New Application Individual - Federal Capital Territory Administration
New Application Individual - Federal Capital Territory Administration
Free Not for Sale FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF LAND ADMINISTRATION APPLICATION FOR GRANT/REGRANT OF A STATUTORY RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY Individual Private FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (INFO DESK): Relocation Resettlement Area Council 1. Application Date: 2. Title: First: 3. Gender: Male Middle: Female Surname: 4. Date of Birth: 7. Nationality: 5. Occupation: 6. Children: 8. State of Origin: 9. Local Gov.: 10. Marital Status: Single Married Separated Divorced 11. Religion: Christianity Islam None Other specify: 12. Education: Primary Secondary Tertiary Other specify: 13. House No: (7) Street Name: (Ahmadu Bello) Street Extension: (Wuse) City-District: (Nigeria) Country: Widowed (Way) (Abuja) State: City/Town: (234 Wuse) P.O. /P.M.B.: (FCT) C/O: (Ministers Hill) Additional Address Information: 14. Home Phone: Office: 15. Facsimile: Mobile: 16. Email: If Application for Relocation and Resettlement continue with (21.) 17. Have there been previous or other allocations by the applicant within FCT? Please specify File Number(s): 18. Specify the Landuse or the Purpose (tick for Landuse or for Purpose from List, grey filled figures are not available): RESIDENTIAL: Central Market PUBLIC UTILITY UNIT Borrow Pit Training / Vocation Centre Government Inst. (Office) Diplomatic Residential Shopping Complex Nitel Telephone Exchange Assembly Plant Clinic Parastatals Life Camp Business Centre Telephone Subexchange Site Hospital Library Priv. Residential Office Post Office Paper, Printing and Binding, Chemicals Industry Pharmacy / Chemists Archive Gov. Residential Warehouse Light Nipost Welfare Community Centre Gov. Housing Estate Warehouse Heavy Nitel Stones, Ceramics, Glass, Electric, Electronic, Wood Gov. Staff Quarter Plant Nursery TV Or Radiostation District Health Centre Priv. Housing Estate Workshop Nepa 132/33 Kv Transf. Station Leather-, Texiles- And Clothing Industry Priv. Staff Quarter Petrol Filling Station Nepa 33/11 Kv Transf. Substation Small Scale Industry Specialist / Diagnostic Hospital Police Barracks Gas Refilling Station Nepa Factory Veterinary Clinic Fuel Depot Gas Pipeline Slaughterhouse Dental Clinic Garage / Carwash Water Pipeline Church Bank Water Treatment Plant Food And Beverage Manufacturing Law Firm Sewer Treatment Plant Mechanical And Steel Vehicle Construction, Metal Place Of Worship Army Barracks COMMERCIAL Employment Area Hotel Insurance Hostel Internet Café Motel Guest House Restaurant Fast Food & Refreshment Night Club / Disco District Centre Neighbourhood Centre Shopping Mall / Plaza Small Shops Corner Shops District Market Supermarket P.T.O. Video & Indoor Games Cinema Theatre Sports Facility AGRICULTURAL MIXED USE Mass Housing* Multi-Purpose Special Development Comprehensive Development Dump Site TRANSPORTATION: PUBLIC INSTITUTION: Bus Stop Nursery School Bus Depot Day Care Metro Stop Nursery & Primary School Railway Station Primary School City Bus Station International School Public Parking Night School Motor Park Secondary School Lorry / Trailer Park Handicapped School Airport College / University INDUSTRIAL: Quarry *Mass-Housing applicants do not receive R-of-O, only lease agreement for development. Research Institute Educational Institution Laboratory Medical Centre Mosque Temple / Synagogue Chancery / Embassy Tourist And Information Centre Nigerian Port Authority Police Station Fire Service Prison Remand Homes Juvenile Centre High Court Magistrate Court Customary Court Military Formation OPEN SPACE / GREEN AREA: Play Ground / Picnic Area Passive Recreation Active Recreation Ecological Resource Centre (Zoo) Botanical Garden Arboretum Sports Area Golf Course Equestrian Centre Amusement Park Country Club / Health Farm Neighbourhood Park Recreational Centre Eco Music Entertainment Compl. Cemetery National Memorial Park Local Park District Park Prayer Site Game Or Leisure Resort Museum P.T.O. 19. Preferred Location (tick FCC Phase I: for Council or for District from List): Alternative accepted 20. Required Plot Size (sqm): Sector Centre A B15 Sector Centre E C19 Bude West D23 Karu E10 Ija F06 Paikon-Kore