May - Meadowlark Model A Ford Club


May - Meadowlark Model A Ford Club
May 2010
Volume 42, Issue 5
Model A Ford
Club, Omaha, NE
Special points of
 Annual Pancake
Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter
 Wives Beat Hus-
President‟s Message
As most of you are
aware the Regional
Meet is now only a
month away. The
planning is complete
Howard Denker,
Feed & Safety
reserve a spot for
yourself and your
bride at this event? If
not, don't waste another minute and get
your registration in
immediately, slots are
filling fast.
We also have a Pancake breakfast and
Safety Check coming
up later this month.
They are always fun
and it is a great time to
and the last minute
items are being taken
care of by Don Graves
and his band of merry
men & women. Have
you taken the time to
get out the “A” and
blow out the cobwebs
prior to the meet. If
you have any concerns
about the road worthiness of your “A,” sign
it up and we will have
the guys check it out
to make sure it is safe
to play with. I have
been preaching at the
meeting that if you
have a problem with
your A and you need
help,contact me or one
of the board members.
One member did just
that this last week end
when he had a squeak
in his engine. Continued, page 7
 Letters to the Editor
 Omaha Police
Model A?
Inside this issue:
President‟s Message 1
Editor‟s Cor ner
We actually got letters to
the Editor that didn‟t
start with “Final Warning!” We‟re happy to get
better mail!
This issue is a little longer
than usual; our apologies.
You can write the editor
[email protected]
m and send your input.
Alternatively, you can call
Joe at (402) 201-2067.
Each month‟s issue will
be mailed around the first
Friday of each month,
unless I can generate an
Joe Greenleaf
“Married men don’t live longer
than single men. It just
SEEMS that way!”
Pancake Feed
Wives Beat „Em
Calendar of Events
Membership Info
Omaha “A”?
Page 2
Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter
Annual Pancake Feed and Safety Check
The annual Pancake feed
is locked in for May 23rd
at the Chalco Hills Recreation Area. Breakfast
will be between 9:00 and
11:00 with a free will offering. Breakfast will be
followed by a safety
check of any Model A
present between 11:00
and 1:00. This is only a
few weeks before the
regional meet so it will
give members a chance
to get their cars out and
make sure that they are
road ready. I recently
spoke with a couple
members of
the Lincoln
Club and they
may join us
for Breakfast.
So make sure
you sign up so
there will be
enough food for everyone. The sign-up sheet
will also provide a count
of the number of cars we
will be examining.
Howard Denker, Chief Cook
Great Food! Great Entertainment!
On June 10th, as part of
our Omaha 2010 Regional meet we are
celebrating the "Fifties"
with a super Fifties
night dinner and entertainment package. A
dinner buffet and root
beer floats will be
served at the Millard
Social Hall prepared by
the folks from the leg-
endary Eddie's Cafe
followed by an evening
of entertainment starring: Billy McGuigan, a
nationally recognized
singer and actor. Many
of you will remember
the spectacular Buddy
Holly tribute at the
Omaha Community
Playhouse in which Mr.
McGuigan starred.
Usually, Regional Meet
events are open only to
those who have registered for the meet.
However, we are going
to make an exception
for this exceptional
show. First priority
goes to meet registrants
until May 10, but we
are fairly sure that we
Continued, page 3
Thanks to Sherri and Roland Kunz
Those of us who attended the potluck dinner at the home of
Sherri and Roland
Kunz, recently, could
not have had a more
gracious host and hostess. Many thanks.
(Millie is
the chandelier).
Page 3
Volume 42, Issue 5
Kunz Model A
Roland and Sherri
Kunz own this great
1930 Fodor as well as
an equally terrific „58
Corvette fuelie roadster. We got a tour of
the garage stalls during
the potluck dinner.
Thanks again.
Great Food, continued
will have tickets available for nonregistrants. If you have
registered for the meet,
you may invite friends
and family to join you
at this event. The cost
for non-registrants is
$30 for an evening of
great entertainment
and food.
If you would like to get
on the list for these
extra tickets so that you
are one of the first in
line to buy them after
May 10th, please contact: Bob and Mary
McKinney (402-3323993).
If you have been napping, the Regional
Meet will be June 7 to
11. You can get a list of
events and a registration form at http://
10/ or call Don &
Janet Graves at 402453-7166 and we will
send you one.
or by phone, (402) 2012067.
