Fall 2011 - Alan Jackson
Receiving duplicate newsletters? Please help us control waste — just mail or fax us all the back covers of your duplicate newsletters. Thanks for you help. On this page above your name you will find your membership number & expiration date. If your membership has expired please send in your renewal request right away to avoid being deleted from our database. Please call the fan club office if you have any questions, (615) 321-5219. is it renewal time? P.O. Box 121945 Nashville, TN 37212-1945 real world news alanjackson Nashville, TN Permit 768 PAID PRSRT STD US Postage alanjackson fall ‘11 the official newsletter of the Alan Jackson Platinum Fan Club real world news topnews Fall 2011 Issue 87 Alan Jackson Fan Club P.O. Box 121945 Nashville, TN 37212-1945 (615) 321-5219 office (615) 321-5221 merchandise (615) 321-2112 fax [email protected] e-mail www.alanjackson.com Real World News is the official publication of the Alan Jackson Fan Club. Newsletters are mailed out in February, May, August and November. Platinum Fan Club Membership includes: Real World News Newsletter Merchandise Discounts Alan’s Biography and Fact Sheet 8x10 Exclusive Color Photo Official Membership Card Preferred Concert Seating Call you favorite country DJ to request “Long Way To Go!” congratulations alan! Alan is among seven inductees for the Music City Walk of Fame November 2011 Class. The Music City Walk of Fame, located on Nashville’s Music Mile, is a landmark tribute to those from all genres of music who have made significant contributions to preserving the musical heritage of Nashville and have contributed to the world through song or other industry collaboration. The plaques for this class of inductees will be inlaid in Walk of Fame Park on Demonbreun, between 4th and 5th Avenues South. 2 (subject to availability) annual dues: $20 USA $25 Canada $30 International Please check your address label for your expiration date. We do not send out renewal reminders. You will have a three month grace period in which to renew your membership. When writing to Alan or theFan Club, please remember to include a Self-Address Stamped Envelope (SASE) for a quick response. Cindy Hart p res id en t Abby Busick a d m in is tra tive a s s is ta n t We reserve the right to refuse or deny privileges to anyone at our sole discretion. ©2011 Alan Jackson Materials may not be reproduced without written permission. MINERAL, VA WINS FREE ALAN JACKSON CONCERT Nashville, TN – When country music superstar Alan Jackson gave music fans the opportunity to have their city host a free concert in celebration of his new single, “Long Way To Go,” and forthcoming album, no one had any idea what municipality might win and few would have predicted the prize would go to Mineral, VA. But the small town—population 490—amassed over 31,000 votes to win the contest. The news comes as Mineral continues to repair and rebuild in the wake of a rare East Coast earthquake on August 23rd. Mineral was at the epicenter of the quake, which caused damage countywide. “Alan Jackson coming to our little town for a concert has taken our minds off of ‘poor us’ and given everyone something to look forward to next year,” shares Mineral’s Mayor Pam Harlowe. Fans had two months to vote in the nationwide campaign which was powered by Eventful, Inc. Plans for the free concert are being discussed with the town of Mineral. Details will be announced once a date is set. the lost notebooks The Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams is a new collection of previously unheard songs recorded by artists such as Bob Dylan, Alan Jackson, and Vince Gill. The album includes songs from notebooks left behind by Williams after he died in 1953. The notebooks contained song ideas and lyrics that each artist involved in the project had to complete in some way. Alan told The New York Times his contribution, “You’ve Been Lonesome, Too,” “The song I chose was pretty complete, where some of the others felt a little more rambling. The melody just kind of jumped out—that was the easy part. I wanted it to be a tribute, to do it as much like Hank as I could. I recorded with the same instrumentation he used, no drums. I was trying to sing like Hank. The guys in the band all said it felt kind of haunting in the studio. Everybody got goose bumps.” The Los Angeles Times said, “the legacy of Williams seems most alive, in almost a ventriloquist form, in Alan Jackson’s ‘You’ve Been Lonesome, Too.’ With trotting rhythms and aching fiddle and steel guitar, Williams himself seems to be present, tipping his hat in respect before he disappears into the amber sunset once again.” The album is available now. 3 snapshots 1 T h a n k s f o r a l l t h e g re a t p h o t o g r a p h s ! 3 Remember, anytime we use one of your photos in a newsletter, we will send you a $10 gift certificate toward official AJ merchandise. If you’d like your photo returned, please include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope. 4 4 Meet Chase, one of Alan’s newest fans, thanks to longtime fan club member Grandma Yvonne from Ohio. 5 Longtime Fan Club members & Fan Fair attendees, Lori and her husband Paul from North Carolina, stopped by the booth this summer to visit! 6 Ann of Boston has the Mercury Blues! “I won’t be able to use her AJ license tag on my new car since MA now has a two tag rule. I am still on cloud 9 after a rainy night in NH where I met the coolest man from GA.” 1 Kitty from Broken Arrow, OK made this LWTG sign for the Tulsa show. She said that the show was really awesome from her 3rd row center seats and that Alan kept the crowd on their feet all night! 5 2 Jan & her daughter Kara from Vancouver went on a little Alan Jackson Road trip this summer to Everett, WA. They made a poster to capture their fun & share with everybody! 3 Elsie from Emmaus, PA snapped this photo in Atlantic City this past April. She titled it, “Alan dedicated to his fans!” 4 2 6 5 alan inducted into the nashville songwriters hall of fame The Wrights, Jackson, Taylor Swift and Mike Dungan Photos: Bev Moser C 6 Jackson, Cindy Mabe (Sr. VP Marketing Capitol/EMI Records Nashville), Roger Faxon (CEO of EMI Group) and Mike Dungan ountry music superstar, Alan Jackson, received yet another honor last night as he was inducted into the prestigious Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame as a 2011 Songwriter/Artist inductee at the 41st Anniversary Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction ceremony. Jackson was officially inducted by Capitol Record’s Nashville President and CEO and long-time friend, Mike Dungan. Afterwards he addressed the audience, “Denise and I packed up a U-haul and moved to Nashville and I didn’t know a publisher from a producer. I was stupid enough not to be scared. I have written songs about the ups-and-downs of married life, songs for the working man, a song about when my daddy died, when my first child left home—I just write whatever I feel. I never wrote a song to get a Grammy or Country Music Award. All of these things are just life and that is what country music has always been to me.” Taylor Swift and The Wrights paid tribute to Jackson’s songwriting during the event, held at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel. Swift performed, “Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning),” and The Wrights offered a medley of the hits, “Good Time,” “Remember When,” “Chattahoochee,” “Don’t Rock The Jukebox” and “Here In The Real World.” Jackson is one of today’s most prolific songwriters. His straightforward, honest and sincere lyrics reflect the essence of country music and speak to the common man. He has written/co-written 24 of his 35 #1 hit singles. This places him second only to Merle Haggard in country music history as artists who have written or co-written #1 songs they have also recorded. Jackson is in the elite company of Paul McCartney and John Lennon among songwriters who’ve written more than 20 songs that they’ve recorded and taken to the top of the charts. Jackson’s songs are distinguished by straightforward, honest and back-to-basics Country sincerity. Included in his 24 number-one songs for himself are “Remember When,” “Good Time,” “Drive (For Daddy Gene),” “Don’t Rock The Jukebox,” “Where I Come From” and the career highlights “Chattahoochee” and “Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning).” “Chattahoochee” won a CMA Song of the Year award. “Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)” won Song of the Year honors from the CMA, the ACM and the Grammys. He was ASCAP’s Country Songwriter of the Year in 1993, 1994 and 1998; Jackson was ASCAP’s Country Songwriter/Artist of the Year in 2002, 2003, 2008 and 2009; and in 2010 he was honored with the prestigious ASCAP Founders Award. Jackson was NSAI’s Songwriter/Artist of the Year in 1991, 1992, 2002, 2007 and 2008. In addition, he has penned or co-written hits for other artists, notably the #1 songs “A Better Class Of Losers” (Randy Travis) and “If I Could Make A Living” (Clay Walker). The Georgia native is a