File - Columbus Baptist Association
File - Columbus Baptist Association
January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Happy New Year 3 4 5 6 Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am Evergreen 10 11 12 7 8 WMU Council 7 13 9 Pastors/ Wives Banquet 6:30 14 15 16 21 22 23 29 30 Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am Fair Bluff 17 18 19 20 Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am Faith 24 25 Forest Lawn -------------31 Gapway 26 CBA Council Meeting 7 27 28 Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am Toy Store Celebration Banquet 6:30 February Sun Mon 1 Pastor’s Conference 10:30am Hallsboro Tue 2 7 8 9 WMU Focus Week 8-14 Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am 14 15 Heck Jones Offering Thu 4 Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am Columbus for Christ Offering Good Shepherd Wed 3 16 10 11 Fri 5 Sat 6 22 23 Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am ---------------- 28 --------- Iron Hill 29 As we look to 2016, I am very excited to see all that God has in store for the Columbus Baptist Association. We are announcing our Spring Revival – Columbus for Christ – which will be an old-fashioned tent revival with not only the Baptist Association churches participating, but all of our Crusade churches worshiping with us. March 6-9, in the big field between Chadbourn Pentecostal Holiness Church and Living Word Church, located on Strawberry Blvd, we will gather each night to worship and to praise our God. On Sunday night, Rev. Greg Spaulding, pastor at Union Baptist Church in Lake Waccamaw will speak and our Crusade Choir will bring special music. On Monday night, Rev. Donald Conway, pastor at Chadbourn PHC will speak and we will have a mass choir from our CBA churches bring special music. WOW On Tuesday night, Rev. Donald Carter, pastor at New Hope Baptist Church in Buckhead will speak and our CBA mass choir will once again bring the music. 12 13 On Wednesday night, which will be our youth emphasis night, Rev. Ryan Edwards, pastor at Clarendon Baptist Church will speak and the band Consumed will bring the special music, along with Holley and Aubrey from Porter Swamp Baptist Church. 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 Hallsboro 21 Happy New Year!!! Now that the Christmas celebrations are behind us, we can focus on the New Year ahead and all that God has in store for us, our churches, and our Association. The New Year always gives us a sense of a fresh start, an opportunity to begin anew. It reminds me of how Jesus forgives us of our sins and gives us a new start when we come to faith in Him, and how every day He continues to forgive us and wipe the slate clean. WOW Pastor’s Prayer Time 8am Hinson’s Crossroads From the Desk of Dave Please make your plans now to come and join us for this exciting time of worship as we gather to revive the saints of God. Bring your church family. Bring your own family. Bring your neighbors and friends. This will surely be a great time of revival and renewal for the people of God in Columbus County! In His love and service, Dave Evangelism Team Update The year 2015 will go down as a great year of evangelism in Columbus County thanks to the Go Tell Columbus Crusade. People are still coming to know the Lord as Savior and rededicating their lives to the service of the Lord because of the moving of the Holy Spirit that was so evident in the Crusade. The Columbus Baptist Association Evangelism Team began working on plans to continue the momentum of what took place with our recent Go Tell Columbus Crusade. Please mark your calendars for the dates of March 6th – 9th for the Columbus for Christ Tent Revival. You will see all the information in another part of this newsletter. Your prayers are needed for this revival. Prayer was the biggest reason the Crusade was such a success. Donations are needed as well. Any event such as this requires funds and we pray you and your church will join in the funding of the revival. We encourage all churches to consider setting aside February 7, 2016 as Columbus for Christ day and receive a special offering for these expenses. The Bible teaches us that we are to be working for our Lord and Savior until the day that Jesus returns. Let’s respond to that command in a grand way. CBA Council Meeting January 21, 7pm Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes Hubert and Shirley McCleney would like to thank all those who participated in filling 3,847 shoe boxes this year! Thank you for your commitment to this special project. This is an example of how an association can pull together to make a big difference in the lives of the little ones around the world! BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES January Birthdays 03 Katherine Faulk (Sweet Home) 12 Titus Caraway (New Beginnings) 12 Amy Bowles (Pleasant Plains) 14 Meredith Canuel (Cheerful Hope) 16 Willard McPherson (Piney Forest) 18 Martha Senter (Lennon’s Crossroads) 24 Dave Heller (CBA) 27 Wayne Holley (Trinity-Youth) Anniversaries 07 Ronnie and Stephanie Wilson (Western Prong) 07 Gary & Teresa Powell (CBA/Chadbourn) 20 Merle & Marlene Johnson 22 Rodney & Johnna Evers (Boardman) Another successful Toy Store has now been entered into the history of 2015. In fact, this has been the most successful Toy Store we have had in the 5 years Columbus Baptist have been participating in this ministry. THANK YOU is not enough to communicate to all the churches, pastors, businesses, and volunteers who have been a part of this year’s store. Over 198 families with a little over 560 children were recipients of this ministry. This year’s donations of toys and monies went well over $30,000.00. The greatest outcome though was the 47 souls that were added to the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior and the 8 rededications that were made. Praise the Lord! The smiles and tears on the faces of the parents that went through the store were something we will never forget. The Toy Store Banquet for all volunteers will be held on January 29th at 6:30 pm in the conference room at the Columbus Baptist Association Office. Everyone is encouraged to attend and bring your covered dishes to share with everyone. Our prayer now is that the 2016 Toy Store will surpass what was accomplished in 2015. Thank You! Darryll Hester & Ken Baker Pastor’s Conference Schedule January 9 @ 6:30 – Pastors & Wives Banquet at the Bummin` Hole February 1 @ 10:30 am – Hallsboro Baptist We invite all pastors to attend this monthly gathering for information, encouragement, fellowship and a delicious meal. If you have not been attending, give it a try! I hope every church has given a generous offering to our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Upcoming Events: Boardman New Beginnings $353.93 Cherry Grove Baptist Church Bolton New Hope $300.00 Reverend Jason Kinlaw Brunswick New Horizon $801.62 Happy New Year! Frances Inman / CBA WMU Director Reverend Mike Bowles Pleasant Plains Baptist Church Calvary Oak Dale Cedar Grove Peace $1,507.68 Cerro Gordo $850.97 Piney Forest $1,000.00 Chadbourn $325.00 Pleasant Hill $501.00 Cheerful Hope $175.00 Pleasant Plains $833.32 Cherry Grove Macedonia Baptist Church has a piano and an organ they are giving away. The organ has only 8hrs. of playing time. Contact Pastor Jimmy Caines at 910-445-8773 for more information. The CBA is here to help churches connect with one another. Feel free to phone the office or email us with upcoming events at your church. The deadline for our next newsletter is Feb. 15. We reserve the right to edit articles due to limited space. $324.66 China Grove Clarendon Corinth $1,500.00 $300.00 $2,200.00 $659.05 Evergreen Fair Bluff $500.00 Faith Forest Lawn $534.29 Porter Swamp $2,196.51 Riegelwood $2,285.19 Smyrna South Whiteville Sweet Home $1,020.03 Tabor City $1,500.00 Trinity $2,547.48 Union Chapel Gapway Union Valley Good Shepherd West Whiteville Hallsboro Hinson's Crossroads Western Prong $1,000.00 Westside Iron Hill $645.00 White Marsh Lake Waccamaw Lennon's Crossroads $825.00 Whiteville First Williamson's Crossroads $500.01 $1,225.00 $652.93 $510.00 Macedonia Mount Zion $500.00 Total Missions Giving $29,573.67 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Permit #23 Whiteville, NC 28472 CBA WMU Council Meeting - January 7 at the Association office at 7 WMU Focus Week -February 8-14 Heck Jones Offering Sunday -February 14 Literacy Prayer Breakfast – March 5, 8:30am at FBC Whiteville WMU Scholarship Applications – Due March 16 – forms will be mailed to each church Jan 6 or can be found on the CBA website Nakina Columbus Baptist Association Marlene Sears and Dr. Dave Heller did a wonderful job teaching our International Mission Study. Our focus was Indonesia. $1,500.00 208 S Thompson Street Whiteville, NC 28472 Phone: 910-642-2155 - Fax: 910-642-2156 Email: [email protected] Website: Thank you to all churches, for all the missions work done this past year. The collection of Christmas shoe boxes and Toy Store toys were some of our mission work. $325 was sent to support the Red Box Prison Ministry this year. Antioch 10/15-12/15 Reverend Rusty Davis Faith Baptist Church CBA WMU News 10/15-12/15 Hours: M-W 8:30am-4:30pm Thurs by Appointment Welcome new Pastors: Director of Missions – Dr. David Heller Moderator – Rev. Ken Baker Vice-Moderator – Rev. Titus Caraway Administrative Assistant – Teresa F. Powell February Birthdays 02 Shirley Ward (Westside) 04 Helen Fairfax (China Grove) 06 Tammie Best (Smyrna) 10 Merlin Boone (Mount Zion) 11 Jimmy Caines (Macedonia) 15 Scott Gore (Evergreen) 23 Mike Bowles (Pleasant Plains) 25 Pam Baker (Union Valley) 27 Kathleen Gambrell (Tabor City, Int) Anniversaries 12 Ray & Sheila Gilbert (Good Shepherd) The Columbus Baptist Association exists to assist member churches in their God given mission of helping people know Jesus personally, grow to be more like Jesus, and go into a lost world to share the love of Jesus. Toy Store 2015