February 2015 - James Hargest College


February 2015 - James Hargest College
HAPPENINGS February 2015
Junior Campus—6 Layard Street
Edition 84
Senior Campus—288 Layard Street
Invercargill, New Zealand
Tele: 0064 3 2176129 Fax: 0064 3 21 70351
www.jameshargest.school.nz Email:
[email protected]
Term 1
A VERY WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEW STUDENTS who arrived for the start of Term 1, 2015: Interna onal students: Ines Primpke from Germany Senior Campus Ayano Motodane from Japan Senior Campus Asuka Takitani from Japan Senior Campus Ayona Ito from Japan Senior Campus Christoph Miller from Germany Senior Campus Kawinwit Ki palawa anapol (Ink) from Thailand Konstan n Pueschel Senior Campus from Germany Senior Campus Short Term students: Delu Wang (Leo) from China Junior Campus Jingyao Wang (Frank) from China Junior Campus Jitong Yu (Elva) from China Junior Campus Han Song Mu (Mark) from China Junior Campus Exchange students: Suthalinee Cheenaruenthong (Fair) from Thailand Senior Campus Nina Pfitzinger from Germany Senior Campus Mew Jitsawatpaiboon from Thailand Senior Campus Jeanne Bidard from France Dream Jitsawatpaiboon from Thailand Senior Campus Lara Toundaian from Argen na Senior Campus Shua Han (Joshua) from South Korea Senior Campus Larissa Rosler from Germany Senior Campus Talay Nukultham from Thailand Junior Campus Akaraphol Tanaphong (Timmy) from Thailand Junior Campus Athip Phunruangsakao from Thailand Junior Campus Nam Quan Nguyen (Ted) from Vietnam Junior Campus Joshua Moon from South Korea Junior Campus Senior Campus And……also, welcome back to our returning students….. Remember all students —make the most of your me at Hargest…. Get involved, work hard but also enjoy your ‘Hargest Experience !!!! IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE MONEY ON THEIR PHONE—THIS IS
Edda Dosch
6 January
Nam Quan Nguyen
8 January
Erik Paander
14 January
Christoph Miller
15 January
Stone Choomak
23 January
Jump Wiboonphan
6 February
Mark Yu
7 February
Frank Wang
18 February
Ines Primpke
22 February
) born the same day,
Larissa Rosler
22 February
) same year!
Lara Toundaian
24 February
Welcome to Elva, Leo, Mark and Frank all from China on a short two week visit at the Junior Campus New Students …...
Know your Interna onal Team who are here to help you—just ask—they are very approachable! 
Chris ne Black, Interna onal Form Teacher (Senior Campus) 
Marion Elder, ESOL teacher (Senior Campus) 
Jenny Elder, Director, Interna onal Department (Senior Campus) 
Glenda Finlay, Interna onal Student Administrator, (Junior Campus) 
Donna Henderson, Interna onal Student Administrator, (Senior Campus) 
Jane Pearce, InHome stay Co-ordinator 
Grace Arno , Finance Officer Message from our Director……. He mihi What a great start to 2015! So many lovely new students from such a variety of ethnici es, countries and backgrounds. We are confident you will all make a real impact on the students and staff at Hargest. We are delighted several of our students are based at the Junior Campus and they have been made to feel so welcome in their classes. Our Interna onal Friendship Club has got off to an amazing start with literally dozens of new members keen to embrace the mul cultural nature of our school and support new students who live apart from their families. We also look forward to hos ng several short‐term groups from Japan and Thailand and hopefully other countries. 2015 promises to bring a lot of excitement and sa sfac on. Nā ku noa nā Jenny Elder IMPENDING INTERNATIONAL MARKETING TRIPS OVERSEAS FOR: Mr Wood, the Principal 7—19 March— visi ng: Japan (Tokyo), Thailand (Bangkok and Chiang Mai), Mrs Elder, Interna onal Director/Deputy Principal 20 March to 1 April—visi ng: Vietnam (Ho Chi Min City), China (Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong) Visit from Austrian Agent: On Wednesday 11 February, we welcomed Johanna Kastner, Program Director into Austria for ‘Into, Austria’ an ODENZ agent from Austria. Johanna was wowed by what Hargest has to offer to European interna onals…. Especially our Outdoor Educa on and choice of so many academic and cultural op ons …...and the weather was fabulous too! Vera Wicki, one of our ex-exchange students from Switzerland, arrived back to Invercargill to get Year 11 Geography students to par cipate in a comprehensive survey for her school studies. It was so nice to see her smiling face again at Hargest. We recently welcomed visitors from Ikunbunkun, Japan, who were here to check out Hargest facili es for future students. .. Visit from Niels’ Parents .. it was lovely to meet Niels’ parents from Germany when they were travelling around New Zealand over the summer break with him. We always enjoy
having overseas
visitors to Hargest.
BORLAND LODGE…...Akaraphol and Athip enjoy Borland Lodge during Wai‐ tangi Weekend (6—8 February) with Akarphol’s home stay family, Toni and Warren and their children. Snow in February??????
Borland Lodge is situated at the gateway to Fiordland Na onal Park in southern New Zealand ‐ a World Heritage area. It is just off the Southern Scenic Route, be‐
tween Lake Manapouri and Lake Monowai, south of Te Anau. THE HARGEST WAY
Surround yourself with
good people, the type
that celebrate your
victories, push you often,
and laugh generously
Just a gentle reminder of Home Stay obligations:
term students should have a room of their own unless other arrangements have been made with
student’s caregivers.
 Students
should have a desk and lamp in their room, should be warm, and able to study in their room if
they wish.
the school of any changes to your family dynamics.
the school of absences before 9.00am and any emergencies.
sure you set your reasonable home rules, and that your student(s) abide(s) by them.
SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS AND HOME STAY FAMILIES “INTERNATIONAL HAPPENINGS” Contact Details are CAN BE PHONED IN TO JANE Senior Campus ON 21 76129 OR BY EMAIL: Jenny Elder 021 685 734 Jane Pearce [email protected] 021 266 9088 Donna Henderson 0273 121 250 Junior Campus Aloma Williams 021685674 Glenda Finlay 0276499179