Status WLSF Neutron Detector Prototype from Juelich
Status WLSF Neutron Detector Prototype from Juelich
Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Status WLSF Neutron Detector Prototype from Juelich 29. October 2013 | ZEA-2 – Electronic Systems | Ralf Engels and Guenter Kemmerling Outline • Measurement at HEIDI instrument • Prototype of WLSF Detector Module • Comparison between single and double ended fiber readout Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft • Conclusion Measurements at HEIDI instrument • Neutron wavelengths of 0.8 Å und 1.17 Å • Transmission measurements with 3He-detector: HEIDI 3He-Detector Scintillator with B4C-aperture in front of detector Absorption properties of different scintillators Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft WLSF-Detectorprototyp • Measurements with small WLSF-prototype: Development of neutron detection algorithms Determination of light yield, time characteristics, detection efficiency, position resolution with two fiber ends per pixel Neutron Absorption Measurements @HEIDI Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft He-3 Detector Quality control of delivered scintillators • tolerances of the delivered scintillators at different compositions from two suppliers • High number 6Li atoms result in the higher absorption • Sandwich-Layout with absorption of up to ~65% at 2:1 composition Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Comparison of AST and Eljen • Absorption measurements with AST scintillators using different thicknesses but the same composition. • Absorption measurements with Eljen scintillators with different thickness and composition. • Squares are showing the same scintillator at different wavelength • Squares are showing the same scintillator at different wavelength • The colored curve is the absorption calculation for different wavelength with this composition • The colored curve is the absorption calculation for different wavelength with this composition Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Single and double ended fiber readout Measurements: •B4C-diaphrgam in neutron beam Diaphragm with 2cm hole Position reconstruction: •Center-of-Gravity Method over the illuminated WLSF Absorption Efficiency for the WLSF Detector: • Close to neutron absorption for the measured scintillators •Comparison with single and double ended fiber readout with adequate results compared to absorption Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Difference between one and two scintillators In blue and red one can see the different hits per plane with only on scintillator. The blue curve is the plane located next to the scintillator and red is the second plane with less counts due to less photons Picture of the double ended fiber readout setup and the orthogonal grid in front but with no scintillator In blue and red one can see the different hits per plane with two scintialltors on each side. Here one can see no different anymore while no „shading“ effect Position Reconstruction & Detection Efficiency (single) Measurements: •Single ended fiber readout •B4C-diaphragm in neutron beam •Diaphragm with 4mm holes and 10mm spacing Position reconstruction: •Center-of-Gravity Method over the illuminated WLSF •1,727 ±0,17 bin / mm pixel size in the diagram •Reconstructed Peaks with FWHM of δ_= 3,62 ±0,11 bin => δ = 2,10 ±0,06 mm => 4,94 ±0,14 mm Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Detection Efficiency: •Close to theoretical calculation •Further data analysis will take place in the next couple month Results of WLSF test measurements @HEIDI Feb. 2013 Position Reconstruction & Detection Efficiency (double) Measurements: •Double ended fiber readout •Peak / Valley much better than single ended •B4C-diaphrgam in neutron beam •Diaphragm with 4mm holes and 10mm spacing Position reconstruction: •Center-of-Gravity Method over the illuminated WLSF •Reconstructed Peaks with FWHM of δ_= 2,65 ±0,13 bin => δ = 1,62 ±0,08 mm => 3,81 ±0,18 mm Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Detection Efficiency: •Close to theoretical calculation •Further data analysis will take place in the next couple month Results of WLSF test measurements @HEIDI Feb. 2013 „Big“ WLSF Prototype and next steps Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Detector module-Prototype tested : •30 cm x 30 cm active area •256 WLSF in total for X/Y- direction read out by 4 MaPMTs from Hamamatsu •First operation with neutrons from a 252Cf-source in 09/12, •First successful operation with neutrons @TREFF FRM II in 03/13 Block diagram of the Chip based read out electronics for one detector segment Prototype structure • 32 fibers per layer • 1mm spacing between fibers Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft • • • • H7546 Multi Anode PMT MaPMT Adapter Board MAROC board Pre-FPGA Board Fiber; double ended readout Fiber grid with scintillator MaPMT readout electronic for 64 channels • MAROC ASIC from Omega Variable gain preamplifier 0-4 Fast bipolar and unipolar shaper (15 ns) with discriminator for each channel 100% trigger efficiency at 1/3 p.e (= 50fC), Qmax = 5pC Slow shaper with 2 S&H for on-chip Wilkinson-ADC • Benefits: Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Correction of PMT non uniformity 64 trigger outputs for photon counting Analog information for calibration Low Power Consumption: 5 mW/ch. • Total electronic with FPGA board and optical link is in the commissioning phase at ZEA-2 Conclusion • Absorption measurements at a certain wavelength from different supplier are analyzed and double checked • Measurements with small size prototype for determination of neutron event characteristics and development of detection algorithm • Prototype for detector module with 256 fibers has been tested at TREFF based on a crate readout electronic for pulse analysis • Comparison measurements between single and double ended fiber readout has been tested an characterized Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft • Readout electronic: Board design and fabrication for a 64 channel MaPMT has been finished. The FPGA board is in the commissioning phase together with the MAROC3 board. • Further topics: Adaption of the readout to a MaPMT Event detection and total read out electronic need to be designed Detection algorithm Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Teamwork !!! Thanks !
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