East African Communitiy, 2011. Enhancing Safety of Navigation and
East African Communitiy, 2011. Enhancing Safety of Navigation and
Enhancing Safety of Navigation and Efficient Exploitation of Natural Resources over Lake Victoria and Its Basin by Strengthening Meteorological Services on the Lake & aircrafts Lake Victoria Early Warning Coordination Centre Lake Victoria Final Report 26 October 2011 Primary Project Consultancy Team Consultant: North Carolina State University Lead Investigator: Professor Fredrick Semazzi [http://climlab.meas.ncsu.edu/links.html] Dept. of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 Email Address: [email protected] Other Members of the Consultancy (United States): 1. Professor Sandra Yuter: North Carolina State University 2. Professor James Kiwanuka-Tondo: North Carolina State University 3. Professor Lian Xie: North Carolina State University 4. Mr. Lynn Rose: Atmospheric Technology Services Company (ATSC), Norman, OK Other Members of the Consultancy (East Africa): 1. Mr. Ruben Barakiza: (Institut Geographique du Burundi) 2. Mr. Peter Ambenje: (Kenya, Meteorology Department) 3. Mr. Anthony Twahirwa: (Rwanda Meteorological Service) 4. Dr. Hamza Kabelwa : (Tanzania Meteorological Agency) 5. Dr. Ronald Wesonga: (Uganda Meteorological Department) 6. Prof. Laban Ogallo and Dr. Joseph Mutemi (University of Nairobi and ICPAC, Kenya) 7. Mr. Francis Kirudde, UMEME, Uganda Technical Support Team 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mr. Casey Burleyson, North Carolina State University Dr. Bin Liu, North Carolina State University Ms. Jaine Place, North Carolina State University Ms. Kara Smith, North Carolina State University Dr. Pascal Waniha, North Carolina State University 2 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 6 2. Background 9 2.1 EAC Meteorological Activities 11 2.2 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Activities 11 2.2.1 Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP-Eastern Africa) 2.2.2 World Weather Research Programme (WWRP/WMO) Lake Victoria Project 2.2.3 Mobile Weather Alert Project (WAP) 11 12 12 3. Primary Components of Feasibility Study 13 4. Summary of Activities During Inception Phase of Project 14 4.1 Project Start-up and Subcontract with the Atmospheric Technology Services (ATS) 14 4.2 Consultative visits to LVBC Secretariat, Kisumu, Kenya 14 4.3 Consultative visit to Representative Key Institutions 14 4.4 Consultative visit to Gabba Landing Site 15 5. Stakeholder Workshop – 18-19 July, 2011 17 6. Sub-projects Reports and Recommendations 18 6.1 Assessment of Stakeholders’ Needs 6.1.1 Training of Meteorological Officers to Conduct Survey 6.1.2 Summary Results of the Survey 6.2 Assessment of atmospheric and marine, monitoring and modeling requirements 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 Assessment of Atmospheric Observational Needs Precipitation Characteristics over Lake Victoria Utilization of the Current Observational Network Assessment of Marine Observational Needs Assessment of Atmospheric Modeling Needs Assessment of Marine Modeling Needs 18 18 18 23 23 23 28 30 31 39 3 7. Recommendations for Atmospheric and Marine, Monitoring and Modeling Requirements 41 7.1 Primary Recommendations 41 7.2 Broad Recommendations 43 7.3 Recommended Meteorological Sensors 44 7.3.1 Scanning Weather Radars 7.3.2 Lightning Detection and Location Sensors 7.3.3 More Automated Surface Weather Observation Sensors around Lake Victoria 7.3.4 Integrated Weather Pak 7.3.5 Automated Surface Weather Observation Sensors on Islands 7.3.6 GPS Occultation System 7.3.7 Lightning Prediction by Radar 7.3.8 Stream Gauges 7.3.9 Summary 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 7.4 Recommendations for Marine Monitoring Requirements 51 7.5 Recommendations for Modeling Requirements 54 7.5.1 Recommended Prediction Model Configuration 8. Recommendations for Implementation Phase 8.1 Project 1: Plan for a Navigation Early Warning System (NEWS) (CTOR1, CTOR3, and CTOR4) 8.1.1 Project Rationale 8.1.2 Overall Project Objective 8.1.3 Specific Project Objective 8.1.4 Expected Project Outputs 8.1.5 Project Scope 8.1.6 Detailed Tasks 8.1.7 Estimated Project Costs 8.2 Project 2: Plan for a Hotspots Atlas (CTOR2) 8.2.1 Project Rationale 8.2.2 Overall Project Objective 8.2.3 Specific Project Objectives 8.2.4 Expected Project Outputs 8.2.5 Project Scope 8.2.6 Proposed Membership of Consultancy to Conduct the Project 8.2.7 Estimated Project Costs 54 55 55 55 57 57 58 58 58 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 4 8.3 Project 3: Plan for a Marine and Atmospheric Observational Network and Water/Air Quality (CTOR3) 8.3.1 Project Rationale 8.3.2 Overall Project Objective 8.3.3 Specific Project Objectives 8.3.4 Expected Project Outputs 8.3.5 Project Scope 8.3.6 Detailed Tasks 8.3.7 Estimated Project Costs 68 68 69 71 72 72 72 73 8.4 Project 4: Plan for the Consultant’s Proposal for a Centre for Meteorological Services (CMS) for the Lake Victoria Basin (CTOR5) 74 8.4.1 Project Rationale 8.4.2 Overall Project Objective 8.4.3 Expected Project Outcomes 8.4.4. Project Scope 8.4.5 Detailed Tasks 74 74 75 76 76 ANNEXES: Annex 1: Original Terms of Reference (TOR) and Mapping on Consolidated Terms of Reference (CTOR) 81 Annex 2: Reports and Documentation Available to the Project Team 83 Annex 3: Programme for the Stakeholders’ Workshop 86 Annex 4: List of Delegates Attending the Workshop for Stakeholders for Enhancing Safety of Navigation and Efficient Exploitation of Natural Resources over Lake Victoria and its Basin by Strengthening Meteorological Services for Lake Victoria Basin 88 Annex 5: Survey Questionnaire 93 Annex 6: Evidence of Severe Weather over Lake Victoria (Waterspouts over Lake Victoria) 100 Annex 7: List of Acronyms 102 5 1. Executive Summary Lake Victoria is the commercial and socioeconomic ‘nerve center’ of East Africa. It is Africa’s largest and the world’s second largest freshwater lake, with an area of 69,000 km2 spanning Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. The Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) supports over 30 million people. As one of the two sources of River Nile (longest in the world), the LVB supports natural resources that impact the livelihood of over 300 million people who live in the Nile basin. The fishing industry on Lake Victoria is a leading natural resource for the people of East Africa and is worth hundreds of millions of dollars in domestic consumption and exports. Marine transport accidents associated with the industry cause more than 5000 deaths every year, which represents a significant and unacceptable percentage of the fishing population. Most of these accidents have been attributed to hazardous weather conditions and water currents in the lake. The East African Community (EAC) LVB Commision (LVBC) has commissioned this feasibility study to develop a plan for “Enhancing Safety of Navigation and Efficient Exploitation of Natural Resources over Lake Victoria and Its Basin by Strengthening Meteorological Services on the Lake.” The feasibility study comprises five primary components, namely: (i) pre-workshop activities (inception phase of project); (ii) a stakeholders’ workshop; (iii) a survey of stakeholders’, demographics, concerns, and needs; (iv) assessment of atmospheric and marine observational needs; and (v) an assessment of prediction model requirements for hazardous meteorological conditions. Analysis of the results from these assessment components has revealed major weaknesses in the provision of meteorological services for marine navigation safety and exploitations of natural resources in the basin. Based on these results, a plan has been developed for the enhancement of the meteorological services. It comprises four projects. Project 1: Navigation Early Warning System (NEWS) Pilot Project. Estimated Cost: $1,366,000 The objective of this project is to test a pilot system for the provision of early warning alerts for fishermen navigational needs, based on the prediction of severe weather and hazardous marine conditions over Lake Victoria. The pilot project should be carried out over a limited sector of Lake Victoria. Systematic analysis of the impacts of the pilot project will provide critical information for the development of a full-fledged and much more expensive early warning system for the entire lake basin. The pilot project involves the following six components: • • • Enhancement of the monitoring network to fill the most urgent observational gaps for the provision of early warning alerts. The most urgent critical need is the completion of the procurement and installation of the radar at Mwanza/Tanzania, Eldoret/Kenya and Entebbe/Uganda. At least one radar will be required to test the pilot system. A comprehensive request will be submitted to the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) for a rental radar; Deployment of the EAC MV Jumuiya and other vessels which may be accessed through EAC to monitor the vital elements of the lake’s currents; Customization and application of a coupled prediction computer model to predict severe weather and hazardous water currents for issuing NEWS alerts; 6 • • • Use of information from the prediction computer models to produce customized early warning alert products that are easily understandable and useable by Lake Victoria fishermen and transporters; and Build on the lessons, experiences and infrastructure from recent initiatives such as the Mobile Phone Weather Alert Program and others to develop a delivery mechanism for the alerts to the stakeholders. Under this project, the Uganda Department of Meteorology, Ericsson, MTN, National Lake Rescue Institute, and the World Meteorological Organization are piloting a Short Message Service (SMS) called ‘Mobile Weather Alert’ which uses mobile telephone technology to provide forecasts of severe weather to improve the safety for fishermen on Lake Victoria. Create awareness among the stakeholders to use the meteorological information Consultancy: It is recommended that EAC-LVBC commission a high-powered resource mobilization and implementation task force or consultant to coordinate the regional and international partnerships and resources for the implementation of the pilot project. The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the consultant should include: • • Development of a detailed request to the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) for acquisition of facilities and services for the pilot project; and Development of a plan for strategic collaboration between EAC-LVBC and NCAR Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) through its Joint Numerical Testbed (JNT). The main goal of the collaboration is to test the performance of the experimental forecast weather prediction system recommended in this feasibility study. Project 2: Hotspots Atlas Project- Estimated Cost: $225,000 Weather and climate information required for decision-makers and management of leading socioeconomic sectors in the EAC region is not currently available at any single collection centre. Furthermore, the information is not available in a user-friendly form, which makes use difficult for the stakeholders. The purpose of this project is to produce a weather/climate atlas which serves this need and, in doing so, to significantly enhance productivity in the exploitation of natural resources for the LVB. The contents of the atlas should include digital data, graphs, and maps for the provision of: (i) basic meteorological information including CORDEX-based climate projection products and; (ii) sector-specific climate information for at least the following industries: fisheries, marine navigation, tourism, agriculture, energy, water resources, engineering construction, forestry, transportation, health, resource sharing and conflict early warning, and environmental conservation. Consultancy: A consultant should be commissioned to develop this initiative into a standard demonstration project of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) under one of its five near-term implementation objectives of “…designing and implementing a set of projects that target the needs of developing countries ….”. This would serve as a prototype for the rest of the EAC region and beyond. 7 Project 3: Marine and Atmospheric Special Observing Period (SOP) for LVB ProjectEstimated Cost: $5,903,000 The results of the feasibility study have indicated the need for major upgrade in the observational network for the marine and the meteorological conditions over the LVB. Although the primary goal of NEWS is the provision of operational meteorological services, the high demand for observational network upgrade and development of enhanced modeling capabilities presents a compelling case for partnership with a research community which also needs an enhanced observational network and products. The basis of this project is to exploit this common need to develop a joint, limited-period observational network to be sustained by the EAC governments through intergovernmental funding arrangements after the SOP. This project will help fill a major gap in the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Regional Hydroclimate Projects over East Africa. The GEWEX African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) project covers only West Africa thus leaving a large swath over the rest of Africa which is not covered by GEWEX special campaigns. This proposed project entails creation of the Regional Hydroclimate Project (HYVIC) GEWEX project to fill the important gap over the LVB. Consultancy: We recommend that the EAC-LVBC commission a consultancy to coordinate and implement this project. The TORs should include: • • • Development of an observational science plan and an implementation plan for a limitedperiod international observing campaign for the LVB to fill the observational gap in GEWEX global programs’ global coverage. The plan should clearly indicate how the upgraded observational network will be sustained after the limited-period international project ends. The science and implementation plans should be developed in close consultation with and engagement of the relevant international organizations including GEWEX, the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Climate Variability and Prediction Programme (CLIVAR) and GFCS, Organize a series of workshops and meetings to mobilize international participation in the implementation of the HYVIC observational project and secure pledges of support for the implementation phase. Organizations to be invited to participate should include: the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics Program, the NSF International Program, the NSF Facilities Program, the World Bank, the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Google.org, Ericsson, GSMA, Zain, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Department for International Development (DFID), EAC national governments, African Development Bank, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the U.K. Meteorology Office (UKMO), the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), START, AMMA promoters, and others. Implementation of the project potentially involving the deployment of a comprehensive array of land and marine monitoring sensors, satellites, ships, and aircrafts; and 8 • A major observation data collection campaign for the limited period at centralized data archiving facilities that will serve the proposed regional centre for navigation safety early warning and exploitation of natural services. Project 4: Proposal for development of a Centre for Meteorological Services (CMS) for the Lake Victoria Basin The provision of meteorological services for the LVB requires a distributed or centralized coordination mechanism with a set of well-defined high level deliverables which are responsive to high priority stakeholder concerns and needs. To achieve this goal, the mechanism will need high-performing governance to provide the vision for meeting the urgent needs addressed under Projects 1-3, in a sustainable form. Ad-hoc Technical Group (ATG) Consultancy: We propose that the EAC-LVBC establish, as a matter of urgency, an ad hoc technical group to develop a detailed implementation plan for the CMS based upon the broad strategy outlined in this report, and that this plan be endorsed by EAC nations’ governments through an intergovernmental process prior to its implementation. The TOR of the ATG should be based on the broad strategy recommended in this feasibility study for the development of an institutional Framework for the CMS. The TORs should include the following consideration: • • • Provision of oversight for the implementation of the high-profile capacity building projects (Projects 1-3) to enable the delivery of weather and climate services to meet the needs of the weather- and climate-vulnerable communities of the LVB; Development of a governance plan based on two governance structure options that we have proposed, an EAC-LVBC-based secretariat, and creation and engagement of a network of regional technical committees of experts; and Mobilization of resources for the implementation phase of the CEM. In addition to the traditional support of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) by the EAC governments, the EAC should commit to pay for or make a small additional contribution to the CMS intergovernmental fund to sustain its provision of the added value beyond the capabilities of the NMHSs. The added value should be demonstrated initially though fast-track pilot projects. 9 2. Background Lake Victoria is Africa’s largest and the world’s second largest freshwater lake, with an area of 69,000 km2 spanning Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. It is a key resource for the people of East Africa and has the largest freshwater fisheries, producing 700,000 to 800,000 metric tons of fish annually worth USD 350-400 million. Fish exports earn the region USD 250 million per year. Furthermore, there is an important untapped potential to expand both the tourism and transportation industries across the lake to benefit communities who share this transnational fresh water resource. The LVB is the commercial and socioeconomic ‘nerve center’ of the East African Community (EAC). Approximately 30 million people live along its shores and the lake provides employment for three to four million people. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most dangerous waterways in the world. On average 5,000 deaths occur each year among 200,000 fishermen on Lake Victoria due to navigation accidents. About 50,000 small fishing boats, operating out of 1,400 landing sites or beaches around the lake, dominate maritime activities on Lake Victoria. There is also a small commercial shipping industry, operating a few hundred mostly small vessels and a fleet of traditional cargo vessels. On average, each person (mostly fishermen) who loses their lives on the lake leaves behind an average of eight dependents. The deaths affect the wellbeing of over 30,000 people—an affect which accumulates year to year and compounds the poverty cycle. Despite the economic effects and loss of life, Lake Victoria lacks effective rescue and early warning systems to protect those who depend on the lake and waterway for their livelihoods. Safety is one of the biggest problems affecting both users and operators and influencing their use of water transport. There are unique weather dynamics that continuously threaten air and marine navigation over the lake and its basin. The region around the lake has the highest occurrence of hailstorms and thunderstorms in the EAC region. These are associated with local circulation patterns arising from differential heating between land and water surfaces and their interactions with the large-scale (synoptic) circulation patterns. Accidents involving transport and fishing boats occur frequently on Lake Victoria, some very serious. In May 1996, a passenger ferry, the MV. Bukoba, capsized while on its way to Mwanza in Tanzania killing about 800 people. The MV Kabelega sank on 8 May 2005 and though losing no lives, lost consumer produce in the tune of 800 tons. Grounding of the MV Thor at Ghana Island on 24 March 2006 lost 300,000 litres of petroleum products. On 21 April 2006, the MV Nyamageni capsized and sank, resulting in 28 deaths. On 22 July 2010, a passenger boat capsized on the Ugandan side of the lake, losing 50 people. Survivors tell of strong waves hitting the vessel, shattering it into pieces. There is therefore a great need to improve safety of navigation by expanding the observational network over the LVB to provide timely and accurate meteorological information and products, including safety advisories and warnings to ships and other vessels. An additional and growing concern is pollution of Lake Victoria waters caused by population growth and increased farming and fishing activities over the lake basin. Pollution monitoring and assessment is needed to advise appropriate authorities on pollution risks from growing industry, increased population, and more intensive farming. 10 To address these concerns, the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) commissioned consulting services and awarded a contract to North Carolina State University (NCSU) on 15 April 2011. The overall objective of the consultancy is to carry out a needs assessment and feasibility study for “Enhancing Safety of Navigation and Efficient Exploitation of Natural Resources over Lake Victoria and Its Basin by Strengthening Meteorological Services on the Lake”. The Terms of Reference (TORs) are given in Annex 1. 2.1 EAC Meteorological Activities During the meeting of the Heads of Meteorological Services held in Kisumu, Kenya, on May 22, 2009, the heads noted the need of establishing an EAC centre of excellence for medium-range weather forecasting in view of the evident impacts of climate change and the need for availability of weather information in the region. The heads named a Task Team comprising Mr. Peter Ambenje (Kenya, convener), Mr. Mohamed Matitu (Tanzania), Mr. D. Bamanya (Uganda), Mr. Anthony Twahirwa (Rwanda), and Mr. Ruben Barakiza (Burundi), to investigate establishing a full-fledged East African Centre of Excellence for Medium Range Forecasting. The Task Team has developed a strategic framework for the development of numerical weather prediction in the EAC region. The vision for the framework is to have all national meteorological services (NMSs) in the EAC running one or more Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models and using them to issue a wide range of accurate, timely and value-added weather products for early warning and disaster risk reduction. The mission of this initiative is to advance NWP in the EAC region through a coordinated and cooperative effort of the five National Meteorological Services (NMSs) that is consistent with provisions of the EAC Treaty and the Five-Year Meteorological Development Plan and Investment Strategy. This includes research, development of forecast techniques, real-time testing of forecast systems, and verification and interaction with users, enabling provision of accurate and timely weather products contributing to socioeconomic development of the region. This is a collaborative effort incorporating meteorologists, modelers, engineers, universities, and operational personnel from NMSs, government institutions, and the private sector. This program will be highly complementary to the solutions being sought in this feasibility study. However, the focus here is on the LVB region. The forecast system should eventually be based on a fully coupled lake-atmosphere system of the kind developed by NCSU scientists in order to predict the evolution of the lake’s currents and waves—critical for safety of fishermen and of marine vessels. 2.2 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Activities There are several WMO initiatives which are complimentary to the solutions being sought in this feasibility study; three of them are briefly described below. 2.2.1 Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP – Eastern Africa) The Eastern Africa Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) project is part of the global World Meteorological Organization (WMO) SWFDP framework. Further details about the program may be found in the SWFDP Overall Project Plan (2010), and SWFDP 11 Guidebook for Planning Regional Subprojects (2010), both developed by the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) Steering Group on the SWFDP. The SWFDP Overall Project Plan (2010) is a high-level document targeting senior managers and describing SWFDP technical aspects related to the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS), public weather services (PWS) programmes, and general principles and conceptual framework for guiding project planning. The SWFDP Guidebook for Planning Regional Subprojects (2010) provides a “template” and procedures for developing a Regional Subproject Implementation Plan (RSIP). The SWFDP aims to contribute to capacity building and help developing countries to implement the best possible use of existing NWP products for improving warnings of hazardous weather conditions and weather-related hazards. The East African SWFDP domain for monitoring, analyzing and predicting the various severe weather events is bounded by 5E-55E; 30N-25S and a specific domain for Lake Victoria is being considered. Under SWFDP, global-scale products, as well as data and information provided by other regional centers, would be integrated and synthesized by a designated Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC), which, in turn, provides daily guidance for short-range (days 1 and 2) and medium-range (out to day 5) periods on specified hazardous meteorological phenomena (e.g., heavy rain, strong winds, etc.) to participating National Meteorological Centers (NMCs) of the region. 2.2.2 World Weather Research Programme (WWRP/WMO) – Lake Victoria Project The WWRP is an international research project coordinated by WMO. The project foci include use of satellite remote sensing to understand lightning. The Working Group on Nowcasting Research (WGNR) of WWRP provides scientific guidance to the Mobile Weather Alert Project (WAP) among other initiatives. The WAP has strong interest in capacity building such as the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) training initiative. 2.2.3 Mobile Weather Alert Project (WAP) More than 5000 people lose their lives on Lake Victoria each year. Most of them drown as a result of high winds and waves associated with convective storms on the lake. The Uganda Department of Meteorology, Ericsson, the MTN Group, the National Lake Rescue Institute, and the WMO are piloting a Short Message Service (SMS) called “Mobile Weather Alert” which uses mobile technology to provide forecasts of severe weather and improve safety for fishermen on Lake Victoria. A two-day training workshop in Kampala on 4-5 May 2011 trained community leaders to understand the SMS alerts. These community leaders will recruit and train other fishermen on Ssese Island, Lake Victoria, to use the service for a three-month trial period. The aim of the Mobile Weather Alert project is to reduce the casualty toll by utilizing mobile phone technology to develop a sustainable warning service that reduces the vulnerability of communities in the Lake Victoria Region to weather hazards. The main launch of the Mobile Weather Alert project took place in July, 2011. The consultant has studied the various reports mentioned in the Terms of Reference (TOR) and held meetings and telephone conferences with the LVBC secretariat, the five NMHS, university partners, and potential promoters. The main feasibility study tasks are described below. 