Fingerprint Lock
Fingerprint Lock
Finge=print Lock USER ⅢANuAL Thank you1or purchashg our f1ngerpⅡ nt lock, Please read this111anua1carcmlly bef。 rc operauon. Please keep dlis Fnanual for nturc rcference. Fingerprh⒒ Lock User Manual ‘ Chapter1 1.1. 1.2。 Tab1e of Contents product Introduction I11troduCtio11~ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 3 Product stmcture Introduction ˉ oˉ 。 ˉ ¨——ˉ¨¨……ˉ3 -¨ ¨ Chapter2 Product Featuresˉ Chapter3 Function keys GuideⅡ nes¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………5 Chapter4 ¨¨¨¨¨………………5 Technical parameters¨ ¨ˉ Chapter5 wofk and storage envirollment~¨ ¨¨¨¨…6 Cha,pter6 Chapter7 oˉ 6 Stmcmre draⅥ 吐ng¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………ˉ Insta11auon guide¨ ¨ˉ¨¨¨………-… ………亠 9 -ˉ Chapter8 0perating ins扭 uctions~¨ ¨¨¨¨¨……………△5 1.Restore factory settmgs cn匚 ˉ 15 Ⅱa1ization1ocks)-ˉ ˉ 2.Mo由 灯the managemen passwordˉ —¨ˉ———16 3.Registration rnanagement flngerprints and general ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 壬 i11geF1ori11ts-ˉ ˉ 16 ˉ1ˉ Fingerpont Look User Manual FingerpⅡ nt Lock User Manual 18 4. Addthe g0nera1password~-¨ ¨¨ˉ¨…………………——ˉ Chapter1 ˉˉ ˉ-19 Ⅱnts-ˉ ˉˉˉˉˉ-ˉ ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ 5.Delete general Ⅱnge习 ρ 1.1 product Introduction Introduction ˉˉˉˉ19 ————ˉˉ-ˉ ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ 6.Delete general passwOrds— — ˉ-20 ˉˉˉˉ 7.Nor1na11y open feature set and canceled-ˉ ˉ 8.Open the door— ———-ˉ ˉ— Chapter9 Chapter10 Precautions~ ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ21 21 J-23 Maintenance¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………ˉ 1.2 Product stnlc仉 re Introduction 1.stainlcss steel panels,coⅡ osion-resistan1not coloL 2.Cold-ro11ed stecl liner,impactˉ resistan1antiˉ destmGuon。 3.standard Iock bo均 3universal,and reⅡ ablc. Chapter2 Product Features 1. The product have f1ngcrprints, passwOrds and mechanica1keys to open the door way ofthree separate 2.Fingeη pⅡ nt head can -2ˉ be touch for start power or press#for start -3ˉ Fingerprint Lock lJscr Manual FingerpⅡ nt Lock Uscr Manual power(factOry∞ 钆 ing state 14.R洳 itable Ⅱngcrpont head no powcr). to usc h offlce,apa⒒ ment,vma and免 m11y. 3,operation midway Press艹 key to cxit this operation. 4,Wrong pass、 vord alaIⅡ I functi。 n,and passwOrd crror5tirnes Chapter3 continuOusly,the system locking5Π 1inutcs, 5.To improvc security,the system supports password garbled function to opcn the door。 "1#" to opcn伍 c door mncti。 Ⅱngerprint (including 3 management and 97 general f1ngerprint)。 "2#" Add password(50groups of geⅡ eral passwords) "3#" Delete geⅡ era1】 ngerpriⅡ "4#" Delete general password。 "5#" MIom卸 the maⅡ agemeⅡ t password。 "6#" ChaⅡ neI Gate settings "7#" Restore factory settings lsystem i⒒ itiaI弦 ation) ts。 n), 6.Thc capabi1ity Of丘 ngcrprin⒈ IⅡ creasing nⅡ gerpriⅡ ts cC,a Ⅴalid password bcforc Or bchind prcssing othcr digita1kcys can bc added,does not affcct thc vaⅡ d passwOrd Function keys Guidelines ⒒could up to100pcs,(Customcrs ma。 y nccd to be cxtcndcd to 3000 pcs) , managcment flngcrprints and general flngcrpri11ts have a diffcrcnt authority。 