- Central Oklahoma - Mercedes


- Central Oklahoma - Mercedes
Central oklahoma section
Sooner Star News
June - July 2013
of the
mercedes-benz club of america
The newsletter is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz of Oklahoma City and G W & Son Auto Body.
President’s Message
With the recent storm damage
inflicted on Oklahoma, the
charity we chose for the annual Car Show was indeed the
right one. The money raised
by all who participated, donated and assisted will be even
more important and impact
those who need it the most.
Rebuilding will be the focus
for many people for months
to come. Amazing how just
bringing your car to a park
and letting the public have a
look can have such a positive
impact on our community. On
May 29, 2013 the Mercedes
and Jaguar clubs presented
Rebuilding Together the results of the fund raiser in the
amount of $14,800. Smiling
faces were in abundance and
we know the money will go
a long way to assist those in
need. Photographs of the
check presentation are in this
issue and were taken at the
MB dealership.
Continue on page 2
Photos by Mary Williams
Back row--Charlie Laurence, Tom Davis, Jess Baxter, Steve Houtari, Paul
Rodesney, Jack Finks, and Ed Hoag.
Front seat--Jennifer Thurman, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together,
in the 1955 300SC
Back seat--Sarah Baxter of COJA, Cassandra “Cassie” Bowen, Director of
Rebuilding Together
2013 Events Calendar
President’s message continued
Martha and I will miss the June meeting as we have a family
wedding to attend in Tennessee and will stop by her family home
Central Oklahoma Section - Visit our website at: http:www.mbca-okc.org
in Kentucky before and after the festivities. Hate to miss all the
All Club meetings start at 7:00 P.M.
good German food at Ingrid’s, but family trumps eating.
I hope all members, family, and friends in the May 20 storm
path are safe and have a roof over them or the help they need
June 18thIngrid’s Kitchen Restaurant
to start again. My son, his wife and three kids were missed by
3701 N. Youngs
only a few blocks so we understand the fear and stress of that
Jun 22
W107 Tech Sessions
event. If members have ideas how the club can offer assistance
(at Hammer & Dolly)
or volunteer please speak up at the meeting or talk to any of the
Board of Directors and share your suggestions.
July 16th
Johnny Carinos Restaurant
Jack Finks
1608 Garth Brook’s Blvd., Yukon
August 17th Saturday Drive ?
August 20thMimi’s Cafe
3015 Memorial Rd.
Sept 17thTBA
Sept 28-Oct 4Lake
Erie Tour
Oklahoma Section - Visit Our Website At: Http://
October 22ndTBA
November 19thTBA
Petroleum Club
Christmas Party
Jennifer Thurman, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together
Back seat--Sarah Baxter of COJA, Cassandra “Cassie” Bowen,
Director of Rebuilding
Front--Jennifer Thurman, Executive Di-
Urgent--See page 7 about emails.
Please send your email address to
[email protected].
Website address:
The Central Oklahoma Website address is:
rector of Rebuilding
Jeff Leatherock
Office: 943-5657943-5657
904 N. Miller - OKC, OK 73107
Fax: 943-3852
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73116-7031
BUS. PHONE: 405-848-3393
HOME: 405-842-6780
Central Oklahoma Section - Visit our website at: http:www.mbca-okc.org
Central Oklahoma Section - Visit Our Website At: Http://
Sooner Star News
Houston Henkes
The Sooner Star News is published bi-monthlybythe Mercedes-Benz Club
ofAmerica, CentralOklahomaSection, Inc., as abenefit of MBCAmembership.Subscriptionsfornon-membersarenotavailable.Ratesforadvertising are available from the president, whose address and phone number are
on the back cover.The editor reserves the rightto editallsubmitted material. Copy deadline is the 25th of the month for the next month’s issue.
Phyllis Henkes
5708 N.W. Expressway - Okla. City, OK 73132
Contact person: [email protected], or snail-mail at Mary Williams,
916 NW 19th, Oklahoma City, OK 73106 or call me at: 405-525-0633
Photos by Peggy Hoag at Woolarc Lodge & Museum
Paul Rodesney, Fred & Barbara Reinhardt, & Bill Bill Nash and Mary Williams waiting for the
Nash relaxing at the lodge.
group to finish at the museum.
Welcome our new Members
at the next meeting!
Please patronize our supporters!
I would like to thank Mercedes Benz
of Oklahoma City and GW & Son Auto Body
new members
Shop for sponsoring our newsletter. They help
Bruce Ewing--OKC
offset the cost of publication and mailing of
Joseph Steil--Noble
our newsletter. We appreciate all of our adver-
Randy Atkinson--OKC
tisers who have supported our Club for many
David Guerin--OKC
years--our Club would not be a success with-
Michael Root--Edmond
out ALL of you. — THE EDITOR
John Sturm--OKC
William Bates--Edmond
Classified Advertising
Welcome to
NEW--FOR SALE: 1990 560 SEC(Coupe) Pearl Black-Gray
Leather. Everything works, carefully maintained, all service
records. Nice body and excellent mechanicals. 183K miles
$11500.00 Reliable, daily driver. Ted Riseling 918-527-2236 or
[email protected]
Please send your email address to
[email protected].
