2013 Newsletter - And Justice For All


2013 Newsletter - And Justice For All
 Leadership Committee Craig W. Anderson Daniel E. Barnett Nanci Snow Bockelie J. Scott Buehler Richard D. Burbidge Richard F. Ensor Kristin Erickson Peggy Hunt Tara L. Isaacson Lon A. Jenkins Jason R. Jones Anthony C. Kaye Guy P. Kroesche Bart H. Kunz, II Matthew L. Lalli Perrin R. Love D. Korey Lowder Brent V. Manning Jennifer H. Mastrorocco James W. McConkie, III Herm Olsen Jessica G. Peterson Hal J. Pos Stephanie W. Pugsley Richard A. Rappaport Ross I. Romero Kent B. Scott Stephen R. Sloan Cory A. Talbot Carol L.C. Verdoia Lisa Yerkovich Board of Directors Nanci Snow Bockelie Jody K. Burnett 6LPyQ&DQWDUHUR Leslie Francis Damon Georgelas Karl Hendrickson, Chair Gil Miller, Secretary Kevin Murphy, Vice Chair Staff Metra Barton Development Director Anne Milne Executive Director, Utah Legal Services Stewart P. Ralphs Executive Director Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake Kai Wilson Executive Director Adina Zhardnikova Executive Director Disability Law Center Spring 2013
Refugee Obtains Protection From Abusive Spouse
Sara came to the United States as a refugee from Sudan. Following an incident of domestic YLROHQFHGXULQJZKLFK6DUDZDVDVVDXOWHGE\³3HWHU´WKHIDWKHURIKHUFKLOG6DUDFDPHWR/HJDO$LG
Society of Salt Lake for free representation in obtaining a protective order. $WWKHWLPH6DUD¶V(QJOLVK
was limited, and she had no employment. Legal Aid successfully represented Sara in the protective order proceedings and she was awarded a permanent protective order by the court. )ROORZLQJWKHSURWHFWLYHRUGHUFDVH3HWHUILOHGIRUFXVWRG\RIWKHSDUWLHV¶PLQRUFKLOGVHHNLQJ
sole legal and physical custody. The child had always lived with her mother, and Sara was afraid that she would lose her daughter in the maze of court proceedings. Because Sara had a protective order, she ZDVUHIHUUHGWR/HJDO$LG6RFLHW\¶V%ULGJHWKH*DSSURJUDPwhere she paid a one-­time administrative fee of $50.00 for full representation in her custody case. 6DUD¶VFDVHZDVXOWLPDWHO\VHWWOHGDWDSUHWULDO
hearing date, and Sara was awarded sole custody of her daughter, as well as appropriate child support IURPKHU3HWHU¶VIDWKHU Parent-­time was arranged in a manner allowing Peter to pick the minor child up in a public place without Sara being present at exchanges, keeping her safely away from her abuser. Sara is now working full-­time, and is able to provide a stable and violence-­free home for herself and her child. Letter From the Campaign Chair
As I write this letter, I am reminded of the countless people facing desperate and complicated problems who have been assisted by the different legal aid programs VXSSRUWHGE\³AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.´6XFKSUREOHPVFDQRIWHQEHUHVROYHGWKURXJK
fundamental rights and some level of awareness as to how the justice system and its bureaucracy work. In the day to day struggle of life, obtaining and exercising that kind of knowledge or awareness is no easy thing. ,DPWKDQNIXOWKDW³AND JUSTICE FOR ALL´ exists as such a vital resource in our community to help those in need address their civil legal problems. Whether escaping domestic abuse, preventing homelessness, securing education and employment, gaining access to healthcare, or even just putting food on the table, ³AND JUSTICE FOR ALL´DQGWKHGLIIHUHQWOHJDODLGSURJUDPVLWVXSSRUWVPDNHDUHDOGLIIHUHQFH I am also thankful for you ± my fellow Utahns ± who help make this all possible. Your generous support RI³AND JUSTICE FOR ALL´HQVXUHVWKDWWKHUHLVDQGZLOOEHDSODFHIRUWKRVHXQDEOHWRDIIRUGDQDWWRUQH\
