SEE ZINE HERE - The Marina Experiment
SEE ZINE HERE - The Marina Experiment
DEATH BE KIND 2010 The Memorial The Memorial A display-case collection of inherited objects from over 100 people, and zine. June 29th - 25th July The Memorial )RUWKH¿UVWH[KLELWLRQRI'($7+%(.,1'&ODLUH/DPEHDQG(OYLV5LFKDUGVRQ present The Memorial an elaborate display-case housing a collection of beloved objects that once belonged to a deceased relative, friend, acquaintance or lover chosen by over 100 people from all walks of life who have kindly participated in this project. The Memorial presentation is reminiscent of the small private museum and employs the language of display to create symbiotic dialogues through the relational SODFHPHQWRIWKHZRUNV$FRPSOH[GLVSOD\FDVHKDVEHHQFRQVWUXFWHGVRDVWRHOevate the importance and meanings of the beloved objects and gently navigate the YLHZHUVH[SHULHQFHRIWKHJDOOHU\VSDFH The Memorial retells the stories behind the objects that we keep to evoke memory of the deceased, how these objects maintain ongoing relationship with the dead, DQGKRZWKHVHPDWHULDOSRVVHVVLRQVUHPDLQLPSRUWDQWLQPHPRU\PDNLQJ(DFK REMHFWKDVEHHQGRFXPHQWHGDQGWH[WVFROOHFWHGIURPWKHKROGHUDERXWWKHLUREMHFW WRFUHDWHDFDWDORJXHRIWH[WVWKDWFDSWLRQWKHREMHFWVSHUVRQDOPHDQLQJVLQD]LQH Zine also features writers Morgan Fayle, Ruth Learner and David Luker and artist Marina Lutz. Thank you to all the participants who have trusted us with their precious possessions. Thank you Lisa Young without whom this project would not be possible, and Huw Smith for his talent and hard work. DEATH BE KIND Upstairs @ The Alderman /\JRQ6WUHHW %UXQVZLFN(DVW9,& Opening hours: 7XHVGD\SP 6DWXUGD\6XQGD\SP Or by appointment &/ (5 Dedicated to Alfred Hurle ± Betty Matear &HUWL¿FDWH 3UHVHQWRZQHU$QGHZ+XUOH Framed water colour Present owner: Adrien Allen 7KHODVWWLPH,YLVLWHGP\1DQDKDSSHQHGWR be on the day she was preparing to leave her family home and move into residential care. The house was being emptied of furniture DV,DUULYHGDQG,WRRNWKHFHUWL¿FDWHIURP a chest of drawers as it was being loaded onto a trailer. $V D FKLOG , VSHQW D ORW RI WLPH ZLWK P\ JUDQGPRWKHU 6KH GLHG ZKHQ , ZDV D WHHQDJHU , FDUU\ DQ LPDJH DURXQG ZLWK me of her face – the glamour of her former life discernible, the disappointment of life clear. ,W KDG EHHQ LVVXHG WR P\ *UDQGIDWKHU E\ 'XQNOLQJ¶V MHZHOHUV ZKHQ KH SXUFKDVHG either a wedding or engagement ring (the FHUWL¿FDWHGRHVQ¶WVSHFLI\ZKLFK ,Q WKHVH ODVW ZDWHUFRORXUV DV LQ PRVW RI her work, she created an arcane space built of memory and fantasy. Only family and close friends saw these. William Morrow Odino Belia 5/10/1927–4/10/2002 ± Song lyrics written out by William Morrow to Cole Porter’s 1934 song Don’t fence Me In, based on original poem Open Range by Montana Department of Highways poet engineer Robert Fletcher. 3UHVHQWRZQHU$QGUHZ+D]HOZLQNHO A small clear brown capsule/ container with two rings of colour on top. Broken, this object is in two pieces and placed in a clear cylinder. 3UHVHQWRZQHU$QLWD%HOLD /\ULFV WR :LOOLDP¶V IDYRXULWH VRQJ ZULWWHQ out by him and given to me the last time we saw each other. Morphine was the contents of this small FRQWDLQHU ,W ZDV XVHG WR UHOLHYH WKH H[WUDRUGLQDU\ SDLQ P\ IDWKHU VXIIHUHG WKURXJKKLVFDQFHU,W¶VDQREMHFWRIEHDXW\ and a symbol of a happier or at least a more comfortable physical and mental state. *UDQGSDKDGGLHGDERXWWKUHHZHHNVEHIRUH P\ YLVLW DQG P\ 1DQD GLHG DERXW IRXU months after moving into her new unit. WDONV DERXW 1DQD DV LI VKH ZHUH KLV RZQ 0RWKHU+HFDOOHGKHU³/DG\%RVV´6KHZDV a servant as a young woman, and when she PHWP\*UDQGGDGZKRZDVDFRDOPLQHU VKHEHFDPHDVHDPVWUHVV6KHZDVDVQHDWDV a pin, she always made her own clothes and furnishings, as well as the elaborate doilies that stopped ornaments from scratching the furniture. 6KHWDXJKWXVFDUGJDPHV6KHZRXOGVLQJ URPDQWLFVRQJVIURPWKH)LUVW:RUOG:DU ZKLFK ZH IRXQG KLODULRXV 6KH PDGH WKH EHVW URDVW±FKLFNHQ±DQG±YHJ HYHU 6KH KDG GLI¿FXOW\ HDWLQJ VSDJKHWWL ZKLFK VKH would always turn into something of a performance to offset her embarrassment, DQG PDNH XV UROO DURXQG ZLWK ODXJKWHU , GLGQ¶WVHHKHUDJDLQDIWHUZHOHIWWKH8.LQ WRPRYHWR$XVWUDOLD:HZDQWHGKHU to come with us, but she thought it would be too hot. The night that she died, she spent a long time with a nurse telling her DOODERXWKHU*UDQGGDXJKWHUV ,ORYHKROGLQJWKHVHGRLOLHVZKLFKVKHPDGH ZLWKDUWKULWLF¿QJHUVDQGVXFKFDUH Eileen Thomas (nee Marsden) ± Crocheted blanket Present owner : Andrew McQualter This blanket was made for me by my PDWHUQDO JUDQGPRWKHU (LOHHQ 7KRPDV and has been continuously in my possession VLQFH Elsie Stokes 10/11/1905–20/10/1995 Crotchet Doily 3UHVHQWRZQHU%HF'HDQ $ FRXSOH RI PRQWKV DJR , FDPH LQWR SRVVHVVLRQRIZKDW,JXHVVLVP\LQKHULWDQFH or at least a part of it. My Mum has been living in Argentina for the last three years and had been storing all of her stuff in $XVWUDOLD XS XQWLO WKLV WLPH 6KH GHFLGHG WRRIÀRDGHYHU\WKLQJDQGGLYLGHLWEHWZHHQ PHDQGP\WZRVLVWHUV,ZDVQ¶WH[SHFWLQJ VRPH RI KHU FU\VWDO YDVHV DQG , FHUWDLQO\ ZDVQ¶W H[SHFWLQJ KHU HQWLUH FROOHFWLRQ RI P\1DQD¶VKHU0RWKHU¶VKDQG±FURFKHWHG doilies. There are at least 50 of them. 0\1DQDZDVDNLQGDQGJHQWOHVPDOODQG URXQG ZRPDQ (YHQ WKRXJK P\ SDUHQWV can barely stand one another these days, P\'DGVWLOOJHWVDWHDULQKLVH\HZKHQKH Tony Nowlan ± A dung ball 3UHVHQWRZQHU$QQDEHO1RZODQ /RRNVOLNHQRWKLQJHOVH«$FRZ±PDGHEDOO RI GULHG PXG JUDVV DQG FRZ PDQXUH ,W KDVDFFXPXODWHGRQD+HUHIRUGFRZ¶VWDLO ,W KDV EHHQ VKDSHG LQWR D EDOO E\ UROOLQJ from side to side, around the cows behind, for months. My father obviously cut it off, and kept it. My father was a farmer, a quite stoic man who that loved his animals and especially his cows. This curio was found along with RWKHUVZKHQP\VLVWHUVDQG,ZHUHFOHDQLQJ out his bedroom cupboard, about 15ys ago. The cow–ball now sits on my mantle piece DV D PHPHQWR WR KLP ,W DWWUDFWV VRPH FXULRVLW\« DWDSDUW\VRPHRQH WULHG WR VHW ¿UHWRWKHIXUU\FRZWDLOELWZKLFKORRNVOLNH WKHWDSHUWRVRPHVRUWRIH[SORVLYHERPE Roy Hill Name withheld ± Mum: 1929–2003 0H An aviator helmet accompanied by a funeral card. Present owner: %UHWRQ6OLYND Mum’s knife: 28 x 3.3cm My knife (broken): 22 x 3.3cm Present owner: name withheld 7KLVLVWKHDYLDWRUKHOPHWZLWKZKLFK5R\ ZRXOGÀ\LQDVRSZLWKFDPHOELSODQH reassuring and familiar. My knife speaks to me directly about my mum, more so HYHQWKDQKHURZQNQLIH,W¶VSUDFWLFDOLW¶V KRQHVW DERXW LWV RZQ GLI¿FXOW SDVW DQG LW VD\VWRPH³NHHSJRLQJ´ $URXQG WKH WLPH , ¿UVW PRYHG RXW RQ P\ RZQP\PXPERXJKWWZRLGHQWLFDO NLWFKHQNQLYHVDWDIDFWRU\±GLUHFWVDOH6KH passed one on to me and kept the other for KHUVHOI7KLVZDVWKH¿UVWDQGRQO\SURSHU chef–style knife my mum ever owned. The illustration on the front of the funeral FDUG LV DQ XQ¿QLVKHG VNHWFK , FUHDWHG RQ KLV GHDWK EHG :KLOH KH ZDV XQFRQVFLRXV DQG FORVH WR GHDWK IURP NLGQH\ IDLOXUH , decided to take my one last opportunity to sketch him. 6RPHRIP\HDUOLHVWPHPRULHVRIP\PXP involve her battling rock-hard pumpkins ZLWK WKH FUD]LO\ ÀH[LQJ DQG WZLVWLQJ ROG carving knife she got as a wedding present in the ‘50s. This new knife was a revelation WR KHU , FOHDUO\ UHPHPEHU WKRVH ¿UVW triumphant pumpkin conquests. ,ZDVDORQHLQWKHURRPZLWKKLP3DUWZD\ WKURXJK WKH VNHWFK , UHDOLVHG KH ZDVQ¶W breathing anymore and quietly informed the rest of my family. The sketch was left LQLWVXQ¿QLVKHGVWDWHLWUHSUHVHQWVKLVODVW breath of life. , GHVLJQHG WKH IXQHUDO FDUG 7KH DYLDWRU KHOPHWZDVGLVSOD\HGGXULQJKLVIXQHUDO, DVNHGLI,FRXOGKDYHLWDIWHUZDUGDV,DP an avid fan and collector of hats, aviator KHOPHWV LQ SDUWLFXODU 5R\ ZDV WK /DNRWD6LRX[1DWLYH$PHULFDQ7ULEH7KH symbol on the back of the card relates to this heritage. Mr Crabbs ± Ashes of cat (Mr Crabbs) contained in wooden box & Clipping of hair. 3UHVHQWRZQHU&DUPHO5RJDQ Brian John Rogan ± Akubra hat 3UHVHQWRZQHU&DUPHO5RJDQ Mutlu Cerkez +DWZDVQHYHUZRUQEXWZDVERXJKWRQRQH RIKLVKROLGD\V,KDYHWKRXJKWPRUHDERXW P\IDWKHUVKDWLWLVDUHPLQGHUWRPHWKDW its not always a good thing to put off plans WR D IXWXUH GDWH , VSRNH WR P\ PRWKHU DERXW WKH KDW LW ZDV ERXJKW WR ZHDU when he retired as he had plans to travel ZLWKKHU6DGO\WKDWQHYHUKDSSHQHGDVKH died on the way home from his retirement SDUW\7KDWZDVDSSUR[LPDWHO\\HDUVDJR in July. Artwork 3UHVHQWRZQHU&DOOXP0RUWRQ ± $ ELUWKGD\ SUHVHQW IURP 0XWOX &HUNH] WR &DOOXP0RUWRQ %HORYHG)XU&KLOG$OVR,WKLQNWKHUHDVRQ ZK\ , KDG 0U &UDEEV FUHPDWHG ZDV EHFDXVH , KDG WURXEOH OHWWLQJ KLP JR +H ZDVP\IXUEDE\DIWHU\HDUVWRJHWKHU he really became an integral part of my life. My life revolved around his, much to the consternation of family members who could never understand. 