Renoir`s south coast
Renoir`s south coast
Renoir’s south coast N Self-guided walk It’s easy to see why Pierre-Auguste Renoir was so captivated by Guernsey’s stunning south coast scenery. The French impressionist painter spent a little over a month in the island in the late summer of 1883. He is thought to have painted 15 small pictures while on the island, all showing views of the bay and beach of Moulin Huet. The paintings are varied and include panoramic views from the track leading down to the bay, scenes with groups of figures among the rocks on the beach, and simpler sketches of rocks and sea. His pictures present the island as a refuge, a place of escape from the modern world, something walkers can still experience today. WALK INFO This walk starts at Jerbourg point, which offers spectacular views across the neighbouring islands of Herm, Sark, Alderney and Jersey and, on a clear day, as far as the Normandy coast of France. Once on the cliff path, your route will weave around a series of pretty bays until you reach Moulin Huet. Start Point: Jerbourg headland Approximate distance of walk: 1.5 miles Terrain: Varied, from flat to slopes and steps Finish point: Moulin Huet Approximate time: 1 hour 20 minutes Go the extra mile! Continue on from Moulin Huet to see more of the well trodden path that Renoir enjoyed. The south coast cliffs arguably offer the most spectacular views the island has to offer at every turn. Saints bay, Icart and Petit Bot all offers fabulous vantage points to stop and take photographs, there are also plenty of tearooms and restaurants dotted around the coast to stop for a break. Useful information: This extra walk is just over two miles. Allow up to two hours to complete this at a leisurely pace. Walk up from Petit Bot and you will join the main road (opposite Forest Stores) which offers good bus links, back to the start of your walk or elsewhere. Route 11, changing to 81, takes you back to Jerbourg. Route 91 also stops here and is a round the island service. USEFUL INFO Bus route 81 travels between La Fosse, next to the Bella Luce hotel, just inland from Moulin Huet, to Jerbourg. For alternative routes, go to Rediscover what life's about AU TH ∏ N.T. La Prevôté ∏ z Cradle Rock (le Surtaut) Havre de Bon Repos Bunker Ÿ CLIFF PATH ∏ t Old Watch House F CLIF Doyle Column PETIT CLIFF PAT BôT BAY C A CH ES TE DE BORD ROU EAUX RO AD RESS E L'A NC B ) TLE D LE S ANQ UES S (CA LES B ST. ESP LAN AD E GLATEG NY ESPLA NADE NTH. E ST QUAY EG FO AG E SOUTH PR RI E L AR TE ESPLANADE OAD THE QUEEN'S R AU ROI LA VILLE IET EA UX FR FORT ROAD LES U DR EUSE RUE PO E CAUC HEZ ∏ Bluebell Wood Ozanne Steps es) LA South Show Site UT ED ES CAM PS w AD Cach E AR M US SA Z R Ÿ Tower 14 LA BETTE È Sausmarez Manor. Manor Railway Artpark. Edwardian Tin Coppersmith FERMAIN BAY  Le Grand Creux La Ricou La Rocque au Piègne Ÿ CLIF Le Vier Port Cradle Rock (le Surtaut) Dog & Lion Rocks  SAINT'S È BAY Le ∏ Jerbourg F PATH Doyle Column Port Petit MOULIN HUET BAY w È Mouillière La Moye Battery Saints Harbour (Moorings) LE PIED DU MUR (Marble Bay) La Divette Pier Earthworks Ÿ w TH PA K w K w Fermain Point Tower No. 15 O es US (L Le Becquet  Le Creux au Chien (Cave) Ÿ Light & Fog Signal Vau Bêtes Telegraph Bay St. Martin's Point © COAST MEDIA CM5448 Les Tas de Pois d'Amont (Pea Stacks) MOULIN HUET BAY Guernsey Aquarium Les Terres Point w H LE JAONNET  K SOLDIERS BAY (Petit Fort) MAZE CLI FF  LE PORTELET PA LES RO UTE RUSSEL ROAD Le Gouffre Por etit Le P ∏ Les Camprôts La Prevôté Watch House UE DU RUE DU PRESBYTERE E TT IE RU EP D ES B QS LIC CLIFF PA TH Ÿ LE I RO CAM P DU E RO UT AR CH É M ET (REC TOR Y HILL ) RU S LE PO RT