to get help with their civil legal problems. Your generosity touches the lives of over a hundred people every day who seek legal aid. ,EHOLHYHLQWKHLGHDWKDW³LWLVQRWZKDWZHUHFHLYHWKDWHQULFKHVRXUOLYHVLWLVZKDWZHJLYH´7RJHWKHU
we help give access to justice and hope in a better future to the people who turn to our civil legal aid providers. Utahns have a legacy of doing their part to ensure access to justice. Your continued support RIWKH³AND JUSTICE FOR ALL´ Campaign helps make that legacy certain. Thank you for being a part of this vital effort. Together we can create a more just society. With gratitude, James W. McConkie, III Leadership Chair Court of Appeals Grants Unemployment Benefits
Access to Disability Benefits and Medicaid
Julia had lost her job and was receiving unemployment insurance, but she had to travel out of state to settle matters UHODWHGWRKHUPRWKHU¶VGHDWK)RUWKHWZRZHHNVVKHZDVJRQH
Julia continued to apply online for jobs in Utah. On her weekly claims for Unemployment, Julia reported she was able and available for work in Utah, since she had an airline family pass that would have allowed her to return in 24-­36 hours. Upon returning to Utah, Julia was assessed a two-­week overpayment, plus a fraud penalty and disqualification. Not knowing what to do, Julia turned to Utah Legal Services for help. After an unfavorable decision at the Department of Workforce Services Appeals Board, Utah Legal Services sought review at the Utah Court of Appeals. In a decision dated March 21, 2013, the Court of Appeals set DVLGHWKH:RUNIRUFH6HUYLFH%RDUG¶VRUGHUDQGGLUHFWHGWKDWLWV
decision be reconsidered in light of a related decision in Dorsey v. Dept. of Workforce Services wherein the Court held that WKH%RDUG¶VLQWHUSUHWDWLRQRILWVUXOHVFRQWUROOLQJDYDLODELOLW\
was inconsistent with the governing statute. The Court FRQFOXGHGWKDWWKH%RDUG¶VGHFLVLRQLQ-XOLD¶VFDVHZDV
order should simply be vacated so as not to further prolong -XOLD¶VXQFHUWDLQW\DQGLQFRQYHQLHQFH John was suffering from chronic homelessness before he contacted the Benefit Enrollment Project through Utah Legal Services. He was in need of medical coverage as his Type II Diabetes was so severe he would often suffer from diabetic comas and both of his legs were in jeopardy of being amputated. In addition, he had no income to maintain the diet that had been recommended by his physician. John found it difficult to find work and when he was fortunate enough to find employment it was equally hard for him to keep a job due to his medical condition. %HFDXVHRI-RKQ¶VSULGHKHZDVHPEDUUDVVHGWRWHOOKLVIDPLO\
he was homeless but with the generosity from friends and occasional stays at the local shelter he was able to stay off the streets. The Benefit Enrollment Project assisted John in applying for Social Security disability benefits;; within six months he was approved. Shortly thereafter, he was also approved for medical coverage. The supplemental income and medical coverage has now allowed John to become self -­sufficient and to no longer worry about his state of health or where he will sleep at night. Access to Insurance
Page 2
2013 Justice Rising Breakfast
Shelly went on medical leave following surgery. When she returned to work she could only work part-­time to allow her physical condition to improve. The employer told the her that they were terminating her benefits until she could work a full schedule. This left Shelly in a tough spot because her job provided medical insurance coverage for not only her, but her kids and terminally ill husband. A Disability Law Center attorney sent a persuasive OHWWHUWR6KHOO\¶VHPSOR\HU
asking them to reinstate the FOLHQW¶VIXOOEHQHILWV+HU
