Financial Statements 30-06-2014
Financial Statements 30-06-2014
CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. Review of Interim Financial Information for the six-month periods ended on June 30, 2014 (With the report of independent accountants) Disclaimer: The following report is an english translation of the official Financial Statements of June 2014 oriented to international investors. CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. CONTENTS Report Of The Independent Accountants Interim Consolidated Classified Statement Of Financial Position Interim Consolidated Statement Of Income, By Function Interim Consolidated Statement Of Comprehensive Income Interim Consolidated Statement Of Changes To Net Equity Interim Consolidated Statement Of Cash Flows - Direct Method Notes To The Interim Consolidated Interim Financial Statements Th$: Amounts presented in thousands of Chilean pesos. KPMG Auditores Consultores Ltda. Av. isidora Goyenechea 3520, Piso 2 Las Condes, Santiago, Chile Teléfono +56 (2) 2798 1000 Fax +56 (2) 2798 1001 Report of the Independent Auditors Mssrs. the Shareholders and Directors Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. We have reviewed the interim consolidated statement of financial position herein of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and affiliates at June 30, 2014 and the interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the sixmonth period ended on June 30, 2014 and the corresponding statement of changes to net equity and cash flows for the six month period ended on that date. The interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and affiliates for the six month period ended on June 30, 2013 and the corresponding statement of changes to net equity and the cash flows for the six month period then ended were reviewed by other auditors, whose report dated on August 29, 2013 stated that, based on their review, they had no knowledge of any significant modification that should be made to said statements so that they comply with IAS 34 of the International Financial Reporting Standards. The consolidated financial statements of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and affiliates at December 31, 2013 prepared in accordance fo the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) which include the statement of financial position at December 31, 2013 which is presented in the financial statements herein, as well as its related disclosure notes, were audited by other auditors who issued an unqualified opinion about said financial statements, in their report dated March 7, 2014. Responsibility of the Administration Management is responsible for the preparation and reasonable presentation of these financial statements in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Information" of the International Financial Reportting Standards (IFRS). This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of the relevant internal control for the preparation and reasonable disclosures of interim financial information, in accordance with the applicable framework of preparation and presentation of financial information. Responsibility of the auditor Our responsibility is to carry our review in accordance with generally accepted audit standards in Chile, as applicable to reviews of interim financial information. The review of interim financial information consists mainly of the application of analytical procedures and performing enquiries to those responsible of the accounting and financial matters. The scope of a review of interim financial information is substantially lower than that of an audit performed in accordance to generally accepted auditing standards in Chile where the objective is to express an opinion on the financial information. Therefore, we do not express such an opinion. Conclusion Based on our review, we do not have knowledge of any significant modification that should be made to the interim financial information herein so that it complies with IAS 34 of the International Financial Reporting Standards. Luis Inostroza C. Santiago, August 28, 2014. KPMG Ltda. CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. AND AFFILIATES INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the periods ended June 30, 2014 (unaudited) and 2013 (unaudited), and December 31, 2013 (A free translation from the original in Spanish) CONTENTS INTERIM CONSOLIDATED CLASSIFIED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME, BY FUNCTION INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES TO NET EQUITY INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS - DIRECT METHOD NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards IAS - International Accounting Standards GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles $ - Chilean pesos Th$ - Thousands of Chilean pesos UF - Unidad de fomento, a constant purchase power restatement unit adjusted daily based on the prior month’s change in the Consumer Price Index. US$ - US dollars S/. - New Peruvian Sol Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and Affiliates CONTENTS Page I INTERIM CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INTERIM CONSOLIDATED CLASSIFIED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Assets Liabilities and Net Equity INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME BY FUNCTION INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET EQUITY INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS - DIRECT METHOD II NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 2. SUMMARY OF MAIN ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1. Accounting period 2.2. Basis for preparation 2.3. Standards, interpretations and amendments adopted by Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and Affiliates 2.4. Consolidation basis 2.5. Segment reporting 2.6. Conversion of balances, transactions and financial statements nominated in foreign currency 2.7. Property, plant and equipment 2.8. Investment property 2.9. Intangible assets 2.10. Interest cost 2.11. Impairment of non-financial assets 2.12. Financial assets 2.13. Derivative financial instruments and hedging activity 2.14. Inventory 2.15. Trade debtors and other receivables 2.16. Cash and cash equivalent 2.17. Shareholder’s capital 2.18. Dividends distribution 2.19. Trade creditors and other payables 2.20. Interest-bearing loans 2.21. Corporate income tax and deferred taxes 2.22. Employee benefits 2.23. Provisions 2.24. Classification of balances as current and non-current 2.25. Revenue recognition 2.26. Leases 2.27. Business combinations 2.28. Impairment 2.29. Environment 2.30. Changes in accounting standards 8 8 8 9 11 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 3. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT 3.1. Regulatory framework 3.2. Correlation with economic cycles 3.3. Competition 3.4. Currency risk 3.5. Foreign exchange rate risk 3.6. Interest rate risk 3.7. Insurance risk 3.8. Calculation of fair value of financial instruments 3.9. Financial risk management 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page 4. MANAGEMENT ESTIMATES AND JUDGMENT 4.1. Estimation on goodwill impairment 4.2. Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments 4.3. Impairment of goodwill of investments and intangibles with indefinite useful life 4.4. Fair value of assets and liabilities 4.5. Useful lives and residual value 4.6. Fair value of the provision on health related expenses and labor disability 4.7. Fair value of non-declared and non-paid social payments (NDNP) 4.8. Legal proceedings and other contingencies 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 5. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT 32 6. CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 6.1. Other financial assets 6.2. Other financial liabilities 6.3. Derivative instruments 33 33 34 49 7. OTHER CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 7.1. Other non-financial assets 7.2. Other non-financial liabilities 49 49 49 8. TRADE DEBTORS AND OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 8.1. Trade debtors and other accounts receivable, Gross and Net 8.2. Maturities of overdue and not impaired accounts 8.3. Maturities of current accounts 8.4 Impairment of trade debtors and other receivables 8.5 Breakdown of other accounts receivable 50 50 51 51 51 52 9. BALANCES AND TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED ENTITIES 9.1. Balances with related entities, not consolidated on a line-by-line basis 9.2. Transactions with related entities 9.3 Key personnel compensations 52 52 53 53 10. INVENTORY 54 11. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 11.1. Breakdown of this accounting area 11.2. Details of useful lives applied to this accounting area 11.3. Intangibles roll-forward 11.4. Intangible amortization charges to income 54 54 55 56 56 12. INVESTMENTS IN AFFILIATES 12.1. Investments in affiliates 12.2. Summarized information 12.3 Joint arrangements 57 57 57 58 13. BUSINESS COMBINATIONS 58 14. GOODWILL 14.1. Breakdown of this accounting area 14.2. Changes in goodwill 14.3 Impairment test 59 59 60 60 15. PROPERTY. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 15.1. Breakdown of this accounting area 15.2. Conciliation of changes in Property, plant and equipment, by class At June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013 15.3. Assets subject to financial leases 15.4. Restrictions on property, plant and equipment 62 62 63 64 64 Page 16. INVESTMENT PROPERTY 16.1. Breakdown and roll-forward of this accounting area 16.2. Investment property Income and Expenses 64 64 64 17. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES FROM CURRENT TAXES 65 18. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 66 19. DEFERRED TAXES AND CORPORATE INCOME TAX 19.1. Deferred tax balances, by company 19.2. Origin of deferred taxes 19.3. Changes in deferred taxes in the statement of financial position 19.4. Income tax result 19.5. Reconciliation of calculation of income tax 67 67 68 68 69 69 20. TRADE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER PAYABLES 69 21. PROVISIONS 21.1. Breakdown of the accounting area 21.2. Changes in provisions 70 70 70 22. NET EQUITY 22.1. Subscribed and paid-in capital 22.2. Shares 22.3. Dividends 22.4. Management of capital 22.5. Other reserves 22.6. Minority interest 70 70 70 71 71 71 72 23. ORDINARY INCOME 73 24. BREAKDOWN OF SIGNIFICANT INCOME ACCOUNTS 73 25. FINANCIAL COSTS AND OTHER 74 26. OTHER GAINS (LOSS) 74 27. EARNINGS PER SHARE 75 28. SEGMENT REPORTING 28.1. Assets and liabilities by segment 28.2. Statement of income by segment 28.3. Statement of cash flows by segment 75 79 79 82 29. CONTINGENCIES. LAWSUITS AND OTHER 83 30. GUARANTEES PLEDGED TO THIRD PARTIES. OTHER CONTINGENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND OTHER COMMITMENTS 84 31. PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTION 91 32. ENVIRONMENT 91 33 LOCAL AND FOREIGN CURRENCY 93 Page 34. NON-CURRENT ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 95 35. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS 95 36. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS 100 CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. AND AFFILIATES INTERIM CONSOLIDATED CLASSIFIED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION At June 30, 2014 (unaudited) and December 31, 2013 Presented in thousands of Chilean pesos ASSETS NOTE 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 5 27,210,902 19,514,037 Other financial assets, current 6.1 11,615,013 26,074,375 Other non-financial assets, current 7.1 8,617,215 7,643,037 Trade debtors and other accounts receivable, current 8.1 50,800,836 46,853,452 Accounts receivable from related entities, current 9.1 366,560 485,993 Inventory 10 2,263,486 2,407,095 Tax assets, current 17 4,832,009 7,882,987 105,706,021 110,860,976 6.1 31,126,489 23,961,093 Other non-financial assets, non-current 7.1 38,275,998 36,869,057 Investments accounted for using the equity method 12.3 300,295 291,369 Intangible assets other than goodw ill 11.1 105,029,981 102,943,496 Goodw ill 14.1 83,720,463 83,533,337 Property, plant and equipment 15.1 120,658,439 116,913,293 Investment property 16.1 1,748,344 1,768,412 Deferred tax assets 19.1 Total Assets, Current NON-CURRENT ASSETS Other financial assets, non-current 5,364,570 4,922,321 Total assets, non-current 386,224,579 371,202,378 TOTAL ASSETS 491,930,600 482,063,354 1 CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. AND AFFILIATES INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION At June 30, 2014 (unaudited) and December 31, 2013 Presented in thousands of Chilean pesos LIABILITITES 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ 6.2 24,346,326 24,158,186 20 97,298,252 88,253,418 21.1 25,916,173 23,447,529 635,140 NOTE CURRENT LIABILITIES Other financial liabilities, current Trade creditors and other accounts payable Other short-term provisions Tax liabilities, current 17 238,404 Provisions for employee benefits, Current 18 1,746,192 856,307 Other non-financial liabilities, current 7.2 3,311,402 3,744,340 152,856,749 141,094,920 126,672,614 Total liabilities, current NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Other financial liabilities, non-current 6.2 121,322,739 Other accounts payable, non-current 20 4,214 4,214 20,459,358 20,148,123 Deferred tax liability 19.1 Other non-financial liabilities, non-current 7.2 1,234,778 1,789,364 Total liabilities, non-current 143,021,089 148,614,315 Total Liabilities 295,877,838 289,709,235 65,253,465 65,253,465 51,378,174 51,378,174 9,987,587 10,601,632 57,511,618 53,382,056 184,130,844 180,615,327 EQUITY Issued capital 22 Premium on issue of shares Other reserves 22.5 Accumulated earnings (loss) Equity attributable to ow ners of the controlling party Non-controlling interest 22.6 11,921,918 11,738,792 EQUITY 196,052,762 192,354,119 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 491,930,600 482,063,354 2 CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. AND AFFILIATES INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME BY FUNCTION For the six-month periods ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 (unaudited) Presented in thousands of Chilean pesos INCOME STATEMENT BY FUNCTION NOTE 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Revenue from ordinary activities 23.1 288,261,039 257,044,471 147,700,681 131,308,396 Cost of sales 24.1 (223,876,229) (208,932,764) (114,507,888) (111,454,346) 64,384,810 48,111,707 33,192,793 19,854,050 (50,309,144) (40,047,266) (25,604,575) (20,307,950) 14,075,666 8,064,441 7,588,218 (453,900) Gross earnings Management expenses 24.1 Earnings (loss) from operating activities Other income (loss) 26 (1,409,048) (162,991) (951,777) Financial income Financial costs 25 25 2,195,268 (4,612,460) 2,651,804 (4,227,380) 1,327,454 (2,311,213) Exchange rate fluctuation 25 (34,428) (7,656) (40,683) 4,055 Results due to restatement units 25 (934,789) 5,783 (792,576) (22,952) (1,072,153) Earnings before taxes Income tax expense 19.4 Earnings (loss) 28,799 1,510,189 (2,138,344) 9,280,209 6,324,001 4,819,423 (1,611,428) (663,823) (652,942) 603,757 7,668,781 5,660,178 4,166,481 (468,396) Earnings (loss) attributable to Earnings (loss) attributable to ow ners of the controlling party Earnings (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests 22.6 Earnings (loss) 7,394,444 5,298,734 3,992,536 274,337 361,444 173,945 (595,332) 126,936 7,668,781 5,660,178 4,166,481 (468,396) Earnings per share $ Earnings (loss) per basic share Earnings (loss) per basic share in continuing operations 27 Earnings (loss) per basic share in discontinued operations Earnings (loss) per basic share 11.60 8.31 6.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.93) 0.00 11.60 8.31 6.26 (0.93) 11.60 8.31 6.26 (0.93) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.60 8.31 6.26 (0.93) Earnings (loss) per dilluted share Earnings (loss) per dilluted share in continuing operations Earnings (loss) per dilluted share in discontinued operations Earnings (loss) per dilluted share 27 3 CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. AND AFFILIATES INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the six-month periods ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 (unaudited) Presented in thousands of Chilean pesos STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME NOTE Earnings (loss) 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 7,668,781 5,660,178 4,166,481 (468,396) Com ponents of Other Com prehensive Incom e, Before Taxes Earnings (loss) from cash flow hedging, before taxes (1,290,412) Earnings (loss) from conversion exchange rate differences, before taxes 682,218 48,915 (330,559) (492,324) (99,616) 64,726 (23,721) (3,273) (2,882) 104,975 Incom e Taxes related to com ponents of com prehensive incom e Income tax related to cash flow hedging (5,832) Addition of incom e taxes related to com ponents of com prehensive incom e Total com prehensive incom e (614,026) (53,974) (268,715) (411,070) 7,054,755 5,606,204 3,897,766 (879,466) 6,780,418 5,244,760 3,723,821 (1,006,402) 274,337 361,444 173,945 7,054,755 5,606,204 3,897,766 Com prehensive incom e attributable to Comprehensive income attributable to Controlling Interests Comprehensive income attributable to Non-Controlling Interests Total Com prehensive Incom e 22.6 126,936 (879,466) 4 CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. AND AFFILIATES INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET EQUITY At June 30, 2014 and 2013(unaudited) In thousands of Chilean pesos Equity attributable Accum ulated to the Total Other earnings ow ners of Reserves (loss) the controlling party Th$ Th$ Th$ Other reserves Statem ent of changes to net equity Prem ium on Conversion issue of foreign exchange shares rate differences reserve Issued Capital Th$ Th$ Th$ Cash flow hedging reserves Other reserves Th$ Th$ Noncontrolling interest Net equity, total Th$ Th$ Opening balance at 01/01/2014 65,253,465 51,378,174 (82,337) (4,917,556) 15,601,525 10,601,632 53,382,056 180,615,327 11,738,792 192,354,119 Restated Equity 65,253,465 51,378,174 (82,337) (4,917,556) 15,601,525 10,601,632 53,382,056 180,615,327 11,738,792 192,354,119 Com prehensive incom e Earnings (loss) Other comprehensive income Total com prehensive incom e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 682,218 682,218 0 (1,296,244) (1,296,244) 0 0 0 0 (614,026) (614,026) 7,394,444 0 7,394,444 7,394,444 (614,026) 6,780,418 274,337 0 274,337 7,668,781 (614,026) 7,054,755 Dividends Other increase (decrease) in net equity Total changes in equity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 682,218 0 0 (1,296,244) 0 (19) (19) 0 (19) (614,045) (3,264,882) 0 4,129,562 (3,264,882) (19) 3,515,517 0 (91,211) 183,126 (3,264,882) (91,230) 3,698,643 65,253,465 51,378,174 599,881 (6,213,800) 15,601,506 9,987,587 57,511,618 184,130,844 11,921,918 196,052,762 Changes in Equity Closing balance at 06/30/2014 Statem ent of changes to net equity Issued Capital Th$ Prem ium on Conversion issue of foreign exchange shares rate differences reserve Th$ Th$ Equity attributable Accum ulated to the Total Other earnings ow ners of Reserves (loss) the controlling Th$ Th$ Th$ Other reserves Cash flow hedging reserves Other reserves Th$ Th$ Noncontrolling interest Net equity, total Th$ Th$ Opening balance at 01/01/2013 65,253,465 51,378,174 (88,039) (3,903,214) 15,525,137 11,533,884 47,867,574 176,033,097 14,181,488 190,214,585 Restated Equty 65,253,465 51,378,174 (88,039) (3,903,214) 15,525,137 11,533,884 47,867,574 176,033,097 14,181,488 190,214,585 Changes in equity Com prehensive incom e Earnings (loss) Other comprehensive income Total com prehensive incom e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (99,616) (99,616) 0 45,642 45,642 0 0 0 0 (53,974) (53,974) 5,298,734 0 5,298,734 Dividends Other increase (decrease) in net equity Total changes in equity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (99,616) 0 0 45,642 0 47,919 47,919 0 47,919 (6,055) (3,304,211) 0 1,994,523 11,527,829 49,862,097 Closing balance at 06/30/2013 65,253,465 51,378,174 (187,655) (3,857,572) 15,573,056 5,298,734 (53,974) 5,244,760 361,444 0 361,444 5,660,178 (53,974) 5,606,204 (3,304,211) 47,919 1,988,468 0 (67,041) 294,403 (3,304,211) (19,122) 2,282,871 178,021,565 14,475,891 192,497,456 5 CRUZ BLANCA SALUD S.A. AND AFFILIATES INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS, DIRECT METHOD For the six-month periods ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 (unaudited) Presented in thousands of Chilean pesos STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS, DIRECT METHOD NOTE 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ Cash flow s proceeds from (used in) operating activities Classes of collections from operating activities Collection of sales of goods and rendering of services Collections from premiums and benefits, annuities and other subscribed policy benefits Other collections from operating activities 330,156,598 1,753,635 20,335,225 304,701,721 0 14,131,764 (257,447,890) (42,124,864) (633,829) (32,622,359) (246,326,266) (34,920,753) 0 (17,413,198) (4,113,395) (25,443) 927,013 1,158,539 1,717 (7,072,760) 0 955,517 (1,159,878) (2,356) 17,364,947 12,893,791 (5,814,826) (366,102) 53,519,315 (41,839,334) (3,210,000) 1,182,794 553 (824) (5,011,970) (591,604) 13,219,069 (40,794,994) 0 794,660 0 27,987 3,471,576 (32,356,852) 0 4,068,406 4,068,406 0 (8,290,795) (3,644,978) (114,982) (5,954,365) 10 14,939,998 2,970,970 17,910,968 45,143 (7,022,833) (3,172,998) 0 (4,210,515) 8,582 (13,936,704) 3,558,347 6,899,819 (15,904,714) Classes of paym ents Payments to suppliers for the procurement of goods and services Payments to and on behalf of employees Payments for premiums and benefits, annuities and other obligations derived from subscribed policies Other payments from operating activities Other operating collections and paym ents Dividends paid Interest paid Interest collected Income tax return (payment) Other inflow s (outflow s) of cash Net Cash flow s from (used in) operating activities Cash flow s from (used in) investm ent activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangibles Proceeds from other long-term assets Acquisition of other long-term assets SISP guarantee Interests received Income tax reimbursement (paid) Other cash inflow s (outflow s) Net cash flow s from (used in) investm ent activities Cash flow s from (used in) financing activities Inflow s from long-term loans Inflow s from short-term loans Total inflow s from loans Loans from related entities Payment of loans Payment of liabilities from financial leases Dividends paid Interests paid Other cash inflow s (outflow s) Net cash flow s from (used in) financing activities Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents, before the effect of changes in exchange rate Effect of changes in the exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents 797,046 Net Increase (decrease) of Cash and Cash Equivalents 7,696,865 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period Cash and cash equivalents at closing of period 5 13,615 (15,891,099) 19,514,037 45,356,946 27,210,902 29,465,847 6 Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. And Affiliates Notes To The Interim Consolidated interim financial statements For the period ended June 30, 2014 (unaudited) __________________________________________________________________ NOTE 1. - GENERAL INFORMATION Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. (from hereon the “Company” or the “Group”) is a public Corporation, entered into the Securities Registry of the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance under number 1,075. The Company’s address is Cerro Colorado N° 5240, Torre Del Parque II, office 11 B, Las Condes, in the city of Santiago, Republic of Chile. The Company was established on December 11, 2007 and its purpose is to perform investments in financial assets, tangible and intangible, shares, bonds, medium term financing instruments, and other financial instruments, rights in companies and specifically in those companies whose business is the rendering of services in the Health Care or financing of health procedures or benefits, or developing activities that are related or complementary to the Health Care industry, both in Chile and abroad; manage, transfer, exploit and obtain gains from said services and; to perform all sorts of acts and to enter into any contracts necessary for the fulfillment of the Company’s purpose or in the development of its business. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.’s controlling party is Grupo Bupa Sanitas, through the company GBS Chile Uno SpA, which owns 56.34% of the Company’s shares. GBS Chile Uno SpA is a company established under the laws of the Republic of Chile, whose only contributor is Grupo Bupa Sanitas Chile S.L., a company established and existing in accordance to the laws of the Kingdom of Spain (from hereon "Bupa Sanitas"). Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and its affiliate companies are companies of the health care industry. Its main business areas are: Insurance area Hospital Health Care area Outpatients Health Care area International area (providers of outpatients healthcare services) Other services Its main affiliates are: Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Promotora de Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Servicios de Gestión Ltda. Inversiones CBS SpA. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. These Consolidated Interim Financial Statements correspond to the period ended June 30, 2014, which were approved by the Board in the meeting held on August 28, 2014. The corresponding meetings of the board of directors approved the financial statements of the affiliates. The Company’s financial statements, corresponding to the period ended on December 31, 2013, were approved by the Board in the meeting held on March 7, 2014. 7 NOTE 2. - SUMMARY OF THE MAIN ACCOUNTING POLICIES Following is a description of the main accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these Consolidated interim financial statements. These policies were applied consistently on the financial statements herein presented. These Consolidated interim financial statements are presented in thousands of Chilean pesos. These Consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these Consolidated interim financial statements have been designed following the IFRS current At June 30, 2014 and applied consistently to all the periods presented in these consolidated interim financial statements. 2.1. Accounting period The Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (from hereon, “financial statements”) cover the following periods: Statement of Financial Position, for the periods ended June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013. Statement of Changes in Net Equity and Statement of Cash Flows, Direct Method, for the periods ended June 30, 2014 and 2013. Statement of Income by Function and Statement of Comprehensive Income for the periods ended on June 30, 2014 and 2013, for comparison purposes. 2.2. Basis for preparation The interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historic cost basis, except for those items recorded at fair value such as is the case of the derivative instruments. The book value of liabilities that qualify for hedge accounting is adjusted to reflect the fair value with regards to the hedged risks. In the preparation of the Consolidated interim financial statements critical accounting estimates have been made to quantify certain assets, liabilities, income and expense. It is also required from Management that they exercise judgment in the application of the accounting policies of the Cruz Blanca Salud Group. Minor reclassifications to the financial statements of the prior period were made for comparison purposes. These reclassifications arise of recurring analyses performed by management to the items of trade accounts receivable and payable, of deferred taxes, of other financial and assets and liabilities, and other, always with the spirit of presenting uniform and comparative financial information of Group CBS. The reclassifications do not involve changes in accounting criteria or estimates, in accordance with what is set forth in IAS 8. During this accounting period and in light of the accounting policies of the new controlling party Grupo Bupa Sanitas - certain reclassifications and adequations of policies have been made. Concept Reclassification or adoption of policies of new controlling party Financial instruments Reclassified according to their maturity Other income, by function Reclassified under ordinary income Bank fees Reclassified from financial costs to management expenses Restructuring termination payments Reclassified from expenses by function to other earnings / loss Amortizationof client portfolio Reclassified from management expense to other earnings / loss 8 The areas that require a greater degree of judgment or complexity, as well as areas where assumptions and estimates are significant for these financial statements, are described in Note 4. 2.3. Standards, interpretations and amendments adopted by Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and its affiliates The assessment of the impact of the new standards and interpretations in the Group and the Parent Company are presented in this section. New accounting decisions: a) The following new standards, interpretations and amendments have been issued, but are not in force as of their application date. New Accounting Standards Compulsory application date IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” This Standard introduces new requirements for the classification and measurement of the financial assets, allowing its early application. The standard requires that all financial assets be classified entirely based on the entity's business model for the management of the financial assets and the characteristics of the contracted cash flows of the financial assets. Under this standard the financial assets are measured either at amortized cost or at fair value. Only those financial assets classified at their amortized value will be tested for impairment. Its effective application is for the annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015. Its early adoption is allowed. There is no official compulsory application date IFRS 15 "Revenue from contracts with clients" This Standard provides a unique five-step model based on principles which will be applied to all client contracts. These are the steps: Identify the client contract identify the performance obligations of the contract Establish the transaction price Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations of the contracts Recognize income when the entity satisfies a performance obligation. Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2017. Early adoption is allowed. The standard offers guidance about topics such as the point for revenue recognition and divers related matters. New revenue disclosures are introduced. The Company’s Management does not foresee that the adoption of the abovementioned standards, amendments and interpretations will have any significant impact in the consolidated interim financial statements of the Company in the period when they are first applied. 9 b) Improvements and amendments to accounting statements New IFRS and improvements Compulsory for the periods started on IAS 36 "Impairment" Disclosure of the recoverable value for non-financial assets Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014. IAS 39" Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement" Novation of derivatives and continuation of hedge accounting. Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014. IAS 27 "Separate Financial Statements," IFRS 10 "Consolidated Financial statements" and IFRS 12 " Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities." All the modifications are applicable to Investment Entities, setting an exception to the accounting treatment and eliminating the consolidation requirement. Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014. IAS 32 and IFRS 7 The modification focused in four main areas: the meaning of "currently has a legal right of compensation," the application and liquidation of the simultaneous realization, the compensation of the guarantee amounts and the measurement unit for the application of the compensation requirements. Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014. IAS 19 Employee benefits - contributions from employees Annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2014 (January 1, 2015). Early adoption is allowed IFRS 11 "Joint Arrangements" Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016. Early adoption is allowed IAS 16 "Property, plant and equipment," IAS 38 "Intangible assets": Clarification of acceptable depreciation and amortization methods. Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016. Early adoption is allowed New interpretations IFRIC 21, Liens The Company’s Management does not foresee that the adoption of the abovementioned standards, amendments and interpretations will have any significant impact in the consolidated interim financial statements of the Company in the period when they are first applied. 10 2.4. a. Consolidation basis Subsidiaries or affiliates Subsidiaries are all entities over which Cruz Blanca Salud has control. Control is achieved where the Company is exposed to, or has rights on, the variable returns from its involvement with the company where it has an interest, and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. Specifically, the Company controls an investee if and only if all of the following can be observed: power over the investee (meaning, existing rights that give it the ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee, that is, activities that significantly affect the returns of the investee). exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee. ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of income of the investor. When the Company has less than a majority of voting rights in an investee, the Company has power over the investee when these voting rights are sufficient to give in practice the ability to unilaterally direct the relevant activities of the investee. The Company evaluates all facts and circumstances to assess whether the voting rights in an investee are sufficient to give it power, including: the number of voting rights that the investor holds in relation to the number and spread that other vote holders hold; potential voting rights held by the investor, other vote holders or other parties; rights arising from other contractual arrangements; any additional facts and circumstances indicate that the investor has or does not have, as well as the current ability to direct the relevant activities at the time these decisions need to be taken, including the voting behavior patterns observed in previous shareholder meetings. The Company reassesses whether it has control on an affiliate if facts and circumstances indicate that there have been changes in one or more of the three control elements mentioned above. The consolidation of an affiliate will start from the date when the investor gains control of the investee and ceasing when it loses control over it. To account for the acquisition of a subsidiary, Cruz Blanca Salud uses the acquisition method. The acquisition cost is the fair value of the assets transferred, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the transaction date. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination is initially measured at fair value at the acquisition date. The excess of cost of acquisition over the fair value of the share of Cruz Blanca Salud in the identifiable net assets acquired is recognized as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is less than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the identification and measurement of assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the purchaser, and the measurement of the cost of the acquisition will be reconsidered, the difference, which continues to exist, is recognized directly in the income statement. Subsidiary companies are consolidated using the line by line combination of all assets, liabilities, income, expenses and cash flows. Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries are included in the assets of the parent company. Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealized gains on transactions between Group companies are eliminated. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred. When necessary, to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by Cruz Blanca Salud, accounting policies of subsidiaries are changed. 11 b. Transactions and non-controlling interests In the case of an acquisition of non-controlling interest, the difference between any paid retribution and the corresponding interest in the book value of the acquired net assets of the subsidiary is recognized through Equity. Gains and losses from interest sales, as long as control is retained, are also recorded through Equity. c. Associate companies Associate companies are all those entities over which Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. has a significant influence but does not hold control, and is generally represented with a share of 20% to 50% of the voting rights. Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method and are initially recorded at cost. The investment of the Group in associates includes the goodwill identified at the time of acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment loss. The interest in gains or losses subsequent to the acquisition of its associates is recorded through income, and the interest in the equity movements subsequent to the acquisition that are not income are carried to the corresponding equity reserves (and are reflected as it corresponds in the statement of other comprehensive income). When the interest in the losses of an associate is equal or higher than the book value of the investment in said associate, including any other non-secured account receivable, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. does not recognize additional losses, unless it has incurred in liabilities or performed payments on behalf of the associate. Unrealized earnings due to transactions between the head company and Group’s companies are eliminated in proportion to the interest percentage in said companies. Unrealized losses are also eliminated, except if the transaction gives evidence of an impairment loss of the transferred asset. When necessary to ensure the uniformity with the policies adopted by the Company, the accounting policies of the associate are modified. Gains or losses from a share split in associates are recognized through income. d. Joint arrangements Joint arrangements are included in the financial statements using the equity method as described in IAS 28, paragraph 11. e. Affiliate entities e.1. The companies included in consolidation are the following: Tax Id Num ber 96.501.450-0 76.098.454-K 96.562.210-1 96.562.220-9 96.529.970-K 96.613.220-5 76.785.130-8 76.117.164-K 76.188.053-5 76.238.779-4 76.282.191-5 Ow nership percentage Com pany Nam e Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Promotora de Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Servicios de Gestión Ltda. Inversiones CBS SPA Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A Inversiones Clinicas CBS S.A. Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S. A. Direct 06/30/2014 Indirect Total Direct 12/31/2013 Indirect Total 95.16600% 99.99900% 53.15300% 71.51000% 85.43000% 68.97200% 99.00000% 100.00000% 99.99999% 99.99400% 99.99300% 3.80000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 11.52700% 0.00000% 0.00000% 1.00000% 0.00000% 0.00001% 0.00600% 0.00700% 98.96600% 99.99900% 53.15300% 83.03700% 85.43000% 68.97200% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% 95.16600% 99.99900% 53.15300% 71.51000% 85.43000% 68.97200% 99.00000% 100.00000% 99.99999% 99.99300% 99.990000% 3.80000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 11.52700% 0.00000% 0.00000% 1.00000% 0.00000% 0.00001% 0.00700% 0.01000% 98.96600% 99.99900% 53.15300% 83.03700% 85.43000% 68.97200% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% On June 5, 2014 Inversiones Clínicas made a capital increase of $1,700,000,000 by issuing 1,700,000 shares which were entirely subscribed and paid for by CBS. This explains the change in distribution of direct and indirect ownership percentage. 12 2.5. Segment reporting IFRS 8 requires that the entities adopt the “management approach” to disclose information on the results of its operating segments. Segment reporting is disclosed in a way consistent with the internal reports issued to those responsible of taking the relevant operating decisions. Said executives are those responsible of allocating the resources and assessing the performance of the operational segments, which have been identified as: Health Insurance, Hospital Health Provider, Outpatients Health Providers and Other, for which the strategic decisions are made. This information is disclosed in Note 28. 2.6. Conversion of balances, transactions and financial statements nominated in foreign currency a.- Presentation currency and functional currency The items included in the financial statements of each of the Group’s entities are valued using the currency of the main economic environment where the entity operates (“functional currency”). The consolidated interim financial statements are presented in Chilean pesos, which is the functional and presentation currency of the Parent company and of its affiliates. In the case of the Peruvian subsidiary, its functional currency is the Peruvian New Sol. b.- Transactions and balances Transactions in foreign currency are converted to the functional currency using the exchange rates current at the date of the transaction. Gains and losses in foreign currency that result from the settlement of these transactions and the conversion at the closing exchange rates of the monetary assets and liabilities nominated in foreign currency are carried through income, except when they should be deferred through net equity, as is the case of results from strategies of cash flows hedging. c.- Exchange rates Assets and liabilities in foreign currency and those set in UF are presented at the following exchange rates and closing values: 2.7. Date $ / US$ $ / S/. $ / UF 06/30/2014 552.72 197.62 24,023.61 12/31/2013 524.61 187.49 23,309.56 06/30/2013 507.16 182.44 22,852.67 Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment corresponds mainly to land, constructions, infrastructure works, vehicles, machinery and equipment, medical equipment, and are recorded at cost minus accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, except in the case of the land, which are disclosed net of impairment losses, if any. Expansion or upgrade costs that represent an increase in the capabilities or useful life of the goods will be capitalized as a greater cost. Periodic maintenance, conservation and repair expenses are carried through income in the period they are incurred. Works in progress during the construction period include financial expenses that can be directly attributed to the acquisition or construction and the personnel expenses related directly and other of operating nature attributable to the construction. Works in progress are transferred to operating assets once the period of trials is completed and they are available for use, moment when the depreciation begins. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated years of technical and / or economic useful life of the assets, unless in special cases where to better represent the economic reality it is required to use consumption units. 13 Residual values of the assets, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed and adjusted if required, at each year’s closing. Estimated useful lives for property, plant and equipment are contained in the following ranges, considering the characteristics of the assets in each class: Estim ated useful lives or depreciation rates used Buildings Plant and equipment IT equipment Fixed installations and accessories Motor vehicles Leasehold improvement Other property, plant and equipment Minim um years Maxim um years 30 3 3 3 6 4 2 71 17 10 20 14 10 60 Gains and losses in the sale of Property, plant and equipment, are calculated comparing the proceeds obtained with the corresponding book value and are carried through income. When selling assets appraised according to IAS 16, the values recorded as revaluation reserves are transferred to accumulated results. 2.8. Investment property This item includes mainly land, buildings and constructions held with the purpose to obtain income in future sales, appreciation or exploitation under a lease regime, and are not used by the Group’s companies. Said assets are valued initially at their acquisition cost, plus all other expenses incurred that can be directly allocated. Subsequently, they are valued periodically at their appraisal value, bet of depreciation and impairment of value. Management has defined periodicity to be a frequency of two years. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis in function of the useful life of the corresponding goods. 2.9. Intangible assets a.- Goodwill Goodwill represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the Group’s interest in the identifiable net assets of the affiliate or associate acquired on the transaction date. Goodwill related to the acquisition of affiliates is recorded under Goodwill. Goodwill related to acquisition of associates is included under Investment in Associates and is submit to fair value impairment tests with the total balance of the associate. Goodwill recognized separately is submitted to value impairment tests annually, and is valued at its cost less accumulated impairment losses. Gains and losses from the sale of an entity include the book values of the goodwill related to the sold entity. Goodwill is allocated to the cash generating units in order to perform impairment tests. The allocation is performed among those cash generating units or groups of cash generating units that are expected to obtain benefits from the business combination that generated the goodwill. A bargain purchase, or the higher cost acquired arising from the acquisition of an investment or a business combination, is debited directly through the Income Statement, under Other Gains (Losses). b.- Software Purchased software licenses are capitalized on the basis of costs incurred to acquire and prepare them to use the specific program. These costs are amortized linearly over their estimated useful lives. Expenses related with development or maintenance of software are recognized as an expense when incurred. Costs directly related with the production of unique and identifiable software controlled by the 14 Company, and that it is probable that may generate economic benefits greater than the costs over more than one year, are recognized as Intangible Assets. Direct costs include personnel expenses that develop the software and a reasonable percentage of overheads. The development costs of software recognized as assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives. c.- Trademarks The Group’s trademarks correspond to Intangible Assets of indefinite useful life that are disclosed at historic cost less any impairment losses. The Group believes that through investment in marketing, the trademarks keep their value and therefore are considered to have an indefinite useful life and are not subject to amortization. These assets are submitted to annual impairment tests or when there are indicators that show a potential impairment. d.- Client portfolio Client portfolio is the intangible value allocated in the business combination of former Isapre ING Salud S.A., which corresponds to the portfolio of affiliates and beneficiaries of that business. This intangible asset has been deemed to have an indefinite useful life and is therefore amortized on the basis of the expected benefits to be generated by the portfolio. 2.10. Interest cost Interest costs incurred in the construction of any qualified asset are capitalized over the time that is required to complete and prepare the asset for its intended use. Other interest costs are recorded through income (financial costs). 2.11. Impairment losses of non-financial assets Assets with an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortization and are annually submitted to impairment test as described in Note 2.28 a). Assets subject to depreciation and amortization are subject to impairment tests if some event or change in circumstances indicates that the book value may not be recovered. An impairment loss is recorded for the excess in book value of the asset over its recoverable value. The recoverable value is the fair value of an asset less the costs to sell or value-in-use, the greater of the two. In order to assess the impairment losses the assets are grouped at the lower level where there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that may have experienced an impairment loss are submitted to reviews at each balance sheet date to determine whether the loss may be reversed. 2.12. Financial assets The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value with changes through income, loans and accounts receivable, financial assets held to maturity and available for sale. The classification depends on the purpose the financial assets were acquired for. Management establishes the classification of the financial assets at the time of initial recognition. a.- Financial assets at fair value with changes through income Financial assets at fair value with changes through income are financial assets held for trading. A financial asset is classified under this category if it is acquired mainly with the purpose of being sold in the short-term. Derivatives are also classified as acquired for trading unless they are designated as hedges. Assets in this category are classified as current assets. Investments in financial instruments are initially recorded at cost and subsequently its value is updated based on its market value (fair value). Investments in shares are accounted for at their fair value, and the results are recorded under other income. 15 b.- Loans granted and accounts receivable. Loans and accounts receivable are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. In this category are include the trade debtors and other receivables of the current assets, except for those maturities exceeding in 12 months since the balance date, that are classified as non-current assets. c.- Recognition and measurement of financial assets Acquisitions and divestments of investments are recognized as of the negotiation date, meaning, on the date that the Group commits to acquire or sell an asset. Investments are initially recognized at the fair value plus transaction costs for all the financial assets not carried at fair value with changes through income. Financial assets at fair value with changes through income are initially recorded at their fair value and the transaction costs are carried to income. Investments are written off in the books when the rights to receive cash flows from the investments are exhausted or have been transferred and the Group has substantially transferred all the risks and advantages derived from its ownership. Financial assets held for sale and financial assets at fair value with changes through income are subsequently valued at their fair value with counterparts in equity and income, respectively. Loans, accounts receivable and financial assets held to maturity are recorded at their amortized cost according to the effective rate method, recognizing the resulting interest in income. Dividends income derived from financial assets at fair value with changes through income are recognized in the statement of income under Other Income, when the right of the Group to obtain the payment has been established. The fair values of the investments with quotes available are based in the current purchase prices. If the market for a financial asset is not active (for those securities that do not quote) the Group sets the fair value using valuation techniques that include the use of recent available transactions between willing and duly informed parties, related to other substantially equal instruments, the analysis of discounted cash flows, and options pricing models using a maximum use of market inputs and placing the least trust possible in specific inputs from the entity. In case that none of the abovementioned techniques can be used to set a fair value, investments are recorded at their acquisition cost net of impairment losses, if any. The Group assesses at each closing date whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets may have experienced impairment losses. In the case of equity securities classified as held for sale, to establish whether said titles have experienced impairment losses, whether the fair value of the titles has decreased significantly or for an extended period of time below its cost will be considered. If there is any evidence of this type for the financial assets held for sale, the accumulated loss established from the difference between acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any impairment loss in that financial asset previously recorded as a gain or loss is eliminated from the net equity and is recorded as a loss in the income statement. Impairment losses recognized in the income statement for equity instruments are not reversed through the income statement. 16 2.13. Derivative financial instruments and hedging activity Derivative instruments are initially recognized at their fair value in the date when the derivatives contract has been signed and subsequently are valued at their fair value. The method to record a resulting gain or loss depends on whether the derivative has been designated as a hedging instrument and, if that is the case, on the nature of the accounting item it is hedging. The Group designates certain derivatives as: Hedging of a specific risk related to a recognized liability or a highly probable foreseen transaction (hedging of cash flows). Hedging of the fair value of recognized liabilities (fair value hedges). The Group documents at the beginning of the transaction the existing relationship between the hedging instruments and the hedged parties, as well as their objectives for the risk management and the strategy to manage several hedging transactions. The Group also documents its assessment, both at the beginning and on an ongoing basis, whether the derivatives used in the hedging transactions are highly effective to compensate the changes in fair value or in the cash flows of the hedged parties. The derivatives total fair value is classified as a non-current asset or liability if the outstanding maturity of the hedged party is over 12 months and as a current asset or liability if the outstanding maturity of the hedged party is lower than 12 months. The offsetting entry of this recognition is made in comprehensive income. When a hedging instrument reaches maturity or is sold, or when it ceases to comply with the requirements to be recorded with the accounting treatment of hedging, any accumulated gain or loss in equity as of that date remains in equity and is recognized when the projected transaction impacts the income statement. When it is expected that the projected transaction will not occur, the accumulated gain or loss in equity is transferred immediately to the income statement. 2.14. Inventory Inventory is valued at the lower of its cost or net realizable value. The cost is calculated using the weighted average method. The net realizable value is the estimated sale price in the normal course of business, less the applicable variable costs of goods sold. Additionally, if needed, an impairment loss of inventory will be recorded when the cost of inventory cannot be recovered, whether the inventory are damaged, have become partially or completely obsolete, or if the sale price has declined. At each period’s closing an assessment of the net realizable value of inventory is made, performing the required adjustments in case of being overvalued. 2.15. Trade debtors and other accounts receivable These are recognized initially at their fair value (nominal value that includes an implicit interest) and subsequently at their amortized cost according to the method of the effective interest rate, less any value impairment loss provision. A trade accounts receivable impairment loss provision is set when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all the amounts owed according to the original accounts receivable terms. The existence of significant financial difficulties on behalf of the debtor, the probability that the debtor becomes bankrupt or requires financial restructuring, and the existence of late or overdue payments are considered indicators that the account receivable is impaired. The implicit interest is broken down and recorded as a financial income as the interests are accrued. The amount of the provision is the difference between the book value of the asset and the current value of the projected cash flows, discounted at the effective interest rate. The book value of the asset is 17 reduced through the provision account and the amount of the loss is recorded in the income statement. When an account receivable is considered uncollectable, it is written off against the corresponding impairment provision. The subsequent recovery of amounts previously written-off is recorded as a debit in the income statement. 2.16. Cash and cash equivalent Cash and cash equivalent include cash in banks, term deposits in financial institutions, other highly liquid short-term investments with maturities of three months or less and bank overdrafts. In the statement of financial position overdrafts - if any - are classified under current liabilities. 2.17. Shareholder’s capital Shareholder’s capital is represented by ordinary shares of one class and one vote per share. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares are presented in net equity as a deduction, net of taxes, of the proceeds. 2.18. Dividends distribution As per what is explained in Note 22.3 dividends distribution corresponds to the policy set by Management, this is 30% of the proceeds, subject to the agreements reached in the Shareholders Meetings. 2.19. Trade creditors and other payables Trade creditors and other payables are recognized at their nominal value, as their average payment term is short and there is no material difference with its fair value. 2.20. Interest-bearing loans Loans are recorded initially at their fair value net of the costs incurred in the transaction. Subsequently, loans are valued at their amortized cost; any difference between the proceeds (net of costs necessary to obtain the loan) and the reimbursement value, is recognized in the income statement over the life of the debt according to the method of the effective interest rate. The effective interest method consists of applying the market rate of reference for debts of similar characteristics to the amount of the debt (net of all costs required to obtain the loan). Loans are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer its liquidations for at least twelve months beyond the balance sheet’s closing date. 2.21. Corporate income tax and deferred taxes The income tax expense includes taxes of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and its affiliates, based on the taxable income for the period, along with the fiscal adjustments of prior periods and the change in deferred tax balances. Tax is recognized in the income statement, except when it is related to parties that are directly recognized in equity. In that case, the tax is also recognized in equity (through the Interim consolidated classified statement of Comprehensive Income). Income tax is recorded on the basis of the liquid taxable income calculated for tax purposes. Deferred taxes are calculated according to the liability method, over the temporary differences arising from the tax base of assets and liabilities, and their book value. However, if the deferred taxes arise from an initial recognition of an asset or a liability in a transaction different of a business combination that at the time of the transaction does not impact income nor the tax gain or loss, it is not accounted for. 18 The deferred tax is calculated using approved or about to be approved and highly probable of being passed tax rates, on the date of the financial statement and that are expected to be applicable when the corresponding deferred tax asset becomes realized or deferred tax liability becomes liquidated. Deferred tax assets are recorded when it is considered probable that the entities of the Group will have, in the future, enough tax profits against which the assets may be made effective. Deferred taxes have not been recorded for the temporary differences between the tax and accounting values that investments in related parties may generate, as per what is set forth in IAS 12. 2.22. Employee benefits a.- Severance indemnity The companies of the Group have not agreed this benefit with the employees. b.- Personnel annual leave The Group records an annual leave expense for the employees during the accrual period. This benefit corresponds to all the employees and is equivalent to a fixed amount according to the individual labor contracts with each partner. This benefit is recorded at its nominal value. c.- Employee bonuses The payments related to the real performance bonuses accrued can differ of the amounts previously recognized as liabilities, whose base of estimation were subject to the income of the period and to the performance recorded in appraisals made by Management and objective appraisals (teamwork, efficiency, empathy) and goals (income of the period, agreements, collectability indices and other). 2.23. Provisions Provisions for onerous contracts, legal proceedings and other contingencies, are set when: The Group has a present liability, be legal or implicit, as a result of past events; It is probable that a resource outflow will be required to settle the liability; The amount has been estimated in a reliable manner. Existing obligations at the balance date, arising as a result of past events whose settlement amount and time are indeterminate, are recorded in the statement of financial position as a provision for the total of the most probable amount that the Company estimates that it will have to disburse to settle the liability. The provisions are quantified considering the best possible information on the date of their recognition. In the Insurer area there are Provisions directly related to the Isapre business and correspond to provisions of benefits accrued and not liquidated and for lawsuits related to health expenses and labor disability subsidies (LDS, or SIL by its acronym in Spanish). a.- Health expenses The Health Insurance affiliate (Isapre) recognizes as expenses those benefits that, having materialized at the closing date of the Financial Statements, have not been accounted for yet. To come up with the provision the following were considered: benefits provided and not reported to the Isapre, benefits provided and reported but not yet valued, and the benefits provided, reported and valued but where the corresponding bonds have not been issued yet. 19 As an information starting-point were considered the Hospital Bonds, Medical Programs, Hospital Reimbursements and Outpatients Reimbursements, and considering factors such as: behavior of accident rates, historic trend, seasonal variables, processing time, prices, Specific Health Guarantees (GES) and solution of medical programs and amount of benefits provided at the closing of each quarter and liquidated on the following quarter. b.- Labor Disability Subsidy (LDS) LDS considers all medical leave that have been claimed but have not been valued, and those that, while corresponding to the current closing period, have not been filed to the Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. To estimate the provision the following factors were considered: behavior of accident rates, historic trend, seasonal variables, and amount of the benefits provided at the closing of each quarter and liquidated on the following quarter. In the calculation of the provision, the bonds and reimbursements for hospital and outpatients’ services and LDS, the following was considered: The cost of the benefits accrued at each monthly closing and that were accounted for in subsequent dates. The amount of the provision was set as the moving average of the last twelve moths of the subsidies accrued at closing and accounted for after that date. c.- Ongoing risk reserve For the purposes of the Life Insurance Company, and according to what is set forth in General Standard NCG 306 (letter b, point 1, Title III), this note presents the rationale for the application of the exception indicated in said standard, according to which this affiliate records its liabilities with the Health insurance beneficiaries, whose intermediary is the Isapre, by establishing an ongoing risk reserve equivalent to one month of average premium, prior to discounting the acquisition costs, in accordance to the requirements of the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance. d.- Claims reserve In the Life Insurance Company liabilities are recorded (Claims payable, outstanding claims, in settlement process, and incurred but not reported). This Incurred But Not Reported reserve (from hereon IBNR reserve) has the purpose to set a reserve to compensate the future cost of claims occurred in the current period, but will not be informed until a time in the future that may be more or less close to the present. In accordance with what is set forth in NCG 306 of the SVS and Circular 507, the IBNR liabilities are estimated by applying the transitory method defined by the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance. The outstanding and settled claims correspond to the amount of claims of this type that as of the closing of the financial statements were settled but as of the closing date have not been paid to the beneficiary. Here are included the claims that are being assessed by the insurance Company to determine whether a payment is due. 20 2.24. Classification of balances as current and non-current In the statement of financial position, balances are classified according to their maturity, as current if the maturity is equal or lower to twelve months counted from the cut-off date of the financial statements, and as non-current those that exceed that time frame. 2.25. Revenue recognition a.- Ordinary revenue In the health service rendering business, ordinary revenue derived from the rendering of services are recognized in accordance with IAS 18, when they can be reliably measured and in function of the progress level of the rendering or realization of the transaction at the closing date. Ordinary revenue is presented net of value added tax, returns, rebates and discounts and after eliminating intercompany sales within the group where they consolidate. Revenues derived from the rendering of medical services (hospital and outpatients), are recognized generally in the period in which the services are provided and accrued on the basis of estimated revenues as at the closing date of the financial statements. For the Insurer business, according to what is set in IAS 18 it is necessary to recognize revenue on an accrual basis. This implies the recognition of non-declared and non-paid (NDNP) contributions arising from the obligation of the beneficiaries to pay the contribution (signed contracts between beneficiaries and Isapre). The NDNP and DNP must be recorded net of impairment, avoiding in this manner the recognition of assets that will not finally be recognized as an equity increase. In this segment, the Life Insurance Company recognizes its revenue on an accrual basis on the accepted and ceded premium, in accordance with what is set forth in Circular 1499 and it its subsequent modifications, which are in line with IFRS. With regards to commissions and direct costs of the sales area, and considering that there are studies that demonstrate that the contract length of the beneficiary portfolio is approximately of six years, and in order to correlate revenues (contributions) with expenses, it is allowed to recognize as an asset said amount and to defer it over the average period of contract length of the beneficiaries, and with regards to additional products such as unemployment insurance and death insurance, it is necessary to recognize a provision to cover the net cost of benefits, for all beneficiaries that have their insurance current at the closing date of the financial statements. Ordinary income of the Insurance Company correspond to those net premiums originated by the sale of Insurance Policies in the period between the date of authorization to operate granted by the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance and the closing date of the financial statements. b.- Interest income Interest income is recognized using the effective interest method. When an account receivable suffers impairment, the Group reduces the book value to its recoverable value, discounting the future cash flows at the original effective rate of the instrument, and carries the discount as a lower interest income. The interest income from loans that have suffered value impairment losses are recognized using the effective rate method. At the closing date, these amounts are not relevant. c.- Dividends income Dividends income is recognized when the right to perceive the payment is established, in the case of the investments that are not accounted for using the equity method. 21 2.26. Leases a.- When an entity of the Group is the lessee - Financial lease The property, plant and equipment leases are recorded as financial leases when the Group holds substantially all the risks and advantages derived from ownership. Financial leases are capitalized at eh beginning of the lease at the lower of the fair value of the leased property or at the present value of the minimum lease payments. Each lease payment is distributed among the liability and the financial burdens to achieve a constant interest rate on the outstanding balance of the debt. The corresponding lease liabilities, net of financial burden, are included in other non-current accounts payable. The interest element of the financial cost is charged to income over the life of the lease. The asset acquired under a financial lease scheme is depreciated over the shorter of its useful life or the life of the contract. b.