After initiaⅡ zing, setting1-3flngerprints as managcmcnt flngerprints,scction fIngcrprints as general flngerprints。 4-100 rnanagemcnt ingerprints can only be c1carcd by the system initiahzation. 7. passwords total haVe 51 , of which onIy set up onc managcmcnt passWord (the fa∝ ory managcment password is |,*|9 operating status at any thne to exit Chapter4 Technical parameters No. Descripσ on TechnicaI parameters 1 Po、 vcr 4Pcs15vAA A1kaⅡ nc 2 opcration voltagc 3 Working currcnt DC 6V (65mA 4 search vcriflcation timc (1.O s 5 search modc I:N 6 Methods ofcon饣 ast 1:1 managcmcnt flngprints,managcmcnt password and thc mechanical 7 ≤ 1% keys Gan open the door, 8 FRR FAR 9 Fingcrprint Max storagc 100 Pcs 10. Fingcη p"nt storagc "123456D, managcment passwOrd can bc changed but not dclctcd, ⒒ havc 50gcncral passwOrds,thc gcncral passwords can only delctcd,but can not be Changed。 8,It has the function to kccp the lock opcn.this m犭 kes it suitab1c to use1n off1cc Orsomc、 Vhere. 9,W"h anti-“ aⅡ ing opcn door functi。 n. 10,It can lock thc door by rotating this casc,only thc 11.Whcn thc dooris not close good,Ⅵ 注th alarm mncti。 n. supply Mcthod Battcries ≤ 0。 0001o/。 12.It has thc hnction oflo、 Ⅴvo1tage ala1u1。 this could reΠ 1ind thc uscr to rcplacc thc battcry bCfore used up. VVheⅡ repIacing the battery,there are automatic nngerpriⅡ t storage 13.It has Indepcndcnt ofthc mechanical kcy cmcrgency un1ock techⅡ oIogy function -4ˉ -5ˉ Fi平 gerpri刂 11. Lock Uscr Manual FingerpⅡ nt Lock User Mallual TouCh sCreem Fnnge冂 pdⅡ tvⅡⅡdow or st钔 洗up Methods press the#key and password tⅡ rectIy 12 Battery1Ⅱ 1year gDepeⅡ dnng on the opeⅡ door e frequenCy, 13 Undcr vo⒒ agc (4.8V 14 use nⅡ ger ang1e: 360degrees 15. Light imtorference try to avoid mreCt g1are 16 Acq“ sitiQⅡ senCor Ⅱard g1a§ s,namoˉ treated surhce 17. Password di匪 “ 4ˉ 18. settiug Ⅱngerprl11t 3σ me e刂 ter 8 the number of Chapter5 work and storag。 。Ⅱvironment WorⅡ ng environment: Temperature:-20° C-¨ +60° C Humidi印 :40%RII-¨ 85%RII(nom-coⅡ den山 D storage eⅡ viroⅡ me卩 t: Temperature:-40° C-ˉ +85° C Humidity:(85(%RⅡ Chapter6 (Ⅱ on-coⅡ dem⒍ Ⅱ Θ structure draⅥ 吐Ⅱg ˉ 爿找 。 AssembIy D∶ agram(Front) ˉ6ˉ -7- ~ FⅡ 酌Ⅱ|刂 L♀ ck User Manual 203.5 76 Tlη 〓 .㈧ 圆: 彗 黟 14寸 蓦 2∵ ∩∪ 99.o 0, s^ IoCk body D∶ agram Chapter7 InstaⅡ adoⅡ guⅡ e Assembly Diagram(Back) Insta11ation Insta11ation requirements 1. Wood doors or composite door etc.Door thickness40ˉ 65111m, 2j Ifthe door has1achess,the width ofthe1achcss must be>110111n1. -9- Finge=pⅡ nt Lock User Manual FingerpⅡ nt Lock User Manual Insta11ation dra飞 丙 Installaton tools `ings / HANDLE CENTER 4 DrawIng for doorfram -10- Π祸 △ ← ↑——⊙卜 DˉˉˉL. 3 FingerpⅡ nt Lock User Manual Fingerpont Lock User Manual Insta11ation steps 1.Determine the 2.Do丨 led moun刂 、 ∫ lock insta"ed ho丨 es ‖ HandIe centerⅡ ne at instalIation drawings to about110cn1height dr"I mounting hoIes datum Ⅱne ng According to the above the ground 3,lnsta"the lock body According to the drawing(such as tIle righO to rnountthe lock body into the door CaVity(note thatthe d丙 eCtion ofthe door and ensure thatIeader is not squeezeω 7⒉ 0η 氵 | y髯 户^ δ 齑 廴载 According to the drawinglsuch as the According to the drawing(such