Sept/Oct, 1983 - MG Car Club of Queensland
Sept/Oct, 1983 - MG Car Club of Queensland
fi{N SE?IEIIBIR-oCToBER, I t OCTAGON I[.e. C{l c,r]i-B- oq quEE{SI,.{lQ Ihe M.G. Ca.r Club of Queensland lvas foxned in Novenbe.r, group of and enthusiasts of the II'G. lqotor car. lHE 1954 by a the Club has always prospered under the loagica,I iafluence of the I{.G. na.nre. The Queeneland Club occupy their own clubroonns at tB Nash Street, ueet every tr'xiday oight' noiaile, Brisbane, where-t1ub nembexs get-to-gether for tlenbers and a is invaria6ry the evi:ning iust thei.r friends. and social the Clubts coonlttee or.Sanise nany typeF of.coupetitive (tined quartex mi'le), sbiihts rua", E"ioi", in"rraing naviglticn giYe you to a chance which ii{otorkhanas Race ll6etiags, R; rxithout hamr to eliher g.rass trsck a yoirskill oo driving develope yourself ox the ca.r. A laxge .range of perpetual t.rophies axe sort afte.r each yea.r; they cove.r-every-type ilf event the Club engages- in and the 'ninne.rE each year recei-ve ieplica trophies wh.ich are presented at the Centrers Annua.l Gal"a Social Night. the Mount Cotton Hil1c1itrrb, events are held frequelt\r' is a miles from B.ri.sbane, thriuing bitr"r-men sealed course about tvrenty and is oined aBd organised by the M.G' Car Club of Queeosland. ?robably the best paxt of being a ,lember of the M-. G. Car Club j's the frilndlv and iilfo.rl0a.]. atmosphere which p.reYails. It is not eslential tt own an M.G'; owners of all brands of cal may ioin as we]-l as their friends. the Coo$lttee and of the Club inYite you to joi.n - we kaow yourll be Ye.ry pleased that you did. l . l:!I oCr4GoN :SnprEj:,:ts4rorl&^-'_a3 ! qAnmIDrlE II 0I EVEI'I?S N0IU@EB I I Sunday 5th lllC. g, B,€,i.&_ gqg+lJ set rz noon. -BIO (lood,nrlnh & l.i.G.) Sunday 13th I. ITIXI.A.C. Inte.r CIub F.riday lath NIGHT RUN Sunday Erl&cr_lug uI. coTroN HlarctrMB clRcurT 27trn - Anzac ?ark, Ioorvong. Motoxkhana ].eaves Cl-ubrooros Bp.n. PEqH,,-IBER Ixiday 2nd 9th GEIIEA! IEnII{q. - veteran car C}ub Roons, {Sgq= Rallway Trc., l1ltlton Bp.m. I[ear Station nntrance. J9 C.g.C.c.A- (Conbined Sports Ca.r Clubs Association) Xaas party Conmerclal Rowing Club, South Brj.sbane. Contact ?eter Rayneni on 30 3148 if interested by Sunday 5th Noveube.r. EEf-!il'[]E1R-0q 1,03x8,.-]-83 :,.l.iLGO]r sr_cnEq,ELlg-BE303g a neeting convel]ed nyself attended -;"and ilcltrcj-1 ( CIub ?resident) rrlaas for rhe nevelopil" iubjecl of ,ro;rn La.LSe, ,"o" ;i";l'r:s; :. manv outl-ioed mectiig tlr' l'arge ' ..1-1-eior S]oit i' ;'r""i' rr't this "!otand increqsed Australia ..t.,-o" inn "ipinsion "f ;;t;; sport activi-ties-ir that he oi"^otor"po"1' one parti"cular point ,.,, .iic a!'