Magnetometry M. Solzi Dipartimento di Fisica – Università di Parma Outline Generation of magnetic fields Measurement of magnetic fields Measurement of magnetization and magnetic susceptibility : Induction techniques Force methods Measurement of magnetic anisotropy (Some) applications 2 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism First step: you need to generate a magnetic field Exploitation of direct or indirect magnetic field effects of electric currents Main methods: Resistive solenoids Electromagnets Superconducting solenoids Pulsed magnetic fields Others (flux compression, permanent magnets) 3 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Class-lab: resistive solenoids/Helmholtz coils Helmholtz coils: lateral access, high homogeneity 4 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism How to increase the field produced by solenoids? Magnetic circuit with a Joke and two cores usually made of highpermeability carbon steel The cores are wounded by two copper-wired coils The useful magnetic field H is generated in the air gap between the polar expansions B = µH 5 µ(Fe)≈ 2000 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism (Old-fashioned) Electromagnets Production of DC magnetic fields up to 20 kOe (in some cases up to 30 kOe) H depends on: Current intensity Core permeability and saturation induction Gap width Max current is limited by insulation of copper wire of the coils The coils, connected in series, are cooled in air or oil or with flowing water to avoid insulation damage: Joule heating 6 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism High-field resistive solenoids: Bitter Magnets 3 coils in series Inner coil consists of 2 coils in parallel Cooling water flows axially through holes Elliptical holes minimize stresses Conductor: Cu/Ag alloy Insulation: Kapton HFML Nijmegen: 30 T, 50 mm bore 7 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Superconducting solenoids Eliminate Joule heating! Solenoids with superconducting alloy wires: Nb-Sn, Nb-Zr, Nb-Ti Wires permeated with epoxy Low power (< kW) Can be persistent Large sample space Should be kept at 4.2 K! Extremely high inductance →slow ramp rates TML Tsukuba: 24 T (2011) Double coil: NSC (17 T) + HTCSC (GdBCO) 8 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism An example of commercial superconducting solenoid Closed superconducting circuit: It can be feeded with a specific current so that it operates in persistent mode, without any external supply You need to open the circuit for feeding a current or changing the field: By means of the heater switch 9 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Hybrid Magnets HFML Nijmegen:30 T – 50 mm bore Combined superconducting and resistive magnets: Superconducting outer Resistive inner Very expensive to run Not “user friendly” Days to prepare Dangerous! Energy stored in supercond. magn. is several hundreds MJ Max field: 50 T? TML Tsukuba: 32 T 52 mm bore 10 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Pulsed Magnetic Fields coil RLC circuit: large capacity c discharge Limitations for obtaining large fields H: Mechanical strength: Joule heat dissipation Pulsed fields with short duration: heat stored by the coil heat capacity C A source of stored energy (bank of capacitors c) supplies total energy E 11 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Crowbar resistance Tmax t ∫ R(T )J (t ) dt < ∫ C (T )dT 2 t0 E= T0 t max ∫ t0 = dΦ idt + dt imax tmax 0 t0 ∫ Lidi + ∫ t max 2 Ri ∫ dt = t0 dL 2 i dt + dt t max 2 Ri ∫ dt t0 Italian School on Magnetism Pulsed fields properties Useful magnetic energy 1 1 Em = ∫ H ⋅ BdV = µ0 ∫ H 2 dV = 2 2 imax 1 2 ∫ Lidi = 2 Limax 0 imax Efficiency Em = E This term should be reduced to 0 dL/dt comes from: •Mechanical strains •Current expulsion from the conductor 12 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry ∫ Lidi 0 imax t max 0 t0 ∫ Lidi + ∫ dL 2 i dt + dt t max 2 Ri ∫ dt t0 Italian School on Magnetism Pulsed fields (short-pulse): solenoids Non-destructive, short pulse Wire: Cu/Ag and Cu/Nb alloy Kapton insulation Reinforcement: glass/carbon fiber – armored solenoid Coil consists of few turns keep inductance low Magnet cooled to 77 K prior to pulse increases conductivity 13 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Pulsed fields (short pulse) characteristics Example: specifications