NGA IPM - open eir
NGA IPM - open eir
Next Generation Access Bitstream Plus and Virtual Unbundled Access Industry Process Manual Version 3.2 6th September 2013 NGA Industry Process Manual Version Control Version Status Update Date 0.1 Draft Provisioning Module 25th April 2012 0.2 Draft Migrations Module and Items for Resolution from Provisioning Workshop on 9th May 14th May 2012 0.3 Draft Fault Diagnostics, Management and Repair module added. Reformatting. 28th May 2012 0.4 Draft V0.3 edits accepted, Core circuit orders and faults added, Migrations workshop issues added, Fault codes and questions edited 9th July 2012 0.5 Draft V0.4 edits accepted. Section 3 added, Repair Workshop issues added, Planned Maintenance added etc 23rd July 2012 0.6 Draft V0.5 edits accepted. Section 1 added, Section 2 updated, multipleVPLS, IPM Items for Resolution updated, etc. 16th August 2012 0.7 Draft V0.6 edits accepted. IPM Items for Resolution updated, Section 7 updated, In-life management section added, UG response times, Advanced PreQual file structure etc. 4th September 2012 0.8 Draft V0.7 edits accepted. Reschedule Forecast (RF) added, Egress Groups added, Advanced PreQual file updated, Sections 6 and 7 reorganised into PB and SA sections, minor edits, Appendix 3 updated 11th October 2012 1.0 Initial Issue V0.8 edits accepted following review at NGA Forum Workshop on 18th October 2012 18th October 2012 2.0 Issue 2 Section 2 updated, In-home wiring visits updated, Advanced PreQual file edits, BAS_Code for Multicast, Fault Reporting code edits, 11.8.3. edits, Appendix 2 Line test fields update, NGA Profiles Appendix 7 added, In Home Wiring Appendix added February 2013 3.0 Issue 3 Updates to: Deployment Plan, Delta PreQual file, Section 5.6 (appointments), Section (Fault Reports). 15th April 2013 Section 11.8.1 Book Repair Appointments added, Tables of BAS_Codes / Reason_Codes / UG Service Types added to Appendix 9 Clarification on NTU installation in Multi-dwelling units added to Appendix 10 Appendix 11 NTU Installation Guide 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 2 NGA Industry Process Manual 3.1 Issue 3.1 Removal of last sentence in Section 4.2 QA regarding QA restriction. HISTABLE code added to Appendix 9 19th April 2013 3.1a Issue 3,1a Addition of extended reach profiles to Table 13. FTTC Rate Adaptive Profiles 12th July 2013 3.2 Issue 3.2 Edit to max line length for an extended reach profile in Table 13. FTTC Rate Adaptive Profiles 6th September 2013 (Effective 20th November 2013) Addition of extended reach profiles to Table 13. FTTC Rate Adaptive Profiles 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 3 NGA Industry Process Manual Contents Section 1 Introduction........................................................................... 5 Section 2 Deployment Plan and Advanced PreQual File ......................... 6 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 6 2.2 NGA Exchange Announcement ................................................................. 8 2.3 NGA Deployment Plan/ ............................................................................ 8 2.4 Advanced PreQual File ............................................................................. 8 2.5 Delta PreQual File .................................................................................... 9 Section 3 Unified Gateway and Order Type Definitions ........................ 10 3.1 Overview of Unified Gateway (UG) for NGA............................................ 10 3.2 Management of User Administration Rights ........................................... 10 3.2.1 Agency Access ................................................................................... 10 3.3 Overview of the Order Handling Process ................................................ 11 3.4 Order Information Requirements ........................................................... 11 3.5 UG Order Types ...................................................................................... 12 3.6 UG Definitions ........................................................................................ 14 3.6.1 Definition of End user ......................................................................... 14 3.6.2 Definition of Universal Account Number (UAN) ....................................... 14 3.6.3 Order Status Definition ....................................................................... 14 3.6.4 NGA Order Tracking ........................................................................... 14 3.7 List of order statuses ............................................................................. 14 3.8 Order Handling Contacts ........................................................................ 15 3.8.1 Standard Contacts.............................................................................. 15 3.8.2 Escalation Contacts ............................................................................ 16 3.9 Order Management escalation procedures ............................................. 16 Section 4 Enquiry (Information) Orders .............................................. 17 4.1 Line Enquiries ........................................................................................ 17 4.2 Query Account........................................................................................ 17 4.3 PreQual .................................................................................................. 17 4.4 Circuit Reference Number ...................................................................... 17 Section 5 Appointments and NTU Installation ..................................... 19 5.1 Initial Provisioning Appointments .......................................................... 19 5.2 Rescheduling Provisioning Appointments .............................................. 19 5.3 Operator NTU Installation ...................................................................... 20 5.4 Co-ordinate Appointment ....................................................................... 20 5.5 Updating Database of Slots for Operators’ own Technicians .................. 21 5.6 NGA Order Progress Information Flow on UG ......................................... 21 5.6.1 Reschedule Request (RR) .................................................................... 21 5.6.2 Reschedule Indicated (RI) and Reschedule Forecast (RF) ........................ 22 5.7 FTTC NTU Installation including data port extension socket .................. 23 Section 6 06/09/13 POTS Based Provisioning & Migrations ................................ 24 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 1 6.1 NGA Industry Process Manual Introduction ........................................................................................... 24 6.2 Scenario 1: Migrate to or Provide a POTS Based NGA service FROM SBWLR 25 6.3 Scenario 2: Migrate FROM ULMP or Standalone NGA TO POTS Based VUA FTTC or POTS Based Bitstream Plus FTTC (Inter and Intra Migration supported with this process) ............................................................................................ 27 6.3.1 ULMP to POTS Based VUA or POTS Based Bitstream Plus ......................... 27 6.3.2 Standalone NGA to POTS Based VUA or POTS Based Bitstream Plus ......... 28 6.4 Scenario 3: Provisioning a New Line and POTS-Based FTTC NGA Services when nothing in place. .................................................................................... 28 6.5 Scenario 4: Migrate FROM SB-WLR (either alone or with Current Generation Bitstream or Line Share or NGA Services in place) TO POTS based NGA 29 6.6 Installation Failures (Dead on Arrival) ................................................... 29 Section 7 7.1 Standalone Provisioning & Migrations ................................. 30 Introduction ........................................................................................... 30 7.2 Scenario 1: Provisioning Standalone VUA FTTC or Standalone Bitstream Plus FTTC when nothing in place ..................................................................... 31 7.3 Scenario 2: Migrations FROM SB-WLR or SB-WLR with Bitstream / Line Share / NGA Bitstream/ NGA VUA TO Standalone VUA FTTC or Standalone Bitstream Plus FTTC ........................................................................................ 32 7.3.1 SB-WLR to Standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus ........................................ 33 7.3.2 SB-WLR with ADSL Bitstream/Bitstream Plus or Line Share to Standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus ....................................................................................... 33 7.3.3 SB-WLR with POTS Based NGA to Standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus ........ 34 7.4 Scenario 3: Migrations FROM ULMP TO Standalone VUA FTTC or Standalone Bitstream Plus FTTC or moving Standalone NGA from one Operator to another ....................................................................................................... 34 7.4.1 Migrations FROM ULMP TO Standalone VUA / Bitstream Plus (Inter and Intra Migration supported with this process) ................................................................ 35 7.4.2 Migration FROM Standalone VUA / Bitstream Plus TO Standalone VUA / Bitstream Plus (different Operator) ..................................................................... 36 Section 8 Logical Circuit Orders ........................................................... 37 8.1 Pre-requisites for Logical Circuit Orders ................................................ 37 8.2 Bitstream Plus Logical Circuit Order Process .......................................... 37 8.3 VUA Logical Circuit Order Process .......................................................... 38 Section 9 9.1 In-life Management ............................................................. 39 Cease Bitstream-Plus / VUA ................................................................... 39 9.1.1 Cease of Standalone Bitstream Plus / VUA Services ................................ 39 9.1.2 Cease of POTS-Based Bitstream Plus / VUA Services .............................. 39 9.2 Cancel Order .......................................................................................... 41 9.3 Change Bitstream Plus / VUA Services ................................................... 41 9.4 Upgrade Orders and Downgrade Orders on Bitstream Plus / VUA .......... 42 9.5 Move Orders ........................................................................................... 42 Section 10 Fault Diagnosis ................................................................. 43 10.1 Level 1 Testing ....................................................................................... 43 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 2 10.1.1 NGA Industry Process Manual Test Synchronisation for NGA (TSN) ..................................................... 44 10.1.2 Test Synchronisation History for NGA (TSH) .......................................... 46 10.1.3 Query NGA Details (QND) ................................................................... 46 10.2 Level 2 Testing ....................................................................................... 48 10.2.1 Test Performance for NGA tests (TPN) .................................................. 48 10.3 Level 3 Testing ....................................................................................... 49 10.3.1 Test Line for NGA (TLN) for FTTC services ............................................. 49 10.3.2 Test Line History for NGA (TLH) for FTTC services .................................. 50 10.4 Level 4 Testing – Port Reset (RN) of ONT / VDSL Port ........................... 51 Section 11 Fault Reporting and Fault Repair ...................................... 52 11.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 52 11.2 Principles of NGA Fault Management ..................................................... 54 11.3 Objectives of the Fault Management Process ......................................... 54 11.4 Fault Management Definitions ................................................................ 54 11.4.1 General enquiry/query ........................................................................ 54 11.4.2 Incident ............................................................................................ 54 11.4.3 Fault................................................................................................. 54 11.4.4 Dead on Arrival .................................................................................. 54 11.4.5 Early Life Faults ................................................................................. 55 11.4.6 Repeat Faults .................................................................................... 55 11.4.7 Degraded Line Faults .......................................................................... 55 11.4.8 Repair .............................................................................................. 55 11.4.9 Incident/Fault Notification ................................................................... 55 11.4.10 Trouble Ticket .................................................................................... 55 11.4.11 Tier 1 Fault Analysis ........................................................................... 55 11.4.12 Tier 2 Fault Analysis ........................................................................... 56 11.4.13 Level 1 Fault Management................................................................... 56 11.4.14 Level 2 Fault Management................................................................... 56 11.4.15 NGA and Fault Management Demarcation Points .................................... 56 11.4.16 Incident and Fault Management Contacts .............................................. 56 11.4.17 Escalation Guidelines .......................................................................... 56 11.4.18 Logging an NGA Fault where a PSTN line fault is present. ........................ 56 11.5 FTTC Physical Demarcation Points and Fault Responsibilities ................ 56 11.6 FTTH Physical Demarcation Points and Fault Responsibilities ................ 57 11.7 NGA Fault Reporting............................................................................... 58 11.7.1 End User to Operator .......................................................................... 58 11.7.2 Operator to eircom Wholesale – FTTC ................................................... 58 11.7.3 Operator to eircom Wholesale – FTTH ................................................... 61 11.7.4 Fault Validation Hours ......................................................................... 62 11.7.5 eircom Wholesale to Operators ............................................................ 63 11.7.6 Fault Reporting – Core ........................................................................ 63 11.7.7 Peer to Peer Communication for Critical Faults ....................................... 64 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 3 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.8 Repairs ................................................................................................... 64 11.8.1 Booking of Repair Appointments through the UG .................................... 64 11.8.2 Repair Appointments .......................................................................... 65 11.8.3 Visits to End User Premises for NGA Repair. .......................................... 65 11.8.4 Additional NGA Fault Handling Process – Repeat Faults ........................... 65 11.8.5 NGA Faults Tracking ........................................................................... 65 11.8.6 Change Profile NGA (CPN) ................................................................... 66 11.8.7 Pending Clear .................................................................................... 67 11.9 OAO NGA Faults Reports ........................................................................ 67 11.10 Fault Management Contacts ................................................................... 68 11.10.1 Standard Contacts.............................................................................. 68 11.10.2 Escalation Contacts ............................................................................ 69 11.11 Fault Management Escalation Procedures .............................................. 69 11.12 Fault Management Timescales ............................................................... 69 11.13 FTTC Tier 1 and Tier 2 Structured Questions .......................................... 70 11.13.1 Tier 1 FTTC Structured questions – SUGGESTIONS - TO BE AGREED ........ 70 11.13.2 Tier 2 FTTC structured questions – SUGGESTIONS, TO BE AGREED .......... 70 11.14 FTTH Tier 1 and Tier 2 Structured Questions .......................................... 71 11.14.1 Tier 1 FTTH Structured Questions – SUGGESTIONS, TO BE AGREED ......... 71 11.14.2 Tier 2 FTTH Structured Questions – SUGGESTIONS, TO BE AGREED ......... 71 Section 12 Wholesale NGA Billing....................................................... 72 Appendix 1 Pre-qualification ............................................................... 73 Appendix 2 Guide to Synch Test Results (TSN) ................................... 75 Appendix 3 Guide to Performance Tests (TPN) .................................... 78 Appendix 4 Guide for FTTC Line Test (TLN) Results ............................. 79 Appendix 5 FTTC Fault Management Trouble Shooting Guide .............. 82 Appendix 6 FTTH Fault Management Trouble Shooting Guide .............. 86 Appendix 7 NGA Fault Logging Form ................................................... 88 Appendix 8 Notification of Planned Maintenance Form ........................ 90 Appendix 9 NGA Profiles and Codes used by UG .................................. 91 Appendix 10 RAP NGA Home Installations ............................................ 93 Appendix 11 NTU Installation Guide .................................................... 110 Appendix 12 Glossary .......................................................................... 117 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 4 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 1 Introduction This document is the Industry Process Manual (IPM) for the Next Generation Access (NGA) service. Its purpose is to define an industry agreed set of processes covering Deployment Planning, Order Handling, Fault Management and Wholesale Billing. The assumed readership of this document is the Access Provider (eircom Wholesale) and Operators purchasing NGA service. This IPM should be read in conjunction with the current version of eircom Wholesale‟s NGA Bitstream Plus Service Product Description, NGA Virtual Unbundled Access (VUA) Service Product Description and the eircom Service Level Agreement for the Service Delivery and Service Assurance of the eircom NGA Service. The current agreed versions of all documents are available on the eircom Wholesale website ( All NGA products provide generic Ethernet access between an end-customer‟s premises and an Operator‟s own network. NGA is intended to support a mix of time sensitive and high volume applications, including voice, general entertainment (including Broadcast TV), and high speed Internet. NGA products are differentiated in terms of the physical medium used to connect the endcustomer to the eircom network. These NGA products are delivered over Fibre to the Home (FTTH) or Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC). Two distinct products, standalone (SA) or POTSBased (PB), are available with each access medium. The NGA service is available as either Bitstream Plus or VUA. With the Bitstream Plus service, the broadband traffic from one or more NGA exchange areas is transported across the eircom NGN (Next Generation Network) network to the Operator‟s handover WEIL. With the VUA service, the broadband traffic is not transported across the eircom NGN (Next Generation Network) network but is handed off to the Operator‟s WEIL at local Agg Nodes associated with an NGA exchange area. The points of demarcation for the eircom FTTC NGA service are the NTU (Network Terminating Unit) in the end user‟s premises and the hand-over point from eircom to the Operator‟s network (i.e., a WEIL at an eircom NGN Agg Node). For FTTH the demarcation point the in the end user‟s premises is the Optical Network Terminal (ONT). The Operators will rent the NGA service from eircom. The eircom Wholesale NGA Portfolio consists of the following product sets: Bitstream Plus FTTC Bitstream Plus FTTH VUA FTTC VUA FTTH NGA is not a ubiquitous service and will be rolled out on a phased basis within selected exchange areas. Eircom Wholesale provides a file (Advanced PreQual file) to participating operators of all premises which are pre-qualified or qualified for FTTC/FTTH NGA. The NGA service is designed to support multicast TV service as an over-the-top Operator service. The processes to support of multicast in the eircom core and access networks are detailed in this document. The Unified Gateway (UG) is the interface gateway with Operators for ordering and fault management system for all NGA Services. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 5 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 2 Introduction NGA Advanced PreQual File (Ready for Order date) Deployment Plan Cab’s Issue NGA Exchange List Deployment Plan Cabinet Details Sheet Deployment Plan NGA –eircom Wholesale 2.1 Deployment Plan and Advanced PreQual File Deployment Plan Summary. Fields 1 to 9 (See below) NGA Exchange – “Ready For Order” Number of NGA Cabinets Live post RFO Actual “Ready For Order” date Forecast of “Ready For Order” Date Number of Premises Live post RFO TIMELINES T3 Once an exchange is set to RFO then these fields will be updated in the subsequent deployment plans T2 T1 N o tes: 1. Timelines: T1 = minimum 26 weeks, T2 = 3 months T3 = 4 Weeks 2. The field “Total NGA Cabinets Expected in Full Deployment” will be updated as required should additional information arise during design 3. The field “Total Premises Expected in Full Deployment” will be updated as required should additional information arise during design Deployment Plan Summary Fields 1 to 9 County 06/09/13 NGA Exchange Name NGA Exchange Code Phase Total NGA Exchange Total Premises Cabinets Announced to Provisionally Provisionally Industry Forecast Forecast Notes Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes Deployment Schedule Figure 1 Deployment Plan 6 NGA Industry Process Manual NGA –eircom Wholesale 0 1 Operator 7 Issue NGA Exchange List. Forecast WEILs (Location & Handover type) Operator can place co-lo orders for VUA and /or Backhaul Orders for Bitstream Plus 2 Place WEIL Order If IBH WEIL, place PIB order 3 TIMELINE eircom If IBH, then order QIB 2 weeks in advance of step 2. 5 WEIL Handover. OAO configures VLAN 6 6 NGA Advanced PreQual File 8 NGA Exchange – “Ready For Order” Install Equipment, Test Commission 4 Survey Execute T2 T3 T4 T1 N o tes: 1. Timelines: T1 = minimum 26 weeks,T2 = 9 weeks, T3 = 1 week, T4 = 4 Weeks 2. WEIL (IBH, CSH) target delivery within 9 weeks. 3. WEIL (ISH) target delivery within 9 weeks, assuming Operator secures wayleave & chamber is ready for fibre pull within 5 weeks of WEIL Handover 4. IBH = In-Building Handoff; QIB = Quotation for Infrastructure Build (2 weeks) ; PIB = Provision for Infrastructure Build 5. Some weeks should be allowed for the configuration of an operator’s Multicast VPN (BPM order) Figure 2 Exchange Launch Process 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 7 NGA Industry Process Manual In order to inform participating Operators of addresses in scope, the cabinet roll-out schedule and ongoing installation progress, four information components will be provided: NGA Exchange Announcement o Announcement of new phases of FTTX exchanges. Deployment Plan o Summary of Exchanges, Agg nodes, approximate number of premises in scope and number of planned cabinets. o Details of when individual exchange areas are forecast to be available o Forecast and Actual Ready for Order (RFO) dates o Indicative details of FTTC cabinets within individual exchange areas o Confirmation that individual NGA cabinets are landed / energised / commissioned, together with an indicative forecast RFO for each cabinet based on average timeframes . The “Advanced PreQual File” o A per Operator file confirming the available premises where Orders can be issued A “Delta Prequal File” o A per Operator file showing the delta between the standard Prequal and enhanced Prequal HSI and NRA profiles supported. The above figures are schematics of the timing of events from the point of rollout announcement of individual exchanges, to the point where an Operator can place an access Order on UG. 2.2 NGA Exchange Announcement The NGA Exchange Annnouncement data is provided approximately 6 months in advance of Orders. This is a summary of the next phase of rollout and indicates the exchanges in scope. 2.3 NGA Deployment Plan/ The NGA Deployment Plan provides operators with a view of the forecast and the actual scope and roll out schedule for NGA exchanges and details of cabinets within an exchange The NGA Deployment Plan will be issued regularly with updated data as the design and the rollout of NGA progresses. 2.4 Advanced PreQual File The Advanced PreQual File contains the addresses of all lines that are expected to pass on pre-qual for that Operator and is provided 28 calendar days in advance of the first date for access Orders. All premises (residential and business) included in the file are served from a technically ready NGA cabinet and the Cabinet RFO (Ready For Order) date in the file is the first date from which an Operator can submit an end-user Order via the UG. The Advanced PreQual file is available as the Advanced_PreQual_YYYYMMDD.csv file (case sensitive) in the /common/uginfo folder on the Hub. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 8 NGA Industry Process Manual 1) 2) 3) 4) ARD_ID: FIBRE_TYPE: RFO_DATE: NGA_EXCHANGE: broadband services. 5) COPPER_EXCHANGE: services. 6) CABINET_NUMBER: 7) MAX_HIGH_SPEED: 8) MAX_HIGH_STABILITY: 9) UNIT_NO: 10) UNIT_NAME: 11) BUILDING_NO: 12) BUILDING_NAME: 13) LOCATION: 14) POSTAL_DISTRICT: 15) POSTAL_CODE: 16) COUNTY: 17) X_REF: 18) Y_REF: Address Reference FTTC or FTTH Date Cabinet Ready to Take Orders Name of Exchange Site serving the cabinet for NGA Name of Exchange Site serving the cabinet for Copper Cabinet Number In Exchange Area Max High Speed Profile Max High Stability Profile Used for Unit Number in Industrial Estate/Apartment Blocks Used for Unit Name in Industrial Estate/Apartment Blocks Used for Building Number in Housing Estates/Streets Used for Building Name in Housing Estates/Streets Postal Address Details Postal District e.g. Dublin 16. (Blank – For Future Use) County X Co-ordinate of Address (Blank – For Future Use) Y Co-ordinate of Address (Blank – For Future Use) The full specification of this file is outlined in Appendix 1 RFO Date indicates the date from which orders can be placed for that line. MAX High Speed will indicate the maximum available profile for a rate adaptive high speed internet (HSI) profile. Similarly MAX High Stability will indicate the maximum available stable or non-rate adaptive (NRA) profile. This file will initially be placed on the UG Industry Hub for participating Operators. The file will be available weekly. This single file will be the definitive list of homes available for NGA services. The file will grow as additional cabinets are rolled out. 2.5 Delta PreQual File The expected maximum bandwidth profiles for each in situ line is initially estimated based on the existing PreQual line tests and are provided in the Advanced PreQual File. These maximum profiles can then be checked and updated as required with enhanced postdelivery measurements. The enhanced figures are based on the VDSL Synch tests following installation and require the customer modem to be connected and powered up. The Delta Prequal File will show any positive or negative differences for each of the Operator‟s customer lines, between the maximum bandwidth Profiles supported based on pre-delivery tests and the subsequent enhanced post-delivery figures. The Delta File is expected to be provided on the Industry Hub on a weekly basis and is available separately for each operator. The Delta Prequal File is available as the Bitstream_Profile_<OAO Code>.csv (case sensitive) file in the ug\info folder on the Hub. