icindekiler DK ingilizce
icindekiler DK ingilizce
‹LK Ö⁄RET‹M ‹NG‹L‹ZCE Four Seasons English 8 STUDENT’S BOOK Bu kitap, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı’nın 08.12.2011 tarih ve 207 sayılı kurul kararıyla 2012-2013 öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süreyle ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir. YAZAR Filiz KARA D İ K EY YAY I N C I LI K Her hakkı saklıdır ve DİKEY YAYINCILIK SAN. ve TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ne aittir. İçindeki şekil, yazı metin ve grafikler, yayın evinin izni olmadan alınamaz; fotokopi, teksir, film şeklinde ve başka hiçbir şekilde çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz ve yayımlanamaz. ISBN: 978-975-9168-05-6 Editör Esra ÇAKIR Görsel Tasarım Uzmanı Yrd. Doc. Dr. Anıl ERTOK ATMACA Program Geliştirme Uzmanı Yusuf SARIGÜNEY Ölçme Değerlendirme Uzmanı Kenan GEDİK Rehberlik / Gelişim Uzmanı Filiz YILMAZ D İ K EY YAY I N C I LI K Kavacık Subayevleri Mah. Fahrettin Altay Cad. Nu.: 4/8 Keçiören/ANKARA tel.: (0.312) 318 51 51- 50 • Belgeç : 318 52 51 İSTİKLÂL MARŞI Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Bastığın yerleri “toprak!” diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da, bu cennet vatanı. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl... Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ? Şühedâ fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şühedâ! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüdâ. Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Ruhumun senden, İlâhi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar -ki şahadetleri dinin temeliEbedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar, Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, “Medeniyet!” dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşım, Her cerîhamdan, İlâhi, boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerred gibi yerden na’şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın. Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va’dettiği günler Hakk’ın... Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl: Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış, bayrağımın hürriyet; Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif ERSOY 3 ATATÜRK’ÜN GENÇLİĞE HİTABESİ Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk cumhuriyetini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni, bu hazineden, mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî, bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın, bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır! Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asîl kanda, mevcuttur! 4 MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK (1881 - 1938) 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITS ........................................................................ Page 8 UNIT ONE ...................................................................................................................................... Page 10 FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP RULES UNIT TWO ...................................................................................................................................... Page 20 ROAD TO SUCCESS STUDY SKILLS UNIT THREE .................................................................................................................................. Page 30 IMPROVING ONE’S LOOKS BODY CARE UNIT FOUR .................................................................................................................................... Page 41 DREAMS SWEET DREAMS UNIT FIVE .................................................................................................................................... Page 52 ATATÜRK:THE FOUNDER OF TURKISH PEPUBLIC THE INDEPENDENCE WAR UNIT SIX ........................................................................................................................................Page 65 DETECTIVE STORIES THE STORY OF THE STOLEN NECKLACE UNIT SEVEN .................................................................................................................................. Page 75 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES PLACES UNIT EIGHT .................................................................................................................................. Page 85 COOPERATION IN THE FAMILY RUNNING ERRANDS 6 UNIT NINE .................................................................................................................................... Page 97 SUCCESS STORIES A LIVING SCIENTIST UNIT TEN .................................................................................................................................... Page 108 READING FOR ENTERTAINMENT A MODERN SHORT STORY UNIT ELEVEN ............................................................................................................................ Page 119 PERSONAL GOALS KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT UNIT TWELVE ............................................................................................................................ Page 130 PERSONALITY TYPES IDENTIFYING STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES UNIT THIRTEEN ........................................................................................................................ Page 140 LANGUAGE LEARNING A GOOD LANGUAGE LEARNER UNIT FOURTEEN ...................................................................................................................... Page 150 PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES SENSIBLE PRECAUTIONS UNIT FIFTEEN ............................................................................................................................ Page 161 PREFERENCES HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES UNIT SIXTEEN .......................................................................................................................... Page 171 EMPATHY UNDERSTANDING OTHERS WORD LIST ................................................................................................................................ Page 181 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................ Page 186 7 ORGANIZATION Unit number UNIT ONE Unit name FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP RULES Topic name 1 Do you think you are a true friend? 2 Do you think your friends are true friends? 3 What qualities do you think a true friend should have? 4 Do you get on well with your friends? 5 What do you do when you hurt one of your friends? 6 Do you have any pastime activities with your friends? 10 The number of the question page number 8 The introduction questions of the unit OF THE UNITS The instruction of the activity LISTENING 1 Answer the questions. 1. Do you share your problems with your friends? 2. Do you trust your friends? The number of the activity 2 Listen to the CD. Answer the questions. 1) What is it about? 2) What’s the message with it? 3 Listen to the first two stanzas of the song “Count on Me” by Whitney Houston and Cece Winans . Find the correct option. Then fill in the blanks. I can see it’s hurting you I can feel your 9) _____ It’s 10) _____ to see the sunshine through the rain I know sometimes it 11) _____ as if It’s never gonna end 12) _____ you’ll get through it Just don’t give in cuz you can Count on me through 1) ______ and thin A friendship that I will never 2) ______ When you are 3) ______ I will 4) ____ strong Helping you 5) ____ carry on 6) _____ on me, I will be 7) _____ Don’t be afraid Please believe 8) _____ when I say Count on me The items of the activity 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) a) think a) end a) week a) bee a) too a) Call a) three a) me a) pen a) heart a) seems a) But b) thing b) and b) weak b) be b) to b) Cell b) tree b) be b) pan b) hard b) sees b) Boat c) thick c) ant c) wig c) bin c) two c) Cool c) there c) my c) pain c) hurt c) seas c) Bought 4 Listen to the rest of the song. Enjoy the song. Oo, I know sometimes it seems as if You should reach to find the truth in love We’re standing all alone The answer’s there within, oh But we’ll get through it I know that life can make you feel Cuz love won’t let us fall It’s much harder than it really is There’s a place inside all of us But we’ll get through it (we’ll get through it) Where our faith in love begins (Just) Just (don’t) don’t give in (oh) 5 Listen to the CD. Tick the qualities the singer has in the lyrics of the song. a) pessimistic b) supportive c) optimistic d) lazy e) understanding 11 page number 9 The option of the activity UNIT ONE FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP RULES 1 Do you think you are a true friend? 2 Do you think your friends are true friends? 3 What qualities do you think a true friend should have? 4 Do you get on well with your friends? 5 What do you do when you hurt one of your friends? 6 Do you have any pastime activities with your friends? 10 LISTENING 1 Answer the questions. 1. Do you share your problems with your friends? 2. Do you trust your friends? 2 Listen to the CD. Answer the questions. 1) What is it about? 2) What’s the message with it? 3 Listen to the first two stanzas of the song “Count on Me” by Whitney Houston and Cece Winans . Find the correct option. Then fill in the blanks. I can see it’s hurting you I can feel your 9) _____ It’s 10) _____ to see the sunshine through the rain I know sometimes it 11) _____ as if It’s never gonna end 12) _____ you’ll get through it Just don’t give in cuz you can Count on me through 1) ______ and thin A friendship that I will never 2) ______ When you are 3) ______ I will 4) ____ strong Helping you 5) ____ carry on 6) _____ on me, I will be 7) _____ Don’t be afraid Please believe 8) _____ when I say Count on me 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) a) think a) end a) week a) bee a) too a) Call a) three a) me a) pen a) heart a) seems a) But b) thing b) and b) weak b) be b) to b) Cell b) tree b) be b) pan b) hard b) sees b) Boat c) thick c) ant c) wig c) bin c) two c) Cool c) there c) my c) pain c) hurt c) seas c) Bought 4 Listen to the rest of the song. Enjoy the song. Oo, I know sometimes it seems as if You should reach to find the truth in love We’re standing all alone The answer’s there within, oh But we’ll get through it I know that life can make you feel Cuz love won’t let us fall It’s much harder than it really is There’s a place inside all of us But we’ll get through it (we’ll get through it) Where our faith in love begins (Just) Just (don’t) don’t give in (oh) 5 Listen to the CD. Tick the qualities the singer has in the lyrics of the song. a) pessimistic b) supportive c) optimistic 11 d) lazy e) understanding 6 Then read the rules of the friendship. Which ones did you catch in the lyrics of the song? Put ✓). a tick (✓ FRIENDSHIP RULES Never expect anything. First, give. Help without expecting anything. Let them know how much you value their friendship. Give courage to your friends when they need. Do not criticize or condemn your friends. Do not try to change your friends. Accept them as they are. Teach your friends how to treat you. Strengthen your friendships by sharing fun and intellectual experiences. Do not allow your friends to violate your morals and principles. Do not leave him / her when he / she needs help. Keep in touch by sending e-mails, SMS and ecards. TRUE 7 Match the words with their meanings. 1) to expect a) to make stronger 2) to value b) to strongly disagree with sb/sth 3) to condemn c) to disobey 4) to treat d) to act toward sb in a particular way 5) to violate e) to think something will happen 6) to strengthen f) to think something to important to you. 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to find out each other’s friendship rules as in the example. Pay attention to the checklist. Checklist — Ask and answer questions. — Share your ideas. — Help your friend speak. — Correct your friend’s mistakes Sample Dialogue: S1 : Your best friend has an important exam tomorrow. Do you give courage to him? S2 : Of course. I always make a telephone call if he has an important exam and wish him luck. What about you? S1 : I prefer face - to face ...hmm... S2 : Face to face chat? S1 : Yes, I prefer face to face conversations to telephone calls. To me, they are very impressive. ... 12 READING 9 Answer the questions. 1. Do you send ecards to your friends? 2. When do you send them and why do you send them? 10 Read the ecards. Which ecards are about apology? Put a tick next to them. 1) 2) Thanks for being I didn’t mean such a wonderful to hurt friend. you. 4) 3) I’m really I know I can always count on you. lucky to bump into you. 6) 5) I did not I know why I love mean it, sharing my thoughts and really! feelings with you. ´Coz you understand me best. 7) 8) It’s wonderful to have a friend I’m sorry like you! for hurting you! 9) I AM 10) awfully sorry! 11) Forgive me, please! 13 You may be out of sight But never out of my heart ´Coz when it comes to heart to heart chats I can only think of you! I feel great to have a friend like you! 11 Do the questionnaire. Fill in the “Me” column as “Yes” or “No”. Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions in turn. Then discuss and find four more questions. Me Questions S1 S2 S3 1. Do you remain loyal to your friends in good and bad times? 2. Do you respect your friends? 3. Do you keep your promise? 4. Do you always tell the truth to your friends? 5. Do you keep your friends´ secrets? 6. Are you honest to your friends? 7. Are you an optimist? 8. Do you value your friends? 9. Do you try to change your friends? 10. Do you accept them as they are? 11. Do you criticize your friends? 12. Do you allow your friends to violate your morals and principles? 13. Do you share your fun and intellectual experiences with your friends? 14. Do you send emails or SMS to your friends regularly? 15. Do you tell your friends how much you love them? 16. Do you make surprises for your friends? 17. Do you see your friends’ bad sides? 18. Do you always catch your friends´ attention on you? 19. 20. 21. 22. 12 Read the “Evaluate Yourself.” Then, discuss your results. Evaluate Yourself: If you have got more ‘Yes’ answers than ‘No’ answers, you are a real true friend, but if you have more ‘No’ answers than ‘Yes’ answers, you should stop and think over your friendship rules. 13 Imagine your friend can’t make friends easily. What must/mustn’t he/she do to make friends? Give him/her some instructions. Write as in the example. Example: “Don’t tell lies.” “Help your friends if they need.” “Listen to your friends’ problems.” 14 READING 14 Answer the questions. 1. Do you have any true friends? 2. What qualities make them special for you? 3. What do you and your friends do in your free time? 15 Look at the picture in exercise 15. Then, describe the teenagers in the picture. 16 İpek is a Turkish girl. She is an eight grade student at a school in the USA. Read the diary of her. Then label her and her friends in the picture. Dear diary, Today was very special for me because it was my birthday. My best friends gave me a surprise party today. I got happy. After History class, Mark took me to the school canteen. When I entered the canteen, everybody was shouting and wishing me happy birthday. I love Mark, because he is not selfish and bossy and he loves sharing. When I first met him in the class, he invited me to sit next to him at the first day of school. He has always got a heart-warming smile with his bright black eyes. He is tall and well-built. He goes trekking every weekend. The same day he introduced me to Steven. He was really helpful. He immediately found me a locker and helped me put my stuff in it. I think Steven is a true friend, too. I am very lucky to meet him. Steven is tall and fat. He is wearing a pair of eye glasses. He loves playing chess. He is reliable and honest. I share my thoughts and feelings with Steven. He never criticizes me and he is not pessimistic. He always accepts me as I am. Let’s come to Alice. I met her in the lab. Her curiosity to Science suprised me, because Alice is the most beautiful and elegant girl I’ve ever seen. She is tall and slim with shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks trendy and she isn’t reserved. She loves talking. She prefers low-heeled boots to high-heeled shoes. She is a good swimmer. Claire was with Alice. She isn’t interested in Science any more. She is a real bookworm. She is persistent; nothing stops her when she decides something. I think she is very imaginative. She is short with straight shoulder-length black hair and green eyes. I love them very much. 15 17 Read the text again and complete the table by locating the specific information about İpek´s friends. Name Physical Appearance Personalities tall, ...................................................................... not selfish, .......................................................... Mark Steven Alice Claire 18 Read the diary again. Put T for true or F for false sentences. 1. İpek’s friends, Mark, Steven, Claire and Alice gave her a surprise party. ___ 2. İpek didn’t expect a surprise party, because she was new at school. ___ 3. Mark goes rafting every weekend. ___ 4. Steven is reliable and honest, so İpek trusts him very much. ___ 5. Steven condemns İpek when she shares her thoughts and feeling with him. ___ 6. Alice’s look took İpek by surprise. ___ 7. Claire is interested in literature. ___ 19 Read the sentences. Then guess the meanings from the context and complete the sentences with the correct option. 1. My elder sister’s bossy approach draws me crazy; ____________________________________________________________________________________ a) she always tells me to do something. b) she always sees the positive sides of the events. 2. Mary’s little son is pessimistic; ____________________________________________________________________________________ a) he always insists on everything he wants to do. b) he always sees the bad sides of the events. 3. His persistent characteristic gave him a chance to have a new job; ____________________________________________________________________________________ a) if he has difficulties, he gives up doing something. b) if he has difficulties, he never gives up doing something. 4. I don’t get on well with reserved people; _____________________________________________________________________________________ a) because they always keep everything to themselves. b) because they lose their temper quickly. 16 20 Work in groups. Choose a classmate as a best friend. Others ask and try to find who he/she is. Who finds the correct answer gets the turn. Pay attention to the checklist. – – – – – – Checklist Ask and answer. Describe personal qualities. Ask for and give information about your friend’s habits and pastimes. Help if your friend needs. Don’t interrupt with any hesitation or false starts or pauses. Make yourself understood without stopping in ease. Sample Dialogue: S1 : She is tall but not thin. S2 : Not slim. S1 : She has got brown eyes and brown short hair. S3 : Is she wearing a pair of glasses? S1 : Yes. She likes doing sports. S2 : Does she...... ride a bicycle? S1 : Yes, she rides a bicycle. S3 : Is she shy? S1 : No, she isn’t. She is sociable. S2 : Are you sure? S1 : Yes, I am. S2 : Is she helpful? S1 : I am not sure; but I think sometimes, yes. S3 : Is she honest? S1 : Yes, she never tells lies. S2 : Is she imaginative? S1 : Yes, she always comes with new ideas. S3 : I suppose I found your best friend. She is ... . LISTENING 21 Look at the picture. Answer the questions. 1. Do you love children? 2. What qualities do they have? 22 Listen to the CD. Tick (✓ ✓) the qualities you hear. honest talkative happy loyal imaginative funny sociable serious jealous brave reserved persistent shy passionate 17 23 Listen to the CD. Answer the questions. 1. Who thinks children are his / her true friends? ___________ 2. Who thinks a few of children are spoilt and lazy? ___________ 3. Who thinks children are loyal and honest? ___________ 4. Who thinks we should give a good education to children? ___________ 5. Who thinks children are warm-hearted and loyal? ___________ 6. Who thinks we shouldn’t be mean to children? ___________ 24 Work in pairs. Express your opinions and thoughts and your expectations about children. READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 25 Ask and answer the questions in turn. 1. Do you think friendship is temporary? 2. Do you think you share a common understanding with your true friend? 3. Do you think you should be grateful for your true friend? 4. Do you think you should accept your friend’s ideas? 5. Do you think you should be honest to your friends? 26 Read the letter. Find what Samenta’s problem is. 27 Read the letter again and fill in the blanks. reliable / hang / temper / makex2 / take / call / love / stand / away / honest / white Dear Auntie Pam, Please help... How to come over this problem! This is a very serious problem for me because I am always unlucky in my friendships. I easily 1) _______ friends because I am sociable, not shy. After a while I always have a break up. I can’t 2) _____ telling lies to me. Whenever I 3) _____ them to go out with, they tell me ‘Yes.’ if they don’t have any friends, but they say ‘No.’ if they have some friends to 4) _____ out with. As usual they don’t tell me the truth, only tell me little 5) ______ lies. To me, they are not little white lies and, they don’t want me. So, I get frustrated and call them some names. I hate losing my 6) _______ easily, but I know I am right. If there is a good friendship, friends should be 7) _______ . I feel myself completely used and thrown 8) ______ . They shouldn’t 9) ______ me granted; they should 10) _______ me. I am really full of affection. I always keep their secrets. They think I am 11) _______ but I cannot trust them. I never 12) ______ fun with their weaknesses. I never miss their special days, unfortunately on my birthday they are not with me. Should I ignore them? What should I do? Best wishes, Samenta 18 28 Read Samenta’s letter again. Imagine you are Auntie Pam. Complete the letter using ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’. Give Samenta some advice. Dear Samenta, I just got your letter. I was sorry to hear about your problem. You should _______________________________________________ Why don’t you _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I strongly advice you to _____________________________________ You shouldn’t ________________________________________________ You had better _______________________________________________ _______________ It would be a good idea to ___________________________________________ You ought to _________________________________________________________________________ I hope this helps you : ________________________________________________________________ Don’t forget things will get better soon. Be sure everything will be O.K. by the time. Good Iuck! Auntie Pam 29 People make friends through the Internet. What do you think about it? Work in pairs. Complete the table. Then, make your choice; face-to-face friendship or friendship through the Internet. Discuss giving reasons. Sample Dialogue: MAKING FRIENDS TROUGH THE INTERNET Pros Cons 1. ___________________ 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 2. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 3. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 4. ___________________ S1 : I prefer face-to-face friendship because I want to communicate with my friends in the real world, not in fictional world. S2 : Are you sure? I don’t agree with you because you can catch the common understanding easily through the Internet. S1 : But you can’t catch the lies easily because you can’t see or hear them in their natural circumstances. ___________________ ___________________ S2 : Are you sure? ___________________ ___________________ S1 : Yes, I am. 30 TASK : Make a list of the qualities of your ideal friend. Use a dictionary when you need. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 19 UNIT TWO ROAD TO SUCCESS STUDY SKILLS 1 Do you learn without pain? 2 Do you learn with pleasure? 3 Do you study regularly? 4 Do you study at a desk? 5 Do you take notes while listening to your teachers? 6 Do you review at weekends? 7 Do you make a plan weekly ? 20 READING 1 Look at the picture on the left. Then, answer the questions. 1. Where is İpek’s sister, Zeynep? 2. What’s she holding in her hand? 3. Why is she reading the cover of the book? 4. Do you read the covers of the books before buying them? 2 Read the cover of the book. Work in pairs. Discuss about: 1. What kind of a book is it? 2. What does she need to learn? 3. Why did she pick that book from the shelf? 4. What will she learn from the book after she reads it? 3 Read the cover of the book again. What can she do after reading it? Put a tick (✓ ✓). True 1. Zeynep can study effectively. 2. Zeynep can learn in a short time. 3. Zeynep can get bored while learning. 4. Zeynep can have some difficulties while learning. 5. Zeynep can have serious problems while learning. 6. Zeynep can have a good time while learning. 21 False 4 Look at the pictures. What are they doing? Write under the pictures. 1. __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________ 5 Which picture suits your study habit? Work in groups. Compare and contrast your study habits. 22 READING AND WRITING 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 1. Do you have any study habits? 2. Are they good study habits or bad study habits? 3. Did you try to change your bad study habits? If yes, what did you do? 4. Which of your study habits brought you success? 7 Read the text. Pay attention to the topic sentence in blue colour, supporting details in red colour and examples in green colour. What is the sentence in black colour? A GOOD STUDY PLACE You need a good study place for studying your school subjects. First, your study place should be quiet. If it is noisy, you cannot concentrate on your studying. Second, your study place should have a large desk or table. While you are studying, the large desk or table should allow you enough space for writing and putting your materials. Next, your study place should have a comfortable chair and enough light. An uncomfortable chair can give your pain or discomfort. Finally, your study place should have comfortable temperature. If your study place is too warm, you might become sleepy. If it is too cold, your thinking may slow down or become unclear. A good study place is important for good studying. 