ACLjohn`s July 2013`s eMagazine Issue No: 22
ACLjohn`s July 2013`s eMagazine Issue No: 22
ACLjohn's July 2013's eMagazine Issue No: 22 Welcome to the Twenty-second ACLjohn 2013's eMagazine - curated, edited and published by John Dalziel (All views are my own and not of my employer)... John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 Contents 1 2 News & Events ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 ACLjohn's Publications Updates .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 ACLjohn's Tweets .................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 The ACLjohn Daily ................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Tweetedtimes ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 About & Comment .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 3 Audio Feedback ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Content ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 27 ways to increase student engagement. ............................................................................................................. 6 3.1.1 3.2 Cheat Sheets: Facebook .......................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.1 GMail ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.2 Twitter ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.3 Chrome extensions: Docs Quickly ........................................................................................................................... 8 3.3.1 3.4 Sample infographic: from Dashburst .............................................................................................................. 8 3.5 Google Chrome Browser: Handy Shortcuts ............................................................................................................ 9 3.6 How Google Search Works...................................................................................................................................... 9 3.7 Infographic: The digital Classroom.......................................................................................................................... 9 3.8 MathCentre ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.9 Media: Viscom Soft Online.................................................................................................................................... 10 3.10 Online Discussion Tips........................................................................................................................................... 11 3.11 Protect Your Personal Information: MyPermissions............................................................................................. 11 3.11.1 MyPermissions: Video overview ................................................................................................................... 12 3.12 Smarthistory .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.13 Sport: Tennis ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.13.1 Sport: Essential Tennis YouTube Clips .......................................................................................................... 13 3.13.2 Sport: Tennis4You ......................................................................................................................................... 13 3.14 Subjects not taught ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Walk in the North West ................................................................................................................................................ 14 4.1 5 WatchDoc ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 DashBurst: eMagazine ............................................................................................................................................ 8 3.4.1 4 Ways to be effective ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Rufford - Mawdesley ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Find Try Evaluate and Share (FiTES) .............................................................................................................................. 15 MindMeister 2 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 6 Disclaimer...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 MindMeister 3 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 1 News & Events This Section of the eMagazine has the curated News that learning providers and their stakeholders, working within FE and Skills Sector, may find both interesting and/or useful in... raising awareness jogging memories finding out about what is happening within Schools (whose learners are feeding into their sector) and/or HE/employment (providing IAG [Information Advice and Guidance] for learners moving-on from their sector) 1.1 ACLjohn's Publications Updates Please note that the views, within these publications, are mine and not necessarily those of my employer. I hope you find the interactive presentations, added to this page, useful. You can also access all the... Helloslides at... ; YouTube Video Clips at... 1.2 ACLjohn's Tweets Looking for "on-the-go" updates, reminders, finds and more? YES Then you may want to follow my "Tweets". Note: there will be some tweets related to plants, animals etc., posted to my colleagues in the Merseyside and West Lancashire Mammal Group. To take a look, go to... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 4 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 1.3 The ACLjohn Daily The content in this interactive publication, posted daily, is from individuals, organisations and stakeholders within Further Education & Skills. The opinions expressed, in the publication, are those of the people posting the content and they may not be those of John Dalziel or his employer. Read the publication, and/or sign up (for FREE), at... 1.4 Tweetedtimes Tweetedtimes is free and has allowed me to turn my Twitter feeds into a newspaper. Updated on the hour, view the Newspaper at...!