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 06/09/13 STD code / 888x part of Circuit Reference Number (CRN) Phone Number / second part of CRN Existing Profile Max High Speed Profile Max Stable Profile Tested Date Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 9 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 3 Unified Definitions Gateway and Order Type This section provides an overview of the Unified Gateway and the order types relevant to NGA Bitstream Plus and VUA. The following is covered under this section: Overview of Unified Gateway (UG) Management of User Administration Rights on UG Objectives of the order handling process Main NGA Order types & descriptions Order Statuses CSID 3.1 Overview of Unified Gateway (UG) for NGA The Unified Gateway is eircom Wholesale‟s interface gateway with Operators for provisioning and fault management. The UG is enhanced to support NGA. Operators can access the UG via the following three options: 1. Web GUI (Graphical User Interface): Operator processes orders via the on line web GUI interface and receive all order status notifications via the Order Tracking Screens on the Web GUI. 2. FTP (File transfer protocol) (Transfer Syntax is XML File Format): Operator sends in all orders via FTP and receives all order status notifications via same channel. Files are delivered to an external server address, and are subsequently available for collection by the Operator. 3. Web-Services functionality is available for Bitstream Plus / VUA Order types. 3.2 Management of User Administration Rights The UG allows Operators to provide their UG users variable configurable options within each NGA order type e.g. provide / cease / upgrade & downgrade/ faults etc. The functionality is fully configurable and managed directly by each Operator. The Operator‟s system administrator can give each user access to particular order types within the Bitstream Plus and VUA product set. The Operator creates User Roles to which the Order Types are assigned and then assigns these Roles to the individual user. For example one user will have access to NGA provides only and the other user will have access to provide, ceases and faults. The Operator‟s system administrator has full responsibility for the management of their UG users and user groups. This management is enabled via the UG Admin GUI. 3.2.1 Agency Access Agency access to the UG allows the Operator‟s resellers/agents to raise orders on behalf of the Operator. This functionality gives the resellers an individual view of their own orders, while the Operator retains a view of all orders placed by themselves or their agent on the UG. The following level of access will apply for Agency/Operator access: Agency Access: o 06/09/13 The Operator will assign an Agent to a User-Group. Profile for Order Entry and Release. Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes There will be one User 10 o NGA Industry Process Manual Operator Agents will have access to order processing only. Please see note below regarding faults. o The Agent will be able to raise the order types assigned by the Operator‟s system administrator, an Agent user can be given access to particular order types within the Bitstream Plus and VUA product set by the Operator‟s system administrator. For example one Agent user may have access to Bitstream Plus and VUA provides only and the other agent user will have access to provides and ceases etc. o The Operator‟s Agent will use the same Pre-Qual as the Operator. o Operator‟s Agents can be given access to the Creation and Cancellation of all order types where appropriate. o A single Agent may have multiple users. o Where an Agent has multiple users, each user will have access to all Agency orders. The User-Group is used to restrict access to data appropriate to the User-Group only. o The Agent code will be displayed on the UG GUI screens. o The Agent Code will be (up to) an eight digit alphanumeric code. Note: The Operator should not give Agents access to Fault Handling as only the Operator should submit faults to eircom Wholesale as per agreed fault handling processes outlined in Section 11 . Operator access: 3.3 o The parent Operator will have access to all Orders created by their Agents. o It is the responsibility of the Operator to manage its Agents. o The Operator will have the facility to create their own Application Users. o The Operator will have the ability to assign a new user to the User Group, where appropriate via their system administrator. o The Operator administrator will have full responsibility for the management of their users and User-Groups via the UG Admin GUI. Overview of the Order Handling Process The order handling process for NGA orders can be summarised in the following steps: To outline and gather the mandatory information required to complete the order To validate and accept a correctly detailed order from an Operator To complete the order which has been validated, providing the operational /provisioning team with the appropriate information to allow completion to take place To indicate to an Operator the status of the order 3.4 Order Information Requirements Detailed specification of the information required on placing an order and the information supplied on completion is defined in the UG Data Contract and should be read in conjunction with this Industry Process Manual. This section is to describe the generic order information required to place the majority of NGA orders on the UG. Operator unique code Access Provider (includes eircom or SB-WLR Access Provider) universal account number Telephone number (including STD code) / Circuit Reference Number (CRN) Action = Order Type Product (selected from Product List) Appointment Options (Earliest, Earliest AM/ Earliest PM, Date ) 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 11 NGA Industry Process Manual Contact Details: customer contact details (i.e. phone number etc.). As part of the some UG processes the eircom technician will need end user co-operation for testing of the NGA service and therefore, these end user contact details must be accurate. If possible a mobile number for the end customer should be included. UG Order Number: Operator‟s own order number or auto-generated by UG Each Operator is responsible for the capture and submittal of accurate and complete orders on behalf of their end users. In the event that an Operator order is deemed not to meet order acceptance requirements for reasons outlined in the sections related to order acceptance, the order will be rejected automatically. Following a rejection, the Operator will make any necessary changes, and submit a new order to the UG. 3.5 UG Order Types The UG Data Contract is the master reference for NGA Order types. However a useful list of the main Order types and indicative UG response times is provided in Table 1 below. The response times are based on Order completion without manual intervention, in periods of normal operation and normal demand, and are indicative only. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 12 NGA Industry Process Manual Order Code Order Type Description UG Access supported Typical Response Times BA Book Appointment GFW <20 Seconds CA Co-ordinated appointment GFW <20 Seconds CEN Cease NGA GFW <20 Seconds CHN Change NGA GFW 20 – 30 Seconds CNP Cease NGA POTS based GFW <20 Seconds CO Cancel Order/Request/Fault GFW <5 Seconds CPN Change Profile for NGA GFW 20 – 30 Seconds FDC Fault on Data Circuit G <20 Seconds FNC Fault on NGA fibre to the cabinet GW <20 Seconds FNH Fault on NGA fibre to the home GW <20 Seconds Line Enquiry GFW 20 – 30 Seconds LLC Telephone Line Characteristics GW Up to 1 Minute LNI Provide new Lines on a new Account (In-Situ) GFW 20 – 30 Seconds PDC Provide Data Circuit G 20 – 30 Seconds PNN Provide NGA New GFW 20 – 30 Seconds PNO Provide NGA from Other GFW 20 – 30 Seconds PNW Provide NGA from WLR/Bitstream GFW 20 – 30 Seconds PPN Provide POTS based NGA GFW 20 – 30 Seconds PWN Provide WLR from NGA GFW 20 – 30 Seconds PWU Provide WLR from ULMP GFW 20 – 30 Seconds QA Query Account/Telephone No GW < 15 Seconds QB Pre-qual (Query Bitstream) NGA and Bitstream GFW < 5 Seconds Query NGA Details GFW < 20 Seconds RA Reschedule appointment GFW < 20 Seconds RN Reset NGA Line GFW 20 – 30 Seconds TLC Telephone Line Characteristics GW Up to 1 Minute TLH Test History for NGA Line GW <10 Seconds TLN Test Line NGA GW Up to 2 Minutes TPN Test Performance for NGA GW <10 Seconds TSH Test Synchronization History GW <10 Seconds TSN Test Synchronisation for NGA GW <10 Seconds LE QND Table 1 Main NGA Order Types 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 13 NGA Industry Process Manual 3.6 UG Definitions 3.6.1 Definition of End user An end user is defined as the Operator‟s end customer or subscriber. 3.6.2 Definition of Universal Account Number (UAN) A Universal Account Number uniquely identifies an Access Provider‟s end customer at a particular installation address. The UAN is associated with one customer and each customer may have one or more lines account number at the same installation address. 3.6.3 Order Status Definition The order status is used as an indicator to reflect the current stage of the process. Each order type will have an order status under the „CLI details‟ on UG. Full details of the order status can be viewed from the NGA Ordering Tracking screens on the UG; please refer to the UG Data Contract for further details3.7. 3.6.4 NGA Order Tracking The NGA Order Tracking facility on the Web GUI allows the Operator to search or track orders. The Operator can search by each order type displayed in the drop down list menu on the GUI. There are 3 methods of order tracking: NGA Order Tracking (all order types submitted by the Operator) Pending loss notification (transfer orders types only) Loss notifications 3.7 List of order statuses An Order can have one of a number of possible status types; these are as follows (in alphabetical order): Accepted Awaiting Delivery Awaiting Validation Cancel Requested Cancelled Completed Delivered In Progress Recorded Rejected Undeliverable Reschedule Request Reschedule Indicated Accepted – Order Status Explanation This means the Order has been accepted by eircom, the operator has submitted an Order which contains all the required data within the mandatory fields. Awaiting Delivery – Order Status Explanation An Order has been issued by the UG and is in the process of execution. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 14 NGA Industry Process Manual Awaiting Validation – Order Status Explanation An Order has been issued by the UG, but internal system and processes are being validated to ensure flow through. Cancel Requested – Order Status Explanation The operator has submitted a Cancel Order/Request/Fault Order which is not yet been actioned by the UG. Cancelled – Order Status Explanation An operator has requested that an Order is to be cancelled; this can only be implemented prior to the Order reaching delivered status. Completed – Order Status Explanation The Order status is updated to completed when all tasks relating to the Order are finished and the billing commences against the account / telephone number. Delivered – Order Status Explanation The Order status is updated to delivered when the work at the local exchange has been carried out, the Order is basically completed only the billing triggers are left to be implemented. In Progress– Order Status Explanation An Order has been issued by the UG and is in the process of execution. Recorded – Order Status Explanation (Internal UG status only) An operator enters an Order into the UG and automatically this Order has a status of recorded but has not yet been accepted or rejected by the UG. Rejected – Order Status Explanation An Order is rejected when it is not accepted by the UG due to a validation failing on the Order, i.e. there is missing data on the Order. Undeliverable – Order Status Explanation An Order obtains the undeliverable status when the Order cannot be delivered, however it was not rejected. 3.8 Order Handling Contacts Order handling contacts will be re-verified by all Operators on initial service establishment. Updates and changes to contacts will be managed on an ad-hoc basis. All Orders should be submitted via the UG. In the event that manual intervention is required, there is a single point of contact for Order handling issues for all Operators. 3.8.1 Standard Contacts eircom Wholesale Freefone phone number, 1800 656 656 (Option 3) The Wholesale Customer Care Centre (WCCC) is open for Order Validation issues from 9:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays WCCC e-mail address ([email protected]) 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 15 NGA Industry Process Manual 3.8.2 Escalation Contacts Office and Mobile phone numbers for NGA level 1 (Service Managers) and level 2 (Head of Service Management) contacts. e-mail addresses for NGA level 1 and level 2 contacts 3.9 Order Management escalation procedures The escalation of an Order process may occur at two levels: If the target time for an action has elapsed without the action being completed, the appropriate Level 1 contact shall be notified and the appropriate steps shall be taken. In the event that the Order has still not progressed as expected, and no evidence of progress exists, the second level of contact shall be used to agree appropriate steps to be taken. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 16 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 4 4.1 Enquiry (Information) Orders Line Enquiries The Line Enquiry (LE) Order will return the availability of infrastructure for the POTS Based element of the product. The LE Order is not required for standalone as the same PNN order is used whether the line is in situ or not Step 4.1.1 - Determine ARD Key for the premises Step 4.1.2 - Submit (LE Order Type) – if ARD utilised then Order is processed automatically. Step 4.1.3 - The LE Completion Notification returns: - Quantity of In Situ Lines - Quantity of Pre-cabled Line - Quantity of Pending Available Lines - Quantity of Wired Lines - Flag Indicating Active Line 4.2 Query Account Step 4.2.1 - Determine UAN and optionally CLI/CRN Step 4.2.2 - Submit (QA Order Type) Step 4.2.3 - The QA Completion Notification returns: - CLI Details - Line Type including FTTH or FTTC - Product Type FTC, FTH, IP, VC, BEA. - PreQual information if the Operator specifies an NGA Order type 4.3 PreQual Step 4.3.1 - Determine CLI, CRN, LI or ARD Step 4.3.2 - Submit (QB Order Type) Step 4.3.3 - The QB Completion Notification returns: - PreQual Result - All Products Types available to that Operator (including separate profiles for NRA and for HSI) - Multicast Availability Flag 4.4 Circuit Reference Number The introduction of a Standalone variant requires a new circuit reference number to be introduced for Bitstream and VUA Standalone products. Previously, Bitstream products 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 17 NGA Industry Process Manual utilised the telephone number (CLI) as the reference number for ordering as an underlying telephone service was expected to be in place. A new Circuit Reference Number is utilised in the Standalone environment and will have the same format as a telephone number e.g. STD and TELNUM. However, the STD will always be 88XX where XX is numeric. The XX will indicate the type of product e.g. 81= FTTC, 82= FTTH etc. The TELNUM will be in exactly the same format as per the CLI variant e.g. YYYY YYYY where Y is numeric. This structure allows existing Order processes such as PreQual to continue as normal whilst at the same time the 88XX format will indicate to Operators that the underlying product is a Standalone variant. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 18 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 5 5.1 Appointments and NTU Installation Initial Provisioning Appointments The process for arranging appointments is Operator driven. Order Types for provisioning of services that require site visits by eircom technicians will facilitate selection of the appointment as part of order submission. The purpose of this section is to give an overview of the methodology for selecting appointments. Additional details are provided as necessary in each of the order types where appointments are required. There is a range of options available when selecting an Appointment at order submission such as selecting Earliest, Earliest AM or Earliest PM, Earliest Date. Specific AM (9:00 to 12:30), Specific PM (12:30 to 16:30) appointments are available for Reschedule Appointment (section 5.2 below). The full range of options is detailed in Appendix O of the Unified Gateway Data Contract. Note that optional appointments returned in an acceptance notification are not held whem an NGA Order is submitted. The process steps below provide a generic overview of the process when selecting “Earliest AM”. Step 5.1.1 - Select appropriate Provisioning Order for Service required. Step 5.1.2 - Complete the details in the format required as appropriate in the (Provisioning Order Type) - Include desired date in <Required_Date> - Include E-AM in <Required_Schedule> Step 5.1.3 - The Provisioning Order Acceptance Notification returns: - the desired Appointment OR - If the desired appointment is not available then the closest AM available appointments after the desired appointment is assigned and a range of AM appointments that are available are also included. 5.2 Rescheduling Provisioning Appointments Appointments can be rescheduled using RA Order type. The RA Order type is utilised when an appointment needs to be changed which has already being set as part of a provisioning order. An appointment can be changed without charge, up to 17:00 on the working day prior to the original appointment. The RA Order operates in a similar manner to the appointment functionality described in section 5.1 above. However, only Specific appointments are supported and the RA will be rejected if the specified appointment is not available Note: Once a co-ordinated appointment has been logged on the system then the Reschedule Order RA cannot be utilised for changing appointments. Instead the CA must be used for this process which changes both the eircom and the Operator appointments in tandem. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 19 NGA Industry Process Manual 5.3 Operator NTU Installation In certain cases, Operators may be given the option to install the NTU in the end user‟s premises and must do so in accordance with the NGA Technical Handbook. This process applies to FTTC only. Operators will designate certain exchanges via the UG interface as areas in which they will install the NTU. In placing provisioning orders on the UG, the Operators will select an eircom Wholesale appointment as normal. The UG will check whether the order being placed is in an exchange designated as one in which the Operator will install the NTU. If it such an exchange, then the UG will set an appointment where the technician will only visit the cabinet for the jumpering and the Operator will be expected to visit the customer premises to install the NTU. Operators may wish to avail of Co-ordinated Appointments functionality to schedule this visit. 5.4 Co-ordinate Appointment Co-ordinated Appointments occur when Operators wish to schedule their own technician‟s visit to the end-user premises to coincide with the eircom technician. Co-ordinating Appointments is an optional feature and is available for FTTH where the ONT is always installed by the eircom technician and also for FTTC regardless of who installs the NTU. There are two scenarios in which co-ordinate customer appointment can be utilised: a) If an Operator wishes to send their technician to the end user‟s premises during the same slot as an eircom technician visits both the exchange/cabinet for jumpering and the end user‟s premises. The eircom technician in this case will install the NTU / ONT while the Operator technician may install the modem or other CPE. b) If an Operator wishes to send their technician to the end user‟s premises during the same slot as an eircom technician visits the exchange/cabinet for jumpering only. In this case the Operator will install the NTU and may also install the modem or other CPE. The CA Order Type is utilised to set co-ordinated appointments. The CA order type can only be used when a provisioning order has already been submitted. Step 5.4.1 - Identify the Order Number for the Provisioning Order in which a coordinated appointment is required. Step 5.4.2 - Complete the details on the (CA Order Type) - Include the Provisioning Order Number - It is assumed that the co-ordinated appointment is to occur during the same slot as the eircom Technician appointment - this process is used for both scenario a & scenario b above. Step 5.4.3 - The CA Acceptance Notification returns: - Confirmation of the desired Co-ordinated Appointment OR - The CA Order will be rejected if the Operator does not have an available slot for their technician that coincides with the eircom technician. Note: Once a co-ordinated appointment has been logged on the system then the Reschedule Order RA cannot be utilised for changing appointments. Instead the CA must be used for this process which changes both the eircom and the Operator appointments in tandem. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 20 NGA Industry Process Manual 5.5 Updating Database of Slots for Operators’ own Technicians Operators must sign-up to enable access to the Co-ordinated Appointments functionality on the Unified Gateway. Operators will then be provided with an interface on the Unified Gateway to upload the appointments slots for their own technicians. In communication with eircom Wholesale, Operators will have the ability to set the exchange in which they wish to have their technicians implement the NTU change at the customer premises. All provisioning requests to these exchanges will assume the Operators own technician will conduct the customer site visit. 5.6 NGA Order Progress Information Flow on UG The UG system will support essential information flow to Operators on NGA Order status and progress. Information Flow will be sent back to Operators through UG from eircom‟s field support systems, including portable field terminals. The UG will return a <REASON_CODE> with an Order status update, where a scheduled provisioning appointment cannot be completed. This reason code is one of three options and will indicate whether the appointment has been delayed by eircom, the end user or due to non-standard provisioning issues (Options for Reason Code Tag= EIRCOM, CUSTOMER, NON-STANDARD). Further information on appointment udpates are givien below. 5.6.1 Reschedule Request (RR) For customer related issues, where eircom cannot complete the Order due to the end-user issues below, a Reschedule Request (RR) notification will be provided with explanatory text (see below). The Operator will be able to re-schedule the appointment using the standard RA or CA Order as appropriate, once the issue is resolved with their end-customer. The Operator may optionally cancel the Order at no additional charge. End-user not ready/not available (CUSTOMER) o “NGA - Customer Not Available (Please contact end customer to progress & re-schedule order as required.)” o “NGA - Customer Not Ready (Please contact end customer to progress & re-schedule order as required.)” End-user refuses service (CUSTOMER) o “NGA - Customer Refuses Service (Please contact end customer to progress & re-schedule order as required.)” Third party access denied (CUSTOMER) o “NGA - 3rd Party Access denied. (Please contact end customer to progress third party issue & re-schedule as required.)” A charge will be raised against the Order for the above events. Where unforeseen circumstances arise where eircom cannot keep the appointment on the designated time, the Operator will be notified with an RR and should be able to re-schedule a new appointment straight away. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) 21 Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes o 5.6.2 NGA Industry Process Manual “NGA - Eircom unable to keep current appointment. Appointment can now be re-scheduled.” (EIRCOM) Reschedule Indicated (RI) and Reschedule Forecast (RF) An RI notification will be sent back through to UG where eircom cannot complete the Order due to eircom issues such as: Cable Issues Duct/UnderGround (DUG) where a new drop is needed Issues Other service delivery issues For the above issues, an RF notification update will be provided when a forecast date is available for resolution. This will be followed by a Reschedule Request (RR) notification from eircom when the issue is resolved. When the Operator receives this notification they can then re-schedule the appointment. Underground Cable (NON-STANDARD) Initial message (RI) will read: “NGA - Underground Cable Issue - Eircom Unable To Keep Appointment. (Further Information to Follow)” Forecast message (RF) will read: “NGA Delivery Issue Resolution Forecast. Issue due to be resolved on DD/MM/YYYY” Resolution message (RR) will read: “NGA Delivery Issue Now Resolved. The Appointment can be re-scheduled.” Nil Cable Issues (NON-STANDARD) Initial message (RI) will read: “NGA - Duct/ Nil Cable (No Cable Available) Issue Eircom Unable to Keep Appointment (Further Information to Follow)” Forecast message (RF) will read: “NGA Delivery Issue Resolution Forecast. Issue due to be resolved on DD/MM/YYYY” Resolution message (RR) will read: “NGA Delivery Issue Now Resolved. The Appointment can be re-scheduled.” Other Service Delivery Issues (NON-STANDARD) Initial message (RI) will read: “NGA - Eircom unable to keep current Appointment due to Issue arising at Service Delivery that needs further resolution. (Further Information to follow)” Forecast message (RF) will read: “NGA Delivery Issue Resolution Forecast. Issue due to be resolved on DD/MM/YYYY” Resolution message (RR) will read: “NGA Delivery Issue Now Resolved. The Appointment can be re-scheduled.” The Co-ordinate Appointment and the Reschedule Appointment is disabled during an RI phase. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 22 5.7 NGA Industry Process Manual FTTC NTU Installation including data port extension socket At the end-user premises the eircom or Operator technician will install the new NGA NTU, replacing the master socket. The NGA NTU is the demarcation point for the Virtual Unbundled Access (VUA) / Bitstream Plus FTTC products. For the POTS-based product the internal wiring will continue to be served from the NTU and supply PSTN service. eircom will, if requested at the time of Order, install a data port extension socket using a standard extension kit to a maximum of 30 meters. The eircom Wholesale technician will surface mount any extension wiring to accessible skirting boards and will not put cable under carpet or floor. No moving of furniture and no decorative work will be carried out as part of the installation. The installation of an extension kit will only be carried out if the technician deems that the work can be carried out in a reasonable time frame. This DSL extension kit is considered to be part of internal wiring and is owned by the end-user. A charge will apply for the installation of the data port extension socket. Data Port Extension Kits are ordered as part of a provisioning Order, as an Additional Service with a Bitstream Additional Service Code (BAS_CODE) of DPEXTRAP. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 23 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 6 6.1 POTS Based Provisioning & Migrations Introduction The processes outlined below relate to the provisioning and migrations of POTS Based FTTC services. The exact same order types will also be utilised for each of the provisioning and migration scenarios for FTTH services. The primary difference between the FTTC and FTTH processes relates to the downstream tasks. In addition, Operators will not have an option to install the NTU in an FTTH context. The table below summarises the four scenarios and UG order types utilised for provisioning POTS Based NGA services and migrating to POTS Based NGA services. Scenario 1 PPN Scenario 2 PPW Scenario 3 LNI then PPN (not combined) Scenario 4 PPN then PW (PWX in future) Scenario 1 PPN Order : Migrate or Provide a PB NGA BB FROM TO (POTS BASED NGA) Narrowband Broadband Narrowband Broadband SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 Nothing N/A SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 LS-CGA-PB OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 BS-CGA-PB OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 BS-NGA-PB OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 BS-NGA-PB *OAO1 *Use CHN when OAO2 to OAO2 Scenario 2 PPW: Migrate from SA NGA BB to (WLR based) FROM TO (POTS BASED NGA) Narrowband Broadband Narrowband Broadband ULMP OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO2 BS-NGA-PB OAO2 BS-NGA-SA OAO1 or OAO2 BS-CGA-SA OAO1 or OAO2 Scenario 3 LNI then PPN: Provide New Line and PB NGA BB FROM TO (POTS BASED NGA) Narrowband Broadband Narrowband Broadband Nothing N/A Nothing N/A SB-WLR OAO2 BS-NGA-PB OAO2 Scenario 4 PPN then PW (PWX in future): Migrate SB-WLR and Migrate or Provide a PB NGA BB FROM TO (POTS BASED NGA) Narrowband Broadband Narrowband Broadband SB-WLR OAO1 Nothing N/A SB-WLR OAO1 LS-CGA-PB OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 BS-CGA-PB OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO2 BS-NGA-PB OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 BS-NGA-PB OAO1 Table 2 Summary of POTS based Provisions and Migrations Key to Summary Table POTS Based Line Share POTS Based ADSL BMB / BIP / BS+ POTS Based FTTX BS+ /VUA Standalone ADSL BMB / BIP / BS+ Standalone FTTX BS+ /VUA LS-CGA-PB BS-CGA-PB BS-NGA-PB BS-CGA-SA BS-NGA-SA Note 1: Operator establishes In-home Wiring Requirements 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 24 NGA Industry Process Manual The Operator is responsible for advising their customer of eircom Wholesale‟s requirements for the in-premises installation up to the demarcation point. With the exception of an extension kit, all installation beyond the demarcation point is not addressed in this document. Issues that the Operator should discuss with their end-user may include: (FTTC) Replacement of the existing eircom master phone socket with an NTU Location of the NTU (FTTC)/ ONT (FTTH) (FTTC) Are there multiple phone sockets in the premises and are these fed from a master socket? There must be no splitting of internal wiring before the master socket as this is not compatible with VDSL; the end user is responsible for removing any splits on the eircom side of the master socket / NTU. (Any sockets fed from the master socket are unaffected) (FTTC) Is an extension socket required to extend the NTU within the premises? This can be included in the UG Order (note that this is an additional cost item). (FTTH) Availability of an electricity socket to power an ONT Note 2: This section contains a set of operational processes that support the interactions between eircom and the Operator for the delivery and operation of migrations to POTS Based Next Generation Access Products from the Current Generation Access Products portfolio. This section is an addendum to the product process manuals for LLU, Bitstream, SB-WLR. These process manuals will detail the processes applicable to migration from Next Generation Access Products to the Current Generation Access Products. This document should be read in conjunction with the other Industry Process Manuals as published on Note 3: The NGA products support multiple VPLS solutions as described in the Product Description. Operators availing of this functionality must nominate the Egress Group required as part of provisioning and migration Orders. A pre-requisite for Egress provisioning is that the logical connectivity has been configured in advance. 6.2 Scenario 1: Migrate to or Provide a POTS Based NGA service FROM SB-WLR In this scenario the PPN Order will provide a POTS-Based VUA or Bitstream Plus service on an existing SB-WLR line where nothing else is on the line. The PPN Order will also provision a POTS Based VUA or Bitstream Plus service and replace the ADSL Bitstream / Bitstream Plus, Line Share or POTS Based NGA service on the line. The steps involved in the provision of the PPN Order are listed below. 6.2.1 - Determine CLI and UAN 6.2.2 - PreQual Line- Submit (QB Order Type) 6.2.3 - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products 6.2.4 - Submit (PPN Order Type) to provision VUA PB/Bitstream Plus PB - Request Appointment - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB of day prior to appointment) 6.2.5 - ADSL Bitstream or Line Share or PB NGA then Pending Loss notification Generated 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 25 NGA Industry Process Manual (if required) - “Wait for Block” for defined time 6.2.6 - Port activated electronically & BI Notification or Pre BI Notification1 sent toOperator 6.2.7 - If ADSL Bitstream or Line Share then site visit to exchange to remove existing BS/LS connection will be carried out after the NGA service has been enabled. If a NGA broadband service is on the line then no site visit to the end-user‟s premises will be required. 6.2.8 - eircom Technician Site visit to Cabinet for Port Connection eircom technician will generally call the contact number prior to service being disconnected from cabinet. 6.2.8 - If eircom installs the NTU for the Operator in this exchange area, then an eircom Technician visits end-user premises for NTU Installation (Co-ordinate Appointment may be usedby Operator if desired).. 6.2.9 - Loss Notification to ADSL/LS Operator if appropriate - Completion Notification sent to Gaining Operator 1 The Pre BI notification is sent at the port reservation stage and it allows Operators to configure their own network, get modem set up ready etc so that the end-user is ready to go on completion of the jumpering/installation. The BI notification is sent on order completion. In most cases the detail will be the same but in cases where a technician had to swap the port when at the cabinet, then it will be different. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) 26 Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes NGA Industry Process Manual 6.3 Scenario 2: Migrate FROM ULMP or Standalone NGA TO POTS Based VUA FTTC or POTS Based Bitstream Plus FTTC (Inter and Intra Migration supported with this process) In this scenario the PPW Order will replace the ULMP service with an SB-WLR line and a POTS based VUA or Bitstream Plus service. The PPW will also replace will replace the Standalone NGA service with an SB-WLR line and a POTS based VUA or Bitstream Plus service. 6.3.1 ULMP to POTS Based VUA or POTS Based Bitstream Plus In the case of ULMP on the line, the steps involved in the provision of the PPW Order are listed below. - Determine CRN and UAN - PreQual Line based on CRN - Submit (QB Order Type) - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products - Submit (PPW Order Type) to provision VUA PB/Bitstream Plus PB - Request Appointment - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Option Request GNP if number with 3rd Party - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB of day prior to appointment) - PWG Only - GNP Pending loss generated to losing Operator - Line Activated - Port Activated electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator - eircom Site visit to Exchange to remove existing ULMP connection will be carried out after the NGA service has been enabled. - eircom Technician Site visit to Cabinet for Port Connection - PWG Only - GNP Activated - If no co-ordinated appointment is set for NTU - then eircom Technician visits Customers Premises for NTU Installation. eircom technician will call contact number prior to service being disconnected from cabinet. - If a co-ordinated appointment is set for NTU - then Operator Technician visits Customers Premises for NTU Installation. eircom technician will call contact number prior to service being disconnected from cabinet. - Loss Notification to ULMP Operator - Completion Notification sent to Gaining Operator 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 27 NGA Industry Process Manual 6.3.2 Standalone NGA to POTS Based VUA or POTS Based Bitstream Plus In the case of Standalone NGA services, the steps involved in the provision of the PPW Order are listed below. - Determine CRN and UAN - PreQual Line based on CRN - Submit (QB Order Type) - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products - Submit (PPW Order Type) to provision VUA PB/Bitstream Plus PB - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Option Request GNP if number with 3rd Party - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB of day prior to appointment) - T Notification returned indicating telephone number assigned - Line Activated - Port Activated electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator - eircom Site visit to Exchange for line connection (if required) - GNP activated (if GNP requested) - Loss Notification to Standalone Operator - Completion Notification sent to Gaining Operator 6.4 Scenario 3: Provisioning a New Line and POTS-Based FTTC NGA Services when nothing in place. To provide a POTS-Based VUA or Bitstream Plus FTTC service on an in situ path an LNI/LNG Order is used. The LNI/LNG Order activates the SB-WLR service on the line at the end user‟s premises. Once part of the Order is complete the LNI/LNG then automatically generates a PPN Order. The PPN Order activates the POTS-Based VUA or Bitstream Plus FTTC service as outlined in Section 6.2 above. The LNG order is used if the end user wants to port their current telephone number that exists on a different serving platform onto the new SB-WLR line. Otherwise, an LNI order will suffice. Where the end user already has a SB-WLR service on their line then a PPN Order is used to provide the POTS-Based VUA or Bitstream Plus FTTC service. The PPN Order requires a port connection to be carried out by the eircom technician at the cabinet. If applicable then the eircom technician will also visit the end user‟s premises to install the NTU. Appointment setting is provided with the PPN Order. Prior to submitting the Order types outlined below the gaining Operator should submit the relevant prequal Order (QB) to determine the NGA products available for provision on that line. In this scenario the LNI/LNG Order followed by an automatically generated PPN Order will provide a POTS-Based VUA or Bitstream Plus service on to an insitu line. The steps involved in the provision of the LNI/LNG Order are listed below. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 28 NGA Industry Process Manual 6.4.1 - Determine ARD Key 6.4.2 - Optionally interrogate Advanced Pre-qual File and Ensure Address is NGA Compatible 6.4.3 - Submit LE Order Type 6.4.4 - LE Order Completion Notification contain line details 6.4.5 - PreQual Line- Submit (QB Order Type) 6.4.6 - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products 6.4.7 - Submit (LNI/LNG Order Type) to provision Line & VUA PB/Bitstream Plus PB - Request New Line - Option to request old telephone number if at that premises - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Option Request GNP if number with 3rd Party 6.4.8 - T Notification returned indicating telephone number assigned 6.4.9 - LNG Only - GNP Port Notification generated to losing Operator (if GNP requested) 6.4.10 - Line Activated Electronically 6.4.11 - GNP Activated (if GNP requested) Note 1: The end user‟s SB-WLR line is now active. 6.4.12 - LNI/LNG generates (PPN order Type) to provision VUA PB/Bitstream Plus PB Note 2: On acceptance of PPN the default on UG is to allocate the earliest appointment. The OAO should contact their end user and reschedule if required 6.4.12 - LNI/LNG Completion Notification sent to Gaining Operator with PPN Order Number Note 3: Non In situ Lines Require a separate LNN order and PPN Order 6.5 Scenario 4: Migrate FROM SB-WLR (either alone or with Current Generation Bitstream or Line Share or NGA Services in place) TO POTS based NGA In this scenario the Operator should migrate the NGA Broadband element utilising the PPN order as described above and move the SB-WLR service by utilising the PW order type. In a future release a new combined order will be made available called the PWX. 6.6 Installation Failures (Dead on Arrival) Installation failures / Dead on Arrival (DOA) are instances where eircom advised an OAO that the requested service was provisioned when, in reality, the service was never provisioned correctly in the first instance. For the avoidance of doubt this excludes all provisioning work carried out by an Operator on behalf of eircom. The operator should submit a fault report indicating an Install Fail (Sections and; fault reports on the day of installation should be reported directly to the eircom Wholesale Customer Care Centre (Section 11.10.1), where the provisioning will be prioritised. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 29 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 7 7.1 Standalone Provisioning & Migrations Introduction The processes outlined below relate to the provisioning and migrations of Standalone FTTC services. The exact same order types will also be utilised for each of the provisioning and migration scenarios for FTTH services. The primary difference between the FTTC and FTTH processes relates to the downstream tasks. In addition, Operators will not have an option to install the NTU in an FTTH context. The table below summarises the three scenarios and UG order types utilised for provisioning Standalone NGA services and migrating to Standalone NGA services. Scenario 1 PNN Order : Provide SA NGA BBPB NGA BB FROM Narrowband Nothing N/A TO (SA) Broadband Nothing N/A Narrowband Broadband BS-NGA-SA OAO2 BS-CGA-SA OAO2 Scenario 2 PNW Order : Migrate from (WLR based) to SA NGA BB FROM Narrowband SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 SB-WLR OAO1 or OAO2 TO (SA) Broadband LS-CGA-PB BS-CGA-PB BS-NGA-PB Narrowband Broadband OAO1 or OAO2 OAO1 or OAO2 OAO1 or OAO2 BS-NGA-SA BS-CGA-SA OAO2 OAO2 Scenario 3 PNO Order : Migrate (non WLR based) to SA NGA BB FROM Narrowband ULMP OAO1 or OAO2 TO (SA) Broadband BS-NGA-SA BS-CGA-SA *OAO1 or OAO2 *OAO1 or OAO2 Narrowband Broadband BS-NGA-SA OAO2 BS-CGA-SA OAO2 *Use CHN when OAO2 to OAO2 and same generation Table 3 Summary of Standalone Provisions and Migrations Key to Summary Table POTS Based Line Share POTS Based ADSL BMB / BIP / BS+ POTS Based FTTX BS+ /VUA Standalone ADSL BMB / BIP / BS+ Standalone FTTX BS+ /VUA LS-CGA-PB BS-CGA-PB BS-NGA-PB BS-CGA-SA BS-NGA-SA Note 1: Operator establishes In-home Wiring Requirements The Operator is responsible for advising their customer of eircom Wholesale‟s requirements for the in-premises installation up to the demarcation point. With the exception of an extension kit, all installation beyond the demarcation point is not addressed in this document. Issues that the Operator should discuss with their end-user may include: 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 30 NGA Industry Process Manual (FTTC) Replacement of the existing eircom master phone socket with an NTU Location of the NTU (FTTC)/ ONT (FTTH) (FTTC) Are there multiple phone sockets in the premises and are these fed from a master socket? There must be no splitting of internal wiring before the master socket as this is not compatible with VDSL; the end user is responsible for removing any splits on the eircom side of the master socket / NTU. (Any sockets fed from the master socket are unaffected) (FTTC) Is an extension socket required to extend the NTU within the premises? This can be included in the UG Order (note that this is an additional cost item). (FTTH) Availability of an electricity socket to power an ONT Note 2: This section contains a set of operational processes that support the interactions between eircom and the Operator for the delivery and operation of migrations to Standalone Next Generation Access Products from the Current Generation Access Products portfolio. This section is an addendum to the product process manuals for LLU, Bitstream, SB-WLR. These process manuals will detail the processes applicable to migration from Next Generation Access Products to the Current Generation Access Products. This document should be read in conjunction with the other Industry Process Manuals as published on as appropriate. Note 3: The NGA products support multiple VPLS solutions as described in the Product Description. Operators availing of this functionality must nominate the Egress Group required as part of provisioning and migration Orders. A pre-requisite for Egress provisioning is that the logical connectivity has been configured in advance. 7.2 Scenario 1: Provisioning Standalone VUA FTTC or Standalone Bitstream Plus FTTC when nothing in place The PNN Order allows for the provision of an NGA standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus service on to an in situ line that currently has no services on it. The PNN Order requires a port connection to be carried out by the eircom technician at the cabinet. If applicable then the eircom technician will also visit the end customer‟s premises to install the NTU. Prior to submitting the Order types outlined below the gaining Operator should submit the relevant prequal Order (QB) to determine the NGA products available for provision on that line. Standalone NGA service does not include a wholesale voice service. If the end customer requires a voice service then this can be provided by their operator over a VOIP platform. In this scenario, there are no existing eircom Wholesale products (SB-WLR, LLU, Bitstream or LS) in place In this scenario the PNN Order will provide a standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus service on to an in situ line. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 31 NGA Industry Process Manual The steps involved in the provision of the PNN Order are listed below. 7.2.1 - Determine ARD Key 7.2.2 - Optionally interrogate Advanced PreQual File and ensure address is NGA compatible 7.2.3 - PreQual based on ARD - Submit (QB Order Type) 7.2.4 - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products 7.2.5 - Submit (PNN Order Type) to provision VUA SA/Bitstream Plus SA - No requirement to specify in situ or non-in situ. - Request appointment - Option to request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB of day prior to appointment) 7.2.6 - Port activated electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator 7.2.7 - eircom Technician site visit to cabinet for Port connection eircom technician will generally call the contact number prior to service being disconnected from cabinet. 7.2.8 - If eircom installs the NTU for the Operator in this exchange area, then an eircom Technician visits end-user premises for NTU Installation (Co-ordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired). 7.2.9 - If the Operator installs the NTU on behalf of eircom in this exchange area, then an Operator Technician visits customer‟s premises for NTU installation (Coordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired). 7.2.10 - Completion Notification sent to the Operator Note 1: In the case of FTTH, the PNN Order will include the necessary downstream steps to install the fibre element. Note 2: If requested by the end-user, the Operator is responsible for porting their existing Telephone number over to the new Standalone service with over- the-top VoIP. Note 3: If an address is not included in the Pre-qual file then it will not be available for the provision of NGA Standalone services. 7.3 Scenario 2: Migrations FROM SB-WLR or SB-WLR with Bitstream / Line Share / NGA Bitstream/ NGA VUA TO Standalone VUA FTTC or Standalone Bitstream Plus FTTC The PNW Order type allows for the provision of an NGA standalone broadband or VUA service from a SB-WLR based services. The PNW Order involves the removal of the POTS based SB-WLR service and the associated broadband or Line Share service. PNW Orders require a port connection to be carried out by the eircom technician at the cabinet. If applicable then the eircom technician will also visit the end customer‟s premises to install the NTU. Prior to submitting the Migration Order types outlined below the gaining Operator should submit the relevant prequal Order (QB) to determine the NGA products available for provision on that line. Standalone NGA service does not include a wholesale voice service. If the end customer requires a voice service then this can be provided by their operator over a VOIP platform. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 32 NGA Industry Process Manual The three variants of this scenario are addressed in the following sections. 7.3.1 SB-WLR to Standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus In this scenario the PNW Order will replace the SB-WLR POTS based service on the line with a standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus service. The steps involved in the provision of the PNW Order are listed below. - Determine CLI and UAN - PreQual Line based on CLI - Submit (QB Order Type) - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products - Submit (PNW Order Type) to provision VUA SA/Bitstream Plus SA - Request Appointment - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB of day prior to appointment) - Port Activated Electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator - POTS Based Loss Notification sent to losing Operator - eircom Technician Site visit to cabinet for Port connection eircom technician will generally call the contact number prior to service being disconnected from cabinet. - If eircom installs the NTU for the Operator in this exchange area, then an eircom Technician visits end-user premises for NTU Installation (Co-ordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired). If the Operator installs the NTU on behalf of eircom in this exchange area, then an Operator Technician visits customer‟s premises for NTU installation (Co-ordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired). - Completion Notification sent to the Operator 7.3.2 SB-WLR with ADSL Bitstream/Bitstream Plus or Line Share to Standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus In this scenario the PNW Order will replace the SB-WLR and ADSL Bitstream / Bitstream Plus or Line Share service with a standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus product. The steps involved in the provision of the PNW Order are listed below. - Determine CLI and UAN - PreQual Line based on CLI - Submit (QB Order Type) - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products - Submit (PNW Order Type) to provision VUA SA/Bitstream Plus SA - Request Appointment - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB on working day prior to appointment) - Pending Loss notification generated to ADSL Bitstream or Line Share or PB NGA - “Wait for Block” for defined time 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 33 NGA Industry Process Manual - Port Activated electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator - POTS Based Loss Notification sent to Losing Operator (Bitstream / Line Share notification also sent as applicable) - If ADSL Bitstream or Line Share then site visit to Exchange to remove existing BS/LS connection will be carried out after the NGA service has been enabled. - eircom Technician Site visit to Cabinet for Port Connection eircom technician will generally call the contact number prior to service being disconnected from cabinet. - If eircom installs the NTU for the Operator in this exchange area, then an eircom Technician visits end-user premises for NTU Installation (Co-ordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired).. - If the Operator installs the NTU on behalf of eircom in this exchange area, then an Operator Technician visits customer‟s premises for NTU installation (Coordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired). - Loss Notification to ADSL/LS/PB BGA Operator - Completion Notification sent to the Operator 7.3.3 SB-WLR with POTS Based NGA to Standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus If POTS based NGA broadband services are also on the line the PNW Order will replace the current services with a standalone broadband or VUA service. The steps involved in the provision of the PNW Order are listed below. - Determine CLI and UAN - PreQual Line based on CLI - Submit (QB Order Type) - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products - Submit (PNW Order Type) to provision VUA SA/Bitstream Plus SA - Request Appointment (to co-ordinate installations) - Option to request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB of day prior to appointment) - PB NGA Pending Loss notification generated - “Wait for Block” for defined time - Port Activated electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator - Loss Notification for POTS based service and NGA broadband service sent to losing Operator(s) - Completion Notification sent to the Operator 7.4 Scenario 3: Migrations FROM ULMP TO Standalone VUA FTTC or Standalone Bitstream Plus FTTC or moving Standalone NGA from one Operator to another The PNO Order type allows for the provision of an NGA standalone broadband or VUA service from ULMP based services. This order type also allow the migration of Standalone NGA services from one Operator to another 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 34 NGA Industry Process Manual In the case of ULMP to Standalone NGA the PNO Orders require a port connection to be carried out by the eircom technician at the cabinet. If applicable then the eircom technician will also visit the end customer‟s premises to install the NTU. The migration of Standalone NGA between Operators is essentially an electronic process. Prior to submitting the Migration Order types outlined below the gaining Operator should submit the relevant prequal Order (QB) to determine the NGA products available for provision on that line. Standalone NGA service does not include a wholesale voice service. If the end customer requires a voice service then this can be provided by their operator over a VOIP platform. The two variants of this scenario are addressed in the following sections. 