efforts paid off. The employer has agreed to allow the client to receive full medical coverage. All of this happened without the need for a formal administrative complaint. Francis M. Wikstrom, Raymond J. Etcheverry, James B. & Evelyn Lee, David R. & Julia Bird, Judy & Bruce L. Olson John A. Pearce Representative Brian S. King Law Firm Campaign
Heartfelt Thanks
to our
2012 Supporters
Page 3
Thank you to all of our supporters whose generosity makes the vision of justice for all a reality to thousands of Utahns. This list includes contributions received for the 2012 Campaign and Special Projects through December 31, 2012. Every effort is made to accurately reflect your support. If you notice any omission or error, please notify Kai at 801.578.1204 so that we can adjust our records. JUSTICE PILLARS ~ $1,000+ per attorney
JUSTICE VIP ~ $500-$999 per attorney
Bohling Mediation, LLC
Accord Mediation Ayres Law Firm Bearnson & Caldwell Callister Nebeker & McCullough Cohne, Rappaport & Segal Dart Adamson & Donovan Dewsnup King & Olsen Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Fabian & Clendenin Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough Kipp & Christian Parsons Behle & Latimer Ray Quinney & Nebeker Snell & Wilmer Snow Christensen & Martineau TraskBritt Vantus Law Group Wood Balmforth LLC JUSTICE PARTNERS
Bugden & Isaacson Clyde Snow & Sessions Craig Swapp & Associates Crapo Smith Durham Jones & Pinegar, PC Gallian Wilcox Welker Olson & Beckstrom Hasenyager & Summerill Holland & Hart Jenkins Law Office Kirton & McConkie Law Office Of Frederick N. Green Magleby & Greenwood Morriss O'Bryant & Compagni Paul H. Liapis, L.C. Prince Yeates & Geldzahler Randall L. Skeen, P.C. Richer & Overholt Scalley Reading Bates Hansen & Rasmussen Smart, Schofield, Shorter & Lunceford Snow Jensen & Reece Stoel Rives LLP Strong & Hanni Thorpe, North & Western Utah Legal Clinic Weyher Law JUSTICE FRIENDS
< $100/atty
Ballard Spahr Christensen & Jensen Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt Epperson & Owens Hillyard, Anderson & Olsen Hirschi Steele & Baer Kruse, Landa, Maycock & Ricks Littlefield & Peterson Long Okura, P.C. Maschoff Gilmore & Israelsen Miller Law Group Nadir Nuttall, Brown & Coutts Olsen, Skoubye & Nelson Parsons Kinghorn Harris Richards Brandt Miller & Nelson RWA Law Salt Lake Legal Defenders Association Schmidt & Gladstone Law Firm Stowell & Crayk, PLLC Van Cott, Bagley, Cornwall & McCarthy Vial Fotheringham Winder & Counsel Workman Nydegger Yengich, Rich & Xaiz Legacy of Justice Society -RLQWKH/HJDF\RI-XVWLFH6RFLHW\E\PDNLQJDSODQQHGJLIWWR³AND JUSTICE FOR ALL´Gifts can be in the form of a bequest, life insur-­
ance policies, retirement plan designations, securities, etc. For more information contact Kai Wilson at 801.578.1204. Page 4
Corporations, Foundations & Associations
Coyote Investments L.C. Energy, Natural Resources Law Section Estate Planning Section Family Law Section Florence J Gillmor Foundation Labor & Employment Law Section The Semnani Foundation Southern Utah Bar Association Utah Bar Foundation Utah State Bar JUSTICE VIP
Business Law Section Central Utah Bar Association CIT Bank Combined Federal Campaign for Utah Government Law Section Iron Mountain Landmark Title Insurance Company LDS Business College Nordstrom Questar Corporation Real Property Section Rocky Mountain Advisory Securities Law Section Sage Forensic Accounting Top Nails & Hair Beauty School Utah State Employees Charitable Fund Wells Fargo Foundation Workers Compensation Fund JUSTICE CHAMPIONS
Bank of the West Construction Law Section Constitutional Law Section Dispute Resolution Section Lake Hill & Myers Rocky Mountain Power Salt Lake County Bar Association Paralegal Division JUSTICE PARTNERS
