What foods in the t pyramid are countables and uncountables. Page 40 4. Listen to the CD. Dou you know that…? Page 40 5. Let’s test you. Page 40 6. Answe Answer the ques ons. Page 40 7. Listen List to the CD and complete the dialogue. Page 41 8. Look at the picture. Write ques ons and answers. Page 41 9. Role play. Create a menu. Page 42 10. List all the things you can do to be healthy. Page 42 11. Match the expressions with the pictures. Page 42 UNIT 10 11 12 13 14 4 Exercises Page 1. What are the people going to do? Page age 43 2. Listen to the CD and complete the sentences. Page 43 3. Make ques ons. Use GOING TO and give the answers. Page 43 4. Complete the sentences using the nega ve form. Page 44 5. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons about the text. Page 44 6. Find the words in the chart. Page 45 7. Put the words in the correct place. Page 46 8. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons about the text. Page 46 1. Write ques ons. Page 47 2. Listen to the CD. What are they doing? Page 47 3. Listen to the CD and answer the ques ons below. Page 47 4. What is happenning at the moment? Page 48 4 5. Listen to the CD and write the days of the week you hear. Page 48 Pag 6. Listen to the CD and complete the conversa on. Page 49 7. Did you ever think about your garbage affec ng the weather? Page 49 8. Group work. Page 50 9. Find someone who. Page 50 1. Let’s prac ce. Put the preposi ons in the sentence. Page 51 2. Look at the map below and ask for direc ons. Page 51 3. Listen to the CD and complete the conversa ons. Page 51 4. Place the words according to: Page 52 5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Page 52 6. Complete the following sentences. Page 53 7. Put the defini ons on the right place. Page 53 8. Listen to the CD and complete the text xt with h the correct preposi on on. Page 54 9. Give the direc ons. Talk to your partner artner and nd write op ons. Page 54 10. Listen to the CD and answer the he ques ons about out the tex text. Page 54 1. Listen to the CD and complete lete the conver conversa onversa on. Page 55 2. Listen and fill in the blanks. nks. Page 55 3. Listen to the CD and complete plete the text. Page 55 4. Put the sentencess in the e correct order. order Page 56 5. Read the text and answer er the ques ons below. below Page 56 6. Put the verbs rbs into simple past. Page 57 7. Look at the picture and write the sentences sentences. Page 58 8. Write e sentences about Alp’s diary. Page 58 9. Listen isten to the CD and write sentences with verbs in the past. Page 58 1. Let’s remember. Use was or were to comlete c the sentences. Page 59 2. Listen to the CD and complete the story. Page 59 3. How was the weather… Page 59 4. Put the following verbs into the past tense. Page 59 5. Write about the seasons in your country. Page 60 6. Listen to the CD and answer a the ques ons. Page 60 7. Complete the postcard. post Out the verbs into the past tense. Page 61 8. Let’s talk about you. Answer the ques ons. Page 61 9. Complete th the reserva on form. Page 62 10. Listen to the CD and complete the text. Page 62 Five 5 6 Six 1. SãÄ çÖ! T½» ãÊ ùÊçÙ ½ÝÝÃãÝ. Fred: Unit 1 The area code is 0564 and the number is 978 double 4. Alp What’s your name? A: Hello! My name’s ……….………. Karen: How old are you, Mr. Muller? ller? Élise B: My name is ……….……….……….…………………….………. Fred: A: Where are you from? I’m 37. Karen: What’s your occupaƟ paƟon? France B: I’m from …..............................…….………. And you? Fred: Turkey A: I’m from ……….………............................................... Karen: Thanks. Have ve a nice day, sir. B: How old are you? I’m an engineer. r. Fred: Thanks, you too. 13 years old. And you? A: I’m ……..…….……….……….………. 14 B: I’m ……….…………….……………….…………………….………. 2. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD: Karen: Good morning. BC Card. My name’s Karen. Can I help you? Fred: Good morning, Karen. My name’s me’s Frederick Frede rederick ick Muller. I want to get a credit it card. ard. 3. CÊÃÖ½ã ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ¥ÊÙà ¥ãÙ ½®ÝãĮĦ ÝãĮĦ ãÊ ã« ã ÊÄòÙÝã®ÊÄ. Nà Mr, Mr M rs, Misss Mrs, Muller. Last ast name …… …….…..................................................... Frederick. First n name ……….….................................................. X mal male female American NaƟonality ……….……….…………….…….………….………. Karen: What’s your last name, please? It’s Muller Karen: Can you spell that, at, please? se? Fred: Yes, it’s M - U - double L - E - R. AÙÝÝ 276 Number ……….…………….………………..........…….………. Karen: What’s your our first name? Casper Avenue. Street/Avenue ……….…............................................ ................................ Fred: Oshkosh/Wisconsin. City/state ……….……….................................... ...................... It’s Frederick ederick Karen: Thank ank you, sir. And what’s your you address, Mr. Muller? Fred:: It’s 276 Casper Avenue. Karen: aren: And where is that? Fred: It’s in Oshkosh, W Wisconsin. Karen: What’s the zip zi code? Fred: It’s GA21 8ZQ. U.S.A. Country ……….………................................................. ....................... .... ..... . ...... GA21................. 8ZQ. ..................... Zip code ……….………............................................... 0564-97844. Telephone number ……….………............................... ….................... ......... ......... Engineer. OccupaƟon ……….………........................................... .................. ...... ...... .... .. ....... ...... 37. Age ……….………....................................................... ............................ ......... ©iStockphoto.com/RTimagens Fred: Karen: What is your telephone number and the area code, please? Seven 7 4. Lã’Ý ÖÙã® a. Who do you think is talking? ……………………………… Good bye. ……………………………… ……………………………… For you too. ……………………………… ……………………………… ©iStockphoto.com/jhorrocks Unit 1 Karen and Frederick are talking. .................................................................................... b. Can you tell about the subject they are talking? They are talking about credit card and personal .................................................................................... information. c. What quesƟons does the person on the phone ask? What´s your last name, please? What´s your first …………………………………………….............……………………… 6. R ã« ÖÊÝãÙ ½Êó Ä ã®» ÝÄãÄ: » ã« ÊÙÙã ÝÄã name? What´s your address, Mr. Muller? Etc... d. What’s Frederick occupaƟon? He is an engineer. …………………………………………….............……………………… e. Where does he live? He lives in Oshkosh/Wisconsin. …………………………………………….............……………………… f. How old is he? He is 37 yars old. …………………………………………….............……………………… … 5. WÙ®ã ã« ÊÄòÙÝã®ÊÄÝ ®Ä ã« ÊÙÙã ÊÙÙ. Dear Brian, an, nks for your yo leƩer. I’m not no in France now. I’m in Thanks England. nd. I am visiƟng many places here. Now I’m in Bath. ath It’s a nice place. I am in a good hotel. The hotel building is from 18th century. Everything here om the th 1 is old. are excellent. I had dinner in old ld. The restaurants restauran restau one dolma. It’s very delicious. ne that t t serves serv cabbage c Well, W ll, I have to ggo. My friends here are waiƟng for me to visit the therms. I will be back soon to the U.S.A. t Bye, Mark Good ood bye, Yoko. Have a nice day. d What Ɵme is our meeƟng? Thanks, Yamada. See you in the evening. It’s at 7 pm. Good bye. For you ttoo. What Wha …………………………………………….............……………………… ……………………… …… time is our meeting? It´s at 7 pm. …………………………………………….............……………………… ………………… Thanks, Yamada. See your in the evening. Thanks …………………………………………….............……………………… ……… ………… Good bye, Yoko. Have a nice day. …………………………………………….............……………………… …………… 8 Eight ©iStockphoto.com/elmarit I’m fine, thanks. And you? Hi, 3459876. Can I help you? Hello, Maria. This is Mark. I’m ok. How are you, Mark? Hi, 345987. 5987. Can I help …………………………………………….............……………………… ……………….............……… .p...……… .you?……… Hello, Maria. This is Mark. k …………………………………………….............……………………… …………………….............……… How are you Mark? …………………………………………….............……………………… ……………………….............…… I´m fine thanks. And you? …………………………………………….............……………………… ……………………………............. I´m ok. …………………………………………….............……………………… ………………………………......... Mark is in France. Brian is in the U.S.A. There are bad restaurants in Bath. Mark is in a very old hotel. X Mark ate cheese and ham. What is your name? a. ................................................................................ I’m Mark. How old are your? b. ................................................................................ I’m 19. What is your nationality? c. ................................................................................ I’m American. What ´s your occupation? d. ................................................................................ I’m a student. Where are you? e. ................................................................................ I’m in England now. CURIOSITY CU URIO OSIITY Y When W Americans A Ameri ica cans gre eet each eacch other, oth th her, er, greet intr roduce each e h introduce nd have other, and ersaƟons, they conversaƟ ually stand about usually an arm’s distance (about eighteen inches) to two feet (24 inches) apart. This is not always a comforta comfortable distanc distance for people in ot other cultures, w who may prefer less or more distance. 8. ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ½½ÊÊÄÝ ó®ã« ã« Ù®¦«ã ÝÄãÄÝ: Unit 1 Aã ã« ÙÝãçÙÄã a. – there you go – and d a chocolate milkshake, please ple – no, thanks – here you are – a burger, please – large, please – anything else? – regular or large? ger A burger ease. please. There you go. o No, th thanks. Anything else? And a chho chocolate milkshake, please. Regular or large? Large, please. Here you are. ©iStockphoto.com/tanatat 7. HÙ Ù MÙ»’Ý ÄÝóÙÝ. W«ã Ù ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ? Nine 9 Unit 1 9. CÊÃÖ½ã ã« ÝÄãÄÝ ½Êó: Germany Spain Mexico France Japan Portugal Turkey U.S.A. German Spanish Mexican French Japanese American Portuguese Turkish Hi! I am Brian. I’m from the U.S.A. American. I’m ............................................................................. Hi! I’m Yoko. Japan. I’m from ................................................................ Japanese. I’m ......................................................................... . Hi! I am Maria. Spain. ......................... I’m from .............................................................. Spanish. ish. I’m ...................................................................... ............................... 10. 0. L®ÝãÄ Ä ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ®½Ê¦ç. name´s Chicago in ....... e´s Brian . I ....... am from .... My ........................ ............... .................... ..Ch yars old, the United nited States of America . I’m 27 .......... ..................................................... ......................................... is an de and I’m a ... ................ .dentist .. .............. ............. .......... . I’m marrie married. My wife ........... architect Sutika She’s from chitect ........................ ....................... ........ ............. . Her ........ ......... er name’ name’s ................... Japan Jap boy . ............... .......... . And she is 26. We have a child, a ............ ........... ... two years old. name´s nam His .................. ..... ...... .......... Luk ........ ......... Luke. H He is ........... Hi! I am Jose. Mexico. I’m from ............................................................. ............ Mexican. .................. I’m ..................................................................... 11. 11 1 ÝÙ®®Ä¦ ÖÊÖ½. CÊÃÖ½ã ã« ãøã ó®ã« ã« ®Ä¥ÊÙÃã®ÊÄ ¥ÙÊà 㫠CD. Hi! I am Hans. Germany. rmany ................ .......... . ......................... ...... I’m from ................................................................. German. erman. I’m ......................................................................... ......................................... .......................... is a. Julia .................... 54 years old. She is quite tall black and .................... curly .................... . She has .................... pretty and she wears hair. She is not very .................... glasses . .................... Hi! I am Manuel.l. Portugal. I’m from ................................................................... ......................................... ................ .. Portuguese. I’m ........................................................................... ......................................... .................... .. 24 b. Michael is .................... years old. He is not tall slim very .................... He is quite .................... . He has moustache dark .................... hair. He has a ............................ . Hi! I am Pierre. FFrance. I’m from ...................... ................................................................. French. I’m ........................ ......................................................................... Hi! I am Alp. Turkey. ..................................................................... I’m from .. Turkish. I’m ..... .............................................................................. 10 Ten short and c. Claire is about 19 years old. She is .................... slim attractive ....................... . She is very .................................. and hair she has long fair .................... . short d. Tom is 48 years old. He is .................... and fat good - .................. looking . ....................... . He is quite .................. bald beard . He is .................... and he has a .................... 1. 2. Lã’Ý ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ½½ÊÊÄÝ ó®ã« ã« òÙÝ Ã – Ù – ®Ý: Mã« ã« ÝÄãÄÝ: Unit 2 a. Where were you born? Are you Miss Brown? A: ............... b. What do you do? am B: Yes, I ……………………………..………………………… . c. Are you married? is here. He ......... is over there. A: Mr. Brian ......... d. Why are you learning ng English? B: Ok, thanks. nks. e. When did you start tart learning English? f. How oŌen do o you have English classes? Excuse me Thanks There Well ©iStockphoto.com/cruphoto ©iStockphoto.com/ineskoleva b I`m an architect. f Twicee a week. w a Inn Turkey. c YYes, I am. m. A: Good aŌernoon sir! d Because I ne need it to travel. e Th Threee yea years ago. a B: Good aŌernoon. is Where ….............................. the conference? is the second floor. or. A: It ……………………………on Are B: ………………….…… Mr and Mrs Brown n there?? ©iStockphoto.com/Yuri_Arcus are A: Yes,, theyy ………............. there. 3. 3 WÙ®ã ®Ä EĦ½®Ý«: a. The name of your country. Mrs. Where Wh AŌernoo ernoon on Sir Si Student´s answer. …………………………..…………………………………………………… b. The names of the countries next to your country. Student´s answer. …………………………..…………………………………………………… Are ………… …… … you from France? A: …………………… are B: No,, we …………………… from Arg ArgenƟna. Are you from Buenos Aires? A: Oh, I see. …………… ……… c. The names of the countries that are important to yours. are. B: Yes, we …………………… ……… Student´s answer. …………………………..…………………………………………………… d. The naƟonality for people from your country. Student´s answer. …………………………..…………………………………………………… ©iStockphoto.com/Yuri_Arcus We From ArgenƟna Franc France e. The language of your country. Student´s answer. …………………………..…………………………………………………… Eleven 11 Unit 2 4. L®ÝãÄ Ä óÙ®ã: C CHAT ROOM Hi, everyone. My name is Élise Chevalier. I am French. I am from Paris in France. email – [email protected] ÉLISE Hello. My name’s Alp Aminna. I am Turkish. I’m a student and I’m single. I’m from Istanbul.l. email: [email protected] ail.com m Hi. My name’s ame’ss Charles Smith. Sm Smith mith. I am American. I’m ’m from om Chicago. Chicag I’m a student. My sch school chool iss great. grea email ail – [email protected] char mi@clubma CHARLES ALP I am single. I am School. m a student in an American Am S My class is great. I love my friends there. m frie email em l – [email protected] leami@mai leami LEA NÊó óÙ®ã ã Êçã ùÊç: (name, email address, message) 5. Pçã ã« ®½Ê¦ç ®Ä ã« ÊÙÙã ÝØçÄ: A cup of tea, please. Just a liƩle, please. ame: ………………..……….…… ………………..……….……………………………………… Name: Email address: ………..…… ………..……………………………..…………… Message: ………………… ……………………..……………………………..……… …......………………...........…....……………………………….... …......……………….... Student´s answer. St ……………………………………….......…………………………..… ……………………… ………………………………………….................................... …………………… ................................................................................ ................. ................................................................................ ............. What would you like to drink? Sorry. I don’t drink milk. Do you want sugar? Do you want milk with it? Thanks. You are so kind. Here you are. Your tea with liƩle sugar. 