0709 TX Stylist.indd - Stylist and Salon Newspapers


0709 TX Stylist.indd - Stylist and Salon Newspapers
In this issue...
7 Retail Matters
Gordon Miller suggests diversion is a distraction from what
really matters, figuring out how
to move the collective industry
retail sales forward after literally
decades of relative stagnation.
13 Esthetic Endeavors
There are many variations within
the category of private label. Judy
Culp offers numerous reasons for
choosing private label verses
carrying national brands.
Nail Extension
15 The
Most successful nail techs never
enter the competition arena so
they don’t learn the techniques to
fine-tune their work. Vicki Peters
suggests some guidelines that
can help you dissect your own
nails and see if there is room for
Debating the Dirty D-Word – Diversion
From the Editor
Lisa Kind
Diversion — the Dirty D word of the
beauty industry – some will Deny that it exists,
some think it will Destroy us; some can’t see
the harm; Do you know what it is all about?
What if instead of looking for someone to
blame, the beauty industry as a whole, starts
looking at how to make a change?
On page 4, Charlene Abretske, after hearing many complaints about diversion from
salons, distributors and manufacturers concludes that each has their own ideas on where
diversion comes from.
But, when it comes to the area of professionalism, the beauty industry does not
take itself seriously. She suggests that salons
compare themselves to the medical profession
and actually prescribe products for home care.
Being an advocate for your clients is important
and doing so would make a huge difference in
your professionalism.
Of little debate is the emotional punch
that diversion has on some salon pros losing
their passion for retail. Turn to page 7 to read
Gordon Miller’s personal experience with a
group of hairstylists.
He believes the influence of salon and spa
pros over their loyal clientele can easily diminish any urge for them to buy professional
products from the drug store. Diversion is bad
for the industry, but the disincentive for stylists
to consult and educate clients on how to best
maintain their hair at home can be dangerous
for the beauty industry.
Jerry Tyler takes a classic film noir direction to his column this month. Through his
quest to uncover the truth about diversion
he discovered there are no single solutions to
this challenge and every new discovery only
revealed a new mystery to solve. Turn to page
6 to read about his quest and if he discovers a
solution to the diversion dilemma.
No matter what your reaction to product
diversion, pretending it does not impact your
business won’t make it go away. On page
8, marketing expert Elizabeth Brown offers
actions you can take to make your business
diversion-proof. When it comes to retail products in the salon, often there is a huge hole
where your message should be.
Choosing to retail a private label brand is
another option to negate the affect diversion
has on your business. Judy Culp, page 13,
shares how to make a private label brand work
for you. National or private label, whichever
path you decide to take it is important to research the product and make sure it is the right
fit for your salon or clinic.
In this economy it is imperative we form
a united front to help the beauty industry
remain strong and resilient. Retailing is an
important part of any salon’s bottom line.
Professional product manufacturers need to
support the salon industry, and in turn, the
salon industry supports the manufacturers by
selling the professional products. When that
happens we can all work together towards an
abundant future.
Beauty Business Buzz . . . . . . . 4
Blue Highways . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Retail Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Three Months of Marketing . . . 8
Esthetic Endeavors . . . . . . . 13
The Mane Objective. . . . . . . 14
Better Business . . . . . . . . . . 14
The Nail Extension. . . . . . . . . . 15
Texas TDLR News. . . . . . . . . 16
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
What’s New in the Market . . . 19
On the cover...
photo courtesy of
Stylists Compete in Sport Clips’
“The Look” National Competition
Five Stylists earned the honor
to compete in Sport Clips’ “The
Look” competition live at its recent
National Huddle in Orlando.
Judges Robert Cromeans, John
Paul Mitchell Systems’ Global
Artistic Director; Mary Cuomo of
JPMS; Tammy Felice of DBE; and
Ron Villanueva of American Crew
reviewed the hair design results
Kym Hill of Fort Worth, Texas (third
after finalists set shears and clippers
stylist from left) was selected 2009
in motion on their models before a
“The Look” Competition winner.
crowd of almost 1,200 at the Disney
Swan and Dolphin Resort.
Kym Hill of Fort Worth, Texas was selected 2009 “The Look” Competition winner.
Her hair design will become a part of Sport Clips training, and a poster representing the
style will be placed in stores across the country. Hill received $2,500 and Arius Eickert
Shears and case.
Headquartered in Georgetown, Texas, Sport Clips is one of the nation’s fastest-growing franchises. For more information about Sport Clips visit SportClips.com.
Texas Stylist & Salon
Volume 3, Number 12, Issue 36
July 2009
Published monthly by
Holland Graphics, Inc.
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Managing Editor
Production Manager
Advertising Director
Art Director
Classified Sales
Linda Holland
Lisa Kind
Joel Holland
Marcy Avenson
Erica Gibson
Kelly Smith
Contributing Writers:
Judy Culp, Jerry Tyler, Charlene Abretske,
Neil Ducoff, Vicki Peters, Elizabeth Brown,
Marco Pelusi
Texas Department of
Licensing and Regulation
Susan Stanford, Public Information Officer
TEXAS STYLIST & SALON is mailed free of charge
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TDLR Provider #1201
Diversion — The Dirty Word of the Beauty Industry
Business Buzz
Charlene Abretske
At its worst, diversion is perceived as dirty
dealing. At its best it can be seen as nothing more
than a bait and switch tactic on the consumer.
As someone who works with salon and spa
industry professionals, I hear many complaints
about diversion from salons, distributors and
manufacturers. Everyone has their own ideas
on where it is coming from and why the
practice exists –some say greed, others say corporate management, and still others feel it is a
conspiracy set up to harm salons and spas.
Imagine if we actually stopped worrying
about the source of diversion for a second and
looked in the mirror at our role in the industry.
What can we really do to affect change by
changing the area we actually have control
over? What area would that be? The area of
our own behavior, of course.
I know it is easy to point the finger at large
corporations along with huge big box and drug
store chains, but when it comes down to it, the
products are showing up there simply because
we are not selling the necessary amount to
support the industry.
It is our responsibility as beauty professionals to educate our clients. Every facet of
this industry from manufacturers, schools,
distributors, business educators and platform
artists tell us how important it is to have an
in-depth consultation and educate clients on
what you are using on them, the reasons you
selected it for them and how they can use each
product at home.
Yet the issue still persists and we simply
don’t consistently follow expert advice to
achieve the results we would like. What can we
do? We must change. Even if we switched to a
product that was not currently diverted or to a
private label our retail sales would not increase
until the correct changes in our behavior
were made. There are two factors that inhibit
changing what we do, one is habit and the
other is professionalism.
Habits are hard to break; we all know how
difficult that can be. Our brains look for repetitive patterns, pick up on them and repeat them
continually and voila, a new habit is formed.
Getting the neurons to re-transmit to another
pattern can be done and in all actuality is done
by the brain millions of times every day.
Getting into the habit of having thorough
consultation and educating your clients on
retail takes little time to feel completely comfortable with, the first few days will be uncomfortable. Having an accountability structure
to your clients around these areas is crucial
to forming the desired new habit to keep you
on a path to success. So what does that mean
for you? You must create an accountability
program based on your clients that states, “I
will complete a comprehensive consultation
with you and educate you on which products
you should be using to maintain the look you
enjoy….. Or today’s service is free.”
This statement should be posted where every client can see it; clients need to know what
you are promising so they can have something
to hold you accountable to. This may seem
harsh, but it does reinforce the habit you are
attempting to create and to have someone
other than our own selves’ hold us accountable, really does help.
When it comes to the area of professionalism the beauty industry does not take itself
seriously enough. Think of other professions.
The medical profession is a good example.
