By Jeff Dhein - Germantown - Germantown Historical Society
By Jeff Dhein - Germantown - Germantown Historical Society
INCORPORATED – 1974 4TH QUARTER 2010 ANOTHER RECORD YEAR FOR THE GERMANTOWN OKTOBERFEST! By Jeff Dhein Let me start by saying thank you to our volunteers, the committee, the vendors and most importantly to all of our friends that came and helped to make this the biggest in history! We increased sales in all of our areas. In this economy that really is a pleasant accomplishment. We tried some new things this year and I believe that they were a great success. The car show will be back and fine tuned, the cheese curds were delicious and the kettle corn really went over well. We also got some new help this year, the Germantown wrestling boosters helped quite a bit with set-up and kept things running smoothly when I needed to be elsewhere. Coach Casey you are a great guy and the wrestling parents should be proud that you are at G'town. The key club, German honor society and the varsity football team chipped in and assisted in many ways. Boy, we have a great group of kids in this town. Judy Ketterer from Aldo's Catering did her usual awesome job with the food. I hope everyone gets a chance to stop by and try her delicious food at her restaurant. The pizza is delicious (and I know a little bit about eating) as well as her regular menu. Stop in and tell her thank you. She is just south of Mequon Road on Pilgrim. The House of Homemade Sausage was once again on the spot with the brats and all of the pork for our sandwiches. Bub's Irish Pub donated the chili again and it was never better. Special thanks to all that worked in the food area. That is the hardest job and one of our biggest money makers. Jim Dix you are really special. I cannot thank you enough for all you do. Thank you to everyone that helped or put bids in the silent auction. I know you are kind of on an island over in the church. Next year we are going to try to link you via computer with the entertainment tent. Does anybody know a computer guy that can help with this? Eileen and Mary would appreciate looking in on all the fun I believe. The Bast family was a huge help at the Bell Museum, with signs, and helping us keep the finances in order. Thank you all., The Germantown Fire Company Auxilliary was once again doing a great job with the kids area. I am pleased to announce that Riteway Bus helped to sponsor this area and made the commitment to be the permanent sponsor of this area. The Dheinsville Dachshund Dash went over very well. I will let Sandi expand on this report. The village was greatly involved not only with financial help but with many supplies and equipment to make things go smoothly. Once again THANK YOU to everyone I hope that I did not miss anybody, but if I did I am sorry and I do appreciate everything that helped us be successful. I am proud to announce that Copper Box will be back on Saturday night September 24, 2011 and I am working to get the rest of the entertainment lined up. I will report in the next newsletter on any new info. Remember to keep September 24 and 25, 2011 open so we can all have a great time once again. 2nd Annual Dheinsville Dachshund Dash by Sandi Dhein This year was another successful year of wieners everywhere! With slightly fewer racers than last year, we managed to raise more money for the Midwest Dachshund Rescue this year. In addition to the Dash, we had an opportunity for dogs and their owners to try agility. Thanks to Dan and Tracy Pahmeier for bringing this opportunity to our attendees. We had dogs whose owners brought them 2, 3, even 4+ hours each way to visit us this year. Whether they race or just visit, it is fun to see all the different colors, sizes and hair types Dachshunds come in. Planning is already in progress for next year. Any suggestions are always welcome. Pictured left is Woody our returning, reigning champion. Exciting Upcoming Event The Germantown Historical Society is excited to announce that they will be hosting the Old Settlers’ Banquet on February 20, 2011. The Old Settler’s Club was started in the winter of 1873/1864 when Maxon Hirsch, an early resident of Washington County gave a dinner at the Washington House in West Bend to the old settlers residing in the vicinity. Out of this event a club was formed in 1874. A constitution was adopted, officers elected and it was decided to hold the first annual festival at the Washington House. The festival was continued until the Second World War when food and gas were rationed. In 1988, members of the Washington County Historical Society revived this event with a dinner, displays and entertainment. It was decided starting in 1992 that this event should include every township in Washington County. This is a way to acquaint everyone with the different areas of the county and to learn more about the Historical Society. Every year one of the thirteen