Christ United Methodist Church Orange Legal Technologies Target Temple Square Hospitality Corporation The Bar Method The Dodo Restaurant Kathy Tolman Tracy Aviary Utah Arts Festival Utah Jazz Utah Museum of Fine Arts Utah State Bar Utah Symphony & Opera Utah's Hogle Zoo Wendy Werx Kai Wilson Workman Nydegger Clark Cutler Andrew Deiss Rob Denton Sharon Donovan Ashley Eakins Dave Eckersley Richard F. Ensor Kristin Erickson Katie Farnsworth Sean Farris Jill Flanagan Fulvia Franco Teri Fuller Philip Gardner Heidi Gordon Jerry Harward Betsy Haws Kristin Hughes Bob Hunt Peggy Hunt Bart Johnson Dan Johnson Heather-­Kay Kahn Jordan Kendell Howard Lundgren Jennifer Koontz Bart Kunz Eileen Maloney Jennifer Mastrorocco Ellen Maycock James McConkie, III Sean Miller Anne Milne Eric Mitchell Eric Mittelstadt Andrea Mitton Britton Morlock Amber Mortensen Carol Murphy Fraser Nelson Rebecca Long Okura Christine O'Loughlin Mark Olson Bank of Utah Maneval Reister Conard Family Foundation Ruby Mountain Sedgwick Management Group ShortAm The Group Real Estate, LLC JUSTICE SUPPORTERS
< $100
Bella Forte Boutique GE Foundation Young Lawyers Division JUSTICE FRIENDS
American Express Bank of America In-Kind & Volunteer Support
Natural History Museum of Utah ANONYMOUS(2) Joy Nunn Achiva Native Energy Old Spaghetti Factory Apollo Burger 3)&KDQJ¶V Ballet West Pioneer Theatre Company Banbury Cross Donuts Suzan Pixton Barks, Bones & Buddies Porcupine Pub & Grille Beans & Brews Prana Yoga Bear Country Cookies Red Butte Café Bluefin Office Group Red Cliffs Lodge Boulder Mountain Lodge Red Moose Coffee Dawn Bouvier Photography Company Brighton Ski Resort Red Rock Brewing Dione Burnett Company CCI Intellisys Resorts at Wendover Centered City Yoga Rico Catering Clif Bar Ruby Snap Fresh Deer Valley Ski Resort Gourmet Cookies Desert Edge Ruth's Chris Steak House 'NJQJ+RƗQJ9LVXDO S.J. Quinney School Communication Arts of Law Dave Eckersley Salt City Sound Leslie Francis Salt Lake County Gallagher Benefits ZAP Funding Great Harvest Salt Lake Legal Hale Center Theatre Salt Lake Running Ruth Hewlett Company ,JJ\¶V6SRUWV*ULOO Salt Lake Sheraton William James Marja Shelley JetBlue Airways Connie Smith Judges Run 5K Patrice Snow Whitby Kim Blackburn Southwest Airlines Photography Stella Grill Lake Hill & Myers Stoneground Restaurant Lumpy's John 'Hunter' Stout Eileen Maloney Sudbury Daylilys Mandarin Restaurant Sundance Institute Sue Martin George Sutton Martine Nancy Swanson Meditrina Sweet Candy Company Eric Mittelstadt Swortz Designz Moab Brewing Company Takashi Sushi Bar In-Kind
Reyes Aguilar Nate Alder Katrina Anderson Craig Anderson Michele Anderson-­West Joan Andrews Meg Averett Dan Barnett Melissa Bean Colleen Bell Jonathan Benns Kim Blackburn James Blanch Kelly Bryson Jody Burnett Simón Cantarero Scott Cheney Rachel Child C. Ryan Christensen Robert Cole Kate Conyers Eric Olson Loreto Ornelas Sharon Ortega Steven Paul Sheila Penrose Candice Pitcher Danny Poate Stephanie Pugsley Stewart Ralphs Andrew Riggle Cecilia Romero Ross Romero Ira Rubinfeld Scott Sabey Lauren Scholnick Kent Scott Lori J. Seppi Stacia Sidlow Bryan Sidwell Sam Slark Linda Smith Amy Sorenson Madeline Stover Cory Talbot James Toledo Jenifer Tomchak Jen Ungvichian Carol Verdoia Phyllis Vetter Robyn Volk Chris Walker Janet Walker Ryan Warburton Jennifer Warenski Mary Westby Greg Williams Adina Zahradnikova West Zollinger Individuals
