AMSF updated article on Luis Samacumbi_for submission to Africa
AMSF updated article on Luis Samacumbi_for submission to Africa
Luis Samacumbi, a prominent lay church leader and emerging Angolan author. Posted on AMSF website under What’s New, February 2016 Work experience: Luis Samacumbi is well known to the Angola Memorial Scholarship Fund (AMSF) and other international NGOs, in his former role as executive director of DASEP - the social development branch of the Evangelical Congregational Church of Angola (IECA). AMSF relied on Luis Samacumbi to provide excellent AMSF-funded project reports. Luis Samacumbi now works as a program specialist for gender issues at UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund, in Angola. He continues to work for IECA as Director of the IECA Department of Resource Mobilization and Institutional Development. Luis is currently enrolled in the distance education Master of Divinity Program of the Chicago Theological Seminary, affiliated with the United Church of Christ. He is a graduate of the Masters of Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies of the University Kwazulu Natal, Durban – South Africa. Luis Samacumbi at his work desk in the UN, Luanda office-LS photo collection Personal Background: Luis Samacumbi was caught up in the Angolan civil war as a child soldier1. For many years his friends and colleagues encouraged him to write about his remarkable life journey from the suffering of war to his work for peace and reconstruction through Angolan church and NGO channels. Writing and Publishing: Luis began writing his memoirs in 2010. He self-published them in Portuguese Luis Samacumbi inspecting the family farm in the book, Pilares de Sucesso/Pillars of Success, in with a view to putting it back in production 2012. Luis created his own publishing company, Livros after decades of civil war (Nazareth Village- Border between Huambo and K.Sul Provinces) LS photo collection 1 Note:foranarticleonSamacumbi’schildhoodseeRelativeValuesbyAnnMcFerraninTheSundayTimes, February24,2008. Olohengo /Angolan Wild Plum Books in order to obtain an ISBN number and to thus enter the official international registry of books. Luis Samacumbi attributes his resilient success in part to a series of extraordinary Angolan mentors. One of the most important to him is Rev. Jose Belo Chipenda, an elder statesman of IECA. Luis Samacumbi’s second self-published book is a biography, in Portuguese, of Rev Chipenda2, which is entitled Construindo Pontes/Building Bridges. This book was launched in late 2012 in Lobito, the present home community of Rev Chipenda. The launch which honoured Rev. Chipenda was attended by government representatives and received national media attention. In 2014 Luis Samacumbi wrote a book of reflections on the faith that can sustain us in turbulent times. Its title is A fé além do impossível/ A faith beyond the impossible. The cover page image is of the sea parting before the person of faith. Also, in 2014, Luis Samacumbi authored a book on the life of the first Ochimbundu woman ordained by IECA, Rev. Ilda Valerio. It is entitled O farol de esperança/ The lighthouse of hope. As Luis writes in his introduction, Rev. Ilda has been another important mentor to him. She has also become a mother to him following the sudden death of his own mother in his early adulthood. Above:L- R: Luis Samacumbi , Rev. Jose Chipenda, and Scout leader Lito Sacoco at Canata School (Lobito, 2013). LS photo collection Below: Rev. Ilda Valerio, Canata.School, . (2009). Photo by Jean Burgess In 2015, Luis Samacumbi wrote a fifth book, on the life of Rev Julio Francisco, the former Secretary General of IECA (1983 – 1997), who provided leadership to IECA during the challenging times of the civil war. The book is entitled Uma Voz de Fé em Tempos Difíceis/ A voice of faith in difficult times. It was the family of Rev Julio Francisco, now deceased, who asked Luis to write this book, so that the inspiration of Rev. Francisco’s life and words might be shared with future generations of IECA. 2 Note: Rev Jose Chipenda’s wife, Eva Chipenda has written her memoirs in an English book entitled The Visitor: An African Woman’s Story of Travel and Discovery. It was published in 1996 by the World Council of Churches as Volume 73 of the Risk Book Series. Announcement of the launching of Luis Samacumbi’s fifth book, ‘A voice of faith in difficult times’. Besides self publishing his own books, Luis Samacumbi has published several books by other Angolans writers: O papel da Sociedade no cumprimento da missão da escola/ The role of society in the school’s mission (2015) by Matos Enoque, Buscando sabedoria nos contos/, Seeking Wisdom in Tales (and proverbs) (2015) by Frederico Pascoal York and Viajando de Bela Vista à Cachiungo/Travelling from Bela Vista to Cachiungo (2015) by Anastácio César Culanda. Luis Samacumbi’s writings, and other publications of Livros Olohengo, are valuable resources for Angolan educational institutions ranging from seminaries, to church-run and public schools, to universities. Luis Samacumbi’s writings and others published by Livros Olohengo are also of interest to academics and friends of Angola in North America and elsewhere. AMSF has supported Luis Samacumbi through a contribution to the printing costs of 4 of his books, from a gift designated in memory of Dr. George Burgess. George Burgess had worked closely with Luis Samacumbi, then director of DASEP, on the administration of the Rotary International Phase I & II project to fund the start up of 10 IECA health clinics, from 20032006 and 2007-2010. Books are very expensive in Angola, up to 200% of Canadian prices. The AMSF print grants are making Luis’ Samacumbi’s books more financially accessible to Angolan readers. Rev. Ilda Valerio, Canata Elementary School, 2009. Photo by Jean Burgess Luis Samacumbi’s books can be obtained directly from him at [email protected]. George Burgess and Luis Samacumbi, during Luis' visit in June 2006 to Chesley, ON Rotary Club and local St John's United Church of Canada. Photo by Ken Burgess