Capacitor driven 1.5 MJ at 10 kV Imax= 20 kA Max field 70 T 63 T, 15 mm, 7/35 ms 50 T, 24 mm, 6/30 ms 42 T, 24 mm, 100/500 ms 1 pulse/hour to 63 T 500-800 pulses, then … Steel shell 14 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Long-pulse pulsed fields Non-destructive, long pulse: Motor/generator 260 tons flywheel Can deliver 750 MJ Magnet uses only 90 MJ Shaped-pulse magnets 60 T for 0.1 s 50 T for 0.5 s 32 mm bore 1 shot/hour 60T LP sound 15 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Magnetic flux compression Single stage Magnet is destroyed Max field: ≈200 T Samples often survives 16 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Magnetic flux compression Los Alamos National Laboratory (NHMFL), USA and Sarov, Russia 17 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Permanent magnets: Halbach array 18 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Magic cylinders - spheres 19 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Technically feasible magnetic fields (2011) Method Intensive laser irradiation of solids (sample is in plasma state) Explosive flow compression (Experimental set-up will be destroyed) Electromagnetic flux compression (coil will be destroyed) Coil with one or a few convolutions (will be destroyed) Pulsed coils Hybrid magnet (resistive + superconducting) Resistive electro magnets Superconducting magnet systems (conventional and high temperaturesuperconductor) Superconducting magnets (conventional) Coils with iron yoke 20 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Field value Duration 34 000 T 10 ps 2 800 T μs Sarov 620 T μs Tokyo 300 T μs Tokyo, Toulouse, Los Alamos 91 T 10-3 to 1 s Laboratory (assortment) Dresden (91,4 T), Los Alamos (97,4 T), Toulouse (82,0 T), Tokyo, Wuhan, Leuven, Oxford 45 T static Tallahassee 33 T static Grenoble, Tallahassee, Nijmegen 30 T static Tallahassee (planned) 22 T static commercial 2T static commercial Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Methods for magnetic field measurement Hall Probes Fluxgate Magnetometers Flux Measurements with Pick Up Coils Magnetoresistors Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) 21 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Hall probe gaussmeter Charge carriers experience a Lorentz force in the presence of a magnetic field This produces a steady state voltage in a direction perpendicular to the current and field 22 High spatial resolution Depends on T Typical Range: < 1 mT to 30 T Typical Accuracy ~ 0.01% to 0.1% Typical dimensions ~ mm DC – 30 kHz M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry VHall B = µ 0 RH I × l xl y l z Italian School on Magnetism Fluxgate magnetometer Excitation Coil: AC current drives a pair of ferromagnetic needles to saturation Detection Coil: Detects Zero field condition Bias Coil: Maintains a zero field condition Highly sensitive, linear, directional device. Typical field range ~ a few mT. Bandwidth: DC to ~ 1 kHz. 23 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Sensitivity: ~ 20pT (~1nT commercial). Accuracy: ~ 0.1% Italian School on Magnetism Search coil Flux measurement: induction law Flux through a coil defined by the surface S is Φ = ∫ B ⋅ dS S If the flux linked varies with time, a loop voltage is induced, given by dΦ d V (t ) = − = − ∫ B ⋅ dS dt dt S 24 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Search coil The change in flux is given by t end Φ end − Φ start = − ∫ V (t )dt t start and can be measured by integrating the voltage signal 25 Simple, passive, linear, drift-free devices Require change in flux ⇒ ramp field with static coil or move coil in a static field Measure flux, not field. ⇒Calibration of geometry very important; limits accuracy M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Magnetization and susceptibility measurement Measurements in closed magnetic circuit Fluxmetric method: Hysteresigraph, Permeameter Measurements in open magnetic circuit Induction method: Vibrating sample Magnetometer (VSM) Extraction magnetometer – SQUID magnetometer Ac Susceptometer Force methods: Faraday and Gouy balance, lateral pendulum Reed Magnetometer, AGFM Other: KerrMagnetometer Hall Magnetometer 26 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Open-circuit measurements: correction for demagnetizing field Magnetic poles induced on the sample surface: shape anisotropy