Brian W. Burnett H. Dickson Burton Robert Campbell Lois A. & Steve Baar Carol Clawson Peter M. & Paula Green Damon E. Coombs Johnson T. Richard Davis Jane & Tami Marquardt Ralph L. Dewsnup Thomas K. & Mary Curtis J. Drake Schubach McCarthey Phillip S. & Carolyn Lauren I. Scholnick Ferguson George & Tamie Speciale Russell C. Fericks Richard W. Giauque JUSTICE VIP
James D. Gilson George M. Haley $1,000-$4,999
Mark D. Harrington Frank A. Allen R. Robert Harris Margaret F. Averett Kathryn Harstad Jody K. & Dione Burnett Laurie S. Hart Blaine L. Carlton Edward B. Havas Herman Post & Carlie Annette Haws Christensen Karl L. Hendrickson Rusty Dassing Susie Hindley Sandy Dolowitz Barbara G. Hjelle Paul M. Dougan Craig A. Hoggan Denise A. Dragoo April L. Hollingsworth M. David Eckersley Steven L. Ingleby Jeffrey D. Eisenberg Anthony C. Kaye Leslie P. Francis Brian S. King Bonnie Hooper Louise T. Knauer Peggy & Robert Hunt Kate & Michael Lahey Colin P. King Gregory E. Lindley Colleen L. Larkin Bell John B. Lindsay James B. & Evelyn Lee A. Howard Lundgren W. Waldan Lloyd John Mukum Mbaku Gil Miller Carolyn Montgomery Charlotte L. Miller Renee Leta and Rich Anne Milne Mrazik Alan W. Mortensen Eric C. & Mary Lynn Olson Fredrick H. Olsen Shauna H. O'Neil Stewart P. Ralphs Silvia Pena Richard A. Rappaport Jessica Peterson Thomas D. Roberts David & Shari Quinney Gary G. & Darlene S. John H. Rees Sackett Paul & Rebecca Simmons Cecilia & Ross Romero Ira B. Rubinfeld Linda F. Smith Jane Semmel Rodney G. Snow Paul H. Shaphren George R. Sutton Marcelle F. Shoop Kai Wilson Kayleen Simmons Patricia J. Winmill Paula K. Smith Louise S. York Michael Stanger Michael Zimmerman Christopher Stout JUSTICE CHAMPIONS Jory & Vernice Trease Phyllis J. Vetter $500-$999
Tammy and Blake Wade ANONYMOUS (1) Michael C. Walch Todd B. Alder Kenneth R. Wallentine Chris Arthur Donna Weinholtz Michele Ballantyne Jean Welch Hill David Bateman Monica Whalen Thomas & Lydia Berggren Amy J. Wildermuth Michael D. Black Steven D. Woodland Nanci S. Bockelie Julie A. Wray William B. Bohling David R. York Anne & Darrel Brodke Linda M. Zimmermann JUSTICE PILLARS
Page 5
ANONYMOUS (1) Nate & Laurel Cannon Alder M. Michelle Allred Gavin J. Anderson Craig W. Anderson Jessica A. Andrew Judith Atherton Craig L. Barlow Lauren R. Barros John Bartley Metra Barton Brent N. Bateman David R. Bird John L. Black John H. Bogart Troy L. Booher Kenneth E. Bresin Allan T. Brinkerhoff Kent M. Brown Anne N. Burkholder Rex C. Bush Connie Cannon Holbrook Su J. Chon Mary Jane Ciccarello Steven E. Clyde Mark A. Cotter Roger F. Cutler Bert L. Dart Christine S. Decker Robert B. Denton Del & Mary Draper Randy L. Dryer Jennifer L. Falk Heather M. Farnsworth W. Jeffery Fillmore Douglas W. Fix Robert & Rose Flores Keri Gardner Robert H. Garff Tammy & Damon Georgelas Robert G. Gilchrist Joe Goodman Deirdre A. Gorman Andrew & Tracy Gruber Stephen E.W. Hale Kayle Hardy Ward W. Harper J. Betsy Haws Jon C. Heaton Deborah Henich Timothy C. Houpt Robert L. Jeffs Bruce S. Jenkins Leah R. Jensen Bart J. Johnsen Cathy Johnstone Brian E. Katz R. Wayne Klein Barton H. Kunz Dustin Lance Janna L. Lewis Denise P. Lindberg Perrin & Jill Love Robert R. Mallinckrodt Eileen Maloney John K. Mangum Grace & Edward McDonough Carolyn B. McHugh Terrie T. McIntosh Tom & Bonnie Mitchell Eric A. Mittelstadt Matthew & Andrea Mitton Larry G. Moore Anne & Jim Morgan Mark J. Morrise Richard H. Nixon Christopher Dane Nolan Paul Kelley and Susan Olson Wayne & Dorothy Owen John N. Owens David O. Parkinson Ashley Peck Hans Sanderson & Margaret Plane Derek P. Pullan Barbara Ray Amy Wadsworth & David Richardson John C. Ruple Terry Russo Edwin P. Rutan Jeff Sbaih Stacey Schmidt Mark N. Schneider Chris Serrano & Levi Webb Mary Z. Silverzweig Phillip Scott Smith Amy Sorenson Nicole C. Squires G. Steven Sullivan Michael Thomson W. Shane Topham Harold C. Verhaaren Huong Vu Chris Walker Gary A. Weston Robert N. Wilkinson Karen Williams McCreary Rosalie Winard Adina Zahradnikova JUSTICE FRIENDS
