1 It presents important facts related to goods transport by road, examines current and future trends, and shows perspectives for long-term developments in goods transport by road. The Goods Vehicle Study concentrates on developments in Germany, but at some points it also gives insights into global and European developments. SHELL LKW-STUDIE Fakten, Trends und Perspektiven im Straßengüterverkehr bis 2030 The main focus of the first Shell Goods Vehicle Study is the motorised vehicles used in carriage of goods by road (“goods vehicles”). The goal of the study is to provide information on the technological perspectives of goods vehicles. And it gives an appraisal of the technological potentials of propulsion, vehicle and fuel technologies which are available today or in the mid-term future, and their possible impact on environmental, energy and climate goals. The key findings of the Shell Goods Vehicle Study up to 2030 are summarised in the following sections. y ud t eS l c i eh MMARY V SU Sh Lkw_Studie_Inhalt___170410_GESAMT_JS.indd 1 OODS lG l e 17.04.10 18:21 Shell has been working for many years on scenarios and questions of the future of mobility. The company has been observing and analysing auto-mobility in Germany since 1958, and published the 25th Shell Passenger Car Scenarios in 2009, covering the period up to 2030. Shell is now publishing the first Shell Goods Vehicle Study, in cooperation with the Institute of Transport Research of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). Research into passenger car trends is important for forecasting future developments in the whole of the transport sector. Passenger cars are by far the dominant element among all modes of transport, but the transport of goods by road has developed with exceptional dynamism in the past two decades, and is likely to continue doing so. As with passenger cars, it is becoming increasingly urgent to identify the trends in goods vehicles – what will the future bring? And how can sustainability of goods vehicles be improved in terms of environmental protection, energy efficiency and combating climate change? It seems that alternative technologies are much less developed in goods vehicles, and much further away from market launch than in the passenger car sector. At any rate, there is no silver bullet in sight for goods vehicles. That makes it all the more important to provide more insight into the future of road transport, or rather of possible futures – there is not just one future to be expected, but in fact the future developments are largely uncertain. Scenario technique can help to explore alternative paths of development. The first Shell Goods Vehicle Study has the subtitle “Facts, trends and perspectives in road goods transport up to 2030”. Goods transport in Germany The study starts by analysing the overall economic and transport context of road transport of goods in Germany up to 2030 – developments in goods transport are dependent on developments in industry. Cross-border transportation is becoming increasingly important for goods traffic – as much as two fifths of Germany’s economic output goes into export, particularly industrial products. The international exchange of goods, particularly industrial goods export, responds very strongly to changes in GDP. The political, infrastructural and technological basis for continuing economic integration remains intact despite the financial and economic crisis. That means international exchange of goods and hence also goods transport will increase sharply again as the global economy recovers. MODALSPLIT SPLITIN INGOODS GOODS TRANSPORT TRANSPORT 2008 MODAL 2008 Pipeline (2,5 %) Air Transport (0,2%) 18.1% Non-German 26.7 % goods vehicles Rail 10.0 % Inland waterways German goods vehicles 42.5% (excl. local transport) Source: Verkehr in Zahlen 2009/2010 Goods transport in Germany is already 4 billion tonnes (2008 figures) today, and transport volume about 670 billion tonne-kilometres. In the course of the years, there have been substantial changes in goods structure (light-weight, high-value products), in logistic concepts (just-in-time), and also in the political regulatory conditions for goods transport. Today, road haulage accounts for nearly 70% of goods transportation. Goods transport volume in Germany will increase to more than 1,000 billion tonne-kilometres by 2030; trucks will 2 Types, fleets, new registrations FORECASTTRANSPORT TRANSPORT VOLUME VOLUME IN GERMANY FORECAST BETWEEN 2010 AND 2030 IN GERMANY BETWEEN 2010 AND 2030 1200 billion tkm 1000 800 Goods vehicles Inland waterways 600 Rail 400 200 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: BVU/Intraplan; own calculations thus slightly increase their share in the modal split to more than 70%. Transport volume will also increase about 50% in the EU 27, to about 3,400 billion tonne-kilometres by 2030. Goods vehicles, like the functions and services in today’s road transport, have become highly differentiated. They are categorised in different classes today, both nationally and internationally, on