ZE VIL LIA DE LA St. Ba Cla tte ir ry ES CORN RUE K Ÿ BRIDG E FE RR OAD RT IN PO Z LA RUE D U FRIQ U R R M DE LA RU E LL E PE RE ROU E T LA Kw La Vallette Underground Military Museum ROAD Catherine Best Studio ∏ Jerbourg Old Mill Shute H HAVELET BAY L BO RU E CQ UA IN RO DE RO UT E E U ES TT LE ES ED P RU DU E LA S ALIN E RUE D LA RO AD T CQ AD Les Cache Farm Le Coémy Les Ecrilleurs T RIES UE DE S PE CQ ON ISS PO O DU THE FORT RO AD V EU RU C A CH ES CLI FF RUE German Occupation Museum  K S La Divette Pier Forest Parish Church U TE LA VILLE IET EA UX FR LES U DR E US E RUE PO OCQUE ROUTE DE LA R RUSSEL ROAD E CAUC HEZ ROUTE DU GRAND PORT RO UT ED ES B L I C QS LES LA CLIFF PATH TH LA D TE OU Earthworks FOREST CLIF F PAT N.T. LA R RO AUX S NDE DES LA D) E TH PA SAINT'S È BAY RUE UE REST ROA ELL CH Le Creux Mahié (Cave) B LA R O E RO UTE DE LA PALLOTERI Road) RET (FO E LA F O Hauteville House È Ÿ AD RO CLIFF PATH Les Tielles Le Vier Port ONT (New R LA K LEINM OIR MAN ED OUT ROAD AYE BR È Castle Cornet K National Trust Victorian Shop LE PIED DU MUR ST. MARTIN (Marble Bay) Ÿ R LA FOREST S w w Ω ST. È PETER PORT HARBOUR TH H ROUT ED EP G L E B O UR Hill) ST. AIN UNT RD BO F PA CLIF Les Bouffeures DE FARR AS ) CLIFF PAT Le Long Cavaleux Les Kaines d'Aval Ÿ ROUTE en e (le Ch LES ° RO y Torteval Parish Church (le Mar ais AIRPORT NC E TE CHARRO LA T RUE LE y All bus routes end at the main terminus in St Peter Port St. Martin’s Parish Church E LA ISA VALE AVENUE TT TE DE P St. Martin (Det) R German Underground Military Hospital Bruce Russell & Son Gold & Silversmiths Guernsey Mint Bullion Company RI E Ø Guernsey Information Centre ES TERR LES RUES FR RIES AI RO W MOUNT IEDOR LE IL LO N GF Longue Hougue Le Mont Crevelt Tower Spur Point BELLE GREVE BAY w ES T. U AUQ LE V E D AL LE V )S RE ND ° w ° E E ST. A RD IAN'S AVE. JUL COLL GRANGE ROAD RN ED OUT (R U MA EWS ROAD DR AN IS U Rowing Club UE N AD E St. Peter Port Parish Church La Rocque au Piègne EV QU DU Guernsey Ω Tapestry VE ES LIF FS Q AR XM YE (BA I S URTIL S CO BA Richmond DES Corner UE AR N VE RA WE BUL A BAILIFF 9 EA HAT ST. SAMPSON HARBOUR PL å . 13 r No 13 K w å å LA CROIX AU DU C Randall’s Brewery Tours ? Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery Ø å å å Golf Course AD ∏ Dog & Lion Rocks Saints Harbour (Moorings) DE E LA RU Ø È Cambridge Park ROHA IS å we o. Le Creux au Chien (Cave) German Naval Signals HQ DE BAS O FS R E Silbe Reserve TORTEVAL NT K w  IS å å Fauxquets Valley To N Tower 14 LA BETTE E Little Chapel  Ÿ HA La Grais Lane TE U LI RO RU Les Crêtes Pitches Ω O ST. Creux Le Grand ANDREW La Ricou ∏ Camp Site Res. LA Baie de la Forge È DE S IOU VAUR S La Congrelle EN Martyn Guille Gold & Silversmiths and Guernsey Clockmakers ST. PIERRE DU BOIS RU E Castel Parish Church St Andrew’s Church St Saviour’s Parish Church Fermain Point E CO BO Houment Benet Site of Hougue à la Perre Battery FERMAIN BAY  E Fauxquets Valley © LLAIN w Belle Elizabeth TE D ∏ RO U z D AD) Standing Stone St Peter’s Parish Church Mont Hérault RO U DE ∏ ST. PIERRE DU BOIS Watch House w PETILS BAY Hommet w ES QU Site of AN Tower 2 CO Orchid Field, Les Vicheries Viewpoint Site of Coudré Mill MO EIN E PL ROUTE D CLIFF PATH G'S MILLS RO UE St Saviour’s Reservoir Ÿ Tower EL Talbot Valley (Ron Short Walk) Ω Ω Reservoir G E ∏ LES GRANDS MOULINS (KIN ∏ VI RT Bunker E AN ST. SAVIOUR ES O Ÿ D DE LA BRIGA LA ES ED LI S E LA RU LA DE S D' DO DE S E z Site of First Tower PORT D) OA SR E UT U E LE H SID SIDE St. Sampson's Parish Church L ST. PETER Le Becquet ∏ BORDEAUX HARBOUR La Banque Imbert ? Barkers Quarry 9 TH D å å å Karting Guernsey Vale Castle w NORT SOU TH Delancey Park Bowls