as the righD ngho the square hOIe of 1)lnsertthe bigger square shaft and the ・ smaⅡ er square sha负 the IOck body into the Corresponding 2)Connectthe square hOIes ofthe IOCk body square shaⅡ into 2)Conned the Ieader ⅥⅡ th the loCk body front assembIy on Ieader the door(ensure 3)To mountthe IOck thatleaders are not squeezedl back assembIy on the door and that must f1屠 3)TO mountthe Iock 愿 body Ieader 嘻 Ieader V"th the lock υ 垒 i饣 Ji -12ˉ back assembIy Ⅱ for door 5.lnsta"the lock front assembIy 1)Inse"the bigger 'nⅢ E汀 aⅥ △ ng 4.Install the Iock 刂ght1xed the4 $crews ˉ13ˉ Fingerprint Lock User Manual FingerpⅡ nt Lock User Manual Notes 6.Insta"the ba⒒ ery cover assembly 7.Insta"the side plate and the 丨 oCk Core oover 1,The lock insta11ation aftcr completion of deⅡ very,must be to conduct 1)Add the4ba廿 Ories into 1)TO mountthe side Restore factory sc缸 ngs(hitial弦aton loco to remove a11fIngerpⅡ nts the battery box(n° te the plate and rnust tight ba仗 ery 】Xed the2screws ρoIartyl and genera1passwOrds, mo由 饣 由e managemen password and registration rnanagement fIngerpⅡ nts. 2)Connectthe Ieader v"th 2.Low voltage alarln occws(when open伍 c door buzzcr shortly the IOck bodyJs Ieader %ccp"sounds the alarIn),to promptly rcplacc伍 e battcry(sincc仇 c ω TO mountthe bauery “art cover assembIy on the Iock back assembly Cnsure that of仇 e alarm can a1⒃ t1nlock about30~50times),make sl】 re曲 c door noIⅡ Ial use, be care血 1 to replace 仇c battcry , do not instaⅡ leaders are not squeezec, anyway negative. 8.Determine the Iock tongue box insta"ed datum 3,The machanical key心 9.DHI丨 ed moun刂 ng thc1ast rcs。 rt to open the door,do not to Ⅱft the rnechanical key in the room. hoIes ACCording to the CIose to the door and the什 am,draw the handle center“ ne and insta"ation drawings to dr"I mounⅡ ng holes Chapter8 0perating imstructions the side Iine ofthe tongue on the fram 10.丨 nstaⅡ 1。 the tongue box 11,Condition∶ ng and tes刂 ng 1,1 Restore fact① ry set住 ngs(inithlLaton locks) Thc factory scttings The factory scttings丘 ngerpnnt vacant management password is and the tongue box cover the lock According to the drawinglsuch as the ACcording to the user "123456,"Enterthe manuaIto condition thc doo⒈ and testthe IOck "ghO tobox rnountthe tongve and the tongue box cover 1.2Rcstore factory se缸 ngs(hⅡ al弦 aton lock, Rcstore factory se缸 ngs Cnitia1ization loco thCre arc twO ways to into the door cavⅡy and that musttight Πxed the2screws management passwOrd and press#,you Gan opcn choosc ~ bΙ ethod one∶ ● Input management password ωress#to con丘 ⑾ or management fIngerpⅡ 酞,thc buzzcr"bccp"a1ong sound,press#,enter the 枷 ction setting stagc. ● Press7#,buzzer’ lb0cp"%ccp"1w忆 c,曲 e red and green1ights nash 14- -15- Fingerprint Lock User Manual FingerpⅡ nt Lock Uscr b1anual alteⅡ latc1y4timcs,伍 c system restore factory se“ ngs. (■ flngerprints ●∶e"ter the■ "a"ageme"t◆passwordˉa"d press#,or mamageme"tJ"gerpr:"tˉ press#ˉ press7#) Entcrthc management passwOrd ωrcss#to con丘 II【 1)or manaε emcnt flngerprint,山 e buzzer‘ ℃ccp” a long sound,prcss#, The second1ne曲 od∶ ● hscrtthe key hto the lock cylhdcr Oead,hol∞ ,contmuous缸 m thc kcy threc times,pre“ 山e#ky山 c system