- ZFA Israel Programs


- ZFA Israel Programs
MAY 2014
We welcome you to the
opening pages of your
Israel journey. So begins
the voyage of discovery...
These programs invite
you to explore your
interests within an Israeli
context, to embrace the culture, the language
and the vibrancy of our people. There are literally
hundreds of program options, whether you have
ten days or an entire year, we can find something
that will suit you.
The Zionist Federation of Australia is proud to
play a central role in sending over 750 young
Australian Jews on Israel programs each year.
Participants return to Australia with a greater
world and political perspective, more motivated
and inspired than when they left and with a
stronger sense of personal and Jewish identity.
Israel can provide the framework for further study,
with access to courses unavailable anywhere else in
the world. It can touch your heart as you reach out
to others through a myriad of volunteering options.
You can develop your portfolio with incredible
internship opportunities, increase your marketability
or produce art for a dedicated exhibition.
If you are between 18 and 30 and want to learn
more about the exciting options available to
you then please read on. Just remember this is
a mere taste of the programs on offer. For any
further information contact our Israel Programs
department, they are a team dedicated to helping
you find the perfect program.
Dr Danny Lamm
Zionist Federation of Australia
The Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) is the
federal roof body of all Zionist organisations and
activity in Australia, responsible for developing,
enriching and supporting a meaningful relationship
between the Australian Jewish community and the
State of Israel.
ZFA Israel Programs is your go-to address for
all Israel programs information at the ZFA. We
are the Australian representatives of Masa Israel
Journey and partners of Taglit-Birthright Israel.
Through Masa Israel, we proudly supported
over 360 Australians who travelled to Israel on
a 4–10 month Israel Program in 2013/14. In the
same year, the ZFA, in conjunction with local
organisers AUJS, Chabad on Campus, KangaRusski
and Hagshama, facilitated the visits of over 360
participants to travel on short-term Israel Programs,
including Taglit-Birthright Israel, AUJS Academy
and Onward Israel.
Masa Israel is a project of the Government of
Israel and the Jewish Agency for Israel. It was
established in 2004 with the vision that all Jewish
young adults would have the opportunity to
spend a semester to a year in Israel. Masa Israel
offers over 250 immersive gap year, study abroad,
post-university and volunteer experiences for
young adults.
Taglit-Birthright Israel is an innovative partnership
between the people of Israel, the Government
of Israel, private philanthropists through
the Birthright Israel Foundation and Jewish
communities world-wide. They provide a FREE
10-day educational tour of Israel for young, Jewish
adults who have never before participated in an
educational trip to Israel.
The Australasian Zionist Youth Council (AZYC)
is the roof body for Australia’s six Zionist
youth movements. They coordinate, promote
and represent Australia’s Zionist youth to the
community and beyond and organise their gap
year programs. Through their diverse and
unique programming they bolster the Zionist
youth of Australia irrespective of political and
religious beliefs.
The Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS)
has represented Jewish students on campus
across Australia and New Zealand since 1948.
AUJS clubs are registered at over 25 university
campuses. Each year AUJS organises engaging
social and political events both on and off campus,
runs a number of international programs to
Israel and around the world, and provides Jewish
students with useful educational resources.
Hagshama provides relevant, varied and interesting
events to young adults in the Jewish community
with a focus on Israel. If you are interested in
leadership, music events, films, outdoor activities,
boardroom lunches, weekends away, advocacy
or speaking Hebrew, Hagshama has something to
offer you.
Long term programs with Australian based organisers who assist in the running and logistics of the
programs include:
AUJS (Aviv Gap Year program)
AZYC Shnat (Betar, Bnei Akiva, Habonim
Dror, Hashomer Hatzair, Hineni and Netzer)
Hebrew University (Hebrew and Israeli
Culture Gap Year Program)
IBC (Israel By Choice) Gap Year Program
Ages: 18-26
Dates: Mid-year (June/July) and
end of year (December/January)
For more information or to apply
visit www.israelprograms.com.au
Taglit-Birthright Israel is an innovative
partnership between the people of Israel through
the Government of Israel, private philanthropists
through the Birthright Israel Foundation and
Jewish communities around the world.
