Everything Else!
Everything Else!
Everything Else! (...that’s not in the Supplies-on-Demand Catalogue) SYSCO EDMONTON UPDATED AUGUST 2012 Table of Contents PLEASE REFER TO THE THE SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE FOR COOKING UTENSILS, DISPENSERS, CHAFERS, SERVING BASKETS, SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS, OVEN WARE, TRAYS, TUMBLERS, FOOD PREP & STORAGE SUPPLIES, POTS & PANS, COOKWARE, SHELVES, FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT, AND MUCH MORE! Glassware Knives & Cutlery Flatware Dinnerware Table Top Thermometers & Batteries Uniforms Janitorial Chemicals Supplies on Demand 3 12 17 22 31 33 36 50 55 62 PLEASE NOTE: SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE EXACTLY AS SHOWN. 2 Glassware 3 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 11. 13. 14. 2. 3. B 1. A. A BEVERAGE 1. 8595308 4019477* 2. 4477329 3. 8595266* 4. 4019592* 4019758* 5. 4646030* 6. 4735379* 7. 4895744* 8. 4986766* 9. 5025614* 10. 6566059* 11. 7162191* 12. 7163371* 7164189* 7163223* 8594723* 13. 3683125 3683109* 14. 6805170* B 1. 2. 3. BEER 4990891 6806830* 4150728* SYSCO LIBBEY LIBBEY SYSCO LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LUIGI B SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO LIBBEY GOVERNOR CLINTON BEVERAGE GOVERNOR CLINTON WATER SUPER SHAM SHEER RIM BEVERAGE GOVERNOR CLINTON ICE TEA CHIVALRY JUICE CHIVALRY BEVERAGE EVEREST BEVERAGE PERCEPTION BEVERAGE ESQUIRE COLLINS INVERNESS BEVERAGE CASCADE HEAT TREATED BEVERAGE MICHELANGELO BEVERAGE GIBRALTAR DURATUFF BEVERAGE GIBRALTAR DURATUFF ICED TEA GIBRALTAR DURATUFF BEVERAGE GIBRALTAR DURATUFF BEVERAGE HEAVY BASE BEVERAGE PLYMOUTH RIM TEMPERED BEVERAGE PLYMOUTH RIM TEMPERED BEVERAGE GIBRALTAR STACKABLE BEVERAGE LIBBEY ENGLISH PUB BEER LIBBEY PUB BEER LIBBEY SUPER STEM SUPER SCHOONER BEER C BEVERAGE & BEER 1. 4093514* LIBBEY 2. 3111481* LIBBEY 5476001* LIBBEY 1449826* LIBBEY 1729292* LIBBEY STRAIGHT SIDE JUICE ENDEAVOR COOLER ENDEAVOR COOLER ENDEAVOR BEVERAGE ENDEAVOR BEVERAGE 48 x 8 OZ 72 x 9.5 OZ 24 x 12 OZ 48 x 12 OZ 36 x 6 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 24 x 14 OZ 36 x 11 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 24 x 20 OZ 36 x 10 OZ 24 x 22 OZ 36 x 14 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 48 x 12.5 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 10 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 20 OZ 36 x 19 OZ 6 x 53 OZ 72 x 5 OZ 12 x 16 OZ 12 x 20.25 OZ 12 x 12 OZ 12 x 14 OZ C 1. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 4 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE D 1. 2. 3. E 1. 3. 2. 4. 6. 5. D. FOOTED BEERS D 1. 8670283* 8670267* 4070280* 4783761* 2. 7112527* 3. 4151619* SYSCO SYSCO LIBBEY LIBBEY SYSCO LIBBEY FOOTED EMBASSY BEER EMBASSY BEER EMBASSY BEER EMBASSY BEER CATALINA TALL BEER CATALINA FOOTED ALE 24 x 14 OZ 24 x 12 OZ 36 x 10 OZ 24 x 10 OZ 24 x 14 OZ 36 x 12 OZ EE. PILSNERS 1. 7143621* 2. 4021382* 0102731* 3. 0102749 4. 4140208* 7909262* 5. 4833919* 5038856* 6. 4915948* 6156004* 7. 8841173* SYSCO SYSCO LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY FLARED PILSNER TREVA TALL BEER FLARED PILSNER FLARED PILSNER HOURGLASS PILSNER HOURGLASS PILSNER BULGE TOP PILSNER HEAVY BASE BULGED TOP PILSNER GIBRALTAR FOOTED PILSNER GIBRALTAR FOOTED PILSNER CATALINA PILSNER 36 x 11 1/2 OZ 24 x 14 OZ 24 x 4.75 OZ 12 x 19.25 OZ 36 x 15 OZ 24 x 12 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 10 OZ 24 x 14 OZ 24 x 12 OZ 24 x 12 OZ THUMBPRINT MUG VIENNA BEER MUG DIMPLE STEIN MUG PANELED MUG SUPER MUG HANDLED MUG (WITH SMALL FLARE) HANDLED MUG SCANDINAVIA MUG 24 x 19.5 OZ 24 x 12 OZ 24 x 19.25 OZ 12 x 16 OZ 12 x 1 LTR 12 x 15 OZ 24 x 12.5 OZ 12 x 15 OZ F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MUGS & TANKARDS 3037116 LIBBEY 3049483* LIBBEY 8573743 LIBBEY 5254230* LIBBEY 7163769 SYSCO 4149670* LIBBEY 4028684* LIBBEY 4151189* LIBBEY 7. F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 5 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE G 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. H 4. WARM BEVERAGE 7158553* SYSCO 5548730* LIBBEY 7158801* SYSCO 4990875* LIBBEY 5181847* LIBBEY 5138912* LIBBEY TEA AND COFFEE MUG HOT BEVERAGE MUG PLAIN IRISH COFFEE IRISH COFFEE MUG CATALINA FLARED IRISH COFFEE IRISH PEDESTAL MUG 12 x 10 OZ 12 x 13 OZ 24 x 8.5 OZ 12 x 10 OZ 24 x 8.5 OZ 24 x 8.5 OZ H. H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ROOM TUMBLER 8581084 SYSCO 1449883* LIBBEY 8909178* SYSCO 4028361* LIBBEY 5603582* LIBBEY 7134638* SYSCO GLASS ROOM TUMBLER ENDEAVOR DURA TUFF ROCKS NOB HILL OLD FASHIONED WINCHESTER ROCKS NO-NIK WATER NO-NIK WATER 48 x 8 OZ 12 x 9 OZ 24 x 10.25 OZ 36 x 10 OZ 48 x 10 OZ 72 x 10 OZ SPECIALTY TUMBLER 0997791* LIBBEY 1230390* LIBBEY 4587333* LIBBEY 4019345* LIBBEY 8910408* SYSCO 5. 4934505* LIBBEY BRAVURA COOLER BRAVURA DOUBLE OLD FASHIONED SATIN MIXING GLASS FROSTED CLEAR LIP ZOMBIE FROSTED CLEAR LIP ZOMBIE HALF YARD OF ALE W/STAND 12 x 16.75 OZ 12 x 12.25 OZ 24 x 16 OZ 72 x 12 OZ 48 x 12 OZ 4 x 32 OZ J MIXING GLASSES 1. 7534266* SYSCO 6414205 LIBBEY 6218085* LIBBEY 2. 3688850 SYSCO MIXING GLASS MIXING GLASS HEAVY BASE MIXING GLASS TEMPERED RIM MIXING 24 x 16 OZ 24 x 20 OZ 24 x 20 OZ 24 x 16 OZ II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I 1. G. G 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. K HURRICANES & SQUALLS 1. 4535340* LIBBEY HURRICANE TUMBLER 36 x 16.75 OZ 2. 7138761*SYSCO SQUALL12 x 15 OZ K 3. 4. 5. J 1. 2. 1. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 6 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE L 1. 3. 2. 4. 6. 8. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 10. 12. 14. 16. M BRANDY 1. 4020095* 7116296* 7117807* 7116718* 2. 4070330* 4070348* 4073243* N 1. 2. 3. 15. 17. LL. COOLERS & HI-BALLS 1. 4028387* LIBBEY WINCHESTER COOLER 36 x 16 OZ 7145410* SYSCO WINCHESTER HI-BALL 36 x 9 OZ 7143316* SYSCO WINCHESTER HI-BALL 36 x 7 OZ 2. 4140133* LIBBEY HEAVY BASE COOLER 36 x 15 OZ 3. 4153771* LIBBEY LEXINGTON COOLER 36 x 15.5 OZ 4. 4646022* LIBBEY EVEREST COOLER 36 x 14 OZ 5548540* LIBBEY EVEREST HI-BALL 36 x 9 OZ 5. 4793550* LIBBEY INVERNESS COOLER 24 x 15.5 OZ 5150354* LIBBEY INVERNESS HI-BALL 36 x 9 OZ 6. 7151384*SYSCO COOLER24 x 14 OZ 7. 7153919* SYSCO GIBRALTAR TALL COOLER 36 x 12 OZ 8. 3688611* SYSCO PLYMOUTH TEMPERED RIM COOLER 36 x 16 OZ 3688868 SYSCO PLYMOUTH TEMPERED RIM COOLER 24 x 14 OZ 9. 4074084* ANCH CLARISSE COOLER 36 x 12 OZ 10. 4019816* LIBBEY LEXINGTON FOOTED HI-BALL 36 x 10 OZ 11. 7013697* LIBBEY SUPER SHAM SHEER RIM HI-BALL 24 x 10 OZ 12. 7162134* SYSCO GIBRALTAR HI-BALL 36 x 9 OZ 13. 8670366* SYSCO EMBASSY FOOTED HI-BALL 24 x 10 OZ 14. 8581050* SYSCO HEAVY BASE HI-BALL 48 x 8 OZ 15. 8075285 SYSCO MANHATTAN FOOTED HI-BALL 36 x 8 OZ 8075301* SYSCO MANHATTAN FOOTED HI-BALL 36 x 10 OZ 16. 3682986 SYSCO PLYMOUTH TEMPERED RIM HI-BALL 36 x 9 OZ 17. 4802702* LIBBEY ESQUIRE HI-BALL 48 x 8 OZ LIBBEY SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY MARGARITA 4152518 6371843* 6755019* EMBASSY BRANDY EMBASSY BRANDY EMBASSY BRANDY EMBASSY BRANDY CITATION BRANDY CITATION BRANDY CITATION BRANDY LIBBEY FIESTA GRANDE LIBBEY CATALINA MARGARITA LIBBEY SPLASH MARGARITA 12 x 22 OZ 12 x 5.5 OZ 24 x 11.5 OZ 24 x 9 OZ 12 x 6 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 12 x 22.5 OZ 12 x 15.25 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 12 x 12 OZ N M 1. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM 1. 2. SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 3. 7 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE O 1. O. O 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. 4. 6. 7. 9. 9. 8. 10. P 3. 4. 6. 5. 7. ONEIDA MINI MARTINI 2 1/2 OZ SYSCO SALUD GRANDE MARTINI LIBBEY COSMOPOLITAN MARTINI LIBBEY COSMOPOLITAN HI-BALL LIBBEY V SERIES COCKTAIL LIBBEY MARTINI CHILLER LIBBEY MICHELANGELO MARTINI LIBBEY Z-STEM COCKTAIL MARTINI LIBBEY Z-STEM MARTINI LIBBEY VINA COCKTAIL MARTINI LIBBEY VINA II MARTINI LIBBEY OMEGA MARTINI 3 x 1 DOZEN 12 x 10 OZ 12 x 8 OZ 1 x 12 CT 12 x 7 5/8 “ 12 x 5.75 OZ 24 x 8.75” 12 x 5 OZ 12 x 9.25 OZ 12 x 8 OZ 12 x 8 OZ 12 x 6.75 OZ P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GOBLETS & BALLOONS 4028700* LIBBEY 1057561 LIBBEY 4019626* LIBBEY 5547922* LIBBEY 5777933* LIBBEY 8664229* SYSCO 9058561* LIBBEY HOFFMAN HOUSE GOBLET PERCEPTION TALL GOBLET CHIVALRY GOBLET TEARDROP GOBLET TEARDROP BANQUET GOBLET EMBASSY GOBLET 11.5OZ PERCEPTION BALLOON 12 x 12 OZ 24 x 14 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 10.5 OZ 24 x 11.5 OZ 12 x 20 OZ Q 1. 2. 3. FLUTES & CHAMPAGNE 7247687* ANCH FLORENTINE CHAMPAGNE FLUTE 8075376* SYSCO MANHATTAN FLUTE 5335104* LIBBEY VINA TRUMPET FLUTE 24 x 6 OZ 12 x 6 OZ 12 x 6.25 OZ R GRANDE & POCO GRANDE 1. 4020608* SYSCO MANHATTAN POCO 2. 7117773* SYSCO EMBASSY ROYAL POCO GRANDE 7118003* SYSCO POCO GRANDE 3. 4028197* LIBBEY VINO GRANDE 4028221* LIBBEY VINO GRANDE 2. 1. MARTINI 0533846* 7145394 5584016* 1884998* 5197704* 0697060* 6638912* 7379654* 8221863* 9683889* 0327817* 9853490* 24 x 10 OZ 24 x 10.5 OZ 12 x 13.25 OZ 12 x 16 OZ 12 x 19.5 OZ R Q 1. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM 3. 1. 2. SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 3. 8 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE S 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. T 1. 2. 3. S. RED & WHITE WINE S 1. 7140940* SYSCO 1296904* LIBBEY 2. 4028171* LIBBEY 3. 5547880* LIBBEY 4. 7545078* LIBBEY 5. 8704819* SYSCO 6. 7141070* SYSCO TT. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 4. 7. 5. 8. 6. 9. 13. 14. 15. U 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WINE 7058287* 7529862* 6457648* 8075335* 8075343* 0252785* 0507721* 0849869* 4218558* 4684357* 8704736* 8704447* 5777909* 9058694* 5369135* 5378983* 7142482* 3688876 9136573* PERCEPTION RED WINE PERCEPTION RED WINE CITATION RED WINE TEARDROP RED WINE NAPA COUNTY RED WINE TEARDROP WHITE WINE PERCEPTION WHITE WHINE LIBBEY GRAND VINI WINE STOLZ ALL PURPOSE WINE ANCH CAMONA WINE SYSCO PEAR MANHATTAN WINE SYSCO PEAR MANHATTAN WINE LIBBEY VINA II SHEER RIM WINE LIBBEY VINA II WINE ROYLEE ROYAL LEERDAM WINE TRAEX PLASTIC TUFFEX WINE LIBBEY ROUND EMBASSY WINE SYSCO ROUND EMBASSY WINE SYSCO ROUND EMBASSY WINE LIBBEY ALL PURPOSE TEARDROP WINE LIBBEY TALL PERCEPTION WINE LUIGI B CHARDONNAY ATELIER WINE LUIGI B ATELIER WINE SYSCO EMBASSY PEAR WINE SYSCO MANHATTAN BANQUET WINE LIBBEY STEMLESS WINE GLASS OLD FASHIONED 1730639* LIBBEY 0670158* LIBBEY 4565933* LIBBEY 8235335* LIBBEY 4019774* LIBBEY ENDEAVOR DOUBLE OLD FASHIONED INVERNESS DOUBLE OLD FASHIONED PERCEPTION DOUBLE OLD FASHIONED IMPRESSION DOUBLE OLD FASHIONED LEXINGTON OLD FASHIONED 24 x 10 OZ 24 x 8 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 8.5 OZ 12 x 18 OZ 24 x 8.5 OZ 24 x 11 OZ 24 x 20 OZ 48 x 15 OZ 12 x 14 OZ 36 x 6.5 OZ 36 x 8.5 OZ 12 x 16 OZ 12 x 18 OZ 12 x 25.5 OZ 24 x 10 OZ 24 x 8.5 OZ 24 x 6.5 OZ 24 x 8.5 OZ 36 x 10.75 OZ 12 x 20 OZ 12 x 23.75 OZ 12 x 27 OZ 36 x 6.5 OZ 36 x 10.5 OZ 12 x 16.75 OZ 12 x 12 OZ 24 x 12.5 OZ 24 x 12.5 Z 12 x 12 OZ 36 x 7.75 OZ U 10. 11. 12. 2. 1. 13. 14. 15. 4. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM 3. 5. SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 9 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE V 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. 6. 7. 8. 10. 9. W 1. 2. 3. V. ROCKS V 1. 1664739* 2. 3682929 3688595 3. 4151056* 4. 4258786* 5. 4645990* 4646006* 4646014* 6. 4809307* 7. 4986782* 8. 6805154* 6805642* 9. 7162647* 7163660* 7163686* 7163694 10. 