Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio`s 2015 Annual Report


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio`s 2015 Annual Report
Dear Friends,
Every year we select inspiring match
relationships to spotlight. And every year
we find it very difficult to select a few
because we want to shine a spotlight
on all of our matches and publicly
thank all of our volunteers. They are all
inspiring, and the friendship of our caring
adult volunteers changes our kids’ lives
for the better, forever.
Behind the more than 7,400 kids we
served last year through one-to-one
mentoring matches and Camp Oty’Okwa
was this critical engine: Big Brothers Big
Sisters of Central Ohio. Our agency’s
outcome-driven programs, grounded
in research, power the comprehensive
nature and depth of our mentoring
interventions. They make our program
Making strong one-to-one matches between our volunteers
and kids is where we begin. This involves detailed interviews
with the kids, their families and volunteers, conducted by our
professional staff. Our match support continues throughout
the entire match relationship, with our staff “mentoring the
mentor”, and providing ongoing support to the family and child.
We collect and utilize data on outcomes to inform continuous
improvement in our positive impact. And we lead and participate
in coalitions of the willing, community collaborations that work
together to solve problems and provide additional wrap-around
support for families in their times of need.
Our staff knows that to be strong allies of our families, we
must understand our kids’ needs and families’ circumstances.
To accomplish this, we invest in staff development and
continually strengthen our understanding of the dynamics of
the diverse population we serve.
Each year, our professional staff develops and rolls out
important program enhancements. We piloted a literacy
program in two elementary schools last year, and expanded
it in 2015. We recently built leadership attributes into our
Mentor and Mentee activities, supporting our focus on growth
mindset. We have implemented new strategies which have
increased parental engagement in our programs. And at
Camp Oty’Okwa, we offer expanded environmental education
programs plus Science Camp and Literacy Camp, all aligned
with Ohio’s academic content standards.
All this contributes to Big Brothers Big Sisters’ unique
mentoring programs, in schools, in the community, and
at Camp Oty’Okwa. Our community’s passion for helping
kids succeed keeps this engine powering forward and
leveraging mentoring as a strategy for our kids. On behalf
of the central Ohio kids we serve, we thank our amazing
volunteers, donors, partners, collaborators, staff and
board members for making it possible to bring the
positive impact of mentoring to children throughout
central Ohio.
Tina S. Ambrozy,
Board Chair
to the community 2015
Edward N. Cohn,
President and CEO
Financial Report
Our Partners
Our Donors
Our Volunteers
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and
enduring, professionally-supported one-to-one relationships that
change their lives for the better, forever.
Our Network
We are headquartered in Columbus, and operate local offices in
Delaware, Marysville and Springfield to serve children in Franklin,
Delaware, Union, Clark, Champaign and Madison counties. In addition,
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Ohio, Big Brothers Big
Sisters of East Central Ohio and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater
Cleveland aligned with us, serving kids in eight additional Ohio counties.
Together, our affiliated offices and agencies leverage resources
and expertise to provide more Ohio kids the positive impact of
Our Kids
Many kids face adversity in their lives, including family financial hardships,
social/emotional issues, and poverty of positive adult relationships. 71%
of the central Ohio kids we served last year were not living with two
parents and 74% were children of color. 49% of the children we served
in community-based matches had an incarcerated parent. Many lack
the connection to school that research proves makes them more likely
to succeed. Our kids need the motivation to take on new challenges,
the resilience to turn adversity into strength and the grit to persevere. In
short, they need a Mentor to help them engage with school and
develop the foundational character strengths required to attain
high school graduation and post-secondary education/career
CAMP OTY’OKWA: At our Camp Oty’Okwa in the Hocking Hills, we
extend our proven mentoring program to youth in a group setting by
training mentor-counselors to model appropriate behaviors, create
opportunities for one-to-one bonding, and engage youth in team-building
activities. Camp provides structured camping programs and outdoor
education experiences in an atmosphere that builds self-esteem, selfconfidence and the skills that children facing adversity need to succeed.
Last year, we served more than 4,800 children at camp through
summer camp and environmental education programs which
are aligned with Ohio’s academic content standards and are
designed to provide academic lift.
Center of Central Ohio is a perfect example of collaboration. With the
goal of increasing the quality and quantity of mentoring in Ohio, the
Mentoring Center partners with 30 Ohio youth mentoring organizations.
The Mentoring Center provides training (both in-person and online) for
Mentors and Mentees. Mentoring Center partner agencies also receive
data-driven technical assistance and guidance in effective practices,
child safety and other key areas. Together with its partners, the
Mentoring Center touches the lives of over 6,000 young people
each year, and has trained 28,000 Mentors since its founding in
Our Programs
ONE-TO-ONE MENTORING: We served more than 2,600 kids last
year through one-to-one Community-based and School-based
Mentoring. We also reach out with intentionality to serve children of
incarcerated parents through our Amachi Ohio program, and Spanishspeaking youth and families through our Hispanic Mentoring Program.
Community-based matches get together at least twice a month for
everyday activities such as visiting the library or hanging out to talk
about life. School-based matches meet weekly at a scheduled time for
about an hour at school, and activities are provided at each session by
our staff. Last year, we partnered with 22 school districts. For Project
Mentor, our largest school-based mentoring program, we align closely
with Columbus City Schools’ needs and strategies. For example, we
are expanding our literacy program, which provides mentoring support
leading up to the students’ third grade reading assessments, into two
additional elementary schools.
Report to the Community 2015
Our Depth of Intervention
We didn’t become the nationally-recognized youth intervention overnight;
Big Brothers Big Sisters has more than 110 years of experience that
informs our programs from the day we make a new match through
the day we celebrate a young adult’s successes. Our professional
staff forges long-term relationships with our kids, families and
volunteers, and we stay involved in the match to provide ongoing
coaching and support throughout the entire relationship. We
collaborate with many partners to provide additional support to our
families in their times of need. When new tools become available, we
embrace them. For example, last year we gained access to Learning
Circle data for our Columbus City Schools students. This tool provides
us real-time data about our students’ grades and progress, giving early
warning indicators on students who may be facing challenges. Our
interventions are timely, deep and laser-focused, requiring us to
understand the dynamics of the population we serve. We invest
in staff development, and we maintain a staff that is diverse in terms of
professional background, gender, race and culture.
Our Outcomes
Big Brothers Big Sisters’ programs are an effective youth intervention
grounded in research. Recent research conducted at Boston University
demonstrates that young people are more likely to graduate if they
have an anchor relationship with one stable, trusted person such as
a Mentor, and a web of support allowing them to access community
assets and leverage internal strengths. Independent research proves
that children with a Big Brother or Big Sister are less likely to begin
using illegal drugs or alcohol, skip school or hit someone. We measure
our outcomes using survey instruments designed for Big Brothers
Big Sisters nationally by renowned researchers at the University of
Massachusetts, Princeton University and Public/Private Ventures.
Our Youth Outcome Survey includes questions grouped around eight
categories, all of which have been found to be reliable and valid: Social
Acceptance, Scholastic Efficacy, Educational Expectations, Academic
performance, Attitudes Toward Risky Behaviors, Parental Trust, Truancy
and Special Adult in Your Life. In 2014-15, 94.28% of the central
Ohio youth who returned the survey reported improvement in at
least one category, and 78.00% reported improvement in at least
two. Even more amazing, 99.82% stayed on track for success
by either maintaining or improving in at least one category, and
98.75% maintained or improved in two! On our last year’s Strength
of Relationship survey, our central Ohio youth rated the strength of their
relationship with their Mentor at 4.68 on a 5.0 scale, which tells us how
much it means to them to have a Mentor in their life.
Our Statewide Impact
As the lead agency for Amachi Ohio, the collaboration of Ohio
Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies serving Ohio children of
incarcerated parents, our agency has even broader impact. We
partner with Ohio agencies for this program, and, together, we served
440 additional Ohio children of incarcerated parents last year. In 2015,
Amachi Ohio was granted funding from the State of Ohio to make an
additional 476 matches statewide over the biennial State budget. Our
agency is the lead fiscal agent for this contract. We are also leading the
Big Brothers Big Sisters participation in Connecting the Dots, a pilot
initiative serving young adults who will soon age out of foster care. This
program, funded by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services,
matches young adults with a Mentor, providing support and coaching
as they transition into adulthood.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Spotlighted Mentoring Matches
Little Sister Camryn and Big Sister Marva Pack
Little Sister Camryn and
Big Sister Marva Pack
met as a school-based
Project Mentor match.
Camryn was in 2nd grade
at Georgian Heights
Elementary School, and
Marva was employed
by AEP, one of Project
Mentor’s largest partners.
Marva volunteered for
Project Mentor because
she graduated from
Columbus City Schools,
and she felt an obligation to give back by helping their students.
Camryn and Marva hit it off right away, and Marva is impressed with Big
Brothers Big Sisters’ ability to make the perfect match. When Camryn started
middle school, they went through the process to become communitybased. They’ve stayed together and Camryn is now a 10th grader at
Cristo Rey Columbus High School. For fun, Camryn and Marva love going
to new movies and they consider themselves the modern day Siskel and
Ebert. On the more serious side, Marva keeps Camryn focused on her
grades, and she is very impressed with Camryn’s drive to succeed. For
example, Camryn rides the COTA bus for 1½ hours each way for school,
and she chooses to attend extra help sessions on Saturdays. In her spare
time, Camryn loves to cook and has expressed an interest in having her
own restaurant someday.
At eight years and going strong, Camryn and Marva are an example of how
a long, strong match positively impacts both the Little and the Big!
Little Brother Kion and Big Brother Andrew Wehr
When Kion was matched
with his Big Brother
Andrew Wehr, he was in
4th grade. Since then,
with Andrew at his
side, Kion has grown
into an accomplished
Westerville North High
School 10th grader
who is doing well in
school, competing on
the track team and
thinking seriously about
his future. Andrew is
employed at Cardinal Health. Despite his busy work schedule, Andrew
stays in close contact with Kion.
Andrew has taken Kion to look at colleges, and they have been discussing
his future. Recently, they have been talking through Kion’s interest in fashion
and his goal to start a clothing line. As a member of the agency’s Board of
Directors, Andrew is a believer in giving back to the community. He has
passed his passion along to Kion. Together, they have volunteered at soup
kitchens and the Dublin Charity Cup. One of the highlights of their match
was rappelling down a 16 story building together in the agency’s Over
the Edge fundraising event. Kion has also benefitted from his 10 years of
experience at Camp Oty’Okwa. He has been a camper and a counselor in
training, and this past summer was a milestone: Kion joined the paid staff
as a Junior Counselor.
After six years together, Kion and Andrew have developed a strong
relationship, and Kion credits Andrew with helping him become a better
Alumni Littles
Alumni Little Brother Tiwuan Atchley
Wittenberg University’s motto,”Having Light We
Pass It On To Others” is a perfect description of
the life of Wittenberg freshman and Alumni Little
Brother Tiwuan Atchley. Now 18, Tiwuan grew up
in a family that faced homelessness and poverty;
he has lived in shelters, moved and changed
schools several times. His mother suffered
numerous health challenges that left her unable
to provide her eight children with the opportunities
she felt would allow them the best chance to
reach their full potential.
With his Big Brother Andrei Terpylak at his side for 10 years, Tiwuan
developed a clear vision of how to reach his goals. After completing
Franklin University’s Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Program last year,
Tiwuan enrolled at Wittenberg University, where he is working hard and
succeeding at his goal of becoming an accountant.
Tiwuan’s success story was featured by United Way of Central Ohio’s 2015
campaign, and this past summer, he was a sought-after speaker for United
Way events. An inspiration for all he meets and a role model for his
siblings, family members and peers, Tiwuan passes his light on to
others wherever he goes.
Alumni Little Sister Mayra Flores
Ohio Dominican University was an excellent
college choice for Alumni Little Sister Mayra
Flores, who is pursuing her degree in early
childhood education. Mayra is looking forward
to starting her life as a professional teacher. It
has been a journey for the little girl who didn’t
speak English when she started kindergarten
in Columbus. She credits her Big Sister, Mira
Wright, with helping her along the way.
Mayra was a member of the agency’s inaugural
Project Mentor graduating class. Big Sister
Mira, who is employed by Columbus City Schools, has always encouraged
Mayra in her educational pursuits. Mayra wanted to become a teacher
because of the impact her own ESL instructor, Yoon Kim, had on her life,
and now she is well on the way to succeeding at that goal.
“Big Mira” and “Little Mayra” have remained close during Mayra’s college
years. Mayra knows that when she needs a little push, Mira gives her the
motivation to work through challenges. Mayra says Mira has always
supported her and showed her that it was possible for her to go to
college and reach her dreams.
Report to the Community 2015
The Milton Lewin Legacy Award
The Milton Lewin Legacy Award honors Milt’s lifelong dedication and service to Big Brothers Big
Sisters of Central Ohio and the at-risk children of central Ohio. Milt’s dedication and commitment to
Big Brothers Big Sisters throughout his life included volunteering as a Big Brother, serving as a Board
Member, and co-chairing the agency’s first capital campaign. Each year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Central Ohio recognizes a valued partner with the coveted Milton Lewin Legacy Award.
The 2015 Milton Lewin Legacy Award winner is Haslett
Heating & Cooling and Stewart McHarg.
Haslett Heating & Cooling has been intertwined with Big Brothers
Big Sisters since 1950, when Art Haire, then co-owner with
Harvey Haslett, became a Big Brother. What started with Art and
Betty Haire’s desire to help a child grew into a life-long passion
for the agency’s work. That passion was passed along to Stew
when he bought the company from Art, and it continues today
under the ownership of Bruce Ames and Jeff Florer.