Taglit Birthright Israel is a gift. It is a FREE
program designed to take young Jewish adults to
Israel who have not previously participated in an
organised Israel program. For 10 days, participants
explore the cultural, social, religious, educational,
traditional and fun sights of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv
and more. Join us – it’s your Birthright!
Local trip organisers working with the ZFA on the
Taglit-Birthright Israel programs from Australia:
AUJS (Australasian Union of Jewish Students).
A program uniquely tailored for Australian
university students.
Email: [email protected]
Hagshama. Visit Israel with other young adults
aged 22-26 from across Australia and make
life-long friendships.
Email Melbourne: [email protected]
Email Sydney: [email protected]
KangaRusski. A brand new Taglit-Birthright Israel
program for young adults from the Russianspeaking Jewish community.
Email: [email protected]
Chavaya (Chabad on Campus). Connect to the
Jewish people, Jewish life and the Land of Israel.
An inspirational and spiritual experience.
Email: [email protected]
1. Be Jewish (one Jewish parent)
2.Be aged 18-26
3.Be aged over 22 if a previous March of the Living participant
4.Not have volunteered in Israel (incl. MDA)
5.Not have studied in Israel
6.Not be a full-time Jewish Studies degree student in Australia
7.Not have lived in Israel past the age of 12
8.People who have previously been to Israel on a program with their high school are eligible provided they went before the age of 18 and their trip was less than 3 months.
“Thank you for the incredible experience! It’s amazing how just ten short days can create
memories for a lifetime. Taglit-Birthright Israel gave me the opportunity to see first-hand the
beauty and uniqueness of Israel, learn about the rich culture and history, and feel proud to
be Jewish. I will never forget what I have seen and experienced ” Teneille, 23, Sydney
AUJS Academy-Onward
Ages: School-leavers and university students
Dates: December 2014 – January 2015
Email: [email protected] or visit www.aujs.com.au
Academy is our AUJS program run over the
Australian summer, and one of the longest running
and most engaging Israel programs in Australia.
This year we are restructuring and re-vamping
this trusted program and taking it to the next level!
We are adding another week to the experience,
including 2 weeks of meaningful and engaging
volunteering and still offering our long-standing
special interest week- so you can make the
experience your own.
Over six fun weeks, spend time in Jerusalem,
Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat, Tiberius and Tzfat. Visit the
Old City of Jerusalem, Masada, Independence
Hall, the Supreme Court and Rabin Square; and
experience the Bedouin, Druze and Kibbutz cultures.
For school-leavers and university students alike,
Academy is the best way to spend the Australian
summer and to bring in the New Year in Israeli fun
– and still return in time for university!
Age: University students
Dates: December 2014 – January 2015
Eligibility: Participation on LDP is by invitation
and by demonstrating the highest commitment to
AUJS and Australian Jewish communal life.
Email: [email protected]
World travel. Leadership development. Life
experience. Opportunity.
AUJS’s premier international leadership program
will satisfy your need for these things and more!
AUJS Leadership Development Program (LDP)
takes participants to the United States, Israel
and a third diaspora country each year. In 2013
participants traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to
meet with the Jewish community and experience
Jewish life.
During the program, participants visit organisations
including; NGOs, lobbyists, entrepreneurs and
embassies whilst also experiencing what the
country has to offer. For decades LDP has
equipped Jewish Students with the necessary skills
and experience to build our community’s future.
Never say no to an opportunity that can afford
you a thousand other opportunities.
Ages: 20-30
Dates: December 1, 2014 – January 20, 2015
Eligibility: Young Jewish adults
Contact: Idit Groiss
Phone: +972-2-6202683
Email: [email protected]
or visit www.tenprogram.org
In Hebrew, the word ‘Ten’ means ‘Give’.