/ACLjohn 2 About & Comment The ACLjohn eMagazine is a monthly publication pulling together curations, that are published daily by John Dalziel at... ("using New and Emerging Technologies to enhance 'current or practice'") or ("What DL is Happening?") or ("ACLjohn’s Muzy Posts") or ("DL uNET"). The eMagazine provides links to free on-line tools, resources, videos etc., along with some ideas and eCPD support for all learning provider stakeholders. There may also be some links to news of funding, current projects, initiatives and examples of good practice in eLearning if they arise during the month. Note: - Although every care has been taken in the preparation of this ACLjohn eMagazine, no warranty is given by the author as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained within it and the author shall not be responsible or liable for any errors or omissions. 2.1 Audio Feedback Do send me some audio feedback at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 5 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3 Content These links have be curated by the ACLjohn eMagazine Editor John Dalziel and published during the previous month on one or more of his daily publications. The following link will take you to his website where he has produced a Google Custom Search Engine. This is a one-stop-shop that enables users to search John's web presences for resources, authoring tools etc. Try it out on the home page at... 3.1 27 ways to increase student engagement. This post includes another engaging graphic by Mia MacMeekin, doing what it says in the title. View the Original post and image at... 3.1.1 Ways to be effective This graphic, another by Mia MacMeekin, provides ideas on how to be an effective practitioner in a learning environment… and beyond! See the graphic, and full post, at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 6 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3.2 Cheat Sheets: Facebook Mastering the art of using shortcuts definitely saves many precious minutes that busy practitioners, and learners, need. One strategy is to learn and employ the shortcuts of the platforms frequently used. Facebook is a platform that is used by many people. Take a look at this cheat sheet, produced by Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, packed full of Facebook shortcuts. Take a look at... 3.2.1 GMail Take a look at the GMail cheat sheet, also produced by Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, at... 3.2.2 Twitter Take a look at the Twitter cheat sheet, also produced by Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 7 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3.3 Chrome extensions: Docs Quickly This Chrome extension allows users, practitioners and learners alike, to create a Google Doc, Spreadsheet, Presentation, or Drawing directly from their Chrome bar. There is no need to launch; just a single click, and they have a new document. Find out more, on the chrome web store at... 3.3.1 WatchDoc If practitioners and/or learners have shared some documents with others on Google Docs, this Chrome extension will list their shared documents that have been updated since the last time they viewed them. An essential extension for those engaged in collaborative work and/or for practitioners who are using Google Drive with learners. Find out more, on the chrome web store at... 3.4 DashBurst: eMagazine DashBurst is a content marketing platform and social media magazine covering the latest in business, marketing, technology and design. They're also a creative design agency specializing in web design, apps, graphics, SEO, PPC, testing, infographic design, presentations and more. Find out more at... 3.4.1 Sample infographic: from Dashburst This graphic, created by dashburst, features 10 mistakes that practitioners, and/or learners, should avoid making when tweeting. Some of these mistakes can also apply to other social networking websites. Read the full post, by Educational Technology & Mobile Learning, and access the graphics, at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 8 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3.5 Google Chrome Browser: Handy Shortcuts Like the author of this post, Chrome is now my browser of choice. I'm also among those users who use keyboard shortcuts. In this post there are 10 useful shortcuts including my favourite... Ctrl + Shift + T reopens the last tab you closed (sometimes by accident, which is when it is particularly useful). Read the full post at... 3.6 How Google Search Works Since its inception in 1998, Google has revolutionized online search within a very short period of time. This video will help those who watch it, better understand how Google search works. Watch the clip at... 3.7 Infographic: The digital Classroom The one thing we can be sure of is change. New ways of learning are developing as a direct impact of the embrace of technology within education... Mobile learning, blended learning, flipped learning environments, mention just a few. The graphic in this post, from Educational Technology & Mobile Learning, sheds more light on how learning environments have been transformed by technology and draws clear comparisons between several learning modes. Take a look at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 9 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3.8 MathCentre mathcentre has been set up to deliver mathematics support materials, free of charge, to learners, lecturers and everyone looking for post-16 maths help. The mathcentre team are a group of people who run university mathematics support centres, who teach mathematics, and who design new media products for learning. mathcentre gives users the opportunity to study important areas of pre-university mathematics, which they may