9LFWRU\ , DOVR UHPHPEHU PDQ\ PLQRU LQMXULHV0\PXP¶V¿QJHUVZHUHQRWQLPEOH and she struggled to see clearly through her ELIRFDO JODVVHV 6KH DOVR WHQGHG WR EH LQ D bit of a preoccupied rush when chopping, usually deep in conversation with someone ZKLOH VKH ZRUNHG :KHQ VKH FXW KHUVHOI KHUFU\ZDVDOZD\VDORXG³2KSRR´ 0\GDGLVDOVRERXQGWRWKLVNQLIH+HGLG not use it so much but was quite proud of how he kept it sharp, making an earnest IXVVRILWEHIRUHFDUYLQJD6XQGD\URDVW 0\ NQLIH KDV LWV RZQ VWRU\ 'LVKZDVKHU bleached and battered, the blade has broken twice. A couple of centimeters snapped off during a foolish struggle to disarm someone who had seized it for self-harm. ,W VQDSSHG D VHFRQG WLPH ZKLOH KDFNLQJ at glacial formations in an old fridge with DQ RYHU±DFWLYH WKHUPRVWDW %RWK WLPHV , hand–ground the blade back to a vaguely useful shape and returned it to kitchen duty. My mum passed away in 2003, my dad in ,QWKHVRUWLQJRXWRIHIIHFWVWKHWZR knives were reunited in my kitchen around &KULVWPDV Today, now that the two knives sit side E\VLGHLQWKHEORFN,WHQGWRDYRLGXVLQJ P\ PXP¶V NQLIH ,W IHHOV IRUHLJQ DQG XQEDODQFHG ,WV WDSHUHG SRLQW PDNHV PH IHHO D OLWWOH XQFRPIRUWDEOH , DOZD\V UHDFK IRUP\RZQEURNHQNQLIHLI,FDQ,WVFUXGH stunted blade sits solidly in the hand, Pauline Cooper ± A collection of Rod Stewart albums Present owner: 'DQLHO0XGLH&XQQLQJKDP 0\ JUDQGPRWKHU 3DXOLQH ZDV D KXJH 5RG 6WHZDUW IDQ DQG FROOHFWHG HDFK DOEXP KH PDGH DQG NHSW WKHP LQ D UHG SODVWLF /3 case, which ran out of plastic sleeves to accommodate them all. Paul Tansley ± Body jewelry 3UHVHQWRZQHU&OLQWRQ*DURIDQR A cock ring or cockring is a ring that is placed DURXQGDPDQ¶VSHQLVXVXDOO\DWWKHEDVH SULPDULO\ WR VORZ WKH ÀRZ RI EORRG IURP the erect penile tissue, thus maintaining HUHFWLRQ IRU D ORQJHU SHULRG RI WLPH &RFN rings can be worn around just the penis or penis and scrotum, or just the scrotum alone, though this is usually designated as a WHVWLFOHFXII5LQJVFDQEHPDGHRIDYDULHW\ of different materials, most commonly leather, rubber, or silicone, though nylon and metalare also used either as the main component or part of the closure. The term cock ring is sometimes used as a synonym for a Prince Albert piercing, a piercing of the penis that is usually, though not always, DPHWDOULQJZLNLSHGLD Lt Col. David Scott Bell 15/1/37–2/9/03 Green tartan dressing gown with hanky in the pocket 3UHVHQWRZQHU&DWKHULQH%HOO , XVHG WR ZHDU WKLV GUHVVLQJ JRZQ ZKHQ , ZDV\RXQJHUWHHQV'DGZRXOGSXWLWRQ PHZKHQ,ZDVFROG,GLGQ¶WRZQDGUHVVLQJ JRZQDWWKLVDJH,ZRXOGVKDUH'DG¶V 6RZKHQKHGLHGPXPDVNHGLI,ZDQWHGLW PDLQO\IRUSUDFWLFDOUHDVRQVEHFDXVH,OLYHG in Melbourne and it is colder down here FRPSDUHGWR%ULVEDQH 7KHUHIRUH VKH WKRXJKW , ZRXOG KDYH PRUH XVHIRULW,GLGWU\WRSURSDJDWHLWZKHQ, PRYHG RYHUVHDV EXW 'DG ZDVQ¶W ZLOOLQJ WR SDUW ZLWK LW WKHQ 0\ EURWKHUV DUHQ¶W WKH kind of guys who wear pajamas and dressing JRZQVVRZHGLGQ¶WQHHGWRQHJRWLDWHZKR JRWLW+HKDGLWLQWKHKRVSLWDOZKHUHKH SDVVHG DZD\ EHFDXVH KH FRPSODLQHG WR mum that the air conditioning was too cold, VKH DOVR ERXJKW KLP D SDLU RI ÀDQQHOHWWH pjs. ,DOVRKDYHWKHVHDQGKLVEHGVRFNV7KDW was what he was wearing when he died. 7KH\ DUH LPEHGGHG ZLWK KLV VSLULW DQG , wear all of them. Marjorie Clover ± Paint brush 3UHVHQWRZQHU&DWKHULQH&ORYHU $GHOLQH 0DUMRULH 6RSKLH 7LSSHW ZDV P\ paternal grandmother and was born in LQ 6XGEXU\ 6XIIRON LQ WKH 8. $IWHU KHU IDWKHU ZDV NLOOHG DW *DOOLSROL LQ Marjorie managed to persuade her sister DQGPRWKHUWRDFFRPSDQ\KHUWR/RQGRQVR she could pursue her creative interests and VKHJRWDMREGHVLJQLQJGUHVVHVDW+DUURGV :KHQ KHU PRWKHU GLHG VXGGHQO\ RI DQ DFXWHREVWUXFWLRQ0DUMRULHDQG6\ELOZHUH REOLJHG WR UHWXUQ WR 6XGEXU\ PXFK WR 0DUMRULH¶V IUXVWUDWLRQ +HUH VKH PHW P\ JUDQGIDWKHU0DQQLQJ&ORYHUDQGWKH\ZHUH PDUULHGLQ,GRQ¶WWKLQNVKHHYHUJRW RYHUKHUSDUHQWV¶GHDWKVRUKDYLQJWRUHWXUQ WR WKH TXLHW OLIH RI 6XGEXU\ $V D ZLIH VKH tried to paint as often as she could, but was obliged to perform domestic duties and raise three children (the youngest of which ZDVP\IDWKHU6KHGLGQ¶WOLNHGRPHVWLFLW\ DQGVKHGLGQ¶WOLNHPRWKHUKRRG ,Q 6XGEXU\ VKH SDLQWHG WKH JDUGHQ DV ZHOO DV ÀRZHU VWXGLHV 6KH QHYHU IRUPDOO\ trained as a designer or artist, and never JRW WKH FKDQFHWRH[SORUH KHUFUHDWLYLW\LQ DQ\UHDOGHSWK%XWVKHFRQWLQXHGSDLQWLQJ all her life and she encouraged all of us JUDQGFKLOGUHQ WR EH FUHDWLYH 6KH JDYH XV paints and brushes every birthday and Xmas. As a result of her interest, there has always been a lot of support for creativity in my immediate family, and this has EHQH¿WHGPHJUHDWO\0DQ\RIKHUSDLQWLQJV VWLOO GHFRUDWH WKH ZDOOV RI P\ SDUHQWV¶ ÀDW LQ :HVW /RQGRQ , ZDV ZKHQ VKH GLHG ZKLFK ZDV EHIRUH , GLVFRYHUHG P\ RZQ DUWLVWLF LQWHUHVWV , WUDLQHG DV D SDLQWHU LQ WKH(DVW(QGRI/RQGRQDQGZKLOH,GRQ¶W have many of her brushes left, this one has stayed with me for many years. Sydney Issadore Ostrow ± Adidas sports bag [over–night/ hospital bag] 3UHVHQWRZQHU'HERUDK2VWURZ %XGGKLVW PRQNV WUDYHO ZLWK UREH VDQGDOV DQG EHJJLQJ ERZO $ %XGGKLVW PRQN P\ wild west father was not, yet he traveled like DRQH%DWKUREH8JJERRWVDQGDERWWOHRI red packed in an Adidas overnight bag, for a short trip to hospital. Four operations and a massive heart attack ODWHUKHZDVGHDG+HOD\ZDUPVXQNLVVHG and gray–mustached as we four daughters cracked open the red, laughing and wailing OLNH VDORRQ ZKRUHV LQ D 6HUJLR /HRQH western. The Adidas bag travelled home with me LQVWHDG RI 'DG WR UHPLQG PH DV VDIIURQ UREHV UHPLQG %XGGKLVW PRQNV WKDW Autumn leaves are green ones dying. ,NHHSLWLQWKHEDFNVKHG Red brick in my life’s mosaic This brick represents many things about DVHJPHQWRIP\OLIH,WUHSUHVHQWVHDUO\ childhood, and parental love no longer ZLWKXV« :KHQJURZLQJXSLQDFRQFUHWH+RXVLQJ &RPPLVVLRQKRPHLQWKHJDSEHWZHHQ %URDGPHDGRZVDQG*OHQUR\FDOOHG Jacana, times were tough and little more than survival was top of mind. ,QWKH$XWXPQRIRXUIDWKHUZLWK the help of a bricklaying neighbour, built a new brick fence including white wrought LURQVHFRQGKDQGIURQWJDWHV7KHEULFNV were also second hand and delivered loose in a tip truck, which dumped them on the verge of the driveway and over the road EORFNLQJSRWHQWLDOSDVVLQJWUDI¿F ,WZDVTXLWHDVFHQHIRUWKHQHLJKERXUhood, where home improvement was a rare thing indeed. All our family and friends pitched in to help carry every brick by hand into the backyard, with strict stacking instructions so our volunteer bricklaying neighbour ZRXOGQ¶WEHGLVFRXUDJHGWRSURYLGHKLV semi–voluntary assistance by amateur brick stacking. The brick fence was the best around, with pointy brown–glazed capping that prevented the local kids walking along the top, which happened to be one of my favourite past–times on the way home from school as well. Over 40 years later, after life has taken its RZQGLUHFWLRQ,SDVVHGE\WKHROGKRPH WR¿QGLWKDGEHFRPHYHU\UXQGRZQEXW many original key icons where still standLQJ/LNHWKHUHG±EULFNIURQWIHQFHWKH ¿EUR±DVEHVWRV±FRQFUHWHVKHHWJDUDJHWKH old bungalow that was built to provide µVWXG\VSDFH¶IRUP\ROGHUEURWKHUGRLQJ KLV+6&DQGWKHµSOD\VKHG¶WKDW'DGEXLOW for us from the original outdoor–dunny VKHGDIWHUWKHVHZHUDJHFDPHWKURXJK,Q fact the home was more than rundown, LWZDVVHULRXVO\¿UHGDPDJHGDSSDUHQWO\ after squatters decided to set the place alight. our animal collection of dogs, cats, ducks, OL]DUGVWDGSROHVDQGIURJVDQGPLFH«5LGLQJP\¿UVWWZRZKHHOHUELNHDµGUDJVWHU¶ on my tenth birthday. Although the main rooms were burnt out badly with no ceilings to speak of, familiar features remained including the old kitchen tiles and the vinyl black and white ÀRRUWLOHVWKDW'DGODLGFXUVLQJDERXWKRZ many nails he had to put into the masonite underlay – no nail guns back then. Three months later, again by a chance GULYH±E\,IRXQGDOOKDGEHHQGHPROLVKHG in a clean sweep transforming my childKRRGPHPRULHVWRDÀDWDQGVWULSSHG baron piece of land. This was a stark closure to my childhood JLYLQJPHDPL[WXUHRIIHHOLQJVEHWZHHQ sentiment and pain. They were tough days ZLWKVWUHHW¿JKWVDQGJDQJVURDPLQJWKH VWUHHWV6XUYLYDOUHTXLUHGZKHQ\RXFDPH up against a bully, you were already well protected by a bigger bully... %\FKDQFHDQGUHPDUNDEOHOXFNZKLOH ZDONLQJZKHUHRXUKRPHRQFHZDV,IRXQG this semi–submerged red brick from the IURQWIHQFHPLVVHGE\WKHH[WUDFWLRQSURFHVV6XFKDQLQDQLPDWHREMHFWUHSUHVHQWing so much... This red brick represents a segment of my life representing strong family love and so many memories. The JRRGRQHVOLNHELUWKGD\VDQG&KULVWPDV JDWKHULQJV7KH6DWXUGD\PRUQLQJIRRWball games we played on the oval over the URDG«UDQGRPO\SXWWRJHWKHUE\DJURXS of neighbourhood kids who somehow knew to gather each week without any organisation of any sort. Our model WUDLQERDUGWKDW0XPDQG'DGEXLOGZLWK µSODVWHURISDULV¶RQDFKLSERDUGEDVHDQG %XWZLWKWKHVHVHQWLPHQWDOPHPRULHVDUH PL[HGZLWKWKHVDGDQGEDGPHPRULHVRI losing friends to booze, drugs and tragedy, EHLQJEXOOLHGDQG¿JKWLQJEDFNZLWKQR real winners. The sadness of loving parHQWVQRW¿QGLQJSHDFHLQWKHLUOLYHVGHVSLWH WKHLUVHOÀHVVQHVVDQGMXVWJHWWLQJZRUQ down with time. ,FDQQRORQJHUFDUU\WKHZHLJKWRIP\ OLIH¶VEULFNVDQ\ORQJHU«KDSS\EXWVDG KHDY\PHPRULHVEXW,GRQ¶WZDQWWRIRUJHW WKHPHLWKHU6R,OD\WKHVHFRPSDUWPHQWDlised parts of my life down into my paved PRVDLFZKHUH,FDQSLFNWKHPXSDQG remember, but then put them down again EHFDXVHWKH\DUHQRWDEXUGHQ,KDYHWR carry anymore. 