12 3. Primary Components of the Feasibility Study The feasibility study comprises five primary components, namely: (i) pre-workshop activities (inception phase of project); (ii) a stakeholders’ workshop; (iii) a survey of stakeholders’ demographics, concerns, and needs; (iv) assessment of atmospheric and marine observational needs; and (v) an assessment of prediction model requirements. The outcomes from these activities are discussed in this section. Table 1 shows the timeline of the implementation of the feasibility project. Plan & Time Schedule Contract Activity Table 1. Implementation Timeline Project Week 1 26 Contract signature Project preparations Survey Questionnaire Development Analysis about current capabilities Experimental numerical work Visit to LVBC secretariat, Kisumu Stakeholder visits & consultations Delivery of inception report Field studies for monitoring network Consulting potential promoters Preparation of draft report Delivery of draft report Stakeholder workshop Delivery of workshop report Report finalization Final report delivery Legend Activity in progress during this period Project week 1 starts April-15th; Week 26 ends October 30th, 2011 13 4. Summary of Activities During Inception Phase of Project 4.1 Project Start-up and Subcontract with Atmospheric Technology Services (ATS) The project officially started on April, 15th 2011. In accordance with its proposal, NCSU has entered into a subcontract with the Atmospheric Technology Services Company in the amount of $23,611 for services proposed. 4.2 Consultative Visits to LVBC Secretariat, Kisumu, Kenya Professors Fredrick Semazzi (NCSU, Principal Investigator) and Laban Ogallo (Director, ICPAC; lead investigator, East Africa) made a consultative visit to LVBC secretariat offices in Kisumu. This meeting resulted in the following important decisions, including the scheduling of the stakeholders’ workshop for 18-19 July 2011 in Kisumu. LVBC would assist with logistics for the venue and send out two sets of invitations to the stakeholders. The first set would be sent to end-users, mainly comprising fishermen, whose attendance costs would be supported by LVBC. The second set of invitations would be sent to NMHS, NGOs, private sector, and others who would be expected to cover their costs for attendance. LVBC would also provide a projection system for the power point presentation.. 4.3 Consultative Visit to Representative Key Institutions Consultative visit to the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) 8 June 2011): Professor Semazzi met with Mr. Peter Ambenje, the KMD Deputy Director for Forecasting and Regional Services and the lead KMD consultant on this project. The meeting centered on the project’s strategy to compile information about the meteorological observational network in Kenya which is needed for making recommendations to be presented in the consultant’s final report. Mr. Ambenje provided the initial input to Professor Sandra Yuter of NCSU, the lead investigator for the terrestrial monitoring component of the feasibility study. This process was replicated for all the five EAC Partner States to develop a comprehensive assessment for the LVB region. Consultative visit to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Prediction and Applications Center (ICPAC): Professors Semazzi and Ogallo visited and held strategic discussions with and Dr. Joseph N. Mutemi (Senior Lecturer, Department of Meteorology, University of Nairobi) on 8 June 2011. The visit focused on the planning of the remaining activities of the feasibility project. This visit led to the consultative visit to LVBC secretariat described in section 4.2. Consultative Visit to Makerere University (14 June 2011) and Ministry of Energy/Uganda (15 June 2011): Following the proposal to engage the university activities, Professor Semazzi visited Professor Dan Nsubuga, a specialist in satellite and telecommunication technology at Makerere University. This visit was followed by a meeting with both Professor Nsubuga and Mr. Paul Mubiru, Commissioner of Energy, Uganda Government. We have consolidated the plans of Makerere University and the Uganda Ministry of Energy to define the potential partnerships for implementation phase of this project. We believe that efficient and sustainable meteorological services must involve partnership among university researchers, policy makers, and the meteorological institutions that provide technological guidance for decision-making. 14 Consultative visits to EAC NMHS: To prepare the survey questionnaire, Professor James Kiwanuka-Tondo (NCSU) made consultative visits to the NMHS in Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya (9-10 July and 18-19 July 2011, respectively), Uganda (11-13 July 2011), Rwanda (13-14 July 2011), Burundi (15-16 July 2011), and Tanzania (16-17 July 2011). Graduate student Casey Burleyson made consultative visits to Kenya (6-10 July 2011), Uganda 10-12 July 2011), and Tanzania (12-13 July 2011) to assess observational and modeling status. Findings are presented in section 6.2. 4.4 Consultative Visit to Gabba Landing Site Identification of the weather types of primary concern to the industry is an important entry point to engage the fishermen in the eventual establishment of an early warning system. During the inception phase (16 June 2011), Professor Semazzi visited the Gabba Landing site near Kampala, Uganda, and met with a group of five veteran fishermen to gather preliminary information about their weather-related concerns and appreciation of weather hazards in marine navigation. Key input was provided by Kagwa Edwards, a 12-year veteran fisherman based on the Sesse Islands in the northwest sector of Lake Victoria. All of the fishermen consulted have previously operated from both coastal and island landings in their work and have extensive indigenous knowledge of meteorological conditions over Lake Victoria which is important for their industry. Below, is a brief outline of the lessons from this interview, conducted in the Luganda language, the main means of communication over the LVB sector in Uganda. These preliminary testimonies were used to refine the survey questionnaire and inform planning of other related components of the feasibility study. (i) Overloading: Most manually-powered fishing boats have no scale to keep track of weight limits. Smaller boats are more prone to overloading. (ii) Age of boats: The structural integrity of boats declines with age. Newer boats are made of asbestos, but they are much fewer in number than wooden boats. (iii) Weather factors: Weather is a key source of navigation accidents. However, it also compounds other sources of accidents. Types of weather known to cause accidents are listed in the subsection below. (iv) Wildlife: Major accidents result from hippopotamus and crocodile attacks; this is seasonally dependent because some types of weather make the often fatal confrontations more likely. (v) Overwork: Fatigue and exhaustion are important sources of accidents. This is also weather related in some circumstances when favorable fishing conditions shift further into the interior of the lake. The main weather-related navigation safety concerns raised by the fishermen are listed below. (i) Underwater currents: Strong underwater currents cause drift of both fishing boats and nets to dangerous distances for navigation. (ii) Underwater vertical currents: Occurrence of vertical currents of water is well known by fishermen. Such persistent conditions change predator-prey population balance because larger fish can no longer efficiently hunt smaller prey fish. (iii) Waterspout weather (locally known as Nsoke): Fishermen have described conditions very consistent with waterspouts, including dark clouds descending in the form of a 15 ‘tail’ and touching the water surface. This causes water to rise and gives appearance of the cloud touching the water surface. They describe these systems causing paths of total destruction as they move from water to land regions. (See accounts of the existence of waterspouts over Lake Victoria as far back as 1922 [Nature] and more recent video footage from 2009. Weather prediction tools to be used in generating early warning alerts must be capable of giving skillful forecasts for these and other potential and other phenomena that could result in hazardous weather and marine conditions. Also see Annex 6 for actual eyewitness reports.) (iv) Seasonality of Intense Winds: Fishermen gave accounts of seasonal strong winds in the season surrounding the month of July. These winds result in increased levels of accidents. (v) Seasonality of Lake Surface Temperatures (LST): Fishermen gave vivid accounts of the dependence of fish populations on LST. During the season around April, the deeper waters in the interior of Lake Victoria are warmer than other seasons. However, fish prefer cooler water and therefore escape to the near coastal waters where the temperatures are cooler. This creates favorable fishing conditions within five miles from the lake shore. This is not only safer for the fishermen but also cheaper because of reduced fuel consumption. Opposite conditions result in fishermen having to go further into the interior of the lake in search of favorable fishing conditions. Under these conditions fuel is more expensive and some of the costs are passed on to consumers. These shifts occur due to variations in the annual cycle as well as interannual variability. The Survey Questionnaire attempted to isolate the contributions of these multiple factors. (vi) Daily Fishermen Work Schedule: The fishermen typically set sail about 7 pm; the nets are laid from about 10 pm to midnight; the return journey back to shore begins about 2 am to avoid the most turbulent weather conditions and lightning (land breeze maximum) and to arrive back on shore in time for the waiting fish vendors and transporters. However, these timelines may depend of size of fishing boats and season of the year. 16 5. Stakeholder Workshop: 18-19 July 2011 Participation: The stakeholder workshop was attended by officials from the EAC partner states; EAC/LVBC secretariat officers, representatives from WMO and ICPAC, Beach Management Unit members, and the consultants. The agenda and list of participants are attached as Annex 3 and Annex 4, respectively. Constitution of the Bureau: The Bureau was constituted in accordance with EAC Rules of Procedure. The workshop was chaired by Mr. Dukundane Dieudonne, Ag. Director, International Transport Department, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Equipment, Republic of Burundi. Remarks by the Chair and welcoming remarks by LVBC: Mr. Dieudonne welcomed all participants to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance, noting that the initiative is important for enhancement of safety of navigation and efficient exploitation of the natural resources within the LVB. He thanked the Republic of Kenya for hosting the workshop and wished the participants a fruitful meeting. Dr. Canisius Kanangire, the Executive Secretary, on behalf of LVBC, welcomed the participants to the meeting and officially opened the workshop. Major outcomes: The stakeholders made suggestions such as expanding the research scope and the target population of the survey research to include others who are impacted by the LVB, such as farmers and energy and natural resources experts as well as other lakes in the LVB. Some sessions were devoted to the technical issues of the project and training of the survey trainers. The workshop recommended that the consultant consolidate the original TORs into a smaller number. The consolidated TORs (CTORs) agreed on by the workshop participants are listed below. CTOR1: Develop a plan for skillful guidance for early warning alerts, Search and Rescue (SAR), and continuous post-disaster evaluation; e.g., losses and needs assessment, safety and resource utilization (including severe weather and hazardous marine conditions). CTOR2: Develop a plan for the production of hotspot maps of lake hazards and high quality meteorological information and services to support the exploitation of natural resources; e.g., transportation, energy, health, agriculture, tourism, water resources, resource sharing, and conflict early warning, etc.) CTOR3: Develop a plan for a marine, atmospheric and water/air-quality observational network to support activities in CTORs 1 and 2. CTOR4: Develop a plan for an efficient dissemination and feedback system for early warning alerts for safety and utilization of resources, etc. CTOR5: Develop a coordinated institutional framework to support the components in CTORs 1-4, including funding options, capacity building, research and other crosscutting issues; e.g., gender, age, indigenous knowledge, educational awareness, monitoring, and evaluation. 17 The meeting also recommended the following major tasks for the remaining phase of the project: (i) Incorporate workshop stakeholder inputs in consultants’ recommendations, including the need to involve stakeholders in research projects and the analysis results from the questionnaire. (ii) Conduct intense consultation with potential promoters for the implementation phase of the initiative. (iii) Refine recommendations reported in the workshop for observational needs, prediction system attributes, and cost estimates for the various projects. (iv) Finalize preparation of report. 6. Sub-projects Reports and Recommendations 6.1 Assessment of Stakeholders’ Needs 6.1.1 Training of Meteorological Officers to Conduct Survey Survey research was conducted among a purposive sample of fishermen and commercial ship operators in the lake region to analyze the social, cultural, and economic variables that affect their perceptions of the meteorological services on the lake. The survey questionnaire was administered by the meteorological officers from the five EAC partner states. The meteorological officers received training in survey research administration during the workshop in Kisumu, Kenya. One of the key reasons to do the training at the workshop was to ensure that the officers got to know each other so that they would be able to collaborate and help each other in case of unforeseen difficulties during the administration of the survey research. The participants received an overview of the sampling procedures, the role of the interviewer, and interview procedures. Training was concluded with role playing to practice the administration of the survey and to review the data collection and management process. 6.1.2 Summary Results of the Survey In Figure 1, below, we show some of the pie chart results from the survey questionnaire returns. In this report, we present only some of the highlights. We take this information into account in designing the various projects proposed for the implementation phase in section 8. 18 Figure 1: (top left): The most important navigation hazards mentioned by respondents; (top right) the most important weather hazards mentioned by respondents); (middle-left) the specific weather hazards experienced in the past three months by respondents; (middle-right) the season in which respondents experience severe storms on Lake Victoria; (bottom-left) the level of satisfaction with information about weather changes provided by meteorology/weather station in the region; (bottom-right) sources of information for respondents regarding weather in their districts or regions. (i) The most common languages of respondents are Kiswahili (23.10%), Luganda (23.10%), and Kiswahili/English (12.03%). This means that to reach the largest audience in the LVB, English, Kiswahili, and Luganda should be used by the Lake Victoria Commission. However, this is one of those questions where it may have merit to consider each country separately than basing the percentages on the total number of participants in the survey. If we adopt this option then obviously Luo would be one of the leading languages used by the fishermen in Kenya and could be included among the languages to transmit the meteorological warning alerts. (ii) The single most common occupation of respondents was fishing at 43.99%, followed by fish trader/fishmonger/fish dealer at 15.51%. Boat owner/commercial ship operators were 4.75%, fish transporters 3.48%, and fish processors 3.16%. Overall about 70% of all 19 respondents were involved in work that is related to Lake Victoria. This means that we were successful in getting responses from the target of our survey research. (iii) The most important navigation hazards mentioned by respondents were storms at 28.80%, strong winds at 14.87%, and strong waves at 13.29%. (iv) The most important weather hazards mentioned by respondents were strong winds at 43.04%, followed by storms at 32.59%. (v) The most common specific weather hazards experienced in the past three months mentioned by respondents were winds at 32.28%, followed by storms at 18.35%. (vi) When asked whether they knew where the meteorological/weather stations are located in their regions, the majority of respondents (59.81%) indicated that they did not know. Only 38.29% indicated that they knew. A cross tabulation analysis was conducted which showed that only 33.3% of the fishermen, only 31.9% of the fish traders, and only 18.2% of the fish transporters knew where the meteorology/weather stations are located in their regions. This means that the meteorology/weather stations in the LVB must do a better job of informing the public about where they are located. This is critical to provide the public with specific information about weather changes and emergencies. (vii) When asked whether they knew about the services provided by meteorology/weather station in the region, only 31.65% of the respondents indicated that they knew, while the rest either did not know or did not respond. When asked how much they knew about the services provided by the meteorology/weather station in the region, only 31.65% knew a lot or quite a lot or little or very little. The rest were missing or not sure. This indicates that the meteorology/weather stations must educate the general public about their services. This will require a major awareness creation campaign strategy. It is suggested that further funding be requested by the LVBC to conduct a well-organized awareness creation. (viii) When asked how much they knew about weather changes on Lake Victoria from the meteorology/weathers station in their region, only 39.44% knew a lot, quite a lot, little, or very little. The rest did not respond or were not sure. Furthermore, when asked how much they knew about storms on Lake Victoria from the meteorology/weather station in their region only 26.58% knew a lot, quite a lot, little, or very little. The rest wdid not respond or were not sure. In addition, when asked how much they knew about safety on Lake Victoria from the meteorology/weather station in their region only 26.27.27% knew a lot, quite a lot, little, or very little. The rest did not respond or were not sure. This indicates that the meteorology/weather stations must do a better job of disseminating information about weather changes, storms, and safety in the LVB to improve safety of navigation for the public. (ix) When asked in which season they experience severe storms on Lake Victoria, respondents indicated the following: June-August, 55.06%, March-May, 24.68%, December-February, 9.49%, and September-November, 6.96%, while 3.80% did not 20 respond. This information is critical because it gives the meteorology/weather stations an indication of which season to pay most attention to regarding impeding storms and hence provide greater information to the general public in order to improve safety of navigation in the LVB. (x) When asked whether they knew anyone who died or whose boat capsized in the past three months, a majority of respondents (61.71%) indicated that they did. This confirms the fact that the LVBC must improve safety of navigation in the LVB as a matter of urgency. (xi) When asked about their level of satisfaction with the information about weather changes provided by the meteorology/weather stations in their regions, a majority of respondents (60.13%) were either very unsatisfied or unsatisfied. Furthermore, when asked about their level of satisfaction with the information about safety on Lake Victoria provided by the meteorology/weather stations in their regions, a majority of respondents (62.02%) were either very unsatisfied or unsatisfied. A cross tabulation analysis showed that a majority across all categories of those involved in activities related to Lake Victoria—fishermen, fish traders, fish transporters, boat owners/commercial ship operators, and fish processors—were either very unsatisfied or unsatisfied. This confirms that the LVBC should strengthen the meteorology/weather services in the basin and provide adequate information about weather and safety in the basin. (xii) When asked whether the respondents had travelled by ship or boat on Lake Victoria in the past three months, a majority (79.11%) indicated that they had. Furthermore, when asked how often they travel by ship or boat, a majority (63.45%) indicated always or sometimes. This means that the lake is an important form of transport for the residents of the LVB and hence the need to improve safety of navigation. Indeed, it may be the only form of transport for those who live on islands. On the other hand, when asked how comfortable they have felt traveling on Lake Victoria by ship or boat in the past three months, only 39.24% indicated that they have felt either comfortable or very comfortable. The rest were very comfortable, uncomfortable, unsure or nonresponsive. This confirms the need for improving safety of navigation in the LVB. (xiii) Respondents were asked whether they had been fishing on Lake Victoria in the past three months. A slight majority (51.27%) indicated that they had. In addition, we the distance from the landing site to the spot where they normally fish. A majority (54.43%) indicated a distance of 1-10 kilometers. Another 22.15% indicated a distance of 11-20 kilometers. Only 23.42% indicated a distance of over 20 kilometers. This means that the LVBC should put more emphasis on the distance of 1-20 kilometers in terms of improving safety of navigation and installing warning signs as well as rescue equipment. However, they should know that a sizable number (10.13%) fish more than 30 kilometers away. When asked about their level of comfort while fishing on Lake Victoria, only 23.10% of respondents reported feeling either very comfortable or comfortable. The rest were very uncomfortable, uncomfortable, unsure, or nonresponsive. This further confirms the need for improving safety of navigation in the LVB. 21 (xiv) We asked the respondents what time they normally set out for fishing. The largest percentage (39.72%) indicated that they set out before 8:00 a.m. Another 28.37% set out between 4:00 pm and 6:00 p.m., while 16.31% set out after 6:00 p.m. When asked what time they normally set out for the return journey from the fishing site, the largest percentage of respondents (46.76%) indicated that they set out for the return journey before 8:00 a.m. Another 19.42% set out to return between 9:00 and 12:00 p.m., while 12.23% set out to return between 4:00-6:00 p.m. This means that the LVBC should lay more emphasis on these peak times in providing warning alerts navigation safety. (xv) When asked about the level of satisfaction with the exploitation of Lake Victoria for fishing, the majority (64.87%) reported that they were either very unsatisfied or unsatisfied. Only 26.90% reported having been very satisfied or satisfied. Regarding exploitation for fresh water a majority, 52.53% reported that they were either very unsatisfied or unsatisfied, while only 41.14% reported that they were either very satisfied or satisfied. On the issue of satisfaction with exploitation for irrigation, a bigger percentage (45.57%) of respondents reported that they were either very unsatisfied or unsatisfied, while only 37.34% reported that they were very satisfied or satisfied. (xvi) When asked about the extent to which the lake contributed to the spread of diseases, a large majority (78.79%, 74.46%, and 52.53%) responded that the lake contributes to the spread of HIV/AIDS, typhoid, and malaria, respectively. This means that we should be aware that the lake is considered not just a safety hazard, but a health hazard as well; hence the need to seek for funds for prevention campaigns to reduce the health hazard posed by the lake. (xvii) We asked the respondents whether they have cell phones. A majority (82.28%) reported that they did. On the other hand, while 79.5% of the fishermen had cell phones, a sizable percentage (20.5%) did not. When asked how many times they used the cell phone to get information regarding Lake Victoria in the past three months, only 19.94% of the general public reported doing so always, most of the time, or occasionally, while 43.04% did not use it at all or only used rarely. However, among the fishermen, a sizable percentage (48.6%) report using it always or most of the time. This means that although the cell phone is not a major source of information for the general public, it is a major source of information for the fishermen. The LVBC should seek funds for generating a list of fishermen cell phone numbers for communicating safety information. (xviii) When asked where they get information about weather in their districts or regions, 48.42% reported that they got it from radio, TV, or both. Only 7.28% reported getting information from meteorology/weather stations. When asked who they trust for such information, 20.88% mentioned local knowledge or local fishermen, while 9.81% mentioned the meteorology/weather stations and 9.18% mentioned the media. This means that the meteorology/weather stations should do a better job of disseminating information about the weather in the basin as well as creating trust. (xix) When asked what else should be done by the LVBC, meteorology/weather stations, or government to improve safety of navigation, 13.92% mentioned provision of life jackets, 22 13.29% mentioned improving meteorology services, and 40.19% mentioned other things that could not be broken down into separate categories. This information provides an idea of what the respondents think are the most critical ways to improve safety of navigation. 6.2 Assessment of atmospheric and marine, monitoring and modeling requirements 6.2.1 Assessment of Atmospheric Observational Needs Meteorological agencies in East African countries issue forecasts to protect the safety of citizens on and around Lake Victoria. These efforts are directly in line with the LVBC’s goal to enhance the safety of users of the lake. In our initial project proposal, we discussed nowcasts, or shortterm forecasts, as a way to achieve these goals. Nowcasts can be used to warn citizens on the lake of approaching storms and give them enough lead time to take precautionary actions. The ability to nowcast is currently limited by the lack of information about weather conditions directly over the lake. Without sufficient information about current conditions, the forecasters have no opportunity to convert the broader daily forecasts into useable warnings about specific storms. Our tasks, as outlined in the initial proposal, were threefold: (i) (ii) Develop a summary of precipitation characteristics over Lake Victoria. Understand how the current observation networks are used operationally to make daily weather forecasts. (iii) Develop recommendations for deployment of new sensors to improve the nowcasting capabilities of the meteorological services in the region and improve the navigational safety of the users of the lake These three tasks dealt directly with Consolidated Terms of Reference (CTOR1, CTOR2, CTOR3). The first two tasks served to inform our recommendations in the third task. We could not make meaningful recommendations without learning about the specific challenges the agencies are facing and how they are dealing with them using the data they currently have. To this end, the visits to the meteorological agencies in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania were very useful in helping us earn about the state of forecasting in the EAC. We are deeply indebted to the many individuals who participated in very open and informative conversations with us during our visit. In this final report, we will first address the nature of precipitation occurring over the lake, including specific severe weather threats which directly lead to hazards. We will then briefly summarize the status of the current observation network and how it is being utilized in each of the three countries. Finally, we carry out an in-depth discussion of our recommendations for improving upon the current observation network. 