
Issue: 05
June –July 2016
Inauguration of National level ICT Enabled
Online Faculty Development Programme
2016 at SJCE, Mysore.
To uplift the Teaching quality of the Ploytechnic
and Engineering Colleges the director decided to
give online in ICT Initiated training for the faculty.
Such program being organized for the first time in
the state. The Faculty Development Programme
inaugurated on 27/06/2016 at 9:30am in TEQIP
Conference Hall, Directorate of Technical
Education, Bangalore. State Project Facilitation Unit
(SPFU), Karnataka in collaboration with NITTTR,
Chandigarh organised one week ICT enabled online
course on Instructional Delivery, a pedagogical
training program.
Inauguration of ICMAT 2016 on 26th May 2016
From left to Right are Dr. Siddaramaiah, Conference
Secretary, Dr. Syed Shakeeb Ur Rahman, Principal,
Dr, Joong Hee Lee, Chonbuk National University,
South Korea, Hon’ble Minister of Higher Education
Sri. Jayachandra,
Poojya Sri Sri Shivarathri
Deshikendra Mahaswamiji, President, JSSMVP.
Mysuru, Bharata Ratna Prof. CNR Rao, Mrs CNR
Rao, Prof. Dhananjaya, Advisor, DTE JSSMVP,
Mysuru and Dr. G.M Shashidhara, Vice Principal.
International Conference on Advanced Materials &
Technology ICMAT 2016 was successfully
completed from 26th to 28th May 2016. Conference
was Inaugurated by Bharata Ratna Prof. CNR Rao
and attended by Hon minister for Higher Education
Sri Jayachandra.
Sri. Basavaraj Rayareddi, Honourable Minister for Higher
Education,Sri Bharat Lal Meena Additional Chief secretary Higher
Education, Sri H. U. Talawar Director along with the officers of the
Technical Education at the inaugural function.
We thank Sri T. B. Jayachandra for
contribution to the Higher Education
Department . we assure the minister
that the department would work hard
to fulfill his dream projects .
Sri. Basavaraj Rayareddi, Hon’ble
Minister for Higher Education who
has assumed the charges on 21st
June 2016. We congratulate and
welcome the Minister once again .
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Education Minister’s First Meeting
From the Desk of the DTE.
The Transformation of Technical
On 23rd June 2016 Sri Basavaraj Rayareddi,
Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education called
meeting of all the departments of Higher Education
in his chamber at Vidhana Soudha to discuss about
the Department. Sri Bharat Lal Meena, IAS,
Additional Chief Secretary Higher Education/ SSC
Chairman, Sri S.V. Ranganath, IAS, Vice Chairman,
KSHEC and Dr. S A Kori, Executive Director,
KSHEC and all other officers were present.
Video Conference
Weekly video conferencing held on 20.06.2016.
Sri Bharat Lal Meena addressing all the VCs,
Registrars and other heads of the departments of all
the universities. Sri H. U. Talawar, State Project
Advisor/Director, DTE, Sri Chakravarthy Mohan,
Commissioner, Dept. of Collegiate Education and
Sri S. A. Kori, Executive Director, KHEC were
present along with other officers of the Department.
The Additional Chief Secretary discussed about
online admission, beginning of academic activities,
action plan of RUSA funds, other projects as well as
state project. He advised all the heads of the
Institutions to visit SC/ST hostels regularly to
supervise the basic amenities and quality of food
served to SC/ST Students. Further he insisted all to
depute staff members on rotation basis to sit and eat
food with the students and give feedback about the
quality of the food.
“The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and
blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You
may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at
night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love,
you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your
honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for
it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is
the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be
tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting.
Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to
― T.H. White,
The technical education system in the country has
grown into a fairly large system in the last decade,
offering opportunities to aspiring students in a wide
variety of disciplines at different levels.
Quality is dynamic concept that needs to be
reviewed and redefined from time to time. We must
collectively work and strive hard to achieve global
standards of technical education. Global standards
are of great relevance, today, especially as India has
a demographic advantage in its favour. However we
need to nurture and carefully strategize to reap the
benefits of our precious human resource.
The shortage of qualified faculty teaching technic in
our institutes has also been an impediment in our
quest to offer education of global standards. In the
light of the existing technical education system in
the country, coupled with our desire to progressively
move towards a “knowledge economy” we urgently
need to identify and map the required skills and
competencies bridging supply and demand in our
human resource via our technical institutes.
I also feel that we need nothing short of a revolution
to convert some of our outstanding institutions from
mere institutions of learning in to institutions of
research and innovation. If we plan systematically, it
could create a robust technical research ecosystem
that feeds into and off industry. I am aware, that in
some of the good institutes, current generation is
globally-networked, focused on research, looking to
solve industry problems, while also not missing
opportunities for patenting. They are driving a deep
transformation within our technical education
system, which could take some time to show impact.
We need to bring more and more institutions of this
category in coming years.
We have taken a step forward to be identified more
like a facilitator and quality promoter, besides
fulfilling our basic mandate of being a regulator. To
conclude, let me reiterate that, in the context of
technical education in our country, we are conscious
and committed to the fact that knowledge is all
about students having access to quality education
and jobs, faculty having access to quality
laboratories, libraries and research facilities, and
industry having access to skilled human resource.
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H. U. Talawar
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From the Desk of Editor
The Government of Karnataka is
keen on introducing reforms to
improve the quality of Higher
Education in Government Colleges
other educational and academic
institutions of Higher Education,
that are presently a constituent of
one or two Government Educational Institutions and
to build greater linkages between educational
institutions and the Society they serve, more
particularly those located in the rural and semi-urban
areas of the state.
To achieve this objective our government is taking
too many initiatives and spending money. Therefore
it is our mandatory duty to make use of Gnana
Sangama where education and administration related
all information is available for students, stake
holders and public. In this column we would like to
inform all the readers about this in the following
paragraphs and request them to spread this message
to all the students and their parents.
Life Changing Ecosystem: Gnanasangama
Gnana Sangama is an initiative with the vision to
create a better teaching – learning ecosystem and to
form transparent and efficient administration.
Let us tell you how Gnana Sangama benefits
students, colleges, and administrators at all levels:
Online Admission System
Manual admissions are time consuming and man
power intensive.
Whereas, Online Admission System eliminates
creation of separate applications for each institute.
Management of these applications is easy. It is a
Green process. Also, students save money as they
don’t have to apply for admissions in multiple
Online Attendance
Touch Laptops in the classrooms are used to take
It is quick, accurate and proxy resistant.
Upon login, lecturers, Professors, HODs and guest
faculty are able to check their Time-Table. Students
can also view their attendance details by logging
into their profile.
Various MIS reports gets generated for attendance
monitoring and performance analysis. Also, when a
student is absent an Auto-SMS gets generated for
sending to parents or guardians.
As a result of easy and effective process, more time
is available for teaching!
ICT enabled teaching and learning:
Smart classes are established for delivering
multimedia rich sessions. Each Classroom is
provided with touch screen laptops with various
Faculty use e-content, also called as ‘assisted
content for teaching’. This assisted content is
prepared with the help of chosen experts of the
Universities in collaboration with education
strategists and multimedia content developers.