'DYLG/XNHU June 2010 Ivy Olive Peace (nee Morris). Alan John Richardson ± ± Fijian carved log mask 3UHVHQWRZQHU(OYLV5LFKDUGVRQ Cake Plate given to me on my grandmother’s death. 3UHVHQWRZQHU'DYLG3HDFH ,GLGQ¶WUHDOO\VKDUHP\IDWKHUVWDVWHLQDUW %XWWKLVZDVRQHREMHFWWKDWVWRRGRXWIURP WKHUHVW,WZDVDFTXLUHGE\KLPZKHQZH OLYHGLQ)LMLLQWKHODWH¶VHDUO\¶VDQG ZHXVHGWRFDOOLW³%LJ0DQ´ This is a prize for a croquet tournament SOD\HG LQ 2ULJLQDO SUL]H FDUG LV RQ WKHEDFNRIWKHSODWH ,W LV VXFK D VLPSOH DQG QREOH VFXOSWXUH and one of the few things my father kept in his subsequent homes after my parents divorced not so many years later. .QRZQ DV 0XPPD WR KHU JUDQGFKLOGUHQ ,Y\ ZDV UDLVHG RQ KHU SDUHQWV¶ IDUP LQ WKH GLVWULFW RI +RUH¿HOG QHDUHVW WRZQ /HLWFKYLOOHLQ1RUWKHUQ9LFWRULD ,DPVRJUDWHIXO,JRWWRNHHSLWLWZDVDOO , DVNHG IRU ZKHQ ZH ZHUH GLVWULEXWLQJ KLV things. 2Q KHU PDUULDJH DW WR )UHGULFN 3HDFH ,Y\ PRYHG NP WR )UHG¶V IDUP ZKHUH VKH OLYHG DQG ZRUNHG IRU WKH QH[W \HDUV farming and raising four children. %LJ0DQKDQJVLQWKHKDOOZD\LQWKHFHQWHU of our house where we all like to touch its smooth carved face when walking by him. $W,Y\PRYHGWRUHVLGHQWLDOFDUHLQWKH ORFDOWRZQ&RKXQDXQWLOKHUGHDWKLQ &URTXHWZDVDSDVVLRQDQG,Y\SOD\HGHDFK :HGQHVGD\ DQG 6DWXUGD\ ,Y\ ZDV D OLIH PHPEHURIWKHORFDO&RKXQD&OXE Alan Durré ± A–frame Pack 3UHVHQWRZQHU&DUROLQH'XUUp 0\ IDWKHU¶V SDFN ZKLFK KH XVHG IRU bushwalking in Australia, and hitchhiking LQ (XURSH LQ WKH V 0\ IDWKHU GLHG ZKHQ,ZDVWZR\HDUVROG3DFNXVHGE\PH ZKHQ,¿UVWZHQWEXVKZDONLQJDQGPHQGHG XQWLO,FRXOGPHQGLWQRPRUH ,GRQ¶WKDYHPDQ\PHPHQWRHVRIP\IDWKHU FRPSDUHG WR WKH PDQ\ WKLQJV , KDYH WKDW UHPLQGPHRIP\EURWKHU.LWZKRGLHGLQ RUP\PRWKHUZKRGLHGLQRU WKHDEXQGDQWUHOLFVRIP\PRWKHU¶VPRWKHU and grandfather. My family history is ORSVLGHG ZHLJKWHG WR P\ PRWKHU¶V VLGH RI WKH IDPLO\ 0\ PRWKHU ZDVQ¶W D VSRUW\ RU outdoors person, and for me and my two brothers, school sport was torture. ,Q P\ ODWH WHHQV , VWDUWHG EXVKZDONLQJ ,W ZDVKDUG,KDGWROHDUQVWDPLQDFRXUDJH persistence. This style of pack, though long RXW RI IDVKLRQ LV UHDOO\ FRPIRUWDEOH ,W¶V big enough for a two– or three–day walk in summer, back when you took a tarp, a cape–groundsheet, a sleeping bag, and a Dianna (Zoe) Patchett-Lyons ± Framed photograph Present owner: Flavia Marcello 'LDQQD DQG , ZHQW WRJHWKHU WR JHW WDWWRRV GRQHLQ.LQJ¶V&URVVLQ,GLGP\RZQ design of a lizard to put on my hip and she wanted a winged fairy on her shoulder blade. 6KHPDGHPHJRLQ¿UVWDQGWKHQZKHQVKH FDPHRXW,GLVFRYHUHGWKDWVKHKDGGHFLGHG WRKDYHWKHH[DFWVDPHWDWWRRDVPHLQWKH H[DFW VDPH SODFH VLQFH WKH ELNLH EORNH LQ WKHWDWWRRSDUORXUZDVQ¶WH[DFWO\UH¿QHG :HZHQWDJDLQWRJHWKHUWRD1HZ=HDODQG ZRPDQ LQ 1HZWRQ WR KDYH WKH FRORXU DQG WKHVFDOHVGUDZQLQVRZHZHUHWKH/L]DUG *LUO 7ZLQV 7KLV OL]DUG LV ZKDW , KDYH RI 'L VLQFH VKH GLHG DQG , UHPHPEHU RQH RI the last things she said to me was how she KDWHGWKDWKHUQDPHZDVOLNHWKHYHUE'LH DQGWKDWVKHZDVJRLQJWRFKDQJHLWWR=RH because it means life. Tadeusz Wlodarczak smoke–blackened billy and frying pan; EDFNZKHQ\RXFRXOGVWLOOOLJKWDFDPS¿UH , FKRVH WKLV PHPHQWR EHFDXVH ZKHQ KH used this pack, my father was not sick, QRW G\LQJ QRW GHDG +H ZDV \RXWKIXO HQHUJHWLF WUDYHOOLQJ H[SORULQJ :HDULQJ KLVSDFN,FRXOGPDNHFRQWDFWZLWKWKDWMR\ DQG HQHUJ\ , KDG WR OHDUQ KRZ WR ZDON LQ P\RZQULJKWEXWZKLOH,GLGVR,ZDVDOVR claiming an inheritance from my father, who was so inaccessible to me, and giving it new life. Nancy Valmai Mansell 19/2/1925–10/3/2005 Twenty two sets of ceramic teeth, each mounted in red dental wax, framed. 3UHVHQWRZQHU'UHZ%LFNIRUG 0\JUDQGPRWKHU1DQF\0DQVHOOZRUNHGDV DGHQWDOSURVWKHWLVW¶VDVVLVWDQWLQWKHV GXULQJKHUWHHQDJH\HDUV6KHFUHDWHGWKHVH ceramic teeth as shade guides for people acquiring crowns, bridges and dentures. They have remained in my family for DOPRVW\HDUVDQG,KDYHDOZD\VZDQWHG to have them preserved. ± A photograph of my father with me in his arms from early 1960s 3UHVHQWRZQHU*RVLD:ORGDUF]DN The photograph comes from our family album and my mother gave it to me ZKHQ , HPLJUDWHG WR $XVWUDOLD 0\ IDWKHU KDG GLHG EHIRUH , HPLJUDWHG , KDYH D JURXS RI WKHVH SKRWRJUDSKV DQG , ZDQWHG WR GR VRPHWKLQJ ZLWK WKHP DV , UHDOO\ IHHO DORW DERXW WKHP 7KH\ DUH VR SUHFLRXVWRPHEXW,FDQ¶WGHFLGHZKDWWR do with them. ,NHHSWKHPLQDZRYHQZLOORZER[,UHDOO\ love these houses where people have the phtoographs framed and around the house, but my mother never did it back at our KRXVH LQ 3RODQG DQG WKDW¶V SUREDEO\ ZK\ ,GRQ¶WKDYHWKHPIUDPHGRQWKHZDOODWP\ KRXVH,DPQRWXVHGWRWKLVLGHDEXW,ZDQW WRDGRSWLW%XWWKDW¶VZK\,FDQ¶WGRWKDW VWUDLJKWDZD\DV,ZRXOGKDYHWRDGRSWWKDW custom. Esta Mavin ± Mother of pearl love heart in bullet case shell Present owner: )LRQD(VWHOOH%ODQGIRUG My grandmothers brother handmade and sent back from north Africa during the VHFRQG ZRUOG ZDU IRU KHU WK ELUWKGD\ a mother of pearl love heart with silver backing made from a bullet. Marian d’Eve ZLWKRXWIXUWKHUH[SODQDWLRQ7LQJHGZLWKD fear of the unknown and the potential for KXPLOLDWLRQ (PPD DQG L OLQNHG DUPV DQG stepped forth giggling into curiosity. The moment of uncertainty vanished as a garden lined with tables lined with cream pies UHYHDOHGLWVHOI+DYLQJFUHDPHGDPDMRULW\ of the party as they entered the garden and then having been creamed ourselves with the generous supply of pies our hosts made another request. ±ZLWKP\ IDWKHU5XVVHOO6PLWK Self-help book & Paua ring 3UHVHQWRZQHU)D\HQG¶(YLH Self Help book This is a book that my mum had on her VWXG\ ERRNVKHOI ,WV QRW VRPHWKLQJ ,¶P \HDUQLQJWRUHDG±DQG,GRQ¶WNQRZLIVKH UHDG LW PXFK HLWKHU %XW VWLOO LW VHHPV WR have some hold over me because every WLPH,KDYHDQRS±VKRSFXOO,FDQ¶WJHWULG RILW,ORRNDWLWVRLQIUHTXHQWO\DQGZLWK VROLWWOHDWWHQWLRQWRGHWDLOWKDW,WKRXJKWLW ZDVFDOOHG³7KH+DELWVRI+LJKO\(IIHFWLYH 3HRSOH´ EXW , MXVW UHDOLVHG ULJKW QRZ WKDW ZDVD¿FWLRQLQP\PLQG,WVDFWXDOO\FDOOHG ³3HRSOH6NLOOV´,JXHVVHLWKHUWLWOHPDNHVLW DQRGGPHPHQWRRIGHDWKV$OOWKHVDPH, DOZD\VNQRZH[DFWO\ZKHUHWKHERRNLV Paua Ring My parents got married secretly after they KDG EHHQ OLYLQJ WRJHWKHU µLQ VLQ¶ IRU DERXW \HDUV 0XP GLGQ¶W ZDQW D ÀDVK\ ZHGGLQJ ULQJ EHFDXVH VKH WKRXJKW VKH¶G ORVH it gardening or whatever. One day, she was treating herself to a cappucino at the local cafe and saw a basket of cheap paua ULQJVZKLFKORRNHGDELWXQWUDGLWLRQDO6KH bought one to use as her secret wedding ring, reasoning that it would be easy to head back to the cafe and get another one H[DFWO\WKHVDPHLIVKHORVWLW,WKLQNVKH said it cost $15. A year and a half later, my parents died in a plane crash, just off /HLWK¿HOG %HDFK QHDU RXU IDUP $ IHZ weeks after, this ring washed up at another beach, several kilometers away, along with WKHLU ZDOOHWV 6RPHRQH KDG IRXQG WKHP and handed them in – its amazing they noticed and bothered to hand in such a cheap ring. The ring was pretty scratched and worn by the salt water, so my brother had LWFOHDQHGXSIRUPH,FDOOLWP\SRZHUULQJ OLNHSDXDKDKDDQGZHDULWZKHQ,QHHG VRPHH[WUDJRRGYLEHV Emma Burdekin ± 1 pair white goat hair boots. 1 antique pale green bed cover. 1 red and white checkered scarf 1 red oil lamp. 3UHVHQWRZQHU*HRUJLH5HDG ,JDYHWKHVHZKLWHERRWVWR(PEHIRUHLOHIW WROLYHIRUD\HDULQ$VLD:KHQLUHWXUQHG we met at a dinner party and she was wearing the boots and a long pink vintage dress ZLWKÀRZHUV ,W ZDV D VSHFLDO SDUW\ DQG RXU ODVW $IWHU feasting guests were requested to enter the back garden without further ado and Three minutes later we were all wearing black eye masks strieking naked across the :LOOLDPV7RZQRYDODQGURXQGLQJWKHEDFN of the foreshore pub where we sprinted across the beach to plunge into the dark ocean of rolling waves. The beach being OLWXSE\ÀRRGOLJKWVIURPWKHSXEZHIHOW like rock stars emerging from the water with hundreds of people clutching hold of their stubbies and screaming at us for joy. A frigid bolt back to the house to resume WKHGLQQHUSDUW\LQRXUFUHDPVRGGHQ¿QHVW DQG WKH PRVW QRQFKDODQW H[SUHVVLRQ RQH could muster. /DWHU WKDW HYHQLQJ IHHOLQJ VR UHOLHYHG DQG gleeful to be in each others company again (PDQG,PDGHDSDFWWRKDYHWKHEHVW\HDU HYHU :H GLGQW NQRZ DW WKH WLPH WKDW VKH ZDV G\LQJ $QG WKDW LQ VL[ PRQWKV WLPH VKH ZRXOG EH JRQH $QG WKDW LQ WKRVH VL[ months she would endure more pain than any one body could endure. ,ORYHWKHVHERRWVDQGDOOWKHRWKHUREMHFWV she has left with me because they help her remain in my days and nights and in my appreciation off all the wonderful things DQGPRPHQWVWKDWFDQ¿OODOLIH Janet Philips Unknown John Martin Cherry 1975–1997 unknown ± Diary 3UHVHQWRZQHU+HOHQ-RKQVRQ Chinese funeral ring – Silver with dragons on the band and man’s face 3UHVHQWRZQHU.HHO\0DFDURZ Mid 1950s formal dress suit, black wool with shawl collar by Peapes of Sydney 3UHVHQWRZQHU,DQ0LOOLVV ,ERXJKWWKHULQJDWDVWDOODW&RYHQW*DUGHQ PDUNHWLQ/RQGRQLQWKHPLGV'XULQJ WKH¿UVWZHHNWKDW,ZRUHLW,KDGDVSDWHRI EDG OXFN 6R , UHWXUQHG WR WKH PDUNHW WKH following weekend to ask after the ring only WR¿QGWKDWLWZDVDFKLQHVHPDQ¶VIXQHUDO ULQJ DQG WKDW WKH PDQ¶V IDFH RQ WKH ULQJ ZDVWKHPDQZKRKDGGLHG,KDYHDOZD\V thought the ring may bring or harbour bad luck, but could not get rid of it as it LVEHDXWLIXO,NHSWLWLQDWLQER[IRUPDQ\ \HDUVXQWLODIHZZHHNVDJRZKHQ,GRQDWHG LWWRWKLVH[KLELWLRQDQGGHFLGHGWKDW,RQO\ ZDQW JRRG OXFN DQG WKDW , '21¶7 ZDQW LW back.... This suit belonged to my stepfather. %\ WKH HDUO\ V KH KDG ULVHQ IURP D working class background to management positions in the newly developing plastics LQGXVWU\7KHHDUOLHVWSKRWR,KDYHRIKLP LV DW &KHTXHUV QLJKWFOXE WDNHQ VRPH WLPH in the late 1950s on what must have been RQHRIKLV¿UVWGDWHVZLWKP\WKHQUHFHQWO\ GLYRUFHGPRWKHU+HLVZHDULQJWKLVVXLW Janet was a few years older than me in KLJKVFKRRO DQG , LGROLVHG KHU 6KH PDGH WKLVGLDU\IRUPHZKHQ,ZDVLQ\HDUDQG VKH ZDV LQ \HDU , ¿OOHG LW GXULQJ WKDW \HDU6KHZDVDYHU\NLQG±KHDUWHGJLUO Sarah Abelman ± 1. book – “The Gateway to English: A Text in Americanism”, by I. David Cohen, (Rand McNAlly & Co: New York, 1920) 2. dictionary: Polish–English Dictionary. Author, publisher, date of publication unknown. 