SINDH PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REGULATORY AUTHORITY CONTRACT EVALUATION FORM TO BE FILLED IN BY ALL PROCURING AGENCIES FOR PUBLIC CONTRACTS OF woRKS, SERVICES & GOODS l) SINDH BANK LTD/ ADMINSTMTON NAME OF THE ORGANTZATTON /DEPTT. 2) PROVINCIAL / LOCAL GOVT./ OTHER 3) TrTLE OF CONTRACT 4) TENDERNUMBER 5) BRIEF DESCzuPTION OF CONTRACT 6) FORUM THAT APPROVED THE SCHEME 7) TENDER ESTIMATED VALUE 8) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE SCHEDULED BANK Acquiring of Branch Premises on Rental Basis Samanabad,LH SN DB/COI(ADM N/TD/593/201 5 I SAME AS ABOVE COMPETENT AUTHORITY Rs.100/- per sq.fl (For civil works only) 9) I ESTIMATED C@(PL, ON r0) TENDEROPEIffi)ON T I) RroD (AS PER CONTRACI) within'1 Month 0210712015 at 1100 Hrs NUMBER OF TE (Attach list of buyers) ILD 02 t2) NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED OPENING OF BIDS l3) NUMBER OF BIDDERS PRESENT AT t4) BID EVALUATION REPORT (Enclose a copy) ls) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SUCCESSFU I6) CONTRACT AWARD PRICE I7) RANKING OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER IN EVALUATI (i.e. 1", 2"d, 3'd EVALUATION BID). l8) METHOD OF PROCUREMENT USED: - (Tick Sheikh Shahzad one) a) SINGLE STAGE-ONE ENVELOPEPROCEDURE b) SINGLE STAGE c) TWO STAGE BIDDING PROCEDURE d) TWO STAGE _ TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE - PLEASE SPECIFY TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE IF ANY OTHER METHOD OF PROCUREMENT WAS ADOPTED i.e. EMERGENCY, DIRECT CONTRACTING ETC. WITH BRIEF REASONS: U3 le) APPROVING AUTHORITY FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT Competent Authority 20) WHETHER THE PROCUREMENT WAS INCLI,'DED IN ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN? Yes 2I ) ADVERTISEMENT ll/llNo : Yes SSPRA S.NO:24623 SPPRA Website (lf yes, give date and SPPRA Identification No.) No ii) News Papers (lfyes, give Yes newspapers and dates) TRIBUNE, DAILY EXPRESS & DAILY Mashriq ( 171061201s) No 22) NATUREOF i::;i"' ll r ll 23) WHETHER QUALIFICA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / (Ifyes, enclose a copy) Yes ll/ Yes ll/llNo 24) WHETHER BID EVALUATION CRITERIA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDER (Ifyes, enclose tnt. I lNo a copy) 25) WHET}MR APPROVAL OF COMPETENT A METHOD OTHER THAN OPEN COMPETITIVE BI 26) WAS BID SECURITY OBTAINED FROM ALL THE BIDDERS? FOR USING A Yes ll/llNo !/ 27) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BID WAS LOWEST EVALUATED BID / BEST EVALUATED BID (in case of Consultancies) Yes I 28) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS TECHNICALLY COMPLIANT? Yesll/llNo llNo 2e) WHETHER NAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR QUOTED PRICES WERE READ OUT AT THE TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS? Yes I lxo ll/ 30) WHETHER EVALUATION REPORT GIVEN TO BIDDERS BEFORE THE AWARD OF CONTRACT? (Attach copy ofthe bid evaluation report) Yes ll/llNo 2t3 3I ) ANY (lf COMPLAINTS RECEIVED Yes yes, result thereof) No NO 32) ANY DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE TENDER NOTICE / DOCI,A4ENTS (lfyes, give details) Yes No 33) WAS THE EXTENSION MADE IN RESPONSE TIME? (lfyes, give reasons) Yes No l4) DEVIATION NO NO TION CRITERIA F (lfyes, give deta Yes No 35) WAS IT ASSURED BY BLACK LISTED? NO THAT THE PROCURING ACENCY TO THE 36) WAS A VISIT MADE BY ANY SUPPLIER'S PREMISES IN CONNECTION BE ASCERTAINED REGARDING FINANCING (lfyes, enclose a copy) tF SO. DETAILS TO AD: 37) WERE PROPER SAFEGUARDS PROVIDED ON M THE CONTRACT (BANK GUARANTEE ETC.)