the basis of their gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). The most important categories in Germany are light commercial vehicles (up to 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight), large goods vehicles, and semi-trailer trucks. Germany has one of the largest vehicle fleets with 2.5 million goods vehicles, and is one of the largest goods vehicle markets in Europe, with new registrations exceeding 300,000 in some years. Germany is by far the largest vehicle market in the EU 27 for new registrations of large goods vehicles and semi-trailer trucks over 3.5 tonnes, where Germany accounts for nearly a quarter of European registrations. Germany’s fleet LARGESTGOODS GOODSVEHICLE VEHICLE FLEET OVER LARGEST 3.5 TONNES IN THEIN EUTHE (2008) OVER 3.5 TONNES EU (2008) 1.0 million Goods transport is not only an essential for economic development, but is itself an important and extremely dynamic economic factor. However, it is not easy to distinguish road goods transport data on the basis of the available economic statistics. Goods transport and logistics employs a workforce of about 2.6 million people in Germany, generating revenues of some EUR 200 billion. That makes Germany a world leader in the logistics sector. The choice of mode of transport by shippers, i.e. road, rail or inland waterways, is mainly determined by the respective strengths and weaknesses of the individual transport modes. Overall, road transport has the quality characteristics that are most important for the rising market requirements. But in practice a large proportion of goods transport is effected in multi-modal or inter-modal transport. Despite the excellent perspectives for the future, goods vehicles are still at the focus of many discussions on the environment, energy, climate and the future of the division of labour in industry as a whole. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 I D PL F GB E NL Source: Eurostat (2009) of goods vehicles of more than 3.5 tonnes comprises 738 thousand vehicles, taking second place after Italy and before Poland. The total fleet of goods vehicles has risen by two thirds since the early 1990s, from about 1.5 million to over 2.5 million units – and in the old system of counting, the number would have nearly doubled to just under 2.9 million units. But in recent times the fleet has grown only slightly. However, there Summary: Road transport accounts for about 70% of goods transport today, and continues to develop rapidly, not least because of LARGE GOODS VEHICLES & SEMI FLEET IN GERMANY its transport and quality characteristics. Road transport itself is METHOD CHANGED 2007) LARGE GOODS VEHICLES AND SEMI FLEET IN GERMANY (CALCULATION (CALCULATION METHOD CHANGED 2007) also an important factor in the economy. 500 thousand 3.0 million Total 2.5 3.5–7.5 t 2.0 300 up to 3.5 t 1.5 over 12 t 200 1.0 Semi-trailer trucks 100 0.5 0 1990 400 7.5–12 t 0 1995 2000 Source: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (1990-2010) 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 3 are in some cases very substantial differences between the individual vehicle classes – the most dynamic development comes in the class of light commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes, where the fleet has more than doubled from about 800,000 in 1990 to about 2 million vehicles in 2009. The fleet of semi-trailer trucks has also nearly doubled to around 200,000 units. Semi-trailer trucks are the main carrier in long-haul goods transport. New registrations varied in recent years between 200,000 and more than 300,000 vehicles per annum. In 2009 there was a sharp decline in registration figures, historically comparable only with the decline in 1992/93. In new registrations, too, light commercial vehicles were key factors in the trend, with about three quarters of registrations, and semi-trailer trucks made up about one tenth. DEVELOPMENTOF OFSELECTED SELECTED EMISSIONS EMISSIONS DEVELOPMENT ROADTRANSPORT TRANSPORT ININ ROAD 100 % 80 PM10 60 NOX 40 CO 20 SO2 0 1995 2000 2005 2008 Source: Federal Environment Agency (2010); own calculations Summary: Germany is the biggest goods vehicle market in Europe, accounting for about a quarter of new registrations of large goods vehicles and semi-trailer trucks over 3.5 tonnes. The total fleet of goods vehicles in Germany has increased by nearly two thirds since 1990, from about 1.5 to 2.5 million units. The most dynamic categories are light commercial vehicles and semi-trailer trucks. Road goods transport and the environment The necessity and the benefits of road goods transport for the distribution and supply of goods to the population are largely undisputed. But the increasing numbers and mileage of large goods vehicles and semi-trailer trucks has increasing negative impact on people and the environment. The use of fuels in combustion engines releases atmospheric pollutants which have negative impact on air quality. That is why clean air policies have had more impact on the propulsion technologies and fuels used