bestsellers - Windhorse Publications
bestsellers - Windhorse Publications
BESTSELLERS 2012/2013 A Buddhist View series The insightful simplicity of De Botton meets the wisdom of the Dalai Lama in this series exploring key life issues from a Buddhist perspective. These titles offer accessible excursions into the philosophy of contemporary living. From loneliness to the nature of the mind to vegetarianism, A Buddhist View provides a modern Buddhist perspective on the 21st Century. We launched a new series design and three new titles in summer 2012. Solitude and Loneliness, Finding the Mind, and Meditating provide new philosophical and spiritual explorations of contemporary issues and lifestyles. A BUDDHIST Solitude and Loneliness VIEW is the theme , ‘Loneliness plin observed it is equally true that we .’ Although true, nsciously, organize unco lfully, and often to avoid loneliness. as n such a way – the poets e of sources on a wide rang painter Edward Hopper, the n and Hafiz, Keller and Chris a lives of Helen Milarepa, the e the Buddha – Sarvanand cours less, and of loneliness and of isolation, ines es them s the ve and exam hist perspecti elves can be a e from a Budd to ours relationship nd why our ation. liber and ring e of both suffe Sarvananda in Glasgow, tna and educated a member of the Trira ), e stair Jessiman lives in Norwich, wher r, now itation. He has ddhist Orde med and hism series for teaches Budd two comedy and s play itten ten hist View BBC Radio. Budd on A ast Life: in oadc r – Meaning y the same autho SOLITUDE AND LONELINESS SARVANAND A issues examines key tical VIEW series prac A BUDDHIST ve, offering hist perspecti from a Budd 21st century. living in the guidance for SOLITUDE AND INESS LOUDNDHEISLT VIEW AB A SARVANAND Sarvananda PA P E R B A C K Referencing contemporary cultural touchstones, Sarvananda shows how facing our essential aloneness can lead us to better understand how we are all connected. ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level Sarvananda (Alastair Jessiman) lives in Norwich, where he teaches Buddhism and meditation. He has written ten plays and two comedy series for broadcast on BBC Radio. Meditating Jinananda A realistic, witty, and inspiring guide to how we can develop clarity, peace of mind and positive emotions by introducing meditation into our lives. Jinananda (Duncan Steen) teaches Buddhism and meditation in London. He is the author of two audio books, The Middle Way: The Story of Buddhism, and Karma and Rebirth, and of the book Warrior of Peace: The Life of the Buddha. 9781 907314 07 0 May 2012 £8.99 / $14.95 / €10.95 198 x 129mm 152 pages Buddhism/Meditation Beginner to Advanced PA P E R B A C K ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 9781 907314 06 3 July 2012 £8.99 / $14.95/ €10.95 198 x 129mm 160 pages Buddhism/Philosophy Beginner Finding the Mind Robin Cooper This approachable introduction considers the nature of the mind, asking questions about our search for the ‘I’ that gazes out on the world and experiences it. Whilst studying physics and the history of science Robin Cooper discovered meditation. He is currently director of the West London Buddhist Centre. His first book was The Evolving Mind: Buddhism, Biology and Consciousness. UK-US mini brochure pages 5-01.indd 1 PA P E R B A C K ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 9781 907314 03 2 September 2012 £8.99 / $14.95/ €10.95 198 x 129mm 160 pages Buddhism/Philosophy Beginner 16/07/2012 16:40 Art of Meditation series The Breath PA P E R B A C K Vessantara ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level Deepen your calm and concentration. Vessantara writes engagingly both for newcomers to meditation, as well as those with some experience. He gives us clear instructions on how to meditate on the breath, practical ways to integrate meditation into our lives, and suggestions for deepening calm and concentration. 9781 899579 69 9 May 2005 £8.99 / $13.95 / € 9.95 105 x 175mm 144 pages Buddhism/Meditation Beginner Vessantara is a well-published and respected Buddhist author, meditator, teacher and storyteller. The Heart PA P E R B A C K Vessantara ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level Explore the potential of your heart, and discover a warmer, more loving you. Cultivating more warmth, kindness and happiness is possible for all of us. This useful combination of practical instruction and encouraging lessons demonstrates where working with positive emotions can lead. 9781 899579 71 0 January 2007 £6.99 / $10.95 / € 10.95 105 x 175mm 174 pages Buddhism/Meditation Beginner The Body PA P E R B A C K Paramananda ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level Paramananda shows us how to bring a kind and inquiring awareness to our physical experience. Through a variety of thoughtfully led meditations he teaches us how to listen to our bodies, to hear the messages we often ignore. We can quickly feel the benefits of a deeper, fuller and more satisfying understanding of ourselves and our relationships. 