There are similarities between our professions
which include many hours of education before
we can see clients/patients; both professions
are governed by a licensing board; we both
take part in ongoing education in order to stay
viable; we must be aware of new techniques
and procedures; we must be trained on safety;
we must comply with sanitation requirements;
we must have great chair side/bedside manner
and we both recommend follow-up care.
Why is it all of the other similarities are
complied with and met on a daily basis with
the exception of the very last one of recommending follow-up care?
Imagine if a doctor diagnosed you as a
diabetic and then said he just didn’t feel like
pushing his prescription on you. What would
happen to that doctor? The doctor would have
his license revoked and rightfully face prosecution. The patient has the choice to fill the
prescription the doctor prescribed or not, but
the doctor still must write it because it is his
professional duty to provide follow-up care.
Imagine if it was your duty and honor as
a beauty professional to educate clients every
time on the products you selected for their
needs and you actually prescribed them what
they need – doing so would make a huge
difference in your professionalism. Being an
advocate to your clients is important.
Charlene Abretske is a business advisor with Your Beauty Network. Your
Beauty Network offers simple emarketing tools along with training for you or
your staff to help you move your business forward. For more information call
(866)364-4926 or email [email protected].
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
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Case # PPD (Professional Product Diversion) Noir Perspective
Blue Highways
Jerry Tyler
It was a dark and stormy night; the rain
fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of
I was at my place, Los Angeles. After a hot
shower to wash the 10 haircuts off of me, I
put on a Teddy Wilson /Lena Horne CD circa
1939, made a chilled martini, three olives,
then contemplated dinner and what movie to
When I made the move to my computer to
check emails, I spied a note from my editor. I
write for major beauty publications and I was
getting my next assignment. June…. Investigate product diversion.
I let my mind wander just what that was
going to entail when a late night phone call
jarred me back to attention with this exchange:
“J, What are you doing?”
I should know, but I don’t, this case eludes
me. “So what are you going to do?”
I will go where this case takes me, whatever journey I have in store. “Go get’em J,”
Goodnight, I said and hung up the phone.
So began my journey on the case of Diver-
sion that haunts the integrity of our profession.
After talking to many industry leaders
including salon owners, product manufacturers and other key players it seemed the more
I tried to get a handle on this open cold case
file, the more it took on the personality of the
classic film noir detective cinema from the
1940s to present film themes. (Film noir is a
cinematic term used to describe certain stylish Hollywood dramas).
Watch Dark Passage 1948, The Big Sleep
1946, or The Big Steal. Then there was Chinatown, True Confessions, The Black Dahlia, LA
Confidential and Mullholland Falls.
These movies and the times they speak of
are a walk on the dark side of life. Much of
what I see in this quest is also in the case of
While talking to most of my contacts,
there was a consensus that they appreciated
the interest in the diversion of professional
salon products and recognized the negative
financial and ethical impact of this practice to
all or most involved. After all, there are whole
industry associations built around fighting
The other shoe would drop and I was
advised to tread lightly, walk softly, don’t state
the obvious. I knew I was walking on the razors
edge between uncovering the truth and finding
Lower Business Insurance Rates
a bigger entity there is a change in what the
new parent company’s demands are to expand
the market share. This happens particularly
if there is a drop in sales in that niche market
or the market has been saturated and there is
no foreseen growth. The usual direction is to
expand the market to satisfy their shareholders
who are looking for continual larger market
The real conclusion is that when we think
there is no real solution to this diversion
dilemma, nothing is further from the truth.
We are a constantly evolving industry, always
embracing new trends and technologies to stay
ahead of fashion and to stay relevant in an ever
changing landscape.
When we see fashion change and our
clientele demands progressive change, we rise
to the occasion. If seeing your brand that was
once a cutting-edge product, outside of the
sphere, it may be time to find the next new
leader in products that is as cutting edge as the
product line you left behind.
If diversion really is an issue then we also
need to make constant and continual change
our mantra. By partnering with salons to grow
the product within, rather than looking for
other sales outside the professional market,
existing product manufacturers can maintain
the high standard of their brand and remain
true to their smaller niche market.
It is now well past midnight and I hope
this case eventually comes to a positive conclusion where all players involved can prosper
equally and uphold the integrity of both the
professional salons industry and its professional product partners working together for
an abundant future.
Jerry Tyler’s column Blue Highways is his “Road Less Traveled” perspective on
the solutions and challenges facing the beauty industry. Jerry Tyler has been
a stylist since 1975 serving as the former artistic director for Vidal Sassoon
Academy and currently as Director of Education for Carlton Hair salons. He
is also a licensed cosmetology instructor and has served as President of the
California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
Liability Insurance
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a proactive solution that doesn’t help one facet
of the industry at the expense of the other.
I discovered there are no single solutions
to this challenge, just as it turns out in the noir
films, the secrets revealed can help you but in
most cases what seems to be the right answer
is not what it seems.
So let’s take a look at the evidence. Like in
noir films every new perceived discovery only
reveals a new mystery to solve.
Much of the great noir writers featured the
notion of the little guy fighting against a world
that has turned on them and no one but they
can see the negative impact that is created.
My salon uses two salon-direct products.
When I go to Target, CVS or Loehmanns and
see my stylist-direct product on the shelf at
the same or lower price point, I feel a trust has
been violated; not necessarily by my chosen
brand but by the system that fails to protect the
integrity of the product we place our profession reputation on.
When former niche brands become big
brands, the demand needs supply. When the
supply exceeds the demand of the target market
the product has to go somewhere. So where it
goes is the question of diversion, not why?
In this case, who wins? Quite frankly,
nobody. The professionally-prescribed product
loses the value of the brand, and possibly the
long term relationship with their salon partners. The salon that is banking on the sale of
salon prescriptive to enhance their bottom line
and offset the high cost of doing business sees
their profit margin threatened by losing sales
to a retail outlet.
The reality is that the expansion of any
brand once it has saturated the original target
market based on the demand created for it,
will move the product either by default, as in
diversion, or by design in bringing the product
to the next broader market level, i.e. over the
While the dream of any designer-driven
product may be to have their product stay in
the original niche market, once they sell to
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Life on the Beauty D List…
Armstrong McCall’s 27th Annual
remain for many an ongoing debate in spite of
all the contradicting studies and data). Sound
Retail Matters
Gordon Miller
Of little debate is the conclusion by so
many that the emotional punch of diversion
has caused more than a small percentage of
As a long time industry veteran, I have my
salons and salon pros to lose their passion for
share of pet peeves.
prescribing products to support services-a
Top of the list is a never ending frustration
loss to salons, distributors and manufacturers
that the D word (diversion) remains such an
alike. Perhaps most importantly is the loss to
emotional laden topic of conversation.
the tens of millions of clients who miss out on
And, in my view, this is a distraction from
CosmetiC Arts & sCienCes
one of the most important services offered by
what really matters, which is figuring out how
Hair, Skin, Nail and Equipment show
salons – a great consultation focused on how to
to move the collective industry retail sales formaintain the results of
ward after literally decades
services from home.
of relative stagnation.
Most damaging in
John Paul Mitchell Systems® | JP Pet™ | Matrix® | TIGI®| Aquage®
But let’s get back to this
Most damaging in all of
KMS California™ | Goldwell | American Crew® | Farouk Systems Group/Chi®
all of this is the resultin a moment…
Scruples® | Nioxin® | Wella® | Sebastian® | Graham Webb™ | Rusk®
ing loss of focus and
As I’m writing this,
Babyliss® PRO | PBI Group | OPI® | It’s So Easy | Repêchage® | Fake Bake®
this is the resulting loss of confidence that comes
CND™ | China Glaze®/Seche Vite™ | Ardell® | Belvedere® | Bain de Terre®
I’m sitting on a jet headed
Bio Ionic® | NailTek™ | Arius Eickert™ | McCoy Enterprises-Feet First Spa
to the Premiere Orlando
Oster® | Joewell®|Satin Smooth® | Wahl® Clipper | Hot Tools® | Cricket®
focus and confidence that very idea that products
Sheargear | Centrix® Shears | Spornette International | Divi International
Show. We’re an hour into
Graham Beauty® | Clean + Easy® | Betty Dain Creations/SBS | Alterna®
on a far away drug store
the flight when I notice two
Circle of Friends® | Jatai®/Feather | Shark Fin® Shears | CMS Holland
comes from the D word.