The Haslett Heating & Cooling/Stew McHarg stamp is all
over Camp Oty’Okwa. They have done the HVAC work for
the Camp’s Cabins, Activity Barn, Dining Hall, and the recentlycompleted Shower House. In addition, every camper checks in
at the Art and Betty Haire Welcoming Cabin. Haslett has also
handled the HVAC needs of the agency’s Columbus offices. In
addition to their in-kind donations for these projects, Haslett
Heating & Cooling gave a very generous donation for the Shower
House this past year. All of these donations have benefitted
thousands of kids in central Ohio!
Art hired Stew McHarg to work at Haslett when Stew was an
engineering student at The Ohio State University in 1968. Stew’s
first responsibility was to post the “Yea Ohio” sign, along with
Stewart and Theresa McHarg (center)
visit with friends and a camper at the
2015 Discover the Magic of
Camp Oty’Okwa fundraising breakfast.
Art’s famous weekly football score prediction, before each OSU
game. Upon finishing college, Stew joined Haslett full-time. He
subsequently spearheaded the effort to get Haslett involved in
more commercial industrial HVAC work. One of his early projects
was the second hamburger stand for a gentleman named
Dave Thomas…which blossomed into a longterm professional
“We are proud of our long association with Wendy’s,” says Stew,
“but that was pretty simple work compared to some of our other
complex projects such as CompuServe, which required a high
level of HVAC and technology because of their state-of-the-art
computer systems.”
In 1972, Stew began buying into the company, and after he
became full owner in 1981, he carried on Haslett’s tradition
of supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters. Stew has been a
driving force behind the agency’s Discover the Magic of Camp
Oty’Okwa fundraising events.“I see how much good Big Brothers
Big Sisters and Camp Oty’Okwa can do for kids who face
challenges, and I want to help,” he says.
We are honored to recognize Haslett Heating & Cooling
and Stew McHarg with the Milton Lewin Legacy Award,
and we thank you for all you do for the kids of central Ohio!
Haslett Heating & Cooling completed
all HVAC work for Camp Oty’Okwa’s
beautiful new dining hall as well
as other camp facilities.
Stewart McHarg and Haslett
Heating & Cooling provide
ongoing support for our work.
Art Haire began Haslett Heating &
Cooling’s tradition of supporting
Big Brothers Big Sisters.
The Milton Lewin Legacy Award PAST WINNERS
The Robert Weiler Family
Herb Glimcher and Family
American Electric Power
Rockbridge and James T. Merkel,
President and CEO
Cardinal Health and George S.
Barrett, CEO
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
The Schoedinger Family
2015 Board Members
Tina Ambrozy, Chair
Vice President,
Relationship Strategies
|Financial Services
Abby Clark, Vice Chair
Vice President of Sales
The Columbus Dispatch
Matt Kramer, Treasurer
Office Managing Partner
Bruce P. Paige, Secretary
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and
Pease LLP
Adam Lewin, Immediate
Past Chair
Hamilton Parker Company
Doug Anderson
Anderson Concrete Corp.
Elizabeth Boyuk
Vice President, Affiliate
Marketing Director
Fifth Third Bank
Andrew Kipker
Greg Morrison, MD, MBA
Vice President, Claims
Vice President, Educational
Management & Credit Services Partnerships & Professional
Safelite Solutions LLC
Mike Christie, Jr.
Dan Lorenz
Senior Vice President,
Velda Otey
Commercial Banking
Joe Knows Energy
Retired CIO
Team Leader
American Electric Power
Huntington Bank
Craig A. Marshall
Office Managing Partner
Michael Rosza
Edward N. Cohn
Ernst & Young LLP
Managing Director, IT
President and CEO
Business Applications
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Charles McCurdy
American Electric Power
Central Ohio
Vice President of Sales
Kimball Midwest
Randy Schoedinger
Arthur L. Flesch
James T. Merkel
Schoedinger Funeral &
Mentoring Center Advisory
President & CEO
Cremation Services
Chris Shaffery
Rich Gandarillas, CCP
Tom Mitevski
Regional Vice President
Director, Human Resources
Executive Vice President
White Castle System Inc.
Compensation Consulting
DGD Group, Inc.
Ezra Singer
SVP – Human Resources
L Brands, Inc.
Dana Smoot
General Counsel/AVP
Smoot Construction
Lisa Stumpf
Chief Executive Officer
Craig Tuckerman
The Tuckerman Home Group
Andrew W. Wehr
Director, Environment, Health
& Safety
Cardinal Health
Brian Yeager
Champion Real Estate
BBBS Foundation
Gary S. Batke
Bailey Cavalieri LLC
2015 Big Brothers Big Sisters Foundation Board
The Columbus Big Brothers/Big Sisters Foundation, Inc. was created in 1977 to ensure the ongoing stability of the organization.
The Foundation’s mission is to support the goals of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio through management and growth of the
endowment fund and preservation of the assets of the Agency and the Foundation.
John Petrucci
Foundation Board President
State Auto Insurance Companies
BBBS Board Chair, 1995
Bruce L. Cameron
Foundation Board Treasurer
BBBS Board Chair, 1975
Skip Weiler
Foundation Board Vice President
Robert Weiler Company
BBBS Board Chair, 1996 & 1997
R. Gabe Reitter, II
Immediate Past President
Retired; Reitter Wall Systems
BBBS Board Chair, 1994
Connie Tuckerman
Foundation Board Secretary
HP Land Development
BBBS Board Chair, 2003 & 2004
Gary S. Batke
Bailey Cavalieri LLC
BBBS Board Chair, 2000
Catherine Clark-Eich, PhD
Sweet Briar Ranch Consulting Services
BBBS Board Chair, 1986
Michelle Trueman-Gajoch
Truesports, Inc.
Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course
BBBS Board Chair, 1998 & 1999
David T. Patterson
Weston Hurd Curley Patterson &
Bush, LLP
BBBS Board Chair, 1987
Bruce “Buz” Trumm, II
Global Business Consultant/
Marketing Professor
BBBS Board Chair, 1993
Past Board Chairs
dam Lewin
andy Schoedinger
andy West
ich Gandarillas
ames T. Merkel
Connie Tuckerman
Dwight Smith
ouis Mitchell
Gary Batke
Michelle Trueman-Gajoch
obert “Skip” Weiler
ohn M. Petrucci
. Gabe Reitter, II
ruce Trumm, II
lan B. Satterwhite
atrick Kennedy
eff Sherman
oy Rushing
2013 & 2014
2011 & 2012
2009 & 2010
2007 & 2008
2005 & 2006
2003 & 2004
2001 & 2002
1998 & 1999
1996 & 1997
Marcia Claerbout
David Patterson
Catherine Clark-Eich
Charles A. Rolle
Donald Hoffman
Lawrence Green
James R. Nein
John Miller
Robert Manion
Michael Hartshorn
David Barker
William Hamilton, III
Lawrence Green
Bruce Cameron
Henry Norman
Joseph Yearling, Jr.
John Albert, Jr.
Earl Maurer
C.L. Richards
T. Wood Brooks
Fredrick Kahn
Robert Morrison
Charles Arganbright
Harold Wonnell
Warren Hacket
Luther Lalendorf
Herbert Wise
Ernest Fritsche
Frank Durzo
R. Patrick West
C.E. Stewart
Thomas Potts
Robert Southwick
Robert Brilhart
Fritz Lichtenburg, Jr.
George Dolle
Report to the Community 2015
Mac Lee Henney
Carl Browne
Paul Clements
Nelson Hennis
Robert Gruesser
Harry Mauger
Emerson Wollam
Richard Aszling
A. Glenn McClelland
Frank Williams
U. Grant Sain
Jack Meeks
George Schoedinger, Jr. 1938-1940
Olaf Sandbo
George Schoedinger, Jr.
Harrison Sayre
1934 & 1935
Jack Meeks
David Neustadt
Financial Report
Fiscal Year ending
June 30, 2015
Central (2)
Cleveland (3)
Support & Revenues:
Contributed Revenue:
United Way Support
Fundraising Support
Contributions to Endowment &
Income from Endowments
Total Contributed Revenue
Government Grants
In-Kind Contributions
Other Revenue:
Program Service Fees
Government Grants Ohio
Collaboration (1)
Rental Income
Interest, Dividends, Royalties, & Other
Total Other Revenue
Total Revenue & Support
$7,378,617 (4)
Less: Event Direct Expenses
Less: Building Direct Expenses
Net Revenue & Support
Program Services
Ohio Collaboration: Other Agency
Programs (1)
Management & General
Total Expenses
Excess (Deficit) of Support &
Revenues over Expenses
$1,314,733 (5)
(1) Fiscal agent for government grants pass thru to other BBBS Ohio agencies.
(2) The figures for East Central are from 9/1/14 (the date they became an affiliate of Central Ohio) to 6/30/15.
(3) The figures for Greater Cleveland are from 1/1/15 (the date they became an affiliate of Central Ohio) to 6/30/15.
(4) Total revenue and support does not include the beginning net assets of the affiliates that was recorded as income for audit purposes of $1,174,931.
(5) Includes depreciation and amortization of $210,129 and includes planned estate giving of $1,472,675.
Total Contributed Revenue in 2014-2015
United Way Support
Individual Contributions
Corporate Contributions
Foundation Support
Government Grants
Total Contributed Revenue
Net Assets 6/30/2015
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Our 2014 - 2015 Partners
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio and our local offices in Delaware, Marysville and Springfield collaborated with the following
companies, organizations, and educational institutions to provide mentoring programs and other youth and family services in the community.
Department of Job and Family
Columbus Urban League
AKZO Nobel
Columbus Young Professionals Club
Alliance Data Systems, Inc.
Department of Rehabilitation and
Communities in Schools of Central
Ashland University
American Electric Power
Aveda Institute Columbus
American Greetings
Department of Taxation
Connections Volunteer Center
Capital University
American Honda Motor Company
Governor’s Office of Faith-Based
Council for Union County Families
Franklin University
American Showa
and Community Initiatives
Dale Carnegie Training
The Ohio State University
Anderson Concrete Corporation
Ohio Latino Affairs Commission
Damas Latinas and Friends
Alumni Association
Ashland Inc.
The Ohio Benefit Bank
Delaware County Board of
Athletic Department
BMW Financial Group/BMW
Ohio Association of Second
Developmental Disabilities
Bell Resource Center
Financial Services
Harvest Foodbanks
Delaware County Family & Children
Buckeye Mentoring Hub
Bailey Cavalieri LLC
Solutions for Progress
First Council
College of Dentistry
Baker Hostetler
Delaware General Health District
Kirwan Institute (More Than My
Bricker & Eckler LLP
Delta Sigma Theta
Brother’s Keeper)
Cardinal Health
Ohio Hispanic Chamber of
Directions for Youth and Families
Law School
Early Childhood Collaboration
Medical Center
Champion Real Estate
Ohio Hispanic Coalition
Easton Community Foundation
Med Students 4 Kids
Ohio Historical Society
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Office of Student Life
Clark Grave Vault Company
Omega Psi Phi
Franklin County
Outreach and Engagement
Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Clear Channel Outdoor
Board of Developmental
Phi Delta Theta fraternity
Clear Channel Radio
Open Door Church
Spanish and Portuguese
Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.-a
Prison Fellowship Ministries/Angel
Children Services
NiSource Company
Court of Common Pleas Division
Ohio Christian University
Continental Office Environments
Quest Community Church
of Domestic Relations and
Ohio University – Chillicothe
Continental Real Estate Companies
Rhema Christian Center
Juvenile Branch
Ohio Wesleyan University
Crane Group
Richwood Area Business
Department of Job and Family
Community Service Learning
Able Roofing
Otterbein University
Signature Control
Richwood Church of Christ
FutureReady Columbus
Wittenberg University
Suburban Steel Supply
Rotary Club of Springfield
Southfield Community Baptist
Delaware County Bank
Learning Circle Educational
St. Clair’s Athletic Club
St. Joan of Arc Catholic ChurchGoodwill Industries of South Central
A.M.E. Church
DGD Group, Inc.
Men’s Club
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
St. Stephen’s Community House
HandsOn Central Ohio
Amachi Ohio
Edible Arrangements of Union
St. Vincent Family Center
Healthy Marriage Collaborative
Tri-Village Rotary Club
I Know I Can
Boys and Girls Clubs of Columbus
Empleos & Employment LLC
Union County Chamber of
IMPACT Community Action
Buckeye Ranch
Ernst & Young LLP
Industrial Parkway Association
Union County
Iota Phi Theta
CASA of Franklin County (Court
Children Services
Junior Achievement of Central Ohio
Appointed Special Advocates)
Fifth Third Bank
Junior League
Center for Family Safety and
G&J Pepsi-Cola Bottlers
Juvenile Court
Kappa Alpha Psi
Game Stop
Health Department
LEON-Latino Empowerment and
Center for Healthy Families
Gatehouse Media Group
Union County Drug Free Youth
Outreach Network
Central Ohio Workforce Investment
GBQ Partners LLC
Lewis Center/Polaris Rotary Club
Corporation (COWIC)
Glimcher Realty Trust
Union County Parent Education
Local Matters
Central Vineyard
Grange Insurance
LULAC-League of United Latin
City of Zion Church
Greif, Inc.