? VANCE PAYMENT IN 38) SPECIAL CONDITIONS, IF ANY (lf yes, give Brief Description) 39) Dace of Aw4Pd-of Signature & Oflici4 Stamp of Authorized sg SINDH BANK LTD. Tele: 021-9205356; 021-9205369 & Fax: 021-9206291 EIGI@ 3t3 Sindh Bank Ltd Tender Document - Acquiring ofBranch Premises on Rental Basis 3 SCOPE OF WORI( Hiring ofpremises by Sindh Bank Limited as per the locations given in the advertisement. 12 Buyer List Branch Premises Samanabad s.No 1 2 3 BIDDER NAME Sheikh Shahzad Mrs. Zahida Shams Mr. Asim AMOUNT DEPOSITED 300 300 300 900 fr\rr=\H]*.*ra ro*--6 irr: i.?_; Er"lurtion R"p Evatuationx.elon@ Tender Published / SppRA S.No Expre_ss (l7e Tribune, Daily Express & Daily Ibrdt Juoe 2015) /2015 at I 100 Hrs Detailon the above is as follows: S lr'o Cod otercd b! thc Biddel o, Rlddet Ran*ln? ln len$ of cosl 2.r 0 l. 2. l SheiLh I800 sq,ft Siehzsd Mrs. Zahida Sharns 2.b 3000 sq.ft R!. 160.000/ Co,rqorlron whh E rfialal con (Estinat d Cost- k. ! 00/- pet I J -i... 3d R!. 89/- p.r rq.ft. tu. 22J,6'00/-i... Ri. 75/. prr sq f, Bidd.r 2c frwasl Bidder tq.l) Rs.lll- p.r rq.ft bllow thc R.osons Iot R.jcdion Matk ' 2576 sq.ff Rs. 190,000/ -ic. Rs ?4/- pcr sq fl. l'Lowqn Accordingl1, goin-g ty tt e qualified bidder & ir is also below the esrimared cost. tt. Col. (R) Shahzad BeBg Head of Admlnistration Mr. Saeed Jamal Chief Financial Offlcer Mr. Syed Muhammad Aqeel Chief Manager, tDBI Karachi -LF (.r Biddcr Obtrincd rS% in ah. Evalmtio! Proc!$ Disqualifi./. pq sq.fl b.lorv tha eslimstrd cost Obtain n 68% Rs.26l- p.r sq.0 Obraincd 54% tclow thc cstinatad aost 6 Qurti0.d.- in tic Evaluadon DisquilificdMr Asim *s 70%) 5 astimraad cost Rr.25/- Rern (Qualilying in dE Evd!stion Proccss slands as only AcccpI.d Qrrlifi.d Biddcr ryPE OF PROCUREMENT l4*t4uq'9q5 TENDEN NAME TYPE OF TENDER s',{Gn StacE oNE EirvElop!/srNGLt'TAG!-.WO €*vELOp!/TWOS.AGEruOSr OPENING OATE o2ll I ts ---.--T_.7- OPENING TIME l lo:42^ G!-TWO a VlLOpa ATTENDANC€ (M€MSER PC) CFo Cn of llaxauet-,lOoU NAME rIRM a, -->tlt,tt+ \ll4HzAD ATIENDANCE (REPS. OF BIDDERS) TOTAI. EIDS ACCEPTEO FOR EVALUATION TOTAI. BIOS REJECTEO REMARKS SIFNAIURE tLtEtiBER Head. Fin Div, SECREIARY PROCUREMENT COMMI /eaa.aarnin SIGNAT DATE 2- 14ember-IDgl., oi "Arl',llltl FINANCIAL PROPOSAL D PRICE SCHEDULE Name & conract Detaits of the Monrhly Bidder 9/d"-lr-gL/+*4 [? y. 8\ W NOTE Owner wili be liable to oav ffi T jri:*;n:r"*f, 2' 3. I ,*301, Rent (Lump Sum) MonthtyRent@erru*,rr"", I. ;pb ! 4/ eI ht,n;^i^-r -- fi',fl:jf,i,.*::#i j3#,trxi*r:.:H,T[:"ftT; It will be desirable that the property is offered directly by thc ownen of the premises. For each property sepant€ pay order hec r^ x, advenisement give"';,h;J"?;:i:rtas to be enclosed as per the amount menrioDed _-r- 4. Rent 5, During process ofrenovatior in the will comurence after one month ofsigning ofag.eerneot "l,JuiJi"eiiil:T,1il?"r,1#Hf,:ft,J#r1fl *1ff :"#ffi :i,tiffi,*:r[T:; 6. Tenders may be submitted dire.rtv irrru.inri 7. 8. J uy Iftfie financial a.qrirra ", h, rL- ^..*- ,rrr"'igi;ffi:[?r*t.,:*ers evaluarion are **i^i-i.ffi Writrng ofrender reference *:,:,lTl;ir^ of the preriises. No tenders wiI be entertained j* successtul biddcr wiu bc the one who has as ;::.-i#","*ni*tL*"::#*iH&t.;:H;:,Jy111,*;lsyjT,: Signature & Sramp of the gidder / il:lll';lwe_ffi"amm Head. (d'nin Member.IDBL, Drla, ..O SliV Uz r,.'!:V* u,4!, o< Qri,-tt t-l DDtt',-,,-. ,e,ozfftrr3r-u 5 k.n$= 9:z!; I3 o c_t/+./Y/aeu'n FINANCIALPRoPOSAL a32_t i De^ur"t,o,|,ooi, -Name&conact A ! oor t 2n h4J ^ * 777 ou 6 Q.,,,"3,-5 Cr/o 9,,.