CHANGE For Sale--1983 500SEC AMG
Dark blue on dark blue. Beautiful, great body and paint. No
rust that I can find. Few upholstery problems. Wood faded
some. Engine……I don’t know. Had jumped timing once.
Good A/C and climate control. E-mail for more details and
pictures. $2,000 as is. The more I fix it, the more it’ll cost.
Mary ls getting tired of it blocking the drive!
Your Email Address Is Needed!
Make a serious and reasonable offer, and it’s yours.
Pete Williams, [email protected]
We send you monthly reminders of upcoming Meetings and Events. That is all we use
it for. We respect your privacy.
NEW--FOR SALE: 1979 300D
Body & new paint to original color, excellent. Original
Palomino MB Tex interior, dash, very good, wood trim
excellent. New AC compressor 134. Only 60k on rebuilt engine. Trans is shifting perfectly. Car drove from
Portland Oregon to Tulsa and performed flawlessly.
Joe Connors (918) 812-4117 or [email protected]
We use a service from Constant Contact to
do the “mailings”, but the only information
they have is your Email address and first
name. We respect your privacy.
Since our Newsletter is published bi-monthly,
Emails are the only way to be up to date on
Club activities. If you are not receiving these
monthly reminders and wish to stay in touch,
please Email your “address” to me.
Woolaroc/Bartlesville Excursion
Photos by Peggy Hoag
Seventeen Central Oklahoma Section members gathered on Saturday, April 20 for a fun trip to the Woolaroc Museum and Wildlife Preserve and the Frank Phillips Home in Bartlesville. The weather was good and we all had a great time. Our travelers were
our Claren
at: http:www.mbca-okc.org
and JudithSection
Daniels,- Visit
Carl and
Jack and Martha Finks, Ed and Peggy Hoag, Bill Nash, Fred and Barbara
Reinhardt, Paul and Suzen Rodesney, John and Charlotte Seng and Pete and Mary Williams.
The trip started at the usual place – the Cracker Barrel on I-35. A few of us enjoyed breakfast there before the rest of the
j first stop was the Tidal School Winery at Drumright. From there we drove up scenic Oklahoma highways to
group arrived. Our
Woolaroc. On the drive in, the wild animals were out - emus, wapiti, water buffalo, ostriches, zebra, wild sheep and llamas. We
enjoyed a casual lunch at the snack bar before going to visit the lodge overlooking the lake and then the museum. The lodge
was fun with lots of animal heads hanging from the walls. The museum was interesting and not crowded. From Woolaroc we
drove on to Bartlesville.
After a short drive through downtown, we stopped for a quick visit of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Price Tower. Upon arrival at the Frank
Phillips Home, we were able to park our cars in the circular driveway for photos. A charming guide took us through this historic
Everyone seemed to enjoy the day’s outing. From Bartlesville everyone took their own way home. Bill Nash, Ed and I met our
old friend Bruce Smith for dinner in Tulsa.
Peggy Hoag
Central Oklahoma Section - Visit Our Website At: Http://
Carl & Claren Denning, Mary & Pete Williams,
John & Charolette Seng
Frank Phillips home
Ed Hoag, Fred & Barbara Reinhardt
Paul & Suzen Rodesney with Pete Williams
The Mercedes-Benz and Jaguar Clubs
acknowledge the generosity of the
following, and thank them for
donating to the silent and live auctions
for Rebuilding Together:
Mercedes-Benz of OKC Charlie & Cassie Bowen
OKC Thunder Swanson Tire
Don Pope, Attorney
Case of Champions Stevie’s Bargain Liquor Star Tint Sally Evans H&H Shooting Sports Complex
Ed & Peggy Hoag
Hans Schmidt of Tulsa JD & Shea Ogle Richard & Suzanne Heiderich Paul & Suzen Rodesney
Jaguar of OKC
OKC Barons
GW & Son
Teresa Pope
City Glass
All Star Motors
Welsh Enterprises
Charles Dooman
Jess & Sarah Baxter
Ken Wells
Steve Houtari
Jeff Hand
LaNeal Russ
Mike Waldron
Bill & Pat Nash
301 West 15th
Edmond, OK 73013
The winner is the Mercedes-Benz Club of Oklahoma City for having members that enjoy showing their
cars. Saturday May 11 brought incredibly nice weather and with it the opportunity to show your cars and
show you did. There were more that two dozen cars registered starting with a couple beauties such as
a 1952 Black 220 from Jim Taheri and a 1954 Silver Blue 300SL from John Bowers all the way up to the
- Visit our Silver
at: http:www.mbca-okc.org
newer Section
2012 Palladium
AMG that our new Regional Director Gene Jurick brought
from Texas with everything in between. Some tops up, some tops down and all glistening in the bright
sunlight showing off to the hordes of people enjoying a walk in the park. Another winning aspect of the
Show was having
more Mercedes-Benz cars presented than the Jaguar Club presented. This is by far
our Clubs largest event of the year and still growing. This should be something all members will want to
get involved in.