Experts teach using a LIVE and interactive Satellite
technology based teaching platform from the
studios. They use activity based modules, enhanced
with animation and videos.
Live sessions on Skill Building, Communicative
English, Personality and Career Development are
Information sharing from industry
experts, Discussions on latest trends in Research and
development are hosted via Tele-Education.
It is also an excellent platform for local talent and
achievers to address the students.
Students are provided with non-assisted content with
recorded videos. With the unique login id, they can
access the content on any device, anywhere,
On the Learning Management System, students take
Online Tests and assess their own performance.
They refer question banks, use discussion tools and
other useful applications.
Online Question Bank
Faculties contribute questions in the area of their
expertise to the online question bank: Module wise, topic-wise, difficulty level-wise and skill-wise.
Students explore these different types of questions
for practice and revision.
Online Tests
Using the Internal Test platform, colleges give
structured tests to a batch of students. Faculty
develop test papers with ease, using the Online
Question Bank.
Once tests are taken, performance is measured,
analyzed and viewed online for each student. Thus
faculty can understand their students’ areas of
strengths and weaknesses.
Online Test platform is also used as a practice tool
for competitive examinations like CET, TOEFL,
Information Kiosks
Students can be up-to-date on various aspects of
their course, time-table, events, examinations,
scholarships, syllabi and general messages
addressed to them.
A provision for giving feedback by students, faculty
and administrators is also a major functionality of
the kiosks.
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Anti-Ragging and Grievances Portals
Anti-Ragging Portal for students and Grievances
Portal for staff are available.
Video conferencing
The setup helps in efficient administration, effective
Universities and colleges.
Digitization of data
A comprehensive Document Management System
and scanning Services are provided to make the
documents digital.
By establishing a digital library, access to freely
available books is provided and 200 existing district
libraries are linked to the Digital Learning Software.
Centralized 24/7 helpline & IVRS system
Any enrolled student can contact the 24X7 helpline
for information on courses, colleges and also for
Career Counselling.
Alumni engagement and donations management
To inform, connect and engage alumni and to
encourage philanthropy a dedicated alumni
engagement portal is provided.
Other benefits to Institutions
At the click of a button, institutes can generate
diverse lists for various purposes.
College wise/district wise/taluk wise/category wise
information is available at any time through the
Online Monitoring System.
Automation of mandatory forms saves a huge
amount of time and efforts. This reduces
correspondence between departments and colleges.
Institutions can book a reservation to use lab or a
special academic infrastructure in other universities
or colleges.
ICT enabled Campus
To implement Gnana Sangama, ICT enabled
campuses are established with:
 VSAT connectivity and satellite receiving equipment
 Wi-fi and local wi-fi across the infrastructure
 Video conferencing facility
 Items such as servers, touch screen laptops, smart class
equipment, modems, projectors, screens, UPS backed
electricity, podiums, and Information Kiosks
 e-content and various applications
We believe that Gnana Sangama which is an
enriched collaboration of technology, processes,
applications and tools with the best minds in the
higher education industry - will bring a radical
transformation over the years!
(Thanks to Shazil Ahmed for Sharing the information)
The Digital India Awards is here!
We are excited to inform you that the call for
Nomination to Digital India Awards 2016 (earlier
known as WebRatna Awards) has just been
announced! This new avatar of WebRatna reflects
the overall vision of making India a Digital
Superpower, the focus is on the digital initiatives
and citizen engagement.
website http://digitalindiaawards.gov.in to
more about the award categories, registration and
nomination procedures. Well, for those who had
been eagerly anticipating hearing this, the wait is
just over!
We are pleased to announce that, In addition to the
following existing categories:
Exemplary Online Service
Most Innovative Citizen Engagement
Web Ratna - STATE/UT
Open Data Champion
Three new Categories of Award have also been
Web Ratna District: To reward the accomplishments
of the District administration, which has displayed
exemplary focus on providing online services and
information to the citizen.
Outstanding Digital initiative by Local body: The
Award aims to felicitate outstanding Local Body
initiative with a focus on providing exemplary
information quality, extent of services provisioning
by assessing the service maturity level, service
catalogue, transparency, cost effectiveness and
efficiency enhancement in terms of service delivery.
Best Mobile App: India is going mobile. More
people today are accessing the internet on their
phone than ever before. The Award aims to honour
the Best Mobile App launched by a Government
entity. Nominated app should have well designed
and intuitive mobile interface.
The Digital India programme is a flagship
programme of the Government of India with a
vision to transform India into a digitally empowered
society and knowledge economy. If you are a part of
Government entity which provides e-services or
have citizen engagement, which has a prominent
impact on the betterment of common man, and you
feel the initiative deserves honouring, this is the
right opportunity for the project to win a Digital
India Award. The nomination could also be for an
established initiative or a recently improved service,
which has the desired potential. If you have come
across any other such digital initiatives, please feel
free to encourage the concerned authority for
applying to the relevant category.
Manohar G. Nayak
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The last season of Awards saw an overwhelming
success with nation-wide response and active
involvement of numerous well-wishers. The season
concluded with the esteemed dignitaries honouring
the winners at an elegant grand finale witnessed by a
large gathering at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
Glimpses of Web Ratna Awards 2014 can be
viewed here. Be sure, this season would be much
more exciting and vibrant!
Web Ratna Awards has established a large following
all over the country and commended deserving
projects, thus inspiring and encouraging others for
good governance initiatives and we hope the same
for Digital India Awardsas well!
The last date for receipt of nominations
is 15th August 2016!
And finally, here's a gentle note to request the
nominees to avoid any last minute rush for
submissions so that the process is error free and
complete in all aspects. So, please ensure to apply
and submit the nominations well in advance.
Wishing you Good Luck and have a great season
Team Digital India Awards 2016
Visvesvaraya Technological
World Environment Day Celebrated at VTU
Visvesvaraya Technological University celebrated
World Environment Day at “Jnana Sangama”,
Belagavi on Friday 10/06/2016. On this occasion
saplings were planted in the camps. Dr. H. N.
Jagannatha Reddy, Registrar of VTU presided over
the function and called upon the audience to create
awareness on the importance of protecting the
nature. Dr. Jagadish Regional Officer, Karnataka
State Pollution Control Board, Belagavi was the
Chief Guest and he said “people of the state have a
special care for nature they are in the midst of the
forest. Dr. G. K. Khadbadi. Rtd. Principal
Environment spoke about the importance of
plantation & protecting the environment. Dr. S. B
Dandagi PG Coordinator and Dr. C.C. Gavimath,
Special Officer, Bio Fuel I & D, Centre, and all the
faculty and staff members of VTU were present on
this occasion.
News from the TEQIP Institutions
R. V. College Of Engineering,
 One
Methodologies” was organized in association with
SPFU Karnataka during 06.06.2016 to 11.06.2016.
The objectives of the workshop understand the
objectives of Research, use of electronic resources
for literature reviews, appropriate tools for data
collection, selecting appropriate statistical tools for
data collection and analysis. The Workshop was
inaugurated by Dr. D. K. Subramaniam, Former
Dean, IISc.,. The other eminent speaks who
addressed the participants were Dr.S.N.Sridhara,
Principal-KSSEAM, Dr.K.Ramachandra,(GTRE),
Dr. K. N. Subramanya, Principal-RVCE,
Dr. N. S. Narahari, Dr.Ramakanth Kumar, Dr.