*S Lb* ;ibq. p^4'/ t F^r ot,s,, 5 f., -_t{ ), /; MonthtyRenr(Lumpn^l /? e. zZ ?oo1,/ t Monlhly Renl (Pet SqaN Fee, NOTE 1. Ovmer will be liable to pay all municipnl, govemment, non-govem.rrelt and othcr r8tca, taxcs, stamp duty (as applicable under Stamp Act 1989) duly stampcd on the contract agr€crneDt snd sssessment which mry be levied in respea ofthe Dernised Premises. n It will be desinblc tha thc property is ofered directly by thc owners ofthe prernises. 3. For cach property separate pay order :, has to be enclosed as per the amount meotioncd in the advertisement given in the newspaper. 4. Rent 5. will commence after one month ofsigning ofagreement During prooess of renovation if any NOC is required from the govemment agencies the lessor is liable to get its appmral. 25% amount of dre total rent will be witirheld till thc nccdfirl is met. Tenders may be submitted directly by the owners ofthe premises. No tenders if subrnitted by or tkough brokers/ agenrs 1. .l will be entcrtained Ifthe financial evaluarion are the samq theo then successful bidder will be the onc who has Acquired maximum marla in eraluation phase. r Signature & Stanp of lhe Bidder tu" > l'"( [YSIGI'L ' - Hear , ' ', i,',()lrrllFrl ,, ,( Heai MeII,'r - -' , , /,*W l3 =35zbL--3q52_ H+ gss *-a^rr-^ MonthtyRent Monthly Renr Q.tmr)srq ee; ffb",h. A <, p#. ;::;',;,*J Il or roo/) Square Feet) NOTE ).' mf#i'J'::f,18il*1,T,1[:l,f:Iilllfli,t":;g::ttnrandothcrratcs,,axes, ffi;-essmentwhichmaybe,.r",tt;#,1"r!##i*l,liffi 2 lt will be des[able tha the property is offered directly by the ovvnerc ofthe prcrniscs. 3. For eact ,r*"'#fffl.:Tffffi;t"Hhas 4. 5 7. to bc enclosed as per the ar,,unr mentioncd in the Rent will commence a.fter one month ofsigning ofagreement. process ofrenoration if any NOC is re is liable to grr its approo"r. 25ffi ffi met. 6. asreement Tenders may #[1f[fi *'f il"*ffi*ffi i:i:Htr?: ', te submitted directly by the ownr rs ofthe ifsubmitrco by or tkough brokerv agents. Ifthe financiaJ evaluation are the samq &en th Acquired i;.;;;il;;iiJ'- premises. No tend€rs t'*"t'nlt will be crdertained 6idder will be the one *{ro has Signatu,E & Stanp o/ t)e Bidder D't'--r5'--o{;- siI GNATl llrlet)ald - r;, itd. {,Jn Heea Me enn1mtrr- t.l t , I iir i1 l ffi*awm 7- i-, !:rs \| t' "'- '/ ''/-.*:=.;...-*.. rrperr ns 011-?.012 *6a/. e0-,;2, v\ it. ..,j Dated: Premises Evaluation Performa Lacation ,0r", 5+uailn'Aso: S"riot A.A:nu / {ZawL lA^t No, 03 Pay Order L\d No. &o<2€:< Provision of Emergency Exit Door (Yes/tNo) Fot Branches in Rurol / Inl.rlor Areat , Title documerrr ofthe ProPetly 5 Banl(l, withi1 I k n res: Pre -Evrlurtion Com mittee lUuMmmrd Shahid Saleem Husain Khan Administration Divhion Operations Division SIt;NATU[H i,II14BERS lJead. lin tjiv, Head - ldrnin i4ember'lD$t-, Div Financ. Divisio[ P Datea: Premises Evaluation Performa cLl1f ( t t9 No: e 2eoyorae, No. lb6652.ol Seriql Locolion u,oo* 9.4=,-a-=1 I ziitls-wt Provision of Emergency Exit Door (Yes/rNo) R.quisfic . t Title docunent oJthc pfopefiy prcnisu) re -Evaluition Com mittee Muh a mr{ad Shahid Saleem Kh an Operatioas Division Finance Divisiol Mufti lsla Mall Road, SI6NATUTT MEi4BEfi$ pe- ui,,iHi tlead.Fin Div. Head - Admin Div i4ember-IDBL, ITED Dated: Premises Evaluation performa Localion 9aq aa Rr'qE 'a t--l Provision \ lt", O I ode,No 'Q- !,<,;^^^- 2ltlo =1 o1l Etnergency 15>12.4 Exit Door (l,es/*No) Title docunent oftha .roct distances trom the prenir.t ofered ,,n mrd Shahid Ssteem Operstion! Division ffiy" ##;effi*"*' GROUP 159/Y OHA SIGNATURE MEMBE Head. Fin Div, Head. Adnin Dft Member-IDBl. Date: ( Fiosnc. Division Mrrfti ;"ffi#,J:; IN MTM()R\ OF STIAtIETD \,IOtIIARMA I\ENAZIR BHT/TI() SrNoH ffi NK POWER TO THE PEoPLE SNDB/ADMIN/ESTATE/. 