{areness of the u"""iii-u "iepioJ""""'iii people with few i'i c"t clubs on afike ::.,.: red at ihis meetirg ,"" "^i.a-ii"iirrs this take to events' 1 would ,',".rds to t1re organisatic. i . .i1,r,1,.,ot '0, to expand this point further'"f has c oEIe across a sitrration' be it at {'ork or r..,.,rEly, I'r-ea1 .-:.,r..i$ no dcubt that eYe.ryone *"a" theoselies irreplacable' i, \.-,.b or or,qanisations, lri-l#; ffi pIt""o-}'i" operari.ns and movemenLs very 1eir r1 t-t r olcufs l" r.u"oi"'e"0";"iis-oi r"etires' leaves or aoes on '/heo that person l-ii'," I' "it."rioioo"r]pi;"i"i;*u"[i"a riod ihe-8cingplanned *n" ]oughg;]:.. '": ' t ir usualtv L,-"";;; Jo'll and ahead fa'x enough itrougrrt I.r..-.rt"i: "oir,teui-ni.'cr l. ., - l l.senc e , kno!,r lvhat is ' e lrirg r.crprlens in iodny Car Clubs.vJhere a core of Peoplethis cannot be Surely one e1se, ,--,r' .,.,l-hcr:-io or3'loi5e marters but nowork etc. cnd face tLeY tn.t , ...,"Lfrr.L cor be"'Jce of the fncreased fades io"a Club is our from rhe scene. ii. the Club as a llho1e lvhen that core -, -,, "ity oi.] this cor"'.nt. both the tine and the l.i. ',i:.r Club thele are really Yery few people who have jntricare v'/orkiirgs of cxo-'ricnce ,o o"1ini"-"'"i"nt!-'ia-rtrr"* the. r happen if anytiling shouldin clubstoarethese . , -rll'r,iri" r are -raoe ""ty*r"ii"t"uruthat norof-fice Searers anoif,ei-ioint . r, not a're or ; '!l1cse who ha're eitrrer"iiei'i;;"i;;d io' so'" ti&e Sefoxe , r, cL1 tiieir feet. Again 1 ask whya? of events is not as en, ,l nFoole arle of 'lh.e opinioll that the orgaaj-sation preparation of race cirfs. eLc. --;i'"orp"ii"i. Sri"iv- it-," niny norrd.ot b-t ivencs' rt can aLso be vcrJ u"i-i"ting in"irr"*o,"go;iJition seeing the rciu-Lts i,Er,aing meeting leoole' ",rror"lrri""io of . ".:iii"-ii"",]."*"i-i"rv'r"itoti )r'. fc.bour in e lie-, ."*" "i"^ t]"it-rn'fE,--i i ot5"a"ns your experience : 'rb (ard -iIe ED.). t0eaber and iheo as Si'cretary . c,.tr ,ersonal exlerienc e -firstiv as a ComsdtteeSo i-f you do not seeprease arsuoeots. ,:l Uie Club has highlighted trr"'"iro"u you iust wsnt to nerp 'Iourl.::if l;iih time o.r resources for competltion or no: iiy sofleone. Contrd..'.... rHE $&lu{r!R:o€-o.B.nlt-,-r-9sl OCTAGON s.ocP-.nlilRY ' s _Rn?,o-Bl _c-p$_'J.-- l,tr, Ia.rgets points very tilcely 3.s our Club ls faciilg sone of ihese probleros. Iiistly our Comnittee has Yacaocies and so.rnetines has trouble in iorroing a Quoro[ and seccndly truly is .retiring as Secretary as from the coming Annual General L{eeting. I have enioyed my te.rfi as Secreta.ry e-nd have learnt $uch about ifotorsport and itc operailoo, but I have othe.r co$nitneats $rhich ha].e uade the t.ine al,ailable for car Club wolk ve.ry scarce" I thank the l,;.G. Car Club of Queensland and urge ihose inembers lvho have soae time avaj-lable to get involYed. ?hillip ilut chison qillt 0N.