Union County Senior Services
American Citizens
Clark County Municipal Court
Hamilton Parker Company
United States Dept. of Housing and
Marysville Business Association
Clintonville-Beechwold Community
Urban Development (HUD)
Marysville YMCA
Resource Center
HER The Sanchez Group-Real
United Way of Central Ohio
The Mentoring Center of Central
Columbus (City of)
United Way of Clark, Champaign,
Capital Kids Program
Highlights for Children
and Madison Counties
Mid-Atlantic Network of Youth and
Recreation and Parks
United Way of Delaware County
Family Services (MANY)
Honda Marysville
United Way of Union County
Mount Carmel East
Fire Department
Honda of America
Vineyard Church of Columbus
Mount Carmel West
Police Department
Huntington Bank
Columbus Blue Jackets Foundation Mt. Olivet Baptist Church
Ice Miller LLP
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Columbus Chamber
Integrated Leadership Systems
ADD Clinic
Columbus Children’s Theatre
Behavioral Health
Columbus City School
JCPenney Columbus Logistics Center
95.5-The Game
New Hope Church of God
Administrators and Staff
Joe Knows Energy
97.1-The Fan
Oakland Park Conservatory
Columbus East Soccer Association
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Abbott Nutrition
Ohio (State of)
Columbus East Football Club
Kegler, Brown, Hill & Ritter LPA
Black Business Network-ERG
Attorney General’s Office
Kimball Midwest
Abercrombie & Fitch
Columbus Metropolitan Library
Report to the Community 2O15
Our 2014~2O15 Partners continued
Kingston National Bank
Kohl’s Department Stores
L Brands, Inc.
M Corporation
Manley Deas Kochalski LLC
Manuta Chemical Consulting
McGraw Hill
Modern Medical, Inc.
Molina Healthcare
Moody-Nolan, Inc.
Multivista Midwest
Navigator Management Partners
NorthStar Golf Club
ODW Logistics, Inc.
The Ohio Machine
The Ohio Media School
Ohio State Bank
Old Navy
Paetec Communications
PNC Bank
Richwood Bank
Richwood Gazette
Robert Weiler Company
Romanoff Electric
Safe Auto Insurance Company
Safelite Solutions LLC
Schoedinger Funeral &
Cremation Services
The Scotts Company
Sherwin Williams
Smoot Construction
Sophisticated Systems, Inc.
State Auto Insurance Companies
Time Warner Cable
The Tuckerman Home Group
United Healthcare of Ohio
United Midwest Savings Bank
US Bank
Valco Industries
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and
Pease LLP
Wells Fargo
Westmoreland Place
White Castle System Inc.
Zaner-Bloser, Inc.
Columbus Alternative High
Columbus City Preparatory
School for Boys
Columbus City Preparatory
School for Girls
Columbus Downtown High
Columbus Global Academy
Columbus North International
Dominion Middle School
East High School
Eastmoor Academy
Fort Hayes Arts and Academic
High School
Fort Hayes Career Center
Georgian Heights Alternative
Elementary School
Independence High School
Linden-McKinley STEM
Livingston Elementary School
Marion-Franklin High School
Mifflin High School
Mifflin Middle School
Northland High School
Ridgeview Middle School
South High School
South Mifflin STEM K-6
Starling STEM PreK-8
Walnut Ridge High School
Wedgewood Middle School
West High School
Westmoor Middle School
Whetstone High School
Windsor STEM K-6 Academy
Woodward Park Middle School
Yorktown Middle School
North Union Schools
North Union Elementary School
Big Walnut Schools
Big Walnut Middle School
Big Walnut High School
Columbus City Schools
Arts Impact Middle School
Beechcroft High School
Berwick Alternative K-8
Briggs High School
Buckeye Middle School
Centennial High School
Champion Middle School
Columbus Africentric Early
College K-12
Delaware City Schools
Carlisle Elementary School
Conger Elementary School
Delaware Area Career Center
Delaware City Schools SACC
Delaware Hayes High School
Willis Intermediate School
Woodward Elementary School
Marysville Schools
Edgewood Elementary School
Northwood Elementary School
Olentangy Local Schools
Olentangy Glen Oak Elementary
South-Western City Schools
Holt Crossing Intermediate
Prairie Norton Elementary School
Springfield City Schools
Lincoln Elementary School
Simon Kenton Elementary
Westerville City Schools
Cherrington Elementary School
We collaborated with the following partners to serve children at Camp Oty’Okwa.
Adventure Unleashed LLC
Appleseed Connections
Ashland University
Athens County Children Services
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Athens Co.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Central
Camp Lionheart
Columbus and Franklin County
Metropolitan Park District
Crane Hollow Preserve
Darke County Parks
Delaware County Children Services
Edge of Appalachia Preserve System
Five Rivers Metro Parks
Gahanna Parks District
Gan Israel Columbus
Gorman Nature Center
Hispanic Coalition
Hocking College
Hocking Co. Family & Children First Council
Hocking Co. Soil and Water Conservation
Hocking Hills State Parks
Huntington National Bank
Integrated Services of Appalachian Ohio
Jon Jager and Kathy Guest
Jewish Community Center of Greater
Logan Daily News
Manning’s Rock Shop
Marietta College Department of Biology
and Environmental Science
Meigs Co. Family & Children First Council
Miami County Park District
More Than My Brother’s Keeper – Kirwan
Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Ohio State University: Career Eagles
Aviation Initiative
Ohio State University Extension
Ohio University
Perry County Soil and Water Conservation
Perry County Waste Reduction and
Pickaway County Developmental
Rural Action
Shawnee State Park
Sojourners Care Network
Springfield Promise Neighborhood
United Way of Clark, Champaign and
Madison Counties
USDA Forest Service
Vinton County Hopewell Center
Wahkeena Nature Preserve
Waste Reduction and Recycling
Women’s Leadership Network –
Delaware County
Zaleski State Park
Julie Zickefoose
Bishop Flaget School
Canaan Middle School
Clinton Elementary School
Court Street Intermediate School
Crooksville Middle School
Delaware City Schools
Everts Middle School
Hastings Middle School
Hathaway Brown School
Immaculate Conception
Jones Middle School
Lincoln Elementary School
Logan-Hocking School District
Morrison-Gordon Elementary School
New Hope Christian Academy
Oakstone Academy
St. Agatha School
Salt Creek Intermediate School
Teays Valley Walnut Elementary School
Thomas Edison Intermediate School
Twinsburg Science Club
West Broad Elementary School
West Elementary School
Our Mentoring Center of Central Ohio partnered with the following youth
mentoring organizations.
10X Mentoring
All T.H.A.T.
Asian American Community Services
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
City Year Columbus
Columbus Alumni Chapter of Kappa
Alpha Psi
Communities in Schools of Central
Community Development for All People
D’Light House Family Center
E.L. Hardy Center for Community
Educational Council/KIDSConnect
Expanding Visions Foundation
Faith Community S.A.Y. YES!
Franklin County Children Services
Godman Guild
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
HandsOn Central Ohio Foster
Grandparent Program
J. Ashburn Youth Center
Just Between Us Mentoring Program
Lady Butterflies
Men of Courage
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Star Mentoring
Nehemiah House of Refuge
New Birth Christian Ministry
Ohio Assoc. of Food Banks
Seven Baskets Ministries
St. John AME Church Youth Mentorship/
Boys to Men, Girls to Women
St. John AME Church (Change
Development Agency-Reading Gems)
Syntero’s Northwest Counseling
TriVillage Mentor League
YouthBuild Columbus Community School
Legacy Society
The members of the Legacy
Society of Big Brothers Big
Sisters of Central Ohio chose
to leave a legacy of positive
impact on our community.
They committed to leave a
planned gift to support the
agency’s work through a
bequest, trust, life insurance
policy, retirement plan or
charitable gift annuity. Their
legacy will change children’s
lives for the better for
generations to come.
You can
Start Something
now by putting plans in place
to leave a legacy of positive
impact on our community!
If you are interested in
discussing a planned gift
through your estate plan, please
contact Timothy McCarthy, Vice
President of Relationships, at
(614) 839-2447, ext. 168 or
[email protected].
Our Donors
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio is a volunteer and donor-supported organization.
We depend on the generosity of our community to provide children facing
adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported relationships that
change their lives for the better, forever.
Thanks to the many donors
listed below – corporations,
foundations and individuals
– who provided essential
support for our programs
and operating fund from
July 1, 2014 through
June 30, 2015.
Bertha A. Bouroncle, MD
Franklin County Children
Franklin County Department of
Job & Family Services
Nationwide Foundation
Ohio Department of Job &
Family Services
United Way of Central Ohio
American Electric Power
American Showa, Inc.
Attorney General of the State
of Ohio
Aveda Institute Columbus
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Foundation Fund of The
Columbus Foundation
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Foundation Milton Lewin
Legacy Fund of The
Columbus Jewish Foundation
Fred W. Carver Fund of The
Columbus Foundation
Columbus Automobile Dealers
Association, Inc.
Columbus Youth Foundation
Dublin Charity Cup
Huntington Bank
The Kroger Company
L Brands Foundation
Ohio Office of Criminal Justice
The Robert Weiler Company
Safelite AutoGlass Foundation
Barbara Trueman
United States Department of
United Way of Delaware County
Robert J. Weiler Family Fund of
The Columbus Foundation
Doug and Kerrii Anderson
Barbara and Bill Bonner Family
The Cardinal Health Foundation
Clark Kellogg Classic
The Columbus Foundation
Community Health Foundation
Haslett Heating & Cooling, Inc.
M/I Homes Foundation
The Harry C. Moores
Nurtur The Salon
Ohio Commission on Service
and Volunteerism
Osteopathic Heritage
Romanoff Group
Siemer Family Foundation
U.S. Forest Service
United Way of Clark,
Champaign and Madison
United Way of Union County
Louis F. Viereck Fund of The
Columbus Foundation
Skip and Linda Weiler Family
Fund of The Columbus
Alfred L. Wilson Charitable,
Helen E. Roberts and
Community Camp Funds of
The Columbus Foundation
Allied Mineral Products, Inc.
Anonymous (2)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
BU-BB Acquisition Co LLC
Daniels Automotive LLC
Designer Shoe Warehouse
The Honor Project Trust
Impact 60 Fund
Donald Jackson
Theodore R. Magnuson Field
of Interest Fund of The
Columbus Foundation
Mary’s Fund Foundation
Patrick J. & Kathleen D.
McCurdy Family Foundation
of The Columbus
NiSource Charitable Foundation
Don A. Pickens Fund for
Camp Oty’Okwa of The
Columbus Foundation
Springfield Foundation
R. Charles Tonti
Report to the Community 2015
Ron and Tina Ambrozy
Steve Anderson
Anonymous (5)
Bar 145
Rob and Dawn Barkley Fund of
The Columbus Foundation
John and Susan Boylan Family
Fund of The Columbus
Keith Chrissinger
Columbus Education
Phillip and Anne Creek
Darden Foundation
William C. and Naoma W.
Denison Fund
James and Karen Dunn
Angela Edmonds
Engineers Club of Columbus
The English Family Foundation
Ron Follmer
Fones Family Charitable Fund
Lloyd Fort
Richard and Karen Gandarillas
Gantzer Family Fund for Camp
Oty’Okwa of The Columbus
George J. Igel & Co., Inc.
Cynthia Gifford
Greif, Inc.
Arthur and Betty Haire Fund of
the Columbus Foundation
Haire - McHarg LLC
Hamilton Parker Company
Neal Hardesty
Arthur G. Helmick Memorial
Honda Marysville
Robert Howe and David Howe
Lloyd D. Hunter Memorial Fund
of The Columbus Foundation
Integrated Leadership Systems
Kohl’s Department Stores
Robert and Nancy Korb
Jeanne Kozelek
Stewart and Theresa McHarg
The Mercator Club
Phillip Minix
Modern Medical Inc.
The Montei Foundation
Betty Montgomery
Muetzel Plumbing
NorthStar Golf Resort
Ohio Environmental Protection
The Ohio State University Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Ohio Utilities Protection Service
Steven Piehler and Mary Ellen
Premier Travel
Premier Utility Services, LLC
Benjamin Price
V. Suresh Rachuri
Michael and Robin Rozsa
The Della Selsor Trust
Society of Marketing
St. John A.M.E. Church
State Auto Insurance
R. Alvin Stevenson Fund of The
Columbus Foundation
Brian Treece
Tri-Village Sertoma Club
The Turner Foundation
Wagner Family Charitable Trust
Walmart Foundation
Beatrice and Alan Weiler
Philanthropic Fund of The
Columbus Jewish Foundation
Leo Yassenoff Foundation Fund
of The Columbus Foundation
10 Times Better
A G Samuelson Inc
Roselyn Abbiw-Jackson
Henry Abbot
Stanford and Jane Ackley
Benjamin Addison
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
AHC Inc.
Alliance Data
The Alpha Chi Chapter of the
Chi Phi Fraternity
Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi
Eta Sigma
Allen and Elizabeth Altfater
Bruce Ames
Anderson Concrete
Anonymous (19)
Jenny Arrigo
ASE Feed & Supply, LLC
Ashland Inc. Matching Grant
Program and United Way
AT&T Services, Inc.
Atlas LLC dba Multivista
John and Margaret Atzinger
Mark and Bella Bailey
Ellen Ballentine
Earl Barron
Gary and Beth Batke
Brian and Rachel Battah
Larry and Carolyn Bayes
Megan Bayes
Kristi Beatty
The Beck Foundation
Kenneth and Frances Beck
Peter Beck
Mike Bellisari
Benny’s Pizza
Jeffrey and Barbara Benton
Empress Bethel
B-F.R.E.E. Inc
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Association Fund of The
Columbus Foundation
James Bishop and Rudine
Roberta Bishop
Linda Blockus
Jeffrey Boff
James Bolden
Danna Bowman
Molly Bowman
Jere and Eva Brunken
Michael Burdett
John and Suzanne Burns
Michael and Janet Butler
Bruce Cameron
Cannizzaro, Bridges, Jillisky &
Streng, LLC
Capital Partnerships, LLC
Margaret Carney Daykin
Benjamin and Katrina
Jonathan Carpenter
James Carroll
Robert Cary
Denis Case and Rita Apanius
Diego Castillo
M. L. Chamberlin
Wendy Chance
Marc and Bronwyn Chapman
Michael and Marcia Childs
Barbara Chuko
Vince Cirivello
Civil Design Solutions, Inc.