- When an entity of the Group is the lessee – Operating lease Leases where the lessor retains a significant part of the risks and advantages derived from the ownership are classified as an operating lease. Payments for operating lease (nets of any incentive received by the lessor) are charged to income on a linear basis over the life of the lease, unless it is more appropriate to use another, mire systematic, basis that better represents the benefits generation pattern for the user, independent of the actual fashion in that installments are made. c.- When an entity of the Group is the lessor Assets leased to a third party under operating lease contracts are included within property, plant or equipment. Revenue derived from the lease is recognized linearly over the term of the lease. 2.27 Business combinations Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. This involves the recognition at fair value of identifiable assets (including previously non recognized intangible assets) and liabilities (including contingent liabilities and future restructuring) of the acquired business. Goodwill acquired in a business combination is initially valued at cost, and is defined as the excess of the cost of the business combination over the company’s interest in the fair value of the assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities identifiable in the acquisition. After the initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment loss. For the purposes of impairment tests, goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated as of the acquisition date to each cash generating unit or groups of cash generating units that are expected to get benefits from the combination synergies, notwithstanding whether other assets or liabilities of the Group are allocated to these units or groups of units. If the acquisition cost is lower than the fair value of the net assets of the acquired subsidiary, the difference is carried directly to income. Transaction costs are treated as expenses at the time they are incurred. For business combinations performed in stages the fair value of the acquired company is measured at each opportunity, recognizing the effects of changes in the interest in the results in the period in which they occur. The accounting policies of the subsidiaries shall be modified if necessary, to guarantee the uniformity with the policies adopted by the Cruz Blanca Salud Group. Minority interest is presented as a separate component of net equity (non-controlling interest). 2.28 Impairment Impairment tests are assessments performed to specific assets in order to test whether they can be recovered or realized at a value equal or higher than its current book value. 22 a) Non-financial assets As set forth in IAS 36, balances of Property, Plant and Equipment are subject to impairment tests every time that an event or change in circumstances of the business indicates that the book value of the assets may not be recoverable, whereas goodwill and other Non-financial assets with indefinite useful life are tested annually. The recoverable value of an asset is estimated as the greater of the net sales price and the value-in-use. An impairment loss is recognized when the balance exceeds the recoverable amount. A previously recognized impairment loss can be reversed if a change has occurred in the estimates performed to calculate the recoverable amount, but not for an amount higher than the amount calculated and accounted for in prior years. In the case of goodwill, a previously recognized impairment loss is not reversible. In order to assess the impairment losses, assets are grouped at the lower level for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that may have experienced an impairment loss are subject to reviews at each closing date to check for reversals of the loss. Cash generating units are the smallest identifiable groups of assets whose continuous use generates cash inflows that are mainly independent of those generated by the use of other assets or groups of assets. b) Financial assets In accordance with IAS 39, at the end of each period an assessment is carried to check if there is objective evidence that assets or groups of financial assets are impaired. The effects of impairment will be accounted for only if there is objective evidence of one or more events that occur after the initial recognition of the financial asset, and when this impairment has future effects on the related cash flows. Trade debtors are periodically assessed with regards to their agreed terms and those that are overdue are reviewed and monitored for the purposes of getting evidence of their recoverability. In case of obtaining objective evidence that the cash flows may not be recovered then the Company has a basis on which to make a Trade debtors impairment estimate. Trade debtors for which an impairment provision has been recorded are periodically reviewed to obtain evidence of probable subsequent billing or collection in order to recognize, if needed, the impairment or write-off of said receivable. Therefore, the impairment or doubtful accounts provision related to Trade Debtors is calculated when there is evidence that Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. or one of its affiliates will not receive payments in accordance to the original sale terms. Furthermore, provisions are recorded when the customer enters into a legal process of bankrupcy, or when Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. or some of its subsidiaries have exhausted all collection methods over a reasonable time frame, either in a normal or legal stage. Complementary information can be found in Note 3.9 b). 2.29. Environment Disbursements related to environment that do not correspond to property, plant and equipment additions, are recorded as an expense in income of the period, or in the period where they are incurred. 2.30 Changes in accounting criteria The Group has not made changes in accounting estimates or policies compared to prior periods. 23 NOTE 3.- FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT The Company is exposed to the risks of the industry where it develops its activity, such as changes in the Regulatory framework, correlation with economic cycles and competition. The Company is also exposed to risks related to the financial structure of the Company and its affiliates, as well as insurance risk in the Isapre and Life Insurance industries. The main risk situations that the Group faces are: 3.1. Regulatory framework With regards to the Health Care and Insurance businesses the Superintendence of Health is permanently supervising its operations and checking the compliance with the current regulations. This forces the subsidiary Isapre Cruz Blanca to comply with the regulations of the industry. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. are entities subject to regulation by the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance (SVS). Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and affiliates have the technical, management and financial capabilities to comply with the required regulations and to adequate its operations to the legal requirements. Additionally, the Company is permanently improving its Quality Policies applicable to each of its subsidiaries, like for example the current process of certification of its hospitals and outpatient care centers. 3.2. Correlation with economic cycles This industry has a relative positive correlation to the economic cycle where there are a series of elective, non-urgent, services that people may postpone. However, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and affiliates have as a business strategy the rendering of Health Care services of quality at an accessible price and develops its commercial strategies according to this to minimize the effect of said cycles. 3.3. Competition In the Insurance business, competition among its agents generates the need to permanently offer improvements in the benefits offered to its beneficiaries, with a potential impact no margins. In the health care business, competition results in efforts to improve technology and service levels. Both in the insurance health care businesses the Company and its affiliates hold trademarks of recognized prestige and with a relevant market position at national level, considering in the case of the hospitals the areas of influence in the regions where they are located. Additionally, the have a financial structure that allows them to perform the required investments to keep a relevant position in their respective markets. 3.4. Currency risk Financial liabilities of the companies are mainly nominated in UF and Chilean pesos. Investments are mainly made in Chilean pesos, notwithstanding specific investments in medical equipment that are set in foreign currency for which the Parent company and its affiliates, through its Finances area, attempt to hold an adequate financial structure to control and mitigate the risk of fluctuations in the value of these currencies, generating financing instruments or financial investments in foreign currencies that reduce the impact from currency fluctuations from the moment that the investment decision is made up to the moment that the asset is installed and must be paid. 3.5. Foreign exchange rate risk The head company holds investments in Peru which results in an exposure to the fluctuation of the exchange rate the Peruvian new sol and US dollar. The investment is controlled from Chile in Chilean pesos. Despite the above, at the closing of this period the Head Company and its Affiliates do not hold significant balances in currencies other than the functional currencies, and therefore there is no significant exposure to the foreign exchange rate risk in these companies. 24 3.6. Interest rate risk The Company, through its Finances area, aims to have a financing structure that allows it to control the volatility of the cost of debt and to minimize the Interest rate risk and its impact on the Company’s income. A portion of the debt is agreed with a fixed interest rate (mainly the portion related to the Bonds) and a portion with a variable rate - mainly the portion related to the Syndicated Loan - which has been transformed to fixed rate through the use of derivative instruments. 3.7. Insurance risk With regards to the Insurance business of the Company, management on Insurance risk is based on the correct pricing of the insurance plans that the Company trades. To perform the pricing the following aspects must be considered, among others: a) Income estimates: socio economic segment, number of beneficiaries, permanence rate, and overdue rate. b) Cost estimates (claims rate): age, gender, socioeconomic segment, geographic zone, preferred health care provider, and frequency, price of benefits. The pricing method considers, for a given costs level (given the frequency of according to the portfolio’s configuration) and a target claims rate (defined for the segment), the estimation of required income to reach that level of claims rate. After obtaining the income the price is estimated considering the risk factors that the portfolio configuration generates for these expenses. The composition of the beneficiaries in Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A., by region, is the following: Description Num ber of affiliates (Policies) 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Market share % 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Region 143,477 139,396 40% 39% Santiago 219,211 219,558 60% 61% Total 362,688 358,954 100% 100% In the Life Insurance Company, internal policies have been set based on regulation requirements to manage insurance own risks, among which are: Reinsurance Management Risks, Product Development and Pricing Risks, Subscription Risks, Claims Risks and Reserve Management Risks. 3.8. Calculation of fair value of financial instruments As part of the risk analysis, a market value analysis has been performed over the bank liabilities of the Company At December 31, 2014. This analysis consists in obtaining the present value of the future cash flows of the current financial debt using rates representative of the market conditions according to the Company’s risk and the outstanding term of the debt. This analysis concluded that there are no significant effects with respect to the values of the financial debt calculated by the amortized cost method. 3.9. Financial risk management Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. has a formal policy, approved by the Board and reviewed at least annually, which sets forth the general indications regarding the management of the Financial Risk of the Company. 25 In this sense, the Company understands as “Risk Management” the process that involves how the entity identifies, assesses, responds, monitors and reports those risks relevant to the size, volume and complexity of its operations. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. understands the different types of risks that the Company faces according to the industry where each affiliate operates and how these companies interact with economic and financial environment that, under certain circumstances, could impact the business expectations and the financial sustainability in the medium and long term. On the other hand, according to the scenario that the industry may be facing, the Company must assess the impact on business development for circumstances arising from fluctuations in the economic cycle (for example, inflationary scenarios) and exceptional unemployment levels. These factors make Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. continuously search method that result in improvements of its benefits in the lines of services, faced to a high competition scenario. In the performance of its daily operations, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. faces different factors that could impact the achievement of the profitability targets. These factors could impact the organization by different transmission mechanisms, generating scenarios of financial uncertainty that could result in defaults with counterparts in financial operations, liquidity contractions, significant fluctuations in the values of assets and liabilities held in portfolio, among other matters. Given this, the Corporate Finance Management is responsible to perform the actions related with the financial risk management. According to the financial risk management policies, the Company uses derivative instruments only with the purpose of hedging exposure to currency and interest rate risks derived from the Company’s operations and its sources of financing. The company does not acquire derivatives for trading. The Company classifies its risks according to the underlying uncertainty source and their transmission method. Therefore the Company understands that the risks it faces are: a.- Liquidity risk Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. uses the concept of liquidity risk when speaking of that financial uncertainty at different time frames, related with the Company’s capability to respond to the net cash requirements that support its operations, both in normal and exceptional conditions. As a liquidity risk management policy, the Company holds an adequate level of liquidity through longterm credit facilities for amounts that are sufficient to support the requirements of each of its business lines, projected over a period that is in function of the situation and expectations of the equity and debt markets. The analysis of financial liability maturities of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. is presented following: Maturity analysis Class Currency Syndicated loan $ Bond UF Other loans $ Other loans Other loans 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 and beyond Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Total 1,236,113 7,834,350 7,488,121 15,184,891 14,304,910 46,048,385 788,496 1,572,939 1,577,277 1,575,108 53,351,873 58,865,693 10,805,781 4,082,383 3,847,468 3,595,502 4,814,707 27,145,841 S/. 19,093 118,231 109,451 31,965 21,365 300,105 UF 1,163,162 3,134,999 3,060,316 4,227,104 24,301,413 35,886,994 Leasing $ 2,801,296 5,073,247 3,915,652 1,458,963 36,792 13,285,950 Leasing S/. 70,102 132,364 129,951 122,157 20,505 475,079 Leasing UF 876,035 1,297,581 989,136 747,319 2,206,483 6,116,554 17,760,078 23,246,094 21,117,372 26,943,009 99,058,048 188,124,601 Total 26 This analysis does not include the effect of the swap hedge accrued at this date for an amount of Th$ 6,987,270 and the present value at June 30, 2014 of these liabilities is Th$ 145,669,065 (See note 6.2). The Company periodically updates its cash flow projections for a moving period of 60 months, and recurrently performs an analysis of the financial situation, of the economic environment and an analysis of the debt market so that, in case it is required, to enter into new financing or to restructure existing credits over terms that are coherent with the cash flow generation capability of the different businesses where the Company participates. Notwithstanding, it counts with short-term lines of credit that have been approved but not used, cash and cash equivalent to manage the short-term liquidity needs, which allow for a significant reduction of risk. Those financial asset investments disclosed in Notes 4.1 and 6.1 do not present liquidity issues that may alter the exposure to risk. The liquidity indices at the closing of each period are: RATIO 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Liquidity 0.77 0.85 Acid 0.76 0.84 Indebtedness 1.51 1.51 In conclusion, the Company holds the required cash to cover its financial obligations. b.- Credit risk The concept of credit risk is used to speak mainly to that financial uncertainty, at different time frames, related with the compliance with obligations subscribed with counterparts, at the moment of exercising contractual rights to receive cash or other financial assets from Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. The Company holds trade accounts receivable that represents 10.13% of the total assets. The credit risk related to accounts receivable is managed and permanently monitored by Management. In addition, the Company has set policies, procedures and controls that allow minimizing the credit risks. In this manner, the portion of clients that remain uncollectable is established. For these clients, the Company performs through its external lawyers a process of pre-legal and legal collection. Also, impairment or doubtful accounts are estimated and this balance is disclosed in notes 8.1 and 8.4. From a point of view of concentration, the Company has defined that the risk profile can be differentiated by client type. In this manner, the total exposure is made up of: Client % Isapre 71 Fonasa 19 Institutions / Companies 8 Private individuals 2 According to the information presented in the table above, one of the main customers of the Company are Isapre, segment which gathers 71% of the total, with an average collection period of 37 days after billing, and 100 days after a patient is discharged, which is a minimum level of delinquency given the current regulation on the industry, that places emphasis on the financial capability of these institutions. There are no foreseeable contingencies for this concept with regards to this client segment. The same is true for account receivables from Fonasa (19%), which can be considered very close to “risk free” given 27 its condition of social security provider institution that is financed by direct contributions by the State of Chile. The third group, with an 8% share, corresponds to companies with agreements, for which the Group has hired an external collections service that presents weekly to the Finance Department the results of its work, as these companies present the higher relative risk level within the segments with greater share. Although from a point of view of attributes the “individuals” segment is the most risky, the impact of the occurrence of events of credit would not result material given the low share over the total exposure. The collection of payment from a patient in hospital is supported by promissory notes which are released to the patients once that the corresponding bill has been paid either in cash or through financial instruments. For this reason the guarantees are not material against the total of accounts receivable as its risk exposure is not significant. Affiliates of the outpatients segment, given the business practice of collecting the payment prior to initiating the medical appointment or procedure have a lower risk credit in accounts receivable. The affiliates of the insurer segment perform a risk credit assessment based on current policies and its actual collection probability of the amounts accrued monthly that are related to the coverage granted. c.- Market risk The market risk concept is used to address that financial uncertainty at different time frames related to the future developments of the market variables relevant to the financial performance. Specifically, the relevant financial variables to the business of the Company are: - Exchange rate Chilean peso to UF Reference interest rate (TAB - Interbank active rate, as per its acronym in Spanish) The abovementioned activities establish the magnitude of the interest payment of some of the most important liabilities of the Head Company and some affiliate companies. Market variables sensitivity analysis When faced to uncertainty scenarios created from these factors, the net exposition amount of these assets and liabilities has been submitted to sensitivity tests according to the expected volatility in the interest rate (TAB 180) and the behavior of the UF in the calculation of the maximum exposure amounts in face of eventual changes in the conditions of the economic environment. With regards to the assets subject to UF volatility and given the investment portfolio in UF that the Company holds at June 30, 2014, there has been a gain of Th$ 1,126,601 at a rate of 3.09% With regards to the liabilities, the impact in results from changes in the variables identified as risky is analyzed according to both positive and negative changes expected, and taking in consideration the volatility of the variable rate of debt TAB 180, the hedging effect can be seen in the following table: 28 Type Currency Balance Th$ Syndicated loan (1) Unsw apped Sw apped Bond Other loans Leasing $ / UF $ UF UF UF UF 39,467,556 3,256,000 31,246,684 36,814,173 21,136,571 5,295,388 Totals (1) (2) (3) (4) Market Variable Variable Volatility Variable Changes TAB TAB TAB UF UF UF +-1,65% (2) +-1.65% (2) 3.09% (3) 3.09% (3) 3.09% (3) 3.09% (3) 1.65% 1.65% 3.09% 3.09% 3.09% 3.1% Profit Th$ + 53,724 0 0 0 0 53,724 - 53,724 0 1,137,558 653,120 163,627 2,008,029 Equity / (hedge) (4) Th$ + - 0 965,523 0 0 0 965,523 0 965,523 0 0 0 965,523 Corresponds to a syndicated loan partially hedged with a CLP/UF swap and fixed rate on 91.88% of the liability. TAB 180 volatility between 2008 and 2012 according to statistics of the Central Bank of Chile UF volatility between 2008 and 2012 according to the Central Bank of Chile; equivalent to the (positive) increase of the average UF in said period. Corresponds to the change by recording equity as an effect of the designated hedging relationships. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. At June 30, 2014 does not have significant balances in readjustable monetary assets in currencies other than the functional currency (Chilean peso) and its exposition to the market risk is focused on the balances of the outstanding debts. The sensitivity analysis of said balances, considering the portion nominated on a different base than the functional currency (equivalent to UF 3,933,331), shows a potential loss in income equivalent to Th$ (1,954,305) considering the volatility of the UF in the last 5 years. However, it should be noted that a significant portion of the Company’s cash flows come from the Insurance business that are restated monthly following the change in the UF, which mitigates the abovementioned exposure. Additionally, the Company presents an exposure to the changes to the TAB rate for 180 days for a portion of the syndicated loan whose impact on income, after applying the volatility of the last 5 years of the TAB 180 rate, would be a loss of income of Th$ 53,724 and a gain or loss in net assets of Th$965,523 a portion that has 100% hedge effectiveness. An internal structure has been set to carry the actions to manage the exposure to financial risk, where the Group’s Finance Management is in charge of assessing the requirement of performing hedging operations, mainly, of liabilities nominated under a variable interest rate or in currencies different to the functional currency. Currently the Company uses derivative instruments to mitigate the exposure to the Interest rate risk that generate those liabilities nominated with a variable interest rate, specifically the syndicated loan indexed to a TAB rate on Chilean pesos. Specifically, among the actions to mitigate financial risk is the hedge for an approximate amount of Th$ 52,560,000 through Cross-Currency Swaps where the active component replicates the conditions set for the debt. The current balance of the hedged debt is Th$ 31,246,684 and the total amount of the syndicated loan is Th$ 34,502,684. This hedging effect is what is reflected in the sensitivity table, showing that the effect of change in the interest rate and the value of the UF impact in the opposite way the effect on the liability. Part of the risk management is to identify and minimize the effect of the risk situations that affect the Company’s risk profile. Specifically, a series of assets has been defined, that can be chosen to form part of the Company’s investment portfolio. A structure of investment limits has been defined, according to an external classification setup, which differentiates on the basis of the class of instrument, issuer type and credit rating of short and longterm. In this manner, the institutions that are eligible as counterparts of the Company, are: 29 Type of issuer Short-term Long-term instrum ents instrum ents Banks State and Private Companies Pension Funds Managers Level 1 Aafm / M1 AA AA - With these ratings Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. seeks to hedge the eventual risks that may arise as a consequence of its business and performance. d.- Insurance risk With regards to the Insurance business of the Company, management on Insurance risk is based on the correct pricing of the insurance plans that the Company trades. To perform the pricing the following aspects must be considered, among others: Income estimates: socio economic segment, number of beneficiaries, permanence rate, and overdue rate. Cost estimates (claims rate): age, gender, socioeconomic segment, geographic zone, preferred health care provider, and frequency, price of benefits. The pricing method considers, for a given costs level (given the frequency of according to the portfolio’s configuration) and a target claims rate (defined for the segment), the estimation of required income to reach that level of claims rate. After obtaining the income the price is estimated considering the risk factors that the portfolio configuration generates for these expenses. NOTE 4.- MANAGEMENT ESTIMATES AND JUDGMENT The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated interim financial statements are prepared as required by IFRS 1. These policies have been designed following IFRS current as of June 30, 2013 and applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated interim financial statements. Estimates and criteria used are continuously assessed and are based on historic experience and other factors, including the expectation of occurrence of future events that are deemed reasonable according to circumstance. The Group makes estimates and assumptions with regards to the future. Accounting estimates are, by definition, seldom equal to actual results. Estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the asset and liability balances of next year are disclosed following: 4.1. Estimation on goodwill impairment The Group assesses annually if goodwill has suffered any impairment, according to the accounting policy described in Note 2.9 a). Recoverable amounts of the cash generating units have been established on the base of the calculation of their value in use and are disclosed in Note 14. 4.2. Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market (shares without quote or insufficient market presence, off-market derivatives, etc.) is calculated using valuation techniques. The Financial Instruments have been accounted at their fair value in the statement of financial position At June 30, 2014, based on the methods set forth in IAS 39. Said methods applied to each class of financial instruments are classified according to its hierarchy in the following manner: - Level I: value or price quote in identical asset or liability markets. 30 - Level II: inputs from sources different than the quote values in Level I but that may be observed in the market of assets of liabilities either directly (price) or indirectly (obtained from prices). - Level III: inputs for assets and liabilities that are not based on observed market data. The following chart presents the financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value according to their valuation hierarchy: Classes of financial instrum ents at fair value 06/30/2014 Current Th$ 12/31/2013 Non-current Th$ Current Th$ Non-current Th$ Hierarchy Financial Assets Superintendence Guarantee Mutual Funds Term Deposits Bonds and mortgages Shares 0 0 15,131,767 18,514,304 812 18,484,926 437,446 2,782,312 9,421,805 0 0 0 27,998,290 11,825,132 911 14,295,813 245,656 2,299,440 7,120,184 0 Total assets 33,646,883 31,126,489 39,824,333 23,961,093 Interest-bearing loans Financial lease liabilities Bonds Sw ap contracts Other bank loans 13,406,076 6,297,656 -21,490 1,158,901 3,505,183 67,087,888 11,570,819 36,835,663 5,828,369 0 14,599,776 6,174,366 770,426 1,064,375 1,549,243 72,678,872 13,667,515 35,712,927 4,613,300 0 Total liabilities 24,346,326 121,322,739 24,158,186 126,672,614 Total 9,300,557 (90,196,250) 15,666,147 (102,711,521) Level II Level II Level II Level II Level II Financial liabilities 4.3. Level II Level II Level II Level II Level II Impairment of goodwill of investments and intangibles with indefinite useful life The Group holds intangibles with indefinite useful life that are presented at historic cost less any impairment loss. These assets are subject annually to impairment tests, or when there are factors that indicate a potential impairment. 4.4. Fair value of assets and liabilities The fair value is the amount at which an asset can be bought or sold or the amount at which a liability can be incurred or liquidated in a current transaction between duly informed parties at arm’s length conditions. The Group estimates that said values based on the best estimate available make use of models or other valuation techniques. 4.5. Useful lives and residual value The valuation of investments in property, plant and equipment consider the performing of assessments to calculate both the residual values and the useful lives to use in the calculation of the depreciation of each asset. These estimates consider variables as operations, technology and alternative use of the assets. In the case of the depreciation of medical equipment, the depreciation has been estimated based on the useful life that Management has estimated for each of these assets through estimations of constructive aspects (materiality of the components that make up the equipment), intensity in the use of the goods (time or frequency of use of the equipment) and costs related to repairs. 31 4.6. Fair value of the provision on health related expenses and labor disability These provisions are recorded as a provision whose amount is equivalent to the most probable amount that the Group estimates it will have to disburse to settle the liability with impact on results. See note 2.23 for additional information. 4.7. Fair value of non-declared and non-paid social payments (NDNP) This value represents those non-declared and not paid contributions at the closing of the period and that have been recognize as revenue according to IAS 18. Amounts calculated are based on the real behaviors of collection considering a 3-year history and its moving average measured considering the expected rate of occurrence. 4.8. Legal proceedings and other contingencies The Group assesses periodically through its management and/or legal counsel the impact of litigation in the financial statements, as set forth in IAS 37. NOTE 5.- CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT Cash and cash equivalents included in the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position At June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, is the following: Balances at Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash Bank account balances Short-term deposits up to 90 days Marketable securities of quick liquidation (overnight deposits, mutual funds) Bonds and mortgage letters Total cash and cash equivalents 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ 544,352 435,078 4,634,680 5,329,001 4,634,071 5,059,418 16,934,049 8,238,086 463,750 452,454 27,210,902 19,514,037 The breakdown by currency type is the following: Currency US dollar Peruvian New Sol UF Non restatable Chilean pesos Balances at 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ 2,375 1,508,614 2,222,527 23,477,386 8,077 1,891,781 2,612,040 15,002,139 27,210,902 19,514,037 Cash and cash equivalents included in the Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position At June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, does not differ from those presented in the Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, as explained in the following chart: 32 Reconciliation of Cash and Cash Equivalents presented in the statem ent of financial position w ith that in the statem ent of cash and cash equivalents Balances at 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Cash and Cash Equivalents 27,210,902 19,514,037 Cash and Cash Equivalents (statem ent of cash flow s) 27,210,902 19,514,037 NOTE 6.- OTHER CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS NOTE 6.1. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS The breakdown of this accounting area at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013 is the following: Other financial assets Mutual funds (variable income) Term deposit Superintendence guarantee Shares Marketable securities of quick liquidation (overnight deposits, mutual funds) Term deposit Term deposit Superintendence guarantee Marketable securities of quick liquidation (overnight deposits, mutual funds) Total Currency 06/30/2014 NonCurrent Current Th$ 12/31/2013 NonCurrent Current Th$ Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos 0 4,663,982 0 812 437,446 1,609,815 2,059,884 0 0 7,900,787 0 911 245,656 1,762,684 1,391,986 0 Non restatable pesos 0 852,165 775,560 608,754 New Peruvian Sol UF UF 0 5,833,714 0 0 1,172,497 16,425,042 14,715 15,023,369 0 0 536,756 12,903,827 UF 1,116,505 8,569,640 2,359,032 6,511,430 11,615,013 31,126,489 26,074,374 23,961,093 These assets are presented at fair value, recognizing the changes in value through income under Financial Income. The investments performed by Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. in order to comply with the obligations set forth in the Law, with regards to the guarantee that the Health Institutions must deposit and maintain, as well as the investments held by the Life Insurance Company to keep the minimum risk equity, are assets recorded at fair value, recognizing the changes in value in income under Financial Income. 