3UHVHQWRZQHU+HOHQ%RURZVNL 0\ ODWH SDUHQWV 1DWKDQ DQG 6DUDK $EHOPDQ ZHUH VXUYLYRUV RI WKH 1D]L FRQFHQWUDWLRQ FDPSV LQ 3RODQG :KHQ WKH\LPPLJUDWHGWRWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDIWHU :RUOG :DU ,, WKH\ KDG WR UHEXLOG WKHLU OLYHV0\PRWKHUZHQWWR(QJOLVKODQJXDJH classes offered to refugees. This was her WH[WERRNDQGKHUGLFWLRQDU\ They married a few years later but he died VXGGHQO\RIDKHDUWDWWDFNDW6\GQH\$LUSRUW while returning from a business trip to $VLD 'XULQJ P\ WHHQ \HDUV LQ WKH V ZH KDGDGLI¿FXOWUHODWLRQVKLSPRUHP\IDXOW WKDQKLVEXWE\WKHWLPHRIKLVGHDWK,KDG developed a great respect and love for him, he was a very down to earth and genuine old style Australian, thoroughly decent to WKHFRUH,¶PVXUHP\OLIHZRXOGKDYHWXUQHG RXWEHWWHULI,¶GKDGKLPDURXQGORQJHUDQG LI,¶GOLVWHQHG ,KDYHKDGLWSHUPDQHQWO\LQP\ZDUGUREH DW DOO WLPHV VLQFH KLV GHDWK LW¶V SUHVHQFH symbolising his absence and in a way the equally sad absence of my genetic father. Leonard Rule ± Diving medal that my paternal grandfather won in 1920. 3UHVHQWRZQHU.DWL5XOH ,FODLPHGWKLVREMHFWIURPDGUDZHUWKDWZDV his that my father used as a bedside table. Martha Ellen Rose Smith ± A musical bottle with an encapsulated dancing couple 3UHVHQWRZQHU-DVRQ6PLWK This bottle was given to my grandmother by one of her sons – perhaps even my father – and sat on a dresser in her living URRP LQ -XQHH 16: ZKHUH , VSHQW PRVW VFKRRO KROLGD\V IURP WKH DJH RI XQWLO , ¿QLVKHG DUWVFKRROLQ,DGRUHG KHU and asked for the bottle when she died. As a child it was always a treat to play, gently, with something so preciously and formally SODFHGLQKHUOLYLQJURRP7RWKLVGD\,SOD\ it and never tire of the music, its slow grind to a halt, and the strange timelessness of the dancers. 2FWREHU±$XJXVW German. Brass casing. Glass face. Slight ‘dint’ in the back with some scratching. Item intact. 3UHVHQWRZQHU-HDQHWWH%HFNODU $VDFKLOG,ZDVDQGVWLOODPYHU\IDVFLQDWHG E\WKLVFRPSDVV,FDQUHPHPEHUKROGLQJLW my hands and watching the compass needle TXLYHULQWKHFDVH,ZRXOGKLGHLW,ZDQWHG WRFRYHWLWDQGQR±RQHVHHPHGWRPLVVLW,W has been with me for many years. , UHFHQWO\ UDLVHG TXHVWLRQV DERXW WKH ownership of the compass, my family are unsure of who originally possessed it, but, they think that this compass was my EURWKHUV±*HRUJH My mother recalls an afternoon where my 3 brothers and father were outside in the backyard talking about the compass DQGKRZLWLVXVHG,ORYHWKHVFHQHRIWKLV unifying moment, my brothers and father learning together ...and then most likely breaking into a dispute for some reason. Barbara Radford Edna “Kate” Scaife ± 30/7/1943–3/11/2001 ± 1. Violin and hand made wooden case with rosin and spare string 2. Motor bike jacket with notes in inside pocket 3UHVHQWRZQHU.LP'RQDOGVRQ A broken ceramic Japanese coffee pot 3UHVHQWRZQHU/LVD5DGIRUG Egg beater 3UHVHQWRZQHU0HODQLH6FDLIH 1 9LROLQ JLYHQ WR 0DUN DV D JLIW IURP KLV JUDQGPRWKHU LQ WKH ODWH V ZKHQ KH studied violin at school. Purchased, with case, through the Trading Post by his grandmother from a doctor or dentist. (DUOLHURZQHUVKLSXQNQRZQ8VHGUHJXODUO\ XQWLO HDUO\ V /HIW ZLWK H[±ER\IULHQG 'DU\O 0LOOV ZKHQ 0DUN PRYHG WR 6\GQH\ LQ WKH PLG V 6WLOO ZLWK 'DU\O ZKHQ KHGLHGLQ*LYHQWR.LP'RQDOGVRQ E\ 'DU\O MXVW EHIRUH KH DOVR GLHG VHYHUDO years later. Wendy Skelton George Becklar Mark Donaldson ± 6PDOOWDSHVWU\RIÀRZHUV unframed 3UHVHQWRZQHU-DQH2¶1HLOO This is a small tapestry made by my PRWKHU6KHXVHGWRGRWDSHVWULHVDWQLJKW WLPH ZKLOVW ZDWFKLQJ WHOHYLVLRQ 6KH DOVR attended watercolor classes. One of her main desires was to continue her artistic practice once her youngest child started school, but she died just before this, so QHYHUKDGWKHFKDQFH,QPDQ\ZD\V,IHHO that my commitment to art stems from my PRWKHU¶VXQIXO¿OOHGDPELWLRQ 2. Motor cycle jacket: Purchased new, with matching pants, by Mark when he also purchased a motorcycle, in c.1991, after a windfall workers compensation claim. The bike and jacket were purchased as part of a large spending spree made prior to moving WR%\URQ%D\ The jacket and bike were hardly used before he became too ill to use them. The motorbike was sold prior to moving back WR6\GQH\ZKHUHKHODWHUGLHG7KHMDFNHW ZDV WKHQ SDVVHG RQ WR KLV VLVWHU .LP 'RQDOGVRQ )RU PDQ\ \HDUV LW ZDV XVHG E\.LPDVDKRXVHFRDWZKHQVKHOLYHGLQ 1RUWK 0HOERXUQH LQ D ODUJHO\ XQKHDWHG house. $ ZHGGLQJ JLIW WR P\ PRWKHU %DUEDUD from unknown. Passed on to me in 2002. %URNHQ DW EDQG UHKHDUVDO LQ 6SHWHPEHU $WWHPSWHG UHSDLU LQ 1RYHPEHU 0RYHVKRXVHZLWKXVXQUHSDLUHGDQG UHPDLQVµRQGLVSOD\¶ .DWHP\1DQQDOHIWPHDOOKHUNLWFKHQ things when she died. Kitty Lavinia Richards ± A lock of my maternal grandmother’s hair attached to a card in a plastic cover in an envelope with my name typed on the front. 3UHVHQWRZQHU/XNH3DUNHU , DVNHG IRU D ORFN RI KDLU ZKHQ P\ grandmother died and this was given to me by the undertaker. ,NHHSLWLQDER[FRQWDLQLQJFRUUHVSRQGHQFH from my family. THE EXPERIMENT The Marina Experiment began in 1997. PILOT EPISODE OBITUARY HAIKU A father experiments on his daughter by communicating with her solely through cameras and audio UHFRUGLQJ GHYLFHV 7KLV LV WKH ÀUVW in a never–ending series, where the pitfalls of his parenting technique are examined, ridiculed and lamented. he does not hear me in my eyes he sees himself ,DPWUDXPDWL]HG OBITUARY LIMERICK OBITUARY HAIKU #2 My father spent 16 years viewing me through a microscope. After he died, I went through KLVVWXIIDQGIRXQGER[HVIXOORIUHHO²WR²UHHODXGLRWDSHVXSHUÀOPVDQGRYHU photographs. They were all of me. I watched every movie, listened to every tape and looked DWHYHU\SKRWR,QXPEHUHGHDFKÀOPDQGORJJHGHYHU\VFHQH,OLVWHQHGWRHYHU\DXGLRWDSH and I typed out every word as a script. I looked at every photograph and divided them into FDWHJRULHV , ÀOHG HYHU\WKLQJ E\ \HDU WKHQ E\ FDWHJRU\ WKHQ EDFN LQWR \HDUV , FUHDWHG a logbook with chronological outlines of everything and all the transcripts of our taped conversations and lists of everything I could make a list of. I became obsessed with how to archive it, what to do with it, how to handle it. The vintage photographs throughout this site were all taken by my father and are part of this overwhelming heap of tempestuous baggage that compels me to search for answers. Now I am chronicling his view of me through my own digital video microscope and you can watch me watch my father watch me. I remember hearing a story about a French tourist in America, hanging his head out a bus window. Another passenger noticed a truck about to pass the bus and yelled “Look out!” which caused the Frenchman to stick his head further out the window and get hit by the truck. This is probably an urban myth, but I like it because it illustrates something that feels OLNHLWDSSOLHVWRDOOWKLVZDWFKLQJDQGORRNLQJ,·YHEHHQWDONLQJDERXWEXW,·PQRWH[DFWO\ sure what that is. The Marina Experiment has been a one–woman show at The NY Fringe Festival called A Play with Myself. It was called Digging Marina when I was sorting through all the documentation like an archaeologist and dragging my reel to reel into therapy to try and make sense of it all. Then it became The Long DropDKDQJPDQ·VWHUP7KLVPHWKRGRIKDQJLQJLVGHVLJQHG to break the neck as opposed to plain old strangulation and is considered a way to make H[HFXWLRQVPRUHKXPDQH,GLGQ·WUHDOL]HLWZDVPRUHKXPDQHZKHQ,QDPHGWKHSURMHFW,W MXVWIHOWORQJOLNHLWZDVWDNLQJIRUHYHUIRUPHWRKDQJKLP7KHQLWPDQLIHVWHGLWVHOIDVMy Pleasure My Treasure. For a moment there I thought I was pleased that my father left me WKLVYDVWFROOHFWLRQRIDUWLIDFWVWRIXHOP\FUHDWLYLW\7KDWTXLFNO\IDGHG,SXWWKHSURMHFW DVLGHIRURYHUD\HDU$QGQRZLW·VEDFNWRLW·VRULJLQDOIRUPThe Marina Experiment. 