Denise Clark
James and Abby Clark
Steve Clay
Charlotte Click
John Coble
Kathleen Cohen
Tim and Amy Colburn
Linda Collins
Columbus Chapter,
International Association of
Administrative Professionals
Columbus Equipment
Compass Construction
Consolidated Financial
Management Group, LLC
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Deanna Cook
Chris Cooke
Victor and Heather Corbin
Michael Corey
Tricia Cossette
Robert and Jane Cozzarelli
Crane Hollow, Inc.
Loann Crane
Steve Curry
James and Lori Dalrymple
Dominic and Gretchen Dascoli
Daughters of Scotland
Dave’s Pharmacy
Angela Davis
Deborah W. Ambrogi Living
Trust UAD
The Delaware County Bank &
Trust Co.
Delaware County Community
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
Design Group
James Dillard
Kimeta Dover
J. Russell and Danielle Dunn
Stephen and Molly Dutton
Susan Dutton
Robert Eberhart
Jonathan Ebright
Edible Arrangements
David and Peggy Edling
James and Ramona Edman
Richard Ellinger
Jeffrey Ellis
Michael Ernst
David and Virginia Estrop
Christine Evans
Exchange Club Foundation of
The Expanding Visions
Michael Fabac
Janet Feldhues
Patrick Field
Fifth Third Bank
Gregory Filipkowski
Arthur Flesch
Don and Mary Anne Flournoy
Peg Foley
The Foundation for
Appalachian Ohio
Brian Fowler
Franke’s Wood Products, LLC
Lindsey Freeman
Mary Fries
E. Marianne Gabel
Gahanna Lincoln High School “S” Club
David and Sally Gallanis
Gerald and Leslie Gantzer
Claude and Betty Garrett
Jamie Garrett
Gartner - The Matching Gift
GC Services
Sally and William Glick
Endowment Fund
Herbert and Diane Glimcher
The Godman Guild Association
- Camp Mary Orton
Addison Good
Jeffrey and Deborah Good
Goodwill Columbus
Doug and Nikki Gourley
Mike Grandpre
Lawrence and Ruth Green
Nancy Green
Ramon Gregory
Bruce and Shayna Griffin
John Groves and Carrie Henry
Jose Gutierrez
Julie Guzdanski
Henry and Nydia Guzman
Eric and Tanya Hahn
William and Phyllis Hale
Timothy and Carol Hall
Linda Hallinan
William and Susan Hamilton
Thomas and Nancy Hampel
Larry and Wendy Hanna
Edward and Peggy Hart
Patricia Hartman
Steve Hasley and Sandra West
Hauck Brothers Inc.
Michael and Laura Haverkamp
Alan and Linda Hennis
Highlights for Children, Inc.
Kristin Hildebrand
Don and Cathy Hill
Patrick Hogenbirk and Jennifer
Shawn and Jennifer Homan
Home City Federal Savings
James and Armande Hopkins
Christina Horan
Martha Horner
Charles and Mary Horton
John and Suzanne Howell
Evan Hubenka and Julia
Charles Hughes and Peggie
Eric and Traci Hughey
Jennifer Hutson
Lorrie Huysman
Ice Miller LLP
Integrity Pest Solutions LLC
Joseph and Karen Irvine
Janet Jackson
Jonathan Jager and Kathryn
JAM Restaurants, LLC
Robert and Anne Jeffrey
JH Architects, Inc.
Kent Johnson and Gillian
Sarah Johnson
Joseph Johnston
Olin and Linda Jones
Robert and Terri Jones
Ralph and Patricia Jordan
Donald Joseph
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Just Give
Kalkreuth Roofing & Sheet
Steven and Martha Keech
Richard Keever
Bradley Kelley
Clark and Rosy Kellogg
Phyllis Kennedy
James and Kathryn Ketchum
C. Robert and Mary Kidder
James and Christina Kilgore
James and Barbara Kimmel
Jason King
J. Andrew and Mira Kipker
Stephen and Ann Kloss
Christine Knight
Paul and Catherine Knoop
Kolbe Construction Services,
Barbara Kolbe
George Kontogiannis
Kyle Krizman
Fred Kuhn
Anne LaPidus
Candace LaRochelle
Edward Leventhal
Fred Leventhal
Lewin Family/Hamilton Parker
Kang Li
Katherine Liebel
Lightwell, Inc.
Ashley Liles
Steve Lindsay
John Lohrman
Jean Ludwig
The MacIntosh Company LLC
Robert and Anna Lou Manion
Denny and Suzanne Mardas
Kevin and Jennifer Marinov
Marsh & McLennan Agency Brower Insurance
Marsh & McLennan
Companies, Inc.
Judith Marsh
Marysville Eagles #3506
Marysville Lanes Ltd.
Thad and Barbara Matta
Mattlin Foundation
Rod and Jackie Mayo
McCarthy & Cox
Stanley McDonald and Joanne
Yvette McGee Brown
Daniel and Judith McGregor
Larry Menchoffer and Vera
Lauren Metcalf
Fred and Ruth Miller
Scarlett Miller
Steven and Nina Miller
Rebecca Millhouse
Robert Mills and Judith Kleen
Brandon Mitchell
Tom and Elizabeth Mitevski
Richard Mitsak
Stephen Moody
Brett Moorshead
Joseph Moosbrugger
Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal
Joseph Morgan
Dennis and Mary Morrison
Wadye Morton
Joseph Moyer
Thomas Muetzel
T. Michael Mulgrew
Deck and Lois Murray
Jeffrey and Linda Naylor
Pamela Neckar
Stephen and Mary Alice Neely
Lucille Neola
Nestle R & D Center, Inc.
Patty Neumeyer
New Day Farms, LLC
New Life Baptist Church
Nexstep Commercial Products
Blaine and Margaret Norris
O.S.U. Chabad House, Inc.
Jeff Oakley
Debra O’Bryan
Ohio Harness Horsemen’s
Ohio Support Services Corp.
Ohio Wesleyan University
Richard O’Neal
Ivor O’Neill
Jeffrey and Rebecca Osburn
Park National Bank
Paresh Patel
Jennifer Patrick
Robert Pelfrey
Shawn Pereira
Darnell Perkins
Dennis and Pamela Peters
Robert Peterson
John and Marri Petrucci
John and Jeannette Petten
Ingrid Phillips
Phill and Tina Phillips
Walter and Susan Pidgeon
David and Amy Pinnick
Kyle and Diane Powell
Robert Powell
Marilyn Pritchett
R. W. Setterlin Building
Patricia Rawls
Alicia RehNota
Patricia Reid
Thomas Ricci
Sandra Rich
The Richwood Banking
Richwood Church of Christ of
Richwood Ohio, Inc.
Charles Riggle
Report to the Community 2015
Samantha Rizzo
Edward and Kerri Robe
T. Richard and Eleanore Robe
Rick and Joy Rogers
Peter Ross
Daniel Rowan and Kathleen
John and Stacey Royer
Roy and Rosemary Rushing
James and Molly Ryan
Thomas and Lynn Ryan
Sam Jackson’s Auto Body
John and Jennifer Sauter
John and Margaret Schilling
David and Carol Schirner
Robert and Pamela Schirner
Jeffrey Schneider
Jay and Joyce Schoedinger
Russell Scholl and Sandra
John Scialabba
Scioto Downs Inc.
The Scotts Company
Gerald Sears
Rangarajan and Lakshmi
Donald and Thekla Shackelford
Linda Shaffer
Sheehan Brothers Vending
Shimul Y Shah O.D., LLC
William Shkurti
Jay Shoor
Christopher Short
Douglas Shull
Simco Electric, Inc
Ezra and Mary Ann Singer
Jeannette Skaggs
Sloe & Associates, Inc.
Kathleen Smith
Richard and Suzanne Smith
Savvas Sophocleous
Gregory Soska
Robert and Margaret Spernoga
Charles C. Spielman
St. Joan of Arc Men’s Club
Clifford and Mary Stephenson
Melissa Stephenson
Rita Stepp
Ruth Sternberg
Jim Stewart
Steve Stolte
Jesse Stowe and Tara Griffits
Brian Straley
Steve and Robyn Strauss
Strileckyj Law Offices
Hans and Nicki Stroo
Studio 31 Salons, LLC
David and Lisa Stumpf
Ira and Nancy Sully
Eugene and Pauline Sung
The Superior Group
Elizabeth Taylor
James and Jill Taylor
Kim and Sharon Taylor
Theta Deuteron of Phi Gamma
Sue Thoman
Clendon and Karyn Thomas
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Ed Thomas
Chris and Christy Thompson
Kay Thompson
Robert and Judy Thompson
Brian and Jennifer Thurow
TIAA-CREF Employee Matching
Jay Tinnerello and Kathleen
P. Kelly and Cathy Tompkins
William P. Tracy Fund
Transition Products, Inc.
Bruce and Sharyn Trumm
Almuth Tschunko
Warren Tyler
UBS Financial Services Inc.
The Union Club Incorporated
Union Rural Electric Co-Op, Inc.
United Steel Workers of
United Way of Allegheny County
United Way of Central Maryland
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia and Southern
New Jersey
United Way of South Hampton
United Way of Summit County
United Way of the Bluegrass
United Way of the Valley &
Greater Utica Area, Inc.
UnitedHealth Group Employee
Giving Programs
Rex and Cheryl Vermillion
Veterans of Foreign Wars of
Ohio Charities
Thomas Vetter
Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease
Melvin Vulgamore
Kristopher Wahlers
George and Pamela Walker
Walter Workforce LLC
Jeffrey and Melissa Walton
Judith Walton
Walt’s Auto Inc.
Helen Warwick
Kerry Wears and Pete Tripp
Andrew and Neeley Wehr
Westerville Area Chamber of
Diana Westhoff
Steven K. Weyl and Karlene
Weyl Fund of The Columbus
Nadine Wieneke
Eugene Wilson
Wm. J. Shaffer Associates, Inc.
Ronald and Denise Wollett
Tasha Wood
Timothy and Heidi Woods
Solly and Karen Yassenoff
Rich and Tanya Yepsen
Aaron Young
Jason and Rochelle Young
The 32nd annual Bowl for
Kids’ Sake was celebrated
on March 7, 2015 by
committed corporate
sponsors and nearly
2,500 bowlers from more
than 100 corporations,
civic organizations and
community groups. Thank
you to the dedicated donors
and volunteers who helped
us make this event an
overwhelming success.
Champion Real Estate Services
ClearChannel Outdoor
Clear Channel Radio / WNCI
Cardinal Health
Columbus Square Bowling
UBS Financial Services
AEP Ohio
Hamilton Parker Company
Kimball Midwest
Ohio Custodial Management/
Ohio Support Services
Safelite AutoGlass
Schoedinger Funeral &
Cremation Services
Columbus Business First
Ernst & Young LLP
Farmers Insurance
Giant Eagle, Inc.
Grange Insurance
Huntington Bank
Ruscilli Construction
Tuckerman Home Group
WBNS 10-TV and The
Columbus Dispatch
Whole Foods Market
Carlile Patchen & Murphy
Fifth Third Bank
Janus Capital Group
Tara Abraham
Michael Albrecht
Brett Alexander
Robert Alter
Ron and Tina Ambrozy
Ralph and Ann Anderson
Anonymous (9)
Assurex Global
Kristina Bailey
Bakers Speciality Services LLC
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Brian and Rachel Battah
Belden Brick Company
Charitable Trust
John and Libby Belden
Belford Family Charitable Fund,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Jonathan Bloch
BMW Financial Services
Matthew Brendle
Edward Brewer
James Butler
Bill Capehart
Ted Carroll
Catterton Partners
CertaPro Painters
Champion Cares Foundation of
The Columbus Foudation
Gerry Chase
James and Abby Clark
Robert Cochran
Edward and Brenda Cohn
Patrick Colee
Columbus Blue Jackets
Columbus Chapter, Int’l Assn of
Administrative Professionals
Columbus Children’s Charity
Larry and Linda Combs
Concord Hospitality Enterprises
Darci Congrove and John
Stacey Connaughton
Continental Building Systems
Carl and Marcy Cook
Crescent Hotels & Resorts LLC
Jeffery Croft
Jeffrey and Annette Cullman
D7 Foundation
David Dame
Tom W. Davis
Domicent LLC
Marc Dugas
Donald Dunn
Embassy Suites - Troy
John Eymann
Feazel Roofing Co Inc.
William Ferriel
Vince and Molly Finney
First Hospitality Group
Arthur Flesch
Lara Forsman
William and Sherry Fortier
Richard and Karen Gandarillas
Gannett Foundation
Garden City Group
Michael Gardner
Michael George
Glen-Gery Corporation
Jason Goldberg
Goldring Family Foundation
Gray Mechanical
Greg Guy and Lisa Ingram-Guy
Jordan Hansell
Matthew Harper
Michael and Mary Jo
Bruce and Carrie Holt
Hospitality Ventures
Management, Inc.