The Jewish Agency’s Project TEN: Global Tikkun
Olam network harnesses the energies and passion
of Jewish young adults from Israel and around
the world, who spend two months working and
learning together in onsite service projects in
vulnerable communities in Israel and abroad.
By highlighting the Jewish values that speak
directly to sustainable development, social
justice, and leadership, Project TEN serves as a
unique immersive service-learning framework
for volunteers wishing to engage in sustainable
development as they themselves develop –
forming an extensive Jewish identity-building
experience. Volunteers in each of our development
centres are carefully chosen from all over the
world, connecting the global Jewish family to one
another and to Israel.
If you’ve been to Israel before, even on a short
term program, you’ve probably experienced the
“wow” moment. This is your chance to live in that
moment and turn it into real life experience. As
a Masa Israel participant, you will live in Israel
for 4 to 10 months while exploring your passions
and interests. To make it even more enticing,
Masa Israel Journey offers generous grants and
scholarships to help turn your dream into a reality.
Through these immersive experiences, participants
develop a deep, personal connection to Israel and
Jewish life. No other organisation makes it easier
for young adults to have exciting, life-changing
experiences in Israel.
Masa Israel Journey offers over 250 long term
program options and here are just a few which
are perennial favourites for Australians!
for programs starting after July 1st, 2014.
For eligible participants aged 20 or less at
the start date of their Masa Israel program:
• All eligible participants receive a universal grant of $1,000USD
• Financially means-tested scholarships are available of up to $5,000USD for 5 month programs and $10,000USD for 10 month programs.
All eligible participants aged 21 or above at
the start date of their Masa Israel program
receive the following universal grants:
• $3,000USD for 5-6 month programs
• $3,750USD for 7-9.5 month programs
• $4,500USD for 10 month programs
• Financially means-tested scholarships are available of up to $5,000USD for 5
month programs and $10,000USD for 10 month programs.
To apply contact: ZFA Israel Programs
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9272 5584
Want to have an adventure before you
head off to university? A gap year in
Israel with Masa Israel Journey offers
university-bound high school graduates the
opportunity to acquire a global perspective,
to gain a taste of independent living and
have an incredible Israel experience.
Contact: Ari Tuch
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0424 540 202
Bnei Akiva offers two Shnat alternatives; MTA
and Limmud.
AZYC Shnat Hachshara
Registration: www.azyc.com.au
Age: School leavers
Dates: January 2015 – end of 2015
Contact: Elli Dean
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0404 402 213
The programs focus on leadership, ideological
and educational development. They are designed
to ensure that participants return to the Jewish
community and their youth movements as
competent, educated and passionate leaders.
Most programs include time on the renowned
Machon L’Madrichei Chutz La’aretz (The Institute
for Leaders From Abroad). All programs start
with the AZYC Opening Seminar; and end the
year with the AZYC Closing Seminar. After
returning from Israel, Shnat graduates help run
their movements and camps for at least two years
and are really involved in the Jewish community.
The essence of MTA is learning Torah in a serious,
organized and supportive environment with a
focus on personal growth as well as an enhanced
connection to the nation, land and Torah of the
Jewish people.
Participants spend 9 months of the program in
a Yeshiva or Midrasha institution and 2 months,
spread throughout the year, doing a range of
stimulating activities, including volunteering,
leadership seminars and a trip to Poland.
Limmud provides a beautiful synthesis of the
Jewish principles of Nation, Land and Torah. The
program is enriching and dynamic and caters for
serious-minded young men and women who want
to live in a religious environment and experience
much of what our beautiful country has to offer.
The year is divided into 4-6 week blocks and
includes; Yeshiva/Midrasha, volunteering, Machon
LeManhigut, an option block, Shvil Israel, Poland
trip and Kibbutz experience.
Contact: Helen Hamberger
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0414 388 217
Betar Shnat is designed to give participants
an honest insight into what Israel really is,
encouraging travel and exploration in Israel. Betar
Shnat is split into three main parts:
Machon. A 5-month formal education component.