8671059* 8671190* ANCH SYSCO SYSCO LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO SYSCO CLARISSE ROCKS DOUBLE PLYMOUTH TEMPERED RIM PLYMOUTH TEMPERED RIM PRISM ROCKS SUPER SHAM ROCKS EVEREST ROCKS EVEREST ROCKS EVEREST ROCKS PERCEPTION ROCKS INVERNESS ROCKS STACKABLE GIBRALTAR ROCKS STACKABLE GIBRALTAR ROCKS GIBRALTAR DURATUFF DOUBLE ROCKS GIBRALTAR DURATUFF ROCKS GIBRALTAR DURATUFF ROCKS GIBRALTAR DURATUFF ROCKS EMBASSY FOOTED ROCKS EMBASSY FOOTED ROCKS 36 x 7 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 8 OZ 36 x 9 OZ 24 x 7 OZ 36 x 7 OZ 36 x 9 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 24 x 9 OZ 36 x 9 OZ 36 x 7 OZ 36 x 9 OZ 36 x 12 OZ 36 x 8 OZ 36 x 7 OZ 36 x 9 OZ 24 x 5.5 OZ 24 x 7 OZ W 1. 2. 3. CORDIALS & SHERRYS 7143167* SYSCO EMBASSY SHERRY 6561187* LIBBEY EMBASSY CORDIAL 3829314* LIBBEY SATIN CORDIAL 12 x 3 OZ 12 x 1 OZ 24 x 2.5 OZ X 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SHOT GLASSES 4151841 1460914* 4151049* 4278537* 4383915* 0785428* 6 x 12 CT 72 x 1.5 OZ 72 x 2 OZ 48 x 1 3/8 OZ 4 x 12 CT 24 x 2.5 OZ LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY 1 OZ TALL WHISKEY SHOT GLASS BLACK WHISKEY SHOT PRISM SHOT BICONIC BABY SHOT FLUTED WHISKEY SHOT GLASS 2 OZ FLARE SHOOTER GLASS X 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 10 Glassware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE Y 1. 3. Y. Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 4. 5. Z 1. Z. PITCHERS Z 1. 7137995 2. 9598343* AA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. FOUNTAINWARE 7144645* SYSCO 7146251* SYSCO 4258646* LIBBEY 5150362* LIBBEY 5965173* LIBBEY DECANTERS 4140026 2154193* 4028593* 4028619* 4028643* SUPREME DISH TALL SHERBET DISH FANTASY DISH TULIP SUNDAE DISH DELISS SUNDAE DISH 24 x 17 OZ 72 x 4.5 OZ 24 x 8.5 OZ 36 x 4.5 OZ 6 EACH SYSCO GLASS PITCHER LIBBEY FOOTED ELEGANT PITCHER 6 x 60 OZ 6 x 73 OZ LIBBEY LUIGI B LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY 36 x 6 OZ 12 x 8.5 OZ 72 x 4.5 OZ 12 x 0.5 LT 12 x 19.25 OZ WATER SIDE DECANTER QUARTINO WINE DECANTER COCKTAIL DECANTER CLEAR WINE DECANTER WINE DECANTER WITH EMBLEM AA 1. 2. 4. 3. 5. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 11 Knives & Cutlery 12 Knives & Cutlery SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONSIZE A 1. A 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. B 1. C COOK’S KNIFE 1540129* SYS IMP KNIFE CHEF FORGED 8” 1540210* SYS IMP FORGED NARROW COOK’S KNIFE 10” 0866095SYSCO SANI-SOFT COOK’S KNIFE (BLUE)10” 0866053SYSCO SANI-SOFT COOK’S KNIFE (BLUE)8” B SANTOKU 1. 1540822* SYS IMP FORGED DUO-EDGE SANTOKU KNIFE 7” C BONER 1. 0865980SYSCO SANI-SOFT NARROW BONER (BLUE) 6” D CARVING 1. 1534692* 7” SYS IMP FORGED BAYONET FORK 1. E 1. 2. 3. OFFSET SLICER 0865907* SYSCO SANI-SOFT SCALLOPED OFFSET SLICER (BLUE) 0865949 SYSCO SANI-SOFT SCALLOPED OFFSET SLICER (BLUE) 1541119* SYS IMP SCALLOPED OFFSET SLICER 7” 9” 9” 1. F 1. 2. 3. ROAST SLICER 1535509* 0868000 0867960 SYS IMP DUO-EDGE ROAST SLICER SYSCO SANI-SOFT DUO-EDGE ROAST SLICER (BLUE) SYSCO SANI-SOFT SCALLOPED ROAST SLICER (BLUE) 12” 12” 12” G BREAD 1. 0867895* 2. 7592041* SYSCO SANI-SOFT CURVED SCALLOPED BREAD KNIFE SYSCO SANI-SOFT SCALLOPED BREAD KNIFE (WHITE) 10” 8” H SHARPENER 1. 7299221* 2. 0890384 DEXTER EDGE 15 KNIFE SHARPENER SYSCO SANI-SOFT DIAMOND STEEL KNIFE SHARPENER 12” 12” D E 1. 2. 3. F 1. H G 2. 1. 1. 3. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM 2. SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 13 Knives & Cutlery SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONSIZE I 1. I PARING 1. 0868299 SYSCO HANDY-PAK SANI-SOFT PARERS (B) 3PACK 2. 1539121*SYS IMP FORGED TOURNE KNIFE3” 2. J 1. 2. 3. 4. J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OTHER CUTLERY 5644281 SYSCO SANI-SAFE DOUGH CUTTER 6” x 3” 4309803* DEXTER DOUBLE HANDLE CHEESE KNIFE 14” 7592231 SYSCO HANDY-PAK SANDWICH SPREADER 3 PIECE SET 5691839DEXTER VEGETABLE PEELER1 EACH 0872085 SYSCO SYSCOWARE PANCAKE TURNER 8” x 3” 1764687SYSCO SANI-SAFE PIZZA KNIFE16” 1763168*SYSCO SANI-SAFE PIZZA KNIFE18” 7. 0872044 SYSCO SYSCOWARE PIE KNIFE 4.5” x 2.25” 8. 1764000* SYSCO HANDY-PAK BAR KNIFE (WHITE) 2 PIECE SET 9. 0865600SYSCO SANI-SOFT FRUIT KNIFE5” K CUTLERY KITS 1. 1576842* SYSCO 7-PIECE CHEF’S CUTLERY KIT - 3” Parer - 5” Forged Narrow Boner - 10” Cook’s Knife - 9” Scalloped Offset Slicer - 7” Forged Bayonet Fork - 12” Duo-Edge Roast Slicer - 12” Diamond Sharpener - 7-Piece Case 1 EACH 2. 1577170* SYSCO 8-PIECE EXECUTIVE CHEF’S KIT - 3 1/2” Forged Parer - 6” Forged Narrow Boner - 7” Forged Bayonet Fork - 9” Forged Scallop Bread Knife - 10” Forged Cook’s Knife - 12” Duo-Edge Roast Slicer - 12” Diamond Sharpener - 7” Forged Santoku Knife - 10-Piece Case 1 EACH 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. 0868141* SYSCO 7-PIECE SANI-SOFT BLUE CUTLERY KIT - 3 1/4” Parer - 6” Narrow Boner - 10” Cook’s Knife - 8” Scalloped Utility - 9” Scalloped Offset Slicer - 12” Duo-Edge Roast Slicer - 12” Diamond Sharpener - 7-Piece Case 1 EACH 4. 7747322* 1 EACH SYSCO 7-PIECE CUTLERY CASE W/ SYSCO LOGO K 1. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM 3. SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 4. 14 Basic Knives & Their Uses PARING KNIFE Four styles of paring knives are most common: curved, spear, sharp and clip-point. Delicate pepper rings finely sliced, or slivered olives or cherries can be done with a curved or sharppoint paring knife to dress up fancy salads. A cook’s paring, or spear-point knife, can be used to remove corn from the cob, break up heads of lettuce or cabbage, peel fruit or vegetables, cut beans, etc. The clip-point is used for eyeing potatoes, seeding, peeling and pitting. UTILITY KNIFE A sharp 6” utility knife is most efficient for slicing non-solid fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes or zucchini. For acid fruits, a stainless steel blade is preferred. Useful for cutting large melon rings, cutting heads of lettuce into wedges, preparing cabbage for shredding, halving grapefuits and oranges, etc. BONING KNIFE Blades vary in length from 4” to 8”. Many cooks simplify carving and get extra servings by boning out a roast when it is partially cooked. For boning roasts, whole hams, lamb legs, veal legs, and filleting fish, a narrow flexible blade is best. The wider stiff blade is used for cutting raw meat and many other trimming operations on less thick cuts of meat. FRENCH COOK’S KNIFE Available in blade lengths from 8” to 14”, this knife has more uses than any other style of knife in the kitchen. Deep choil protects knuckles when dicing or mincing celery, onions, nut meats, parsley, peppers, etc. When properly used, the chef positions the point of the knife on the cutting board beyond the food to be diced or sliced and, without lifting the point, works the knife in a rocking motion to cut evenly and rapidly. Used for carving hot roasts too. Blades may be forged or not. SLICERS & CARVERS The most important carving knife is the roast beef slicer, most often used to carve rounds, boneless roasts, boiled briskets, pot roasts, butt roasts, and standing rib roasts. The narrow cold meat slicer or ham slicer is used to slice ham or leftover cold roasts of all kinds. The wide, stiff blade does a better job on hot meats, whereas the narrow, more flexible blade cuts cold meat more efficiently. Although there are many patterns to select from, a slicer or carver should have adequate length to permit smooth slicing action. TYPES OF GRINDS & EDGES ROLL GRIND as employed in heavy cook’s knives, cleavers, butcher’s, etc. where unusual support and build is required behind the cutting edge. PANEL GRIND has a long, even grind with a rolled edge. Perfect for slicers because of blade thickness behind the cutting edge. HOLLOW GRIND a long, wide concave grind with a rolled edge. SCALLOPED EDGE FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE DUO EDGE TIGER EDGE 15 About Sysco Knives SYSCO IMPERIAL CUTLERY The finest professional cutlery for the discriminating chef, combining modern European styling and the cutting performance of American craftsmanship. Each blade is crafted from the highest quality stain-free, high-carbon steel, heat-treated to precise hardness, and edges hand-ground to ultimate sharpness. Beautifully laminated handles, fashioned with the warmth of traditional rosewood, are secured with large brass compression rivets and are impervious to stain, hot water, and food acids. SYSCO SANI-SOFT CUTLERY Sani-Soft is the ultimate in comfort and quality. The non-slip, soft to the touch handle literally molds to your hand, insuring a comfortable and secure grip. Made in America, SaniSoft combines the world’s sharpest hand-honed edge in stain-free, high-carbon steel with the softest, most ergonomically designed handle ever! NSF Certified. SYSCO SANI-SAFE CUTLERY Highest quality, stain-free, high-carbon steel blades with “Grip-Tex” polypropylene handles. Turners and spatulas are precision ground for “just right” flexibility. Bacteria, moisture, fats or grease cannot penetrate the impervious seal of the blade and handle. NSF certified. SYSCOWARE CUTLERY Designed for the most competitive segment of the market. Syscoware cutlery items are made from 400 series stain-free, high-carbon steel and are razor hallow ground for easy edge maintenance and rapid re-sharpening. Handles are made of high impact, slip resistant polypropylene and are easily cleaned. NSF certified. HANDY-PAK SYSCO CUTLERY A selection of our most popular cutlery items are now packaged in an easy -to-handle, easyto-order Handy-Pak. Designed to make purchasing and receiving easier, these Handy-Pak items will make your cutlery buying more convenient and cost-effective. FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 16 Flatware Flatware descriptions provided by www.oneida.com 17 Flatware A SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE A WINDSOR - 18/0 STAINLESS STEEL Windsor is an exercise in simplicity with its clean lines and smooth handle design. Crafted in 18% chrome stainless, this high-volume pattern offers an excellent return on investment. 18% chrome stainless steel, economical price, variety of styles, outstanding durability. 3748316 SYSCO WINDSOR DESSERT/SOUP SPOON 12 x 3 DOZEN 0059105 SYSCO WINDSOR TEASPOON 24 x 3 DOZEN 0014563 SYSCO WINDSOR DINNER FORK UTIL 12 x 3 DOZEN 0059410* SYSCO WINDSOR SALAD FORK 12 x 3 DOZEN 0059675 SYSCO WINDSOR DINNER KNIFE 6 x 3 DOZEN B B THOR - 18/0 STAINLESS STEEL This 18/0 stainless collection is extremely resistant to corrosion and chemical damage. Renowned for both durability and value, the Thor by Oneida Flatware Collection offers a variety of styles to fit the tastes of your establishment’s patrons. 8193963* ONEIDA THOR DESSERT/SOUP SPOON 16 x 3 DOZEN 0635074* ONEIDA THOR ICED TEASPOON 1 x 36 EACH 8193914* ONEIDA THOR DINNER KNIFE 8 x 3 DOZEN C DONAR - 18/0 STAINLESS STEEL Donar’s slender and sleek handles provide a pleasing balance. Your patrons will love its clean, sleek feel and uncomplicated good looks. 18% chrome stainless steel, economical price, outstanding durability. 4761363 SYSCO DONAR TEASPOON 16 x 3 DOZEN 4761323 SYSCO DONAR DESSERT SPOON 16 x 3 DOZEN 4761274 SYSCO DONAR ROUND BOWL SOUP SPOON 16 x 3 DOZEN 4761187 SYSCO DONAR DINNER FORK 16 x 3 DOZEN 4761241 SYSCO DONAR SALAD FORK 16 x 3 DOZEN 4761387 SYSCO DONAR DINNER KNIFE 16 x 3 DOZEN C * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 18 Flatware D SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE D PALAIS - 18/0 STAINLESS STEEL Simple but elegant styling makes this pattern the perfect complement to a variety of table settings. 18/0 stainless steel, high polish, bright finishes. 0058180 SYSCO PALAIS BOUILLON SPOON 8 x 3 DOZEN 0058305 SYSCO PALAIS OVAL BOWL SPOON 8 x 3 DOZEN 0061911 SYSCO PALAIS DINNER FORK 8 x 3 DOZEN 0062034 SYSCO PALAIS DESSERT FORK 8 x 3 DOZEN 3362969 SYSCO PALAIS BUTTER KNIFE 8 x 3 DOZEN 0062091 SYSCO PALAIS DINNER KNIFE 8 x 3 DOZEN 0058412 SYSCO PALAIS TEASPOON 8 x 3 DOZEN E E BLACK DIAMOND - 18/0 STAINLESS STEEL Simple but elegant styling makes this pattern the perfect complement to a variety of table settings. 18/0 stainless steel, high polish, bright finishes. 