in road transport than any other factor in the last few decades. Environmental policy has imposed ever stricter regulations for the protection of people and the environment – the limits for concentrations of particulates and nitrogen oxides in the air will be even stricter from 2010 onwards. And road transport, alongside other sectors, is a major emission source of these pollutants. So further source related emission requirements have been set for transport, in addition to the new air quality standards. They set environmental specifications for fuel quality, and limit the major atmospheric pollutants in the exhaust emissions of vehicles. The most important measure in the fuels sector was almost total desulphurisation of fuels – implemented in Germany as early as 2003. In addition, standard limits for exhaust gas emissions (Euro standards) were introduced from 1992 onward. Since their introduction, the limits for the pollutants regulated there have been lowered by between two thirds and nearly 90%. The Euro standards will become even stricter in the coming years, especially for particulates and nitrogen oxides. But there are technical goal conflicts in simultaneous minimisation of particulates and nitrogen oxide emissions, requiring the use of extensive exhaust gas cleaning technologies. Stricter Euro standards increase vehicle cost, and in some cases also increase fuel consumption. Today some 85% of the goods vehicle fleet has no pollutant category or pollutant categories up to Euro 3/III. Clean vehicle technology is becoming more and more widely established, but there are differences, in some cases substantial differences, which largely correspond to average vehicle age. Goods transport in Germany is mainly by means of large goods vehicles and semi-trailer trucks which meet the requirements of Euro III or V. But the smallest commercial vehicle category, that is light commercial vehicles, comprises 50% of vehicles complying with Euro II or I or vehicles not DEVELOPMENT OF EXHAUST GAS LIMITS DEVELOPMENT OF EXHAUST GAS LIMITS DUE TO DUE TO EURO STANDARDS EURO STANDARDS PM (EURO I = 0.36 g/kWh) 100 % 1993 Euro I 80 Reduced peak temperatures Low NOx , high PM 60 Co nfl ict Particle filter reduce s PM A total of about 3 million goods vehicles are expected in Germany in 2030. Annual new registrations will continue to fluctuate considerably, probably rising to an average of more than 300,000 vehicles. 40 1996 Euro II 2001 Increased peak temperatures: Euro III NO High NOx , low PM xa nd 2006 PM Euro IV e m is s io n s 2008 Euro V 20 ic conv. SCR catalyct reduces NOx 0 0 20 40 60 From 2012 Euro VI 80 100 % NOx (EURO I = 8 g/kWh) Source: own diagram using data of Federal Environment Agency 4 fulfilling any Euro standard. Alongside the emission limits, government is mainly working with fiscal incentives in order to establish clean vehicle technology as fast as possible. The emissions related motorway toll on large goods vehicles and semi-trailer trucks from 12 tonnes upward has proved highly effective. But for urban traffic, non-technical measures such as entry bans are increasingly being considered, although their impact is not undisputed. Summary: Road transport is steadily becoming cleaner. Long-haul road transport is dominated by Euro III and Euro V vehicles. But the light commercial vehicle fleet is modernising only slowly. This reflects the different effectiveness of environmental instruments in the dissemination of technology. But more technically complex exhaust gas cleaning technology has made large goods vehicles more expensive, and in recent years has in some cases also increased their energy consumption. Propulsion systems, fuels, vehicle technology Apart from the main environmental problems, fuel and energy consumption has also become a major issue for carriers. Government is calling for further diversification of propulsion systems and fuels, and systematic measures to address the carbon emissions problems in road transport, as in other areas. The carriers are therefore making great efforts to improve energy efficiency in motorised road transport and to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. There are basically four ways for improvement of energy and climate performance in road goods transport – propulsion systems, fuel and energy options, optimisation of vehicle design, and driving style and traffic management. Diesel engines are currently the dominant form of propulsion, accounting for about 93% of the total goods vehicle fleet. Diesel accounts for 99% or more of the higher weight categories, which are particularly relevant in road transportaFUELSHARES SHARES2009 2009IN INMILLION MILLIONTONNES TONNES FUEL 28.26 tion. That means the diesel engine is the dominant propulsion system and diesel fuel is the dominant fuel in transport of goods by road. Despite its long period of development, the diesel engine still has plenty of potential for development. In the medium term, further effective savings potential of about 10% may be expected in engine and drive train alone. In