-{l1l,lcl,l[!--:?}St ASg,.leI ,\ tean of lt.g. club lrembers headed south to Grafton ,vith six drlvers cori] at that Clubs I'lillclinb on 2lst .i{ugustr and seYe.ral othexs going alorg to spectate. 'Jo say vre were successful r'/ou1d be an understatemeflt. Ian Peirers won hjs class and also cfaifled tr'.T'!. (Irastest lime of Day) ',,iti a tlne of 28.?i 6econds, (Itts orly * the UiI1 I[t. cotion isl) 3ob llallon won his cfass with a 35.49 run, John Davies won hj-s class wiiir . cfass record of 30.26. Bev Cossor ro& the ladies class with a better tifle than husband Bob 34.99 and 35.19 respectively. The hurfllation of it a1I and it vesntt even liothers lay . llayne Cossor '!r/asnrt sucessful, but droYe very "ir his first d.rive in }erds Clubnan. .A " rrery good day vras had by all conpetitors well with a besi tiue cl 1,vith 37.69 six run€ each on a fine r,r'arln day. Oli the 1lray l]croe thou8h the luc]( ran culr fc.r rlob ],lallon viho collect a kanalar'c and Bob C-ossor had to go hooe ar]d set efiergency t.rans?ort to to retrieve hlc trailer. fhanks to Grafton for invlte. soDS & xnNDs bT'Da,ughi'e..r :; o, oont.toioiion"';;'A";;i ';'i,;isa leaumont on the safe ar.rival 2 C6rey ,.ico1e \'rho ar.rjved dr,ring SelLenbe.r. Horr s tl)c 1 c going G.rant....... SelieYe Salry Sroith will be out to. stlr the -lubrxan owners up at the i'1i11 clit!!. IHE .QE!14rEE\-;---o-Q[Q!rn,.-l!-a-] OCTAGON NIqEr -Ri!'l _RE?olLr weather ccndlticns - fight shorvers. llcad SE?TN,[BNR in South nast di,ect'' 16th, nigl'It up the fa-i:it':r-, dive Keep Right lludley then of -rst into the hird left ion L{cconne}} laC of Allan the faces smiles to boulhL which rea11y tic ovren ira'ne, Septembe.r Marli lewis. J! ouLcke.r trip down rhe '7es!er,I Freevr:]L 4nouLng tnaL (fra^.1 ljovrnJ is 17 tli r^ ' clr,lv and ovcr rhe rerJ (.1^:r l rroon,c Lotd) oria;e ath:L's rou:e J2 - ls:f 7 i clid' not knovr). So dolvn Io the Eestiake turn off and into the [el'J estate w1re1:-' Barnv Smith iJ Bxuce Stephenson fouqd the liobile toots supplied by Ely Rel1til: - (1"'' .,tfrliit rr" \,rere c^unLiof, al .l blI' vi"rl .ab-LJs \soineone ,vr: ^l. n!in1 Kofc"r the bu l ' 69 and cc.rnLir]g aL n'.g,1 rzere the li8hts ./ere sit) *,ho cro.'g t.cj.e 3 count Cuthbert cculd aod i!. - ihl"' inq blocks ior sale. llorvever, Ilrrol lioile.r P"cera3e estate' obiiously belieYed that this lvas an T-eavinc LhiB esl:-tr do'rn Lhe lol:- Pi?crhi-l1s Road --Tt' F13; Street, Ra' l-i' per,er i'avn-r, t (Pcber ac o.,y crgrbLe of r-o.vit-L-ng tlri-- ,..ioht ov:n3 te 1'-i : bJ accilenr) -Ln tha nelr nrb1fy h)i2 *;tn L,aoy se1t, irera 'j1i'.-i1: o. t:'Jse Road. i,llo 51dcl(IerLh ''' t last Lhe reDraccilent ,t-1,,. ie-e'h oe 01; i750797J '-,' \'/a', !