townships is honored and Germantown will be honored in 2011. We look forward to seeing you at this event. More details to follow. Wolf Haus and Geneology Research The Wolf Haus and Genealogy Research Center will reopen in June 2011 after another successful season with many visitors from across the country coming to research their family history. Thank you to Bob Kohls and Carol Barkow for their many hours of work in the Wolf Haus this season and beyond not only helping the visitors with their research but organizing the Historical Society’s collection. Stories of Interest Oktoberfest Chair – Jeff Dhein If you have ever attended Oktoberfest, the Historical Society’s biggest event of the year, then you have probably met Jeff Dhein. Not only is Jeff a Board Member but he is also the Chair of our Oktoberfest Committee. Jeff has been married to his wife Leza for 23+ years, and they have 3 children; Joe-22, Mike-19 and Jaymee-17. Jeff has been involved with the Historical Society for the past 15 years and a Board Member for about the last ten years. He has been running Oktoberfest for about 15 years and gives credit to Jackie Schroeder for helping to guide him through the rough spots when he first started working on Oktoberfest. During Oktoberfest, Jeff is usually working behind the bar or can be seen walking around the grounds to make sure everything is running smoothly. Jeff spends countless hours throughout the year planning for the event with his dedicated committee and coming up with new ideas to make the event more exciting and successful. When you visit Oktoberfest, be sure to stop by and listen to Copper Box and you might be able to hear the Jeff Dhein Polka! NEW HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERS Welcome to the following new members: • • • • • • • • Norm and Helen Buck Ruth Ackmann Barb Mendenhall Elmore and Lenore Kloehn Penny Larmore Mark and Christine Kauth Richard Blaha Bill and Jeri Shuster DONATIONS Thank you to the following for donations to the Germantown Historical Society: • John and Susan Smithers • Millie Schuldt Thank you to Tim Petzold for a donation for the upkeep of the Wolf Haus. Membership Rates Increase – The Germantown Historical Society will be increasing our Membership rates as follows: New Rates Effective January 1, 2011 Single $20 Senior $15 Family $40 Business $100 Lifetime $250 Join now….and Save Current 2010 Annual Rates Single $5 Family $10 Business $50 Lifetime $100 Become a Lifetime member today! Please join us for an exciting season in 2011. 2011 Season and Hours: Wolf Haus & Genealogy Research Center – Open Wednesdays June 1st – October 1st 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Christ Church Museum of Local History – Open Sunday June 1st – October 1st 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Sila Lydia Bast Bell Museum – Open Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and the 1st Wednesday of the month June 1st – November 1st 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 2011 Calendar of Events February 20th : 1:00 p.m. – Old Settler’s Banquet April 16th : 3:00 p.m. – Annual Meeting May 7th : 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m – Bell Ringing and Wine & Cheese June 1st – Season Opens for Sila Lydia Bast Bell Museum, Wolf Haus & Genealogy Research Center and Christ Church Museum of Local History June 1st : 2:00 p.m. – Bell of the Month Program June 4th : 1:00 p.m. – Germantown Historical Society Anniversary Party July 6th : 2:00 p.m. – Bell of the Month Program August 3rd : 2:00 p.m. – Bell of the Month Program September 7th : 2:00 p.m. – Bell of the Month Program September 24th : Oktoberfest September 25th : Oktoberfest October 1st : Wolf Haus & Genealogy Research Center closes for the season October 1st : Christ Church Museum of Local History closes for the season October 5th : 2:00 p.m. – Bell of the Month Program November 1st : Sila Lydia Bast Bell Museum closes for the season December 4th : Sinter Klausen Christmas Concert THIS SUNDAY ! Join Us for Sinter Klausen “2010 Christmas in Dheinsville” Annual Sinter Klausen Konsert Sunday, Dec 5th 3:00 – 4:00 pm at Christ Church Museum • An old fashioned children’s German/English choir directed by Linda Wall, our dynamic teacher at G.H.S. • Music Selections on our antique pump organ presented by Beverly Wilke, talented music professional. • A visit from St. Nick with “sukker tuttes” (candy totes) for all of the “kinder” • Prizes, Refreshments and Sing-a-long carols. (Donations to the Historical Society appreciated.) Sinter Klausen OPEN to Dec 31/Tues – Sun 11 to 5 W15909 Old World Main St., Germantown WI 53022
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The 24 Annual Old Settler`s Banquet was held at BuB`s Irish Pub in
an hour or stay for the day! For more
information please call (262) 628-3170
or [email protected]. We hope you
will be able to come and help out!