33 NOTE 6.2. OTHER FINANCIAL LIABILITIES The breakdown of this accounting area at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013 is the following: Areas Bank loans Currency US dollars Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol UF Total bank loans Financial leasing liabilities US dollars Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol UF Total financial leasing liabilities Sw ap contracts Bond debt Other financial loans Total Other financial loans Total Non-restatable pesos UF UF Non-restatable pesos 06/30/2014 NonCurrent Th$ Th$ 12/31/2013 NonCurrent Th$ Th$ Current Current 22,385 12,228,858 69,635 1,085,198 76,460 46,831,406 128,649 20,051,373 21,231 13,468,748 63,474 1,046,323 83,164 52,481,139 155,825 19,958,744 13,406,076 67,087,888 14,599,776 72,678,872 102,391 4,846,208 14,328 1,334,729 252,401 7,297,339 60,420 3,960,659 140,302 4,529,803 10,414 1,493,847 289,201 8,901,361 65,408 4,411,545 6,297,656 11,570,819 6,174,366 13,667,515 1,158,901 5,828,369 1,064,375 4,613,300 -21,490 36,835,663 770,426 35,712,927 0 3,505,183 0 0 18,770 1,530,473 0 0 3,505,183 0 1,549,243 0 24,346,326 121,322,739 24,158,186 126,672,614 34 6.2.1. The breakdown of currencies and maturities of interest-bearing loans is the following: At June 30, 2014 - Current Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity 76.005.001-6 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 79.576.810-6 79.576.810-6 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 76.012.645-4 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 76.012.653-5 96.359.000-8 96.359.000-8 76.398.000-6 76.098.454-k 76.098.454-k 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 0-E 0-E Totals Nam e of Debtor Entity Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. (*) Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Clínica Reñaca S.A. Clínica Reñaca S.A. Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A. Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A Inmobiliaria Centro Medico Antofagasta Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Inmobiliaria Somequi S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Resonancia Magnética S.A. Resonancia Magnética S.A. Country Tax Id Num ber of Creditor Com pany Creditor Nam e Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru 97.023.000-9 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.080.000-K 97.053.000-2 97.032.000-8 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.080.000-K 97.004.000-5 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 76.645.030-k 97.023.000-9 97.023.000-9 97.053.000-2 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 0-E 0-E Banco Corpbanca Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Security BBVA Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Chile Banco Bice Banco Chile Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Itaú Banco Corpbanca Banco Corpbanca Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco de Crédito del Perú Banco de Crédito del Perú Am ortization Type Annual Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Monthly Annual Annual Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Monthly Monthly Currency Nom inal Interest rate (%) Effective interest rate (%) Maturity Non restatable pesos UF UF UF UF UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos UF UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos New Peruvian Sol US Dollar 6.59% 5.50% 5.00% 6.00% 5.50% 4.00% 7.63% 6.04% 7.63% 6.95% 4.70% 4.87% 7.05% 6.17% 6.71% 7.31% 4.67% 4.43% 4.37% 4.70% 4.43% 4.47% 5.46% 4.70% 7.19% 6.59% 7.80% 5.25% 6.32% 6.32% 6.32% 6.32% 7.12% 7.12% 7.12% 8.00% 8.50% 6.70% 5.58% 5.00% 6.00% 5.50% 4.00% 7.78% 6.13% 7.78% 7.07% 4.76% 4.93% 7.18% 6.26% 6.83% 7.45% 4.73% 4.48% 4.42% 4.76% 4.48% 4.52% 5.53% 4.76% 7.43% 6.70% 7.95% 5.32% 6.42% 6.42% 6.42% 6.42% 7.25% 7.25% 7.25% 8.00% 8.50% 06/30/2018 01/03/2026 12/02/2025 04/05/2020 07/03/2033 04/10/2032 08/11/2014 08/11/2014 08/04/2014 10/06/2014 10/10/2032 02/09/2020 05/05/2014 08/01/2014 01/01/2014 02/04/2014 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 10/10/2032 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 04/30/2019 10/10/2032 09/25/2017 06/30/2018 11/29/2018 05/28/2019 10/15/2014 10/15/2014 10/15/2014 10/15/2014 08/01/2014 08/01/2014 08/01/2014 01/24/2017 11/05/2018 1 to 3 m onths Th$ (17,907) 33,339 22,390 24,746 15,511 38,351 1,108,800 352,761 454,414 457,035 17,586 24,491 Current 3 to 12 m onths Th$ Balance at 06/30/2014 4,946,862 83,969 56,043 61,621 35,543 92,642 0 0 0 0 41,769 61,621 0 0 4,928,955 117,308 78,433 86,367 51,054 130,993 1,108,800 352,761 454,414 457,035 59,355 86,112 0 1,261,667 60,485 23,129 5,207 8,793 2,079 5,147 8,649 1,545 9,503 0 96,496 17,440 239 239 239 239 302,588 554,428 161,288 16,871 5,601 151,315 57,863 13,025 20,884 5,201 12,877 25,945 3,669 29,602 618,000 1,492,365 52,323 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 52,764 16,784 211,800 80,992 18,232 29,677 7,280 18,024 34,594 5,214 39,105 618,000 1,588,861 69,763 100,239 100,239 100,239 100,239 302,588 554,428 161,288 69,635 22,385 5,073,389 8,332,687 13,406,076 1,261,667 35 At June 30, 2014 - Non-current Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity 76.005.001-6 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 76.012.645-4 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 76.012.653-5 96.359.000-8 96.359.000-8 76.398.000-6 76.098.454-k 76.098.454-k 96.613.220-5 0-E 0-E Totals Nam e of Debtor Entity Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. (*) Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A Inmobiliaria Centro Medico Antofagasta Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Inmobiliaria Somequi S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Resonancia Magnética S.A. Resonancia Magnética S.A. Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Tax Id Num ber of Creditor Com pany Creditor Nam e 97.023.000-9 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 76.645.030-k 97.023.000-9 97.023.000-9 97.053.000-2 0-E 0-E Banco Corpbanca Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Itaú Banco Corpbanca Banco Corpbanca Banco Security Banco de Crédito del Perú Banco de Crédito del Perú Am ortization Type Annual Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Monthly Annual Annual Monthly Monthly Monthly Currency Non restatable pesos UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos UF New Peruvian Sol US Dollar Nom inal Interest rate (%) Effective interest rate (%) Maturity 6.59% 5.50% 5.00% 6.00% 5.50% 4.00% 4.70% 4.87% 4.67% 4.43% 4.37% 4.70% 4.43% 4.47% 5.46% 4.70% 7.19% 6.59% 7.80% 5.25% 8.00% 8.50% 6.70% 5.58% 5.00% 6.00% 5.50% 4.00% 4.76% 4.93% 4.73% 4.48% 4.42% 4.76% 4.48% 4.52% 5.53% 4.76% 7.43% 6.70% 7.95% 5.32% 8.00% 8.50% 06/30/2018 01/03/2026 12/02/2025 04/05/2020 07/03/2033 04/10/2032 10/10/2032 02/09/2020 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 10/10/2032 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 04/30/2019 10/10/2032 09/25/2017 06/30/2018 11/29/2018 05/28/2019 01/24/2017 11/05/2018 1 to 3 years Th$ Non-current From 3 to 5 Over 5 years years Th$ Th$ 17,251,342 223,917 149,448 164,321 94,782 262,999 118,680 164,321 426,880 163,239 36,746 59,340 14,672 36,329 69,188 10,425 86,949 2,162,000 5,975,999 139,529 128,649 44,758 12,322,387 223,917 149,448 164,321 94,782 286,929 130,092 164,321 461,325 176,411 39,711 65,046 15,856 39,261 575,125 11,427 11,760 1,544,000 7,476,969 831,842 0 31,702 0 737,059 485,706 1,048,631 667,425 2,580,653 1,252,518 1,034,937 3,742,887 1,431,284 322,189 626,259 128,642 318,534 0 110,019 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,784,513 24,816,632 14,486,743 Balance at 06/30/2014 29,573,729 1,184,893 784,602 1,377,273 856,989 3,130,581 1,501,290 1,363,579 4,631,092 1,770,934 398,646 750,645 159,170 394,124 644,313 131,871 98,709 3,706,000 13,452,968 971,371 128,649 76,460 67,087,888 (*): The loan with Corpbanca corresponds to a syndicated loan where the following banks are involved: Corpbanca with 59%, BancoEstado with 18%, Banco BICE with 13% and Banco Security with 11%. This loan has financial covenants identical to those of the Bonds issue, covenants that are described in Note 6.2.4. 36 At December 31, 2013 - Current Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity 76.005.001-6 0-E 0-E 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 76.012.645-4 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 76.012.653-5 96.359.000-8 96.359.000-8 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 79.576.810-6 79.576.810-6 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 96.613.220-5 76.098.454-K 76.098.454-K 76.398.000-6 Totals Nam e of Debtor Entity Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. (*) Resonancia Magnética S.A. Resonancia Magnética S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Inmobiliaria Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Inmobiliaria Somequi S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Clínica Reñaca S.A. Clínica Reñaca S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. Country Chile Peru Peru Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Current Tax Id Num ber of Creditor Com pany Creditor Nam e 97.023.000-9 0-E 0-E 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.080.000-K 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.080.000-K 97.053.000-2 97.032.000-8 97.053.000-2 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.080.000-K 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.023.000-9 97.023.000-9 76.645.030-K Banco Corpbanca Banco de Crédito del Perú Banco de Crédito del Perú Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Chile Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Security Banco BBVA Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Security Banco Security Banco Corpbanca Banco Corpbanca Banco Itaú Am ortization Type Annual Monthly Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Annual Annual Monthly Currency Non restatable pesos New Peruvian Sol US Dollar UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos UF UF UF UF UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Nom inal Interest rate (%) Effective interest rate (%) 6.59% 8.00% 8.50% 4.70% 4.86% 4.67% 4.43% 4.37% 4.70% 4.43% 4.47% 5.45% 4.70% 6.71% 7.31% 5.50% 5.79% 4.29% 5.62% 4.98% 7.63% 7.31% 7.63% 7.50% 5.25% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 7.72% 7.70% 7.70% 6.59% 7.80% 7.19% 6.70% 8.00% 8.50% 4.76% 4.92% 4.73% 4.48% 4.42% 4.76% 4.48% 4.52% 5.53% 4.76% 6.83% 7.45% 5.58% 5.87% 4.34% 5.70% 5.04% 7.78% 7.45% 7.78% 7.64% 5.32% 7.85% 7.85% 7.98% 7.98% 7.87% 7.85% 7.85% 6.70% 7.95% 7.43% Maturity 06/30/2018 01/24/2017 11/05/2018 10/10/2032 02/09/2020 08/10/2031 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 10/10/2032 09/10/2031 08/10/2031 04/30/2019 10/10/2032 01/01/2014 02/04/2014 01/03/2026 12/02/2025 04/05/2020 07/03/2033 04/10/2032 05/13/2014 02/14/2014 05/01/2014 06/01/2014 05/28/2019 02/25/2014 02/25/2014 02/25/2014 03/12/2014 06/30/2018 11/29/2018 09/28/2017 1 to 3 m onths 3 to 12 m onths Balance at 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ 0 15,439 5,308 16,894 24,004 58,065 22,204 4,998 8,447 1,996 4,942 8,489 1,484 629,368 1,262,248 32,773 22,016 24,293 15,278 36,846 10,599 351,033 5,166 457,969 17,085 100,393 100,393 100,393 100,393 301,120 552,160 160,628 0 702,000 9,256 4,929,057 48,035 15,923 39,607 59,789 144,430 55,230 12,433 19,803 4,964 12,292 25,174 3,479 0 0 81,473 54,377 59,789 34,487 88,415 1,100,000 0 450,000 0 50,767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 618,000 1,500,064 28,508 4,929,057 63,474 21,231 56,501 83,793 202,495 77,434 17,431 28,250 6,960 17,234 33,663 4,963 629,368 1,262,248 114,246 76,393 84,082 49,765 125,261 1,110,599 351,033 455,166 457,969 67,852 100,393 100,393 100,393 100,393 301,120 552,160 160,628 618,000 2,202,064 37,764 5,163,680 9,436,096 14,599,776 37 At December 31, 2013 - Non-current Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity 76.005.001-6 0-E 0-E 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 76.012.645-4 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 76.012.653-5 96.359.000-8 96.359.000-8 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.562.220-9 96.613.220-5 76.098.454-K 76.098.454-K 76.398.000-6 Totals Nam e of Debtor Entity Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. (*) Resonancia Magnética S.A. Resonancia Magnética S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Inmobiliaria Centro Medico Antofagasta S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Inmobiliaria Somequi S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Sociedad Médica Quirúrgica de Antofagasta S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Corporacion Medicas de Arica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. Country Chile Peru Peru Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Non-current Tax Id Num ber of Creditor Com pany Creditor Nam e 97.023.000-9 0-E 0-E 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.053.000-2 97.023.000-9 97.023.000-9 76.645.030-K Banco Corpbanca Banco de Crédito del Perú Banco de Crédito del Perú Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Security Banco Corpbanca Banco Corpbanca Banco Itaú Am ortization Type Annual Monthly Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Annual Annual Monthly Currency Non restatable pesos New Peruvian Sol US Dollar UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Nom inal Interest rate (%) Effective interest rate (%) Maturity 6.59% 8.00% 8.50% 4.70% 4.86% 4.67% 4.43% 4.37% 4.70% 4.43% 4.47% 5.45% 4.70% 5.50% 5.79% 4.29% 5.62% 4.98% 5.25% 6.59% 7.80% 7.19% 6.70% 8.00% 8.50% 4.76% 4.92% 4.73% 4.48% 4.42% 4.76% 4.48% 4.52% 5.53% 4.76% 5.58% 5.87% 4.34% 5.70% 5.04% 5.32% 6.70% 7.95% 7.43% 06/30/2018 01/24/2017 11/05/2018 10/10/2032 02/09/2020 08/10/2031 09/10/2031 09/10/2031 10/10/2032 09/10/2031 08/10/2031 04/30/2019 10/10/2032 01/03/2026 12/02/2025 04/05/2020 07/03/2033 04/10/2032 05/28/2019 06/30/2018 11/29/2018 09/28/2017 1 to 3 years From 3 to 5 years Over 5 years Th$ Th$ Th$ 9,804,188 142,903 42,465 112,538 159,437 405,836 155,192 34,935 56,269 13,948 34,538 67,132 9,885 217,261 145,006 159,437 91,965 248,917 135,382 1,236,000 6,000,000 83,971 19,357,205 24,734,311 12,922 40,699 123,361 159,437 439,258 167,973 37,811 61,680 15,097 37,383 67,132 10,836 217,261 145,006 159,437 91,965 272,873 135,382 3,088,000 7,500,000 34,669 37,552,493 0 0 0 1,247,943 1,044,035 3,746,823 1,432,790 322,528 623,971 128,777 318,869 507,682 109,619 769,467 507,521 1,057,322 670,579 2,575,668 705,580 0 0 0 15,769,174 Balance at 12/31/2013 34,538,499 155,825 83,164 1,483,842 1,362,909 4,591,917 1,755,955 395,274 741,920 157,822 390,790 641,946 130,340 1,203,989 797,533 1,376,196 854,509 3,097,458 976,344 4,324,000 13,500,000 118,640 72,678,872 (*): The loan with Corpbanca corresponds to a syndicated loan where the following banks are involved: Corpbanca with 59%, BancoEstado with 18%, Banco BICE with 13% and Banco Security with 10%. 38 6.2.2.- The breakdown of financial leasing liabilities is the following: At June 30, 2014 - current Current Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity 0-E 0-E 0-E 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 78.804.370-8 78.804.370-8 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 79.576.810-6 79.576.810-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 Nam e of Debtor Entity Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Soc. Instituto de Cardiología el Norte Ltda. Soc. Instituto de Cardiología el Norte Ltda. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Clinica Reñaca S.A. Clinica Reñaca S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Countr y Peru Peru Peru Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Creditor Nam e Banco de Credito del Perú BBVA Banco Continental del Perú Banco de Credito del Perú Banco Santander Banco Santander Banco Santander Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Santander Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Corpbanca Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Am ortization type Monthly Monthly Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Currency US dollar US dollar New Peruvian Sol UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Non-restatable pesos UF Non-restatable pesos UF UF Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos UF UF Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Nom inal Interest Rate (%) 5.30% 6.50% 7.40% 3.87% 4.31% 3.87% 3.90% 2.63% 5.22% 4.77% 7.38% 4.44% 6.80% 5.84% 4.74% 7.23% 7.08% 7.85% 7.44% 6.90% 6.77% 6.71% 7.18% 3.60% 3.53% 6.33% 6.36% 6.22% 6.36% 6.13% 7.09% 6.90% 6.66% 7.57% 6.70% 7.44% 7.38% 7.34% 7.04% 9.35% 7.21% 11.15% 6.86% 7.01% Effective Interest Rate (%) 5.30% 6.50% 7.40% 3.94% 4.40% 3.94% 3.97% 2.67% 5.35% 4.87% 7.63% 4.53% 7.02% 6.00% 4.84% 7.47% 7.31% 8.14% 7.70% 7.12% 6.98% 6.92% 7.42% 3.66% 3.59% 6.52% 6.55% 6.40% 6.55% 6.31% 7.32% 7.12% 6.87% 7.83% 6.91% 7.70% 7.63% 7.59% 7.27% 9.76% 7.45% 11.73% 7.08% 7.24% 1 to 3 m onths 3 to 12 m onths Th$ Th$ 24,808 1,723 3,487 1,388 3,112 7,625 15,170 23,342 21,236 14,157 24,282 21,200 10,286 4,855 15,548 1,471 5,497 35,986 16,598 48,802 41,034 33,292 33,487 32,120 13,579 21,347 25,279 51,353 11,191 18,673 14,701 52,617 10,767 25,450 26,979 36,481 11,827 37,014 22,342 20,752 41,392 3,532 15,054 19,175 71,728 4,132 10,841 4,141 9,449 23,043 25,561 55,098 64,519 43,160 73,547 63,496 30,524 14,265 43,494 4,529 16,919 111,193 51,251 150,210 126,150 102,546 102,898 32,377 9,112 65,325 77,338 156,986 34,176 56,971 45,313 89,500 33,213 78,231 83,267 113,028 36,451 113,885 68,854 64,047 127,399 10,836 46,156 58,796 Balance at 06/30/2014 96,536 5,855 14,328 5,529 12,561 30,668 40,731 78,440 85,755 57,317 97,829 84,696 40,810 19,120 59,042 6,000 22,416 147,179 67,849 199,012 167,184 135,838 136,385 64,497 22,691 86,672 102,617 208,339 45,367 75,644 60,014 142,117 43,980 103,681 110,246 149,509 48,278 150,899 91,196 84,799 168,791 14,368 61,210 77,971 39 At June 30, 2014 - current (continued) Current Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-51 76.398.000-52 76.398.000-52 76.398.000-52 76.398.000-53 76.398.000-54 96.986.050-3 96.986.050-3 96.969.860-9 96.969.860-9 96.969.860-9 96.879.440-k 96.879.440-k 96.879.440-k 79.716.500-K 79.716.500-K 79.716.500-K 79.716.500-K 76.030.075-6 76.030.075-6 Nam e of Debtor Entity Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Exámenes de Laboratorio S.A. Exámenes de Laboratorio S.A. Centro de Diagnóstico Dra. Pilar Gazmuri S.A. Centro de Diagnóstico Dra. Pilar Gazmuri S.A. Centro de Diagnóstico Dra. Pilar Gazmuri S.A. Sonorad II S.A. Sonorad II S.A. Sonorad II S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Servicios de Gestión Limitada Servicios de Gestión Limitada Countr y Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Creditor Nam e Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco de Chile Banco de Chile TecnoImagen Andueza & Principal ING Seguros de Vida Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BCI Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Security Banco Internacional Banco Internacional Banco Internacional Cruz del Sur Seguros de Vida ING Seguros de Vida Am ortization type Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Currency Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos UF UF Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Nom inal Interest Rate (%) 6.76% 7.28% 7.10% 6.76% 6.79% 6.86% 6.58% 7.16% 7.16% 6.61% 6.67% 6.45% 6.76% 6.24% 6.74% 6.13% 21.64% 8.58% 8.19% 7.07% 6.67% 6.80% 7.08% 6.70% 6.50% 4.95% 5.94% 5.57% 6.55% 6.55% 6.55% 5.65% 5.08% Effective Interest Rate (%) 6.97% 7.53% 7.34% 6.97% 7.00% 7.08% 6.78% 7.40% 7.40% 6.82% 6.88% 6.64% 6.97% 6.43% 6.95% 6.31% 23.92% 8.92% 8.50% 7.31% 6.88% 7.01% 7.31% 6.91% 6.70% 5.06% 6.11% 5.71% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 5.80% 5.20% TOTAL 1 to 3 m onths 3 to 12 m onths Th$ Th$ 66,184 25,929 11,308 29,716 16,607 50,922 36,349 46,042 48,292 45,216 9,263 20,993 10,636 1,900 32,940 15,836 3,897 4,336 11,640 2,247 4,277 3,879 5,938 9,635 16,638 1,401 21,972 18,040 5,335 5,209 5,387 17,052 98,769 1,623,796 Balance at 06/30/2014 203,239 80,249 34,971 91,252 50,927 156,311 111,594 142,528 132,577 138,380 28,342 64,194 32,525 5,808 100,768 48,351 0 12,534 36,011 6,896 13,102 11,964 18,288 29,736 11,158 3,315 44,597 54,737 16,395 15,955 16,575 52,703 303,923 269,423 106,178 46,279 120,968 67,534 207,233 147,943 188,570 180,869 183,596 37,605 85,187 43,161 7,708 133,708 64,187 3,897 16,870 47,651 9,143 17,379 15,843 24,226 39,371 27,796 4,716 66,569 72,777 21,730 21,164 21,962 69,755 402,692 4,673,860 6,297,656 40 At June 30, 2014 - Non - current Non-current Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity Nam e of Debtor Entity Countr y Creditor Nam e Am ortization type Currency Nom inal Interest Rate (%) Effective Interest Rate (%) 1 to 3 years Th$ 0-E 0-E 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 95.431.000-0 78.804.370-8 78.804.370-8 95.432.000-6 95.432.000-6 79.576.810-6 79.576.810-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-6 76.398.000-51 Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A Soc. Instituto de Cardiología el Norte Ltda. Soc. Instituto de Cardiología el Norte Ltda. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Clinica Reñaca S.A. Clinica Reñaca S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Peru Peru Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Banco de Credito del Perú Banco de Credito del Perú Banco Santander Banco Santander Banco Santander Banco Bice Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Santander Banco Security Banco Security Banco Bice Banco Bice Banco Corpbanca Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Monthly Monthly At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity At maturity Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly US dollar New Peruvian Sol UF UF UF UF UF Non-restatable pesos UF Non-restatable pesos UF UF Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos 5.30% 7.40% 3.87% 4.31% 3.87% 5.22% 4.77% 7.38% 4.44% 6.80% 5.84% 4.74% 7.23% 7.08% 7.85% 7.44% 6.90% 6.77% 6.71% 7.18% 6.33% 6.36% 6.22% 6.36% 6.13% 7.09% 6.66% 7.57% 6.70% 7.44% 7.38% 7.34% 7.04% 9.35% 7.21% 11.15% 6.86% 7.01% 6.76% 7.28% 7.10% 6.76% 6.79% 6.86% 6.58% 7.16% 6.61% 6.67% 6.45% 6.76% 6.24% 5.30% 7.40% 3.94% 4.40% 3.94% 5.35% 4.87% 7.63% 4.53% 7.02% 6.00% 4.84% 7.47% 7.31% 8.14% 7.70% 7.12% 6.98% 6.92% 7.42% 6.52% 6.55% 6.40% 6.55% 6.31% 7.32% 6.87% 7.83% 6.91% 7.70% 7.63% 7.59% 7.27% 9.76% 7.45% 11.73% 7.08% 7.24% 6.97% 7.53% 7.34% 6.97% 7.00% 7.08% 6.78% 7.40% 6.82% 6.88% 6.64% 6.97% 6.43% 205,430 31,921 6,688 6,475 39,916 29,494 90,855 169,257 118,225 89,414 39,416 123,818 8,683 32,382 172,581 66,639 249,620 240,651 120,141 262,719 190,113 225,163 456,155 99,499 165,348 64,277 19,179 221,238 38,368 25,983 65,403 261,965 97,633 46,264 260,211 30,382 135,321 172,723 464,328 27,736 12,076 208,478 142,524 397,486 240,356 16,313 404,281 82,872 187,115 95,218 16,881 Over 3 years and up to 5 years Th$ 46,971 28,499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,989 0 136,105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,454 20,085 61,102 31,480 59,768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54,387 14,916 33,592 25,879 3,024 Over 5 years Balance at 06/30/2014 Th$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104,503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 252,401 60,420 6,688 6,475 39,916 29,494 90,855 169,257 118,225 130,403 39,416 364,426 8,683 32,382 172,581 66,639 249,620 240,651 120,141 262,719 198,567 245,248 517,257 130,979 225,116 64,277 19,179 221,238 38,368 25,983 65,403 261,965 97,633 46,264 260,211 30,382 135,321 180,457 464,328 27,736 12,076 208,478 142,524 397,486 240,356 16,313 458,668 97,788 220,707 121,097 19,905 41 At June 30, 2014 - Non - current (continued) Tax Id Num ber of Debtor Entity Nam e of Debtor Entity Countr y Creditor Nam e Am ortization type Currency Nom inal Interest Rate (%) Effective Interest Rate (%) 1 to 3 years Th$ 76.398.000-52 76.398.000-52 76.398.000-52 76.398.000-53 76.398.000-54 96.986.050-3 96.986.050-3 96.969.860-9 96.969.860-9 96.969.860-9 79.716.500-K 79.716.500-K 79.716.500-K 76.030.075-6 76.030.075-6 Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica de Centros Médicos S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Exámenes de Laboratorio S.A. Exámenes de Laboratorio S.A. Centro de Diagnóstico Dra. Pilar Gazmuri S.A. Centro de Diagnóstico Dra. Pilar Gazmuri S.A. Centro de Diagnóstico Dra. Pilar Gazmuri S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Servicios de Gestión Limitada Servicios de Gestión Limitada Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Banco de Chile Banco de Chile TecnoImagen Andueza & Principal ING Seguros de Vida Banco Itaú Banco Itaú Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco BICE Banco Security Banco Internacional Banco Internacional Cruz del Sur Seguros de Vida ING Seguros de Vida Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos UF UF Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos UF UF UF UF UF 6.74% 6.13% 21.64% 8.58% 8.19% 7.07% 6.67% 6.80% 7.08% 6.70% 5.57% 6.55% 6.55% 5.65% 5.08% 6.95% 6.31% 23.92% 8.92% 8.50% 7.31% 6.88% 7.01% 7.31% 6.91% 5.71% 6.75% 6.75% 5.80% 5.20% TOTAL Non-current Over 3 years and Over 5 up to 5 years years Th$ Th$ Balance at 06/30/2014 294,916 140,328 66,589 37,848 0 0 37,632 56,064 19,372 38,310 9,735 30,444 13,702 57,077 3,754 12,961 152,593 869,296 1,712 0 0 1,709 0 0 0 0 0 0 171,869 962,053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 421,289 518,864 361,505 178,176 0 39,344 56,064 19,372 40,019 9,735 30,444 13,702 57,077 3,754 12,961 745,751 2,350,213 8,711,398 1,814,765 1,044,656 11,570,819 42 At December 31, 2013 - Current 43 At December 31, 2013 - current (Continued) 44 At December 31, 2013, non-current 45 At December 31, 2013, non- current (Continued) 46 6.2.3.-Reconciliation of minimum payments of financial leases Financial lease obligations are effectively guaranteed as the property rights over the asset are reverted to the lessor in case of default. The breakdown by maturity of minimum lease payments and its present value is the following: Reconciliation of m inim um paym ents of financial lease, Lesee 06/30/2014 Gross Value Interest 12/31/2013 Present Value Gross Value Interest Present Value Less than one year Betw een one and five years Over five years 7,221,404 11,538,951 1,117,227 923,748 1,012,788 72,571 6,297,656 10,526,163 1,044,656 8,247,877 14,941,005 1,471,499 2,073,511 2,607,170 137,819 6,174,366 12,333,835 1,333,680 Total 19,877,582 2,009,107 17,868,475 24,660,381 4,818,500 19,841,881 6.2.4.- Bonds On June 30, 2012, the Head Company issued bonds in the local market for a total of UF 1,550,000 with maturity on June 30, 2033, as stated in the complementary public deed dated June 19, 2012, which was filed to the SVS on June 21, 2012. On this occasion the company issued bond series A, consisting of 3,100 debt securities with a nominal value of UF 500 each. These bonds were placed directly in the local market at an effective issue rate of 4.34% per year. There are certain ratios related to the issue of the bond, which are the following: a) Consolidated indebtedness ratio. At the end of each calendar quarter the consolidated indebtedness level shall be no higher than 1.75 times, measured on the balances of the Consolidated interim financial statements. For these effects, the Financial Indebtedness ratio is defined as a ratio between Financial Debt and Equity lower than 1.75 times of the Issuer Total. b) Net Financial Expenses Coverage Ratio. Beginning on 31 march 2012, at the end of each calendar quarter, the Net Consolidated Financial Expenses Coverage ratio will not be lower than 2.5 times and as of June 30, 2014, it will not be lower than 3.0 times. Net Financial Expenses Coverage Ratio will be the ratio between the Issuer’s EBITDA of the last twelve months and the Issuer’s Net Financial Expenses of the last twelve months. However, the covenant in this section will be considered to be in default only when the abovementioned Net Financial Expenses Coverage ratio is lower to the level indicated above in two consecutive quarters. 47 The breakdown of the bonds at June 30, 2014 is the following Current Tax Id Num ber Debtor Entity 76.005.006-6 Nam e Debtor Entity Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Country Chile Am ortization Type Annual Face Rate (%) Currency UF 4.23% Effective Rate (%) 4.34% Maturity Date 06/30/2033 TOTALS 1 to 3 m onths Th$ Non-current 3 to 12 m onths Th$ Balance at 06/30/2014 Th$ 1 to 3 years Th$ Over 3 and up to 5 Th$ (13,523) (7,967) (21,490) (21,303) (21,303) (13,523) (7,967) (21,490) (21,303) (21,303) Over 5 years Th$ Balance at 06/30/2014 Th$ 36,878,269 36,835,663 36,878,269 36,835,663 The breakdown of the bonds at December 31, 2013 is the following Tax Id Number Debtor Entity 76.005.006-6 TOTALS Name Debtor Entity Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Country Chile Amortization Type Annual Currency UF Face Rate (%) 4.23% Effective Rate (%) 4.34% Maturity Date 6/30/2033 1 to 3 months Th$ Current 3 to 12 months Th$ Balance at 12/31/2013 Th$ 770,426 0 770,426 0 770,426 770,426 1 to 3 years Th$ Non-current Over 3 and Over 5 years up to 5 years Th$ Th$ 0 0 0 0 35,712,927 35,712,927 Balance at 12/31/2013 Th$ 35,712,927 35,712,927 48 NOTE 6.3. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Group hires derivative financial instruments to cover its financial risks related to exchange rate and interest rates. The Group, on June 30, 2010 subscribed derivative currency and interest rate “swap” contracts with the banks Corpbanca and Security, which denominates a debt in pesos at variable rate into UF at a fixed annual rate of 4.83%, according to the following chart: Sw ap Sw ap Sw ap Sw ap Sw ap Sw ap Sw ap Sw ap Fair value valuation at 06/30/2014 Th$ Fair value valuation at 12/31/2013 Th$ Net equity at 06/30/2014 Net Equity at 12/31/2013 Bank Maturity Contract rate Hedge Th$ Banco Corpbanca Banco Corpbanca Banco Corpbanca Banco Security Banco Security Banco BCI Banco BCI Banco BCI 07/02/2018 07/02/2018 07/02/2018 06/30/2018 06/30/2018 11/05/2018 04/01/2014 11/01/2017 Tab 180 + 1% Tab 180 + 1% Tab 180 + 1% Tab 180 + 1% Tab 180 + 1% 11.42% 11.39% 7.95% 20,000,000 12,124,800 5,466,400 2,408,800 1,792,000 112,064 151,182 478,947 3,341,207 2,024,772 915,491 400,944 342,140 (9,335) 0 (27,949) 2,724,964 1,651,328 746,640 326,996 279,036 (2,982) (11,060) (37,247) (2,936,826) (1,779,717) (804,690) (352,419) (334,739) (1,964) 0 (5,880) (2,320,583) (1,406,273) (635,840) (278,470) (279,036) (4,034) 272 3,973 Total 42,534,193 6,987,270 5,677,675 (6,216,235) (4,919,991) Instrum ent type Th$ Th$ (*) Effects in Equity are recorded net of deferred taxes. These contracts qualify as hedging contracts on recognized liabilities, recognizing the differences in fair value in equity, as Other Comprehensive Income under “Cash flow hedging reserve” as set forth in IAS 39 and IFRS 7. NOTE 7 OTHER CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES NOTE 7.1 OTHER NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS The breakdown of this area is the following: Other non-financial assets Currency Prepayments of medical fees Cost of deferred commissions Prepayments to suppliers for w orks and projects Prepaid expenses Guarantees given Prepayments of medical fees Prepaid expenses Guarantees given Guarantees given Prepaid expenses Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol UF UF Total NOTE 7.2 06/30/2014 Current Non-Current Th$ Th$ 12/31/2013 Current Non-Current Th$ Th$ 609,826 6,986,047 0 659,718 137,907 6,833 25,312 111,667 4,345 75,560 0 37,258,916 0 47,463 969,619 0 0 0 0 0 604,212 6,491,451 0 407,784 89,503 0 22,516 0 4,504 23,067 0 35,162,023 344,012 56,354 1,306,668 0 0 0 0 0 8,617,215 38,275,998 7,643,037 36,869,057 OTHER NON-FINANCIAL LIABILITIES The breakdown of this area is the following: Area Currency Deferred income Termination payments Sundry creditors Dividends payable Guarantees received Guarantees received Dividends payable Sundry creditors Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos New Peruvian soles New Peruvian soles New Peruvian soles Total 06/30/2014 Current NonTh$ Th$ 12/31/2013 Current NonTh$ Th$ 16,861 1,187 846,164 2,343,071 2,715 90,822 0 10,582 0 0 0 0 459,000 0 0 775,778 12,371 0 574,817 3,150,345 2,634 0 0 4,173 0 0 0 0 609,000 0 0 1,180,364 3,311,402 1,234,778 3,744,340 1,789,364 49 7.2.1.- Breakdown of deferred income: Area NOTE 8. 06/30/2014 NonCurrent current Th$ Th$ 12/31/2013 NonCurrent current Th$ Th$ Dental services Kynesiology services 12,309 4,552 0 0 9,031 3,340 0 0 Total 16,861 0 12,371 0 TRADE DEBTORS AND OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 8.1 Trade debtors and other accounts receivable, gross and net The breakdown of this area is as follows: Trade debtors and other account receivables, Net Debtors from sales and services Accrued receivables Notes receivable Receivables from staff and other debtors Other accounts receivable Debtors from sales and services Receivables from staff and other debtors Other receivables 06/30/2014 Currency Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol Trade debtors and other account receivables, Trade debtors and other account receivables, Gross Debtors from sales and services Accrued receivables Notes receivable Receivables from staff and other debtors Other accounts receivable Debtors from sales and services Receivables from staff and other debtors Other receivables Debtors from sales and services Accrued receivables Notes receivable Employee accounts and sundry debtors Debtors from sales and services Allow ance for doubtful accounts Non-Current Th$ Th$ Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,369,510 15,509,061 7,194,408 3,282,204 1,389,092 1,542,600 42,005 2,861,996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,800,836 0 49,190,876 0 Current Non-Current Current Th$ Th$ 23,882,440 19,566,094 9,472,626 4,907,439 2,182,565 1,149,779 38,728 1,056,663 62,256,334 Currency Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol 12/31/2013 NonCurrent Th$ Th$ Current 18,535,919 18,124,695 5,848,911 3,871,349 2,182,565 1,142,006 38,728 1,056,663 06/30/2014 Currency Trade debtors and other account receivables, Gross Im pairm ent of trade debtors and other accounts receivable Current 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/31/2013 NonCurrent Th$ Th$ 22,651,408 16,945,864 10,627,315 4,213,692 1,389,092 1,544,497 42,005 2,861,996 60,275,869 06/30/2014 Current Non-Current Th$ Th$ 12/31/2013 NonCurrent Current Th$ Th$ 5,346,521 1,441,399 3,623,715 1,036,090 7,773 5,281,898 1,436,803 3,432,907 931,488 1,897 11,455,498 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,084,993 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 8.2.