/1I', ,ase ocal ooe I ;lichjtond r./hich links eit, r<ee1 I ^f E -ro -'osidenE ';]r' past him out of to ollen his car door - he stood iL1 amazeqe[t as no-re nonnally qulet street. Our front liieil irtcNeil ras directing Ann Thomscn under the bridge at 0x1e,r, pa''rl Reverend G.V. Tullyts place past leninac & oif tc l'jco.rocka" to the f amllar: l'l'erir - the ?eLch l; ioad. Around tile back 1n Felrln s street \irhere --'l:' -Ilcoonnell was dieccYering that the tlGB does have a long bon[et' tr'rofl the Restura[t to lliltcn Road the high road in Yalentioe Streeb, "rorklqi our V1e,v into Rathdoooell paet Sobts llire-service, past the lig lLee ai,ld past iire raiet beatin.q/sDray piinting fi.rm lvhose firm engaied the pait,tters durirtg the vreek. So it was hone to talk about the lane6' 1 2 3 4 5 6 lfazda Peter Rayaent rlitchie Keith l,[cconne1l ],Ialcoln Spiden llGE Commodcre Ann fho!0son Neil I'[ciIeil i{azda Altan i,[cconne]l Ma.rL lewis irte3 A. Cuthbert xrlol Iloger Bxuce stepheoson Torana Sarxy Snith Rob o 2 3 lo 110 Julie S gt"s'i'iodf"t"r for setting the above lilght Run, the ne;{b Night hun vril1 be on the IBth trToYenber fron the club Roons. Tbailk vou vou s.rr,E: roR :.'i:-=..- - ro.r Hiucriubs, spxints etc' rie"'/ l,ioior' $l,roo.oi{o' ror fu.rther detalls phone Bumie Rutherfo.rrl an 271 8095 L-/H. llonda specr,ar. il;:';;;;;;;" TI]E OCT"IGON !EB-I-4trxl!-.ogr-0lXi.._li.l c],tlB ?olN-ts Sco.R! AS r1.t L3,I,.L-Iu,.i1:-!.,__ lBJ by l,[a1c o]-ur Spiden N.AVISATION RUNS DRIYNRS 1 lglllIg!'iTo_tsS_ Keith l,IeConnell Peter Rayroent 2 3 .tnn fhomson 4 4 Phll Hutchison 6 6 B 9 10 10 72 13 Greg Ij-ndlater Allan l,{cConne11 lan llioir len ]Iel-ros e Te.r.ry Corbett Xnol lloger RaJ Car0ichael Bxian Cossor 3ar.ry Smith 3B 29 29 14 14 10 10 6 I 1 2 l + 5 6 7 I l,la1colm Spiden 33 Neil llcl'leil Julie F-indlat er 32 23 .Delia Rayioent RoEs 1{oir Cossor leY bruce S i ephenson ?at ]llegrlag r6 10 tt J 2 3 3 2 1 M0[oF-r{-IrL\A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B lialcolm Spiden Robext ivlallon 3.rro1 Hoger e Cha.robers Kelth i'{coonnelt ?eter Rayment 3r!rc Greg Iindlater I,en l,{eIros6 SXSI 1 2 rTt 60 57 39 32 20 18 14 6 2 2 5 5 5 5 32 7 Allan lic0onuell llalcchi Spidel1 Peter nel-nocles Ray Carmichael Robert l,'lal}on Ian l,'io1.I' ),2 L5 L5 L5 Te.n.ry Corbe ')2 21 2A 2C 16 :l- Don 1,{el:k1ey ileith.ilicccl1nel1 ?et e:: Rayllent 9 ,licha.rd lialdron 9 B]:lan Coiisor 9 L2 Alex Xlilns !2 [Y?E Sxuce Chanbexs ' Peter Rayrieat I tt i'r'-ayne Ccss o.r John NoYok nev Cosso.r lerry Scully n.r.rol lio€ler 19 ?a.t l{ev/ing 6 15 16 l2 i: L2 B iJ 6 6 6 I 2 sllfl m[BEIt*o_c_rOBI1,' THX OCIAGO}I ?01IIT3 SCoRX CONI 'n. . S?XID I Peter Rayaent 2 llony Jay 2 Brian Coss or 4 }oa MertrJey 5 laxry ilralth 5 ].