Scissorworks/Triada Shears | Thermasoft™ | Sormé | Fromm® International
shelf diminish the
rows ahead of me is a group
Collins | Salon Furnishings | Medicool®/Isabel Cristina® | Funtime Products
influence of salon and
of stylists seated six across.
Pibbs® Salon Evolution® | Salon Ambience™ | Fuji | Design Nail
spa pros over their loyal and loving clients, fly
Premium Nails® | Cirepil® Wax | Kayline | Venice Dina Meri | RVJ International
As I watch the flights events unfold, I cannot
Ranco Industries | Unique Mats | Gerda Spillmann® | Cinderella Hair
in the face of everything I continue to experihelp but be reminded of the power of savvy
Dennis Bernard® | Bric McMann | Eyevac® Professional | Maiden Spa™
ence in conversations with consumers far and
professionals over the rest of us mere mortals.
Johnny B. | Product Club | Belson Products | Footsiebath® | Pharmaskincare®
Soothing Touch® | Smockers™ | Get-A-Grip Gloves | Olivia Garden®
Within the course of an hour, they have
Monroe Brush | Worcester Reading Co. | Robanda®/Bodyography™
completely won over the flight attendants and
Garfield International - Paragon® Equipment | Innovative Beauty Products
Godefroy | Kaemark™ | Mehaz/Spilo® Worldwide | Earthly Body | GiGi®
not near as dangerous as its corresponding disare busy dispensing beauty advice and passing
Paul Brown Hawaii™ | Trionics® Systems, and
incentive for too many to shirk their duty (yes,
out business cards. Soon after, while taking
many, many more!
another D word – but one that is empowering)
a stretch in the rear galley area of the plane,
to educate clients how to best maintain the
two flight attendants are busily sharing their
results of services using the perfect mix of take
excitement in getting in-flight consultations
home products with specific instructions on
from “beauty pros in the know” (their words,
how to use, not abuse, the contents of each.
not mine).
Turning attention back to our team of high
One has been “dying for a makeover” and
stylists, it appears they have now bonded
is hoping to make it to the home city soon
with the parents of two young toddlers in the
of their new found friends while the other
| Fake Bake
| Fake Bake
row behind them. Only they have managed
is talking with excitement about the product
200 E. Market Street | San Antonio, TX 78205
| Belvedere
| Belvedere
divert the kids from their high flying anxiety
recommendations to “put more life into my
Sunday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
– and give mom a needed break with a hairtired hair.”
Monday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
color consultation and some styling tips.
Minutes later, the first class attendant has
A bit later, the pilot announces the begin
made her way back to coach to check in with
decent into Orlando and launches
our industry ambassadors – and is quickly
| Circlea of Friends
| Circle of Friends
joined by a co-worker who teases her for hon*
EARly BIRD: May 1 - July 31 · Stylist $59.95/Student $49.95
each taking a few moments to check on their
ing in on her new found friends.
International | Collins | Salon
| Collins | Salon Furnishings
ADVANCED: Aug 1 - Sept 12 · Stylist $79.95/Student $60.00
I’ve just witnessed the kind of bonding that newfound friends.
| Funtime Products
| Funtime Products
The lesson in all of this – that the diversion
AT ThE DOOR: Stylist $95.00/Student $60.00
only seems to happen when salon pros are in
Wax Professionals and Students only.
* Beauty Industry
provided by salons and salon pros (through Wax
the mix – and reminded of the power of our
children under 16 are permitted to attend.
Kayline | Venice Dina Meri
| RVJ| International
Venice Dina Meri | RVJNo
services and products that delight the masses)
industry to influence people in profoundly
from the daily grind we call our lives is | aBric McMann
positive ways.
| Bric McMann
So what does this all have to do with diver- gift – one that I can only hope will not be| Johnny B.
| Johnny B.
Call 1-800-45-SAlON, contact your Sales Consultant
diverted by bottles sitting on drugstore shelves
sion? In my view” EVERYTHING….
or visit your local Armstrong McCall store.
surrounded by everything from Celebrex to
Diversion is a complex topic – especially
| Monroe Brush
| Monroe Brush
when it comes to where to point the proverbial Cheesewiz .
Education Credit!
finger of blame. Who participates actively?
Texas Stylists can receive
Gordon Miller is the Executive Director for the National Cosmetology AssociaWho turns a blind eye? Who is fighting the
hours of CE credit by
good fight? And what is the true impact on the
attending this show. Bring your
since its inception in 1921, has been and continues to be to ensure that workindustry over time?
Cosmetology License and
ing salon professionals have the tools and resources available to create career
It’s all somewhat of a blur. What’s really
a $10 processing fee to
success with integrity. For more information on the NCA, visit www.ncacares.
september 13-14
going on is as much a matter of conjecture as
receive credit.
org or call 312-527-6765.
perhaps the topic of global warming (yes it
exists but how, why and the ultimate impact
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
ConCert HAIR
prices 13-14
ticket prices
ticket prices
buy now!
TEXAS STYLIST & SALON | JULY 2009 | Cook wins Intercoiffure’s Creative Cutting Contest
Leslie Cook of Tangles Salon in Wichita Falls, Texas,
was named Intercoiffure Nouveau’s brightest new star
with her first-place win in the 2009 Creative Cutting
Contest, announced recently during Intercoiffure’s Spring
Business Symposium in Las Vegas.
“Intercoiffure Nouveau was established to groom
our young talent,” explained Lois Christie, President of
Intercoiffure America/Canada (ICA). “This annual contest
showcases the skills of our members’ young stylists and
helps them acquire experience on a national level.”
Nouveau Director Perry Monge, of Perry
Leslie Cook of Wichita Falls, Texas
Monge Salon & Spa, Phoenix, Arizona, exwins Intercoiffure’s Creative Cutplained the challenge: “Contestants were asked
ting Contest with this entry.
to submit photographic entries of an innovative, dynamic and current haircut, using vivid,
distinct haircolor as an integral part of the style. The model’s makeup should complement
the cut and color to create a harmonious contrast.”
Celebrity icons Scott Cole, Linda Yodice and Vivienne Mackinder then selected the
first, second and third-place winners from the 10 finalists.
First-place winner Leslie Cook received a complimentary registration for Intercoiffure’s Atelier New York 2009 and a back stage pass to work with Scott Cole, Intercoiffure
Fashion Director, on his 2009/2010 Trend Release, to be introduced at the Atelier. All
winners also received complimentary registrations to participate in the annual Mondial
Performance and Night of the Stars, to be held Sept. 12-13, 2009 in Paris. Intercoiffure
Mondial is ICA’s international parent organization.
Intercoiffure America/Canada is an association of the beauty industry’s elite—more
than 300 salon owners employing more than 27,500 employees. The average annual sales
volume for an Intercoiffure member ranges from $1.5 million to $85 million. In addition
to their economic clout, Intercoiffure members set the creative and quality standards for
the industry. Information about Intercoiffure may be found at www.Intercoiffure.us.
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Diversion-Proof Marketing
Three Months
of Marketing
Elizabeth Brown
You cannot use the “D” word without evoking emotion, from the defeated,
resigned shrug to quiet, steely resolve to
passionate resistance.
No matter your reaction, pretending it
does not impact our business or ignoring the
consequences does not negate them.