The Track K K BRAYE Grosses Hougues Quarry ST. SAMPSON A RO ES ED RU RUE Mirus Battery Site AD LE ES ISL Tower No. 15 å Golf Course å Rue des Bergers RAYE Diamond Museum Island Bowl Houmet Paradis  LA RO UTE DU Oatlands Village O Tennis Centre © Bordeaux Former Landfill Site % U Tomb Juas reservoir (SWB) VALE ROAD DE S å å LA ROU ROAD Le Dehus Passage AD ∏ ES RG EO ST G TE RE MA AU ES La Grande Pré Ivy Castle R Miellette OAD Vale Mill Chateau des Marais ? OUTE D Sausmarez CASTEL Manor. Manor Railway Artpark. Edwardian Tin Coppersmith å FORT ND RA B TE DU RUE COHU AVAL D' ∏ La Miellette LA MO La Baillotene Camp Site RD A GR R OU % å å å NT MO SD DE La Croix Doyle Rock LES MIELLES ROAD AYE') ∏ Vale Pond IR LA E ST. C ROUTE D S å G Hommeril wK å VALE RE ILITAI LA LAN KGV Playing Fields SAUMAREZ PARK ∏ D R OA S LE PEL z å TE M ROU DE ROC Kw N VAZO (L'A BB K E ISL D E L' RE CA TIO H LE JAONNET N BE Folk Museum å R CA Ozanne Steps z å å UT E OS LA Pleinmont Headland Le Tas de Pois d'Aval (Gull Rock)  D U LA GRANDE e tol e la Vil IFF P A T H ∏ E er PETIT BôT BAY LE PORTELET ∏ Le Catioroc Vazon Right Battery & Tower 12 ITES PET La Garenne CR RO L a r ue CL TORTEVAL  E RUE ∏ MILITAI Le Trepied Tomb ∏ La Claire Mare La Perelle Battery Z d RU w To PA E U ∏ VALE Indoor Bowl Centre F PA CLIF  K ∏ z CLIFF PAT Candles UT Portelet Harbour ∏ La Varde Rock La Vaux de Monel F CLIF CQ R UT RO La Varde Ÿ w NS Le Crocq du Sud z Pleinmont Tower Old Watch House RO Le Catioroc © Guernsey Pearl  S Ba t. Cl tte air ry LA N RTI  E AR SM AU E DE UT GION O AR AR M LA ROUTE L LA DE RICHMOND ALADERIE SA PAY ES ED Fort Grey (Shipwreck Museum) Pezeries Point FINISH Kw LA L’Islet Common & Le Picquerel Guernsey Freesia Centre Bluebell Wood Guernsey Tower No. 6 LES CLOTURES ROAD Pond TE ROU E D Le Grand Port  Old Mill Shute Ÿ zå å å IR VO AU TE U OIX MA West Show Site Colin Best Nature ∏ Reserve K w Chateau de Rocquaine Les Grands Côtils Rovers FC Football Pitch 9 Beaucette Marina Vale Parish Church Picquerel O LA R RO L’Eree Headland FINISH Pleinmont Point L D' A DU PIC BE RO és Faies Passage Tomb ROCQUAINE BAY Boues de la Mouette UE P/F  DE Le ©Le Creux ∏ L'EREE BAY  ∏La Folie w RO UT E RAT (det) ∏ Club House ∏ PORT G FONTENELLEÈ Fort BAY Doyle å å Amarreurs Harbour Port Soif Common AD RT SOIF RO Port Soif Nature Trail å z Tower No. 4 Tower No. 5 å å å å Golf Course w? LE GRAND HAVRE w L QU ERE s ière ill gu s An Table des Pions  Tower No. 7 Ancient Site 'Les © La Platte åFouaillages' Mare Cist  R Haute Banque LA CR Bank ∏ Les Catières ∏ LES M 9 Fort Saumarez NOTE:The causeway must ONLY be crossed with care at LOW TIDE. Check the Press & Radio for details. German Occupation Museum ∏ R VA (No Cars) ST. MARTIN OREST ∏ e rv se Re re tu Na ine arL’Eree Shingle CAUSEWAY © © Fort Richmond UT ED ES CA MPS La Capelle (Chapelle dom Hue) © ator fre LA Priory of St. Mary (Remains) Forest Parish Church PO w K Lihou Island D Baie de Port Grat PULIAS ROU TE DU ES D Hill) ∏ E DE Vaugrat Camp Site R PORT K SOIF UT RO en e (le Ch T Lihou Island te Por ALBECQ ∏ La Varde ? K K Baie de Pulias UT ST. SAMPSON R Fort le Crocq S AM ng LE B O G UR T ROA A FORE O LA R Fort Hommet Headland VAZON BAY South Show PERELLE Site BAY E U y FO R E S EL ED UT RO (FOREST ROAD) 9 Fort Hommet RO omm LA S WWW.VISITGUERNSEY.CO M Visit website Little Island BO CO Fortification RO  K Fort Hommet Gun Casemate Site of Tower No. 8 å å å  ∏ z E UT RO AS COBO CO t le Millennium Stone Kw 9 È å ∏ Fort le Marchant 9 PEMBROKE BAY  L'ANCRESSE K  BAY w z å © (Passage Grave) COBO BAY Lion Rock w LADIES BAY E D Toilet facilities St. Martin (Det) ,JMPNFUSF K Tower No. 11 Rousse Headland & Port Grat