JYC Hailer - Juneau Yacht Club


JYC Hailer - Juneau Yacht Club
JYC Hailer
The Juneau Yacht Club, Welcome Aboard.
January 2016, Volume 70, Issue 1
Renew Your Membership Commodore's Corner
If you have not yet renewed
Happy New Year! It’s time to prepare for yet another incredible Alaskan
your membership, you can do
season of boating, fishing and adventuring locally, throughout the Inside
so in a few different ways: You
can renew online at
www.juneauyc.org/join, or at a
Passage and beyond; we wish everyone safe travels!
In 2016 the Juneau Yacht Club celebrated with a fantastic Holiday Dinner
and New Year’s Party at the Club. Now it is time to prepare our taxes and
get focused on our new year’s resolutions. The crowd that will work on
monthly membership dinner,
those resolutions at the Yacht Club is your 2016 Board of Directors:
or by sending a check to the
Commodore, Jerry Burnett; Vice Commodore, Chris Donek; Rear Commo-
Juneau Yacht Club for the re-
dore, Laraine Derr; Power Captain, Tom Dawson; Sail Captain, Bill Heu-
newal amount ($75.00 per per-
mann; Past Commodore, Jeremy Hansen; At-large, Tara Harris; At-large,
son per calendar year
Budd Simpson; Treasurer, Sharon Kelly; Quartermaster, Dean Rasmussen;
Get Involved
The Juneau Yacht Club is looking for volunteers, if you are a
member and want to show you
Secretary, Tiffany Wadel and Rental Agent, Barbara Burnett.
The Yacht Club completed much over the last several years and experienced
a surge in our membership. Since the construction is now largely completed, we will focus more on programming. Please let us know if you have
suggestions or ideas for programs for our monthly membership dinners.
As a reminder our social schedule for 2016 will be similar to the prior year:
support, contact Jerry at (907)
The “Monthly Membership Dinner” is held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month,
starting at 6pm, except for June, July and August. The “Graham Room Social” is held weekly at 5-7 pm unless it is cancelled due to a rental. Expect a
Dec 31, 2015 Assets = $113,596
Dec 31, 2015 Bank Balance = $14,182
Dec 31, 2015 Liabilities = $632
Dec 31, 2015 Members: 188
Thank you,
Sharon Kelly, Treasurer
few other events this year: a Super Bowl party, a Special 4 th of July Party, a
Commodore’s Ball, another stellar New Year’s Party and maybe a murder
mystery dinner.
Jerry Burnett, Commodore
Message from the Past Commodore
Thank you for your incredible support during my year as Commodore! Without your support, we could not have
accomplished what we accomplished together.
Jeremy C. Hansen, Past Commodore
Traditionally members serve on one of the nine monthly food committees (benefit – you do not have to pay for
dinner that night!). If your name is not on this list, please contact Laraine Derr at 957-0327.
January 19, 2016
February 16, 2016
March 15, 2016
Jodi & Todd Buck, Chairs
Tom Roha, Chair
Barbara & Jerry Burnett, Chairs
Melora Gaber
Gordy Williams
Mary & Jim Becker
Mark Standley
David & Kristen Miller
Jim & Michelle Hale
Welles & Barb Gabier
James & Kathleen Sheehan
Stephen Actor
Ron & Julie Flint
Chuck & Kathryn Cohen
Eric Boras
James Houck
Lisa Diebels-Paramore
Ed & Kathy Hansen
Jason Burke
Justin Jarvis
James Wycoff
Gordon Mills
James McMahon
Scott Manchee & Janice McLean
Helen Clough & Rollin Young
Gary Patton
Alana McGovern
Bridget & Jake LaPenter
Jadon & Rebecca Sosa
Steven Mulvey
Jess Parks
Katie Spielberger
Debra Reed
April 19, 2016
May 17, 2016
September 20, 2016
Tom & Marianne Manning, Chairs
Tara & Willie Harris, Chairs
Carl & Maria Uchytil, Chairs
Mike & Sarah Satre
Shalyn Harris
Heather & Mark Ridgway
Michael Joern
Sarah Lowell
Alison Browne
Jessica Driebelbis
Jack Brandt
Linda Hay
Jack Manning
Shawn Bass & Nikki Franzoni
Bill Heumann & Margi Menzi
Tom Dawson
James Dooley
Zach Hoekwater
Diane Anderson & Mark Vinsel
Katy Jordan
Paul Grossi
Keith & Sharon Comstock
Craig Loken
Jessica Glass
Erin Hanson & Andrew Heist
Abby & David Lowell
Scott Burton
Michael Studt