have studied before or may be new to them - the maths they know they will need for their course. There are a variety of resources... self-study guides; test yourself diagnostics and exercises; video tutorials; iPod and 3G mobile phone downloads; and case studies. Resources are available on-line, and may be printed or downloaded. Find out more at... 3.9 Media: Viscom Soft Online Quickly add effects to existing images or create a new image with animated effects. ViscomSoftOnline... lists 15 free, simple and useful tools for editing, enhancing and converting images online. includes photo collage maker, video to .gif converter and jigsaw puzzle maker. Find out more at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 10 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3.10 Online Discussion Tips This edudemic post is aimed at learners but, I feel it has value for practitioners who are new to online forums. Much of the advice applies to communication via social media as well. Read the full post at... 3.11 Protect Your Personal Information: My Permissions Privacy is no longer about protecting devices that access the internet! It's about controlling who has permissions to access personal information on the web. Websites and apps make it really simple to join, but by doing so users grant permissions to access their personal information. Revoking access is a different story. The same websites hide permissions settings behind 2 or more links and, as a result, most users don't even know that they granted, or can revoke those permissions. As a result, users have tens and even hundreds of apps and websites that have gained permissions to access their personal information. That's where MyPermissions becomes useful. In their words... The idea was simple "If granting permissions is a matter of a single click then revoking them should be just as easy" MyPermissions is a simple page that lets individuals revoke any permission they gave in a single click. MyPermissions automatically scans a user's permissions, alerts them when new apps gain access to their personal information and can even clean those permissions for them. Find out more at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 11 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 3.11.1 MyPermissions: Video overview 07/12/2013 3.12 Smarthistory Smarthistory, originally developed by art history professors Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, is now partnered with Khan Academy to deliver lessons via video. Smarthistory... is an online alternative to expensive art history books. features more than just images of notable works of art. provides a combination of video lessons, text articles, and audio lessons about eras and themes. Learners can browse resources by... artist name, style of work, theme, or time period. Take a closer look, and find out more, at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 12 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3.13 Sport: Tennis The official Wimbledon site has a huge amount of information that can be used for independent research by learners. The site features the latest news, player profiles, video / audio feeds and photo galleries. Each year, when the competition starts, functional skills learners could use some of the statistics for data handling activities or, by using the timeline find out what happened in Wimbledon in the year they were born. Take a look at the site at... 3.13.1 Sport: Essential Tennis YouTube Clips The Essential Tennis Youtube channel has instructional videos showing different tennis techniques, along with videos from professional players. Take a closer look at... 3.13.2 Sport: Tennis4You The Tennis4You site has lots of ideas and activities to teach learners about tennis, along with workshops and instructional videos. Take a closer look at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 13 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 3.14 Subjects not taught This post identifies 5 subjects that the author asks, "should they be taught?" The subjects include... Film Making; Job Searching; Money Management; Social Skills, and Practical Mechanics. Read the full post at... 4 Walk in the North West For those of you who enjoy walking, I've decided to share the walks that my wife and I do at the weekends (or when we can). I hope you find them interesting and, if you try them, let me know what you thought of them. The archived walks can be found at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 14 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 4.1 Rufford - Mawdesley On this walk we revisited the Rufford - Mawdesley walk covering 6.2857 miles; details of the route can be seen at... 5 Find Try Evaluate and Share (FiTES) You are the experts in your field of work, management, administration, practitioners etc., and you know what works for you! By sharing not only will you raise the awareness of your colleagues but you should also benefit from their submissions. By doing this, you will all be supporting & stimulating innovation in learning, teaching and administration. Share your resources by completing the form available at... .Return to contents page… MindMeister 15 John Dalziel July 2013's eMagazine Issue 22 07/12/2013 6 Disclaimer All the pictures and news shown in the ACLjohn eMagazine are the property of their respective owners. We don't hold any copyright about these pictures and news. These pictures have been collected from different public sources including different websites, considered to be in public domain. If any one has any objection to displaying of any picture and news, it may be brought to our notice by sending an email & the same will be removed immediately, after verification of the claim. mailto:[email protected] .Return to contents page… MindMeister 16
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