12 Twelve 1 What would you like to drink? Brian: Pleased to meet you. 2 A cup of tea, please. 1 Pleased to meet you too Élise: …………................................................... .......... , Brian Brian. 2 3 Do want milk with it? Paris France in …….....…......… ….....…......… ….....….... ..…... . She Alp: Élise is from ………..........… student here. is a new ……….........… America Brian: Welcome to …………................................. ............................ Élise. 4 Sorry. I don’t drink milk. 3 Unit 2 4 Élise: Thanks. I love my school chool and my new friends. Brian: What would you u like to drink? menral water please. Alp: I would like to drink …...………………………, Do you want sugar? 5 5 Here you are. Your tea with little sugar. 7 orange juice please. Élise: I would like ke to drink an ……………..... …………….......…, … ……………... 6 6 7 Thanks. You are so kind. Brian: Ok. Let’s get them. 8 8 7. 7 L Lã’Ý óÙ®ã: óÙ®ã Listen to the conv conversaƟon again dialogue in a party. and nd write a dia classmate to role play it with you. Choose a cla L®ÝãÄ Ä ÊÃÖ½ã: ½ã: ©iStockphoto.com/DawnPoland om/DawnPolan land 6. Just a little, please. At the party p y Brian: Hi, Alp. Nice to see you. Alp: Hello, Bria . Brian. ..............................................……… Brian this is my …………............................... Élise. friend Student´s answer. ……… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………………………… Thirteen 13 Unit 2 8. L®ÝãÄ Ä ÙÊÝÝ ã« ¥ÊÊ Ä ®Ù½ 㫠ٮĻÝ: fries soda burger r fish burge ©iStockphoto.com/cruphoto mineral water vegeburger cake salad tea chicken burgers milk chocolate shake hot dog cola SOME EXPRESSIONS How much is that? d an orange juice, please. b a hamburger, please. f to eat in, please. e a large one, please. ease. a eight dollars ollars and fiŌy cents. c here ere yo you are. are 10. T½» ãÊ ùÊ ùÊçÙ ½ÝÝÃãÝ ÊÃÖ½ã ã« ÃÄç. Ä Ä Êà Here you are MENU ME Thanks You’re welcome DÙ DٮĻ PÙ® Eat in or take out? .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... SÄó®«Ý PÙ® .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... 9. M㫠㫠ʽçÃÄÝ: a. How much uch is that? b. Anything to eat? c. Can I have the salt, ple please? d. Anything to drink drink? 14 Student´s answer. FÙÄ« FÙ®Ý Small Medium Large .................... .................... .................... e. Small or larg large juice? S½Ý .................... f. To eat in or take out? M®½» Ý«» .................... Fourteen ©iStockphoto.com//jokMedia Anything else? 2. BENEFITS OF REGULAR PHYSICAL A: Do you do physical exercises? es? ACTIVITY B: Yes, I do. Physical exercises boost your mood, improve your life, make you feel be er, and make you have more energy. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical ac vity are hard to ignore regardless of your age, sex or physical ability. Take some me to read and understand the benefits of physical exercises and why they are important. 1- Exercises control weight: They prevent excess weight gain or they help maintain weight loss.. Exercises burn calories. 2- Exercises combat health condi ons and diseases, ases, s, 3- Exercises improve mood. If you need an emo mo onal nal li or if you need to blow off some steam am a er a stressful day, workout for 30 minutes, att least. 4- Exercises boost energy: They can n improve mprove your muscle strength and boost your endurance. ndurance. ce. 5- Exercises promote be er sleep. ep. 6- Exercises can be fun. Student´s ´s answer. nswer a. What are the benefits of regular physica physical cal exercises? .................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... ......................................... b. How w old must one ( a person ) be to prac ce physical ysical exercises? Unit 3 L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« ®ÄãÙò®ó ó®ã« BÙÙù. WÙ®ã ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ. çÝã®ÊÄÝ. Ýã®ÊÄÝ. Where do......................... you ......................................... . do them ? A: ............................................................................. B: In a gym. What do you do there...... ................................... ? A: ............................................................................. B: I do pushups ups and circuit training. What time does the gy gym open .......................................... ? A: ............................................................................. B: At 6 a.m. m. for those who want tto exercise early in thee morning. orninWhat g. time do you arrive at work A: ..................................... ............................................................................. ...................... ? B I usu B: usually arrive rrive at 8 o’clock. o time Wh tim does the gym close A: .... ............................................................................. ...........What .......at ...... ....... ? B: It closes c s at 10 p.m. Do you yo go home after circuit training ? A: ....... A ............................................................................. .......... ....... B: No, I always al go to work. I go by bike. It is healthier. What time do you go to bed A: .... ............................................................................. ? B: I go to bed at 10 p.m. A: Ok, Barry, thanks for your a en on. B: Ok! Thanks. 3. R®Ä¦ DAYS OF THE WEEK SçÄù .................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... ...................................... .................................................................................... .................................. The name comes from the La n dies solis, meaning “sun’s day”: the name of a pagan Roman holiday. It is also called Dominica, the Day of God. The Romance languages, languages which derived from the ancient La n language, retain the root. c. How do physi physical exercises can control weight? MÊÄù .................. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .............. .................................................................................... .......... The name comes from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg, “the moon’s day”. This second day was sacred to the goddess of the moon. ©iStockphoto.com/Franck-Boston 1. AÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ ÊٮĦ ãÊ ã« ãøã: Fi een 15 Unit 3 5. Mã« ã« Ö®ãçÙÝ ó®ã« « ã« Øç®ÖÃÄã. TçÝù This day was named a er the Norse god Tyr. The Romans named this day a er their war-god Mars: dies MarƟs. 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 WÄÝù The day named to honor Wodan (Odin). The Romans called it dies Mercurii, a er their god Mercury. T«çÙÝù The day named a er the Norse god Thor. In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag. The Romans named this day dies Jovis (“Jove’s Day”), a er Jove or Jupiter, their most important god. 1 pushups pus 2 squats sq 4 exercise exe bicycle 7 ellip cal 9 spin bike 5 stretches 8 treadmill sttretches hes 6 forward forw lunges lu FÙ®ù The day in honor of the Norse goddess ess Frigg. Frigg gg. In Old High German this day was called frigedag. igedag. dag. To the Romans this day was sacred to the goddess dess Venus, Venus and it was known as dies veneris. 3 kick back 6. 6 P®Ù óÊÙ». T®» ùÊçÙ ÄÝóÙÝ Ä ã«Ä Ý» ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ ãÊ ùÊçÙ ÖÙãÄÙ. Student´s answer. SãçÙù Do you ........................................ ? This day was called dies Saturni, Saturn “Saturn’s “Satur urn’s rn’s Day”, Da by the ancient Romans Angloans in honor or of Saturn. In A Saxon: sater daeg. go to the university go out on weekends don’t have job/don’t study workout Fonte(h p://www.pantheon.org/miscellaneous/origin_days.html) antheon.org/miscellaneous/origin_days.html) data e hora: 20/12/10 20/1 – 9:50hs 4. My friend ........................................ . EøãÙ øãÙ R®Ä¦. Do you ........................................................ ? 16 Sixteen stretch jog not prac ce any physical exercises My friend ........................................ . ©iStockphoto.com/Hiob I wake up at 6 o’clock. I have a shower and get ge dressed. I have breakfast break and a er I brush brus my teeth. I walk to the t bus stop. I get on the bus at 7.20 a.m. and I usually read a magazine. I come home at us 6.p.m. I have hav dinner at 7.30p.m. I do the dishes. Then I watch TV. T I go to bed at 10.30p.m. Where do you live? in a house in an apartment in a flat in a row house Unit 3 8. L®ÝãÄ Ä ÊÃÖ½ã Êçã H½½Ä´Ý Ä TÊÃ´Ý ÙÊçã®ÄÝ. in a bedsit have (3x) x) watch (2x) go (2x) x) come brush get e et up do turn on My friend ........................................ . Do you go to work or school ................................... ? by car by bus on foot by bike My friend ........................................ . 7. L®ÝãÄ. Ù ã« ãøã Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ. do ....... exactly th a. They always ways ays y .............. .................... the same things. get u b. Theyy .................... ........... ............ ..... up at seven o’clo o’clock. turn o the on c. They hey .................... ............ he TV. T watch tch..... the d. They hey ... .................... .............. he news. ne ROUTINES have e. Theyy ..................... ................ a shower. s Rou nes save me and energy because you do them hem without thinking. That’s why they are so importantt in the he morning because your brain isn’t very ac ve. Rou nes es are very useful, but they also make you uncrea crea ve. So, some mes it’s a good idea to break your rou nes. ne Let’s think about your daily life. Do o you ou follow fo w the same route to work every day? Do you sit it in the same place in class? Let’s make your day different. nt. Get out of bed bed on the opposite side. Listen to a different nt radio sta on. on n. Take T a different route to work. k. Eat something mething differe erent ffor breakfast, or for lunch.. Change your rou ne. You Yo never n know, it may change e your life. brush rush their teeth. f. They .. .................... .................. a. What do you think? Are rou nes goo good or bad for your life? They are good for life. So sometimes it is a good somet .................................................................................... ......................................... .. idea to break the routines. r b.. According to the text, why are rou nes so morning? important in the morning have g. They Th .... .................... ......... breakfast. ggo h. They hey ....... .................... to their work. have lunch at noon. i. They .. .................... come home at six. j. They .................... watch TV. k. TThey .................... go l. They .................... to bed at 11. That’s the day of Hellen and Tom. 9. Lã’Ý ½½ ã« Ö®ãçÙÝ: swimming soccer marƟal arts tennis golf football skiing cycling baseball gymnasƟcs important because the brain isn´t very bec .....It´s .................................................................................... ............................. . active and you do them without thinking. c.What example examples does the text describe to break your rou ne? Get out of o bed on the opposite side. Listen to .............. .................................................................................... ............ a different radio station and take a different diffe route to work. martial ............. skiing ............. arts cycling baseball ............. ............. gymnastics ............. Seventeen 17 Unit 3 tennis swimming golf ............. ............. ............. Curiosity - AŌer Februarius there was occasionally an addiƟonal month of Intercalaris he origin of the “intercalendar”. This is the leap-year day being in February. In 46 BC, d the Roman calendar Julius Caesar reformed mber of days in many changing the number oving Intercalaris. months and removing football soccer ............. ............. DO YOU KNOW THAT… 10.. THERE ARE 36 days in a year 365 12 1 months in a year 53 weekss in a yyear 3 days in a month 30 n a wee 7 days in week ht 2 weeks in a fortnight 24 hourss in a da day 6 ur 60 minutes in an hour nds in a minute 60 seconds 100 years in a century 1 ry Pçã ã« ¹ã®òÝ ®Ä ã« Ù®¦«ã Ö½: nice comforta comfortable hot happy dirty dirt worried w Ɵred embarras emba embarrased ill preƩy happy a. The he man an is ... .......................... . ill b. John ohn is not very well today. He is ......................... . 18 Eighteen Eightee en CURIOSITY d. Ted has many tests today. tired of studying. He is .......................... A HISTORY OF THE HE MONTHS The original Roman year had 10 na named m s MarƟus, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, months uinƟlis, Se QuinƟ SexƟlis, September, De October, November, December, and unn probably two unnamed months w in the dead of winter when not m much happened in agriculture. The Ma us “March”. Numa year began with MarƟ Pompilius, the seco second king of Rome circa 700 BC, added the ttwo months Januarius and Februarius. H He also moved the beginning of the year from Marius to Januarius and changed the number of days in several month to be odd, a lucky number. months worried e. The man is .......................... about his work. Fonte: (h p://www.crowl.org/lawrence/ me/months.html) data e hora: 20/12/2010 – 9:20Hs ©iStockphoto.com/duncan1890 pretty c. SShe looks .......................... . comfortable armchair. f. Tim sits in that .......................... g. I don’t know what happened but the weather is hot .......................... . embarrassed with this situa on. h. He is so .......................... dirty . i. Jim is riding his motorcycle. He is so ................ nice . j. Hellen is cleaning the house now. It looks ........... 1. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« ãøã Ä ÊÃֽ㠮ã ó®ã« ÝÊà òÙÝ: finish finishes go have don’t go start starts go BriƟsh children .................... to school at five years start old. They .................... school in the morning and starts at 9 a.m. and .................... finishes aŌernoon. School .................... at 3.30 p.m. They have one hour for lunch and they have a morning break and an aŌernoon break. .................... don´t go to school on Saturdays. They go to the They .................... secondary school at twelve or eleven in some towns. They have important exams at sixteen and eighteen finish at eighteen years years old. Some students .................... old. They go to university at eighteen years old. 2. c. My brother wants to go to the party. My father is lend going to ........................ the car. borrow my mot d. I’m late. I have to ........................ mother’s car. borrow e. I don’t have any money. I need to ........................ some from rom my mom. borro borrow f. Mayy I ...................... ........................ .............. you your math book? 4. 4 Lã’Ý óÙ®ã: W«ã Êçã Ý«Êʽ ®Ä ùÊçÙ çÙ ÊçÄãÙù? ÊçÄãÙù? In my country children start school ool at ………. ………...........…. ............…. ……….................……….................…..……….................…. ...…..……….................…. ….................… ..... s nswe Student´s answer. ……….................……….................…..……….................…. .......…..……….................…. ..…..… ....... ……….................……….................…..……….................…. ...........…..………................. .....…..……….......... ……….................……….................…..……….................…. ...............…..………............. ...…..………...... Unit 4 b. He wants to travel abroad. lend The bank may ........................ him some money. CÊÃÖ½ã CÊÃÖ½ã ÊÃÖ ã« «Ùã ó®ã« ã« óÊÙÝ ½Êó. óÊÙ b basketball bask math Portuguese tennis ba baseball English Spanish soccer gym ruler book history pencil scissors football notebook geography golf glue science calculator SCHOOL 3. CÊÃÖ½ã ãã« ÝÄãÄÝ ÊÙÙÊó ÊÙ ½Ä: ó®ã« ÊÙ borrow a. Hellen to took my book. Can I ......................... one from the library? Sports Subjects School things ……………........ ……………........ ……………............ basketball ……………........ match ruler ……………........ ……………............ tennis ……………........ baseball ……………........ soccer ……………........ gym ……………........ football ……………........ golf ……………........ Portuguese ……………........ English ……………........ Spanish ……………........ history ……………........ geography ……………........ science ……………........ book ……………............ pencil ……………............ scissors ……………............ notebooks ……………............ gule ……………............ calculator ……………............ ©iStockphoto.com/RuslanDashinsky BORROW - to get temporarily; to take up cƟce as one’s own and pracƟ D - to give temporarily; to have LEND mething for a limited Ɵme something ……………........ ……………........ ……………............ Nineteen 19 Unit 4 5. Mã« ã« SÄãÄÝ Ä ã« Ö®ãçÙÝ. Raise your hand Sit down, kids Pay aƩenƟon! Come here, Sam Don’t talk, kids! Let’s study! Go to school Have your lunch! c. He .................................................... . (every night) d. He ........................ a lot ..................... ............ . (every day) e. He .............................................. ............... . (every morning) f. She ........................................... ....................... . (every aŌeernoon) g. He .............................................. ..................................... . (e (every Saturday) h. She he ..................................... ............................................... ..... . (for breakfast) Raise your hand ................................... Pay attention! ................................... CULTURE C CULTUR RE N NOTE Come here, Sam. ................................... Don´t talk, lk, kids! s! ... ................................... .............. It iss not ot co consi considered polite to ask a one-word on quesƟon word such as ““What?” or “Who?”. 7. 7 Let´s study! ... ................................... Sit down,. kids kids. k....... .................. ................................... ....................... ................... ........ R ã« ®½Ê¦ç ½Êó Ä ÙóÙ®ã ®ã ®Ä ããÙ óù. C«Ä¦ ã« Ý«ÊÙã ÄÝóÙÝ ãÊ ½ÊĦ ÊÄÝ Ä Ã» ÃÊÙ ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ: A: Hi. Are you in this school? B: Yes. Have your lunch! .... ................................... ........................... Go to school. ................................... .... A: My name is Alp. You are... B: Élise W«ã ÊÝ « «/Ý« Ê? Student´s answer. Stu a. She ............. ................................................ . (every Friday) B: France A: What do you study? B: Arts A: That’s nice. Where do you live?? b. She .... ............................................ . (every weekend) 20 Twenty B: Downtown. ©iStockphoto.com/jhorrocks 6. A: Where are you from? .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... ........................ .................................................................................... ........................ .................................................................................... ..................... ...... .. .. .................................................................................... ..... .... .... .... .... ........... .... ...... .... .. .................................................................................... ......... .......... . .. ....... ....... .... .. Unit 4 f. (...) drinks milk ©iStockphoto.com/jhorrocks NÊó ÙóÙ®ã ã« ®½Ê¦ç. Fʽ½Êó ã« ®ÄÝãÙçã®ÊÄÝ: always frequently usually someƟmes X never g. (...) walks to school always frequently uently usually X someƟmes never L L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ãã®» ã« ÊÙÙã òÙ. 8. H HÊó ÊÝ Ý« ½®ò? S«… a. (...) gets up early X always frequently usually someƟmes frequently usually X someƟmes es always wayss frequently X usuallyy someƟ ome me mes 9 9. never never ne never IÄ IÄãÙò®ó ÄãÙò®ó ò® Ä óÙ®ã Êçã ùùÊçÙ ¥Ù®Ä: Student´s answer. YÊç Ý» «®Ã/«Ù YÊ b. (...) travels on weekends always h. (...) usess a computer YÊçÙ ¥Ù®Ä W What are your favorite pasƟmes? How oŌen do you go to the movies or club? c. (...) watches TV always X frequently usually someƟmes never neve Where do you usually go on weekends? When do you usually go to your relaƟves´ house? d. (...) plays lays tennis always frequently X usually someƟm mes Who do you usually go out with? never What acƟviƟes don´t you enjoy doing? e. (...) eats pasta always frequently usually X someƟmes Why do you enjoy aƩending English classes? never Why don´t you enjoy such acƟviƟes? Twenty-one 21 NÊó óÙ®ã Êçã ùÊçÙ ¥Ù®Ä. Friend`s name: ........................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... ............................................................ likes ............... ............................ He/she usually ............................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 10. al She doesn’t have any maps or That’s all. cl paper clips. 22 Twenty-two X Photos X Keys Pencilss X Crayons ayons Calculator A sandwich X Mobile phone X A dicƟonary EExtra xtra O BODY O OD BUT YOU YO OBODY (Marion Marion n Key and Paulinho Bastos) So, you leŌ without a Word (nobody but you) (nob yo And this feeling of lonel loneliness (nobody (nob obody but you) How could could you hav have do done this To o me e oh, oh ‘‘Cause ‘Cau ause you leŌ wit without a word ɽ®Ý ®Ý FÙÄ« G®Ù½. S« Ýãç®Ý ®Ý ®Ä Ä AÃÙ®Ä Ý«Êʽ. L®ÝãÄ ãÊ « «Ù ã«Ù. S« ÝÙ®Ý ó«ã’Ý ã’ÝÝ ®Ä «Ù »Ö». T®» 㫠㫮ĦÝÝ ®Ä Ä ®ã: Now, I’ve got to make it on my own (nobody bu (no but you) I’ve got tto find the strength in me Whate Whatever the storm oh, oh ‘Cau ‘Cause you leŌ without a word ©iStockphoto.com/hatman12 What’s in her bag? Well, ther there’s an ook. She has a noteb English book. notebook for lary and to take notes every day. vocabulary She has a dicƟonary. She has her keys. She hass photos of her family in France. She has bec her mobile phone because she calls her family every aŌerno ernoon. She writes a lot, so she brings lots of pens in her bag. She loves arts class; she has crayons, scissors he backpack. and glue in her X A book Map L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD. What’s in ackpack? ack? k? Élise’s backpack? A leƩer When the day oh baby is done And the night begins to fall I think of you and I’m all alone And I know oh bay These tears that fall down my face They shine in the light of the moon Knowing it’s you I can’t replace You leŌ me babe without your love Now you’re not at home Does anybody really know Do they know yeah Now that you’ve gone and I’m alone I’ve got to carry on I’ve got the strength in me And you know I’ll always find a way Oh… (instrument) (x2) Time changes everything Time to move on now it’s spring I have forgoƩen your face And I’m stronger now Just think of you know and then Just look around now it’s spring hey Look around now it’s spring ©iStockphoto.com/contour99 Unit 4 1. Lã’Ý óÙ®ã: Describe ib a day in a teacher´s, doctor´s or engineer´s lives. Student´s answer. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 2. W«ã Ù ã«®Ù ÊçÖã®ÊÄÝ? teacher librarian engineer policeman hairdresser waiter a librarian She is ...................................................... ............ . a waiter He is ........................................................ . ............................... ..... Unit 5 WAITER JOKES CçÝãÊÃÙ: Waiter! n my soup! There’s a fly in W®ãÙ: Don’t worry! It’s dead CçÝãÊÃÙ: Waiter! Your hand is in my soup! W®ãÙ: It’s allll right, madam. sn’t hot. It isn’t 3 3. L® L®ÝãÄ ãÊ ã« CD Ä ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ: ÄÝóÙ ã« Øç ÄÝó Hi, myy name’s Alec. Ale I’m good at math and physics, ysics, but I’m bad b at a aarts. I have some interests such ass stamps, space, spa and numbers. My friends say that hat I’m I’ very v ry careful care and hard working. Hello, Hello ello, my name nam is Lucy. I’m bad at games, figures and things like that. I like children and animals. I’m kin friendly fr very kind, and lively. I’m good at arts. Hi, everyone. My name is Alfred. I like reading and w wriƟng. I’m good at Portuguese, but I’m bad at mat math and chemistry. I’m a liƩle, shy and careful. AÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ: A a. What is Lucy good at? a teacher She is ...................................................... . ......................................... She is good at arts. .................................................................................... b. What sort of person is she? She is very kind, friendly and lively. .................................................................................... an engineer He is ........................................................ . ............................. c. What is Alfred interested in? He is interested in reading and writing. .................................................................................... a hairdresser She is ...................................................... . ........ d. What abiliƟes does Alec have? he is good at math and physics. .................................................................................... e. What are Alec´s interests? a policeman He . H is ........................................................ He is interested in stamps, apace and numbers. .................................................................................... Twenty-three 23 Unit 5 4. LÊÊ» ã ã« ®¦Ùà ½Êó Ä ÄÝóÙ ã« ØçÝã®ÊÄÝ. Lã’Ý ã½» Êçã ùÊç: Student´s answer. What are your abiliƟes and interests? nterests? Chemist ScienƟst Teacher Writer ......................................... .................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... How do you describe your personality? Work Architect Engineer DenƟst Doctor ......................................... .................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... ......................................... ..... .................................................................................... Wha upaƟons do you suggest yourself? What occupaƟ .................................................................................... ..... ............................ .................... ... ........................... ......... .................................................................................... ....... .. .................. .................................................................................... a. Who works outdoors? Gardener, personal trainer and ................... engineer. .................................................................................... ................. ................. .................. .................................................................................... Do o yyou w want the same occupaƟon unƟl you reƟre? Why? W Wh Why not? encee or with wit words? b. Does a chemist work with science ... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... A chemist works with science. ...................................... .................... ..... ...................... ............................................................. ......................................... ......... ..... .................................................................................... s”? c. Whose occupaƟon is “with words”? A......................................... teacher and a writer. .................................................................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... 6. Lã`Ý ã½» Êçã ùÊçÙ ¥Ù®Ä. Student´s answer. Friend ...................... hose occupaƟon is with “ma “making things”? d. Whose OccupaƟon An architect makes things. .................................................................................... ......................................... ......................................... .................................................................................... Hard working School AbiliƟes o is with “denƟstry”? e. Whose occupaƟon A dentist. ........................ .................................................................................... .................... .................................................................................... 24 Twenty-four Interests Character Favorite pasƟme Your friend`s characterisƟcs ©iStockphoto.com/GeorgePeters Gardener Personal Trainer 5.
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