8 Read the brochure. Find a suitable heading. __________________________ ____________________________________________________________ . All of us have study habits. These study habits bring us success. We develop our own study habits when we are little children. We make our own rules. Here are some tips: How can you form your own rules and get efficient study skills? 1. ____________________ . If you decide when you will, what you will and how long you will study, it makes you do it on time. 2. _____________________________ A favourite TV series or a party don’t take your interest. If you delay your studying, you may give a careless work full of errors. 3. __________________ If you have a purpose, it gives a push to study. 4. _________________________________________ . Studying at the same time each day does a routine. So, this routine becomes a part of your life just like sleeping and eating. 5. ______________________________________ . Why do you make yourself be nervous and get tired of lots of work? And also your work will probably not effective. 6. __________________________ . Because you have more mental energy when you start studying. 7. _______________________________ . These notes give you information and they help you do your homework correctly. 8. ___________________________________ . These enjoyable tools are our real enemies when we try to study, because they distract us from studying. 9. __________________________________ . Of course, weekends should be fun time and we should rest and take energy for the next week. But there’s also some time to do some review. For a good start, on Monday, use the advantage of two days. These study habits can help you with your education. 23 9 Read the text again. Put the sentences into the correct places in the brochure in exercise 8. a) Review your school work at weekends. b) Set specific goals. c) Don’t delay your studying. d) Turn off your cell phone and the TV. e) Start with the difficult one. f) Successful students have good study skills. g) Make a plan. h) Don’t do too much studying at one time. i) Review the notes before studying. j) Try to study at the same time each day. 10 Read the text in exercise 8 again. Then complete the table. Topic sentence (main idea) 1. 1. 2. 3. Do’s 4. 5. 6. 7. Don’ts 1. 2. 24 11 Describe the process of good listening in class. Write down in short. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ LISTENING AND SPEAKING 12 Look at the picture. Guess and answer the questions. 1. Where are they? 2. What are they doing? 3. Why are they taking notes? 4. Do you take notes in class? Why / Why not? 13 Listen to the CD. What is the subject Mr Adams talking about? Circle the correct option. a) Good writing in class b) Good reading in class c) Good listening in class 14 Why is listening important in classes? Work in pairs. Discuss. Give reasons. 25 15 Here is İpek’s note paper. What should İpek do or what shouldn’t İpek do in class? Listen to the CD and make a list for İpek. 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________ 16 Listen to the CD again. Fill in the blanks. Mr Adams : Our subject today is “Good Listening in Class”. I know most of you have experienced some difficulties in class, haven’t you? Class : Sometimes, yes. Mr Adams : Do you know the reasons, kids? Alan : I can’t keep my 1) ____________ . Claire : Especially after 15 - 20 minutes. Susan : And especially when we have some 2)__________ in our mind. Mr. Adams : Here are some tips. First of all, you should review your 3) ________ from the previous class. Think about what you know about the topic. Second, you should listen with a 4) ______ . What do you hope to learn from the class session? Third, listen with an open mind. Listen to your teacher, not your mind. Don’t forget you already know your point of 5) _______, but now you’re learning others’. 6) ______ on what your teacher is saying. Don’t 7) ________ . Sit at the front of the row and center of the class and keep eye contact with your teacher. Can you think faster than your teacher can speak? Susan : Yes, we can. Mr. Adams : So, use this 8) _________ . You can guess the next. Take notes. Claire : Sir, what should we do if we can’t understand the subject? Mr. Adams : Don’t miss any chance to ask questions to your teachers. İpek : Sir, sometimes the conditions of the class can interrupt us. Mr. Adams : Yes, İpek. The classroom may be too noisy, too hot, too cold, too bright or too dark. Don’t give in. Stay focused on the big picture — LEARNING! 26 17 Work in groups. First, read the example. Make a similar dialogue. Then, talk about your study habits. Give reasons and explanations as in the example. Sample Dialogue: S2 : I search on the Net and I read stories, magazines, newspapers and journals. S1 : Do you study regularly? S2 : Yes, I do. S1 : Do you do your homework daily? S1 : Do you study alone or with your friend/friends? S2 : Yes, I do. I’m a good student. S2 : I prefer studying alone. S1 : What else do you do to learn more about the school subjects? S1 : Where do you prefer studying? S2 : I prefer studying in my room and I sometimes study at my school’s library. 18 Burst the bubbles. — In each round you will start with a three letter stem. — Your guess words will begin with those letters. — When you find a word beginning with those letters, you will count the numbers of the letters of the word. Then cross out the bubbles. — The winner is who finishes the bubbles first. GUESS: 27 WRITING AND SPEAKING 19 Write a paragraph summarizing your study habits. 20 Work in pairs. Exchange your paragraphs. Read your friend’s paragraph. While reading underline the key concepts in his / her paragraph. 21 Work in pairs. Talk about your friend’s study habits giving him / her some instructions. Then draw some conclusions. Pay attention to the checklist. Checklist — Give instructions. — Give explanations. — Draw conclusions. — Give excuses. Sample Dialogue: S1 : You study in front of the TV. I think it is wrong, because it distracts your attention continually. So, you lose your concentration on your work and you also lose desire to do it on time. S2 : But I get bored when I study alone. S1 : Maybe you can listen to soft music. S2 : It’s a good idea. I sometimes do a lot of work. It makes me get tired. S1 : Yes, you’re right. You should make a plan and you shouldn’t delay your studying. 28 22 TASK Make a list of the language activities in your coursebook that you like most. 29 UNIT THREE IMPROVING ONE’S LOOKS BODY CARE 1 Do you care about your appearance? 2 Are you satisfied with your appearance? 3 How do you improve your look? 4 What kind of products do you use for your body care? 5 Do you like enviromentally-friendly products? 6 Are you old enough to wear make-up? 7 What should you do to have a healthy body and a healthy look? 30 READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 1 Match the products with their names. a) c) b) d) v) e) f) 1- shampoo 2- moisturizer 3- cleansing gel 4- toothbrush u) g) 5- hair spray 6- floss 7- hair gel 8- nail clippers t) h) 9- anti-bacterial soap 10- hand cream 11- mouthwash 12- anti-aging creams 13- mousse s) ı) 14- tonic 15- suncream 16- suntan lotion 17- perfume r) j) 18- body lotion 19- comb 20- toothpaste 21- enviromentally-friendly deodorant q) k) 22- facial mask p) o) m) n) 31 l) 2 What do you use to improve your look? Complete the spidergrams with the products in exercise 1. HAIR CARE BODY CARE TEETH CARE FACIAL AND HAND CARE 32 3 Take this questionnaire. 1. How often do you brush your teeth? a) Twice a day. b) Three times a day. c) None. b) Twice a week. c) Once a week. b) Twice a week. c) None. b) Twice a month. c) Every month. b) Twice a week. c) Once a week. b) Twice a day. c) When I feel hungry. b) Twice a week. c) None. b) Before meals. c) After meals. 2. How often do you have a shower? a) Every day. 3. How often do you use floss or a mouth wash? a) Every day. 4. How often do you cut your nails? a) Every week. 5. How often do you change your socks? a) Every day. 6. How often do you eat meals? a) Three times a day. 7. How often do you eat fruit? a) Every day. 8. When do you eat fruit? a) Between meals. 9. How many hours later after dinner do you go to sleep? a) 6-7 hours. b) 3-4 hours. c) 1-2 hours. b) Every week. c) Every month. b) Two times a day. c) Once a day. b) After meals. c) When I wake up. b) Every six months. c) Once a year. b) Once a month. c) Once a year. 10. How often do you do exercise? a) Every day. 11. How often do you wash your face? a) Three times a day. 12. How often do you wash your hands? a) Before and after meals. 13. How often do you have your hair cut? a) Once a month. 14. How often do you polish your shoes? a) Once a week. 15. How often do you wash and iron your clothes? a) Once a week. b) Once a month. 33 c) When they get dirty. 4 Evaluate your questionnaire. Complete the paragraph. _______________________________________________________________________________________ I brush my teeth three times a day after each meal and I use floss before going to bed. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your habits and routines. Pay attention to the checklist. Checklist Sample Dialogue 1: — Make brief statements. S1 : How often do you wash your face a day? — Talk about your habits and routines and try to learn about your friend’s. S2 : I only wash my face when I wake up. — Explain what you like to use or what you don’t like to use. S1 : I think you should wash your face before going to bed. If you clean your skin, it rests well while you are sleeping. — Speak slowly and clearly. S2 : How often do you cut your nails? — Don’t hesitate to speak. S1 : Every weekend, but I brush them before going to bed. — Use gestures if necessary. Sample Dialogue 2: S1 : Do you use a moisturizer? S2 : Yes, I do. I like oil-free moisturizers, because I have an oily skin. S1 : Do you apply it to your face after washing your face? S2 : Not directly, I wash my face with a deep cleansing gel. Then, I clean my face with tonic and apply the moisturizer to my skin. S1 : Don’t you like make-up? S2 : Actually not, because I think I am too young to wear make-up. S1 : What about anti-aging creams? S2 : I think we are not old enough to use anti-aging creams. S1 : So do I. ... 34 READING 6 Answer the questions. Then work in pairs and describe your friend. 1. Are you happy with your appearance? 1. ____________________________________ 2. What do you look like? 2. ____________________________________ 3. What are you like? 3. ____________________________________ 7 Read the letter. Then find June in the picture below. Put a tick (✓ ✓). a b c d e Hi Auntie Pam, I am writing to you, because I immediately need your advice. I am an eight-grade student at a primary school. I am tall with shoulder-lenght brown hair. I think I am too tall. I am wearing thick glasses. I have got an oval face with dark brown eyes. I have got some dreadful acne on my face. I can’t get rid of it. Furthermore, I am plump because I eat too much. I can’t help eating chocolate, a packet of biscuits or crisps. Actually, I’m sociable. I have got lots of friends, because I have a good sense of humour. I always make them laugh and happy. I am satisfied with my academic achievements. My friends find me attractive and clever, but I don’t think so. I know I have no self-esteem and I don’t have any confidence in my self-image. I can’t see myself as a beautiful girl. I don’t like it when people take my picture. Because I think I look absolutely horrid and nasty in pictures. If people want to take my pictures on a special day, I always pick out millions of flaws on my appearance and I find myself too ugly. I am envious of other girls in the school. They look amazingly beautiful in their trendy clothes. Most of them are tall and slim with their healthy skin. They follow the new trends in clothing and hairstyle. I want to be good-looking. My low self-esteem is a huge problem for me and it ruins my social life because I don’t want to go out with my friends or go shopping. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a too tall, too fat silly girl with lots of volcanic acne. This gives me depressive feelings. I can’t cope with them. What should I do? Please help. I am looking forward to hearing you soon. Best wishes, June 35 8 Read the letter again. What is June complaining about? Find the answer. 9 Read the letter again. Which paragraph in the letter... 1. is about her appearance? 2. is about her personality? 3. is asking for some advice and making conclusion? 10 Read the letter. Which sentences in the letter describe her appearance? Find. Then, make a list. __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Which sentences describe her personality in the letter? Find. Then, make a list. __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Skim through the letter. Find and write the words or phrases that mean: 1. the feeling of being someone who deserves to be liked, respected and admired. 2. to get in the way of; block; or try to prevent. 3. a small, often hidden fault. 4. fashion. 5. very unpleasant. 6. to become or become better. 7. to be jealous of. 8. to handle with. 9. to be unable to stay away from(doing). 10. to wait with great expectation for sth to happen. 36 13 Work in groups. Discuss asking and answering the question. What should June do to have a good looking? Sample Dialogue: Checklist — Make clear statements. — Speak clearly, slowly and directly. — Use gestures if necessary. — Give examples from your daily life. S1 : I think she should use oil-free soap. It works better for acne problems. I have the same problem and I am using this kind of soap. S2 : In my opinion, she should stop eating crisps and junk food or drinking Cola. They make an oily-skin worse. S3 : For me, hygiene is the most important. She should wash her hands and face regularly with the anti-bacterial soap. She shouldn’t itch her face. 14 Read the letter. Find what Auntie Pam’s advice is. Dear June, I was really sorry for you when I read your letter. You summarized your condition in a simple and true way. You are concious of your good qualities; you are attractive, successful and sociable; they are not enough for you. If you have a healthy self-esteem, you can accept your good qualities. Perfection shouldn’t be your goal. Don’t judge yourself with it. I think the body images in your mind control your self-esteem. They are thin, young and fashionable woman images. Unfortunately, TV, videos and films placed our minds these images. Actually, they create unrealistic expectations. Today’s teenage girls believe that they can only be attractive if they look like models. I think you are young enough to be beautiful and you are wise enough to be attractive. Let’s take your question as “What should you do to have a healthy body and healthy look? “First of all, don’t eat while studying. If you want to eat between meals, you’d better eat fruit and yoghurt instead of biscuits, crisps and chocolate. You should avoid eating junk food. Eating fruit and vegetables gives you a healthy skin and a healthy body. You shouldn’t miss meals. If you miss a meal, you’ll starve every hour of the day and want to eat high-calorie food. You also ought to do exercise regularly. It makes you feel fit and happy. Second, change your wardrobe. Go shopping and buy the clothes in which you feel better. Why don’t you try a new hairstyle? A stylish cut will give you a new image. Finally, look at yourself in the mirror, you will see an attractive and a clever young lady. Good luck, Auntie Pam 37 15 Read the letter again. Put T for true or F for false sentences. 1. Auntie Pam thinks June is not clever. _____ 2. Auntie Pam thinks people should catch the perfection. _____ 3. Auntie Pam thinks June is not young enough to be beautiful. _____ 4. Auntie Pam thinks June is clever enough to be attractive. _____ 5. Auntie Pam thinks June should eat much more biscuits and crisps. _____ 6. Auntie Pam thinks June should buy expensive and fashionable clothes. _____ 7. Auntie Pam thinks June shouldn’t miss the meals. _____ 8. Auntie Pam thinks June had better not do exercise. _____ 9. Auntie Pam thinks June ought to try a stylish haircut. _____ 10. Auntie Pam thinks June should see herself in the mirror truly. _____ 16 Write Auntie Pam’s message in the box using your own words. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 17 Work in groups. Discuss. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Do you agree with Auntie Pam? 2. Do you have an image for beautiful women or handsome men? 3. How much influence does the media have on you? Sample Dialogue: Checklist — Give your reasons. — Find out and pass on factual information. — Talk about your likes and dislikes. S1 : I totally agree with her. Media made us think the same. We have same idol actresses or actors as our beauty symbols. We all try to be like them. S2 : Yes. Most of the models are too thin and too tall. They don’t even eat enough to live. — Exchange information. S3 : I don’t think so. They are really beautiful. They carry the clothes elegantly. Can you be elegant with being overweight? — Don’t hesitate to take part in short conversation. S2 : Why not? I can be. You can be elegant with your behaviour. ls a woman elegant enough when she is only slim and tall? ... 38 LISTENING 18 Look at the picture below. Answer the questions. Then, describe them. 1. Who are they? 2. What do you think make them unhappy? 3. What do you think they are talking about? 19 Listen to the CD. What is it about? Circle the correct option. a) Body care. b) Education. c) School stuff. 20 Listen to the CD again. Match the names with their problems. 1. İpek a) had bad acne and black spots on her face two years ago. 2. Mark b) is overweight. He hates strict diets. 3. Alice c) thinks her hair isn’t bright and she can’t give a style after washing it. 4. Steven d) has some acne on her face. 5. Claire e) has a lot of dandruff in his hair and he doesn’t like his hairstyle. 21 Listen to the CD again. Then, fill in the blanks. 1. İpek had better go to a _______________________so that she will get rid of the acne on her face. 2. Claire should go to a _______________________ to get a new hairstyle. 3. Mark ought to use a __________________ for dandruff so that he could get rid of undesirable dandruff. 4. Steven should see a ___________________ in order to have a balanced diet suitable for him. 22 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your body hygiene and care. Give advice and make some recommendations. Warn him/her to take care if necessary. 39 23 TASK Cut the pieces from famous people’s pictures. Then create your ideal man / woman by collage. 40 UNIT FOUR DREAMS SWEET DREAMS 1 Have you got any dreams for your future? 2 What kind of dreams are they? 3 Do you believe you’ll make them come true? 4 Have you ever read true life stories? 5 If you have got some sweet dreams, how do you feel yourself? 41 LISTENING 1 Answer the questions. 1. Do you have any dreams? 2. Do you daydream? 2 Listen to the song by Cranberries. Find the title of the song. Then choose the correct option. a) My love b) My life c) Dreams 3 Listen to the song again. Then put the stanzas of the song in the correct order. a And now I tell you openly You have my heart so don’t hurt me You’re what I couldn’t find A totally amazing mind So understanding and so kind You’re everything to me b Oh my life is changing every day In every possible way And my dreams it’s never quiet as it seems Never quiet as it seems c Oh my life is changing every day In every possible way And my dreams it’s never quiet as it seems ‘Cause you’re a dream to me, dream to be d I want more, impossible to ignore Impossible to ignore And they’ll come true, impossible not to do Impossible not to do e I know you’ve felt like this before But now I’m feeling it even more Because it came from you And then I open up and see The person falling here is me A different way to be. 4 Answer the questions. 1. What is her dream? 2. Does she think her dream will come true? 3. What personal qualities does she look for in her friendship? 42 5 Look at the photos. Discuss trying to find answers to the questions. 1. Are you familiar with them? 2. What were their dreams? Write down their dreams under the pictures. 3. Could they make their dreams come true? 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________ 43 READING 6 Look at the pictures. Then guess the plot of the story. 7 Read the true life story of Harriet Tubman. Put the paragraphs in order. a She crossed into Pennysylavinia and she felt comfortable. She said, “When I crossed that line, I didn’t believe in myself. That day it was raining heavily and the wind was blowing but I felt relieved. The rain and the wind stopped in an hour. The sun was shining through the trees and I felt I was in Heaven. b Harriet’s mother Rit, struggled to keep her family together, but Edward Brodess sold three of her daughters as slaves. c She was dreaming herself as a free person. In her dream no one was ordering her. She could sing and play in a garden freely. She was running, hoping up and down happily. But suddenly she fell into a deep hole. She was trying to go out but she couldn’t. At that time, she woke up because Miss. Susan was shouting at her. She punished Harriet badly. She had some scars on her face and body because Miss. Susan hit her and Harriet carried those scars all her life. d When Harriet was five or six years old, a woman, Miss. Susan hired her as a nursemaid. She ordered her to take care of her baby while it was sleeping. One day while the baby was sleeping, Harriet fell asleep. Suddenly, the baby woke up but Harriet was still sleeping. e Harriet Tubman was born as a slave. Tubman’s grandmother arrived in the USA on a slave ship from Africa. Her mother was a cook for the Brodess Family. Her father, Ben was a woodsman. They married in 1808 and they had nine children. f In 1844 she married a free black man, John Tubman. Five years later Harriet and her brothers, Ben and Herry escaped from slavery on September 17, 1849. They went back home soon and asked her to stay with them. g Soon afterwards, she escaped again. This time she was alone. She travelled at nights and it was very dangerous for her to travel at nights because there were slave catchers everywhere and they were getting rewards when they caught slaves. 44 8 Read the story again. Circle the correct option. 1. Harriet Tubman was ..... a) a slave, but she took her freedom. b) a daydreamer. She always dreamt of being a child. c) poor and lonely, so she worked for the rich. 2. Harriet Tubman’s mother, Rit... a) gave birth to 9 children. b) gave birth to 3 children. c) gave birth to 5 children. 3. Harriet Tubman... a) was five or six years old when she started a school. b) was five or six when she took care of a baby. c) was five or six when she was responsible for herself. 4. Harriet Tubman... a) first escaped from slavery with her sons. b) first escaped from her brothers. c) first escaped from slavery with her brothers. 5. Her dangerous journey made her travel at nights, but a) there were lots of slave catchers, because they wanted to catch the fugitive slaves to win the rewards. b) there were lots of slave catchers, because they wanted to help them. c) there were lots of slave catchers, because they wanted to catch the fugitive slaves to punish them. 9 Find the similar meanings of the words or phrases in the story and write. 1. fight for = _______________________ 6. paradise 2. reach = _______________________ 7. comfortable = _______________________ 3. tell = _______________________ 8. run away = _______________________ 4. jump = _______________________ 9. prize = _______________________ 5. return = _______________________ 10. employ = _______________________ 45 = _______________________ 10 Make a list of the events in the story of Harriet Tubman. 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Read the statements. Find what kind of statements they are. 1. “What a nice surprise to see you here! 2. “I don’t believe in my eyes!” 3. “You’re joking.” 4. “That’s incredible!” 5. “Is that right?” 6. “Good heavens!” 7. “Really?” 8. “Fancing meeting here!” 9. “Never thought I’d see you here!” 10. “Shouldn’t you be in school?” 12 Which statements could Harriet Tubman say when she crossed into Pennsylvania? Then choose the suitable ones from the statements in the previous activity. 13 Write the summary of a story of Harriet Tubman. Use “and”, “but”, “because” and the words in exercise 9. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 46 14 Work in pairs. Tell the story in turn. Help each other if necessary. Pay attention to the checklist. Sample Dialogue: Checklist S1 : Harriet was born as a slave girl. — Ask and answer questions. S2 : Why was she born as a slave? — Keep the conversation in a meaningful ease. S1 : Because her parents were slave. — Keep the eye contact. S2 : Her mother was a strong woman, but she couldn’t keep her family together. — Indicate when you are following. — Ask for repetition when you do not understand. S1 : Pardon? I didn’t understand you. — Ask for clarification. S2 : Her mother, Rit wanted to keep her family together, but she couldn’t. S1 : Why couldn’t she do? ... READING AND SPEAKING 15 Read the quote and find the message. Twenty years later you will be more unhappy with the things because you didn’t do. So, take risks. Explain. Dream. Discover Mark Twain 16 Read the quote again and answer the questions. 1. Do you have any dreams? ___________________________________________ 2. Do you have a plan to make them come true? ___________________________________________ 3. What do you do to make them come true? ___________________________________________ 4. How do you feel when you have a dream? ___________________________________________ 5. Do you follow your dreams? ___________________________________________ 6. What difficulties do you have? ___________________________________________ 7. Do these difficulties make you give in? ___________________________________________ 47 17 Work in pairs. Read the sample dialogue. Then, role-play. Pay attention to the checklist. Sample Dialogue: Checklist S1 : I love this quote. S2 : I am sorry, but I couldn’t catch the main message of it. — Ask and answer the questions. S1 : Pardon? — Keep the conversation in a meaningful ease. S2 : I mean I couldn’t catch the main message of it. S1 : It means “Don’t hesitate to try, because later it will be too late.” — Keep the eye contact. S2 : What does “Sail away from the safe harbour.” mean? S1 : It means “Take risks.”