5541131 SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND TEASPOON 1 x 36 COUNT 5541057* SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND BOUILLON SPOON 1 x 36 COUNT 5541081 SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND DINNER FORK 1 x 36 COUNT 5541099* SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND SALAD FORK 1 x 36 COUNT 5541172* SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND DINNER KNIFE 1 x 36 COUNT F LUMOS - 18/0 STAINLESS STEEL The soft silhouette of this well rounded pattern is a joy to see and hold. Mix and match this classic flatware design with most any Oneida dinnerware for a casual, carefree tabletop. 18/0 stainless steel, heavy weight design. 8033965* ONEIDA LUMOS DESSERT SPOON 1 x 36 COUNT 8033955* ONEIDA LUMOS TEASPOON 1 x 36 COUNT 8033985* ONEIDA LUMOS DINNER FORK 1 x 36 COUNT 8033997* ONEIDA LUMOS SALAD FORK 1 x 36 COUNT 8034015* ONEIDA LUMOS DINNER KNIFE 1 x 36 COUNT F * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 19 Flatware G SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE G NEW RIM - 18/10 STAINLESS STEEL & SILVERPLATE A gently curving border reflects the simple elegance of this fine pattern. A beautiful complement for virtually any tabletop, New Rim blends continental sizing with European styling and an impressive array of pieces to create a distinctive and unique place setting. 18/10 stainless steel, continental sizing, American and European décors, recommended for use in the healthcare industry. 4893707* ONEIDA NEW RIM BOUILLON SPOON 1 x 12 EACH 4893731* ONEIDA NEW RIM TEASPOON 1 x 12 EACH 4893723* ONEIDA NEW RIM DINNER FORK 1 x 12 EACH 5234901* ONEIDA NEW RIM SALAD FORK 1 x 12 EACH 8832966* ONEIDA NEW RIM BUTTER KNIFE 1 x 12 EACH 4893715* ONEIDA NEW RIM DINNER KNIFE 1 x 12 EACH H I H ARBOR ROSE - 18/10 STAINLESS STEEL Smooth flowing scrolls accented with a prominent rose bud create a warm, traditional design in quality stainless. Pair this pretty flatware pattern with floral themed dinnerware or simple white tableware. 18/10 stainless steel, superb finish and pattern detailing lasting durability, recommended for use in the healthcare industry. 1373794* ONEIDA ARBOR ROSE BOUILLON SPOON 1 x 36 EACH 1373851* ONEIDA ARBOR ROSE TEASPOON 1 x 36 EACH 1373455* ONEIDA ARBOR ROSE DINNER FORK 1 x 36 EACH 1373596* ONEIDA ARBOR ROSE SALAD FORK 1 x 36 EACH 7578933* ONEIDA ARBOR ROSE BUTTER KNIFE 1 x 12 EACH 1373323* ONEIDA ARBOR ROSE DINNER KNIFE 1 x 36 EACH I CHATEAU - 18/10 STAINLESS STEEL This timeless pattern boasts a traditional fiddleback shape accented by intricate scrolls, finely detailed flowers and a highly polished finish. Chateau flatware is well suited to complement decorative or plain dinnerware designs. 18/10 stainless steel, superb finish and pattern detail, long lasting durability, recommended for use in the healthcare industry. 4071668* ONEIDA CHATEAU DESSERT/SOUP SPOON 1 x 36 EACH 4071635* ONEIDA CHATEAU TEASPOON 1 x 36 EACH 4081949* ONEIDA CHATEAU DINNER FORK 1 x 36 EACH 4071684* ONEIDA CHATEAU SALAD FORK 1 x 36 EACH 4071460* ONEIDA CHATEAU DINNER KNIFE 1 x 36 EACH * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 20 Flatware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE J J MERCURY - 18/10 STAINLESS STEEL The smooth, flowing forms in this pattern are pleasing to both the eye and the touch. Crafted in the finest 18/10 stainless, this sophisticated setting offers a unique style for fine dining. 18/10 stainless steel, superior finish, perfectly balanced for comfort and handling. 6155297* ONEIDA MERCURY DESSERT/SOUP SPOON 1 x 36 COUNT 6635609* ONEIDA MERCURY TEASPOON 1 x 36 COUNT 6255935* ONEIDA MERCURY DESSERT FORK 1 x 36 COUNT 6255929* ONEIDA MERCURY DINNER FORK 1 x 36 COUNT 0683369* ONEIDA MERCURY BUTTER KNIFE 1 x 12 COUNT 0635092* ONEIDA MERCURY DINNER KNIFE 1 x 36 COUNT K REFLECTIONS - 18/10 STAINLESS & SILVERPLATE This pattern is reminiscent of a reflecting pool with its generously shaped handle and bright, sparkling finish. Designed with balance and comfort in mind, this flatware feels as great as it looks. Finest quality 18/10 stainless, contemporary European styling, and superior finish and balance. 4652582* ONEIDA REFLECTIONS DESSERT SPOON 1 x 12 EACH 4652863* ONEIDA REFLECTIONS TEASPOON SPOON 1 x 12 EACH 4651238* ONEIDA REFLECTIONS DINNER FORK 1 x 12 EACH 4651287* ONEIDA REFLECTIONS SALAD FORK 1 x 12 EACH 4651543* ONEIDA REFLECTIONS DINNER KNIFE 1 x 12 EACH K L OTHER FLATWARE 1. 7187503* ONEIDA DELCO OLD ENGLISH KNIFE 2. 1355882* ONEIDA ROMA DINNER FORK 1 x 36 EACH 12 x 3 DOZEN L 1. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 21 Dinnerware Dinnerware descriptions provided by www.oneida.com and www.dudson.com 22 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE A 1. 2. A CERAMICOR - BRIGHT WHITE PORCELAIN Boasting clean lines and an ultra white body the Ceramicor Porcelain Collection is extraordinarily adaptable and provides an updated look for two classic shape designs. 1. 5259197* ONEIDA CERAMICOR NAPPY 36 x 12 OZ 2. 5168620* ONEIDA CERAMICOR TEACUP 36 x 6.5 OZ B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. B BRIGHT WHITE ROLLED EDGE (R.E.) & NARROW RIM (N.R.) - BRIGHT WHITE PORCELAIN This classic selection of economically appealing shapes with clean lines and generous rims includes styles to suit all basic dining needs. Durable, Rolled Edge dinnerware will deliver years of service at the lowest possible replacement costs. Narrow Rim is perfect for operations where grand servings of food are the trademark. 1. 1646041* REGO BRIGHT WHITE FRUIT BOWL (N.R.) 36 x 4 5/8” 2. 5584271* REGO BRIGHT WHITE PASTA BOWL 12 x 11 3/8” 3. 4006094* REGO BRIGHT WHITE DEEP SOUP BOWL (N.R.) 24 x 9” 4. 4288163 SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE BOUILLON (U/H) 36 x 7 OZ 5. 4102562* SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE VASSAR CUP 36 x 7 OZ 6. 4288460 SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE CAFE MUG 36 x 8 OZ 7. 4102596* SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE VASSAR SAUCER 36 x 5.5” 8. 4103347* SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE FRUIT DISH 36 x 4.25” 9. 4288635 SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE NAPPY (R.E.) 36 x 5” 10. 4173969* REGO BRIGHT WHITE NOUVEAU CUISINE PLATE 12 x 12” 11. 4070215* REGO BRIGHT WHITE PLATE (N.R.) 36 x 7.25” 4137659 REGO BRIGHT WHITE PLATE (N.R.) 24 x 9.5” 4288775 SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE PLATE (N.R.) 36 x 6 3/8” 4288767 SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE PLATE (N.R.) 36 x 7.25” 4288734* SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE PLATE (N.R.) 12 x 10 3/8” 12. 4173944* REGO BRIGHT WHITE PLATE (R.E.) 12 x 10.25” 13. 4288726* SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE OVAL PLATTER (N.R.) 24 x 9.75” 7992320* SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE OVAL PLATTER (N.R.) 12 x 11.5” 14. 4516613* REGO BRIGHT WHITE OVAL PLATTER (R.E.) 12 x 13.25” 4288148* SYSCO BRIGHT WHITE OVAL PLATTER (R.E.) 24 x 10 5/8” 8468027* REGO BRIGHT WHITE OVAL PLATTER (R.E.) 6 x 15” * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 23 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE C 1. C ROYALE - FINE PORCELAIN Versatile and understated, Royale has a timeless beauty that is at home most anywhere. The flat, mid-size rim design makes Royale an ideal choice for banquet operations. This line features a fine bright white porcelain body, and a huge assortment of items and accessories. 1. 6010458* SANT’ ANDREA ROYALE SOUP BOWL (DEEP RIM) 36 x 12 OZ 2. 9997396* SANT’ ANDREA ROYALE PLATE 12 x 10.25” 8533002* SANT’ ANDREA ROYALE PLATE 36 x 6 3/8” 2. D 1. 2. 4. 3. 5. E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. D COURSES - CREAM WHITE TWICE-FIRED CHINA Courses dinnerware is the answer for casual dining venues looking to add a new dimension to their tabletop. Reinforced edges and round corners, molded in the super-durable Buffalo China body provide maximum performance. Courses dinnerware features a twice-fired, cream white body and reinforced edges. 1. 4935596* ONEIDA COURSES SQUARE BOWL 24 x 6 3/8” 2. 4935395* ONEIDA COURSES TRIANGLE BOWL 36 x 5” 3. 4454492* ONEIDA COURSES SQUARE PLATE 12 x 10.5” 4413142* ONEIDA COURSES SQUARE PLATE 12 x 12” 4. 4414652* ONEIDA COURSES TRIANGLE PLATE 12 x 11.25” 4936025* ONEIDA COURSES TRIANGLE PLATE 24 x 8 7/8” 4518999* ONEIDA COURSES TRIANGLE PLATE 36 x 7” 5. 4410734* ONEIDA COURSES RECTANGLE PLATTER 12 x (12”x10”) E TUNDRA - VITRIFIED HIGH ALUMINA The wide rim of Tundra offers a more dramatic presentation and better portion control. The Vitrified High Alumina (VHA) body enhances impact and chipping resistance for long service life. Tundra features a desirable bone white body color and high performance glaze which enhances resistance to scratching and metal marking. 1. 7158134 ONEIDA TUNDRA FRUIT BOWL 36 x 5” 2. 7157755* ONEIDA TUNDRA GRAPEFRUIT BOWL 36 x 6.5” 3. 7158169 ONEIDA TUNDRA PASTA BOWL (SMALL WELL) 12 x 11” 4. 7158175* ONEIDA TUNDRA PASTA BOWL 12 x 12” 5. 7157797* ONEIDA TUNDRA SOUP BOWL (RIM) 24 x 9.5” 6. 7158151* ONEIDA TUNDRA STACKABLE BOUILLON 36 x 9.5 OZ 7. 7158019 ONEIDA TUNDRA STACKABLE CUP 36 x 8.5 OZ 8. 7157664* ONEIDA TUNDRA TALL CUP 36 x 10 OZ 9. 7157684 ONEIDA TUNDRA STACKABLE MUG 36 x 12 OZ 10 7158039* ONEIDA TUNDRA PLATE 36 x 6.25” 7312733* ONEIDA TUNDRA PLATE 36 x 8” 7154174 ONEIDA TUNDRA PLATE 12 x 10 5/8” 7158054* ONEIDA TUNDRA PLATE 12 x 10” 7158191ONEIDA TUNDRA PLATE12 x 12” 7158043ONEIDA TUNDRA PLATE24 x 9” 11. 7158227 ONEIDA TUNDRA SQUARE PLATE 12 x 9 7/8” 12. 7158029* ONEIDA TUNDRA SAUCER 36 x 6” * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 24 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE F F CYPRESS Made exclusively for Sysco. Simple embossed design. Narrow rim for many applications. 5186853 SYSCO CYPRESS EMBOSSED FRUIT DISH 36 x 4 5/8” 5186846* SYSCO CYPRESS EMBOSSED GRAPEFRUIT BOWL 36 x 6.5” 5186895* SYSCO CYPRESS EMBOSSED PLATE 36 x 7.25” 5186911* SYSCO CYPRESS EMBOSSED PLATE 24 x 9.5” G 1. 3. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. G QUARTET - PORCELAIN COLLECTION The appealing design of Quartet, with softened edges and wide framing rims, offers a more versatile adaptation of the square design. The raised cord edge enhances performance while providing a handsome border to the plate and platter rims. Best of all Quartet’s style is comforting and refined but not too specific. The striking collection, suitable for casual and fine dining, shows off any style cuisine with distinction. 1. 6639787* ONEIDA QUARTET SOUP BOWL (RIM) 12 x 9” 2. 6642049* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE DIP BOWL 36 x 5 1/8” 3. 6643797* ONEIDA QUARTET DESSERT BOWL 12 x 10 .25” 4. 6643773* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE SALAD BOWL 24 x 7 3/8” 5. 6643789* ONEIDA QUARTET SERVING BOWL 6 x 8 5/8” 6. 6639486* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE BOUILLON W/ HANDLE 36 x 11 OZ 7. 6641987* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE MUG 36 x 12 OZ 8. 6639621* ONEIDA QUARTET BOUILLON SAUCER 36 EACH 9. 6641722* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE PLATE 36 x 6.75” 6641738* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE PLATE 24 x 7.5” 6641748* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE PLATE 24 x 8.25” 6641755* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE PLATE 12 x 10 1/8” 6641763* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE PLATE 6 x 11” 6641771* ONEIDA QUARTET SQUARE PLATE 6 x 12.5” 10. 6642021* ONEIDA QUARTET RECTANGLE PLATTER (DEEP) 12 x 9 3/8” 11. 6643710* ONEIDA QUARTET RECTANGLE PLATTER 12 x 11” 6643728* ONEIDA QUARTET RECTANGLE PLATTER 12 x 12.5” 6643734* ONEIDA QUARTET RECTANGLE PLATTER 6 x 15” 11. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 25 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. H PORCELAIN COLLECTION The Oneida Porcelain collection is an exercise in form and function. The stylish, wide scooped rims provide an ideal food frame while the rim-to-well transitions offer efficient eating surfaces. They are the perfect “blank canvas” for performances in the culinary arts. 1. 5892783* ONEIDA PORCELAIN MINI LION BOWL 72 x 2.25 OZ 2. 0071916 ONEIDA PORCELAIN LOW SQUARE BOWL 36 x 5 3/8” 3. 5976349 ONEIDA PORCELAIN SQUARE DIPPING BOWL 36 x 5” 4. 5972676* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SERVING WAVE BOWL 24 x 9.5” 5. 5976339* ONEIDA PORCELAIN TRIANGLE BOWL 12 x 8” 6. 5892777* ONEIDA PORCELAIN AU GRATIN MINI DISH 72 x 1.5 OZ 7. 8135487* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SAUCE DISH 72 x 2 OZ 8. 8130876* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SAUCE DISH (CANOE) 72 x 2 OZ 9. 8033876* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SQUARE SAUCE DISH 72 x 4 OZ 10. 5969256* ONEIDA PORCELAIN MINI FRYING PAN 72 x 1.75 OZ 11. 0061657* ONEIDA PORCELAIN RECTANGLE PLATE 12 x 13.25” 12. 5992264* ONEIDA PORCELAIN FLAT SQUARE PLATE 12 x 10.5” 13. 6083378* ONEIDA PORCELAIN FLAT SQUARE PLATTER 12 x 11 7/8” 14. 7166905* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SQUARE PLATE 12 x 10.25” 7067263* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SQUARE PLATE 24 x 9” 5947746* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SQUARE PLATE 36 x 7.5” 7982506* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SQUARE PLATE 12 x 9 7/8” 15. 5961745* ONEIDA PORCELAIN OVAL PLATTER 6 x 19.5” 16. 0052247* ONEIDA PORCELAIN OVAL EURO PLATTER 12 x (13” x 10”) 17. 5961737* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SLIM OVAL PLATTER 6 x 26.5” 18. 7806690 ONEIDA PORCELAIN RECTANGLE PLATTER 12 x 14.5” 19. 8103016 ONEIDA PORCELAIN RECTANGLE PLATTER 12 x 11 3/8” 20. 5973993* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SUSHI PLATTER 12 x 13” 5961754* ONEIDA PORCELAIN SUSHI PLATTER 12 x 15” 21. 6591954* ONEIDA PORCELAIN RECTANGULAR TRAY 1 x 12 CT 22. 6143129* ONEIDA PORCELAIN MINI RAMEKIN 72 x 1.5 OZ 22. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 26 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I FUSION - FINE PORCELAIN Fusion is a globally inspired porcelain collection of unique shapes ideally suited for blending international cuisines in creative combinations. Including squares, ovals, steep angle bowls and traditional Asian service pieces, Fusion offers many innovative presentation opportunities. 1. 7304401* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION SQUARE BOWL 36 x 5” 6725089* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION SQUARE BOWL 36 EACH 2. 9232182* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION OVAL BOWL 36 EACH 3. 9132119* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION SQUARE PLATE 24 x 5.5” 4. 9845561* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION RECTANGULAR DISH 72 EACH 5. 9844077* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION 3 COMPARTMENT DISH 36 EACH 6. 4699874* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION RECTANGLE PLATTER (RIM) 12 x 11 3/8” 0786822* SANT’ ANDREA FUSION RECTANGLE PLATTER (RIM) 12 x (14” x 7.5”) J BOTTICELLI - FINE PORCELAIN A dramatic steep rim embossed with hand-carved textures creates an impressive showcase for food presentations. Created by the award-winning European design team of QueensburyHunt, Botticelli appeals to both casual and fine dining settings. Recommended for use in the healthcare industry. 1. 6931794* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI CEREAL BOWL 36 x 15 OZ 2. 6941066* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI PASTA BOWL 12 x 11 7/8” 3. 6933477* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI CREAMER 36 x 6 OZ 4. 6933428* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI STACKABLE CUPS 36 x 9 OZ 5. 6933469* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI SAUCER 36 x 6” 6. 8367880* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI MUGS 36 x 12 OZ 7. 7925845* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI SUGAR PACKET HOLDER 1 x 36 EACH 8. 6504435* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI PLATE 12 x 11 7/8” 6933378* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI PLATE 36 x 6 3/8” 8436867* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI PLATE 36 x 8 3/8” 9. 9479171* SANT’ ANDREA BOTTICELLI OVAL PLATTER 12 x 14 1/2” K CONSERVO - CREAM WHITE TWICE-FIRED CHINA Based on its narrow rim with a large well, Conservo fits the needs of operations specializing in generous servings by reducing the need for added service pieces. 1. 4921664* BUFFALO CONSERVO RIM SOUP BOWL (DEEP) 24 x 15 OZ 2. 7759103* BUFFALO CONSERVO PLATTER 4 x 9.5” 9. K 1. 2. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 27 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE L 1. 2. 3. 4. M 1. N 1. L STEALTH - CREAM WHITE TWICE-FIRED CHINA This intriguing assortment of geometric plates and bowls offers a choice of shapes and sizes. Its exciting mix-and-match possibilities are ideal for highlighting meals and menu items as a contrast to traditional styles. The Stealth Collection is twice-fired, has a cream white body and is microwave and conventional oven safe. 1. 0866723* ONEIDA STEALTH WOK BOWL 12 x 11.25” 2. 1419662* ONEIDA STEALTH STADIUM BOWL 12 x 10 7/8” 3. 6961825* ONEIDA STEALTH TRIANGLE SIDE PLATE 24 x 7.25” 4. 2925964* ONEIDA STEALTH FLAT TRIANGLE PLATE 12 x 11.5 M SIGNATURE - FINE PORCELAIN An innovative fine shape comprised of unique presentation pieces, Signature offers many platforms for culinary expression. Featuring Schönwald’s renowned high performance German porcelain body and glaze, Signature mixes an eclectic array of squares, circles and ovals for dramatic, multi-tiered plating opportunities. Porcelain, glass, wood, linen and silicone materials blend harmoniously for a truly extraordinary fine dining experience. 1. 4845374* SCHÖNWALD SIGNATURE OVAL SAUCER (A.D.) 36 x 5.5” N EVENT - FINE PORCELAIN The Event collection impresses by virtue of its intelligent mix of innovative design, pure aesthetics and straight-forward functionality. Extraordinary flexibility characterizes this wide range of items, tailored for today’s formal buffet and superior table setting demands. The mix of shapes and materials lends the table a varied, natural look. The bright white porcelain body, favored by classically trained chefs, blends perfectly with wood, metal and glass providing multiple opportunities to showcase any cuisine style. 1. 7795873* SCHÖNWALD EVENT WOOD PLATFORM 2 x 1 EACH * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 28 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE O 1. 2. 4. 3. 5. 7. 6. 8. P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. O CLASSIC WHITE This unrivalled collection provides the ideal blank canvas for all your menu needs and can be found in hotels and restaurants all over the world. Inspirational in its design, Classic White combines reliable durability with multi-functional shapes and is backed by a Lifetime Edge Chip Warranty for maximum confidence in product performance. 1. 5542386* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE GEOMETRIX BOWL 36 x 11 OZ 2. 4041638* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE BOUILLON CUP 36 EACH 3. 1702810* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE STACKING BEAKER MUG 36 x 11.5 OZ 4. 9647314* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE VISCOUNT STACKING CUP 36 x 8 OZ 5. 8952665* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE STACKING MUG 36 x 9.5 OZ 6. 5920168* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE COFFEE MUG 18 x 16 OZ 7. 8953655* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE PLATE 24 x 9” 8886061* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE PLATE 36 x 7” 1253277* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE PLATE 12 x 11.5” 8220378* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE PLATE 24 x 10 5/8” 3380805* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE PLATE 24 x 10” 0855270* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE PLATE 36 x 6 3/8” 8. 4571592* DUDSON CLASSIC WHITE SOUP PLATE 24 x 8.5” P LYRIC WHITE From casual to fine dining, the clean and pure design of Lyric White allows for creative culinary expression. 1. 8951741* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE FRUIT BOWL 36 x 4 7/8” 2. 7892003* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE STACKING BOUILLON 36 x 9.5 OZ 3. 2791903* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE STACKING TEACUP 36 x 8 OZ 4. 7337167* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE MID RIM PLATE 24 x 10 5/8” 5. 8951824* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE PLATE 36 x 6 3/8” 8951691* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE PLATE 24 x 9” 9090424* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE PLATE 12 x 11 3/8” 5349675* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE PLATE 36 x 7” 2590693* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE PLATE 24 x 10” 6. 5770516* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE SOUP/PASTA PLATE 24 x 10 7/8” 7. 8951733* DUDSON LYRIC WHITE SOUP PLATE 24 x 8.5” 7. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 29 Dinnerware SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE Q 1. 2. 3. 4. R Q FLAIR Ideally suited to those looking for a stylish concept with a contemporary twist, this collection of highly versatile ceramic and glass pieces offers unlimited opportunities for artistic food presentation. 1. 7884404* DUDSON FLAIR FRUIT BOWL 36 x 5 3/8” 2. 5543543* DUDSON FLAIR OVAL DEEP PLATTER 12 x 10.5” 3. 5543634* DUDSON FLAIR OVAL PLATTER 12 x 13.5” 4. 8232379* DUDSON FLAIR PLATE 24 x 10 5/8” 8232328* DUDSON FLAIR PLATE 24 x 9” 5832639* DUDSON FLAIR PLATE 12 x 11 5/8” 5204746* DUDSON FLAIR PLATE 36 x 6.25” R PALETTE Abstract and artistic for a truly fresh approach. 1. 2616134* DUDSON PALETTE PLATE 8232074* DUDSON PALETTE PLATE 2. 8898595* DUDSON PALETTE SOUP/PASTA PLATE 1. 24 x 8” 12 x 11” 12 x 11 3/8” 2. S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. OTHER DINNERWARE 8959678* DUDSON ASPEN FRUIT BOWL 9275975* DUDSON AVALON FRUIT BOWL 5868049* DUDSON GEOMETRIX ROUND DISH 0203976* DUDSON HUDSON COFFEE MUG 6446938* DUDSON AFTER DINNER SAUCER 8977506* DUDSON STACKING SOUP BOWL 5920095* BUFFALO COUPE PLATTER 1321405* BUFFALO FIREGLOW FRY PAN SERVER 7125008* REGO JUBILEE PERIWINKLE CAFE MUG 6504914* REGO KILLINGTON BOUILLON 8690002* ONEIDA WHIRL PLATE 5501071* SCHÖNWALD UNLIMITED LOW SQUARE DISH * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 36 x 4 7/8” 36 x 5.25 OZ 3 x 14.25” 36 x 11.5 OZ 36 EACH 36 x 9.5 OZ 12 x 11.5” 12 x 12 OZ 36 x 8 OZ 36 x 7 OZ 12 x 11” 36 x 2” 30 Table Top 31 Table Top SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 7054081* 7007770* 6906301* 7054360* 7370945* 6220952* 6738761* 7988997* 8489231* 7586066* 5894276* 7141617* 4990917* 4990842* 5451018* 4028858* 7110752* 7111248* TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT TABLECRAFT SYSCO LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY LIBBEY SYSCO SYSCO ROLLER FOR CONE PAPER METAL CONE BASKET (BLACK) METAL CONE BASKET (BLACK) CONE BASKET W/RAMEKIN (BLACK) METAL ROUND BASKET (BLACK) METAL OVAL BASKET (BLACK) RECTANGLE WIRE BASKET (BLACK) SQUARE BOWL (WHITE) SQUARE BOWL (WHITE) SQUARE TRAY (WHITE) CORE PITCHER VOTIVE CANDLE HOLDER ROLY POLY VOTIVE 3 PIECE CRUET GLASS SET LID CARAFE SERVER 5065 SERVER CARAFE GLASS BLK BAND CLEAR SQUARE GLASS ASHTRAY CLEAR SAFETY GLASS ASHTRAY 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 x (5”x7”) 1 x (5”x7”) 12 EACH 1 x (10”x7.5”) 1 EACH 1x (5”x6”) 1 x (12.5”x5”) 1 x 16.75” 1x3L 36 x 3.5 OZ 36 x 4.75 OZ 6 x 3 PIECE 72 EACH 24 x 10 OZ 36 x 3.75” 36 x 5” 8. 9. 10. 12. 14. 16. 11. 13. 15. 17. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 32 Thermometers & Batteries 33 Thermometers & Batteries SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONSIZE A A THERMOMETERS & PROBES 1. 6586319* COOPER WATERPROOF THERMOCOUPLE PROBE (RANGE: -73°C TO 537°C) 1 EACH 2. 3498797* COOPER VERSATUFF DIGITAL THERMOMETER (RANGE: -40°C TO 1000°C) 1 EACH 3. 6869531*SYSCO INFRARED AND PROBE (RANGE: IR: -33°C TO 220°C,PROBE: -55°C TO 330°C) 1 EACH 4. 6436315* COOPER THERMOCOUPLE WITH JACK (RANGE: -73°C TO 260°C)1 EACH 5. 6869150*SYSCO MINI INFRARED (RANGE: -33°C TO 220°C)1 EACH 6. 9544859 COOPER DIGITAL POCKET TEST W/ TEMP. ALARM (WATERPROOF) (RANGE: -40°C TO 232°C ) 1 EACH 7. 5611553* COOPER COIL CABLE PROBE 6” (RANGE: -40°C TO 260°C)1 EACH 8. 5611744* COOPER OVEN, COOLER/FREEZER PROBE W/CLIP (RANGE: -73°C TO 316°C)1 EACH 9. 4056321* COOPER REPLACEMENT PROBE FOR SUPC #6436315 (RANGE: -73°C TO 260°C)1 EACH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 7. B B TIMERS 1. 5907167*SYSCO SINGLE STATION TIMER (LARGE) 2. 8031445* COOPER MULTI-STATION DIGITAL TIMER 1 EACH 1 EACH C OTHER 1. 5612031* COOPER HARD CARRYING CASE (MEDIUM SIZED) 1 EACH D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DURACELL C ALKALINE BATTERY DURACELL D PROCELL BATTERY DURACELL 9 VOLT PROCELL BATTERY DURACELL AAA PROCELL 1.5 VOLT BATTERY DURACELL AA PROCELL 1.5VOLT BATTERY 6 x 12 CT 1 x 72 EA 1 x 72 CT 1 x 144 EA 1 x 144 EA BATTERIES 5702378 7509272 7485800 7485719 7485760 D 1. 1. DURACELL PROCELL alkaline batteries deliver outstanding performance and reliability. Major advantages are: 2. 3. 2. C 1. 4. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM 5. - Long lasting and dependable – even after seven years of storage. - Operate reliably in temperature extremes of -20C to -54C. - Last up to ten times longer than super heavy duty zinc carbon batteries in power demanding applications. - Date coded to ensure freshness. - Long service life at high drain discharges. SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE - Economical bulk packaging for professional applications. - Contains no added mercury. 34 Thermometers Tips RECEIVING / STORING TIPS Freezer storage is solely for receiving and keeping frozen foods. Freezers must have an air temperature of 0°F (-18°C) or lower in order to keep your food safe for consuming. The slightest variation above 0°F (-18°C) can damage food quality, especially meat and fish. Using two thermometers, placing one in the warmest and the second in the coldest area of the refrigerator or freezer unit, is the best way to calculate the correct temperature. Areas closer to the door will be slightly warmer than areas in the back of the unit. Dry goods and canned products are kept in a well-ventilated, well-lit and clean environment. This area must be protected from pests and excessive moisture or heat. A temperature of 50°F- 70°F (10°C - 21°C) is ideal for this dry storage area because it increases shelf life of virtually all dry products. A relative humidity of 50% - 60% is satisfactory for the storage of most dry or canned goods. PREPARING / COOKING TIPS Protecting food through the preparation process is extremely important. When preparing potentially hazardous foods you need to make sure that they spend less than 4 hours in the bacterial danger zone which is between 41°F and 135°F (5°C - 57°C). Food exposed to this temperature for too long of time is not safe to eat. Thawing is the first step in the preparation of frozen foods. Acceptable methods include: Cooking foods above 140°F (60°C), Refrigerating at 41°F (5°C), Holding under potable running water at 70°F (21°C) or below for no more than 2 hours. Cooking at the minimum temperature of 165°F (74°C) destroys the toxins in the food that are produced by bacteria. Toxins are poisons that can cause food borne illness. The final cooking temperature should always be tested with a thermometer, never by looking or touching the food. SERVING / HOLDING TIPS Hot foods should be held at 135°F (57°C) or above. Always use thermometers to check food temperature. Relying on the thermostat of warming or holing equipment is not enough. Temperatures should be checked at 2 hour intervals with a thermocouple or steam table thermometer. Cold holding food temperatures should be at 41°F (5°C) or below. This food should be covered and the temperature of the actual food needs to be taken, not the thermostat setting. This temperature should be taken every 2 hours for accuracy. The ideal air temperature for this storage should be between 35°F and 38°F (1.7°C 3.3°C). COOLING / REHEATING TIPS When cooling food, the internal food temperature must be brought down to 70°F (21°C) within 2 hours, then down to 41°F (5°C) or below within 4 hours (6 hours total). Do not cool at room temperature and it is better to divide food into small units or use a shallow pan to help cool foods quickly. Foods must be reheated to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) before being transferred to holding equipment. The food must reach this temperature within 2 hours and never let it fall below 135°F (57°C). Do not add or mix new products with old foods and do not reheat foods twice. Never reheat foods that have been cooled and refrigerated for more than 2 days or reheat food in hot-holding equipment. Source: www.cooper-atkins.com 35 Uniforms FOR CUSTOM UNIFORMS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MARKETING ASSOCIATE FOR MORE DETAILS. Uniform descriptions provided by www.blackwoodapparel.com 36 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE A A PANTS 1. TRADITIONAL CHEF PANT - CP01 Twill. This pant is generously fitted in the thigh and in the rise. All sizes have four pockets, two deep front and two back pockets. 0324731* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (WHITE) 38 WAIST 6917514* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (BLACK) 31 WAIST 0323808* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (BLACK) 32 WAIST 6917506* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (BLACK) 33 WAIST 0323840* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (BLACK) 34 WAIST 0331264* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (BLACK CHECKER) 34 WAIST 0331868* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (BLACK CHECKER) 36 WAIST 0331918* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (BLACK CHECKER) 38 WAIST 2936722* BLACKWOOD TRAD. CHEF PANTS (HOUNDSTOOTH) 44 WAIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. NOT SO TRADITIONAL RUGBY PANT - CP02 Twill. New Soft jersey fabric on the inside elastic waistband and a drawstring to help you reduce inventory. Featuring four deep pockets, all reinforced with a bartack stitch, also just added to inner leg inseam! Teflon coated to prevent static in the kitchen. 5776168* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) 2X-SMALL 0324483* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) SMALL 0326496 BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) MEDIUM 0324277 BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) LARGE 0326710* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) X-LARGE 4954549* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) X-LARGE 0354803* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) 2X-LARGE 0331298* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) 3X-LARGE 2564680* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) 4X-LARGE 0324665* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) 5X-LARGE 8256531 BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (BLACK) 6X-LARGE 0331934* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (HOUNDSTOOTH) MEDIUM 0326660* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (HOUNDSTOOTH) X-LARGE 0326637* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (PINSTRIPE) LARGE 0326652* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (PINSTRIPE) X-LARGE 3007143* BLACKWOOD RUGBY CHEF PANT (RAINBOW CHECKER) SMALL 3. CARGO PANT - CP03 A similar version to the Not So Traditional Chef Pant with extra cargo pockets, this pant is comfortable and versatile with the extra storage six pockets provides. 5394987* BLACKWOOD CARGO PANTS (BLACK) MEDIUM 3925518* BLACKWOOD CARGO PANTS (BLACK) LARGE 9023383* BLACKWOOD CARGO PANTS (BLACK) X-LARGE 6841403* BLACKWOOD CARGO PANTS (PINSTRIPE) MEDIUM 4. ECONOMY RUGBY PANT - ECO05 65/35 poly-cotton black twill (Teflon-coated) 2” Waistband with soft jersey lining. 0271688* BLACKWOOD ECONOMY RUGBY PANT (BLACK) 0271710* BLACKWOOD ECONOMY RUGBY PANT (BLACK) * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE MEDIUM LARGE 37 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE B B PANTS (CONTINUED) 1. ELASTIC WAIST CHEF PANT (BLACK) - CP06 This zipper-fly pant is designed to be comfortable for both men and women. It has two back pockets and two deep front pockets. 2736684* BLACKWOOD ELASTIC WAIST CHEF PANT (BLACK) 5X-LARGE 2. EXPANDABLE WAIST PANT - CP07 This zipper-fly pant is designed to be comfortable for both men and women. It has two back pockets and two deep front pockets. 0399404* BLACKWOOD EXPANDABLE WAIST PANT (BLACK) LARGE 0399392* BLACKWOOD EXPANDABLE WAIST PANT (GREY) LARGE 1. 2. 3. EXECUTIVE CHEF PANT - CP10 55% Poly/45 Wool Blend. This high quality suit pant is designed for the executive chef. 0330100* BLACKWOOD EXECUTIVE CHEF PANT (BLACK) LARGE 4. PLEATED EXECUTIVE PANT - CP10A 100% Polyester. This high quality suit pant is designed for the executive chef. 8713018* BLACKWOOD PLEATED EXECUTIVE PANT (BLACK) 0315166* BLACKWOOD PLEATED EXECUTIVE PANT (BLACK) 36 WAIST 38 WAIST 5. LADIES TRADITIONAL CHEF PANTS - CP11 This modern and feminine cut pant is designed to flatter the female form yet has the same functionality of our Traditional Chef Pant. 6886665* BLACKWOOD LADIES TRAD. CHEF PANTS (PINSTRIPE) LARGE 6. LADIES NOT SO TRADITIONAL CHEF PANTS - CP12 A female approach to our Not So Traditional Pant. Stocked in black stretch Twill for maximum comfort. 7570577* BLACKWOOD NOT SO TRAD. CHEF PANT (BLACK) X-SMALL 6917445* BLACKWOOD NOT SO TRAD. CHEF PANT (BLACK) SMALL 7570595* BLACKWOOD NOT SO TRAD. CHEF PANT (BLACK) LARGE 3. 4. 5. 6. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 38 Uniforms SUPC C BRAND DESCRIPTION SIZE C SHIRTS 1. COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT - CW21 Lightweight 65/35 poly-cotton blend. 0332882* BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (WHITE) 0332940* BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (WHITE) 6317354 BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (WHITE) 0333096* BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (WHITE) 5444381* BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (WHITE) 8583423* BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (BLACK) 8583446* BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (BLACK) 8583413* BLACKWOOD COOK/DISHWASHER SHIRT (BLACK) 1. SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE 4X-LARGE LARGE 2X-LARGE 4X-LARGE 2. V-NECK SHIRT - CW22 This pullover unisex style shirt is versatile and can be used in many different applications. It works well for a variety of job functions and is available in white poly-cotton, or with contrasting coloured accents. 0092045* BLACKWOOD V-NECK SHIRT (BLACK) LARGE 0329748* BLACKWOOD V-NECK SHIRT (WHITE) LARGE 3. UNISEX SERVING SHIRT - BW260 This modern upbeat serving shirt combines fine tailoring with hip details. A combination weltpatch pocket puts an innovative spin on functionality while the dye-to match buttons are a fun accent. 6976839* BLACKWOOD UNISEX SERVING SHIRT (BLACK) LARGE 4. CATHERINE BLOUSE - BW222 Available in 3/4 length sleeve only and without pockets. 4385860* BLACKWOOD CATHERINE BLOUSE (RUBY) 4386124* BLACKWOOD CATHERINE BLOUSE (WHITE) 4385696* BLACKWOOD CATHERINE BLOUSE (WHITE) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE 2. 3. 4. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 39 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE C C SHIRTS (CONTINUED) 1. LADIES V-NECK - BW240 Ladies v-neck stretch shirt with 3/4 sleeves. A classic shirt and look that is very versatile. 5501921*BLACKWOOD LADIES V-NECK (BLACK)SMALL 5501919*BLACKWOOD LADIES V-NECK (BLACK)MEDIUM 6093250*BLACKWOOD LADIES V-NECK (BLACK)X-LARGE 1. 2. LADIES CROSSOVER SHIRT - BW242 With a cross over neckline and shirring at the side waist, this shirt offers a playful twist to a V-neck style. 5648809* BLACKWOOD LADIES CROSSOVER SHIRT (BLACK) SMALL 5648813* BLACKWOOD LADIES CROSSOVER SHIRT (BLACK) MEDIUM 5648821* BLACKWOOD LADIES CROSSOVER SHIRT (BLACK) LARGE 3. NOUVEAU V-NECK SHIRT - BW252 Ladies fitted V-neck shirt with bust style line for accent with a clean neckline finish. A simple and refined choice. 6798468* BLACKWOOD NOVEAU V-NECK SHIRT (BLACK) SMALL 6798431* BLACKWOOD NOVEAU V-NECK SHIRT (BLACK) MEDIUM 6789553* BLACKWOOD NOVEAU V-NECK SHIRT (BLACK) X-LARGE 2. 4. COAL HARBOUR GOLF SHIRT - S450 0293110* PEAK C COAL HARBOUR GOLF SHIRT (BLACK) 0293128* PEAK C COAL HARBOUR GOLF SHIRT (BLACK) 0293151* PEAK C COAL HARBOUR GOLF SHIRT (BLACK) 0293177* PEAK C COAL HARBOUR GOLF SHIRT (NAVY BLUE) 0293169* PEAK C COAL HARBOUR GOLF SHIRT (NAVY BLUE) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE 2X-LARGE 3. 4. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 40 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE D D JACKETS 1. 2. 3. 1. BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) - CJ01 A traditional industry standard. Features a left chest patch pocket and sleeve pen pocket. High quality 28 ligne cloth knot buttons. 8718421* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) X-SMALL 0329656 BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) SMALL 0329664 BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) MEDIUM 0329680 BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) LARGE 0329706 BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) X-LARGE 0329722* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) 2X-LARGE 0329730* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) 3X-LARGE 0334078* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE W/ BLACK PIPING)X-LARGE 5776145* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BLACK) 2X-SMALL 5758366* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BLACK) X-SMALL 0758110* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BLACK) SMALL 0335158* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BLACK) MEDIUM 0282640* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BLACK) LARGE 6499164 BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BLACK) X-LARGE 6778397* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BLACK) 2X-LARGE 9409756* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET (BURGUNDY) 2X-LARGE 2. BASIC CHEF JACKET SHORT SLEEVE VERSION (BLACK) - CJ01 A traditional industry standard. Features a left chest patch pocket and sleeve pen pocket. High quality 28 ligne cloth knot buttons. 8831032* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET S/S (BLACK) SMALL 8616633* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET S/S (BLACK) MEDIUM 8616929* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET S/S (BLACK) LARGE 8616940* BLACKWOOD BASIC CHEF JACKET S/S (BLACK) X-LARGE 3. EXECUTIVE CHEF JACKET (WHITE) - CJ02 This modern style jacket is extremely comfortable as well as flattering to any type of frame. The wide front gives maximum protection from heat, as well as a broad pallet for logos and titles. 3179785 BLACKWOOD EXECUTIVE CHEF JACKET (WHITE) MEDIUM 8717662 BLACKWOOD EXECUTIVE CHEF JACKET (WHITE) X-LARGE 0354282 BLACKWOOD EXECUTIVE CHEF JACKET (WHITE) 4X-LARGE 4. CONTEMPORARY CHEF JACKET (BLACK) - CJ03 65% Poly/35% Cotton Blend. This oversized pullover has drop shoulders and lots of room for free movement. 8735201* BLACKWOOD CONTEMPORARY CHEF JACKET (BLACK) X-LARGE 4. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 41 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE E E JACKETS (CONTINUED) 5. EUROPEAN STYLE CHEF JACKET - CJ05 65% Poly/35% Cotton Blend. This jacket is a truly tailored and fitted jacket. Its European styling makes it our best show jacket yet. 4508404* BLACKWOOD EURO STYLE CHEF JACKET (BLACK) LARGE 6917525* BLACKWOOD EURO STYLE CHEF JACKET (WHITE) MEDIUM 6917494* BLACKWOOD EURO STYLE CHEF JACKET (WHITE) LARGE 6917484* BLACKWOOD EURO STYLE CHEF JACKET (WHITE) X-LARGE 7570635* BLACKWOOD EURO STYLE CHEF JACKET (DRK GREEN) SMALL 7570649* BLACKWOOD EURO STYLE CHEF JACKET (DRK GREEN) MEDIUM 7570650* BLACKWOOD EURO STYLE CHEF JACKET (DRK GREEN) LARGE 5. 6. CONTEMPORARY CHEF JACKET II - CJ06 65% Poly/35% Cotton Blend. This tailored and fitted jacket has European styling with a contemporary flair. Made with the executive in mind. 5804251* BLACKWOOD CONTEMP. CHEF JACKET II (BLACK) 6X-LARGE 5804275* BLACKWOOD CONTEMP. CHEF JACKET II (WHITE) 6X-LARGE 0399372* BLACKWOOD CONTEMP. CHEF JACKET II (NVY BLUE) X-LARGE 0399362* BLACKWOOD CONTEMP. CHEF JACKET II (RYL BLUE) X-LARGE 7. ECONOMY BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) - ECO04 65% Poly/35% Cotton Blend. With white plastic buttons. 0271660BLACKWOOD ECONOMY BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) 0271706BLACKWOOD ECONOMY BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) MEDIUM LARGE 8. THERMAL UTILITY JACKET Reflective piping for safety and fleece lined shell for optimal warmth. 7962469* BLACKWOOD THERMAL UTILITY JACKET (BLACK) 7962473* BLACKWOOD THERMAL UTILITY JACKET (BLACK) LARGE X-LARGE 6. 7. 8. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 42 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE F F JACKETS (CONTINUED) 9. LADIES’ EXECUTIVE CHEF JACKET (BLACK) - CJ08 65% Poly/35% Cotton Blend. Exclusively designed for the executive woman in mind, its tulip bottom flatters all shapes and sizes. This jacket has a three piece tailored front and back panel for comfort, style and fit. 8583405* BLACKWOOD LADIES’ EXECUTIVE CHEF JACKET (BLACK) X-LARGE 10. LADIES’ BASIC CHEF JACKET - CJ09 65% Poly/35% Cotton Blend. A similar version to the Women’s Executive Chef Jacket with a simplified back panel, this jacket is an ideal solution to reducing costs. 0653909* BLACKWOOD LADIES’ BASIC CHEF JACKET (WHITE) X-SMALL 9. 11. LADIES’ DELUXE CHEF JACKET - CJ17 65% Poly/35% Cotton Blend Re-inspired to create with the woman in mind. This jacket is highly tailored for a more refined fit. Deluxe finishing with double prices seams and top-stitching Piping along cuff, collar, and center front, with low profile matte buttons and welt pen pocket. 6852236* BLACKWOOD LADIES’ DELUXE CHEF JACKET LARGE G UNIFORM ACCESSORIES 1. 0337386* 7509195* 2. 7618319* 7392105* 7392113* 7392129 7392139 3. 0610174* 4. 7590191 5. 0138978 6858583 BLACKWOOD BLACKWOOD HOLEYS HOLEYS HOLEYS HOLEYS HOLEYS BLACKWOOD BLACKWOOD BLACKWOOD BLACKWOOD CHEF SCARF (WHITE) CHEF SCARF (BLACK) PROLINE CHEF CLOGS (SMALL: 4/5) PROLINE CHEF CLOGS(MEDIUM: SIZE 6/7) PROLINE CHEF CLOGS (LARGE: SIZE 8/9) PROLINE CHEF CLOGS(X-LARGE: SIZE 10) PROLINE CHEF CLOGS (2X-LARGE: SIZE 12) 5 POCKET SERVER POUCH 3 POCKET SERVER POUCH TERRY CLOTH BAR TOWEL (BLUE)18” X 20” RIBBED TERRY CLOTH BAR TOWEL 18”X20” 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 PAIR 1 PAIR 1 PAIR 1 PAIR 1 PAIR 1 EACH 1 EACH 12 COUNT 12 COUNT 10. G 1. 11. 2. 3. 4. 5. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 43 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE H H APRONS 1. 2. 1. 3-POCKET WAITER APRON Great for bills and change. Extra long straps are standard. 12” long x 20” wide; 35” strap. 8733693 BLACKWOOD 3-POCKET WAITER APRON (BLACK) 1 EACH 0317149* BLACKWOOD 3-POCKET WAITER APRON (BLACK) 5 EACH 2. REGULAR LENGTH 4-WAY APRON The ties are wide and will not fray. (17.5” long x 27.5” wide; 43” strap) 0326892 BLACKWOOD REGULAR LENGTH 4-WAY APRON (BLACK) 0325688 BLACKWOOD REGULAR LENGTH 4-WAY APRON (WHITE) 3. 4. 1 EACH 1 EACH 3. MID LENGTH 4-WAY APRON The ties are wide and will not fray. (28.5 “ long x 28.5” wide; 43” strap) 0383042* BLACKWOOD MID LENGTH 4-WAY APRON (WHITE)1 EACH 4. FULL LENGTH 4-WAY APRON The ties are wide and will not fray. (39” long x 27.5” wide; 43” strap ) 0956862* BLACKWOOD FULL LENGTH 4-WAY APRON (BLACK) 1 EACH 5. KITCHEN BIB APRON Keep your jackets clean with our classic bib apron. Straps are made extra along with adjustable sliders. 30” long x 27 1/4” wide; 35”strap. 8715021* BLACKWOOD KITCHEN BIB APRON (WHITE) 1 EACH 8850230* BLACKWOOD KITCHEN BIB APRON (BLACK) 1 EACH 5. 6. 6. VINYL DISHWASHER APRON - CW54 This water resistant apron is perfect for kitchen and easily wipes clean. 7221387 BLACKWOOD VINYL DISHWASHER APRON (BLACK) 1 EACH 7. BISTRO APRON The extra long length gives this apron a very European look. 35” long x 29” wide; 35” strap. 3142437*BLACKWOOD BISTRO APRON1 EACH 8. BASIC BIB APRON WITH 3 POCKETS Our 3 pocket bib apron is durable and practical for many applications. 30” long x 27.5” wide; 35” strap. 8735078 BLACKWOOD BASIC BIB APRON WITH 3 POCKETS (WHITE) 1 EACH 8547204* BLACKWOOD BASIC BIB APRON WITH 3 POCKETS (BLACK) 1 EACH 8. 7. 9. 3-POCKET WELT APRON This waiter apron boasts a large welt pocket in center front with 2 side slash pockets. All pockets are bar tacked for durability. 12” long x 20 1/2” width; 34” strap. 5981038* BLACKWOOD 3-POCKET WELT APRON (BLACK) 1 EACH 10. V-NECK APRON Velcro neck strap closure is adjustable as well as comfortable. 38” long x 27” Wide; 27” strap. 6044642* BLACKWOOD V-NECK APRON (BLACK) 9. 1 EACH 10. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 44 Uniforms SUPCBRANDDESCRIPTIONSIZE I I CHEF HATS 1. 1. CHEF HAT - CW01 100% cotton and durable easy care 65/35 poly-cotton. Velcro closure for adjustability. 0332320 BLACKWOOD ADJUSTABLE CHEF HAT (WHITE) 1 EACH 0357558* BLACKWOOD ADJUSTABLE CHEF HAT (BLACK) 1 EACH 2. DELUXE CHEF HAT - CW01D Basic chef hat with a detail of coloured piping added. 8524946* BLACKWOOD DELUXE CHEF HAT (BLACK & WHITE TRIM) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. PILL BOX HAT - CW02 The original flat top has earned its place in the kitchen. It is a contemporary addition to any line. 0335661* BLACKWOOD PILLBOX HAT (BLACK) LARGE 4. ELASTIC PILL BOX HAT - CW03 The elastic back and the fold over brim give a more versatile, snug fit and allows the hat to contour to the head. 8718926* BLACKWOOD ELASTIC PILL BOX HAT (WHITE) MEDIUM 0327403* BLACKWOOD ELASTIC PILL BOX HAT (BLACK) X-LARGE 5. BERET HAT - CW04 Style combined with an expandable headband makes it fun yet functional. 3112125* BLACKWOOD BERET HAT (BLACK) LARGE 6. VELCRO PILLBOX HAT - CW05 With the Velcro closure at the back, this comfortable hat minimizes on inventory, and it fits everyone perfectly 0335638 BLACKWOOD VELCRO PILLBOX HAT (BLACK) MEDIUM 0332478* BLACKWOOD VELCRO PILLBOX HAT (BLACK) LARGE 0337485* BLACKWOOD VELCRO PILLBOX HAT (BLACK) X-LARGE 4804821* BLACKWOOD VELCRO PILLBOX HAT (WHITE) MEDIUM 7. MESH VELCRO PILLBOX HAT - CW05 Using a technical mesh fabric to maximize coolness without compromising style and fit. This hat is a modern solution to today’s industry. Velcro closure at the back. 7322623* BLACKWOOD CHEF MESH VELCRO PILLBOX HAT (BLACK) LARGE 8. MESH BALL CAP - CW51 8153613* BLACKWOOD 7. 1 EACH MESH BALL CAP (BLACK) 9. PILLBOX HAT (MESH ON TOP) - ECO10 65/35 poly-cotton blend (Teflon Coated). 8902027* BLACKWOOD PILLBOX HAT MESH ON TOP (BLACK) 1 EACH 10 EACH 8. 9. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 45 The PROline clog is specifically targeted to professional working environments such as restaurants, hospitals and the service industry, as it provides amazing comfort for people who work on their feet all day. The Holeys Advantage in the PROline model includes benefits such as: • Sole-tek: Holeys’ slip resistant thermo rubber sole for increased stablity and durability. • SmartCel: Holeys’ unique formula memory foam which provides more comfort, improved support and resiliency. • Due to their closed-cell foam construction, Holeys clogs won’t absorb any spills, bacteria or odours and are very easy to wash, making them the perfect choice for kitchen and hospital environemts. • Adjustable heel strap ensures clog stays securely on foot & allows each clog size to cover two full sizes, from a women’s size 4 to a men’s size 13. • Reinforced upper guards protect against falling liquids & objects. • Includes removeable insole to absorb moister. • Built in arch and tarsal support, plus massaging foot bed for all day wear. Size Order Code Small7618319 Medium 7392105 Large7392113 X-Large 7392129 2X-Large 7392139 Sizes S M L XL 2XL Women 6-7 8 -9 10 -11 12 - Men 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 - 11 12 - 13 Euro 36 - 37.5 39 - 40 41.5 - 43 44 47 - 48 There are a few things to consider when finding the right size: 1. Uniquely designed to be loose fitting, clogs should not be tight on your foot. There should be plenty of room for your foot to breathe. 2. Length is most important: It is imperative that your toes and heel do not touch the ends; otherwise the clog will not be comfortable over time. 3. Each size fits a range of two standard shoe sizes, i.e. a size Small clog will be right for a women’s size and a women’s 7. It is expected that if you are a 6, it will seem like there is a lot of extra room; rest assured that’s how they are made to be worn. 4. If you are in between sizes, you will have to consider that if your foot is narrow, you may prefer the size below, but if your foot is wide or has a high arch, go up to the next size. For example, a woman with size 7.5 feet may fit into a Small or Medium. 46 Uniform Size Chart 29/31 32/34 Source: www.blackwoodapparel.com 47 Uniform Sizing 1 1 5 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 5 2 3 4 6 6 6 TO FIND CORRECT SIZING, FOLLOW THE BELOW EASY STEPS... * Have someone measure you, keeping the tape snug but not tight. * Match measurements with the correct size listed in the size charts. * If the measurements fall between two sizes, order the larger size. HEIGHT: Stand against a wall in stocking feet. Measure from top of head to floor. CHEST/BUST: Measure around fullest part of chest/bust keeping tape under arms and across shoulder blades. Arms should be relaxed at sides. WAIST: Measure around waist at the height pants are normally worn. Keep one finger between tape and body. Take the measurement over a shirt, but not over pants. For belts add 2” to the waist measurement. HIPS: Stand with heels about 6” apart and measure around fullest part of seat/hip. TORSO: Measure from high point of shoulder at front down through legs and back up to starting point. INSEAM: In stocking feet, stand with feet slightly apart and measure inside leg from center crotch to floor. SLEEVE: Bend elbow and place hand on hip. Hold tape on outside shoulder ridge to bent elbow and down to wrist. SHOULDER: Measure across back, from one outside shoulder ridge at widest point to the other ridge. NECK: Using a shirt with a collar that fits well, lay the collar flat and measure from center of collar button to far end of collar button hole. HEAD (FOR HATS): Wrap a tape measure around head approximately 1/2” above ears and across forehead. Source: www.blackwoodapparel.com 48 Uniform Care Guide Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, do not bleach. Ironing not recommended. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Iron on low setting. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Iron on low setting. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, do not bleach. Ironing not recommended. Machine wash cold water, Lay flat to dry or tumble to dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. Ironing not recommended Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, and do not bleach. PERFORMANCE MESH Machine wash cold water, tumble dry low. Wash with like colours, do not bleach. Ironing not recommended. Source: www.blackwoodapparel.com 49 Janitorial 50 Janitorial SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE A 1. 2. 3. A 1. 2. 3. FLOOR CARE MAINTENANCE 0017830 WILEN CLEAN SWEEP CORN BROOM 7816505* WILEN PUSH BROOM 6617849* CMC HUSKEE POWER ROTOR SWEEPER B 1. 2. 3. MATERIAL HANDLING 7867302* CMC 5563135* CMC 8011660* CMC PLATFORM TRUCK - 30” x 60” DELUXE STEEL HAND TRUCK - 10” x 3” 5/8 CUBIC YARD TILT TRUCK 6 x 1 CT 4 x 1 EACH 1 x 12.5” 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH C 1. 2. 3. 4. RESTROOM PRODUCTS 5369915* CMC CONTOURED BOWL BRUSH 12 EACH 4619029*CMC PLUNGER1 EACH 5636964* CMC SANITARY NAPKIN RECEPTACLE 1 EACH 7266390 CMC DEO-O-SCREEN URINAL SCREEN (FLORAL) 1 DZ 5017140* CMC DEO-O-SCREEN URINAL SCREEN 1 EACH 5. 7010372* DISCO KLEEN SCREEN URINAL SCREEN (CITRUS) 12 COUNT 6. 4839672* CMC DIAPER CHANGING STATION 1 EACH B 1. 2. 3. C 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. 6. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 51 Janitorial SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE D 1. D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. RECEPTACLES 7679861* 7653708* 2941136* 6811832* 0480830* 0610255* 0227627* 5505706* 0610240* 7840784* 6024186* 0701169* 6079875* 5505300* 5505318* 15. 5505078* 2. 3. 4. F 1. 2. 3. 7. WALL HUGGER CONTAINER W/ HANDLES (BLUE) SWINGLINE SQUARE CONTAINER (GREY) HUSKEE ROUND RECYCLING CONTAINER (BLUE) TILT-N-WHEEL RECYCLE CONTAINER (BLUE) HUSKEE ROUND DOLLY (BLACK) WALL HUGGER DOLLY WALL HUGGER DROP SHOT LID WALL HUGGER PUSH DOOR LID WALL HUGGER LID W/HOLES (BLUE) HUSKEE ROUND LID (GREY) HUSKEE ROUND LID FOR 32 GAL (WHITE) COMMERCIAL PLASTIC WASTEBASKET (BLACK) COMMERCIAL PLASTIC RECYCLE (BLUE) COMMERCIAL PLASTIC WASTEBASKET (BLACK) COMMERCIAL PLASTIC WASTEBASKET (BROWN) COMMERCIAL PLASTIC WASTEBASKET (BLACK) E PLASTIC EXPENDIBLES 1. 0473157* DISCO CHILD BIB WITH FOOD CATCHER 2. 0353805*DISCO LOBSTER BIB 6. 5. CMC CMC CMC CMC CMC CMC CMC CMC CMC CMC CMC KATTY CMC CMC CMC CMC GENERAL CLEANING 4650172* CMC 7221272* CMC 7720998* CMC 4 x 22 GAL 4 x 1 EACH 1 x 32 GAL 2 x 1 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 4 EACH 1 EACH 4 EACH 4 x 1 EACH 6 EACH 12 x 1 EACH 1 x 28 QT 1 x 28 QT 1 x 28 QT 1 x 13 QT 1 x 500 EACH 1 x 500 EACH VINYL REPLACEMENT BAG (HUSKEE FOLDING CART) 1 EACH 10 POCKET CADDY BAG (HUSKEE FOLDING CART) 1 EACH MAXI MAID CARRIER (GREY) 1 x 6 COUNT 8. 10. 9. E 11. 1. 2. F 12. 13. 1. 2. 14. 3. 15. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 52 Janitorial SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE G G MOPPING EQUIPMENT WILEN ALL PURPOSE CLEANING CLOTH (PINK) 12 x 1 CT 1. 0394942* 0394959* WILEN GLASSIC CLEANING CLOTH (BLUE) 12 x 1 CT 0393502* WILEN MICRO FIBER CLEANING CLOTH (BLUE) 12 x 1 CT WILEN MICROFLEX DUSTER (LIGHT GREEN) - 2” x 22” 3 EACH 2. 0727978* 0727956* WILEN MICROFLEX DUSTER (BLUE/GREEN) - 2” x 27” 1 EACH KATTY FIBERGLASS LOAD ‘N LOCK MOP HANDLE - 60” 12 x 1 EACH 3. 1844026 FLAT MOP FRAME10 EACH 4. 0191975*WILEN WILEN SUPER JAWS MOP HANDLE 1 x 1 EACH 5. 0227884* DISCO METAL THREADED WOOD HANDLE 12 x 60” 6. 5510700* WILEN FIBERGLASS SWIVEL HANDLE 12 x 60” 7. 0282347* WILEN FLAT MOP HANDLE 10 EACH 8. 0188884* CMC SWIVEL SNAP MOP FRAME - 5” x 24” 12 EACH 9. 9269465* WILEN MICROFIBER LAUNDERABLE REFILL 10. 0195620* MOP (BLUE) - 5”x 18” 12 x 18” WILEN MICROFIBER LAUNDERABLE REFILL 11. 0195604* MOP WITH SCRUB (BLUE) - 5” x 18” 12 x 18” WILEN PERMATWIST MOP HEAD (BLUE) - 18” 12 x 1 EACH 12. 8231039* 8231049* WILEN PERMATWIST MOP HEAD (BLUE) - 24” 12 x 1 EACH WILEN PERMATWIST MOP HEAD (BLUE) - 36” 12 x 1 EACH 13. 8231058* 6093799 WILEN CUT-END MOP - 16OZ 12 x 16 OZ SYS CLS CUT-END MOP - 16OZ 4 EACH 14. 6196580 6196594 SYS CLS CUT-END MOP - 20OZ 4 EACH 6196606 SYS CLS CUT-END MOP - 24OZ 4 EACH SYS CLS JW ATOMIC LOOP MOP (BLUE) - LARGE 4 EACH 15. 6196689* WILEN DURALOOP WET MOP (BLUE) - MEDIUM 12 EACH 16. 0575389* 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. 6. 7. 9. 8. H SMOKING RECEPTACLES 6600177* CMC CLASSIC SMOKING RECEPTACLE (BLACK) CMC CLASSIC SMOKING RECEPTACLE (BEIGE) 1. 8630048* 10. 1 EACH 1 EACH 11. 12. 13. H 14. 15. 16. 1. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 53 Janitorial SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE I I 1. 2. 3. 1. 3. 2. 4. 5. 4. 6. 7. 8. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. FOODSERVICE SUPPLIES 5715125* CMC INSTITUTIONAL/BOUFFANT CAP (WHITE) - LARGE 0658153* DISCO OVERSEAS CAP 7115474* CMC HUSKEE FOLDING CART (BLUE) 3056058* CMC HUSKEE FOLDING CART W/BAG (BLUE) 6643258 SCTCHB QUICK CLEAN GRIDDLE LIQUID PACKETS 4088738 DISCO MANUAL OIL FILTER CONE - 10” 7619588* DISCO PITCO/FRIALATOR AUTOMATIC FILTER SHEET 13.5” x 24” 2278182* DISCO FRYMASTER AUTOMATIC FILTER SHEET - 11.25” x 20.25” 2143568* DISCO FRYMASTER AUTOMATIC FILTER SHEET - 16.5” x 25.5” 4053617 SCTCHB HEAVY DUTY GRIDDLE PAD - 4.5” x 5.5” 0120113 SYS CLS GRILBRIK GRIDDLE CLEANER 4568887* DISCO STEAK MARKER WELL (BROWN) 4568846* DISCO STEAK MARKER MEDIUM RARE (PINK) 4568853* DISCO STEAK MARKER RARE (RED) 4568861* DISCO STEAK MARKER MEDIUM (WHITE) 4568879* DISCO STEAK MARKER MEDIUM WELL (YELLOW) 6006266 SCTHB GRIDDLE POLISH PAD 4”x6” 4244000 SYS CLS EXTRA HEAVY DUTY SCOUR PAD CDN 4109625 NIAGRA GREEN SCOUR PAD 6”x9” 5512686 DISCO MEDIUM DUTY 6”x9.5” SCOUR PAD 4243986 SYS CLS MEDIUM DUTY SCOUR PAD CDN 30 PADS 7131634 3M ALL PURPOSE POWER SCOUR PAD 5055068 3M HEAVY DUTY SCOUR PAD 4.5”x2.8” (PURPLE) 4164489 SCTHB LIGHT DUTY SCRUB PAD 3”x5” (WHITE) 4772356 3M SCOTCHBRICK GRIDDLE SCRUBBER 4244018 SYS CLS STAINLESS STEEL SCRUBBER #36 CDN 0475863 DISCO INVISIBLE NYLON HAIRNET - 22” 0653493 DISCO SOFT NYLON HAIRNET - 20” 10 x 100 CT 10 x 100 CT 1 EACH 1 EACH 40 x 3.2 OZ 10 x 50 CT 1 x 100 PK 100 EACH 100 EACH 4 x 10 CT 1 x 12 CT 5 x 1000 CT 5 x 1000 CT 5 x 1000 CT 5 x 1000 CT 5 x 1000 CT 3 x 20 CT 4 x 10 CT 1 x 20 CT 6 x 10 CT 1 ROLL 20 EACH 1 x 24 CT 40 EACH 3 x 4 CT 36 x 1 EACH 10 x 144 10 x 100CT 16. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 54 Chemicals 55 Chemicals : Front-of-House SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE A FRONT-OF-HOUSE CLEANING SOLUTIONS 1. 0253369 SYSCO ALL PURPOSE SPRAY & GLASS CLEANER 6 x 946 ML Action 3 Disinfectant All-Purpose Spray and Glass Cleaner effectively cleans and disinfects nonporous hard surfaces of food related grease, dirt and other common soils. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 1. 2. 2. 3880465 SYSCO REAL-A-PEEL 6 x 650 ML Non caustic, multi-purpose cleaner/degreaser that is safe for most surfaces. Contains a natural citrus solvent that works quickly to dissolve and clean grease, dirt, oil and heavy soil build-up. Ideal for use in kitchens, dining areas and restrooms. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 3. 9903337 SYSCO PINK LOTION HAND SOAP 2x4L A viscous hand soap for both liquid hand soap or bag-in-box dispenser type applications. This special blend of quality ingredients is mild enough for sensitive skin and tough enough to remove even the heaviest soils. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 3. 4. 9903451 SYSCO BLUE CONCENTRATE 2x4L Super concentrated multi-purpose cleaner is specially formulated for superior cleaning results on any watersafe surfaces. Cleans floors, walls, tiles, plexiglass, table tops and much more. Dilution = 1/30 to 1/120. 4. 5. 9903386 SYSCO PINE-O-GEL 2x4L General purpose cleaner/deodorizer ideal for every cleaning job from floor to ceiling including walls, stainless steel, vinyl, counter tops, tables and most floor surfaces. Dilution = 1/20 to 1/40. 5. 6. 5583083 SYSCO NO RINSE SANITIZER (READY-TO-USE) 6x1L Sanitize hard non-porous food contact surfaces in a minute. No dilution - No rinse required Spray and let dry. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 7. 