The Sparklers - Registration


The Sparklers - Registration
Bqton Twirling
Sparklers Center is located at:
1818 Pacific Street, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Phone: 6311232-2896
The Sparklers offer both an ln-House Program and our
Travel Program, which offers classes in over 25 School Districts
on Long lsland.
For our ln-house recreational program, our certified coaching staff focuses on
teaching the ar1 of baton twirling, while incorporating a unique blend of discipline
and fun into their weekly classes,
While the coaching staff prepares our young twirlers for a January show and
a June recital (held in one of the lslands Colleges) they also get to march in local
parades and perform at fairs and school functions.
Must have ltems:
Reaistration Fee is
Sparkler Body Suit:
$32 (child) $35 (adult)
lulyTst- Oct 30, ZOti SZS.OO fee
After oct. gN Sso.o0 fee
Classes dre held once d week for 7hour.
Weekly Fee is 58.00
This is worn to weekly practices and
our January Rating day show
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Regirtration will be held on the following dqte:
Mondcy, $eptembet 26rh, from 6:3Opm to 8:Ogpm qt Frtrnh f. Cqrariti
will be held crt Frcrnh f. Cqrqriti on Mondcyr
The Sparklers ore o nonprofit organization, not offiliated with the School District.
Item is printed and provided at the cost of sparklers Baton Twirling.
Pteqre virit our webrite: for the Regirtrtrtion Form qnd more
informqtion about our ln-houle Progrqm trnd our Trquel Progtcm.