Pulias Pond & Headland SALINE BAY  (Grandes Rocques Bay) St. Martin’s Parish ,N Church L’Ancresse Common Auto Cross Car Racing ∏ .JMF z  TE U Send email Tower No. 10 RO Restaurant Fort Pembroke (dis)  z Tower No. 9 Headland Baie des Pêqueries .JMF È SOLDIERS BAY (Petit Fort) K Point of interest Catherine Best Studio ∏Chouet LE PORT AUX MALADES E Café or kiosk Book online e hire TT Point of interest BAIE DE LA JAONNEUSE Crève Coeur Le Grand Camp Les Grandes Rocques Guernsey Aquarium Les Terres Point ROAD PORTINFER Pick up a copy of our Walking Map of Guernsey from the Guernsey Information Centre. There are AD ,N RO several walking publications available for purchase, w MAZE including ‘The Channel RUE es) h ac Island Way’ featuring es Cfive US (L ES CORN ED Channel Islands. UT LE IL Little GUIDE TO TRAIL SYMBOLS Chapel K Clay Pigeon Range EV QU German The walking map of Underground GUERNSEY Military Hospital Map Images Photo moment OAD FS R La Grais Lane Museum L BO E IOU LES RUES FR RIES AI ° S ES RN D TE OU (R E ST. A T. R VAU rtyn Guille Gold & Silversmiths and Guernsey Clockmakers )S RE ND LE UET SR AY BR CO EWS ROAD DR AN ° ADE DE LA BRIG Walking map St Andrew’s Church RD E LA RU Q AR M UX A M IS U Tel: 01481 735450 w START È Mouillière La Moye Battery Ÿ Light & Fog Signal Vau Bêtes Telegraph Bay St. Martin's Point © COAST MEDIA CM5448 Les Tas de Pois d'Amont (Pea Stacks) Tel: 01481 735450 2 GUIDE TO TRAIL SYMBOLS Car hire Map Limos Motorcycle hire Cycle Hire Images Photo moment Point of interest Café or kiosk Book online Point of interest Restaurant Toilet facilities Send email Fortification News and blog Visit website Taxis Car hire VideoGuernsey Hotel Limos START Map Motorcycle hire Cycle Hire Motorcycle hire Book online Cycle Hire Send email Send email Online postcard Camping Images Book online Explore Self catering Jerbourg Point: Uninterrupted views of the smaller islands. Here there are remains of Batterie Strassbourg, a German fortification. Look closely and you will also see banks and ditches which are ramparts dating back to the Bronze Age (2000 BC) Limos Images Offers Guest accomm Taxis Taxis Visit website Visit website Tour operator e Car hire Map Inspire Hotel Walking e-brochure Guest accomm Flights Self catering Ferries Camping Buses Tour operator Hotel Jerbourg hotel Guest accomm Jerbourg kiosk Self catering Bear left along La Moye Lane before turning left by Seaplane Bungalow, signposted for Petit Port. Camping On the headland stands La Moye Battery. Many of the fortifications along the coast, which include a gun emplacement and earthworks at La Moye, a watch house at Les Sommeilleuses and the castle at Corbierre, were adapted during the Occupation of World War Two. As you make your way around the bay, the paths weave around the edge of the coast, occasionally crossing back onto tarmac paths and roads before returning to a track. Tour operator Map Petit Port: With 294 steps, getting down to this bay is not for the faint-hearted – but well worth the walk. A little inland is Doyle Monument, built in memory of Sir John Doyle, a Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey, and restaurant The Auberge. Images News and blog Car hire Map VideoGuernsey Limos Images Offers Motorcycle hire Book online Explore Cycle Hire Send email Online postcard Taxis Visit website Inspire Hotel Walking e-brochure Guest accomm Flights Self catering Ferries Camping Book online Send email Visit website m At the southern end of the bay the path meets a paved road and switches back sharply, with a walled garden on the right before becoming a path once again. Buses Tour operator Across the bay to the east you will see the Pea Stacks (Les Tas de Pois d’amont). This distinctive set of rocks just off the coast offers a popular habitat for nesting seabirds. 