KVSRajaswara Rao, Dr. Ravishankar and Dr.G.N.
Srinivasan. A total of 63 participants from various
Governments and other Engineering Colleges
participated in the workshop.
 One Week Workshop on “Advances in Web
Intelligence Techniques” was organized during
27.06.2016 to 02.07.2016. The objectives of the
workshop is to stimulate and facilitate active
exchange, interaction and comparison of
approaches, methods and ideas related to diverse
areas of WEB Intelligence. The imminent speakers
include, Dr.Y.Narahari (IISc.), Dr. Bobby John,
(ISI), Dr.Sithu D Sudarshan (ABB), Mr.
Mr.T.Sabapathy(Ninestars), Mr.Ashok Sharma
(QoS Tech.), Dr.Ashok Rao (IISc), Dr. Mandar R
Mutalik Desai (IBM), mr.Sateesh Kannegala (CSI)
and Mr. Gautham Pai (JnanPrapthi). Forty
participants had registered for the workshop.
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The following Workshops under FSD were
organized for the benefit of the faculty under
TEQIP-II Subcomponent 1.2.1:
 One Week Workshop on “Modern Solar PV
Materials fabrication and Simulation” was
organized during 30.05.2016 to 04.06.2016. The
workshop was inaugurated & delivered keynote
address by Sri. G V Balaram, Managing Director
of Karnataka Renewable Energy Development
Limited The Sessions were handled by very
eminent speakers, Dr.S.Varadaraja Perumal, IISc.,
Mr.Sandeep Chandril, BHEL, Dr. R.S.Anand, IITKanpur, Dr.Arindam Sarkar, HHV Solar tech. Ltd.,
Mr.Varum Joshi, HHV Solar Tech. Ltd., and
Mr.Sripadaraja, Lumerical Solutions Ltd. The
workshop was attended by 25 participants.
 One Week Workshop on “Thin Film Fabrication
Techniques” was organized during 06.06.2016 to
11.06.2016. The objectives of the workshop are
Basic Knowledge on vacuum based thin film
nanotechnology, provide practical training on
various thin film fabrication techniques and
Fabrication of thin film device. A total of 29
participants from various colleges have been
benefited from the workshop.
 One
13.06.2016 to 18.06.2016. The objectives of the
workshop are to impart knowledge on basic
demonstrate sample preparation for different
characterization, Data analysis and interpretation
of the results. A total of 23 participants registered
for the workshop.
 One Week Workshop on “MEMs based
Biomedical Engineering” was organized during
13.06.2016 to 18.06.2016. The objectives of the
workshop are Creating awareness on biomedical
instrumentation and MEMS design, Motivating to
work in healthcare and diagnostic instrumentation
design and provide training on MEMS design
using COMSOL. The Workshop was inaugurated
with a key-note address by Dr.V.K.Aatre. The
topics Basics on Bio-MEMS for diagnostics, drug
delivery, health monitoring, surgery, micro
needles, pumps, micro tweezers etc. The eminent
Speaker include
Dr.B.C.Srinivas (Jayadeva
Mr. Sripadaraja,(BigSolv),
Dr. Madhurima Chattopadyay(Heritage Institute,
Kolkata), Ms. Prajaktha Sabnis & Mr. Roopak
Mayya (COMSOL) and Dr Dhananjay (Achira
 One Week Workshop on “Design & Simulation of
Passive RF Circuits” was organized during
20.06.2016 to 25.06.2016. The workshop was
inaugurated by Mr. Sri Hari Bhat, Field
Application Engineer from M/s. CG CoreEL
Technologies, Bengaluru and Mr. L Shantha
Kumar, Telecom consultant and former Advisor to
Bharath Electronics Limited, Bengaluru. The
workshop had 24 sessions, with more emphasis
given on practicals. The speakers were Faculty
from Telecommunication Engineering department
and Mr. L Shantha Kumar, Telecom consultant and
former Advisor to Bharath Electronics Limited,
Bengaluru. There were totally 24 participants: with
11 In-house Faculty, 4 students from RVCE, 3
External research scholars and 6 External faculty.
The technical sessions had extensive usage of
HFSS software and demonstrations on the
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Keysight Laboratory equipment – Network
analyser, Spectrum analyser.
 One Week Workshop on “Polymer & Polymer
Nano Composites Processing” was organized
during 27.06.2016 to 02.07.2016.. The objectives
of the workshop are Introduction of polymers and
polymer Nano composites, Address challenges in
processing of polymer Nano composites, Training
on polymer Nano fibers, various methods of
fabrication and characterization.
The following faculty were deputed to attend
various programs at other institutions of repute
under TEQIP-II Sub-component 1.2:
 Prof.S.Venkatesh of Instrumentation department
had been deputed to attend the one week National
Level Workshop on “Recent Advances in
Industrial/Process Automation and Controls” on
30th May to 4th June 2016 at BMS College of
 Four faculty members were deputed to attend an
“International Workshop on Cloud Computing,
IOT, and Cyber Physical System” organized by
Cloud Computing Innovation Council of India
(CCICI) in collaboration with National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), US Department
of Commerce during 6th to 8th June 2016 at Taj
Vivanta, MG Road, Bangalore. Prof.K.N.Raja
Rao-TE., Prof. N.K .Srinath –CS, Prof. Sharvani
G.S-CS and Prof. Srinivas.B.K-IS attend the
International Workshop.
 Four faculty members were deputed to attend the
Summer School 2016 on “Signals and Systems”
during 20th June to 2nd July 2016 at IIT,
Gandhinagar. Ms. Sujata Priyambada Mishra-EC,
Mr. S. Praven – EC, Ms. Sandhya H B- TE and
Ms. Mahalakshmi M N-TE attended the Summer
School at IIT Gandhinagar.
 One of our faculty, Dr. T.R. Sridevi, Librarian had
been deputed to attend a Sustainable Development
Training Programme (SDTP) organized by Shruth
and Smith Foundation in association with
EduAhead during 9th to 12th June 2016 at Hotel
Pai Vista, Mysore.
 One of our faculty member Prof.. Mohana of TE
Dept. had been deputed to attend a one week
workshop on Digital Image Processing: Basics to
Recent Trends during 13th to 17th June 2016 at Sri
Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering,
 Four faculty members had been deputed to
attended the Summer School 2016 on “Data
Mining and Machine Learning” during 6th to 18th
June 2016 at IIT, Gandhinagar. Mr. Viswa
Vardhan Reddy – TE, Ms. Anisha B S – IS and
Ms. Poornima Kulkarni – IS attended Summer
School at IIT Gandhinagar.
The following faculty were deputed to attend
various programs at other institutions of repute
under TEQIP-II Sub-component 1.2.1:
 Prof Avadhani D.N and Prof. Sudha Kamath of
Physics Department had attended the workshop on
“Technology Transfer and Faculty Development
Program on Polymer Composites, Synthesis and
Characterization” during 6th to 10th June 2016 at
BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore.
 Four faculty members were deputed to attend the
Summer School 2016 on “Analog CMOS
Integrated Circuits” during 6th to 18th June 2016
at IIT, Gandhinagar. Mr. Arun Kumar P Chavan –
EC, Ms. Chinmayee R –EC, Mr. Pawan Kumar BTE and Mr. Premananda B.S- TE attended the
Summer School at IIT Gandhinagar.