Daniel and Christina Hunter
Teague Hunter
Elizabeth Ingram
Tom and Tanya Irelan
David Johnson
David and Cari Kass
John Kelley
Christopher Kelly
Matthew and Dorina Kramer
Kenneth and Jacqueline Krebs
Douglas Kuhns and Laurie
Jackson National Life Insurance
Kevin and Claire Lacey
Lifestyle Property Management,
David Lloyd
Craig and Catherine Marshall
Thad and Barbara Matta
Stewart and Theresa McHarg
Patrick Michel
T. Michael Mulgrew
Jay and Emmi Neff
Duane Newman
NiSource Charitable Foundation
Northtowne Heating
Gregory and Alicia Overmyer
Andrew Paterson
PFVS Architecture
Kathy Pigott
Jason and Gwen Recard
Daniel Renth
Rite Rug
John Rosen
E. Robert and Diane Roskind
Daniel Rowan and Kathleen
David and April Scott
Ira Sharfin
Report to the Community 2015
Debbie Shook
Phillip Smith
Dana and Jayme Smoot
Lawrence Spieth
Tony Spinosi
Stonehenge Partners Corp.
Anthony Sugar
Sunroof Express
Rick Takach
Talon Title Agency LLC
Steven Tigges
Scott and Jennifer Tucker
Craig and Connie Tuckerman
Steven and Judith Tuckerman
U.S. Tank Alliance, Inc.
Union Savings Bank
Brian Varley
George Vizer
Timothy and Melinda Vogel
Lisa Vonk
Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease
Widewaters Hotels, LLC
Jeffrey Wilkins
Gary Williams
Wolfe Associates, Inc.
Brian and Amanda Yeager
SUPPORTERS ($100-$499)
Accelerated Benefits
Radu Achiriloaie
Tim and Shirley Ackley
Robert and Beverly Acord
Paul Adams
Christopher and Anneliese
Rob Albert
Sean Alexander
Michael Allbritain
Gary Allen
Laura Allen
Paul Allen
Elliot Allison
Meg Allwein
Mannie Alvarez
Bruce Ames
Mary Ames
Scott Amstutz
Doug and Kerrii Anderson
Matthew and Nicole Anderson
Paul Anderson
James Andrasko
Carol Andreae
Anonymous (21)
Toni Ansley
Andrew Appelt
Carl Applebaum
Mary Applegate
Kevin and Lori Archibald
Scott Arden
Phil Arledge
Mike and Donna Sue Arnold
Alan L. Assaf
Roy Atherton
Kyle Atwood
Denis and Jennifer Austin
AY Manufacturing Ltd
B&C Blacktop
Todd and Jamie Babione
Rodric Baesman
James and Kim Baich
John Bailey
David Bakunas
Richard and Patricia Bale
Paul Ballinger
Jackie Baltz
James and Joan Bard
Brian Bare
Donna Barelka
Carl Barkson
Richard Barnhart
Alan Barr
Barbara Barresi
Earl Barron
Calvin Barrow
Tom Barry
Kim Bartley
Brian and Jen Basil
Duane Bassett
Gary and Beth Batke
Jinx Beachler
Lisa Beaty
Jim Bechtel
Steev and Malissa Beeson
Jerry Beigel
Eric Belfrage
Benchmark Management
Thomas and Sabrina Bently
Antonio and Melissa Benton
Jason and Kelli Berner
Robert Berriman
Norman and Tiffany Bertke
Howard Bethel
Robert Beymer
Michael Biagi
Kyle Bickhart
Bob Biehl
Geoffrey Biehn
Michael Biehn
Ralph and Melba Bierdeman
Eric and Elizabeth Binns
Mark Bjorstrom
Kevin Blosser
Terry Boling
John Boone
Stanley and Morine Bowen
Denvy Bowman
Joshua Bowman
David Boyle
Andrew and Erica Brace
Alistair Bradley
Kevin and Jen Brady
Terra Bridge
Ronald and Patricia Broadstone
Emil Brolick
John and Marybeth Brooks
Walter Brosch
Kathleen Brosmer
Craig Brown
Michael Brown
Jill Bruck
Mary Brugger
Lynn Bucci
Sara Buchsieb
Christine Bustamante
Mark Butterfield
George and Nancy Byers
Matthew Byrne
Eric Calabro
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Jason Cameron
Deborah Camoia
Heather Campanelli
Brian and Amy Campbell
Patrick Campbell
Robert Campbell
David Campisi
Phil Canzian
Peter Caputo
Edward and Vickey Carey
Jeffry and Jeanmarie Carper
Douglas Carr
Virginia Carter
Tony Casagrande
James Case
David Chan
Edward Chanda
Susan Chapman
Charlestowne Hotels
Brent Charriere
Katie Chatas
Michael and Marcia Childs
Sabrina Chong
Michael and Erin Christie
Chris Ciancanelli
Joseph and Katherine Cicero
Julie Cizl
Jerry Clark
Michael and Darci Clark
Steve Clay
William Clevenger
Charlotte Click
Michael and Shawn Cline
Brian and Lindsay Clymer
Brent and Stephanie Coakley
Peter Coe
Michael Cogan
Jon Cohen
Columbus First Bank
Columbus Glass & Mirror Inc
Mark Combs
Thomas and Jill Conger
Heidi Conklin
Christopher Conley
Richard Conti
Gary and Monica Cook
Jim and Peggy Cook
Dan and Donna Coontz
John Cooper
Thomas Copeland
Michael Cornelis
Michael and Wendy Coughlin
Paul Cramer
MJ Crane
Jason Crawford
Tanya Crawford
Theresa Crawford
Phillip and Anne Creek
Joanne Crevoiserat
Marc Crigger
Libby Cullins
Culture Unlimited Club, Inc
Chad Cunningham
Jim Czarnecki
Richard Daley
Amanda Dalton
Laura Dalton
Madison Daly
John D’Andrea
Dominic and Gretchen Dascoli
Thomas and Janice Daugherty
Diane David
Derrick and Deana Davis
Kimberly Davis
Sam Davis
Scott and Lisa Davis
Dawn Day
Roger De Horn
Chris Dean
Peter DeBellis
David DeCapua
Sue Ellen Deiley
Edward Deim
Jeffrey DeLeone
Robert DeLeone
Sarah DeLong
Gaither Deluca
Patrick Deming
Michael DeNicola
Paul Denicolo
Connie Dennis
Stephen and Kathie Devoe
Brian Dew
Brian Deyo
John Deyo
David and Jayna D’Herete
Scott Diener
Christopher and Shannon Diffley
James and Paula Diffley
Bob and Pat Dillon
Lynsey Dinovo
Dirty Frank’s Hot Dog Palace
Thomas Dole
Robert Dombi
Jason and Jenny Donnellon
Tamara Dosch
Lynne Dougherty
Grant and Susan Douglass
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Kimeta Dover
Kaye Dowell
Kevin and Whitney Doyle
Douglas Dreher
Adam Drexel
Mark Dropsey
Dan Duffy
D. Gardner and Yvette Dunn
J. Russell and Danielle Dunn
James R. and Karen Dunn
Robert Dunn
Brandon and Carrie Dupler
Betsy Durzo
Christopher and Kelly Dusseau
Claudia Dusseau
Wendi Earhart
Robert and Preethy Early
Robert and Margaret Early
D.J. and Sarah Effler
James Ehret
George and Jill Elliott
Michael Elsner
Mike Endres
Lawrence English
David Erickson
Robert Erney
William and Mary Beth
Everhart Financial Group
Steve Falk
Janet Fallon
Rebecca Farbo
David Fares
Harry Farver
Joseph Favazzo
Daniel and Shelly Feeman
David and Diana Ferguson
Mary Ferguson
Matt Ferris
FFC Capital Corporation
Steven and Amy Fields
First American Realty
Associates, LLC
Alex Fischer
Martin Fisher
Sara Fisher
Michael Fitzpatrick
David and Pam Fleischaker
John and Suzanne Fleming
Dan Flesch
Jason Flesch
Leslie Flesch
Douglas Flowers
Craig and Molly Foglietti
Timothy Foley
Nicholas Ford
Michael and Michelle Francisco
Kenneth Frazier
Mabel Freeman
Alexander and Christine
Donald and Elizabeth Freytag
Gavin and Maggie Freytag
Richard Freytag
Daniel Fronk
Warren Fuson
Aaron Gagnon
Maureen Gallagher
Michael and Mellissa Gallagher
Jeffrey Gallo
Andrew Gardiner
John and Sheila Gartland
Robert Gartner
Marian Gelpi
Gemstone Hotels & Resorts,
General Services Cleaning
Company, Inc.
George J. Igel & Co., Inc.
David and Lisa George
Jason George
Randall and Emily Gerber
Matthew and Cynthia Gerhardt
Thomas Geshay
G-FAM Enterprises, LLC
Adam Giere
Daniel Gifford
Josh Gifford
Brian Gilmour
Steve and Julie Ginnan
Danny Givertz
David Glass
David Glidden
Michael and Denise Glimcher
Amanda Goldsmith
Michael and Joy Gonsiorowski
Gregory Gordon
Andrew Gottschalk
Dwaine Gould
Michael Gould
Mitchell and Christine Graindley
James Graver
Tamra Graver
Michael Green
Ryan Green
Charles and Sara Greenlee
Bill Grice
Jon Grimm
Mark and Jane Grindley
Michael Gross
Jeff Grossl
Ken Grotsky
William and Kathleen Grove
Gary and Dina Gruber
Thomas Gryboski
Michael Gurevitz
Gary Gutierrez
Susan Haack
Robert Habeeb
James and Susan Hackbarth
Andrew and Sally Hackett
Lawrence and Lynn Hackett
James and Jennifer Hadden
Frederick and Debra Hadley
Tony Hal
Brian Hall
Keith Hall
Michael and Cheryl Hamilton
James and Lynn Hamilton
Joseph and Lori Hamrock
Ivan Han
Azeem Haqq
Dina Harder
Greneisha Harper
Lynne Hartman
Susan Harty
Toby and Julie Haun
Joseph and Kelly Haverkamp
Michael and Laura Haverkamp
Robert Haverkamp
David and Marjorie Hawkins
Hearth & Home Technologies
Paul Heller
Kristin Helvey
Raymond Helvey
Craig Hemann and Cheryl
David and Sara Henderson
Russell Henn
Alaina Herman
Chuck Herman
Dorie Herman
Steve Hermiller
Doug Herron
David Hess
Nathan Hess
Stephen and Alice Hester
Kristina Heuberger
Dale and Gloria Heydlauff
Kathryn Hickman
Katherine Higgins
Kristin Hildebrand
Roger Hill
Lana Hillebrand
Cynthia Hilsheimer
Teddy and Alissa Hines
Lashaun Hixon
Robert Hlavin
Jennifer Hodge
Dennis Hoffman
Stephen Hoffner
Brent and Shannon Holbert
Robin Holderman
Hollern & Associates
Homestead America
Marjie Howie
Michael Howley
William Hoy
Michael Huffman
Jason and Ann Hull
Jennie Hull
Glenn Hutchins
Kelly Ican
Todd Ichida
In Spirt Ministries
Inland Financial, Inc.
Greg and Gloria Ionna
Irv Isaacson
Report to the Community 2015
Rita Itsell
J Miller Excavating
J. Yankle Company
Steve Jablonski
Sue Jablonski
Dan and Ky Jaffe
David James
Robert James
John Jameson
Dave Janosek
Jason and Karen Jarosz
Michael Jeffries
Rhonda Jinks
Johnson Consulting Group
Byron Johnson
Chris Johnson
G. Bradford Johnson
Steve Johnston
Cartarwa Jones
Jason Jones
Richard Jones
Peter and Julianne Kaldis
Leo and Loretta Kaliszewski
Thomas Kalnicki
Jonathan Kass
Theresa Kaszubski
Kyle and April Katz
Thomas Katzenmeyer
Roderick and Margaret Keech
Ken Keener
Kegler, Brown, Hill & Ritter,
Jack Kehl
Les Keller
Barbara Kelley
Michael Kelley
John Kelly
Kephart & Fisher LLC
Stefvanie Kerrigan
Laith Khalaf
Lori Khayat
Timothy and Rebecca Kidd
Tim Kiedrowski
Gerard Kiladjian
Brad Kilgore
James and Christina Kilgore
Michael Kincaid
Herbert King
Cynthia Kipker
J. Andrew and Mira Kipker
Thomas Kirkpatrick
Laura Klinkose
Christine Knight
George Knight
Brad and Nadia Knoll
David and Kay Kolbe
Roni Kopelman
Bradley and Judy Kopp
Nelson and Linda Kopp
James Korroch
Michael Kozlowski
Gary and Sharon Kratzenberg
Frederick Krebs
Mark Krebs
Jeff and Mary Krieger
Jeff Kristoff
The Kroger Company
Brenda Kroos
Robert and Jean Kuethe
Andrew Kuhn
Jim Kuhn
Paul and Lisa Kuhn
Nicole Kulick
Lisa Kusevitsky
Jack and Chasity Kuttrus
Peggy Kutz
L & R Development Group LLC
Rajesh Lahoti
Jenifer Lampi
Donna Landrum
Gary Landsettle
Bob Lanzi
Rick Larkin
Kevin and Julie Larrimer
Richard Lattro
Leslie Lauer
Roger and Laura Lautzenhiser
Brian and Stephanie Leader
Christopher and Carolyn A.
