Leisure - Light Bulb Languages
Leisure - Light Bulb Languages
German word knowledge: Leisure 1. Who is selling this Siberian tiger? (1) Sib. Tiger (Zirkus, Papiere vorh.), frisch präp., zu verk.: 7500,- DM;08031/67471 2. A German friend is having a party. You receive this electronic postcard. What does the message say? (1) 3. What does this sign outside a building mean? (1) 4. What kind of card is this? (1) 5. Otto is a popular German comedian. What kind of film has he made here? (1) 6. A friend of yours wants to attend the gymnastics display advertised on this poster. What do you tell your friend? (1) 7. This “Kinder”product has been advertised on British TV. What is it called here? (1) 1. 8. What service is available here? (1) 9. What can you hire for 4 hours for 22 euros? (1) 10. This advertisement is targeting Bavarians with an interest in what pastime? (2) 11. What kind of film is “The last Trapper”? (1) Der letzte Trapper Dokumentarfilm Im kanadischen Yukon-Gebiet lebt Norman Winther, einer der letzten wirklich ursprünglichen Trapper Nordamerikas. 12. This is a plan of what facility? (1) 13. What is this poster advertising? (1) 2. 14. What event has this association organised? (1) 15. “The Princes”are commemorating 10 years of what? (1) 16. What will this hotel send you if you click on this button on their website? (1) 17. What has Herman van Veen recorded on this CD? (1) 18. Who are Daniel Brühl, August Diehl, Anna Maria Mühe, Jana Pallaske and Thure Lindhardt? (1) 19. Your penfriend gives you this small piece of cardboard. What is it? (2) 20. You see this sign in a bookstore. What kind of books will you find here? (1) 3. 21. What kind of music is this book about? (1) 22. Here is an example of “concrete poetry”. What does the German phrase used mean? 23. What aspect of horse-riding is illustrated in this captioned drawing? (1) 24. What mouse click are you being recommended to make? (2) 25. What kind of film is this book about? (1) 26. Who are these men from Finsterwalde? (1) 27. How will this video equipment help the hearing impaired? (1) 4. 28. What does this sign say you are not allowed to enter? (1) 29. This cartoon’ s caption says that people spend 30% of their lives asleep. How else is a lot of time spent? (1) 30. What has been written on this sheet of paper (1) 31. You are in North Rhine Westphalia (NRW). What facility is signposted here? (1) 32. The art and culture association of Damme publishes this brochure. What is in the brochure? (1) 33. What kind of greetings card is this? (1) 34. What does this cartoon’ s caption say? (1) 5. 35. What does the title of this guide to Hamburg mean? (1) 36. What is being organised to encourage young people to have a say in their local community? (1) 37. What does this film title mean? (1) 38. Brehm run a caretaking service. What promise do they make? (2) 39. What does the composer Franz Schubert say about people who love music? (1) 40. What is “Kim Possible”? (1) 41. What information is provided here about visiting this cave in the Czech Republic? (1) Eintrittsgeld: Voller Eintritt Kinder, Studenten, Rentner Behinderte Zuschlag für eine Führung in Fremdsprachen 42. What does this business specialise in? (1) 6. 50,- Kč 25,- Kč 20,- Kč 20,- Kč 43. What item is broadcast at 6.30 am during “Morgenecho”? (1) 06.05 Uhr Morgenecho darin: Nachrichten um 06.30 Uhr 44. “Minority Report”is an American film with Tom Cruise. What kind of film is it? (1) 08:00 Minority Report USA-Spielfilm, 2002 (Minority Report). Sciencefictionfilm mit Tom Cruise. 45. What is “Raumpatrouille Orion”? (2) Raumpatrouille Orion Planet außer Kurs Sciencefiction-Serie, Deutschland, 1966, 56 min, FSK 12 46. What is “Unsere Stimme”? (1) 47. What kind of video is “Zazie dans le Métro”? (1) Zazie in der Metro: ein Lustfilm für die ganze Familie. 1 Videokassette (VHS, 90 Min.) 48. What kind of book is Dieter Forte’ s “Kaspar Hauser’ s Death”? (1) 49. The disappearance of what is a feature of this radio play? (1) 50. Brigitte Reimann has published her 1955-1963 diaries. What does the German title she has chosen mean? (1) 51. What does this customer say about his experience when ordering goods from this online company? (1) "Super, genial und sicherlich nicht das letzte Mal." 52. Here is a heading on a restaurant menu. What does it mean? (1) 7. Leisure: Vocabulary List Abenteuerfilm der annehmen Anzeige die Ausflug der ausgehen ausverkauft Ausweis der bedauern bestimmt Dokumentarfilm der einladen Einladung die Eintritt der Eintrittsgeld das Film der Freizeitpark der Grund der Horrorfilm der Informationsbüro das Karte die klassisch Konzert das Krimi der Liebesfilm der Lied das Liste die Lustfilm der Nachrichten die Pop Programm das Prospekt der Sänger der Schauspieler der Sciencefiction die Sciencefictionfilm der Segelboot das Sendung die Serie die adventure film accept advertisement trip, excursion to go out sold out identity card to regret definitely documentary to invite invitation admission admission price film theme park grounds horror film information office ticket classical concert detective story romance song list comedy news pop programme brochure singer actor science fiction science fiction film sailing boat programme series 8. Leisure: Vocabulary List sicherlich Sitz der Sportplatz der Sportzentrum das Tanz der Theaterstück das Touristeninformation die überraschen Überraschung die unglücklich Untertitel der Versammlung die vorschlagen Vorstellung die warten auf Zettel der Zirkus der certainly seat sports ground sports centre dance theatre play tourist information to surprise surprise unlucky, unhappy subtitle assembly to suggest performance to wait for label, scrap of paper circus 9.