ANONYMOUS (4) Jan Abramson Michele Straube & Bob Adler Andres S. Alarcon Gary D. Anderson Dan Anderson Stephen Anderson Nicholas J. Angelides Troy J. Aramburu R. Clark Arnold Susan Baird Motschiedler Barbara Baker Jim Balis Daniel E. Barnett Brian Barr Lori Barton Blake R. Bauman Mary & Charles Behrens Charles D. & Marjorie Behrens Michael Bennett Raymond Scott Berry Margaret Billings Jane Bird Martin S. Blaustein James A. Boevers Carrie J. Boren Laura K. Boswell Sara E. Bouley Brent M. Brindley Joel Briscoe Lenhart Brown Michael E. Bulson Rick D. Burtenshaw Jonathan Buss Cass C. Butler Dawn M. & Brian Call Mark L. Callister Mary Cardon Young Lawyers Division Bar Sharks Pool Tournament Tammy Georgelas, Laura Scott, Rodney Mena Individuals continued
Jacquelynn D. Carmichael Harry Caston Nancy Challed Tim & Cathy Chambless Tatiana B. Christensen Lisa-­Michele Church Edward & Carleen Clark Tanta Lisa Clayton Robert Cole Douglas L. Cornaby Charles H. Cowley Susan Creager Allred Carol Sue Crismon Douglas K. Cummings Lena Daggs Robert J. Dale Dru Damico Patrick & Lynn de Freitas Joyce & Jack Dolcourt Valoree Dowell William W. Downes Richard & Pamela Dropek Bruce Dube John C. Durham Christine M. Durham Matthew B. Durrant Susan H. Eisenman Bryan Eldredge Deborah S. Feder Sheila Flynn Jennifer Fortin Katherine A. Fox Richard S. Fox Naomi C. Franklin Susan Fredette Samuel P. Gardiner Simarjit S. Gill Barry G. Gomberg Pamela & David Greenwood Mary Kay Griffin Ibi Guevara Jennifer Gully Heath R. Haacke William Hadley Gordon R. Hall David R. Hamilton Page 6
Royal Hansen Brad & Jolie Hardy Stephanie Harpst Craige F. Harrison Doug Hattery Claudia Hilton Deno Himonas Mark Y. Hirata Barbara Hoagland Lynn Hoffman-­Brouse James R. Holbrook Audrey M. Hollaar Jacqueline Hopkinson Megan Hough Robert Houk Debra Hoyt Robin Hutcheson Glenn K. Iwasaki Jay & Julie Jacobson Lon A. Jenkins Alan K. Jeppesen Gary L. Johnson LuWenn Jones Maggie & Larry Jones Ceri Jones Arminda Jurgenson Brian & Jamie Kamm Jerry Kaufman Bertie Kee-­Lopez Jordan Kendell Dale A. Kimball Lucinda Kindred Kristine M. Knowlton Patricia Kuendig Kevin J. Kurumada Roger Lamoni Kelli Larson Kelly J. Latimer Carol B. Lear Michelle E. Lesue Mimi Levitt Leslie A. Lewis Donald Lewon C. Craig Liljenquist Andre N. Litster James J. Lund Mary Lyn Nielsen Lyman Young Lawyers Division Bar Sharks Pool Tournament: 2012 Winners: Shane Hillman & Derek Langton Lynne MacLeod Chris and Sharon Mancini Brandon J. Mark Andrea T. Martinez Jennifer Mastrorocco Norma W. Matheson Brian Doubek & Liz McCoy Gregg McDonough Nancy McGahey Craig McQuarrie Tracy Mills Russell Minas Annina M. Mitchell Eric E. Mitchell Beverly & Charles Mittelstadt Douglas & Lisa Monson John K. Morris Julie K. Morriss Liz & Mike Mower Paul T. Moxley Edward R. Munson Lori W. Nelson Heidi M. Nestel Erik Olson Gregory K. Orme Cristina P. Ortega R. Willis Orton Jonathan G. Pappasideris Kay Papulak Brian Parcell Sheri Paskins Jeanene F. Patterson John A. Pearce Larene Pearce Dorothy & Robert Pearce Candice Pitcher Dorothy C. Pleshe Stephanie W. Pugsley Tupakk & Stephanie Renteria Anne E. Rice Andrew Riggle Kenneth Rigtrup Michael Riordan Jane Roberts Linda L. Roth Sarah Rule Salzberg Rebecca A. Ryon Scott R. Sabey J. Bruce Savage Nathan Scharton Rachel Otto & Craig Scholnick Kent B. Scott Laura S. Scott Patrick A. Shea Kathleen Shelton Stacia Sidlow Liz Silvestrini Mary Ellen