7.4.1 Migrations FROM ULMP TO Standalone VUA / Bitstream Plus (Inter and Intra Migration supported with this process) In this scenario the PNO Order will remove the ULMP service on the line with a standalone VUA or Bitstream Plus service. The steps involved in the provision of the PNO Order are listed below. - Determine CRN and UAN - PreQual Line based on CRN - Submit (QB Order Type) - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products - Submit (PNO Order Type) to provision VUA SA/Bitstream Plus SA - Request Appointment - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Note: Appointment can be modified (before COB of day prior to appointment) - Port Activated electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator - ULMP Loss Notification sent to Losing Operator - eircom site visit to Exchange to remove existing ULMP connection will be carried out after the NGA service has been enabled. - eircom technician site visit to cabinet for Port connection eircom technician will generally call the contact number prior to service being disconnected from cabinet. - If eircom installs the NTU for the Operator in this exchange area, then an eircom Technician visits end-user premises for NTU Installation (Co-ordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired). - Completion Notification sent to Gaining Operator - If the Operator installs the NTU on behalf of eircom in this exchange area, then an Operator Technician visits customer‟s premises for NTU installation (Co-ordinate Appointment may be used by Operator if desired). - Completion Notification sent to Gaining Operator 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 35 7.4.2 NGA Industry Process Manual Migration FROM Standalone VUA / Bitstream Plus TO Standalone VUA / Bitstream Plus (different Operator) Within FTTC or within FTTH, the migration from one standalone product to another using the PNO Order doesn‟t require a site visit to the cabinet or the customer‟s premises. As the customer‟s port is already connected in the cabinet, and for FTTC the NGA NTU is already installed at the customer‟s premises, then the Order can be handled as a soft migration. - Determine CRN and UAN - PreQual Line based on CRN - Submit (QB Order Type) - PreQual Completion Notification returns list of available products - Submit (PNO Order Type) to provision VUA SA/Bitstream Plus SA - Option to Request Multicast (MCASTTV) - Port Activated electronically & BI Notification sent to Operator - Loss Notification sent to Losing Operator - Completion Notification sent to Gaining Operator Note 1: If requested by the end-user, the gaining Operator is responsible for porting their existing Telephone number over to the new Standalone service. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 36 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 8 Logical Circuit Orders This section covers the processes for ordering the NGN logical circuits available to support NGA: BPU - Bitstream Plus Unicast BPM - Bitstream Plus Multicast BPE - Bitstream Plus multicast to an Exchange VAU - Virtual unbundled Access Unicast VAM - Virtual unbundled Access Multicast 8.1 Pre-requisites for Logical Circuit Orders The operator must have a WEIL(s) in place and SAB(s) configured. In addition, operators wishing to place orders for support of multiple resellers (multi-VPLS) must be configured for this on the UG. On request to eircom Wholesale, separate “Egress Groups” for the operator and each of its resellers will be configured on the UG. Operators with no resellers will be assigned to Egress Group 1. 8.2 Bitstream Plus Logical Circuit Order Process The Provide Data Circuit (PDC) Order on the Unified Gateway enables Operators to order each of the Logical Circuits for Bitstream. Step (i) Operator orders unicast service (BPU) per reseller from its specified WEIL to an exchange area of interest. The operator specifies the required Egress Group for the BPU. i. This creates a logical connection for unicast traffic through the eircom network between the operator handover point and the NGN Aggregation node in an eircom exchange. ii. Note that the default is for eircom to assign the S-VLAN ID presented at the operator handover on the external Network to Network interface (E-NNI) port. However the operator may optionally specify the S-VLAN ID presented at the E-NNI for all SVLANs on that E-NNI. Step (ii) For unicast resilience, the Operator may optionally order multiple BPU logical connections to multiple WEILs for the same BPU access traffic. Step (iii) For multicast, the Operator must then order multicast at the network level before individual multicast connectivity to individual exchange areas can be ordered. Operator orders Bitstream Plus Multicast (BPM) which requests the creation of an MVPN (Multicast IP-VPN) in the eircom core to an Operator specified single SAB/WEIL. This is a single once off order per Operator per Multicast Reseller. i. Note that the operator determines if the SAB is shared with Unicast or whether a separate dedicated SAB is used for Multicast. ii. The operator determines the bandwidth required on the BPM order. iii. Note also that the operator should allow some weeks for the provision of BPM connections (Section 2.1 Calendar of Events) as the set up of BPM connectivity is a manual process. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 37 Step (iv) 8.3 NGA Industry Process Manual An Operator wishing to support different multicast resellers orders an additional BPM per reseller, specifying the required Egress Group. Step (v) For multicast resilience, the Operator optionally orders a second BPM on a separate SAB/WEIL for resilience using its existing MVPN. This circuit carries no traffic through the service access point in normal operation. The Operator may alternatively use load sharing between its SAB/WEILs. Step (vi) When the BPM delivery notification has been received, the Operator orders BPE multicast logical connectivity to each exchange area of interest. The BPE order is linked to the operator‟s/reseller‟s associated BPU and BPM. Step (vii) The Operator has the option of ordering additional BPE logical connectivity to each exchange to support different multicast resellers. VUA Logical Circuit Order Process The Provide Data Circuit (PDC) Order on the Unified Gateway enables Operators to order each of the logical circuits for VUA. Step (i) For unicast, the Operator orders the Virtual Unbundled access Unicast (VAU) logical connectivity from its specified WEIL at the NGN Agg Node in an exchange of interest. i. The default is for eircom to assign the S-VLAN ID presented at the operator handover on the external Network to Network interface (E-NNI) port. However the operator may optionally specify the SVLAN ID presented at the E-NNI for all S-VLANs on that E-NNI. Step (ii) For multicast, the operator then orders a VAM circuit for each NGA exchange in scope. Step (iii) For multicast resilience, the operator may order an additional VAM circuit to a different WEIL Step (iv) If an Operator wishes to support different multicast resellers, then a separate VAU is a pre-requisite for an associated VAM order per reseller. The operator selects the required Egress Group for each VAM order. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 38 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 9 9.1 In-life Management Cease Bitstream-Plus / VUA A Cease request is an Order on the Unified Gateway for the removal of the Bitstream Plus or VUA service from the end-user. There are two cease Order types on the UG for NGA services, the CEN Order type is utilised for ceasing Standalone NGA and the CNP Order is utilised for POTS-Based ceases. Both Order types are available via GUI, FTP and Web Services channels. 9.1.1 Cease of Standalone Bitstream Plus / VUA Services It is a pre-requisite that the Standalone Bitstream Plus / VUA service is with the Ceasing Operator. The process for ceasing Standalone is as follows: Step (i) Operator selects CEN Order type The CRN (with STD of 88XX) is utilised to identify the individual end-user service in the TELE_NO tag. The next working day is the default setting for the cease. Step (ii) Operator submits the CEN Order type on the Unified Gateway Step (iii) The Unified Gateway validates the Order and returns an acceptance / rejection notification Step (iv) The cease is implemented by the Unified Gateway on the next working day. Step (v) The Unified Gateway returns a completion notification and billing for that service stops on that date. 9.1.2 Cease of POTS-Based Bitstream Plus / VUA Services It is a pre-requisite that the POTS-Based Bitstream Plus / VUA service is with the ceasing Operator. The process outlined in this section refers to ceasing the Bitstream Plus / VUA element of the POTS-Based service only. The SB-WLR element is ceased through the normal SB-WLR cease process as outlined in the SB-WLR IPM. The NGA element must be ceased before the POTS can be ceased. There are two scenarios for ceasing the Bitstream Plus / VUA element of the POTS-Based service but both utilise a similar ceasing process. The two scenarios are: 1. The Operator wishes to cease the service on a line for an existing account (Cease Type „Normal‟ on UG) 2. An Operator initiated cease due to the end user‟s SB-WLR/PSTN service being ceased (Cease Type „T‟ on UG) – see notes below. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 39 NGA Industry Process Manual The ceasing process is as follows: Step (i) Operator selects CNP Order type The telephone number is utilised to identify the individual end-user service to be ceased The next working day is the default setting for the cease. The Operator selects the cease type – “normal” or “T” (see note below). Step (ii) Operator submits the CNP Order type on the Unified Gateway Step (iii) The Unified Gateway validates the Order and returns an acceptance / rejection notification Step (iv) The cease is implemented by the Unified Gateway on the next working day. Step (v) The Unified Gateway returns a completion notification and billing for that service stops on that date. Note: Processes for cessation of Bitstream Plus / VUA and SB-WLR Service There are two circumstances where a cease of Bitstream Plus / VUA service is required in order to facilitate PSTN / SB-WLR service cessation, these are as follows: 1. If an end-user wishes to cease a line where a Bitstream Plus / VUA service exists with a different operator, the SB-WLR/PSTN Operator must ask the end-user to cease the underlying Bitstream service first SB-WLR/PSTN can be ceased. This process is intended to prevent inappropriate cessation of another Operator‟s service. This is a “normal” cease type on the Unified Gateway. 2. In reference to a clause in the Bitstream Access Reference Offer, there may be instances where an end-user's SB-WLR/PSTN account may be terminated by eircom and/or Operator. For example, due to non-payment of SB-WLR/PSTN by the end user. The process for dealing with this scenario is as follows: The SB-WLR/PSTN Operator received a failed order response to a cease SBWLR/PSTN order. The failed order response indicates that there is an "NGA Service on the line" In cases where the Bitstream Plus / VUA service is not with the SB-WLR/PSTN Operator then the SB-WLR/PSTN Operator requests the eircom Wholesale Customer Contact Centre WCCC/WCSC) to cease the Bitstream Plus / VUA service on the line as they wish to cease the underlying SB-WLR/PSTN service. WCCC/WCSC will instruct the relevant Operator to cease the Bitstream Plus / VUA Service within 4 working days as the underlying SB-WLR/PSTN service is being ceased. The Operator raises a T type CNP cease order, with a required by date of 1 working day, on the UG. This automatically ceases the billing and the Bitstream Plus / VUA service. When the Operator ceases the Bitstream Plus / VUA service - WCCC/WCSC then notifies the SB-WLR/PSTN operator that the Bitstream Plus / VUA service is ceased. The SB-WLR/PSTN service can then be ceased. If the Bitstream Plus / VUA service is not ceased by the Operator (i.e. the T type CNP cease is not raised/completed) within 4 working days then eircom Wholesale will cease the Bitstream Plus / VUA service on behalf of the NGA Service Operator after day 4. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 40 NGA Industry Process Manual WCCC/WCSC notifies NGA Service Provider that they are ceasing the Bitstream Plus / VUA service on their behalf (via phone call and email). WCCC/WCSC team leader raises a T type CNP cease on the NGA Service Operator‟s behalf via the GUI and notifies the SB-WLR/PSTN operator via email that the Bitstream Plus / VUA service is now ceased. 9.2 Cancel Order This Order type is not specific to NGA Bitstream Plus / VUA Orders. This Order type will work for all UG product sets with the details provided below being specific to the Bitstream Plus / VUA services. The Cancel Order (CO) will remove Bitstream Plus / VUA once the original Order has been accepted. However, the Order can only be cancelled prior to appointment date at the latest. If the Order has reached delivered stage and the exchange work has already been completed then a cease Order will need to be submitted instead and the CO Order will be rejected. A cancellation of a Cease Order Bitstream Plus / VUA can only be submitted if the required by date for the cease Bitstream Plus / VUA Order is more than 1 working day in the future. A cancellation is not possible on a Transfer between existing NGA services on the UG as they are immediate. The UG Order code for a cancel is the CO Order type and it is available via GUI, FTP and Web Services channels. The process is as follows: Step (i) Operator submits the CO Order type on the Unified Gateway. The Order Number is utilised to identify the UG order to be cancelled. 9.3 Step (ii) The Unified Gateway validates the order and returns an acceptance / rejection notification Step (iii) The Unified Gateway returns a completion notification indicating the original order was cancelled. Change Bitstream Plus / VUA Services The Change Bitstream Plus / VUA Order type allows Operators to modify the existing NGA Bitstream Plus / VUA service. The CHN Order is available via GUI, FTP and Web Services and provides Operators with the capability to: Add or remove multicast on the end-user‟s NGA service. Change the Egress group on an end-user‟s NGA service Change the SLA on an end-user‟s NGA service Intra-operator move between PB-VUA and PB Bitstream Plus Intra-operator move between SA-VUA and SA Bitstream Plus The addition of Multicast is added via the BAS Code (Bitstream Additional Service) on the CHN Order type. Once the BAS_Code is set to MCASTTV, the profile must be set to Stable Profile. If the BAS Code is blank then the profile must be Rate adaptive. Operators also have the ability to obtain a non-rate adaptive fixed rate profile even though they are not availing of Multicast. This can be achieved by setting the BAS Code to Stable Profile (HISTABLE). 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 41 NGA Industry Process Manual It is important to note that the full details of the end user‟s service must be submitted when submitting a CHN order. E.g. the Service Type, the Egress Group if relevant and Multicast if relevant. (A CHN will remove the multicast if a change order is submitted and there is no Multicast specified.) Note: The CPN Order type described in the Fault Handling section 11.8.6 allows Operators to change profiles for individual customers. 9.4 Upgrade Orders and Downgrade Orders on Bitstream Plus / VUA There is only one variant of the Bitstream Plus / VUA service for FTTC and one variant of Bitstream Plus / VUA for FTTH. It is expected that an end-user may be in scope for either FTTC or FTTH but not for moving between them. Therefore, there is no concept of upgrades or downgrades within NGA products. End-users that wish to move from ADSL based Bitstream service to FTTC / FTTH or move between Bitstream Plus and VUA should utilise the migration processes outlined in Section 7 as appropriate. 9.5 Move Orders The Move Order (MI) available in the SB-WLR Industry Process Manual that facilitates a customer moving both their SB-WLR and Bitstream service in a single transaction has not been extended to POTS Based NGA Bitstream Plus / VUA. Instead, if a POTS-Based customer wishes to move their services (within the same exchange) and retain their telephone number, a three stage process is required. Please refer to SB-WLR IPM for details on SB-WLR move order processes – however a summary of the high level steps is outlined below. Step (i) The Operator ceases the Bitstream service in the “moving from” premises Step (ii) The Operator submits an MI or MN order as appropriate (without Bitstream element) to move the telephone service to the “Move to” premises while retaining the telephone number Step (iii) Once the MI and MN order has been completed the appropriate POTSBased NGA service can be added to the line. In the case of Standalone NGA services – the move should be handled as a cease and provide. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 42 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 10 Fault Diagnosis This section addresses the NGA Access fault diagnosis and the four levels of testing available. A number of tools have been made available on the UG to assist Operators in trouble shooting service issues with their customers. These orders are all accessible on the NGA Faults menu on the UG. Figure 3. FTTC Diagnostic Capability Figure 4. FTTH Diagnostic Capability 10.1 Level 1 Testing Diagnostic testing for NGA is available to Operators on the NGA Faults section of the UG. Relevant Unified Gateway Order Types TSN (Test synchronisation for NGA) TSH (Test Synchronization History) VDSL FTTC functionality: Querying details of an VDSL Port Querying details of an VDSL Line profile FTTH functionality: 06/09/13 Querying the configuration status of an ONT Port Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 43 NGA Industry Process Manual Querying the activation and the running status of an ONT Querying details of Line profile Querying parameters of the optical module on the ONT NNI port. Querying the last time the ONT was up / down 10.1.1 Test Synchronisation for NGA (TSN) Order type TSN “Test Sync for NGA” on a FTTC connection enables the Operator to test the end user‟s “in service” line and retrieve metrics regarding that particular line. Order type TSN on an FTTH connection will return the status of the remote end ONT. TSN Steps Step (i) Step (ii) Select TSN – Test Synch NGA Enter the CLI (PB FTTC/FTTH) or CRN (SA FTTC/FTTH) of the line to be tested Step (iii) Submit Order TSN Step (iv) The TSN Completion Notification for FTTC returns: Synch Test Date and Time Unique ID Profile Code Result of last complete initialisation Port Status Downstream Attenuation Upstream Attenuation Downstream Noise Margin Upstream Noise Margin Downstream Attainable Bitrate Upstream Attainable Bitrate Downstream Actual Bitrate Downstream delay of channel 1 Upstream actual bitrate Upstream delay of channel 1 Last synchronisation time Last loss of synch time Duration of present showtime Downstream INP of channel 1 Upstream INP of channel 1 Step (v) The TSN Completion Notification for FTTH returns: Synch Test Date and Time Unique ID Line Profile and Service Profiles Port Status ONT Run Status (Up (normal and online)/ Down) ONT Admin Status (Up/ Down) RX Power (Optical power in 0.01dBm) 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 44 NGA Industry Process Manual TX Power (Optical power in 0.01dBm) Last Time Up Last Time Down Last Down Cause Figure 5. TSN Screenshot for FTTC Figure 6. TSN Screenshot for FTTH Explanation of Synchronisation Test terms A list of some key terms that need to be understood when using the sync checker (TSN) tool is given in Appendix 2 . The key metrics that should be analysed when running a TSN are the following: 1. Status 2. Actual bit rate 3. Attainable bit rate 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 45 NGA Industry Process Manual When run in conjunction with a pre-qualification check, it‟s possible to determine the actual individual products a customer can currently attain based on the last Pre-qual update for that line. If the actual bitrates being returned on the TSN are noticeably different from the Pre-qual result then further investigation is required. The attainable bitrates can be used for additional information purposes but it is important to note that the customer modem can influence the attainable rates. For all suspected faults it is essential that the Operator ensures that unless otherwise instructed, the end user leaves the modem on for the entire duration of the analysis and resolution process. End users should not be advised of the Attainable bitrate as this figure is purely for diagnostic purposes only. 10.1.2 Test Synchronisation History for NGA (TSH) The TSH Order type can be used to retrieve the results from six previous Test Synchronisation (TSN) checks. This information is useful when troubleshooting intermittent or repeat faults. TSH Steps Step (i) Select TSH – Test Synch History Step (ii) Determine the CLI or CRN of the line to be tested Step (iii) Submit Order TSH Step (iv) The TSH Completion Notification for FTTC returns the results of a previous TSN order. 10.1.3 Query NGA Details (QND) The QND order is a fault diagnostic tool that can be used for the following requirements: 1) To check the current profile set on a customer‟s line including downstream and upstream speeds. 2) To check the product onto which a customer is provisioned. 3) To check product characteristics such as is the product rate adaptive or fixed. 4) For FTTC, to check to see if a customer‟s line quality has changed resulting in a lower or perhaps higher qualification. This order type will then enable the Operator to change the Profile on the line (Change Profile NGA in section 11.8.6.) QND FTTC Steps Step (i) Select QND-Query NGA Details Step (ii) Determine the CLI or CRN of the line to be tested Step (iii) Submit Order QND Step (iv) The QND Completion Notification returns Unique ID CLI / CRN Current Profile Code List of Qualified Service with Service Code and Profile Codes that the line should support 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 46 NGA Industry Process Manual Figure 7 UG Screenshot of QND (FTTC) QND FTTH Steps Step (i) Select QND-Query NGA Details Step (ii) Determine the CLI or CRN of the line to be queried Step (iii) Submit Order QND Step (iv) The QND Completion Notification returns Unique ID CLI / CRN Current Profile (e.g. 150M_30M) List of Services and Codes that the line should support (e.g. BPFTH – 150M_30M_F) Figure 8. UG Screenshot of QND (FTTH) 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 47 NGA Industry Process Manual 10.2 Level 2 Testing 10.2.1 Test Performance for NGA tests (TPN) Order Type TPN (Test Performance for NGA) on the Unified Gateway will allow Operators get the per-link statistics for an FTTx line. Step (i) Select TPN-Test Performance for NGA Step (ii) Enter CLI / CRN number Step (iii) Submit TPN Order Step (iv) A unique reference number is provided Step (v) Step (vi) Operator is advised that the results are available in the Order results screen in order tracking Select NGA Faults and NGA Fault Tracking Step (vii) Select Test and then Details to see Performance FTTC Corrected Blocks Uncorrected Blocks Errored seconds Severely errored seconds CRC errors Separate results for the network side and the customer side Each in current215 mins, last (previous) 15 mins and current 24 hours. Number of initialisations (Synchronisation) Number of initialisation failures FTTH ONT Port Type (Ge, Gigabit Ethernet) Actual Port Type (Fe/ Ge/Ethernet) Duplex mode (Half/ Full) ONT Port Status (active / activating / deactive) ONT running status ONT management status (Administration status: Up/Down) ONT Speed Number of transmitted packets Number of received packets 2 Each 24 hours has 96 periods of 15 minutes. The “current” performance result contains the results so far in the current 15 minutes period or if applicable in the current day / 24 hour period. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) 48 Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes NGA Industry Process Manual 10.3 Level 3 Testing Level 3 testing is applicable to FTTC only and allows the copper line to be tested. See Appendix 2 for details of these test results. Level 3 tests require the end user‟s modem to be in a specific state for the different tests and is dependent on end user co-operation. 10.3.1 Test Line for NGA (TLN) for FTTC services Order Type TLN (Test Line for NGA) on the Unified Gateway will allow Operators get detailed information on the copper line to assist in NGA FTTC Fault Handling. TLN FTTC Steps Step (i) Select TLN-Test Line for NGA Step (ii) Select the test type (SELT, DELT or MELT) and ensure that the customer modem is in the required configuration for the test Step (iii) The Operator will be advised in the text description as to the correct status the modem should be in for the different test type. For SELT test the line will have to be disconnected from the Modem. For DELT tests the modem will have to be connected and powered up. For MELT the modem should be at least powered off and preferably disconnected. Step (iv) Selection of the test type will be regarded as confirmation that the modem is in the correct status Step (v) Enter the CLI / CRN of the line to be queried Step (vi) Submit Order TLN Step (vii) SELT / DELT / MELT tests results provided as appropriate It should be noted that some of these tests are customer/service affecting. SELT (Single End Line Test) Tests for FTTC services SELT (Single End Line Test) is performed by the Line Card in a DSLAM and the test is based on a Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR) test (Pulse – Echo response test). As the distance travelled (pulse + echo) is twice the loop length, the loop limit of a SELT is in the region of 3 to 4 Kilometres. If a modem is connected at the customer end, the modem should be powered off. Otherwise the test result will be inaccurate because the signal sent to line by the customer end modem seriously impacts the test signal. SELT enables estimated measurements of Upstream Bandwidth, (Signal to) Noise Margin and line length. and Downstream SELT testing can take up to 2-3 minutes Figure 9 SELT 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 49 NGA Industry Process Manual DELT (Dual End Line Test) Tests for FTTC services DELT (Dual-Ended Line Test) is a technology for testing the twisted pair transmission line and the DSL physical layer using both the DSLAM and CPE DSL transceiver. DELT results come from interaction between DSLAM and the customer modem and therefore have more features and are more accurate than SELT results. DELT enables the measurement of the Upstream and the Downstream attenuation, (signal to) noise margin, maximum bandwidth and transmit power. DELT is applicable to both standalone and POTS based FTTC DELT testing can take up to 2-3 minutes Figure 10 DELT MELT (Metallic Line Test) Tests for FTTC services A MELT (Metallic Line Test) is basically the same as the existing TLC test (Test Line Characteristics for POTS) with the test head located on the DSLAM Line Card. MELT enables the measurement of AC voltages, DC voltages, insulation resistance and capacitance on a copper line. Using MELT, technicians can trace and isolate faults on a copper line. The customer modem should be powered-off and preferably disconnected from the line to obtain a valid result. MELT is only applicable to standalone FTTC. However for POTS based NGA, the MELT test will run a similar test (TLC) of the copper from the exchange. MELT testing can take 20-30 seconds 10.3.2 Test Line History for NGA (TLH) for FTTC services An additional History Order Type TLH (Line Test History for NGA) is available on the Unified Gateway. This Order Type will return SELT/ DELT/ MELT line test histories as specified by the Operator. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 50 NGA Industry Process Manual 10.4 Level 4 Testing – Port Reset (RN) of ONT / VDSL Port A new order type RN (Reset NGA) is available as part of the NGA Fault handling menu. This order type is for single lines only. An RN Order will result in the resetting of: The VDSL port on the DSLAM for FTTC services The ONT port for FTTH services The CLI/CRN number of the line must be submitted. The line will be validated as being FTTH or FTTC, no other type will be allowed. RN Steps Step (i) Select RN-Reset NGA Line Step (ii) Enter CLI / CRN Step (iii) Submit Order Step (iv) 06/09/13 A Rejection, Accept, Completion or Undeliverable Notification response will be provided to the Order. Completion Notification confirms that the port has been reset Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 51 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 11 Fault Reporting and Fault Repair 11.1 Introduction This section covers the following main Level 2 fault management processes. Level 1 Fault Management refers to the Operator‟s fault management process which must include fault diagnosis from Section 10 , which proves the fault out of the Operator‟s own network and into eircom‟s network, prior to raising a fault to eircom Wholesale. Fault Reporting Fault Isolation Fault Repair Final Test/ Closure It describes the post provisioning process for dealing with operational issues relating to in-service NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service. These items include fault reporting, fault handling and fault resolution procedures for the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus product. It details areas of demarcation for the determination of responsibility and initiation of correct fault diagnosis. It outlines the definitions used and the fault management information, which needs to be passed by Operators/eircom Wholesale to isolate, resolve and close incidents/faults. It also details the high level process to be followed in reporting and monitoring the progress of a fault. It sets out specific information required and forms to be used when reporting a fault to another operator. Escalation procedures to be added in a later draft. This section does not contain an exhaustive list of all possible scenarios/contingencies in the fault management process For the purposes of this Industry Process Manual faults/incidents relate to the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus product. Faults/incidents relating to services, which operate over the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus product, are deemed to be the responsibility of the relevant Operator and outside the scope. General inquiries/queries from end users, for which Operators are responsible for resolving, are excluded from the Industry Process Manual. The following topics are covered: Principles of NGA Fault Management Objectives of the Fault Management Process Fault Management Definitions o Incident o Fault o Repair o Incident/Fault notification o Trouble ticket o Tier 1 Fault Analysis o Tier 2 Fault Analysis o NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service and Fault Management Demarcation Points o Fault Handling Tools available on the UG o Fault Management Contacts (later edition) o Level 2 Fault Management processes o Escalation Guidelines (later edition) 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 52 NGA Industry Process Manual Figure 11 Fault Management Flow Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 53 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.2 Principles of NGA Fault Management It is a fundamental principle that an Operator must prove any fault out of its own network before reporting the fault to eircom Wholesale. All network outages are notified to Operators via the Alert screen on UG and Operators are also required to ensure that faults on individual end user lines are not raised before correlating against known network faults. An Operator‟s agent/reseller must not report a fault directly to eircom Wholesale. eircom Wholesale will not accept a fault report directly from an end user. There is a requirement on the Operator to complete the fault diagnosis in Section 10 and to complete the industry agreed common set of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Questions (to be agreed with Industry) to aid fault diagnosis. In the case of POTS based NGA service, when an end user reports a fault to an Operator, the Operator must firstly verify with the end user that their normal PSTN service is available. If it is discovered that their PSTN service is not working the Operator should direct their customer to their PSTN/SB-WLR Operator. For standalone NGA service, a fault can be reported once the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Diagnosis and Questions have been completed. eircom Wholesale may speak directly to the Operator‟s end user during the Fault Management Process if the end user‟s co-operation is needed as part of the repair. The end user must leave their modem and device switched on until instructed when they are reporting a fault, to enable the Operator/eircom Wholesale to remotely test the line during the Fault Management Process. 11.3 Objectives of the Fault Management Process To outline and gather the mandatory information required to log an incident/fault To accept a correctly detailed incident/fault from an Operator (See Appendix 7 Fault logging form) – To facilitate the isolation, resolution and closure of Operator reported incident/fault To make available to an Operator the status of a incident/fault 11.4 Fault Management Definitions 11.4.1 General enquiry/query A general enquiry/query is an interaction between an end user and the Operator, which does not concern a loss or degradation of their NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service 11.4.2 Incident An incident is an event, which occurs within the Operator‟s/eircom Wholesale‟s Network that may cause a loss of service to end users. 11.4.3 Fault A fault is a problem that affects/prohibits an end user‟s service, either service threatening (deteriorating or degraded service) or loss of service (completely dead). 11.4.4 Dead on Arrival Dead on Arrival (DOA) are instances where eircom advised an OAO that the requested service was provisioned when, in reality, the service was never provisioned correctly in the first instance. For the avoidance of doubt this excludes all provisioning work carried out by an Operator. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 54 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.4.5 Early Life Faults An Early Life Fault (ELF) is a fault which is reported in the 28 day period following the provisioning and is localised and cleared to the eircom network elements impacted by the provisioning process. This will include faults relating to Dead on Arrival. 11.4.6 Repeat Faults Repeat Faults are faults which are not the result of a separate network failure, occurring within 28 days of the original fault being cleared. A Repeat Fault is defined as 2 or more related faults with similar “symptoms” on the same line that have been reported within a 28-day period. 11.4.7 Degraded Line Faults Degraded line faults include two categories of degraded lines: Reduced line speed: The line no longer supports the required line speed Unstable Line: The supported line speed is unchanged but the line is losing synchronisation or has high errors 11.4.8 Repair This refers to the actual process of isolating, resolving and closing the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service fault. 11.4.9 Incident/Fault Notification The methods and processes by which an Operator / eircom Wholesale can report a fault or incident: UG Fault Reporting Email only if UG unavailable. Email to [email protected] Incident/fault notification categories: Customer service affecting Non customer service affecting Incident/fault notification types: End User to Operator Operator to eircom Wholesale eircom Wholesale to Operator 11.4.10 Trouble Ticket A trouble ticket is the mechanism by which all NGA faults will be recorded by the Operator. (See Appendix 7 – Fault logging form for use if the UG is not available) 11.4.11 Tier 1 Fault Analysis Tier 1 tests / questions are the primary diagnosis that the Operator must conduct with the end user. These should be carried out while the end user is on the phone reporting the fault. A sample list is available in section 11.13 this list of questions is neither exclusive nor exhaustive. Operators follow the industry agreed script (see Tier 1 and Tier 2 – Structured questions, see section 11.13 and perform tests / questions to screen out Tier 1 faults.3 3 Tier 1 diagnosis should not be limited to the Industry agreed scripts and tests. It should include gathering end user details, CPE details and all symptom fault details. There may be different levels of analysis within this tier, but the analysis must be sufficient to allow further analysis by Tier 2. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 55 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.4.12 Tier 2 Fault Analysis Tier 2 tests / questions are the secondary diagnosis that the Operator technical help desk conducts. These tend to be more specialised faults then those which can be solved by Tier 1 queries. Operators follow the more detailed industry agreed script/structured questions (see Tier 1 and Tier 2 questions in section 11.13), using appropriately skilled personnel and performs tests to screen out Tier 2 faults.4 11.4.13 Level 1 Fault Management Level 1 Fault Management is the Operator‟s fault management process which includes fault diagnosis in Section 10 together with Tier 1 and Tier 2 Fault Analysis. Level 1 Fault Management proves a fault into the eircom network. 11.4.14 Level 2 Fault Management Level 2 Fault Management is the fault reporting, screening, repair and fault closure process. 11.4.15 NGA and Fault Management Demarcation Points This defines the physical elements of the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service and defines the respective parties‟ ownership and responsibilities. 11.4.16 Incident and Fault Management Contacts These are defined points of contacts within eircom Wholesale and the respective Operator organisation. 11.4.17 Escalation Guidelines Defines method for expediting the resolution of an incident/fault (see 11.11) 11.4.18 Logging an NGA Fault where a PSTN line fault is present. This process allows NGA faults to be reported where a line fault is present. The line fault in this case can only impact the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service with the voice services continuing to operate as normal. 11.5 FTTC Physical Demarcation Points and Fault Responsibilities In order to ensure correct and accurate incident/fault isolation the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service, demarcation points must be detailed. Physical demarcation points are the points identified as those where responsibility ends for one operator and begins for the other. These are: eircom Wholesale FTTC Service termination point is the dual interface NTU/Splitter (end user premises). In multi-dwelling units or business premises, the external eircom cable generally terminates in a distribution box or distribution point, in which case the Operator‟s end customer is responsible for providing and maintaining wiring between the eircom distribution box and the end customer‟s master socket / NTU. eircom Wholesale Service termination point (network side) is the local handoff to the Operator for VUA and the WEIL handoff point to the Operator for Bitstream Plus. 4 Tier 2 diagnosis should enable an Operator to state unequivocally that an incident / fault lies outside of their network. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 56 NGA Industry Process Manual Fault Location Responsibility End-Customer Level eircom Copper NTU X Distribution Copper pair (Cabinet to NTU) X Operator Internal wiring beyond NTU. X DSL Modem or Home Gateway X Other CPE X Service Provider Level DSLAM associated equipment X Operator Level Backhaul from the DSLAM to the Operator site X Operator system X Operator service X Table 4. FTTC Repair Responsibilities 11.6 FTTH Physical Demarcation Points and Fault Responsibilities In order to ensure correct and accurate incident/fault isolation the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service demarcation points must be detailed. Physical demarcation points are the points identified as those where responsibility ends for one operator and begins for the other. These are: eircom Wholesale FTTH Service termination point is the Optical Network Terminal (ONT) in the end user premises. In multi-dwelling units or business premises, the external eircom fibre cable generally terminates in a distribution box, in which case the Operator‟s end user is responsible for providing and maintaining fibre between the eircom distribution box and the fibre termination unit in the end user‟s premises. eircom Wholesale Service termination point (network side) is the local handoff to the Operator for VUA and the WEIL handoff point to the Operator for Bitstream Plus. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 57 NGA Industry Process Manual Fault Location Responsibility End-Customer Level eircom Optical Network Terminating Unit (ONT) X Fibre NTU X Fibre Lead from Fibre NTU to ONT X Operator Internal wiring beyond ONT X Other CPE X Service Provider Level GPON and associated equipment X Operator Level Backhaul from the OLT Operator site to the X Operator system X Operator service X Table 5. FTTH Repair Responsibilities 11.7 NGA Fault Reporting When an Operator reports a fault, the CLI number is used for POTS based FTTC/FTTH fault reporting and the CRN is used for Standalone FTTC/FTTH. 11.7.1 End User to Operator An end user reports a fault to the Operator. The Operator gathers the end user details and symptoms of the incident/fault as outlined in the industry agreed script (see Tier 1 and Tier 2 questions). The Operator proves the fault in/out of their network/service (agreed auditable test results available). If the fault is within their network/service it will be handled through their internal processes and resolved. If the fault is proved out of their network/service the fault can be logged on the UG. 11.7.2 Operator to eircom Wholesale – FTTC Fault Reporting on POTS based FTTC NGA The fault logging process for POTS based NGA, requires Operators to confirm that a FTTC line fault only affects the NGA VUA / Bitstream Plus service. For FTTC, the question is as follows: “Please confirm with the customer that the voice service is operating normally”. Selecting “Yes”, allows the NGA fault to be accepted by the UG where a line fault is present (CLI used). Selecting “No”, means that the fault must be logged as a line fault. The request will be rejected by the UG and the Operator should log the fault as a line fault. If the line is with another Operator, the NGA Operator should instruct the end user to contact their PSTN/SB-WLR Operator to log a fault. It is imperative that Operators adhere to this process thereby ensuring faults flow more efficiently within the eircom fault repair processes. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 58 NGA Industry Process Manual Step (i) The Operator completes Level 1 Fault Management and proves the fault out of its network and CPE. Step (ii) The Operator correlates the fault against network faults or incidents which eircom Wholesale has raised as an external trouble ticket on UG via the Outage Alerts Tab (Section 11.7.5 below). Step (iii) The Operator then raises an external trouble ticket on UG via the FNC order type (Fault on NGA FTTC). In the event of UG unavailability the Operator raises an external Trouble Ticket (see form in Appendix 7 ). The trouble ticket must contain Fault Symptoms (Section and several mandatory questions (Section must be answered. A text field for additional information including supporting test data, should also be completed. Failure to provide the mandatory information or complete contact details, will result in the trouble ticket being rejected. Step (iv) eircom Wholesale acknowledges receipt of the Trouble Ticket via UG status updates. Step (v) Eircom validates the Trouble Ticket and rejects or accepts the Trouble Ticket eircom Wholesale will isolate, resolve and close the fault and notify the originating Operator. Please see Appendix 1 for some trouble shooting tips for the fault scenarios listed below. Fault Reporting on Standalone FTTC NGA The process for standalone NGA fault reporting is the same as for POTS based FTTC NGA except that there is no requirement to verify that the POTS service is operating normally. Mandatory FNC Questions 1) Was all appropriate CPE plugged in? 2) Was the customer DSL modem switched on during diagnosis? 3) Has the customer the correct CPE for their product? 4) Did the customer try rebooting their CPE? 5) Was a Test Synchronisation carried out? 6) Was DSL Profile Change investigated? 7) Has a fault diagnosis been carried out? 8) Is this a repeat fault? 9) Is it confirmed that the fault is not in the Operator‟s network or CPE? 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 59 NGA Industry Process Manual FNC (FTTC) Fault Symptoms There are a number of different fault types that can be logged by the Operator to eircom Wholesale on the UG using the Fault on NGA FTTC (FNC) Order. One fault symptom should be selected on an FNC fault report. Table 6 below is a sample list of faults. Code Description TSN TPN TLN 366 Low Speeds to Customer 368 Intermittent Drops 369 Errors 394 No Synchronisation 397 Fluctuating speeds 400 External Wiring 412 Multicast Unavailable 413 Install fail 414 NTU / eircom internal wiring up to NTU Table 6: FTTC NGA Fault Report codes and Mandatory Tests 1) 413: Install Failed – has no sync. DSL has never worked and the DSL light on the modem is RED. This fault code should be used for Early Life Faults 2) 366: Low Speeds to Customer – there is sync but the actual line speed is very slow. The DSL light on the modem is GREEN. A TPN (performance test) is a mandatory test for this fault report code. 3) 368: Intermittent Drops – DSL sync is dropping intermittently. The DSL service is dropping intermittently and the DSL light on the modem is flashing. 4) 369: Errors – TPN orders (Test Performance for NGA) shows a high level of errors with degraded performance. A TPN is a mandatory test for this fault report code. 5) 394: Loss of Service – No Synchronisation. The DSL service was working but has lost sync. The DSL Synch light on the modem is generally RED. A No Synchronisation (394) fault report will be rejected if the Synch Test shows the status as Active. 6) 397: Fluctuating Speeds – the NGA line speed is varying abnormally. 7) 400: External wiring – the copper pair from the eircom cabinet to the NTU is either degraded or faulty. A Line test (e.g. SELT or MELT) has been completed to verify this fault. 8) 412: Multicast Unavailable. Multicast has failed to a single end user but is available to other end users served from the same cabinet. Multicast has been provisioned for the end user and the logical connectivity is in place (BPM&BPE /VAM). 9) 414 NTU / eircom internal wiring up to NTU - The NTU is either faulty or the internal wiring on the eircom side of the NTU is damaged. Note that this does not include any wiring on the end-user‟s side of the NTU. The operator must book an appointment (BA Order) for a customer site visit by an eircom technician, when using the 414 fault report code. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 60 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.7.3 Operator to eircom Wholesale – FTTH Fault Reporting on POTS based FTTH NGA For FTTH lines, POTS and broadband line faults are treated independently and there is no requirement for the NGA Operator to confirm that POTS service is operating normally. The CLI number is used for reporting NGA faults. Step (i) The Operator completes Level 1 Fault Management and proves the fault out of its network and CPE. Step (ii) The Operator correlates the fault against network faults or incidents which eircom Wholesale has raised as an external trouble ticket on UG via the Outage Alerts Tab (Section 11.7.5 below). Step (iii) The Operator then raises an external trouble ticket on UG via the FNH order type (Fault on NGA FTTH). In the event of UG unavailability the Operator raises an external Trouble Ticket (see Form in Appendix 7 ). The trouble ticket must contain Fault Symptoms (Section and several mandatory questions (Section must be answered. A text field for additional information should also be completed. Failure to provide the mandatory information will result in the trouble ticket being rejected. Step (iv) eircom Wholesale acknowledges receipt of the Trouble Ticket via UG status updates. Step (v) Eircom validates the Trouble Ticket and rejects or accepts the Trouble Ticket eircom Wholesale will isolate, resolve and close the fault and notify the originating Operator. Please see Appendix 6 FTTH Fault Management Trouble Shooting Guide, for some trouble shooting tips for the fault scenarios listed below. Fault Reporting on Standalone FTTH NGA The process for standalone NGA fault reporting is the same as for POTS based FTTH NGA except that the CRN number is used for reporting NGA faults. Mandatory FNH Questions 1) Was all appropriate CPE plugged in? 2) Was the customer ONT switched on during diagnosis? 3) Has the customer the correct CPE for their product? 4) Did the customer try rebooting their CPE (Home-gateway) and ONT? 5) Was a Test Synchronisation carried out? 6) Has a fault diagnosis been carried out? 7) Is this a repeat fault? 8) Is it confirmed that the fault is not in the Operator‟s network or CPE? 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 61 NGA Industry Process Manual FNH (FTTH) Fault Symptoms There are a number of different fault types that can be logged by the Operator to eircom Wholesale on the UG using the Fault on NGA FTTH (FNH) Order. A maximum of five fault symptoms can be selected on an FNH fault report. Table 7 below is a sample list of faults. Code Description 413 Install fail 366 Low Speeds to Customer 368 Intermittent Drops 369 Errors 378 Power Light Off 379 PON Light Off 380 PON Light Flashing 381 Loss of Signal (LOS) Light On Permanently 382 Loss of Signal (LOS) Light Flashing 386 ONT not responding 407 Fibre Wall Outlet 412 Multicast Unavailable Table 7. FTTH NGA Fault Report Codes 1) 413: Install Failed – the service has never worked. This fault code should be used for Early Life Faults 2) 378: Power Light Off – the ONT is not powered up. 3) 379: PON Light Off - Loss of Optical Signal in ONT 4) 380: PON Light Flashing – ONT has an optical signal but has not synchronised to the OLT 5) 381: Loss of Signal (LOS) light on permanently (RED) – the optical signal has been lost 6) 382: Loss of Signal (LOS) light flashing (RED) on ONT - the optical power is too low or the OLT detects that the device is a rogue ONT. 7) 386: ONT not responding – Power connected to ONT and switched on but not responding. 8) 407: Fibre Wall Outlet – the eircom supplied internal fibre or the fibre wall socket has been visibly damaged. 9) 412: Multicast Unavailable. Multicast has failed to a single end user but is available to other end users served from the same cabinet. Multicast has been provisioned for the end user and the logical connectivity is in place (BPM&BPE /VAM). 11.7.4 Fault Validation Hours Fault reports can be raised 24/7 via the UG. Fault reports (FNC/FNH) affecting single end users will be validated Monday to Friday from 0900hrs to 1730hrs, excluding public holidays. Individual end user faults reported outside of these hours will be stored for validation and resolution until the start of the next working day. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 62 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.7.5 eircom Wholesale to Operators Unplanned Outages eircom Wholesale raises an external trouble ticket on UG via the Outage Alerts Tab to notify relevant Operators of a major fault or incident. In the event of Unified Gateway unavailability, eircom Wholesale notifies the Operator of the fault details electronically by email. The outage alert will be regularly updated by eircom Wholesale until resolution of the fault where clear details will be provided. An historic record of the Outage will be stored on the UG for 3 months after the fault has been cleared. Planned Maintenance Outages It is recognised that planned maintenance work is a regular and normal occurrence, and that this section refers only to planned maintenance work which directly affects NGA Service. However planned maintenance outages on WEIL circuits are proper to the WEIL Industry Process Manual5 and are not covered by this document. An Operator will be notified of any planned maintenance work which may result in the temporary interruption of any of the NGA Bitstream Plus or VUA Services. The notification for planned works shall be made to an Operator by e-mail using the “Notification of Outage” form (see Appendix 8 ). eircom will issue a reference number for all planned works. Maintenance outages are planned and notified well in advance and are performed, under normal situations, within Preferred Hours as described below. Preferred Hours: 00:01 – 06:00 When these hours are not practicable and for certain categories of planned work e.g. for urgent fault investigations, relaxation of the preferred hours and notification period may apply. This shall be decided on a per case basis. The minimum advance notification for service outages due to normal Planned Maintenance is 5 working days, although eircom will endeavour to provide 10 working days notice of normal planned maintenance outages. Having been notified of planned maintenance an Operator must review and respond to the proposal within 3 working days of receipt. On completion of the Planned Maintenance work eircom will notify an Operator that the work was completed as planned within 1 working day of the planned completion time, by emailing the completed Notification of Outage form. 11.7.6 Fault Reporting – Core All Core faults should be logged by an Operator via the Unified Gateway (UG) with reference to the UG fault reporting process for NGN Core Faults and the WEIL Industry Process Manual, the latest version of which is available at Core NGA faults can be reported on UG using the FDC order (Fault on Data Circuit) against the operator‟s circuit ID number for its Bitstream Plus Unicast, Bitstream Plus Multicast, Bitstream Plus Exchange, VUA Access or VUA Multicast connection as appropriate. 