Matthew & Liz Mielke
John Melino
October 18, 2016
November 15, 2016
December 13, 2016
Laraine Derr, Chair
Gail & Carl Vandor, Chairs
Chris & Tom Donek, Chairs
Larry & Bev Shutt
Bob Varness
Kevin Jardell
Brooke Munro
Ken Cassell
Hayden Garrison
John Hutchins
Kent Durand
Phil & Deborah Smith
Paul Sargent
Nancy Davis & Dean Rasmussen
Pamela Harper
Sue & Chuck Bill
Aimon Indoung
Carolyn Pitts
Jason & Bride Seifert
Carl Broderson
Budd & Paulette Simpson
Dick Knapp
Lennon Weller
Dale Cornett
Bruce Tice
JoLe & K.C. Wilson
Jane Ginter
Jeremy Hansen
Christine Woll
Ginger Johnson
Erica Simpson
The designated Chair will contact each committee member before the dinner. If your assigned date does not fit
with your schedule, please let Laraine Derr at 957-0327 and she will you reassign you. Menus are at the discretion of the Chair. Duties include setting up tables, decorations, meal prep, serving, collecting dinner tickets
and picking up. We do not have to do dishes! Members age 60 and older can be exempted at their request.
This is one of the greatest benefits of Yacht Club membership. Through mutual agreement many Yacht Clubs and
those who participate in the Yacht Clubs of America offer current members what is known as reciprocity. It is the
reciprocal exchange of member benefits and sometimes the benefit of mooring or docking at their club facility to
boats passing through an area. It is etiquette to be a gracious host to a visiting member.
It is not uncommon for individuals who carry their Juneau Yacht Club card to just drop in on a club in a place like
San Francisco’s St. Francis Yacht Club, San Francisco Yacht Club or the Corinthian Yacht Club to take a tour of their
facility, have a dinner in their dining facility and possibly catch a sailing race. With some advance notice you can
even try to get on a boat as crew for a race or just for fun! The Club has a book that shows all clubs participating in
reciprocity. Check before you travel.
A long-standing tradition is the burgee exchange. This display of mutual benefit is supposed to occur the first time a
member of one yacht club visits another. It is common for these burgees to be displayed on premise somewhere,
often in and around the bar or the offices of the club. If you are traveling, the Club can give you a burgee to exchange. Check with Commodore or Treasurer.
Come to the Thursday Social and see where all our members have been and all the burgees!
If you need boat gear, access Fisheries Supply discounts now online:
Check the back of your membership card for the current discount code
Featured Tool
A Fid, as it is known, is a useful tool for
splicing; you will find them all over
fishing vessels!
Graham Room
Main Hall
A $250 damage/cleaning deposit required on rentals.
Member Benefits on Rentals
Must have been a member for one full year or more
Graham Room
Three times a year at half price for social/personal events ($75/rental)
Main Hall
Two times a year at half price for social/personal events ($250/rental)
Two times a year at half price for social/personal events $100/rental)
Member are charged full rates for non-personal events
Note: The member discount does not include an allowance for cleaning. Members are responsible for cleaning and
returning the facility to its rental-ready condition after their event when renting at half price. Members have the option
of arranging to pay the custodian to clean the facility, and will be billed an additional charge of $50/hour if cleaning is
necessary after their rental.
We are always looking for pictures of events to post on our website, so please share your photos of your beautifully
decorated events. You can email them to the rental agent at [email protected]
Spring Fitting-Out Checklist
Source: “Boating Skills and Seamanship,” United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, 14th edition.
Inspect the following items, and service or replace them as needed:
- Lubricate all seacocks.
- Open all seacocks that you closed in the fall.