As a salon professional, you may feel as
though the reality of diversion is out of your
hands; after all, what can you do to stem the
tide when big players release ‘professional’
products into mainstream retail outlets from
the drug store down the street to the big box
outlet – not to mention on the internet.
Consumers have never had access to
such a wide variety of product choices available from such a wide variety of purchasing
points. From inexpensive mass-produced
brands to products previously available only
in the most exclusive salons and spas, if your
client can Google it, they can get it.
The good news is that you can do more
than work around the reality of diverted
products. There are actions you can take
to make your business diversion-proof,
ensuring that clients will come to you for
products as well as services.
Marketing is much more than the ads
you place or the promotions you run. Marketing encompasses every message that you
send to clients, from the ones you intend to
send through your overt messaging to the
ones you may not even be aware you are
sending – the atmosphere in your salon, the
attitude clients sense from your staff, the
products they see on the backbar, and more.
When it comes to retail products in the salon, often there is a huge, gaping hole where
your messaging should be!
Do you carry products in the salon that
are truly professional-only products, or do
you carry products that you know are available in your client’s grocery or drugstore? If
you knowingly carry products available at local retail stores, you need to put a strategy in
place through promotions, add-on services,
etc., to give clients incentives to purchase
from you, rather than a retail competitor.
You may need to do reconnaissance at
local stores to see which of your products
are available there and where they are priced,
and you may need to make changes to your
own retail strategies accordingly.
Remember though, with the purchasing
power large chains have, you cannot compete on price. So how do you give yourself
an edge?
One of the most obvious answers is to
carry products whose manufacturers have
elected to sell exclusively through professional distribution and salons only. But this
is only the first step; you also have to communicate the unique benefits these products have to your clients. You must identify legitimate client needs, problems and
conditions, and then you have to tell them
how the products that you carry meet their
needs and solve their problems better, faster,
more efficiently, more luxuriously – than
the products they can purchase elsewhere
can do.
To create true exclusivity for your
clients, you may elect to carry your own
salon-branded line of products. This may be
simpler than you think. You do not need a
degree in chemistry or your own lab to have
a private line. Advances in technology have
made print-on-demand and other short-run
labeling options more possible and more
This may be the time to contact local professional-only manufacturers with
questions about creating a private label line
of hair, skin, cosmetics, waxing or other
products for your salon. This can work
especially well for salons with a boutique
feel whose client base is especially attracted
by the idea of exclusivity, personalized attention and the idea that they have access
to items that are not available to the general
public. Remember, it is not just having the
products, it is in positioning, merchandising,
signage, promotions, messaging – in other
words, through on-going, consistent communication throughout the course of your
business with clients that you establish these
You can apply the same principles of
marketing messaging when it comes to
services; specifically when it comes to the
products that you use in your services. No
doubt in the present economy some of your
clients have gone to the drugstore for their
hair color. When it comes to color, what is
it about the line you carry that sets them
apart from the drugstore lines? If it is only in
your personal ability to apply the color, you
have lost the messaging war when it comes
to clients who want all-over color – because
they can apply this themselves.
You must identify, differentiate and communicate the benefits your products carry
- from color line to products you use for
massage, waxing, nail or skin care services, to
services provided at the backbar - in the same
way you communicate the unique, powerful
benefits your retail products possess.
Elizabeth Brown is the founder of Be InPulse Marketing and Design in
Auburn, Washington and the author of 12 Months of Marketing for Salon
and Spa. Email the author at [email protected].
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
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Choosing Private Label Options
Esthetic Endeavors
Judith Culp
The term private label is loosely defined as
products not sold under a national brand name
but rather that are purchased from a manufacturer and the client’s own brand or label are
applied to the product.
There are many variations within this category and numerous reasons for choosing this
option verses carrying national brands.
The plus side of carrying a national brand
is the manufacturer is doing national advertising to gain brand recognition and boost sales of
their product. They may have a referral system
for clients looking for local establishments
carrying the product. They may also have a
marketing program that offers product credit
or other rebates for retailers that include their
product name or logo in local advertising.
Generally, they have product brochures
available to assist in marketing to prospective
clients. Costs of advertising and marketing are
included in the wholesale cost of the product.
For the retailer the profit margin may range
from 30% to 50%. It can be a very nice benefit
to have clients coming in specifically looking
for brands that you carry.
Other than a lower profit margin than that
offered by private label, there didn’t used to be
any downside to a national brand. But a couple
of more issues have emerged. First is diversion.
When your client suddenly sees that national
brand in a discount store, the impetus to go to
the salon or clinic to pick it up is diluted.
The second issue is the internet. With almost every national brand you can find someone, somewhere on the internet trying to “offprice” the products. This hurts everyone. The
manufacturer may suffer increased problems
selling their product to bona fide retailers on
either the internet or those who sell through
salons or clinics. Once a consumer has found
an item discounted it can be more difficult to
get them to pay the “suggested retail” price.
These problems don’t exist with private
label brands. The brand belongs to the salon
and is only available at their store or on their
website. The manufacturers don’t do advertising for the products so their overhead is much
lower. This allows them to sell their products
for less than branded products.
The retail markup ranges from 100% to
500% depending on the demographic market
in which they are being offered and the individual item being sold. Cleansers and toners
are commonly sold at a lower profit margin
than specialty products. This is reflective of the
profit margin range that actually exits for the
manufacturers of branded products but that
the retailer may not be aware of.
There are those who feel these salons selling private labeled products are over charging.
They are not. The clinic is the one who has to
not only have labels made but also do all the
marketing of the brand with no remuneration
from the manufacturer. While some companies offering private label may have brochures,
this is certainly not average or typical. Often
every marketing piece must be created by
the clinic and if printing in color on heavy
paper or card stock is desired, printing can be
Within the realm of private label manufacturers there is a diversity of offerings. Some
of them offer a “company brand” or a private
label option. At least one that I know of also
has a branch of the company that owns a retail
chain. These products are put in special packaging so that they become branded products.
Some manufacturers have a branded line but
also create specialty products for other companies. This is more than private labeling; it is
custom formulating.
As the manufacturing process has minimum requirements this can be more expensive
than the average clinic can afford. Almost any
formulating chemist will be happy to create
you a product if you have enough time and
money. It may be a formula that they routinely
create for customers or it may be an “exclusive” formula.
Some private labeling companies have different packaging options to allow the salon to
create a unique look. This can be nice because
it allows the clinic to have products that more
closely match their image and marketing position.
There are some clinics that carry their own
brand in addition to a national brand. This
allows them to have the draw of the national
brand and at the same time the increased profit
margin of the private label products. They feel
this gives them the best of both worlds.
Whichever path a clinic decides to follow,
it is important to take the time to do “due
diligence” and make sure the product selected
is the right one for them considering ingredients, formulation, packaging, philosophy and
the stability and reliability of the manufacturer.
Line hopping, changing product lines offered
routinely, is confusing to the customer and
can undermine their confidence in the clinic’s
ability to recommend. It’s better to take time
and add carefully.
Judith Culp, a CIDESCO Diplomat has been in the esthetics industry since 1980.
A CPCP permanent makeup technician for over 18 years she served a 4-year
term as a Director for the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, two
years as their president. She is president of Culp Enterprises Inc. and CEO of NW
Institute of Esthetics. Judy Culp is available for consulting. For more information visit www.estheticsnw.com.
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
Product Quality and Diversion
The Mane Objective
Marco Pelusi
My mantra is always to maintain the
quality and integrity of the hair.
I’ve said it, lived it, done it, believed in
it, breathed it for years and years, in salons
and with manufacturers, as long back as I can
remember, even as a young kid working in
my family’s salons in Pittsburgh (which are
still going strong, by the way).
As hair professionals, we need to educate
ourselves with and about product quality at
all times. This education is what our clients
come to us for as experts. Manufacturers are
and should be working towards and striving
for absolute top quality for their shampoos,
conditioners and styling products – but
even more importantly – for their chemical
products as well.