Volunteering. Two months of volunteering where
the participants live independently and help out
hands-on in an aspect of Israeli society.
Marva. An eight to ten week program, which allows
participants to learn and experience the basics of the
IDF. Marva is the most popular part of the program.
Contact: Rachel Rubenstein
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0401 919 186
Contact: Michelle Freilich
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0438 527 856
Habonim Dror Shnat is an intensive 10-month
educational and leadership program in Israel.
Each year participants will have a life-changing
and eye-opening experience and return home
to be leaders of Habonim Dror and the Jewish
Hashy Shnat is in many ways the ultimate
expression of the Hashomer Hatzair ethos, and the
culmination of the youth movement process, giving
participants a chance to live their Zionism, their
Judaism and their belief in social justice.
Shnat plays a significant and central role in the
movement. Each component of the program gives
participants the opportunity to educate, question
and challenge themselves whilst at the same time
living, experiencing and expressing the movement’s
values and ideology.
A unique aspect of the Habonim Dror Shnat
program is the emphasis placed on the group
experience. The participants are placed in small
groups, or Kvutzot, with whom they share their
day-to-day living with as well as many personal
experiences. This intense group experience allows
participants to create meaningful and close
relationships with each other, lasting for many
years to come.
The shnat program comprises of three major parts.
The first is the Machon, a 4-month educational
program run together with other Zionist youth
movements. The second component is Communa.
Based in an apartment in Haifa, Communa gives
participants an experience of urban, communal
life as well as an opportunity to volunteer or
work in social justice projects in Haifa. The final
chapter of the year is spent on Kibbutz, where
the participants experience Kibbutz life in the
company of Hashomer Hatzair Shnat participants
from Europe, North America and South America.
“Shnat was a journey in equal parts challenging and comforting – it afforded me both the
great responsibility and strength one inherits after truly understanding what it means to
be a member of Am Yisrael .” Caden Feldman-Gubbay, Shnat 2013
Contact: Sam Gonski
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0413 975 240
Contact: Nicola Silbert
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0488 165 252
Hineni Shnat is a program that combines
education, volunteering, leadership training,
travelling, independent-living, and of course, fun.
All these components are experienced through
Hineni’s non-coercive, Modern Orthodox, Zionist
Netzer Shnat is an ideal program for anyone
wishing to experience Israel from a Progressive
Judaism and Reform Zionist perspective. Following
the AZYC opening ceremony, participants
attend either Machon or Etgar for the first four
months. Etgar is specifically for Netzer Shnatties.
The program is put together and run by Netzer
Olami staff. The aims of both programs are to
educate participants about Israeli society, Jewish
Community and to gain a better understanding of
Progressive Judaism.
The Hineni Shnat year comprises of: Machon – a
4-month intensive leadership program in Jerusalem
run by the Jewish agency or alternatively 4
months+ learning at a Yeshiva or Midrasha,
a Poland heritage and Holocaust tour, ‘Hineni
Seminar’ including learning and volunteering
in the framework of Hineni’s ideology, a month
living and working on Kibbutz, an options period
in which the chanichim choose between options
such as MDA, Marva, leading on summer camps
and more, as well as countless tiyulim (trips),
Shabbatonim and siyurim (excursions) all over
the country.
Following this, participants hike ‘yam l’yam’,
from Sea of Galilee to the Mediterranean Sea.
They then explore their Judaism in a week long
Jewish Identity seminar. Shnat Netzer participants
attend Binah, a secular yeshiva in South Tel Aviv,
through which they use Jewish study as a basis
for ‘Tikkun Olam,’ or repairing the world.
The final three months of the program are spent
on either Kibbutz Lotan or Yahel, progressive
Kibbutzim in the Arava desert. Here participants
can experience a Reform Zionist lifestyle and
develop as a group.
