Winter 2010 - Alan Jackson
Receiving duplicate newsletters? Please help us control waste — just mail or fax us all the back covers of your duplicate newsletters. Thanks for you help. On this page above your name you will find your membership number & expiration date. If your membership has expired please send in your renewal request right away to avoid being deleted from our database. Please call the fan club office if you have any questions, (615) 321-5219. is it renewal time? P.O. Box 121945 Nashville, TN 37212-1945 real world news alanjackson gold star member of Nashville, TN Permit 768 PAID PRSRT STD US Postage alanjackson the official newsletter of the Alan Jackson Platinum Fan Club real world news winter ‘10 topnews Winter 2010 Issue 80 Alan Jackson Fan Club P.O. Box 121945 Nashville, TN 37212-1945 (615) 321-5219 office (615) 321-5221 merchandise (615) 321-2112 fax [email protected] e-mail Real World News is the official publication of the Alan Jackson Fan Club. Newsletters are mailed out in February, May, August and November. Preferred Seating Tickets will now be sold exclusively online! To take advantage of this new benefit of the fan club, you just log into your online fan club account, select the show you want to attend. The link will take you into the store, where you’ll purchase your tickets. Due to security issues, you have to have a separate online store account. So if you’ve never ordered in the online store, be sure to set up an account. Platinum Fan Club Membership includes: Real World News Newsletter Merchandise Discounts Alan’s Biography and Fact Sheet 8x10 Exclusive Color Photo Official Membership Card Preferred Concert Seating (subject to availability) If you were a fan club member prior to August 2009, here’s what you need to do to create your personal online Fan Club account: 1. Locate your membership number, which is on the mailing label of this newsletter. 2. Go to 3. In the top right corner of the page, you’ll see Fan Club Log In. Enter your membership number in the USERNAME Field (number only). Then click LOG IN. You don’t have to enter a password yet. 4. This will take you to a page, where you’ll create a USERNAME and PASSWORD. Then click on Finalize Account. Then you’ll be all set to enjoy the new online benefits of the fan club. 5. Once you get into the Fan Club section, click on MY ACCOUNT at the top right corner of the page to make sure all your info is up-to-date. 6. Be sure you write down your USERNAME and PASSWORD and keep it safe because you’ll use this information every time you want to LOG IN to the Fan Club section. **If you’ve become a NEW member of the fan club by mail since last August, there are instructions in your membership packet on how to access your online account. Once you’re logged into the Fan Club section, you can sign up for free tickets, meet and greets, post of the MEMBERS-ONLY webboard, look at exclusive pictures, update your personal information (like address, phone number and email address) and RENEW your membership! 2 annual dues: $20 USA $25 Canada $30 International Please check your address label for your expiration date. We do not send out renewal reminders. You will have a three month grace period in which to renew your membership. When writing to Alan or theFan Club, please remember to include a Self-Address Stamped Envelope (SASE) for a quick response. Cindy Hart p resi d en t Abby Busick a d m i n i st r a t i ve a ssi st a n t We reserve the right to refuse or deny privileges to anyone at our sole discretion. ©2010 Alan Jackson Materials may not be reproduced without written permission. Alan’s latest single from his upcoming release FREIGHT TRAIN ! Call your favorite Country DJ today & Request it! Download the single at iTunes, Amazon and Video Coming soon to CMT and GAC! 3 Hard Hat & A Hammer Alan Jackson will release a new album, FREIGHT TRAIN, on March 30. Jackson’s 18th album Every Now and Then (including two hits collections), FREIGHT TRAIN was produced by longtime collaborator Keith After 17 Stegall and features 12 songs, one of which is Jackson’s hot new single, the Stegall co-write, “It’s It’s Just That Way Just That Way.” Eight of the album’s dozen tracks bear Freight Train Tail Lights Blue I Could Get Used To This Lovin’ Thing Jackson’s songwriting credit, including one he penned with Roger Murrah, with whom he wrote one of his biggest hits, “Don’t Rock the Jukebox.” In a moving tribute to the legendary Vern Gosdin, who passed away last year and for whom Jackson has long expressed admiration, Jackson enlisted Lee Ann Womack to record “Till the End,” Gosdin’s Till The End 1977 classic duet with Janie Fricke. FREIGHT TRAIN’s first single, “It’s Just That That’s Where I Belong Way,” is already on the express track to the top of the country airplay charts, with Music Row Big Green Eyes praising, “Alan has seldom sounded warmer than he does on this lovely ballad.” “It’s Just That Way” True Love is a Golden Ring is also one of three songs on the album to feature acclaimed bluegrass singer Rhonda Vincent on The Best Keeps Getting Better background vocals. Every 10th CD purchased will be AUTOGRAPHED personally by Alan! 500 Numbered Limited-Edition 12x12 FREIGHT TRAIN Prints (suitable for framing) will be randomly given away. CD will be shipped to arrived on or close to March 30, 2010. Special runs thru March 31, 2010. 