Many professional hair care products
are diverted into the wrong stores, as we well
know. Often times we’ll spot at a drug store
a luxuriously high quality salon product that
we’ve educated and sold to a client. This discovery is not fun, and downgrades our entire
industry and us as professionals.
We’re the authority whom clients look
to for proper education on product usage. If
our clients happen to view the same product
we educate them about and sell them at our
salon also on sale at a drug store, we’re all in
very bad shape. Therefore, individually, salon
owners, hairdressers, as well as all manufacturers, must be concerned with product
quality, as well as the integrity of the specific
retail outlet where these products are offered.
I just returned from teaching once again
at the American Board of Certified Haircolorists in Los Angeles, where I shared
a specific face-shaping highlighting technique that I use on celebrity clients. I really
enjoyed connecting with and educating the
many wonderful, savvy, smart hairdressers
who specifically paid for and took a trip that
supported their careers and educated them
– even in the middle of this odd economy.
Those attending this weekend are a
testament to the dedication of the true
professionals in our industry. Striving for
such professionalism includes truly questioning and educating ourselves on all hair care
products and ingredients that we work with
on our clients, and keeping an eye out for the
diversion going on out there. Especially in an
economy like today, we need to be seriously
mindful of what’s happening.
Take a look at your ingredient labels, ask
questions, and get educated. Get conscious of
what’s inside each product. It’s no joke. When
you’re in the drug store, make sure what you
just sold your client isn’t also located there, so
you’re not undermined by diversion.
Conversations about product quality
were held in a most intelligent way at the
ABCH Summit, and I was so pleased to be
able to stand for quality and integrity at this
group when teaching, and to be a part of it.
But it takes each and every one of us hairdressers to make a real effort to watch for it.
Generally speaking, I feel, manufacturers
today are truly seeking to be the best in quality, because we as hairdressers, as well as our
clients, are savvier than ever. We know what
to look for in a product. We know what’s
healthy for the hair, and we know we need
to educate and offer our clients the very best
We also know we must keep track on
what’s new constantly. Then we must share
that same information with our clients. It’s
a game that we have to play all the time. We
have to keep an open mind, because there are
often newer products that do the job even a
bit better than the older ones.
At the same point in time, however, we
can’t get caught up in bashing ingredients in
tried, tested, and true quality products that
have been around forever. There’s still some
gold, and always has been, in what has worked
for us for years and years. Therefore, a balance
is needed, to both stay open to the new, but
still be faithful to the old, if quality is involved.
Challenge yourself to be a part of this
effort to maintain product quality and to
protect against diversion.
Marco Pelusi is globally recognized as a haircolor trainer and platform artist.
Marco Pelusi Hair Studio, Inc. was named Best Hair Color in Los Angeles
2007 by KTTV Fox11’s “myfoxla Hot List” competition. Pelusi created
the Marco Collagen Color Guard HairCare System, the collagen system
developed for color and chemically treated hair. For more information, visit
When Change Resistors
Meet an Unstoppable Force
Better Business
Neil Ducoff
Even in the best-run salons, some leaders
will encounter resistance when they introduce change. It doesn’t matter if the change is
simple or complicated; it may be as simple as
a new way to handle customers or it might be
a complicated overhaul of the entire compensation system, but when you experience
resistance to change, everything slows down.
Resistance can interfere with, or, in extreme
cases, totally derail change.
And when leaders continually see their
well-intended change efforts get shot down
like ducks in a shooting gallery, something
more than frustration infects the company
When a company cannot adapt to the
relentlessly evolving business world around
it, stagnation sets in. Comfort zones become
hardened behavior patterns. Everything in the
company slows down while the competition is
speeding up. Before you know it, your company is out of the race. And all because some
people couldn’t stand change.
Many leaders see a challenge in implementing change as overcoming internal
resistance and dealing with the solidly dug-in
change resistors. As a result, it’s easy to approach even the smallest change as a form of
confrontation. This is a dangerous and inflammatory mindset that makes many leaders feel
Motivating and inspiring people to change
by using a confrontational mindset is simply
going to backfire. Moreover, it gives change
resistors all the fuel they need to work their
back channels to spin and ratchet up internal
Successful change initiatives begin with the
leader’s thinking and behavior. More specifically, it begins with the leader’s vision of what
that change initiative means to the company,
its employees and its customers.
Quite frankly, employees know that change
must occur and that change can be difficult.
They know that leadership must make tough
decisions. However, what’s often missing is
the full disclosure of why things are changing;
what may happen along the way and what it
will look like when the change initiative is
complete. Employees want to know why there
will be change and what to expect.
There is a difference between “dictating”
change and “empowering” change. Dictating change says, “This is how it’s going to
be done.” Empowering change says, “This is
where we must take the company and what it
will look like when we get there. Let’s create
the best implementation plan and systems to
get us there.”
Dictating shuts employees out. Empowerment through collaboration brings them into
the process.
Urgency is the fuel that drives change.
Urgency creates focus and channels groupthinking on the task at hand. The more leaders
instill a sense of urgency, the more difficult
it is for internal resistance to take hold. By
combining empowerment and collaboration
with a high sense of urgency, change resistors quickly realize that their toxic spewing is
isolating them from the mainstream flow of
the company. Simply put, they now stand out
as the source of resistance because they have
few, if any, followers.
Through leadership and communication, change must become a non-negotiable
process. It’s going to happen. It must happen. Tough decisions will be made. Obstacles
will be removed. Improved performance will
occur. Company competitiveness will be assured. The company will be in a better place
and be able to provide security and rewards to
everyone who made it happen. Leading change
is what leadership is all about.
Rest assured that change resistors are alive
and well in your company. Change resistors
are no match for any compromise – if you use
the tools in your toolbox.
Rack up those short-term wins. Change
resistors love to stir the pot and spew toxic
waste on those around them, but they don’t
like to be the lone resistor. By creating lots
of short-term wins to inspire teamwork and
confidence, change resistors become more
isolated until they finally discover that they’re
resisting all alone.
Communicate relentlessly. Breaking
through resistance requires a tenacious and focused leader. Relentlessly communicating the
values, behaviors, performance and expectations of a no compromise culture is the job of
the leader and the leadership team. The more
tenacious and consistent the message, the
more it communicates that resistance is futile.
Change or get off the ship.
Don’t provide a lifeboat. It’s key that the
change resistor understand that continued
resistant behavior must end. Participate in the
voyage to growth and opportunity — or leave
the ship. You cannot spare a lifeboat.
Neil Ducoff is the founder and CEO of Strategies, a business training and coaching company specializing in the salon and spa industry. Ducoff is the author of
Fast Forward, and his new book, No-Compromise Leadership, published by DC
Press available at www.amazon.com. For a signed copy, go to www.strategies.
com. Email at [email protected].
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
The Perfect Nail Checklist
The Nail Extension
Vicki Peters
I’ve been told I have one of the best pair
of eyes in the industry when dissecting a nail,
especially during a nail competition, and I take
tremendous pride in that.
Having 25- plus years experience as an
international competitor, judge and competition director has trained my eyes to see things
that the competitor cannot. To keep sharp
I scrutinize every magazine cover and ad in
almost every trade magazine worldwide.
Since I’ve done more than 250 covers
myself, I have worked with graphic designers when they digitally clean up the nails and
make them cover ready. So I know all the
tricks. Rarely does a magazine print an unretouched set of nails on the covers.
It’s upsetting when a nice set of nails upon
closer scrutiny show so many imperfections
that the tech apparently did not see. Sometimes I wish I could take a file right then and
there and finish the edges!