Want Ads
Members can post free ads
to sell, trade or list items
they want to buy. To list,
For Sale
„31 Roadster, $16,500, „31
Slant Window, $19,500,
„31 Vickie, $16,500. Call
Tony, (712) 322-8265
contact Joe Greenleaf at
[email protected]
1931 Iowa license plates.
Call Doug, (712) 712-5336183 (H) or (712)
540-0380 (Cell)
Great Food!
Page 4
Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter
We Actually Get Letters Department
Joe -
Letters to
the Editor
finds new
for Joe‟s
I received your three
newsletters and enjoyed them very
much. I noticed your
comment that you
would like to make
Meadowlark Model A
Ford Club News the
very best club publication. You are well on
your way. Your publication shows me that
you care a great deal
about the content and
quality of your publication.
I also noticed that you
changed the font per a
request. My
thoughts were that perhaps the reader meant
the size of the
font. I read 135 newsletters monthly and
find the font is lar-
ger than the size you
use on all of them. It
is fine for me but my
husband mentioned the
font was
small...his aging eyes
are the problem.
Your humor makes for
enjoyable reading. I
especially like your
Want Ads that were
Continued page 9
Highway #36 Litter Pickup
A near record number
14 member showed up
at Cubbies in Bennington to help the Club
celebrate Earth day by
pickup more than the
two miles of Highway
#36 assigned to the
Meadowlarks. Twelve
members worked on
the area we are assigned, and two lost
sheep, who probably
felt they had been
by their club
went west 3
miles, and
when they did not see
the rest of the members started to police
up a bridge on Highway #36. Needless to
say this really made 12
members red faced,
myself included, when
we came across them
on our way back to
Cubbies after completing the pickup of our
assigned area. The
cleanup went unusually
quickly with all the
help, plus it was a fun
way to enjoy a beautiful weather and help
celebrate Earth Day.
We hope that our two
newest recruits will forgive our oversight and
join us again next time.
The following folks
volunteered: Jon
Mabry, Don Graves,
Joe & Karlene
Greenleaf, Millie
Jankowski, Doug &
Vicki Heeren who
came all the way from
LeMars, Iowa, Don &
Karen Noodell, Lee
Hendrix, Trish Rand,
Delmar Bunch, Dale
Jergensen, and myself.
Howard Denker
Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter
May 2010
8 7:30
Club Meeting
9 Happy Mother‟s 10
20 6:45 Horsemen‟s Park
23 Safety Check
(see article)
26 Board Meeting 27
Denker Home
Inside Story Headline
Meadowlark Wives Beat Their Husbands
Boys 7, Girls 2. The
men thought they had
a lock on the Pictionary World Championships at the Kunzes last
Sunday. The guys, con-
fident of victory, each
took naps. During their
snooze, it was announced the score was
5-4, then, “This is the
tie-breaker.” We didn‟t
See It Coming: 6-4—
the women won.
“Wha‟ happened?” we
heard from the groggy
boys. Sore losers, is
Membership Infor mation
Membership dues for the
Meadowlark Club are
$24.00 per year, prorated
monthly for new members. Membership in one
of the national clubs is
required. You may join
both national clubs if you
wish. MAFCA dues are
$40.00 per year and
MARC dues are $38.00
per year.
Prospective Members:
Please call Membership
Chairman, Don Graves,
(402) 453-7166, for more
Club web address: http://
Club webmaster: Janet
Graves, 402-453-7166
Newsletter email:
[email protected]
Newsletter editor: Joe
Greenleaf, 402-201-2067
Page 6
Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter
Just for Kicks
Caption describing picture
or graphic.
There are many articles
about Model A-era
clothing, but what
about shoes and stockings?
In the 1920‟s, skirts
went up and stockings,
then made of silk, became very important
for the well-dressed
lady stepping out of
her sporty Model A
roadster. To both her
and her beau, a wellturned ankle was more
important than a wellturned crankshaft!
Nylon didn‟t come into
use until around 1940.
Seamed stockings, for
use with garter belts,
are still available. has them
for $12 a pair.
are an excuse for new
shoes. For a look at
shoes of the 1920s and
„30s, mouse over to for
the history of both ladies‟ and gentlemen‟s
shoes from the Model
A era.
Shoes? New stockings
In Case You Forgot About Last Winter
During the
War, ladies
so they
drew a
down the
back of
their legs.
Our own Doug Heeren
drives a school bus in
the wilds of Iowa. He
and Vicki sent us this
photograph of his bus
tucked into a wee bit of
Enjoy the Spring!