4 PRE-ORDER NOW 5 snapshots 1 Look out AJ! Kathy Burgess introduced AJ’s music to her grandson, Chase at age one and since he starting talking he would tell you AJ is the best singer ever! Chase (5-years-old now) can sing many of Alan’s songs and she bought him this guitar, hat and shirt for his 5th birthday last August. Thanks 5 3 “My husband and I recently attended the concert in Maryville, Tn. Of course, I enjoyed it very much as all the AJ concerts I attend, however this one was a bit chilly or should I say down right COOOOOOOOOOOLD!! As you can see from the enclosed photos we were bundled up pretty good. My husband was a real trooper to sit there with me.” –Dawn Kropff 6 g r e at photographs! 5 Quarterly Fan Club Winner Wallina Burton shows off her prize which she had laminated and mounted to hang on the wall. She wrote, “I was in total shock when I saw my name in the newsletter. Imagine what I would do if I ever won tickets to a show!” We’d have to warn her family to break the news to her gently! 1 2 In addition to getting to meet Alan last year in Abbotsford, AB Canada, Delphine Ehret got to spend a wonderful evening with her three sisters. They were especially touched with Alan sang “Small Town Southern Man,” which reminded them of their dad and growing up in a small town in southern Alberta. They even have a younger brother who wasn’t planned! 4 Audra Stanley and her friend Ellie, took a trip down to their local Cracker Barrel in Grove City, OH for a little photo shoot and Christmas Shopping! for all the Remember, anytime we use one of your photos in a newsletter, we will send you a $10 gift certificate toward official AJ merchandise. If you’d like your photo returned, please include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope. 4 6 Christmas came early for Wanda Arnold this year. Her husband suggested they take an early morning drive to Greenville, NC and enjoy a day of shopping. Coincidently this was the same day Cracker Barrel débuted the Alan Jackson Collection. Not only did he buy her the AJ Rocking Chair, she got the beautiful throw and the new CD! Wanda’s husband won the Awesome Husband Award of the year!! 2 6 3 7 7 Bonnie Griswold shows off her birthday greeting from Alan for her 80th Birthday which she displays on her Alan Jackson Wall! She said everybody who comes to visit loves looking at her wall! Bet she’s got the best looking wall in town! 7 Billboard’s Best Best 2010 Alan Jackson, Freight Train (Arista Nashville) With 16 Country Music Assn. Awards, including three Entertainer Of The Year titles, under his belt, Alan Jackson is still going strong, two decades into his career. For his follow-up to 2008’s Good Time, he’s again working with longtime producer Keith Stegall. Jackson penned all 17 songs on his previous album, and for the upcoming set he’s written seven of the 12, including “After 17,” about his oldest daughter, Mattie, and co-written one more. “Tail Lights Blue” is a love-lost tune written by Jackson’s nephew, Adam Wright of the Wrights, and Jay Knowles. Jackson also serves up a spirited rendition of Canadian singer/songwriter Fred Eaglesmith’s “Freight Train.” The first single, “It’s Just That Way,” was released in December. Rhapsody’s Most Anticipated Country Albums of 2010 Alan Jackson, Freight Train (March 30) There are few things in this world more sublime than Alan Jackson singing a slow-burning love song. With his deep, buttery voice, Jackson sounds exceptional when extolling the virtues of love; his new single, “It’s Just That Way,” is a three-and-a-half-minute slice of romantic bliss. A new Jackson release is always good news for country music lovers, and if the songs on his upcoming album are half as good as this one, the singer will have hit another home run.’s Review Alan Jackson – “It’s Just That Way” Alan Jackson is often cited as a sure-fire future Hall of Famer who favors torn, ripped-up blue jeans, speaks in a slow, quiet drawl and shies away from any spotlight not beaming down on him in front of crowds of screaming fans. He’s just that way. Likewise, his new single “It’s Just That Way” is pure Jackson, albeit more mature and understated than the last few singles in his discography. Without any silly attempts at gee-whiz humor, awkward sexual innuendo or catchy words to spell out, he’s able to focus on the matter at hand: Familiar, effortless country music underscored by simple lyrics and delivery. A cross between the laid-back sound of songs like “Had It Not Been You” on the critically acclaimed Like Red on a Rose and thematically similar commercial success “Song for the Life,” the