TracVision R6
KVH Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit Installation and Operation Instructions for TracVision R6 ™ ® The following instructions explain how to install and operate the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit on a TracVision R6 system. The Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit allows DIRECTV HDTV subscribers to enjoy the Ku-band portion of the overall high-definition (HD) programming package and switch automatically among the DIRECTV 101, 110, and 119 satellites when using a DIRECTV H21-200 or H20-600 receiver. For information on: Refer to: Installation Page 2 Operation Page 6 Advanced Wiring Diagrams Page 9 NOTE: This procedure requires a PC with the latest version of the KVH Flash Update Wizard installed. The Flash Update Wizard is available to KVH-authorized dealers through the KVH Partner Portal. Who Should Install the System? To ensure a safe and effective installation, KVH recommends that a KVH-authorized technician install the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit. To find a technician near you, please visit wheretogetservice. Technical Support If you need technical assistance, please contact KVH Technical Support: Phone: +1 401 847-3327 E-mail: [email protected] KVH, TracVision, and the unique light-colored dome with contrasting baseplate are registered trademarks of KVH Industries, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective companies. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No company shall be liable for errors contained herein. © 2008 KVH Industries, Inc., All rights reserved. 54-0493 Rev. C 1 Installing the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit This section explains how to install the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit. These instructions require additional/alternate installation steps than those specified in the TracVision Installation Guide. These instructions supersede the TracVision installation and operation instructions where applicable. Step 1 - Check for Flash Wizard Updates You need to check for flash file updates to ensure you have the most current software available (see Figure 1). Follow the Flash Update Wizard’s onscreen instructions to check for updates. This procedure requires a PC with the latest version of the KVH Flash Update Wizard installed and an Internet connection. NOTE: Refer to the Flash Update Wizard’s Help file for details on checking for updates. Step 2 - Flash the System Boards Follow the Flash Update Wizard’s onscreen instructions to flash the TracVision system’s main board, RF board, and interface box board. NOTE: Refer to the Flash Update Wizard’s Help file for details on flashing the system. 2 Figure 1 Flash Wizard Check for Updates Option Follow the steps below to connect the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit and a DIRECTV H21200/H20-600 receiver. NOTE: For information on wiring additional components, refer to the Appendix on page 9. a. Connect a coaxial cable (A) from the “Unstacked Output” connector on the interface box to the “From Antenna” connector on the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch (see Figure 2). Figure 2 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Wiring Diagram Antenna Interface Box To KVH Antenna (A) b. Connect the DB9-end of the data cable (B) to the “RS232” connector on the interface box. Connect the other end to the “Control Output” connector on the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch (see Figure 2). c. Connect a coaxial cable (C) from the “To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax” connector on the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch to the “Satellite In” connector on the DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 receiver. d. Connect the USB cable (D) from the “To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB” connector on the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch to the “USB” connector on the DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 receiver (see Figure 2). RS232 Unstacked Output From Antenna To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax (D) Control Output (B) (C) Satellite In OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT USB VIDEO OUT Step 3 - Connect the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver 3 Receiver Installation Be sure to follow these guidelines when installing the receiver. • The Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit is compatible only with DIRECTV model H21 receivers that have manufacturer ID 200 and DIRECTV model H20 receivers that have manufacturer ID 600. TIP: Model and manufacturer ID information is printed on the back of the receiver. • • The DIRECTV H21-200 or H20-600 receiver must be configured as an “Oval, 3, LNB” dish type. Refer to the receiver manual for configuration instructions. Upon startup, the receiver might take up to 30 minutes or more to fully load the program guide for all three DIRECTV satellites. Be sure to only select channels carried on the 101 satellite until the program guide is fully loaded. Step 4 - Reset the System (if necessary) 4 Figure 3 System Needs Setup Screen TRACKING DTV 101 SYSTEM NEEDS SETUP Figure 4 System Reset Procedure Select MENUS until DIAGNOSTICS= No is displayed. DIAGNOSTICS= NO NEXT MENU CHANGE DIAGNOSTICS= YES? CHANGE ACCEPT ENTERING DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM RESET= NO NEXT MENU CHANGE SYSTEM RESET= YES? CHANGE ACCEPT RESET TO FACTORY? ACCEPT EXIT If the interface box does not display the “System Needs Setup” screen (see