6.2.2 Precipitation Characteristics over Lake Victoria (i) Methods: In order to analyze the spatial and temporal variability of rainfall that occurs over the LVB, we have developed a high-spatial-resolution precipitation climatology utilizing the U.S. National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite’s scanning precipitation radar (PR). The 23 TRMM PR allows us to view precipitation across a large domain using the same instrument, providing a consistent analysis for each of the countries involved. We compiled ten years (1998-2007) of PR data onto a 5 km x 5 km regular grid for the domain spanning 10°S to 10°N and 25°E to 45°E. From the gridded product, we are able to assess precipitation frequency and intensity across the diurnal cycle. In addition to radar reflectivity, another measure of storm intensity can be formulated using the TRMM satellite’s Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), which detects the presence of lightning within storms viewed by the satellite. The presence of lightning is a rough proxy for storm intensity because it often occurs in regions of strong vertical motion within deep tropical convection over land. (ii) General precipitation climatology: The multi-year climatology demonstrates that the precipitation occurring over the LVB is dynamically complex and fascinating. Breaking the data into three-hour intervals across the diurnal cycle allows us to see the effect of the land-lake breeze that forms as a result of differential heating between the lake and the surrounding continent. During the day, the land heats up faster than the water, eventually generating a pressure gradient that forces an onshore wind (from the lake onto the land-lake breeze). At night, the pattern is reversed as the land cools much more rapidly and the flow becomes offshore (from the land onto the lake). The diurnal cycle of precipitation frequency, shown in Figure 2, clearly shows that the land-lake breeze interacts with the easterly trade winds in a predictable but interesting fashion. During the day, the onshore flow is convergent with the trade winds on the eastern side of the lake, resulting in a lifting mechanism in the convergence zone and enhanced precipitation frequency on the eastern shore. On the western side of the lake, the offshore breeze is in the same easterly direction as the trade winds, resulting in linear acceleration of the surface winds and divergent motion on the western shore and reduced precipitation frequency there. At night, the pattern is reversed and the offshore flow is divergent on the eastern side of the lake and convergent on the western side, resulting in enhanced precipitation over the western portion of the lake. Previous nested-model studies by Anyah, Semazzi and Xie (2006 and references therein) showed that the distribution of Lake Surface Temperature (LST) over Lake Victoria plays an important role in the modulation of basin’s weather and climate. Their results (see Figure 2) showed that the western region of the lake is a source of warm water because it is relatively shallower and the water column is heated up much more during the day than the rest of the lake. In addition to the effect due to the interaction of the prevailing easterlies and the lake-land breeze systems this mechanism contributes to the presence of maximum convective rainfall over the western part of the lake. If the prevailing-wind-driven water circulation gyres extending across the entire lake can be 24 Figure 2: The distribution of precipitation frequency in three-hour time blocks across the diurnal cycle. The frequency plots are overlaid on a map of the surface observation sites in the East African countries. 25 confirmed by observations, its effect, based on numerical results, is to redistribute the excess heating over the western sector of Lake Victoria throughout the rest of the lake and thereby provide a mechanism by which rainfall may be enhanced over the entire lake due to the role of LST. For this reason, accurate forecasting of severe weather over Lake Victoria requires comprehensive monitoring of the entire depth of the water and weather prediction models that take into account the two-way interaction between the atmosphere and the water currents. Moreover, as indicated earlier, fishermen also need information about the state of water currents which often compromise their marine navigation safety. Furthermore, LST information is needed by fishermen to assess the availability of fish, thus again indicating need for a prediction system that fully takes into account water currents, which play an important role in determining the LST patterns. Nearly all weather prediction models that exist today lack this capability; this limitation potentially constitutes an unacceptable deficiency in the models currently being used in experimental mode by NMHS throughout the EAC region. Specific recommendations will be made in this report to address this shortcoming. The complex interactions among the land-lake breeze, the water currents and the role of the lake’s bathymetry (see section 7.4.2), LST, and the easterly trade winds seems to be a major controlling factor in the temporal and spatial variability of precipitation over the basin. Combining these simple dynamics with the orographic enhancement of precipitation in the eastern Kenyan highlands yields a nearly complete view of the precipitation mechanisms. The remaining precipitation is likely convection that results from the strong daytime heating on the land. It is our hope that the climatology of precipitation frequency generated in our analysis can be used to validate long-term modeling efforts over Lake Victoria. Correctly forecasting the change from onshore to offshore winds is a critical step toward obtaining accurate precipitation forecasts for the regions around and over the lake. (iii) Specific severe weather threats: In order to improve the nowcasting capabilities of meteorological agencies protecting the lake, we must first understand the major areas of concern. Analysis of the precipitating storms over the LVB shows that a large majority of the storms are quite intense. Such severe thunderstorms constitute a persistent and important threat to public safety. Typical convective storms are deep (> 6 km) and intense, with the mode of surface reflectivity being greater than 35 dBZ (rain rate > 50 mm hr-1). The distribution of maximum near surface reflectivity observed by the TRMM PR, shown in Figure 3, is evidence of the intensity of precipitation reaching the surface. In Figure 4, we show that the storms occurring around the lake often have reflectivity greater than 40 dBZ at heights well over 6 km. This is a clear indicator that the storms are often producing large graupel or hail. Our analysis also shows that the storms are often fairly small in area and that individual storms are rarely part of a larger synoptically organized disturbance. This systemic disorganization is consistent with weak synoptic forcing throughout the equatorial tropics. 26 Figure 3: Distribution of the maximum near surface reflectivity observed by the TRMM PR in the Lake Victoria region. Figure 4: Frequency of 40 dBZ echoes occurring higher than 6.5 km, observed by the TRMM satellite (from Zipser et al., 2006). Two specific forecasting challenges were discussed in our meetings with the EAC meteorological agencies—flooding in the region immediately east of Lake Victoria and the damaging impact of hail on the tea leaf crops that are grown in eastern parts of Lake Victoria in Kenya. The storms associated with these threats are described as slow moving because of the relatively weak trade winds in the region. As a result, the cumulative rainfall produced during the lifetime of the storm can fall in a very small area and produce flash flooding. Additionally, forecasters are concerned with lightning produced from intense thunderstorms. An analysis of global lightning frequency, shown in Figure 5, shows that the equatorial African region encompassing Lake Victoria has the highest density of lightning in the world. Lightning is a serious threat to life and property, particularly for boaters on the open waters of the lake. Figure 5: Global distribution of lightning strikes observed by the TRMM satellite. (From Zipser et al. 2006) 27 During the stakeholder workshop held in Kisumu, Kenya, on 18-19 July, we had the opportunity to talk in depth with representatives of the fishermen on Lake Victoria about their specific severe weather concerns. First and foremost, they are worried about high winds occurring over the lake and resulting in waves large enough to capsize their relatively small fishing boats. Most of the severe and threatening instances of high winds over the lake occur in the vicinity of severe thunderstorms. Improving the prediction and training capabilities for severe thunderstorms would thus improve warnings to fishermen that high winds and large waves are more or less likely on a given day. 6.2.3 Utilization of the Current Observational Network (i) Atmospheric observations currently collected: The meteorological agencies in each country provided us with detailed information on what types of sensors they have currently operating and how they are used. The locations of individual surface meteorological observation sites are shown below in Figure 6. The stations are plotted on top of a geographic map of elevation in the larger EAC. Most of the surface sites are able to record temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and precipitation amounts. The observations are transmitted to the central forecasting offices in intervals between fifteen minutes and one hour, meaning that the forecasters have surface observation data available in near real-time. The surface data are shared among countries in realtime, providing valuable information about the regional surface characteristics to each individual forecast desk. This is done largely to support aviation forecasting for planes coming into and out of the EAC. In all of the sites we were able to visit, the data collected were of high quality. The instruments were well-maintained, frequently serviced, and calibrated by technicians from each of the meteorological agencies. Figure 6: The location of surface observation sites, indicated by red dots, overlaid on a map of elevation (in meters) for the East African region. 28 (ii) Weather and climate forecasting using the current observational network: Surface observations are plotted and analyzed by forecasters in each country to identify surface features such as temperature or pressure boundaries. Regions of convergence or divergence, surface instability, and enhanced surface moisture are analyzed throughout the day. The likelihood of severe storms within a given region is then incorporated into the 24-hour and four-day forecasts made daily by each central office. In addition to being used in a nowcasting or climate forecasting sense, the surface observations are stored and used to validate the three-month seasonal forecast products issued for each of the individual countries. Comparisons between observed and predicted rainfall are used to improve future seasonal outlooks. The ICPAC/IGAD Regional Climate Outlook Forum (RCOF) program which provides the seasonal outlooks has made tremendous progress since its inception ten years ago (http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcasp/documents/RCOFsBrochure.pdf). The RCOF process illustrated typically includes the following components: • • • • Meetings of regional and international climate experts to develop a consensus for the regional climate outlook using national, regional, and global information, typically in a probabilistic form; The Forum proper, which involves climate scientists, representatives from the user sectors and the media in identification of impacts and implications, and the formulation of response strategies; A training workshop on seasonal climate prediction to strengthen the capacity of the national and regional climate scientists; Special outreach sessions involving media experts to develop effective communications strategies; A consensus prediction process underlining RCOF operations consists of the following elements: • • • • • • Determination of the critical time for development of the climate forecast for the region in question; Assembly of a group of experts: - Large-scale prediction specialists, - Regional and local climate applications and forecast/downscaling specialists, and - Stakeholders representative of climate-sensitive sectors; Review of current large-scale (global and regional) climate anomalies and the most recent forecasts for their evolution; Review of current climate conditions, their impacts at local, national, and regional levels, and national-scale forecasts; Production of a forecast with related output considering all factors (e.g., maps of temperature and precipitation anomalies) to be applied and fine-tuned (downscaling) by NMHSs in the region to meet national needs; Discussion, with active involvement of stakeholders representatives of climatesensitive sectors, of applications of the forecast and related climate information to 29 • • climate-sensitive sectors in the region; consideration practical products for development by NMHSs; Development of strategies to effectively communicate the information to decisionmakers in all affected sectors; Critique of the session and its results: - Documentation achieved improvements to the process and any challenges encountered, - Established steps required to further improve the process for subsequent sessions, - Verification of the previous year’s forecast and evaluation of its use, and - Training session (in new techniques and methods). The surface data are archived alongside a large set of volunteer-provided data which record 24-hour temperature and precipitation observations. These long-term data sets provide a critical climate data record which will be essential for correctly interpreting future changes to the East African climate system. The final daily forecast in each country is largely based on the analysis of output from a handful of regional mesoscale models run daily in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. These numerical weather prediction systems are initialized using the analyzed output from global models such as the Global Forecast System (GFS) or the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Numerical models can provide useful guidance for forecasters concerned with severe storms, but their usefulness is conditioned on their ability to interpret the current weather scenarios and integrate the patterns forward in time. In the future, mesoscale models for the LVB region would be well served to utilize the surface data being collected to improve the initial conditions in the model. Additionally, any future radar or buoy data collected could be assimilated into the models to improve their predictive capabilities. We discuss these possibilities in detail in our recommendations section. In each of the three countries we visited, forecasts are being generated and disseminated once daily, typically in the morning (before noon). In some cases, individual forecasts are made for a specific city or generalized region, but on the whole, forecasts are the same for large sections of each country. This could be due in part to the limited amount of new weather information needed to fine-tune the daily forecast for a given city. The forecasts are disseminated to the public mainly through common media channels, including television, radio, and newspapers. Several of the forecasters we encountered said that radio was the most likely method by which citizens and endusers were able to hear the daily forecasts. 6.2.4 Assessment of Marine Observational Needs Currently, there are no routine observations for monitoring the circulation and potentially hazardous water currents in Lake Victoria. Recommendations for a network of marine observations to support navigation safety and exploitation of natural resources over the basin are provided in section 7.4. 30 6.2.5 Assessment of Atmospheric Modeling Needs Under this task of the feasibility study, computer model simulations were performed to complement the atmospheric and marine observational assessment in sections 6.2, above. The regional model employed here is the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model (Skamarock et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2010) with the Advanced Research WRF core. WRF is a fully compressible, non-hydrostatic numerical weather prediction model suitable for a broad spectrum of applications across scales ranging from meters to thousands of kilometers. It uses the Arakawa-C grid and the terrain-following, hydrostatic-pressure vertical coordinate system with the top of the model being a constant pressure surface. It utilizes the third-order RungeKutta scheme for the time integration scheme and has second through sixth order advection schemes available for the spatial discretization. Various physical processes are incorporated in WRF including: microphysics, cumulus parameterization, planetary boundary layer (PBL), surface layer, land-surface, and longwave and shortwave radiations, with several options available for each process. Focusing on the precipitation around LVB, WRF is configured in the regional climate mode for the LVB, dynamically downscaling from the global to regional scales. The regional model domain is centered at (0oN, 35oE) with the Mercator map projection. Figure 7 gives the model domain coverage and terrain. It has 271 x 271 grid points in the horizontal with the grid spacing of 12 km, and 30 sigma levels in the vertical with the model top at 50 hPa. The following physics schemes including: the WSM5 microphysics scheme (Hong et al. 2004), the Kain-Fritsch cumulus scheme (Kain and Fritsch 1990), the Yonsei University (YSU) PBL scheme (Hong et al. 2006), the MM5 surface layer scheme based on similarity theory, the Noah Land Surface Model (Chen and Dudhia 2001), and the CAM3 shortwave and longwave radiation schemes (Collins et al. 2004) are chosen in the regional downscaling simulation. The simulation starts at 00 UTC 21 December 2006 and ends at 00 UTC 01 January 2008. The first ten days are considered as the spin-up stage for the regional model to adjust itself to its high resolution regional-scale terrain and landuse features. The whole year model results of 2007 are used in the following analyses. The NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) one degree data are used to drive the regional WRF model by providing initial and boundary conditions. Lateral boundary conditions are updated every 6 hours and boundary relaxation zone is extended to 10 grid points. In addition, low boundary conditions including sea surface temperatures (SSTs), vegetation fraction and albedo are also updated every 6 hours. 31 Figure 7. The regional WRF model domain and terrain. Figure 8 gives the annual mean daily precipitation frequency and rain rate during 1997-2008 from TRMM PR data, and the regional model simulated annual mean rain rate for 2007. Here precipitation frequency is defined as the percentage of observations at a given location for which rainfall accumulation is above 1.2 mm, a three-hour accumulation at a rain rate of 0.4 mm/hr, which corresponds to a near surface reflectivity of 18 dBZ, a threshold for TRMM PR to detect rainfalls (drizzle and light rain in stratocumulus are not detected by the PR). In terms of rainfall frequency, high percentage are located in east Republic of the Congo, west and central Ethiopia, and over Lake Victoria and its east coast (Figure 8a). Correspondingly, annual mean daily rain rates are stronger in these areas (Figure 8b). The simulated pattern of annual mean daily rain rate for 2007 from the regional WRF model (Figure 8c) matches very well with that from the TRMM PR observation. In addition, the model seems to be able to better capture the topography (e.g., Mts. Kilimanjaro and Kenya) induced rainfalls than the TRMM PR data. This might be because the TRMM PR data do not have enough samples to catch these features. Figures 9-13 show a sample of the modeling results. Diurnal cycle for annual average: Figures 9 and 10 show the three-hourly precipitation frequency and three-hourly rain rate averaged over 1998-2007 from TRMM PR data for each three-hour interval. Focusing on the Lake Victoria and its contiguous region, one can see that high percentage of rain frequency and strong rain rate are located right over the lake during 0006 UTC (lake-rain phase), while in the surrounding areas (east coast of the lake and west to the lake basin) during 12-18 UTC (lake-dry phase). The other two periods: 06-12 UTC and 18-24 UTC can be considered as transition stages between the above-mentioned two phases. The averaged three-hourly rain rate for 2007 from the WRF regional climate model for each threehour interval is given in Figure 11. The two phases of lake-rain and lake-dry can be clearly identified in the model results. The transition from lake-dry to lake-rain stage (18-24 UTC) is also very similar to that of the TRMM PR data, though some differences between model simulation and TRMM PR data exist for the transition stage (06-12 UTC) from the lake-rain to 32 lake-dry phases. The model performs very well by capturing the diurnal precipitation cycle in the Lake Victoria region, although the model simulated results only covers year of 2007 (Figure 13). Figure 8. (top, left) annual mean daily precipitation frequency; (top, right) rain rate during 1998-2007 from TRMM PR data; (middle, left) annual mean daily rain rate from CPC 0.5 degree data for 2007; (middle, right) annual mean daily rain rate from CRU V3.1 0.5 degree data for 2007; (bottom, left) annual mean daily rain rate from TRMM 3B42 data for 2007; and (bottom, right) model simulated annual mean daily rain rate for 2007. 33 Figure 9. Three-hourly precipitation frequency during 1998-2007 from TRMM PR data. (Left, from top to bottom) 00-03, 03-06, 06-09, 09-12 UTC; (ight, from top to bottom) 12-15, 15-18, 18-21, 21-24 UTC. 34 Figure 10. Three-hourly rain rate during 1998-2007 from TRMM PR data. (Left, from top to bottom) 00-03, 03-06, 06-09, 09-12 UTC; (ight, from top to bottom) 12-15, 15-18, 18-21, 21-24 UTC. 35 Figure 11. Three-hourly rain rate during 1998-2007 from TRMM 3B42 data. (Left, from top to bottom) valid at 00, 03, 06, 09 UTC; (right, from top to bottom) valid at 12, 15, 18, 21 UTC. 36 Figure 12. Averaged three-hourly rain rate for 2007 from model simulation. (Left, from top to bottom) 00-03, 03-06, 06-09, 09-12 UTC; (right, from top to bottom) 12-15, 15-18, 18-21, 21-24 UTC . 37 Figure 13. Time series of averaged rain rate over different regions (1x1 degree boxes) above/around Lake Victoria, (top) from TRMM PR annual average during 1998-2007, (middle) from TRMM 3B42 data for 2007, and (bottom) from model simulation for 2007. 38 Conclusions from Model Results: These preliminary results make it clear that the WRF model is capable of producing the observed evolution of the weather systems that affect navigation safety over Lake Victoria. Later in this report we propose two project (Projects 1 and 3) which will use this or similar prediction tools to produce experimental early warning alerts for the fishermen and transporters who use Lake Victoria. A comprehensive model will have to be coupled with a lake model to provide the capabilities to forecast the occurrence of hazardous water currents. 6.2.6 Assessment of Marine Modeling Needs Previous studies at North Carolina State University (NCSU), led by Professor Semazzi, showed that by adopting the traditional modeling approach—in which the lake hydrodynamics are neglected and the formulation is entirely based on thermodynamics—is not entirely satisfactory for the LVB. Such a strategy precludes realistic modeling of the transport of heat from the heat surplus regions to the cooler regions of the lake, and thereby results in degraded simulation of the climate downstream over the rest of the lake and the surrounding land regions. NCSU’s studies demonstrate that numerical models are capable of reproducing the atmospheric evolution of important weather systems over the LVB, as will be seen in 7.4 but also the marine currents which could be important for the production of early warnings for navigation. The resulting surface water circulation (Figure14a) transports heat from the surplus regions to the cooler regions and generates an asymmetric lake surface temperature pattern. This secondary feature in the surface temperature structure (Figure 14b) cannot be generated by the standard version of the RegCM3 model, since the simple static lake model formulation is not capable of supporting horizontal advection. Implications of previous results on marine navigation safety: Below are some of the modelsimulated meteorological phenomena that could be important for marine navigation safety. These motions must be confirmed with actual observations before the models can be used with confidence for routine operational prediction purposes. • • • • • Strong near-coastal water currents across Lake Victoria; Existence of multiple water-current regimes across Lake Victoria; Existence of costal eddies across Lake Victoria; Large gradients in lake surface temperatures across Lake Victoria; Large gradients in convective activity distribution across Lake Victoria. Figure 15 shows the annual climatological pattern of rainfall that seems to be a result of several factors including the location of mountains (right), the prevailing winds and the bathymetry of the lake. If these factors are important in modulating the regional weather, then the prediction model for severe weather must be able to represent them accurately. 