The problem is that most successful nail
techs never enter the competition arena or get
critiqued so they don’t learn the techniques to
fine-tune their work. Here are some guidelines that can help you dissect your own nails
and see if there is room for improvement.
Check your nails five ways:
• Top surface - looking at them as you work.
• Down the barrel - tip the nail up so you can
see right down the barrel.
• Left side/profile – turn the nail sideways
and look at the top surface and the nail
extension edge.
• Right side profile – turn the nail sideways
and look at the top surface and the nail
extension edge.
• From the client’s view – turn the nails
around so the tip faces the client and bend
her finger back so you can see the top
surface of the nail.
Product Control — The product is
completely covers the nails (close to the cuticle
and all edges). The application is smooth, even
and clean.
completely free of air bubbles and pits and
Finish Work — The surfaces of the nail
the color from nail to nail is exactly the same
are smooth and very shiny
shade and depth of color showing that you are
Many focus on the white
consistent with your liquid to powder ratio
in the pink. The edges
and application skills. The product was applied
and finished and there
smoothly and not over filed, perfect applicaare
on the undersides
tion at cuticle and sidewall areas.
done by graduating
Smile Lines — The smile lines definition
the dust in
of the pink/clear and white
between files. Be sure to take your
are crisp and symmetrical on
Most successful nail techs never enter the com- high shine buffers around the edges
all ten nails. Are the shapes
of the nails to give them a perfect
consistent with even points
finish and make sure the nails are
of the ears? Equal curvature
thoroughly clean (absence of dust).
and location on the nail with
I often have said it’s the little
a semi deep “U” shape that
that make a big difference.
complements the natural
nails that are perfectly
nail shape.
polished, that don’t snag the pantyhose and
and the nail bed color is a consistent length
Cuticle Area — The product is flush to
the shape consistency that sets your work apart
from nail to nail.
the natural nails and close to the cuticles in
from the others. Taking a few extra minutes to
coma perfect shape, which matches the natural
access your work and look at your nails with a
cuticle shape. The skin at the cuticle area is in
whole new perspective will help you see where
excellent condition and not pink, free from
you can improve and provide an even higher
abrasions and healthy.
quality service.
Surface Structure — The top surfaces
(profile) of the nail enhancements are smooth
Vicki Peters is a 28 year veteran master nail tech, competition champion,
— The polish completely covers the nails
and perfectly contoured at the cuticle, both
judge, international educator, author and manufacturer and serves on the Nail
apsidewalls and tip. Is the apex centered on the
Manufacturer Council. For more information visit www.vickipeters.com or
nail and matching in location when you view
email her at [email protected].
visible scratches.
the nail from the profile angle?
Color Gel Application — The color gel
Lateral Structure — The nail enhancements align perfectly with the sides of the
natural nails and the arch of the nail enhancements is consistently located on the stress area.
If nail enhancements are oval in shape, the
point at which the oval begins is consistent.
View from down the barrel and look at the
tip’s edge all the way to the cuticle and see if
the nail sits on the nail plate evenly.
C-curves — The curvature of the nail
enhancements is symmetrical and consistent.
The depth of curvature is consistent from nail
to nail. Looking down the barrel of the nail
view the top surface of the nail to the bottom
surface of the nail. Sides of the nail extension
from the grove walls to the tip should not be
flat from filing sides. They should be perfectly
contoured so the top matches the undersides
for the whole nail extension.
Also looking down the barrel at the tip’s
surface and undersides does the nail appear
thicker in spots even if the tip is perfectly
Length and Shape — The entire length,
measured from cuticle to the end of the extension, is consistent between matching nails
(pinkie to pinkie, etc.) and in proportion to
each other. The perimeter shape is symmetrical and consistent. Check to make sure the free
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and calendar dates. And our Online Edition gives you a virtual tour of our paper
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You Graduated! Now What?
Don’t Cheat Yourself Out of a Career
American poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson,
once said, “No one can cheat you out of
ultimate success but yourself.” The barbering and cosmetology industry are proud
professions and this quote is especially true
for barber and cosmetology school graduates
caught cheating on the required licensing test
administered by PSI. The Texas Department
of Licensing and Regulation’s (TDLR) maximum penalty of $5,000 and/or revocation
of license may seem insignificant if future
employers learn of the violation and refuse
to hire a convicted “cheater” and suddenly a
promising career disappears.
Picture this in your mind: someone
spends thousands of dollars in tuition and
hundreds of hours in the classroom and the
only hurdle to qualify to receive a license
and start providing services to customers and
earning a living is one test; why ruin your
future by cheating?
PSI proctors have years of experience
giving tests and the signs of someone cheating
simply don’t change. Students coming in with
cheat notes, knowledge of the test questions or
even someone taking the test for them… the
proctors have seen it all and are on the lookout
for people trying to cheat the system.
TDLR doesn’t look kindly on individuals
caught cheating and promises you and the
industry to prosecute cheaters to the fullest
extent of the law and rules. Tests are developed to insure citizens of Texas receive services from qualified cosmetology and barber
licensees and like you, TDLR expects the best
from its licensees.
Barber — Shear Numbers
Barbers................................................. 13,031
Barber manicurists................................... 393
Barber technicians...................................... 20
Barber hair braiding specialist................... 60
Barber hair weaving specialist...................... 1
Barber shops.......................................... 5,180
Barber manicure shops............................ 113
Barber hair braiding shops........................... 3
Barber hair weaving shops........................... 3
Dual shop/salon...................................... 556*
It’s happening in Beeville, Cisco and El
Paso. It is also taking place in Weslaco, Lubbock and Galveston. That’s right, school
graduations are occurring across Texas and
barber and cosmetology schools are turning
out well-trained graduates who are anxious to
join the barbering and cosmetology profession. But, after graduation what is the next
step for a new graduate to receive a license?
1. The school will notify the Texas
Department of Licensing and Regulation
(TDLR) of the student’s completion of
the program by entering their hours into
SHEARS (SHEARS is TDLR’s system for
keeping track of student hours).
2. TDLR will then send the student a
notice telling them they are eligible to take
the exam.
3. Once the student receives the notice
they call PSI (the company that administers
the tests for TDLR) and schedules a date and
time to take the examination. First schedule
the written examination and after successfully
P.O. Box 12088 - Austin, Texas 78711-2088
1-800-803-9202 - (512) 463-6599 - FAX (512) 475-2871
http://www.license.state.tx.us - [email protected]
Use this form to purchase the current
Cosmetology Law and Rules Book
Mailing Address
— OR —
PO Box Number
Zip Code
License/Permit #:
Contact Information
Daytime Telephone:
Email Address:
* Dual shop/salon also listed in cosmetology statistics
Cosmetology — Shear Numbers
Law & Rules
Operators........................................... 105,030
Manicurists.......................................... 31,922
Facial specialists................................... 12,929
Weavers..................................................... 181
Braiders..................................................... 720
Shampoo specialists................................. 158
Wig specialists............................................. 20
Shampoo apprentices.......................... 11,605
Operator instructors............................. 4,006
Manicure instructors.................................. 48
Facial instructors........................................ 88
Number, Street and Apt Number
Barber instructors..................................... 154
Students................................................. 1,927
Schools........................................................ 36
Class A Barber booth rentals................ 3,769
Barber manicure booth rentals.................. 73
Barber technician booth rental.................... 1
Barber hair braiding booth rentals.............. 4
Barber hair weaving booth rentals.............. 1
passing the written exam schedule the practical examination.
4. PSI will report the student’s examination results to TDLR.
5. If the student successfully passes the
tests TDLR will issue an application form and
mail it to the student.
6. The student should fill out the application and submit it and the license fee to
7. TDLR mails the new license to the
8. The student is ready to start working
once they receive their license!
Want to see your name on the TDLR web
site? Log on to www.license.state.tx.us and
click on “Search Licensees by License Type.”