5 The latest version is available at 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 63 NGA Industry Process Manual Cabinet faults should be reported against the unicast logical circuit number (BPU/VAU) for the associated exchange. Network faults outside of office hours may in addition be notified by email to the [email protected] The status of a fault can be tracked throughout its lifecycle via the UG web GUI by an Operator. Only those faults relating to an Operator will be visible to them . The FDC Order is for core faults and is not valid for individual end user faults. Figure 12 UG Screenshot for Reporting Fault on Multicast 11.7.7 Peer to Peer Communication for Critical Faults In general all faults should be reported via the UG. However for critical core network faults which affect at least an entire exchange area, the Operator‟s network operations centre (NOC) may in addition contact the eircom SMC (Service Management Centre) directly. For example an eircom fault impacting an operator‟s multicast injection point would be a critical fault but a fault on a single cabinet would not be. 11.8 Repairs If a fault that has been raised is found not to be in the eircom network, then eircom‟s standard terms and conditions regarding recovery of costs for reported faults found not to be in its network shall apply. 11.8.1 Booking of Repair Appointments through the UG For certain fault scenarios, Operators will be able to book a fault appointment on-line through UG for a site visit from an eircom technician. This will occur for example, when an eircom field technician has already attended to this logged fault and has set the fault to Pending Clear with a clear code of 003, site visit required. Operators will be informed that a site visit is required through the existing process of UG alerting the operator with this notification. When the Operator receives this 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 64 NGA Industry Process Manual notification they can then log an appointment on UG for the site visit using the Book Appointment BA order. UG will create an appointment for the fault by the Operator selecting the appointment slot from the following options. - Earliest Appointment Date Earliest Appointment Date on/after Specific Date Appointment Date on a Specified Date And for each of the above; time slot of AM/PM Operators will also be able to reschedule, without charge, the fault appointment up to close of business on the working day prior to the appointment. 11.8.2 Repair Appointments If a fault is submitted to eircom Wholesale, that is proved to be isolated to the eircom network and a visit to the Operator‟s end user premises is required to resolve this fault, eircom Wholesale will notify the Operator that an appointment is required by updating the Trouble Ticket on the UG to Appointment Required. The trouble ticket will be parked while the Operator schedules the Appointment with their end user. Once the Appointment has been scheduled and the Operator has confirmed to eircom Wholesale that the site visit can proceed, eircom Wholesale will keep the Operator updated on the status of the fault via the UG and they will receive clear details once the fault has been resolved. 11.8.3 Visits to End User Premises for NGA Repair. This manual process allows Operators to request site visits. It is envisaged that faults such as “no-sync” may require a site visit to resolve the issue. In cases where a site visit is deemed necessary by an Operator a charge will apply where the fault is proven to be outside the eircom network/service. The fault process contains a question which requires the Operator to confirm that they accept the charge in such cases. The question will be as follows: “For on-site appointments at the Operator end customer premises please confirm that the Operator accepts any charges incurred by eircom where the fault is proven outside of the eircom network/service”. Selecting “Yes”, means the Operator can book an appointment for a site visit and accepts the charges as outlined above. Selecting “No”, will mean that no site visit will be initiated. 11.8.4 Additional NGA Fault Handling Process – Repeat Faults Faults that have been cleared as 002 (no fault found)6 will have been checked by eircom; if the Operator wishes to log a repeat fault on the same line within 28 days, then the Operator must request a customer site visit. If the Operator wishes to log a repeat fault on a line that has been cleared as 003 (no entry obtained), within 28 days, then the Operator must request a customer site visit. The customer site visit will operate per the rules as outlined in Section 11.8.3 (Visits to End User Premises for NGA Repair) above. 11.8.5 NGA Faults Tracking Operators can track the progress of all faults that have been submitted to eircom wholesale via the UG. Faults can be searched by reference number, date logged, status date and current status. 6 A full list of fault clear codes is available at 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 65 NGA Industry Process Manual Status Description Explanation 1 Recorded Logged on the Unified Gateway, but not yet validated. 2 Reported Fault has been accepted on eircom's Assurance System 3 Assigned to WTMC The Trouble Ticket is assigned to the WTMC . 4 Assigned to Crew 5 Dispatched To Crew The Trouble Ticket is assigned to a repair crew for the area. The assigned Crew has taken ownership of the Trouble Ticket. 6 Appointment Required A customer appointment has been requested. 7 Appointment A customer appointment has been booked. 8 Parked 9 Pending Clear 10 Clear - Temporary 11 Clear - Permanent Work on the Trouble Ticket has been suspended The Trouble Ticket is awaiting Operator confirmation of resolution. The issue has been temporarily cleared - the Trouble Ticket is closed The issue has been permanently cleared - the Trouble Ticket is closed Figure 13 NGA Fault Tracking Status Codes 11.8.6 Change Profile NGA (CPN) This functionality within the UG provides Operators with the ability to change the NGA profile using the CPN order. The CPN is a dependent order so a Query NGA Details (QND) Order will need to be submitted prior to submitting a CPN. This can be used to confirm the product, profile code, unique id (CSID) and potential profile codes that the end user currently has. On the GUI, following successful completion of this QND order, a dependant order option will appear which enables a new profile to be ordered, Change Profile for Bitstream (CPN). 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 66 NGA Industry Process Manual Figure 14. UG Screenshot of QND and CPN 11.8.7 Pending Clear The NGA fault will go to Pending Clear when eircom Wholesale/Networks is satisfied that the fault is cleared. The Operator has 10 working hours to review the clear details with the end user and confirm that the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service has been restored. If the Operator does not contact eircom Wholesale Trouble Management within 10 working hours, eircom Wholesale will close the Trouble Ticket. The Trouble Ticket is automatically closed via the UG and the clear details time-stamped to the actual time that the fault was set to “pending clear”. If the Operator has performed further testing within the 10 working hour period and confirmed that the fault is still present, they must request that the fault is re-assigned directly to Wholesale Trouble Management either by phone or email. Outside of the 10 hour window, a new Trouble Ticket (FNC/FNH) will be raised on the UG (with reference to the previously closed trouble ticket). 11.9 OAO NGA Faults Reports A daily report for previous day is available to each OAO via the on-Line GUI. Only Orders for NGA Faults that have been submitted via the GUI and by the operator requesting the report are included. The Operator is able to download a CSV file containing Orders that have been rejected, made Un-Deliverable or Cancelled during the day that the request is for, orders that are awaiting validation, awaiting delivery and cancel requested are listed. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 67 NGA Industry Process Manual Also included will be those orders that have been delivered or completed, that have not previously been reported. Figure 15 Example of OAO Daily Faults Report Field Description Fault Ref. No Order Number submitted by OAO Fault Type Fault Type submitted Received Date Date Order was received by UG Status External Status of UG Order at the time of Reporting Status Date Date of last status change on UG Clear Codes Clear codes and suffix Table 8. OAO Daily Faults Report 11.10 Fault Management Contacts Fault Management contacts will be re-verified by all Operators and eircom Wholesale on a regular basis. This should consist of standard contacts and escalation contacts. 11.10.1 Standard Contacts All product fault reports can be made via the Unified Gateway. The Service Assurance Team within the eircom Wholesale Customer Contact Centre (WCCC) provide a fault reception and end to end fault management facility and act as a single point of contact throughout this process. The WCCC is open for escalation of Service Assurance issues, such as Installation Failures, from 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. Unified Gateway Phone number (1800 656 656 Option 1) WCCC Fault Management Stand alone eircom Wholesale Trouble Management e-mail address 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 68 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.10.2 Escalation Contacts Office and Mobile phone numbers for the Operators and eircom Wholesale Trouble Management Level 1 and Level 2 contacts. E-mail addresses for the Operators and eircom Wholesale Trouble Management Level 1 and Level 2 contacts. 11.11 Fault Management Escalation Procedures The escalation of an unresolved NGA fault may occur at two levels. If the target times for response have elapsed and the fault is not cleared, the appropriate level 1 escalation contact should be notified and the appropriate action taken to resolve the fault. In the event that the fault is still not cleared within a further eight working hours, and no evidence of progress exists, the level 2 escalation contact should be used to agree appropriate action to clear the fault. Escalations for all Products within the SLA must be “accepted” by eircom and vice-versa. If the relevant previous escalations have not been made, or if the time intervals have not been observed, the escalation may be rejected by eircom. Escalation will depend on the priority of the fault. eircom Wholesale will investigate "pattern" faults outside the realm of normal fault handling. Initial Fault Reporting should be done via the Bitstream Fault Logging screen on the UG but in addition, the Operator should contact the eircom Wholesale Trouble Management Team Leader on duty to draw attention to the fault report. 11.12 Fault Management Timescales Fault management timescales are as per the Service Level Agreement for the eircom NGA Service. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 69 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.13 FTTC Tier 1 and Tier 2 Structured Questions 11.13.1 Tier 1 FTTC Structured questions – SUGGESTIONS - TO BE AGREED The questions below and answers to be provided on the fault report to Tier 2: The list below, while neither mutually exclusive nor collectively exhaustive, provides some typical sample questions asked by Tier 1: 1. Does the end user have a monitored alarm? 2. Is the modem switched off? 3. Has the customer tried rebooting the CPE? 4. Has internal wiring been checked? 5. Has any additional internal wiring been added recently? 6. Is the fault „no synch‟? 7. Does the sync problem persist if the CPE modem is connected directly with the NTU/Splitter? 8. Is this a repeat fault? 9. If the customer has POTS service, is the service available? YES/NO 10. Is everything plugged in and switched on? 11. Is the fault with a newly provided service or existing service? 12. How long has the fault existed? 13. Have you changed/added/deleted anything? 14. Manufacturer and Model of CPE Modem? 15. Can the Operator see to the ISP? 16. Is Multicast TV service affected? 11.13.2 Tier 2 FTTC structured questions – SUGGESTIONS, TO BE AGREED 1. Has the customer carried out a ping test to the Operator‟s head-end equipment? (If the ping test fails, paste the results of the test into a trouble ticket) 2. Has a fault diagnosis been carried out? 3. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Feeder Fibre fault? 4. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Cabinet/Splitter/DSLAM fault? 5. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Home Access Connection fault? 6. Does the fault diagnosis indicate that this is a cable/infrastructure fault? 7. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Distribution Cable fault? (The SELT/DELT/MELT results from TLN should be pasted to the Trouble Ticket) 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 70 NGA Industry Process Manual 11.14 FTTH Tier 1 and Tier 2 Structured Questions 11.14.1 Tier 1 FTTH Structured Questions – SUGGESTIONS, TO BE AGREED The questions below and answers to be provided on the fault report to Tier 2: The list below, while neither mutually exclusive nor collectively exhaustive, provides some typical sample questions asked by Tier 1: 1. Is the ONT switched off (should be plugged in and switched on)? 2. Is the ONT power LED on (green)? 3. Is the ONT PON LED on (green) and flashing? 4. Has the customer tried rebooting the CPE? 5. Has internal wiring been checked? 6. Is the ONT LOS LED flashing and how often? 7. Is the ONT LAN LED on, blinking or off? 8. Is the LAN LED on the Home gateway on? 9. Does the sync problem persist if the CPE is connected directly to the ONT? 10. Is this a repeat fault? 11. Is everything plugged in and switched on? 12. Is the fault with a newly provided service or existing service? 13. How long has the fault existed? 14. Have you changed/added/deleted anything? 15. Manufacturer and Model of ONT? 16. Can the Operator see to the ISP? 11.14.2 Tier 2 FTTH Structured Questions – SUGGESTIONS, TO BE AGREED 1. Has a fault diagnosis been carried out? 2. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Feeder Fibre fault? 3. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Cabinet fault? 4. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Home Access Connection fault? 5. Does the fault diagnosis indicate that this is a cable/infrastructure fault? 6. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Distribution Cable fault? 7. Does the fault diagnosis indicate an ONT fault? 8. Does the fault diagnosis indicate a Fibre NTU fault? 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 71 NGA Industry Process Manual Section 12 Wholesale NGA Billing Charges associated with BPE, BPM and VAM logical circuits will be included in the operator‟s Wholesale Ethernet Services bill. This will include rental charges and once-off activation charges, and will be billed on a monthly basis in advance. The format will align with the existing bill format. Multicast activations to individual end users will be billed on a monthly basis in arrears and appear on an operator‟s Bitstream Plus bill or an operator‟s VUA bill as appropriate. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 72 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 1 Pre-qualification Pre-qualification is a process whereby an indication is provided as to the suitability of the metallic pair to support broadband service at a particular point in time. The Advanced PreQual File contains the estimated maximum HSI (High Speed Internet /Rate Adaptive) and the maximum NRA Stable (Non rate adaptive) Profiles that are likely to be supported. From a Next Generation Access perspective, the appropriate Next Generation Access (FTTH/FTTC) Services are available on the list of DSL and NGA Services returned on the QB (Query Bitstream) order, based on their availability as indicated by Prequal. The pre-qualification of a line is an estimate based on the line length, the capacitance to earth and the average cable gauge across the entire network. It is a conservative measurement to ensure stability of service. It confers no responsibility or liability on eircom, with respect to actual physical capability of the line at the time of installation. Pre-qual results will be returned by the UG. The following results may be returned with the list of products available for the line. Result Explanation Green The line is suitable for Bitstream /the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus products stated in the product list. Non-Standard (Provide Contact Details) This line may be suitable for the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus products listed. Technical intervention will be required by eircom to bring the line up to a standard that can support NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus services. This may involve a short outage on the end user‟s PSTN service and a site visit by eircom. A provide Order can be placed on UG for a Non-Standard line, however, the Order will be treated as non-standard, i.e. ability to provide service on Non-Standard lines will be on a best endeavour basis. Line Unknown The line is not known in the system. Please check your entry for any errors and enter the correct telephone number. No test result available DSL exchange enabled. Please contact WCCC/WCSC or Service Manager. No test result available Exchange unlaunched. The exchange for that particular line is not DSL or NGA enabled, hence no result can be provided regarding the suitability of that line for DSL or NGA. Pre-qualification of ISDN lines eircom ISDN lines can be pre-qualified on UG It is important therefore as a matter of internal processes that when the Operator is taking an order from a customer, they ask the customer if the line is a PSTN or an ISDN line. Pre-qualification via Pre-qual This functionality allows Operators end users to pre-qualify their telephone numbers from the Operator‟s own public branded web site. When the end users enters their telephone number information on the Operator‟s web site and clicks the submit button, the Operator‟s web-server will, behind the scenes, connect to the eircom systems to pre-qualify the line, analyse the result and present a result to the end user advising them of the success/failure of the test. This result will be presented to the end user on the Operator‟s web site. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 73 NGA Industry Process Manual Advanced Pre-qual File Structure The field structure, Field Type(length) of the Advanced Pre-qual (csv) file is provided in the list below. 1. ARD_ID: NUMBER(8) 2. FIBRE_TYPE: VARCHAR(4) 3. RFO_DATE: Date 4. NGA_EXCHANGE: VARCHAR(4) 5. COPPER_EXCHANGE: VARCHAR(4) 6. CABINET_NUMBER: VARCHAR(3) 7. MAX_HIGH_SPEED: VARCHAR(20) 8. MAX_HIGH_STABILITY: VARCHAR(20) 9. UNIT_NO: VARCHAR(5) 10. UNIT_NAME: VARCHAR(35) 11. BUILDING_NO: VARCHAR(10) 12. BUILDING _NAME: VARCHAR(35) 13. LOCATION: VARCHAR(61) 14. POSTAL_DISTRICT: VARCHAR(60) 15. POST_CODE: TBD 16. COUNTY: VARCHAR(20) 17. X_REF: NUMBER(9,3) 18. Y_REF: NUMBER(9,3) 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 74 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 2 Guide to Synch Test Results (TSN) A list of some key terms that need to be understood when using the sync checker (TSN) tool and synch history (TSH) is given below: Line Profile: refers to the maximum broadband HSI and NRA Profiles that can be supported Current Profile: refers to the end user‟s broadband HSI / NRA subscription Profile. Initialisation State: refers to the result of the last complete VDSL2 initialization, (no failure, config error, config details not supported, comm fail, peer ATU, other reason) Port Status: for VDSL2 this reports the DSL port status as: fault / active test/ deactive /activating / activated or in loopback. Activiating can mean that no end-user modem is connected. For FTTH this reports whether the ONT Port is active or deactive. Current Transmission System: (FTTC) refers to the applicable ITU standard for VDSL2 transmission. (G,993.2 Annex B POTS (VDSL2 over POTS), G993.5 (G. Vector)) Down / Downstream Attenuation: the difference in decibels (dB) in channel 1, between the power received at the CPE and the power transmitted from the DSLAM. Attenuation is distance related and is higher at higher frequencies and lower at lower frequencies. Attenuation is a measure of how much the signal has degraded between the DSLAM and the end user modem. This can be attributed to internal wiring, bad installation, external interference, distance from the cabinet etc. The lower the dB, the better for this measurement. Up / Upstream Attenuation: the difference in decibels (dB) in channel 0, between the power received at the DSLAM and the power transmitted from the CPE. Attenuation is distance related and is higher at higher frequencies and lower at lower frequencies. Downstream Noise Margin: refers to the difference in strength between the DSL signal and the background noise on the line. It is a measurement of the difference in dB between the level of received signal at the CPE and the level of the noise present on the line at the CPE side. The higher the dB, the better for this measurement. Low noise margin can be caused by: missing, defective or incorrectly connected splitters/filters or faulty telephone equipment in the premises, a defective modem, noise caused by outside sources such as cheap halogen lamps and stereo equipment, problems with the telephone company's equipment etc. If the noise on the line is too high, the modem may lose sync. Upstream Noise Margin: this is the difference in dB between the level of received signal at the DSLAM and the level of the noise present on the line at the Network side. Upstream and Downstream Noise Margins should be greater than 6dB; the higher this figure is, the better the Noise Margin. For Stable Profiles (non-rate adaptive) the normal noise margin should be slightly higher to allow for variations in noise levels. Max Downstream Attainable Data Rate: the maximum current downstream bitrate capability of the DSL line that is calculated by the end-user‟s modem, based on the current line conditions. This is indicative and is not a guarantee that the line will actually support the maximum speed indicated. Max Upstream Attainable Data Rate: the maximum current upstream bitrate capability of the DSL line that is calculated by the DSLAM based on the current line conditions. This is indicative and is not a guarantee that the line will actually support the maximum speed indicated. Actual Downstream Bitrate: this is the downstream bitrate at which the end user modem and DSLAM are actually synchronised. This is the current sync bitrate if the modem is "in sync", or the bitrate at the last time of synch. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 75 NGA Industry Process Manual Previous Downstream Bitrate: this is the downstream bitrate at which the end user modem and DSLAM synchronized before the current synchronisation. Downstream Delay: this is delay in milliseconds in the downstream direction. It is usually configured for a max deadly of 8ms. Actual Upstream Bitrate: this is the upstream bitrate at which the end user modem and DSLAM are actually synchronised. This is the current sync bitrate if the modem is "in sync", or the bitrate at the last time of synch. Previous Upstream Bitrate: this is the upstream bitrate at which the end user modem and DSLAM synchronized before the current synchronisation. Upstream Delay: this is delay in milliseconds in the upstream direction. It is usually configured for a max delay of 8ms. Actual and Previous Bitrates should be compared during fault diagnosis Last Synchronisation Time: last time that the DSL modem (FTTC) synchronised Last loss of Synch Time: last time that the DSL modem (FTTC) lost synchronisation Downstream INP of channel 1, Unit dmt (FTTC): refers to the ability to deal with noise in the downstream direction. Upstream INP of channel 1, Unit dmt (FTTC): refers to the number of upstream symbols with impulse noise protection. The port profile is typically configured for a minimum of 2 symbols. The INP is an indication of the number of symbols with impulse noise protection for which errors can be completely corrected by the Retransmission function, regardless of the number of errors within the errored DMT symbols. INP is typically configured in the DSLAM for a minimum of 2 symbols. Duration of Present Showtime: this is the time in seconds that the line has currently been synchronized for. The Synchronisation Time and Duration of Present Showtime results should be viewed to see if the VDSL line is up and sychronised or whether there is a problem with the connection. This should be checked for consistency with any fault reported by an end-user. ONT Run Status (FTTH): refers to whether the ONT Port is normal (active and up) active, activating or deactive ONT Admin Status (FTTH): refers to whether the ONT activation status is Up or Down Rx Power (FTTH): the Receive optical power level in hundredths of a dBm. Note that the receive power level is less than 0dBm and thus a lower negative value is a higher value. e.g. -1497 (-14.97dBm) is a stronger optical receive power than -2500 (-25dBm). Tx Power (FTTH): the Transmit optical power level in hundredths of a dBm. This is normally a positive value of 200 to 500. Last Up Time (FTTH): The last time that the ONT was up Last Down Time (FTTH): The time that the ONT last went out of service. Last Down Cause (FTTH): refers to the reason the ONT last went out of service. Loss of optical signal (LOSI), loss of frame (LOFI), loss of signal upstream BER (SFI), Loss of ONT Acknowledgement (LOAI), Loss of ONT Acknowledgement Multiple (LOAMI), ONT Deactivated (DACT), Reset, Authorisation fail (Author fail), Dying Gasp (ONT to the OLT has lost electrical power) etc. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 76 NGA Industry Process Manual Some Synch tests parameters to check during fault diagnosis: Previous US and DS rates – check for change Last Resynch time – check when the line last resynchronised Duration of Showtime (s) – a long show time is an indication of a working service Actual INP and Delay – indication of external impulse noise. INP is set to INP min =2 and delay max = 8. If INP is greater than 2, then it indicates that the equipment is dealing with a high level of line noise. If the delay is less than 8 then that indicates that the line has low noise levels. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 77 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 3 Guide to Performance Tests (TPN) A list of some key terms that need to be understood when using the performance checker (TPN) tool is given below. FTTC Corrected Blocks: The number of data blocks which had errors corrected in the period (blocks are corrected and therefore are not seen by end-user) Uncorrected Blocks: The number of data blocks which had errors not corrected in the period Errored seconds: Number of seconds containing at least one error. Severely errored seconds: (typically 10-3) Number of seconds with errors above a certain threshold CRC errors : Errors in Cyclic Redundancy Check Checksum in digital bitstream Number of initialisations (Synchronisation): Number of resynchs that the VDSL modem has completed with the network DSLAM. Number of initialisation failures: Number of Synchronisation attempts where the modem failed to come into showtime at the first attempt The Performance results are provided for the current 15 minute period, the previous 15 minute period, the current 24 hours and the previous 24 hours. The Initialisation Coiunters are the most important counters to check when reviewing performance. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 78 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 4 Guide for FTTC Line Test (TLN) Results A substantial amount of test data is available to Operators to assist in FTTC fault diagnosis. This appendix provides additional information on the SELT, DELT and MELT line test parameters. Parameter Prompt Description LENGTH Estimated Line Length Indicates the length of the line (metres). TERMINATION Line Termination open / short Table 9 SELT Test Results Parameter Prompt USTR_LNE_ATN Upstream Line Attenuation, US Bands 0,1,2,3. USTR_SNR_ATN Upstream Signal to Noise Margin US Bands 0,1,2,3 USTR_MAX_BW DSTR_LNE_ATN Upstream Attainable Data Rate bits/s. Downstream Line Attenuation, DS Bands 1,2,3 DSTR_SNR_ATN Downstream Signal to Noise DS Margin DS Bands 1,2,3. DSTR_MAX_BW Downstream Attainable Data Rate bits/s. UPACTATP DOWNACTATP Upstream Transmit Power. Downstream Transmit Power Description Indicates the upstream line attenuation. Unit: dB. Value given per frequency band (band 3 is not used) Indicates the upstream SNR margin. Unit: dB. Value given per frequency band (band 3 is not used) Indicates the upstream attainable rate. Unit: bit/s. Indicates the downstream line attenuation. Unit: dB. Value given per frequency band Indicates the downstream SNR margin. Unit: dB. Value given per frequency band Indicates the downstream attainable rate. Unit: bit/s. Indicates the upstream transmit power. Unit: dBm. Indicates the downstream transmit power. Unit: dBm. Table 10 DELT Test Results 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 79 NGA Industry Process Manual Parameter Prompt Description ACV_A_GND A Leg to Earth - AC Voltage Wire A-ground AC voltage (unit: V) ACV_B_GND B Leg to Earth - AC Voltage Wire B-ground AC voltage (unit: V) ACV_A_B A Leg to B Leg - AC Voltage Wire A-wire B AC voltage (unit: V) DCV_A_GND A Leg to Earth - DC Voltage Wire A-ground DC voltage (unit: V) DCV_B_GND B Leg to Earth - DC Voltage Wire B-ground DC voltage (unit: V) DCV_A_B A Leg to B Leg - DC Voltage Wire A-wire B DC voltage (unit: V) INS_A_GND A Leg to Earth – insulation resistance Wire A-ground insulation resistance (unit: ohm) INS_B_GND B Leg to Earth – insulation resistance Wire B-ground insulation resistance (unit: ohm) INS_A_B A Leg to B Leg – insulation resistance Wire A-wire B insulation resistance (unit: ohm) Wire B-wire A insulation resistance (unit: ohm) CAP_A_GND Leg B to A Leg – insulation resistance A Leg to Earth – capacitance CAP_B_GND B Leg to Earth – capacitance Wire B-ground capacitance (unit: μF) CAP_A_B A Leg to B Leg – capacitance Wire A-wire B capacitance (unit: μF) LINE_LGTH Line length (unit: m) Line length (unit: m) TERM_TYPE Terminal type Terminal type LPRES_A_B A-wire B loop resistance Wire A-wire B loop resistance MELT_CON MELT conclusion ID MELT conclusion ID INS_B_A Wire A-ground capacitance (unit: μF) Table 11 MELT Test Results 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 80 NGA Industry Process Manual Line Test Parameter Normal minimum standard A-Earth >1MΩ B-Earth >1MΩ A-B >250kΩ B-Neg >1MΩ B-Neg >1MΩ AC Voltage <1.5V DC Voltage < 1.5V Balance (Capacitance) >85% Table 12 MELT test levels 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 81 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 5 FTTC Fault Management Trouble Shooting Guide FTTC Trouble Shooting Guide - First point of Contact with End Customer Version 2.0 - Tony Cusack No Operator Centre Rep receives Customer Call - Capture/Verify Relevant Data Contact Number, Fault History etc. End User Contacts Operator Fault previosly logged with eircom? Yes Does Customer have PSTN? Is Voice Service ok? Yes No Operators Fault Reception Can Fault be resolved? Line Test and analyse Issue Yes No Run Synch Test for NGA (TSN) Agent books an Appointment Yes Scheduled Outage? Is Modem powered up? Was Fault cleared 003/002? Yes No Agent asks Customer to check Lights on Modem No End of Process Logs/Sends Fault Report to eircom Yes Yes Does Parent Fault exist? Is the Modem connected to NTU? Yes Is the Modem connected to DSL socket? Yes Ask Customer to Power Cycle /reset the Modem Yes No Log PSTN Fault Can Fault be resolved? No No Customer has same issue? Yes Yes Is Fault repeating in 2 Weeks? No No Is Fault Pending Clear? No No Customert Report part of an eircom Network Outage? Yes Operators Fault Reception Note: The attached Process excludes Operator CPE Analysis and Multicast Yes Agent checks PRE Qual Status on the Line Yes End of Process No No No Inform Customer of projected restoration if known Log Fault with eircom - capture Notes re Outage Agent drops Speed Profile Do Not Log Inform Customer of projected restoration Ask Customer to connect Modem to NTU DSL Socket Yes Speed Profile drop required? Agent runs Query NGA Details on UG (QND) End of Process Agent checks Synch History for NGA (TSH) Is Appointment Required? No Issue Resolved? No Agent restores Speed Profile Agent runs Performance Test Can Fault be resolved? Yes Yes No No Yes End of Process eircom Network issue identified? Agent runs SELT/ DELT/MELT Test 06/09/13 Issue Resolved? Yes FTTC Trouble Shooting Guide - First point of Contact with End Customer Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) 82 Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes Agent request an Appointment No No Agent resets NGA Port (RN) Agent logs Fault in UG Yes Figure 16 Operator use of FTTC tests prior to submitting a Fault End of Process NGA Industry Process Manual 1. NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus Fault Management Trouble Shooting Guide Query fault with end user Disconnect internal wiring Synch Check Synch History Performance test Line test Is speed being achieved according to profile? Is profile suitable for line length? Have you other VDSL customers on the same street? o If only one customer is affected then the fault is most likely to be in the house Check modem type, some modems under-perform others 1.1 Customer Reports Complete Loss of Service (No Sync) o Check lights on modem o Check if customer has PBX – if yes, then ask it they have had technician on site for installation? o Has customer a monitored alarm? If yes and the alarm was fitted before the VDSL was provisioned then you should advise customer to get alarm provider back on site or alternatively arrange dispatch of tech to site. If the alarm has not been installed before VDSL was provisioned then it shouldn’t interfere with service o Check Pre-qual status on line – is the result Green or Amber o Check for sync: Ask customer to reset modem and then check lights on modem. Run sync check test (TSN) using the TSN order on the UG and check Last Synch time and Last Loss of Synch time. Run Synch History (TSH) and compare results o If still no sync, ask customer to connect modem directly into the NTU (main phone socket) in the house, disconnect all devices from phone line (phones, faxes, SKY) and power cycle again o Use the Change Profile for NGA (CPN) order type to change the profile to the lowest bitrate and wait until change is successful o If still no sync then restore the customer to their previous profile using CPN o Run Line Test (TLN) to test copper line for fault and compare with Line Test History (TLH). Identify potential fault and log fault on the UG 1.2 VDSL Intermittent Drop (Degraded Service) o Check lights on modem o Check if customer has PBX – if yes then they should have technician on site for installation? o Has customer a monitored alarm? If yes and the alarm was fitted before the VDSL was provisioned, then the Operator should advise customer to get alarm provider back on site or dispatch their own technician to site. If the alarm has not been installed before VDSL was provisioned then it shouldn’t interfere with service o Check Pre-qual status on line. o Check for sync. Ask customer to reset modem and then check lights on modem. Run sync check test (TSN) on UG and check Last Synch time and Last Loss of Synch time. o If the Attainable Rates on the sync checker are lower than the actual sync rate the customer is achieving, check the Synch history (TSH). If this has not changed, 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 83 NGA Industry Process Manual then you should drop the profile using the CPN (Change Profile Bitstream) order type. o If issue still persists then ask customer to connect modem directly into main phone socket in the house, disconnect all devices from phone line (phones, faxes, SKY) and power cycle again. o If sync is still dropping and there is a big discrepancy between the pre-qual rates and actual synch rates on the line then the log fault on the UG attaching information on frequency of drops. 1.3 VDSL Install Failed (service has never worked) o Check lights on modem o Check if customer has PBX – if yes then they should have technician on site for installation? o Has customer a monitored alarm? If yes and the alarm was fitted before the VDSL was provisioned then the Operator should advise the customer to get alarm provider back on site or dispatch tech to site. If the alarm has not been installed before VDSL was provisioned then it shouldn’t interfere with service o Check for sync. Ask customer to reset modem and then check lights on modem. Run sync check test (TSN) on UG and check Last Synch time, attenuation and noise margin. o If still no sync, ask customer to connect modem directly into the NTU in the house, disconnect all devices from phone line (phones, faxes, SKY) and power cycle again o Check (TPN) for evidence of poor performance (loss of link, initialisation failures, error stats) o Run Line Test (TLN) SELT and DELT to check copper line for both upstream and downstream performance. o If still no sync then log fault on the UG 1.4 Slow Response o Check lights on modem o Check Pre-qual status on line. o Run Sync Check (TSN) on the UG. If Sync is showing low attainable rates for package, reboot / reset the modem and then re-check the lights on the modem o Ask customer to remove all ancillary apparatus and run a modem test using hardwire arrangement at primary socket. Turn off wireless and any third party firewall/antivirus software o From the command prompt on the customer's computer, try checking the network statistics - netstat /a. If the customer has an unusually large number of ports open (should be less then 15) then there is a good chance that they are dealing with a spyware issue, or have too many programs (P2P, Torrents, Skype, etc.) that use the connection running at once. Advise them to run a full computer scan for spyware, virus o If Synch is showing expected line speeds, then check speed through the Operator connection to ISP., o Run a performance test (TPN) to check error performance o If issue persists then log fault on the UG. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 84 NGA Industry Process Manual 1.5 VDSL In Sync but no connection (Authentication Issues) o Authentication is an Operator managed process and should not be fault reported to eircom Wholesale. o Check lights on modem o Has the Operator received several reports from the same geographical area? If yes then it’s possibly a network outage. Check the GUI ALERTS screen for updates. o If it’s an isolated incident run a Sync Check (TSN order) on the line with the customer modem on. Ask the Customer to switch off the modem. Run another Sync Check. o If Sync Check shows that port is down when the customer has the modem switched off then it is an authentication issue. o Power cycle / reset the router 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 85 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 6 FTTH Shooting Guide Fault Management Trouble FTTH Fault Management Trouble Shooting Guide Query fault with end user and status of equipment in customer‟s premises Reset ONT Synch Check Synch History Performance test Line test Check ONT port speed Have you other FTTH customers on the same street? Figure 17, Operator FTTH ONT checks prior to Synch test. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 86 NGA Industry Process Manual Figure 18 Operator use of FTTH Synch Order prior to raising a Fault The process in the above figure does not incorporate the TPN (Performance) Order 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 87 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 7 NGA Fault Logging Form NGA Fault Logging Form (only to be used if UG is not available) WHOLESALE NGA FAULT LOGGING FORM Part 1. (To be completed by the Operator) Operator reporting fault : ………………….…….. Date of fault report:……………………… Name of fault reporter:………………….. Time of fault report…………………. Tel………………………………….. e-mail……………………………… End User details: Name………………………………………………………………………… Address……………………………………………………………………… Customer Number (CLI/CRN)……………………………………………………….. Contact Phone Number(s) ………….………………………………………… NGA Service Purchased …………………………… Operator Trouble ticket ref ………………………………………. Modem type………………. Fault Symptoms (maximum of 5 may be selected) Installation Fail Multicast unavailable Low Speeds to Customer Line resetting Errors Errors Power Light Off PON Light Off PON Light Flashing Loss of Signal Light on Permanently Loss of Signal (LOS) Light Flashing ONT not responding No Synchronisation Line Noise Permanent Line Noise Intermittent Distribution Cable Pair Mandatory Checks: Was all appropriate CPE plugged in? Was the customer VDSL modem /ONT switched on during diagnosis? Has the customer the correct CPE for their product? Did the customer try rebooting their CPE? Was a Test Synchronisation carried out ? Was VDSL Profile Change investigated if applicable? Is this a repeat fault? Has Fault Diagnosis been carried out? Is it confirmed that the fault is not in the operator‟s network or CPE? Impact of fault: Service Affecting……. Non service affecting…….. If applicable, is PSTN available?…………… Did the Fault occur during Operator installation? (technician initiated fault) …………. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 88 NGA Industry Process Manual Fault description and results of Level 1 Fault Management (incl. Tier 1 and 2 diagnosis) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Auditable results attached?……………………………………………………………………. Part 2 (to be completed by the fault report receiver) Fault report received: Date…………………………………… Time………………………………….. Name of fault receiver………………. Tel……………………………………. e-mail………………………………… 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 89 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 8 Form Notification of Planned Maintenance Notification of Outage eircom Date of Issue / / eircom Reference - / Time of Outage Details of Outage 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 90 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 9 NGA Profiles and Codes used by UG Line length (Max) Downstream RA Mbps Upstream RA Mbps Profile Name 200m 70 20 70M_20M_R 300m 60 20 60M_20M_R 500m 50 20 50M_20M_R 600m 50 15 50M_15M_R 750m 40 10 40M_10M_R 850m 30 8 30M_8M_R 1000m 25 7 25M_7M_R 1200m 18 5 18M_5M_R 1400m 15 3 15M_3M_R 1700m 12 1 12M_1M_R 2000m 7 1 7M_1M_R Table 13. FTTC Rate Adaptive Profiles Line length (Max) Downstream NRA Mbps Upstream NRA Mbps Profile Name 200m 50 5-16 50M_16M_FR 300m 43 5-16 43M_16M_FR 450m 40 5-16 40M_16M_FR 550m 34 5-16 34M_16M_FR 700m 28 5-15 28M_16M_FR 800m 20 2.5-10 20M_10M_FR 900m 20 2.5-8 20M_8M_FR 1000m 18 2.5-7 18M_7M_FR 1400m 12 0.256-1 12M_1M_FR 1600m 10 0.256-1 10M_1M_FR 2000m 4 0.256-1 4M_1M_FR Table 14. FTTC Stable Profiles DS Mbps US Mbps Profile Name 150 30 150M_30M_F Table 15. FTTH Profile 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 91 NGA Industry Process Manual UG Service Type Product FCBPP FTTC Bitstream Plus POTS based FHBPP FTTH Bitstream Plus POTS based FCVUP FTTC VUA POTS based FHVUH FTTH VUA POTS based FCBPS FTTC Bitstream Plus Standalone FHBPS FTTH Bitstream Plus Standalone FCVUS FTTC VUA Standalone FHVUS FTTH VUA Standalone Table 16 UG Service Types Bitstream Additional Service BAS_CODE Fixed Rate (Highly Stable, non-rate adaptive) Multicast HISTABLE Data Extension Port DPEXTRAP MCASTTV Table 17. Bitstream Additional Service Codes The above codes are used by Operators when ordering multicast or a (NTU) Data Port Extension for individual end-users. Appointment Reschedule Description REASON_CODE Request for a new Appointment – eircom unable to keep the original appointment EIRCOM Request for a new Appointment – eircom could not complete the installation due to end-user issues CUSTOMER A new Appointment will be required – eircom could not complete the installation due to non-standard issues NON-STANDARD Table 18. Appointment Update Reason Codes Further explanation of the Reason Codes is provided in Section 5.6.1 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 92 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 10 RAP NGA Home Installations An overview on the principles of operation and associated processes for the installation of NGA RAP services at the end-user premise is outlined below. The data port extension7 may be ordered as part of the RAP NGA product. It is an associated service that will extend the reach of the NTU data port within the premises. The data port extension will be installed at the time of the NTU splitter installation. If the data extension is ordered separately and is installed outside of the provisioning of the NGA product it will be covered by a separate agreement. 1. Guiding Principles This section outlines the principles followed in designing our proposal on the home visit and NTU Splitter installation process. Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) The NTU Splitter8 is the demarcation point for the Virtual Unbundled Access (VUA) / Bitstream Plus products Any existing master socket, if necessary, will be replaced by the new NTU splitter In multi-dwelling units, the external eircom cable generally terminates in a shared distribution box or distribution point, in which case the Operator‟s end customer is responsible for providing and maintaining wiring between the eircom distribution box and the end customer‟s master socket. Any existing master socket, if necessary, will be replaced by the new NTU splitter At the discretion of the eircom technician the NTU may be moved a short distance in order to facilitate access to a power supply The Operator may choose to install the NTU instead of eircom (exchange by exchange basis). Operators that are installing NTUs should follow the guidelines for NTU installation outlined in Appendix 11 below. For the POTS-based product the internal wiring will continue to be served from the NTU and supply PSTN service The Operator should inform the end-user that their broadband service will be down for the duration of the installation The technician will test the line on completion of the RAP installation Installation of the NTU Splitter will complete the RAP order 7 The Data Port Extension covers both FTTC and FTTH. Both cables will be a different specification 8 NTU Splitter – Dual Interface Copper NTU 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 93 NGA Industry Process Manual Fibre to the Home (FTTH) The ONT (Optical Network Terminal) will be the Network demarcation point eircom will always be responsible for the installation of the ONT eircom technician will install the ONT as per the workmanship standard specification The location of the ONT may be influenced by the cable entry point and power availability. Power shall be supplied by the end-user A pre-terminated fibre patch cord usually of 1m length is used to connect the Optical Distribution Point (ODP) to the ONT FTTH data port extension may be installed beyond the ONT The eircom technician will test the line on completion of the installation 2. Product Ordering 2.1 Ordering Scenarios All orders for NGA are placed via the Unified Gateway (UG). When placing an order on the UG the Operators have two options with regards to RAP installations of NGA services. The exercise and availability of these options will be dependent on prior notification to eircom that one particular option only will apply at exchange level. Scenario FTTC FTTH Data Ext. from eircom 1 eircom technician completes jumpering at exchange / cabinet. Operator technician installs the NTU and effectively completes RAP product Yes No N/A 2 eircom technician completes jumpering at exchange and cabinet. eircom technician installs the NTU and completes RAP product. eircom technician installs Data Port extension only if ordered by operators along with the RAP order Yes N/A Yes 3 eircom technician completes at exchange and cabinet. eircom technician installs the ONT and completes RAP product. eircom technician installs Data Port extension only if ordered by operators along with the RAP order N/A Yes Yes For scenario 1 Operators are required to nominate in advance the exchanges in which they plan to install the NGA NTU Splitter. At these exchanges eircom will only enable service from the roadside cabinet and will not visit the end-user‟s premises in order to install the NTU. This function will be completed by the operator on behalf of eircom for all premises within the nominated exchange area. eircom Wholesale will provide operators with a stock of eircom NTU splitters that shall be used for this purpose (see Section 2.4). For the FTTH product there is no option for the Operator technician to complete the RAP product by fitting the ONT. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 94 NGA Industry Process Manual Scenario 1 – Steps 2 to 4 eircom Technician Steps 5 to 6 Operator technician Scenario 2 – Steps 2 to 7 eircom Technician Figure 19: FTTC - Sequencing of service delivery 2.2 Ordering Process for Data Port Extension It is only in the instance of Scenario 2 and 3 above where eircom installs the NTU or the ONT that the data port extension can be ordered. In Scenario 1 eircom has no responsibility for any in-home installation work. The data port extension may be ordered with any RAP product but is particularly indicated where a wired connection is required between the NTU/ONT and an IPTV Set Top Box. The data port extension is an option that may be ordered up front on the UG or by the enduser while the eircom technician is on-site. Ordering the data port extension on site will result in a premium charge to the Operator. When placing the NGA order on the UG the operator will be provided with a tick-box (only in those exchanges where the Operator has not opted to install the NTU) in which they can select the data port extension to be installed as an associated service to the NTU Splitter install in the RAP process. All orders for the NTU install, including standalone orders, will have the data extension port options included on the UG order form (only in those exchanges where the Operator has not opted to install the NTU). By ticking the box requesting the data port extension the operator is agreeing to eircom Wholesale raising an additional charge on the wholesale bill. More detail on the ordering processes is provided the NGA IPM. An overview of the data port extension is provided in section 5 below. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 95 NGA Industry Process Manual NOTE: For the Trial phase the option to order the data port extension cable via a tick-box on the UG will not be available. To compensate for this eircom Wholesale will assume that all NGA orders during the trial require the data port extension, at no charge to the Operators. 2.3 Data port extension – ordered on the UG As part of the RAP product the data port extension should be ordered on the UG. eircom will facilitate the ordering of the data port extension by the end-user on-site. Operators will be charged a premium for on-site ordering of the data port extension as per the Bitstream Price List. Operators are required to fully question the end-user when originally taking the order to ensure whether or not a data port extension is required. This is especially important when the end-user is also ordering a TV service. If the end-user indicates that a data port extension is not required then the Operator should not request one as the ordering of an extension cable will allocate more time for the provision. Therefore unnecessary ordering will also consume the technician‟s time that would otherwise be allotted to complete more installations. 2.4 Ordering NTU‟s All NTUs installed by the Operator in the nominated exchange areas shall be eircom NTUs only. The NTU‟s will generally be unbranded and will not contain the eircom logo. The Operators shall order a stock of NTU‟s via eircom Wholesale where the Operator opts to install the NTU. There is an order form in section 6 below. In order to avail of this service Operators must provide eircom Wholesale with committed forecasts of the number of NTU installations on a monthly basis. Operators will only be supplied with new eircom NTU‟s if their stock of NTU‟s is deemed to be insufficient to meet next month‟s forecasts. The NTU Provisioning and Delivery Process will be as follows: 1. Operator submits completed NTU order form to eircom Wholesale Product manager by email to [email protected], who will arrange for the order to be delivered by the required delivery date, subject to lead times. 2. The Operator will order the NTU‟s on a monthly basis by submitting the inventory management / order form to eircom Wholesale 2.5 Approximate Service Downtimes Outlined below are approximate service downtimes that will be experienced by the enduser. Any downtime will be kept to a minimum however due to the nature of the provision process a certain level of service outage is unavoidable. The timings listed below are approximate and are the best estimates that can be given prior to experience being gained from actual live orders. Product POTS / SB-WLR 06/09/13 Task 1. Jumpering at the exchange Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes Downtime Approx 5 mins 96 NGA Industry Process Manual Broadband 2. Jumpering at the cabinet 3. Installation of new NTU Approx 2 mins Approx 5 mins Jumpering at exchange until reconnection at NTU Approx 2 hrs NOTE: Service downtimes constitute only part of the full install duration. As eircom Wholesale will make every effort to reduce the service downtime the full install will be of a longer duration than the downtime experienced by the end-user. 3. 