Student Activity supported under TEQIP-II
Subcomponent 1.2.1:
 Research Scholar Mr. Vijay G presented a papers
 Development and Analysis of TungstenAluminum Oxide Based Solar Thermal
Multilayer Coating.
 Development and Analysis of Tungsten
Thin film Coating for Solar Absorption.
at an International Conference on Advanced
Materials and Applications(ICAMA-2016) held
during 15th to 17th June 2016 organized by Centre
of Excellence in Advanced Materials Research and
Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS
College of Engineering, Bengaluru
Project Proposal presentations supported under
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 Prof. Roopalakshmi R – Dept of CS and a team of
CSE students’ are submitting a project proposal for
a Joint-collaboration project by RVCE
CIMFR ( Central Institute of Mining and Fuel
Research) on 27th -28th June 2016 at Dhanbad.
It mainly focuses on “Development of Mobilebased Alert system and Data Mining Tool for
Mining Safety under various Environmental
Awards & Recognitions:
 Dr. K.N.Subramanya, Principal attended the IIIE
20th CEOs Conference held at Nagpur during 2426 June 2016. He has been invited to be the
member of the panel discussion on “Synergic
Approach by Industry & Academia to promote
Smart Villages”. He has been bestowed with
“Performance Excellence Award” by the IIIE in
acknowledging the outstanding contribution for the
growth Technical Education and remarkable to
B.M.S. College of Engineering,
 The
Instrumentation Engineering organized One week
National level workshop on “Recent Advances in
Industrial/Process Automation and Controls” in
association with M/s. Venjay automations Pvt Ltd,
Bengaluru during 30th May 2016 to 4th June 2016.
The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. K.
Mallikharjuna Babu, Principal, BMSCE. As a part
of the workshop, an industrial visit for the
participants was organised on 2nd June 2016 to
M/s Proseal Closures, an automation company at
Jigani, Bengaluru.
 The Department of Electronics & Communication
Engineering organized 4th National Conference on
Networking Embedded and Wireless Systems
(NEWS-2016) during June 03-04, 2016. The
Conference was inaugurated by Sri. B. S. Kumar,
Director, STQC IT Services, Department of
Information Technology, Govt. of India and Dr.
Shanti Pavan, Professor, Department of Electrical
& Electronics Engineering, IIT Chennai and the
Conference Proceedings was released by them.
 The inauguration was followed by a plenary
session where in Dr. Shanti Pavan, Sri. Koodli
Nagaraja Ravi, Director of Engineering,
Qualcomm India Private Ltd., and Dr. Balaji
Rajendran, Senior Technical officer, CDAC,
Bengaluru have addressed the participants. About
100 participants from various institutions
participated in the conference and about 48 papers
accepted after scrutiny were presented.
 Sri Dinesh Gundu Rao, Honorable Minister for
Food and Civil Supplies, Government of
Karnataka has addressed the participants in the
valedictory function and felicitated the four best
paper presentation awardees.
 The Centre of Excellence in Advanced Materials
Research organized ‘One Week Technology
Transfer & Faculty Development Program on
“Conducting Polymer Composites, Synthesis and
Characterization in the Department of Physics
during June 06-10, 2016. The program was
inaugurated by Dr. S. M Shivaprasad, Professor,
International Center for Materials Science (ICMS)
& Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit
(CPMU), Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru. The
Government First Grade College, Devanahalli,
Bengaluru, 43 faculty members from various
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Institutions in Karnataka and 22 BMSCE Faculty
 18th meeting of Sub-Committee of BOG for
TEQIP was conducted at TEQIP seminar hall on
June 06, 2016.
 The Department of Mathematics & Humanities
organized an International Conference on “Liberal
Education and the Future of the University” in
association with India Platform, Ghent University,
Belgium during June 10-11, 2016. The program
was inaugurated by the honourable Principal
Secretary of Higher Education, GOK, Sri Bharat
Lal Meena and Prof. Ignaas Devisch, Professor
in Ethics, Philosophy and Medical Philosophy,
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine Ghent
University, Belgium.
Distinguished dignitaries
from Ghent University - Belgium, University of
California-Los Angeles - USA, Howest University
of Applied Sciences – Belgium, National
University of Singapore, EFL University Hyderabad, Kuvempu University - Shimoga, India
Platform, CIRHS(Centre for Inter disciplinary
research in humanities and Social SciencesThe
conference had an overall 168 participants, with
participation from over 6 foreign nations which
included, USA, Canada, England, Singapore,
Belgium, Chez Republic and Netherlands. The
conference aimed at discussions on the past and
present attempts at introducing the liberal
education model in the universities and colleges of
 The
workshop on “Advances in Verification
Methodologies” during June 13-15, 2016. The
workshop was inaugurated by Smt. Srividhya,
Engineering Manager, Intel Company Ltd.,
Bengaluru, Sri.M.Ramdas, Verification Engineer,
Applied Micro Circuits, Corporation, Bengaluru
and Dr. D.Seshachalam, HOD-ECE. The resource
persons included Smt. Deepti Singh, Tech Lead,
Wafer Space Semiconductors Technologies,
Bengaluru, Sri. K.R. Shivananda, Director,
Mediatek; Sri. Srinivasan Venkataramanan,
Verification Technologist, Verif Works and Sri.
Prabhu Bhairi, Founder, Sevitech systems.
participants were benefitted by the workshop.
 The Centre of Excellence in Advanced Materials
Research organized International Conference on
“Advanced Materials and Applications (ICAMA
2016)” during June 15-17, 2016. The Conference
was inaugurated by Sri. T.B. Jayachandra,
Honourable Minister for Law, Parliamentary
Affairs and Higher Education, GOK. Professor H.
P. Khincha, Former Vice Chancellor, VTU,
Belagavi, and Dr. B.S. Ragini Narayan the Donor
Trustee, BMSET released the Conference
Proceedings. Sri. H. U. Talwar, Director of
Technical Education, GOK,
Prof. Kamanio
Chattopadhyay, IISc, Bengaluru, Dr. Rita Goyal,
Senior Consultant (Academic) NPIU, New Delhi,
Dr. Satish Kumar, Director, Global Software
Engineering Application, Altair Engineering, Sri.
Manohar G Nayak, OSD, SPFU-GOK and Dr. K.
Mallikharjuna Babu, Principal, BMSCE graced the
 The plenary sessions by Prof. Peter Hodgson,
Director-Deakin University, Australia, Prof. HoiSing Kwok, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong, Prof. Rosenani S M
Anwarul Haque, University Sains Malaysia,
Malaysia, Prof.Ashutosh Goel, The State
University of New Jersey, USA Dr. M.V. Reddy,
National University Singapore, Singapore , Dr.
Maksuder Khan, University Malaysia Pahang,
Malaysia, Dr. Arun Gupta, University Malaysia
Pahang, Malaysia were followed by 114 oral
presentations and 34 poster presentation 2016.
 Dr. C. M. Manjunatha, Senior Principal Scientist
and Group Head, Fatigue and Structural Integrity
Group, Structural Technologies Division, CSIRNational Aerospace Laboratories, Bengaluru; Dr.