{e1 ],lason 7 John naYr-es B J!l1a,n licoonaell B llil1 ]{oryis I Bob Cos so.r 12 Keith lJcC oo0e11 12 tllyn Philu-ps 1'. Ierlry Corbett 15 Srian .lspin 15 Ian Pet ers 15 Bev Cosso:: 13 Joe Hodge I8 John ileffernan 16 llalcolm S plder lB ilobert l,iallon 18 Peter }elmodes 23 John Novak 23 llisel J ohnston 72 6B 6B 54 60 60 5B 56 56 55 ,2 50 +4 4+ ++ +a 4O +o 40 +o 35 36 I,A.DIXS I 2 3 4 + 6 Bev C ossor Iel-ia Raymellt Ann Thoms on ifa.rie Norris Julie tr'indlatex Be.rxy +2 32 29 16 16 14 23 23 27 27 27 27 31 31 33 33 35 35 3, 35 39 39 39 39 39 44 45 45 45 48 48 50 Ray Carmichael R. iialdron iim Berry fan iioir nlrol 36 36 32 Hoger Bruce Chambers r\lex liiil-rrs 32 23 nernie ituthelrford "ruce Horey 2r', lira"I1y lYluix 20 [effy Scu]-]y Peter ll.,t t on Brett Peters R. Ia.nkeflris C. l{ankervis George .l-laesler llarie Nor.ris KeY Heff e.rnan P.icha.rd Crosion Chris Serry Bruce leGa:de Tait Sruce St ephenson rl.rthur l]ol1oway Pau,1 J ones l{orm Singleton 2+ 2A 20 it-, 16 a6 t6 )a t6 L4 l2 L2 1.2 I ti 6 qr $J:IglryB+mo-re&--ui3 1'1{X ocrtrGofi 3_ol[1.{tg"-qc BTS!] 1. ?eter 113 104 Rayner,t iteith lfco onne11 l,[alcolfl S]riden 2 1 i- A}ron IlcC;noell 5 Brian Cossor 5 Iron lierkLey 7 [or\y JaY B liiayne Co ssor Co.rbett 9 Ter.ry Traith 10 Barry 9B BB BO 80 6B 64 a2 60 50 59 I0 i[el ],[ason 12 Ray CaI$ichael13 lan Moix 1j Johr naYies 15 Robert }iallon 15 Bob Cossor i5 Bill lilorxis 18 3ev Cossor 19 Glya ?hillips 20 Rick aldron 21 Brian Aspin 21 Ian ?e terg 23 Joho -iltrovak 24 Joe Hodge 24 J olLn llefferr,an 5A 5B 56 56 56 5+ 52 +B 4+ 4+ +2 40 40 ?eter 27 Errol 4O Dell0odes flogex ns Mil 28 .1.1ex 24 39 36 AIi oig_q o-1{!1!, ROU1IDXB 28 Nigel Jchnstcn J0 lerry Scu11Y 3l Jin Berry 31 nelia RaYfient 31 Bruce Cha.nbers 34 ,\rln fhcmson 35 lieil lfcl[eif 36 Bernie R,rtll erf orl l7 Peten ir'alton 37 Brett ?eters 37 (, Nanke.rvis 37 '1'[at1y llui]r 41 Julie Irindlat er 41 }larie iqorris 41 Kevin Iieff e.rnan 4l C. iiianLervis 4l Ge o.rge llaseler 41 Rlchard Cro ston 47 Bruce S tephensen 48 Chrj-s Belry 48 lhil Hutchison 50 David Tait ,O Sruce l,eGarde 52 Arthur llolloway ,2 ?aul J ones tcn 54 iv orm Single ,5 Barxy SEith 5 6 Pat l,leuing 57 nnuce lliliiaus IB-SALI1965 \{O],SLEI 6/80 .!uto. Dark grec'n. ?6,000 ErileE Phone Rav orace on O'll 4l2A)1, 36 l4 32 32 32 29 26 2+ 20 20 20 20 I5 15 l6 16 l6 16 L5 I4 t4 L2 12 B B 6 5 4 2 ' further details i I I I t RODS & tsXNNS to coosratulatioas eo/proud oew pa.rents 3ob & Bev Ritchie on the arrival in Lugust -' of i11ia0 F.obert' I I IHE s,x?!m{8,&-oc_T0BEn. I 9-e3 OCT],GON Cil,SS mIXIS Prtcx 71 llorris 1500 oHC SnN B1ue, un.reg.istered, good 5 speed gea.rbox I'OR SArn Good englne P.rice open I,OR S"[J,n block, xequires new pistons. to off Phone lqyn B.romiley 2a7 29+5 after - Cctober r77 }Ik. lII lll4B Road.ste.r, Done approx. 