3.1 RAP NTU Installations Overview NTU Installation Scenarios The end-user installation scenarios will mirror the product offering scenarios above. An overview of each of the two installation scenarios is detailed below: 3.2 1 Scenario 1 - Operator technician replaces the NTU – FTTC Only Scenario FTTC FTTH Data EXT from eircom eircom technician completes jumpering at exchange / cabinet. Operator technician installs the NTU and effectively completes RAP product Yes No N/A 1. Standard Appointments - Flexible AM (9:00 to 12:30), Flexible PM (12:30 to 16:30) 2. Operator will be provided by a stock of NTUs by eircom Wholesale (see Section 2.4) 3. Prior to the appointment the end-user shall be informed by their Operator that their service will be disconnected for approximately 3hrs 4. From a customer service perspective Operators shall confirm the appointment with the end-user on the working day prior to the appointment. This provides the Operator with the ability to cancel if the end-user is not available. If no cancel order is received on the working day prior to the appointment it is assumed by eircom that the end-user is ready to go 5. An appointment can be rescheduled on the UG without charge, on the working day prior to the original appointment 6. In general eircom will jumper in the exchange and cabinet early within the appointment window. This will enable VDSL service to the end-user home 7. Once eircom completes the jumper at the exchange and cabinet the RAP order is deemed completed and the eircom systems will be updated to reflect this 8. The Operator technician is responsible for installing the NTU splitter in the home to the workmanship standard. See NGA Technical Handbook for the NTU Installation Guide 9. The Operator shall test the service at the NTU to ensure that all services, where appropriate, are working after the NTU Splitter has been installed e.g. alarms, POTS etc 10. In the event that the Operator Technician cannot gain entry into the premises it will be the responsibility of the Operator to organise a new appointment 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 97 NGA Industry Process Manual independent of eircom Wholesale, to ensure the RAP product is completed as ordered 11. If an end user wants their previous service to be re-instated/restored then a new order needs to be logged on the UG and follow the standard migration process 3.3 2 Scenario 2 - eircom technician installs the FTTC NTU splitter (may additionally include installation of data port extension) – FTTC Scenario FTTC FTTH Data Ext. from eircom eircom technician completes at exchange and cabinet. eircom technician installs the NTU and completes RAP product. eircom technician installs Data Port extension only if ordered by operators along with the RAP order Yes N/A Yes 1. Standard Appointments - Flexible AM (9:00 to 12:30), Flexible PM (12:30 to 16:30) 2. The sequencing of the provision will initially involve an eircom technician visiting the exchange and/or cabinet followed by a visit to the end-user premises for the installation of the NTU 3. Operators shall confirm the appointment with the end end-user on the day prior to the appointment. This provides the Operator with the ability to cancel if the enduser is not available. If no cancel order is received on the working day prior to the appointment it is assumed that the end-user is ready to go 4. An appointment can be rescheduled on the UG without charge, on the working day prior to the original appointment 5. Prior to the appointment the end-user will be informed by their Operator that their service will be disconnected for a period while the installation is in progress 6. eircom technician will ring the contact number supplied before the start of appointment to notify them that they are commencing work and will need to gain access 7. If no reply eircom technician visits the end-user‟s premises. If the end-user is unavailable the technician will leave a calling card and refer the order as end-user not available (existing service left in place) 8. The end-user will be informed that it may take 3 hrs for the installation to be completed and service will be down for the duration of the install 9. eircom technician will complete the wiring work in the exchange and then extend the VDSL connection at the cabinet into the end-user‟s premises 10. At the end-user site the eircom technician will install the NTU Splitter as per the workmanship standard in the NGA Technical Handbook. 11. The FTTC data port extension must be ordered on the UG when the operator places an order 12. The FTTC data port extension is considered to be part of internal wiring and is owned by the end-user after installation is complete. The RAP demarcation point is 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 98 NGA Industry Process Manual the NTU. eircom will not be responsible for maintenance beyond the NTU demarcation point 13. The eircom technician will only tack the extension wiring on to a wall or skirting board and will not put cable under carpet or floor. Minimal drilling through door frames etc. may carried out with end-user permission. 14. The Operator shall inform the end-user that they will be required to know where they want the FTTC data port extension and inform them that they must have any furniture moved in advance to give a clear working path to the technician 15. The FTTC data port extension end socket will be fixed to a solid structure 16. The eircom technician will test the installation to ensure that NGA broadband and if applicable POTS, is working using their Field Test equipment 3.4 3 Scenario 3 eircom technician installs the ONT (may include installation of data port extension) – FTTH Scenario FTTC FTTH Data Ext. from eircom eircom technician completes at exchange and cabinet. eircom technician installs the ONT and completes RAP product. eircom technician installs Data Port extension only if ordered by operators along with the RAP order N/A Yes Yes 1. As per section 3.3 Steps 1 to 7 above. 2. eircom technician will complete the work in the exchange and then extend the Fibre connection to the end-user‟s premises 3. eircom technician will install the ONT as per installation standard for the ONT 4. Location decision will be driven by the cable entry point and power availability 5. A suitably located power point shall be supplied by the end-user 6. A pre-terminated fibre patch cord usually of 1m length is used to connect the Optical Distribution Point (ODP) to the ONT 7. If ordered at the front end the eircom technician will install the FTTH data port extension up to 30m from the NTU that may be nearer a power socket or more convenient to end user in some way (eircom will not be extending the ONT into the premises) 8. The FTTH data port extension shall be places an order requested up front when the operator 9. The eircom technician will only tack the extension cable on to a wall and will not put cable under carpet or floor 10. The FTTH data port extension is considered to be part of internal wiring and is owned by the end-user after that - the RAP demarcation point is the ONT. eircom will not be responsible for maintenance for any equipment or internal wiring beyond the ONT demarcation point 11. The Operator must inform the end-user that they will be required to know where they want the FTTH data port extension and inform them that they must have any furniture moved in advance to give a clear working path to the technician 12. The FTTH data port extension end termination will be fixed to a solid structure 13. The eircom technician with test the installation to ensure it‟s working using their Test equipment 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 99 NGA Industry Process Manual 4. Internal Wiring Scenarios This section looks at internal wiring considerations for NGA. Six sample Scenarios are considered: 1) FTTC: VUA/Bitstream Plus POTS-Based Product – Replacing Master Socket with NTU 2) FTTC: VUA/ Bitstream Plus POTS-Based Product – Data port extension 3) FTTC: VUA/ Bitstream Plus Standalone Product – Replacing Master Socket with NTU 4) FTTC: VUA/Bitstream Plus Standalone Product – Data port extension 5) FTTH: VUA/Bitstream Plus Standalone Product - Installation of ONT 6) FTTH: VUA/Bitstream Plus Standalone Product with Location of ONT – Data port extension 4.1 Scenario 1 FTTC: VUA/Bitstream Plus POTS-Based Product – Replacing Master Socket with NTU Figure 20: Scenario 1 – NGA enabled at current NTU location Scenario 1 Components NTU is the network demarcation point The Existing POTS service will be facilitated by connection of POTS Internal wiring to POTS block on NTU end-user Connection Unit Internal wiring will be reconnected to the NTU If no internal POTS wiring required the existing phone can be plugged in to the RJ11 socket of NTU NGA VUA / Bitstream Plus service connected via NTU Existing Alarms will be connected to Alarm Block at rear of Customer Connection Unit (CCU) on NTU 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 100 NGA Industry Process Manual NTU Base of NTU Rear of Faceplate Figure 21: Dual Interface Copper NTU 4.2 Scenario 2 FTTC: VUA/Bitstream Plus POTS-Based Product – Data port extension Figure 22: Scenario 2 – FTTC data port extension Scenario 2 Components 4.3 NTU is the network demarcation point The Existing POTS service will be facilitated by connection of POTS Internal wiring to POTS block on NTU end-user Connection Unit If no internal POTS wiring in existence then the phone can be plugged in to RJ-11 socket of NTU NGA VUA / Bitstream Plus service has been extended by a single FTTC data port extension Existing Alarms will be connected to Alarm Block at rear of CCU on NTU Scenario 3 FTTC: VUA/Bitstream Plus Standalone Product – Replacing Master Socket with NTU 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 101 NGA Industry Process Manual Figure 23: Scenario 3 – NGA enabled at current NTU location Scenario 3 Components NTU is the network demarcation point Responsibility for internal wiring and alarms will be with the Operator Eircom‟s responsibility for installation and maintenance stops at the FTTC NTU Network demarcation point 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 102 NGA Industry Process Manual 4.4 Scenario 4 FTTC: VUA/Bitstream Plus Standalone Product with Location of NTU – Data port extension Figure 24: Scenario 4 – FTTC data port extension Scenario 4 Components NTU is the network demarcation point NGA VUA / Bitstream Plus service has been extended to a single data port extension Responsibility for internal wiring and alarms will be with the Operator 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 103 NGA Industry Process Manual 4.5 Scenario 5 FTTH: VUA/Bitstream Plus Standalone Product with Location of ONT Figure 25: Scenario 5 – NGA enabled at current ONT location Scenario 5 Components ONT is the network demarcation point The POTS service can be facilitated using the existing copper infrastructure into the home. Not contained in the diagram in Figure 7 below The ONT is connected to the ODP as shown in Figure 26 below A pre-terminated fibre patch cord usually of 1m length is used to connect the Optical Distribution Point (ODP) to the ONT Power for the ONT will be supplied by the end-user NGA VUA / Bitstream Plus service connected via ONT Responsibility for internal wiring and alarms will be with the Operator 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 104 NGA Industry Process Manual For Display purposes only ONT ODP Ethernet Cable to Modem Figure 26: FTTH Installation at End-user premises 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 105 NGA Industry Process Manual 4.6 Scenario 6 FTTH: VUA/Bitstream Plus Standalone Product – Data port extension Figure 27: Scenario 6 – FTTH data port extension Scenario 6 Components 5. ONT is the network demarcation point The POTS service can be facilitated using the existing copper infrastructure into the home. Not contained in the diagram in Figure 27 A pre-terminated fibre patch cord usually of 1m length is used to connect the Optical Distribution Point (ODP) to the ONT Power for the ONT will be supplied by the end-user NGA VUA / Bitstream Plus service has been extended to a single FTTH data port extension Responsibility for internal wiring and alarms will be with the Operator Data port extension Overview FTTC Data port extension The FTTC data port extension cable will be a 4-wire cable, with extensive twisting (equivalent to Cat5 cable). It is not allowed to use „normal‟ 4-wire internal cable equipment. That cable will be terminated at both ends by means of a JACKS MODULAR NO.2S socket. Connections between JACKS MODULAR NO.2S sockets and NTU+splitter or modem will be made by means of 4-wire modular line cord terminated with RJ-11 plugs. Using appropriate cable, the FTTC data port extension cable may be installed internally or externally, depending on End-Users Premises. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 106 NGA Industry Process Manual It is not proposed that a specific “kit” be made available or assembled for this purpose, but that such data port extensions be made off on-site by taking suitable cable from a reel/coil/drum, cutting to length, and terminating both ends. Figure 28 FTTC Data Port Extension 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 107 NGA Industry Process Manual FTTH data port extension The FTTH data port extension cable will be required to carry Ethernet, so at a minimum a 4-pair Cat 5 cable is required (see Figure 1 below). The minimum the data port extension socket should offer is a Cat5 cable termination facility at back (for 8 wires, in a pre-determined sequence) and a socket at front (see Figure 2 below). The components to be: 4 pair (Cat5) cable suitable for extending the broadband signal for a distance of up to 30m Standard connectors crimped on, on site The cable will be installed internally or externally Cat5E socket Figure 29: FTTH Cat5 4-Pair Cable 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 108 NGA Industry Process Manual 6. NTU Order Form 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 109 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 11 NTU Installation Guide Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide Operators with wiring guidelines for the installation of a dual interface NTU (Network Terminating Unit) in an End-User premises in order to facilitate the delivery of NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus services. NGA VUA or Bitstream Plus connection may be POTS-Based (PB) or Standalone (SA) and the dual interface NTU will be used in both scenarios. The section of the IPM covers the following items of interest to the Operator‟s installer and assumes a level of capability considered appropriate to End-User premises installation. The eircom dual Interface NTU provided incorporates a splitter and supports the provision of both a VDSL2 and a POTS connection over the same copper pair as required. It will also support the provision of a VDSL2 connection on its own. Note: - incorporation of VoIP into the internal wiring is outside the scope of this document and is not covered. The NTU is the demarcation point9 between the eircom external line plant („the eircom network‟) and the Operator/End-User‟s internal wiring and CPE (End-Users Premises Equipment). An RJ11 interface is provided for POTS and an RJ45 is provided for VDSL. Connection from the FTTC Cabinet The Dual Interface Copper NTU is a termination which has two interfaces. It supports both broadband (i.e. xDSL) and POTS (i.e PSTN) on the same copper pair from the exchange/cabinet. This NTU has an internal splitter. This Dual Interface Copper NTU consists of two main portions – the NTU main housing & a removable faceplate. If the NTU is surface mounted, an additional wall mounting backbox is used. For the Dual Interface Copper NTU, the NTU main housing, and wall mounting backbox are provided to Operators by eircom Wholesale using the order form in Appendix 10: 9 Section 11.5 – defines the demarcation point 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 110 NGA Industry Process Manual NTU 2001 (LINE UNIT WITH ISDN/ALARM CCU) Figure 30 NTU1: NTU 2001 (LINE UNIT WITH ISDN/ALARM CCU) # the NTU 2001 faceplate is not used for VDSL, the NTU 2001 ADSL SPLITTER is used instead. For the Dual Interface Copper NTU, the faceplate is provided to Operators by eircom Wholesale: NTU 2001 ADSL SPLITTER. This splitter faceplate may also be referred to as a “Central Splitter”, and as a removable Customer Connection Unit (CCU). Figure 31: DSL and POTS ports on the splitter faceplate Figure 32: Complete Dual Interface Copper NTU 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 111 NGA Industry Process Manual Dual Interface Copper NTU – rear connections Figure 33: Dual Interface Copper NTU – rear connections The incoming line from the FTTC cabinet is terminated on the L1 and L2 terminals at rear of NTU main housing as shown in Figure 33: Dual Interface Copper NTU – rear connections. All internal wiring must be disconnected from the incoming line from the FTTC cabinet to the Dual Interface Copper NTU so that a „clean‟ connection from the cabinet to the Dual Interface Copper NTU is made – see Annex A. Installation of NTU The initial installation of the NTU should be at the nearest suitable location to the line entry into the End-Users Premises / house at the same level as the electrical sockets, approx. 450mm above floor, and as close as possible to the ETU (“External Terminating Unit”) There should be no internal extension wiring connected to the line before the point where it is terminated on the NTU. The NTU should always be located in an accessible position. The NTU should be mounted in such a place that only the End-User that is served from it, can access it (or provide access to it). If the location for the NTU is flush mounting, ensure flush box is clean and dry and free from plaster. Remove the packaging from the unit. Remove the customer cover. If the NTU is surface mounted, select two wall mounting holes in the back box. Select a hole in base for network wiring cable entry. Secure the back box with screws and rawlplugs if necessary Route cable through network cable entry point. Strip the cable outer sheath. Connect the exchange line to L1 and L2. (Figure 33) Secure the eircom connection unit to the back box or flush box. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 112 NGA Industry Process Manual POTS with VDSL2 In this scenario POTS / PSTN is provided along with VDSL2 for a VUA or Bitstream Plus (BS+) connection for the NGA national Roll-Out. Use NTU 2001 ADSL SPLITTER, plus NTU main housing and wall mounting backbox from NTU 2001 (LINE UNIT WITH ISDN/ALARM CCU). The splitter in the Dual Interface Copper NTU isolates the POTS from the DSL, and the POTS is available as normal through the NTU splitter faceplate. The alarm wiring and internal POTS distribution are taken off the splitter faceplate. Figure 34: Wiring diagram for POTS + VDSL2 Scenario Figure 35: Wiring of rear of splitter faceplate (central splitter) Making the correct alarm “Alarm IN” and “Alarm OUT” connections on the Insulation Displacement block as shown in Figure 6, and cutting the resistors as indicated, connects the alarm so it will have priority on the POTS line in the event of an outgoing call by the alarm unit. The internal wiring connections at L1 and L2, as shown in Figure 35, connect the internal wiring to the POTS output from the splitter, as indicated in Figure 34. If the internal wiring is connected to this point, it is isolated appropriately from the VDSL2 connection. (Note: the L1 and L2 screw terminals shown Figure 35 are different to the the L1 and L2 screw terminals shown in Figure 33 which are the input connections from the FTTC cabinet to the splitter). 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 113 NGA Industry Process Manual Standalone VDSL2 In this scenario, VDSL2 service is provided from the FTTC cabinet, but there is no POTS service provided to the End-User over the same copper pair. The Dual Interface Copper NTU is connected to the line in from the FTTC cabinet as shown already in Figure 34. This results in the configuration shown below in Figure 36: Figure 36: Wiring diagram for VDSL2 Standalone scenario The incoming line from the FTTC cabinet is terminated on the L1 and L2 terminals at rear of NTU main housing as shown in Figure 33. All internal wiring must be disconnected from the incoming line from the FTTC cabinet to the Dual Interface Copper NTU so that a „clean‟ connection from the cabinet to the Dual Interface Copper NTU is made – see Annex A. The internal wiring should not be connected to the Dual Interface Copper NTU in a standalone scenario, as there is no POTS output from the splitter. Where a VoIP or similar POTS emulation service is being provided as a voice solution, the End-User wiring may need to be rearranged and terminated appropriately and connected the Operator‟s CPE as required. This is the responsibility of the Operator/End-User. The Operator/End-User is also responsible for providing a solution to any alarm circuits that may have previously used a POTS-based product and which they may be migrating to a standalone configuration. Glossary VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service VDSL2 - VDSL Version 2 VUA - Virtual Unbundled Access NTU - Network Termination Unit 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 114 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 11 Annex A Internal Extensions, & Alarm wiring Summary of Procedure: a) Disconnect any customer internal extensions, alarms etc; b) Ensure Dual Interface NTU is fitted as per Appendix 11 c) above; Test VDSL service – test synch etc. This is a test over a „clean connection from the cabinet‟. d) Re-connect customer internal extensions, alarms etc, as per Appendix 11 above; e) Re-test VDSL service – test synch etc. Compare results of this re-test with previous test carried out over „clean connection from the cabinet‟; f) Repair / remove any sub-standard customer‟s internal wiring. Repeat steps (e) & (f) as required. Fault finding and elimination of issues with the internal wiring Disconnecting internal wiring All internal wiring must be disconnected from the line in from the FTTC cabinet to the NTU so that a „clean‟ connection from the cabinet to the Copper NTU is made. In circumstances where customer‟s internal wiring (e.g. extension phone wiring, wiring for alarm circuits etc) is found to be connected on the eircom side of the NTU, then that customer‟s internal wiring must be disconnected prior to commencing any installation work at that customer‟s premises for VDSL service provision. Fitting NTU As already described, for VDSL service provision, a “central splitter” Dual Interface NTU must be used. Where this is already in-situ (e.g. for ADSL), and terminated in accordance with Appendix 11 above, then it may continue to be used. Otherwise a new Dual Interface NTU must be fitted --- this will become the demarcation point, and must replace any previously-installed master socket. Re-locating NTU Where it is deemed necessary to re-locate the NTU by small distance, then this is permissible, provided a) it is done with customer‟s permission; b) any new internal cabling is done with internal 4-wire cable 2/0.5 Cat5e White PE c) cables are joined with use of „2-pair Connection Box Internal‟. Central splitter & micro-filters scenarios For ADSL, there are two splitter connection scenarios -- one scenario uses a central splitter where the POTS/PSTN service is separated from the ADSL service at the point of entry; the other scenario uses distributed filters or micro-filters connected in series and in front of each POTS terminal. For VDSL, there is only one permissible splitter connection scenario – that is to use a “central splitter” where the POTS/PSTN service is separated from the VDSL service at the point of entry. This is achieved by use of a Dual Interface NTU. Where a customer has distributed filters or micro-filters (e.g. where upgrading from ADSL to VDSL), then the correct use of a “central splitter” renders all such distributed filters or micro-filters unnecessary. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 115 NGA Industry Process Manual Fault finding issues with the internal wiring In order to test VDSL service over a „clean connection from the cabinet‟, any customer‟s internal wiring must be temporarily disconnected. Where necessary, this can easily be achieved at the NTU by unscrewing the 2 holding screws & removing the CCU (Customer Connection Unit), then plugging directly into the RJ45 socket on the NTU main housing. Testing of customer’s internal wiring: a) All internal extensions, alarm wiring etc must be tested; b) Sub-standard internal wiring must not to be re-connected; For each internal extension, alarm circuit etc, confirm the circuit has typical minimum standards as follows: Test Parameter Typical Standard Insulation A-Earth 10 M Insulation B- Earth 10 M Insulation A-B 10 M AC voltage 0V DC voltage 0V Table 19: Test Standards for customer’s internal wiring Where secondary sockets (i.e. sockets with in-built capacitors) are present, these capacitors must be removed. Re-connection of customer’s internal wiring: a) All reasonable efforts must be made to re-connect internal extensions, alarm wiring etc; b) Any such re-connections must be in accordance with Appendix 11 above, (i.e. internal extensions and POTS telephone instruments and alarm connections are to be connected off the appropriate ports on the NTU) Extending internal extensions from the ETU to the master socket. Where internal extensions are connected to the line at the ETU, these must be disconnected, bunched together and extended into the NTU on a separate cable (do not use the second pair of the 2-pair customer drop cable). Example of connector unit for use with customer’s internal extension wiring All internal extensions must be connected via the internal extension port of the NTU. The alarm circuit should be connected to the alarm connection point of the NTU. 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 116 NGA Industry Process Manual Appendix 12 Glossary ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AP Access Provider – The provider of the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service ARD Address Reference AS Access Seeker - The seeker of the NGA VUA and Bitstream Plus service BA Book Appointment order BPE Bitstream Plus multicast logical circuit to an “Exchange” area (Agg node) BPM Bitstream Plus Multicast logical circuit BPU Bitstream Plus Unicast logical circuit CA Co-ordinated Appointment order CAF Customer Authorisation Form CEN Cease standalone NGA CHN Change NGA CLI Calling Line Identity CNP Cease NGA POTS based CO Cancel Order COB Close of Business CPN Change Profile on NGA CRN Circuit Reference Number CSID Customer Station Identification Number DDI Direct Dial In DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer DTAF DSL Transfer Authorisation Form DUG Direct buried Underground cable ELF Early Life Faults FDC Fault on Data Circuit FNC Report Fault on NGA order, fibre to the Cabinet FNH Report Fault on NGA order, fibre to the Home FTP File Transfer Protocol FTTC Fibre To The Cabinet FTTH Fibre To The Home GPON Gigabit Passive Optical Network HSI Non rate adaptive High Speed Internet IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol INP Impulse Noise Protection ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network LE Premises Line Enquiry order LNI Provide Line on new line In-situ MCASTTV Bitstream Additional Service Code for Multicast support of TV MVPN Multicast IP Virtual Private Network NGN Next Generation Network 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 117 NGA Industry Process Manual NRA Non Rate Adaptive NTU/splitter Network Terminating Unit OLT Optical Line Terminal for FTTH connections ONT Optical Network Terminal for FTTH connections PDC Provide Data Circuit PNW Provide NGA from WLR/Bitstream PON Passive Optical Network POP Point of Presence PPN Provide POTS based NGA PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network PWU Provide WLR from ULMP QA Query Account QB Query Bitstream – pre-qual for Bitstream and NGA QND Query NGA Details RA Reschedule Appointment SAB Service Access Bandwidth SAC Service Assurance Centre SLA Service Level Agreement STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) Prefix to telephone number SVLAN Service Virtual Local Area Network TPN Test Performance NGA TPH Test Performance History TSH Test Sync History TSN Test Sync NGA UG Unified Gateway ULE Unbundled Line Enquiry order VC A Virtual Circuit (VC) is a logical circuit within the VP that is typically dedicated to a single user. VAM Virtual unbundled Access Multicast logical connection VAU Virtual unbundled Access Unicast logical connection VDSL2 Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2 VP A Virtual Path (VP) is a logical highway connecting two locations in a DSL network. The VP is typically shared by a large group of end users VUA Virtual Unbundled Access WCCC/WCSC eircom Wholesale Customer Care/Service Centre Web GUI Web Graphical User Interface WEIL Wholesale Ethernet Interconnect Link WTM eircom Wholesale Trouble Management WTMC eircom Wholesale Trouble Management Centre 06/09/13 Version 3.2 (Published 20th September) Next Generation Access IPM eircom reserves the right to make further changes 118