tune centers around simple, sure-fire pastoral images that reflect a rock-solid relationship: “That ole sun comes up every mornin’ / And goes back down at the end of every day / It’s just that way / Stars show up every evenin’ / Man in the moon comes out to play / It’s just that way.” Although Jackson is in no rush, there are brief instances of intensity. Addressing his lover, his emphasis on the two-line chorus contrasts with the song’s easy-going feel, showing there’s something below his matter-of-fact surface. Instrumentally, “It’s Just That Way” stays out of the singer’s way, save for the natural steel guitar and piano notes that float throughout the song. Still, with its slow-tempo and satisfied resignation, “It’s Just That Way” flirts with becoming plodding, especially when compared to the upbeat fare that populates most of country radio. There is nothing particularly ground breaking or surprising in its execution, except for the abrupt yet beautiful closing harmonies between Jackson, his background vocalist and the steel guitar. The tune, scheduled to be on Jackson’s fourteenth studio album due in the spring, marks a welcome return to the artist that created Precious Memories and Like Red on a Rose. It’s comforting to know that the sun always sets, the tide goes in and out and Alan Jackson can still turn out quality country music. Thumbs UP. 9 meet & greet photos Val in Dawson Creek, BC Canada Adrianne in Tulsa, OK DeAnn in St. Augustine Kitty in Tulsa, OK Janet in Dawson Creek, BC Canada Delphine in Abbotsford, BC Canada Tom in Nashville, TN Gayle in Nashville, TN Leona in Penticton, BC Canada Kathy in Topeka, KS Sara in Topeka, KS Carol in Abbotsford, BC Canada Patti in Abbotsford, BC Canada Bree in Abbotsford, BC Canada 10 11 fanreview N anc y P feifer Tulsa, OK November 7, 2009 George Strait sings a line in a popular song that says, “Tell me something bad about Tulsa…..” My guess is that after Saturday night’s Tulsa concert Alan Jackson is agreeing with that! My months of anticipation finally came to an end and we had a fabulous night! The fan club gave us awesome second row seats and we were sooo close to the stage we never missed a thing and I know I hardly took my eyes off of Alan the whole time! He looked handsome in his blue shirt trimmed in white! The sound was excellent in the BOK arena and Alan’s rich vocals just seemed to fill the place as the crowd sang along to every song and applauded appreciatively. He began the set with “Gone Country” and then launched into a great selection of hits from his first decade including “Livin on Love,” “Summertime Blues,” and much to my delight, “Who’s Cheatin’ Who!” He then switched into slow gear and graced the crowd with the touching slow numbers and ballads he is so appreciated for such as “Remember When,” “Like Red on a Rose” and “Where Were You” for which he received a long ovation. Decade Two hits followed including “A Woman’s Love” about which he laughingly admits he still is learning, “Small Town Southern Man,” “Drive” and then the crowd pleasing “Country Boy” and “Good Time.” One of the most memorable moments of the evening came when Alan introduced his band. When the two Okies among the Strayhorns were introduced the crowd cheered wildly! Alan then asked Mark McClurg, who plays fiddle and sings backup, if he wanted to do a song and mentioned that Mark had been only 19 when he joined the band back 20 years earlier! After a short pause while the Strayhorns conferred with each other, Alan teasingly said “come on, we don’t have all night” and Mark and the rest of the Strayhorns launched into a rousing instrumental that featured each band member and especially Mark with his fiddle. Wild applause ensued when they finished! Of course the end of the concert came far too quickly. After playing “Where I Come From” and showing clips of Tulsa and our local football team logos which were met with much loud yelling, the band and Alan left the stage, returning a few minutes later to belt out “Mercury Blues.” You could tell Alan was tired but he still signed a lot of autographs, including two of my items that I had my tall niece hold up within his reach! I have seen Alan about 6 times in the past two years (wish it was more!) but I must say that this was the best yet! You could see him feed off of the enthusiasm of the crowd that had waited around a decade for his return to our city. I hope we showed him enough love to make him want to return, because he sure showed us enough pure country gold to make us want him back real soon! In other news I recently won $10,000 by being the 98th caller to our local country station (KVOO Tulsa) after they played a certain sequence of 3 songs. About 2 weeks ago I went to pick up my check and I took FLAT ALAN along! I figured it would be fun to get a pic of me AND Alan getting my check since he is the reason I listen to country music! The staff there loved it and I think posted it on their website! Then our local Coweta, Ok. newspaper wrote an article about my win and me taking Alan along to the radio station! It was all just too fun!! (Pictured: Alan and I (hee, hee) with DJ Gary Greenwood who answered the phone when I called in. Since the cutout isn’t “actual size,” Gary held Alan up so he would look like his tall self. Remember to send your concert reviews into the Fan Club for a chance to win tickets to the next AJ show in your area. See your membership packet for complete details. 