I would also like to say a sincere Thank You to the members who volunteered their time to assist in helping make the show an overwhelming success. Thank You to Ed and Peggy Hoag, Jack Finks, Charles
Woods, Bill Nash, Masood Khan, Greg Morgan and Jeff Leatherock for attending meetings and assisting
in the planning phase. Thank You to Matthew Haire and David McLendon for getting all the cars parked
in their assigned slots. Thank You to Fred Reinhardt and Don Daniels for helping with cooking duties and
Judith Daniels, Barbara Reinhardt, Ken Hoffman and Mike Dippel for working in the food tent. I really
appreciate you helping to make the Concours operate smoothly.
Each year I contact several companies and receive donated items that I use to build goodie bags for
each of the members that take the time to bring their car to the show. The goodie bag is something I like
to do as a personal
Show Chairman
for thoseAt:
- Visit Our
Http:// At this time, I would like to
thank the following
companies for their most generous donations that helped fill goodie bags this year.
Stoner, Inc. (Invisible Glass wipes)
Summit Industries (3 in 1 Non-Darkening Leather Care Spray)
Federal Process Corporation (TUBOTOWELS)
Weiman Products LLC (Leather cloth tube)
COOP Brewery
Capital Distributing / 6 Point Beverages
Zee Medical Supply (glove box First aid kit supplies)
Each year this event grows to greater heights with more and more of our members bringing their cars to
the Car Show and I am looking forward to next year. I sincerely hope to see everyone there.
Paul Rodesney - MBCA Car Show Chairman
Mercedes line up at the car show.
Ed Hoag discussing the 1955 300SC with Gene
Jurick, our new South Central Regional Director.
L to R,in red...Bob Steward, JCNA & our own
Fred Reinhardt.
Dinner and auction after the car show.
Judith & Don Daniels, Steve Murrell, with Martha Finks
Brady holding Maddox’s hand...such a sweet photo.
1954 300 SL “Gullwing won “People’s Choice”& class
Mercedes line up at car show.
Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc.
Central Oklahoma Section
Pete and Mary Williams, Editors
916 N.W. 19th Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106
Central Oklahoma Section - Visit our website at: http:www.mbca-okc.org
Address corrections:
M. B. C. A.
1907 Lelaray Street
Colorado Springs, CO
j 80909-9959
Regional Director, South Central Region
Gene Jurick, 6008 Bracknell Drive
Parker, TX 75005
Directors of
Ph: (h) 972-461-1981, or [email protected]
Officers, Central Oklahoma Section
Central Oklahoma Section
President: Jack Finks
(405) 324-6145 or [email protected]
Bill Nash
(405) 478-7677
Vice President: Paul Rodesney
Bobbye Van Horn
(405) 340-5919
(405) 720-6019 or [email protected]
Ken Wells
(405) 760-2414
Secretary: Masood Khan
Mary Williams
(405) 525-0633
(405) 340-2130 or
[email protected]
(405) 359-2821
Central Oklahoma Section - Visit Our Website At: Http://
Treasurer: Ed Hoag
Tom Davis*
(405) 340-0993
(405) 341-3578 or [email protected]
*Lifetime honorary director
Membership Chair: Bill Nash
(405) 478-7677 or [email protected]
Mercedes-Benz Club of America Membership Application
Call National Office at 800-637-2360 to Join by Phone
Full Name _____________________________________________________
Associate Member’s Name ______________________________________
Street Address _________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State ____ Zip ___________
Home Phone (
) _________________ Business (
) _________
Member’s Occupation __________________________________________
Mercedes Cars Now Owned__________________________________
(list year and model)
Email address ____________________________________________
I hereby apply for membership in the Mercedes-Benz Club of America.
_____________________________________________ Date _______
I hereby apply for membership in the Mercedes-Benz Club of America
New Rates
Membership dues are $49
annually, $95 for two years,
or $139 for three years.
The dues include six issues
of The Star each year,
plus your local section’s
newsletter. Make your
check payable to MBCA,
and mail it along with the
application to
Mercedes-Benz Club of
America, Inc.
National Business Office
1907 Lelaray Street
Colorado Springs, CO
Current MBCA members:
Feel free to give this
application to potential

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