Under the Seat
You find some strange
things under the seat, such
as this new column by your
intrepid editor…
Always Signal!
Just when I thought I
remembered Mr. Garrity, the Shop Teacher
and Driver‟s Ed Instructor‟s lessons about
hand signals, someone
said that all hand
signals were your
hand sticking out
to the left. Nay,
says the Nebraska Motor Vehicle Code: Left:
arm outright to the left;
Right, arm up; Stop,
arm down.
There are some other,
unofficial, signals that
are handy, such as
when your horn doesn‟t work and someone
causes you great offense…
Page 7
Volume 42, Issue 5
President‟s Message, Continued
Ed Jankowski was
quick to respond and
get the squeak taken
care of and also help
find a intermittent
short that was preventing the car from always starting. This is
going to mean one
more Model A on the
road this summer with
its owner enjoying fair
weather drives. We
have several very talented guys in this club
who would enjoy
nothing more than to
help you tinker with
your car. We may
have trouble finding
someone to restore for
you but if you just
need help with a com-
ponent on your car I
am sure that our club
members will respond.
Just let me know!!
Hell, I know some
guys that will spend
all winter in your garage helping you work
on your car if it's
heated. Right Tony!!
We have been having
some great Tech talks,
and I am hoping this
month will be no different. I am hoping to
get a couple of our
experts on steering
columns to give us a
presentation but conflicts with the Regional will prevent
that for a couple
months. So there will
also be a tech talk on
Ford Accessories and
aftermarket tire locks.
In addition, another
talk will be presented
one of these next
weekends at a member's garage on how to
put on the new brake
floater. Hope to have
a date set at the next
meeting. So make
sure you sign up for
that also.
Howard Denker
members are ready
and willing to help
you—just ask!
Unpaid Testimonial
It is true. At the meetings, we are told: if you
have a problem with
your “A,” ask for help. I
had a squeak in my water pump. I
asked a
member if
he would
help me; I
would reciprocate
in some way.
So, soon, here he came
with an assortment of
tools. He got rid of the
squeak and, when we
tried to run the car to
test it, it ran for a short
time and then died and
would not start again.
Three and one half
hours later, he had
cleaned the carburetor,
tightened the fan felt,
replaced the coil,
changed the distributor,
timed the car and test
drove it. The car ran and
sounded better than it
has in a long, long time.
So, thanks to Ed
Jankowski for those
three and ½ hours and to
Howard Denker, who
drove ten miles round
trip “on the spur of the
moment” with a spare
set of points and he and
Ed refurbished the spare
When I tried to repay
them for all of their hard
work, I was told, “As
we tell everyone, if you
have a problem with
your „A‟ and call and
ask for help, someone
will know what to do.”
And they mean it!
Dale Freyer
“No junk too rusty!”
Page 8
Volume 42, Issue 5
Please support our advertisers
DON V Insurance
…. Your Local J. C. TAYLOR and
224 North Main
Fremont Nebraska
C&C Tailor Shop
Come to the "Best in the Midwest" for your new
Model 'T' and 'A' parts. See us for mechanical
parts, books, accessories, sheet metal, fenders,
roadster bodies, pickup beds, wood kits, and
original style bolt kits.
Men‟s and Ladies Alterations
Military Uniform Specialists
C&C Monogram and Embroidery
Quality Computerized Monograms & Em2315 Lincoln Road
Bellevue 291-9390
We have a 120-page, all 'T' catalog and a 173page, all 'A' catalog. Send for your copy or pick
one up at the store.
Shizuko Chase &
Verl A. Chase Jr.
Daily U.P.S. service, Master Card, VISA, or COD
Rick & Joan Birkenholtz
3515 West 88th St. North,
Colfax, IA 50054
Page 9
Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter
Letters to the Editor, Continued
More Letters...
Did this
Model A
Come from
...not real but did work
as the next issue had
real ads listed. The
Where There‟s a Will,
There‟s an “A” was
great. It gives the
reader more than just
stuffy reports to read
as I see in many newsletters. Your graphics
all add a lot to the
overall look of the
As Chapter Coordinator, I would suggest
you add a fashion tidbit
to at least one month‟s
publication. When
judging newsletters for
awards, the guidelines
require certain being era
fashions. All it takes to
be considered for a
newsletter award is
running something
fashion-related in at
least one publication.
Keep up the good
work. I‟m already looking forward to the next
Stephanie Grundman
MAFCA Chapter Coordinator
MAFFI Editor
Omaha Police Model A?