Put in your name, click search and presto,
you are part of the TDLR family.
TDLR congratulates all graduates and
wishes you a long and productive career.
Good work!
Wig instructors............................................. 3
Students............................................... 20,331
Schools...................................................... 385
Salons................................................... 20,831
Manicure salons.................................... 1,283
Facial salons.............................................. 571
Facial/manicure salons.......................... 3,818
Hair braiding/weaving salons.................. 147
Wig salons................................................... 36
Independent contractors..................... 40,348
Dual shop/salon...................................... 556*
Area Code
Quantity of Books Ordered
Please mail
Cosmetology Law and Rules book(s) to the mailing
address provided above.
I am enclosing a cashier check or money order for $
to pay for the
book(s). Note: Cosmetology Law and Rules books cost $14 each.
Mail this form and payment to the address listed at the top of this page.
TDLR Form 020COS (7/2006)
This document is available on the TDLR website at www.license.state.tx.us
for rent. Call (281)392-1170
Recently remodeled and need to sell your old furniture? Upgraded your esthetic equipment? Reach
the people that will buy from you. Advertise in the
Texas Stylist Newspaper classifieds and reach almost 30,000 beauty and barber professionals. For
more information Call (503) 297-7024 or visit
Booth rental available for Hairstylists &
Nail Technicians in spacious salon. 2 WEEKS
FREE BOOTH RENT! Call (713)443-6651 or
SALON FOR SALE Like new in a great location
with a growing base of clients! Located near Houston, we have eight chairs with room to add for manicure/pedicure, etc. Last year’s sales were $150K
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UPSCALE SALON - SPRING / THE WOODLANDS, TX Private Suites / Booth Rental available. Leasing Special (1st week FREE when you
mention thi s ad). C ontact Melissa @
SALON FOR SALE IN EL PASO, TEXAS Excellent location, 1200 square feet, five styling stations, two Italian shampoo bowls, two hooded dryers, washer / dryer, fur nishings and more.
THROUGH DVD’S - FREE CATALOG Hair cutting & styling, clipper & razor cutting, hair coloring, wedding styles & updo’s,
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CE PROVIDER? Reach they stylists that need to
know about you. Advertise in the Texas Stylist Newspa per classifieds and reach almost 30,000
beauty/barber professionals. Call (503) 297-7024 or
visit www.stylistnewspapers.com.
TEXAS Growing client base. Excellent location on Main Street. Everything in excellent condition. Four stylist chairs, two shampoo bowls, dryer,
facial room, furnishings. $23K or best offer. Call
Ricardo (214)876-5574
$336,290. 2008 CASH FLOW $80,718.
TO SELL AT $79,000 Excellent location 2,700 sq.ft. with seven hair stations, one pedicure station, three treatment rooms. Contact
Troy Cooper @ (972)816-7335 or [email protected]
ELEGANT NAIL SUPPLY: We wholesale and
retail New & Used Salon Equipments, Salon Furniture and all brand-name products OPI, IBD,
Gena, Creative, LaPalm… We offer online continuing education. Please visit our website for more
information: www.elegantnailsupply.com. Phone:
(937)258-0608 or 1-888-308-6308
SCISSORS AND CLIPPERS. I will beat anybody’s price on any equipment and training.
July 2009
 11-13: Face & Body Spa & Healthy Aging Conference and Expo,
San Jose, CA (630)344-6023 [email protected]
 11-14: CCA’s Annual Convention 2009 Coiffure de Elegance,
Burlingame, CA 1-800-482-3288 www.the-cca.com
 19: Seattle Symposium: A Skin Care Event - Bio-Therapeutic,
Mark Lees, YG Labs and Anne Martin. 1-800-447-5770
 19-21: PBA Symposium 13, Las Vegas, NV. 1-800-394-5436
 19-21: Cosmoprof North America, Las Vegas, NV 1-800-5573356 www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com
 19-21: PBA Beacon, Las Vegas, NV 800-468-2274x117
 19-22: Strategies Incubator, Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
 26-27: Strategies presents High-Performance Front Desk Training,
Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
August 2009
 9-10: Passion Intl Stylebooks 2009 Photography Competition - Pas-
We Are
sion Bridal Stylebooks, Jacksonville, FL (703)359-6000 ext. 22
 15-18: Bronner Bros. International Hair and Beauty Show, Atlanta,
GA www.bronnerbros.com
 16-18: Strategies presents Success for Today’s Salon/Spa
Manager, Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
 23-24: The High Road to Education Ultimate Two Day Event,
Pittsburgh, PA www.theHRTE.com
 23-24: Miami International Beauty and Barber Show, Miami, FL
1-866-351-SHOW www.beautybarbershow.com
 23-24: Expo Latino Show CCA Education and Student Competition, Long Beach, CA 1-800-482-3288 www.the-cca.com
 30-9/1: Champ Camp, San Diego www.inspiringchampions.com
September 2009
Look Where We
Are Growing Next...
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reach over 110,000 beauty professionals each month with regional
editions in California, Texas,
Northwest, Ohio and
coming soon... FLORIDA!
Find out how to reach YOUR target market.
Give us a call today! 1-888-297-7010
 13-14: Armstrong McCall’s Annual World’s Fair Hair, Skin & Nail
Show San Antonio, TX 1-800-45-SALON www.armstrongmccall.com
 13-16: Strategies Incubator, Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
 15-17: HBA Global Expo and Education Conference, New York, NY
212-600-3000 www.hbaexpo.com
 20-21: Strategies presents High-Performance Front Desk Training,
Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
 20-21: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Pasadena, CA
www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432
 20-22: Cash Flow Camp, Nashville www.inspiringchampions.com
 27-28: ABA Canada Beauty Show Regina www.abacanada.com
October 2009
 4: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Indianapolis, IN
www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432
 4-5: ABA Canada Beauty Show Calgary www.abacanada.com
 4-5: The High Road to Education Ultimate Two Day Event, Dallas,
TX www.theHRTE.com
 11: George Riley’s PBC Central Coast Show, Santa Cruz, CA
1-800-303-3630 www.georgerileyspbc.com
 11-12: Mid-American Beauty Classic, Columbus, OH
 11-12: Passion Intl Stylebooks 2009 Photography Competition
- Passion Family Stylebooks, Chicago, IL (703)359-6000 ext. 22
 18-19: Premiere Birmingham, AL www.premiereshows.com
 25-26: ABA Canada Beauty Show - Moncton www.abacanada.com
 25-26: Strategies presents High-Performance Front Desk Training,
Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
November 2009
 1-2: San Juan Beauty Show 2009, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
 8-10: Strategies presents Success for Today’s Salon/Spa Manager , Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
 8-11: Strategies Incubator, Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
 15-17: Strategies presents No-Compromise Leadership, Centerbrook, CT www.strategies.com
January 2010
 30- Feb 1: Long Beach International Salon and Spa Expo (ISSE)
produced by the Professional Beauty Association, Long Beach, CA
JULY 2009
 5: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class,
Arlington, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 12: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class, San
Antonio, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 12-13: Vicki Peters Inc. presents NAIL KAMP, Knoxville, TN
(714)350-5219 www.vickipeters.com
 12-13: Grace Albert Aesthetics Brow Design and Waxing Academy
presents Day of Brows - Day of Brazilians, Las Vegas, NV & Seattle,
WA 1-888-688-2769 www.perfectbrow.com
 13: Sanitation, Law and Weaving & Hair Replacement Techniques
, Arlington, TX (817)277-5000 www.eunicehairsalon.com
 13: Salon Source presents Keratin Complex Hair Therapy, Dallas,
TX (972)392-7575; Houston, TX (713)789-3211
 13: Abco Salon & Spa Services presents Texas Laws and Regulations - Sanitation - Color Gels, Plano, TX (972)312-1670
 13: KM Impressions Image & Makeup Academy presents Airbrush
Makeup Training Workshop, San Antonio, TX (210)655-4624
 18-19: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Character
Teeth, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 19: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class,
Arlington, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 19-20: Vicki Peters Inc. presents NAIL KAMP, Long Island, NY
(714)350-5219 www.vickipeters.com
 19-20: Grace Albert Aesthetics Brow Design and Waxing Academy
presents Day of Brows - Day of Brazilians, Atlanta, GA 1-888-6882769 www.perfectbrow.com