“A person should go on shnat if they want to have fun, grow up, make friends and
ultimately understand and accept themselves.” Chloe Dean, Shnat 2013
Ages: 17–19
Dates: January – June 2015
Contact: AUJS Israel Programs Director
Phone: (02) 9381 4292
Application: [email protected]
Age: School leavers
Dates: February – November 2015 (with option
for a five month program: February – June 2015)
Imagine 5 months in Israel on one of Australia’s
largest gap-year programs. You will have the
opportunity to explore the country, learn Hebrew
and discover the historic and religious beauty of
Jerusalem with your own eyes. You will camp
in the desert, learn survival skills, volunteer
with disadvantaged communities, hike from the
Mediterranean to the Kinneret and discover
Kibbutz culture in the south. Aviv will let you truly
experience the Jewish festivals and Israeli holidays
in the way only Israelis can.
There’s still more... AUJS Aviv offers you the
chance to take part in the Jewish heritage tour of
Eastern Europe. Learn about European Jewish life
and history in Poland and Prague.
And there is still more! This year AUJS will
introduce a number of exciting post-Aviv options
to extend your gap year experience, so keep
checking www.aujs.com.au/ip to find out when
these are revealed!
Contact: Helen Lewitan, Program Coordinator
(Australia, New Zealand and South Africa)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0412 469 626
IBC brings together young Jewish adults from
around the world to experience Israel. The
program is unaffiliated with any specific stream
of Judaism or political ideology. It offers a 5
or 10 month program for students aged 18-20.
Participants gain meaningful insights into Israeli
society, get the unique opportunity to experience
life in a variety of settings and spend a significant
amount of time volunteering.
Unique to IBC is the 3 months spent on a mechina
(preparatory leadership academy), in which
participants live with Israelis their own age and
learn informally from a variety of incredible
speakers from across Israel. IBC is run by Israelis,
allowing participants to experience Israel from the
Israeli perspective.
“At the risk of sounding like an advertisement for Weight Watchers, I personally feel as
though Aviv has changed my life. I have met the most amazing people, experienced the
most amazing things and seen the most amazing sights.” Sam Kos
Aardvark. Aardvark Israel offers 5 and 9 month
programs located in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Live
in apartments, find your passion through interning
or volunteering and explore the country.
Additional enrichment options include law and
government, entrepreneurship, psychology and
health, army, sea sports, and digital art and media.
For the more adventurous, consider Aardvark
International where you live in Israel and visit
eight countries. For the more spiritual, check out
their co-ed Jewish learning program designed to
make Judaism fun and fresh.
A gap year in Israel with Masa Israel
Journey offers university-bound high
school graduates the opportunity to spend
a semester or year experiencing another
culture, volunteering, interning, studying,
developing your Jewish identity and having
a great adventure. Masa Israel Journey has
an incredible range of Gap Year programs
to choose from. For a full list visit:
Hebrew University: Hebrew and Israeli Culture
Program (HICP).
Age: School leavers
Eligibility: ATAR SCORE of 70 and above
Dates: Jan – June 2015 or Aug 2015 – Jan 2016
Melbourne contact: Atida Lipshatz
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9272 5511
Sydney contact: Inna Nemirovsky
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (02) 9389 2825
The Rothberg International School of the Hebrew
University is offering an innovative new program
for high school graduates. HICP is an academic
and social program which provides students full
immersion into the language and culture of Israel
and includes exciting field trips. Several courses
are accredited (including the intensive Hebrew
Language studies), and credit transfer may apply.
Adama Earth Dance. The Adama Dance School
of contemporary dance, movement and art
therapy opens its doors to students from around
the world. The program offers five months of
studying movement, dance, healing, art and
environmental awareness together with Israeli
students. No prior dance experience is required!
Budokan. A unique “mind, body and spirit”
experience that lets you improve your fitness,
develop personal skills and self-confidence while
learning about Israel’s land, history and people.
Kibbutz Ulpan. Want to learn Hebrew while living
and working on a kibbutz? Take part in this rich
and unique culture with affordable programs
offered at different kibbutzim throughout the year.
Participating in Kibbutz Ulpan is a time-honoured
tradition that visitors from all over the world have
experienced for more than six decades.
