AR - The Highlands At Pittsford
AR - The Highlands At Pittsford
Laurelwood at The Highlands at Pittsford Calendar of Events JULY 2015 Wednesday 07/01 10:30am– Catholic Mass with Fr. Bob from St. Louis (HCC) 1:30pm‐ Wake up your Taste Buds! Cooking Demonstra on with Beth Brancata: Central American Cooking (AR) 3:30pm‐ Communion with Doris (AR) 4:00pm‐ Interna onal Joke Day: Bring your favorite joke to share on the pa o 6:30pm‐ Wii Electronic Bowling game (G) Thursday 07/02 10:15am‐ Exercise Video (G) 11:00am‐ Halfway Point of 2015! Did you realize that today 182 and 1/2 days have elapsed and 182 and 1/2 days remain in 2015?! Come celebrate with us! (G) 1:15pm‐ Interfaith Worship with Chaplain Grobe (G) 2:30pm‐ The Music and Life of Benny Goodman by Larry Shearer (AR) 4:00pm‐ Stop by the pa o and try the Matching Beach Bag Puzzle with us 6:30pm‐ Be‐Rhymed Word Game (AR) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Friday 07/03 10:15am‐ Exercise Video (G) 2:00pm– Pokeno game! It’s like bingo; stop by & join us! (AR) 4:00pm‐ Word Searches! Today’s word searches feature Colorful Names. Pa o 6:30pm‐ Phase 10 Card Game (AR) Saturday 07/04 Happy Fourth of July! 10:15am‐ Exercise Video (G) 10:45am‐ DVD‐ “America the Beau ful” a Tribute to God and Country–this musical video carries you across 3,000 miles of beau ful scenery and song (G) 1:30pm‐ Join your friends for puzzles, crosswords, checkers word searches– Have fun and enjoy each other’s company! (AR) 3:00pm‐ Relax, kick back, enjoy a snack on the pa o, & soak up the beau ful weather! 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “Molly an American Girl on the Home Front” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Sunday 07/05 Today is Cracker Jack Day! 10:30am‐ Catholic Communion Service (AR) 11:00am ‐ “What Do You Know?” game (AR) 1:30pm– Yahtzee dice game (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie: “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (G) Monday 07/06 10:30am– Exercise Video (G) 10:45am– Depart for Lunch at the Erie Grill, enjoy a Delicious Lunch with a Scenic View of the Erie Canal. (O) To register please call ext. 285 or 245. 2:00pm‐ Scam Preven on presenta on with Leita King, Social Worker from Lifespan of Rochester. Learn how to recognize and avoid scams (HCC). 3:00pm‐ Fireworks Bingo‐Come and Have a Blast! (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “To Kill a Mocking bird” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Tuesday 07/07 10:15am‐ Exercise Video (G) 1:15pm‐ Bible Study with Chaplain Grobe (AR) 2:00pm‐ University of Rochester Course: Russia, Land of the Tsars: from Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II, with Tatyana Bakhmetyeva (HCC) 2:15pm‐ Fitness Class with Robin (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie: “Pillow Talk” (G) Wednesday 07/08 10:30am– Yoga Class with Carol (AR) 12:00pm‐ Fine Dining Staff are offering a theme lunch today; Enjoy! (DR) 2:00pm‐ Celebrity Birthday Biography Game‐Come and learn about the many amazing people who were born in the the month of July (AR) 3:30pm‐ Communion with Doris (AR) 3:45pm‐ Visit with our volunteer Chip and Lovie, his German Shepard Front Parlor 6:30pm‐ Wii Electronic Bowling (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Thursday 07/09 10:30am‐ Walking Group. Put on your comfortable shoes & meet us at our elevator, to take a walk through our Beau ful Campus (O) 1:15pm‐ Inspira onal Hymns with Chaplain Grobe (G) 2:00pm‐ Scenic Ride (O) To register please call ext. 285 or 245 2:30pm‐ July Fashion Day‐Three Famous Designers were born in July. Learn about them and discuss fashion. Bring a favorite fashion accessory or jewelry piece to show (AR) 3:45pm‐ Join your friends on the pa o to relax and watch the grass grow! 6:30pm‐ Re‐Fraze Game (AR). Join us to learn more about these these fun phrases Friday 07/10 Today is Classic Coke Day! 10:15am‐ Fitness Class with Carol (AR) 2:30pm‐ Music Mixer with Nigh all, an acous c duo (HCC) 3:45pm‐ Sen mental Reflec ons DVD: Sing‐a‐long to some good ol’ favorites! (G) 6:30pm‐ Uno Card Game. Spectators are most welcomed! (AR) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Saturday 07/11 Today is National Blueberry Muffin Day! 10:15am‐ Tai Chi Class (AR) 10:45am‐ July Trivia game! Come and learn some fun facts about the month of July. (AR) 1:30pm‐ Crazy Word Puzzle Day. Help us solve these wild puzzles (AR) 3:15pm‐ Kickball Game, Join us and have fun! (AR) Sunday 07/12 10:30am‐ Catholic Communion Service (AR) 11:00am ‐ “What Do You Know?” Trivia game (AR) 1:30pm‐ Depart for ice cream at Dipper Dan’s Ice Cream Stand in Honeoye Falls! (O). To register, please call either ext. 285 or 245. 