. — Ask for repetition when you do not understand. S2 : In other words, it means “Take courage to do.”. — Ask for clarification. S1 : Yes, exactly. S2 : I’m afraid I have to ask the meaning of “bowline”. S1 : Pardon? I didn’t catch....hmm... What did you say? Could you repeat it again? S2 : Yes, sure. “Bowline”, what does it mean? S1 : It’s a kind of tight rope. S2 : Rope? S1 : Look at me! S2 : OK. Thank you. S1 : So, take courage and take risks if you do not make a past wish later. 48 — Use gestures if necessary. 18 Work in pairs. Choose a quote. Find the message with the quote. Make dialogues as in the previous exercise. “When we are dreaming alone, it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of 1. reality. DON HELDER CAMERA 2. Hope is a waking dream. ARISTOTLE 3. If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it. WILLIAM ARTHUR WARD 4. Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it. GEORGE LUCAS 5. I dream my paintings and then paint my dream. VINCENT VAN GOGH Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as you’ll die today. 6. JAMES DEAN People can live as long as they dream. 7. YAHYA KEMAL BEYATLI 19 Read the sentences and choose the correct quote above for each blank and write them. a) ____________________________________________________________________________________ If you decide to do something or make something real, you should dream. Dreams are important and you can’t do the things without dreams. b) ____________________________________________________________________________________ People can’t live without dreams and hopes. If they dream and hope, they will be happy. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Every moment in life is important. So enjoy every moment and dream every time. 49 WRITING AND SPEAKING 20 Work in groups of four. Write a success story. Use your own words. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Work in groups. Tell your story in turn. Choose the best story. 22 Look at the pictures. What can they say? Write suitable surprise statements under each picture. 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________ 50 5. _________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________ 23 TASK Listen to the soft music and visualize yourself in your dream location. Then draw the scene you have imagined. 51 UNIT FIVE ATATÜRK : THE FOUNDER OF TURKISH REPUBLIC THE INDEPENDENCE WAR 1 What do you think about the Armistice of Moudros? 2 How was the Ottoman Empire after the World War I? 3 What is the National Oath (Misak-ı Milli)? 4 What do you know about the Treaty of Sevres? 5 What are the qualities of great hero, Atatürk? 6 What do you think about the Turkish women role in the Independence War? 7 What brought victory to our homeland in the Independence War? 8 What was the role of well-organized army in the victory? 52 READING 1 Look at the picture of Atatürk. Answer the questions. 1. What does he look like? 1. _________________________________________ 2. What are his personal qualities? 2. _________________________________________ 2 Read the biography of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. While reading, circle the correct option. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in 1) Salonika / İstanbul. His father was Rıza Efendi, his mother was Zübeyde Hanım. They got married in 1871. When Mustafa Kemal was born, his mother was almost 2) thirty / fifty. She didn’t get any education, but she was a sensible woman. Mustafa Kemal was an energetic child with 3) blond / black hair and blue eyes. When he was 5 or 6 years old, he caught everybody’s attention with his cleverness. So, his mother and father sent him to school 4) early / late. He began his primary education at the local school but soon he started Şemsi Efendi School. In 1888 he had to move to Rapla to live on his 5) auntie’s / uncle’s farm because his father died. A few years later he came back to 6) Rapla / Salonika to go on his education. In 1889, he started Military Junior School in Salonika. Although his mother, Zübeyde Hanım didn’t give him permission, he attended the exam of the school. But he took the exam and passed it, so his mother said “OK.” to him. After that, he attended Monastir Military School. Later. he finished İstanbul Military School. Then, he went on his education at İstanbul Military Academy in 1902 and graduated there with the rank of lieutenant. He was reading the works by Namık Kemal and by famous French writers. He learnt French by himself. He 7) graduated / started from the Academy in 1905 as a captain. After his graduation, his first service was in 8) Damascus / Tripoli. He had a successful career after that. The Ottoman Empire declared war against the Allies Powers on November 11, 1914. He defended homeland against the British and French troops in the Dardanelles. Mustafa Kemal gave the Ottoman Empire a successful service until the end of the World War 9) I / II. Then, he started doing many things on the way to our independence. On June 22, 1919 he declared the Amasya Circular. He highlighted that the people’s hardworking and determination would save the homeland in the circular. Then, he held congresses in Erzurum and Sivas. On April 23, 1920 the Turkish Grand National Assembly met for the 10) first / second time and they chose him as the Speaker of the House and the head of the government. 53 On October 29, 1923 the Turkish Grand National Assembly declared the Republic of Turkey and voted for Mustafa Kemal as its first president. In 1934, the Grand National Assembly 11) gave / took him the surname Atatürk with the Family Surname Law. Atatürk was a great hero. He was a great lover of nature; a good horse-rider and swimmer. He was trendy and neat. He was determined, persistent and self-sacrificing. He died of liver disease in Dolmabahçe Palace in 12) November / December in 1938. 3 Read the text again. Write T for true or F for false statements. 1. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk graduated from a local primary school. __________ 2. His mother was a sensitive woman. __________ 3. His father died when he was a child. __________ 4. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk didn’t get his mother’s permission when he took the exam of Military Junior School. __________ 5. He declared the Amasya Circular after Erzurum and Sivas Congresses. __________ 6. He gave a good service to the Ottoman Empire until the end of the World War I. __________ 7. He founded the Turkish Republic on October 29, 1920. __________ 8. He was staying in Dolmabahçe Palace when he died. __________ 4 Read the text. Find Atatürk’s personal qualities mentioned in Atatürk’s biography. List his personal qualities. When the Independence War started, they told Atatürk: — How will it be possible? We have no army! Atatürk replied soon: — We can settle it. — But we need money for this... We haven’t got any. — We can find money. — Imagine we have money, our enemies are both stronger and bigger! — They can be, but we can defeat. He did all what he said. He never told anything he couldn’t do. Atatürk’s Personal Qualities 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question. Discuss. Which personal qualities of Atatürk helped him to get success? 54 LISTENING 6 Look at the pictures in the activity 8. Work in groups. Discuss. Then write the answers. 1. What do they remind you? 1. _________________________________________ 2. Do you know the history of your country? 2. _________________________________________ 3. What makes you proud in your history? 3. _________________________________________ 4. Who is your great hero in your recent history? 4. _________________________________________ 5. What qualities should a hero have? 5. _________________________________________ 6. What disadvantages has a war got? 6. _________________________________________ 7 Listen to the CD. Find what it is about. 8 Listen to the CD and put the pictures in order. a c b d e f g 55 9 Listen to the CD again and fill in the blanks İpek : Yes, my friends. I have a presentation today. I’ve prepared a slide show. It is my film for you. Look at these photos, please. What do they 1) ________ you of? Class : War. İpek : Yes. Today I’m going to tell you about my country’s 2) _________ war. After the Armistice of Moudros 30 October, 1918, the Ottoman Empire was too weak. With this armistice, Allies started to 3) _________ our country. Claire : Did they occupy İstanbul? İpek : Yes, On 4) ____________ , 1918 French Army entered the city. Then, the British, French and Greek ships came. Mustafa Kemal Pasha tried to meet the Sultan and 5) ____________ politicians, but he couldn’t. He decided to go to 6) ___________ . Alan : What did the people do against the Allies? İpek : They 7) ______________ them. They had meetings and sent telegraphs to them. Hasan Tahsin 8) __________ the first bullet at a Greek soldier when Greeks began to occupy İzmir. Claire : Did the people have a well-organized army and munitions? İpek : Yes, we had two well-organized armies in May 1919. Allies got our munitions. But we 9) __________ took our munitions to Anatolia from İstanbul. Mustafa Kemal and his friends left İstanbul and went to Samsun. Susan : When did they 10) ________ Samsun? 56 10 Then, answer the questions using ‘and’, but’ and ‘because’. 1. What is İpek’s slide show about? ___________________________________________________ 2. What disadvantages did the Armistice of Moudros give the Ottoman Empire? ___________________________________________________ 3. Did the Allies keep their promise? ___________________________________________________ 4. Why did Mustafa Kemal go to the Anatolia? ___________________________________________________ 5. Did the army have enough munitions? ___________________________________________________ 6. What did the people do against the Allies’attacks? ___________________________________________________ 7. Why did M. Kemal call the governors and commanders? ___________________________________________________ 8. When did he open the Grand National Assembly? ___________________________________________________ 11 Work in pairs. What do you know about your recent history? Ask and answer questions about the Independence War. Sample Dialogue: S1 : When did the World War I break out? S2 : It broke out in 1914 and it ended in 1918. What happened, then? S1 : The Ottoman Empire and the Allies of World War I signed the Armistice of Moudros on 30 October, 1918, but this armistice led a new war. S2 : Why did it lead to a new war? S1 : Because the Allies occupied many places in Anatolia. 57 READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 12 Look at the picture. Then, answer the questions. 1. Who are they? 1. _______________________________________ 2. What makes them special? 2. _______________________________________ 3. What do the medals on their jackets symbolize? 3. _______________________________________ 4. Have you ever met a veteran? 4. _______________________________________ 58 13 Read the interview. Who is Yakup Satar? What is he talking about? Find the answers. Peter is a journalist. He interviewed Yakup Satar before he died in September 2006. Yakup Satar : Those days were really tough. We didn’t have enough food, equipment and munitions in the fronts. We could spend a day with a few crubs of bread with a glass of ayran maybe. We heard the Armenians attacked Van, Bitlis, Erzurum, Kars and Nahçıvan, and the Turkish Army under the control of Kâzım Karabekir could defeat the Armenian. It was a big victory. The Armenian government had to want peace with the Turkish. The Armenian and the Turkish signed the Gümrü Peace Treaty on 2 and 3 December, 1920. Peter : Was it the first international treaty and political success of the Grand National Assembly, wasn’t it? Yakup Satar : Yes. Peter : How could your soldiers find the munitions? I know the Allies took your munitions and sent the army after The Armistice of Moudros. You got your own weapons out secretly from İstanbul to the Anatolia. How could you manage to do? Yakup Satar : Actually, all the people, from the young to the elderly, could carry the munitions on their shoulders or on their oxen-driven carriages. They even couldn’t feed their animals enough. But, we succeeded. Because we all believed the victory was not far away in our hearts. 59 Peter : Did the Greek occupy anywhere? Yakup Satar : Yes, they occupied İzmir according to the Paris Treaty. The people struggled against the enemy with their courage, so they couldn’t go far fast, but they could take some parts of west Anatolia, because our armies weren’t well-organized. Peter : Could you build well-organized armies later? Yakup Satar : Yes, of course we could. Victory came soon. In the First Battle of İnönü, then the Second Battle of İnönü, we could defeat the Greek Army with our well-organized army. Meanwhile, we signed the Treaty of Moscow with the Russians on 16 March, 1921. Peter : What about the Second Battle of İnönü? Yakup Satar : The Greek wanted to capture Eskişehir and Afyon. The army under the control of İsmet İnönü could push back the enemy. Peter : When did Mustafa Kemal become the Chief Commander? Yakup Satar : On 5 August, 1921. Peter : What happened then? Yakup Satar : Our army was in the east of the Sakarya River. They attacked on 10 September. The Turkish forces could throw them to the west of the Sakarya River after the 22 day and night war. So, we won the Battle of Sakarya. Peter : What did that victory bring to you? Yakup Satar : We signed The Treaty of Ankara with the French on 20 October, 1921. We signed the Treaty of Kars with Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armania. After a year, on 30 August we stopped the Greek Army in Dumlupınar. The Chief Commander Mustafa Kemal defeated the Greek Army. So, the Turkish Army under the control of the Chief Commander Mustafa Kemal could win the Independence War of Turkish people. We signed the Armistice of Mudanya with the Allies on 11 October, 1922. The Grand National Assembly abolished the Sultanate on 1 November, 1922. 14 Read the interview. Find the treaties and write down in a list. 1. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 60 15 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about each event in turn. Then give a presentation for each one using your background knowledge. Dates Events 1922, Nov 01 Abolishing of the Ottoman Sultanate 1923, Jul 24 Signing of the Lausanne Treaty 1923, Aug 23 Allies forces started evacuating İstanbul in the frame of the Lausanne Treaty 1923, Sep 23 Last Allies forces left İstanbul. 1923, Oct 06 First Turkish troops entered İstanbul 1923, Oct 29 Declaration of the Republic of Turkey 1923, Oct 13 Accepting Ankara as the capital city Sample Dialogue: S1 : When did the Turkish Grand National Assembly abolish the Ottoman Sultanate? S2 : They abolished the Ottoman Sultanate on 1 November, 1922. When did they sign the Lausanne Treaty? S1 : They signed it on 24 July, 1923. 61 READING 16 Answer the questions. Have you ever heard any true story about the Independence War? How did you feel after reading it? 17 Read the story. While reading, underline what Şerife Bacı could do or what she couldn’t do. The winter past very harsh in 1921. Someone had to carry the munitions coming from İnebolu to the fronts. The self-sacrificing Turkish mothers were carrying munitions from İnebolu to Ankara despite the chilly cold. One of them was Şerife Bacı. It was snowing heavily and the night was coming with its colder hands. She covered the munitions in the oxen-driven carriage with her baby’s blanket. She hid her little child among the munitions. After a while she couldn’t follow the others. While she was pushing the carriage with the oxen, the snow was tickening on the cover of the munitions. There was a deep silence in the air. She could only hear the noise of the carriage. The dark of the night was falling down as a thick curtain and she couldn’t recognize the path and she couldn’t follow the others. She was feeling very cold as she felt a deep sleep desire. She could reach at the quarters. She got frozen before she delivered the munitions to the soldiers a few feet away. When the soldiers realized the carriage, they rushed to it. They met Şerife Bacı lying frozen at the feet of the oxen. While they were running for her, they heard a baby crying. They pulled the frozen blanket, to their surprise, a baby was there crying. His mother was dead but he was alive. She could deliver the munitions. 18 Read the story again. Then answer the questions. 1. What’s the main idea of the story? 2. Tell the story in the order of the events. 3. Which quality of Turkish women did you find? 62 19 Read the story again and find the topic sentence, supporting details and examples. Then, write them in the table below. Topic sentence: First supporting detail: Examples: Second supporting detail: Example: Third supporting detail: Example: 20 Write a story about the events in the Independence War. Pay attention to the checklist. Then draw and colour the pictures in the empty boxes referring the order of the events. Checklist — Describe weather, surroundings. ___________________ ____________________________________________________ — Use senses (feel, hear, see, smell, taste). ____________________________________________________ — Creat mystery in your story ____________________________________________________ — Refer to your feelings or mood. ____________________________________________________ — Write what people could or couldn’t do during the Independence War. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 63 21 Work in groups. Tell your story in turn. Then, give votes in order to find the most interesting story. 22 TASK Imagine that one of the characters from the Independence War has come to the present. Interview him/her. 64 UNIT SIX DETECTIVE STORIES THE STORY OF THE STOLEN NECKLACE 1 Have you ever read a detective story? 2 Can you solve a case? 3 Have you ever heard Sherlock Holmes? 4 Have you ever written a detective story? 5 Do you prefer reading detective stories to watching them? 6 How could you keep the readers’ curiosity when you write a detective story? 65 READING 1 Look at the pictures. They are jumbled. Guess the order of the events. 2 Read the first part of the story. Put the pictures in order according to Mrs Jackson’s dream. It was a dark night. There was silence at home. Mrs. Jackson was in a deep sleep. In her dream she was sliding down from a steep cliff. She scared, but she could reach a hill. Then she saw a river and a small waterfall. Suddenly she looked at the water and saw a fish. It was jumping up and down. It had golden eyes. She could see its amazing colour in the river. She thought it was very beautiful. a She watched the fish for some minutes. But it disappeared suddenly. She couldn’t see it again. Hopelessly she turned her head back. She screamed when she tripped over something. Surprisingly, she saw the same fish. Unfortunately, it was dead. Its golden eyes were open and lifeless. She tried to get the fish. She held the fish in her hands and felt very sad. She closed her hands tightly, She started crying. When she opened her hands, the little fish wasn’t there. Instead, there was a golden necklace, her mother’s golden necklace. b When she woke up, the alarm clock was ringing. She sat in her bed for a while. She thought about her mum. She died two years ago. After her death, she couldn’t live on their big farm in the country. She moved into a big house in the city. She could only hire a maid and a gardener. c a) _________ b) __________ c) __________ 3 Read Mrs Jackson’s dream again. Answer the questions. 1. What does Mrs Jackson’s dream mean? 2. Does it refer to future? 3. What will happen next in her life? 66 4 Read the second part of the story. Label the people in the pictures. Somebody stole Mrs Jackson’s necklace last night. The necklace was very valuable. The next morning her room maid, Alice came in with a big smile on her face. “Good morning, madam ! How was your sleep? Did you sleep well?” said Alice. She pulled the curtains. “The plumber will come today and fix the tap in the bathroom. If you want, he can fix a new tap. If he changes the tap, you know he asks for more money.” Mrs Jackson didn’t answer her questions. Alice knew this silence meant “Yes.”. Alice was in her thirties and she was tall and slim with brown shoulder length hair. Mrs Jackson was changing her clothes while she was trying to listen to her. Those days she didn’t have any money. Unfortunately, the family members and staff weren’t aware of the fact. Her son, Andrew, was losing money at the games. She couldn’t tell him “No” when he asked for money. Because she would ...................................... ...................................... almost lose her only son in a traffic accident while she was driving. Her husband died in the same accident. Andrew looked like her dad with curly blonde hair and healthy body. Her niece, Jasmen, lived with them. She was very trendy and she spent too much money on clothes. What about her fiancé, Mike? He was a real troublemaker. He was jobless and penniless, but Jasmen loved her fiancé a lot. Though he was a heavy drunker, he was a real romantic and handsome. Jasmen was a short lady with short black hair and eyes. She stood shorter near Mike and Mike was taller than Andrew. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ When Mrs Jackson came into the kitchen, the gardener, Thomas stood up with a great respect. Thomas was a short man, but he had a well-built body. Whenever he saw the lady, he blushed. He was very shy. There was a man at the table, too. He stood up, too. She recognized the plumber. He was a tiny man. He was slim and short with curly black hair. 67 LISTENING, SPEAKING AND WRITING 5 Work in groups. What would happen next? Guess asking and answering questions. Pay attention to the checklist. Checklist — Decide where / when / what would happen. — Make clear the events. — Make a list of the events. — Describe the atmosphere. — Give a simple description about people and places. — Raise curiosity. — Give some tips but not immediately. Sample Dialogue: S1 : I think she would lose her necklace, then she would accuse the staff in the house, but she had lots of problems in her mind. S2 : I don’t agree with you. I think there would be a party at home. Mrs Jackson would wear her necklace and someone would steal it. Hmm... Mike... Yes, my bad character is Mike. Mike stole the necklace because he needed money, because he was jobless. S3 : But, Andrew needed much more money, because he was a gambler. So, he would steal the necklace. S1 : What do you think about Thomas? S2 : He was too shy. ... 6 Listen to the CD. Guess who the thief was. 68 7 Listen to the CD. While listening, fill in the blanks. Detective Plumber : Good morning. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions? You know someone took Mrs Jackson’s gold necklace last night. Could you help me to catch the thief? Let’s start with the plumber. Peter, what were you doing at around 9 p.m. yesterday? : It’s an easy question. We were celebrating our little daughter’s second 1) _________ . Detective : Thank you. Yes, Alice. What’s your duty at home? Alice : I am the 2) ______ of Mrs Jackson, but I do all the housework at home. Detective : What were you 3) _______ at around 9 p.m. yesterday? Alice : I was cooking the meal for the 4) ________ day in the kitchen and I was watching a TV series. Detective : Was the door 5) _______? Alice : I always keep it open while I am cooking because of the smell. Detective : Did you hear or see something different? Alice : Actually, no. Oh, when I went 6) _______ , I noticed the 7) _______ of the bathroom was open, but I couldn’t close it, because it was stuck. Detective : So, you left it open. Thank you, Alice. Alice : You’re welcome. Detective : Jasmen, I know you were at home with your fiancé, Mike. What were you doing at home? Jasmen : I was crying in my bedroom because we 8) ________ an argument last night and we broke up. Well, I 9) ________ a crack while I was crying. So, I opened the door, but I couldn’t see anybody in the hall. to the garden 69 Detective : Mike, what were you doing at that hour? Mike : I 10) ______ the house after Jasmen went to her bedroom. Detective : Where did you go? Mike : I needed some fresh air. So, I walked around the house. Detective : Did you notice anybody? Mike : Yes, I saw someone getting out of the house. I couldn’t recognize him. Well, I remember something else. While I was going out, I couldn’t close the garden door behind me because it was broken. 8 Listen to the CD again. While listening, put the pictures in order. a b c 70 9 Work in groups. Evaluate the tips to find the thief. Sample Dialogue: S1 : I’ve found the thief. Mike stole the necklace, because he lived in the house. So he could go to the bathroom. S2 : He had an argument. So, he could steal the necklace. S3 : Then, he went out. But why did he break the window of the bathroom and the gate? S1 : So, others would think someone outside broke into the house. 10 Listen to the CD. Who was the thief? Circle the correct option. a) Alice b) Mike c) Andrew d) Jasmen e) Mrs. Jackson 11 Write a summary of the story. Checklist — First, make a list of the characters. — Then, make a list of the events. — Make sense between the events and the people. — Use “and”, “but”, “when”, “while”, “after”, etc. — Use your own words while summarizing. — Don’t copy sentences from the story. 71 f) Peter READING AND WRITING 12 Answer the questions. 1. Do you like reading detective stories? 2. Have you ever written a story? 3. Who is your favourite writer? 13 Read the text. Choose the correct option below to fill in the blank. a) a poem b) song c) a story Writing a story, a poem or song is not as difficult as most of us think. If you want to write ______ first of all; you have to set the scene. We should imagine that we are looking at a big picture. We should try to describe the picture; the place, the weather, the people and the feelings. Then, put the events in a logical order. The last and the foremost, while you are telling the story in the order of events, try to raise curiosity of the readers. If you keep readers’ curiosity up until the end, you are doing well. There must be lots of questions to be answered in different ways. Don’t give them the answers in the first hand. It’s just like a game. Hide the secrets. Don’t forget only you know the truth and make them know at the end. 14 Answer the questions. 