- Inspect hoses and hose clamps. Inspect the engine water intake strainer to see that it is free of corrosion and
properly secured. Inspect the hull for cracks and blisters.
- Inspect zincs.
- Inspect the fuel tank for corrosion and leaks.
- Inspect the bilge blower hoses for leaks.
- If you have a stern drive, inspect the bellows for dried, cracked, or deteriorated spots.
- Inspect power steering and power trim oil levels.
- Inspect and lubricate steering and control cables.
- Inspect the fire extinguishers.
- Inspect the galley stove for loose fittings or leaking hoses.
- Inspect the bilge pump and float switch.
Smoked Salmon Chowder
Boil 4 peeled cubed potatoes until done. Dice 1
onion, sauté in ½ cup butter, add ½ cup flour, stir
and then slowly add milk to make a medium thin
white sauce.
Add sharp cheddar cheese to taste, along with
pepper and dash of hot pepper sauce.
Ahoy Juneau Yacht Club!
Summer seems so far away, but this
Add smoked salmon, leftover barbequed salmon,
shrimp or crab.
year's season of Youth Sailing classes is
already available for registration on the
JYS website. This will be the program's
19th year, and as always, it is the generosity of the Yacht Club membership that
makes the program possible. The donated classroom space in the Graham Room
is an enormous gift, and on behalf of the
100+ kids who benefit from it: Thank You
and Happy New Year!
Carl Brodersen
JYSailing Board
If you have time, practice your whipping. It is
simple way of lashing a rope to prevent it from
fraying. Poly ropes can be singed with a flame
If you have a youth of your own or are
interested in learning to sail please follow
the link to register for Juneau Youth Sail-
but others, like cotton and some synthetics need
a little whipping.
ing classes.
REGISTER ONLINE: juneauyouthsailing.org/races.html
Visit our website: www.juneauyachtclub.com
Like us on Facebook!!
If you have pictures you’d like posted on our
Facebook page, please send them to Jeremy
Hansen ([email protected])
Pre-Departure Checklist
Source: United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Know your vessel. Before departure, always be sure your vessel is in good working condition
and properly equipped for emergencies. Avoid inconvenience and potential danger by taking a
few minutes to check the following:
_____ Weather Forecast and Sea Conditions Checked
_____ Float Plan Prepared and Given to Friends/Family
_____ Drain Plugs Installed/Seacocks Closed
_____ VHF Marine Radio (tested prior to departure)
_____ Fire Extinguishers (fully charges)
_____ Lifejackets for Each Person (properly fitted, worn and fastened)
_____ Throwable Flotation Device with Floating Line Attached to Boat
_____ Sound Producing Device (air horn, whistle, bell)
_____Visual Distress Signals (flares, orange flag, signal light)
_____ Fuel & Oil Sufficient for Trip (1/3 Out, 1/3 Return, 1/3 Reserve)
_____ Battery Fully Charges (terminals covered & battery secured)
_____ Bilge Pump and Manual Pump or Bailing Device
_____ Tools and Spare Parts (battery, fuses, spark plugs, belts)
_____ Navigation Lights Function Properly
_____ Vessel Loaded Properly and Gear Secured from Shifting
_____ Anchor
_____ Paddle/Oar
_____ Food, Drinking Water and Spare Clothing
_____ First Aid and Survival Kits
_____ Passengers Know Emergency Procedures and Equipment Location
Distress Calls: Use VHF Channel 16 or Cell Phone “*CG”
Coast Guard Emergency (Alaska):
(800) 478-5555
National Boating Safety Hotline:
(800) 368-5647
Alaska Boating Safety Line (USCG):
(800) 478-6381
NRC: Report Oil & Chemical Spills! (800) 424-8802
Juneau Yacht Club
2016 Officers
Jerry Burnett
Vice Commodore
Chris Donek
Rear Commodore
Laraine Derr
Fleet Captain, Power
Tom Dawson
Fleet Captain, Fleet
Bill Heumann
Past Commodore
Jeremy Hansen
Director at Large
Tara Harris
Director at Large
Budd Simpson
Dean Rasmussen
Sharon Kelly
Tiffany Wadel
Rental Agent
Barbara Burnett