39 Lake Water Currents & Temperature Patterns (complex water currents and LST gradients that may be related to navigation safety) Fig.14a,b: Model simulated lake water currents and temperature pattern which may be related to navigation safety. Climatological Annual Observed Terrestrial Conditions (complex rainfall gradients that may be related to navigation safety) Figure 15: (left) Annual climatological rainfall, and (right) regional orography 40 7. Recommendations for Atmospheric and Marine, Monitoring and Modeling Requirements 7.1 Primary Recommendations Our final task was to recommend additional sensors and activities that would aid in improving short term forecasts (nowcasts) over Lake Victoria. In order to provide accurate nowcasts and warnings to lake users, forecasters in each of the countries need four essential pieces of information: the location of severe storms occurring over the lake; the speed and direction in which the storms are moving; an estimate of the intensity of the storms in order to gauge how much risk they pose to citizens on the lake; and the strength of the surface water currents. In addition they must have lake surface temperature information since the fishermen believe this moderates fish populations. (see section 4.4 Gabba consultative visit). Once the forecasters have this information, they need the capability to communicate these threats to users on the lake in a reasonable amount of time. Below, in section 7.3, is a list of potential options which we believe would give forecasters these critical pieces of information, positively enhancing current forecast abilities and providing the capability to issue useable nowcasts. In addition to recommending specific instruments, we also make a handful of broad recommendations which we believe will positively enhance the services provided by the meteorological departments around Lake Victoria. Our most important recommendation is that the full support and resources of the LVBC, and any other agencies concerned with safety over Lake Victoria, be directed toward finalizing the installation of the two scanning weather radars in Eldoret, Kenya, and Mwanza, Tanzania. Scanning weather radars provide forecasters with a real-time, spatially coherent view of storms within their forecast domains. Radar information can be used to determine the size and intensity of storms, the direction they are moving, and whether the storm is strengthening or weakening. Relationships between the radar return and the rain rate at the surface provide estimates of how much rain is falling or has fallen in a particular area. These features make weather radars an extremely valuable tool for forecasters concerned with intense precipitating storms such as those that commonly threaten the safety of fishermen on Lake Victoria. Weather radars can provide real-time areal coverage of developing storms that can cause flash flooding and hail. Areas of intense precipitation and hail can be quickly identified by the radar, allowing forecasters to issue warnings with useable lead times for areas in the path of storms. The East African nations recognize the power of weather radars and have plans to incorporate them into their weather observation networks around Lake Victoria. In Kenya, there are radars in place in Nairobi and Mombasa. While these two radars are not yet operational, the Kenya Meteorological Department is hopeful to make them operational in the near future. With regard to the Lake Victoria region, the Kenyans have plans to place an S-band scanning weather radar at the Eldoret International Airport, located approximately 100 km northeast of the lake. During our visit to the proposed Eldoret radar site, we were encouraged to learn that the project has been strongly supported by the aviation authority in Eldoret and that they have the infrastructure in place to support such a large investment. The Tanzanian Meteorological Agency is currently running one scanning weather radar in Dar es Salaam, and is in the procurement stage of putting 41 a weather radar in Mwanza, located on the south-central shore of Lake Victoria. They already have an excellent site selected, which would provide coverage over much of Lake Victoria. Weather radars would not only provide forecasters with valuable observations over land, but also over the lake itself where observations are sparse. A schematic of the coverage area of the two radars in Eldoret and Mwanza is shown in Figure 16. In this set-up the range rings have a 150 km radius. Operationally, certain radars such as the S-bands currently owned by the Kenyan agency can have ranges closer to 250 km, thus bringing the coverage of the two radars much closer together. For the first time, forecasters would be able to directly track storms over the open waters of the lake. This ability would give forecasters the opportunity to utilize a warning system to alert fishermen, ferries, and other lake users of impending dangers from approaching storms. Data collected from radars in Eldoret, Kenya, and Mwanza, Tanzania could be shared over the internet in real-time, allowing forecasters in each country to have information about where storms are located over the lake. While weather radars are quite costly and do have their limitations, the addition of radar observations to the forecasting offices in the EAC would have the highest probability of immediately improving the safety of users of Lake Victoria. Fig. 16: 150 km range rings for the two proposed S-band radars in Mwanza, Tanzania, and Eldoret, Kenya. A less costly option would be to deploy a system of four to five lightning detection and location sensors around the lake or on an island in the lake. Lightning detection sensors could give forecasters the location of severe storms and could be used to back out estimates of storm motion and intensity. While intensity estimates from lightning are not as clear to interpret as radar data, some degree of information would be provided about storm severity. Because of the high frequency of lightning associated with the deep storms over the lake, lightning detection sensors would likely be able to show a large majority of the storms which threaten the safety of fishermen and other users of Lake Victoria. 42 7.2 Broad Recommendations In addition to the recommended specific sensors, our visits to the meteorological departments in East Africa prompted a list of broader recommendations which we believe will help to improve safety over Lake Victoria. In summary: • Evening Forecasts. In addition to the once-a-day forecasts currently issued in the morning by all of the operational centers, forecasters in each country should take advantage of data being collected during the day to issue an additional evening forecast for fishermen to consult before setting out after sunset. Because most of the fishermen go out on the lake at night, there is a large time interval between the morning forecasts and when they would be used by the fishermen. Issuing an evening forecast, which would include a better understanding of how the weather has changed throughout the day, would result in a more useable forecast product that the fishermen could consult. • Aids to Navigation. A series of solar powered lights should be mounted on islands and the shoreline to provide the fishermen with a way to navigate safely even when it is cloudy or dark and stars and landmarks are not visible. At present, most of the fishermen use simple dead-reckoning to move about the lake during the night. At the stakeholder meeting in Kisumu, the fishermen discussed the dangers posed by large rocks and other obstacles which can be hidden from view at night or when the lake levels are high. A light-based navigation system could help the fishermen understand where they are on the lake and help them avoid the lake hazards at night. The fishermen told us about an old system of multicolored lights mounted on the numerous islands close to the shore of the lake. The lights were different colors to indicate whether you were facing the north, south, east, or west side of the island. This light-based navigation system was heavily utilized and appreciated by the fishermen but has fallen into disrepair over the years and is no longer in use. Revitalizing such a system would give the fishermen a useable compass by which to navigate out of the way of impending storms. • Mobile Phone Weather Alert Program. The meteorological departments around Lake Victoria should utilize text messages (i.e., SMS) sent to the mobile phones of registered users to disseminate forecasts and warnings. Warnings must be distributed in a timely manner in order to be useful to the recipient. SMS messages are a quick, easy, and affordable method of communicating information. A system for disseminating forecasts via SMS has been pioneered in Uganda as part of the WMO severe weather test bed project. Forecasts are sent out each morning in multiple languages and can be targeted to select groups of users who may be on a specific part of the lake. Such a powerful system for communicating weather hazards could be very useful for all of the EAC meteorological departments. • Use of Local Observations in Regional Models. Efforts to use numerical weather prediction (models) to build a forecast should be aided by utilizing the large amount of surface data currently available throughout the region. Utilizing the high-quality surface data would give more regionally precise initial conditions to the model and would likely result in improved forecasting skill. Until the models begin to utilize regional observations to tune the model initial conditions, the predictive capabilities of numerical models will be limited. 43 • Web Sites to Disseminate Observations among Countries. A stronger web presence by each of the meteorological departments would facilitate interaction and cooperation among various national meteorological agencies. Surface observations, new radar data, and forecasts should be shared over the web in real-time, linking various agencies and enhancing their ability to issue spatially coherent and accurate short-term forecasts. • LVB Climate Data Archive. All current and future meteorological data recorded in the region should be collected in a central location and archived for future studies. Data such as surface observations, model output, and radar scans could all serve as important climate data records against which future changes involving the climate of the lake can be assessed. These data could also be used to evaluate the accuracy of regional climate models (i.e., hindcasting). Regional institutions such as ICPAC would be very suitable locations for storing climate data records. • Satellite Communication to Make Observations Available in Real-Time. Current and future rural observation systems should take advantage of readily available satellite communication technologies (such as EUMECAST) to transmit their data to the forecast centers in near real-time. This would give the forecasters an up-to-the-minute view of what is occurring in all parts of their forecast domain and would improve their nowcasting ability. 7.3 Recommended Meteorological Sensors Table 2 lists sensors which we believe would improve the nowcasting capabilities of EAC meteorological departments. The list should not be seen as all inclusive, but rather as a set of approaches that would most likely lead to the most direct improvements in forecasters’ understanding of the weather over the lake. It is not our recommendation that all of these sensors be utilized, or that the same new sensor or combination of sensors be implemented in every country. These recommendations should be seen as a menu, with the agencies in each country selecting the tools which they believe they can implement within their budget and would most greatly benefit their office. We first present an overview table that describes all of the instruments before going into details about each individual option. The recommended sensors are listed in order of the value which we think they hold. While we do provide an estimate of the cost for the network, we would like to emphasize that these are only estimates and that the actual cost of the network could be significantly higher. The specific costs of an instrument and installation are strongly dependent on the exact company solicited and the region in which the instrument is being installed. Our estimates were generated by soliciting estimates from companies that build and service each type of instrument. All prices are given in US dollars. 44 Instrument Scanning Weather Radars Lightning Detection and Location Sensors More Automated Surface Observation Sensors around the Lake Integrated Weather Pak Automated Surface Weather Observation Sensors on Islands GPS Occultation System Lightning Prediction by Radar Table 2. Recommended Sensor Options and Costs Cost in US $ Description Number of units: 2-3 Weather radars provide information on the location of precipitation, storm movement and intensity, rainfall Cost per unit: $8-10 million estimates, and wind patterns in and around precipitating storms. Total Cost: $15-30 million Number of units: 4-5 A network of 4-5 lightning detection sensors could be deployed around the lake to give forecasters the Cost per unit: $65,000 location and frequency of lightning occurring over and around the lake. Total Cost: $375,000 – 450,000 Number of units: 15-20 Additional surface observation sites could be installed to fill in information gaps within the existing network Cost per unit: $12,000 and to enhance the effectiveness of the observation network around the lake. Total Cost: $175,000 – 250,000 Number of units: 12 Weather observation instruments, similar to those used over land, can be mounted on top of floating Cost per unit: $25,000 buoys which can be secured at fixed points in the middle of the lake. Total Cost: $300,000 Number of units: 5-10 Surface meteorological stations, similar to those already in place at sites inland, could be installed on Cost per unit: $12,500 some of the numerous islands in the middle of the lake. Total Cost: $75,000 – 125,000 Number of units: 7-10 A system of GPS receiving sensors can communicate with each other and, based off of the signal delay time Cost per unit: $7,5000 due to differential propagation in moist and dry air, determine the locations of higher or lower moisture Total Cost: $50,000 – 75,000 concentrations in the atmosphere and produce a moisture profile of the atmosphere. A routine can be provided for volume-scanning weather radars to predict the probability of a lightning Total Cost : $15,000, but strike in a certain area approximately 15 minutes requires a radar before it occurs. Stream Gauges Total Cost: $30,000 Installing a denser network of stream gauges on the rivers and streams flowing into Lake Victoria would improve estimates of how much water is flowing into and out of the lake. 7.3.1 Scanning Weather Radars Overview: Weather radars provide information on the location of precipitation, storm movement and intensity, rainfall estimates, and wind patterns in and around precipitating storms. Cost: $4-5 million for each radar plus $4-5 million for installation and maintenance for each radar Total = $15-30 million for a network of 2-3 radars 45 Benefits: • Forecasters will know the location, movement, and intensity of severe storms. • Doppler radars can provide estimates of wind speed and direction in and around precipitating storms. • Provides uniform information over a large area (radius of up to 275 km for high-end instruments) over both land and water • Doppler-derived estimates of wind speed and wind direction, as well as precipitation location, can be fed into numerical models to improve their predictive capabilities. • Data can easily be made available and shared with multiple users in real-time. • Radars can provide quantitative rainfall estimates, within 150 km of the radar, which would be useful for hydrological purposes. Limitations: • A network of 3 radars is required to provide complete coverage of the lake and its basin. • While one can still detect the presence or absence of storms, data quality is much lower at ranges beyond 150 km (rain rate estimates are unreliable beyond this range) due to beam broadening and the curvature of the Earth. • Radars are expensive instruments that need large amounts of supervision, maintenance, and calibration. • Forecasters would have to be trained in the interpretation of radar data. Specifications: • An S-band (frequency) radar would provide the largest coverage area and would attenuate the least when observing severe storms. • The radar should have Doppler capabilities. • While dual-polarization radars would provide more accurate precipitation estimates, the benefits do not likely outweigh the cost for installing dual-polarization radars around the lake at this time. 7.3.2 Lightning Detection and Location Sensors Overview: A network of 4-5 lightning detection sensors could be deployed around the lake to give forecasters the location and frequency of lightning occurring over and around the lake. Cost: $65,000 per sensor plus $125,000 for the central computing system Total = $375,000 - $450,000 for a network of 4-5 sensors Benefits: • These sensors can give the location of storms producing lightning with 2-3 km accuracy. • Sensors can show signs of storm movements (could back out estimates of storm speed and direction). • Sensors can give information about cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground strikes, and distinguish between positive and negatively charged strikes (positive strikes are usually associated with dying storms). Limitations: • Storm intensity estimates from lightning alone are not as clear to interpret as radar observations. • Sensor data cannot be used in any meaningful way to improve numerical models. Specifications: 46 • • • Four or five sensors deployed around the lake should be able to provide complete coverage of the lake basin. Satellite communications should be used in order to get the data to the forecasters soon after the lightning strike occurs. Sensors would require a strong solar power source as well as a reliable battery backup to avoid interruptions. 7.3.3 More Automated Surface Weather Observation Sensors around Lake Victoria Overview: Additional surface observation sites could be installed to fill in the information gaps within the existing network and to enhance the effectiveness of the observation network around the lake. Cost: $10,000 per sensor plus $2,000 for installation and maintenance of each sensor Total = $175,000 - $250,000 for a network of 15-20 sensors Benefits: • Would help forecasters to better resolve important atmospheric features (such as the landlake breeze or the presence of surface boundaries). • A denser network is more likely to observe severe storms occurring within the network as they are developing and would aid in the calibration of radar derived rain rate estimates. • More sensors would provide better information for drought monitoring, prediction, and numerical model forecast verification, and would provide more climate data records against which future changes to the climate could be judged. • Additional automated sensors would increase the amount and reliability of information that can be ingested into numerical models. • Sensors would aid in the forecasting of inland flash floods by providing a more regionally precise analysis of where the rain is falling and how intense it is. Limitations: • Surface observation sites provide only point measurements and would not provide the same wide spatial coverage as radars. • The true benefit of a surface network is largely dependent on the density of the observation sites; in order to get a marked improvement in forecast capabilities using only a denser surface network, an additional 10-20 automated surface observation sites would need to be installed. • This option does not provide any new information over the lake. Specifications: • The system should utilize satellite communications in order to get the data to the forecasters in a useable amount of time. • This option would require a strong solar power source as well as a reliable battery backup to avoid interruptions. 7.3.4 Integrated Weather Pak Overview: Fixed buoys with surface weather observation sensors in the lake. Weather observation instruments, similar to those used over land, can be mounted on top of floating buoys which can be secured at fixed points in the middle of the lake. Cost: $25,000 per sensor 47 Total = $300,000 for a network of 12 sensors Benefits: • Weather sensors on buoys would provide measurements of temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, and wind direction over the lake. • Data could be transmitted by communication satellites to the forecast offices and used in near real-time. • Buoy-based atmospheric observations could be ingested into numerical models to provide initial conditions in data sparse regions over the lake. • This option provides rainfall estimates over the lake for use in validating radar-derived rainfall estimates as well as hydrological and climate monitoring. • Buoy-based atmospheric observations would provide wave height information for storm warnings. • Marine forecasters would get information about underwater currents for improvement of coupled lake-atmosphere numerical models (current data could also be useful to aid in search and rescue efforts). • Users can select the location of the buoys to provide the maximum benefit from fixed point observations. Limitations: • Fixed buoys only provide a point measurement of the atmosphere and do not provide the same contiguous spatial coverage needed to locate and track severe storms; information would be provided on a storm only if it is directly on top of the buoy. • The cost to install and maintain the instruments is high and would require specialized or modified ships and technicians. • The true benefit of a buoy network is largely dependent on the density of the buoy sites; in order to get a marked improvement in forecast capabilities using only a buoy network installation of a large (5-10) number of buoys would be required. Specifications: • The system should utilize satellite communications in order to get the data to the forecasters in a useable amount of time. • This option would require a strong solar power source as well as a reliable battery backup to avoid interruptions. 7.3.5 Automated Surface Weather Observation Sensors on Islands Overview: Surface meteorological stations, similar to those already in place at sites inland, could be installed on some of the numerous islands in the middle of the lake. Cost: $10,000 per sensor plus $2,500 for installation and maintenance of each sensor Total = $75,000 - $125,000 for a network for 5-10 sensors Benefits: • This option would provide atmospheric observations in data-sparse regions over the lake. • Data could be transmitted by satellites to the forecast offices and used in near real-time. • Atmospheric observations could be ingested into numerical models to provide initial conditions in otherwise data sparse regions. • Placing the instruments on islands would be much cheaper than installing buoys. 48 Limitations: • Because they are on land, these observation sites would not provide any information on underwater currents or wave heights, • A technician must visit each of the island sites for required maintenance and calibration. • Data collected on the islands may not represent the true state over the water because of the contamination by the island itself (this is more likely to affect temperature and relative humidity than precipitation, wind speed, or wind direction). • The location of the instruments would be predetermined by the location of available islands and not user selected (may not get representative, complete, or evenly distributed coverage over the entire lake). Specifications: • Should utilize satellite communications in order to get the data to the forecasters in a useable amount of time • Would require a strong solar power source as well as a reliable battery backup to avoid interruptions 7.3.6 GPS Occultation System Overview: A system of GPS receiving sensors can communicate with each other and, based off of the signal delay time due to differential propagation in moist and dry air, determine the locations of higher or lower moisture concentrations in the atmosphere and produce a moisture profile of the atmosphere. Cost: $5,000 per sensor plus $2,500 for the computing system and installation of each sensor Total = $50,000 - $75,000 for a network of 7-10 sensors Benefits: • This system provides location and depth of atmospheric moisture. • Water vapor profiles could be ingested into regional numerical models. • This capability provides similar information to the humidity measurements on upper air soundings but has the advantages of frequent updates without expensive expendables. Limitations: • Systems are still in development and testing and thus are not available commercially yet; should be available in a few years Specifications: • The estimate is that fewer than ten sensors would provide complete coverage of the lake and its basin. • The system should utilize satellite communications in order to get the data to the forecasters in a useable amount of time. • This option would require a strong solar power source as well as a reliable battery backup to avoid interruptions. 7.3.7 Lightning Prediction by Radar Overview: A routine can be provided for volume-scanning weather radars to predict the probability of a lightning strike in a certain area approximately 15 minutes before it occurs. Cost: Low (if radars are operational) 49 Benefits: • Radar can provide general area in which a lightning strike is likely to occur in the next 15-20 minutes within a range of 250-300 km for a typical severe storm (accurate distances depend on the size of the storm and the spatial resolution of the radar data). • Radar can forecast cloud-to-cloud strikes; a lightning sensor network may not observe these. Limitations: • Prediction ability is dependent on the radar scan (e.g., cannot predict lightning directly over the radar due to the data gap in the cone-of-silence). 7.3.8 Stream Gauges Overview: Installing a denser network of stream gauges on the rivers and streams flowing into Lake Victoria would improve estimates of how much water is flowing into and out of the lake. Cost: Low to Moderate Benefits: • Gauges provide valuable tools for climate monitoring. • Gauges aid in river flood-stage forecasting and could improve flood warning lead-times in eastern Kenya. Limitations: • Gauges do not provide any improved water estimates of rainfall falling on the lake or entering the lake from the land via run-off. Specifications: • The system should utilize satellite communications in order to get the data to the forecasters in a useable amount of time. • This option would require a strong solar power source as well as a reliable battery backup to avoid interruptions. 