12 Exclusive Alan Jackson Charm Bracelet Rounds Up a Sparkling Tribute to a Country Music Legend! With Swarovski® Crystals! The Bradford Exchange Item No. 104655001 To Order Call Bradford Exchange at 1-877-268-6638 front rowwinners Sheri Saville Karen Egglinger Terry Fuhr David Reynoldson Amy Schirmer Deborah Eichelberger Sarah Pierce Rebecca Campbell Brian Carey Jennifer Hall Shannon Henderson Robert Hinsche Pauline Campbell Marian Guary Chris Bell Jayme Battershill Beamer Wigley Brendon Hanson autographed itemwinners Mary Jane Schmidt, Kansas Rhonda Pfoertner, California April Bignell, Wisconsin Mary Mireles, Arizona Patricia Clark, Illinois Karen Oleary, New Mexico Judy Kelly, Washington Sharon Jacobs, Ohio Christine Mitchell, Ontario Canada Linda Rogers, South Carolina 13 heyy’all a note from the fan club Happy New Year! Hope this newsletter finds you staying warm and cozy and surviving the winter! Even the folks in Florida have had it bad this winter! We’re ready for springtime here in Nashville. Especially since springtime will also bring Alan’s new album release! As you’ve read, FREIGHT TRAIN is being released on March 30th! I’ve had the honor of hearing the album and WOW it’s another great one! After the first time I listened to it, I picked “Lovin’ Thing” as my favorite song. But now that I’ve listened to it a couple of times, I think “Every Now and Then” could be my favorite, but then there’s “That’s Where I Belong” and “Freight Train.” I just can’t decide! And even though he’s singing about his love with Denise, I can’t help but reference Alan’s own song lyrics to describe the whole album, “The Best Keeps Getting Better.” Be sure to PRE-ORDER your copy through the online store, so you’re entered to win an autographed copy of the CD or an autographed 12x12 limited edition print of the album cover! And if you order it by March 30, its only $12! We also have lots of merchandise on sale this month. If you’ve never used our online store, it’s pretty easy. Just click on STORE and pick out the items you want to buy then click CHECK OUT. Then you’ll be asked to LOG-IN or CREATE ACCOUNT. Once you create an account, your name and address will be saved for the next time you order. We do not save your credit card information. During the check out process after you enter your credit card information, remember to enter the discount coupon code (PLDISC) in the Discount coupon field and click REDEEM. It’s pretty self explanatory once you get in there and get to using it. We should start posting new tour dates soon! Alan and the Strayhorns will start hitting the express track to your area in the spring to promote the new album. Also, be sure to check the website for updates on his media appearance to promote the album. I’m sure he’ll be doing all the normal New York and LA media outlets. And I hope to have a date to announce for the Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony soon. If you haven’t added your email address to the email update list on the home page of the website, be sure to do that so you don’t miss out on any announcements. If your email address has changed, just locate one of the past eBlast and click on MANAGE your preferences and you can update it from that link. Well, I’ll wrap this newsletter up and get it to the printer. Oh, and I think I’ll go listen to FREIGHT TRAIN again! Believe me, you’ll want to listen to if over and over again too once you get it. date tourschedule city, state / venueticket info february 2/17 San Antonio, TX / San Antonio Rodeo march 3/2 Houston, TX / Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Now Now june 6/26 Grand Junction, CO / Country Jam Now july 7/16 Watertown, NY / Fairgrounds Baseball Diamond 3/1 7/17 Sarnia, ON Canada / Sarnia Rogers Bayfest Now 7/31 Cheyenne, WY / Cheyenne Frontier Days Now august 8/7 Halifax, NS Canada / Country Rock Fest Now september 9/28Minot, ND / Norsk Hostfest (7 p.m.) 5/17 9/29Minot, ND / Norsk Hostfest (1 p.m.) 5/17 For the most current tour schedule, log onto and click on TOUR * * S P E C I A L S E AT I N G F O R P L AT I N U M FA N C L U B MEM B E R S AVA I L A B L E . Please check your local listings as all dates and times are subject to change. For updates on Alan’s tour schedule, check out Alan’s website at or send in a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to the Fan Club. Shows are usually confirmed and announced about 4-6 prior to the actual date of the show so check back often. 14 15
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