28 September 20 Mr. Shahzad Huse No.9l, Main Market, Samanabad, Lahore Subject: Letter of Award _ Samanabad. Lahore Branch Bid against Location offered on sub.iect NIT dated 17/06/20) 5.has been accepted. for necessary signature & early return, please. Lease agreement is enclosed Sincerely, For a & behalf of Sindh Bank Limited, Sindh Bank Limited t5 OO5 trOJ(), Iil rtlll]t.iltt I I r ll [rr lIrilI rutlrrr rl|l Z. 1l LEASE AGREEMENT SAMANABAD. LAHORE BRANCH This Lease Agreement is made at Latrore on this 3.W. auy ot9d-f*&n 2015. BET\vEEN Mr. Shahzad S/o Sheikh Muhammad Ashraf, Muslim, Adult, holding CMC No. 352025157680-3, R/o House No.91, Main Market, Samanabad, Lahore. (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor") which expression shall, where the context so permits, means and includes its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) of the ONE PART; AND SINDH BANK LIMITED, a banking compzrny .incorporated under the Comparries Ordinance, 1984, having its registered office at 3'd Floor, Federation House, Abdullah Shah Ghazi Road, Clifton, Karachi, hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee" which expression shall, where the context so permits, means and includes its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the Lessor is firlly seized and possessed of and entitled to all that piece and parcel of Commercial Building constructed on Plot No.91, Main Road, Samanabad, Lahore. AND WHEREAS the Lessor have agreed to let and the Lessee has agreed to take on lease the premises measuring on ground floor 1800 sq.ft. for opening of Samanabad Lahore Branch. (hereinafter referred to as the "Demised Premises") on the terms and conditions as set forth hereunder: NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS UNDER: In consideration of the Lessee paying the rent herein after reserved in the manner hereinafter mentioned and the covenants hereinafter written to be observ'ed by the Lessor and the Lessee, the Lessor doth hereby demise upon the Lessee the Demised Premises for a term of Eleven (11) months corunencing from l/10/2O15 and ending on3l/8/2016. ill tllttttt .- IIlt il I I ll l tl rr u rr l l tlrt t ll l:l lll.lllll'all .i."ltt'-::r. a', - ...'.. 1 .. '. " SECTION _ I (GENE,RAL TERMS) Term l. The Lessor hereby demises unto the Lessee the Demised Premises for a period of Eleven (11) months corunencing from L/LO/2O15 and ending on 3L/8/2O16 (both {uy" inclusive). 2. The monthly rent of the Demised Premises Hundred Sixty Thousand only). Advance Rent J. will I be Rs.160,000/- (Rupees One The Lessee has paid a sum of Rs.1,760,000/- (Rupees One Million Seven Hundred Sixty Thousand only) to the I essor towards 11 months Advance Rent in respect of the Demised Premises for a period between l/lo/2015 to 3l/8/2016 n addition to a sum of Rs.4,000,000/-(Rupees Four Million only) as Security Deposit for further adjustment/refund. The Lessee shall deduct income tax from all amounts payable to the Lessor towards rent of the Demised Premises. An amount of Rs. 1,000,000/- (Rupees One Miltion only) shall be released after l satisfaction / completion of terms and conditions herein-below. Renewal ofLease 4. On expiry of the term of Lease hereunder, the Lease shall be extended at the option of the Lessee on the terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto provided the Lessee has served upon the Lessor a notice of its intention to renew the Lease at least 90 days prior to the expiry of the tenure of I I the Lease as aforesaid. Termination 5. The Lessee shall have a right to terminate this Agreement upon giving to the Lessor 90 days' notice in writing. 