1. What’s the main idea of the text? Underline the main sentence. 2. What should we do first when we start writing a story? 3. What should we do secondly? 4. Why do we have to raise the readers’ curiosity? 5. How can we keep the readers’ curiosity during the story telling? 15 Find the topic sentence and the supporting ideas in the text. Make a list of them. Topic sentence: First supporting idea: Second supporting idea: Third supporting idea: 72 16 You are going to write a story in exercise 18. Before writing, work in groups and answer the questions. 1. Where will the story take place? 2. When will the story take place? 3. Who will the main characters be? 4. What will the main event be in the story? 5. What will the weather be like? 17 Make a list of the events. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 18 Work in groups. Write a detective story. Then, put a title. 73 19 TASK Read the given detective story and try to solve the case. Pam was a rich lady, but she married a penniless man, Tom last year. After her ten year loneliness, she met Tom in a street when she was looking for a pair of sunglasses. He was drinking coffee and reading his newspaper in a coffee house when he realized a mugger grapped her handbag and ran away. He ran after him and took the handbag and gave it back to Pam. Pam felt appreciated. She invited him for a cup of coffee to her mansion. Then, they met regularly and had a good time until they got married last year. Pam and Tom went on a holiday in Dubai to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The hotel was very crowded, but they could find a good suite. A bell boy called Hasan brought their suitcases. He looked very poor and shy. Pam gave him soma tips, but he refused the money. Pam and Tom wanted to put their money and jewellery into the safety box of the hotel. The manager, Mr Abbas said “The safety box of the hotel isn’t safe.”. Pam was surprised at his answer. They decided to go to a bank and put them in the bank but it was late. They had to wait for the next morning. When they went down for dinner, they prefferred the Garden Restaurant of the hotel. There were lots of huge wild flowers around the tables and candles on the tables. Small waterfalls were running in the garden. It was raining, but the thick wooden shelters protected them from the rain. Everything was excellent except Tom’s illness. He was suffering from stomachache and he had to go to the toilet several times. When they went to their room, they found the door open. Someone broke into their room and stole their money and jewellery. 74 UNIT SEVEN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES PLACES 1 Have you ever walked on the sea? 2 Have you ever seen a sunk city? 3 Have you ever swum in a cave? 4 Have you ever fed fish in your hands? 5 Have you ever been to the Golden Horn? 6 Have you ever seen a ghost? 75 READING 1 Look at the pictures. What do they remind you of? Answer the questions. 1. What are they? 2. Where are they? 3. In which regions are they? 4. Have you ever visited them? Where and when did you visit? 76 2 Read the brochure. Find and write the cities in the text. Turkey has a very rich history and cultural heritage. We visited the Black Sea Region, the Central Anatolian Region, the Marmara Region and The Mediterranean Region. This time the tour took us to the historic cities in the east and southeast of Turkey. The first stop was 1)____________ . This city is famous for its pistachios and its dessert, baklava. We went to see the city by bus. First, we visited Yesemek. It is a Hittite school of the sculpture, then we visited the Kargamış the Fırat River. It was a Hittite capital. Second, we saw Belkıs (Zeugma). The mosaics were so beautiful there. The next day we went on a picnic in the Dülük forest. We had a barbecue and ate shish kebab and we enjoyed the local food in the restaurants. They were really tasty and spicy. The next city on the tour was 2)____________. The city is very fantastic and it has some very famous historical sites. We were fascinated with Hittite sculptures in the city museum. We visited the Taş Medrese. Of course, we ate ice cream. The city is famous for its ice cream, dried peppers and wooden furniture. We bought some souvenirs for our families and friends. Before we went to Kahramanmaraş, we were in 3)_________ . It is important for its cotton and silk products and it is also famous for its leather products. There are vineyards and olive groves. We visited Canbolat Bey Complex. There are old baths and a center. We visited Ravanda Castle. It was fantastic. We could see the ruins from Hittite, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic times in Kuzeyne (Korus). It was an open air museum. Later, we were in 4)_____________ . We bought colourful local rugs (kilims) for reasonable prices in the city bazaar. We climbed Mount Nemrut. It is a national park. The scenery was really wonderful when we were at the summit of the mountain. The sun was rising and we could see the statues of Apollo, Zeus, Hercules, Tyche and Antiochus there. They were gigantic. On the sixth day, we were in 5)____________ . We had a sightseeing tour in the city center We visited the old houses in the city and took some pictures. We visited Rızvaniye Mosque and fed the fish in the lake. We ate çiğ köfte, dolma while we were watching local folkloric dance performance and listening to folk songs. 77 When we arrived in 6)____________, we saw its historic city walls. It was near the Dicle River. First, we visited the Ulu Mosque then, the Church of the Virgin Mary. Finally, we visited the home of the writer, Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı. We stayed in the Delliler Han. Finally, the stone houses of 7)________________ welcomed us. In short, the city was very beautiful. There were a lot of historic buldings. While we were taking a sightseeing tour in the city, we met some actors and actresses in the streets. Then, we learnt that they were filming a Turkish soap opera. We visited the city museum and also Deyrulzafaran Monastery. We visited the Kasım Paşa Medrese. It was remarkable. Then, we visited the İsa Bey Medrese and enjoyed the Mesopotamian Plain. We bought silver jewellery. People called it as telkari in Midyat. It was a cultural holiday and we enjoyed our tour. We both had a good time and learnt many things about the cities. 3 Read the brochure. Find the regions the holidaymakers visited this time. a) The Black Sea Region b) The Central Anatolian Region c) The Aegean Region and the Marmara Region d) The Mediterranean Region e) The East Anatolian Region f) The Southeast Anatolian Region and the East Anatolian Region g) The Marmara Region and the Black Sea Region 4 Read the brochure again. Then fill in the table. Topic Sentence Supporting Details and Examples 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________ 78 5 Read the brochure and answer the questions. 1. What is Gaziantep important for? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2. Which city was a Hittite capital? Is it still a capital? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3. Did the narrator find Gaziantep’s local food delicious and spicy? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4. Did the narrator find Hittite sculptures in the city museum attractive in Kahramanmaraş? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5. Did they buy any presents for their families and friends? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6. Is Kilis attractive with vineyards and olive groves? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 7. Could they look at the ruins from Hittite, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic times in Kuzeyne? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 8. Did they bargain when they bought colourful local rugs? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 9. What happened when they were at the top of the mountain? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 10. Which city welcomed them with its historic city walls when they reached? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6 Match the words / phrases with the similar meanings. 1 2 summit 3 reasonable price 6 to be fascinated with 5 to arrive in souvenir 8 9 7 tasty 4 gigantic to be famous for 10 heritage fantastic a) huge e) top i) culture of a country b) reach f) to be important for j) bargain c) present g) delicious d) wonderful h) find sth remarkable / be charmed with 79 7 Write a brochure. Use the information in the text in exercise 2. Use “and”, “but” and “because”. LISTENING 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Have you ever had a holiday on the Mediterranean coast in Turkey? 2. Where have you been? 3. When did you go? 4. Why did you go there? 9 Listen to the CD. Answer the questions. 1. Has Mrs. Jerkins decided where to go in Turkey? __________________________________________________ 2. Does İpek’s mother advise her to have a summer holiday on the Mediterranean Coast or on the Aegean Coast? __________________________________________________ 10 Listen to the CD again and find the main idea. Choose the correct option below. a) İpek’s mother is planning to go on a summer holiday. b) Mrs Jerkins is inviting İpek’s mother to her country for a holiday. c) Mrs. Jerkins is planning to go on a summer holiday in Turkey 80 11 Listen to the CD. Put T for true sentences or F for false sentences. 1. Mrs. Jerkins has been to İçmeler before. ____________ 2. İpek’s mother, Filiz has recommended İçmeler to a few friends and they have got satisfied. ____________ 3. If Mrs Jerkins goes to Kuşadası, she can take daily tours for Ephesus, Pamukkale and nearby. __________ 4. There aren’t any ruins in Side. _________ 5. Side hasn’t got any good restaurants. _________ 6. There is no lagoon in Ölü Deniz. _________ 12 Listen to the CD again. Match the words with their definitions. 1. to recommend a) very beautiful and attractive 2. resort b) a place where people have a good time 3. excellent c) extremely good 4. gorgeous d) to suggest 13 Work in groups. Decide on a holiday resort in Turkey to go for a summer holiday. Locate its advantages and disadvantages in a list in the table. Place Advantages Disadvantages WRITING AND SPEAKING 14 Write a paragraph using the information above. Use “and”, “but” and “because”. Pay attention to the checklist. Checklist — Write a topic sentence. (Give good reasons to choose.) — Write some supporting sentences (advantages and disadvantages). — Give examples / your experiences (what you like / dislike). — Write a conclusion. (Summarize.) 81 15 Work in pairs. Present your location and try to persuade your friend to go on a holiday there. Example: I suggest you going to Bodrum. Because it has a lot of historic places, beautiful beaches and enjoyable activities. You can always find something to do there. Also, you can meet new people from different cultures. You mustn’t miss it. READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 16 Ask questions to your classmates and fill in the table. Find someone who... ☺ Have you ever...? seen a lion? (not on TV) eaten scorpions? been te İstanbul? watched a football match? (not on TV) seen a dog bite a man? used chopsticks to eat hamburgers? been in a car accident? looked after a very old person? ridden a horse? traveled to a village? visited the Atatürk’s Mausoleum? argued with a taxi driver? traveled in a hot-air balloon? eaten fish and salad in Amasya? driven a truck? gone snowboarding? visited Ephesus? tried surfing? 82 Yes No Write Name Write Name 17 Work in pairs. Think about your experiences. Have a short interview as in the example. Then write your interview. S1 : Have you ever visited Atatürk’s House in Trabzon? S2 : Yes, I have visited it. S1 : When did you visit it? S2 : Two years ago. S1 : How did you find it? S2 : I find it remarkable. Have you seen the Sümela Monastery? We visited there, too. S1 : No, I haven’t visited there yet. Tell me more about it. S2 : It is in Trabzon. It is on a mountain. The scenery from the monastery is fascinating. Stick a photo of the place you’ve visited before. Stick a photo of the place you’ve visited before. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 83 18 TASK Prepare a questionnaire about personal experiences. QUESTIONNAIRE 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 6. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 7. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 8. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 9. _________________________________________________________________________________ a) ________________ b) ________________ c) ________________ d) ________________ 10. _________________________________________________________________________________. a) ________________ b) ________________ 84 c) ________________ d) ________________ UNIT EIGHT COOPERATION IN THE FAMILY RUNNING ERRANDS 1 What does the word “cooperate” mean? 2 Do you cooperate at home or in school? 3 Which household chores do you do at home? 4 Have you ever experienced any difficulties while cooperating? 5 Do you blame yourself or others if you do not want to cooperate? 6 Do you give any excuses to yourself or others if you do not want to cooperate? 7 Are you a cooperative person? 8 How can you value yourself as a cooperative person? 85 READING AND SPEAKING 1 Match the phrases with the pictures. a 1. do the ironing 2. do the washing 3. do the washing-up b 4. make the bed 5. do the polishing 6. make a phone call 7. do the tidying up 8. do the decorating 9. do the hoovering 10. clean the bathroom 11. do the cooking / make the meals c d e f g h i j k 86 2 Imagine you are preparing a surprise birthday party for one of your friends at your home. Don’t forget to make a list to do in your mind. Example: Things to do – to buy some balloons – to arrange music – to order the birthday cake. ............................................... ............................................... 3 Work in pairs. Cooperate with your deskmate. Make dialogues as in the example. Then fill in the tables. Sample Dialogue: S1 : OK. I am going to do shopping. Shall we make a list? S2 : Certainly, we need some colourful balloons, tissue papers, hats, whistles and a big cake. S1 : The list is okay. What about you? S2 : I am going to do tidying up. Then I’m going to do the hoovering. S1 : OK. I am going to do the washingup after shopping. Your list to do ________________________________________ Your friend’s list to do ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ LISTENING 4 Answer the questions. 1. Do you do housework? 2. Do you cooperate in the family? 3. Do you delay the housework or do it on time? 4. Do you argue with the family members about doing the housework? 5. Who is the winner at the end? 87 5 Look at the picture. It’s Jane and Emma’s house. Describe it. Example: There are some clothes on the ironing board. The bin is full of garbage. 6 Listen to the CD. What are they preparing for? Choose the correct option. a) A birthday party. b) A wedding anniversary. c) A garden party. 7 What are they going to do? Listen to the CD and tick (✓ ✓) the boxes. Housework Jane make breakfast make the beds do the washing-up do the hoovering do the ironing do the shopping do the tidying up empty the trash clean the bathroom do the dusting 88 Emma 8 Listen to the CD again and fill in the blanks. Jane : Why do I always do all the housework? I always 1) _________________, 2) ___________________ and 3) _____________________ . Emma : Yes, sure. But, you’re always missing something. I often 4) _____________________ and I always 5) ________________________________ . Oh, I’ve forgotten to tell something else. I usually 6) _________________________ and 7) _____________________ . Jane : OK. Let’s have a look round the house. Oh, what a mess! I think you’ve forgotten to make the beds and do the tidying up this morning. Emma : Jane, you know it’s early. I’ve got enough time to do them. Jane : Emma, as usual you’re giving nonsense excuses. Tonight we have a surprise party for mum and dad . So, we have to make all the preparations before they came back home. Emma : Are you sure today is their wedding anniversary? Jane : Emma, come on. Let’s start with a plan. First, I’m going to 8) _________________________, then I am going to do tidying up, clean the bathroom and then I am going to 9) ___________________ and do the washing. Emma : What shall I do? Jane : Can you do the shopping if you do not mind? Emma : Of course. Jane : But, before going for the shopping, please 10) ___________________, do the washing-up and empty the trashes. Emma : I’m sorry I can’t do the washing-up because the dishwasher is full. Jane : So, first empty it, then put the dishes in it or 11) ________________________ in the basin. Then, empty the dishwasher. Emma : Jane, don’t pull my leg. Jane : Then stop giving nonsense excuses. Start with first emptying the dishwasher. Don’t forget to 12) __________________________ all the silver and the furniture after shopping. Emma, are you listening to me? I haven’t finished yet. What are you doing there? Are you making a phone call? Emma : Yes, I’m ordering the cake. 89 READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 9 Answer the questions. 1. Why is Jane getting angry with Emma? 2. What do you think about Emma? 3. What do you think about Jane? 10 Read the text and put the phrases in exercise 1 into the correct places. Emma :Oh, no It’s two o’clock. There are still lots of things to do. made the beds 2) _______________, Jane :I have already 1) 3) ________________ and I have just _______________ . Emma :I haven’t 4) ______________________ yet. Jane :Because you’re wasting much of your time doing the tidying up. Be quick! Emma :We’ve made such a mess that I’m still putting everything away. Jane :Come on. Use your time properly. Emma :What about you? Okay, you have done the hoovering, but you haven’t 5) Jane :Busy with your business. You haven’t 6) I am going to 7) ___________yet. ________________ yet. ________________, but the fridge is empty. Emma :Jane, they are in the bags. I have done the shopping but I haven’t put them in the fridge. Jane :Do the dusting as soon as possible, Emma. Time is running. Would you mind 8) ____________ as soon as possible. Emma :Of course. I’d love to. 11 Read the text. What have / haven’t they done? Make a list. Jane has already made the beds and made breakfast. 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. _________________________________________________________________________________ 90 12 Read the text again. Ask and answer the questions. Use the prompts in the brackets. 1. Has Jane made the beds yet? (already) ________________________________________________ . 2. ____________________________________________? (yet) Yes, she has just come back from shopping. 3. Has Emma done the decorating yet? ________________________________________________ . 4. ________________________________________________? No, she hasn’t made the meals yet. 13 Read the text again and find and write the names. 1. ____________ has already made the beds and breakfast, but ___________ hasn’t done the washing yet. 2. ____________ has already done the shopping, but __________ hasn’t made the meals yet. 3. ____________ has already done the hoovering, but __________ hasn’t done the washing-up yet. 4. ____________ haven’t done the decorating yet, but __________ is going to do the decorating soon. 14 It’s four o’clock. Read what they have done or what they haven’t done. Find the similar meanings of the phrases in the circles. Then, write down. 1. Emma has just washed the dishes and put them in the cupboard. ___________________ 2. Jane is cooking the meals on the cooker. _______________ 3. Jane has already vacuumed the floor and then, she has emptied the vacuum cleaner. _______________ 4. Jane hasn’t done the laundry yet, but she has put the laundry in the washing machine. _____________ 5. Emma has just dusted the furniture. ____________ 6. Emma has already ironed the clothes , and then she has put them in the wardrobe. 7. Jane has already tidied up their home. ___________________ 15 Work in pairs. Imagine you have finished or you haven’t finished the preparations for your friend’s surprise birthday party in exercise 2. Talk about your preparations and check your list. Sample dialogue 1: Yes, I have already done the washing and Have you done the washing yet? I have just set the table. What about you? I have done the shopping and I have already ordered the cake. I haven’t done the decoration yet. Could you do the decorating? Thank you. Yes, certainly. 91 Sample dialogue 2: Let’s check our list. Have you vacuumed the carpets? Pardon? I’m showing you. Look at me. Do you get it? Yes. I have done the hoovering. So, you’ve vacuumed the carpets, haven’t you? Yes. That’s right. LISTENING 16 Answer the questions. 1. Have you ever bought a present like a dress, a skirt or a pair of trousers? 2. Imagine one of your friends gives you a pair of pants as a birthday present. You try them on, but you feel uncomfortable in them, because they are tight. What do you do then? 17 Listen to the CD. Where is Jane and Emma’s mother? Circle the correct option. a) At home. b) At the library. c) In a shop. 18 Listen to the CD. Choose the correct option. Rose : Could you help me? I want to 1) charge / change this skirt. My daughters bought it two days ago. Shop Assistant : Of course. I think it is a present. Would you mind giving me the skirt and the bill? Rose : Here you are. Shop Assistant : What’s the problem with it? Rose : It’s not my 2) size / seize. It’s a little large on me, especially on my 3) waist / waste. Shop Assistant : Could you try this one on? Rose : 4) Sure / Sorry I can’t. Shop Assistant : There is a changing room over there. May I take your 5) cute / coat? ... Shop Assistant : Madam, have you tried it on yet? Rose : Yes, I’ve just tried it on. Shop Assistant : Does it 6) fit / fix? Rose : No, it doesn’t. Shop Assistant : So, would you like to try this one on? Rose : No, thanks. I don’t like this colour. 92 Shop Assistant : What about this one? Rose : It’s a little long. Can you 7) shorten / shirt it. Shop Assistant : Yes, of course. It certainly 8) suites / suits you. Rose : But, it doesn’t 9) match / much my shoes. Shop Assistant : Oh, let’s look. I think this one will match them. Rose : I’m sorry, but this doesn’t suit me. Shop Assistant : Could you go and see the other skirts over there and decide on your own if you don’t 10) mint / mind? Rose : Of course, I don’t, but I’ve already changed my mind and decided not to change the first one. Thank you very much. Shop Assistant : Madam. You’re welcome. 19 Match the verbs with their definitions. 1. to suit a) to be right style for someone 2. to shorten b) to be the same colour 3. to match c) to give it and take sth else instead of it 4. to change d) to make shorter 5. to fit e) to be the correct size 20 Then answer the questions. 1. Who gave Rose the skirt as a present? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2. When did they buy it? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3. Why did Rose want to change? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4. What happened next? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5. Why did the shop assistant stop helping? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6. What happened at the end? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 93 21 Work in pairs. Role-play the dialogue in exercise 18. You can improve the dialogue using your own experiences. 22 Are you familiar with these statements? Tick (✓ ✓) the familiar ones. 1. Are you listening to me? 6. Can you do it after you listen to me please? 2. Don’t talk when your mouth is full. 7. Stop your whining! 3. Did you do your homework? 8. Will you hurry up? 4. Can’t you ever put anything back? 9. I’m tired of asking you. 5. How many times do I have to tell you? 10. I’m angry about the mess around. 23 Work in pairs. Compare and contrast your ticks with your friend. Discuss where / when you hear them. READING AND WRITING 24 Answer the questions. 1. Do you help your parents at home? 2. Do your parents get angry with you when you don’t tidy your room? 25 Read the text. Put the sentences into the correct places. Third, rewarding is the best choice. First, as a parent you are not a victim. We should educate our children without giving them any harm. Finally, remind them the rules at home. Second, make home rules together and write on a piece of paper and pin it on the wall. Are you a cooperative family? If you are a cooperative family, everybody at home shares housework. Most parents can’t educate their children well, so their children don’t want to obey the rules at home. So, most mothers nag their children and lose their children´s trust. 1) ______________________ Like most parents, we want our children to have a regular and an easy life in the future. For sure they need your help every time 2) ___________________ Shake and tell yourself you’re older than your children 3) ______________________ Talk to your children and tell them these rules for all family members´ rules at home. Because you decided together. 4) ______________ _____________ You can reward them. We all know the “Grandmother Law” “After you’ve done your homework, you may eat more sweets.” 5) _____________________________ Don’t criticize them when they do wrong. If they do something right, praise them. In conclusion, make them remember the rules and obey them. 94 26 Read the text again and guess the meanings of the words below. Match them with their meanings. 1. trust a) to make somebody remember something 2. reward b) to say somebody good words when he/she does something good. 3. praise c) to believe in somebody. 4. remind d) to give somebody a prize or a present when he/she does something good. 27 Work in pairs. Give instructions to each other to be a good member at home. Do as in the example. Sample Dialogue: S1 : What must I do at home? S2 : Help your mum in the kitchen. Take the rubbish out. 28 Read the text again. Summarize the text. Use “and”, “but” and “because”. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 95 29 TASK Compare the two pictures given and find the differences by saying what the person has or hasn’t done. 96 UNIT NINE SUCCESS STORIES A LIVING SCIENTIST 1 Do you want to be a scientist? 2 Do you know any Turkish scientists? 3 Do you love Science? 4 How many living scientists do you know? 5 In what way is Science important in our life? 6 Do you have any dream of becoming a worldwide-known scientist? 7 What would you like to discover? 97 READING 1 Look at the pictures. Then answer the questions. 1. Are you familiar with them? 2. What do they have in common? a. b. c. d. e. 2 Match the pictures with the names. 1. Ayşegül Aygün 2. Mehmet Öz 3. Dr. Umut Özcan 4. Gökhan Hotamışlıgil 5. Levent Gürel 98 3 Answer the questions. 1. Who cloned Dolly the sheep? 2. Are you interested in science? Do you follow the developments in science? 4 Read the text and locate the topic sentence and supporting sentences into the correct places in the text. a) The findings also reveal that a large number of students don’t like Science lessons and they think scientists are clever. b) Statistics show that students want radical changes in Science lessons. c) Teenagers are out of touch with modern science and they cannot name a single scientist. d) The results of the survey show the number of students is decreasing at the Science departments of universities. ONLY DEAD SCIENTISTS KNOWN BY STUDENTS 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ . A survey revealed this fact. Students, aged 13-16, took the survey about famous scientists. An Exam Board carried out the survey. Isaac Newton (39%) and Albert Eistein (29%) were at the top of the list. Marie Curie, Charles Darwin and Alexander Fleming were coming next. The students stopped answering when they came to give the names of living scientists.. It is surprising that no students named those scientists, for example Ian Wilmut and Professor Colin Pillinger. Ian Wilmut cloned Dolly the sheep and Professor Colin Pillinger headed the Beagle 2 Space probe to Mars Project. 99 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Eight out of ten students (79%) said scientists were clever, just 7% said they were cool and fun. Over half (51%) of the students thought Science lessons were boring, or difficult in secondary schools. The results show that they are not happy because Science is compulsory in schools. The results also show that Science is not a favourite subject and there is a growing apathy about it among teenagers. 3. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Universities report the number of Science students, Science teachers and lab technicians are decreasing at universities. Also, there is a shortage of Science teachers and lab technicians. They are planning to help students understand Science by touching on everyday subjects such as mobile phone. 4. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Over one third (39%) of the students preferred taking part in practical experiments for a good learning. 24% of the students preferred having knowledge in classes. All in all, we should take some precautions to raise students’ attention to Science for a good future. Students may not see Science interesting, but they should appreciate and study it for their future. 5 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. Which scientists did the students know more? _____________________________________________ 2. How many students thought scientists were cool and fun? _____________________________________________ 3. What did the students think about Science lessons in schools? _____________________________________________ 4. What kind of changes did the students want in schools? _____________________________________________ 6 Read the text again and match the words or phrases with their definitions. a) to reveal 1) requiring to be done because of a rule or law b) to carry out 2) lack of enthusiasm, interest or emotion c) compulsory 3) to make or organize a research d) apathy 4) to admire greatly and with understanding e) to appreciate 5) to make known 100 READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 7 Discuss the questions. 1. What is obesity? 2. Is there a treatment for obesity? 8 Take the questionnaire. Tick (✓ ✓) the boxes according to your eating habit. QUIZ True False 1. I don’t have time for breakfast. 2. I eat more when I feel depressed. 3. I eat when I feel nervous or worried. 4. I prefer eating ready meals. 5. I’m not aware of the calorie content in food. 6. I don’t like wasting food. 7. I eat biscuits more often when I study at home or at school. 8. I snack, because I think I might get hungry later. 9. I find it difficult to eat regular meals because of my lifestyle. 10. I try to lose weight but my weight still is same. 11. I overeat when I’m with other people. 12. If I want to eat something, I usually eat a bar of chocolate. 13. We always have snacks in the house. 14. I cannot resist second helping. 15. I eat even if I’m not hungry. 16. I don’t have enough time to sit down and have a meal. So, I eat snack food. 17. I tend to overeat, because I never feel full. 18. When I feel guilty, I tend to eat more than usual. 19. I snack before dinner or while cooking dinner. 20. I forget to eat when I’m busy. 21. I eat too much in the evenings or late at nights. 22. I eat because I love eating. * If you put more trues than falses, you have a bad eating habit. If you don’t want to be an obese or overweight, it is time to change your lifestyle. 101 9 Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions in the questionnaire Then, evaluate your questionnaire results. Sample Dialogue: S1 : Do you have time for breakfast in the morning? S2 : Yes, I do. S1 : When do you eat more? S2 : I eat more when I feel depressed. READING 10 Read the headline from a newspaper. Discuss the questions. TURKISH SCIENTISTS’ SUCCESS RAISES HOPES FOR OBESITY TREATMENT 1. What does this heading remind you? 2. Do you think there is an obesity treatment? 3. Have you ever heard of Dr. Umut Özcan? 4. What makes him special in Medicine? 5. Have you ever met someone who overcame obesity? 11 Look at the picture. Describe her. 12 Look at the picture. Answer the questions. 1. What’s her problem? 2. What makes her eat too much in your opinion? 13 Read the text. Find what it is about. The researchers have tried to find a treatment for obesity, This treatment can work the leptin. Leptin is a protein hormone. It controls appetite. It is in adipose tissue. It regulates appetite and metobolism. In obese people leptin loses its power. At Harvard Medical School, a research team tried to find a solution for that problem. They said they treated two mice with two drugs. The researchers tried these two drugs in humans. Because the mice overcame leptin problem and this gave hopes as a treatment for obesity. “We are very excited and we will see the results of this treatment in humans.”, said Dr. Umut Özcan. He is a doctor at Children’s Hospital in Boston and Harvard Medical School. His study appeared in the Journal Cell Metobolism. 102 The researchers discovered leptin in 1995. The obese mice lost weight with leptin, but in obese humans it didn’t bring success. Özcan said most obese people develop leptin resistance. The hormone sends massage to stop eating, but the brain doesn’t answer that. ER is a stucture within the cells. There are proteins. In obese people, this structure can’t work well. It also blocks incoming signals. Özcan’s team set about trying re-sensitize the brain to leptin. First, they fed two mice with a high-fat diet. They put on weight and became fat. Then, they gave them the two drugs. Finally, they injected them with leptin. “We have seen weight loss in those mice. We are going to try these drugs in humans. We hope it will work.” Özcan said. Obesity is a global problem. Around 1.8 billion people were overweight or obese in 2007. Drugs haven’t worked enough and they have very bad side effects. 14 Read the text and put T for true, F for false statements. 1. Dr. Umut Özcan has found a treatment to the obesity. _______________ 2. They tried two new drugs. _______________ 3. Dr. Umut Özcan and his team had an experiment on the two mice. _______________ 4. They tried the drugs in humans. _______________ 5. Drugs are a great success in treatment of obesity. _______________ 6. In obese people leptin controls their appetite and metabolism. _______________ 7. The mice lost weight when the team injected them with leptin. _______________ 8. They discovered leptin in 2008. _______________ 9. In obesity, ER stops working properly and blocks the signals. ______________ 10. Özcan’s team is going to try re-sensitize the brain to leptin. _______________ 103 15 Read the text again. Then choose the correct option. 1. Dr. Umut Özcan sees _____ as a key to develop a treatment for obesity. a) ER b) cells c) leptin d) tissue 2. Obese people cannot control their appetite, because _______________ doesn’t work properly. a) ER b) cells c) leptin d) brain 3. After having a __________________, the two mice became overweight. a) low-fat diet b) high-fat diet c) strict diet d) meal 4. Dr Umut Özcan and his team _______________ a new try to control the appetite by the help of leptin. a) set about b) pull out c) cut out d) set out 16 Complete the biography of Dr. Umut Özcan using the tips. Use simple connectors like “and”, “but” and “because”. THE BIOGRAPHY OF DR. UMUT ÖZCAN ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ At the age of 29 he became a lecturer at Harvard University. – born in Tunceli / 1977 – Tunceli Atatürk Primary School – Elazığ Anatolion High School – Ankara Science High School – Cerrahpaşa Medicine Faculty of İstanbul University – He worked with Prof. Dr. Hüsrev Hatemi, Prof. Dr. Günnur Yiğit, Prof. Dr. Selma Yılmazer and Dr. Tuncay Altuğ. – His study appeared in Science Magazine in 2004. lt was accepted in the best 5 diabet research by Nature Magazine. – a lecturer at Harvard University 17 Work in groups. Talk about Dr. Umut Özcan’s life story and his success in turn. 104 LISTENING 18 Before listening to the CD, answer the questions. 1. What does the name of Behçet remind you? 2. Have you ever heard of Behçet’s Disease? 3. Have you ever met someone who is suffering from Behçet’s Disease? 4. What are the symptoms of Behçet’s Disease? 19 Listen to the CD and find who it is about. 20 Listen to the CD again. Choose the correct option. 1. He was born in İstanbul __________________ . a) on February 20, 1886 b) on February 20, 1889 2. Hulusi Behçet’s father took __________ as their surname. a) his grandfather’s name, Behçet b) his father’s name, Behçet 3. His grandmother looked after him after his mother’s death and his childhood was difficult for him. So, he became ____________ . a) sociable b) unsociable 4. He learned French, Latin and German and he could speak them as well as a _____________ a) native speaker b) loudspeaker 5. Dr. Behçet ______________ from Gülhane Military Medical Academy a) graduated b) finished 6. He served at the Edirne Military Hospital during 1914 - 1918 as a specialist in ________________ . a) cardiology b) dermatology 7. After the war he first went __________ . a) to Anatolia b) abroad 8. In 1923, he ________ the head medical doctor at the Hasköy Hospital. a) became b) took 9. At Guruba Hospital he worked in a ____________ consulting office. a) personal b) community 10. Dr. Behçet was the first Turkish who ______ the title of professor in Turkish academic life. a) gave b) took 11. In 1935, the Dermatology Congress in Budapest honored him for his _______________ . a) speech b) works 12. In 1937, he _______________ the new disease. a) discovered b) recalled 105 21 Read the events. Reorder them. – He graduated from Gülhane Military Medical Academy in 1910. – He came back to Turkey in 1919. – He was born on February 20, 1889 in İstanbul. – He served at the Edirne Military Hospital as a specialist in dermatology. – He completed his specialization at the Gülhane Military Medical Academy in 1914. – He lost his mother and his grandmother looked after him. – After the war, he went abroad and worked in various hospitals in Budapest and Berlin for a year. – He discovered the new disease in 1937. – He became professor in 1933. – He died on March 8, 1948. – In 1947 this finding of Behçet’s was named “Morbus Behçet”. – He was honored by the Dermatology Congress in Budapest for his studies in 1935. 22 Work in pairs. Talk about Dr. Hulusi Behçet. Ask for clarification if you need or use your gesture to clarify. Sample Dialogue: Checklist — Describe his education. — Describe his qualifications. — Talk about his accomplishments and works. S1 : He was born on February 20, 1889. He got a good education. He could speak more than two languages. He became introverted after his mother’s death. S2 : Excuse me, but I couldn’t get the meaning of ‘introverted’. S1 : (He/She uses his/her gesture.) S2 : OK. It means unsociable. Thank you. 23 Answer the questions. Then, write down the answers. 1. When did Dr. Hulusi Behçet discover the disease? 1. ............................................................... 2. What was the new disease´s name? 2. ............................................................... 106 24 Answer the questions. 1. Have you ever heard of Gökhan Hotamışlıgil? 2. What makes him special? 25 Write a biography of Gökhan Hotamışlıgil. Pay attention to the checklist. Checklist — Start with the person’s full name. — Go on with what he/she is famous for. — Give details about his/her education. — Give qualities of him/her. — Write about events/achievements in chronological order. 26 TASK Find the date of an important invention and write a sentence expressing how long humans have had it. 107 UNIT TEN READING FOR ENTERTAINMENT A MODERN SHORT STORY 1 Do you think reading entertains you? 2 Are you a good reader? 3 What do you prefer reading? 4 Do you prefer classical stories to modern stories? Why / Why not? 5 Have you ever tried writing a short story? 6 Which story writers are you familiar with? 108 READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 1 Look at the photos. Answer the questions. 1. Are you familiar with them? 4. Do you love reading short stories? 2. What do they have in common? 5. If yes, why do you prefer short stories to novels? 3. Have you read any stories by them? a b c d e f 109 2 Match the writers with their pictures in exercise 1. 1. Kemalettin Tuğcu 2. Gülten Dayıoğlu 3. Sait Faik Abasıyanık 4. Nezihe Meriç 5. Ayşe Kulin 6. Halide Edip 3 Look at the pictures and read the biography written in 2005. Whose biography is this? Find ✓). the correct picture and tick (✓ Picture 1 Ayşe Kulin Gülten Dayıoğlu Picture 2 She was born in 1941 in İstanbul. She is a Turkish contemporary novelist and columnist. She graduated from Arnavutköy American Private High School For Girls. She released a collection of short stories titled “Güneşe Dön Yüzünü” in 1984. A short story from this book called “Gülizar” was made into a film titled “Kırık Bebek.” She won a screenplay award from the Ministry of Culture with this film in 1986. She worked as a screenwriter, cinematographer and producer for many films, television series and advertisements. “Ayaşlı ve Kiracıları”, a television series, brought her the Best Cinematographer Award from the Theatre Writers Association in the same year. 110 She wrote a biography of Münir Nureddin Selçuk titled “Bir Tatlı Huzur” in 1996. In the same year she won the Haldun Taner Short Story Award with a short story called “Foto Sabah Resimleri” and she won the Sait Faik Story Prize one year later. In 1997, the Communication Faculty of İstanbul chose her as the ‘Writer of the Year’ for her biographical novel “Adı Aylin.” In November 1999, she wrote a novel called “Sevdalinka” about the Bosnian Civil War. Communication Faculty of İstanbul chose it as the Best Novel. She wrote “Füreyya.” It was a biographical novel. It was brought out it in 2000. In June 2001, she put out a novel titled “Köprü.” In May 2002, she wrote a novel titled “Nefes Nefese.” The same year she wrote an essay called “Kızıl Bir Gül.” Two years later she brought out “Kardelenler ve Gece Sesleri”, a novel. The next year she wrote and put out a novel called “Bir Gün.” 4 Read the text and underline her works and awards. 5 Read the text again and complete the table. WORKS Gülizar / Kırık Bebek GENRE Short story AWARDS Screenplay Award YEARS 1986 6 Work in pairs. Read the biography in exercise 2. Ask and answer guessing the unknown words or phrases from the context. Sample Dialogue: S1 : Do you get the meaning of “release” from the whole text? S2 : I think “release” means “publish”. Have you noticed “put out” and “bring out”? S1 : They all have the same meaning. Have you noticed “titled” and “called”? S2 : Of course. They have the same meaning, too. 111 7 Work in pairs. Imagine one of you is Ayşe Kulin and the other is a journalist and you’re having an interview. It is December 12, 2005. Complete the interview according to the table in the previous exercise. Then, role-play. Journalist : First, thank you very much because you’re giving your precious time to us. Ayşe Kulin : Be sure it will be pleasure for me. Journalist : When did you start writing? Ayşe Kulin : When I was a student at a primary school, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen’s novels improved my reading desire and Nezihe Meriç’s stories improved my writing desire. Journalist : What did you want to be when you were a child? Did you want to be a writer? Ayşe Kulin : Yes, I wanted to be writer. Journalist : You set a clear goal in your mind in early age of your life. What kind of difficulties have you experienced? Ayşe Kulin : Some publishing houses have rejected my works lots of times. But this pushed me to write more and more. Because I have wanted to be a good writer since I started sixth grade in the school. Journalist : You have just brought out your latest novel “Bir Gün”, haven’t you? Ayşe Kulin : Yes, I have. Journalist : How many novels have you brought out so far? Ayşe Kulin : _____________________________________ Journalist : How many awards have you got? Ayşe Kulin : _________________________________________________________________________ Journalist : _________________________________________________________________________ Ayşe Kulin : _________________________________________________________________________ Journalist : _________________________________________________________________________ Ayşe Kulin : _________________________________________________________________________ Journalist : _________________________________________________________________________ Ayşe Kulin : _________________________________________________________________________ Journalist : _________________________________________________________________________ Ayşe Kulin : _________________________________________________________________________ Journalist : _________________________________________________________________________ Ayşe Kulin : _________________________________________________________________________ Journalist : What would you like to recommend people if they want to be a writer? Ayşe Kulin : Firstly, they should be talented, disciplined and observant. Secondly, they should read and never give up writing. 112 LISTENING, READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 8 Before reading the story by Gülten Dayıoğlu in the next activity, listen to the CD and predict the mood of the story. 9 Read the first part of the story. Which is Snake Granny? Put a tick (✓ ✓). a b Snake Granny was like a century plant tree. Nobody knew about her. She had immunity to snake bites. She would pick up any snake, roll it around her wrist and then let it go. Snake Granny was the loved one in the village and they invited her on their special days. She pierced the ears of the young girls, pulled teeth and served as a midwife and the wedding ceremonies could not take place without her. Wherever there was a fight, Snake Granny was there. She fought like a man. Snake Granny’s face was full of wrinkles. Her nose was big. Because she had no teeth left in her mouth, her chin touched her nose. Her gums were as strong as her teeth. Snake Granny was old but her heart was young. She preferred bright flowery cotton clothes. Even her woollen belt was as colorful as the flowers from seven mountains. She wore pink woollen socks. She put flowers behind her ears. At weddings she competed with the young people and danced until they were exhausted. The other old women were jealous of her and talked behind her back: “Snake Granny is without a care. She never worries about anything.” Snake Granny was not a rich woman at all. All she had a small land and a vineyard on the bank of a river. Her vineyard was her pride and joy. She never stopped working in the vineyard. The river was under the vineyard. 10 Read the story again and answer the questions. 1. Why was Snake Granny Special? 2. What was she like? 3. What did she do in the village for people? 113 11 Read the first part of the story again. Choose the correct options. 1. Snake Granny had an immunity to ________________ bites. a) turtle b) snake c) lamb d) dog 2. Snake Granny was an old lady; but she was full of ________ . a) life b) wrinkles c) acne d) money c) forks and knives d) hands 3. Snake Granny ate meals with her ________ . a) gum b) teeth 4. Snake Granny never stopped working in the vineyard, because she __________ it. a) loved b) didn’t love it c) praised d) pride and joy c) tunnel d) lake 5. There was a ___________ near the vineyard. a) sea b) river 12 Work in groups. What will happen in the second part of the story? Try to find some answers to this question. Sample Dialogue: S1 : I think she will find a treasure in the vineyard, because the snakes in the vineyard will help her find it. S2 : Maybe, she will find it. But I think she will die because of a snake bite. S1 : It sounds a bit impossible. S3 : To me, a snake will bite her and she will be an immortal snake. She will live in her vineyard forever. 13 Work in groups. Choose the most suitable end for the story and make up the events. Write the second part. 114 14 Read the second part of the story. First reorder the pictures. One day in the summer, she had breakfast with her family. Then, she decided to go to the vineyard. That day, her son would cut the wheat in the field, and the daughter-in-law would help him with her children. a When she arrived at the vineyard, she was exhausted. She went to the grape arbor. She wanted to lie down and rest for a while. Suddenly, she was surprised with the voices. She saw they were coming from the bank of the river. She got up and went to the bank. Fifteen men were standing in the water and they were building a wall in the middle of the river with stones and branches. They wanted to divide the river. So the water would flow into the hole which they were digging. But, when the water would hit the wall, it became wild and would flood Snake Granny’s land. She looked around and she realized the coming problem. She quickly ran towards them. b “Hey, what are you doing there?”, she shouted. The men looked at her without stopping their work. Then, they quickly turned their work. She was surprised at their behaviour. She thought, “They must be strangers.” It hurt her. c “As far as I can see, you are dividing the river, but if you do this, my vineyard will be under the water. You’re grown-ups, don’t you realize what you’re doing?” The men were silent and hurried with their work while Granny was shouting. d 115 The other man said: “Don’t forget what Şerif Ağa said. We won’t pay attention to anybody. We won’t tell anyone who we work for.” e She was in the water coming up to her knees. She was near the men while she was waving her arms and hands, but the men didn’t pay attention to her. She became very angry. Their silence drove her crazy. She attacked the wall. The Foreman lost his temper and he took her out of the river but she stood against him. She gathered herself soon. She woke up and started shouting and said: “I’ll pull it down.” “I’ ll pull it down.”. f While she was shouting, she started to dance and sing. The workers stopped to laugh at her strange dance. In her wet clothes, her slight body was like a snake’s. Her hair was wild. Her eyes were hot. “I will pull it down! Can I do it? I can, I can.” She was shouting while she was dancing. When the men finished their work, they left fast. She rushed into the water and started to pull the wall down. The river was flowing harshly and the night was coming slowly. In the evening, Granny’s son, her daughter-in-law and her grandchildren came to the vineyard. They were very tired after a long day. The cottage and the grape arbor looked deserted. They found her dead body on the sand. Her wet clothes and her hair were full of sand. İsmail knelt by his mother and cried. “My brave mother, my dear mother, what happened to you?” g But nobody answered. h 116 Then complete the flowchart as in the example. Snake Granny wanted to lie down and rest for a while 15 Work in groups. Discuss the events and the people in the story and give a simple description of the people and events while giving your opinions. Sample Dialogue: S1 : I really like Snake Granny in the story. She is the main character. She was really as strong as a man. She never gave in and pulled the wall down. S2 : So do I. There is a hidden character in the story. Did you notice him while you were reading? S3 : Şerif Ağa? He is the bad character of the story. S1 : Why did he hire the men? S3 : Because he wanted his land watered, but the water would flood her land in the spring. S2 : She struggled with Şerif Ağa in truth, not the men. S1 : I admired her, but I didn’t understand her dancing. S2 : Because she drove crazy with the men’s silence. 117 16 Summarize the story paying attention to the events and the characters. 17 Write a bad and a good day in your life. 18 TASK Choose a character from the story you have just read. Then draw his/her picture. 118 UNIT ELEVEN PERSONAL GOALS KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT 1 Do you have goals? 2 What do you do to make your goals real? 3 Who helps you to reach your goals? 4 Do you think your goals are realistic? 5 Are your goals clear in your mind? 6 Do you change your goals? 