three-time CMA Entertainer of the Year and a member of the Grand Ole Opry— in fact, he’s one of the most-honored singer-songwriters of the last 20 years, with a total of two Grammys, 16 CMA Awards and 17 ACM Awards to his credit. Jackson’s songs span 13 studio albums, three hits collections, two holiday albums and a critically-acclaimed gospel album with combined global sales of nearly 60-million. He was inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in 2001. One of country music’s most-prolific songwriters, Jackson’s latest hit is “Long Way to Go,” the first single from his forthcoming debut album on EMI Records Nashville and his own ACR (Alan’s Country Records) venture. Recent credits also include “You’d Be Lonesome, Too,” from the new Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams project, spearheaded by Bob Dylan. Jackson completed the song based on original unfinished lyrics by the legend. 7 attention all santa’s helpers! To ensure Christmas delivery for your special AJ items, please follow the below guidelines: ORDERS BY MAIL (Checks, Money Orders & Credit Cards) Must be postmarked by December 5, 2011 fan club facts FASTEST WAY to renew your membership—log into your online Fan Club account and click on RENEW. When you have a change of address or email, you can log into your Fan Club account and click on ACCOUNT to update it anytime. As a member, you can send in something every year to be AUTOGRAPHED by Alan. Just send in the item, with a return Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Signing up for MEET & GREET is so EASY! Just log into your fan club account and click on MEET & GREETS, then enter your info. If you WIN we’ll notify you by email! Two ways for Fan Club membership to win FREE Tickets: Sign up for the FRONT ROW GIVEAWAY in the Fan Club section of the website or Write a CONCERT REVIEW and if we print it you’ll win tickets for the next show in your area. Have a cool Alan related SNAPSHOT? Send it to us, if we print it in the newsletter, we’ll send you $10 to use in the store! ORDERS BY PHONE (Credit Card only) Must be placed by 5 p.m. on December 19, 2011 ONLINE ORDERS (Credit Card Only) Must be submitted by 5 p.m. on December 20, 2011 Be sure to check out our Holiday gift sets in the online store. front rowwinners Laurie Moulaison Sue Busby Cathy Collins Melissa Burkett Damon Bradbury Sarah Flansburg autographed itemwinners Connie Brown Ellen Goerlich Karen Raueisen Beverly Starke Robyn Love 8 Emmey Behring Keely Sangster Katherine Gaouette Harry Cowan Patricia Drotar 9 September 13 – George Jones’ 80th Birthday Bash at the Opry. Wow! What a great show! Lee Ann Womack and Alan sang “Golden Ring,” then Alan nailed “He Stopped Loving Her Today!” Abby’s Photo Album September 21st Capitol Street Party. Nearly 20,000 fans converged on downtown Nashville for the 4th annual event! Abby & Cindy hanging out at the Capitol Street Party. 10 11 fanreview meet & greet photos S herry S immons Cedar Park, TX Kinder, LA November 13, 2010 F or me, 2010 had been a crazy year of taking care of parents, kids, grandkids and granddogs. So when we heard that Alan Jackson would be having a couple of concerts nearby, my husband agreed an AJ weekend getaway would be just what we could use! Thanks to Cindy and the Fan Club, we were able to get second row seats for the November 13-14 concerts in Cedar Park, TX and Kinder, LA. Both nights The Band Perry and Chris Young opened for Alan. We thoroughly enjoyed their performances—Alan is so good at choosing very talented opening acts! The prelude to Alan’s coming out was an exciting listing of statistics on him and his songs being where they are today and short video clips of the 34 Number Ones! Hearing Alan sing and listening to and watching the Strayhorns is always a special treat. Both nights we especially liked the segment when Alan, Monty and Mark sang and fiddled, “As She Was Walking Away”—they seemed to have such a fun time with that song. It was great hearing Alan sing, “Great Balls of Fire,” when he came back out for an encore! In Cedar Park, I waited for “Chattahoochee,” so I could go up to the stage for an autograph. No one was rushing to get to the stage, so I was slowly making my way over. A man we were sitting by and had visited with decided that I was not being aggressive enough and came up behind me and sort of moved me along to get me closer to the stage. About that time, one of the young girls who had front row, center seats took notice and pulled me on to the FRONT AND CENTER!!! As I looked up at Alan