Figure 3), you need to reset the system before you can set it up for TriSat AutoSwitch Kit use. SYSTEM RESET Use the interface box buttons and the flowchart in Figure 4 to reset the system. TRACKING DTV 101 SYSTEM NEEDS SETUP Step 5 - Set Up the System Use the flowchart in Figure 5 to set up the system for Tri-Sat AutoSwitch use. Figure 5 System Setup for Tri-Sat AutoSwitch TRACKING DTV 101 SYSTEM NEEDS SETUP Press any button to begin. Step 6 - Test the System Now you need to test the system to ensure proper operation. NOTE: Do not use the interface box buttons to change satellites or attempt to change satellites at the receiver’s signal strength screen; the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch does not detect changes at that screen. For complete operation instructions, see “Using the TriSat AutoSwitch Kit” on page 6. a. Select channel 490 using the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch-equipped receiver’s remote. Verify that the TV screen displays the test channel text at the bottom of the screen and the interface box status screen indicates “TriSat Auto Mode” and the appropriate DIRECTV satellite (see Figure 6). b. Repeat this procedure for each channel listed in Figure 6. SERVICE= DIRECTV? CHANGE ACCEPT MODE= TRI-SAT AUTO? CHANGE ACCEPT INSTALLING DTV SATS 101 110 119 RESTARTING ANTENNA Figure 6 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Testing Channel Number 490 Interface Box Display/ TV Screen Text TRACKING DTV 101 TRI-SAT AUTO MODE Test 1 SAT A (101) Odd Txp 13v 494 TRACKING DTV 110 TRI-SAT AUTO MODE Test 5 SAT C (110) Even Txp 18v 492 TRACKING DTV 119 TRI-SAT AUTO MODE Test 3 SAT B (119) Odd Txp 13v 5 Using the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit Figure 7 Interface Box Status Screen This section explains how to operate the TracVision system with the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit installed. Antenna State Switching Satellites When the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit is coupled with a DIRECTV H21-200 or H20-600 receiver, you do not need to press buttons on the interface box to change satellites or channels; the antenna automatically switches among the Ku-band portion of the DIRECTV 101, 110, and 119 satellites as you change channels using the receiver’s remote. The interface box status screen displays the currently tracked satellite and indicates the antenna is operating in “Tri-Sat Auto Mode” (see Figure 7). NOTE: The receiver might take up to 30 seconds to display video when changing channels, switching between satellites, and/or switching between standard-definition and high-definition channels. TIP: For your convenience, KVH lists the DIRECTV Ku-band HDTV channels, and the DIRECTV satellites that carry them, on the web at Since DIRECTV changes its channel lineup frequently, KVH can e-mail updates to you whenever the HDTV lineup changes. Register for this free service when you visit the website for the first time. 6 Service TRACKING DTV 119 TRI-SAT AUTO MODE Satellite Signal Strength Operating Mode Using the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit with Multiple Receivers Since the antenna can only track one satellite at a time, all receivers can only view channels carried by the currently tracked satellite. Therefore, switching channels on one Tri-Sat AutoSwitchequipped receiver might cause televisions connected to other receivers to display different programming, no programming, or an error message. TV viewers can simply change the channel until they select a channel carried by the new satellite, or they can use any Tri-Sat AutoSwitch-equipped receiver to switch back to the original satellite. NOTE: Only Tri-Sat AutoSwitch-equipped DIRECTV H21-200 and H20-600 receivers control satellite selection. Other receiver models and additional DIRECTV H21-200 and H20-600 receivers without a mated Tri-Sat AutoSwitch cannot control satellite selection, but they can change channels on the currently selected satellite. Using the Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit with Additional TriSat AutoSwitch-equipped DIRECTV H21-200 or H20-600 Receivers The Tri-Sat AutoSwitch enables automatic satellite switching for one DIRECTV H21-200 or H20-600 receiver. However, when two or more Tri-Sat AutoSwitches are installed, any Tri-Sat AutoSwitch-equipped receiver can control satellite selection. The last Tri-Sat AutoSwitchequipped receiver to change satellites controls satellite selection until another Tri-Sat AutoSwitch-equipped receiver changes satellites. 7 Appendix A standard wiring diagram is provided in Figure 2 on page 3. However, if you need to wire additional components, refer to the table below to determine the appropriate wiring diagram for your configuration. NOTE: If you need to wire additional components not supported in the following diagrams, please contact KVH Technical Support. To Install: Refer to: Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 1 DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 Receiver, and1 Standard Receiver Page 10 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 1 DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 Receiver, and 2 or 3 Additional Receivers Page 11 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 1 DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 Receiver, 1 DVR, and 0 or 1 Additional Receivers Page 12 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 2 DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 Receivers, and 1 Additional Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Page 13 