N. Ramesh Babu, Professor, IITM, Prof. Chacko
Jacob, Professor, IITKGP have addressed the
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participants during the valedictory function and
felicitated the best poster presenters.
 International Day of Yoga co-organized by SVYASA Yoga University, BMSCE and Rotary
International, Bangalore District was held in sports
complex of the college on 21.6.2016. Sri.Ananth
Kumar, Hon’ble Minister of Chemicals &
Fertilizers, GOI, Sri.U.T.Khader, Hon’ble Minister
Family Welfare,
Dr.Ramachandra G. Bhat, Vice Chancellor, SVYASA Yoga University, Flt. Lt. K. P. Nagesh,
Dr.B.R.Ramakrishna, Principal, SAM & CH,
Dr.Nagarathna, Director of Health Services,
VYASA, Dr.G.N.Sekhar, Vice Principal and
Dr.Shivarama Reddy, PED graced the function.
 The college conducted the Graduation Day on 24th
June 2016. The chief guest of the day, Padma
Vibhushana Dr.Vasudev K Aatre, Former Director
General, DRDO and former Advisor to
Defense Minister, GOI addressed the fresh
graduates. Dr.P.Dayananda Pai presided over the
function. Dr.B.S.Ragini Narayan, Sri.K.Jairaj, IAS
(Retd.) graced the function. 838 students of
Engineering & Architecture were awarded with
their degree and rank holders were felicitated.
Graduation day souvenir and BMSET Coffee table
book were released on this occasion.
 The 11th & 12th Academic Council meetings were
held on 10th & 25th June, 2016 respectively. The
college has initiated a live web telecast of
proceedings of Academic Council meeting starting
with the 12th AC meeting. Students from various
disciplines were also invited
 The Department of Mathematics & Humanities is
conducting a training programme on “Excellence
in Official Communication” to the office staff of
the college during June 06 to July 07, 2016.
Around 100 staff members are undergoing the
Details of staff and students who have attended
training/ workshop/ presented research papers:
 Dr. Chandasree Das, Associate Professor,
department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering and Principal Investigator COE
presented her research paper titled “Switching
studies on Ge15in5TE56Ag24 Thin Films” in 18th
International Conference on Glass Science & Tech
held at New York during June 06-07, 2016.
 The technical staff members of Mechanical
Engineering department, Sri.C. Hariprasad,
Sri.T.V. Rajendraprasad, Sri. Basavaraja, Sri. R.
Mallesh, Sri. N. Srinath and Sri. S. Srikanth,
have attended short term course on ‘CNC01: CNC
Machine and its Fundamentals Level-1’ held at
APTEX-Hi-tech Institute, Bengaluru during June
06-10, 2016.
 The technical staff members of Mechanical
Engineering department, Sri. R. Naveen Kumar,
Sri. Mallikarjun S Rampur, Sri. V.Naveen Kumar
have attended ‘1105: TIG & MIG/MAG Welding’
held at Foreman Training Institute, Bengaluru
during June 06-17, 2016.
 Sri. A. Sreenivasa Murthy, Assistant Professor in
the department of Civil Engineering has attended
Workshop on “Structural Steel” held at IIT,
Hyderabad during June 06 -11, 2016.
 Dr. K P Lakshmi, Associate Professor in the
department of Electronics & Communication
Engineering has attended workshop on “Cloud
Computing & Cyber Physical System” held at
Bengaluru during June 06 -08, 2016.
 Sri. K N Madhusudhan & Smt. V. Ashwini, faculty
members in the department of Electronics &
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Communication Engineering have attended FDP
programme on “Micro Nano Sensor for health
monitoring” held at MSRIT, Bengaluru during
June 06 -11, 2016.
 Smt. K. Ambika, Smt. K.Archana & Smt. T.
Anushalalitha, faculty members in the department
of Telecommunication Engineering have attended
Ten day GIAN Course on “Advances in Wireless
Communication and Antennas” held at NIT,
Warangal during June 06-17, 2016.
 Dr. Joshi Manisha Shivaram, faculty member in
the department of Medical Electronics, Smt. S.N.
Namratha and Smt. S. Kumuda, faculty members
in the department of Electronics & Instrumentation
Engineering have attended Workshop on “MEMS
Based Biomedical Engineering” held at RVCE,
Bengaluru during June 13-18, 2016.
 Smt. B. Prathima, Assistant Professor in Civil
Engineering has attended GIAN training program
on “Fate and Transport of Contaminants in
Environment” held at SJCE, Mysore during June
13-25, 2016.
 The technical staff members in the department of
Mechanical Engineering, Sri. C. Hariprasad, Sri.
S Dandapani and Sri. A.R. Vinod Kumar have
attended short term course on “102: CNC Milling
Programme, Simulation & Operation” held at FTI,
Bengaluru during June 13-24, 2016.
 Dr.K.Narasimha Rao, Professor & HOD and Smt.
Preethi K Mane, Associate Professor, department
of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering have
attended one week workshop on “Design and
Simulation of Passive RF Circuits” held at RVCE,
Bengaluru during June 20-25, 2016.
 Dr.S.Jayanthi,
Dr.D.Radha, faculty members of department of
Mathematics have attended GIAN workshop on
“Spectral Methods for Solving Systems of ODEs
& PDEs” held at NIT, Mizoram during June 2029, 2016.
 Smt.V.Shubha
Smt.K.Sindhu, faculty members of Department of
Information Science & Engineering have attended
three day workshop on “Cloud Computing: Open
Stack Implementation for setting up Private Cloud”
at C-DAC Knowledge Park, Bengaluru during
June 23-25, 2016.
 The technical staff members of the department of
Sri.V.Shanmukhananda and Sri.N.Prathap have
attended training programme on “PC Hardware &
Networking” held at Advanced Training Institute,
Hyderabad during June 20-24, 2016.
 Dr.Vinod C Aralimatti, Professor, department of
Mechanical Engineering and Dean [PG Studies]
has attended Management Capacity Enhancement
Programme held at IIM, Kozhikode June 20-25,
 The technical staff members of the department of
Mechanical Engineering, Sri. R. C. Puttaswamy,
Sri. Basavaraju, Sri. G Krishna Murthy, Sri. V
.Vijay Kumar, Sri. Srinath N, Sri. T .V .Rajendra
Prasad, Sri. N Keshava, Sri. V Subramanyam,
Sri. S. Devendra, Sri. S. Srikath, Sri. R. Mallesh,
Mechanic, Sri. R. Ramakrishna, Sri. A.N.
Damodara, Sri.Babu S., Sri.N. Praveen and Sri.
R. Lokesh, are attending short term course on
“302: Electrical Maintenance & Safety” conducted
at Foreman Training Institute, Bengaluru during
June 20, 2016 to July 01, 2016.
 Mr.K.Mohan Kumar, Mr. Vinod Laxman Hattali,
Mr.M.R.Vijay Kumar, Ms. Supriya, students of
M.Tech [Manufacturing Science & Engineering]
have attended
programme on “Research
Proposal submission towards Ph.D Admission
Programmes” held at K.S. School of Engineering
and Management during June 24-25, 2016.