David and Leah Leavitt
Timothy and Patricia Lee
Michael Lehman
Sue Lemmon
Brian Lenzo
Cynthia Lima
Robert Lindner
Robert Litt
Clark Lloyd
Heather Lohnes
John Lohrman
Charles Lombardo
Thomas Long
Rob Lucas
Gary Luefschuetz
Martin Luffy
Benjamin Luftman
Doreen Luke
Dennis Luna
Patrick and Kim Lupsha
Ian and Carlie Machir
Gregory Mack
Andrew and Carrie Madison
James Maher
Anthony Malk
Eileen Mallesch
Philip Mallott
Tom Mancino
Karen Manngard
Chuck and Britta Mansfield
Douglas Mansfield
John Manson
Scott Marcello
Michael Marcum
Steven Margol
Marq Margulis
Rick Mariotti
John and Johanna Marmion
Lorenzo Marquez
Judith Marsh
James Marshall
David Martin
Jay Martin
Kim Martin
Richard Martorano
Michael Martz
Amy Marzluff
Sandra Maskell
Tom and Donna Mason
Robert Mathews
John Matthews
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Raymond Matullo
Lee and Pat Mault
Michael Maxey
Laura McCabe
Karen McCaffrey
McCann Graphics LLC
McCarthy and Associates
Michael McCarthy
Timothy and Sue McCarthy
Patrick McClary
Matthew McClellan
Les McCoy
Kimberly McCraw
Patrick McCurdy
Jill McDaniels
Christopher McGee
Onetta McGlaughlin
Elizabeth McGory
Ethan and Lindsay McGory
Kevin and Ruth McGowan
Lynne McGraw
Roy McIntosh
Susan McKnight
Joe McLaughlin
Rob McLaughlin
Robert and Jane McMaster
Andrew and Kathleen McMillan
Jon McMillen
Todd and Debra McMillen
Joseph and Carol McPeek
Mark Meadows
Medical Business Billing
James Medsker
Christopher and Nikki Meekins
Jamie Menges
Gloria Merkel
James and Gena Merkel
Cameron and Lisa Merrow
Nikki Messard
Jayne Metcalf
Edward and Nancy Metzger
Jeffrey and Debra Meyer
Jon Meyer
MH Aquatics
Michael and Marcia Miller
Todd and Leah Miller
Tom Miller
William Miller
Tyler Millisor
Cameron and Molly Mitchell
Tom and Elizabeth Mitevski
Judith Mobley
Robynne Moncur
Bernie Mongilio
R. Wayne Morris
Laura Moushey
Nora Moushey
Matthew and Julie Muetzel
Jim Mullins
Bill Murney
K. C. and Bridget Murphy
Subir Nag
Robert Namoff
Chip Neale
Carl Nelson
Michael Nelson
Robert and Leslie Newhuis
Jeffrey and Lisa Newman
Keith News
Jim and Danah Nichols
Gary and Julie Nickrand
John Paul Nicolaides
Brian Noel
Ty Nofziger
A. Scott and Nicole Norman
Dawn Norrod
Richard Nunez
Oakland Nursery
James O’Connell
Mike O’Connell
Brian O’Connor
Brian and Paula O’Donnell
Dale Oesterle
Kenny Ogilvie
Chip Ohisson
Rebecca Okruhlica
Robert and Megan O’Leary
Christopher Olson
Brian O’Mara
Thomas O’Neil
Tim O’Neil
Amy O’Neill
Robert Opdyke
Thomas Orchard
Steve and Christine Osmon
Charles and Velda Otey
Joseph Panfil
Michael Parisi
Eric Parker
Colin Parks
Joseph Patrick
Libby Patrick
PDS Planning, Inc.
David and Kimberly Pearse
John Pearson
Bruce Pecci
Michael Pedrotty
Kimberly Penzone
William and Heather Perry
Bradley Peterson
Mark and Claudia Peterson
Parr Peterson
Robert Peterson
Katrina Petrenko
John and Marri Petrucci
Terrance Pettorini
Aaron and Allison Pettrey
Harry Pflueger
James and Laura Phieffer
Phillips 66
Tom Phillips
Kym Pickett
Luke Pickett
Judith Pierce
Philip and Julie Pikelny
Robert Pink
Pioneer Energy Management
Michael Platte
Mike Plummer
Julia Poston
Diane Powall
Eric Powell
Chris Powers
Tom Powers
Tim Prater
Randy and Emily Preble
En Pribisko
Mindy Price
Robert Price
Tony Price
Michael Priest
John Pritchard
Doug Probst
Steve Prout
Jamie Pryde
Anthony Puckett
Erik and Stacy Puffenberger
Catherine Quinn
D. Michael and Cathy Quinn
Jonathan and Anna Ramsden
Richard and Jane Ramsey
Randy Randolph
Gregg Ray
Scott and Kara Razek
Carl and Sally Rechner
Terry Reed
Rose Reese
Allison Reid
Steven Reinhart
Thomas and Tiffany Reusser
Matthew Rhodes
Mark Ricketts
Rider Education of Ohio
Thaddeus and Donna Rieger
Margaret Rieser
David Rife
Peter Ritchie
Louis Rivers
Steven Roach
Harlan Robins
Jannifer Robinson
Kyle Robson
John Roby
Kenneth and Jody Roese
Garry and Serita Root
Andy Rose
Doug Rose
Stephen Rose
Martin Rosen
Derek Ross
Jim Roth
Sandy Rowlett
Gregory Rozolsky
Michael and Robin Rozsa
Laurence and Molly Ruben
Eric Rubin
Thomas and Mary Jo Ruby
Ann Ruff
George Ruff
Tanyetha Ruffin
Charles Ruma
Scott Runyan
Robert Ruscilli
John and Kara Russo
Allen Rutz
Victoria Ryan
Safex, Inc.
Rachel Saksa
Steven and Jennifer Saksa
Troy Salyers
Steven Sams
Marty Sass
Robert Sass
Brent Saunders
Jim Savage
Doug Saxe
Susan Sayre
Mark Sbrochi
Greg Scagliotti
Steve Scherer
John and Margaret Schilling
Paige Schlembach
Tim Schlotterer
Timothy Schmalenberger
Sue Schneier
John Schoedinger
Matt and Emily Schoedinger
Report to the Community 2015
Scott and Lisa Schoedinger
Jason Schoettmer
Dave and Brandy Schorr
Diana Schott
Joseph Schott
Howard Schottenstein
Mark and Pamela Schubert
Timothy and Linda Schultz
Brian Schumann
Linda Sebok
Jeremy and Julie Seck
Elizabeth Seely
Ron Seiffert
Larry Shafer
Andy Shaffer
Christopher and Tammy
Hiten and Heena Shah
Dana and Erin Shannon
Alison Shaw
Patrick Shay
Stephen and Christina Shelley
William and Katie Shelley
Mark Shelly
Rees Sheppard
Alex Sherer
Andrea Sherman
Allison Shivers
Robert Siekmann
Signature Carpet Care &
Thomas Simenic
Mike Simon
Sabrina Simpson
Eric and Rebecca Singer
Tom Sisterhen
Karen Slate
Rob Smariga
Andrew Smith
Brian Smith
Daniel Smith
Kathleen Smith
Mike and Heather Smith
Paul Ray Smith
Steven Smith
Thomas Smith
Ola Snow
Jimmy and Susan Snyder
Wai and Mary So
Joseph Sofia
John Sokol
Jerome Solove
Carol Sommer
Jeffrey Sopp
Larry Spelts
Bill Stadler
Jeff and Christine Stanton
Nick Stanutz
Blair Staud
Mark Stauffer
Frank Stavroff
Vera Stavroff
Craig Colvin and Lisa Stein
Joel Steiner
Scott Stephens
Julee Stephenson
Michael and Jane Stevenson
Susan Stevenson
Andrea Stockel-Wills
Jeffrey and Michele Stokes
Jeffrey M. Stokes
Gary Strain
Lisa Stranger
Christopher and Jayla Stroeer
Lauren Stuntebeck
Mark Sturgeon
Brian Sturtz
Steve Superits
Eric Sutphin
Darrell Sutton
Kim Swanson
Derrick Szarmach
Marian Szarmach
Thomas Szykowny
Michelle Szymanski
James and Jill Taylor
Eric Terry
Molly Thomas
Scott Thomas
Janice Thompson
Joshua Thompson
Michael and Kathi Thompson
Robert Thompson
David and Nancy Thorbahn
Melissa Tighe
Poe Timmons
Chris and Jennifer Tipton
Kevin Todd
Tim Tokish
Charles Tomb
Robert Tonetti
Mary Trevor
Joe and Susan Trivisonno
Jeff Trotier
Mitchell Trucco
Kerry and Kristine Truckly
J. Dana and Kelly Tsakanikas
Teresa Tubbs
Catherine Tucker
John Tucker
Karen Tucker
Brian and Audrey Tuckerman
Casey Turner
Kelle Tyler-Noll
U.S. Bank Foundation
Kaz Unalan
Adam Valente
John and Alana Van Fossen
Lisa VanAllsburg
Robert Vance
Kristian Vandemark
Teresa VanDyne
Mark and Julie Vannatta
Mike Varney
Nick Venitsanos
Donald and Joan Veri
Verizon Foundation
Vero North LLC
Nicole Vickers
Mark and Denise Vinciguerra
Richard and Jennifer Visintine
Anne Vitale
Margaret Vito
Robert Vogelzang
Candy Vonk
Gary Wachs
Justin Wackerman
Wagbros Company
Mark Wagenbrenner
John Wagner
Michael Wallenhorst
Kevin Walsh
Brett Walter
Robert and Deborah Walter
Todd and Nicole Walter
Jeffrey Walton
Bradden and Elizabeth Waltz
Jennifer Wangler
Jeff Warner
Jennifer Warner
Eric and Jennifer Wasserstrom
Waterford Group Charitable
Brent Watson
Jayce Watson
Kristin Watt
J. Ben Wauford
Mike Webb
Dana and Nancy Weese
Michael Wehinger
Andrew and Neeley Wehr
Lynn and Criss Wehr
Skip and Linda Weiler
Richard Weiner
Carl and Erika Weise
David Welch
Jason Wells
Kenneth Wenger
Bruce Wennerstrom
WesBanco Bank, Inc.
Jamie West
Westerville Realty Association
Nicole Wetterauer
John Whitaker
Kevin White
Scott White
Jack Whiting
Alice A. Whittlesey
Margaret Wickham
Timothy and Kelly Wiechers
Eric and Karen Wiegandt
Ryan Wilkins
Peter Wilkinson
George Williams
Jeffrey Willis
Michael and Angela Willman
Tim Wilschetz
Richard Wing
Shirley Wing
Chris Winter
David Winters
Kelly Wipperman
Kimberly Witmer
Frank Wojcik
Marilyn Wollett
Ronald and Cyleste Wollett
Elizabeth Wollmuth
Zach and Karla Woolley
Kenneth Wright
Bob Wynd
Mark Yale
Jacqueline Yang
James Yankle
Deborah Yeager
Edward Yen
Lisa Yockey
Kurt and Elizabeth Yoder
Joshua Young
Sharon Zahn
Michael Zaino
William Zapp
Jonathon and Kimberly Zavislak
Mike and Sue Zazon
Rob Zelina
Simcha Zevit
Michael and Suzanne Zid
Brandon Zimmerman
David Zogbaum
Mark Zogbaum
Steven Zubrzycki
Scott Zucker
The 32nd annual A Taste
of Class for Kids was
celebrated on April 18, 2015.
We are deeply grateful to
our generous patrons for
making the 2015 event
Champion Real Estate Services
Romanoff Group
Bricker & Eckler LLP
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Ernst & Young LLP
Fifth Third Bank
Frost Brown Todd LLC
GBQ Partners LLC
Grand Oaks Event & Business
Center, LLC
Huntington Bank
Kimball Midwest
L Brands Foundation
The Lewin Family Foundation/
Hamilton Parker Company
McDonald Hopkins LLC
Ohio Indemnity Company
Perez & Morris LLC
Safelite AutoGlass
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
State Auto Insurance
Thompson Hine LLP
UnitedHealthcare of Ohio
Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease
WBNS 10-TV and The
Columbus Dispatch
White Castle
Samuel Adams
Femi and Bryn Adeyanju
Trent Albright
Elliott and Lori Allison
Ron and Tina Ambrozy
Kyle Atwood
Bailey Cavalieri LLC
Edward and Kelly Bannen
Gary and Beth Batke
Thomas and Sabrina Bently
John and Monica Biemer
Andrew and Carmen Boy
Peter and Elizabeth Boyuk
Christine Bustamante
Dan and Sherry Carson
Michael and Erin Christie
James and Abby Clark
Ned and Nicole Clark
Jason and Laura Compton
Darci L. Congrove and John
Todd and Ann Deutsch
Robert and Bicentennial
Jason and Jenny Donnellon
D.J. and Sarah Effler
Sarah Eilerman
Roger T. Essig
William and Mary Beth
Stephen and Sandra Federer
FirstMerit Bank
Clyde and Ann Fitch
Steve and Sherrie Foreman
Franklin University
Andrew Fredelake
Richard and Karen Gandarillas
David and Gloria Garman
David Giertz and Eve
Kevin and Sarah Gilbert
Steve and Julie Ginnan
James and Molly Glaser
Herbert and Diane Glimcher
Jessica Hale
David and Erin Hatcher
Thomas and Patricia Hawk
Douglas Kuhns and Laurie
Bruce and Carrie Holt
Shawn and Jennifer Homan
Daniel and Christina Hunter
Stephen and Tracy Intihar
John F. Kelley
Meg Kelley
Key Bank
Eddie and Lisa King
Leslie and Tracy King
Matthew and Dorina Kramer
John and Heather Larkin
Angela Leggett
John Lohrman
Kurt and Leslie Malkoff
Craig and Catherine Marshall
Charles McCurdy
Nikki Messard
Matthew Romanoff and Karen
Tom and Elizabeth Mitevski
Randy and Peggy Mosher
Damon and Tina Muldoon
Caitlin Murphy
Jay and Emmi Neff
Laure Nordholt
JJ and Sarah Perez
John Perez
John and Marri Petrucci
Patrick and Shannon Puhl
Michael and Debbie Robinson
Michael and Marcy Ross
Leo and Sara Ruberto
Schiff & Associates Co., LPA
Michael Schoedinger
Barry Schumann
Linda Sebok
Christopher and Tammy
Karl and Leah Shrom
Dana and Jayme Smoot
Patrick O’Hara and Traci
Michael and Michelle Tamarkin
The Thomas Brick Company
Chris and Christy Thompson
Daniel Thornton and Michelle
Christopher and Shannon
Andrew and Neeley Wehr
JK and Shirley Williams
Vinson and Teresa Yates
Brian and Amanda Yeager
Mike and Sue Zazon
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Central Ohio is fortunate
to have generous and loyal
friends who contribute
auction donations,
equipment, goods and
services each year in
support of programs and
special events. Thank you
for your donations from July
1, 2014 through June 30,
Clear Channel Outdoor
Clear Channel Radio/WNCI
Columbus Business First
Columbus Square Bowling
Focus 3
Haslett Heating & Cooling
Kinopicz American
Romanoff Group
Alexanders Jewelers
Jim Ambos
Ron and Tina Ambrozy
Anonymous (6)
Christian and Michal Armstrong
Aveda Institute of Columbus
Balani Custom
BalletMet Columbus
Helen Bartram
Shelley Bird
BMI Federal Credit Union
Bob Evans
Bon Vie Bistro & Wine Bar
Bonefish Grill - Polaris
Stephen and Cynthia Bower
Boyd’s Tire & Service
Larry and Bonita Brant
Breck’s Paving, Inc.