6. The Lessor hereby expressly waives all its statutory and other rights of ejecting the Lessee from the Demised Premises except in the event Lessee fails to fulfill its commitments as appearing in Section II hereafter. Ejectment Indemnity Premises are free from all encumbrances, charges, claims and demands and that the Lessor have not done or omitted to do any act, deed or thing whatsoever whereby the Demises Premises may be subject to any.charge, lien or attachment by any Bank, Court of Law, authority or person whosoever. The copies of title documents provided to the lessee are genuine and valid. If any discrepancy is found atalater stage affecting the lessee's rights, the Lessor undertakes to rectify the same with in seven (7) days, failing which the lessee reserves the right to terminate the agreement, whereupon the Lessor shall be bound to immediately refirnd the advance rent for the unexpired period. I 7. The Lessor hereby declares that the Demised Page2 Lf#t3'"1*,fiflflff;.I# I I I I I I I I ,l I I ,l I I I I SECTION _ II (LESSEE'S COVENANTS) I The Lessee hereby covenants with the Lessor that it shall: i) Not assign or sub let the Demised Premises or any part thereof to any other party; I ii) use the Demised Premises for exclusive purpose of its office only; iii) Pay on or before the due date all water, tanker charges, electricity, gas and telephone bills and any incidental charges or amounts claimed in -respect thereof pertaining to the term of lease hereunder and handover copies of Uitts to the Lessor; iv) Handover vacant and peaceful possession of the Demised Premises to the Lessor on expiry ofthe lease term as aforesaid or extended lease term as ttre case may be. v) On termination of the lease as provided herein above in the same cond.ition in which it was handed over to Lessee; except normal wear and tear; vi) Carry out at its cost civil and/or electrical repair work as may be necessary for restoration and rehabilitation of the Demised Premises to the same condition when it was taken over by the Lessee if the same are damaged by fire or other mishap during the term of lease; vii) Not carry out any structural alterations to the Demised Premises without the permission of the Lessor save those expressly authorized hereunder. viii) To pay timely and regular rent as per lease agreement. SECTION - III (LESSOR'S COVENANTS) The Lessor hereby covenants with the Lessee that he shall: The Lessor hereby covenants with the Lessee that he shall: i) Hand over the possession of the Demised Premises to the Lessee at the time signing of this agreement; ii) To provide place for Emergency Exit. for zrny emergency situation in branch; iii) To provide NOCs/Permissions for establishment of Bank's Branch at the Demised Premises from all concerned local/ town/ city administration departments and onward submission to the concemed departments for power, telephone, DXX and ISDN lines, etc., at their coast and risk; In case the branch premises are sealed during construction by any govt. dept. or stay order is issued by court, the rent will not be paid Ur! pieriod the premises of I I I I I i "f remained closed. iv) To provide proper place for Earth Bore/Earth pits. v) Be responsible to resolve any issue, if arises regarding ownership of cited property, in case of failure to do so , Lesso. *itt uJ tiaute to ietum the