6:30pm‐ Movie: “Moonlight Serenade” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Monday 07/13 10:15am‐ Exercise Video (G) 1:45pm‐ Mystery Ride‐What is our Des na on? (O) Please call Ext. 285 or 245 to register. Help solve the mystery! 2:30pm‐ Lecture on Mt. Hope Cemetery with local historian, Don Hall (HCC) 3:30pm‐ Krispy Kreme Donuts first sold on this day in 1937. Come and sample a donut and learn 14 things you didn’t know about Krispy Kreme Donuts. (Pa o) 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “The Misfits” (G) (G) Tuesday 07/14 10:15am‐ Exercise video (G) 1:15pm‐ Bible Study with Chaplain Grobe (G) 2:00pm‐ University of Rochester Course: Russia, Land of the Tsars: from Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II, with Tatyana Bakhmetyeva (HCC) 2:30pm‐ Peachy Keen Day! July is Peach Month. Join us to make Peach Muffins. Wear a peach colored ou it and learn all about peaches (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “The Judge” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Wednesday 07/15 10:30am– Yoga Class with Carol (AR) 1:15pm‐ Lecture: The Poli cal Career of FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) with John Schmeck. Join us to learn about about our 32nd President (AR) 2:30pm‐ “What’s Missing?” game (G) 3:30pm‐ Communion with Doris (G) 3:45pm‐ Learn fi een interes ng facts about FDR (G) 6:30pm– Wii Electronic Bowling game (G) Thursday 07/16 10:30am‐ Cra ing with Verna (AR). Make a summer cra ! 1:30pm‐ Fitness Class with Carol (AR) 3:30pm‐ Depart for Pi sford Village Farm Market –Shop for Fresh, beau ful fruit & produce, mouth‐watering bakery items, fresh flowers, hand cra ed soaps & more! (O) To register please call ext. 285 or 245. 3:30pm‐ DVD: Benny Goodman Live at the Tivoli Gardens (G) 6:30pm‐ Word Sweep game (AR). Come and visit with us and try your hand at these fun word games! Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Friday 07/17 9:30am‐ Depart for a Visit to Seneca Park Zoo. Let’s go talk to the animals! (O) To register please call ext. 285 or ext. 245. 1:15pm– Interfaith Worship with Chaplain Grobe (G) 2:30pm‐ Music Mixer with Joe Naples piano, vocalist (AR) 3:45pm‐ “Survey Says” puzzle! Join us for a fun twist on Family Feud. (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “The Li le Princess” (G) Saturday 07/18 10:15am‐ Tai Chi Class (AR) 10:45am‐ Trivia game. Stop by & visit with us & try your hand of some of the trivia ques ons from several categories. (AR) 1:30pm‐ “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” game (AR) 3:15pm‐ Kickball game! Put your best foot forward with us! (AR) Sunday 07/19 10:30pm‐ Catholic Communion Service (AR) 11:00am‐ “What Do You Know?’ trivia game (AR) 1:30pm‐ Trivia of all Sorts. Stop down to join us & take a walk down memory lane with us. (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie: “Roman Holiday” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Monday 07/20 10:15am‐ Exercise Video (G) 10:45am‐ Depart for a picnic lunch at Perinton Park. (O) To register please call ext. 285 or 245 2:30pm‐ Lecture on Mt. Hope Cemetery with local historian, Don Hall (HCC) 2:45pm‐ Tas ng Club– Join us on the pa o to enjoy cheese and crackers and a array of sparkling beverages 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “Na onal Velvet” (G) Tuesday 07/21 10:30am‐ Pu ng Green Golfing Game, We will imagine we are at Locust Hill Country Club! Fore! (AR) 1:15pm‐ Bible Study with Chaplain Grobe (AR) 2:00pm‐ University of Rochester Course: Russia, Land of the Tsars: from Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II, with Tatyana Bakhmetyeva (HCC) 2:30pm‐ “I’ve Got a Ques on Game”‐Alex Trebek was