osued%eep"3 sotmds accompan忆 d by the rcd and green lights nash altemately 4ti1ncs,systcm restorc factory settings. (:e∶ the k° y co"t:""o"sIy r0tat:"g three t:■ η● sˉ ˉ Press△ ) enter the1i1】 ㈧ otC∶ ThC Ⅱst managcmcnt ⅡngerpⅡntrc臼 strat0n can only author弦 cd by managcmcnt passwOrd) 3,2 Press1#, 3,3 Entcrthc ⅡD numbcr01,prcss#to confI∏ n. ⒊4 To bc addcd intO thc I叩 ut managemcnt password ⅡngcrpHn1buzzer"beep"sound,flngcrprint module light ofF and then 2.Modi饣 the managemen password ● ncton se缸 ng哎 age,丘 ngerpnnt module Ⅱghts. Ⅱashes,placc伍 c丘ngerpⅡ ntto be added again,the buzzer"bcep"sound,flngcrprint rnodule light offthen ωrcss#to conⅡ ∏ω or management nashes ag缸 n,曲 ird t!mC place thc丘 ngcrprintto be added,the f1ngerpri眦 ,the buzzcr"beep"a1ong sound,press#,cntcr the ght o战 add the buzzer long%eep"sound,Ⅱ ngcrprint modulc Ⅱ 洫 cjon setthg stagc. suCcess血 l managcmcnt ofthc丘 ngerpHnt r3times recorded) ● Prcss5#,entcr the oⅡ ginalrnanagement passwo人、press#to conflI^11,buzZCr"beep"a sound,conf-ing sucGcs曲 3,5 1.enter4ˉ 8 Ifyou continuously added,continuc to cnter the ID nu血 bcr02, prcss#to conⅡ Ⅱ II Che th△ d ID number怂 03,such along a digit ncw management passwOrd,press#tO cOnflIⅡ 1,onCC again 丘ngcrpⅡ ntID nu血 ber, postponed to04,05ctc).rCpeat thc rc-cntcr the ncw rnanagcment passwOrd,press#to conf-,buzzer opcration above stcp 1ong"beep"a long sound,the password change was success壬 、 Ⅱ fIngcrpⅡ nts. . (■ e〓 emter the口 ma"agemo"t ma"agem● mt password a"d press#or f:"gerpr:"t-氵 press#-◆ press5#-◆ e"ter the● Jg:Ⅱ a:|1|a"agemeⅡ t password a"d press#-÷ e"ter the"ew ma"ageme"t password amJ press#-emter the same"ew ma"agememt passw● rd aga:"a"d press#) Notc∶ Ifthc modi丘cation process is wTOng,modiication systeⅡ 1ex⒒ s, rcturn to thc standby rnode. Ifnot continuously addcd,operating such as above3.1to3.4。 (Ie∶ e"t● r the口 "a"ageme"t password press1#→ press#or ma"ageme"tf:mgerpⅡ ρress#^→ "t-÷ :"p"tⅡ D"umber,such as o1a"J press# "gerpr:"t■ → p"t three t:■ NoTE∶ "es af:"gerpⅡ "t) 1) Fingerprint Registration requircd thrcc thnes to complcte,the mⅡ dle 3. Registration rnanagement flngerprints and general fr。 n13.3to3.4,you can add rnorc c“γ 心 succcss壬 、 ll,the buzzcr"l,ccp"sound,the hghts went o刂 ag缸 n bⅡ ght background;曲 ird timc伍 c rc鲈 strat0n怂 succ∞ sml, ’ the buzzer long’ beep"sound,the light on⒏ Ifthe flngerprint ˉ16- -17¨ Fingcrprint LOck L、 er1诳 anual FingerpⅡ nt Lock Uscrˇ Ι anual rcgistration fails,I3uzzcr"beep""bccp""bccp"3sounds,thc systcm rctums to standby. 2)Managemcnt Ⅱngcrprint and managcmcnt passwOrd o an systcΠ 1cxlts。 5. De1ete general flngerprints III)or ● InpLlt mallhgemcnt password (prcss#to con丘 ェ adΠ1inistrator,it can go direcuy t。 thc ncxt step setup,gcncral flngerpⅡ nt and password can only bc uscd open doo⒈ flngcrprints can only rcmoⅤ c managcmcnt managcment fngcrprint,thc buzzer"beep"a long sound,prcss #,cntcr thc£uncti。 n sctting stagc。 