Breitling USA, Inc.
Brio Tuscan Grille - Easton
Town Center
Brothers Drake Meadery
Buffalo Wild Wings
Burton Snowboards
The Cardinal Health Foundation
Denis Case and Rita Apanius
Cedar Point
CenturyLink Women
Darren and Bonita Cherry
Chuck E. Cheese’s
City Barbeque, Inc.
Cleanlites Recycling
Columbus Children’s Theatre
Columbus Museum of Art
The Columbus Zoo and
David and Janet Conrad
Dennis Cooke and Barbara
Sidney Dill
Dianna Griffin Photography
Pat Dixon
Don Wood Automotive
Richard Donahey, Jr.
Donatos Pizza
Eagle Riders of Delaware
Ernst & Young LLP
Bill and Mary Beth Estwanik
Fifth Third Bank
Arthur Flesch
Folkwood Players
Foxfire Golf Club
G&J Pepsi-Cola Bottlers, Inc.
Richard and Karen Gandarillas
Gentle Dentist
Giant Eagle
The Glass Slipper
Golf Club of Dublin
Goodyear Auto Service Center
Gordon Food Service
Hamilton Parker Company
Hawk Galleries
James Hill
Hilton Columbus at Easton
Hocking Hills Canopy Tours
Hollywood Casino Columbus
Integrity Pest Solutions LLC
jaNellie Gourmet Bakery
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams
Jet’s Pizza - Sunbury
Raymond Jones
Steven and Carol Juresich
Just the DJ
Kevin and Tamila Keller
Kimball Midwest
J. Andrew and Mira Kipker
Paul and Catherine Knoop
Kolbe Construction Services,
Matthew and Dorina Kramer
Mark and Cheryl Laubacher
Live Nation
Mad River Mountain
Andrew and Carrie Madison
Mark and Lori Maiberger
Denny and Suzanne Mardas
Thomas Marhevka
Bo Marietta
Marsh & McLennan Companies
- Mercer, Marsh & Oliver
Craig and Catherine Marshall
Max & Erma’s - Polaris
Susan May
Margie Mazeffa
George McConnaughey
Meijers - Store #249
Methodist Theological School
in Ohio
William and Elizabeth Meurer
Meyers Jewelers
Catrina Miller
Tom and Elizabeth Mitevski
Mount Airy Farms
T. Michael Mulgrew
Thomas and Kandy Murnane
Nestle Product Technology
Nurtur The Salon
Ohio Machine
Panera Bread - Bethel Road
Panera Bread - Sawmill Road
Papa John’s Pizza - Delaware
Papa John’s Pizza - Lewis
Phill and Tina Phillips
Premier Parking
Professional Imagery
Report to the Community 2015
The Raines Group
Red Velvet Cafe - Columbus
The Refectory Restaurant
Renaissance Columbus
Mitchell Richard
Edward and Kerri Robe
Amber Rosebrook
David and Shannon Ruma
Katy Sanford
Jay and Joyce Schoedinger
Randy and Marcy Schoedinger
Second Glimpse Photography
Select Sires Inc.
Shadowbox Live
Signature Wines
Simply Elegant Nails
Arlene Snider
Snow Trails Winter Resort
Southwest Airlines
SplatterPark Paintball Games
Starbucks - Lancaster
Starbucks - Sunbury
Herschel Stepp
Gail Stiles
Strongwater Food and Spirits
Studio 35 Cinema & Drafthouse
Subway - Karl Road
Sunnyside Training Center
The Columbus Dispatch
The Donahey Law Firm LLP
The Lofts Hotel
The Owens Group
The Polaris Grill
Tickets for Kids Charities
Timeless Skin Solutions
Title Boxing Club
Almuth Tschunko
Joe and Amanda Vandermark
Patricia C. Vandermark
Lance VanSickle
Vaud-Villities Community
Mike and Colleen Walker
Walmart - Dublin
Andrew and Neeley Wehr
The Westin Columbus
Who’s Who Publishing
Audie and Rhonda Wykle
Xtreme Limo
Yellow Feather Creations
YMCA - Union County
YMCA of Central Ohio
Yoga on High
Kristie Youel
Jason Yun
Our 3+ Year Volunteers
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio and our local offices in Delaware, Marysville and Springfield thank the following
volunteers who have given their time to mentor a child for three or more years (as of June 30, 2015).
Roselyn Abbiw-Jackson
Tim Adler
Kristen Aiken
James Alexander II
Deborah Allen
Leisa Allender
Todd Alloway
Jacob Al-Saleem
Tina Ambrozy
Anthony Amos Jr
Carly Andenoro
Barry Anderson
Steve Anderson
Matthew Anglin
Victoria Armentrout
Karina Arutyunova
Teresa Asman
Jonell Augenstein
Cynthia Avery
Sarita Avery
Clark Avery Jr
Ashley Baker
Dan Baker
Emily Baker
Libby Ballentine-Byrd
Linda Bandekar
Roberta Banks
Trisha Barhorst
Robert Barkley
Daniel Barksdale
Jacquilla Bass
Hillary Bates
Rachel Battah
Dionne Battle
Mary Anne Baum
Amy Baxter
Walter Bayley
Joseph Beatty
Lindsay Belcher
Catherine Bell
Grant Bellflower
Tia Benton
Kevin Bergen
Teri Berliner
Danielle Berry
Tina Bevins
Pamela Blair
Cyndi Blake
Tanicha Blake
Amber Blankenship
Joshua Bohinc
Nancy Bohman
Tashira Bommer
Catherine Bond
Robert Booker
Jessica Booth
Gilbert Borlaza
Shirley Boykins
Eric Brandon
Jennifer Branton
Timothy Bray
Claire Brennan
Nicole Brestle
Kwamia Brewer
Sheila Brewer
Katie Brosmer
Ariel Brough
Suzie Brouwer
Casey Brown
Dion Brown
Lori Brown
Latasha Bryant-Willis
David Buckley
Danny Burns
Katy Burrier
William Burton
Joshua Busic
Jared Butler
Jennifer Byers
Denene Byrd
Olivia Byrd
Traci Byrley
Megan Cain
Brian Calabro
Lakeshia Calhoun
Mark Callahan
Chad Callison
Kristi Callison
Jenny Campagna
Sarah Campbell
Tracie Campbell
Stephanie Cannon
Kristina CannonJackson
Jamie Carmichael
Elizabeth Carnes
Kerstin Carr
Roger Carroll
Linda Carruth
Julia Carter
Matthew Carter
Amanda Cassidy
Vince Catalogna
Nicole Cecil
Sarah Cervi
Tina Chambers
Ashley Chaney
Jennifer Cheavens
Ryan Chesnut
Sam Chickerella, Jr.
Kevin Chlapaty
Doug Christiansen
Julie Cizl
Charity Clancy
Amber Clark
Jeffrey Clark
Thomas Clark
Brenda Cleveland
Stephani Clevenger
Charlotte Click
Daryle Cobb
Deric Cobb
Robert Cohen
Ed Cohn
Jennifer Cole
Krysta Cole
Amy Coleman
Tia Coleman
Tyler Collen
Nikol Collins
Dionne Conner
Vincent Contini
Lynda Corrova
Greg Corson
Cassandra Costello
Amy Crandall
Michael Crane
Charmagne Crook
Jeremy Culp
Linda Cummings
Craig Cunningham
Rachel Custer
Alexandra Dahm
Sharon Dalton
Tia Darson
Aaron Davis
Bradley Davis
Chad Davis
Dana Davis
Keith Davis
Merry Davis
Renee Davis
Hanna Day
Jason Day
Mariflor de la Cruz
Lois DeGarmore
Donald Dehoff
Roni DeWees
Alex DiBartola
Darren Dicke
Curtis Dillard
Lisa Diller
Kimberly Dillon
Tiara Dillon
Kathryn Dinovo
Patrick Dodd
Brett Doland
Rayon Donaldson
Vanesa Douglas
Robert Dover
David Drudy
Marvella Duarte Coon
Jeffrey Dubin
Tim Duell
Sandra Duff
Eric Dulaney
Liane Dumolt
Stacy Dunbar
Trent Dunlap
Rodney Dunn
Ben Durfee
Kathy Durfee
Robert Early
Eugene Easley Jr.