The demagnetizing field depends on the shape of the sample and on the relative direction of H and M : Perp. thin films.: Hd= −M Long. thin films/needles: Hd≈0 Sphere: Hd= −(1/3) M 27 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Fluxmetric/induction method Faraday Law: Point dipole dΦ dB V = −N = − NS dt dt pick-up coil Measurement of the flux Φ through the coil section S area Stationary coil: B measurement by integration 1 B=− Vdt ∫ Problem: drift NS The applied field Ha should not contribute to Φ ⇒ pick-up design: N wounds Uniform Ha: 2 cylindrical coils coaxial or Helmholtz pair 28 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Extraction magnetometer Magnetic point-dipole initially placed in the center of a coil and then moved to a “large” distance from it: voltage V induced in the coil circuit two series-opposition coils to compensate the changes of magnetizing field (1st order gradiometer) to measure the difference of the magnetic induction in a space region dΦ V =− with and without sample dt Flux variation deduced by signal Φ = − ∫ V (t )dt integration M = αΦ 29 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) Direct measurement of M The oscillating sample magnetic moment induces an alternating e.m.f. in the pick-up coils circuit Lock-in amplifier: Measurement of in-phase signal High signal-to-noise ratio Reference pick-up with a permanent magnet: reference input for the lock-in amplifier Alternatively: vibrating (or rotating) coil magnetometer 30 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) 31 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism SQuID Magnetometry Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Based on two parallel Josephson junctions Great sensitivity: measure of magnetic field changes of the order of a quantum flux Operating at cryogenic temperature SQUID function based on: Flux quantization in a sc ring Josephson effect 32 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Josephson junction DC Josephson effect: a current with intensity proportional to the phase difference between the wave functions can flow through the junction without an applied voltage; The magnitude of this current, (critical current Ic) is a periodic function of the magnetic flux present in the junction 33 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Dc-SQuID: magnetic field sensor Applied current (bias current) Ib > Icrit ⇒ produces V to the SQuID ends Characteristic I(V) curves: modulated by the magnetic flux Φ the constant increase of magnetic flux ΦB through the ring leads first to a decrease and then to an increase of Icrit Icrit max for ΦB= 0, nΦ0 Icrit min for ΦB= (n/2) Φ0 the oscillation period isΦ0 Typical measurements of variations ΦB <Φ0 34 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Planar SQuID sensor 35 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism DC SQuID detection circuit T≤5K A large superconducting loop, which is exposed to the magnetic field being measured, is connected to a multiturn signal winding that is magnetically coupled directly to the SQUID sensor The signal winding magnifies the flux that is applied to the SQUID Flux Locked Loop (FLL): linearizes the V-Φ characteristics and enables a high dynamic range 36 M. Solzi – Università di Parma V ∝Φ Magnetometry Magnetic shield Italian School on Magnetism SQuID Gradiometer 1st order gradiometer configuration: for measuring spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields: ⇒Flux transformer 37 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism SQuID magnetometer 38 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism SQuID magnetometer: second-order gradiometer The detection coils are placed in the centre of the sc magnet A single sc wire is wounded in a 3-coils set with a 2nd order gradiometer configuration (second-order derivative) ⇒ Aim: Reduction of the noise in the detection circuit due to the fluctuations of the magnetic field generated by the sc magnet Minimization of the drift in the detection circuit due to the magnetic field relaxation The coils set measure the local variations of the magnetic flux density produced by the dipole field of a sample moving through the coils 39 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Special applications: Micro-SQuID 40 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Towards nano-SQuID 