BINA: Social Action and Study in Tel Aviv.
A Gap-Year program for Jewish high school
graduates ages 18-19. The program offers a
unique opportunity to experience real life with
Israeli young adults in Tel Aviv; Israel’s most
exciting city. Participants will engage in meaningful
social action in the community in which they live,
and explore the Jewish bookshelf from a pluralistic
and progressive perspective.
The Gap-Year participants will be part of Bina’s
young adults from Israel and around the world
who wish to experience significant learning and
devote themselves to social change.
Contact ZFA Israel Programs for more information:
[email protected]
Phone: (03) 9272 5584
There’s no place quite like Israel. Come
spend a semester studying and experience
the rich history of Jerusalem, the
cosmopolitan buzz of Tel Aviv and the
thriving tech scene of Haifa.
Masa Israel Journey can help you find
study abroad programs at top-notch Israeli
Below are just a few of the many
academic opportunities available to you.
For a full range of options, visit:
IDC Herzliya. The B.A. in Government features
first-class lecturers and a range of study tracks.
There is a core curriculum during the first and
second years of study, which serves as the basis
for a specialist concentration in the third year of
the program. Third-year students choose from six
areas of specialisation: diplomacy and strategy,
government and politics, security and terrorism, the
Middle East, and international conflict resolution.
IDC Herzliya. Earn an M.B.A while gaining
practical experience establishing your own
commercial or social venture. The M.B.A in
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IEGMBA) at
IDC Herzliya is designed for students from Israel
and abroad.
Tel Aviv University. The B.A. in Liberal Arts is
Israel’s only English-language B.A. program in
Humanities. A university of academic excellence
with an intimate community of students who
benefit from all that the university has to offer.
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.
Dance Jerusalem offers university-level artistic
and technical training in Classical Ballet, GaGa
Contemporary Dance, Choreography, Repertoire
and Improvisation. You will create, rehearse and
perform works with outstanding Israeli composers
and choreographers. You will also be able to
choose from a wide range of academic courses in
Jewish, Israel, Middle Eastern Studies and Hebrew.
Hebrew University: Journalism and Media in
Contemporary Israel. This stimulating new
semester program explores the role of journalism
and the media from both the domestic Israeli
and international perspectives. Students meet
Israeli and foreign journalists who will share their
experience and knowledge. Designed for students
majoring in Journalism or Communications.
Tel Aviv University. The M.A. in Social Work
Specializing in Crisis and Trauma Studies. Study
coping with stress, crisis and trauma in a living
laboratory for research and practice. Israeli scholars
and practitioners have developed considerable
knowledge and models of intervention in these
areas, and Tel Aviv University’s academic staff
have been at the forefront of these developments.
Haifa University. The one-year International
Master’s Program in Holocaust Studies at the
University of Haifa is dedicated to creating
and nurturing a new generation of Holocaust
researchers, archivists, curators and educators. The
program, taught in English, offers courses in social
and political history; psychological aspects of the
Holocaust; anthropology of memory, trauma and
commemoration; international law and genocide;
representations of the Holocaust in the European
novel and in European cinema; and more.
Ben Gurion University. The M.A. program in Israel
Studies provides students with a comprehensive
state-of-the-art background in key subjects and
research methods in Israel Studies. It is ideal
for candidates seeking to enter administrative,
diplomatic, civil society, or teaching positions related
to Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world.
Masa Israel journey offers a range of
Jewish Studies programs designed to
deepen your connection to our traditions
and to the Jewish people.
Delve into the history of the Jewish people,
explore your own Jewish identity and
gain familiarity with a wide variety of
Jewish texts or study to become a Jewish
communal professional.
Below is just a small selection of learning
programs offered. For more inspiration visit:
Conservative Yeshiva. The Conservative Yeshiva
is a welcoming, egalitarian and diverse learning
community offering men and women the
opportunity to seriously explore traditional Jewish
texts. Courses are offered at multiple levels in
a flexible program accommodating student’s
individual interests.