7KLVSURMHFWLVP\UHWULEXWLRQ0\SOHDVXUHDQGP\DQJHU$ZRUNLQSURJUHVVZLWKQRHQG LQVLJKW(QMR\ I once had a father named Abe who treated me like a hot babe he lecherously stared while he photographed me bare so my home felt like Abu Ghraib a kiss on the lips I lock the door to my room is he really dead? 7KH0DULQD([SHULPHQW$OO5LJKWV Reserved Ian David Middleton Robert Murray Hislop Ray Walker Jean Irwin ± ± ± ± Crystal Ball 3UHVHQWRZQHU/H[0LGGOHWRQ Oil paintings on canvas board 3UHVHQWRZQHU0DUN+LVORS Leather grooming case 3UHVHQWRZQHU/\QGDO:DONHU Brass “Owl” letter–opener 3UHVHQWRZQHU0HODQLH,UZLQ My brothers social and Moonlighting career LQYROYHG6pDQFH7DURW&KDNUD&U\VWDO%DOO reading Psychometry* 7KHVHSDLQWLQJVDUHVRPHRIPDQ\WKDW'DG SDLQWHGDIWHUKHUHWLUHGLQ'DGKDGDQ interest in art, archeology and astronomy DQG , UHPHPEHU VKDULQJ WKHVH LQWHUHVWV , ZRXOG RIWHQ MRLQ 'DG RQ DUFKHRORJLFDO digs to colonial homestead sites outside of 6\GQH\ 'DGMRLQHGORFDODUWFODVVHVLQKLV UHWLUHPHQW +LV FODVV ZRXOG SDLQW LQ WKH studio and would often go outdoors and paint landscapes at local scenic spots. 7KLVZDVP\IDWKHU¶VDQGKHXVHGWKHEUXVKHV up to the day he died. They still have his KDLU LQ WKHP :H WKLQN KH ZDV SUREDEO\ JLYHQLWIRUDPLOHVWRQHELUWKGD\RU E\VRPHRQHVSHFLDOLQWKHIDPLO\,¿QG the mystery around the uncertainty about this to be quite romantic. As he is lost, this sort of information is also lost. 7KH OHWWHU RSHQHU VDW LQ P\ JUDQGSDUHQWV¶ NLWFKHQIRUDVORQJDV,FDQUHPHPEHU:H used to write letters to each other from RXU WUDYHO GHVWLQDWLRQV , OLNH LW EHFDXVH LW¶VXVHIXODQGEHDXWLIXODQG,WKLQNRIP\ 1DQQDZKHQ,RSHQP\PDLO ,¶G RIWHQ ZDWFK KLP UHDGLQJ WKLV &U\VWDO EDOOZDQWLQJWRVHHWKHEDOO¿OOZLWKFORXGV that would dissolve to reveal futures and DQVZHUV,QHYHUFRXOG *the ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. 'DGDQG,ZRXOGDOVRJRRQSDLQWLQJWULSV Many times we went to an area under 5RVHYLOOH %ULGJH LQ 6\GQH\ 6LWXDWHG LQ D steep gorge, the area seemed eternally in shadow and subject to fast moving shadows cast by the steep embankments on either side. 1RWKLQJ VHHPHG WR WXUQ RXW YHU\ ZHOO 6RPHWLPHVZHZRXOGFDOOLWTXLWVDQGSDFN up but not before having a little crit session. /RRNLQJ DW HDFK RWKHU¶V ZRUN 3LFNLQJ RXW WKHJRRGELWVDQGPDNLQJH[FXVHVDERXWWKH light or the wind, or how if only we had a different brush it all would have turned out perfect. 'DG¶V GHFOLQH LQWR GHPHQWLD DQG KLV ultimate death from Alzheimers was XQEHDUDEO\VORZ+LVODVW\HDUVZHUHOLYHG LQDQXUVLQJKRPH/LQLQJWKHZDOOVRIKLV room were a few of his favorite paintings – one painting was of that shadowy spot XQGHU5RVHYLOOH%ULGJH The grooming case is particularly important WR PH EHFDXVH ,¶P YHU\ LQWHUHVWHG LQ fashion and appearance. My father was always very well groomed and concerned with appropriate attire but he was a very FRQVHUYDWLYHGUHVVHU6RLWLVDFWXDOO\TXLWH ironic that part of this interest was inherited IURPKLP%XWKHDOVRORYHGLURQ\DQGKDG JRW XVHG WR P\ DEVXUG RXW¿WV :H ZRXOG both comment disapprovingly of the rest of the families shabby attire. ,W¶VNHSWLQWKHERRNFDVHZKLFKLVDOOZURQJ UHDOO\,KDYHQ¶WKDGLWIRUWHUULEO\ORQJVR KRSHIXOO\LWZLOO¿QGDPRUHVXLWDEOHKRPH. Mary Amie (Mollie) Rackham 12/2/1919–April 2005 Framed tapestry 3UHVHQWRZQHU0HOLQGD5DFNKDP My mother took up tapestry in her later years - a gentle art for women with limited PRELOLW\ DQG WLPH RQ WKHLU KDQGV (YHU\ WLPH,UHWXUQHGKRPHWR7DPZRUWKWRYLVLW the walls would be adorned with yet more JUHDWPDVWHUSLHFHVRI(XURSHDQDUWORYLQJO\ translated in tapestry wool and embroidery VLON , IRXQG PRVW RI WKHP UDWKHU YXOJDU however was particularly taken by the JUDQGNLWVFKRI%OXH%R\¶VJRRJO\EOXHH\HV frightful curls and puckered red lips, and WKHKXPLOLW\RIWKLVOLWWOH/DXJKLQJ&DYDOLHU ZLWKLW¶V¿QHO\HPEURLGHUHGIDFHHQFDVHGLQ WKHLU IDX[ JXLOW IUDPHV 1RWLQJ P\ GLVWDLQ for the majority of the works, my mother, wanting to preserve her heritage, wrote the names of friends and family on the back of each work, for distribution after her death. 0\ FRXVLQ $OH[LH OLYHG QHDUE\ DQG YLVLWHG my mother often, and her daughters were my mothers surrogate grandchildren seeing ,DQRQO\FKLOGKDGGHFLGHGRQSURGXFLQJ DUWUDWKHUWKDQFKLOGUHQ$OH[LHORYHG%OXH %R\EXW,VXVSHFWQRWIRUWKHVDPHUHDVRQV ,GLG$IWHUWKHIXQHUDO,UHJUHWIXOO\KDQGHG RYHU WKH VXSHU JODP %OXH %R\ WR KHU DV ³$OH[LH´ ZDV ZULWWHQ ZDV RQ WKH EDFN , JRW WKH &DYDOLHU ZRUN ,¶P VXUH LW ZDV D mistake. Blair Trethowen ± T–shirt 3UHVHQWRZQHU1DGLQH&KULVWHQVHQ 7KLVZDV%ODLUVEDVLFW±VKLUWWKDWKHJDYHLW WRPHDURXQGEHFDXVHKHWKRXJKW,¶G OLNHWKHGHVLJQRIWKHSULQWRQLW1HHGOHVV WRVD\LWZDVZD\WRRELJIRUPHEXW,GLG OLNHWKHGHVLJQDQGVR,NHSWFXWLQJLQWRLW LQWKHKRSHWKDWLWZRXOG¿WWKHQ,VHZHG the shoulders up the chopped at it more. Over several years it went through lots of different styles but always with the motif LQWDFW)LQDOO\,FXWDZD\WRRPXFKVRWKDW LWEHFDPHOLNHDFURSWRSRQPHDQGGLGQ¶W ORRNDQ\JRRGVR,QHYHUZRUHLWRXWRQO\ at home. Monica 1907–2000 Small painted Quartze sculpture of Monica’s house in Switzerland, and a photograph of Monica & Charlie Chaplin in Switzerland. 3UHVHQWRZQHUV*HRUJH$GDPV5RQ Adams Monics was a dear friend, who we met late LQKHUOLIHVKHZDV&KDUOLH&KDSOLQVSULYDWH secretary and she lived with him and his family as the personal assistant for 25 years, very interesting woman with friends OLNH $JDWKD &KULVWLH (OL]DEHWK 7D\ORU 0DULD&DOODV'DYLG1LYHQDQGOLVWJRHVRQ and on, she was such a pleasure to be with John Pound Michael Kendall Jasmine Low ± ± ± Scrapbook collection of cuttings Present owner: Patrick Pound Leather strap Present owner: Peter Maloney FDVVHWWHÀRSS\GLVF$ page ‘Push For Your Man’ Present owner: Rosemary Forde This is one of several albums of clippings left to me by my brother. :H VKDUHG WKLV IRU \HDUV XQWLO 0LNH¶V death. Edward Arnold Rodgers ± Eastman Kodak camera, Rainbow Hawkeye, No 2 folding model B red, made in the USA. XVLQJ¿OP1R6LOYHUJHODWLQ photograph of Edward Arnold Rodgers, Doris Irene Rodgers and sister Irene Rodgers: also a dog named Mick. The photograph was taken outside the back door about 1957, two years before I was born. In a metal frame. 3UHVHQWRZQHU3DXO(GZLQ5RGJHUV )URPP\'DGWRPH Henry ‘Slim’ Giblett ± Enicar Ocean Pearl watch 3UHVHQWRZQHU5LFKDUG*LEOHWW 'DG ERXJKW WKLV ZDWFK LQ +RQJ .RQJ SUREDEO\LQWKH¶VZKHUHKHOLYHGDQG ZRUNHGIRU\HDUVLQWKH5R\DO+.3ROLFH ,JXHVVKHZRUHLWIRUDZKLOHDQG,JXHVVKH KDGVHYHUDOZDWFKHV$WDJHZKHQKHZDV YHU\ LOO ZLWK FDQFHU ZH DQG KH NQHZ KH ZDVQ¶WWRRORQJIRUWKHZRUOGKHRIIHUHGPH WKHZDWFKKHDOZD\VZRUHDYHU\H[SHQVLYH JROG&RQVWDQWLQH9DFKHURQ*ROGQRWEHLQJ VRPHWKLQJ,JRIRULQMHZHOOHU\,FKRVHWKLV RWKHUZDWFKKHKDGWKH(QLFDU2FHDQ3HDUO 6LQFHKHJDYHLWWRPHLQ,KDYHZRUQ it almost every day. -DVPLQH DQG , JUHZ XS JRLQJ WR VFKRRO WRJHWKHULQDVPDOOWRZQ:KHQZH¿QLVKHG KLJK VFKRRO ZH ERWK PRYHG WR 'XQHGLQ a slightly bigger town. Jasmine applied herself studiously to a medical degree while ,VQRR]HGP\ZD\WKURXJKD%$EXWPRVWO\ we had moved there cause we thought we FRXOGEHFRRODQGKDYHDEDQG:H¶GDOZD\V played around with guitars and keyboards, recording little tapes on the weekends – a ORWRI1LUYDQDVRQJVDQGWKHQVRPHRIRXU RZQ :H¶G WDNH WXUQV VLQJLQJ WRR 7KLV cassette, with three tracks, was probably the pinnacle of our songwriting careers – we would have been about 19, bored on summer holidays back in our hometown. 7KHWUDFNµ7DQG\%R\V¶LVGH¿QLWHO\RXUEHVW ZRUN7DQG\¶VZDVWKHORFDOPXVLFVKRSDQG all the spunks in town worked there, all 4 of them, with their tight jeans and spiked XS SRVWJRWK KDLU , WKLQN WKH\ VHULRXVO\ ORYHG 'XUDQ 'XUDQ &RQVLGHULQJ WKLV ZDV around 1997, they were either behind the times or way ahead of the emo curve. Me DQG -DVPLQH GLGQ¶W JHW DV IDU DV QDPLQJ WKLVLQFDUQDWLRQRIRXUµEDQG¶WKHWDSHMXVW KDVDQ6RQWKHVLGHZHWKRXJKWWKHEDQG QDPH VKRXOG VWDUW ZLWK 6 /DWHU ZH PDGH some tapes with just casiotone drums and WU\KDUG UDSSLQJ :H GLG WKLV PDLQO\ WR give ourselves hip hop nicknames – we ZHUH6ODFN0DFPHDQG/¶LO0DF-DVPLQH ZDVSUHWW\VKRUW Our tunes might not have been hits but the QDPHVVWXFN7KDW¶VZK\LWVD\V/¶LO0DFRQ WKHÀRSS\GLVF$IWHUVKHGLHG,VDYHGDOOWKH HPDLOV DQG SKRWR¶V -DVPLQH KDG VHQW PH RQWRWKLVÀRSS\GLVF6KH¶GEHHQWUDYHOOLQJ DORWGRLQJKHUGRFWRUURXQGVLQ1HSDODQG 6DPRD :KHQ , VDYHG WKHVH ¿OHV , ZDVQ¶W really thinking ahead technology wise and ,FDQ¶WUHDOO\UHPHPEHUZKDWWKHVHSKRWRV DUHOLNHEXWOXFNLO\,KDGDOVRSULQWHGRXW the emails. µ3XVK )RU <RXU 0DQ¶ LV SUHWW\ VHOI H[SODQDWRU\LW¶VDQSRLQWSODQWRKHOS\RX JHW WKH PDQ \RX ZDQW 6KH PDGH WKLV XS RQHQLJKWIRURXUIULHQGZKRZDVQ¶WJHWWLQJ anywhere with a crush. Jasmine was pretty seductive when she wanted to be. ,JXHVVDOOWKLVVWXIILVSUHWW\WHHQDJH2WKHU people will remember Jasmine for treating them in hospital or delivering their baby, or teaching them, or writing serious poetry, RUIRUWDNLQJD¿HUFHVWDQGDJDLQVWVWXSLGLW\ DQG LQMXVWLFH , NQRZ VKH GLG DOO WKDW DQG PRUHEXW,MXVWUHPHPEHUWDNLQJDFLGZLWK her on a stormy night and thinking we were the most hilarious two people in the world IRUVLQJLQJµWKXQGHUVWUXFN¶DWDUDYH Eve Emma Chandler 1911–1992 China collection: Colclough tea cup saucer plate trio, blue with pink roses. Royal Albert, American Beauty Pink Rose tea cup saucer plate trio. Colclough tea cup saucer plate trio, white with violets, (cup with crazed stain inside). Colclough coffee cup and saucer, EOXHZLWKÀRZHUV Adderley coffee cup and saucer, cream with gold