- Overdue not-yet-impaired balances The maturity terms of debtors and other account receivables that are not impaired are the following: Trade debtors and other account receivables, overdue and not im paired, net With maturity With maturity With maturity With maturity With maturity With maturity With maturity With maturity in less than three months betw een three and six months betw een six and tw elve months beyond tw elve months in less than three months betw een three and six months betw een six and tw elve months beyond tw elve months Balances 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Currency Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol Peruvian New Sol 11,417,939 4,420,278 10,265,692 507,522 1,000,620 73,158 30,851 29,603 Total trade debtors and other account receivables overdue, not paid and not im paired 10,387,664 3,486,948 8,577,822 418,388 676,166 49,454 20,869 19,976 27,745,663 23,637,287 The criteria for the impairment of accounts receivable are presented in Note 2.28 b). The balances disclosed in the adjoining charts are still recoverable and therefore do not show evidence of impairment, according to the procedures and controls established by management, that would evidence that they will not be recoverable or billable in the future. 8.3.- Maturities of current receivable balances The maturity terms of debtors and account receivables are the following: Currency 06/30/2014 Th$ Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Peruvian New Sol 16,786,806 4,231,767 817,103 116,332 1,103,165 16,393,292 4,503,036 838,282 138,842 1,342,713 23,055,173 23,216,165 Trade debtors and other account receivables, current, net With maturity With maturity With maturity With maturity With maturity in less than three months betw een three and six months betw een six and tw elve months beyond tw elve months in less than three months Total current trade debtors, net 12/31/2013 Th$ 8.4.- Impairment of trade debtors and other account receivables The changes in impairment of trade debtors and other accounts receivable is the following: 06/30/2014 Im pairm ent of trade debtors and other accounts receivable Opening balance Increase (decrease) of the period Write-off of impaired financial assets of the period Closing balance Currency Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Non-restatable pesos Current Non-Current Th$ Th$ 11,084,993 872,310 (501,805) 11,455,498 0 0 0 0 12/31/2013 NonCurrent Th$ Th$ Current 10,123,574 1,916,667 (955,248) 11,084,993 0 0 0 0 51 8.5 Breakdown of Other Receivables, net Other Receivables 06/30/2014 NonCurrent Current Th$ Th$ Currency Reimbursable expenses Prepayments to suppliers VAT Credit Sundry debtors Prepayments to suppliers VAT Credit Reimbursable expenses Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos Non restatable pesos New Peruvian Sol New Peruvian Sol New Peruvian Sol Total 12/31/2013 NonCurrent Current Th$ Th$ 108,622 760,158 1,224,737 89,048 10,946 1,041,069 4,648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,068 252,713 1,006,684 9,624 4,905 519,668 0 0 0 0 3,239,228 0 1,913,662 0 0 0 0 NOTE 9.- BALANCES AND TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES In accordance with IAS 24, following are disclosed the outstanding balances at the periods closing with entities which, while related, are outside of the consolidation scope of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Further down are the most significant transactions with related parties included in the eliminations of these financial statements 9.1.- Balances with related parties (which have not been consolidated): Tax Id. 12.549.764-0 Related Entity Clinical Market S.A. Nature of relationship Transaction description Transaction term s Currency Joint Arrangement Current account Over 90 days and up to a year Chilean pesos Totals Balance receivable 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 NonNonCurrent Current Current Current Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 366,560 0 485,993 0 366,560 0 485,993 0 Transactions as of 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 First level issuer com pany Servicios de Gestion Limitada Tax Id of receiving entity Receiving related entity Country of origin Nature of relationship Transaction description 12.549.764-0 Clinical Market S.A. Chile Joint agreement Services rendered Transactio n am ount Th$ 366,561 Im pact in incom e Transactio n am ount Th$ Th$ 0 0 Im pact in incom e Th$ 0 The transactions with related parties which are controlled by the head company Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and that are presented in Note 1, have been eliminated in these financial statements as indicated in paragraph 4 of Note 2.4 a). Those eliminated transactions correspond to the purchase and sale of services between the different companies of the Group. The most relevant transactions are the sale of hospital and outpatients services to individuals that are covered by Isapre institutions, among which are those related with Isapre Cruz Blanca. The breakdown of the main transactions is presented in note 9.2. 52 9.2.- Transactions with related entities Following is a breakdown of the most relevant transactions carried between related parties included in these consolidated interim financial statements. Note that amounts do not exceed UF 1,500. First level issuer com pany Clínica Reñaca S.A. Clínica Reñaca S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Cruz Blanca Servicios Tecnológicos S.A. Cruz Blanca Servicios Tecnológicos S.A. Centro Médico Familiar S.A. Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Integramédica S.A. Cruz Blanca S.A. Cruz Blanca S.A. Cruz Blanca S.A. Cruz Blanca S.A. Inmuebles Panamericana S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seguros S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seguros S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seguros S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seguros S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seguros S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seguros S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. Cruz Blanca Servicios Profesionales S.A. Cruz Blanca Servicios Profesionales S.A. Cruz Blanca Servicios Tecnológicos S.A. Cruz Blanca Servicios Tecnológicos S.A. Servicios de Gestión S.A. Servicios de Gestión S.A. 9.3.- Tax Id of receiving entity 12.549.764-0 76.024.387-6 76.005.001-6 96.501.450-0 76.098.454-K 95.431.000-0 76.398.000-6 96.501.450-0 96.845.430-7 96.501.450-0 96.501.450-0 79.576.810-6 76.238.779-4 95.432.000-6 0-E 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 97.032.000-8 Receiving related entity Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Centro Médico Clínica Reñaca S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Servicios y Abastacemientos a Clínicas S.A. Integramédica S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Clínica Reñaca S.A. Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. Integramédica Perú S.A.C. Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Banco BBVA Country of origin Nature of relationship Transaction description Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Perú Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Common Head Co. Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Common Director Services rendered Services rendered Interests and restatements Medical services Services rendered Services rendered Lease Lease Services rendered Services rendered Professional consulting Professional consulting Interests and restatements Professional consulting Lease Term deposit Withdraw al of term deposit Term deposit Withdraw al of term deposit Term deposit Withdraw al of term deposit Bond purchase Bond Sale Bond purchase Bond Sale Bond purchase Bond Sale Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Mutual fund contribution Mutual fund liquidation Transactions as of 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Transaction Im pact in Transaction Im pact in am ount incom e am ount incom e Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 2,861,280 85,037 1,215,635 391,470 895,308 136,669 56,929 204,495 60,342 11,012,572 294,728 49,758 42,306 49,758 137,449 311,146 316,212 776,196 778,335 562,820 563,879 250,166 250,078 96,037 96,227 429,290 436,599 114,539,284 114,556,660 22,098,500 22,101,777 0 0 19,953,501 19,956,654 1,722,616 1,722,826 450,440 450,507 8,202,515 8,203,782 4,153,065 4,153,755 10,392,177 10,393,722 8,657,902 8,659,291 457,350 458,260 2,404,437 85,037 1,215,635 328,967 895,308 136,669 56,929 204,495 60,342 11,012,572 294,728 49,758 42,306 49,758 137,449 0 5,066 0 2,139 0 1,058 0 88 0 190 0 7,308 0 17,375 0 3,277 0 0 0 3,153 0 210 0 67 0 1,267 0 689 0 1,545 0 1,388 0 910 2,304,649 0 323,790 128,667 872,575 16,001 64,277 197,990 82,173 11,079,434 285,744 48,016 0 48,016 0 7,494,866 7,493,315 1,483,325 1,489,097 0 0 856,320 862,952 2,225,322 2,232,938 0 0 120,031,760 120,052,927 29,073,149 29,078,647 60,004 60,105 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,103,557 19,107,200 253,367,236 253,415,307 17,081,686 17,085,052 29,894,542 29,900,492 203,562 204,394 1,936,680 0 323,790 108,123 872,575 16,001 61,277 197,990 82,173 11,079,434 285,744 48,016 0 48,016 0 0 1,551 0 5,772 0 0 0 6,632 0 7,616 0 0 0 21,167 0 5,498 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,643 0 48,071 0 3,366 0 5,950 0 832 Key management compensation The details of the amounts paid to the members of the Board and Key Management of the Parent Company is below: Concepts Currency 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Board members compensation Key management personnel Th$ Th$ 93,205 4,557,485 94,208 3,758,258 The total compensation paid to managers and main executives of the Parent Company is made of the base salary plus the statutory reward on profits. Management is made of first-line Managers, Area Managers, Medical Directors and Area Sub-Managers, and therefore its change is made relevant through the increase in the amount of professionals hired as a result of new businesses. Performance bonuses are only granted after the appraisals that the Board carries annually. The amount of said bonuses paid at June 30, 2014 amounted to Th$ 62,498 (in 2013 it amounted to Th$ 149,215). 53 NOTE 10.- INVENTORY The breakdown of this accounting area is the following: Classes of Inventory 06/30/2014 Th$ Drugs Clinical supplies Consumables Other Inventory Total 12/31/2013 Th$ 885,140 761,542 526,210 90,594 973,016 693,403 575,101 165,575 2,263,486 2,407,095 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Following is presented additional information about inventory: Inventory additional inform ation Inventory costs recognized as expense during the period Amount of inventory w rite-dow ns (9,000,468) (10,433) (6,912,263) (3,294) NOTE 11.- INTANGIBLE ASSETS 11.1.- The breakdown of this accounting area is the following: Intangible Assets, Net Client Portfolio, Net Patents, Trademarks and Other Rights, Net Softw are, Net Other Identifiable Intangible Assets, Net Total Intangible Assets, Net Intangible Assets, Gross Client Portfolio, Gross Patents, Trademarks and Other Rights, Gross Softw are, Net Other Identifiable Intangible Assets, Gross 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ 2,974,153 89,634,531 11,623,171 798,126 2,337,751 89,265,182 11,010,937 329,626 105,029,981 102,943,496 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ 7,039,765 89,765,263 23,827,127 831,555 6,246,472 89,383,518 22,189,769 361,257 121,463,710 118,181,016 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Client Portfolio Patents, Trademarks and Other Rights Softw are Other Identifiable Intangible Assets (4,065,612) (130,732) (12,203,956) (33,429) (3,908,721) (117,772) (11,179,396) (31,631) Total accum ulated am ortization and im pairm ent (16,433,729) (15,237,520) Total Intangible Assets, Gross Accum ulated Am ortization and Im pairm ent 54 As the main intangible asset is "Patents, Trademarks and Other Rights," following is the breakdown of this line at net value, at the closing date of these financial statements: Accum ulated Am ortization and Im pairm ent Useful 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Life Th$ Th$ Isapre Cruz Blanca Indefinite 37,393,578 37,387,670 Clínica Antofagasta Indefinite 5,899,437 5,899,437 Clínica Reñaca Indefinite 3,765,483 3,765,483 Clínica San José Arica Indefinite 1,337,361 1,337,360 Clinical Service Indefinite 568,280 568,280 Integramédica Indefinite 36,371,877 36,376,855 Sonorad Indefinite 1,554,728 1,295,607 Centro Diagnóstico Doctor Pilar Gazmuri Indefinite 367,616 367,616 Resomasa Indefinite 541,854 512,768 Anglolab Indefinite 1,710,896 1,754,106 Other rights 15 years 247,565 117,772 Other rights (Accumulated amortization) 15 years (124,144) (117,772) 89,634,531 89,265,182 Total accum ulated am ortization and im pairm ent Within Patents, Trademarks and Other rights, the most significant items are the brands with an indefinite useful life. These will continue to be used and will generate economic benefits for the head company and the whole of Group CBS. Of those intangibles with definite useful life, these are in the range disclosed in note 11.2 below, and those with an indefinite useful life have an impairment test applied as set in note 2.28 a). 11.2.- Details of useful lives applied to the intangibles is the following: Estimated useful lives or amortization rates used Trademarks Client portfolio Patents and other rights Software Licenses and programs Minimum Life Maximum Life 15 12 1 1 1 15 58 48 48 5 55 11.3.- Intangibles roll-forward is as follows: Current Period Client Portfolio, Net Th$ Patents, tradem arks and other rights Th$ Softw are, Net Th$ Other identifiable intangible assets, Net Th$ Total Intangible Assets, Net Th$ Opening Balance Reclassifications Additions Divestments Amortization Increase (Decrease) due to change foreign exchange rate Other increase (decrease) 2,337,751 752,629 0 0 (156,891) 40,664 0 89,265,182 0 0 0 (7,272) 117,500 259,121 11,010,937 0 1,721,398 (96,869) (1,021,553) 9,258 0 329,626 0 481,062 (18,719) (1,805) 7,962 0 102,943,496 752,629 2,202,460 (115,588) (1,187,521) 175,384 259,121 Balances at 06/30/2014 2,974,153 89,634,531 11,623,171 798,126 105,029,981 Current Period Opening Balance Reclassifications (1) Additions Divestments Amortization Increase (Decrease) due to change foreign exchange rate Other Increase (Decrease) Balances at 12/31/2013 Client Portfolio, Net Patents, tradem arks and other rights Softw are, Net Other identifiable intangible assets, Net Total Intangible Assets, Net Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 4,157,866 1,207,229 0 0 (319,882) 0 (2,707,462) 85,740,085 1,295,607 2,199,303 0 (15,396) (1,810) 47,393 7,497,630 (10,590) 5,527,532 (135,270) (1,942,724) 0 74,359 0 0 329,626 0 0 0 0 97,395,581 2,492,246 8,056,461 (135,270) (2,278,002) (1,810) (2,585,710) 2,337,751 89,265,182 11,010,937 329,626 102,943,496 (1) The reclassifications are generated in the acquisition accounting process in accordance with IFRS 3 Business Combinations. These refer to confirmations of the investment fair value allocated between intangibles and goodwill in a period of up to 12 months after the date of control, as per paragraph 45 of IFRS 3. 11.4.- Intangible amortization charges to income are the following: Line item in incom e statem ent that includes the am ortization of identifiable intangible assets Cost of sales Management expense Other earnings (loss) Other expense, by function TOTAL 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 340,271 847,250 0 0 796,284 810,058 0 0 178,214 413,788 0 0 776,888 306,750 0 0 1,187,521 1,606,342 592,002 1,083,638 56 NOTE 12.- INVESTMENTS IN AFFILIATES 12.1 Investments in affiliates Investments in affiliates of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. included in the consolidation of these financial statements present the following changes: At June 30, 2014. Tax Id Num ber 96.501.450-0 76.098.454-K 96.562.210-1 96.562.220-9 96.529.970-K 96.613.220-5 76.785.130-8 76.117.164-K 76.188.053-5 76.238.779-4 76.282.191-5 Com pany Nam e Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Promotora de Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Servicios de Gestión Ltda. Inversiones CBS SPA S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clinicas CBS S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seg. de Vida S. A. Opening 01/01/2014 Th$ Accrued Incom e Th$ Dividends Reserve Th$ Paid dividends Th$ Capital Increase Th$ Derivatives (Sw ap) Th$ 26,500,237 107,130,568 1,982,081 13,131,076 14,270,467 4,651,720 884,869 29,482 13,045,906 15,352,068 2,275,337 9,030,065 2,744,208 (43,844) (271,573) 1,277,239 (113,488) 54,413 2,389 (1,017,308) 291,647 (541,229) (2,709,026) (823,260) 0 0 (383,164) 0 0 0 0 (87,494) 0 (2,175,127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199,253,811 11,412,519 (4,002,944) (2,175,127) Accrued Incom e Th$ Dividends Reserve Th$ 23,577,083 101,568,180 2,042,739 13,487,709 12,195,424 4,599,910 315,907 16,709 2,399,820 9,799,251 0 4,175,934 8,531,717 (37,631) (224,750) 1,570,549 81,727 568,962 11,657 (243,183) 743,079 (461,294) (1,252,780) (2,559,515) 0 0 (471,165) (24,518) 0 0 0 (222,924) 0 0 (677,744) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,080,000 0 0 0 10,880,919 5,000,000 2,736,631 0 (71,993) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,643 0 0 0 339,923 (23,027) (131,883) (104,341) (5,399) 0 1,116 5,707 32,662 0 170,002,732 14,716,767 (4,530,902) (677,744) 19,697,550 (69,350) 114,758 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,700,000 1,150,000 2,850,000 Other Th$ 0 (55,703) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (8,055) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5) 0 0 30 682,188 (14) 0 (63,758) 682,199 Closing balance at Th$ 30,646,149 108,995,813 1,938,237 12,859,503 15,164,537 4,538,232 939,282 31,901 12,702,731 17,256,207 2,884,108 207,956,700 At December 31, 2013: Tax Id Num ber 96.501.450-0 76.098.454-K 96.562.210-1 96.562.220-9 96.529.970-K 96.613.220-5 76.785.130-8 76.117.164-K 76.188.053-5 76.238.779-4 76.282.191-5 Com pany Nam e Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Promotora de Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Servicios de Gestión Ltda. Inversiones CBS SPA S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clinicas CBS S.A. Cruz Blanca Cía de Seg. de Vida S. A. Opening 01/01/2013 Th$ Paid dividends Th$ Capital Increase Th$ Derivatives (Sw ap) Th$ Other Th$ Closing balance at Th$ 26,500,237 107,130,568 1,982,081 13,131,076 14,270,467 4,651,720 884,869 29,482 13,045,906 15,352,068 2,275,337 199,253,811 12.2 Summarized information on affiliates 06/30/2014 Tax Id 96.501.450-0 76.098.454-K 96.562.210-1 96.562.220-9 96.529.970-K 96.613.220-5 76.785.130-8 76.117.164-K 76.188.053-5 76.238.779-4 76.282.191-5 Com pany nam e 12/31/2013 Total Assets Total Liabilities Incom e Total Assets Total Liabilities Incom e Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Promotora de Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Servicios de Gestión Ltda. Inversiones CBS SPA S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clinicas CBS S.A. Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S. A. 141,888,750 161,319,070 4,129,464 37,046,480 40,220,280 10,337,535 10,360,795 190,835 21,067,170 18,380,483 4,560,155 109,687,535 52,153,559 482,951 18,636,873 21,940,152 3,506,654 9,400,693 158,934 7,523,895 1,121,881 1,675,858 9,488,775 2,754,760 (82,485) (325,063) 1,567,697 (181,307) 55,086 2,388 (993,993) 291,800 (541,268) 127,543,237 159,213,065 4,211,287 35,802,938 37,859,853 10,483,639 10,822,389 191,580 21,814,890 16,696,538 2,778,636 99,698,728 51,910,793 482,288 17,055,134 20,698,915 3,470,189 9,917,374 159,886 7,975,263 1,342,196 503,071 4,387,766 8,554,186 (70,798) (214,201) 2,037,477 175,790 576,118 11,665 (212,505) 743,456 (461,340) TOTAL 449,501,017 226,288,985 12,036,390 427,418,052 213,213,837 15,527,614 On June 5, 2014, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. paid Th$ 1,1700,000 in Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. as capital contribution. On March 12, 2014, Cruz Blanca Salud paid Th$ 1,150,000 as capital increase in Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. 57 On December 31, 2013, Cruz Blanca Salud paid Th$ 1,080,000 as capital increase in Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. On December 23, 2013, Cruz Blanca Salud made capital contributions amounting to Th$ 10,880,919 to CBS International for the execution of its expansion plan in Peru. During the first half of 2013 the Head Company Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. established the affiliate company Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A., paying a capital contribution of $2,736,631. On the first-half of 2013 Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. has made capital contributions of Th$ 5,000,000 in Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. 12.3 Joint arrangements During June 2013 Servicios de Gestión Limitada entered into a joint agreement with Clinical Market S.A., with a contribution to the shared account of UF 12,500. NOTE 13.- BUSINESS COMBINATIONS During 2014 there have been no processes that qualify as a "business combination" in accordance to IFRS 3. Acquisitions during 2013 I) Acquisition of Mediperú S.A. Through the essential matter filed on September 10, 2013, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. communicated that its subsidiary Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C. it had acquired 100% of the share ownership of the companies Mediperú S.A. and Panaholdings Investment Corp. Both companies carry - under the brand "MediPerú" in the Republic of Peru the business of diagnosis through imaging, MRI, tomography, X-rays and laboratory sample taking in the city of Lima. The purchase price amounted to the US$ 5.8 million, amount which was financed in its entirety with funds of the acquiring company. MediPerú, Panaholding 8/31/2013 Th$ Business combination cost Cash Contingent payment Total cost of business combination 3,021,787 164,824 3,186,611 Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed Cash and cash equivalents Other assets Goodwill Net property, plant and equipment Accounts payable Other liabilities Net assets 10,124 894,610 0 3,790,433 (581,843) (557,849) 3,555,475 Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C. (100%) 3,555,475 Non-controlling interest Bargain purchase Total 0 (368,864) 3,186,611 58 II) Acquisition of Anglolab S.A. On July 16, 2013 the Peruvian subsidiary Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C. entered in a share purchase agreement through which it acquired 70% of the share ownership - and therefore, control - of the company Anglolab S.A. a company established under the laws of the Republic of Peru, whose business is to render clinical laboratory, blood bank and pathologic anatomy services in different hospitals and health centers in Lima and other provinces of the Republic of Peru. The purchase price amounted to US$ 6 million, and is subject to financial and accounting adjustments. The price was paid with funds of the acquiring entity. 7/16/2013 Th$ Anglolab Business combination cost Cash Contingent payment 3,249,384 600,145 Total cost of business combination 3,849,529 Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed Cash and cash equivalents Other assets Net property, plant and equipment Accounts payable Other liabilities 45,329 3,634,925 1,303,014 (922,876) (861,994) Net assets 3,198,398 Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C. (70%) 2,238,879 Non-controlling interest Goodwill (959,520) 1,610,651 Total 2,890,010 NOTE 14.- GOODWILL 14.1.- The breakdown of this accounting area is the following: Goodw ill, Net 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Goodw ill, Net 83,720,463 83,533,337 Total Goodw ill Net 83,720,463 83,533,337 Goodw ill, Gross 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Goodw ill, Gross 83,720,463 83,533,337 Total Goodw ill Gross 83,720,463 83,533,337 Accum ulated am ortization and im pairm ent 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Purchased goodw ill 0 0 Total Accum ulated am ortization and im pairm ent 0 0 59 14.2.- The roll-forward of Goodwill is the following: Changes in Goodw ill 2014 Goodw ill, Net Th$ Opening balance at 01/01/2014 Increase (decrease) from changes in the foreign exchange rate 83,533,337 Total at 06/30/2014 83,720,463 Changes in Goodw ill 2012 187,126 Goodw ill, Net Th$ Opening balance at 01/01/2013 Additions and reclassifications (1) 85,123,348 (1,590,012) Total at 12/31/2013 83,533,336 (1) Additions at December 31, 2013 consist of: Additions and reclassifications as of Decem ber 31, 2013 Th$ Direct Goodw ill in acquisitions made by CBS Internacional S.A. Decrease in minority interest Goodw ill in acquisition of Sonorad S.A. allocated as trademark 1,531,722 (1,826,127) (1,295,607) Total at 12/31/2013 (1,590,012) Subsequent movements of goodwill are generated in the context of purchase accounting of IFRS 3. in the case of Clinical Service S.A. the compliance with the 12-month period at June 30, 2013. In the case of Sonorad S.A. this term ended on September 2013. In the case of the acquisitions of 2013 made through CBS Perú, as part of CBS Internacional S.A., the updating of the process concludes in July 2014 for Anglolab S.A. and in September 2014 for MediPeru S.A. The abovementioned goodwill correspond to the amount determined at the date of change of control and therefore when the 12-month period for the "acquisition accounting" period starts, as per IFRS 3. 14.3 Impairment test on goodwill At each annual closing of Group CBS closing, a qualified third party is charged with the assessment and application of an impairment test on each goodwill that has been in the financial statements for over a year. Goodwill acquired during the period are valued and allocated as required by IFRS 3 and presented in Note 13. Goodwill current at the period's end and included in a Cash Generating Unit (CGU) are the following and are shown next to their impairment tests. 60 Cash Generating Unit for Im pairm ent Test at 06/30/2014 CGU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Legal entity nam e Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Servicios Clínicos Domiciliarios S.A. Sonorad I S.A. Sonorad II S.A. Centro Diágnostico Doctora Pilar Gazmuri S.A. Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C. Integramedica S.A. Integramedica S.A. Integramedica S.A. Integramedica S.A. Com m ercial nam e Isapre Cruz Blanca Clínica Antofagasta Clínica Reñaca Clínica San Jose Arica Clinical Service Sonorad Sonorad Doctora Pilar Gazmuri Resomasa Integramedica Clínica Santa Lucía Biolab Labatría Subtotales Cash Generating Units acquired during 2014 (2) Legal Entity Nam e AngloLab S.A. Mediperú S.A. Totales Total Unidad Generadora de Flujo Direct goodw ill (1) Th$ Indirect goodw ill (1) Th$ Brand Th$ 8,779,115 2,616,391 4,586,287 288,828 1,007,067 1,749,083 0 420,310 1,775,135 55,121,804 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,044,690 0 0 0 2,898,551 167,304 92,552 37,387,670 5,899,437 3,765,483 1,337,360 568,280 1,295,607 0 367,616 512,768 36,376,855 0 0 0 76,344,020 6,203,097 87,511,076 Direct goodw ill (1) Th$ 986,220 0 Indirect goodw ill (1) Th$ Net value of Recoverabl C.G.U. Book assets at fair e value Value value in (Value in affiliate use) Th$ Th$ Th$ 26,879,339 25,078,776 24,441,603 7,781,697 1,749,638 5,548,249 0 764,096 2,010,929 29,839,858 0 0 0 73,046,124 33,594,604 32,793,373 9,407,885 3,324,985 8,592,939 3,044,690 1,552,022 4,298,832 121,338,517 2,898,551 167,304 92,552 0 0 Net value of C.G.U. Book assets at fair Value value in Th$ Th$ Th$ 1,754,106 936,623 3,676,949 0 3,396,077 3,396,077 986,220 0 1,754,106 77,330,240 6,203,097 89,265,182 105,498,888 42,604,202 39,655,254 12,023,259 4,621,712 13,226,319 0 2,422,581 4,720,788 143,354,699 0 0 0 Brand (1) Direct and indirect goodwill are made of the amount directly generated in the business combination and the amounts that already existed in the accounting of the acquired companies. The impairment tests applied at the closing of the financial statements to the goodwill detailed above indicate that their value in use are greater than the book values of the CGU, and therefore there is no impairment of said investments. Variables used in the calculation of the value in use of the CGU are made from the characteristics of each business unit and on the basis of the requirements in paragraph 134 d) of IAS 36, as described below: a) Key assumptions for the projected cash flows: In the Hospital and Outpatients segments the main variables are the occupancy rates of installations and medical equipment, as well as the ability to transfer prices, mainly, the fluctuations in the costs of personal and supplies; in the Insurer segment the variables are the average accident rates of contributors and beneficiaries, and the commercial ability to adjust the contributions. b) Method used to estimate future values of key variables: this is based on the historic information analysis, as well as assumptions and management's business plans, plus publicly available information on the industry and regulations. c) Cash flows projection term: based on IAS 36, assessments are made each five years, with the sole exception of the hospital segment which is made each 10 years, in order to link the cash flows to the target occupancy levels and therefore avoid inferences related to perpetuity growth rate higher than zero after the fifth year. Perpetuity growth rates: the impairment analyses do not consider perpetuity growth rates other than zero. d) e) (2) Discount rates: the discount rates used in the different impairment tests are those derived from the application of the Capital Pricing Method (CAPM) and therefore the rates correspond to the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). The CGUs listed in the chart correspond to recent acquisitions and there is no evidence of impairment at the closing date of these financial statements. The parameters used in the WACC calculation are obtained from public sources and, therefore, verifiable by any interested third party. Finally, as the projections are made in a constant value currency, the discount rates are real rates. 61 NOTE 15.- PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 15.1.- The breakdown of this accounting area is the following: Classes of Property, Plant and Equipm ent, Net (Disclosure) Construction in Progress, Net Land, Net Buildings, Net Plant and Equipment, Net Information technology equipment, Net Fixed Installations and Accessories, Net Motor Vehicles, Net Leasehold Improvements, Net Leased assets, Net Other Property, Net Total Property, Plant, and Equipm ent, Net Classes of Property, Plant and Equipm ent, Gross (Disclosure) 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ 7,279,737 19,846,680 29,291,058 13,040,288 3,084,870 15,105,157 146,856 4,554,581 26,352,660 1,956,552 12,704,160 19,899,424 24,467,592 12,403,379 2,769,705 11,797,751 161,003 5,056,791 26,362,333 1,291,155 120,658,439 116,913,293 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ 7,279,737 19,846,680 34,738,091 53,058,658 9,250,056 22,634,989 288,213 7,432,531 38,276,217 2,071,123 Construction in Progress, Gross Land, Gross Buildings, Gross Plant and Equipment, Gross Information technology equipment, Gross Fixed Installations and Accessories, Gross Motor Vehicles, Gross Leasehold Improvements, Gross Leased assets, Gross Other Property, Gross Total Property, Plant, and Equipm ent, Gross Classes of Accum ulated Depreciation and Im pairm ent in Property, Plant and Equipm ent (Disclosure) 12,704,160 19,899,424 29,388,132 50,456,639 8,324,334 17,735,889 301,135 7,422,946 37,177,790 1,940,463 194,876,295 185,350,912 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Buildings Plant and Equipment Information technology equipment Fixed Installations and Accessories Motor Vehicles Leasehold Improvements Leased assets Other Property (5,447,033) (40,018,370) (6,165,186) (7,529,832) (141,357) (2,877,950) (11,923,557) (114,571) (4,920,540) (38,053,260) (5,554,629) (5,938,138) (140,132) (2,366,155) (10,815,457) (649,308) Total Accum ulated Depreciation and Im pairm ent in Property, Plant and Equipm ent (74,217,856) (68,437,619) Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, Accumulated Depreciation and Impairment, 62 15.2.- The following tables present the reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment, by class at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013: Current Period Construction in Progress Land Buildings, Net Plant and Equipm ent, net IT Equipm ent, net Fixed installations and accessories, net Motor vehicles, Net Leasehold Im provem ents, Net Leased assets Other Property, Plant and Equipm ent, Net Property, Plant and Equipm ent, Net Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Opening balance at 01/01/2014 Internal reclassifications Additions Write offs Depreciation expense Increase (Decrease) due to foreign exchange fluctuations 12,704,160 (7,624,283) 2,111,113 (18,073) 0 106,820 79,867 28,160 89,136 8,214 40,893 0 0 62,644 81,637 116,913,293 0 8,820,616 (40,493) (5,532,348) 497,371 Changes, Total (5,424,423) (52,744) 4,823,466 636,909 315,165 3,307,406 (502,210) (14,147) (9,673) 665,397 3,745,146 Closing balance at 06/30/2014 7,279,737 19,846,680 29,291,058 13,040,288 3,084,870 15,105,157 (341,207) 5,042,644 26,352,661 1,956,551 120,658,439 Prior period Construction in Progress Land Buildings, Net Plant and Equipm ent, net IT Equipm ent, net Fixed installations and accessories, net Motor vehicles, Net Leasehold Im provem ents, Net Leased assets Other Property, Plant and Equipm ent, Net Property, Plant and Equipm ent, Net Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 7,455,708 2,094,867 3,249,353 617,979 (181,569) (1,374,103) 200,509 0 15,751 0 (9,725) (46,532) 5,478,637 (138,997) 728,687 0 0 (1,009,423) 22,301,961 (510,943) 6,767,558 132,026 (164,034) (2,603,213) Opening balance at 01/01/2013 Internal reclassifications Additions Acquisition from business combinations Write offs Depreciation expense Increase (Decrease) from restatement recognized inIncrease equity (Decrease) due to foreign exchange fluctuations Other increase (decrease) Changes, Total Closing balance at 12/31/2013 19,899,424 (132,611) 0 0 0 24,467,592 5,044,732 262,930 0 (512,356) 5,449,123 (998,463) 7,955,021 5,754 (9,391) 0 16,043,107 0 2,820,558 1,820 0 0 24,230,908 375,234 728 159,728 0 (808,462) 12,403,379 1,228,274 721,208 (12,354) (1,389,355) 11,765,990 (472,719) 2,159,985 1,283,778 (40,705) (2,277,443) 2,769,705 (203,066) 950,865 (429) (440,419) 3,081,391 (177,684) 801,968 56,291 (429) (847,118) 11,797,751 3,066,852 1,174,875 0 (975,214) 161,003 0 10,571 (986) (511,795) 5,056,791 0 17,154 (8,651) (22,650) 26,362,334 (374,911) 1,964,480 0 (1,661,886) 1,291,154 (1,004,987) 1,607,420 0 (18,673) 561,719 (3,647) 564,460 375,260 (208) (174,935) 96,569,053 167,648 25,064,069 2,632,636 (406,061) (9,141,229) 2,242,118 0 1,082,255 926,877 0 0 0 0 0 232,986 0 896 301,220 (48,316) 0 19,673 (437,094) (101,741) 86,234 (84) (144,630) (57,306) (7,178) 0 1,000 (2,113) 0 (2,653) 208,646 (2,981) (28,514) (194,625) 7,255,037 3,856,317 236,684 637,389 (311,686) 4,342,043 (39,506) (421,846) 4,060,373 729,435 20,344,240 12,704,160 19,899,424 24,467,592 12,403,379 2,769,705 11,797,751 161,003 5,056,791 26,362,334 1,291,154 116,913,293 (20,316) 63 15.3.