Machon Alte. Located in the historic city of
Tzfat (Safed), Machon Alte is the only ChabadLubavitch School in Israel offering a challenging
full-time academic program for young Jewish
women seeking to discover and nourish their
Jewish roots.
The Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies
Men & Women’s Programs. A unique
atmosphere in which to learn, combining
authentic textual learning with a warm, nurturing
and inviting environment where discussion and
questioning are encouraged. The Mayanot
program enables you to participate in one-onone study, to maximize your knowledge, and
provide you with the tools to study independently.
No background in Hebrew or textual study is
Pardes. An open, co-ed and non-denominational
Jewish learning community, based in Jerusalem
and with programs worldwide. Students
encounter and grapple with classic texts and
traditions of Judaism, while exploring their
relevance to today’s most pressing issues. Pardes
empowers students with the knowledge and tools
to take ownership of their Jewish experience.
Yeshivat Darche Noam/Shapell’s. Be part of a
group of university-educated and professional men
committed to lifelong Jewish intellectual, spiritual,
and personal growth. Designed for motivated men
from around the world, Yeshivat Darche Noam
provides expert instruction in classical Jewish
literature along with responsible guidance in the
area of spiritual growth.
You will form close ties with a diverse and
multifaceted faculty, and visit with families
representing a range of Torah lifestyles. An
approach based on mutual respect and tolerance
will make you an advocate for Ahavat Yisrael.
Midreshet Yeud Emunah v’Omanut. Are Torah,
art and music significant parts of who you are?
This program dedicates itself to integrating Torah,
art and music into a single religious pursuit.
Choose to concentrate in an art or music track
while enhancing your creative experience with
additional courses in drama, dance, film and
creative writing; complemented by Torah study.
Nishmat’s Alisa Flatow International Program.
A unique opportunity for English-speaking women
of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities to study
Jewish texts in a warm and intellectually stimulating
environment. Nishmat’s hands-on approach to
Torah study teaches women skills to understand
and analyse classic texts, and to reflect on how
they inform modern Jewish thought and practice.
Contact ZFA Israel Programs for more information:
[email protected]
Phone: (03) 9272 5584
Masa Israel
Journey 21+
Masa Israel offers university graduates
and young professionals a range of
transformative career development,
internship, community service and
graduate academic experiences in Israel.
Immersing yourself in the culture of another
country adds a valuable dimension to your
professional and academic experience.
Choose from a variety of internship
opportunities and gain the knowledge, skills
and experience you need to be competitive
in today’s global economy.
With extremely generous grants and
scholarships available, what are you
waiting for?
Below are just a few of the many
opportunities available to you. For a full
range of options, visit:
Masa Israel Teaching Fellows. This program
provides exceptional Jewish university graduates
with the opportunity to address Israel’s educational
achievement gap and the widespread underperformance of youth in low-income communities
on a 10-month English teaching, service learning
Israel Teaching Fellows is highly subsidized by
Masa Israel Journey and the Israeli Ministry
of Education, reducing the program fee to
US$1,000, which includes accommodation, health
insurance, and a monthly stipend of 1,300 NIS.
You will also be reimbursed for your round-trip
flight up to 5,000 NIS.
Israel Corps Project TEN. Spend four months
volunteering alongside Israeli peers – making
a difference for a community in Israel’s Galilee
region. Choose from a variety of volunteer options
or identify a need in the community and create
your own volunteer project based on your skills
and interests. Live in the same town that you
serve, gaining a real world connection to Israeli
society and its people.
Israel Corps is specially subsidized in partnership
with the Jewish Agency’s “Project TEN: Global
Tikkun Olam” initiative, a service learning initiative
supporting communities throughout the world
and in Israel. As a part of Project TEN, eligible
Israel Corps participants only pay $1,100, and
the program covers all meals, accommodation,
activities, travel seminars and more.
Intern or Volunteer: Go Further in Israel. Masa
Israel helps to connect young Jewish adults with
exciting, life-changing internships and volunteer
programs in Israel.