 20: Salon Source presents Keratin Complex Hair Therapy, Austin,
TX (512)454-9200 or Ft. Worth, TX (817)732-7979
 20: Armstrong McCall presents Diamonds Cosmetology Sanitation, Law & Reg (903)891-1069 or www.diamondscosmetology.com
 20: Abco Salon & Spa Services presents Schwarzkopf Blonding,
Plano, TX (972)312-1655
 20-24: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Blood,
Gore & More, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 25-26: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Bald Caps
& Hairstyling 101, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 26: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class,
Arlington, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 27: Hands On Malaysian Weave Class, Arlington, TX (817)2775000 www.eunicehairsalon.com
 27-28: Salon Source presents Beautiful Business Academy, San
Antonio, 1-800-789-3211
 1-2: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Eyebrows
Only, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 2: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class,
Arlington, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 2-3: Grace Albert Aesthetics Brow Design and Waxing Academy
presents Day of Brows - Day of Brazilians, Columbus, OH 1-888688-2769 www.perfectbrow.com
 3-4: Salon Source presents Beautiful Business Academy, Dallas
Fort Worth, 1-800-789-3211
 3-7: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Westmore
Method - 5 looks, 5 days,, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 3-21: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Makeup for
Beauty, Fashion & Glamour, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 3-Sept.11: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents High
Fashion, Print & Photography, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 3-Oct.23: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Motion
Pictures and Television, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 5-Oct.21: SPAWHO.COM, Inc. presents Top Gun Front Desk Training - Online Webinar Course www.spawho.com, click training
 7: Skin Logic Training Center presents Skinborn Product Knowledge, Austin, TX (512)944-9780, [email protected]
 8-9: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Beauty
Airbrush & Avante Garde, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 9: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class,
Austin, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 10-11: Salon Source presents Beautiful Business Academy, Houston, 1-800-789-3211
 10-14: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents retro
Fashion Makeup 30’s-60’s, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 16: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class,
Arlington, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 17: Armstrong McCall presents Diamonds Cosmetology Sanitation, Law & Reg (903)891-1069 or www.diamondscosmetology.com
 20: Skin Logic Training Center presents Microdermabrasion
Certification, Austin, TX (512)944-9780, [email protected]
 21: Skin Logic Training Center presents Advanced Facials
& Microdermabrasion Treatments, Austin, TX (512)944-9780,
[email protected]
 23: SO.CAP.USA Hair Extensions presents Certification Class,
Arlington, TX 1-888-460-3031 www.socapusa.com
 24: Amazing Head to Toe Certified Botanical skin care classes /
workshops. Call for reservations (949)598-4500
1. New Clipless Round Irons By Enzo Milano
Enzo Milano has recently introduced the new Clipless Round Curling Iron to their very innovative
line of appliances and hairstyling tools for salon professionals. Enzo Milano Clipless Irons use a special
state-of-the-art ceramic core, surrounded by special patented Tribostatic Ceramic Heating Element
which maintains a very consistent heat.
Known by some creative hair designers as “The Rod”, these new Clipless Irons feature a non-stick
coating which provides a superior protection for the hair shaft. Enzo Milano Irons give every curl the
same consistent heat, which results in an incredible hold time with any styling product used to enhance
the finished hairstyle design. Hair glides easily over this barrel, eliminating friction and tangling. The
special ergonomic design features a lightweight revolving handle which also maxims control and comfort.
For find a distributor near you and for more information on the full line of appliances, visit
www.enzomilano.com or contact Enzo Milano at 949-340-2595.
2. Kenra Delivers Health, Radiance and Shine
Kenra Shine Spray provides weightless finish and effortless shine to any hairstyle. The superfine
aerosol mist controls frizz and flyaways while UV protectants help guard hair color from fade and oxidation. Uniquely formulated, Shine Spray contains sunflower seed extract and cosmetic-grade silicones
that make hair soft and velvety to touch. Hydrolyzed silk retains hair moisture, enhancing the luster
and health of the hair.
Kenra Shine Serum delivers long lasting shine and polish with excellent frizz and flyaway control.
The lightweight, humidity resistant serum minimizes breakage and provides thermal protection from
heat styling tools. Containing rich antioxidants from sunflower seed oil and extract, Shine Serum
enhances hair health and prolongs color longevity with a silky smooth finish.
Please visit www.kenra.com to find a distributor near you.
3. A New High Profit Laser Service for Your Salon
Salon Lasers, Inc. creates a whole new service category for salons and spas with the Elite 90 Hair
Enhancement Laser. As easy to use as a hair dryer, the Elite 90 produces thicker, fuller, healthier looking hair in just a few weeks, for clients with thinning hair.
Clients visit the salon twice per week for their 30-minute laser services. You simply seat the client,
lower the hood, push the start button and come back in 30 minutes and let the client out. This is a
service that can easily be performed by any stylist or salon owner in addition to what you do now.
With an average service fee of $200-$300 per month, and no supplies to buy, Laser Hair Enhancement will become the most profitable service in your salon. Imagine, only 10 clients in your Laser
program, will generate $24,000 to $36,000 per year with no supply cost.
An estimated 80 million men and women in the United States are suffering from thinning hair and
are looking for a solution. To learn how to get started, visit www.SalonLasers.com or call Salon Lasers,
Inc. at 1-866-646-9050 for full details.
4. Instantly Deliver Lightweight Texture and Volume
L’anza Art Elements Powder Up Texturizer is an innovative styling product that instantly delivers
lightweight texture & uplifting volume to all hair types. It allows natural separation & movement that
lasts throughout the day. Sprinkled directly onto hair, this unique powder dissolves immediately &
blends directly into each strand to provide elevated support & control. There is no feeling of product
left on the hair. And because it’s not a liquid, there is no dry time necessary.
With a support / hold factor 6 of 10, it’s the perfect product for extremely fine, flat and lifeless hair.
L’anza’s exclusive Keratin Healing System uses Nano Science to deliver micronized ingredients into the
hair. The formula absorbs completely with no trace of white powder residue. Hair is healed for better
control & manageability. For more information call 1-800-423-0307 or visit www.lanza.com
5. ANSR: The Next Evolution in Skin Care
ANSR has recently introduced two new product systems – ANSR: Skin Rejuvenation for anti-aging and the ANSR: Acne Care for treating blemishes. Both systems rely upon a powerful, state-of-theart photo light therapy device called the BEAM. When matched with their topical skin care regiments,
they promise a paradigm shift for helping consumers realize clear, radiant, and youthful skin again.
The ANSR: BEAM is one of the few handheld photo light therapy devices on the market that features both spectrums of red and blue light in one unit. The intense red light penetrates deep beneath
the skin’s surface, stimulating collagens to rapidly grow new skin cells. New cells help smooth out fine
lines and wrinkles, improves overall skin texture and tone, reduces redness, and promotes a renewed
luminous glow. The blue light kills the bacteria that cause acne before they become ugly blemishes.
And because the BEAM is rechargeable, it’s convenient to use just about anywhere.
For more information contact [email protected] or call (503) 706-1048. www.ANSR.com
Have your product considered for the Stylist & Salon’s What’s New section. Send press releases with a photo to Managing Editor Lisa Kind
at [email protected] or mail to Stylist & Salon Newspapers, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24, Portland, OR 97221.