41 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism AC Magnetometry A small AC biasing field is superimposed to the DC field: this originates a timedependent magnetic moment in the sample The magnetic field produced by the time- dependent moment induces a current in the pick-up coils, without need of moving the sample For low frequency the sample moment follows the M(H) curve as for DC measurements Induced AC moment: M AC 42 dM = H AC sin ωt = χH AC sin ωt dH χ = slope of M(H)= susceptibility M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism AC Magnetometry AC measurement is very sensitive to small variations of M(H), even if the intensity of M is large At higher frequencies: The sample AC moment does not follow the M(H) curve: dynamic effects (M may delay with respect to the driving field) The AC moment measurement gives: Amplitude χ Phase shift φ (w respect to driving field) Otherwise: In-phase component χ ′ = χ cos φ χ = χ ′2 + χ ′′2 (real) χ’ χ ′′ Out-of-phase component ′ ′ χ = χ sin φ φ = arctan (imaginary) χ” χ′ 43 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism AC Susceptometer The technique was originally 44 based on the use of a bridge circuit for mutual inductance measurement (Hartshorn bridge) A primary coil is feeded with alternating current (ac) Without sample an identical signal is induced in the two secondary coils, so that v1−v2=0 If a sample is present inside one of the two coils: change of inductance L ⇒ off-balance induced voltage V Differential ac susceptibility M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry dM V ∝ χ ac = dH Italian School on Magnetism AC susceptometer Lock-in amplifier: Oscillator in phase: real component χ’ Out-of-phase: imaginary component χ” Calibration of both amplitude and sign of χ’ and χ” : sample II type superconductor sample (Nb, Pb): χV′ = −1 ⇒ χV′ = (for T< Tcr) 45 αX Vfh χV′′ = 0 ⇒ χV′′ = − M. Solzi – Università di Parma αY Vfh = −1 =0 Magnetometry Lock-in Ampl. X,Y Italian School on Magnetism Force methods: magnetic interaction force and torque Torque acting on a magnetic dipole in a magnetic field H ( r r τ = µ0 m × H r ) m= magnetic moment Force acting on a magnetic dipole in a inhomogeneous field H r r r F = µ 0 (m ⋅ ∇ )H ∂H y ∂H x ∂H z ∂ r r m ⋅ H = µ 0 mx + my + mz Fx = µ 0 ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂H y ∂H x ∂ r r ∂H z + my + mz m ⋅ H = µ 0 mx Fy = µ 0 ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂H y ∂H x ∂ r r ∂H z + my + mz m ⋅ H = µ 0 mx Fz = µ 0 ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z 46 M. Solzi – Università di Parma ( ) ( ) ( ) Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Force methods: Faraday and Gouy balance ( ) ∂ r r ∂H z ∂H z Fx = µ 0 m ⋅ H = µ 0 mz = Vµ 0 χV H ∂x ∂x ∂x z m = MV = VχV H Fx • Force Fx should not depend on sample position in the magnetic field region • Electromagnets with suitably shaped poles to keep constant the product ∂H x H ∂x 47 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Fx Italian School on Magnetism Stationary pendulum magnetometer The field gradient is perpendicular to sample-holder bar (that is, horizontal) F tends to move away sample from the equilibrium position No need for Archimede’s correction ( ) ∂ r r ∂H z ∂H z Fx = µ 0 m ⋅ H = µ 0 mz = Vµ 0 χV H z ∂x ∂x ∂ x z x Fx 48 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Force methods: reed and AGFM Sample fixed to a thin metal wire (Au reed) Alternating Field Gradient (series-opposition coils) Mechanical Resonance of the vibrating reed Vibration amplitude ∝Q×F gradH H 49 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Cantilever magnetometer Very thin Si cantilever Parallel plates capacitor Measurement of capacity variation ∆C(H) Two different operating modes: Force mode Torque mode 50 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Cantilever magnetometer Force mode Torque mode ∆C(H ) = β ′τ (H ) r r r τ (H ) = µ0 m(H )× H ∆C(H ) = βF (H ) r r r F = µ0 (m(0) ⋅ ∇)H r r r r m // H ⇒ F = µ0 (m(H ) ⋅ ∇)H → ∀z ∆C(H ) m(H ) = β∇H (H ) 51 M. Solzi – Università di Parma ( ) τ (H ) = µ0m(H )H sinθmH ∆C(H ) = β ′µ0m(H )H sinθmH ∂θmH ∂m << 1 ⇒ = cost ⇒ m ∂H ∂θmH (H ) = Magnetometry ∆C(H ) β ′µ0 H sinθmH Italian School on Magnetism Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) Magnetometry Measurement of very thin magnetic films M outside the film