7 How do you motivate yourself? 119 LISTENING 1 Discuss the questions. 1. How could we learn from failure? 2. How does failure make us stronger? 2 Look at the picture. Answer the questions. 1. Why is İpek sad? 2. What do you think makes her worried? 3. Does she need a talk? 3 Listen to the CD. Find how İpek feels at the end of the conversation. 4 Listen to the CD. Put T for true, F for false statements. 1. İpek thinks she is not good at Maths, because she doesn’t study regularly. ______________ 2. According to the fixed mind-set, talent is genetic. ______________ 3. According to growth mind-set people can develop their intelligence. ______________ 4. The fixed mind-set sees failure as opportunity. ______________ 5. Their slogan is “All student can succeed.”. ______________ 120 5 Listening to the CD. While listening, fill in the blanks. James : What are you 1) _________ with, İpek? İpek : Oh, James, I am busy with this silly mathematical problem. James : You look 2) __________, don’t you? İpek : You are right. I am not good at Maths. I have no talent for Maths. I try to do my 3) __________ , but I always get low marks. That makes me 4) __________ . James : Calm down, İpek. First, you don’t need a talent for it. Learn from your failure. İpek : Should I learn something from my 5) _________ marks in Maths? James : Yes, you should. A psychologist says there are two 6) __________ mind-sets. İpek : What does “mind-set” mean? James : It is about our 7) ____________ . I mean it is about “intelligence”. İpek : What does “a fixed mind-set” mean? James : Well.. If you have a fixed mind-set, you think talent is genetic. İpek : It comes from birth, right? James : Sure. You think you’re a 8) __________ artist, a doctor or a cook. İpek : And growth mind-set. What does it mean? James : It doesn’t come from birth. Some people are 9) ___________ , but some people aren’t. People can develop their intelligence and they can be successful. So growth mind-set sees failure opportunity. İpek : I see. If I 10) ____________ and study more, I can be successful at Maths, right? James : Definitely. Now our motto is “All students can succeed.” İpek : I love it. 121 6 Find the similar words or phrases in the text. Then write them in the correct boxes. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs. 1. 2. clearly worried, afraid gift ___________ ___________ 5. 4. 3. ability to learn slogan and understand ___________ ___________ ___________ 7. 6. becoming calm coming from birth ___________ ___________ 7 What message did you take in the listening text? Work in groups. Express your opinions following the checklist. Ask for clarification if you need. Sample Dialogue: S1 : In my view, it gives us that message. We can catch the success if we want. Checklist — Set clear and realistic goals. S2 : Do you think desire is enough? — Make plans. S1 : No, I don’t mean “You should only want to do.”. I think you should do your best. — Be patient. S3 : So do I. — Encourage yourself. S1 : How could we do our best? — Be flexible for changing. S3 : We should have goals. — Cooperate with others. S4 : Goals? What do you mean? S3 : Aims. S1 : What should we do to get success? S2 : I think we should set our goals. And we should know our short and long-term goals. 8 Work in groups of four or five. Try to find answers to the questions. Discuss. 1. What motivates students to be successful? 2. What are the role of the parents in students’ success? 3. What demotivates students in learning process? 4. What should students do when they fail? 122 SPEAKING 9 Read the quote. What does it mean? Work in groups. Discuss. Never let failure be an identity, because it is an action. Sample Dialogue: S1 : I think it means that you cannot judge people with their failure. S2 : What do you mean with “judge”? S1 : Value or put a name. What do you think about it? S2 : I strongly believe that people should not judge others with their failure. S3 : I agree with you. S4 : What do you mean with “failure?” For example to me, “failure” means not to be happy in life but you can define “failure” in a different way. ... 10 Answer the questions. 1. Have you ever set a goal in your life? 4. Did you make a plan? 2. If yes, what did you do to achieve? 5. What kind of actions did you take? 3. Was your goal realistic? 6. Which difficulties did you have? 123 11 Read the quotes. What do you understand from them? Think about them. a) The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another. Alexander Graham Bell b) Success doesn’t mean reaching one goal. It means reaching a chain of goals. Byron Pulsifer c) The first is to know yourself and the most important step is to follow your dreams and goals. Byron Pulsifer READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 12 Before reading the story, answer the questions. 1. Do you like stories? 2. Do they give good examples about life? 13 Look at the picture. Describe the picture. 14 What can we say for her personal qualities from the picture? Choose the correct option. a) She is sociable and reliable. b) She is persistent and hardworking. 124 15 Read the story of Defne Çanlıbel. First, find a good title for it. She pulled the blanket over her shoulders. The wind was blowing through the cracks of the window. The snow was getting thickened over the roofs. The yellow light of the street lamp was shining over the heads of the people crossing the street. The room was empty and cold. They were so poor that they couldn’t pay the bill of the electricity that month. There was an electricity cut. She tried to study with the light of the candle and the light of the street lamp, but she couldn’t see properly because of the weak light. Her eyes filled with tears. She wanted to study more. Because there was an important exam the next day; University Entrance Exam. Four years ago when she started the high school in the city, she promised herself to study regularly and to be a doctor at the gate of the school. Defne was the fourth child of a family with nine children. Her father was a cook. Her mother was a housewife. The family was having the shortage of money. Her little brother, Umut was leukemia when Defne was in the 8th grade in the primary school. In a month they lost their little brother, Umut, because there was not a proper well-equipped hospital and well-qualified doctors. While she was walking 5 km - long school way from home, she told herself she would be a doctor, not only be a doctor but also she would be a well-qualified doctor. She would travel around the country and cure the sick children without charging for their treatment from their parents. She always kept her goals in her mind. Then, she made a 5-year-plan. She focused on her hero-Hulusi Behçet. She would discover a new illness and give his brother’s name to it. 1. She graduated from the primary school with a great success. She was on the top 10 list. It wasn’t enough for her. 2. One day, one of their teachers in high school asked “What do you want to be?”. Almost half of the class answered: “I want to be a doctor.” and the other half answered “I want to be a lawyer.”. She answered “I want to be a doctor, too.” with a slow voice. Not much more, a few months later she realized that only a few students studied regularly. What happened to the future doctors and the lawyers? 125 She was silent and shy in the class. She didn’t meet her friends after school, because she had to earn money. So, she went babysitting for one of relatives in the city. While the baby was sleeping, she solved mathematical problems and read the world classics. The day before the exam there was not only a chilly cold outside but also at home, but the next day was hot for her. She took the exam. She entered the medicine faculty with her only one option. After six years, she chose to specialize in cardiology. While she was in the medicine faculty, she was working as a shop assistant in a mall in İstanbul. Now she is a prominent doctor not in the homeland but also in the world. She discovered a new illness and gave her brother’s name to the illness. 3. Defne Çanlıbel is my admirable Turkish friend. I met her in a medicine congress in Europe. She is the most beautiful person whom I have ever seen with her broad smile and bright green eyes. 16 Read the story again and put the quotes in exercise 11 into the correct places in the story. 17 Read the story again. Then choose the correct options. 1. The doctors treated my grandmother but they couldn’t _________ her. Unfortunately, we lost her last year. a) heal b) come over c) need d) cure 2. The plumber _____________ 20 TL for fixing the tap in the kitchen. a) changed b) wanted c) needed d) gave 3. As a ____________ politician, he’s getting closer to the victory. a) handsome b) social c) prominent d) praiseworthy c) unsuccessful d) well-organized 4. Dr. Hulusi Behçet was _________________ . a) fixed-minded b) admirable 18 Read the story again and underline her goals and her success. Then ask and answer about her goals in pairs. What made her set these goals? What happened then? Sample Dialogue: S1 :Why did Defne want to be a doctor when she was at the high school? S2 :Because her brother was leukemia and he died. So she wanted to be a well-qualified doctor to treat sick people. S1 :Was her family poor? S3 :Yes, they were having the shortage of money. 126 19 Read the story again. Make a list of her personal goals. 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 20 Summarize the story. Use simple connectors like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘and’ ‘because’. 21 Work in groups. Discuss the events in the story. Then tell your opinions about the events in the story. Try to understand each one’s opinion. Sample Dialogue: S1 :She set a goal at her early age. This brought her success. S2 :Do you think setting a goal early is important? Could you explain it to us? S1 :Yes. I strongly believe this. Imagine she decided to be a doctor at the high school. She would miss the chance to prepare for it. S3 :Certainly, but I think ... ... 22 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your purposes and future plans. Express your reasons. Use “because” “so”. Do as in the example. Sample Dialogue: S1 :What are you going to be in the future? S2 :I’m going to be an architect. S1 :Why do you want to be an architect? S2 :Because I think I’m good at drawing pictures and designing some things. So I’m going to study hard and improve myself to go to a good university. 127 READING AND SPEAKING 23 Take the quiz and put a tick for each one. EVALUATE YOURSELF 1. Do you attend classes regularly? 2. Do you listen to your teachers carefully? 3. Do you train yourself to improve your attention? 4. If you miss a class, do you give an explanation/excuse to the teacher before class begins? 5. Are your excuses reasonable? 6. Do you do all missed homework? 7. Do you care about your grades? 8. Do you want to get your grades better? 9. Do you do optional activities in your coursebook? 10. Do you see your teacher before, after and during the class and comment on your exam papers and upcoming texts? 11. Do you set goals? 12. Do you plan your studies? 13. Do you stare out in class? 14. Do you improve opinions in class? 15. Do you isolate yourself in class? 16. Do you control yourself in class? 17. Do you control time while studying? 18. Do you revise the subjects only before exams? 19. Do you like researching? 20. Do you motivate yourself before starting to study? 21. Do you discipline yourself? 22. Do you use the technology properly? 23. Do you study at a desk? 24. Do you ask yourself these questions: a) What have I learnt today? b) What haven’t I learnt? Why? c) Why didn’t I concentrate on the subject in class? d) Did I take notes in class? e) Did I compare my notes with the others’notes? 128 Yes No 24 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the quiz questions. Evaluate yourself. Tell your opinions with the causes and results. Sample Dialogue: S1 : I think I’m not a good student. S2 : Why? S1 : Because I don’t plan my studies and set goals. Moreover, I don’t discipline myself and don’t like researching. What about you? S2 : I think I’m a good student. Because I attend my classes regularly and listen to the teachers carefully. I get good grades. Because I study hard. 25 TASK Set 5 goals for the coming 5 years. 129 UNIT TWELVE PERSONALITY TYPES IDENTIFYING STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES 1 What kind of person are you? 2 Are you lazy or hardworking? 3 Are you a difficult person? 4 Do you have any weaknesses? 5 Do you know yourself well? 6 What do your firends think about you? 130 READING 1 Discuss the questions. 1. Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? 2. Do these strengths and weaknesses influence your relationships with your friends? 3. If your answer is “yes” for the question above, do your relationships with your friends break up easily? 4. Why do you think you end up your friendships so easily? 2 Read the response letter from Auntie Pam to June. Find what problem June has. Hi, June, Let me help you in this problem. Why do you feel you are unsociable and nervous? This is really degrading yourself and it causes to lose your confidence. OK. Let me tell you. You lose your friends easily because you have trusted them so blindly that you break up with big disappointings. It is time to make a decision. First of all, identify your weaknesses and strengths and then your friend’s weaknesses and strengths for a good relationship. So, you can know each other. If you know each other, you understand and identify your “do’s” and “don’ts” better. Make a decision and stop thinking negatively. For example, you´ve missed many people. Actually, they have missed a nice and cool person like you. You should always keep up your confidence. So, you are not alone, but they have missed you and they have become lonely. You should learn to control your anger. When you feel you are under stress, stop and count until 5. If you are still under stress, leave the place as soon as possible. Don’t speak at that situation more because you may say some unpleasant words and break your friends’ hearts. Please try to keep silent when you get short-tempered or else leave the place immediately in case there is a blast of anger on someone. You must learn to tell “No.” in the exact time. If you delay your “No”s, you will tell a big “No” in the wrong place and at wrong time. You don’t have to beg for your “No”s. Only give them good reasons. Finally, you know you can’t change others, but you can improve your strenghts and you can take your weaknesses under control. If you know your friend’s weaknesses, you can take the events under control. Be sure everything will be better, but take the first step as soon as possible. Good luck! Auntie Pam 3 Read the response letter from Auntie Pam to June again. Put T for true and F for false statements. 1. June is short-tempered. ______ 2. Auntie Pam doesn’t understand June in her letter. ______ 3. June should identify her weaknesses and strenghts according to Auntie Pam. ______ 131 4 Read the response letter from Auntie Pam to June. Choose the correct options. 1. The man ________________ himself by telling lies, because everybody knew the truth. a) changed b) degraded c) confirmed 2. The main _________ here is not only the shortage of money. a) issue b) character c) debt 3. Twenty people lost their lives and more than a hundred people were stuck under the debris with the ________ after the earthquake. a) patience b) cool c) blast 4. He is a _______________ complainer, he always complains about everything around him. a) trusty b) wait c) confirmed 5. Don’t ______________ your project; time is very important for us. a) stop b) wait c) delay 6. You look _____________ in this new dress; everybody in the party will admire you. a) cool b) nervous c) impatient 7. She never let them interfere with her _____________ life. a) exciting b) private c) simple 8. My sister fell in love with him ___________ . She never saw his bad sides. a) blindly b) at first sight c) big interest 5 Read the letter again. Summarize June’s problem using ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’. ........................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Imagine you are June. Write a letter to Auntie Pam about your problem. 132 LISTENING 7 Look at the teacher in the picture. How can we describe him? 8 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1. What qualities should a teacher have? 2. What qualities shouldn’t a teacher have? Sample Dialogue: S1 S2 S3 S4 : I think a good teacher should be hardworking and she/he should attend refresher courses regularly. : So do I. In my view, she/he should be creative and she/he should encourage students to be creative. : She/He also should have a good sense of humour so that she/he could warm the atmosphere of classes. : To me, she/he should be friendly and supportive. She/He should communicate students as a friend and give support. S1 : I strongly believe that she/he should be understanding; she/he should understand students´ needs. S2 : She/He should be well-organized, too. ... 9 Listen to the CD. Find why Tom is worried about Emma’s career choice. 10 Listen to the CD and choose the correct option. 1. Tom’s sister, Emma _________ Tom’s offer. a) accepted b) refused c) made 2. Tom thinks if Emma gets frustrated _______ one child, she can’t teach at least 20 students. a) teaching b) babysitting c) tutoring 11 Listen to the CD. List the qualities of Emma according to Tom. Then give reasons. She is not patient she gets frustrated easily. 1. ......................................., because ...................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................. 2. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. 3. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. 133 READING, SPEAKING AND WRITING 12 Match the sentences with the pictures. a b c h 1. I am suspicious. d e f g 2. I am well-organized. 3. I am messy. 4. I am pessimistic. 5. I am optimistic. 6. I am sensitive. 7. I am sensible. 8. I am intellectual. i 9. I am aggressive. 10. I am calm. 11. I am observant. 12. I am introverted. 13. I am extraverted. 14. I am polite. 15. I am rude. j k l m n o 134 13 Work in groups. Discuss asking and answering the questions except b, c and f. a) How do you do your regular grocery shopping? b) Which one describes you best? c) Which words describe you best? d) You are in a crowded party, what do you do? e) When you go on a holiday, what do you do? f) Which description fits you best? g) When you are out with a group of friends, how much do you talk? h) If you are in the middle of something important and the phone rings, what do you do? i) You’ ve bought a computer. What do you do before using it? m) j) If you are out with a group of friends and an argument breaks out, what do you do? k) One of your old friends wants to visit you. How do you give direction to your house? l) How do you do your supermarket shopping? What happens when your local supermarket moves the food to different shelves? n) You’re looking for a new flat. There are two choices. What do you do before you make a decision? o) What do you do while you are speaking? 135 14 Fill in the questionnaire with the questions given in the previous exercise. Then, circle the correct options for you. 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I prefer to plan every detail in advance. b) I prefer to make a simple plan. c) I prefer to look at a few options in advance, but I really decide when I’m there. d) I don’t like planning. I just book at the last minute. 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I make a detailed list. b) I make a simple list. c) I don’t make a list, because I think it’s a waste of time. d) I don’t do a regular shopping. I just go when I need. 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I bring my tools and check the parts of the furniture before starting to work. b) I read the instructions carefully first and then, I follow them step by step. c) I only scan the instructions, in fact I don’t always follow them exactly. d) I immediately start to fix and I look at the instructions if I need. 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I am a perfectionist and I can’t leave anything unfinished. b) I need time for preparation and I hate pressure. c) I’m disorganised. d) I put things off till the last minute and I am often late. 5. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I would notice it and it would really make me unhappy. b) I would notice it, but I only change the order of the list. c) I would notice it, but it wouldn’t make me unhappy me because I have no set routine. d) I probably wouldn’t notice. 6. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I give a step-by-step list of directions. b) I draw a detailed map with streets and restaurants’ names. c) I just give directions. d) I draw a simple map because too many details can be confusing. 7. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) Realistic. b) Efficient. c) Imaginative. d) Hardworking. 8. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) Practical and well-organized. b) Realistic and spontaneous. c) Imaginative and original. d) Imaginative, energetic and adventurous. 136 9. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I usually go up and down in the supermarket in the same order. b) I read and compare labels and prices. c) I can’t help buying new products or I never miss special offers. d) I don’t go to the same supermarket. 10. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) Analytical and objective. b) Decisive and energetic. c) Caring, helpful and supportive. d) Complex, thoughtful and sensitive. 11. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I list my expectations for the new flat and then I compare which flat has the most. b) I compare good and the bad sides of the both flats. c) I listen to my feelings. d) I think about how each place affects the other people in my life. 12. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I will be honest about what I think. b) I try to hide my feelings. c) I try not to hurt their feelings and I try to change the subject. d) I avoid hurting their feelings by telling little white lies if necessary. 13. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) Hardly any at all. c) Quite a lot. b) A little less than most. d) Almost all. 14. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I ignore the phone. b) I take the call, but I take the conversation short. c) I answer it because I am happy to hear my friend’s voice on line. d) I answer the phone and take the conversation long. 15. __________________________________________________________________________________ a) I talk with the familiar people. b) I spend my time thinking about how to keep the conversation going. c) I go around and talk with as many new people as possible. d) I just go out and fun. Evaluate yourself If you are more ‘a’s, you are well-organized, neat and hardworking. If you are more ‘b’s, you are practical and cautious. If you are more ‘c’s, you are social, outgoing and adventurous. If you are more ‘d’s, you are disorganised, messy and spontenous. 137 15 Take the questionnaire. Then, evaluate your test result. 16 Work in groups. Evaluate each one’s test result in activity 14 using keywords in the box. Pay attention to the checklist. Sample Dialogue: Checklist S1 : Do you make a list before going to the supermarket? — Ask and answer the questions in test. S2 : Yes. I make a detailed list, because — Try to understand each other. I can forget what to buy. — Ask for clarification if you do not get the meanings of some words. S3 : I think you are well-organized. S4 : What do you do when you go to a wedding ceremony? — Be polite when you request for something. S3 : I prefer to stay at home. S1 : I think you dislike crowds. S3 : Yes, I do. reserved, clean, well-organized, neat, observant, honest, practical, intellectual, cautious, perfectionist, extraverted, controlled, sensitive, hardworking, sensible, reliable, optimistic, pessimistic, relaxed, self-reliant, quiet, shy, aggressive, suspicious S2 : So, you are introverted. S4 : What does “introverted” mean? S2 : If you are introverted, you are not social and outgoing. ... 17 Write a composition about your best friend with his/her weaknesses and strengths. 138 18 TASK Think of a person who is important for you. Write down 3-5 strengths of his/hers. 139 UNIT THIRTEEN LANGUAGE LEARNING A GOOD LANGUAGE LEARNER 1 Why do students have to learn a second language in classes? 2 Is it difficult to learn a second language in classes? 3 What do you do to learn the second language in classes? 4 Do you believe technology makes language learning easier? 5 What kind of difficulties do students experience in classes while learning? 140 READING AND SPEAKING 1 Take the quiz. Put a tick (✓ ✓) for each answer. QUIZ Yes No 1. English people speak too fast, so I cannot understand them. 2. I don’t like speaking English, because I think I make too many mistakes. 3. When I make a mistake, I feel ashamed of myself in front of class. 4. I learn new words in class, but I don’t remember them after 24 hours. 5. I don’t know how to say many words in English. 6. I don’t want to read in English, because I get bored. 7. When I start reading, I stop it after a while because I do not know the meanings of the words. 8. I cannot visualize what I read. 9. When I write, I do not know how to start. 10. When I write, I know what to write, but I do not know how to write, so give in after writing a few sentences. 11. I cannot write, because I do not know English grammar well. 12. I cannot write, because I don’t know enough words to make a sentence. 13. I cannot write, because I do not know the correct order of words in a sentence. 14. I cannot write, because my spelling, punctuation and capitalization are not good. 15. When I start to listen in English, I get panic and I cannot concentrate on it. 16. I can catch the main point and mood in listening, but I cannot understand the whole. 17. I can understand easily if there is a text in front of me while listening. 18. I hate the English exams including listening, reading, writing and speaking. 