thrOugh the systcm inhiaⅡ zation; Prcss3# managcmcnt password can only be changed but can not be deleted. ● 3) Rcgis“ ation is rcquircd flngcrprint alld password coⅡ esponding ● ˇΙ cthod onc∶ Entcr the gencral flngcrpⅡ nt ID numbcr,press# ID llulubcr(managing flngcrprint ID nu血 thrcc丘xcd numbers,04~99for general tO cOn丘 I bcr idcntiflcd as01,02,03 Ⅱngcrpnnt ID nunlber). II1,buzzer l’ bccp"a sound,fingcrprint modu1c lights off and thcn on;cntcr thc gcncra flngcrpⅡ nt IE)nuI△ △ bcr again,prcss θ Mnagemcnt£ ngcrpⅡnts may bc thc same person in thrcc #to conⅡ .II与 丘ngcrprint modulc hgh“ off along thc short different flngcrprints rnay also bc thrcc person flngcrphnts buzzer"beep""becp"2short sounds prompts,the general flngerprint deleted succcssf0lly,thc systena retums to standby. 4. Add the gcneral password ● ● ● emter the l,la"ageme"t password press#or press#-◆ Press the managememtf:mgerpⅡ "t-△ 3#-◆ :Ⅱ put f:"gerpr:mt:Dm"mber,such as o△ press#-讠 :"putthe same f:mgerpⅡ D"umber "t■ aga:m,s"ch as o△ |press#) (:e∶ Input managcment password ωrCss#to∞ nⅡrm)or management flngcrpon1the buzzcr"bccp"a long sound,press #,cnter the跏 ction sctting stagc. Prcss2# Input pa“ wOrd ID numbe△ prcss#to conflm(the ID numbcr ● ● Entcr thc4-8dig⒒ password and press#tO cOnfl1Ⅱ 【 ,thc buzzer standby. bccp"2sounds,add a password is (:e∶ 18- "ter the口 maⅡ agememt password press#or "ts) Delete general passwords ● Notc∶ Password button operation stopped for rnore than7s,the ⒍ "a"agement passWord press#or ● ma"agememtf:mgerpr:mt冖 ・press#-讠 Press the 3#-讠 :"put t● remoVe f:mgerpⅡ suGccssful,the systen1rctums to standby, ma"ageme"t fimgerpr:"t-讠 press#-ˉ press2# 氵 entor the passw● rd:D"umber,such as o1 amd press#-ˉ emter password amd press#-→ aga:"to emterthe same password a"d press#) , gcncral flngcrprint dclctcd succcssfullyi tllc systcm rcturns to "bccp"sound,onGc again rc-cnter the so凵 a△ e pass、 vord and press #to con丘 m,buzzcr long’ ’ e"ter the口 thc general flngerprint to bc dclctod buzzcr lOng"bccp"a sound,flngerpⅡ nt modulc Ⅱghts o玑 Of general password from01to5⑴ (:e∶ Mcthod铷 ⑷∶ placc Illput managemcIlt password lprc“ #to conⅡ IIII)or丘 ngCrprint manageme吐,tllc buzzcr"bccp"a long sound,press#,enter thc J〔:i∶ l1nction setting stagc。 -19- Fingerprint Lock User Manual ● Fingerpont LOck User Manual Prcss4# ● Method one∶ Entcr the gencral passwOrd you want to dcletc I1D lbeep" a sound, rc-entcr thc number, press # to conflェ Ⅱ1, buzzer ’ gcncral passwOrd you want to delctc confl.【 11,buzzCr ⅡD nu血bc△ prcss # to long"beep"a sound,rcmove toc gcnCral passwOrd 8. Open the door 8.1 0pcn thc dOor by a flngcrprint ● Input has becn suCCessfully rcgistered fIngcrprin1flngerpont module background hghts,bl177er soundng cry,山 e green Ⅱght,伍 c motor ro切 jon,tum山 e handle1o open the doo⒈ success,thc systeIn rctums to standby rnode. e"ter the ma"ageme"t password press # or ma"ageme"tf:"gerpr:"t-÷ press#-÷ press4#-ˉ (■ e∶ Note∶ 1)Ifi叩 ut e"terthe password■ D"umber,s凹 Ch as o1,press# → e"ter the same password ■ D n"mber aga:", s"ch as o1,press扌 ) power on,press#and then cnterthe powcrˉ on,then input flngerpm1tto opcn曲 e doo⒈ 2) fIngcrpont input cⅡ ors,thc systeⅡ1nashcs red tips.,buzzcr ’ beep""becp"3sounds, Mcthod “vo∶ Enter the password you want to dc1ctc, prcss # to conflIIIl,buZZCr"beep" a sound,oncc again rc-cntcr thc password you want to dclcte,press#to conflrn△ buzzcr"bccp"a long sound, rcmove thc passwOrd suCcess.the systc1n rcmⅡ △s to standby rnodc。 (■ e∶ e"ter the ma"ageme"t password press#or press#→ press4#→ ma"ageme"t】 "gerpr:"t-÷ emter the password you wa"t to d● :et● , press # →e"terthe same password aga:",press#) "bcep"’ 8.2 0pen the door by a pass、vord ● Input has been suCCessh11y rcgistered passwOrd and press#to 111ion,turn the handlc to conf1n..,bt】 zzer sounding cry,motor ro1⒎ ε open thc door, Note∶ Ifyou cntcrthe wrong passⅣ o人 、the buzzer short"beep"sound proη pts;systena rett【 rns to standby Fnode;if flve GOnsecutivc 1nput cr田 0r,system kcyboard lock5minutes。 8.3.opcn the door by machamica1key 7. Noma11y opcn featlIrc sct and cance1ed Remove lock core cover,hsc“ mechanical kcy into the keyhole, ● Input manageme“ password ωrCss#to cona11【 I)or managemellt flngerpr峨,thc buzzcr"beep"a long somd,the green light.Press#, cnter the function seu匚 ng stage. ● Press6#,the buzzer"beep"a long sound,completed noIⅡ the fIngcrprint,fIngerpⅡ nt modu1c window does not 1aⅡ y and rotate the mechanical kcy untⅡ thc obhque tongue into the lock body completely. Chapter9 PrecautioⅡ s opcn settlng. ● Fingcrprint or password to open the door once,to canccl thc noII1^a11y opcn£ cature. (■ e〓 1.Fingerprint coⅡ ection essentia1s Fingcr ccntcr has thc Ⅱchcst of fIngcrpⅡ nt info1Ⅱ Iation, whcn e"ter the口 "a"ageme" password press#or ma"ageme"tf:"gerρ Jmt^0press#-◆ Press6#) ˉ20¨ coⅡ ecting coⅡectly. and veo士 、 Ⅱngeη pⅡ nt ,flngcrs must bc p1accd `ing ˉ21ˉ Fingerprint Lock lJser bⅠ anual FingerpⅡ nt Lock User Manual 1.1 try to putthc Finger centcr cIose to f1ngcrprint col1ection ccntc⒈ Chapter10 Maintenance 1。 DaⅡy Inaintenance (1)KCCp away丘 om∞ rrosive matcria1. (2)Do not hallg anything on thc1cver handlc. (3)Keep thc£ ngcrpⅡnt window clcan and dry.Wipc“ with soR and dry dotll if any s咖 n on it. 2. Warranty poⅡ cy F魄 §飓 er er center Genter 1.2 血 吧crpmt co1jc血 on cc11tcr Keep your丘 ngers and screen of coⅡ ector postcd sohd,rnodρ forcc,so山 甜thc force can not be ovcrˉ squeeze(Ⅱ ngcrpⅡ nt What k not coⅤ crcd by伍 心 waⅡ m饣 ? infoI..Iaton too le“ ) steady Ⅱnger p1aGcment,can not move or shakc. dⅡ notpa“ ,you can a句 u“ thc Damage caused by iImpropcr installation or rna虹 ● 1.4 Vco灯 the fmgcrprint(opcn dooθ quahfed。 ● 1.3 Mah忆 in Ⅱngerpr1nt distortion) Ⅵ泛d1in onc year sincc thc day of instaⅡ ation and bodL parhes havc acGeptcd to bc ● or not good Cnput ratc Products arc guaranteed to bc rcpaircd for frcc ⒒enanGe. Damaged by seⅣ icc Othcrthan an authonzed ovr dis“ butor。 pos“ ion of a丘 ngerprint Inaking it as close to the fmgcrprint co11ection Damagc from m^usc,abusc,aGodcnt(such as drop五 ng,,fIre, location。 n。 。d,。r acts ofnaturc。 1,5.For wet fmgers,you need to dry bcforc use. Yol【 r door-loGk excccds thc guarantcc peⅡ 2.Battery Handling Precautions Usc伍 e coⅡcct type battcry;r thc l。 ng-te1ェ II nccd,the need to rcmovc thc battery; n。 t111ix old and new battcoes; coⅡ CCt p1acemcnt battcry positive and ncgative position; If skin or clothes stained ba⒒ ery Ⅱuid, must in11nediatcly rinse v汀 stained battcry lye shaⅡ Ⅵoth leahng u1 water, if thc cycs werc irlmediately rinsc Ⅵ泅th wate△ and then scck medical advice as soon as possible. ˉ22ˉ ˉ23ˉ od,