G12 Cikuku L19 Central Area A00 Sector Centre B B16 Sector Centre F C20 Bude D24 Kurudu E11 Igu F07 Izom G13 Kusaki L20 Garki I A01 Sector Centre C B17 Sector Centre G C21 Kpoto West D25 Orozo E12 Kau F08 Dobi North East G14 Ckakatu L21 Wuse I A02 Sector Centre D B18 Sector Centre H C22 Kpoto East D26 Gude E13 Ushapa F09 Dobi North West G15 Gaube Farmland L22 Garki II A03 Katampe Ext. FCC Phase IV: Chafe D27 Odu E14 Kunapa F10 Dobi West G16 KWAC: Asokoro A04 FCC Phase III: Karsana East D01 Jaite D28 Kuruduma E15 Dakwa F11 Dobi East G17 Kwali K01 Maitama A05 Inst. & Research C00 Karsana South D02 Mamusa D29 Kpaduma E16 Jiba F12 Gwagwal. Town G18 Sheda K02 Maitama A06 Karmo C01 Idogwari D03 Parfun D30 Kugbo E17 Kubwa Town F13 Dikwa East Adadu K03 Wuse II A07 Gwarinpa I C02 Idu-Sabo D04 Sector Centre K D31 Wasa E18 Bazango F14 KAC: Bako K04 Wuse II A08 Gwarinpa II C03 Karsana North D05 Sector Centre L D32 Karshi West E19 Kubwa Ext. F15 Kuje South West L01 Leleyi K05 Guzape A09 Dape C04 Karsana West D06 Sector Centre M D33 Jikoyi E20 Jika F16 Kango Kundu K06 Kafe C05 Sabo Gida D07 Sector Centre N D34 Jiwa E21 Kuchiko F17 Kuje South East L03 Dafa K07 FCC Phase II: B19 G19 L02 Kukwaba B00 Nbora C06 Kodo D08 Sector Centre O D35 Apo-Tafyi E22 Dawaki F18 Kwaku L04 Yangoji K08 Gudu B01 Galadimawa C07 Kagini D09 Sector Centre P D36 Kyami E23 Kurumi Daudu F19 Gaube L05 Kwaita K09 Durumi B02 Dakwo C08 Gwagwa D10 Sector Centre Q D37 Wawa E24 Kabusu F20 Yanga L06 Yebu K10 Wuye B03 Lokogoma C09 Filindabo D11 Sector Centre R D38 Lugbe North E25 GAC: Kabi L07 Dangara K11 Jabi B04 Wumba C10 Kaba D12 Sector Centre S D39 Kpegyi E26 Gwagwalada G01 Kasada L08 Tutu K12 Utako B05 Saraji C11 Ketti North D13 AMAC: Apo E27 Kutunku G02 Ahinza L09 Gomani K13 Mabushi B06 Kabusa C12 Sheretti D14 Giri E01 Gurku E28 Paiko G03 Buga L10 Yangoji Piri K14 Katampe B07 Okanje C13 Sheretti Cheche D15 Karshi E02 Lugbe East E29 Dikwa West G04 Gwargwada L11 Kilankwa K15 Jahi B08 Pyakasa C14 Waru-Pozema D16 Karshi South E03 Lugbe West E30 Anagada G05 Rubochi L12 AAC: Kado B09 Wupa C15 Ketti D17 Gausa E04 Zuba G06 Bamishi L13 Abaji H01 Dakibiyu B10 Ind. Area I & Ext. C16 Ketti East D18 Aviation Village E05 Kubwa F01 Ibwa G07 Pasali L14 Yaba H02 Kaura B11 Industrial Area II C17 Burun West D19 Deidei E06 Bwari F02 Dadabiri G08 Kuchiyako L15 Gurara H03 Duboyi B12 Bunkoro Burun D20 Lugbe Central E07 Usuma F03 Yelwa G09 Pegi L16 Kwaga H04 Gaduwa B13 Gidari Bahagwo D21 Nyanya E08 Mpape F04 Dobi South G10 Kuje Township L17 Doga H05 Dutse B14 Gwari Lugbe South E09 Shere F05 Kasanki G11 Sauka L18 Egga H06 C18 D22 BAC: 21. Write any comment that could assist the authority in processing this application: Applicant Signature: Documents to submit: a) E-Payment Slip from AGIS Collector Banks b) Tax Clearance Certificate c) Two Passport sized Photograph d) Copy of National ID Card e) Copy of International Passport f) Copy of Birth Certificate / Age Declaration g) Copy of C-of-O / R-of-O for previous Allocations h) Payment Slip / Receipt from Development Control RELO PRIV 100,000 30,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x x REST A/C 30,000 50,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x According to the Application Type submit the documents marked by cross (PRIV - Privat; RELO - Relocation, REST - Resettlement) Declaration: "It is a punishable offence to provide any false information and or make any false statements or claim when completing this form. Where it is subsequently discovered that a Certificate of Occupancy was issued based on false or inaccurate information, the Minister may in his sole discretion, revoke such Certificate of Occupancy. The Minister reserves the right to reject any application for not properly or fully completed and shall not incur any liability for any such revocation". The information you supply on this form is public knowledge and may be published in the media. Completed forms should be returned to: Department of Land Administration permanent office at 4 Peace Drive, Central Area, Abuja Nigeria Tel: 09-67161000, 6716200, 6716300, 6716400 | E-mail: [email protected] Website: | Please read and fill out this form very carefully. Any mistake may cause delay in the processing of your application!
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