 Sri.J.J.Lohith, Smt.K.Panimozhi, Smt. G.S. Rekha,
faculty members of the department of Computer
Science & Engineering have attended five days
FDP on “NS-3 and its advanced usage” held at
RNSIT, Bengaluru during June 27 to July 01,
 Sri. T. Rajanna, Assistant Professor, Civil
Engineering presented his research paper titled
“Tensile and Compressive buckling analyses of
stiffened laminated composite panels” in Sixth
International Conference on Computational
Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS-2016) held at
IIT, Bombay during June 27th July 01, 2016.
 Mr. .B. V. Balaji Prabhu, Research Scholar,
information Science & Engineering has attended
training on “Handoop for Big data Analytics” and
“Analytics using Apache Spark” held at C-DAC
Knowledge Park, Bengaluru during June 27-30,
Siddaganga Institute of Technology,
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Pre-Conference workshop on Recent Advances in
Signed Graphs and Their Applications 6- 8th June
Signed graphs have several applications in Circuit
design, Coding theory, Fault diagnosis, Physics and
Social psychology, etc. and some of the problems in
these areas can be better studied using the concept of
signed graphs. The purpose of this workshop is to
bring together experts and young researchers to
provide a platform for discussion of recent advances
in Signed graphs and their applications.
Eminent Speakers in the field of who have
consented to deliver talks were:
1. Dr. E. Sampathkumar, University of Mysore,
2. Dr. Mukti Acharya, Delhi Technological
University, New Delhi.
3. Dr. Tarkeshwar Singh, BITS Pilani, Goa.
4. Dr. Deepa Sinha, South Asian University,
New Delhi.
Participants: Participation was invited from all
over the country by sending invitation to the Heads
of the Departments of Mathematics/ Computer
Science of various Institutes/ Universities and
Research Organizations and also announcing the
http://12ac.adma.co.in. More than 100 participants
across the country participated in the workshop. In
addition to this, faculty members and research
students from S.I.T also participated.
International Conference on Discrete Mathematics2016 (ICDM-2016) & Graph Theory Day-Xii 9th
To 11th June 2016
Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical
structures that can assume only distinct, separated
values rather than continuous. The objects studied in
discrete mathematics such as integers, graphs, and
statements in logic do not vary smoothly but have
distinct, separated values. The experts in the
Discrete Mathematics across the globe delivered the
talks during the conference include, Dr. Sukanta
Pati, I.I.T Guwahati, Guwahati, Dr. Daphne Liu,
California State University, Los Angeles, U.S.A.,
Dr. A. Muthusamy, Periyar University, Salem., Dr.
Mukti Acharya, Delhi Technological University,
New Delhi, Dr. B. N. Waphare, University of Pune,
Pune and the plenary speakers were Dr. R. B. Bapat,
Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, Dr. K.
Thulasiraman, The University of Oklahoma, U.S.A.,
Dr. Linfan MAO, Chinese Academy of Mathematics
and System Science, China
The National Institute of
Engineering, Mysore
Inauguration of one week FDP on QuaRTEX Quality research empowered by R and LATEX”
 Dr. M. Mathirajan, Chief Research Scientist,
Department of Management Studies, IISc,
Bengaluru, inaugurated a week-long State Level
Faculty Development Program titled “QuaRTEX Quality research empowered by R and LATEX”
organized by the Computer Science Division from
20th to 25th June 2016. Ms. Anitha C, Associate
Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
department, coordinator of the FDP. The
organizing committee members are, Ms. Prathibha
B.S., Ms. Alaka Ananth and Mr. Narender M
 Mr. Harish Y S, Librarian attended five days
National Workshop on “Building Institutional
Repository and Website/blog-Dspace and Word
Press” organised by Biju Patnaik Central Library,
NIT at Rourkela, Odisha from 6th to 11th June
 Ms. Roopa S.V, Assistant Professor of
Mathematics department attended workshop on
“Recent Advances in Signed Graphs and their
Applications” from 6th to 8th June 2016 conducted
by Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur.
 Ms. Hema H, Assistant Professor of Civil
Engineering department attended workshop on
“Pedagogy” from 7th to 11th June 2016 at SJCE,
 Mr. Pradeep Kumar. R, Lecturer of Mathematics
department attended International Conference on
"Discrete Mathematics-2016" and presented a
paper titled “Narumi- Katyama and Multiplicative
target indices of Windmill Graph” at Siddaganga
Institute of Technology, Tumkur from 9th to 11th
June 2016.
 Mr. Tojo Mathew, Assistant Professor of
Computer Science & Engineering department
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attended five day Workshop on “Digital Image
Processing” at SJCE, Mysuru from 13th to 17th
June 2016.
 Mr. Puneeth S, Assistant Professor of Electrical &
Electronics Engineering department attended
workshop on “Machine Learning for Medical
Image Analysis” at IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
from 18th to 22nd June 2016.
 Ms. Apoorva M V, student of 4th Sem M.Tech
Industrial Production & Engineering published a
paper titled “Design and Fabrication of CNC
Fixture for Spring Sheet Component” at
International Journal of Technical Research and
Application (IJTRA) with ISSN: 2320-8163 Vol-4,
Issue-3; (May-June) 2016.
 Mr. Manjunatha N, student of 4th Sem M.Tech
Industrial Production & Engineering published two
papers in International Journals namely
“International Journal of Technical Research and
Applications bearing ISSN 2320-8163 titled
“Productivity and workplace improvement using
 Ms. Ramadevi M N & Mr. S Nataraja, Instructor &
Helper of Information Science & Engineering
department have attended for a workshop on “Five
days Skill Development Programme on Usage and
Maintenance of Equipments” for Technical Staff at
SJCE, Mysuru from 20th to 24th June 2016.
 Mr. S Lokesh, Associate Professor of Computer
Science & Engineering department and
Mr. Pradeep Kumar H S, Assistant Professor of
Information Science & Engineering department
have attended two day Faculty Development
Programme on “Research Avenues in Biometrics
and Forensic Science” at SJCE, Mysuru on 24th &
25th June 2016.
P. E. S. College of
Engineering, Mandya
One Day workshop “Introduction to NAAC
A one day workshop on Introduction to NAAC
Accreditation was held on 17th June, 2016 at PES
College of Engineering. Dr. Sandeep Grover,
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept. and Dean,
YMCA University of Science and Technology,
Faridabad, gave lecture on the process and
procedures to be followed to prepare NAAC report
with examples and samples.
Two Days Workshop “Data analytics using R tool
Data analysis using R tool workshop was
inaugurated by dean academic Dr. Puttaswamy on
27th May 2016 at 9.30 AM. Dean addressed the
participants about the need of knowledge on new
technology. First session of the day started at 10 AM
with the introduction of Data
analytics and R studio and its installation. In the
second session how to use R tool in R console is
explained and the participants worked in the lab. In
the third session data types and structures in R frame
work is explained with examples.. In the third
session data correlation and regression is explained
along with execution in R console with few sample
data. Fourth session addressed about clustering and
integration of existing applications in R. Participants
executed some R programs on clustering and
correlation of data.
Sri Jayachamarajendra College of
Engineering, Mysore.
ICMAT 2016
 MoU was signed with Chonbuk National
University, South Korea.
