Dummer Golf Club Minutes of a Liaison Meeting Held on 176 |anury
Dummer Golf Club Minutes of a Liaison Meeting Held on 176 |anury
Dummer Golf Club Minutes of a Liaison Meeting Held on 176 |anury 201I resenfob Shepherd (BS) Club Captain, Stwe Wright (SW) General Manager" Vanessa Gardiner (VG) adies' Captain, Steve Bray (SB) Men's Vice Captain, Lynne Munday (tM) Ladies'Vice Captain. pologies:here were apologies from Roger Bushby and Harry Philpott. 1. 2. The meeting was chaird by Bob $hepherd who wished everyone a Happy Nemr Year. Steve'W.right gave the following update on the course works: *The area immediately in front of the 17h has been top-soiled and seeded but there has not been much growth as this was done very late, it will be seeded twice more in the spring. The existing bunken on the lTth have been reshaped. Lorries arc expectd to start returning in March/April, the restrictions on price have been removed so we are likely to get a better supply of lorries. The plan is to make good the 166 fairway and the area between the 166 and the 186, then add a bunker to the back ofthe lP green before putting the 186 tees back and fairway will making good the 18o fairway as they leave the site. The plan to raise the made reach this area. It is material a will be as they and decision depend on the available hoped that all this worh will be completed by October 2011". lS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The dropping zone on the lTth has been removed and the area is treated as GUR in accordance with R&A rules. A light has been purchased and fitted into the on course toilet. It is battery powered so a notice will be placed next to it to ask that it be turned offafter use. A search has taken place for the hole in one record book but it has not been found. It was decided that the H&CAC should decide whether we should purchase a n€w book or what recognition should be given to members who have a hole in one. It was noted that the Nerv Members Evening $ill has not happened. It will be rescheduled for April2011. It was not€d that there had been a few problems with hot water. SW confumed that the hot water tank has been replaced and is working well. SW' confirmed that a stimpmeter reding is noil' available ofl the webaite. This will be updated regularly from the spring. It was prerriously noted that members were not aware of various events at tbe club. "l*rys SW is now using e-mails and tle newsletter to keep membens up to date with upcoming events. 10. SW and VG have tried to get sponsorship for the club diary without success. VG sent an email to the members asking thme interested in having a diary to respond, sbe only had one reply. Upcoming competitions will be available in the newsletter. This matter was referred to the H&CAC. 11. It was agreed that the Club Newsletter has been a success. 12. The reintroduction of a Course Mamhal will be reconsldered by SW in April. 13. It was notd that there are upcoming social events: Burns night will be a joint dinner with the Unicorns. There wiil be a Valentine candlelight supper in the lounge on 14ft Febnury. The Captains final fling with lunch is on 13tr February. There will also be a t hole competition follou'ed by brunch and btrcks fizz, on 29tr April for the Rq/al wedding. 14. The compressor in the shoe cleaner has been sent away for repair, it is hoped it will be returned in working condition very soon. 15. SW prwided a list of the subscription fees for 2011, as attached. 16. SW confirmed there would not be regular deals for 3 & 4 balls next year. The non-member green fees will be increased to €25.00 Monday to Thursday and €30.00 Friday to Sunday and bank holidays. There will be promotions run occasionally for non-members who have 'regisered'to rffiive e-rnnils ftom the dub. 17. SW informed trs that Sean ]eftey had left and that he was recruiting for a replacement. He is hoprng to bsveforneoae in placeb'y March. 18. SW informed us that new flagS have been purchased and are in use on the course, the greens have been aerated and fertilid and the late on the 18tr will be refilled &t foon as we tre a[swed to dranr water. This is reliant on the flon'rate of the River Test. 19. BS askd SIV to thank the green tepers br their hard worh during the difficult cotrditions this winter. 20. Dateof nextmeing lSnAprilDll. Signed as a true record Bob Shepherd (Dated)-