singing, he was looking right at me and at all the commotion going on! He threw me a pick and when he was ready to sign autographs, he came over to do mine first! What a special night!!! The next night we were in Kinder and struck up a conversation with a couple, also fan club members, sitting next to us (you really meet the nicest fans at Alan’s concerts!!). The way the stage was set up, we knew there would be not autograph signing that night. The girl next to us was disappointed because she had made a small sign and was hoping for a signature. Alan noticed her sign because at one point she was holding it upside down and he motioned for her to flip it. After the concert, Monty handed her one of the playlists for the concert! She was so excited after I explained what it was. My husband spotted Monty on the side and we went over to speak with him and thank him for all he does. Alan Jackson and the Strayhorns are such talented artists and yet they are so thoughtful and giving to their fans. My get-away AJ Weekend was simply wonderful!! Want to win free tickets to the next AJ show in your city? In 500 words or less, write a review of the next AJ concert you attend. Be specific. Show off your knowledge of Alan, his songs and the Strayhorns! Email it to [email protected] , with subject “ATTN: My Concert Review. If we print your review in the Real World News, you’ll receive TWO TICKETS for the next AJ show in your town (based on availability)! 12 meet & greetwinners Ann Beiser Diana Belletete Kerry Reily Priscilla LeBlanc Cyndi Milligan Ericka Meyer Karen Bradley Tiffany Bodine John Bachler Marian Michlig Shannon Solvberg Rosalie Webster 13 heyy’all a note from the fan club Happy Fall Y’all! Wow I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by! And what a GREAT year it has date tourschedule city, state / venueticket info february 2012 2/23/2012 San Antonio, TX / San Antonio Rodeo been, inductions into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame and Music City Walk of Fame! Alan & the Strayhorns went on their first-ever Australian tour, with 6 sold out shows! He won a Grammy with Zac Brown Band for “As She’s Walking Away!” Best of all, he’s been working on new music for his debut album on EMI-Capitol, which includes his latest single, “LONG WAY TO GO!” I hope you are date of the new album, which should be in the first part of 2012! april 2012 4/19/2012 Sudbury, ONT Canada / Sudbury Arena 4/20/2012 London, ONT Canada / John Labatt Centre 4/21/2012 Hamilton, ONT Canada / Copps Coliseum calling your favorite country DJs to request it. Be sure to keep checking back with us on the release I hope you enjoy reading the newsletters every quarter. We try to keep them full of all the exciting ALAN News. We like to have your participation, as well, by writing concert reviews and submitting your personal Alan related snapshots. If we print your concert review, you’ll receive 2 free tickets to the next AJ show you’d like to attend. And if we print your snapshot, you’ll get $10 to use in the store. Email is the best way to submit your concert reviews or snapshots, but we also accept them through the mail. Also, if you have an idea for the newsletter, please email me and drop me a note. In the months of November & December, we are having a little promotion on the website, if you refer a friend to join the fan club or you give a fan club membership as a gift to a friend, you’ll receive a FREE Let It Be Christmas CD. And even better than that, everybody who refers a friend will be entered into a drawing at the first of the year for a personalized autographed guitar! So be sure to check out the website for more details! I hope you and your family have a JOYOUS and SAFE Holiday Season! We look forward to talking to you soon! july 2012 7/14/2012 Craven, SK, Canada / Craven Country Jamboree For the most current tour schedule, log onto www.alanjackson.com and click on TOUR * * S P E C I A L S E AT I N G F O R P L AT I N U M FA N C L U B MEM B E R S AVA I L A B L E . P.S. Just a reminder, the fan club office will be closed for the holiday, December 21, 2011 until January 2, 2012. 14 Please check your local listings as all dates and times are subject to change. For updates on Alan’s tour schedule, check out Alan’s website at www.alanjackson.com or send in a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to the Fan Club. Shows are usually confirmed and announced about 4-6 prior to the actual date of the show so check back often. 15
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