Planning a career in IT? Why not intern with
Google Israel? Perhaps a career in public
diplomacy or international relations is more your
thing? You could intern with the Israeli Foreign
Ministry or perhaps the office of the Mayor
of Jerusalem. If you are starting out in the film
industry and are looking for valuable, hands-on
experience, you could intern with one of Israel’s
leading film production companies. Check out your
options today! Visit www.interninisrael.org
Israel Government Fellows. The Israel Government
Fellows Program (IGF) is a Menachem Begin
Heritage Center initiative in affiliation with Masa.
The program is endorsed by the Office of the
Prime Minister in Israel and offers outstanding
and highly motivated young Jewish leaders an
experience at the heart of the Israeli government.
It is the only existing program of its kind for nonIsraelis and is available for young Jews aged 2230 with at least a first degree.
Dance Journey. Kibbutz Contemporary Dance
Company (KCDC) hosts a unique 5-month
international dance program known as Dance
Journey. Open to dancers 18-30 years of age from
around the world, this incredible program provides
an outstanding opportunity for professional
development while dancing side-by-side with
KCDC dancers.
MASA 21+
Maslul Ishi Track. A customizable program
designed by Habonim Dror, that allows you to
choose your own personal experience in Israel.
Whether you wish to study at an academic
institution, intern at an Israeli company or volunteer
at an international NGO, Maslul Ishi staff will work
with you to create your own personal path.
Tikkun Olam in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Volunteer or intern
for 5 or 10 months and learn about the issues facing
Israeli society, on the only post-university program
with Israeli participants in the group. Work with
refugees from Darfur and Eritrea, Arab-Jewish
coexistence, and much more. Learn Hebrew, travel
around Israel and get to know the country and
society better than you ever thought possible.
Yahel Social Change. The Yahel Social Change
Program combines hands-on volunteer work with
in-depth learning and immersion in local Ethiopian–
Israeli communities in Gedera and Rishon L’Tzion.
Yahel partners with Friends by Nature, an Israeli
grassroots organization concentrating in the fields
of community empowerment and education in
Ethiopian communities.
The Yahel Social Change Program is highly
subsidized, reducing the program fee to as little
as $1000 for eligible participants, which includes
coverage of your round-trip flight.
Achvat Amim. Achvat Amim, which means
“solidarity of nations” in Hebrew is a new
5-month volunteer experience in Jerusalem that
directly engages with the reality of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, based on the core value of
self-determination for all peoples. Achvat Amim
focuses on developing practical skills in community
development and education through intensive
volunteer projects and engaging with social
change and human rights movements.
Israel Capital Internships. Elite internships in
the Jerusalem Municipality will give you the
opportunity to take on the challenges and
complexities of this amazing city from within in
your professional field. You will boost your resume
while getting to know the ins and outs of the
municipal system, getting involved in Israel’s public
sphere, and benefiting from the support and
mentorship of experienced professionals.
Contact ZFA Israel Programs for more information:
[email protected]
Phone: (03) 9272 5584
Come along to our biggest
Israel Programs fair ever!
We will be hosting fairs in Melbourne and Sydney
with more than a dozen programs represented
across gap year, academic study, Jewish learning
and unique program opportunities for young adults
aged 21-30.
Meet program organisers and alumni and ask all
your questions and hear about the incredible
funding opportunities available to you.
There are also some great raffle prizes up for grabs
including a $500 travel voucher from FBI Travel!!!
MELBOURNE. Sunday 25 May, 11am-1pm. Beth Weizmann Community Centre. 306 Hawthorn Rd,
Caulfield South
SYDNEY. Sunday 1 June, 11am-1pm. Shalom Institute, Shalom College UNSW. Barker Rd, Kensington.
ZFA Israel Programs
Which program is best for you?
Email: [email protected]
Check out our program finder:
Phone: (03) 9272 5584
Brochure design by Hatch Creative, St Kilda.