 9 Plenary lectures, 40 Invited Lectures, 270
technical papers, more than 300 participants from
India & abroad
 Two best papers each from Polymer Science &
Technology, Civil Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering & Interdisciplinary streams were
honoured with Best paper awards.
 Selected papers after peer review will be published
in Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical
Global Initiative For Academic Networks (Gian)
 “Algorithms for Robot Autonomy”, Dr. Srinath S,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
and Dr. Karthik Dantu, Computer Science and
Engineering Department at University at Buffalo,
State University of New York (SUNY-Buffalo),
USA from 23.05.2016 to 04.06.2016.
 “Smart Materials for Energy Harvesting/Storage
Applications”, Dr.
Siddaramaiah Professor,
Department of Polymer Science & Technology and
Dr. Joong Hee Lee, Professor, Department of BIN
Convergence Technology , Chonbuk National
University, South Korea from 30.05.2016 to
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 “Fate and Transport of Contaminants in the
Environment”, Dr. K.S. Lokesh, Professor and
Head, Department of Environmental Engineering
and Dr. Rajesh Seth, Professor of Environmental
Engineering, University of Windsor, Ontario,
Canada 13.06.2016 to 25.06. 2016
 “Performance Information Procurement System
(PIPS)”, M.S. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor,
Department of Construction Technology &
Management and Dr. Dean T. Kashiwagi,
Professor, School of Sustainable Engineering and
the Built Environment, Arizona State University,
USA, 04.07.2016 to 16.07.2016.
 “Spatial Technology and Modeling for Drought
Management”, Dr. Pushpa Tuppad, Associate
Engineering and Dr. Prasanna Gowda, USDAARS, USA, 11.07.2016 to 22.07.2016
 “Urban Planning and Management using Remote
Sensing and GIS”, Dr. P. Nanjundaswamy,
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and
Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Professor of
Geoinformatics, School of Engineering and
Technology, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),
Thailand, 25.07.2016 to 04.08.2016
 “Solid Waste Management – Feasibility of
Technology Transfer”, Dr. B. Manoj Kumar,
Engineering and Dr Sunil Heart, Faculty in
Management),Griffith School of Engineering,
Griffith University, Australia.
 “Tools and Techniques in Big Data Computing for
Diverse Applications”, Dr. Anil Kumar K.M,
Associate Professor, Department of Computer
Science & Engineering and Dr. Jemal H. Abawajy,
Professor, School of Information Technology,
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built
Environment, Deakin University, Australia.
Workshop on “Research Avenues in Biometrics
and Forensic Science”24.06.2016 & 25.06.2016
Photo (from left to Right): Dr. R.K. Bharati,
Programme coordinator, Prof. Mallikarjunaswamy,
Programme coordinator, Dr. K.S. Niranjan,
Professor& Head, Dept of MCA, Dr. Shakeeb ur
Rahman, Principal, Sri. B.K. Singh, IPS, Inspector
General of Police, Southern Region, Mysuru
Mahavidyapeetha, Mysuru, Dr. Udayashankar,
Professor & Head, Dept of Instrumentation
Technology, Dr. G.M Shashidhara, Vice Principal.
Workshop on “Digital Image Processing: Basics
to Recent Trends” Date: 13.06.2016 to 17.06.2016
Left to Right: Dr.S.K Prasad, TEQIP Coordinator, Dr.Srinath.S, Programme
Coordinator, Dr. Syed Shakeeb Ur Rehman, Principal, SJCE, Mysuru,
Dr.K.Chidananda Gowda, Former Vice chancellor, Kuvempu university,
Shimoga, Dr.H.C. Vijayalakshmi, HOD, Dept of CS&E, Dr.A.G.
Ramakrishanan, Professor, IISc, Bangalore
Left to Right: Dr. Hema, Coordinator, Dr. Haraprasad, Coordinator, Dr. Syed
Shakeeb Ur Rehman, Principal, SJCE, Mysuru, Dr. Janardhan and Dr.
Shanmuganeethi, Resource personnel of pedagogy training programme for
Malnad College of Engineering ,
Sri B. R. Gurudev Ex. MLA & Ex. MLC, Vice
Chairman, MCE, Hassan
inaugurating a OneWeek Workshop on Pedagogy Training Programme
– FEEL TEACHER organized under TEQIP- II
during 6th to 11th June 2016.
Research & Development
Prof. B. Uma, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering has completed her Ph. D programme on
the thesis title " Efficient Scheduling Techniques
for Multi-core and Manycore Architecture" on
17th June 2016 under the guidance of Dr. C. R.
Venugopal, former Prof & Head, Department of
Electronics & Engineering, SJCE, Mysore.
Research Publications
 Triveni C L, P C Srikanth, Professors of
Department of E&C Engineering and Prof. T
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Srinivas, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
have a published paper titled
" Review on
Spectrum sliced Elastic Optical Path Net Works"
in the International Journal of Engineering
Research in Electronic and Communication
Engineering (IJERECE), Vol. 3, Issue 3, March
 A. N. Basavaraju, Department of Automobile
Mechanical Engineering, NMAM Institute of
Technology, Nitte, Dr. B. Yogesha, Professor of
Mechanical Engineering have published a paper
titled "Performance of SI Engine by Using Preheated Fuel with Carpuretor" in the International
Journal of Energy Engineering, 2016 6(1), pp. 1624.
 Sanjay M. R, Full time Ph. D student (TEQIP-II)
and B. Yogesha, Professor of Mechanical
Engineering have published a paper titled " Study
on Water Absorption Behaviour of Jute and Kenaf
Hybridization Effect of E-Glass Fabric" in the
International Journal of Composite Materials 2016,
6(2), 55-62 .
 BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore has
conducted an International Conference ICAMA 2016 during 15th June 2016 to 17th June 2016. V.
Mahesh Kumar &
Dr. C. V. Venkatesh,
Department of Mechanical Engineering has
presented a paper titled "Effect of Ceramic
Reinforcement on Mechanical Properties of
Aluminum Matrix Composites Produced by Stir
Casting Process" in this conference.
 Rajarajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore
has conducted an International Conference ICICN - 2016 on 12th-13th May 2016. Adarsh
Holikatti, M. Tech student & Dr. S Mohan Kumar,
Professor of Mechanical Engineering have
published a paper titled "Smart Bus Alert System
for Easy Navigation of Blind" in this conference.
 Rajarajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore
has conducted an International Conference ICICN - 2016 on 12th-13th May 2016. Rakesh H,
K, M. Tech student & Shivashankara, Professor of
Mechanical Engineering have published a paper
titled "Wireless Robot Control with Robotic Arm
using Means and Zigbecc" in this conference.
 Rajarajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore
has conducted an International Conference ICICN - 2016 on 12th-13th May 2016 Jashwant N,
B M. Tech student & Sree Rajendra, Professor of
Mechanical Engineering have published a paper
titled "An Autonomous Robot for Finding Optimal
Path during Dynamic Environment using Grid
Based Approach" in this conference.
 AIT, Chikmagalur has conducted a National
Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical
Engineering on 29th - 30th April 2016. Pallavi, M.
Tech student, B. S., Dr. M. S. Srinath, Dr. S.
Mohan Kumar Professors of Mechanical
Engineering have published a paper titled "Study
and Implementation of Poke Yoke Technique and
Rasberry Pi Controller for Inspection Activities" in
this conference.