pattern. Coffee cup and saucer, blue and white with gold, (cup chipped and cracked). Royal Worcester, Roanoke, coffee cup and saucer, white ZLWKÀRZHUV 3UHVHQWRZQHU6DGLH&KDQGOHU , ZDV JLYHQ WKHP DIWHU P\ JUDQGPRWKHU GLHG , NHHS WKHP LQ D ER[ LQ D NLWFKHQ FXSERDUG , UDUHO\ XVH WKHP RQO\ DERXW once a year if the family comes over for [PDV,ZLOOEULQJWKHPRXW Julia Alice Faulkner 1904–1993 Titanium prosthetic hip joint 3UHVHQWRZQHU6DOO\0DQQDOO At the age of 70 my grandmother underwent DQ RSHUDWLRQ WR UHSODFH KHU KLS MRLQW 6KH ³GLHG´ ZKLOH XQGHU DQHVWKHVLD JRW WR WKH gates of heaven and was sent back being WROG³LWZDVQRWKHUWLPHDQGWKDWVKHKDG VRPHRXWVWDQGLQJLVVXHVWRGHDOZLWK´ 7KH RSHUDWLRQ VLJQL¿FDQWO\ LPSURYHG WKH quality of her life and she was able for many years after the operation to undertake her PXFKORYHGGDLO\ZDONVDORQJ%URXOHHEHDFK :KHQP\JUDQGPRWKHUGLHG,UHTXHVWHGLI possible, to have her hip joint returned to WKHIDPLO\ZLWKKHUDVKHV:KLOHWKHIDPLO\ was divided about the appropriatness of such a request it was conceeded it would be WKHRQO\WKLQJ,ZRXOGLQKHULWIURPKHU Mervyn Basil Haag Isabella White Arch Lakin ± ± 27/10/1943–7/10/1999 Photograph 3UHVHQWRZQHU6DQJHHWD6DQGUDVHJDU Jet mourning necklace SUHVHQWRZQHU6DUDK*RIIPDQ The Lone Ranger annual (1953) Present owner: Shaune Lakin , GRQ¶W UHPHPEHU WKLV SKRWR EHLQJ WDNHQ EXW ,¶YH NHSW LW DERYH P\ EHG VLQFH , ZDV D WHHQDJHU , ZRXOG KDYH SXOOHG LW RXW IURPWKHER[HVRIROGSKRWRP\PXPFDOOV ³DOEXPSURMHFWV´,MXVWPRYHGKRXVHVRLWV EOX±WDNHGWRWKHERRNVKHOILQWKHVWXG\, ORYH WKLV SKRWR RI 3RSSD DQG PH EXW ,¶P QRWVXUHZK\±LWDOZD\VPDNHVPHFU\, WKLQN LW¶V OLNH WKDW PHUJLQJ RI PHPRU\ QRVWDOJLDDQGORYH,FDQ¶WUHFDOOWKHGD\ but it brings forth all my memories of him, FKLOGKRRGDQGKLPDQG1DQQD :KHQP\8QFOH*HRUJHGLHGP\VLVWHUIRXQG this in his bedside table drawer, it had been JLYHQWRKLPE\KLV0RWKHU,VDEHOOD:KLWH which she had from when her husband QDPHXQNQRZQP\*UDQGIDWKHUGLHG At the time of that photo we used to live in 0DOD\VLD FRPLQJ EDFN IRU &KULVWPDV ZH XVHGWRVWD\DWWKHLUSODFHLQ:DQGLQWKH\ ZHUH P\ ¿UVW UHDO PHPRULHV RI $XVWUDOLD The morning walks along the train track in the bush behind their place to the post– RI¿FH DQG KHDULQJ WKH VWUDQJH VRXQGV RI PDJSLHVDUHDOOHQUDSWZLWKP\¿UVWFRQWDFW KHUH+HWDXJKWPHWRDYRLGPDJSLHVZKHQ they were nesting, would give me barley sugars from the never ending supply in his pocket, and let me help with picking the UDVSEHUULHVIRU1DQQD¶VMDP ,OLNHWKLVSKRWREHFDXVHWKDWQDXJKW\EXW kind grin captures my memory of him. , OLNH WKH FRPSRVLWLRQ IRU WKH LPSOLHG degrees of looking, the boy in the back photographing the same scene in reverse, P\ JUDQGIDWKHU¶V FDPHUD VOXQJ URXQG KLV shoulder, the way we are both standing and regarding the photographer, most likely my Mum, and how our postures convey our relationship to her. Andrew Joannou ± Tweed coat 3UHVHQWRZQHU3ROO\[HQLD-RDQQRX The tweed coat belonged to my dad (Andrew -RDQQRX $SDUW IURP KLV ZRUU\ EHDGV WKH\DUHWKHRQO\REMHFWV,NHSWRIKLVZKHQ he died. The coat for me summed up who KHZDV:KHQ,ZHDULWVRPHWLPHV,KDYH DVHQVHRIVDIHW\,FDQHYHQFRQMXUHXSKLV VFHQW ,W ZDV KLV IDYRXULWH FRDW DURXQG D decade before he died. &KULVWPDVSUHVHQW Dennis is Dead $V,VWDUWHGZRUNDWWKHSXEWKDWQLJKW 0DRUL.HYFDPHRYHUTXLHWO\DQGVDLG ³'LG\RXKHDUDERXWROG'HQQLV"´ ³1R"´ ³+HGLHG\HVWHUGD\&LUUKRVLVRIWKH OLYHU6KDPHHK"´ ³<HDK<HDKVKLW«WKDQNV.HY<RXDOO ULJKW"´ ³1DK´ 0DRUL.HYKDGEHHQPDWHVZLWK'HQQLV IRU\HDUV'HQQLVZRXOG¶YHEHHQLQKLV ODWHV,UHFNRQ7KLFNJODVVHVDVPDOO stout body, big white hair and a cane. +HZRXOGGULQNDWWKHSXEQHDUO\HYHU\day, unless he was feuding with the bar owners or the young staff, in which case, KHZRXOGER\FRWW+HFRXOGVXONZLWKXV for weeks, especially if we cut him off IRUEHLQJGUXQNRQWKHSUHPLVHV,WZDV HDV\WRRIIHQG'HQQLVEHFDXVHKHZDVD ELWWHUROGJX\+LVGDXJKWHUGLHG\RXQJ and he drank a lot. Young dudes would always drop into WKHEDUKHDGRYHUWR'HQQLV¶VSRWLQ front of the cash register and say hello IRUDFRXSOHRIPLQXWHV1LFH,WKRXJKW 0D\EH'HQQLVLVQ¶WVREDGDIWHUDOOLI WKHNLGVOLNHKLP« ,HYHQWXDOO\UHDOL]HGWKDW'HQQLVZDV regularly selling bags of stinky pot under the bar, saying hello and having gulps from his beer. All in under two minutes. ³$QRWKHUEHHU´KHZRXOGZKHH]HDWPH waving a fresh Fifty up from under the bar counter. A new kid would wait paWLHQWO\IRUPHWRSRXU'HQQLVDEHHU 7KHRWKHUUHJXODUVOLNHG'HQQLV¶SRWDQG would often smoke it in the busy beer garden during service. They are short VWRXWPHQLQWKHLUVWRR/LNH'HQQLV did, they drink in the pub nearly everyGD\6RRQ,ZDVIHXGLQJZLWKWKHRWKHU regulars about the legality of their pot VPRNLQJLQWKHEXV\EHHUJDUGHQ:KHQ ,FDXJKWWKHPVPRNLQJSRW,ZRXOG cut off their service at the bar, so they would ask other staff to serve them their JURJ7KH\RXQJVWDIIZRXOGQ¶WVHUYH WKHPEHFDXVH,KDGWROGWKHPQRWWR *UDKDPDUHJXODU,KDGFXWRIIWROGPH ,ZDVDSHWW\OLWWOHFXQW ,WROGKLPKHZDVFXWRIIWRPRUURZWRR and he stormed out, vowing to boycott the bar. 2OG+DUROGLVDQ±\HDU±ROGUHJXODU with a head protector wrapped around KLVIXOOKHDGRIVRIWZKLWHKDLU,OLNH +DUROG+HVDLG³'RQ¶WZRUU\DERXW KLP*UDKDP¶VDOOULJKW+H¶VMXVWDQ DUVHKROH´ 'HQQLVZDVDQROGPXVRDQGLQGHHS ZLWKORFDOMD]]+HZDVSDVVLRQDWH about the players he believed in, feudLQJZLWKWKHJX\VKHGLGQ¶WOLNH,RQFH WROG'HQQLV,SOD\HGGUXPVLQEDQGV +HVXVSHFWHG,ZDVQ¶WMD]]DQGXVHGWR VZHHWO\DVNPH³+RZ¶V\RXUPRGHUQ PXVLFJRLQJ"´ 'HQQLVGLGQ¶WOLNHPRGHUQPXVLFHVSHFLDOO\LILWGLGQ¶WVZLQJ'HQQLVXVHGWR SOD\EDQMR7KDW¶VDOO,NQRZ 7KH\RXQJVWDIIDWWKHSXEGLGQ¶WOLNH 'HQQLV+HZDVRIWHQUXGHWRWKHP EHFDXVHWKH\ZHUH\RXQJ,OLNHGKLP EHFDXVHKHGLGQ¶WJLYHDVKLWDQGKDGD VO\VHQVHRIKXPRXUVRPHWLPHV:KHQ he died, his friends (a group of the RWKHUUHJXODUVTXLFNO\JRWWKHNH\VWR his house and recovered a substantial stash of pot and money, hidden in 'HQQLV¶RQHEHGURRPKRXVH7KH\VDLG the Police and the Ambos would be going through the house and it would be a shame for those pricks to get their hands on it all. ,ZDVEHJLQQLQJWRJHWWKHLPSUHVVLRQ WKDW'HQQLVKDGOHIWTXLWHDODUJHHVWDWH by the lengthy, furtive way the other UHJXODUVGLVFXVVHG'HQQLV¶IXQHUDOSODQV all day, over a lot of jugs. They told me they had made a pact WRORRNDIWHUDOORI'HQQLV¶DVVHWVDQG VSHQGLWRQDODYLVKIXQHUDOIRUKLP,W ZDVZKDWKHZRXOG¶YHZDQWHGKHKDG no living relatives and his daughter died young. One of his old friends began GULQN±GULYLQJ'HQQLV¶QHZFDUKRPHRQ 6DWXUGD\QLJKWV,KDYHQ¶WVHHQWKDWFDU for a while now. 7KUHHZHHNVODWHURQ6DWXUGD\0LFKHO LQYLWHGPHWR'HQQLV¶IXQHUDO0LFKHO LVDUHJXODUZKRIRXJKWLQWKH9LHWQDP :DU+HLVWDOOVNLQQ\DQGLQKLVV with long white hair and beard, hula– girl/Army tattoos on his arms and a FDQH+HDOZD\V¿QLVKHVDVHQWHQFHZLWK HLWKHUµEURWKHU¶RUµVLVWHU¶GHSHQGLQJRQ WKHJHQGHURIZKRPHYHUKH¶VKDQJLQJ RXWZLWK+HORYHV(OYLV3UHVOH\¶VYRLFH DQGRQFHVDLG³0LFKDHO-DFNVRQWKH .LQJRI3RS(OYLVKHZDVVLPSO\7KH .LQJ:KDWGRHVWKDWWHOO\RXEURWKHU"´ 0LFKHOZDVQ¶WLQYROYHGZLWKWKHJURXS ZKHHOLQJDQGGHDOLQJ'HQQLV¶PRQH\ /LNHPHKHKDGOLNHG'HQQLVDQGDVNHG LI,ZDVJRLQJWRWKHIXQHUDO+H¶GKHDUG that it was going to be huge. Free drink, IRRGSRWDQGOLYHMD]]EDQGVXQWLOODWH, VKRXOGFRPHDIWHUZRUN7KH\¶GEHJRLQJ all night. ,VDLGWKDW,KDGGHFLGHGQRWWRDWWHQGEHFDXVH,ZRXOGQ¶WHQMR\GULQNLQJ'HQQLV¶DJHG6FRWFKVPRNLQJKLV huge joints, listening to his favourite jazz royalty play and eating his Peking GXFNUROOV,GLGQ¶WWKLQNLWZDVZKDW KHZRXOG¶YHZDQWHG³,XQGHUVWDQG EURWKHU´VDLG0LFKHO 2QWKHQLJKWRI'HQQLV¶ZDNH,VHWXS a full pot of beer at his old spot in front of the cash register. The pub was empty DQGRFFDVLRQDOO\,¶GORRNRYHUDWWKH IXOOORQHO\EHHUUHPHPEHULQJKLP, ZDVDELWVDG'HQQLVZRXOGQ¶WFRPHLQ and drink that beer. A young kid came in and asked me ZKHUH'HQQLVZDV,WROGKLPWKDW'HQQLVZDVGHDG³6KLW´VDLGWKHNLG³'R \RXNQRZZKHUH,FDQVFRUHVRPHSRW"´ ³1RPDWH1RWDQ\PRUH6HH\RXODWHU´ ³)XFNWKLV´KHVDLGIURPWKHGRRU³7KLV SXE¶VVKLW´ Morgan Fayle June 2010 William David Freeman Violet Bernice Richter (nee Rawlinson) ± 23/5/1921–June 1993 Small loop invented by my grandfather, made c.1954 from felt and gros-grain ribbon. The loop was designed to be inserted into a wound-up car window, used for hanging a coat-hanger from the ribbon loop (before handles with hooks for this purpose were built into car interiors). 