7.3.9 Summary We have reviewed surface and upper air installations near Lake Victoria and throughout the region, consulted with meteorological staffs of the three shore-side countries, and spoken with several people supporting the fishery industry at the LVBC. The team considered numerous instrumentation systems—both atmospheric and hydrological—in the context of the Consolidated Terms of Reference to: (1) evaluate the status and needs for safe use of Lake Victoria; (2) support the long-term use of its natural resources; and (3) protect the water and air quality over the basin. We also considered infrastructure needs for the fishing industry, shipping, and transportation users of the lake and how they could best receive and use weather information to avert dangerous encounters with the active weather often found over the lake. During the course of our review, we gave priority to meteorological systems that could yield a high value in supplying short-term forecasts (nowcasts) to Lake Victoria users. This was our underlying evaluation. Length of time for implementation, cost, and what the shoreline governments were already considering also had strong influences in our recommendations. In the final evaluation, several systems, due to either the low value to the overall goals or the complexity of developing useable results in a short time period, did not make the final list of considerations. Such systems not 50 included are satellite data handling (too costly and too little gain from current capability) and new GPS radiosonde systems (daily operational cost too high). In spite of our limited time in the region, we made a number of important findings toward supporting several viable nowcasting processes and risk reducing measures for users on the lake. These findings relate to how the lake is used, the frequencies and locations of storms in the region, the current plans of the coastal countries, and the existing infrastructure to enable a successful weather warning system over a large inland water body. Three key technologies applied across the lake could enhance the safety of operations for all users: (1) navigational aids; (2) cellular warning systems that focus on nowcasting of storm movement and intensity; and (3) radar coverage across the lake. Navigational aids (lights and beacons) on lake islands and key costal points would support the boat and ship traffic during periods of storm activity. For fishermen in lighter and smaller boats, this option for enhancing the ability to safely navigate the lake on a stormy night is one of the quickest and least expensive methods of aid. Additionally, knowing where the leeward side of a lake island is could protect the boaters from longer fetch, storm-driven waves on the lake. We consider implementation of a cellular warning system similar to the system Uganda is developing very important. Cellular technology already has widespread use in the area and is the least costly technology for implementation. The system needs to move from its current forecast role to a nowcasting role where it can deliver storm location and projected movement with respect to the lake. Already, Tanzania and Kenya have plans to install radars that can provide nowcasting advances to the boats and ships on the lake; however, current plans only cover about a third of the lake adequately. More radar units will be needed to complete adequate coverage over the lake. Complete radar coverage across the lake can deliver warnings and information on the timing, movement, and intensity of storm cells on and nearby shore. 7.4 Recommendations for marine monitoring requirements Lake Victoria moored buoys will be required to measure vector current profiles, wave direction, wave energy spectra (from which significant wave height, dominant wave period, and average wave period are derived), water level, and water temperature at the surface and at select depths. All parameters except wave spectra will be transmitted in near real-time. Weather observation instruments, similar to those used over land, can be mounted on top of floating buoys which can be secured at fixed points in the middle of the lake. The design of the observing system also must take into account logistical considerations, such as the availability of ships suitable for mooring deployment (Figure 17) and the practicalities of cost. The Lake Victoria meteorological buoys will measure and transmit barometric pressure, wind (direction, speed, and gust), air temperature, relative humidity, and solar and sky radiation. The water-level stations will collect and transmit water level data and ancillary physical and meteorological measurements, including water and air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, and wind speed, direction, and gusts. Lake Victoria core variables are common requirements in coastal and lake operations in the international community, such as for the United States Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) applications in support of coastal marine operations, natural hazards mitigation, protecting and sustaining ecosystem and public health, and living marine resources management. 51 The standard suite of instruments on the moored buoy systems includes upward-looking 600 kHz RD Instruments (RDI) Workhorse Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs™), upgraded with RDI’s ADCP Wave Array software, on all 10-meter and 30-meter systems. The ADCPs are gimble-mounted in “smart” anchor frames on the bottom and measure current velocities in 1meter bins from about 2.0 to 2.8m above the seafloor to the surface. The wave software converts wave orbital velocity measurements from the ADCPs into wave frequency and directional spectra. Current velocity at the deepwater site is measured by an RDI downward-looking 300 kHz ADCP. Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc., Seacat recorders, mounted on the bottom alongside the ADCPs, measure temperature, conductivity, and water level (Paroscientific 45 or 100 psia Digiquartz® pressure sensors) at the 10-meter and 30-meter sites. All moored buoy systems will employ the Inductive Modem (IM) system developed by SeaBird Systems, Inc., which uses transformers to couple data to the mooring cable (Figures 18 and 19). Figure 17. Example of buoys being loaded onto the deck of deployment ship. The MV Jumuiya and other vessels that EAC may have commissioned should be deployed for Lake Victoria. Figure 18. Telemetry buoy system. Figure19. Telemetry buoy sensors. 52 The buoy should be self-contained and include sensors to measure wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, relative humidity, solar and sky radiation, and air and water temperature. An example is the meteorological buoy produced by the NCSU/Marine Systems, Inc. Selection of the Lake Victoria water level stations should consider the Sutron Corporation NOS G3 Water Level Stations which use Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS) technology. Similar to a typical NWLON station, the Lake Victoria WLS includes an air acoustic water level sensor and ancillary sensors to measure air and water temperature, wind speed and direction, and barometric pressure. Installation and operation of the Lake Victoria stations will meet international standards. All components of the observational array should be outfitted for the real-time telemetry of data, which represents a significant advancement in regional observation systems. Prior to deployment, all possible real- to near-real-time data retrieval scenarios should be evaluated as a function of distance from the coast, depth in the water column, frequency of transmission, and cost. Data measurements from the offshore buoys will be transmitted to the Lake Victoria data centre, processed, and, then, after preliminary quality control checks carried out by the consultancy personnel, posted on the Lake Victoria web page. Telemetry of data from the moored buoys employs a local communication satellite system which will be further explored. These systems power on every six hours for 2.0 minutes to transmit data to a receiving modem housed at land based data centres. For marine equipment, we estimate costs based on 18 buoys, 12 wave stations, 12 water level stations, 12 integrated weather packs, and 12 visibility stations (see Table 3 for summary of cost estimates). Instrument MV Jumuiya vessel 10m Mooring 30m mooring >40m mooring ADCP Water level monitoring systems Waves measurement system Visibility sensor Integrated weather pak Table 3. Estimated Budget for Marine Equipment Cost in US $s Description 48,000 for four months Ship observational cruises and deployment of buoys Number of units: 6 Fixed Buoys with marine and above water observation Cost per unit: $100,000 sensors in the lake. Total Cost: $600,000 Number of units: 6 Fixed buoys with marine and above water observation Cost per unit: $110,000 sensors in the lake. Total Cost: $660,000 Number of units: 6 Fixed buoys with marine and above water observation Cost per unit: $120,000 sensors in the lake. Total Cost: $720,000 Number of units: 18 Fixed buoys with marine observation sensors in the Cost per unit: $22,000 Lake. Total Cost: $396,000 Number of units: 12 Fixed buoys with marine observation sensors in the Cost per unit: $15,000 Lake. Total Cost: $180,000 Number of units: 12 Fixed buoys with marine observation sensors in the Cost per unit:$ 20,000 Lake. Total Cost: $240,000 Number of units: 12 Fixed buoys with marine observation sensors in the Cost per unit: $7,000 Lake. Total Cost: $84,000 Number of units: 12 Fixed buoys with surface weather observation Sensors Cost per unit: $25,000 in the Lake. Weather observation instruments, similar Total Cost: $300,000 to those used over land, can be mounted on top of 53 Observations from fishermen boats Inexpensive temperature, currents sensor pak with GPS locator Cost per unit: $200 Total Cost: $20,000 for 100 fishing boats floating buoys which can be secured at fixed points in the middle of the lake. Measures lake surface temperature every time the fishing boat is in the water 7.5 Recommendations for modeling requirements Most of the previous and present experimental NWP and climate prediction studies were based on stand-alone atmospheric models in which Lake Victoria is represented in terms of a very simple water patch with no hydrodynamics. Such forms represent only some of the thermodynamics characteristic of the lake and certainly no motion. Below, we highlight an approach adopted at North Carolina State University. In this approach, both the atmospheric and lake components of the system are based on the ‘primitive’ system of dynamical equations which permit motion in the lake, including currents and transport of heat. The Climate Laboratory (CLIMLAB) directed by Professor Fredrick Semazzi, at North Carolina State University is the leading research institution in the world on the use of hydrodynamical principal models to understand the coupled variability of Lake Victoria atmosphere and meteorology over its basin. CLIMLAB has developed and successfully tested a coupled prediction model (the only one we are aware of). This system and previous results based on it will form a centerpiece of guidance to carry out this consultancy. Some previous studies are listed in Annex 2 for further details. Previous results of LVB climate studies have shown that Lake Victoria plays an important role in the modulation of the regional climate. Therefore, a regional coupled model (RegCM3-POM) was developed to understand the two-way interactions between the regional meteorology of Eastern Africa and Lake Victoria. The atmospheric component of the model is the standard ICTP regional climate model (RegCM3). 7.5.1 Recommended Prediction Model Configuration Based on the analysis of the model simulations conducted in this feasibility study, the potential observational opportunities based on satellite and in situ monitoring, and the forecasting capabilities based on previous modeling studies over the LVB, we recommend that appropriate model configuration for producing early warning alerts for the fishermen and transporters over Lake Victoria have the following attributes: (i) (ii) (iii) Nested (regional) thus providing high resolution of the local forcing factors (e.g., WRF at about 10 km resolution) Should be coupled with a comprehensive hydrodynamical of the lake circulation (e.g., Princeton University Ocean Model, POM) Should be coupled with wave-current-tide simulation system, (e.g., the third generation wave model, SWAN) 54 8. Recommendations for Implementation Phase Based on the results of the feasibility sub-projects, a plan has been developed for strengthening the meteorological services over the Lake Victoria basin for enhancing, the safety of marine navigation over lake and the exploitation of natural resources over the lake basin. It comprises four projects. 8.1 Project 1: Plan for a Navigation Early Warning System (NEWS) (CTOR1, CTOR3, and CTOR4) 8.1.1 Project Rationale Previously, EAC Lake Victoria maritime safety efforts have focused on the assessment and implementation of Search and Rescue (SAR) needs and activities and have concentrated on the following three components: • • • A wireless communication system allowing contact between boats in distress and rescue centres; A regional communication centre, with capacity to process distress radio traffic from the public in the region; and Rescue facilities; (i.e., life boats, firefighting corps, police, and health facilities). Considering the large number of weather-related fatal accidents in the fishing fleet every year and the advancement in weather prediction technology, there is an opportunity for adding a fourth component to the list, focusing on the provision of early warning products in addition to SAR. However, to confirm feasibility of sub-projects in this consultancy, there is a need to conduct a pilot project to ensure that the various complimentary components of such an early warning system are efficiently interlinked under a limited scope before implementing the fullscale early warning system for the entire basin. Following are the key socioeconomic and technological issues raised by the stakeholders and the analyses of the results for the three sub-projects of this consultancy. (i) Observations sub-project: Forecasters need several essential types of information: • • • • • • Location of severe storms occurring over the lake; Speed at which the storms are moving; Direction in which the storms are moving; Intensity of the storms in order to gauge how much risk they pose to citizens on the lake; Strength of the surface water currents; and Lake surface temperature information used by fishermen to assess favorable water conditions for their operations (see section 4.4 for Gabba consultative visit testimonies by fishermen). 55 (ii) Prediction system sub-project: Meteorological and marine phenomena simulated by computer models—in particular, those likely to cause hazardous marine navigation conditions: • • • • • • Strong near-coastal water currents across Lake Victoria; Existence of strong water circulation gyres across Lake Victoria (see Figure 14a); Existence of costal eddies across Lake Victoria (see Figure 14a ; Large gradients in lake surface temperatures across Lake Victoria (see Figure 15b); Existence of severe thunderstorm and lightning activity across Lake Victoria; and Risks from mountain induced severe weather which tend to migrate to the lake and cause hazardous navigation conditions. (iii) Stakeholders' survey sub-project: Stakeholder concerns have been assessed using: a questionnaire (see section 6.1); interviews of focused groups; and literature reviews. Following are some of the leading concerns: • Underwater currents: Strong underwater currents tend to drift both fishing boats and nets to dangerous distances for navigation. • Underwater vertical currents: Occurrence of vertical currents of water is a phenomenon well known by fishermen. Persistent conditions like this change predator-prey population balance by enhancing turbidity resulting in conditions where larger fish can no longer efficiently hunt smaller prey fish. • Water spouts weather (locally known as Nsoke in Kenya and Uganda): Fishermen have described conditions very consistent with tornadoes, except that they occur over the water. They describe conditions when dark clouds descend in form of a ‘tail’ and touch the water surface. This causes water to rise and gives the appearance of the cloud touching the water surface. They describe these systems causing large swaths of total destruction as they move from water to land regions. Also see accounts of the existence of waterspouts over Lake Victoria as far back as 1922 (Nature, 1922; see Annex 6), and more recently video footage, in 2009 (see Annex 6). • Seasonality of intense winds: Fishermen gave accounts of seasonally strong winds which peak in July. These winds have resulted in increasing numbers of accidents. • Seasonality of lake surface temperatures (LST): The fishermen have vivid accounts of the dependence of fish population on LST. During the season around April, the deeper waters in the interior of Lake Victoria are warmer than during other seasons. However, certain species of fish prefer cooler water and therefore escape to the near coastal waters where the temperatures are cooler. This creates favorable fishing conditions within five miles of the Lake shore. This is not only safer for the fishermen but also cheaper because of reduced fuel consumption. Opposite conditions result in fishermen having to go further into the interior of the lake in search of favorable fishing conditions. Under these conditions, fuel is more 56 expensive and some of the costs are passed on to fish consumers. These shifts occur due not only to variations in the annual cycle but also to interannual climate variability. • Daily fishermen work schedule: In many regions of the basin, fishermen set sail about 7pm, the nets are laid about 10-12pm, and the return journey back to shore begins about 2pm to avoid the most turbulent weather conditions and lightning (land breeze maximum) and get back in time for the waiting fish vendors and distributors. Daytime fishing is not a serious option because the fish can easily avoid the nets. 8.1.2 Overall Project Objective The main objective of the proposed project is to plan and conduct a pilot study to understand the requirements for the integration of the primary components (monitoring, modeling, production and dissemination of early warning alerts) based on the prediction of severe weather and hazardous marine conditions for navigation over Lake Victoria. The pilot project should address a key recommendation from the feasibility study that an effective early warning system should be fully responsive to particular timelines and transport patterns of the fishermen operations such as, the time they set the nets, carry out the main fishing operations, and return to shore to sell the fish catch. This requires comprehensive analysis of the provider (weather forecasters)-stakeholder (fishermen) interface. Even perfect predictions could be useless unless they are based on full understanding of how the information would be used. Therefore, in addition, to observational and modeling components of the feasibility study the design of the pilot project should fully exploit the results of the survey questionnaire summarized in section 6.1.2. The pilot study should use existing or soon to exist facilities to augment the existing observational network. The augmentation of the observational system should include extensive use of the 2 EAC research vessels, completion of the installation of the Mwanza/Tanzania and Eldoret/Kenya radar systems and of installation of a short-term rented radar at Entebbe/ Uganda. 8.1.3 Specific Project Objectives The specific objectives of the early warning pilot project are: (i) Enhancement of the monitoring network to fill the most serious gaps—required for provision of early warning alerts that were identified in the feasibility study; (ii) Development of a fully coupled lake-atmosphere regional model for forecasting severe weather and adverse currents in Lake Victoria—required for the provision of early warning alerts which fully address the stakeholders' marine safety concerns; (iii) Packaging of the customized early warning weather products in forms that are convenient and easily understandable by the stakeholders; and (iv) Development and testing of a simple and limited-scope mobile phone-based communication network to deliver early warning weather alerts to a selected group of dedicated fishermen and fish transporters identified specifically for the pilot project. 57 8.1.4 Expected Project Outputs (i) Observational test data from a marine weather and lake currents sensor system. This will provide critical input data for the forecasting model and provide forecasters with a real-time, spatially coherent view of storms within their forecast domains. (ii) A customized severe marine weather and water currents forecast model. (iii) A prototype mobile phone network that meets weather alert delivery requirements. (iv) An integrated, end-to-end, limited-scope monitoring/prediction/consumer product and delivery system. (v) A quantitative procedure that measures the effectiveness of the pilot project based on a small sample of stakeholders, comparing the operations and weather-related hazards experienced by fishermen who received the early warning alerts to those who did not receive the alerts. (vi) A report summarizing the results and lessons learned in the development of a fullfledged early warning system for the entire lake basin. 8.1.5 Project Scope The project should be carried out within the vicinity of a limited area sector of Lake Victoria and should provide critical information to the development of a full-fledged early warning system for the entire lake basin. 8.1.6 Detailed Tasks Specific Objective 1: Enhancement of the monitoring network to fill the most serious gaps— required for provision of early warning alerts that were identified in the feasibility study. Tasks will include the following: (i) Promote the finalization of the installation of the two scanning weather radars in Eldoret, Kenya and Mwanza, Tanzania. A schematic of the coverage area of the two radars in Eldoret and Mwanza is shown in Figure 18 and their benefits described in section 7.3.1. 58 Figure 18: Schematic depiction of the ‘limited scope observational upgrade for the pilot project. (ii) To fill the observational gap over the northeastern sector of the LVB in Uganda, another radar is needed; Entebbe has been identified in as a suitable site. Unlike in Kenya and Tanzania, procurement for the Uganda radar has not yet been initiated, although we believe the Uganda government has plans to procure it. For the purpose of the pilot project, we recommend renting the radar for the two months. The additional atmospheric observations based on the three radars in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, will provide: • • Full radar coverage of the lake and capability for issuing nowcasts and forecasts of severe storms (location, direction, intensity of severe storms); and Input for regional coupled model initialization by transforming radar returns into model diabatic heating. (iii) In the pilot project phase, it will also be critical to monitor the lake’s water currents, since they are a major cause of marine navigation accidents, to validate the coupled lake-atmosphere prediction system. In the long run, and in particular for the regional climate system, a comprehensive marine observational network is required and will be discussed in the observations and monitoring section (section 7), below. For this reason and also for cost considerations, full exploitation should be made of the EAC ships (MV Jumuiya and other research vessels to monitor vital elements of the lake’s circulation. These variables were discussed in section 7.5. Additional synoptic marine observations based on fixed buoys will be required (explained in section 7.4) to provide: • • Continuous synoptic observations of water currents, lake surface, and subsurface temperatures and atmospheric conditions; Continuous observations of atmospheric conditions over the lake for surface air temperature and winds; and 59 • Non-synoptic measurements of atmospheric and marine conditions during the deployment of the buoys. Specific Objective 2: Development of a fully coupled lake-atmosphere regional model for forecasting severe weather and adverse currents in Lake Victoria—required for the provision of early warning alerts which fully address the stakeholders' marine safety concerns. The highest incidence of marine navigation accidents occurs within 20-30km of the main or island shores of Lake Victoria. However, existing computer weather models used for experimental prediction over Lake Victoria do not account for many physical processes that are important for coastal regions. Present forecasting models do not provide the capacity to predict water currents, a major deficiency for the problem at hand (see section 7.5). Tasks will include the following: (i) Conduct a comprehensive review of existing numerical weather prediction models (NWP) to assess their suitability for provision of early warning products for navigation safety over Lake Victoria. (ii) Develop or acquire from existing sources a state-of-the art, coupled lake-atmospheric model capable of predicting the key marine and atmospheric conditions (see section 7.5), and based on concerns raised by the fishermen and transporters over Lake Victoria (as expressed in responses to the feasibility project survey questionnaire). These parameters include lake levels, water level, surface and subsurface current fields, significant wave height and frequency fields, and tidal elevation, as well as atmospheric temperature, winds, and rates of rainfall. (iii) Calibration of one or several existing coupled models for the Navigation Early Warning System (NEWS) problem. None of the very few existing coupled weather forecasting models in the world have been customized for the NEWS region. The latest regional techniques, including use of the spectral nudging procedure and 4DVAR, should be employed to ensure optimal accuracy of the prediction system. This task will involve systematic calibration and adjustment of the forecast model tunable parameters to produce optimal forecasts for the stakeholders. The performance of this system might benefit from use of a Model Output Statistics (MOS) system or similar statistical tool. (iv) Perform daily experimental forecasts to be used for making early warning alerts for enhancing navigation safety on Lake Victoria. Specific Objective 3: Packaging of the customized early warning weather products in forms that are convenient and easily understandable by the stakeholders. Tasks will include the following: (i) Use of information from the prediction models under Specific Objective 2 to produce customized NEWS alert products that are easily understandable and useable by Lake 60 Victoria fishermen and transporters. The form of alerts should be consistent with the requirements unveiled through the stakeholder survey conducted during the feasibility study (see section 6.1.2, above). (ii) Archive the early warning alerts and apply appropriate statistical tools to assess the performance of the NEWS alerts. Specific Objective 4: Development and testing of a simple and limited-scope mobile phonebased communication network to deliver early warning weather alerts to a selected group of dedicated fishermen and fish transporters identified specifically for the pilot project. Previously, EAC Lake Victoria maritime safety studies focused on Search and Rescue (SAR) and concentrated on the following three components: • • • A wireless communication system, allowing contact between boats in distress and rescue centres; A regional communication centre with capacity to process distress radio traffic from the public in the region; and Rescue facilities (i.e. life boats, firefighting corps, police and health facilities). The LVBC has commissioned several investigations (see Annex 2; schematic of the SAR concept in Figure 19) in the past to investigate the prospects for the application of Maritime Communications System for commercial and safety purposes on Lake Victoria and to define viable Public Private Partnership (PPP) implementation approaches. These activities have mainly focused on rescue needs and have concluded that there is vast potential to improve the safety and socioeconomic wellbeing of thousands of people around Lake Victoria. The mobile telecommunications industry has therefore been rallied to take responsibility for the connectivity component. The project was subsequently announced by GSMA in a press release on March 13, 2008. Zain and Ericsson are upgrading Celtel's existing infrastructure and building an additional 21 radio sites to provide mobile coverage up to 20 kilometers into the lake where 90% of the fishing is found. About 5,000 people die in this area each year from accidents and piracy. The project will use Ericsson's Extended Range software package to more than double the effective range of radio base stations as well as Ericsson's Mobile Position System, a location-based service that enables emergency authorities to triangulate the mobile signal of fishermen in distress. 