 BGSIT, BG Nagara, Bellur has conducted 3rd
National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Electronics and Communication Engineering
(NCETEC - 16) on 5th May 2016. Chethan Kumar
S. N. M. Tech student and Keerthi, D. S., Assistant
Professor, Department of E&C Engineering have
published a paper titled "Performance Evaluation
of Routing Protocols in Wireless Mesh Networks
for MICA MOTE Energy Models" in this
 BGSIT, BG Nagara, Bellur has conducted 3rd
National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Electronics and Communication Engineering
(NCETEC - 16) on 5th May 2016. Shah Faisal, M.
Tech student and G. H. Asha, Associate Professor,
Department of E&C Engineering have published a
paper titled "Implementation of FAN Algorithm
for Automatic Test - Pattern Generation (ATPG)"
in this conference.
Faculty & Development Programs
College has organized a one-week workshop on
"Pedagogy training programme
TEACHER" under TEQIP - II during 6th June to
11th June 2016. 60 faculty members of the college
have participated in this programme. Prof. Sunney
Tharappan, Professor of English & HRD,
Mangalore, Prof. R. C. Hiremutt, Former Principal,
Nijalingappa College, Bangalore, Prof. R. Victor,
Former Principal, Nitte Arts and Science College at
Bangalore and Prof. Anila, Principal, College for
Leadership and HRD, Mangalore have served as
resource persons for this workshop.
, organized under TEQIP – II during 6th June 2016 to 11th June 2016.
Life Changing Ecosystem:
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Gnana Sangama is an initiative with the vision to
create a better teaching – learning ecosystem and to
form transparent and efficient administration.
Let us tell you how Gnana Sangama benefits
students, colleges, and administrators at all levels:
Online Admission System
Manual admissions are time consuming and
manpower intensive. Whereas, Online Admission
System eliminates creation of separate applications
for each institute. Management of these applications
is easy. It is a Green process. Also, students save
money as they don’t have to apply for admissions in
multiple colleges.
Online Attendance
Touch Laptops in the classrooms are used to take
attendance. It is quick, accurate and proxy resistant.
Upon login, lecturers, Professors, HODs and guest
faculty are able to check their Time-Table. Students
can also view their attendance details by logging
into their profile.
Various MIS reports get generated for attendance
monitoring and performance analysis. Also, when a
student is absent an Auto-SMS gets generated for
sending to parents or guardians.
As a result of easy and effective process, more time
is available for teaching!
ICT enabled Campus
To implement Gnana Sangama, ICT enabled
campuses are established with:
 VSAT connectivity and satellite receiving
 Wi-fi and local wi-fi across the infrastructure
Video conferencing facility
Items such as servers, touch screen laptops,
smart class equipment, modems, projectors,
screens, UPS backed electricity, podiums,
and Information Kiosks
e-content and various applications
ICT enabled teaching and learning:
Smart classes are established for
delivering multimedia rich sessions. Each
Classroom is provided with touch screen laptops
with various applications.
Faculty use e-content, also called as ‘assisted
content for teaching’. This assisted content is
prepared with the help of chosen experts of the
Universities in collaboration with education
strategists and multimedia content developers.
Experts teach using a LIVE and interactive Satellite
technology based teaching platform from the
studios. They use activity based modules, enhanced
with animation and videos.
Live sessions on Skill Building, Communicative
English, Personality and Career Development are
Information sharing from industry
experts, Discussions on latest trends in Research and
development are hosted via Tele-Education.
It is also an excellent dais for local talent and
achievers to address the students.
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Students are provided with non-assisted content with
recorded videos. With the unique login id, they can
access the content on any device, anywhere,
On the Learning Management System, students take
Online Tests and assess their own performance.
They refer question banks, use discussion tools and
other useful applications.
Online Question Bank
Faculties contribute questions in the area of their
expertise to the online question bank: Module wise, topic-wise, difficulty level-wise and skill-wise.
Students explore these different types of questions
for practice and revision.
Online Tests
need not travel long distances for these meetings,
which saves a lot of time and efforts.
Digitization of data
A comprehensive Document Management System
and scanning Services are provided to make the
documents digital.
By establishing a digital library, access to freely
available books is provided and 200 existing district
libraries are linked to the Digital Learning Software.
Centralized 24/7 helpline & IVRS system.
Any enrolled student can contact the 24X7 helpline
for information on courses, colleges and also for
Career Counselling.
Alumni engagement and donations management
To inform, connect and engage alumni and to
encourage philanthropy a dedicated alumni
engagement portal is provided.
Other benefits to Institutions
at the click of a button, institutes can generate
diverse lists for various purposes. College
information is available at any time through the
Using the Internal Test platform, colleges give
structured tests to a batch of students. Faculty
develop test papers with ease, using the Online
Question Bank.
Once tests are taken, performance is measured,
analyzed and viewed online for each student. Thus
faculty can understand their students’ areas of
strengths and weaknesses.
Online Test platform is also used as a practice tool
for competitive examinations like CET, TOEFL,
Information Kiosks
Students can be up-to-date on various aspects of
their course, time-table, events, examinations,
scholarships, syllabi and general messages
addressed to them.
A provision for giving feedback by students, faculty
and administrators is also a major functionality of
the kiosks.
Anti-Ragging and Grievances Portals
Anti-Ragging Portal for students and Grievances
Portal for staff are available
Video conferencing
The setup helps in efficient administration, effective
Universities and colleges. Institution representatives
Online Monitoring System. Automation of
mandatory forms saves a huge amount of time and
efforts. This reduces correspondence between
departments and colleges. Institutions can book a
reservation to use lab or a special academic
infrastructure in other universities or colleges.
We believe that Gnana Sangama which is an
enriched collaboration of technology, processes,
applications and tools with the best minds in the
higher education industry - will bring a radical
transformation over the years!
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Shazil Ahmed
Page 17
Consolidated Financial Management Report for the Month of May 2016
Sub-Component -1.1 & 1.2 (Govt. Govt.Aided and Pvt. Institutions)
Name of the Institutions
University Visveswaraya College of Engineering, Bengaluru
B M S College of Engineering Bangalore
National Intitute of Engineers Mysore
Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
P D A College of Engineering Gulbarga
Basaveswara College of Engineering, Bagalkote
Malnad College of Engineering Hassan
Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore.
SDM College of Engineering Dharwad
P E S Institute of Technology Bengaluru
M S R Institute of Technology Bengaluru
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology Tumkuru
Siddaganga Institute of Technology Tumkuru
N M A M Institute of Technology NITTE
R V College of Engineering Bengaluru
N M Institute of Technology Bengaluru
B V B College of Engineering Hubli
P E S College of Engineering Mandya
S K S J Technological Institute Bengaluru
CoE Instiutions
Grant released
As on
Up to 31.05.2016
SPFU Karnataka
Officers and Supporting Staff of SPFU with Sri H. U. Talawar, State Project Advisor and Director of
Technical Education, Karnataka.
Edited by Sri Manohar G. Nayak, State Project Coordinator, SPFU- Karnataka.
Published by SPFU- Karnataka, 4th floor , Directorate of Technical Education , Place Road,
Bengaluru- 560001
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