3UHVHQWRZQHU6XVDQ-DFREV Clock 3UHVHQWRZQHU6WHSKDQLH5LFKWHU 7KH FORFN ZDV JLIWHG WR P\ 1DQQD E\ my parents for her birthday in 1979 – as she noted in the inscription along with KHU DGGUHVV ,W VXEVHTXHQWO\ WUDYHOOHG WR 3DPEXOD%HDFK16:WRWKHIDPLO\KROLGD\ house. , GLVFRYHUHG LW DV D FKLOG LQ WKH GUDZHU QH[W WR P\ EHG DQG IROORZLQJ KHU WUDJLF GHDWK,XVHGWKHFORFNWRVWRUHUHGHPSWLRQ tickets for the local amusement centre µ0HULPEXOD¶V7RS)XQ¶LQEHWZHHQVXPPHU holidays (partially to hide them from my VLVWHU DQG DOVR LQ WKH KRSH 1DQQD ZRXOG PDJLFDOO\PDNHWKHPPXOWLSO\ The loop was given to me by my grandmother after my grandfather died ZKHQ,DVNHGDERXWLWVSXUSRVH,WKDVEHHQ in my care since about 1995. Ian Rilen 7KHFORFNFDPHKRPHZLWKPHZKHQ,ODVW visited the house prior to its sale. ± Photographs and T-shirt 3UHVHQWRZQHU:HQG\-R\0RUULVH\ Edith Amelie Garrett ± ,¿UVWVDZ,DQ5LOHQSOD\ZLWK;LQDW VRPH YHQXH LQ 6\GQH\ ; KDG DSSDUHQWO\ just started playing again after the XQWLPHO\ GHDWK RI JXLWDULVW ,DQ .UDKH RI D GUXJ RYHUGRVH , WKRXJKW WKH EDQG ZDV IDQWDVWLFUDXFRXVDQGLUUHYHUHQW,DQZDV XQIRUJHWWDEOH ZLWK ZKDW , ODWHU FDPH WR FDOOKLV³PLVWHUXJO\KHDG´IDFHVWKDWZHQW so perfectly with his pounding bass guitar. +HFRXOGFXUOKLVWRSXSOLSLQRQHGLUHFWLRQ and his bottom lip down in the other, just one of the many facial contortions that never ceased to amaze me. Small 1950s toy buffet–polychrome wood and glass 3UHVHQWRZQHU6WHSKHQ*DUUHWW %HORQJHGWRP\VLVWHULQODZ(GLHZKRJDYH LWWRP\VLVWHU'RQQDIRUKHU'ROO+RXVH$V DNLG,XVHWRUDLGP\VLVWHU¶VGROOKRXVHDQG place all of her doll furniture under the real furniture in our house. My favourite object was the buffet, followed by the lounge. The buffet is the only original piece left which my sister gave it to me last year. SULGH ,¶OO EH DEOH WR OLH RQ WKH FRXFK DQG SURS P\VHOI XS ZLWK WKLV EROVWHU , FDQ OLH with it underneath my neck. That will be nice because all those ties have touched his neck too. ,FRXOGQ¶WKDYHNQRZQDWWKDW¿UVWJLJWKDW ,DQDQG;ZRXOGEHFRPHDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRI P\OLIHIRUQH[WVRPHWKLQJ\HDUV:LWKLQ WKUHH \HDUV &DWK\ *UHHQ KDG EHFRPH RQH RI P\ FORVHVW IULHQGV 6KH KDG PRYHG WR 0HOERXUQHIURP&DQEHUUDDIWHUOHDYLQJWKH EDQG&RXJK&RXJKDQGZHPHWRQWKHVHW RID+XQWHUV&ROOHFWRUVPXVLFYLGHRFOLS 2QHQLJKWZHZHUHDWWKH3ULQFH2I:DOHV +RWHO ZDWFKLQJ ; SOD\ DQG &DWK\ VDLG ³, NQRZ ,¶P JRLQJ WR SOD\ ZLWK WKDW EDQG´ :LWKRXWHYHQWU\LQJE\VKHZDVWKHLU GUXPPHU7KHQ,DQ5LOHQDQG&DWK\VWDUWHG a relationship that lasted for about eight \HDUV)RUWKHUHVWRI,DQ¶VOLIHWKHLUPXVLFDO collaborations continued, with bands like +HOO7R3D\DQG7KH/RYH$GGLFWV ,WKLQNKH¶GOLNHWKLVSLHFH'HDWKZDVQ¶W NLQGWRP\IDWKHU,GRQ¶WNQRZZK\ My daughter went to school with Tallulah 5LOHQ ± ,DQ DQG KLV ¿UVW ZLIH 6WHSKDQLH¶V Kenneth Willington Havelock Stevens ± ‘The Givenchy Code’ tie cushion bolster soft sculpture 3UHVHQWRZQHU7LQD+DYHORFN6WHYHQV :LWK DVVLVWDQFH IURP WKH VZHDW VKRS JLUOV0HOLVVD+XQW/XF\*RGRURMDDQG Jackie Farkas with guest appearances IURP/XNH3DUNHUDQG$ULH+LUVK ,QWKHEOXURIJULHI,JUDEEHGP\'DG¶VWLHV Mum had already but them in a paper bag ZLWK D KDQGOH , WRRN WKHP KRPH DQG SXW WKHP XQGHU P\ EHG ,¶G YDFXXP DURXQG the ties and sometimes peer into the bag. The ties have been in that bag sitting under P\ EHG XQWLO QRZ (OYLV FDOOHG PH DQG DVNHGLI,¶GOLNHWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKH6KRZ , WROG KHU DERXW D WLH FXVKLRQ LGHD WKDW KDGEHHQHEELQJDQGÀRZLQJIRUDZKLOH, JXHVV,WRRNWRWKLVDUWZRUNZLWKDFHUWDLQ numbness yet intent. A group of generous friends have helped make it possible. 6RHYHU\VLQJOHRQHRI'DG¶VWLHVQRZIRUP D&XVKLRQ%ROVWHU'DGZDVDEROVWHUHU,W¶V taken a while to get used to the fact that ZKHQVRPHWKLQJJRHVZHOOIRUPH,FDQ¶WFDOO him and hear that warm feeling of paternal youngest daughter – and they remain friends to this day. There are so many stories that span those years that the thought of speaking about them here is too RYHUZKHOPLQJ 7KHUH ZHUH WLPHV ZKHQ , WKRXJKW,ZRXOGQHYHUVSHDNWR,DQDJDLQ EXW KH ZDV LPSRVVLEOH WR VWD\ PDG DW ,¶G VHHKLPDJDLQDQGKH¶GVD\³+L:HQ´DQG my heart would just melt and there we ZRXOG EH WDONLQJ DQG ODXJKLQJ ,DQ ZDV down to earth, messy, sometimes tragic, big-hearted and real. There was no malice in his bad behaviour and one could forgive him almost anything. , ZDV WKHUH DW WKH *UH\KRXQG IRU WKH ODVW gigs, just weeks before he died. They were simultaneously fun and heartbreaking. There was a moment at one of those gigs ZKHQ ,DQ FRXOG QRW TXLW UHPHPEHU WKH OLQHVEXW&DWK\ZDVWKHUHWRZKLVSHULQWR his ear as they kept the beat and continued playing. &DWK\ DQG , ZHUHQ¶W DW WKH KRXVH DW 6KRUHKDP WKH QLJKW KH GLHG EXW ZH ZHUH GULYHQ GRZQ WKH IROORZLQJ PRUQLQJ :H entered the bedroom where he lay to pay RXU UHVSHFWV +H ORRNHG VR SHDFHIXO DQG we knew he had left the frail body he had LQKDELWHG %HLQJ LQ WKDW KRXVH , ORRNHG around at all his friends, wives, partners, children and many of the musicians he had played with, all there together getting along ZHOO7KHFRPPRQWKUHDGZDV,DQDQGWKH no-bullshit gritty compassion and love of OLIH KH KDG HSLWRPL]HG $QG , WKRXJKW KH was one lucky guy. Jacques Henri Geurts Alan (Bill) Bell ± ± Video of “Tekila” 3UHVHQWRZQHU.HOO\DQQ*HXUW] A small blue tin convertible FDU ZLWK D SODVWLF ¿JXUH VHDWHG inside. 3UHVHQWRZQHU7HOLD1HYLOH My father gave me a foal before he died 30 years ago. ,ERXJKWWKHFDUDVD&KULVWPDVSUHVHQWIRU P\ *UDQGSD ± P\ IDYRXULWH JUDQGSDUHQW DQGP\PRWKHU¶VIDWKHU$OORIKLVIULHQGV had died and it felt like he was giving up on life as well. Prior to this period he had always been a bit of a larrikin – playful, cheeky and delightfully rude (also, apparently, DQ DOFRKROLF , ZDV KHDUW±EURNHQ DERXW ZDWFKLQJKLPJLYHXSKRSHDQG,ZDQWHGWR GRVRPHWKLQJWREXFNKLPXSVR,ERXJKW this car for him in the hopes that it would remind him of happier times – something FKLOGOLNH DQG IXQ +H GLHG SUHWW\ VRRQ after this and when his belongings were being distributed amongst the family, the FDUFDPHEDFNWRPH,WKDGQ¶WZRUNHGDQG looking at it still makes me a little sad. Tekila is now 31 (4yrs passed the average OLIH VSDQ RI D KRUVH DQG LV ZHOO UHWLUHG amongst a small herd in a lush paddock by the coast. , GLGQ¶W UHDOO\ NQRZ PXFK DERXW KRUVHV ZKHQ , FRPPLWWHG WR WUDLQLQJ D \U ROG gelding. The process kept me focused in WKHWLPHIROORZLQJGDG¶VGHDWK:LWKOLWWOH NQRZOHGJH RI KRZ WR ³EUHDNLQ´ D KRUVH Tekila retained his un-broken spirit. +H¶G SUHIHU DV GR , WR IROORZ PH UDWKHU than being led along with a halter and rope. 6RRQRXUZDONVQRZWKDWKHLVUHWLUHGKH ¿QGV KLV EHVW SDWK DORQJ WKH URDGVLGH WR WKHEHDFKWRVXLWKLVWHQGHUROGKRRIVDQG then is free to kick out his aged stiffness and toss his head in delight on the long stretches of sand. 'DG¶V JLIW KDV EHHQ D FRPSDQLRQ IRU WKH PRVW RI P\ OLIH DQG ,¶P VSHQGLQJ P\ IUHH GD\VHQVXULQJKLV¿QDOGD\VDUHNLQG Shirley Scott Wilson 3/1/1919–24/7/2009 An empty packet of ‘snack right’ biscuits and a dental bridge with 2 false teeth and silver bracket 3UHVHQWRZQHU$QQH6FRWW:LOVRQ ,KDYHNHSWWKHSDFNHWWKDW,WRRNIURPP\ mothers assisted living room only 2 days after she passed away. The connection to her body is profound – the dental bridge was made by my father – he was proud of his work, seriously. Mum and dad discussed the quality and precision of his prosthetics. The objects represent a very personal connection, especially my mother ,VXSSRVHEHFDXVH,DPSDUWRIKHUÀHVK± but more than that. John Francis Kreckler ± Tile from Sydney Opera House roof 3UHVHQWRZQHU'HUHN.UHFNOHU 7DNHQ IURP WKH 6\GQH\ 2SHUD +RXVH VLWH E\ P\ IDWKHU ZKLOVW RQ D YLVLW F DQG ODWHUJLYHQDVDJLIWWRKLVVRQ'HUHN-RKQ LQ 7KH 2SHUD +RXVH URRIV ZHLJK WRQQHVDQGDUHFRYHUHGZLWKH[DFWO\ 6ZHGLVK FHUDPLF WLOHV PLQXV 8W]RQZDQWHGWKH2SHUD+RXVHVKHOOV to contrast with the dark water under the deep blue Australian sky – like clouds or sails on the water. To achieve this look, the tiles needed to be gloss but not be so mirror-like to cause glare. Utzon found H[DFWO\ZKDWKHZDQWHGLQ-DSDQFHUDPLF bowls with a subtle coarseness caused by DJUDQXODUWH[WXUHLQWKHFOD\7KUHH\HDUV ZRUN E\ +|JDQlV RI 6ZHGHQ SURGXFHG the effect Utzon wanted in what became NQRZQ DV WKH 6\GQH\ WLOH PP VTXDUH made from clay with a small percentage of crushed stone. The tile is marked 51210 +2*$1$66:('(10 ,NHHSWKHPRQDPDQWOHSLHFHLQWKHOLYLQJ room. Stanley Peter Charles Merer Georgette Margaret Schmidt (nee Leeds) 1923–2003 Novelty Hawaiian “Kipper” tie made of synthetic material with elastic string. 3UHVHQWRZQHU/RXLV3RUWHU Green sapphire brooch and buttons 3UHVHQWRZQHU&KULVWLQH6FKPLGW This tie was worn by my grandfather during D8.&KULVWPDVPXUGHUP\VWHU\JDPHKHOG LQD\HDUDIWHU,PRYHGWR$XVWUDOLD ,W ZDV RQH RI WKH PRVW UHOD[HG &KULVWPDV FHOHEUDWLRQV , FRXOG UHPHPEHU DQG LQ particular my grandfather was in very high spirits. ,GHFLGHGWKDWWKH+DZDLLDQ.LSSHUWLHZDV LQVRPHZD\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKLVVR,DVNHG WRNHHSLW,WUHWXUQHGZLWKPHWR$XVWUDOLD and it lived on the hallway coat rack. The QH[WWLPH,VDZP\JUDQGIDWKHUKHZDVLQD hospital bed close to death. ,Q WKLV SKRWRJUDSK RI XV DW WKH SDUW\ P\ JUDQGIDWKHULVWKHRQHLQWKHWLH,¶PDWWKH front with a pair of goggles round my neck. These pieces represent a generation and FODVV VWLWFKHG WR WUDGLWLRQ ¿QH FKLQD DQG tasteful understated jewellery that set them apart from the riff raff and now fashionable convict colonial offspring. The mother of pearl and silver detachable buttons were given to me by my late mother-in-law, a woman who loved bridge, DIWHUQRRQWHDVDQGWKH5DFHV,ZDVWKULOOHG ZKHQVKHJDYHPHWKHVHEXWWRQVEHFDXVH, was and still am a vintage button collector and thought they were beautiful. $FRXSOHRIWLPHV,GHFLGHGWRXVHWKHPRQ a garment, however always felt they were too precious and would place them back in WKHLUER[$VWR³6RSK´DQG³%HOOH´,KDYH QRLGHDZKRWKH\ZHUH" The green sapphire brooch was a gift from % DQG IURP KHU PRWKHULQODZ¶V MHZHOOHU\ FROOHFWLRQ6KHZDVDSSDUHQWO\YHU\JUDQG DQG OLNH P\ 0,/ SDUW RI WKH FXFXPEHU VDQGZLFK VHW , ORYH WKH ER[ WKH VDWLQ and velvet lining - the brooch embedded DQG JOLWWHULQJ $JDLQ , KDYH SLQQHG LW WR DQ RXW¿W RQO\ WR SURPSWO\ UHWXUQ LW WR LWV QLFKH,VLWEHFDXVHVRPHWKLQJVDUHEHWWHU not worn just hoarded. Coral Banney ± Bark art by Coral Banney (my grandmother), 50’s aboriginal motif planter, with cuttings from Gran’s garden 3UHVHQWRZQHU1DWDOLH7KRPDV *UDQWRRNXS%DUNDUWDWµ/HJDF\¶DZDU UHODWHG VXSSRUW JURXS IRU ZRPHQ DIWHU she retired. 