addition, biofuels can be used today in practically all diesel vehicles. The most important biogenic fuel alternative at the present time is biodiesel. Today up to 7% biodiesel can be blended with diesel fuel. Depending on progress in vehicle and fuel technology, up to 20% biofuel could well be in use by 2030. The main difference in biofuels is the way they are manufactured, for example their overall CO2 inventory. Sustainable biofuels are an important element in any sustainability strategy for road goods transport. Apart from liquid fuels for diesel engines, the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) are at an early stage of market introduction, and are still at the development stage in some vehicles. Both of these fuel options, especially CNG, will be used in the near future in market niches, i.e. in urban transportation with light commercial vehicles and in some large goods vehicles. In addition, hybrid, electric and hydrogen propulsion systems are expected to give major technological impulses for future vehicle development. Electrification and hybridisation of the drive train will continue. But full hybrid and electric trucks are just at the beginning of their development. Their preferred application area is expected initially to be in urban delivery and distribution operations – that is where they give the greatest saving potentials. The main application area for hydrogen so far is in selected bus fleets for regional and urban passenger transport. But the sustainability of electric and hydrogen vehicles is critically dependent on the overall greenhouse gas inventory of the propulsion electricity or hydrogen. Apart from propulsion systems and fuels, there is substantial additional potential for reducing energy consumption and CLIMATE BALANCE OF BIOFUELS CLIMATE BALANCE OF BIOFUELS 55% Biodiesel from rapeseed Diesel 60% Biodiesel from soybeans 38% Biodiesel from palm oil (with methane capture) 12% Biodiesel from waste oil 2.3 49% Hydrotreated rapeseed oil Biodiesel B7 32% Hydrotreated palm oil (with methane capture) Biodiesel B100 (0.24) 19.9 42% Pure rapeseed oil Vegetable oil (0.1) Diesel = 100% Bioethanol (0.9) Source: UFOP (2010) Gasoline 0 20 40 Source: EU Directive 2009/28/EC 60 80 100% 5 AERODYNAMIC POTENTIALS AERODYNAMIC POTENTIALSOF OF SEMI-TRAILER SEMI-TRAILER TRUCKS TRUCKS Aerodynamically shaped roof without superstructure such as lights or horns Spoiler between tractor and trailer Teardrop shaped trailer Rear spoiler Reduction in drag at 85 km/h: 15 to 20% Source: own diagram Side skirting for tractor and trailer carbon emissions by improving vehicle design. One of the main approaches to optimise goods vehicles is reduction of their drag (air resistance) by aerodynamic design. Nearly 40% of the total energy effort needed to move a 40-tonne truck at 85 km/h is used to overcome drag. Other approaches are reduction of rolling resistance, for example by using energy saving tyres or reducing weight by lightweight construction. Further fuel economies can be achieved by improved driving style and by traffic management. Complete side skirting Moulded rear CO inGERMANY GERMANY 2008 2 -EMISSIONSIN CO 2 -EMISSIONS Transport: 20% All in all, propulsion and fuel concepts will continue to spread in goods transport in the coming years, even if more slowly than in motorised individual transport. It is likely that goods vehicles will use further improved diesel technology in 2030, that they will increasingly be fitted with hybrid elements, and that they will combine sustainable biofuels with optimised vehicle design. Summary: Diesel propulsion dominates in goods vehicles today. Its share of the total fleet is 93%, and in important vehicle categories it is as much as 99%. The goods vehicle of 2030 is likely to use further improved diesel technology, to use hybrid technology depending on its operating profile, and to combine biofuels and optimised vehicle design. Fuel consumption and carbon emissions Goods transport by road accounts for more than 5% of total CO2 emissions in Germany today (2008 figures). And the transport volume and mileages of goods vehicles are expected to continue growing rapidly in the coming years. That is why, despite its relatively small share of total CO2 emissions, goods transport by road is coming increasingly into the focus of transport, energy and climate policy. The government wants energy supply for road transport of goods to be placed on a broader basis. At the same time, it wants a major reduction in carbon emissions from goods vehicles in the future. The present study therefore examines on the basis of two technology scenarios – a Trend Scenario and an Alternative Energy sector (47 %) Industry (13%) Passenger cars (13%) Road goods transport(5%) Other transport (2%) Households (14%) Small consumers (6%) Source: Federal Environment Agency (2010); own diagram Scenario – what contribution road transport of goods can make to energy diversification and climate change mitigation in the next 20 years. It has been assumed for both scenarios that