61 Fig. 19: Schematic diagram for the dissemination of Search and Rescue (SAR) Products Considering the large number of weather-related fatal accidents in the fishing fleet every year and the advancement in weather and climate prediction science, there is need for a fourth component focusing on early warning technology in addition to SAR. The EAC Council decided to commission this feasibility study for the development of a proposal to provide member countries with an effective decision making framework with a view to promoting meteorological services over Lake Victoria and its basin, aiding in the safe and efficient utilization of natural resources. Tasks will include the following: (i) This component of the pilot project should exploit the lessons, experiences, and infrastructure from recent activities such as the Mobile Phone Weather Alert Program. Under this project, the Uganda Department of Meteorology, Ericsson, MTN, National Lake Rescue Institute, and the World Meteorological Organization are piloting an SMS service called “Mobile Weather Alert” which uses mobile technology to provide forecasts of severe weather and improve safety for fishermen on Lake Victoria. (ii) The pilot project, through the meteorological departments around Lake Victoria, should assess the feasibility of use of text messages (SMS) sent to the mobile phones of 62 registered stakeholders on the lake to disseminate forecasts and warnings. Warnings must be distributed in a timely manner in order to be useful to the recipient. SMS messages are a quick, easy, and affordable method of communicating information. Model forecasts should be sent out several times a day in the most common languages identified in this feasibility study survey (i.e., English, Kiswahili, and Luganda; see section 6.1.2) and target select groups of users operating on a specific part or parts of the lake. Recommendations for Mobilization of Resources for the Pilot Project: It is recommended that EAC-LVBC commission a high powered resource mobilization task force or consultant to coordinate the mobilization of regional and international partnerships and resources for the implementation of pilot project. Members of the consultancy should be led by a scientist with broad and extensive track record in international science collaboration and coordination, as well as a strong established record in meteorological research on the LVB region. The members of the consultancy should bring complimentary credentials to the recommended strategy described below. Mobilization for Facilities and Services: Radar installations are the most critical observational platforms for validating weather numerical forecasting models for the LVB region since the observational network for other instruments is highly inadequate. Satellite data is appropriate for validating climate simulations as this feasibility study has shown (section 6.2.2), however it is not suitable for the validation of weather prediction models because of the highly limited sampling of extreme weather conditions for generating early warning alerts for navigation over the lake. The consultant has learned that procurement of the Mwanza/Tanzania and Eldoret/Kenya radar are in progress. Completion of the acquisition of the two systems would serve a critical need for configuring the weather forecast models for the LVB. Installation of radar at Entebbe/Uganda to cover the rest of the LVB is highly recommended. Other high priority observational and modeling requirements have been assessed and prioritized in his feasibility study and are described in detail in section 7. The consultant has engaged in consultations with NCAR's Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) and Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) laboratories. NCAR is the global leader in weather and climate research and its applications to social-economic sectors. The consultant therefore recommends strategic collaboration with EOL and RAL to capitalize on their unique resources, facilities, expertise and track record in supporting similar activities as the proposed pilot project. EOL provides state-of-the-art atmospheric observing systems and support services to the university-based research community for climate and weather research. Its work is directed toward solutions to problems relevant to society, and facilitates the transfer of the information, expertise, and technology developed to the public and private sectors. RAL has a long tradition of teaming with universities and other research institutions to apply weather and climate prediction science for solving pressing societal weather and climate-induced problems. Requests for EOL Facilities and Services (http://www.eol.ucar.edu/deployment/request-info) are submitted directly to NSF. Support is available on a competitive basis to all qualified scientists requiring facilities and services to carry out their research objectives. The deployment of the facilities is driven by the scientific merit, capabilities of the facilities to carry out the proposed observations and scheduling of the facility for the requested time. Normally, principle investigators having approved NSF science research grants have first priority and receive full 63 deployment pool allocation funding for the facilities requested. Other requests are considered based on scientific merit and facility availability, with the deployment costs varying from full cost recovery to full or partial support by the deployment pool. Specific Tasks: (i) EAC-LVBC should commission a consultant to develop a detailed request for EOL facilities and services for the pilot project. The NSF-established procedures and priorities for requesting the use of these facilities are available at http://www.eol.ucar.edu/deployment/request-info/UserGuide.pdf. The request should be based on the assessment of observational requirements generated from this feasibility study. Requests that seek deployment pool funds on the order of less than $1.0M are defined as small campaign requests, while those requests in excess of this amount are considered large program requests. Very complex programs (e.g., those which involve several facilities, entail difficult deployment logistics or require interagency/international coordination) are also required to follow the review process for large programs. (ii) The consultant should also develop a plan for strategic collaboration of EAC-LVBC with RAL through its Joint Numerical Testbed (JNT). This is a collaborative facility within RAL that is connected to an international network of collaborators. The main goals would be to test and evaluate a numerical weather prediction (NWP) system to develop and test the performance of experimental forecast weather prediction system based on the configuration and specifications recommended in this feasibility study (section 7.4.3). A joint funding request should be submitted to multiple government agencies including NSF in the US, DFID in the UK, the African Development Bank, KOIKA, ICAO, WMO and others. The model for the funding requests should address the need for resources to support participation of EAC citizens and international experts. A specific opportunity that fits this model is the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER; http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/dsc/peer/index.htm) funding program. This is a new joint NSF-USAID funding program that would be appropriate for securing funds for the implementation of key components of the proposed pilot project. The funding is up to $300,000 per year for three years. This competitive grants program allows scientists in developing countries to apply for funds to support research and capacitybuilding activities in partnership with their NSF-funded collaborators on topics of importance to USAID. Figure 20 illustrates how the partnerships would work under PEER funding to support the proposed pilot project. (iii) The consultant’s strategic plan for resource mobilization should also ensure close collaboration with recent or ongoing projects in SAR and provision of early warnings, including The Eastern Africa SWFDP/WMO project, WWRP/WMO, and the Mobile Weather Alert Project (WAP). (iv) The consultant strongly recommends close collaboration in the planning of the pilot project and the EAC initiative to establish a centre of excellence on medium-range 64 weather forecasting under its ‘Strategic Framework for the Development of Numerical Weather Prediction in the East African Community Region’ (report available on request). The proposed pilot project would serve as a nucleus for the future expansion to the entire EAC region. US Universities PIRE Climate Prediction Research (Lake Victoria Basin&Research) NCSU MEAS STAT Observational Assessment & Modeling Assessment Existing NSF Funded Project EAC Universities Stakeholders Interface Survey Over Lake Victoria Basin PEER Results from Present Feasibility Study (Consultant North Carolina State University) EAC-LVBC Project EAC Search & Rescue (SAR) Communication Facility Customized Meteorological Safety Alerts for Fishing Industry Enhanced Navigation Safety for Lake Victoria Fishermen & Transporters Proposed NSF PEER Enabled Research to Support the Enhancement of Meteorological Services for Marine Navigation over Lake Victoria LVBC: Lake Victoria Basin Commission NMHS: National Meteorological and Hydrological Services NSF: United States National Science Foundation SAR: EAC Search & Rescue WRF: Weather Research & Forecasting model WMO: World Meteorological Organization, Switzerland EAC-LVBC Funded Feasibility Project NSF Funded Project Research and Modeling Existing Regional Efforts 65 8.1.7 Estimated Project Costs $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $ 600,000 $400,000 $50,000 $30,000 $80,000 $6,000 $200,000 $ 1,366,000 installation of the Mwanza/Tanzania radar (Tanzania Government) installation of the Eldoret/Kenya radar (Kenya Government) installation of the Entebbe/Uganda rental radar (Radar rental from NCAR http://www.eol.ucar.edu/deployment/requestinfo/AverageCostGraphicsRadars.pdf for about 2 months (S-Pol radar)) purchase and deployment of the 3 buoy network computing cluster and peripherals Internet connectivity travel costs air, land and lake ship rental (rate $400/day for half-month’s ship time) salaries TOTAL ESTIMATE (excludes the Mwanza and Eldoret Radar). 8.2 Project 2: Plan for a Hotspots Atlas (CTOR2) 8.2.1 Project Rationale Weather and climate information required for decision-makers and management of leading social-economic sectors in the EAC region is not available at a single collection centre. More important for this project, the information is not provided in a user friendly state which makes it difficult for the stakeholders to use it. The EAC should undertake a project to produce a weather/climate atlas which serves this need and in doing so significantly enhance the productivity in the exploitation of natural resources for the LVB. 8.2.2. Overall Project Objective The recommendations for this proposed project are based on the many years of accumulated experience of the NMHS, ICPAC and members of the consultancy in providing meteorological services for the region. The primary objective is to produce an interactive weather/climate information atlas for the LVB to support optimal exploitation of natural resources in the EAC region. The products should comprise digital data, graphs, and maps for the provision of: (i) basic meteorological information; and (ii) sector specific climate information for at least the following industries: fisheries, marine navigation, tourism, agriculture, energy, water resources, engineering construction, forestry, transportation, health, resource sharing and conflict early warning, and environmental conservation. 66 8.2.3 Specific Project Objectives (i) Carry out a comprehensive assessment of different formats used throughout the world and choose or develop the one most appropriate for the EAC regional needs. (ii) Develop high-powered computer interface software, including internet and web technology, on an electronic platform to provide information to stakeholders in an efficient and user-friendly manner. The Atlas should have a structure that is easily updatable as new and more refined basic data becomes available. (iii) Produce a hard copy version of the Atlas that can be distributed to providers of climate outreach services in agriculture, health, tourism, and other socioeconomic sectors which may not have access to adequate computing and internet capabilities. 8.2.4 Expected Project Outputs (i) (ii) An electronic and hardcopy version of the Atlas. In addition to general information, the contents of the atlas should include special information required in different weather/climate-sensitive sectors, such as maps of the start-date and end-date of the rain seasons for agricultural sector, and wind-power potential climate parameters for the energy sector. This project should in full partnership with the NMHSs and ICPAC which have compiled the metrics for all the important application sectors. An easy-to-implement updating mechanism to produce future versions of the Atlas. 8.2.5 Project Scope The project should be limited to the LVB and be primarily designed to serve EAC citizens, but should also useful for the international community. 8.2.6 Proposed Membership of Consultancy to Conduct the Project The consultancy should be led by an expert with: (i) extensive experience in processing of weather and/or climate data; and (ii) a strong track record in development of atlas content; (iii) representatives of the NMHSs and ICPAC; and (iv) and a graphics and a software development expert with appropriate background for the project. The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) (http://www.wmo.int/hltgfcs/downloads/HLT_book_full.pdf) will soon be launched and could play a very significant role in the development of regional capacity through RCCs. The High-Level Taskforce which has led the planning process for the GFCS is tasked to recommend an end-to-end system for providing climate services and applying them in decision making at every level of society. Putting this system in place will require unprecedented collaboration across political, functional, and disciplinary boundaries with a global mobilization of effort. The High-Level Taskforce asserts that the widespread, global use of improved climate services, provided through the GFCS Services, will provide substantial social and economic benefits. Excerpt from the High-Level Task Force Plan: “… The Taskforce has unanimously recommended (Recommendation 1) that the international community make the commitment to 67 invest on the order of US$75 million per year to put in place and sustain the Framework. This investment will build upon existing investments by governments in climate observation systems, research, and information management systems to return to the community benefits across all societal sectors but most importantly, and most immediately, in disaster risk reduction, improved water management, more productive and sustainable agriculture and better health outcomes in the most vulnerable communities in the developing world…” The consultancy should work closely with the GFCS secretariat to pursue the opportunity of becoming one of its first demonstration projects under one of its five near-term implementation objectives of “…designing and implementing a set of projects that target the needs of developing countries, particularly those currently least able to provide climate services.…” This could serve as a prototype for the rest of the EAC region and beyond. 8.2.7 Estimated Project Costs $85,000 $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $35,000 $45,000 $ 225,000 8.3 Lead expert time NMHSs and ICPAC consultancies software expert graphics expert travel for team meetings purchase of computer time and supplies TOTAL ESTIMATE Project 3: Plan for a Marine and Atmospheric Observational Network and Water/Air Quality (CTOR3) 8.3.1 Project Rationale The results of the feasibility project’s assessment indicate a need for a major upgrade in the observational network for the marine and the meteorological conditions over the LVB. Full implementation of the upgrade is expensive, leaving EAC Nations with a difficult dilemma of how to fully fund this solution in the presence of other important competing economic demands in the transportation, health, and education sectors. This is one of the main reasons we have proposed under Project 1 to start with a limited upgrade of the monitoring network to demonstrate the added value of the early warning system in a pilot mode. As noted earlier, this also has clear benefits of identifying bottlenecks before implementing the full scope of the early warning system. Furthermore, demonstration of the added value may provide the necessary motivation for policy makers to become advocates of enhanced meteorological services and respond favorably to funding requests. However, the limited upgrade in the observational network is clearly not enough to maximize the potential advantages of meteorological services for the key application sectors throughout the LVB. Considering the extensive costs noted above to implement the full package of upgrades recommended in this feasibility study, there is need to seek new partnerships, within both the EAC region and the international community, to fund the cost of the monitoring network upgrade. A strategy to achieve this goal is proposed in the next sections. 68 8.3.2 Overall Project Objective An interdisciplinary approach is needed to provide the underpinning research knowledge for addressing the complex set of interlinked technological and socioeconomic needs for enhancing the benefits of meteorological services for navigation safety and exploitation of natural resources over the LVB. The components of multidisciplinary research should include: (i) understanding of the climate dynamics and hydrologic processes that govern the weather and climatic conditions over the LVB; and (ii) integration of meteorological information into the decision making process to optimize the outcomes. Although the primary goal of the NEWS alert system is the provision of operational services, the high demand for observational network upgrade and development of enhanced modeling capabilities presents a compelling case for partnership with the research community (which also needs the upgrade). The multinational nature of the needed research coordination suggests that we should exploit the services of international science coordinating mechanisms which have worked well in other regions of the world (e.g., African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) observational project for West Africa). More specifically, the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) and the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) programs of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) program should be engaged in the formative stages to provide the necessary climate science oversight in the design of the observational network. The World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) of WMO is the appropriate program for providing international oversight for addressing corresponding weather research observational needs for research. Below, we give brief outlines the missions of GEWEX, CLIVAR-VACS and WRWP-THORPEX Africa, and GFCS. (i) GEWEX: The mission of GEWEX is to measure and predict global and regional energy and water variations, trends, and extremes (such as heat waves, floods and droughts) through improved observations and modeling of land, atmosphere, and their interactions, thereby providing the scientific underpinnings of climate services. In Africa, GEWEX has a program (AMMA) that focuses on West Africa. Figure 21 shows a large void of effort over the rest of Africa. In our recommendations for proposed projects, we suggest creation of the Regional Hydroclimate Project (HYVIC) GEWEX project to fill this important gap over the LVB (see section 8.3.6). This region has already been identified by the CLIVAR project to be the focus for its activities in East Africa. 69 GEWEX REGIONAL HYDROCLIMATE PROJECTS Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) Mackenzie GEWEX Studies (MAGS) Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership (NEESPI) GEWEX Asia Monsoon Experiments (GAME) Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA) Large Scale BiosphereAtmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) Current RHP's Former RHP's Prospective RHP's Figure (ii) Monsoon Asian HydroAtmosphere Science Research and prediction Initiative (MAHASRI) HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean EXperiment (HYMEX) African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) La Plata Basin (LPB) Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) 21: International GEWEX Regional Hydroclimate Projects WCRP CLIVAR-VACS: CLIVAR is the WCRP project that addresses climate variability and predictability, with a particular focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interactions in climate. The CLIVAR component for Africa is called VACS (Variability of the African Climate System). CLIVAR’s objectives are as follows: (i) Develop and refine a VACS implementation plan, based on the work of the CAWG (CLIVAR Africa Working Group) and CATT (CLIVAR Africa Task Team), to diagnose the variability and predictability of African climate and its relationship to the global climate system. This plan should take into account the specific objectives listed below. (ii) Prepare requirements for limited-period and sustained observations in support of the CLIVAR Programme in and around the African continent; establish links with and present the requirements to the other major climate-observing programs (e.g., Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), WWW, GOOS, etc). (iii) Promote and coordinate efforts for evaluations and improvements of model simulations (e.g., Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP), Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), etc.) for the African region. (iv) Promote development of African climate databases and foster access thereto for research purposes in cooperation with projects such as the WMO Climate Computing Project (CLICOM), the UN Climate Change and Development—Adapting by Reducing (DARE) Program, etc. 70 (v) Promote the involvement of African scientists within VACS and the use of VACS products in capacity building activities. (vi) Develop cooperative investigations with other CLIVAR groups and national, regional or international research programs and organizations interested in this area of research. (vii) Develop links with programs and organizations interested in the application of VACS research (e.g., Climate Information and Prediction Services (CLIPS), and SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START) and, as far as feasible, integrate requirements of these programs and organizations into VACS. (viii) Execute the VACS implementation plan and measure the success of the plan against stated objectives. (ix) Report to the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group as required on progress and problems in developing and implementing the VACS plan. (iii) WMO WRWP-THORPEX Africa: The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment (THORPEX) responds to the challenges of reducing and mitigating impacts of natural disasters and to help realize the societal and economic benefits of improved high impact weather forecasts. One major aspect of the THORPEX international program is the support for development of plans that meet regional needs. The science plan and implementation plans are driven by the desire of the African forecasting community to ensure that the THORPEX scientific work is motivated by interests of the user community, which has growing and changing needs. THORPEX Africa is being developed with the overall objective of providing and improving one-day to two-week weather forecasts that could meet the needs of African society, the economy, and the environment with particular reference to high impact weather events. 8.3.3 Specific Project Objectives (i) Develop an EAC GEWEX-CLIVAR observational science plan and an implementation plan for a limited-period international observing campaign for the LVB to fill the observational gap in GEWEX global programs over the region (see Figure 21). The plan should clearly indicate how the upgraded observational network will be sustained after the limited period international project ends. The science and implementation plans should be developed in close consultation with and engagement of GEWEX, WCRP/CLIVAR and GFCS. The LVB Commission should form a consultancy to develop the science and implementation plan. (ii) Conduct a series of workshops and meetings to mobilize international participation in the implementation of the HYVIC observational project and pledge of support for the implementation phase. Organizations to be invited to participate include: Climate and Large-scale Dynamics Program, NSF International Program, NSF Facilities Program, the World Bank, the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), WMO World Climate Program and WWW program, Google.org, Ericsson, GSMA, Zain, IGAD, NASA, Department for International Development (DFID), EAC national governments, African Development Bank, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the U.K. Meteorology Office (UKMO), the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric 71 Agency (NOAA), the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), START, AMMA, promoters, and others. (iii) Implementation of the project involving deployment of a comprehensive array of monitoring land and marine sensors, satellites, ships and aircrafts. 