6KH DOZD\V JDUGHQHG SODQWLQJ VQDS GUDJRQV DQG SDQVH\¶V ZKLFK ZHUH P\ favourites. Mum gave me this Aboriginal 3ODQWHUZLWKFXWWLQJVIURP*UDQ¶VJDUGHQ after she died. Bertha (Bradley) Dench ± Power Puff 3UHVHQWRZQHU&DWKHULQH25HLOO\ 3RZGHU SXII ZDV RZQHG E\ P\ *UHDW grandmother. The family,emigrated from (QJODQG LQ 7KLV GHOLFDWH REMHFW WKHQ settled in outback Queensland in the mid 1920s. %HUWKD¶VKXVEDQGEHFDPHDEXLOGHURI*RYernment buildings and took the family out WR&XQQDPXOODGXHWRWKHGHSUHVVLRQWKH\ were forced to stay. 6KHGLGQRWOHDYHWKHKRXVH This Powder Puff has remained in the KRPHEXLOWE\P\*UHDWJUDQGIDWKHU,WZDV UHFHQWO\SDVVHGRQWRPHE\P\$XQW6KH has lived in the house all her life and has had to leave due to age. Claire Lambe Grandmother 1912–2007 25/9/1919 – 29/9/2007 Royal Dalton Gem Bowl. Paddy Lambe’s Captains Prize Golf Trophy 3UHVHQWRZQHU-RVHSK/DPEH A collection of sketches of fashion from the 1930’s done by my grandmother 3UHVHQWRZQHU'HOLD6SLFHU :KHQ,ZDVDFKLOG,XVHGWRJRWRDOOVRUWV RI DXFWLRQV ZLWK P\ PRWKHU , UHDOO\ OLNHG deceased estate auctions because they were always a bit creepy. Mother was always a little embarrassed to bump into anyone she knew at these auctions and my memory of them is having a slightly ‘pick the bones off WKH ÀHVK¶ DWPRVSKHUH 7KHUH ZDV DOZD\V lots of interesting stuff at them as well. These were found in my grandmothers things when she went into a nursing home. Unfortunately at the time she had alzheimHUV DQG , ZDV WKHUHIRUH XQDEOH WR WDON WR KHUDERXWWKHP,GLG&RVWXPH'HVLJQDW &ROOHJH DQG VKH QHYHU PHQWLRQHG ZKHQ , was studying that she drew when she was \RXQJ6KHZDVLQKHUODWHWHHQVZKHQVKH GLGWKHVH±,ZDVGUDZLQJFRVWXPHVLQP\ ODWHWHHQVDQG,ORYHWKDWFRQQHFWLRQ,MXVW ZLVK,KDGIRXQGWKHVHZKHQVKHZDVDOLYH :KHQ,ZDVDERXWHOHYHQ\HDUVROGZHZHQW to one particularly morbid deceased estate DXFWLRQ:KLOHYLHZLQJWKHORWVP\PRWKHU PDGH PH VWHDO WKLV 5R\DO 'DOWRQ *HP %RZO , UHPHPEHU WKLQNLQJ KRZ ZURQJ LW was to steal and how wrong my mother was in making me do it, but it was a really cute bowl and easily slipped into my pocket. My mother said the person was dead and ZRXOGQ¶WPLVVLW$OVRWKHLU$PHULFDQUHODWLYHV ZKR GLGQ¶W HYHQ JR WR WKH IXQHUDO ZRXOGQ¶W PLVV LW HLWKHU 7KHUH VHHPHG WR be a lot of absentee American relatives inKHULWLQJDOOVRUWVRIVWXIILQ,UHODQGDWWKDW time. :KHQ P\ PRWKHU GLHG DOPRVW \HDUV ODWHU , ZDV OHIW WKH *HP %RZO LQ KHU ZLOO ,ZDVLQ$XVWUDOLDDQGFRXOGQRWDWWHQGKHU IXQHUDO,WLVRQHRIWZRREMHFWV,KDYHLQP\ possession from my childhood. 0\IDWKHU3DGG\ORYHGJROI7KLVWKH&ORQPHO *ROI &OXE &DSWDLQV 3ULVH WURSK\ KH ZRQLQWKH¶V+HJRWWRNHHSWKHFXS EHFDXVHKHKDGZRQLWWKUHHWLPHV+HUHally loved his golf. Boshra Michel Ishak & Katrina Khalil ±± Documents 3UHVHQWRZQHU5DDIDW,VKDN ,QKHULWHGGRFXPHQWVOHWWHUVGDWHG DQGVHQWWRDQGUHFHLYHGIURP,VKDN DQG.KDOLOVFKRRODQGXQLYHUVLW\UHSRUWV Eulalie Marani (nee Lee) ± Potato masher Present owner: Jordan Marani Mary Hodkinson 27/12/1913–August 1993 Tea cup and saucer with lipstick mark 3UHVHQWRZQHU&ODLUH/DPEH 0XPFDXJKWWKH9HQWXUD%XVWR&KDGG\RQRQHRIKHUUHJXODUVKRSSLQJH[SHGLtions and came home with a wonderful new UHG SODVWLF SRWDWR PDVKHU 6KH VZRUH E\ it, much better than the metal ones and it GLGQ¶WUXLQKHUJRRGHQDPHOVDXFHSDQV 1DQQ\ +RGG\ XVH WR VZLQJ KHU OHWWXFH LQ the garden in a T-towel, perm and dye her hair blue and take placebos for sleeping. Mum would have made her purchase about , KDYH XVHG LW UHJXODUO\ VLQFH ODWH ,VZHDUE\LW , XVH WR ZDWFK QDQQ\ SRXU KHU WHD IURP the cup into the saucer and sip the tea in through her painted red lips. Fantastic. +HU ÀDW VPHOW RI SRUN DQG SHDV DQG WKH background noise was always wrestling. What I didn’t inherit ,FRXOGKDYHLQKHULWHGWKHPHFFDQR set. The left-hand wall of the study lined ceiling high with rows of shotJXQPHWDOFDELQHWGUDZHUV(DFK drawer contained a meccano piece— green or red. There were nuts and bolts, angle girders, girder frames, trunnions, angle brackets, corner EUDFNHWVFRUQHUJXVVHWVVWULSVÀDW SODWHVWULDQJXODUSODWHV(DFKGUDZHU labelled and oiled so it would glide HDVLO\LQDQGRXW(YHU\\HDURUVRP\ dad would construct a meccano scale model in the centre of the study. One year it was a suspension bridge scaled WRWKH*ROGHQ*DWH%ULGJH+HODLGWKH plans out across the carpet and studied each angle of construction. Then he methodically moved from drawer WRGUDZHUFRXQWLQJRXWSDUWV1RZ and then, he called me over from the sidelines and instructed me to get an H[WUDÀDWSODWHRULQFKVWULS2QFHKH had laid out the pieces, he began the FRQVWUXFWLRQ+HGLGWKLVDORQHQRWWR be disturbed. As the construction site JUHZP\EURWKHUVLVWHUDQG,JDYHLWD wide berth, running in an arc to get to the kitchen. Finally, after months of tinkering and some swearing, my dad announced WKDWLWZDV¿QLVKHG+HVWRRGSURXGO\ alongside each tower, the crown UHDFKLQJWKHFKHVWRIKLVIRRWIUDPH 7KHQXVLQJWKHWLPHURQKLV1LNNRUmat, he took a series of photographs RIKLPVHOIVWDQGLQJQH[WWRWKHPRGHO The deconstruction was quick and SDLQOHVV(DFKSLHFHSXWEDFNLQWKH drawers, ready for another incarnation. Over the years, he constructed WKH(LIIHO7RZHUIRRWLQFKHV steam engines and a wharf crane. All made and then unmade. ,FRXOGKDYHLQKHULWHGKLV1LNNRUPDW (/²LWVYDULRXVFRQFDYH1LNNRUH\HV held steady in a solid black body—and ,FRXOGKDYHLQKHULWHGKLV5ROOHLÀH[ 6/²WKHRULJDPLOLNHYLHZLQJER[ ÀLFNLQJXSZKHQ,OHDVWH[SHFWHGLW +HWRRNDSSUR[LPDWHO\VKRWV developing some into positives, which he mounted in slide frames, and others into negatives, which he printed in his darkroom. ,FRXOGKDYHLQKHULWHGWKH/HLW]HQODUJHUDVKDG\¿JXUHLQWKHUHGJORRP projecting light through the negatives RQWRWKH¿EUHEDVHGSDSHU,FRXOG have inherited the bakelite trays in which he rhythmically swilled chemiFDOVDURXQGWKHSDSHUWKHJLDQW'XUVW roller dryer into which he would feed WKHSULQWHGLPDJHVÀDWWHQLQJDQGGU\LQJWKHPWKHKHDY\6DOWHU¶VJXLOORWLQH which whistled past my face, swiftly slicing the paper. Then on sunny weekends as we rolled around the lawn with his best IULHQG6LPRQODWHUWRGLHIURPD EUDLQWXPRXUFOLPELQJRYHUKLP like lion cubs, he throwing us one by one into the air, his smile broken by laughter, his mane of dark hair lit by WKHVXQGDGZRXOG¿OPXVLQ6WDQGDUG²FDSWXULQJWKRVHPRPHQWV LQWUXHEODFNDQGZKLWH,FRXOGKDYH LQKHULWHGWKH'/$%ROH[¿OPFDPHUDWKURXJKZKLFKKHH[SRVHGRYHU 1,000 four-minute black and white DQG.RGDFKURPH¿OPVZKLFKKH ODWHUWKUHDGHGWKURXJKWKH%ROH[ 3DLOODUGPPSURMHFWRUDQGSURMHFWHG onto the white screen for our entertainment. ,GLGQ¶WLQKHULWWKHPHFFDQRFDPHUDV DQGGDUNURRPEHFDXVHZKHQP\GDG¶V <DPDKD;6FFFUDVKHGLQWRWKH lamppost in Queens Park on a hot VXPPHU¶VGD\KHKDGOHIWLWDOOWRP\ \RXQJVWHSPRWKHU6KHDOVRLQKHULWHG three young teenagers whose mother KDGDEVFRQGHGWR$XVWUDOLD:HZDLWed for dad to come home and solve the problem of his accidental death. ,QVWHDGRXUPRWKHUFDPHEDFNIURP Australia and relieved our stepmother of us. Then trying to kick start her stalled life, she sold everything that FRXOGEHVROG:KDWFRXOGQ¶WEHVROG ZDVUHWXUQHGWRXV$QGVR,LQKHULWHG black and white photographs, slides DQG¿OPVWKHVWRU\RIRXUOLYHVXQWLO WKHQ,DOVRLQKHULWHGKLVVTXDW¿Qgers, the skin generously drawn like a shroud across them, the knuckles gristly, the skin whirlpools etched deep. ,LQKHULWHGKLVVWXQWHGQDLOVZLWKWKH deep vertical grooves, nailroad tracks KHFDOOHGWKHP,LQKHULWHGKLVKDLU ¿QHVWUDQGVHQGXULQJFKHVWQXWKLV VTXDUHMDZKLVKD]HOH\HV,LQKHULWHG too his passion for fat cigars and cool cellars. 5XWK/HDUQHU-XQH Adrien Allen $QGUHZ+XUOH Andrew McQualter $QGUHZ+D]HOZLQNOH $QLWD%HOLD $QQDEHO1RZODQ $QQLH:LOVRQ Anonymous %HF'HDQ %UHQWRQ6LOYND &DOOXP0RUWRQ &DUPHO5RJDQ &DUROLQH'XUUp &DWKHULQH&ORYHU &DWKHULQH%HOO &KULVWLQH6FKPLGW &ODLUH/DPEH &OLQWRQ*DUDIDQR 'DQLHO0XGLH&XQQLQJKDP 'DYLG3HDUFH 'DYLG/XNHU 'HERUDK2VWURZ 'HOLD6SLFHU 'HUHN.UHFNOHU 'UHZ%LFNIRUG (OYLV5LFKDUGVRQ )D\HQ'¶(YLH )LRQD%ODQGIRUG Flavia Marcello *HRUJLH5HDG *RVLD:ORGDUF]DN +HOHQ-RKQVRQ +HOHQ%RURZVNL ,DQ0LOOLVV -DQH2¶1LHO -DVRQ6PLWK -HDQQHWWH%HFNODU -R/DPEH Jordon Marani .DWL5XOH .HHO\0DFDURZ .HOO\DQQ*XHUW] .LP'RQDOGVRQ /H[0LGGOHWRQ /LVD5DGIRUG /RXLV3RUWHU /XNH3DUNHU /\QGDO:DONHU 0DUN+LVORS 0HODQLH6FDLIH 0HODQLH,UZLQ 0HOLQGD5DFNKDP 1DGLQH&KLUVWHQVHQ 1DWDOLH7KRPDV Patrick Pound 3DXO5RGJHUV Peter Maloney 3ROO\-RDQQRX5HGGLQ 5DDIDW,VKDN 5LFKDUG*LEOHWW 5RQ*HRUJH$GDPV 5RVHPDU\)RUG 6DGLH&KDQGOHU 6DOO\0DQQDOO 6DQJHHWD6DQGUDVHJDU 6DUDK*RIIPDQ 6KDXQH/DNLQ 6WHSKDQLH5LFKWHU 6WHSKHQ*DUUHWW 6XVDQ-DFREV 7HOLD1HYLOH 7LQD+DYHORFN6WHYHQV :HQG\-R\0RUULVH\ Memorialists