Sloan Joanne C. Slotnik Karen W. Smith Amanda Smith Andrew & Megan Southwick Jeffrey A. Stephens Ron Stevens Brian T. Stewart Erik Strindberg Claire Summerhill Jeannette F. Swent Rachel L. Sykes Rachel Terry Heather Trecker Francisco Javier Villalba F. Kim Walpole Janet Warburton Kathy Warner Paul M. Warner Tracey Watson Merrill B. Weech Gary H. Weight Paul & Bonnie Weiss Lynda Wendel David C. West Zachary J. Weyher Alice L. Whitacre Robyn Wicks Karen & Larry Wiley Gregory P. Williams Julie Winkler Gregory Zaugg Chris Bray Susan Broberg Jim P. Brown Doug and Cindy Bunker Ronald Burchett Erin K. Burke Dana D. Burrows Elizabeth Butler Sheldon E. Byde J. Simon Cantarero Michael R. Carlston Jason Castor Brittnie Chandler Jeremy Christensen Kathy Christiansen Matt Connors Charles T. Conrad Kate Conyers Lynda Cook Kent R. Cottam J. Scott Cottingham Mary Cranney Camille Curtis John Curtis Daniel Dansie Lynn W. Davis Nikki Davis Missy Dawson D. Scott Degraffenried Andrew G. Deiss JUSTICE SUPPORTERS John E. Delaney Martin R. Denney <$100
Gregory & Betty Diamond ANONYMOUS (4) Cameron Dibb Kathleen J. Abke Gina Disera S. Grace Acosta Janine Donald Christopher S. Adams Mark Egan David Andersen Marion Eldredge Laura Arellano Sally and Torch Elliott Ofelia Arellano Raani Erekson Brent F. Ashworth Kristin Erickson Mark W. Baer Carolyn Erickson Alexis Baigue Ephraim H. Fankhauser S. Junior Baker Nicole G. Farrell Allyson L. Barker Tina Faust Melissa Bean Ira & Eveline Lili Field Narda E. Beas-­Nordell Ralph L. Finlayson Dan & Elaine Becker Alma Flores-­Perez Michelle Beddoes Jesse Tayler Fox Kevin R. Bennett Theresa Foxley MaryAnn Bennett Laura Lee Gillespie Tyler Berg Heidi G. Goebel James C. Bergstedt Ingrid Maria Golon Loida Miranda Bernabe Narrvel E. Hall Deana Bernal Jeffrey Handy Hailey A. Black Lori Hansen Kim & Klint Blackburn J. Michael Hansen Suzette Blakemore William J. Hansen Lindsay Boerens Benjamin Peter Harmon Shauna Bona Joshua Hartley Sylvia P. Bosen Michelle V. Harvey Tena Boswell Lillian Hayes David Bowen Dana Hayward Justin Bradshaw Maria E. Heckel Marilyn Branch Jeff Herron Individuals continued
Lynn P. Heward Thomas M. Higbee Shane D. Hillman Beth Holimon Linda Holley Linda Holly Doug Holm Melanie Hopkinson Kimberly K. Hornak Kathryn B. Horvat Lori Teske Hudson Ashton J. Hyde Khadija A. Irizarry James Isaacson Jani Iwamoto Emily Iwasaki Michael Iwasaki Bev Jackson Catherine James Gail Johnson Brent M. Johnson Norman & Julie Johnson Lori Johnson D. Mark Jones Jake Jorgensen Richard E. Kanner Narina Kasparova J. Derek Kearl Robert & Linda Keiter Ashley Kelson Laura Kennedy Elna Ketcherside Aaron M. Kinikini Carolyn Kipp Blake Kipp Page 7
Jennifer Fortin & Matthew Knotts Cortney Kochevar Michael E. Kruger Steven Kuhnhausen Michael P. La Velle Catherine F. Labatte Beatriz Laguna Alfredo P. Laguna Maritza Laguna Clemens A. Landau David Langeland Nathan Langston Steven Lau Emily E. Lewis Tiffany A. Lopez-­Kirby Janise K. Macanas Kasey MacRae Michelle K. Madden Heidi & Edward Makowski Suzanne Marelius Mary & John Mark Joel T. Marker Kelley M. Marsden Gloria Martinez Ellen M. Maycock Alex McBean Micah McBride James W. McConkie, III Scott McCullough Amber McFee Macoy A. McMurray Stacy J. McNeill David V. Meadows Liz Mellem Cynthia P. Mendenhall Amber M. Mettler Christina L. Micken Breanne M. Miller Scott B. Mitchell Sara Montoya Debra J. Moore Ruth Morazan Amy Morgan Deborah Moss Carol Murphy J. Kevin Murphy Naziol Nazarinia Fraser Nelson Fred G. Nelson Brian Jay Nicholls Jacob Nielsen Platte Seth Nielson Julio Nino Jesse M. Oakeson Anne O'Brien Eric S. Olson Stephen W. Owens C. Jeffry