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 2 DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 Receivers, 1 Additional Tri-Sat AutoSwitch, and 1 or 2 Additional Receivers Page 14 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 2 DIRECTV H21-200 or H20600 Receivers, 1 Additional Tri-Sat AutoSwitch, and 1 DVR Page 15 9 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 1 DIRECTV H21-200/ H20-600 Receiver, and 1 Standard Receiver Antenna Interface Box To KVH Antenna RS232 Stacked Output Unstacked Output Input Destacker From Antenna Output/To Receiver Standard Receiver (optional) To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax Control Output Satellite In OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION VIDEO OUT AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT USB DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver 10 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 1 DIRECTV H21-200/ H20-600 Receiver, and 2 or 3 Additional Receivers Antenna Interface Box To KVH Antenna RS232 Stacked Output Unstacked Output Input From Antenna Input To TV Destacker Output/To Receiver Output/To Receiver To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax Power Supply 18V 18V SAT Control Output 13V DC 20V ANT IN 13V SAT Satellite In MultiSwitch OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 USB VIDEO OUT AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT Rx1 DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 Receivers, HD or Standard (or terminate with 75 ohm blocks) 11 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 1 DIRECTV H21-200/ H20-600 Receiver, 1 DVR, and 0 or 1 Additional Receivers Antenna Interface Box To KVH Antenna RS232 Stacked Output Unstacked Output Input From Antenna Input To TV Destacker Output/To Receiver Output/To Receiver To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax Control Output Power Supply 18V 13V DC 20V 18V SAT ANT IN 13V SAT Satellite In MultiSwitch OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION Rx1 Rx2 Rx4 Rx3 VIDEO OUT AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT USB DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver Rx1 Rx4 Rx3 Rx2 Receiver, HD or Standard (or terminate with 75 ohm blocks) Satellite In Satellite In 2 1 (FTM) OFF-AIR IN COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN S-VIDEO OUT USB VIDEO OUT CAUTION DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK AC 120V, 60 Hz RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT DVR, HD or Standard 12 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 2 DIRECTV H21-200/ H20-600 Receivers, and 1 Additional Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Antenna Interface Box To KVH Antenna RS232 Stacked Output Unstacked Output Input From Antenna Input To TV Destacker Output/To Receiver Output/To Receiver Control Input To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax From Antenna To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB Control Output Satellite In OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION VIDEO OUT AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT USB DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax Control Output Satellite In USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT USB VIDEO OUT OFF-AIR IN DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver 13 Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 2 DIRECTV H21-200/H20600 Receivers, 1 Additional Tri-Sat AutoSwitch, and 1 or 2 Additional Receivers Antenna To KVH Antenna Interface Box RS232 Stacked Output Unstacked Output From Antenna Input Input To TV Destacker Output/To Receiver Output/To Receiver Control Input To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax Power Supply 18V 18V SAT To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB Control Output 13V DC 20V ANT IN 13V SAT Satellite In MultiSwitch OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 S-VIDEO OUT USB VIDEO OUT AC 120V, 60 Hz Rx1 DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 Receivers, HD or Standard (or terminate with 75 ohm blocks) To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB Control Output Satellite In OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION VIDEO OUT AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT USB DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT 14 PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver Tri-Sat AutoSwitch Kit, 2 DIRECTV H21-200/ H20-600 Receivers, 1 Additional Tri-Sat AutoSwitch, and 1 DVR Antenna To KVH Antenna Interface Box RS232 Stacked Output Unstacked Output From Antenna Input Input To TV Destacker Output/To Receiver Output/To Receiver Control Input To DIRECTV HD Receiver Coax Power Supply 18V 18V SAT To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB Control Output 13V DC 20V ANT IN 13V SAT Satellite In MultiSwitch OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 S-VIDEO OUT USB VIDEO OUT AC 120V, 60 Hz Rx1 DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver Rx1 Satellite In Satellite In 2 1 (FTM) Rx3 COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK AC 120V, 60 Hz RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT To DIRECTV HD Receiver USB DVR, HD or Standard Control Output Satellite In OFF-AIR IN USB COMPONENT OUT SATELLITE IN CAUTION AC 120V, 60 Hz S-VIDEO OUT USB VIDEO OUT S-VIDEO OUT USB VIDEO OUT OFF-AIR IN Rx2 Rx4 DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL AUDIO OUT PHONE JACK RF REMOTE ANTENNA HDMI OUT H21-200/H20-600 Receiver 15
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