2 Look at the picture. İpek and her classmates are talking about the difficulties they have experienced in language classes. Guess what they are. 141 3 İpek is joining a language learning program for foreign students. İpek and her classmates are discussing. First, read the dialogue. Then, work in groups. Evaluate your quiz papers and find the similarities. Discuss giving reasons, explanations and examples. Pay attention to the checklist. :Do you think English people speak too fast? Checklist Umaru :Yes, I do. — Describe something in a list. Maria :So do I. For example, two years ago I met an English speaking neighbor in the elevator. I only said “Good morning.” and “How are you?”. She looked nervous. She complained about something, but I didn’t catch even a word while she was speaking. I only nodded my head and looked at her in sorrow. — Give a short presentation. İpek Umaru :I do not like speaking, because I think I make too many mistakes. How about you? Maria :Neither do I. — Express your opinions. — Give reasons and explanations in a list. — Try to make your friends understand you. — Correct your mistakes if you can. — Say directly. — Give a message. — Go on speaking even if you stop or make a false start. Fernando:Nor do I. Umaru :I think you’ll laugh at me if I make a mistake. İpek :So do I. Fernando:Pardon? What do you mean? Do we laugh at you when you speak English? Umaru :Well... I mean I feel like that. I think my friends will laugh at me when I speak in English. Fernando:I see. But don’t feel so. We never laugh at you. İpek :Do you write in English? Umaru :When I write to my English e-pals, I can write easily. Maria :Because you do not have to pay attention to the spelling and punctuation or capitalization. İpek :Yes, exactly. Maria :But when I write even a sentence in class, I get stuck because I think my spelling, punctuation and capitalization are not good. İpek :So do I. Fernando:I do not want to read in English because I do not know the meanings of the words. Umaru :Neither do I. İpek :I do not, either. Umaru :Once, I bought a story book in English. There were lots of colourful pictures in it. I read it with the help of the pictures. Maria :Did you understand it? Umaru :Yes. At my first reading I understood the story. Then, I read it again. I understood the events of the story. Fernando:So, we’ll try again. 142 READING 4 Answer the questions. 1. At what age are students ready to learn a second language in classes? 2. Do students learn and use the second language in classes? 3. Do students have to give up using their accent? 5 İpek and her classmates are discussing. Read the speech bubbles and find what they are talking about. e) f) a) In my view, today students are lucky, because they can learn a second language in classes with the help of the technology. So, they can hear, speak and write in classes. In my view, they have some difficulties in classes. Once, I met a third grade child in a classroom with a caring teacher but she didn’t give her any language support. I recognized the child failed to read but she learnt excellent strategies. She could hide what she didn’t know. g) h) b) I think they don’t have to get rid of their accent. For example, I don’t want to get rid of my accent because it is a perfect signal of my identity. c) They must start learning a second language at their early age. i) When my grandmother came to Germany, she didn’t know any German and she did well without any special help. Why can’t students learn English on their own in schools? Furthermore, many immigrants in the past were illiterate. That’s the case, to me. j) d) I think past immigrants didn’t learn the whole language. They only learn enough languge to go on their life in the foreign land. 143 It depends on the age of the learner, their previous literacy. Yes, they have to. Once I met someone speaking English, but he had a strong accent, so I couldn’t understand him. Yes, I agree with you. Today many jobs require the second language. Because nowadays many jobs require a foreign language. I mean people must speak a foreign language if they want to get a job. 6 Read the speech bubbles again. Match the questions in exercise 4 with the three speech bubbles in exercise 5. 1. 2. 3. 7 Read the speech bubbles again. Fill in the sentences with the keywords or phrases in the box. to get rid of / strategies / immigrants / to depend / illiterate / to require 1. The new law _____________ a tax for the second car. 2. My mother and father can’t read and write. They are _____________ 3. Little babies _____________ on their parents. 4. Why don’t you _____________ these old stuff? They are really a mess at home. 5. They gave _____________ shelter and food when the war broke out. 6. The big commander, Mustafa Kemal, developed genious _____________ in the Big Battle. 8 Work in groups. Do students learn and use the second language in classes? Why is the foreign language important? Discuss these questions. Give reasons and explanations. Pay attention to the checklist. Then, complete the speech bubbles expressing your opinions and judgements. Checklist I think a foreign language is very important. Because ________________________________ _______________________________________ — Give your reasons in a list. — Make your friends understand you. — Correct yourself when you make mistakes. 144 LISTENING, SPEAKING AND WRITING 9 Imagine you are a new student in a school in a foreign country and it is your first day at the school. Choose the best options. 1. You step into the school and scan your surroundings. Nothing is familiar. How do you feel? a) Scared. b) Nervous. c) Happy. 2. You don’t know enough language to go on your education. What do you do? a) I leave the school. b) I try to solve out my problem. c) I go to the school counsellor soon. 3. You don’t have enough courage to make friends. What do you do? a) I wait because at last they will notice me in the class. b) I try to take their attention. c) I go and introduce myself. 4. You see a brochure. It offers language learning classes for foreign students. What do you do? a) I go and register. b) I ignore it. c) I try to learn more about it. 5. You start the language learning program. There are lots of students coming from different countries around the world. How do you feel? a) Nervous. b) Relieved. c) Frightened. 10 Listen to the CD. Find the correct picture according to the text. Put a tick (✓ ✓). A B 11 Listen to the CD. again and find. What is the main point of the listening text. Choose the correct option below. a) When people go to a foreign country to live, they don’t have to learn that country’s language. b) When people go to a foreign country to live, they should learn that country’s language. 145 12 Listen to the CD. Then mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false). 1. İpek didn’t know English when they moved to the USA. ........... 2. When she started the school, she met lots of Turkish students. .......... 3. She was silent and she didn’t raise her hand, because she was shy. ......... 4. Her low grades could draw their teachers’ attention. ......... 5. She didn’t speak Turkish at home. ......... 6. She started a program for foreign students. .......... 7. One of her friends suggested that she should start this program. ........ 8. She felt happy and relaxed, because she had the familiar problems with other students. ........ 9. At the end of the program she could speak enough English. .......... 10. She thinks the students from different languages shouldn’t learn together. .......... 13 Match the keywords with their definitions. 1.immigrant a) happy and relaxed 2.relieved b) to suggest 3.to advise c) familiar 4.common d) people come from their countries to a different country to live there. 14 Read the texts once. Find what they are talking about. I’m Thomas. To me, reading is the easiest way to learn. I always read for pleasure. I guess the meanings of the words in the context. After reading, I write down the summary of it so that I can remember the points later. And I always visualize while reading so that I can concentrate on it. Hi, I’m Jennifer. I think first, planning is the key to the success. I always study the next subject of the lessons before I go to class. This helps me improve my self confidence and learn easily. Second, I always check myself after class. Then I eat a bar of chocolate or watch my favourite film on DVD as a reward. Finally, it may be funny but I sit in front of the class so that I can follow the lesson carefully. 146 Hi, I am Tim. In my view, imitating is the easiest way of learning a language. I always try to imitate other people’s speech, such as a film character. I watch films, TV series and cartoons in English. If they have their English subtitles, I read the teletext. So, I can understand easily and imitate at the same time. Be sure it works. Have a try! Hi, I’m Laura. To me, repetition is the most important part in learning. For example, when I learn a new word in class, I forget easily in 24 hours if I don’t repeat it. You must repeat every new item in English in four skills; listening, reading, writing and speaking so that you can keep them in your memory. 15 Read the texts again. Answer the questions. 1. Why does Thomas summarize after reading? 2. What does Thomas do while reading? 3. Why does he visualize while reading? 4. How does Jennifer get her self-confidence better? 5. What does she do after class? 6. How does she make herself happy if she learns well? 7. Why does she prefer sitting in front of the class? 8. Why does Tim imitate? 9. What does Laura do to learn easily? 10. Why does Laura think we should repeat every new item in four skills? 16 Work in groups. Discuss the following. Then compare and contrast your strategies. 1. What strategies have you improved in your learning process? 2. Do they work? 3. What is the result? 4. For what reason/reasons have you improved these strategies ? 147 17 Write down your strategy or strategies. 18 Read the text again. Find what we should do to learn a second language easily. Make a list. Make a plan. 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________ 19 Read the texts again in exercise 13. Write the summary of the texts using “and”, “but”, “because”, “so” and “so that”. Pick out keywords from the texts and reproduce them in your summary. 148 20 TASK Prepare your campaign poster to nominate the ideal language learner in your class. 149 UNIT FOURTEEN PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES SENSIBLE PRECAUTIONS 1 Do you feel safe at home or at school? 2 Do you think you should take sensible precautions? 3 Do you take care of your health and hygiene? 4 What kind of precautions do you take before you go to bed? 5 Do you think we can prevent a disaster? 6 Are you aware of the tiny enemies around you? 7 How do we protect ourselves in the event of a disaster? 8 Do you think you can protect yourself from tiny viruses? 150 LISTENING 1 Look at the picture. Guess and answer the questions. 1. Where are they? 1. __________________________________________ 2. How do they look? 2. __________________________________________ 3. Why do they look so worried? 3. __________________________________________ 4. What are they holding in their hands? 4. __________________________________________ 2 Look at the leaflet. Then, listen to the CD and find what it is about. Circle the correct option. a) School rules. b) Swine flu. c) Health problems. 3 Listen to the CD again. Find who has got some information about the disease. 151 4 Listen to the CD again. Complete the diagrams. ........... ................. ........... ................ ................ .................. ......................... ........................... ................. Symptoms Use ........................... .................. ............... ..................... ............... ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ................................................ ................................................ ........................................................... ................................................ ................................................ We should/had better/must ........................................................... ................................................ ................................................ ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ................................................ ................................................ 5 Listen to the CD again. After listening, put a tick (✓ ✓) what we should do, put a cross (X) what we shouldn’t do. Wear surgical masks. Carry handkerchiefs. Eat at restaurants and cafés. Stay with your outfit at home. Wash your hands once a day. Sleep regularly. Eat less. Stay with the crowds. 152 6 Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks. İpek : Have you heard the news? Claire : Yes, it is spreading fast. The doctor of the school deliver a speech in the morning and he gave out these leaflets. Though, I didn’t understand anything. Alan : This new 1) _____ is just like any ordinary flu. If you get the flu, you should stay at home and rest in your bed for a couple of days in case you infect others. If you develop breathlessness and suffer from the chest pain, you must go to a 2) ________ İpek : You know we should 3) _______ some sensible precautions. Do you agree with me? Alan : Certainly. Susan : Who could tell me more about this 4) _______? I want to learn about it much more. Alan : It’s just like normal flu. So, you feel similar symptoms like cold, sore throat, coughing, fever, 5) _______. İpek : Loss of appetite, vomiting, severe weakness. Claire : I’ve heard a number of students are infected with swine flu. We must wear surgical 6) _______ so that we can’t get infected. İpek : I agree with you, but I think a good immune system is the best solution for it. We had better improve our defence system so that we can protect ourselves from a variety of cold viruses. We should eat a balanced diet and sleep regularly. Alan : What about 7) _______? We should wash our hands several times a day. We should also change our outfit when we come home in case we bring in a cold virus from outside. After a sick person sneezes or coughs in 8) ________ for example in a bus, the virus stays in that area for 24 hours. You may get the infection. İpek : So, we should 9) _____ handkerchiefs with us in case we sneeze or cough. Alan : Yes, sure. Avoid eating outside. You’d better eat at home. İpek : We should 10) ________ away from crowded areas like malls and theatres so that we can’t caught flu. Let’s read the leaflet, shall we? Alan, Claire and Susan : Sure. 7 Complete the text using the keywords or phrases from the listening activity in the box. disease / public / delivered / surgical masks / hygiene / carry out / precautions / staying away / given out The president 1) ________ a speech yesterday and highlighted the importance of sensible 2) _________ against the rising inflation. He said every citizen should 3) ___________ their duties by 4) ____________ insensible expenses. He also highlighted the coming risk of the new 5) _______ which was threatening the people. He promised that there wouldn’t be any problems with 6) __________ especially in schools and in hospitals and he said 7) __________ would be 8) __________ 9) in ____________ places. 153 8 This leaflet is the second page of the leaflet in exercise 2. Complete the leaflet as in the example. What must people do or mustn’t do against swine flu? Use “so that” and “in case. Stay away crowds in case there is an infection. Wear masks so that you can’t get infected. Don’t shake hands so that you can’t take the viruses with your hands. Wash your hands more often ___________________________________________________________________ in case there are germs in your hands. ___________________________________________________________________ Don’t kiss each other so that you ___________________________________________________________________ can’t get flu and become ill. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 9 Imagine a new kind of flu. Name it. Prepare a leaflet. Use “and”, “but”, “because”, “so that” and “in case” on a separate paper. 10 Present your leaflet. After presentation, find the best leaflet in the class. Sample Dialogue: Checklist S1 : This new cold is spreading ... — Describe the flu in a list of points. S2 : Do you mean “the flu”? S1 : Yes, this new flu is spreading by shaking hands ... I mean ... — Go on speaking although you’ ve made some mistakes. — Advise your friends to do something. S3 : Is it spreading by touching? — Suggest a course of action. S1 : Yes exactly. — Warn your friends to take care or refrain from doing something. S2 : What should we do not to get the flu? S1 : We shouldn’t use someone’s objects and we wash our hands more often. We shouldn’t be in crowded places. 154 READING AND WRITING 11 Do you take any precautions at home in order to prevent a fire? Take the quiz. QUIZ 1. Do you leave the kitchen when the cooker is switched on and a frying pan on it? a) Always. b) Usually. c) Sometimes. d) Never. 2. Before frying food, do you dry it off with kitchen paper? a) Never. b) Seldom. c) Usually. d) Always. c) Seldom. d) Never. 3. Do you wear loose clothes while cooking? a) Always. b) Usually. 4. Do you switch electrical appliances off when you don’t use them? a) Never. b) Seldom. c) Sometimes. d) Always. c) Sometimes. d) Always. 5. Do you check your cooker before leaving? a) Never. b) Seldom. 6. Do you keep heaters away from the curtains and furniture? a) Never. b) Seldom. c) Sometimes. d) Always. 7. Do you change your electrical appliances at a regular period? a) Never. b) Seldom. c) Sometimes. d) Always. c) Seldom. d) Never. c) Sometimes. d) Always. 8. Do you leave lit candles and go to bed? a) Always. b) Sometimes. 9. Do you use candle holders at home? a) Never. b) Seldom. 10. Do you ever put candles on top of the electrical appliances such as TV? a) Always. b) Sometimes. c) Seldom. d) Never. 12 Evaluate your quiz result. Compare and contrast it with others’ results in the class. Most ‘a’s : You are too careless. You must be more careful. Most ‘b’s : You are careless enough to start a sudden fire at home. It is time to take precautions. Most ‘c’s : You are not careful enough to be safe at home. You have be to be more careful. Most ‘d’s : Congratulations! You are careful enough to live safely. 155 13 lmagine you are a counsellor at a school. Complete the brochure especially using ‘in case’, ‘so that’, ‘in order to’ and ‘to’. A single moment of carelessness can cause a big fire at home. If every person takes sensible precautions, we won’t experience miserable fires. Second, if a piece of electrical equipment in your house doesn’t work more often and it gives off a strange smell, switch it off immediately in order to check it. It can cause a disaster. You should change your electrical appliances at a regular period to make sure they work. First of all, you shouldn’t leave the kitchen when the cooker is switched on and a frying pan on it in case it catches fire. Before frying food, you had better dry it with kitchen paper so that it can’t cause a fire. Third, ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Finally, _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ In conclusion, ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 156 14 READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING 1. Have you ever experienced a disaster? 2. Do you know anybody who experienced a disaster? 3. What happens in a disaster? 4. What kinds of precautions can we take before, during and after a disaster? 15 Match the disasters with the pictures. Then, write them under the pictures. 1. Tornado 2. Flood 3. Earthquake 5. Avalanche 6. Volcanic eruption a 4. Drought c b ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ e d f ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ 157 16 Read the text. Find which disaster it is. I’ll never forget the night when the earth shook. It was pitch black in the middle of the night. I was in a deep sleep when I woke up with a start. It seemed there was no reason to be frightened. But in a few seconds I rocked just like I was in a cradle. I sat straight on the bed. Something seemed wrong. It stopped. There was a frightening silence just like the earth stopped turning. The earth was still, absolutely still and motionless. I knew something was going to happen, but I didn’t know what would happen. Then it started again. First, the walls began to shake. Then, the floor began to shake over and over again. It didn’t just seem to stop. I rushed to the door. Meanwhile, my mind was talking to itself. “Is it an earthquake? How long will it last? Is it a small one or a big one?” I tried to stay away from the windows. “Shall we cut off the gas, electricity and water?” my sister shouted while she was rushing into the kitchen. My mother was holding a survival kit. It was full of needs. I appreciated her in my mind. I gathered all family members. Everybody was there. “Let’s go for the stairs. Don’t use the elevator.” said my wife. We were climbing down the stairs while my mind was still talking to itself. At last we were outside and we were in my car. I started my car and drove. We heard the collapse of the building behind us. We tried to go further away from the buildings, trees, telephones and electrical lines. When I found a safe place, I took a deep breath and stopped the car. We looked at each other. We were lucky because we were alive and together. We listened to the silence. My little son’s voice interrupted the silence. “Dad, why don’t we listen to the the news?” said Henry showing his portable radio. I turned on the radio while I was trembling. Could I believe it was over? We listened to the warnings from public safety agencies. It seemed to last for an hour, but in fact it continued for only 15 seconds or so. 17 Read the text again. Choose the most suitable heading for it. a) A Dreadful Dream b) How to Survive in an Earthquake 158 c) Some problems in the Earthquake 18 Read the text again. Put a tick (✓ ✓) for what they did and put a cross (X) what they didn’t do. 1. Keep the survival kit. 2. Turn off gas, water and electricity. 3. Know emergency telephone numbers. 4. Put heavy objects against the wall. 5. Stay under a desk or a table. 6. Stay away from the windows. 7. Stay away from the buildings, the trees and electrical lines. 8. Drive away underpasses and overpasses while driving. 9. Stop in a safe area and stay in their vehicle. 19 Read the text again. Match the words from the text with their meanings. 1. cradle a) fall down or fall towards inside 2. rush b) to stop an action or an activity 3. gather c) a baby’s bed and it swings from side to side. 4. collapse d) to shake slightly when people are nervous, frightened or cold 5. interrupt e) to hurry or move quickly somewhere 6. tremble f) collect 20 Read the text again and the list above. Complete the sentences using ‘so that’, ‘in order to’, ‘to’, ‘in case’ and the keywords or phrasses from the text in exercise 16. should/had better/must prepare a survival kit so that 1. You ________________________________________________ you can survive for more than 2 days in an earthquake. 2. ________________________________________________ prevent any accident. 3. ________________________________________________ there is a fire or an injury. 4. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 159 21 Imagine you are preparing an earthquake survival kit. Work in pairs. Use the items in the box. Make dialogues as in the example. • toothpaste • cans of food Sample Dialogue: • toothbrushes • medication • floss • extra eye glasses S1 : Let’s put a blanket in case it gets cold at night. • cotton • can opener S2 : Certainly. What about a ground cloth so that we can sleep on the ground? • toilet paper • blankets S1 : Sure. • heavy shoes • a portable radio S2 : And shall we take some candles in case there is an electricity cut? • candles/a torch • paper plates • clothes • plastic bags S1 : Of course. Don’t forget to put a portable radio. • a penknife • ground cloth S2 : Why? • axe • hand soap S1 : We should put a portable radio so that we can follow the news. • bandage • detergent ... 22 TASK Problem Solving Your ship is sinking and you can take only 5 things with you to a nearby island. Write the things you want to take with you and state your reasons. First of all, I take a few cans of food so that I can survive for a week. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 160 UNIT FIFTEEN PREFERENCES HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES 1 Where do you go on holiday? 2 How often do you go on holiday? 3 Do you prefer eco holidays to beach holidays? 4 What would you rather do on the summer holiday? 5 Which holiday resorts would you like to go? 6 What do you think about all inclusive holidays? 161 READING 1 Look at the pictures. Match the pictures with the holiday activities. b a 1. paragliding h 2. skiing c 3. trekking 4. camel riding 5. bungee jumping 6. parasailing 7. golfing 8. swimming e g f d 162 2 Discuss the questions. 1. Do you go on a holiday? 2. Why do you go on a holiday? 3. Which types of holidays do you prefer? Why? 3 Look at the pictures. What are the people in the pictures doing? Write the correct sentence under the correct picture. a) They are skiing. b) They are kayaking. 1 2 .................................................................................. .................................................................................. 4 Read the sentences in the table. Which activity do they describe below? Circle the correct option. a) Go to airport. h) Come back to Kathmandu. b) Improve your skills on the water. i) Test your skills on the Upper Kosi. c) Practice in the Seti River. j) Come back to Pokhara. d) Have a lazy day. k) Start lessons. e) Arrive in Kathmandu. l) Watch sunrise. f) Practice your skills on the water. m) Go to the Seti Khola. g) Explore Kathmandu. n) Have your first try in the river. a) They go kayaking. b) They go trekking. 5 Look at the pictures in exercise 3 again. Read the text in exercise 6. Which holiday activity will you do if you go there? Choose the correct picture. 