3 Car hire GUIDE TO TRAIL SYMBOLS Map Limos Motorcycle hire Cycle Hire Images Photo moment Point of interest Café or kiosk Book online Point of interest Restaurant Toilet facilities Send email Fortification Taxis Hotel Visit website Turn sharp left again to join a road down to the Moulin Huet tearooms. Map Guest accomm Moulin Huet: Like many of the south coast bays, this beach is transformed from a pebble to a sandy beach with the rise and fall of the tide. Renoir painted here in 1883 and it was a favourite of French author Victor Hugo when he lived here in exile in the 19th Century. Images Self catering e Book online Camping Send email Tour operator Visit website A board provides more information on Renoir’s time in Guernsey, take a left here to access the beach. Retrace your steps to the top of the hill and carry on up past Moulin Huet pottery and you will reach the Bella Luce hotel. Take a left and wander through the lanes for more places to eat including the Captain’s hotel, Les Douvres and La Barbarie hotels. m FINISH News and blog Car hire Map VideoGuernsey Limos Images Offers Motorcycle hire Book online Explore Cycle Hire Send email Online postcard Taxis Visit website Inspire Hotel Walking e-brochure Guest accomm Flights Self catering Ferries Camping Buses Tour operator Go the extra mile ! Alternatively turn right at the Renoir information board and climb the steep steps to go the extra mile... At the top is Hotel Bon Port. Turn left to reach a headland before dropping down to another road and turning left downhill towards Saints bay and harbour. Here stands a loop-holed tower and memorial obelisk to Charles Le Febvre, a Feudal Lord. Steps lead down to the bay from the cliff path a sharp path climbs up again to Icart Point. Saints Bay hotel is nearby. 4 Car hire GUIDE TO TRAIL SYMBOLS Map Limos Motorcycle hire Cycle Hire Images Photo moment Point of interest Café or kiosk Book online Point of interest Restaurant Toilet facilities Send email Fortification Taxis Visit website News and blog Car hire VideoGuernsey Limos Offers Motorcycle hire Explore Cycle Hire Online postcard Taxis Inspire Hotel Walking e-brochure Guest accomm Flights Self catering Ferries Camping Buses Tour operator Map Hotel Guest accomm Self catering Camping Tour operator og Car hire Map ey Limos Images Motorcycle hire Book online Cycle Hire Send email ard ochure Taxis Hotel Icart point: Perfect place to stop and take in the wonderful views. There is a cafe and public toilets here. Images Book online Send email Keep on the main path, don’t turn left down the one-way path for Le Jaonnet Bay, and this leads to Petit Bot. Visit website FINISH This beautiful, popular bay has a tearoom that was originally built as a paper mill in 1828. Tower 13 is a loop-holed tower at the top of the Petit Bot slipway is one of 15 such towers all over the island. Visit website Guest accomm Built in 1788 / 1789, all 15 were built in a very short time in response to the perceived threat from France. Like the others, this would have been manned by the militia and acted as guardhouse, watch house and also a barracks for the men on the battery. Self catering Camping Tour operator St Clair Battery: The Battery was associated with Tower no. 13 and was one of more than 60 such batteries dotted the coastline. In 1816 there were two 24-pounder guns mounted there which had the capacity to fire more than 2,000 metres. From here, it is a short walk up to the main road, Le Bourg, where buses go to St Peter Port and elsewhere. 5