9781 899579 77 8 June 2007 £6.99 / $10.95 / € 10.95 105 x 175mm 144 pages Buddhism/Meditation Beginner Paramananda has been teaching Buddhism and meditation for over 25 years. UK-US mini brochure pages 5-01.indd 2 16/07/2012 16:40 Meditation – going deeper Change Your Mind A Practical Guide to Buddhist Meditation Paramananda A step-by-step guide to meditation for all levels. A thoughtful and humorous approach to mindfulness. This best-selling, accessible and thorough guide introduces two Buddhist meditations and deals imaginatively with practical difficulties, meeting distraction and doubt with determination and humour. Wildmind A Step-by-Step Guide to Meditation Bodhipaksa An illustrated step-by-step guide to meditation. Practical analogies to aid your meditative practice. From how to build your own stool, to how a raisin can help you meditate, this illustrated guide explains everything you need to know to start or strengthen your meditation practice. “Of great help to people interested in meditation and an inspiring reminder to those on the path.” — Joseph Goldstein Buddhist Meditation Tranquillity, Imagination & Insight Kamalashila A comprehensive and practical guide to meditation. New sections on the importance of the imagination, Just Sitting and on reflection on the Buddha. This revised edition is a comprehensive guide to the methods and theory of Buddhist meditation. It provides a complete introduction to the basic techniques for beginners, as well as detailed advice and reference material for experienced meditators seeking to deepen their practice. “A wonderfully practical and accessible introduction to the important forms of Buddhist meditation. From his years of meditation practice, Kamalashila has written a book useful for beginners and longtime practitioners.” — Gil Fronsdal UK-US mini brochure pages 5-01.indd 3 Paramananda has been teaching Buddhism and meditation for over 25 years. PA P E R B A C K ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 9781 899579 75 4 April 2005 £9.99 / $13.95 / €11.95 206 x 136mm 208 pages Buddhism/Meditation Beginner to Intermediate Bodhipaksa is a Buddhist writer and teacher, and the founder of, an online meditation resource. PA P E R B A C K ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 9781 899579 91 4 October 2010 £11.99 / $18.95 / €15.95 198 x 129mm 252 pages Buddhism/Meditation Beginner to Intermediate Teaching meditation since 1974, Kamalashila has developed contemporary and innovative approaches to meditation practice. PA P E R B A C K ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 9781 907314 09 4 April 2012 £17.99 / $27.95 / €19.95 246 x 189mm 272 pages Buddhism/Meditation Beginner to Advanced 16/07/2012 16:40 Buddhism Vajragupta lives in Worcester, England, where he teaches Buddhism and meditation. Buddhism Tools for Living Your Life Vajragupta PA P E R B A C K The next best thing to your own personal Buddhist teacher. Vajragupta provides clear explanations of the main Buddhist teachings, and a variety of exercises to help readers develop and deepen their practice. “Appealing, readable, and practical ... as directly relevant to modern life as it is comprehensive and rigorous.”— Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Life with Full Attention A Practical Course in Mindfulness Maitreyabandhu A complete eight-week course in mindfulness. Mindfulness is a quality that enhances all experience, whether mundane or extraordinary. In this eightweek course, Maitreyabandhu teaches readers how to enrich their experiences by paying close attention to them. A Guide to the Buddhist Path Sangharakshita In the third edition of this highly readable anthology, Sangharakshita sorts out fact from myth and theory from practice, to reveal the principal ideals and teachings of Buddhism. The result is a reliable and far-reaching guide to this inspiring path. C O N TA C T U S DISTRIBUTION For our full catalogue and more information, please go to: UK/Europe BookSource UK-US mini brochure pages 5-01.indd 4 9781 899579 74 7 January 2007 £11.99 / $18.95 / €17.95 209 x 164mm 192 pages Buddhism Beginner An experienced teacher of meditation, Maitreyabandhu has been practising Buddhism for over twenty years. PA P E R B A C K ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 9781 899579 98 3 August 2009 £9.99 / $16.95 / €12 .95 210 x 163mm 328 pages Buddhism/Mindfulness Beginner Sangharakshita is the founder of Triratna and the author of over 40 books. PA P E R B A C K A reliable and far-reaching guide. 169 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 3AN 01223 213300 [email protected] ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 50 Cambuslang Road, Glasgow G32 8NB +44 (0)845 370 0067 [email protected] ISBN Pub. date Price Size Extent Category Level 9781 907314 05 6 June 2011 £16.99 / $23.95 / €19.95 234 x 156mm 264 pages Buddhism Beginner to Advanced USA Perseus Distribution 210 American Drive, Jackson, TN 38301 USA 1-800-283-3572 [email protected] 16/07/2012 16:40