born on July 22, 1940. He has hosted the game “Jeopardy” since 1984. Come and play this popular game! (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “Perry Mason‐ “the Case of the Purple” Woman” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Wednesday 07/22 10:30am– Yoga Class with Carol Lang (AR) 12:00pm‐ Birthday Party with Steve Petrovich: guitar & vocals. (DR) 2:00pm‐ Crossword Puzzle with Larry (AR) 3:30pm‐ Communion with Doris (AR) 3:45pm‐ Happy Hour– Join your friends for great food and Great fun! Laurelwood Library 6:45pm– Evening Music‐Larry Bi erman vocals & guitar (AR) Thursday 07/23 10:30am‐ Put on your walking shoes & join us to walk around our campus and admire the beau ful landscape. Meet at our elevator 2:00pm‐ Celebrate the ice cream cone’s anniversary. Come and enjoy a delicious ice cream cone and learn it’s history. Meet on the Pa o 3:30pm‐ Twenty Ques ons game (Pa o) 6:30pm‐ Wii Electronic Bowling game (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Friday 07/24 10:15am‐ Fitness with Carol (AR) 1:15pm‐ Inspira onal Hymns with Chaplain Grobe (AR) 2:30pm‐ Music Mixer with Paul Killion on guitar (HCC) 6:30pm‐ Movie‐“Doctor Doli le” (G) Saturday 07/25 10:15am‐ Tai Chi Class (AR) 10:45am‐ Trivia game. Stop by and reminisce with us! (G) 1:30pm‐ Wii Electronic Bowling game (G). Hit the lanes with us! Sunday 07/26 10:30am‐ Catholic Communion Service (AR) 11:00am ‐ “What Do You Know?” game (AR) 1:30pm‐ Depart for ice cream at Dipper Dan’s Ice Cream stand in Honeoye Falls! (O). To register, please call either ext. 285 or 245. 2:00pm‐ Ice cream word searches, help yourselves and join your friends (AR) 6:30pm‐ Movie: “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Monday 07/27 10:30am‐ Exercise Video (G) 10:00am‐ Depart for the Canal to feed the ducks and enjoy the scenery. (O) To register please call ext. 285 or 245 2:00pm‐ Summer Cra ing with Cheryl (AR) 3:30pm‐ Crossword puzzle, word search mania on the pa o 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “The Lavender Hill Mob” (G) Tuesday 07/28 10:30pm‐ Favorite Books, Favorite Authors. Join us for a casual book discussion. What are you reading now? Come & find a new author; today is paperback books day (AR) 1:15pm‐ Bible Study with Chaplain Grobe (G) 2:00pm‐ A ernoon Music‐Thanks for the memories with Joe Trionfero great music and music trivia (AR) 2:00pm‐ University of Rochester Course: Russia, Land of the Tsars: from Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II, with Tatyana Bakhmetyeva (HCC) 3:30pm‐ Resident Mee ng (AR) Join us to learn about the latest updates. 6:30pm‐ Movie‐ “Move Over Darling” (G) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. Wednesday 07/29 10:30am– Yoga Class with Carol (AR) 1:30pm‐ Bus Tour of Mt. Hope Cemetery by Don Hall, limited sea ng. To register please call ext. 285 or 245 2:00pm‐ Wheel of Fortune Game (AR) 3:30pm‐ Communion with Doris (AR) 6:30pm‐ Wii Electronic Bowling (G) Thursday 07/30 10:15‐ Exercise Video (G) 2:00pm‐ Visit Leo’s Bakery for a sweet bakery treat or ice cream (O) Limited Space‐ To register please call ext. 285 or 245 2:30pm‐ Cooking Demonstra on with Chef Michael (HCC) 6:30pm‐ Dominoes (AR). Join us for this classic game! Friday 07/31 10:15am‐ Fitness with Carol (AR) 11:00am‐ Pre‐Shabbat service with Rabbi Hein in the front parlor 1:15pm‐ Inspira onal Hymns with Chaplain Grobe (AR) 2:30pm‐ Music Mixer with Jerry Warren: guitar and vocals (AR) 4:00pm‐ Jigsaw Puzzle. Help us to piece it together! (AR) 6:30pm‐ Scrabble Poker game (AR) Program Loca on Code: (G)‐ Gallery, (AR)‐ Ac vi es Room, (HCC) Highlands Comm Cntr, (2nd FlA)‐ 2nd Floor Alcove, (DR)‐ Dining Room, (O)‐ Ou ng. If you have any ques ons please dial 389‐1630, ext. 245 for Crystal or ext. 285 for both Cheryl or Stacie. As we focus on the Seven Dimensions of Wellness, this month we would like to highlight the following programs: ‐ Fitness‐ Tai Chi 7/18 Nature‐ Visit to Seneca Park Zoo 7/17 Peace‐ Catholic Mass 7/1 Yong Kwon 7/3 Valerie Cardillo 7/5 Alex Kopezynski 7/10 Angie Magro 7/10 David Czekanski 7/14 Mary Ann Steele 7/16 Marjorie Brenneman 7/17 Joseph Russo 7/18 Gerry Johnston 7/22 Stuart Metcalf 7/25 Fred Steele 7/25