Paoletti Rodney R. Parker Kimberly & Jon Paulding Nancy Pavelonis Isaac D. Paxman Merle B. Peratis Jeffrey S. Pickett Kate Platt Christine Poleshuk Aaron Pond Brandon C. Pond Stephen J. Preston Brian R. Price Kristin Mae Rabkin Benjamin C. Rasmussen Kenlon W. Reeve Barbara Rice Pamela Rogers Rod Romboy Carol Ruddell Kristina Ruedas Joanna B. Sagers Jessica Samowitz Meranda Sanchez Nathaniel Sanders Herschel and Saundra Saperstein Roselynn Sarellano Veronica Sue Schafer Joel Shapiro Jeffrey L. Shields Richard K. Shimabukuro Jeffery A. Simcox Jennifer Skougard Horne Rachel M. Slade Joyce G. Smith Kallie Smith Shane Smith Sheldon Spotted Elk Liza Springmeyer Gwen Springmeyer Cherie Stanworth Daniel L. Steele Quinton J. Stephens Jeremy J. Stewart Jillian Stone Lisa Stone Charles A. Stormont M. John Straley Noella A. Sudbury Landon O. Sullivan Josh Sundloff Terri Sutherland Patrick Tan Mona Tausinga Carrie T. Taylor M. Gay Taylor Jones Nathan D. Thomas Richard H. Thornton Matt Thue Heather L. Thuet Bradley L. Tilt Randall T. Todd Jenifer L. Tomchak W. Spencer Topham Jazmin Torres Ellen J. D. Toscano Jamie Treend Lionel Trepanier Angelina Tsu David C. Tuckett Marc L. Turman Jen Ungvichian Carolyn Updike Ryan Warburton David R. Ward Maree Webb Peter L. Webster Betsy & Larry West Hilary Wilson Heather Wintch Penelope E. Young Financial Report³2012
Statement of Financial Position Assets Cash and cash equivalents Investments Current contributions receivable Other receivable Long-­term contributions receivable Property & equipment Other assets Total Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Prepaid rent Tenant security deposits Contributions payable to campaign beneficiaries Total Liabilities Net Assets Building & Building Reserves Temporarily restricted Board restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities & Net Assets Statement of Activities $ 611,352 $ 223,735 $ 48,018 $ 1,925 $ 12,121 $2,027,305 $ 6,801 $2,931,257 $ 14,515 $ 4,082 $ 14,144 $ 284,728 $ 317,469 $2,471,421 $ 33,000 $ 109,367 $2,613,788 $2,931,257 Revenue Unrestricted contributions & grants Net special events Interest income Rental income Net assets released from restrictions Total Revenue Expenses Direct legal assistance Community Legal Centers / Other programs Depreciation Management and general Fundraising Total Expenses Decrease in unrestricted net assets Increase in temporarily restricted net assets Decrease in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year $1,039,805 $ 49,829 $ 3,486 $ 215,120 $ 103,010 $1,411,340 $1,007,203 $ 171,130 $ 100,912 $ 56,213 $ 77,498 $1,412,956 $ (1,616) $ (22,954) $ (24,570) $2,638,358 $2,613,788 Non-­Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Salt Lake City, UT Permit No. 4910 205 North 400 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 Your support and generosity touched 33,339 individuals and their families last year.
Thank You!
Income & Benefits, 1,409
Secure Healthcare, 617
Other, 4 62
Housing, 3,333
Family Law, 14,332
Disability Rights, 3,739
The mission of
is to increase access
to civil legal services
for the disadvantaged and for
individuals with
disabilities in Utah
Elder L aw, 5,136
Domsetic Abuse, 4,311
³AND JUSTICE FOR ALL´achieves its mission through your support by creating and sustaining resources to support civil legal services, sharing and consolidating re-­
sources so that services are delivered in a cost-­efficient and effective manner, and strengthening the member agencies and the distinct roles they play in the delivery of civil legal assistance. Information & Referral 11,873 Representation 10,661 Brief Services 11,873