8.3.4 Expected Project Outputs (i) A science plan and implementation plan for underpinning interdisciplinary research to support the proposed enhanced meteorological services for improvement of navigation safety and exploitation of natural resources over the LVB. (ii) Regional and international funding commitments to support the implantation of HYVIC by international governments and organizations. (iii) An upgraded meteorological and hydrological observational network for the LVB. 8.3.5 Project Scope The project should be carried out by a consultancy focused on the LVB—the vicinity of and limited area of Lake Victoria. The consultancy should be led by an eminent scientist with a strong track record in the coordination of large weather or climate science programs. The leader for this initiative should have extensive familiarity with the science of the problem and the role that the WCRP and other research organizations can play in coordinating the planning and implementation phases of the project. Members of the consultancy should include experts in observational needs and weather/climate prediction capabilities for the LVB. 8.3.6 Detailed Tasks Specific Objective 1: To mobilize international support for the HYVIC project, an international science plan must be developed and endorsed by the relevant international coordinating organizations. The science plan should be submitted to the WCRP GEWEX program for approval of a new Regional Hydroclimate Project (HYVIC) focused on the LVB region. Justification for the project must also indicate how HYVIC will contribute to the global GCOS Observing Network in addition to the regional network. This is an important prerequisite for launching and developing a coordinated international activity in climate monitoring and research. This program has only one initiative (AMMA) that focuses on West Africa. Figure 21 shows a large void of service over the rest of Africa. HYVIC will help to fill this gap. The technical and research criteria for establishing GEWEX/Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project (CEOP) Regional Hydroclimate Projects (RHPs; http://www.gewex.org/RHP-TOR.pdf ) are summarized below and provide a framework for the proposed consultancy in developing the HYVIC science plan. 72 Technical Criteria: • • • • • • • • Cooperation of a Numerical Weather Prediction centre for provision of atmospheric and land surface data assimilation; Atmospheric-hydrologic models for studying transferability and climate variability; Mechanism for collecting and managing adequate hydrometeorological data sets; Participation in the open international exchange of scientific information and data; Interactions with hydrologic services and related groups; Commitment of adequate resources and personnel; Evaluation of GEWEX global data products; and Contributions to CEOP in situ, remote sensing, and model output databases. Scientific Criteria: • • • • • Observe, simulate, and predict diurnal, seasonal, annual and interannual variability. Determine climate system variability and critical feedbacks. Demonstrate improvements in predictions of water-related climate parameters. Demonstrate the applicability of techniques and models for other regions. Assess the human impact on hydroclimate variations, including vulnerability to climate change Specific Objective 2: The consultancy should conduct workshops to promote and coordinate US, Europe, Asia and other governments’ contributions to the observational campaign make presentations to potential partner agencies (see AMMA example at http://www.eol.ucar.edu/projects/amma-us). In these events it should be stressed that field campaigns (e.g., AMMA and the proposed HYVIC) can provide the starting point for process based model comparisons. Specific Objective 3: Task 1: Deploy a comprehensive network of observational sensors across the LVB to support both operational meteorological services and research. Task 2: Undertake a major observation campaign collecting data for a limited period at centralized data archiving facilities that will serve the proposed regional centre for navigation safety early warning system and center for efficient exploitation of natural resources. 8.3.7 Estimated Project Costs $30,000,000 Procurement and installation of three radar systems at Mwanza/Tanzania (Tanzania Government); Eldoret/Kenya radar (Kenya Government); and Entebbe/Uganda (Uganda Government) $450,000: Lightning Detection and Location Sensors $ 50,000 Automated Surface Observation Sensors around the Lake $125,000: Automated Surface Weather Observation Sensors on Islands 73 $300,000: Integrated Weather Paks $75,000: GPS Occultation System $15,000: Lightning Prediction software $30,000: Stream Gauges $600,000: 10m Moorings $660,000: 30m Moorings $720,000: 40m Moorings $396,000: ADCPs $180,000: Water level monitoring systems $240,000: Waves measurement system $84,000: Visibility sensor $20,000: Observations from fishermen boats $500,000: computing cluster and peripherals $200,000: Internet connectivity $500,000: travel costs (air, land and lake) $48,000: ship rental (rate $400/day for 4 months during 8 months project) $700,000: salaries TOTAL ESTIMATE: $5,903,000 (excludes radar costs). 8.4 Project 4: Plan for the Consultant’s Proposal for a Centre for Meteorological Services (CMS) for the Lake Victoria Basin (CTOR5) 8.4.1 Project Rationale The provision of meteorological services for the LVB requires a distributed or centralized coordination mechanism with set of well-defined high level deliverables which are responsive to the stakeholder high priority concerns and needs. To do this, it needs high performing governance that will provide vision to implement and expand, in a sustainable mode, the urgent needs that the consultant has proposed to address under Projects 1-3. 8.4.2 Overall Project Objective In this feasibility study we propose a broad strategy for the development an institutional Framework for CMS comprising the following three components: a) A technical agenda which will require to quickly carrying out a number of highpriority fast track projects, including project-1 through project-3, proposed above. The Consultant endorses five basic conceptual elements which are illustrated in Figure 22, and they may be stated as follows: the user interface platform, the capacity building component; the meteorological information system; the meteorological research, modeling and prediction component; and the observations and monitoring component. These fast track projects are aimed at building the capacity of individual nations of the EAC to sustain the provision of meteorological services for the LVB region over the long run and would be largely funded through resources given for aid purposes. 74 b) A governance strategy for the delivery of the technical agenda and establishing leadership and management capability to take the CMS forward. The leadership team should have government ownership and support as well as support from the EAC. It will oversee the technical direction of the committees that are responsible for delivering the capabilities specified for the five components of the CMS. c) Mobilization of resources for the implementation phase of CMS The consultant recommends that the EAC-LVBC establish, as a matter of urgency, an ad-hoc technical group to develop a detailed implementation plan for the CMS based upon the broad strategy outlined in this report, this plan to be endorsed by EAC nations governments through an intergovernmental process prior to its implementation. Potential Promoters & Stakeholders • EAC • International agencies • Commercial sources Observational Network & Analysis System • Water currents (drifters, ADCPs) • Temperature (AWOS; CTDs) • Winds (AWOS; ships/boats) • Rainfall/Hail rates (AWOS; Radar) • Marine pollution levels • • • • • Proposed Monitoring Network Instrument specs for bidders Instrument locations AWOS & Radar specs Data dissemination system Communication requirements Weather & Climate Services Information System • Data ingest and archiving system • Hourly (nowcast; analyses) • 4 times a day 24 hour forecasts • Seasonal & decadal predictions • • • • Proposed Prediction System Database system Reanalysis system NWP model /products options Computing, internet & communication requirements Capacity Building • Cooperation model with ICPAC • Complimentary training for •stakeholders training Customized User Products • • • • Marine transport routing options Evacuation, search and rescue Humanitarian operations Advisories (green, yellow, red) Proposed Decision Tree Options Decision tree options involving partnerships among EAC, government departments & humanitarian organizations Delivery Mechanism to Users • GIS Maps • Cell phone • Radio/TV Maps • Internet/Google Earth Maps • Local Forums & Newspapers Proposed User Interface Questionnaire survey to collect & analyze demographic information of interface needs for different social, economic, cultural, & educational levels -‐ Physical processes Research • Regional model development • Prediction/applications interface • Design of monitoring networks including ship MV Jumuiya Figure 22: Conceptual Organization of CEMS. 8.4.3 Expected Project Outcomes (i) Comprehensive technical agenda for the implementation phase of CMS; (ii) Comprehensive governance plan to steer the implementation of CMS; (iii) Comprehensive plan for mobilization of resources required to support the implementation phase of CMS; 75 (iv) Fast-track pilot projects aimed at achieving four outcomes relevant to climate service users of climate vulnerable communities in developing countries: - Identifying the optimal methods for obtaining feedback from these communities; - Building a dialogue between climate service users and those responsible for the observation; - Research and information system components of the Framework with the aim of developing metrics for the performance of the Framework as affected by the contributions of the components; - Developing monitoring and evaluation measures for the Framework that are agreed between users and providers; and - Improving climate literacy in the user community through a range of public education initiatives and on-line training programs. 8.4.4 Project Scope The project should involve, among others, representatives of the stakeholder community, relevant entities of the EAC and LVCB, and experts in user interfaces, finance resource mobilization, climate service information systems, observations and monitoring, research, modeling and prediction, and capacity building. 8.4.5 Detailed Tasks The structure for the technical programs proposed by World Climate Conference 3 and the HighLevel Task (HLT) team for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) is broadly endorsed by the consultant for the proposed CMS Framework. In this sense, CMS is a customized version for the Lake Victoria region of the agenda proposed by GFCS HLT. This is done purposely to ensure seamless flow of benefits between CMS and the GFCS. The five main elements of the Framework presented in Figure 22 are discussed in more detail below. Specific Objective 1: Development of a comprehensive technical agenda for the implementation phase of CMS. For each proposed technical components of the CMS below, there is currently in place a functioning element at the national and/or EAC regional level that could make a valuable contribution to its future work. The immediate task is to engage with the expert communities that operate these existing elements to develop and take forward the CMS work plans. Tasks will include the following: (i) Enhancement of the stakeholder (end-user) interface platform: The User Interface Platform consists of customized user products and a delivery mechanism to users (see Figure 22). (ii) Capacity building: As the HLT for the GFCS has pointed out, a key to success in this kind of enterprise is the commitment of users to making clear their requirements for meteorological services. This is the reason we have conducted a comprehensive survey 76 of the stakeholders needs in this feasibility study (see summary of survey results in section 6.1.2). The User Interface Platform will include workshops, conferences, and surveys, combined with user and provider expert teams who will analyze the outcomes of service provision and develop proposals for continuously improving the CMS. Based on outcomes of these interactions, decisions will be made about the most appropriate means of delivering the meteorological information (Figure 22) to the appropriate demographic groups of the stakeholder population or climate-weather-sensitive sector. (iii) Meteorological information system: This system is needed to collect, process, and distribute weather and climate data and information according to not only the needs of users, but also to the procedures agreed by governments and other data owners. It should be largely based on—or parallel to—the existing internationally-agreed systems for exchanging and processing meteorological data and information. In concrete terms, the Weather/Climate Services Information System comprises a network of computers and communication channels that exchange data and data products, agreed codes and formats for data exchange, and international agreements on access to data and on the types of data that should be exchanged. A major bottleneck for communication of the large datasets involved is the limitation of internet bandwidth. CMS implementation should fully exploit the new internet undersea Cyber cable system. The example described below is the Eastern Africa Submarine System (EASSy; http://www.eassy.org) which is a 9,000-km optic undersea cable system connecting Africa to the global internet backbone (Figure 23) and hinterland (Figure 24). The Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy) is a landmark fiber-optic cable project that connects 21 African countries to each other and the rest of the world with high-quality internet. EASSy provides the last link to completely encircle Africa via high capacity optic fibre telecommunications networks. It will link to the global submarine cable network through other regional undersea systems including SAT3, SAFE, SEA-ME-WE 3, and SEA-ME-WE 4. GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY East Africa Digital Transmission System (EADTS) Linking EASSy to the hinterland Fibre Cable and Radio Link Routes Mbale SEA ME WE 3 Uganda Malaba Bungoma Kampala EASSy Tororo Samia Masaka Nakuru Maragoli Forest Matale Naivasha Kisumu Kyebe Kiziru Bukoba Rubya SAT-3/WASC Timboroa Muhoroni Mbarara Mutukula 20 Kenya Eldoret Jinja Geita R.S. Nyamanyama Mwalolala Nyakasiko (new site) Nyabubele Hill (new site) Arusha Tanzania Nairobi S. Hill Oleserewa Lemeipot (new site) Oldinka Losayale (new site) Nyashana Ikoka Longonot E/S Sengerema Mwanza Muleba Geita P.O Karambi Mrangeizi new site Kericho Ilemelevu (new site) Namanga Lengijawe Themi Hill Lolkisale Babati Sangaiwe (new site) Sultan Hamud Voi Mombasa Kivumoni new site Kilulu Singo Kondoa fibre optic cable mw/radio link SAFE Kimbogolo (new site) Chenene existing mw network border Tanga Mengali Marambao Manyoni Morogoro Dodoma Imagi Hill Dar-es-Salaam Figure 23. African Submarine Optic Cable Figure 24. East African Transmission System (iv) Meteorological research, modeling, and prediction component: This element encompasses the work of expert institutions to improve our understanding of weather 77 and climate over the LVB and to develop core prediction tools, applications, and products that are essential for the ongoing development and continuous improvement of climate services. The research community will also make an important contribution to the Framework by engaging in data and model intercomparisons, studying impacts, and helping projections for the LVB become widely accepted as one of the regions for comparative model performances. The CMS centre will gain from this by developing the capacity to characterize model uncertainty more reliably because of the participation of a large ensemble of models used at other centers and universities. There is a large volume of potentially useful research being carried out throughout the world but much of it is not necessarily directly responsive to stakeholder needs. The CMS should take up the responsibility to drive the global research agenda for the region by defining end-user-based research priorities and model evaluation metrics in collaboration with the GFCS. Specific Objective 2: Development of a comprehensive governance plan to steer the implementation of CMS Tasks will include the following: (i) The consultant adopts two possible governance structures for consideration, Option A and Option B presented in Figures 25 and 26, which were developed by the GFCS HLT. A decision has not been made on which of the two models will be adopted by GFCS. Each of them has strengths and weaknesses. The consultant recommends that the planning of CMS pays close attention to the resolution of this issue, since it is important to align the structure of CMS and GFCS for seamless flow of mutual benefits among the two organizations. (ii) A small EAC-LVBC-based secretariat should support the creation of a core of leadership and technical expertise that will drive the implementation of all aspects of the Framework. (iii) A network of regional technical expertise committees should be created and engaged. Implementation of the Framework is a technical activity and will need the full support of a range of technical experts from both user and provider communities to sustain and advance its components (observations, research, information management and exchange, and service delivery) in order to meet the objectives defined by governments. An important element of the implementation strategy will be the creation of a range of technical committees comprising experts drawn from national institutions who will work together to build a sustainable framework to provide global access to climate services. The implementation strategy must provide draft terms of reference for the technical committees needed to implement the Framework. 78 GOVERNMENTS A Intergovernmental Board on the Framework B C D East African Community System Lake Victoria Basin Commission entities Executive Commitee Management Committee for User Interface Program Secretariat Management Committee for Climate Service Information System Management Committee for Research, Modeling and Prediction Management Committee for Observations and Monitoring Management Committee for Capacity Building Figure 25. Schematic representation of Option A, for an intergovernmental board. GOVERNMENTS East African Community Chiefs Executives Board A B C D East African Community System Lake Victoria Basin Commission entities Joint board on the Framework Secretariat Management Committee for User Interface Program Management Committee for Climate Service Information System Executive Commitee Management Committee for Observations and Monitoring Management Committee for Research, Modeling and Prediction Management Committee for Capacity Building Figure 26. Schematic representation of Option B, the East African Community-led option for implementing the LVB Institutional Framework (CMS) . Specific Objective 3: Development of a plan for mobilization of resources required to support the implementation phase of CMS. 79 Tasks will include the following: (i) International Organizations and Private Sector Support: The tasks of implementing the CMS will require support from development agencies and banks, particularly for the new initiatives we have proposed, and should also be supported by the country programs of the EAC and LVBC. A key element of the work plan should be the demonstration of added value of CMS products to convince the funding sources to committee support on a sustained basis. (ii) EAC Government Support: At the present time, EAC region national governments are already committing substantial resources to maintaining and developing weather and climate service functions on a national scale. One role of the CMS is to add value to these activities. For a small additional contribution to the CMS, substantial national benefits will be accessible. Collecting data to agreed standards, building regional capacities in a range of meteorological sensitive sectors, and exchanging data and expertise regionally. Therefore, a key element of the work plan should be a sustainable, ongoing program that engages the EAC national governments to participate in and support the work of the CMS. 80 Annex-1: Original Terms of Reference (TOR) and Mapping on Consolidated Terms of Reference (CTOR) The consultancy will cover the entire LVB, as is defined by the LVB Commission. Mapping of the original TORs to the CTORs is shown in Table 4, below. In carrying out the assignment, the consultant will: A. Assess the existing weather observation network, data processing capabilities, and timeliness of dissemination of information and products on the lake and its basin with a view toward identifying existing inadequacies and making suitable recommendations to address them. The issues to be assessed would include: 1. Meteorological observing stations network over Lake Victoria and its basin; 2. Development and timely dissemination of tailored weather forecasts, warnings, and advisories for marine operations and safety of navigation in Lake Victoria and its basin; 3. Need for deployment of sensors to monitor the three-dimensional (rather than surface only) circulation and chemical conditions of the lake; 4. Development of a fully coupled lake-atmosphere prediction system for the threedimensional changes in circulation and pollution on short-term weather scales from a few days to seasonal and longer time scales based on a regional climate model and a three-dimensional model of the lake's circulation; 5. Provision of critical information for fisheries, ecosystem, transportation, lake pollution, and hydroelectric power generation, etc.; 6. Deployment of state-of-the-art information technology, such as Google Earth and geographic information systems (GIS), to improve the interpretation of the multifaceted conditions over, around, and within Lake Victoria; 7. Deployment of data collection platforms and automatic weather observing systems; 8. Deployment of drifting and fixed buoys in the lake; 9. Installation of automatic weather observing systems on MV Jumuiya and other vessels; 10. Deployment of weather radars; 11. Technical and end user training; 12. Establishment of a Meteorological Early Warning Coordination Centre for Lake Victoria and its basin; 13. Research involving MV Jumuiya; 14. Development of meteorological information requirements for transportation, tourism, fishing, and related sectors; 15. Development of environmental sensitivity maps related to meteorology; 16. Deployment of a network of instruments for pollution monitoring on Lake Victoria; and Capacity building and research. B. Prioritize the project components. C. Estimate the cost of the project, clearly showing the financial resources required for implementation of each component. 81 D. Organize national consultation meetings and a regional workshop to enlist the views of stakeholders and obtain feedback on the draft report. E. Prepare and submit the Final Feasibility Study Report. Table 4. Original TORs and CTORs TOR-A-1 TOR-A-2 TOR-A-3 TOR-A-4 TOR-A-5 TOR-A-6 TOR-A-7 TOR-A-8 TOR-A-9 TOR-A-10 TOR-A-11 TOR-A-12 TOR-A-13 TOR-A-14 TOR-A-15 TOR-A-16 TOR-B TOR-C TOR-D TOR-E CTOR-1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ CTOR-2 CTOR-3 ✔ CTOR-4 ✔ CTOR-5 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 82 Annex 2: Reports and Documentation Available to the Project Team Table 5. Bibliography Organization NCSU Author Semazzi, H. F. M NCSU Anyah R.O., and F.H.M. Semazzi NCSU Anyah R.O and F.H.M. Semazzi 2006 NCSU Anyah, R. O., F. H. M. Semazzi and L. Xie NCSU Anyah, R.O., F.H.M. Semazzi and L. Xie NCSU Song Y, F.H.M Semazzi, L. Xie and L.J Ogallo Hostetler, S.W., G.T. Bates, and F. Giorgi NCAR Beletsky Chen Beletsky, D., W. P. O’Connor, D. J. Schwab, and D. Dietrich Chen, F., and J. Dudhia Collins Collins, W.D. et al., Hong Hong, S.-Y., J. Dudhia, and S.-H. Chen Hong Hong, S.-Y., and Y. Noh, and J. Dudhia Kain Kain, J. S., and J. M. Fritsch Skamarock Skamarock, W. C., J. B. Klemp, J. Dudhia, D. O. Gill, D. M. Barker, W. Wang, and J. G. Powers Wang, W., and Coauthors Wang Title Framework for climate services in developing countries. CLIMATE RESEARCH, Vol. 47: 145–150. Simulation of the sensitivity of LVB climate to lake surface temperatures. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 79, 55-69. NCAR-AGCM ensemble simulations of the variability of the Greater Horn of Africa Climate. Special issue of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 86, 39-62. Hydrodynamic characteristics of Lake Victoria based on idealized 3D Lake Model Simulations. Special Issue of International Journal of Climatology. Simulated physical mechanisms associated with the climate variability over LVB in East Africa; Monthly Weather Review, 134, 3588-3609. A coupled regional climate model for LVB of East Africa. Int. J. Climatol. 24, 57-75 Interactive coupling of a lake thermal model with a regional climate model. J. Geophys. Res., 98(D3), 5045-5058. Numerical Simulation of Internal Kelvin Waves and Coastal Upwelling Fronts. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 1197–1215. Date 2010 Chen, F., and J. Dudhia, 2001: Coupling an advanced land-surface/hydrology model with the Penn State/NCAR MM5 modeling system. Part I: Model description and implementation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 69–585. Collins, W.D. et al., 2004: Description of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3.0), NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN-464+STR, 226pp. Hong, S.-Y., J. Dudhia, and S.-H. Chen, 2004: A Revised Approach to Ice Microphysical Processes for the Bulk Parameterization of Clouds and Precipitation, Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 103–120. Hong, S.-Y., and Y. Noh, and J. Dudhia, 2006: A new vertical diffusion package with an explicit treatment of entrainment processes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 2318– 2341. Kain, J. S., and J. M. Fritsch, 1990: A one-dimensional entraining/detraining plume model and its application in convective parameterization, J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 2784–2802. Skamarock, W. C., J. B. Klemp, J. Dudhia, D. O. Gill, D. M. Barker, W. Wang, and J. G. Powers, 2005: A Description of the Advanced Research WRF Version 2. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-468+STR. Wang, W., and Coauthors, 2010: WRF version 3 modeling system User's guide. [Available online from http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/docs/user_guide/] 2001 2004 2006 2009 2006 2004 1993 1997 2004 2004 2006 1990 2005 2010 83 IMO EAC James Woollcott; National Ports Authority of South Africa Urban Hall berg Sjöfartsverket Sweden Scanbi-Invest EAC EAC EAC EAC IMO Govt of Kenya, Tanzania and Seychelles EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC EAC GSMA Development Fund GSMA, Ericsson, Zain Zain IGAD GSMA, Ericsson, Zain Lancaster Lancaster WCRP-CCL CLIPS Commission for Climatology-World Climate Research Program WMO-CLIPS WMO WMO WMO-GFCS WMO-SWFDP WMO WMO-SWFDP Mission Report Improvement Of Aids To Navigation On Lake Victoria 2002-07 Report, Implementation of a Search and Rescue Service on Lake Victoria 2002-07 Study on the Technical Solution for Maritime Communications for Lake Victoria Tripartite Agreement on Inland Waterway Transport The Inter State Agreement Concerning the Use of Search and Rescue Facilities MoU among Kenya, Tanzania, and Seychelles on the Establishment of Mombasa MRCC and its Sub-centres in Tanzania and Seychelles The Lake Victoria Transport Act The report of the stakeholders meeting to discuss the draft report on the study of the technical solution for maritime communications for Lake Victoria Report on field study on the technical solution for maritime communication on Lake Victoria establishment of maritime rescue coordination centre Project - Inception Report Project information to technical committee, Meeting National Lake Rescue Institute, Uganda NLRI Various reports and documents available from www.lakeresue.org. Feasibility Study presentation (GSMA) 2006-03 1998-04 2002-09 2002 2007 2006-04 2006-10 2003-2009 2008 GSMA, Ericsson, Zain GSMA, Ericsson, Zain Press releases 2008 and 2008 2008 Zain ICPAC/RCOF Feasibility Study presentation http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcasp/document/ RCOFsBrochure.pdf; and http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcasp/RCOFRevi ew2008.html): Aid to Africa. University of Chicago Press, 1999, pp. xiv +303. www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/ccl/documents/Joint_C Cl_WCRP_Statement_2010.pdf. 2008 2008 http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcasp/CLIPSIntr oduction.html www.wmo.int/hlt-gfcs/index_en.html Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project-Eastern Africa: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/CBS Reports/documents/Final_report_SWFDPEastern_Africa-Nairobi_workshop.pdf ) “SWFDP Overall Project Plan (2010)”, and “SWFDP Guidebook for Planning Regional Subprojects (2010)” that have been developed by the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) Steering Group on the SWFDP 2010 7.3.9 1999 2010 2010 2010 84 WMO WMO-WAP RCOF RCOF U of Nairobi Chen Mutemi, J.N., L. A. Ogallo, T. N. Krishnamurti, A. K. Mishra, and T. S. V. Vijaya Kumar Chen, F., and J. Dudhia Collins Collins, W.D. et al., Hong Hong, S.