Jerry Eberlyn
Robert Eberst
Bryce Ehrhardt
Scott Eichar
Sarah Eilerman
Kenneth Elder
Monica Ellis
Donna Emery
Carolyn England
John English
Christine Evans
Meagan Fadely
Flossie Fain
Kelli Falter
Shanley Farris
Heather Feehan
Kelly Feeley
John Feister
Gerald Felice
Kristian Fenner
Dawn Ferrell
Jerome Ferrell
Christine Fey
Steve Field
Angela Fischer
Abby Fisher
Brian Fisher
Erica Fisher
Daniel Fitzpatrick
James Flynn
Joyce Foreman
Haley Foster
Jevarra Foster
Tom Foster
Vernita Francis
Vicki Frank
Travis Frasher
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Philip Frausto
Jane Frazer
David Frost
Forrest Fuller
Mary Furniss
Shawn Fusco
Patricia Gabel
Tracy Gaines
Shanda Gainey
Richard Gandarillas
Joseph Gardner
Ed Garlinger
Kristina Garlow
Cheryl Garrett
Jozeff Gebolys
Audra Geiger
Tom Geist
John George
Sam Gerhardstein
Rachel Getzinger
Brittany Gibson
Alexis Gilbert
Frank Gilbert
Delora Gilzow
Greg Glasser
Emily Glenn
Jennifer Glorioso
Virginia Golato
Amy Goodrich
Ryan Goodwin
Harish Gopalani
Lynn Goslee
Megan Gould
Shirley Gray
Stephen Gray
Rachel Greenblatt
Aaron Greene
Donna Greene
Samantha Griffith
Jenna Groezinger
Lauren Groh-Wargo
Carrie Groves
Jessica Haberman
Brooke Hachat
Joyce Hackett
Carrie Haig
Sara Hale
Todd Hallowell
Doug Halsey
Michael Ham
Julia Hamilton
Jill Hammonds
Kathryn Hampton
Nicole Hancock
Elaine Hardesty
Tracy Harger
Harold Harr
Ryden Harriott
Annette Harris
Natalia Harris
Stan Harris
Amanda Harry
Wendy Hart
Susan Harty
Brett Hatcher
Staci Hausch
John Hawley
Erin Hays
Gladys Hazelwood
Krista Hazen
Patricia Heier
Brenda Hein
Vanessa Hellwig
Laurie Hendrickson
Roger Henry
Laura Herring
Laura Herrold
Shannon Herzog
Pamela Hesson
Gary Hickman
Alayna Hicks
Cynthia Hill
David Hill
Jeffrey Hill
Joshua Hinderliter
Daniel Hinkel
Meghan Hinna
Sally Hinshaw
Jason Hipsher
Jeffrey Hissem
Wesley Hoag
Ken Hoffman
Janice Hogrefe
David Holbrook
Seth Holland
Pamela Holt
Laura Holzhauer
Jennifer Homan
Hosea Hooks, III
Gene Horton
Kendra Householder
Kathleen Howald
Vinture Howard
Brad Hudson
Eli Huerta
Carolyn Huff
Nancy Hughes
Jermaine Hugley
Kaitlynn Hunker
Sue Hupp
Jamshed Husain
Ashley Hyatt
Tracey Ingram
Clayton Irwin
Kayla Jackson
Tonia Jackson
Andrea Jacobs
Robert James
Anna Janik
Sarah Janka
Chenali Jayadeva
Daniel Jessberger
Benjamin Johnson
Connie Johnson
Dale L Johnson
Eugene Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Brian Jones
Scott Jones
Stephanie Jones
Ben Justice
Kevin Justice
Angie Justin
Joe Kalb
Kara Kaminski
Thomas Kangas
Brian Keeling
Gail Kelson
Alyssa Kendzel
Hugh Kerins
Tina Kerns
Kasey Ketcham
Tiera Keys
Jamie Kibler
Brittany King
Leslie King
Samantha King
Karen Kish
Ivelina Koleva
Kelly Konczal
Hillary Koontz
Nicole Koppitch
Robert Kovey
Matthew Kramer
Kelly Kranz
Zach Kravitz
Kandace Krebehenne
Leslie Kreinberg
Susan Kreis
Trisha Krejci
Brian Krummen
Tanya Kuehn
Shweta Kumar
Kristin Kuntz
Ian Kupferberg
Deborah Lacey
Jenna LaChey
Ryan Lannigan
Justine Law
Shari Lehmann
Kevin Lehr
James Lenahan
Junfang Leng
Dana Lenobel
Matt Lerch
Carmen Leslie
John Lewers III
Shawntel Lewis
Traci Lewis
Richard Libertore
Ashley Liles
Richard Linville
Christine Litch
William Litton
Lisa Livengood
Charles Lockett
Meredith LockhartNeff
Holly Logan
Jessie Logan
Shanese Logan
Benjamin Logsdon
Doug Logsdon
Mary Kay Lonas
Deborah Long
Sarah Love
Japheth Luckey
Mishelle Lynch
Robin Lynch
Andrew Lyons
Mary Lyski
Cindy Lytle
Craig Maas
Carrie Madison
Roger Madison
Erin Maggied
Richer Malboeuf
Ian Mangino
Jessica Manna
Nicholas Marchand
Lair Marin
Matthew Marsh
Elizabeth Martelle
Kimberly Martin
Somers Martin
Elizabeth Martinez
Francisco (Pakito)
Jessica Mason
Victoria Mason
Vincent Mason
William Matty
Chelsea May
Hannah Maynard
Rodney McBride
Fara McClain
Lee McConkey
Catrina McCruter
John McDermott
Kimberly McGannon
Diane McGuire
Tabitha McGuire
Kristen McHarg
Emily McHenry
Chris McIntyre
Michael McKee
Tyann McKenzie
Alan McKnight
Tim McMillan
Michael McPhillips
Charles Meadows
Terri Meldrum
Ebony Merchant
Thomas Messina
Melissa Metiva
Gregory Metzger
Debra Meyer
Jessica Meyer
Martha Michael
Marek Michalski
Felicia Migliori-Balch
Mandee Millard
Becky Miller
Donna Miller
Heath Miller
Samantha Miller
Steve Miller
Timothy Miller
Bob Mills
Angela Mingo
Benjamin Minister
Adila Minnich
Melissa Mitchell
Afif Mohd-Amir
Al Mokhtari
Rita Monroe
Edward Monsivais
Debra Montag
Ty Montag
Denise Moody
Elizabeth Moody
Stephen Moody
Angela Moore
Edna Moore
Magellan Moore II
Trisha Moorehead
Sara Mora
Alix Morenus
Luke Morris
Tom Morris
Benjamin Mossburg
Michael Moulton
Otis Mounts
Shannon Mulligan
Dawit Mulugeta
Lila Munsey
Megan Murphy
Lindsey Musser
Holly Muster
William Myers
Shavkat Nasirov
Michelle Neal
Chad Neichter
John Ness
Justin Neumeier
Hong Nguyen
Larry Nguyen
Lisa Nichols
Jessica Nicoletti
Marie B Nijssen
Gwendolyn Noble
Francie Nolan
Elaine Nutt
Katie Ochs
Sarah O’Connor
Catherine Oehl
Michelle Ohm
Lawrence Olsen
Zach Orlins
Molly Osmon
Elizabeth Owen
Marva Pack
Elsa Pagliery
Bruce Paige
Cristina Parady
Ashley Parker
Brandi Parker
William Parker
Cynthia Parsons
Charles Paschall
Sanjay Patel
Courtney Paterno
Jennifer Patrick
CarlVon Patterson
Veronica Patterson-Shivers
Hannah Patton
Winifred Payne
Jeffrey Payton
Maureen Pechinak
Lynda Peel Brown
Michael Penn
Shawn Pereira
Report to the Community 2015
Jose Perez
Brian Petereit
Lisa Phillips
Rachel Phillips
Joseph Pickens
Amy Pinnick
Sarah Pirtle
Denise Poindexter
Stacy Pollock
Tom Pollock
John Previte
Dale Price
William Price
Jack Prim
Kara Pritchard
Daniel Pryor
Kim Puckett
Cynthia Pugh
David Queen
Suresh Rachuri
Karmel Randall
Michael Rapier
Ellen Rapkin
Nakissia Rawls
LaJuana Ray
Steve Rea
Aimee Reeves
Amy Reinhardt
Colleen Reinoehl
James Reynolds
Ashley Rhoades
Dedra Richards
Emily Rieser
Kate Riestenberg
Sharyn Rigsbee
Ashley Riley
Matthew Ring
Ann Rivas
Edward Roberts
Mark Robertson
Janet Robinson
Michael Robinson
Sandra Rodgers
Jessica Rodriguez
Noel Rodriguez
Tess Roesch
Stephanie Rogers
Latonia Roland
Shanna Ronschke
Erin Rosati
Sarah Ross
Cynthia Rovtar
Amber Rush
Joseph Russell
Janette Ryan
Jason Ryan
Mary Pat Ryan
Monique Sagle
Susan Salsbury
Matt Salts
Christina Saluke
Lam Sam
Maria Sanchez
Renata Sanchez
Yanet Santana
Tom Saunders
David Sawyer
Haley Schafer
Kelly Schaffer
Ethan Schaffner
Angela Scheiderer
Megan Schiavoni
Keith Schlaich
Lindsey Schlarb
Joseph Schlegel
Randy Schoedinger
Jenna Scholl Reik
Michael Schroder
Mark Schubert
Barry Schumann
Margaret Scott
Carol Seitz
Gary Seitz
Teresa Serrott
Scott Shaffer
Susan Shay
James Shockey
John Showalter
Harold Shrock
Tina Siddle
Monique Simpson
Juli Six
Thyrza Skofield
Dolores Skrbek
Kelly Smales
Cynthia Smalls
Michelle Smetanko
Greg Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Nathan Smith
Dana Smoot
Blake Snider
Marie Snider
Judie Snyder
Gregory Soska
Kyle Spangler
Georgio Spantithos
Robert Speeney
Mary Jean Speno
Jonathan Spiker
Phil Spring
Gwenette Stafford
Susan Stafford
Tyler Stafford
Kelly Stanley
Sarah Beth Stanley
Elizabeth Stansbury
Carrie Stevens
Janay Stevens
Shelley Stevens
Dwight Steward
LeRoy Stewart
Ryan Stillion
Erik Stock
Michelle Stone
Ron Stoops
Shannon Stover
Lisa Stranger
David Strayer
Megan Studebaker
Angela Sullivan
Tamara Sullivan
Elita Suratman
Steve Swift
Daniel Szabo
Kayla Taglione
Jessica Tapola
Beverly Tate
Anita Taylor
Samantha Taylor
Mercedes Tellez
Spencer Tepe
Angela Terez
Andrei Terpylak
Colleen Terwilliger
Mary Lou Thalheimer
Jason Theadore
Raina Theiss
Deahna Thomas
Margaret Thomas
Steve Thomas
Christie Ann
Jennie Thompson
Lisa Thornton
Sharon Thornton
Thomas Thornton
Kevin Ticknor
Tonya Tiller
Venna Tolber
Rachel Tomello
Virginia Tompkins
Tiffany Topel
Lorraine Toth
Trudy Towns
Gregory Travalio
Tristan Trevino
Anthony Trotman
Thomas Tucker Jr.
Craig Tuckerman
Jason Turner
Kathleen Turner
Kamilah Twymon
Sarah Uhrman
Nathan Updyke
Angela Vadini
Patricia Vagnier
Mirga Valaitis
Sedona Valentine
Vanessa Van Atta
Kathleen Van Dyke
Rex Van Horn
Danette Vance
Jason Vance
Ann Vansky
Sharon Verbance
Martin Versluis
Zoraida Villa
Jennifer Voit
Kody Volkman
Karl Von Valtier
Rachel Vonada
Stacy Vu
Kaitlyn Waddell
Lauren Wagner
Elizabeth Walker
Kristen Walker
Carol Wallace
James Walter
Rebecca Walters
Jeff Walton
James Wambold
Andrew Ward
Ashley Ward
Stanley Ward
Timothy Ward
Randy Ware
Todd Warner
LaVada Washington
Floyd Weatherspoon
Elizabeth Weaver
Wellington Webb
Corri Weber
Andrew Wehr
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio
Thomas West
Jennifer Westgerdes
Kelsey Wheatley
Brian White
Julie Whitney
Andrew Whyte
Lily Wiest
Amanda Wilkinson
Heather Willey
Emily Williams
Vida Williams
Christopher Willis
Tai Wills
Adam Wilson
Christina Wilson
Rodney Wilson
Margaret Wolniewicz
Anika Woods
La’ Varis Woods
Alice Worrell
Ali Wright
Curtis Wright
Kenneth Wright
Mira Wright
Doug Wyatt
Davida Wyers
Sheri-Lynn Wynn
Averill Yost
Rochelle Young
Sharen Yurkewecz
Allison Zang
Teresa Zarzano
Julie Zdanowicz
Brandon Zimmerman
Syndi Zimmerman
Gilli Zofan
Courtney Zullo
Sierra Zwilling
Robert Zwink
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Columbus, Ohio
Permit No. 932
1855 East Dublin-Granville Rd, 1st Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43229
(614) 839-BIGS (2447)
(866) 892-BIGS (2447) toll free
(614) 839-4770 fax
Like us on Facebook:
Delaware County
39 West Winter St.
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 369-BIGS (2447)
Union County
940 London Ave., Suite C
Marysville, OH 43040
(937) 642-0472
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Springfield
625 Burt St.
Springfield, OH 45505
(937) 390-9900
The Mentoring Center of Central Ohio
1855 E. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 839-2447
Camp Oty’Okwa
24799 Purcell Road
South Bloomingville, OH 43152
(740) 385-5279
Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Central Ohio
1260 Monroe St. NW, Suite 100D
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
(330) 339-6916
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cleveland
4614 Prospect Ave., Suite 410
Cleveland, OH 44103
(216) 621-8223
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Ohio
173 West Second St.
Chillicothe, OH 45601
(740) 773-BIGS (2447)
Agency Staff
Edward N. Cohn .............................President and Chief Executive Officer
Elizabeth Martinez ................................................ Chief Operating Officer
Dave Schirner ............................ Executive Vice President/Camp Director
Kyle Atwood .....................................................Vice President of Finance
Kimeta Dover........................................................... Executive Director of
The Mentoring Center of Central Ohio
Abby Fisher ...................................................Vice President of Programs
Mike Haverkamp........................Vice President of Development & Grants
Timothy McCarthy ................................... Vice President of Relationships
Susie Murray ..................................Vice President of Human Resources/
Building Operations
Megan Bayes ...................................... Assistant Vice President of Camp
Mary Birchard ......................................................... Program Coordinator
Matt Bristol .................................................................... Staff Accountant
Lori Brown .......... Assistant Vice President of Corporate Relations/Events
Cassandra Costello ................................................ Program Coordinator
Mellissa Gallagher .............................. Development and Events Manager
Betty Garrett ..................................................Camp Operations Manager
Coty Garrett......................................... Camp Kitchen & Facilities Worker
Jamie Garrett....................................... Camp Kitchen & Facilities Worker
Vicki Garrett ......................................... Camp Kitchen & Facilities Worker
Christa Hester ........................................................ Program Coordinator
Wendy Johnson ......................................... Hispanic Mentoring Manager
Barbara Kimmel ..............................Foster Care Youth Program Manager
Cathy Knoop ............................................... Camp Business Coordinator
Kathryn Latosky..............Assistant Vice President of Evaluation and Data
Al Marietta ................................................. Camp Education Coordinator
Kristen McHarg .......................... Evaluation and Data Program Assistant
Brianna McPherson ................................................ Program Coordinator
Donna Miller .........................................Assistant to the President & CEO
Sarah Miller .................................................................Program Manager
Ann Marie Morgan .......................................................Program Manager
Mary Palkowski .......................Assistant Vice President of Marketing & PR
Corrin Powell ............................................................Program Coordinator
Kaycee Reed .........................................................Enrollment Coordinator
Sharyn Rigsbee ............. Assistant Vice President of Community Outreach
& Volunteer Recruitment
Chris Shelley.........................................Database Information Coordinator
Matthew Smith .............................................................Camp Coordinator
Nick Steinbrecher .....................................................Program Coordinator
Jaynie Taylor .............................................................Program Coordinator
Travis Taylor ..............................................................Program Coordinator
Daniel Tritipo ...................................................... Maintenance Coordinator
Tricia Vagnier ......................................... Program Administrative Assistant
Shontell Warren ........................................................Program Coordinator
Kerry Wears................................. Assistant Vice President of Child Safety,
Programming & Quality Assurance
Ashley White.............................................................Program Coordinator
Sarah White ..............................................................Program Coordinator
Ida Williams ..............................................................Program Coordinator
Ian Wiseman............................. Customer Relations/Program Coordinator
Delaware County Office
Kerri Robe ............. Assistant Vice President of Delaware County Program
Anna Wildermuth .......................... Delaware County Program Coordinator
Union County Office
Nikki James .................Assistant Vice President of Union County Program
Julie Kyte ..................................................................Program Coordinator
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Springfield
Linda Shaffer ................................................................ Executive Director
The Mentoring Center of Central Ohio
Kimeta Dover ................................................................... Executive Director
Marilyn Pritchett .................................... Collaborations & Funding Executive
Britney Davis .............................................Training & Education Coordinator
Joyce Chapman...................................................... Administrative Assistant
Lyndsie White ....................... Partner Agencies and Technology Coordinator