plane In addition to the ordinary Hall effect (OHE) ⇒ extra voltage ∝M in magnetic materials, due to spin dependent scattering mechanisms The Hall voltage is inversely The AHE depends on the ⊥ proportional to the film thickness component of M, and produces an The contribution of the Planar Hall E ⊥ Mz and the current density Effect (PHE) has to be subtracted 52 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Measurement of magnetic anisotropy Measurement of the magnetization curve: Underlying Area Sucksmith and Thompson Method Approach to saturation Torque methods: Torque Magnetometer Torsion Pendulum – TOM Vector -VSM Measurement of susceptibility(SPD) Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) 53 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Magnetic anisotropy Magnetic potential energy Anisotropy field: HA = W= Ms ∫ H ⋅ dM 0 2 K1 µ0 M s c Hexagonal symmetry M ϑ Emca = K1 sin 2 ϑ + K 2 sin 4 ϑ + K 3 sin 6 ϑ 54 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Torque measurement Torque which should be applied to a crystal to obtain a rotation of an c angle φ in a field H→∞ Uniaxial crystal rotated around z⊥c ϑ axis: 1 τ = (K1 + K 2 )sin 2φ − K 2 sin 4φ 2 In practice H≠∞ ⇒ M not aligned with H ⇒ torque exerted by H on Ms: τ = µ0 HM s sin Φ = torque exerted by M on the crystal M ∂Emca ∞ τ= = ∑ an sin nφ ∂φ n =1 φ = f (ϑ ) an = f ( K i ) z φ c Φ ϑ H M 55 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Torque Magnetometer Problem: instability if k< K1V Solution: application of an electromagnetic torque as feedback Sample: single crystal disc/sphere Need of knowing the wire torsion constant k The torque τH exerted from H on the sample is counter-balanced by the torque tE produced by the torsion of a wire/fiber: τH ∝ twisting angle H must saturate the sample: in principleτH does not depend on H 56 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Torsion pendulum Samples with very large magnetocrystalline anisotropy: difficulty of obtaining saturation along the hard direction One can only measure the magnetic stiffness around the easy direction, along which the field He is applied Equilibrium position= stiffness against the rotation, due to the anisotropy, He and M d 2 Emca µ0 H e M s ∂ 2 Et dϑ 2 = µ 0 H A H e M s = H A + He ∂φ 2 d 2 Emca + H M µ 0 e s dϑ 2 57 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry z c ϑ Φ M φ H Et = Emca (ϑ ) − µ0 H e M s cos(φ − ϑ ) ∂Et dEmca = − µ0 H e M s sin (φ − ϑ ) = 0 ∂ϑ dϑ dEmca 1 φ → 0⇒φ = −ϑ µ0 H e M s dϑ d 2 Emca = µ0 H A M s 2 dϑ Italian School on Magnetism Torsion-oscillation magnetometer (TOM) Resonance frequency of the torsion pendulum I= sample moment of inertia V= sample volume k= torsion constant 1 d 2 Emca V + k ω = 2 I dϑ 2 V d Emca ω 2 − ω02 = I dϑ 2 2 1 I = ω 2 − ω02 µ0 M sV 58 ω02 = k I α 1 1 + He H A M. Solzi – Università di Parma ω 2 − ω02 tan α = I µ0 M sVH A Magnetometry I µ0 M sV H e−1 Italian School on Magnetism Vector VSM Measuring magnetization curves for different orientations of a sample with a VSM is an indirect method of studying the anisotropy field Vector coils can be used to simulate a torque measurement 59 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism SPD technique (rev. parallel susceptibility, RPS) M c Single crystal – H ⊥ easy H Ms direction (c axis) Singularity 0 (II order transition) M Isotropic policrystalline sample HA H Ms H Singularity disappears Analysis of the nth derivatives (dnM/dHn): Singular Point Detection The order of derivative depends on the symmetry of the hard direction (uniaxial, cubic, …) 60 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry d 2 M dχ p = dH dH 2 Cuspid at H=HA 0 HA d2M/dH2 H 0 HA H Ms Italian School on Magnetism SPD technique in pulsed field Direct derivation of the dM/dt signal The peak position does not depend on the grain size (if they are single domain!) The peak shape depends on the distribution of grain orientations 61 M. Solzi – Università di Parma SPD theory: is based on the Stoner-Wohlfarth model – coherent rotation of non-interacting SD particles Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism Reversible transverse susceptibility (RTS) The motion of domain walls hides the RTS response Particelle SD Particelle MD Hc HA Hc Stoner-Wohlfarth model (SD particles) 62 M. Solzi – Università di Parma Magnetometry Italian School on Magnetism