Dear Joe Greenleaf,
My name is Robert
Boyd and I
had purchased in 2007
a 1930 Model A Tudor
[55d] from it's
third owner located in New
Hampshire. It
was supposed to
have been
bought new in
Omaha, Nebraska in 1930
and was a police
car until 1935
when the person who
sold it to my seller purchased it and drove it
daily until 1950, then
put it storage until
1964 when my seller
acquired it in Omaha.
He did some
"restoration" and drove
it in parades and club
functions until he
parked it for good in
1987, by then he was in
NH by way of a stint in
VA and the car followed along. I wonder
if any of your club
members have any
photos or know of any
historical clubs that
might contain more
info on the police department vehicles of
this period? The car is
currently painted chicle
drab/copra drab but
this appears to be a
1964 paint job and is
peeling in some spots
to reveal a vibrant, almost royal
blue??? I wonder if this
blue is from the 1930's
or a later repaint? I
read your wonderful
newsletter on the
MAFCA site under the
chapter list and enjoy it
a great deal. I would
appreciate any info or
direction you or your
club could supply me
with. I may be reached
at home at 631-9282428 best between 5-8
EST or at
Thank you for your
time maybe we can sit
on a running board and
talk A's some time --Rob
Meadowlark Model
A Club
This is the official publication of the Meadowlark Chapter of the Model A Restorers
Club (MARC) and the Model A Ford Club
of America (MAFCA). This monthly newsletter is mailed to members, prospective
members and editors of similar publications.
Its purpose is to keep you informed about
what has taken place and to remind you of
future activities.
Members may publish, at no cost, ads for
items wanted, for sale or trade. They are
also invited to submit technical Model A
information and other interesting tidbits.
Material should reach the editor by the last
Saturday of the month.
Monthly Meetings: Second Saturday of
each month (except January) at 7:30 PM
at the Douglas County Health Center—
in the Town
Hall, 42nd &
Ave., Omaha,
May 2010
2010 Officers
President: Howard Denker, 402-333-1393
VP/Pres. Elect: Lee Hendrix, 402-895-2432
Secretary: Karlene Greenleaf, 402-201-2067
Treasurer: Millie Jankowski, 402-558-7679
2010 Board Members
Steve Anderson, 402-571-1041
Ed Jankowski, 402-558-7679
Bob McKinney, 402-332-3993
Bob Rand, 712-642-2068
Bruce Rima, 402-533-8198
Men‟s Tech Talk and Ladies‟ Escape
from the Men‟s Tech Talk
The men‟s Tech Talk for May
will be on auto security, and if
anyone has any related items
they should bring them.
Also the women's Tech Talk
will be on antique dishware, and
they should bring examples if
they have any.
It goes without saying that anyone can attend either Tech Talk
without fear of
social approbation. For instance, if there
was a pie tasting
session by the
ladies, we would
attend and miss
the grease conference. —Ed.
OK, OK—we give up. What is it? “It” is a new barcode
from our good friends at Microsoft. Well, from Microsoft,
anyway. If you have a “smart” phone (and, believe me, my
phone is smarter than me) you can take a picture of the barcode and it will open our Club‟s webpage on your phone‟s
web browser.
You can get the free app for your phone from http://
If you open up the app from your phone‟s browser, it will
recognize the type of phone. —Joe Greenleaf
Omaha Ford Auto Show
Saturday, June 12, 2010
9AM to 4PM
In Conjunction with
Benson Summer Festival
61st & Maple Street in Downtown Benson
Enter from the South on 61st Street
Omaha, Nebraska
**Dash plaques for all Car Show Registrants
**Pancake Feed 8:30 – 11:00AM **Food Court 11-6PM
** In Store Specials by Benson Merchants
**Art Show & Sale ** Live Music 12-Midnight
**Trophies! Car Show Registrants First Choice
Awards in Twelve Classes
Plus Best of Show & Spectators’ Choice
Voting ends at 2PM
Trophies awarded at 3PM
All Fords -- All Lincolns -- All Mercurys -- Any Ford Product
Car Show Registration: 8:30am to 12Noon
Entry Fee $10.00 and 2 cans of food for the Food Bank
“Please Help Support the Food Bank”
For more information contact:
Ed Jankowski 402-558-7679
Presented by:
Meadowlark Model A Ford Club, Inc.
With Support from: Benson Business and Neighborhood Association