- The Assets subject to financial leases are the following: Property, Plant and Equipm ent in financial lease, Net 06/30/2014 Th$ Buildings in financial lease Plant and equipment in financial lease IT equipment in financial lease Other property, plant and equipment in financial lease 12/31/2013 Th$ 6,050,873 17,990,211 2,311,578 - Total 6,140,971 18,162,795 2,315,718 253,790 26,352,662 26,873,274 15.4.- Restrictions on Property, plant and equipment Some affiliates of the Group hold real estate mortgages (See Note 30). NOTE 16.- INVESTMENT PROPERTY The composition and movement of this accounting area at June 30, 2014 and at December 31, 2013 is the following: 16.1.- Composition and changes of investment property. Investm ent property, Fair Value Method 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Opening balance Depreciation expense Other increase (decrease), investment property Changes in investm ent properties, fair value m odel, total 1,768,412 (20,068) 0 (20,068) 1,803,014 (40,134) 5,532 (34,602) Total 1,748,344 1,768,412 Investment property of the Group corresponds to physical space destined to be exploited as leases, in which contracts it is established the responsibility of the lessor to maintain the assets. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method, and the useful life assigned to these goods is of 60 years. The book values do not differ significantly of the fair values. 16.2.- Investment property income and expense Incom e and expense, investm ent property Income amount from lease of investment properties 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 57,534 01/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ 53,795 04/01/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ 23,026 04/01/2014 06/30/2012 Th$ 35,341 64 NOTE 17.- CURRENT TAX ASSETS AND LIABILITIES a) Following is a breakdown of current tax assets and liabilities, by Company: 06/30/2014 Current tax assets and liabilities Balance Asset Th$ Liability Th$ Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Inversiones Clínica Pukará S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Corporacion Medica de Arica S.A. Inversiones CBS SPA. Servicios de Gestion Limitada Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clinicas CBS S.A. Totals 1,163,691 446,860 246,344 98,335 2,130,282 586,865 0 13,495 46,203 99,934 4,832,009 Net consolidated asset (liability) position 4,593,605 Current tax assets and liabilities 0 0 0 0 139,612 0 748 13,479 55,605 28,960 238,404 12/31/2013 Balance Asset Liability Th$ Th$ Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Promotora de Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Medicas S.A. Inversiones Clínica Pukará S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Corporacion Medica de Arica S.A. Inversiones CBS SPA. Servicios de Gestion Limitada Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clinicas CBS S.A. Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. 840,694 0 410,637 282,634 2,750,673 2,380,254 519,658 42 25,168 526,972 143,244 3,011 0 1,037 26,512 225,156 0 82,995 4,660 0 103,155 108,389 83,236 0 Totals 7,882,987 635,140 Net consolidated asset (liability) position 7,247,847 65 b) Following is a breakdown of current tax assets and liabilities by concept: 06/30/2014 Th$ Current tax assets and liabilities 12/31/2013 Th$ Assets Monthly tax prepayments Absorbed profits prepayment Training expense Arica Law Prior year income tax 1,941,617 1,188,719 101,119 336,730 3,633,289 4,399,614 1,638,721 275,008 336,352 2,091,777 Total assets 7,201,474 8,741,472 Income tax reserve Other taxes payable 2,604,825 3,044 1,440,738 52,887 Total liabilities 2,607,869 1,493,625 Total net asset (liability) position 4,593,605 7,247,847 Liabilities NOTE 18.- EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The breakdown of this accounting area is the following: 06/30/2014 Area 12/31/2013 Current Non-Current Current Non-Current Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Performance Bonus Reserve 1,746,192 0 856,307 0 Total 1,746,192 0 856,307 0 66 NOTE 19.- DEFERRED INCOME TAX 19.1.- Deferred tax balances, by company is the following: 06/30/2014 Deferred taxes Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Inversiones Clínica Pukará S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Corporacion Médica de Arica S.A. Inversiones CBS SPA. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. Servicios de Gestión Limitada Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. TOTALS Balance Asset Th$ Liability Th$ 0 267,623 109,818 0 2,757,836 25,880 352 520,817 1,051,655 341,876 288,713 8,615,364 383,723 1,103,178 7,868,126 834,008 89,471 6,231 28,821 1,433,454 96,982 0 5,364,570 20,459,358 12/31/2013 Deferred taxes Balance Asset Th$ Liability Th$ Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. Promotora S.A. Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Inversiones Clínica Pukará S.A. Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Integramédica S.A. Corporacion Médica de Arica S.A. Inversiones CBS SPA. Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. Servicios de Gestión Limitada Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. 0 0 260,727 58,351 0 3,009,033 15,512 0 729,198 288,196 434,586 126,718 8,550,916 0 532,000 1,096,568 7,333,167 892,152 133,797 6,231 1,484,150 96,577 22,565 0 TOTALS 4,922,321 20,148,123 67 19.2.- The origin of deferred taxes is the following: Deferred tax assets 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Related to property, plant and equipment Related to amortizations Related to accumulations (or accruals) Related to Provisions Related to Purchase Option Funds Related to Financial Instruments Related to Tax Losses Relativos a existencia Related to Others Related to Assets in Leasing Related to Tax Goodw ill 204,739 255 119,450 9,225,743 747,872 1,035,266 14,082,038 18,787 37,422 4,277,025 529,976 580,707 0 30,247 9,337,108 681,559 1,146,648 13,036,692 0 21,165 4,333,335 540,383 Total 30,278,573 29,707,844 Deferred tax liabilities 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Related to property, plant and equipment Related to intangibles Related to contributions declared and not paid Related to Financial Instruments Related to Leasing Related to Others Related to Deferred Commissions Related to Prescriptions Related to Brands 3,701,183 2,401,908 1,721,682 474,862 4,978,887 1,651,532 9,008,809 3,528,372 17,906,126 4,192,043 2,375,421 1,571,237 47,426 5,490,484 1,955,887 8,437,204 3,627,023 17,236,921 Total 45,373,361 44,933,646 19.3.- Changes in deferred taxes are the following: Roll-forw ard of deferred tax assets Opening balance of deferred tax assets Increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets Acquisition in business combinations of deferred tax assets Other increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets Closing balance of deferred tax assets Roll-forw ard of deferred tax liabilities Opening balance of deferred tax liabilities Increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities Acquisition in business combinations of deferred tax assets Other increase (decrease) in deferred tax liabilities Closing balance of deferred tax liabilities 06/30/2014 Th$ 29,707,844 570,134 0 0 30,277,978 06/30/2014 Th$ 44,933,646 180,693 259,022 0 45,373,361 12/31/2013 Th$ 25,074,452 4,301,507 467,443 (135,558) 29,707,844 12/31/2013 Th$ 36,860,327 6,530,639 1,560,934 (18,254) 44,933,646 68 19.4.- Results from income taxes are broken down as follows: 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ (Expense) incom e from incom e taxes, current and deferred 01/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ 04/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 04/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ Current tax expense Adjustments to current tax of prior periods Other current tax expense (1,969,685) (415,950) 18,697 (1,088,202) (6,320) (505) (1,605,172) (415,950) 18,926 (159,596) (6,720) (633) Tax expense, current, Net total (2,366,938) (1,095,027) (2,002,196) (166,949) 755,510 0 452,552 (21,348) 1,349,254 0 792,054 (21,348) 755,510 431,204 1,349,254 770,706 Deferred income (expense) from taxes related to the creation and reversal of temporary differences Other deferred tax expense Tax expense deferred, Net total Incom e tax Gain (Expense) (1,611,428) (663,823) (652,942) 603,757 19.5.- The following chart shows the reconciliation of the tax calculation with the statutory rate and with the effective rate: Reconciliation of the Tax Expense using the Legal Rate w ith Tax Expense using the Effective Rate 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ Tax expense using the legal rate Tax effect of rates in other territories Tax effect of non-taxable ordinary revenue Tax effect of expenses not deducted for tax purposes Tax effect of the fiscal benefit not recognized previously in income Other Other increase (decrease) in charges from statutory taxes 01/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ (1,856,042) 232,922 54,181 (29,953) 8,264 16,007 (36,807) Total adjustm ents from taxes using the legal rate 244,614 Incom e tax expense using the effective rate (1,611,428) 04/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 04/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ (963,885) 87,208 (40,068) 268,346 8,264 23,772 (36,579) 214,431 (10,546) 330,639 23,664 0 22,500 23,069 600,977 310,943 389,326 (663,823) (652,942) (1,264,800) 32,405 578,394 0 0 (9,317) (505) 603,757 NOTE 20.- TRADE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER PAYABLES The breakdown of this accounting area is the following: 06/30/2014 Area Current Th$ 12/31/2013 NonTh$ Current Th$ NonTh$ Notes payable Medical services reimbursements payable Subsidies payable Excess in current account Payments in excess of social savings Doctor participations Professional fees Physician fees Withholdings Dvidendos por pagar Suppliers Expired checks Management agreements Erroneous social savings payment Sundry provisions Reimbursements Other accounts payable 3,732,541 13,158,729 15,550,471 13,615,550 2,473,230 3,635,982 237,158 5,138,731 2,743,145 7,473,830 6,656,389 10,275,449 357,467 532,645 8,790,785 146,274 2,779,876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,214 3,723,697 14,711,675 13,817,890 12,128,301 2,122,222 2,513,735 151,807 4,398,491 2,248,422 9,041,558 4,206,762 10,440,160 162,557 494,442 6,041,843 194,440 1,855,415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,214 Total 97,298,252 4,214 88,253,417 4,214 69 NOTE 21.- PROVISIONS 21.1.- The breakdown of this accounting area is the following: 06/30/2014 Classes of Provisions Current Th$ 12/31/2013 Non-current Th$ Current Th$ Non-current Th$ Health expenses provision Subsidy expenses provision Ongoing risk reserves provision Claims reserves provision Other provisions 22,997,454 1,836,742 745,909 298,484 37,584 0 0 0 0 0 21,488,010 1,750,179 130,670 39,201 39,469 0 0 0 0 0 Total 25,916,173 0 23,447,529 0 21.2.- Following is the roll-forward of provision balances: Classes of Provisions Health care expenses provision Th$ Opening balance at 01/01/2014 Additional provisions Increase (decrease) in existing provisions Consumed provision Reversal of unused provision Other increase (decrease) Closing balance at 06/30/2014 Classes of Provisions Health subsidies expense provision Th$ Ongoing risk reserves provision Th$ Claim s reserves provision Other Provisions Total Th$ Th$ Th$ 21,488,010 0 67,475,197 (65,965,753) 0 0 1,750,179 0 15,001,237 (14,914,674) 0 0 130,670 624,981 (9,742) 0 0 0 39,201 268,361 (9,078) 0 0 0 39,468 16,845 84,912 (84,828) (16,845) (1,969) 23,447,528 910,187 82,542,526 (80,965,255) (16,845) (1,969) 22,997,454 1,836,742 745,909 298,484 37,583 25,916,172 Health care expenses provision Th$ Health subsidies expense provision Th$ Ongoing risk reserves provision Th$ Claim s reserves provision Other Provisions Total Th$ Th$ Th$ Opening balance at 01/01/2013 Additional provisions Increase (decrease) in existing provisions Consumed provision Reversal of unused provision Other increase (decrease) 24,032,906 0 (1,722,565) 0 0 (822,331) 1,791,322 0 (41,143) 0 0 0 0 124,222 6,448 0 0 0 0 37,267 1,934 0 0 0 67,296 0 37,383 (43,675) (3,981) (17,555) 25,891,524 161,489 (1,717,943) (43,675) (3,981) (839,886) Closing balance at 12/31/2013 21,488,010 1,750,179 130,670 39,201 39,468 23,447,528 NOTE 22.- NET EQUITY 22.1.- Subscribed and paid-in capital As of June 30, 2014 the authorized, subscribed and paid in capital of the Company amounts to Th$ 65,253,465, made of 637,650,000 shares. 22.2.- Shares As of June 30, 2014, 642,000,000 shares represent the Shareholders’ capital, of which 637,650,000 are subscribed and paid. Stock options On occasion of the capital increase of June 2011, the Company set apart a total of 4,350,000 shares for executive compensation plans in a program of options on shares of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. According to the Company By-Laws, the subscription and undersigning period of these shares expires in June 2016. As of this date there are no undersigning option contracts in force. 70 The Board of Directors allocated an undersigning options package in August 2011, whose accrual and exercise period was accelerated due to the change in control over the Company that occurred in February 2014, and none of the options was exercised. The Board has not adopted any initiatives to renovate or reallocate said undersigning options. 22.3.- Dividends At June 30, 2014, the dividends policy of the Company is to distribute at least a 30 per cent of the net profits that the balance sheet reflects, among the shareholders, as a dividend in cash in proportion of their share ownership percentage. However, in case of reaching an unanimous agreement (of all issued shares) in the corresponding meeting, a smaller percentage may be distributed or it could be agreed to not perform a dividends distribution. By agreement adopted by the absolute majority of the shares present at a shareholders’ meeting, it can be agreed that the portion of the profits that is not destined to dividends payable during the period, either as minimum or additional dividends, may be used in capital increases previously agreed or that could be agreed in the future; or to the payment of dividends in future accounting periods. In the meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 19, 2012 it was decided that the policy regarding the calculation of the distributable net profits would be the “gains (loss) attributable to the owners of the controlling party” without any adjustments. 22.4.- Capital management Capital management refers to the management of the Group’s Equity. The objectives of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A., with regards to capital management are to safeguard the capabilities of equity to continue as a going concern, in addition to seek a good return for the shareholders. To accomplish these objectives, the Group permanently monitors the returns it achieves on each of its businesses, maintaining its correct workings and maximizing in this manner the shareholders’ profitability. Part of the process of following-up with each business consists in seeking that the decision making regarding the financial investment instruments comply with a conservative profile, in addition to positive market conditions. Financial instruments correspond to those set in the investments policy defined for the company, which is permanently monitors by the Group’s Board. Within the activities related to the capital management, Management periodically reviews the balance of cash and cash equivalents, which is the basis for the investment decision-making. 22.5.- Other reserves Other reserves forming part of the Company’s equity are the following: Concept 06/30/2014 Th$ Other Reserves Opening balance at January 01 Cash flow hedging reserve Conversion difference reserve Other reserves Total other reserves 12/31/2013 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ 10,601,632 (1,296,244) 682,218 (19) 11,533,884 (1,014,342) 5,702 76,388 11,533,884 45,642 (99,616) 47,919 9,987,587 10,601,632 11,527,829 The main balances correspond to the following concepts: Cash flow hedging reserves: the cash flow hedging reserve originates from the application of hedge accounting with certain financial assets. This reserve is transferred to income of the period at the maturity of the contracts or when the operation stops qualifying as hedge accounting, whichever occurs first. 71 Reserves for exchange rates conversion changes: this reserve is generated by the conversion of the financial statements of affiliates that have a functional currency other than the Chilean peso, and therefore while applying IAS 21 the effect of said conversion from the functional currency of the affiliate to the head company’s presentation currency, the effect is recognized in equity. Other Reserves: This item is generated by the purchases of interest with shareholders that did not trigger a change in control. 22.6.- Minority interest Minority interest or non-controlling ownership in equity at the closing date of the financial statements is as follows: Nam e of affiliate Minority Minority Minority Minority Minority Minority Minority Interest in Promotora Salud S.A. Interest in Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Interest in Clínica Pukará S.A. Interest in Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Interest in Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Interest in Integramédica S.A Interest in CBS Internacional S.A. Type Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Equity Equity Minority 06/30/2014 Interest % Th$ Minority 12/31/2013 Interest % Th$ 46.850% 16.963% 14.567% 0.990% 31.030% 0.001% 30.130% Totals 1,708,276 3,477,270 3,116,089 318,715 2,292,649 168,602 840,317 46.850% 16.963% 14.567% 0.990% 31.030% 0.001% 30.355% 11,921,918 1,746,918 3,500,120 2,890,468 275,594 2,361,572 170,632 793,488 11,738,792 Minority interest or non-controlling ownership in income at the closing date of the financial statements is as follows: Nam e of the subsidiary Minority Minority Minority Minority Minority Minority Minority Interest Promotora Salud S.A. Interest Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. Interest Clínica Pukará S.A. Interest Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. Interest Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. Interest Integramédica S.A Interest CBS Internacional S.A. TOTALS Type Affiliates Affiliates Affiliates Affiliates Affiliates Affiliates Affiliates Incom e Incom e 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Minority 06/30/2014 Interest % Th$ Minority 3/31/2012 Interest % Th$ 46.850% 16.963% 14.567% 0.990% 31.030% 0.001% 30.130% (38,642) (9,716) 262,742 93,916 (67,818) 10,522 23,333 274,337 46.850% 16.963% 15.550% 0.990% 31.030% 0.001% 30.100% (14,673) 49,101 164,304 66,571 74,542 7,123 14476 361,444 72 NOTE 23.- ORDINARY INCOME 23.1.- The following is a breakdown of ordinary income: Ordinary Incom e 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ Revenue from Health contributions (Insurer segment) Revenue from Insurance Premiums (Insurer segment) Revenue from Hospital Services Provided Revenue from Outpatient Health Services Provided Revenue from international segment (outpatients) Revenues from other segments Consolidation adjustments 209,488,020 1,934,518 30,148,975 63,821,671 3,433,460 3,646,434 (24,212,039) 184,195,233 0 27,693,858 57,595,542 1,121,187 3,733,308 (17,294,657) 106,671,344 1,250,006 15,726,232 33,813,528 1,769,643 1,860,362 (13,390,434) Total 288,261,039 257,044,471 147,700,681 92,683,252 0 14,270,965 31,053,657 554,807 1,775,258 (9,029,543) 131,308,396 NOTE 24.- CONTENTS OF SIGNIFICANT INCOME ACCOUNTS Following is the breakdown of the main costs of sales and management expenses: Costs by Nature Health expense 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ (140,492,490) (132,085,958) (70,493,916) (70,602,152) Subsidy expenses (34,321,865) (30,256,523) (18,385,763) (16,596,580) Expenses of clinical personnel (14,388,636) (13,677,480) (7,033,133) (6,333,912) Medical fees (28,634,075) (25,371,943) (15,399,462) (14,376,836) Equipment maintenance cost (2,011,956) (1,491,343) (1,076,967) (814,237) External service costs (4,639,899) (5,609,028) (2,266,262) (3,463,890) Clinical supplies cost (8,153,041) (6,154,145) (4,350,415) (4,134,598) Depreciation and amortization (4,818,609) (3,949,213) (2,696,762) (2,024,514) (57,581) (916,681) (34,038) (695,628) Drug costs (723,289) (913,309) (353,559) (402,522) Other exploitation costs (973,852) (1,173,898) (619,444) (949,607) Other consumption costs (230,881) (180,562) (96,261) (15,955) (2,554,534) (3,290,756) (912,099) (462,860) Leases Other services costs Insurance technical reserves (874,521) 0 (664,764) - Claims costs (739,185) 0 (430,655) - Reinsurance broker commission (208,670) 0 (208,670) - Other (851,021) (460,523) 348,953 Consolidation adjustment due to to inter segment costs Total cost of sales Management personnel expense (268,396) 20,808,987 16,406,471 10,974,805 9,069,992 (223,865,118) (208,932,764) (114,507,888) (111,454,346) (26,778,512) (20,397,344) (13,409,382) (11,636,111) Overheads (5,676,652) (4,343,515) (3,143,433) (2,835,614) External services (3,247,912) (4,435,334) (1,947,437) (2,702,228) Management leases (6,555,289) (2,372,161) (3,418,763) (172,663) Other services costs (8,090,730) (7,249,296) (3,954,221) (1,900,693) Depreciation and amortization (1,921,328) (1,673,554) (978,288) (758,337) (896,010) (2,128,455) (257,768) (1,582,715) Other Consolidation adjustment due to to inter segment costs Total m anagem ent expenses Total 2,857,289 2,552,393 1,504,717 1,280,411 (50,309,144) (40,047,266) (25,604,575) (20,307,950) (274,174,262) (248,980,030) (140,112,463) (131,762,296) 73 NOTE 25.- FINANCIAL INCOME (COSTS) AND OTHER The composition of this account is the following: Financial Incom e 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 01/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ 04/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 04/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ Financial Incom e Financial Interests Other Financial Income Total Financial Incom e 1,695,578 499,690 2,477,261 174,543 1,063,585 263,869 1,424,227 85,962 2,195,268 2,651,804 1,327,454 1,510,189 Bank loans expenses Bonds expense Financial lease expenses Bank expenses Card commission expenses Other expenses (2,968,293) (771,037) (609,785) (129,248) (45,427) (88,670) (2,501,348) (748,875) (652,037) (205,207) (14,279) (105,634) (1,509,148) (390,838) (319,437) (36,978) (28,269) (26,543) (1,419,719) (379,652) (328,568) (7,748) (1,292) (1,365) Total Financial Expense (4,612,460) (4,227,380) (2,311,213) (2,138,344) (34,428) (7,656) (40,683) 4,055 (934,789) 5,783 (792,576) (22,952) (3,386,409) (1,577,449) (1,817,018) (647,052) Financial expense Exchange rate difference Results from changes in restatem ent units Total financial incom e NOTE 26.- OTHER INCOME (LOSS) The composition of this account is the following: Breakdow n of Other Incom e and Expense, By Function Termination payments related to restructuring 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2013 04/01/2012 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ (1,132,802) (110,095) (1,132,802) Interests 0 0 1,388 22 Write offs 0 (3,428) 5,756 6,889 (276,246) (49,468) 173,881 131,983 (1,409,048) (162,991) (951,777) 28,799 Other income (loss) Total other expense by function (110,095) 74 NOTE 27.- EARNINGS PER SHARE Earnings per share are the following: Basic earnings per share 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 01/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 Th$ 04/01/2012 06/30/2013 Th$ Earnings attributable to the controlling party 7,394,444 5,298,734 3,992,536 - 595,332 Earnings available to com m on shareholders, basic 7,394,444 5,298,734 3,992,536 - 595,332 637,650,000 637,650,000 637,650,000 Weighted average of shares, basic Basic Earnings (Losses) per shares in Chilean pesos ($) Dilluted earnings per share Earnings attributable to the controlling party Weighted average of shares, basic Weighted average of shares, dilluted Dilluted Earnings (Losses) per shares in Chilean pesos ($) 11.60 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ 7,394,444 637,650,000 637,650,000 11.60 8.31 01/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ 5,298,734 637,650,000 637,650,000 8.31 637,650,000 6.26 (0.93) 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 Th$ 3,992,536 637,650,000 637,650,000 6.26 04/01/2012 06/30/2013 Th$ - 595,332 637,650,000 637,650,000 (0.93) NOTE 28.- SEGMENT REPORTING Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and the affiliate companies that make up the Group are companies of the health care industry and develop its operations only in the national market. The operating segments are reported in a fashion consistent with the presentation of internal reports that management uses in the decision-making and controls processes. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. bases its designation of the segments based on the differentiation of services and on the financial information available to the decision makers, with regards to matters such as profitability measurement and investment allocation. Management has determined the operating segments on the basis of the five big business areas where it participates: Insurance Area: The Insurer area is essentially Isapre Cruz Blanca, which is present in the health care market since 1981, date when the Private Health System was initiated in Chile. According to data at December 2012 of the Superintendence of Health, Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. is the biggest open Isapre in terms of market share measured in total revenues of 2012 (21.8%) and the second in number of beneficiaries (21.0%). As of October 2013, Compañía Cruz Blanca Seguros de Vida S.A. has joined this segment in a pre-operational stage. As of the period's end it has been operating for a couple of months. Hospital health care Area: The hospital health care area is made of Clínica Reñaca, Clínica Antofagasta and Clínica San José. These three hospitals total, over 366 beds, with 79 critical beds, which represents a significant regional contribution considering that in the country there are only 18 hospitals that have over 100 beds. Clínica Reñaca: present in the region of Valparaíso since 1982, it has become in a highly complex Hospital after the investments made during the last 10 years, that include the incorporation of state-ofthe-art technology and improvements in the intensive care and intensive treatment pavilions. Today it has 15,655 square meters and 164 beds, 36 of which are critical beds. Clínica San José: available to users of the region of Arica and Parinacota since 1991. It is a referent for medium and high complexity interventions in the region, thanks to a development plan on equipment 75 and installations implemented since 2007. Currently it counts with 7,506 square meters built and 52 beds, six of which are critical. Clínica Antofagasta: Since 1980 it has been present in the region of Antofagasta. It is currently the main high complexity Hospital in the North of the country, and equipped with the best technology. It has over 13,753 square meters built with 151 beds, 37 of which are critical beds. The company Clinical Service of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago has been added as part of the Hospital healthcare segment. Outpatients health care area: The outpatients health care area is made of the Integramédica Network, which includes a total of 27 consolidated centers of Integramédica (20), Sonorad (7) and Pilar Gazmuri (1). With this structure, the Integramedica Network is the main private outpatients health care provider in the Country, offering approximately 1,990 examination rooms in average, where over 1,300 health care professionals work. Among the services offered are all medical specialties, dentistry, imaging (sound imaging, scanner, MRI, among others), as well as support services such as digestive endoscopy, dermatologic, trauma and otolaryngology specialists.8 International Area: The international area is made of the following companies: Resomasa, is a company established in 1992 and that focuses on rendering diagnosis services based in magnetic resonance imaging and scanner in Peru. Its commercial model is based on two pillars: the installation of resonators in the main hospitals of the Peruvian capital and sales through its sales team. Resomasa operates three resonators and a multi-slice CT-scanner, with high-resolution equipment compared to the Peruvian market’s standards. As for its market share, the company holds 15% of the total of the resonators in Lima and it is estimated that between 15% to 20% of the resonation services rendered. Integramédica Perú SAC, a company established on July 31, 2012, is currently in a pre-operational stage. It has the purpose of becoming the main outpatient health care provider in Peru. To this effect, it plans to open new diagnosis centers in the country. Each diagnosis center will have adequate capabilities to service the areas of general physicians, pediatric, traumatology, imaginery and procedures. Anglolab is a Peruvian health company founded in 1994 with operations in Lima and other Peruvian provinces. This company focuses in rendering clinical laboratory analyses. Currently the company operates in thirteen locations which are able to carry a wide variety of tests. Its commercial model is based in the signing of agreements to operate laboratories in the premises of hospitals and private health institutions. Other The results from other areas in addition to those mentioned above, related to Cruz Blanca Salud and other non-transferred to the operating segments, is presented under the Others concept, and do not represent significant amounts on an individual basis to be designated as an operating segment. 76 28.1.- ASSETS AND LIABILITIES BY SEGMENT Insurer 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Hospital Healthcare 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Outpatients Healthcare 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ International 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Other 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Consolidation Adjustm ents 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ TOTALS 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ CURRENT ASSETS 19,558,645 8,846,356 997,349 618,494 45,387 956,241 1,510,732 1,891,781 5,098,789 7,201,165 0 0 27,210,902 19,514,037 Other financial assets, current 4,493,232 234,018 0 0 1,041,428 1,018,581 0 14,716 6,080,353 24,807,060 0 0 11,615,013 26,074,375 Other non-financial assets, current 7,145,969 6,535,078 350,553 170,666 948,797 890,384 143,812 22,516 28,084 24,393 0 0 8,617,215 7,643,037 Trade debtors and other accounts receivable, current 11,792,023 12,357,248 28,169,542 25,026,785 8,480,181 7,304,912 2,237,397 2,109,213 121,693 55,294 0 0 50,800,836 46,853,452 Accounts receivable from related parties, current 24,472,986 29,627,253 1,305,349 1,785,891 1,767,163 1,675,745 0 0 12,570,396 7,453,028 0 0 1,458,261 1,655,134 646,514 622,612 158,711 129,349 0 0 Cash and cash equivalents Inventory Tax assets, current Total Assets, Current 98,335 67,561,190 2,753,684 1,380,003 1,356,173 2,130,282 2,380,254 60,353,637 33,661,057 30,613,143 15,059,752 14,848,729 46,203 4,096,855 526,972 1,177,186 4,694,547 25,076,501 40,406,844 865,904 (39,749,334) 0 0 (39,749,334) (40,055,924) 0 0 (40,055,924) 366,560 485,993 2,263,486 2,407,095 4,832,009 7,882,987 105,706,021 110,860,976 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Other financial assets, non-current 29,433,664 22,185,776 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,692,825 1,775,317 0 0 31,126,489 23,961,093 Other non-financial assets, non-current 37,340,573 35,240,845 63,459 432,362 866,475 1,195,850 0 0 5,491 0 0 0 38,275,998 36,869,057 1,539,966 1,531,461 1,686 0 0 0 0 0 1,004,197 1,004,198 (2,545,849) (2,535,659) 0 0 0 0 5,348,940 5,235,260 0 0 0 0 208,364,099 199,649,639 (213,412,744) (204,593,530) 300,295 291,369 2,231,047 2,620,572 6,550,371 6,260,671 43,705,182 42,864,624 3,639,023 2,452,809 47,697,129 47,537,591 1,207,229 1,207,229 0 0 1,550,625 1,550,625 63,456,645 63,456,645 2,948,481 2,761,355 14,422,413 14,422,413 1,342,299 1,342,299 8,053,752 8,262,864 61,756,504 59,899,498 35,473,180 33,838,184 9,331,155 8,839,558 6,043,848 6,073,189 0 0 Accounts receivable from related entities, non-current Investments accounted w ith the equity method Intangible assets other than goodw ill Goodw ill Property, plant and equipment 105,029,981 102,943,496 83,720,463 83,533,337 120,658,439 116,913,293 Investment property 0 0 436,403 439,910 0 0 0 0 1,311,941 1,328,502 0 0 1,748,344 1,768,412 Deferred tax assets 288,713 126,718 745,197 622,786 2,757,836 3,009,033 1,051,656 729,198 521,168 434,586 0 0 5,364,570 4,922,321 Total assets, non-current TOTAL ASSETS 78,887,715 69,968,236 146,448,905 130,321,873 76,453,185 74,441,112 146,259,318 144,364,336 16,970,315 14,782,920 281,063,111 272,225,435 (213,409,065) (204,579,661) 386,224,579 371,202,378 110,114,242 105,054,255 161,319,070 159,213,065 21,067,170 19,477,467 306,139,612 312,632,279 (253,158,399) (244,635,585) 491,930,600 482,063,354 77 28.1.