by 2030 fuel saving technologies will have become well established in light commercial vehicles and large goods vehicles, and almost totally established for semi-trailer trucks. The mileages, fuel consumptions and emissions used in this study have been derived from the Federal Government’s transport forecast 2025, and extrapolated to 2030. On this basis, total mileage of all goods vehicles in road transport rises from about 70 billion vehicle kilometres in 2005 to 117.4 billion in 2030; the highest growth rate is in semi-trailer trucks, with an increase of nearly 100%. The Trend Scenario assumes that the technology trends of the recent past continue steadily into the future. Average fuel consumptions of light commercial vehicles and large goods vehicles can be reduced by 23% and 19% respectively, by increasing use of hybrid technology, and by technical innovations in engine and gearbox. Alternative fuels increase only slightly; biofuels take a market share of about 12%. Electric propulsion makes gradual progress only in light commercial vehicles and light trucks, but still plays no part at all in semi-trailer trucks. 6 FUEL FUELCONSUMPTION CONSUMPTIONOF OF ROAD GOODS ROAD GOODS TRANSPORT TRANSPORT account for about 4 million tonnes. Efficiency technologies and biofuels ensure that CO2 emissions rise considerably less, that is by 32%, reaching a total of 61 million tonnes. But there is still an increase in CO2 emissions even in the Alternative Scenario, due to increased tonne-kilometres and mileage. That means technological improvements in propulsion systems, fuels and vehicles are vital for the climate inventory, but are not enough in themselves to reduce the total (absolute) CO2 emissions of road goods transport; other options aimed at tonne-kilometres and mileage would have to be considered to achieve that. 25 million t 20 15 10 5 0 2005 LCVs 2030 Trend Scenario LGVs 2030 Alternative Scenario Semi-Trailer Trucks Total Consumption Source: own calculations The Alternative Scenario assumes significantly faster progress in innovation and market launch of new propulsion, fuel and vehicle technologies. Additional measures in hybridisation, aerodynamics and driving style enable light commercial vehicles to cut their fuel consumption by 36%, and semi-trailer trucks by 28% versus 2005. Alternative fuels considerably increase their growth rate. Towards the end of the 2020s, the biofuel share of fuel sales rises to about 20% thanks to new sustainable biofuels. CNG and electric propulsion likewise account for more mileage, especially in the lower weight categories. Total carbon emissions of motorised road transport in Germany remain largely stable in the Trend Scenario. But they are reduced significantly in the Alternative Scenario, thanks to considerable improvements in passenger cars, and also in goods vehicles, with a reduction of about 17% in the period 2005 to 2030. The significant decline in passenger car emissions means that the share of goods vehicle emissions in road transport emissions increases from 29% today to 45% in the Trend Scenario or 47% in the Alternative Scenario. DEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINT DEVELOPMENTOF OFCARBON CARBON FOOTPRINT OFPASSENGER PASSENGERAND AND GOODS GOODS VEHICLES OF VEHICLES 180 million t 160 140 Cars Cars 120 Cars 100 Average fleet consumption drops by 15 to 18% in the trend scenario by 2030 versus 2005. But rising transport volumes and mileages mean that total fuel consumption increases by 54% by 2030, reaching a level of about 23 million tonnes, of which about 2.7 million tonnes are biofuels. Despite efficiency increases, which are in some cases substantial, total CO2 emissions from goods transport rise by about 50% to some 70 million tonnes in 2030. In the Alternative Scenario, specific consumption goes down by 25 or 26%. Total fuel consumption in 2020 is then over 20 million tonnes or more than 37% higher than in 2005; biofuels ESTIMATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF CARBON FOOTPRINT ROAD GOODS ESTIMATE OFOF DEVELOPMENT OFTRANSPORT CARBON FOOTPRINT OF ROAD GOODS TRANSPORT 100 million t 90 Constant Technology 80 70 60 40 20 Goods vehicles Goods vehicles Goods vehicles 0 2005 2030 Trend Scenario 2030 Alternative Scenario Source: Shell Passenger Car Scenarios; own calculations Summary: The share of road goods transport in total CO2 emissions is about 5% at present, but it will rise due to the expected tonne-kilometre and mileage increases in goods transport by road. Technological improvements in goods vehicles, and in particular more sustainable passenger car mobility, mean that the CO2 emissions from motor vehicle traffic as a whole remain stable in the period 2005 to 2030 in the Trend Scenario, and decrease by about 17% in the Alternative Scenario. Trend Scenario 60 Alternative Scenario 50 40 2005 80 2010 Source: own calculations 2015 2020 2025 2030 Find more facts, figures and information in the unabrigded edition of the Shell LKW-Studie and the Shell PKW-Szenarien bis 2030 (both German language only).