-Y., J. Dudhia, and S.-H. Chen Hong Hong, S.-Y., and Y. Noh, and J. Dudhia Huffman Huffman, G.J., R.F. Adler, B. Rudolf, U. Schneider, and P.R. Keehn Huffman, G.J Huffman Huffman Huffman Kain Skamarock Wang Huffman, G.J., R.F. Adler, P. Arkin, A. Chang, R. Ferraro, A. Gruber, J. Janowiak, A. McNab, B. Rudolph, and U. Schneider Huffman, G.J., R.F. Adler, D.T. Bolvin, G. Gu, E.J. Nelkin, K.P. Bowman, Y. Hong, E.F. Stocker, D.B. Wolff Kain, J. S., and J. M. Fritsch Skamarock, W. C., J. B. Klemp, J. Dudhia, D. O. Gill, D. M. Barker, W. Wang, and J. G. Powers Wang, W., and Coauthors (http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/DPFS/Meetings /RAI-EA-TPWSWFDP_Nairobi2010/DocPlan.html) Mobile Weather Alert Project (WAP)(http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/amp/pwsp/documents /Nkalubo_Uganda_1.pdf) www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcasp/RCOFReview 2008.html Multimodel based super ensemble forecasts for short and medium range NWP over various regions of Africa. Meteorol Atmos Phys 95, 87-113. 2011 2008 2007 Coupling an advanced land-surface/hydrology model with the Penn State/NCAR MM5 modeling system. Part I: Model description and implementation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 569–585. Description of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3.0), NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN464+STR, 226pp. A Revised Approach to Ice Microphysical Processes for the Bulk Parameterization of Clouds and Precipitation, Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 103–120. A new vertical diffusion package with an explicit treatment of entrainment processes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 2318–2341. Global precipitation estimates based on a technique for combining satellite-based estimates, rain gauge analysis, and NWP model precipitation information, J. Climate, 8, 1284-1295. Estimates of root-mean-square random error for finite samples of estimated precipitation, J. Appl. Meteor., 1191-1201. The global precipitation climatology project (GPCP) combined precipitation dataset, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 78, 5-20. 2001 The TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis: Quasi-Global, Multi-Year, Combined-Sensor Precipitation Estimates at Fine Scale. J. Hydrometeor., 8(1), 38-55. 2007 A one-dimensional entraining/detraining plume model and its application in convective parameterization, J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 2784–2802. A Description of the Advanced Research WRF Version 2. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-468+STR. 1990 WRF version 3 modeling system User's guide. [Available online from http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/docs/user_guide/] 2010 2004 2004 2006 1995 1997 1997 2005 85 Annex 3: Programme for the Stakeholders’ Workshop STAKEHOLDERS WORKSHOP FOR ENHANCING SAFETY OF NAVIGATION AND EFFICIENT EXPLOITATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES OVER LAKE VICTORIA AND ITS BASIN BY STRENGHTENING METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES FOR LAKE VICTORIA 18TH – 19TH JULY 2011 TOM MBOYA COLLEGE, KISUMU, KENYA Agenda Day-‐1: July 18th Session 1 8:30 am – 9:30 am: Welcome remarks and introductions - LVBC Secretariat - Project PI - Introductions of all participants - Brief message from each EAC member country (Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) Session 2 9:30 am-‐10:00 am: Objective; scope and perspective of the project Tea Break 10:00 am-‐10:15 am Session 3 10:15 am-‐2:00 pm: - Reports from the experts and discussion - Atmospheric observations expert report (Sandra Yuter/Casey Burleyson/Lynn Rose) - Marine observations and prediction system expert report (Lian Xie) - Discussion (Lead TBA; Rap TBA) Lunch Break 12:15 pm-‐01:00 pm Session 3 (continued) 01:00am-‐02:00 pm - User interface expert report (James Kiwanuka-‐Tondo) - Discussion (Lead TBA; Rap TBA) Session 4 02:00pm-‐0300pm - Status and Gaps in areas investigated by experts - NMHS (Representatives of 5 EAC member countries) - ICPAC (Ogallo/Mutemi) Tea Break 03:00pm-‐03:15pm Session 6 03:15pm-‐05:15pm - Three Breakout Groups (Chairs: Ambenje/Mutemi,Ogallo, Semazzi) - TOR to be circulated during the session 86 Day-‐2: July 19th Session 6 08:30am-‐09:00am Report back of the breakout groups by rap, experts (Casey Burleyson/Lynn, James Kiwanuka-‐Tondo, Lian Xie; chair, TBA) Session 7 09:00am-‐09:15am Discussion and wrap up of session 6 (Chair TBA; rap, experts) Session 8 (concurrent with tea) Training on survey questionnaire (James Kiwanuka-‐Tondo) Session 9 11:15am-‐01:00pm : Way Forward 01:00pm-‐01:30pm Closing TOR for Breakout Groups: gaps; identify collaborators; strategy for implementation (to be completed on Sunday at dinner: Fred, Laban, Joseph, Peter, James, Casey, Lynn, Lian, Gerson, Mungai) 87 Annex 4: List of Delegates Attending the Workshop for Stakeholders for Enhancing Safety of Navitagion and Efficient Exploitation of Natural Resources over Lake Victoria and its Basin by Strengthening Meteorological Services for Lake Victoria Basin BURUNDI Mr. Dukundane Dieudonne Ag. Director Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Equipment International Transport Department Bujumbura Port Administrative Building P.O. Box 2400 Bujumbura, BURUNDI Tel. No: +257-79340517 Fax No: +257-22-223346 Email: [email protected] Mr. Rurantije Aloys Director Geographic Institute of Burundi Hydro-Meteorological Department B.P. 34 Gitega, BURUNDI Tel. No: +257-79957912 Fax No: +257-22402625 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ruben Barakiza Senior Meteorologist Burundi National Meteorological Service P.O. Box 331 Bujumbura, BURUNDI Tel. No: +257-79948450 Fax No: +257-22-402625 Email: [email protected] RWANDA Mr. Twahirwa Anthony Meteorologist Rwanda Meteorological Services Meteorology Department B.P. 898 Kigali, RWANDA Tel. No: +250-788484636 Email: [email protected] TANZANIA Mr. Ndikuriyo Richard Advisor at Department of Infrastructure, Economics and Sector Productive Ministry of East African Community Affairs B.P. 6054 Bujumbura, BURUNDI Tel. No: +257-79915836 Fax No: +257-22258040 Email: [email protected] Mr. Wilbert Timiza Meteorologist Tanzania Meteorological Agency P.O. Box 3056 Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA Tel. No: +255-22-2460706 Fax No: +255-22-2460735 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Mr. Gahungu Fidéle Director Ministry of Agriculture ISABU/DEMSP Avenue de la Cathedrale Bujumbura, BURUNDI Tel. No: +257-79923799 Email: [email protected] UGANDA Dr. Wesonga Ronald Principal Meteorologist Ministry of Water and Environment P.O. Box 7025 Kampala, UGANDA Tel. No: +256-772454680 Fax No: +256-414-321403 Email: [email protected] 88 KENYA Mr. Peter Ambenje Deputy Director Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources Kenya Meteorological Department P.O. Box 30259 – 00100 Nairobi, KENYA Tel. No: +254-20-3876957 Fax No: +254-20-3876955 Email: [email protected] Mr. Charles O. Mugah Provincial Director of Meteorology Kenya Meteorological Services P.O. Box 336 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-729001060 Fax No: +254-57-2024105 Email: [email protected] Mr. Geoffrey P. Kituyi Assistant Director of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Policy, Programmes and Projects P.O. Box 30028 – 00100 Nairobi, KENYA Tel. No: +254-722484801 Fax No: +254-20-2718810 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jane M. Kibwage Assistant Director of Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries Development P.O. Box 58187 – 00200 Nairobi, KENYA Tel. No: +254-20-3742320/722715517 Email: [email protected] Ms. Felistus M. Kilile Tourist Officer Ministry of Tourism Tourism Department P.O. Box 55 - 40123 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2033865 Fax No: +254-57-2500168 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Mr. Ogallo Laban Director ICPAC IGAD/ICPAC P.O. Box 10304 Nairobi, KENYA Tel. No: +254-20-3514426 Fax No: +254-20-3514426 Email: [email protected] Dr. Joseph N. Mutemi Climate Scientist ICPAC/University of Nairobi Meteorology Department P.O. Box 30192 – 00100 Nairobi, KENYA Tel. No: +254-722890176 Email: [email protected] Mr. Stephen Njoroge WMO Representative World Meteorological Organization P.O. Box 1395 – 00606 Nairobi, KENYA Tel. No: +254-20-3877371 Fax No: +254-20-3877371 Email: [email protected] Dr. Godfrey O. Ogonda Deputy Director Incharge of Programmes Osienala (Friends of Lake Victoria) P.O. Box 4580 – 40103 Nairobi, KENYA Tel. No: +254-728777863 Email: [email protected] Dr. Tsuma Jembe Senior Research Scientist K.M.F.R.I. P.O. Box 1881 - 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-20-2443891 Email: [email protected] Mr. John Ooko Chairman LVRS Mbita/Suba National Chairman P.O. Box 125 Mbita, Homa Bay, KENYA Tel. No: +254-20-726506815 89 Mr. John Onyango Ongoro Locational Coordinator Rescue/BMU P.O. Box 241 Mbita, KENYA Tel. No: +254-729983764 Mr. Jared Onyango Transport Boat Owners P.O. Box 315 Mbita, KENYA Tel. No: +254-733529826 Mr. Elly Owaga Odongo District Coordinator Lake Victoria Rescue and Safety Networking Group Rescue and Safety P.O. Box 39 Siaya, KENYA Tel. No: +254-717951592 Mr. William Orembo Okilla Community Member BMU Fishing/Rescue P.O. Box 54 Usenge, KENYA Tel. No: +254-751788945 Mr. Naum Otieno Okila General Coordinator Lake Victoria Rescue and Safety Networking Group P.O. Box 297 – 40305 Mbita, KENYA Tel. No: +254-729706948 Fax No: +254-59-212286 Email: [email protected] Mr. Daniel Ouko Onyango BMU Secretary and Division Coordinator Lake Victoria Rescue and Safety Team Rescue and Safety Department P.O. Box 357 Mbita, KENYA Tel. No: +254-725217600 Email: [email protected] Mr. Peter Odhiambo Oluoch Divisional Secretary Lake Victoria Rescue Rescue BMU P.O. Box 309 Mbita, KENYA Tel. No: +254-738376666 Mr. Edward Ochaye Nyambeka BMU Chairman Lake Victoria Rescue and Safety Rescue and Safety Department P.O. Box 584 Bondo, KENYA Tel. No: +254-727298320 Mr. Moses Ratori Gusero District BMU Chairman District Coordinator, Samia Lake Victoria Rescue and Safety P.O. Box 88 Sio Port, Busia, KENYA Tel. No: +254-737817254/710362424 Mr. Joseph Ekhaba Nyangweso Bunyala District Coordinator Lake Victoria Rescue and Safety P.O. Box 33 Port Victoria, Busia, KENYA Tel. No: +254-718792930 Mr. Maurice Otieno Owuor District Coordinator, Kisumu West/BMU Chairman Lake Victoria Safety and Net Group P.O. Box 41 Paw-Akuche, KENYA Tel. No: +254723790994/723790994/735568935 Mr. Zadock Ogongo Otieno District Coordinator, Kisumu East BMU Treasurer Lake Victoria Safety and Network Group Rescue and Safety P.O. Box 41 Paw-Akuche, KENYA Tel. No: +254-713596879 90 Mr. Peter Ouma Anyango BMU Patrol Lake Victoria Rescue and Safety P.O. Box 63 Madiany, KENYA Tel. No: +254-715276744 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Dr. James Kiwanuka Tondo Associate Professor North Carolina State University Communication Department Campus Box 8104, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA Tel. No: +919-513-1477 Fax No: +919-515-9456 Email: [email protected] Dr. Pascal Waniha Research Associate North Carolina State University Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Science 4144 Jordan Hall Raleigh, NC 27695 - 8208 USA Tel. No: +919-515-2470 Email: [email protected] Mr. Casey Burleyson Graduate Student/Radar Meteorologist North Carolina State University Marine Earth and Atmospheric Science 535 Jordan Hall NC, State University Raleigh, NC 27695 Tel. No: +1-704-491-5942 Email: [email protected] R. Lynn Rose Consultant to North Carolina State University Atmospheric Technology Service Company P.O. Box 3029 Norman, OK USA Tel. No: +918-688-7801 Fax No: +405-325-2005 Email: [email protected] Prof. LIAN XIE Professor North Carolina State University Department of MEAS, NCSU P.O. Box 8208 Raleigh, NC 276 - 8208 USA Tel. No: +919-515-1435 Fax No: +919-515-7802 Email: [email protected] EAST ARICAN COMMUNITY SECRETARIAT [EAC] Ms. Ntamubano Wivine Principal Environment Natural Officer AICC, 5th Floor, Kilimanjaro Wing P.O. Box 1096 Arusha, TANZANIA Tel. No: +255-27-2504253/8 Email: [email protected] Resources Mr. John Mungai Senior Meteorologist AICC, 5th Floor, Kilimanjaro Wing P.O. Box 1096 Arusha, TANZANIA Tel. No: +255-27-2504253/8/+255-762390982 Email: [email protected] LAKE VICTORIA BASIN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT [LVBC] Dr. Canisius K. Kanangire Executive Secretary P.O. Box 1510 – 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2026344/2023873/894 Fax No: +254-57-2026324 Email: [email protected] Mr. Samuel K. Gichere Deputy Executive Secretary Programmes and Projects [PP] P.O. Box 1510 – 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2026344/2023873/894 Fax No: +254-57-2026324 Email: [email protected] 91 Mr. Gerson Fumbuka Maritime Safety Officer P.O. Box 1510 – 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2026344/2023873/894 Fax No: +254-57-2026324 Email: [email protected] Mr. Fredrick Mhina Mngube Environment and Natural Resources Officer P.O. Box 1510 – 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2026344/2023873/894 Fax No: +254-57-2026324 Email: [email protected] Dr. Raymond Mngodo Regional Project Coordinator – LVEMP II P.O. Box 1510 – 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2026344/2023873/894 Fax No: +254-57-2026324 Email: [email protected] Ms. Anne Awinja Personal Secretary P.O. Box 1510 – 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2026344/2023873/894 Fax No: +254-57-2026324 Email: [email protected] Mr. Vincent Hagono Project Coordinator – MCSLV P.O. Box 1510 – 40100 Kisumu, KENYA Tel. No: +254-57-2026344/2023873/894 Fax No: +254-57-2026324 Email: [email protected] 92 Annex 5: Survey Questionnaire North Carolina State University, Lake Victoria Basin Commission, and the meteorology departments of the East African Community member countries are interested in your views about marine safety and efficient exploitation of natural resources on Lake Victoria and its basin. Please respond as honestly as you can. All responses are important to us. If unsure give us your best guess. Section A: 1. What is your sex? Please circle one Male 2. Age Female Please circle one 3. Below 15 years 15-18 years 19-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55 and above What is your marital status? Please circle one Single 4. 5. 6. 7. Married Divorced Dating Widowed What is your country of residence? ________________________(Pease indicate) What is the distance of the place of residence from the landing site in kilometers? ________________________(Pease indicate) What main languages do you speak ____________________________________(Pease indicate) What is your employment status? Please circle one 93 Self-employed Employed by other(s) Not employed 8. Please state your occupation _______________________________ 9. What is your monthly income? Please circle one $0-‐$999 $1,000-‐$1,999 $2,000-‐$2,999 $3,000-‐$3,999 10. What is the highest level of education that you have achieved? $4,000-‐$4,999 More than $5,000 Please circle one No formal education Elementary School Middle School High School graduate degree /diploma Two-year college Bachelors degree Post- Section B: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. What are the most important navigation hazards on Lake Victoria? _______________________________________________ (Please indicate in rank of importance) What are the most important weather hazards on Lake Victoria? _______________________________________________ (Please indicate in rank of importance) What are the most important water hazards on Lake Victoria? _______________________________________________ (Please indicate in rank of importance) What specific weather hazards have you experienced on Lake Victoria in the past three months? _______________________________________ (Please indicate) Which are the most dangerous hot spots or rocky crops that you know on Lake Victoria? _______________________________________ (Please indicate) Do you know where the meteorology station/ weather station in your district or region is located? Please circle one Yes No 94 17. If you answered NO, please skip to question 22 Do you know the services that the meteorology / weather station in your district or region provides? Please circle one Yes No If you answered NO, please skip to question 22 18. How much do you know about the services that the meteorology / weather stations in your district or region provide? Please circle one Very little 19. Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot How much information about weather changes on the Lake Victoria do the meteorology /weather stations in your district or region provides? Please circle one Very little 20. Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot How much information about storms on the Lake Victoria do the meteorology /weather stations in your district or region provide? Please circle one Very little 21. Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot How much information about the safety of Lake Victoria do the meteorology / weather stations in your district or region provide? Please circle one 95 Very little 22. Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot In which season do you normally experience severe storms on Lake Victoria? Please circle one March- May June-August September-November December-February 23. 24. How many times have seen storms on Lake Victoria in the past three months? _________________________________ (Please indicate) Do you know anyone who has died or drowned or whose boat capsized on Lake Victoria in the past three months? Please circle one Yes No 25. 26. If you answered NO, please skip to question 26 How many people have died or drowned on Lake Victoria in the past three months? _______________________________________ (Please indicate) Please indicate how satisfied you are with the information about weather changes that the meteorology / weather station /media /disaster preparedness office in your district or region provides. Please circle one Very unsatisfied 27. Unsatisfied Not sure Satisfied Very satisfied Please indicate how satisfied you are with the information about safety on Lake Victoria that the meteorology / weather station /media /disaster preparedness office in your district or region provides. Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Not sure Satisfied Very satisfied Section C: 28. What is the traditional name for Lake Victoria in your language? _________________________________________________ (Please indicate) 96 29. 30. What does this name mean? _________________________________ (Please indicate) Have you traveled by boat or ship on Lake Victoria in the past three months? Please circle one Yes No 31. If you answered NO, please skip to question 31 How often do you travel in a boat or ship on Lake Victoria? Please circle one Rarely 32. Not sure Sometimes Always How comfortable have you felt when you traveled by boat or ship on Lake Victoria in the past three months? Please circle one Very uncomfortable Comfortable 33. Uncomfortable Unsure Very comfortable Have you been fishing on Lake Victoria in the past three months? Please circle one Yes No 34. If you answered NO, please skip to question 42 How often do you fish on Lake Victoria? Please circle one 97 Rarely 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Not sure Sometimes Always How far from the landing site in kilometers do you normally fish? _________________________________________________ (Please indicate) How long does it normally take you to get from the landing site to the fishing point? _________________________________________________ (Please indicate) What time do you normally set out for fishing on Lake Victoria? your fishing operation? _________________________________________________ (Please indicate) What time do you normally set out for the return journey from your fishing operation? _________________________________________________ (Please indicate) What are the most favorable weather conditions for fishing on Lake Victoria? _________________________________________________ (Please indicate) What are the most favorable water conditions for fishing on Lake Victoria? _________________________________________________ (Please indicate) How comfortable have you felt when fishing on Lake Victoria in the past three months? Please circle one Very uncomfortable Comfortable 42. Uncomfortable Unsure Very comfortable Please indicate how satisfied you are with the exploitation of Lake Victoria for fishing? Please circle one Very unsatisfied 43. Unsatisfied Not sure Satisfied Very satisfied Please indicate how satisfied you are with the exploitation of Lake Victoria for providing fresh water? Please circle one Very unsatisfied 44. Unsatisfied Not sure Satisfied Very satisfied Please indicate how satisfied you are with the exploitation of Lake Victoria for irrigation of crops? Please circle one Very unsatisfied 45. Unsatisfied Not sure Satisfied Very satisfied Please indicate to what extent you feel the Lake Victoria contributes to the spread of malaria in your district or region. Please circle one 98 Very little 46. Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot Please indicate to what extent you feel the Lake Victoria contributes to the spread of cholera in your district or region. Please circle one Very little 47. Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot Please indicate to what extent you feel the Lake Victoria contributes to the spread of typhoid in your district or region. Please circle one Very little 48. Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot Please indicate to what extent you feel the Lake Victoria contributes to the spread of HIV/AIDS in your district or region. Please circle one Very little Fairly little Not sure quite a lot A lot Section D: 49. Do you have a cell phone? Yes No 50. 51. 52. 53. If you answered NO, please skip to question 43 How many times have you used a cell phone to get information regarding Lake Victoria in the past three months? ________________________________(Please indicate) Where do you get information about the weather in your district or region? ______________________________________________(Please indicate) Who do you trust the most on information regarding Lake Victoria? ______________________________________________(Please indicate) What else should be done by the lake Victoria Basin Commission or meteorology /weather stations or governments to improve safety of navigation on Lake Victoria? ______________________________________________(Please indicate) Thank you very much for taking time to answer the questionnaire. 99 Annex-6: Evidence of Severe Weather over Lake Victoria (Waterspouts over Lake Victoria) Evidence of Waterspouts over Lake Victoria (Hale Carpenter, Nature, 1922, No 2760, Vol. 110) 100 Figure 27: Evidence of water spouts over Lake Victoria, a potential hazard for marine navigation over the lake to be assessed in the feasibility study. (Pictures of water spout in Entebbe, Uganda, 14 December 2009, from video footage of a waterspout over Lake Victoria; full video at http://wn.com/Water_Spout_Entebbe-Uganda) 101 Annex 7: List of Acronyms ADB ADCPS AMIP AMMA AMSS ARW AMSS ATS ATSC AWOS AWS CATT CAWG CBS CCl CEOP CLICOM CLIMLAB CLIPS CLIVAR CMIP CML CTB CTD CTOR DARE DFID EAC EASSy ECMWF ENSO EOL EUMETSAT GCOS GDPFS GEWEX GFCS GFS GOOS GPS GSMA HLT HYVIC African Development Bank Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project African Monsoon Multi-Disciplinary Analysis Automatic Message Switching System Advanced Research WRF Automatic Message Switching System Atmospheric Technology Services Atmospheric Technology Services Company Automatic Weather Observation Systems Automatic Weather Systems CLIVAR Africa Task Team Clivar Africa Working Group Commission for Basic Systems Commission of Climatology Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project Climate Computing Project Climate Modeling Laboratory Climate Information and Prediction Services Climate Variability Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Climate Modeling Laboratory Climate Test Bed Conductivity Temperature and Depth Consolidated Terms of Reference Climate Change and Development Adapting by Reducing Department for International Development East Africa Community East Africa Submarine Cable System European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts El-Nino / Southern Oscillation Earth Observing Laboratory European Meteorological Satellites Global Climate Observing System Global Framework for Climate Services Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment Global Framework for Climate Services Global Forecast System Global Ocean Observing System Global Positioning Systems Global System for Mobile Association High Level Taskforce Regional Hydroclimate Project 102 ICAO ICPAC ICTP IDRC IGAD IMO IOOS IPCC JNT KMD KOICA LST LVB LVBC MTN MV MRMS MSG NASA NCAR NCEP NCST NCSU NEWS NGOs NGWLMS NMHS NMS NSF NWLON NWP PBL PEER PI POM PPP PR PWS QBO R&D RAL RCC RCOF RSIP RSMC RegCM International Civil Aviation Authority IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center International Centre for Theoretical Physics International Development Research Centre Inter-Governmental Authority on Development International Maritime Organization Integrated Ocean Observing System Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Joint Numerical Testbed Kenya Meteorological Department Korea International Cooperation Agency Lake Surface Temperature Lake Victoria Basin Lake Victoria Basin Commission Mobile Telephone Network Marine Vessel Meteorological Risk Management Strategies Meteosat Second Generation National Aeronautic and Space Administration National Center for Atmospheric Research National Centre for Environmental Prediction National Council of Science and Technology North Carolina State University Navigation Early Warning System Non Governmental Organizations Next Generation Water Level Measurement System National Meteorological and Hydrological Services National Meteorological Centre National Science Foundation NOAA-National Water Level Observation Network Numerical Weather Prediction Planetary Boundary Layer Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research Principal Investigator Princeton Ocean Model Public Private Partnership Precipitation Radar Public Weather Services Quasi-Bi-annual Oscillation Research and Development Research Applications Laboratory Regional Climate Centre Regional Climate Outlook Forum Regional Sub-project Implementation Plan Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre Regional Coupled Model 103 RHP SAR SOP SMS SST START SWAN SWFDP THORPEX TOR TRMM UK UKMO US USAID USD VACS WAP WCRP WGNR WIO WLS WMO WRF WSM5 WWRP YSU ZDR Regional Hydroclimate Projects Search and Rescue Science Oversight Panel Short Message Service Sea Surface Temperature SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training Simulating WAves Nearshore Model Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project THe Observing system Research and Predictability EXperiment Terms of Reference Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission United Kingdom United Kingdom Meteorological Office United States United States Agency for International Development United Stated Dollars Variability of the African Climate System Mobile Weather Alert Project World Climate Research Program Working Group on Nowcasting Research Western Indian Ocean Water Level Stations World Meteorological Organization Weather and Research Forecast model WRF Single Moment Scheme number 5 World Weather Research Programme Yonsei University Zonal Differential Reflectivity 104