- ASSETS AND LIABILITIES BY SEGMENT (CONTINUED) Insurer Hospital Healthcare Outpatients Healthcare International Other Consolidation Adjustm ents TOTALS 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ CURRENT LIABILITIES 0 0 8,226,047 8,531,470 9,416,811 8,459,828 171,456 184,134 6,532,012 6,982,754 0 Trade creditors and other accounts payable 70,608,241 65,225,714 10,231,246 8,680,842 12,647,188 10,922,550 2,332,562 2,062,403 1,366,967 1,858,470 112,048 Accounts payable to related entities, current 5,100,138 3,452,781 4,315,574 2,785,420 3,792,454 3,643,982 2,084,312 0 24,103,757 29,311,894 25,916,173 23,445,560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,969 0 0 Other financial liabilities, current Other short-term provisions Tax liabilities, current Provisions for employee benefits, Current Other non-financial liabilities, current Total liabilities, current (39,396,235) 24,346,326 24,158,186 (496,561) 0 97,298,252 88,253,418 (39,194,077) 0 0 25,916,173 23,447,529 635,140 0 0 28,960 340,601 139,612 82,995 55,605 108,389 14,227 103,155 0 0 238,404 1,010,968 164,235 180,778 274,923 125,016 156,809 51,395 20,629 378,035 239,711 0 0 1,746,192 856,307 855,333 576,128 116,555 50,860 16,861 12,371 101,405 4,173 2,221,048 3,100,808 0 0 3,311,202 3,744,340 103,490,853 92,864,418 23,099,160 20,664,116 26,137,942 23,278,535 4,796,735 2,379,728 34,616,046 41,598,761 (39,284,187) (39,690,638) 152,856,549 141,094,920 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Other financial liabilities, non-current Other accounts payable, non-current Accounts payable to related entities, non-current Deferred tax liability Other non-financial liabilities, non-current Total liabilities, non-current Total Liabilities 0 0 21,046,530 20,847,060 24,722,609 27,131,106 517,929 593,598 75,035,671 78,100,850 0 0 4,214 4,214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190,862 0 0 0 0 0 2,714,632 2,800,921 7,868,126 7,333,167 1,351,959 1,537,546 834,008 892,152 1,433,453 1,484,150 8,650,416 8,579,712 (2,905,494) 321,396 0 (2,800,921) 321,396 0 121,322,739 126,672,614 4,214 4,214 0 0 20,459,358 20,148,123 1,234,778 1,789,364 0 0 0 0 459,000 609,000 775,778 1,180,364 0 0 7,872,340 7,337,381 22,589,351 22,384,606 26,015,617 28,632,258 2,727,160 3,258,112 86,400,719 89,481,483 (2,584,098) (2,479,525) 143,021,089 148,614,315 111,363,193 100,201,799 45,688,511 43,048,722 52,153,559 51,910,793 7,523,895 5,637,840 121,016,765 131,080,244 (41,868,285) (42,170,163) 295,877,638 289,709,235 (174,103,513) (171,253,513) EQUITY 22,487,221 21,337,221 48,726,327 47,026,327 88,930,016 88,930,016 13,957,949 13,957,949 65,255,465 65,255,465 Premium on issue of shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,378,174 51,378,174 Other reserves 0 0 5,186 60,890 289,608 (384,537) 9,843,987 10,460,205 (125,580) 12,598,291 8,782,853 14,516,122 13,892,242 20,061,707 18,140,734 (527,274) 58,633,890 54,446,985 (46,753,792) (41,353,484) 35,085,512 0 30,120,074 0 63,216,835 1,208,896 60,892,955 1,112,578 108,996,909 107,131,640 168,602 170,632 12,702,957 840,318 13,046,138 793,489 185,111,516 181,540,829 11,331 11,206 (220,982,885) 9,692,771 (212,116,309) 9,650,887 184,130,844 180,615,327 11,921,918 11,738,792 EQUITY 35,085,512 30,120,074 64,425,731 62,005,533 109,165,511 107,302,272 13,543,275 13,839,627 185,122,847 181,552,035 (211,290,114) (202,465,422) 196,052,762 192,354,119 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 146,448,705 130,321,873 (253,158,399) (244,635,585) Issued capital Accumulated earnings (loss) Equity attributable to ow ners of the controlling party Non-controlling interest (25,614) (25,614) 110,114,242 105,054,255 161,319,070 159,213,065 (1,544,600) 21,067,170 19,477,467 306,139,612 312,632,279 0 65,253,465 65,253,465 0 51,378,174 51,378,174 490,688 9,987,587 10,601,632 57,511,618 53,382,056 491,930,400 482,063,354 78 28.2.- STATEMENT OF INCOME BY SEGMENT Insurer (2) STATEMENT OF INCOME BY FUNCTION Hospital Healthcare 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ Earnings (loss) Revenues from ordinary activities Costs of sales Gross Earnings Management expenses Other expenses, by function 211,422,538 184,752,516 107,549,890 92,954,018 (177,330,472) (162,204,723) (90,556,666) (86,818,547) 34,092,066 (25,527,977) (752,405) Earnings (loss) from operating activities 7,811,684 Other earnings (loss) Interest income Financial Interest incost gain (loss) of affiliates and joint businesses accounted for using the equity method Foreign exchange difference Results from restatement units 0 2,101,578 (126,752) Earnings (loss), before taxes Income tax expense 22,547,793 16,993,224 (21,882,815) (12,687,263) (10,554,816) (750,109) (752,405) (750,109) (85,131) 4,014 1,885,658 (230,268) 3,553,556 (5,169,454) 1,388 1,252,978 (47,289) 82,736 1,032,526 (114,894) 0 0 1,244,270 0 0 42,800 0 0 542,174 11,030,780 1,617,073 5,302,807 (2,083,273) 6,135,471 (311,894) (981,413) 0 0 2,084 (4,167,002) 833,902 30,148,974 28,598,228 15,724,409 14,804,707 (23,302,881) (21,373,035) (11,772,129) (11,436,036) 6,846,093 7,225,193 3,952,280 3,368,671 (4,007,669) (14,575) (3,908,888) (868,188) (2,091,519) (14,575) (1,340,066) (868,188) 2,823,849 2,448,117 1,846,186 1,160,417 (311,802) 6,493 (852,648) (113,724) 84,069 (856,601) (201,049) (183) (403,217) (946) 72,852 (493,626) 344,636 (287) (644,437) 33,851 (31,817) (27,990) 206,917 (2,104) (375,367) (207,279) (31,453) (11,612) 1,365,804 (95,162) 1,535,905 (229,115) 1,071,183 488,353 (100,107) (125,449) Earnings (loss) from continuing operations 8,947,507 1,305,179 4,321,394 (3,333,100) 1,270,642 1,306,790 971,076 362,904 Earnings (loss) 8,947,507 1,305,179 4,321,394 (3,333,100) 1,270,642 1,306,790 971,076 362,904 Depreciation and amortization Fees from Surplus current account and fees (1) 1,367,483 0 1,270,969 0 698,850 0 1,745,691 0 1,710,916 0 888,279 0 761,304 0 EBITDA EBIT 9,179,167 7,931,718 1,185,838 (85,131) 4,569,540 2,509,068 4,159,033 2,448,117 2,734,465 1,846,186 1,921,721 1,160,417 4,252,406 3,553,556 639,013 0 (4,530,441) (5,169,454) 79 28.2.- STATEMENT OF INCOME BY SEGMENT (Continued) Outpatients Healthcare STATEMENT OF INCOME BY FUNCTION Other 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Earnings (loss) Revenues from ordinary activities Costs of sales Gross Earnings Management expenses Other expenses, by function 63,821,671 57,686,211 33,807,179 31,434,046 (39,129,563) (38,470,678) (20,537,787) (20,825,840) 24,692,108 19,215,533 (19,476,806) (12,690,569) 0 (331) Earnings (loss) from operating activities 5,215,302 6,524,633 Other earnings (loss) Interest income Financial Interest incost gain (loss) of affiliates and joint businesses accounted for using the equity method Foreign exchange difference Results from restatement units (921,485) 23,400 (1,247,689) (13,350) 28,426 (1,351,022) Earnings (loss), before taxes Income tax expense 0 0 4,326 3,073,854 (319,094) 0 0 (34,343) 5,154,344 (437,280) 13,269,392 10,608,206 (9,980,348) 0 (6,487,819) (331) 3,289,044 4,120,056 (576,792) 12,040 (641,327) 0 0 4,321 2,087,286 (102,605) (13,310) 18,915 (917,451) 0 603 (33,389) 3,175,424 (220,618) 3,646,435 3,788,424 1,832,116 1,820,841 (2,403,943) (2,624,554) (1,205,906) (1,083,942) 1,242,492 1,163,870 626,210 (1,859,713) (1,263,959) (1,111,302) 0 0 0 (617,221) (100,089) (485,092) 736,899 (678,054) 0 58,845 0 7,114 437 7,364 506,881 1,155,391 284,017 616,523 (2,799,992) (2,753,198) (1,429,634) (1,329,045) 11,417,417 (29,557) (1,541,977) 7,058,142 17,606 25,316 6,444,736 (29,470) (963,704) 99,629 16,903 19,965 6,935,551 5,410,282 3,821,290 (509,816) 516,367 249,958 233,653 103,345 Earnings (loss) from continuing operations 2,754,760 4,717,064 1,984,681 2,954,806 7,451,918 5,660,240 4,054,943 (406,471) Earnings (loss) 2,754,760 4,717,064 1,984,681 2,954,806 7,451,918 5,660,240 4,054,943 (406,471) Depreciation and amortization Fees from Surplus current account and fees (1) 3,073,989 0 2,380,126 0 1,786,597 0 1,252,383 0 145,417 0 138,877 0 73,233 0 69,137 0 EBITDA EBIT 8,289,291 4,284,361 8,904,759 6,524,633 5,075,641 3,289,044 5,372,439 4,120,056 (471,804) (582,911) 38,788 (100,089) (411,859) (485,092) 127,982 58,845 80 28.2.- STATEMENT OF INCOME BY SEGMENT (Continued) International Area STATEMENT OF INCOME BY FUNCTION Adjustm ents Accum ulated 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 06/30/2014 Th$ 06/30/2013 Th$ 3,433,459 1,122,837 1,757,610 (2,518,357) (666,245) (1,410,205) (24,212,038) (18,903,745) (12,970,523) (10,260,854) 20,808,987 16,406,471 10,974,805 9,036,501 Earnings (loss) Revenues from ordinary activities Costs of sales Gross Earnings 915,102 Management expenses Other expenses, by function 456,592 347,405 566,380 (339,763) 288,261,039 257,044,471 147,700,681 131,319,138 (223,876,229) (208,932,764) (114,507,888) (111,467,627) 226,617 (3,403,051) (2,497,274) (1,995,718) (1,224,353) 64,384,810 48,111,707 33,192,793 19,851,511 (846,183) 1,618,628 (50,309,144) 0 (40,047,266) 0 (25,604,575) 0 (20,233,699) 0 14,075,666 8,064,441 7,588,218 (1,409,048) 2,195,268 (4,612,460) 0 (162,991) 2,651,804 (4,227,380) 0 (951,777) 1,327,454 (2,311,213) 0 28,799 1,510,133 (2,149,453) 0 (34,428) (934,789) (7,656) 5,783 (40,683) (792,576) (25,394) (22,952) (2,200,078) (45,704) (727,773) (1,089,909) 0 (45,704) (326,761) 0 2,763,099 812,684 426,738 1,618,628 1,355,766 812,684 (1,330,680) (271,181) (788,208) (100,144) 172,732 0 172,732 0 1,124 (29,587) 0 220 (37,207) 0 695 (11,839) 0 82 (24,158) (175,761) (444,208) 444,208 (47,045) (501,960) 1,000,916 (175,761) (222,093) 222,093 0 (4,584) 0 0 6,555 0 0 (9,109) 0 0 (11,447) 0 (11,762,053) 0 3,029 (7,091,993) 0 0 (6,651,653) 0 0 107,650 0 0 (301,613) (808,461) (135,667) (11,762,053) (6,640,082) (6,654,682) 559,561 369,734 64,508 297,530 51,931 Earnings (loss) from continuing operations (993,993) (237,105) (510,931) (83,736) (11,762,053) (6,640,082) (6,654,682) 559,561 7,668,781 5,660,178 4,166,481 (397,944) Earnings (loss) (993,993) (237,105) (510,931) (83,736) (11,762,053) (6,640,082) (6,654,682) 559,561 7,668,781 5,660,178 4,166,481 (397,944) 407,357 0 121,879 0 228,091 0 60,865 0 (149,302) (271,181) (560,117) (788,208) (39,279) (39,279) Earnings (loss) from operating activities Other earnings (loss) Interest income Financialincost Interest gain (loss) of affiliates and joint businesses accounted for using the equity method Foreign exchange difference Results from restatement units Earnings (loss), before taxes (1,363,727) Income tax expense Depreciation and amortization Fees from Surplus current account and fees (1) EBITDA EBIT (923,323) (1,299,855) 0 0 0 (47,045) (230,765) 729,721 0 9,280,209 0 6,324,001 (1,611,428) 4,819,423 (663,823) (652,942) (382,188) (1,041,055) 643,111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,739,937 0 5,622,767 0 3,675,050 0 2,782,702 0 172,732 0 0 172,732 172,732 0 0 20,815,603 12,842,381 13,687,208 8,516,349 11,263,268 7,588,218 2,328,951 (1,992) (1): EBITDA for the Insurer area considers, in addition to depreciation and amortization, the following accounts included under "Other Income, by Function:" Surplus Current Account Fee, and Management Fee. (2): Since June 2013, the Insurer Area includes the balances of Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. (3): Revenues from ordinary activities between related entities that are eliminated in the consolidation adjustments column - which are later redistributed among the different cost and expense items - are the following: STATEMENT OF INCOME BY FUNCTION Revenues from sales to related entities Insurer (2) 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 851,391 0 439,222 0 Hospital Healthcare 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 8,763,322 6,617,899 4,613,907 3,644,210 Outpatients Healthcare 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Other 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 11,865,853 2,731,472 9,788,572 6,538,494 5,364,777 2,497,274 1,378,900 1,251,867 Consolidation Adjustments 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 04/01/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 06/30/2013 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 0 0 0 0 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 Th$ Accumulated 01/01/2013 04/01/2014 06/30/2013 06/30/2014 Th$ Th$ 04/01/2013 06/30/2013 Th$ 24,212,038 18,903,745 10,260,854 12,970,523 81 28.3 CASH FLOWS BY SEGMENT Insurer (2) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS, DIRECT METHOD Hospital Healthcare Outpatients Healthcare Other International area Consolidation adjustm ents Accum ulated 01/01/14 01/01/13 01/01/14 01/01/13 01/01/14 01/01/13 01/01/14 01/01/13 01/01/14 01/01/13 01/01/14 01/01/13 01/01/14 01/01/13 06/30/14 06/30/13 06/30/14 06/30/13 06/30/14 06/30/13 06/30/14 06/30/13 06/30/14 06/30/13 06/30/14 06/30/13 06/30/14 06/30/13 Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ Th$ 223,352,513 0 0 0 223,352,513 197,905,000 0 0 0 197,905,000 33,977,420 18,069,953 2,653,307 2,978,478 10,275,682 32,976,076 12,858,123 2,903,707 1,079,063 16,135,183 64,125,031 23,474,630 10,182,702 2,636,677 27,831,022 69,144,064 19,267,116 6,802,876 16,460,376 26,613,696 4,924,457 318,159 0 0 4,606,298 330,156,598 41,862,742 12,836,009 5,615,155 269,842,692 304,701,721 32,339,844 9,706,583 17,539,439 245,115,855 1,753,635 0 0 0 0 0 20,335,225 14,131,680 0 0 0 0 Cash flow s proceeds from (used in) operating activities Classes of collections from operating activities Collection of sales of goods and rendering of services Collections from the Isapre Collections from Fonasa Collections from Agreements Other collections Collections from premiums and benefits, annuities and other subscribed policy benefits Other colllections from operating activities 4,676,581 214,605 0 0 4,461,976 3,777,177 0 0 0 3,777,177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,753,635 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 20,335,225 14,131,764 Classes of paym ents Payments to suppliers for the procurement of goods and services Payments to and on behalf of employees Payments to and on behalf of employees Payments to and on behalf of employees - Salary Advances Payments to and on behalf of employees - Social savings and services Payments for premiums and benefits, annuities and other subscribed policy benefits Other payments from operating activities (187,821,090) (172,560,195) (15,456,048) (15,268,634) (10,964,526) (10,977,430) (972,796) (937,438) (3,518,726) (3,353,766) (633,829) 0 (26,132,897) (3,208,654) (19,185,489) (20,404,861) (9,581,755) (8,828,624) (6,817,704) (6,296,062) (504,741) (506,530) (2,259,310) (2,026,032) 0 0 (3,042,585) (2,188,618) (43,570,352) (49,996,595) (13,528,271) (9,357,256) (10,369,110) (7,109,523) (472,768) (174,937) (2,686,393) (2,072,796) 0 0 (2,377,751) (2,387,192) (3,300,915) (1,822,778) (1,482,059) (32,501) (308,218) 0 (274,589) (2,906,467) (1,466,238) (1,185,539) (37,241) (243,459) 0 (202,756) (4,113,395) 5,203,361 0 0 0 927,013 927,013 153,290 4,410 0 14,466,689 0 0 0 955,517 955,517 599,729 (2,359) 1,700,854 16,120,780 (3,570,044) (1,736,012) (1,719,929) 0 (16,083) 0 (58,981) (458,148) 0 0 0 0 0 (457) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (735,556) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (9,425,521) (257,447,890) (246,326,266) (42,124,864) (34,920,752) (31,353,328) (25,568,554) (1,982,806) (1,656,146) (8,788,730) (7,696,053) (633,829) 0 (32,622,359) (17,413,198) Other operating collections and paym ents Dividends paid Dividends received Interest paid - Interests received from investments - Interests received trade current account Interest collected - Interests received from investments Income tax returns (payments) Other inflow s (outflow s) of cash Net cash flow s from (used in) operating activities (3,603,352) 0 (25,443) (23,371) (2,072) 0 0 1,342,858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,601,725) (9,425,518) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (325,770) (2,693) 0 79,481 0 0 0 0 0 (44,213) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (11,839) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (113,669) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,111,572 9,971,954 1,839,128 1,589,241 4,636,818 7,289,352 3,603,352 (7,072,760) (5,203,361) (14,546,170) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,425,521 (4,113,395) 0 (25,443) (23,371) (2,072) 927,013 927,013 1,158,539 1,717 (7,072,760) 0 0 0 0 955,517 955,517 (1,159,878) (2,356) (458,605) (2,335,565) (21,618,930) 17,364,947 12,893,792 0 0 (4,878,029) (230,352) (80,003) 8,339,855 (15,619,026) (3,210,000) 10,214,212 0 1,163,344 772,561 390,783 0 0 0 0 (2,199,666) (303,139) (237,248) 0 (23,628,520) 0 5,184,148 0 713,720 713,720 0 0 10 0 0 0 (2,233,180) 0 0 0 0 0 162,092 7,945 7,945 0 0 (824) 0 (4,600,000) (613,691) (2,199,889) (352,117) 0 0 0 0 535,462 62,237 6,237 0 0 0 0 0 545,000 (2,931,423) 0 0 0 0 29,959,196 0 0 0 0 553 0 0 0 (3,489,882) (2,258,858) 0 (5,528) (390) 0 24,168,922 0 5,578 5,578 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,797,213) 0 0 (383,764) 0 (285,590) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 703 0 703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,851 1,281,693 6,569,012 11,030,783 13,963,761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (40,281,072) (38,642,618) (162,092) (535,462) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5,814,826) (366,101) 53,519,315 (41,839,334) (3,210,000) 0 0 1,182,794 792,011 390,783 553 (824) 0 0 (5,011,970) (591,604) 13,219,069 (40,794,994) 0 0 0 794,660 735,841 2,819 0 27,987 (4,299,999) (20,470,695) (2,063,967) (7,167,998) 27,573,326 18,419,842 (668,651) (1,797,213) (28,130,688) (18,643,456) 3,471,577 (32,356,852) 0 1,150,000 0 0 0 120,000 0 0 (170,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,736,905 0 0 0 96,361 0 0 (89,784) (11,453,477) (699) 0 0 (699) 0 0 0 0 0 3,069,118 3,069,118 3,379,393 (4,010,042) (367,946) (42,647) (610,665) (813,468) (703,011) (78,396) (32,061) 0 10 9,601,851 0 0 2,970,970 2,970,970 682,591 (1,332,136) (414,078) (186,903) (1,361,691) (513,277) (429,366) (72,131) (11,780) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,939,998 999,288 0 999,288 14,939,998 (1,125,630) 21,471 758,000 (676,244) (2,986,447) (2,553,673) (27,528,000) (31,214,734) (1,279,770) (3,500,000) (1,958,439) (778,755) (1,958,439) (211,660) 0 (566,674) 0 (421) 0 0 0 0 0 171,799 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,644,514 10,138,079 (5,000,000) (5,014,453) (213,459) (205,247) (11,145,015) (12,839,609) 0 (7,014,192) (3,151,007) (2,917,784) (1,479,471) (1,145,395) (96,428) (103,927) 0 (170,127) (1,575,108) (1,498,335) 0 (5,440) 0 0 0 0 0 2,027,644 (38,753) (77,126) (1,059) 0 (31,451) 0 (18,131) (13,320) 0 0 2,207,306 0 0 0 0 1,800,805 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (11,980,956) (1,150,000) (2,736,905) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (9,045,921) (12,694,164) 0 0 0 0 38,886,721 44,331,030 1,775,453 23,329,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,021 0 0 0 4,068,406 4,068,406 0 (8,290,795) (3,644,978) 0 (114,982) (5,954,365) (4,140,921) (192,955) (45,381) (1,575,108) 10 0 0 14,939,998 2,970,970 17,910,968 45,143 (7,022,833) (3,172,998) 0 0 (4,210,515) (1,786,421) (742,732) (183,027) (1,498,335) 8,581 9,447,327 (33,120,998) (23,761,937) (14,864,967) (17,686,847) 1,879,255 4,008,111 30,466,253 (1,587,860) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cash flow s from (used in) investm ent activities Cash flow s received from the loss of control on subsidiaries or other businesses Cash flow s used to obtain control on subsidiaries or other businesses Loans granted to related entities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangibles Proceeds from other long-term assets Acquisition of other long-term assets Funding and update of Superintendence Guarantee (less) Collection of amounts from related entities Dividends received Interests received - Interests received from investments - Interests received trade current account Income tax returns (payments) Other cash inflow s (outflow s) Net cash flow s from (used in) investm ent activities 0 (1,851) (1,281,693) (171,799) (6,697,754) (7,660,522) (36,107) (250,084) (508) (2,239) 45,179,460 13,224,597 (26,220,308) (17,166,084) 0 0 107,664 9,289,548 0 0 10,802 13,125 10,802 10,306 0 2,819 0 0 0 27,977 11,061,556 (2,697,332) Cash flow s from (used in) financing activities Proceeds from the issue of shares Proceeds from the Issue of Other Equity Instruments (1) Inflow s from long-term loans Inflow s from short-term loans Total inflow s from loans Loans obtained from related entities Payment of loans Payment of liabilities from financial leases Payment of loans to related entities Dividends paid Interests paid - Interests paid - Loans - Interests paid - Leases - Interests paid - Trade current account - Interests paid - Bond Other inflow s (outflow s) of cash Net cash flow s from (used in) financing activities Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents, before the effect of changes in exchange rate Effect of changes in the exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents 1,100,000 9,911,573 800,717 (8,710,694) (19,209,435) 15,542 603,753 378,914 (58) 3,868,570 (128) (910,854) 0 1,947,257 0 (2,102,557) 178 (4,263,399) 53 10,712,290 (19,193,893) 378,856 3,868,442 (910,854) 1,947,257 (2,102,379) (4,263,346) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 8,846,356 26,396,912 618,494 1,917,708 956,241 1,005,399 7,201,165 16,045,543 Cash and cash equivalents at closing of period 19,558,646 7,203,019 997,350 5,786,150 45,387 2,952,656 5,098,786 11,782,197 Net Increase (decrease) of Cash and Cash Equivalents (377,256) (3,791) 1,752,293 40,262,386 0 (13,936,704) 6,899,820 3,558,346 (15,904,714) 0 0 797,046 1,749,703 0 0 7,696,866 (15,891,099) 1,891,781 309,680 0 0 19,514,037 45,356,947 1,510,734 2,059,383 0 0 27,210,903 29,465,848 (381,047) (2,590) 0 13,615 82 NOTE 29.- CONTINGENCIES, LITIGATION AND OTHER The Parent Company does not have contingencies nor faces legal proceedings. Its affiliates face litigation or potential litigation, on court or off court proceedings within the normal course of its operations. According to the estimates of the legal advisors of the Company, Management does not believe that any of these proceedings may result in material gains or losses for any of the group's companies. Following is a summary of the lawsuits or other legal proceedings. a) Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. At June 30, 2014, the summary of the ongoing proceedings both Courts of Justice and in arbitration processes arising from claims against Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. by its beneficiaries is the following: 1. Proceedings in courts of justice: a. Ordinary trials: there is knowledge of 15 ongoing ordinary lawsuits by the beneficiaries against the Isapre. b. Protection recourse: There is knowledge of 15,121 protection recourses based on the restatement of the base price as of June 30, 2014. In addition, as of that date there are 28 other recourses related to other topics, among which can be noted recourses for health plan coverages, CAEC coverage, change of CAEC service provider, house hospital care, undeclared preexistent illness, contract termination, medical leaves, and other matters. 2. Proceedings in arbitration: There is knowledge of 322 arbitration proceedings for claims against the Isapre by its beneficiaries, in process as of June 30, 2014 in the arbitration court of the Intendence of Health Funds and Insurances. As of June 30, 2014, the Company holds outstanding lawsuits against it for claims related to the normal course of business, which according to the legal advisors of the companies, do not present risks of significant losses. b) Integramédica S.A. As of June 30, 2014, the Company holds outstanding lawsuits against it for claims related to the normal course of business, which according to the legal advisors of the companies, do not present risks of significant losses. c) Promotora de Salud S.A. As of June 30, 2014, this company does not have outstanding lawsuits. Its subsidiary Clinica Reñaca S.A. at December 31, 2013, has outstanding lawsuits against it for claims related to the normal course of business, which according to the legal counsel, do not present risks of significant losses. d) Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. As of June 30, 2014, this company does not have outstanding lawsuits. Its subsidiary Clinica Reñaca S.A. has outstanding lawsuits against it for claims related to the normal course of business, which according to the legal counsel, do not present risks of significant losses. e) Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. and affiliate As at June 30, 2014, there are outstanding lawsuits against the Company related to the normal course of its business, which according to the legal advisors of the companies do not represent a risk of significant losses. 83 f) Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. and affiliate As at June 30, 2014, there are outstanding lawsuits against the Company related to the normal course of its business, which according to the legal advisors of the companies do not represent a risk of significant losses. g) Inversiones CBS SpA As of June 30, 2014 this company does not have outstanding legal proceedings or contingencies. h) Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. As of June 30, 2014 this company does not have outstanding legal proceedings or contingencies. i) Servicios de Gestión Limitada As of June 30, 2014 this company does not have outstanding legal proceedings or contingencies. j) Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. As of June 30, 2014 this company does not have outstanding legal proceedings or contingencies. k) Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. As of June 30, 2014 this company does not have outstanding legal proceedings or contingencies. NOTE 30.- GUARANTEES PLEDGED TO THIRD PARTIES, OTHER CONTINGENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND OTHER COMMITMENTS a) Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. The Company has pledged the following guarantees with third parties: In relation to the contract of guarantee and co-debt dated November 17, 2010 which was sighted by the Public Notary of Santiago Mr. Eduardo Diez Morello the companies became a guarantor and co debtors in favor of Corpbanca, Banco Security, Banco Bice and Banco del Estado de Chile, in relationship to all the liabilities of Inversiones Médicas Cuatro S.A., Idelpa Salud Dos S.A. (both companies are nowadays part of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.) and Integramédica under the contract “Debt recognition, and modification of credit contract” granted on that same date and sighted by the public notary Humberto Santelices Narducci. The Company has the following covenants related to the Bond Issuing Contract: Prohibition to grant real guarantees. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. will not grant nor will it allow that any of its Relevant Subsidiaries grant real guarantees, meaning liens or mortgages, that guarantee new Bond emissions or any other money financing operation, or other financing or existing obligations or that may arise in the future, as long that the total accumulated amount of all the liabilities guaranteed by Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and/or its Relevant Subsidiaries, exceed 5% of the Total Assets of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.. Notwithstanding, for this purpose the following real guarantees will not be considered: a/ those current at the date of the Bond Issue Contract; b/ those established to finance, refinance, pay or amortize the acquisition, construction, development or improvement price or cost of assets of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. or of its subsidiaries, as long as the corresponding guarantee remains on the same acquired, built, developed or improved asset, is established at the same time with the acquisition, construction, development or improvement or within one year of the occurrence of any of these events, and as long as the guaranteed obligation does not exceed the acquisition, construction, development or improvement price or cost; c/ those that are granted by Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. in favor of its Subsidiaries or from the subsidiaries to Cruz Blanca Salud S.A., with the purpose of covering liabilities between them; d/ those granted by an entity that, subsequent to the date of grant of a guarantee, merges, is absorbed into, or becomes a subsidiary of, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.; e/ those that set liens on 84 assets acquired by Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and that are established prior to its acquisition; f/ those established by legal requirements or by legal mandate; g/ those that establish, replace or take the place of any of the aforementioned guarantees; and h/ those established on the shares issued by the Relevant Subsidiaries. Notwithstanding, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. or any of its Subsidiaries may always grant real guarantees to other liabilities if, previously and simultaneously, they establish guarantees that are at least proportionally equivalent in favor of the Bondholders. In this case the proportion of guarantees will be assessed at each opportunity by the Bondholders’ Representative who, if it deems the guarantee sufficient, will grant the instruments to grant the guarantees in favor of the Bondholders. In case of doubt or of difficulties between the Representative and the Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. with regards to the proportionality of the guarantees, the matter will be subject to the knowledge and decision of the arbiter that may be designed in accordance to the Twenty-First clause of Bond Issue Contract, and who will resolve with the faculties established therein. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. will only be able to set the guarantee if it obtains a favorable sentence to its pretensions and in no case will it be able to grant them during the trial proceedings. For the purposes of calculating whether the total amount of liabilities guaranteed with real guarantees exceed the amount corresponding to five percent of the Total Assets of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A., as required in this section, the calculation must be made at one time at the time of granting said real guarantees, based on the last consolidated quarterly financial statements of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.. Finally, following the contract related to the lines of credit between Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. and Banco Itaú and BBVA, Chile, dated July 17, 2014, the Company has signed as codebtor of the liabilities of Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. and has granted liens on the total amount of shares that it holds in Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. b) Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. On March 27, 2008 the Company established guarantees in favor of Banco de Chile which are comprised by trademarks entered in the Register of Trade Marks of the Department of Industrial Property of the Ministry of Economy, Promotion and Tourism. On November 20, 2008, the twenty-fifth Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting was held to discuss the authorization to pledge guarantees of third party obligations, according to what is set forth in number 5, article 57 of Law 18,046. Said meeting approved that Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. become guarantor and co debtor of the liabilities that may arise in the lease cession contracts of the related company Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A., with the insurance company ING Seguros de Vida S.A. and Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cruz del Sur S.A.; the value of the cessions amounts to UF 51,822 and UF 10,983 respectively. On September 24, 2009 was held the 26th Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting to discuss the authorization to pledge guarantees for third party liabilities, in accordance to number 5, article 57, Law 18,056. The Meeting approved that Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. would become codebtor of the liabilities that Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A. would incur with Compañía Metlife Seguros de Vida S.A. with regards to leasing cession contracts. Said cession amounts to UF 3,892. In compliance with what is set forth in Circular 77 of the Superintendence of Health, the Company covers its obligations by means of investments for Th$ 15,635,489 and bank performance bonds for Th$ 49,000,000 At December 31, 2013. Guarantees Following is the composition of the guarantees pledged by the affiliate Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. At December 31, 2013 and June 30, 2014: 85 Concept 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Bank performance bonds Credits 49,626,208 2,000,000 49,000,000 2,500,000 Total 51,626,208 51,500,000 Bank perform ance bonds Issuer 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Banco Crédito e Inversiones Banco de Chile Banco Corpbanca Banco BBVA Banco Estado Banco Santander Banco Bice 9,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 7,000,000 626,208 9,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 7,000,000 0 Total bank perform ance bonds 49,626,208 49,000,000 c) Integramédica S.A. 1) Guarantees With regards to the pledges that affect the assets of the Company, as of this date the following guarantees of the subsidiaries of Integramédica, are in force: The company Integramédica S.A. became a joint debtor of the liabilities acquired by its affiliate companies Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. and Exámenes de Laboratorio S.A. as a result of the “Appendix to the End User of SAP support License” subscribed on September 6, 2011. The company Integramédica S.A. became severally and jointly liable of the liabilities of its subsidiary Centro de Diagnóstico Doctora Pilar Gazmuri S.A. as a result of the “Lease Contract” it entered into on September 30, 2011 with Sociedad de Inversiones Chacabuco Limitada. The company Integramédica S.A. became severally and jointly liable of the liabilities of its subsidiary Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. for the Cessions of the following contracts: Plaza Oeste S.A. and Health Group S.A. (today Integramédica S.A.) that took place on June 30, 2000; Plaza La Serena S.A. and Health Group S.A. (today Integramédica S.A.) occurred on June 30, 2000; Nuevos Desarrollos S.A. and Integramédica S.A. occurred on January 31, 2012; Nuevos Desarrollos S.A. and Integramédica S.A. occurred on January 31, 2012; Puente Alto S.A. (today Plaza Tobalaba S.A. and Integramédica S.A.) occurred on November 20, 2002; Plaza El Trebol S.A. and Health Group S.A. (today Integramédica S.A.) occurred on April 28, 2000; Nuevos Desarrollos S.A. and Integramédica S.A. occurred on July 2, 2008; Administradora Plaza Vespucio S.A. e Integramédica S.A. occurred on January 31, 2012. The Company Integramédica S.A. became severally and jointly liable of the liabilities acquired by its subsidiary Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. with regards to the cession of the Lease contract between Los Montes S.A. and Integramédica S.A., which was signed on November 30, 2007. According to the contract “Debt recognition, and modification of credit contract” dated November 17, 2010 and sighted by the Public Notary Mr. Humberto Santelices Narducci, both in the loan operation and in regards to the guarantees the following personal guarantees were established: 86 Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A., Laboratorio Labatria S.A., Exámenes de Laboratorio S.A., Laboratorios Integrados S.A., y Florida Salud Integral S.A. became guarantors and co debtors in favor of Corpbanca, Banco Security, Banco Bice and Banco del Estado de Chile, in relationship to all the liabilities of Inversiones Médicas Cuatro S.A., Idelpa Salud Dos S.A. (both companies are nowadays part of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.) and Integramédica under the contract “Debt recognition, and modification of credit contract” granted on that same date and sighted by the public notary Humberto Santelices Narducci. The company Integramédica Centros Médicos S.A. became co debtor of the company Centro de Diagnóstico Doctora Pilar Gazmuri S.A. with regard to all the liabilities that the latter acquires with Banco Bice for the acquisition of a Tomosynthesis equipment. d) Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. The Company Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. holds a first degree mortgage in favor of Banco Security, on the building located at Anabaena 336, Jardín del Mar, Reñaca, Commune of Viña del Mar, related to the mortgage interest bearing loan. The net fixed asset value amounts to Th$ 8,874,635 at December 31, 2012. The subsidiary Clinica Reñaca S.A. became a guarantor and codebtor of Desarrollo e Inversiones Médicas S.A. with regards of the mortgage debt of the latter with Banco Security. e) Inversiones Clínicas Pukará S.A. The Company has become codebtor of its affiliate Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. with regards to the liabilities that this company has acquired towards Banco Bice, to maintain a working capital line of credit. Inmobiliaria Somequi Ltda. The real estate located at Washington N° 2,489 and Baquedano N° 298, have mortgages on them to guarantee the obligations with Banco Security since 2007. These assets have restrictions to be pledged and divested. Servicios y Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. At June 30, 2014, there are assets located at the Obelisco Building of Matta N° 1839, Antofagasta, whose divestment has been agreed and collected, but at the closing of 2011 were still recorded in the Real Estate Registry under the name of the Company. The mortgages have not been raised due to: - Pending inscription of parking ports number 218, 222, 223 of the second level, 308, 311 and 326 of the third level. - Pending to record in deed the parking port number 225 of the second level. Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. To guarantee the obligations that this company acquired in 2007 with Banco Security, the Company has mortgaged the real estate located at Matta N° 1923, 1927, 1931, 1933, 1945 and 1959, Coquimbo N° 671 in the city of Antofagasta. These assets can not be pledged or divested. Inmobiliaria Somequi S.A. The real estate located at Washington N° 2,489 and Baquedano N° 298, have mortgages to guarantee the obligations the company acquired in 2006 with Banco Security. These assets cannot be pledged or divested. 87 Inmobiliaria Centro Médico Antofagasta S.A. To guarantee the obligations acquired by Servicios and Abastecimientos a Clínicas S.A. with Banco Security during 2006 and 2007, mortgages have been established on the following assets: 1. First mortgage on: - All the underground and the first, second and third levels and eleventh level of the Pukará building located at Matta N° 1868. - On the property located at 8367 Pedro Aguirre Cerda Avenue, lot 255, block 19, of the El Trocadero suburb. 2. Also, the lending company established a second mortgage on the same building to guarantee the faithful and timely commitment of all and each of the obligations that the Affiliate Company currently owes. 3. For the assets singled out in point a)1. there is a restriction to pledge and divest, in favor of Banco Security. To guarantee the obligations acquired in 2006 with Banco Security, the Company has set mortgages on real estate located in Matta numbers 1923, 1927, 1931, 1933, 1945 and 1959, Coquimbo N° 671 of the city of Antofagasta. These assets have restrictions to pledge and divest. f) Servicios de Gestión Ltda. The related company Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. is established as guarantor and co debtor of the obligations that the affiliate company Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A. acquired in the leasing cession contracts, in favor of the insurance companies ING Seguros de Vida S.A. and Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cruz del Sur S.A. On September 24, 2009, Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. was established guarantor and co debtor of the obligations that the affiliate company Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A. acquired in the leasing cession contracts, in favor of MetLife Chile Seguros de Vida S.A. With regards to the financial lease contracts that Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. held with ING Seguros de Vida S.A. and Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cruz del Sur S.A. and by agreement of the Board, during 2008 a renegotiation and restructuring has been carried out on the real estate leasing contracts that Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. holds with said insurance companies and that, in a first stage, considered the modification of the payment terms, rates and installments related to those contracts and, in a second stage, included the cession of rights and obligations that would correspond to Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. as lessee and main subject of the purchase options, to the affiliate company Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A., which belongs to the same entrepreneurial group. The latter subsequently sub-leased the assets to Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. As a result of the cession, the terms and conditions of the leasing contracts did not experience changes with regards to the current conditions and allows that through sub leases, Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. can keep the use of the real estate. As requisite to get access to the cession of leasing contracts, the lessors ING Seguros de Vida S.A. and Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cruz del Sur S.A. requested that Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. would become guarantor and co debtor of the obligations that under those contracts, the affiliate Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A. would acquire in favor of the abovementioned insurance companies, which was approved by the twenty-fifth Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting held on November 20, 2008. During September 2009 a new financial lease contract was made with MetLife Chile Seguros de Vida S.A., which included the cession of rights and obligations in the same terms that corresponded to Isapre Cruz Blanca S.A. as lessee and main subject of the purchase option, to the company Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A., which belongs to the same entrepreneurial group. 88 As a result of the contract of guarantee and co-debt dated November 17, 2010, sighted by the Public Notary of Santiago Mr. Eduardo Diez Morello, Servicios de Gestión Limitada, (iv) Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca and Centro Medico Familiar S.A. became guarantors and co debtors in favor of Corpbanca, Banco Security, Banco Bice and Banco del Estado de Chile with regards to all liabilities of Inversiones Médicas Cuatro S.A., Idelpa Salud Dos S.A. (both companies currently Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.) and Integramédica under the contract named "Acknowledgement of Debt, Modification of Contract of Credit" granted on that same date, and sighted by the Public Notary Humberto Santelices Narducci. Through deeds dated May 11, 2011, Inmobiliaria Cruz Blanca S.A. exercised the purchase option set in the leasing contracts with Metlife Chile Seguros de Vida S.A. Subsequently, through deeds dated June 16, 2011 Metlife Chile Seguros de Vida S.A. lifted and cancelled for all legal purposes, the commercial pledge and prohibitions, declaring that there is no debt related to the contracts mentioned herein. g) Inversiones CBS SpA As a result of the contract of guarantee and co-debt dated November 17, 2010, sighted by the Public Notary of Santiago Mr. Eduardo Diez Morello, this company became a guarantor and co debtor in favor of Corpbanca, Banco Security, Banco Bice and Banco del Estado de Chile with regards to all liabilities of Inversiones Médicas Cuatro S.A., Idelpa Salud Dos S.A. (both companies currently Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.) and Integramédica under the contract named "Acknowledgement of Debt, Modification of Contract of Credit" granted on that same date, and sighted by the Public Notary Humberto Santelices Narducci. h) Cruz Blanca Salud Internacional S.A. As of June 30, 2014, the company does not have guarantees pledged to third parties, nor contingent assets or liabilities nor other commitments. i) Corporación Médica de Arica S.A. There are inscriptions regarding the following properties: 1. This company owns the following real estate located in Arica, and that are pledged in mortgage in favor of Banco Security: Box numbers 112, 113, 213, 214, 219, 312, D-11, D-12, D-13, D-14, DX, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 410, 414, 417, 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 435, 436 and Hospital, Building Edificio Clinica San José located in 1370 Juan Noé street, Arica, which is entered in page 2631 number 2080 and page 2630 number 2079, both in the Properties Register of the Real Estate Registry of Arica, of year 1991. 2. Transit, power and visitation easements recorded in page 4602 number 1958 in the Registry of Mortgage and Liens of the Curator of Real Estate of Arica. j) Inversiones Clínicas CBS S.A. As of June 30, 2014, the company has the following guarantees pledged to third parties: The company is a joint and severally liable codebtor of the liabilities of Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. related to the contract of lines of credit signed on July 17, 2014 with Banco Itaú and BBVA. In the same contract the company has granted a lien on the total amount of the shares it owns in Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. The company Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. has pledged the following guarantees: In regards to the contract for the opening of lines of credit signed on July 17, 2014 with Banco Itaú and Banco BBVA and has pledged the following guarantees in favor of the aforementioned banks: Lien on the whole of the subordinated debt. 89 Mortgage on the following land owned by the company: a) Property located in Avenida Departamental 01455-A, La Florida, Santiago. b) Property located in Avenida Departamental 01455-B, La Florida, Santiago. Lien on the construction and operation contracts that may be signed regarding the hospital that will be built in the abovementioned locations. The companies Servicios Clínicos Domiciliarios S.A.and Servicios de Personal Clínico CBS Dos S.A. have not pledged guarantees nor have other commitments. k) Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. As of June 30, 2014, the company does not have guarantees pledged to third parties, nor contingent assets or liabilities nor other commitments. NOTE 31.- PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTION The personnel distribution of the Group At June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013 is the following: 06/30/2014 Segm ent Insurer Area Hospital Healthcare Area Outpatients Healthcare Area International Area Other Total Managers and Executives Staff and front desk Clinical Area Total 28 36 75 12 18 1,978 592 1,665 186 135 0 1,345 1,302 249 0 2,006 1,973 3,042 447 153 169 4,556 2,896 7,621 12/31/2013 Segm ent Insurer Area Hospital Healthcare Area Outpatients Healthcare Area International Area Other Total Managers and Executives Staff and front desk Clinical Area Total 28 39 76 9 18 1,926 755 1,873 156 126 0 1,163 1,320 220 0 1,954 1,957 3,269 385 144 170 4,836 2,703 7,709 90 NOTE 32.- ENVIRONMENT As Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. is an investment company, does not generate operations that could impact the environment, and for this reason it has not made disbursements related to this. The affiliates are concerned about the protection of the environment. As a result, all installations that operate continuously use as a main source of power electricity and gas, using only in cases of emergency oil for the power generator equipment. The handling of both solid and liquid waste is of paramount importance for Group CBS and its affiliates that are involved in the hospital and outpatients healthcare. Therefore, there is a strict control on the compliance of the handling of solid waste in accordance with the Ministry of Health (REAS, by its acronym in Spanish). The same is true regarding the liquid waste which is managed with a detailed discharge control plan through discharge chambers and an adequate use of sanitizers and cleaning chemicals while minimizing the impact to the environment and to peoples' health. The affiliates are participants in the health care provider market, whose nature involves the rendering of a service that does alter the environmental conditions. Both the parent company and its affiliates comply with the current standards and regulations. On June 20, 2014 the Regional Secretary of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications of the Metropolitan Region, in Resolution Number 4140, approved the Study of Impact on the Urban Transportation System presented by Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A. for the project named "Clínica Cruz Blanca" which will be located in Avenida Departamental 1455, La Florida, Santiago. 91 NOTE 33.- LOCAL AND FOREIGN CURRENCY Assets 06/30/2014 Th$ 12/31/2013 Th$ Cash and cash equivalents 27,210,902 19,514,037 US dollar Peruvian New Sol UF Non-restatable pesos 2,375 1,508,614 2,222,527 23,477,386 8,077 1,891,781 2,612,040 15,002,139 Other financial assets, current 11,615,013 26,074,375 Peruvian New Sol UF Non-restatable pesos 0 6,950,219 4,664,794 14,716 17,382,401 8,677,258 Other non-financial assets, current 8,617,215 7,643,037 Peruvian New Sol UF Non-restatable pesos 143,812 79,905 8,393,498 22,516 27,571 7,592,950 Cuentas por cobrar a entidades relacionadas corrientes 366,560 485,993 Non-restatable pesos 366,560 485,993 Trade debtors and other accounts receivable, current 50,800,836 46,853,452 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 2,237,397 48,563,439 2,109,178 44,744,274 Inventory 2,263,486 2,407,095 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 158,711 2,104,775 129,349 2,277,746 Current tax assets 4,832,009 7,882,987 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 46,203 4,785,806 143,244 7,739,743 105,706,021 110,860,976 Total Current Assets 92 NOTE 33.- LOCAL AND FOREIGN CURRENCY (Continued) Other financial assets, non-current 31,126,489 23,961,093 UF Non-restatable pesos 26,167,179 4,959,310 19,952,013 4,009,080 Other non-financial assets, non-current 38,275,998 36,869,057 Non-restatable pesos 38,275,998 36,869,057 Intangible assets other than goodw ill 105,029,981 102,943,496 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 3,639,023 101,390,958 2,452,809 100,490,687 Goodw ill 83,720,463 83,533,337 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 2,948,480 80,771,983 2,761,355 80,771,982 Property, plant, and equipm ent 120,658,439 116,913,293 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 9,331,155 111,327,284 8,839,558 108,073,735 Investm ent property 1,748,344 1,768,412 Non-restatable pesos 1,748,344 1,768,412 Deferred tax assets 5,364,570 4,922,321 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 1,051,655 4,312,915 729,198 4,193,123 Investm ents accounted for using the equity m ethod 300,295 291,369 Non-restatable pesos 300,295 291,369 Total Non-Current Assets 386,224,579 371,202,378 Total Assets 491,930,600 482,063,354 93 NOTE 33.- LOCAL AND FOREIGN CURRENCY (Continued) 06/30/2014 12/31/2013 Th$ Th$ Other financial liabilities, current 24,346,326 24,158,186 US dollar Peruvian New Sol UF Non-restatable pesos 124,776 83,963 2,398,437 21,739,150 161,533 73,888 3,329,366 20,593,399 Trade payables and other accounts payable, current 97,298,252 88,253,418 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 2,332,562 94,965,690 2,062,403 86,191,015 Current tax payables 238,404 635,140 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 3,044 235,360 83,236 551,904 Other provisions, current 25,916,173 23,447,529 Non-restatable pesos 25,916,173 23,447,529 Em ployee benefits provisions, current 1,746,192 856,307 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 51,395 1,694,797 0 856,307 Other non-financial liabilities, current 3,311,402 3,744,340 Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 101,404 3,209,998 0 3,744,340 Total Current Liabilities 152,856,749 141,094,920 Other financial liabilities, non-current 121,322,739 126,672,614 328,861 189,069 60,847,695 59,957,114 372,365 221,233 60,083,216 65,995,800 Other accounts payable, non-current 4,214 4,214 Non-restatable pesos 4,214 4,214 Deferred tax liabilitites, non-current 20,459,358 20,148,123 Peruvian New Sol Pesos 1,433,453 19,025,905 1,484,150 18,663,973 1,234,778 1,789,364 775,778 459,000 0 1,789,364 Equity 196,052,762 192,354,119 Non-restatable pesos 196,052,762 192,354,119 Total non-current liabilities and Net Equity 339,073,851 340,968,434 Total Liabilities 491,930,600 482,063,354 Liabilities US dollar Peruvian New Sol UF Non-restatable pesos Other non-financial liabilities, non-current Peruvian New Sol Non-restatable pesos 94 NOTE 34.- NON-CURRENT ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS The Group does not have non-current assets held for sale nor discontinued operations. NOTE 35.- SIGNIFICANT EVENTS As of June 30, 2014, the Company has issued the following significant events: General Shareholders' Meeting On April 25, 2014 the Company reported to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance that on that date was held the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A., which was held with a quorum of 92.009672% of the shares issued and paid. During this meeting the following matters were covered: 1. The Annual Report, General Balance and Financial Statements of the company, corresponding to the 2013 period, had been approved; 2. The Report of the Independent Auditor with respect for the period ended on December 31, 2013, was approved; 3. The compensation of the Board for the 2012 period and the expenses for said period was approved. 4. The activity report of the Directors Committee and their compensation was approved for the 2014 period. 5. The report on the information described in Title XVI (Disclosures on transactions with related entities) of Law 18046 on Corporations was approved. 6. KPMG Auditores Consultores Limitada was designated as the Independent Auditor for the 2014 period. 7. Humphreys Limitada and Fitch Chile Clasificadora de Riesgo Limitada were designated as risk ratings agencies. 8. The newspaper Diario Financiero was designated as the medium which will carry the official publications of the Company. 9. As definite minimum compulsory dividend, an additional profit distribution of $6.5 (six point five Chilean pesos) per share, payable from may 7, 2012 to the shareholders recorded in the corresponding Registry five days prior to that date. In this regard, Annex 1 to the Circular Number 660 of the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance is attached. 10. It was made present that a certified copy of the minutes of the Meeting would be sent to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance within the time frame set for this in the current regulations and that at each opportunity the representatives of the Pension Funds Administration companies voiced their approval. Summon to General Shareholders' Meeting On March 28, 2014 the Company reported to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance that in meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 27, the Board agreed to: A. Summon the General Shareholders' Meeting to assemble on April 24, 2014 at 11.30am in Teatro Mori, located at 5413 Avenida Presidente Kennedy, Las Condes, in order to: 1. Make a statement regarding the Annual Report, General Balance and Financial Statements of 95 the Company, corresponding to 2013. 2. Make a statement regarding the report of the independent accountants. 3. Make a statement regarding the Board compensation for the period 2013 and to report on Board expenses corresponding to 2013. 4. Report on activities and expenses of the Committee of Directors and to establish its compensation for 2013. 5. Report on information set forth in Title XVI of Law 18,046. 6. Designate an independent accountant. 7. Designate risk rating agencies. 8. Designate the newspaper where the company's communications will be published. 9. Propose amounts for dividend payments. 10. Treat any other matter of interest for the shareholders and that may be the subject of this type of Meeting. B. Regarding dividends payments, the Board agreed to propose to the Shareholders Meeting the payment of $6.5 per share, corresponding to 40.13% of 2013's profits. Election of Committee of Directors and Chairman of the Board On March 12, 2014 Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. reported that in Board session held on March 11, 2014, the Board of Directors approved the following: 1. To appoint Mr. Salvador Said Somavía as Chairman of the Board of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. 2. As independent member of the Board, Mr. Jorge Bande Bruck appointed Messrs.’ Carlos Antonio Jaureguizar Ruiz-Jarabo and Rodrigo Muñoz Muñoz to form with him the Directors Committee of the Company, as set forth in article 50bis of Law 18.046. Agreements of the extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting On March 12, 2014, the Company reported to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance that during the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. held on March 11, 2014, the following agreements were reached: 1. To increase the amount of Members of the Board from 7 to 9 members. 2. To modify article 7 of the Company's by-laws to reflect the increase in the number of members that compose the Board of Directors. 3. To revoke the current Board of Directors and to elect the following people as the Company's Directors, for the following three years: 4. Alvaro Erazo Latorre Carlos Antonio Jaureguizar Ruiz-Jarabo Gabriela Pueyo Roberts Ignacio Ereño Iribarren Jorge Bande Bruck (independent) José Francisco Tomás Martínez Monica Paramés García-Astigarraga Rodrigo Muñoz Muñoz Salvador Said Somavía Prepare a revised consolidated text of the Company By-Laws. 96 Outcome of the Tender Offer On February 24 the Company reported to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance of the successful outcome of the tender offer made by Grupo Bupa Sanitas Chile Uno SpA. Said company acquired control of Cruz Blanca Salud on February 24, 2014, by acquiring 359,520,000 shares that represent a 56% of its share capital, and therefore has acquired the control of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. This will be realized on March 11, 2014, in the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting. Summon To Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting On January 31, 2014 the Company communicated to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance of the summon to an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. to be held on March 11, 2013 in order to increase the number of Directors from 7 to 9, to modify the Company By-Laws in case of reaching said agreement, revoke the current Board and name the new Board members if the previous step is approved, and to agree on a new consolidated text for the By-Laws. Satisfactory Due Diligence On January 15, 2014, the Company reported to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance that the due diligence process carried by Bupa Sanitas SL was satisfactorily concluded. This due diligence took place in the context of the tender offer that Fondo de Inversión Privado Costanera ("FIP Costanera") had communicated to the Company, related to the conditional promise to sell shares underwritten with Grupo Bupa Sanitas S.A., related to a tender offer for the acquisition of shares for at least 50% of the share capital of CBS plus one share (which could reach up to 56% of the share capital of CBS). Signature of promise to trade shares On December 1, 2013, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. communicated the following to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance: 1) Fondo de Inversión Privado Costanera ("FIP Costanera"), which is related to the Said Somavía family and that is the current controlling party of CBS, communicated that it has underwritten a conditional promise to sell its interest to Grupo Bupa Sanitas S.L., a company organized and established in accordance to the laws of the Kingdom of Spain ("Bupa Sanitas"), seeking a tender offer for shares for at least 50% of the share capital of BCS plus one share (which can also be for up to 56% of the share capital of CBS), which shall establish as success condition obtaining acceptances to sell for 50% of the CBS share capital, plus one share. 2) The share price in the tender offer shall be $525 per share. The transaction also includes a put option for the remainder of the shares that FIP Costanera shall hold in CBS, which can be executed after 24 months since the closing of the transaction or before in case of a change in control of CBS. If the option is executed it will implemented through a second tender offer for shares for the total of the CBS shares that are not held by Bupa Sanitas - meaning, addressed to all shareholders -. The price will be the same price of the original tender offer corrected by inflation capped at 4% per year. 3) Bupa Sanitas and FIP Costanera have agreed to provide mutual exclusivity while the confirmation due diligence is carried out. In case the confirmation due diligence is satisfactory for Bupa Sanitas, it is expected that the tender offer will occur during January 2014. 4) The Board of Directors has not issued an opinion about the convenience of the transaction for the shareholders, which will happen, in case the tender offer comes to happen, in the terms foreseen in the Capital Markets Law and CBS will keep the Superintendence informed about every relevant development with regards to the events disclosed. Authorization to operate for Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. (Life Insurance Company) 97 On October 17, 2013, the company informed that on October 15, 2013, Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. received the authorization to operate from the Superintendence by means of Circular 23083. Acquisition of Mediperú S.A. In significant event filed on September 10, 2013, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. informed that through its Peruvian subsidiary Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C., it has signed a share purchase agreement through which it acquired 100% of the shares of the companies MediPerú S.A. and Panaholdings Investment Corp., companies that under the brand "MediPerú" in the Republic of Peru, carry the business of imaging diagnosis, resonance, tomography, x-rays, echography and samples collection in the city of Lima. The purchase price amounted to US$ 5.8 million, amount entirely financed through the acquirer's own funds. The sellers do not have any relationship with Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. nor with its subsidiary Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C. and therefore the acquisition is not a transaction with a related party as presented in the Corporations Act. Acquisition of Anglolab S.A. On July 17, 2013, the company informed that on July 16, 2013 and through its Peruvian subsidiary Cruz Blanca Salud Peru S.A.C., it signed a share purchase agreement through which it acquired 70% of the shares and therefore the control of the company Anglolab S.A., a company established under the laws of the Republic of Peru, whose business is performing clinical laboratory activities, blood bank and pathological anatomy in different hospitals and medical centers in Lima and other provinces of the Republic of Peru. The purchase price - entirely funded with the acquirer's own funds - amounted to US$ 6 million, price that is subject to financial and accounting adjustments. The sellers do not have any relationship with Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. nor with its subsidiary Cruz Blanca Salud Perú S.A.C. and therefore the acquisition is not a transaction with a related party as presented in the Corporations Act. Establishment of Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. (Life Insurance Company) On May 2, 2013 it was informed that on April 30, 2013 the legal formalities for the constitution of special corporation Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. were completed by entering company in the Registry of Commerce of Santiago and the publication in the Official Gazette of certificate issued by the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance containing the extract of company's bylaws. the the the the In addition, it was stated that the authorization to exist and the approval of the bylaws of the Company were granted through exempt resolution number 122 of April 18, 2013. Election of Committee of Directors and Chairman of the Board On April 30, 2013, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. reported that in Board session held on April 29, 2013, the Board of Directors approved to designate Mr. Salvador Said Somavía as Chairman of the Board of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. and Messrs.’. Alvaro Fischer Abeliuk, Jorge Bande Bruck and Rodrigo Muñoz Muñoz were appointed members of the Committee of Directors of the Company. Agreements of General Shareholders' Meeting and dividend payment On april 26, 2013, the Company reported to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance that on that date it carried the General Shareholders' Meeting of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A., which was held with 95,633% of the issued shares and paid by the company. During this meeting the following topics were treated: 1. Approval of the Annual Report, General Balance and Financial Statements of the Company for 98 2012; 2. Approval of the Independent Accountant's report corresponding to the period ended December 31, 2012; 3. Election of the members of the Board, resulting in the election of the following persons: a. Alvaro Fischer Abeliuk (independent); b. Jorge Bande Bruck (independent); c. Marcos Büchi Buc; d. Alvaro Erazo Latorre: e. Rodrigo Muñoz Muñoz: f. Salvador Said Somavía; and g. Pablo Wagner San Martín 4. Approval of the compensation proposed for the Board for 2013 and the corresponding expenses corresponding to 2012. 5. Approval of the report on the activities of the Committee of Directors and its compensation for 2013. 6. Approval of the report on the information required in Title XIV of Law 18.046. 7. Designation of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Limitada as the independent accountants for 2013. 8. Designation of Clasificadora de Riesgo Humphreys Limitada and Fitch Chile Clasificadora de Riesgo Limitada as risk rating agencies. 9. Designation of Diario Financiero as the medium that will contain the Company's publications. 10. Approval of the definitive minimum statutory dividend distribution under the form of an additional $11 (eleven Chilean pesos) per share. This dividend will be payable as of May 7, 2013, to the shareholders recorded in the corresponding Registry on the midnight of the fifth business day prior to the payment date. To this effect, find attached as appendix form 1 of Circular number 660 of the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance. Summon to General Shareholders' Meeting and Dividend proposal On April 4, 2013 the Company reported to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance that in meeting of the Board of Directors held on April 3, 2013 the Board agreed to: Summon the General Shareholders' Meeting to assemble on April 26, 2013 at 10 am in Teatro Mori, located at Avenida Presidente Kennedy 5413, Las Condes, in order to: 1. Make a statement regarding the Annual Report, General Balance and Financial Statements of the Company, corresponding to 2012. 2. Make a statement regarding the report of the independent accountants. 3. Election of Member of the Board. 4. Make a statement regarding the Board compensation for the period 2013 and to report on Board expenses corresponding to 2012. 5. Report on activities and expenses of the Committee of Directors and to establish its compensation for 2013. 6. Report on information set forth in Title XVI of Law 18,046. 7. Designate an independent accountant. 8. Designate risk rating agencies. 9. Designate the newspaper where the company's communications will be published. 99 10. Propose amounts for dividend payments. 11. Treat any other matter of interest for the shareholders and that may be the subject of this type of Meeting. Regarding dividends payments, the Board agreed to propose to the Shareholders Meeting the payment of $11 per share, corresponding to 39.73003% of the shares of 2012. Establishment of a Life Insurance Company On January 9, 2013 the company reported that in the Board Meeting held on that date it was agreed to create a life insurance company, which would be an affiliate of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. The company’s name will be Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. and its single purpose will be to insure, on a premium base, the risks of people or to guarantee said people, within or at the end of a term, a principal, a settled policy or an annuity for the insured person or the beneficiaries, in accordance to what is set forth in articles four and eight of Law Decree 251 of 1931, as well as, to enter into any other activity that the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance authorizes with a general standard or other regulation that declare consistent or complementary to the business of insurance companies of the second group. It was also reported that this company shall have an initial capital of UF 120,000 split among 3,421,131 shares of a single series without par value. Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. will own 99.99% of the shares issued by Cruz Blanca Compañía de Seguros de Vida S.A. The company will be financed through capital contributions from its shareholders, notwithstanding that in the future it may generate its own financing alternatives. Finally, it was reported that once that once establishment formalities are complete, the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance will be notified. NOTE 36.- SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Management believes that in the period between June 30, 2014 and the issue date of these financial statements, there have been no financial or other events that may significantly affect the balances or the interpretation of these financial statements, except for the following: Loan to build a hospital in the commune of La Florida On July 2014 the company Inmobiliaria y Constructora CBS S.A., which is an indirect subsidiary of Cruz Blanca Salud S.A., signed a loan agreement with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Chile y Banco Itau Chile for an amount of up to UF 3,224,940. The proceeds from the loan will be used in the construction expenses and Value Added Tax financing related to the construction and operation of a hospital of Group Cruz Blanca Salud. The hospital will be located in the commune of La Florida, Metropolitan Region. The loan has a term of 20 years, including the construction period, and the contract considers the habitual guarantees for this type of operations, such as a mortgage on the land where the hospital will be located and lien on the shares of the affiliates. Furthermore, Cruz Blanca Salud S.A. has been established as joint and severally liable codebtor to guarantee the creditors of the complete, effective and timely compliance of all the obligations assumed under the loan contract. 100