advance rent of remaining period along with all expenses incurred by the bank for renovation of its branch at the demised premiskts I I I I I I I I I I I Page 3 of I I I I I I vi) Allow the Lessee to eqjoy peaceful possession without any let or hindrance; vii) Allow the Lessee to construct RCC lockers room/ vaults, toilet(s) and of the Demised premises kitchen in the Demises Premises as per its requirement; one viii) Allow installation of radio/TVlPTCLlDISFI antenna and Network Tower (1O0 feet approximately) on the roof top of the Demised premises; ix) Provide suitable space in Demised Premises for the installation of generator 60 KVA OR below and also provide Tax Certificate for permission of concemed departments for installation of generator. x) Pay all municipal, government, non-government and other rates, taxes and assessments which may be levied in respect of the Demised Premises; I xi) Not do or cause to be done by himself or his agent, workman or employee I anything which may be or may become a nuisance value for the Lessee andlor its customers; xii) I Ensure that the Demised Premises are and continue to remain structurally sound and undertake at his cost such major structural repairs as may be deemed necessaq/ by the Lessee; xiii) Allow installation of outer of the ACs at a technically suitable place without any extra charges; xiv) Allow the placement of Lessee's neon signs on the roof top and front of the Demised Premises without any monetary claim. xv) Keep the Lessee indemnified from any loss(es) sustained on account of any defect in the Lessor's title to the Demised Premises or any misrepresentation and concealment of fact at the time of entering into this Lease Agreement; xvi) Allow installation of any machinery, equipment, apparatuses, comnunication system etc. as may be required by the Lessee to carry out its normal business and operational activities; xvii) Allow Lessee to paint, display, affix or exhibit signs and insignia as may be appropriate and necessary for its various activities at its own cost; xviii) Allow Lessee to make partitions in the hall and convert the Demised Premises into workable condition as per its requirement. Any approval or permission required in this respect from any official authority, the Lessor will obtain such I i I approval / permission at his own cost. xix) Provide electricity connection at the Demised Premises with 30 KVA Transformer OR 25 Kilo Watt load with 90 Ampere 3 (three) phase meter and in case of any objection or dispute with WAPDA/KESC, Lesior will resolve the matter attris cost and responsibility; If the required load is not arranged by the Lessor within 90 days from the date of the poisession of demised pri-i.", the Lessee will have right to deduct the amount of Rs.l500 p". duy oR Additional fuel charges whichever is higher for the period it fr"t charges shall be adjusted from future rent payable to the iessor. " xx) Provide at his expense running sweet water connection; I I p(i) Provide at his expense sewerage line (outer point) and also arrange repairing/shifting of drainage lines of upper floor, from demised premis"", if arly at Lessor's expense. I IN WITNESS \I/HEREOF the parties have signed I these presents on the day, month and year first above mentioned. I I I LESSEE Sindh tsank Limited For & behalf of @r+z*;z-SLt4-E Eno -NoRrH B%.Nkrro WITNESSES FullName: Signature: 1 N N1: No Address ASL 4 : j li, l**s+ t c'h edt E;24j5; H, \ Y7 1 Ne-"lSho"on c.ffi^ uurrName: Signature: NIC No.: Address Page 5 ofS =cra,:-S BS?S2.S-f : /59-L3-/o4 aa lzuLre bnftt.