0341594 SYSCO ANTIBACTERIAL HAND SOAP 2x4L Rich lotion hand soap specifically formulated for effective hand cleaning and sanitization. 7. 6. 8. 8. 0813600 SYSCO BOWL CLEANER 6 x 946 ML Daily washroom cleaner for porcelain, ceramic, formica and tiles. A thick creamy lotion that clings to all vertical surfaces as it cleans, descales and deodorizes in just one application. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 9. 9903261 SYSCO KLEER VIEW (READY-TO-USE) 2x4L 10. 0813584 SYSCO KLEER VIEW (READY-TO-USE) 6 x 946 ML 11. 7205818* SYSCO KLEER VIEW (READY-TO-USE) 10 x 510 G Penetrates and removes soils, smudges and smoke film quickly and easily drying streak free. Cleans glass, chrome, plastic laminates, plexiglass and mirrors. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 9. 10. 11. 12. 0444570 SYSCO LEMON FRESH CLEANER & DISINFECTANT 2 x 4 L Advanced disinfectant cleaner for foodservice, food processing and institutional industries. A excellent one step hard surface disinfectant cleaner. 13. 5823440 SYSCO TUB & TILE CLEANSER 6 x 946 ML Daily non-acid washroom cleaner for porcelain, ceramic, formica and tiles. A thick creamy lotion that clings to all vertical surfaces as it cleans, descales and deodorizes in just one application. Fresh pine fragrance. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 12. 13. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 56 Chemicals : Front-of-House SEE COLOURED DOT TO VIEW BEST APPLICATION NO RINSE SANITIZER 5583083 (6 x 1 L) ACTION 3 DISINFECTANT ALL-PURPOSE SPRAY AND GLASS CLEANER 0253369 (6 x 946 ML) KLEER VIEW GLASS CLEANER 9903261(2 x 4 L) 0813584 (6 x 946 ML) 7205818 (10 x 610 G) REAL-A-PEEL 3880465 (6 x 650 ML) BLUE CONCENTRATE 9903451 (2 x 4 L) ANTIBACTERIAL HAND SOAP 0341594 (2 x 4 L) PINK LOTION HAND SOAP 9903337 (2 x 4 L) BOWL CLEANER 0813600 (6 x 946 ML) LEMON FRESH PINE-O-GEL TUB AND TILE CLEANSER 0444570 (2 x 4 L) 9903386 (2 x 4 L) 5823440 (6 x 946 ML) FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 57 Chemicals : Back-of-House SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE B B BACK-OF-HOUSE CLEANING SOLUTIONS 1. 9903154 SYSCO OVEN AND GRILL CLEANER 2x4L Powerful and highly effective formula that quickly cuts through heavy baked-on carbon and grease. Cleans ovens & grills. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 1. 2. 1714948 SYSCO OVEN AND GRILL GEL CLEANER 6 x 946 ML Concentrated thick gel formula clings to the surface to effortlessly remove the toughest soils. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 2. 3. 9903287 SYSCO MANUAL POT AND PAN DETERGENT 2x4L High sudsing, phosphate free liquid dish detergent cleans pots, pans, dishes, cooking utensils, flatware and glasses. Dilution = 30 ml (1 pump stroke) for every 20 L of warm water. 4. 9903238 SYSCO HEAVY DUTY KITCHEN CLEANER 2x4L Concentrated extra strength kitchen cleaner. Cleans floors, grills, filters, hoods and ovens. Dilution = Ready-to-use up to 1/40. 3. 5. 5583083 SYSCO NO RINSE SANITIZER (READY-TO-USE) 6x1L Sanitizes hard non-porous food contact surfaces in a minute. No dilution - No rinse required Spray and let dry. Dilution = Ready-to-use. 4. 6. 0253369 SYSCO ALL-PURPOSE SPRAY & GLASS CLEANER 6 x 946 ML Action 3 Disinfectant All-Purpose Spray and Glass Cleaner effectively cleans and disinfects nonporous hard surfaces of food-related grease, dirt and other common soils. Dilution = Ready-touse. 5. 6. 7. 7. 7206626 SYSCO STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER & POLISH 10 x 454 G Maintains the original finish of stainless steel and other metal. Formulated to clean, polish and protect. It does away with grease, water stains and tarnish while leaving no greasy film. Dilution = Ready-to-use. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 58 Chemicals : Back-of-House SUPCBRAND DESCRIPTIONPACK x SIZE B B BACK-OF-HOUSE CLEANING SOLUTIONS (CONTINUED) 9. 6872485 SYSCO LIQUID SANITIZER CONCENTRATE 2 x 4 L Highly concentrated liquid for use in third compartment sink or as a no rinse sanitizer for food contact areas. Effective antimicrobial killing agent. Dilution = 1/500. 9. 10. 10. 0097915 SYSREL GREASE REMOVER 2 x 4 L Concentrated heavy duty degreaser that eliminates greasy build-up. General cleaning of hard surfaces and kitchen equipment. Dilution = 1/10 to 1/40 11. 6883144 SYSCO LIQUID ENZYMES 6 x 946 ML 12. 6883151* SYSCO LIQUID ENZYMES 1 x 20 L Unclogs drain lines and digests the grease and waste that accumulates in grease traps. Remove odours in sink lines, drains, washrooms and garbage containers. Dilution = Readyto-use. 11. 12. 13. 13. 0813634 SYSCO BOIL OUT FRYER CLEANER 6 x 1000 G Cleans and removes carbonized grease and soil deposits. Cleans fryers and vats. Dilution = 250 g for each 15 lbs of fryer capacity. 14. 0813964 SYSCO ACTION SUDS 1 x 18.1 KG Institutional powdered laundry detergent specially compounded for use with all types of top or frontal load laundry machines. 15. 5583133* SYSCO DISH MATE POWDERED DISH DETERGENT 1 x 11.3 KG Powerful, chlorinated dish detergent powder compatible for use with all conventional dishwashers. 14. 15. * SPECIAL ORDER ITEM SYSCO BRAND ITEM FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 59 Chemicals : Back-of-House SEE COLOURED DOT TO VIEW BEST APPLICATION OVEN AND GRILL CLEANER 9903154 (2 x 4 L) OVEN AND GRILL GEL CLEANER 1714948 (6 x 946 ML) MANUAL POT AND PAN DETERGENT 9903287 (2 x 4 L) HEAVY DUTY KITCHEN CLEANER 9903238 (2 x 4 L) NO RINSE SANITIZER 5583083 (6 x 1 L) ACTION 3 DISINFECTANT ALL-PURPOSE SPRAY AND GLASS CLEANER 0253369 (6 x 946 ML) SATIN SHINE STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER AN DPOLISH 7206626 (10 x 454 G) LIQUID SANITIZER 6872485 (2 x 4 L) GREASE REMOVER 0097915 (2 x 4 L) LIQUID ENZYMES 6883144 (6 x 946 ML) 6883151 (1 x 20 L) BOIL OUT ACTION SUDS 0813634 (6 x 1000 G) DISH MATE 5583133 (1 x 11.3 KG) 0813964 (1 x 18.1 KG) FOR MORE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, SEE SYSCO SUPPLIES ON DEMAND CATALOGUE 60 Sysco Green Family of Manual Cleaning Supplies § § § § § § § § § § § Effective in cold water Concentrated products to reduce energy associated with transport Recyclable containers Colour coded for better product identification Fragrance free products Low or no Volatile Organic Compound Content (VOC’s) No phosphates No Alkyl, Octyl, or Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylates (APE’s, OPE’s, NPE’s) No 2-buthoxyethanol No ozone depleting compounds Low or no hazardous waste characteristics Case Content Dilution Control Pump WHMIS Label for Spray Bottle Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Product Name Description Format SUPC Dilution Rate SYSCO GREEN OVEN & GRILL CLEANER Sysco Green Oven and Grill Cleaner is a powerful biodegradable, non-corrosive, liquid fryer, grill and oven cleaner designed to quickly remove baked on carbon and grease from kitchen equipment. Sysco Green Oven and Grill Cleaner is butyl free and replaces highly toxic, caustic and fuming cleaners without sacrificing performance. 2x4L 6998332 Readyto-Use SYSCO GREEN HEAVY DUTY CLEANER DEGREASER This degreaser quickly and effectively removes grease, oily residue, carbon, ink, petroleum, and soot from washable surfaces. It can be used on floors, walls, ceramic, plastic, copper, brass, metal and other surfaces not harmed by water. 2x4L 6997429 1:16 1:32 SYSCO GREEN GENERAL PURPOSE CLEANER RTU It will clean, degrease, brighten and deodorize floors, windows, walls, countertops, cabinets, glass and mirrors, toilets, urinals, garbage cans, sinks, tile grouting and many other types of surfaces not harmed by water. Ready to use. 8 x 946 ML 6997979 Readyto-Use 2x4L 6998084 1:16 ü ü ü ü ü SYSCO GREEN GLASS & MULTI SURFACE CLEANER Sysco Green Glass and Surface Cleaner is a cleaner that dissolves, suspends and removes soil from glass, plexiglass, windows, mirrors, windshields, walls, countertops, cabinets, partitions, light fixtures, stainless steel, chrome, plastic, vinyl, appliances, desks and other surfaces not harmed by water. This cleaner leaves no residue. Approval ü ü ü ü ü SYSCO GREEN WASHROOM CLEANER Effectively removes soap scums and body lotions, mildew, lime, water scale and rusts deposits on porcelain, tile, ceramic tile and fiberglass surfaces. 8 x 946 ML 6998296 Readyto-Use ü SYSCO GREEN POT & PAN DETERGENT Sysco Green Pot & Pan Detergent is highly effective on dirty dishes, pots, pans and utensils. This colorless and fragrance free dish detergent has powerful grease-cutters that leaves kitchen equipment spotless and clean. 2x4L 6998308 1:200 ü ü Revolutionary non-solvent floor degreaser, with a neutral pH, formulated to clean porous and non-porous floor surfaces found in restaurants kitchens and dining areas. It reduces floor slippage, restores grout, and eliminates malodours. To be used on hard floor surfaces, such as quarry tiles, ceramic, concrete floors, as well as on resilient tiles. 2x4L 6998326 1:64 ü ü SYSCO GREEN MICROBIAL FLOOR CLEANER 61 Sysco Supplies on Demand A new program designed to deliver a comprehensive selection of Supplies & Equipment products to meet your every food service need. 62 Sysco Supplies on Demand new program program designed designed to to deliver deliver aa comprehensive comprehensive isis aa new selection of Supplies Supplies &POSTCARD:Layout Equipment products products to10:49 meetAMyour your 1471.10 - Supplies on Demand& 1 1/6/2011to Page 2 selection of Equipment meet every foodservice food serviceneed need--- from from front-of-the-house front-of-the-house to to every back-of-the-house, and and everywhere everywhere in-between! in-between! back-of-the-house, Now you you can can have have fast fast and and convenient convenient access access to to many many of of Now Sysco Supplies on Demand the most common foodservice smallwares products delivered is a new program designed to deliver a comprehensive direct to your door. With over 2,000 products and free shipping selection of Supplies & Equipment products to meet your you can choose everything dinnerware, every food service needfrom - fromtrays, front-of-the-house to plates, back-of-the-house, and everywhere in-between! bowls, to cookware, tongs, food storage containers, Now youpans can have fast and convenient access many of insert to cleaning brushes andtobrooms. insert pans to cleaning brushes, brooms, and more. the most common foodservice smallwares products delivered direct to your door. With over 2,000 products and free shipping you can choose everything from trays, dinnerware, plates, bowls, to cookware, tongs, food storage containers, insert pans to cleaning brushes and brooms. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3! 1. Select your products from our Sysco Supplies on Demand Catalogue. 2. Place your order. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3! a. Marketing Associate enters order along with your other grocery 1. Select your products from our Sysco Supplies on Demand Catalogue. items as a regular order. 2. Place your order. b. eSysco Customers placeenters orderorder along othergrocery grocery items a. Marketing Associate alongwith withyour your other items as a regular order. as a regular order. eSysco Customers place order along with your other grocery items 3. Your orderb.arrives. Local stock items arrive with your regular order as a regular order. and all items willLocal be shipped to you 48 hours. 3. other Your order arrives. stock itemsdirect arrive with yourwithin regular order You will receive a Sysco invoice delivery and all other items will bebased shippedondirect to youdate. within 48 hours. You will receive a Sysco invoice based on delivery date. SyscoSysco Supplies on solution Supplies onDemand Demand is is thethe solution for your equipment and supply needs. for restaurant your restaurant equipment and supply needs. 63 SYSCO EDMONTON 26210 TOWNSHIP ROAD 531A ACHESON, ALBERTA T7X 5A4 T: 780.643.7450 F: 780.451.0742 WWW.SYSCOEDMONTON.CA