f ttf f rt f tttttt rtrtrt tr t?


f ttf f rt f tttttt rtrtrt tr t?
tr t? ?
f ttf f rt f tttttt rtrtrt
Hamler "Trick or
will be held on
Saturd dY, November
at the Hamler summerfest Park.
Bring Your treats in Your car and
patt< under ttre open building:
5:3OPm to 6:3OPm
All parents, grandParents, friends
out and join in the FUNI
rr##sfume JwdginE" fo follow
from 6:45 to 7:3OPm
in the Summerfest
Building from 7=3O to 1O:OOPm'
We are trYing something different,
to trY to make a SAFER event for
our children!
Sponsoned bY:
Hamler Gountry Fest
Haml e Men ' s- Cl ub
Hamler Wide-A-\Make Club
Hamler Fire DePartment