45,000 $iles and good is in coadltion and has beeo rend.rustr treated. New exhaust just systen fitted. Overdrive is oo 3rd aild 4th fiear. Contact Alaa l{ye, ?irone 0?9 831086 (hone) 0?9 83U56 (woir) ttrs is at Cle.rmont, Central Queenslaqd. "[sking price $10,500. !0r Er| n- Iord !i45 do,/r'n draught head, flew valves & sprlngs. In 39 Ex 35 0 or soflethins to swap. Contact Richard Crostin ?hone 205 3573, I'OR S/''lX ?wo - (2) only por.{nd Soft. Now aoazing Ring nor,\, Dunlop Raciog ,Jres. )rO/ )o - a3 D 22. 197 Comi worn But Less thun half orice. Iicw.;J2O.oo/pair. el20.OO /pair. John Campbefl 0?1 451036 ar ClL +5?694 (Buderin) to^q-qr#Raeing Ce.r, llola, Gxoup A, iportc Ctr, ,1ry surnp, lB5.Holde11, tr.ipple' (ebbeis, spare rvheets, ty.res, brake pades, cfose ratio .qei:.-r. box and manv otirer-extras. Iibleslass moulds, trailer lnc1uded. Reliable car. ftri;e N.S..i, Chafloion. SuiI cir:c,]it, sprints and hillclimos' Ready to race, l',{ust seU ..-a3,400. Beaudesert +\2252 51a 0?5. Iavid CroEs. qn-,sl!i,fl- cororra sea.r ."r.';.;;;";';ru"" st"pr,"n"oo 396 628+. IFE o-cluqo,N sxprnMSxR_ocroBrR. lsa1 the. Of-ticial ilagazine c_t the .i.G. Car Club ,Jf ,?ueeosland vJrLn L:..i-.Ul.S. and with the ,.-.G. Car Club (t-ome Centre). *ffi1i.-red Q-0id_14rr!,EE IIeif - Work 3a"ee-U"aq ?RISlNH{T I[cNe.iI 355 1813 VICE ?RESlll4\Lf Bob Cossor 209 i{I{ ?hilip Hutchlson 355 1085 BO00 sncRn 48 5061 lRni!.sinE_B Ann [homson 378 136e C,]LTI! Cii?1!! I1[ Peter Ra/nent 30 3148 225 7 226 qowlqgs iJ oan tlpple by 57 t56t 2+5 5265 343 5772 Ste\re.llustin John Heffe:nan 39st4-l- _ 4MSC ,or ct[BRoOW 18 Nash Street, 1B!1, q. 4011 C.A.M,S. Ielegaie 3+L 29A5 rr.n},lg3$ G,P.O. 3ox 3RISB,\1{E. -t ROS;JrE. Q. * Ann Ihonson - 3?B 1369 fhe Comnittee eets .regu]ar-LJ each fortoi-ght at the Club R.oons, you have.any que.rj-es, eulg?s;ionE or whatever cgncexning the Ciubif then contact a Co!1i!ittee i0enlbe_r. A??IICATION IOR I.LHBERSHIP IORI,I the Secretaxy, !1.G. Car Crub cI Qr1d., G.?,0. Box lB47, BRISBAI-!. Q. 4001 ,. i NAtt3, iq ful]., ..!"DlRnss. . , . . .fostr Occupalilon.. L/ouer . ?irone/s. L4B3-1cUi,43 NO. .. . . . . . . . . ,ccs I, the undersigned, he.reby apply for uenbe.rship io the U,G. Car Club of queensland. This ap-ol-icatj oa iG sLbjcct ro the acceptance oy rhe I;ecutive CoI0rcitiee aod extended on condition that 1will agree to abide by the SliiGINE CUBIC CAPIICITY. cf the Club and the Centre, nated.. . ....Signed., Attached please find cheque/cash for '$18 being Annual }lembexship Subs. C.A,I'LS. Ba6ic licence ir 5 'r rr :l I .T^ihihd Eaa :tu1es $10 " Proposedby.... Seconded by. . If 1,o11 .." a l,{.G. owaer you do not -CoruLry V,embership (orrtside 100 kfm. .radius of Srisbane. ) .l',i-o. Q.. '. .No. Q.... Dav the Joiring li'ee. ' '