163 6 Read the brochure. Put the sentences in exercise 4 into the correct places. As well as having some of the finest rivers in the world, Nepal is the perfect place to kayak. You will enjoy the outstanding scenery, gorgeous warm sunshine and spectacular warm rivers. The river trips start gently and you will learn to kayak step by step. After a long and exciting day, you will spend your night around campfires with a hearty meal. After spending 14 days on the water and enjoying the beautiful surroundings and culture of Nepal, you will go home as a very happy kayaker. Day 1: ____________________________ A guide will meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel for the evening. Day 2: ____________________________ In the morning, you will explore the amazing city of Kathmandu. You will board our private bus and head for Pokhara. You will arrive in Pokhara early evening and settle into your hotel. Then, you will go out and have an enjoyable walk in the lakeside town. Day 3: ____________________________ You will go to the lake to start your kayak lessons. Your instructors will teach you the basics of kayaking. Day 4: ____________________________ You will learn to roll before you have your first experience in a river. Then, watch the sunrise over the Annapurma mountain range. Day 5: ____________________________ You will set out to the Kali Gandaki River. You will have lunch at the side of the river and have first try on the moving water. Day 6-7: ___________________________ You will practice on the water again while you’re getting more confident and comfortable with your kayaks. You will have a short trip in the amazing jungle around you and watch for monkeys. Day 8: ____________________________ You will pass through the jungle corridor in your kayaks and arrive at the Trisuli River. You will see first signs of civilisation there. At night you will come back to Pokhara. Day 9: ____________________________ You will board the bus again for the Seti Khola. You will then start your journey down the Seti River. Day 10: ____________________________ You will continue down the Seti River while you are practicising your technique and skills. Day 11: ____________________________ You will finish practising in the Seti River and come back to Kathmandu for an evening meal. Day 12: ____________________________ You will have some free time in Kathmandu before your private bus take you to the last resort. Day 13: ____________________________ You will start on the Upper Kosi. You can test your skills there. You will come back to Kathmandu. Day 14: ____________________________ Your guide will take you to the airport after you have a nice breakfast. 164 7 Read the brochure again and answer the questions. 1. What is Nepal famous for? 1. _____________________________________ 2. What can you do on your holiday in Nepal? 2. _____________________________________ 3. Is the holiday only for professional kayakers? 3. _____________________________________ 4. How many rivers do the holidaymakers go kayaking? 4. _____________________________________ 5. Do the holidaymakers start lessons in the river first? 5. _____________________________________ 6. What else activities do they do on their holidays? 6. _____________________________________ 8 Skim the brochure. Underline the keywords and phrases in the boxes. outstanding set out board trip instructors hearthy spectacular kayaks gorgeous settle into roll enjoyable 9 Read the brochure again. Then match the keywords and phrases with their meanings. 1. outstanding a) excellent 2. spectacular b) to get on 3. hearthy c) canoe 4. kayak d) impressive 5. to set out e) large 6. to board f) to begin travelling 10 Imagine you are planning to go on a holiday in Nepal. What are you going to do if you go there? Write your sentences using common linkers as in the example. Example : I am going to go on a holiday in Nepal in March, because I haven’t got enough time nowadays. 1. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 11 Work in groups. What do you think about all inclusive holidays? Do you prefer it? Why/Why not? Discuss giving reasons. Ignore your mistakes and go on speaking even if you have some pauses, false starts and try to correct your mistakes. 165 LISTENING AND WRITING 12 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Discuss asking and answering the questions. 1. What are they doing? 2. Do you prefer learning while resting on your holiday? 166 13 Listen to the first part of the interview. What kind of holiday did this holidaymaker go on? Choose the correct option. a) Cultural holiday b) Eco holiday c) Beach holiday 14 Listen to the CD. Fill in the blanks. Interviewer : What was the most 1) ___________ part of your holiday? Jack : When we reached the 2) ____________ , we found a wonderful place. When my wife and I went to the balcony, 3) ____________ view welcomed us. We listened to the sounds of the waterfalls. There were no 4) _____________ , no radios and no machinery. We just saw goats and the stirring leaves of the trees in the breeze. Interviewer : What did you do on the next days? Jack : We 5) ___________ to explore the farm. We watched many lovely waterfalls in the mountains. We drank fresh water from the waterpipes. We 6) __________ in the rivers and the lakes. We went 7) ____________ with an excellent guide. He gave us useful tips about the weather and the environment. Interviewer : What do you recommend holidaymakers to do? Jack : I think they should do some 8) ___________ before they 9) ____________ a holiday. Interviewer : What do you think about local people? Jack : They are 10) ___________ and hardworking. They gave us a comfortable place to stay in. We lived a traditional farming on the busy farm. 15 Match the words with their meanings. 1. gorgeous a) a gentle wind 2. stir b) ways of behaving in a group of people 3. breeze c) to move slightly 4. tip d) very beautiful 5. traditional e) a piece of advice 16 Listen to the second part of the interview. Tick (✓ ✓) the activities you have heard. a b c 167 d 17 Listen to the whole interview. Try to find out the qualities of eco holidays. Put T for true or F for false statements. 1. It is an educative holiday. ............... 2. There are no cars, no radios or no machinery. ............... 3. Holidaymakers never meet the local people. ............... 4. Holidaymakers work on the farm. ............... 5. The cost of the holiday is low. ............... 18 Imagine that you are a holidaymaker on a farm for a week. What are you going to do? You are free to make your own schedule. Complete the table. In the evening In the afternoon In the morning Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday _ walk around the farm _ feed the animals. SPEAKING 19 Work in pairs. Ask and answer trying to learn your friend’s preferences for each day. Make suggestions and give directions. Sample dialogue: S1 : I prefer cleaning the stables in the morning to swimming in the river on Saturday. S2 : So do I. I am going to help you with the cleaning. What are you going to do in the afternoon? S1 : I would rather rest in my room, because I am going to make the meal for the evening. What about you? S2 : I am going to milk the cows. S1 : You can’t milk the cows in the afternoons, because they come back to the farm in the evenings. I haven’t milked a cow before. S2 : Neither have I. Would you like to help me with my schedule? S1 : Yes, of course. 168 READING 20 Answer the questions. 1. Have you ever been to Ölüdeniz? 2. What is Dalyan famous for? 3. Have you ever heard of Caretta Carettas? 21 Read the dialogue between İpek and Claire. While reading underline their preferences. İpek : Last year, we were in Turkey for our holiday. Claire : Where did you go? İpek : We went to Ölüdeniz. Claire : Why did you prefer Ölüdeniz, İpek? İpek : Because Ölüdeniz is one of the best places for paragliding flights in the Babadağ. Claire : Wow! Do you paraglide? İpek : Yes, I always prefer adventurous holidays to beach holidays. Claire : Do you bring your equipment with you to Ölüdeniz? İpek : No. I would rather hire the equipment from the travel agencies. Have you ever tried paragliding? Claire : No, I have never done before. İpek : Would you like to come to Ölüdeniz with me for our next holiday? Claire : Yes, I’d love to. İpek : Oh, I am really excited. Be sure you will love it. With daily boat tours, we can go on sightseeing tours to the Blue Cave, Butterfly Valley and Ship Island. We can also prefer Traditional Blue Cruise in Fethiye Golf, Shipyard Island, Monastery Bay, Yassıca Island... Claire : OK. İpek. It sounds great. I’ve heard Caretta Carettas breeding in Dalyan. İpek : Do you want to go to Dalyan, too? Claire : I am afraid I can’t, because I won’t stay in Turkey for so long. İpek : But, it is near Ölüdeniz. Why don’t you see the new-born Caretta Carettas voyage to the sea? Claire : OK. İpek : I think we should go to Turkey in May. Claire : So do I. İpek : I don’t like cold weather. Claire : Neither do I. 169 22 Read the text. Then answer the questions. 1. Can İpek bring her equipment with her? 1. _____________________________________ 2. Has Claire done paragliding before? 2. _____________________________________ 3. Did Claire accept İpek’s holiday invitation to Turkey? 3. _____________________________________ 4. Did Claire think they should go to Turkey in May? 4. _____________________________________ 5. Does Claire like cold weather? 5. _____________________________________ 23 Work in pairs. Prepare a similar dialogue as in exercise 20 for another holiday resort in Turkey. Pay attention to the checklist. Checklist — Offer to do something. — Accept or declining it. — Inquire about and express want and desire. — Ask for and provide everyday goods and services. — Deal with travel, lodgings, eating and shopping. 24 TASK Examine the given timetable showing the activities by an animation team. State your preferences for one day. Then, talk about your preferences with your friends. Morning Going Night Evening Ephessus Afternoon Monday Tour horse Tuesday A visit to National Park Trekking riding A visit to the Kadı Castle Animation Show Wednesday Thursday Friday Free Yoga Free time Session time A visit to Kuşadası Yacht-Marina Table Tennis Turkish Baths Competiton Hacivat and Karagöz Puppet Show Sailing A visit to House of Virgin Mary Waterskiing Saturday Sunday A trip to Shopping Güvercinada A visit to Saint John Basilica Cycling Turkish Free time Shopping in local bazaar Belly Dancing Competition Traditional Turkish night Disco Turkish Wedding Ceremony 170 Turkish night Disco UNIT SIXTEEN EMPATHY UNDERSTANDING OTHERS 1 How do people develop empathy? 2 Do you often feel the pain of others? 3 Are you a good listener when one of your friends has a problem and wants to share with you? 4 Do you judge people while listening to them? 5 Is empathy a tool or an aim? 6 Do you care about other people´s feelings or thoughts? 171 READING 1 There is a story in the pictures. Guess the order of the pictures. a b c d e f 172 2 Discuss the questions. 1. Can you think about the other people´s viewpoints? 2. Do you understand others? 3 Read the title of the poem. What do you think the poem is about? 4 Read the poem by Valerie Cox. Find who the cookie thief is. The Cookie Thief A woman was waiting at an airport one night There were several long hours before her flight She sought a book in the airport shop Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop She was engaged in her book but she happened to see The man next to her was too bold Grasped a cookie or two from her bag between them She tried to ignore him She munched the cookies and watched the clock While this cookie thief diminished her stock She was getting more frustrated while the minutes ticked by Thinking “If I wasn’t so nice, I’d blacken his eye” With each cookie she took, he took one too And when only one was left she wondered what he’d do With a smile on his face and a nervous laugh He took the last cookie and broke it in half He gave her half as he ate the other She snatched it from him and thought “Oh brother This guy was also rude Why he didn’t even appreciate” She didn’t even know when she felt so frustrated She felt relieved when she heard her flight She gathered her bag and went to the gate Without looking back at the thief She boarded the plane and sat in her seat Then sought her book It was almost complete As she opened her bag she cried out with surprise There was a bag of cookies in front of her eyes If mine are here she said “Then the others were his and he tried to share” “Too late to apologize she realized with sorrow” That she was the rude one, the thief. 173 5 Read the poem. Write T for true or F for false sentences. 1. A woman was waiting at an airport, because there were a few hours to her flight. ................. 2. She bought a book and she found a place to stand alone. ................. 3. She thought the man was eating her cookies. ................. 4. She was happy because she shared her cookies with him. ................. 5. She blackened his eyes, because she got angry with him. ................. 6. She picked her bag and went to the gate. ................. 7. She looked back at the man when she went to the gate. ................. 8. She cried out with sorrow when she heard her flight. ................. 9. She almost finished her book. ................. 10. She found an empty bag of cookies in her bag. ................. 6 Put the events in order. — a) He offered her the half of the last cookie. — d) She and the man next to her ate up the cookies. — b) She thought he was the real thief. — e) She found her own bag of cookies when she was on board. — c) She bought a bag of cookies. — f) She sat next to a man. 7 Read the poem again. Find the synonyms of the words and phrases underlined. 1. She bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop. a) stand b) sit c) fix b) looked for c) fed up with b) coward c) courageous 2. She was engaged in her book. a) was busy with 3. The man next to her was too bold. a) lazy 4. He grasped a cookie or two from the bag. a) gave b) baked c) took 5. She munched the cookies and watch the clock. a) ate noisily b) ate fast c) ate slowly 6. This cookie thief diminished her stock. a) made better b) made less c) made worse 7. She snatched the half of the last cookie from him. a) held b) took c) baked b) thank c) talk b) someone who is polite c) someone who steals b) looked at c) looked over 8. Why didn’t he even appreciate? a) ask 9. Without looking back at the thief. a) someone who is admirable 10. Then she sought her book. a) looked for 174 8 Work in groups. Discuss the events in the story. Pay attention to the checklist and use the agreeing and disagreeing statements. Sample Dialogue: Checklist S1 : She was waiting for her flight. — Give the presentation of the heroine of the story. S2 : Because there were long hours left. — What do you think about her? Give your opinions. S3 : I think she got bored so she could go to a bookstore. — Say what you think about the events in the story. S4 : Did she buy any books in the bookstore? — Ask for clarification about the keywords or the phrases in the poem. S3 : No, she didn’t, but she bought a bag of cookies. S4 : Then, she sat next to a man. — Talk in a simple way. S1 : The man ate up her all cookies. — Exchange your ideas. S2 : Sorry? What does “ate up” mean? Could you explain it to me, please? — Agree with your friends. S1 : Actually “eat up”. It means “finish eating something” — Disagree with your friends. S2 : I see. He ate up her all cookies and she ate up, too. S3 : Yes, you are absolutely right. S1 : I think the man was wrong, because he could tell the truth. Agreeing & Disagreeing — Yes, you are absolutely right. — I don’t really think she... S2 : I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, because he was polite enough to share his cookies. — I couldn’t agree with you more. S1 : But, she was rude to him. — I suppose you could be right. S4 : If we look from her side, I think she was right. — Yes, I agree with you. S2 : I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, because if we look from his side, she was rude. — I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. S3 : Yes, he shared his cookies even when she was rude. 175 9 Write a summary of the story in the poem. Use some common connectors. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ WRITING 10 Answer the questions. 1. Have you ever misunderstood anyone? 2. Have you ever hurt one of your friends’ feelings? 3. If yes, did you catch a chance to excuse? 11 Write a story about a misunderstanding. 176 LISTENING AND SPEAKING 12 Discuss the questions. 1. What do you think about the violence in schools? 2. What could we do to stop violence in schools? 13 Listen to the CD. Find what Mark and İpek are talking about. 14 Listen to the CD and fill in blanks. Mark: Hi, İpek. I’ve got some good news about our school. İpek : Come on, Mark. I’m keen on learning about it. Mark: We’ve got a new 1) ___________ . It emphasizes on 2) ________ in school and outside. İpek : Oh, really? What an amazing club! Mark: It is against bullying and 3) _________ You see, a few discipline problems can start with 4) _______ . Empathy lessons make students better 5) _______ Their slogan is “Think twice before engaging in violence.”. İpek : Wow! It’s very impressive. Mark: We can see some boys knocking books out of one another’s hands. İpek : Yes, I completely 6) __________ with you. Actually, most of the students are not very nice to each other. Mark: Yes. They’re more focused on their physical 7) ____________ . İpek : In my opinion, we cannot 8) ________ everybody to be emphathetic, but sure we can 9) ____________ awareness. Mark : These clubs will help us to use 10) ____________ with respect and take responsibility. Clubs will teach students empathy, impulse control, anger management and problem solving. Results are excellent in schools which run the empathy clubs. Administrators have received only three complaints about bullying and violence in the schools this year, but they received two or three complaints a month last year. İpek : So, our slogan is “Empathy is everywhere with everyone.”. 177 15 Answer the questions. 1. What is the new club’s name? ..................................................................................................................... 2. What is it against? ....................................................................................................................................... 3. What is empathy lessons’ quote? ................................................................................................................ 4. What do empathy clubs help us to do? ........................................................................................................ 5. What do empathy clubs teach students? .................................................................................................... 16 Discuss about the quote “Empathy is everywhere with everyone.”. Pay attention to the checklist. Then prepare a poster for it using some keywords and phrases from the listening text. Checklist — Communicate in ease. — Exchange your ideas. Sample Dialogue: S1 : Are you sensitive to the other people´s feelings? S2 : Yes, of course. I don’t want to hurt anybody. — Express your opinions. S3 : Do you think everybody around you is careful about others’ feelings? — Ask about your friends’ opinion. S2 : I don’t think they are. — Don’t hesitate to talk. ... 178 17 Match the words with their meanings. 1. citizen a) a sudden desire resulting in a sudden action 2. empathy b) annoying, hurting or threathening 3. respect c) the ability to understand what other person feels, etc. 4. impressive d) exciting 5. violence e) high or special regard 6. bullying f) a person who has a duty to the state because that person is legally a member of that state / country 7. impulse h) the use of force to harm a person or damage property 18 Combine the expressions with the phrases. 1. Sympathy is a) “I understand how you feel.” 2. Emotional Understanding is b) “I feel your pain.” 3. Empathy is c) “I’m sorry for your pain.” 4. Telepathy is d) “I know how you feel because I’m reading your mind.” 19 Work in pairs. Discuss asking and answering the questions. 1. Are you a good listener? 2. Do you have enough empathy with the people when you listen to them? 20 Read the list. Then complete it about listening with empathy. Then, write a paragraph. THE RULES OF LISTENING DO’S DONT’S 1. Give the speaker information. 1. Don’t interrupt him/her while talking. 2. Increase the speaker’s confidence. 2. Don’t ask a lot of questions. 3. Gain trust. 3. Don’t change the subject while he/she is talking. 4. Gain the speaker’s cooperation. 4. ............................................................................. 5. ................................................................... 5. ............................................................................. 6. ................................................................... 6. ............................................................................. 7. ................................................................... When we listen to somebody, we should give him/her information and increase his/her confidence. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 179 21 Work in pairs. Choose a role card and make a dialogue. Then change the roles. Card A Card B You are sorry to do because you are getting low marks continually. Actually, you can’t concentrate on your lessons because of your little sister. She is too noisy and spoilt. Talk about your problem. You are a good emphatic listener. Try to understand her story and get her viewpoints while you are listening to her/him. Express sympathy and your opinions. 22 TASK For one day (or morning, evening etc.) change roles with your parents or siblings. Make up a story and write your story. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 180 WORD LIST UNIT 1 accept apologizing appreciate attention believe bookworm bossy brave break up bump into comeover condemn count on courage criticize do favor elegant energetic expectation fictional forever friendship funny get frustrated get on well get rid of grateful helpful honest hurt ignore imaginative interrupt jealous locker loyal mean moral passionate pastime persistent pessimistic principle promise quality receive reliable reserved share shocked shy sociable sporty strengthen stuff supportive take sb by surprise temporary treat trendy true trustworthy understanding unsociable violate warm-hearted get bored give in habit improve instruction mental pain pleasure previous receptive reason regularly serious specific tip topic UNIT 3 achievement acne anti bacterial anti-aging appearance apply attractive be concious of be envious of be satisfied with care cleansing gel conclusion confidence dandruff depressive deserve dreadful enviromentally-friendly explain facial flawn floss furthermore gesture hair gel UNIT 2 attentive careless concentrate continually cover cross out deny desire develop distract education effective effectively enjoyable especially excuse explanation 181 hair spray handle with healthy hesitate horrid humour idol image immediately itch make-up mask media moisturizer mousse mouth wash nail clippers nasty oil-free overweight perfection perfume personality plump product rest self-esteem soap satisfied statements stylish suitable tonic trend undesirable unpleasant wise UNIT 4 be familiar with bear bowline carry catcher clarification dangerous daydreamer disappointed eager employ escape fight for find out force fugitive glory harbor hesitate hole incredible indicate journey meaningful mysterious paradise punish quote reach reality recall relief remember repetition require responsible rope run away sail shout slavery struggle unbelievable unfortunately victory wind woodsman UNIT 5 abolish advance although armistice assembly attend board call for capture career clear commander contact declaration declare defeat defend defense deliver determined empire enemy engage fort gather get frozen harsh hero highlight homeland independence intention invalid meeting munitions necessity oath occupy occupying opportunity order oxen-driven carriage path peace permission pride proclamation protest quarter disarm remind representative resistance rush scary secretly security seizure selected self-sacrificing sensible service sign soldier sovereignity staff successful sultanate territory throw treaty troop unity veteran victory vote for weapon UNIT 6 anniversary argument be astonished with be aware of break into broad cardiac cliff crowded curiosity cute detective drop drown event 182 fear fix gate hopelessly invite jewellery jobless lean lifeless lightly loneliness mugger necklace pass away pennyless recognize refuse respect running scene sharply shelter shortage sibling slide sparkling steal steep take after thief tiny trip over troublemaker UNIT 7 architectual bargain be fascinated with carved castle ceramic church complex fascinating folkloric gigantic greased wrestling heritage mausoleum monastery mosaic mosque picturesque pistachio reasonable remarkable scenery sculpture spicy statue sunk tasty vineyard weaving UNIT 8 benefit blame clean the bathroom cook the meals cooperate cooperating delay do the cooking do the decorating do the dishes do the dusting do the hoovering do the ironing do the laundry do the polishing do the tidying up do the washing up dust empty the trash errand housework iron the clothes make a phone call make the beds make the meals nag nonsense pants preparation rely on rewarding tidy up tissue paper vacuum the floor value waste whistle UNIT 9 apathy appetite appreciate approve be out of touch with block brilliant bring out cardiology carry out compulsory confusing cool dermatology gain guilty helping honor inject knowledge lack lecturer metabolism name obesity overcome overeat pursue raise regulate remind researcher respond reveal scientist set about set up snack specialist stump tend tissue top tough treatment unlock UNIT 10 arbor astonished attack be hurried with be in mood be jealous of be pride and joy be without a care biography brave branch bring out called cinematographer columnist contemporary crazy deserted desire drive flood gather give in immunity improve midwife novel novelist pierce plant tree 183 precious predict producer prune publish publishing house push put out recommend reject release respected roll series titled wedding worry about wrinkle writer UNIT 11 achieve achievement affect approach attention babysit be busy with be diagnosed with behaviour calm down challenging charge chilly crack cure degrading deserve discover effort failure fix-minded genetic gifted growth impossible judge mall manage obstacle opportunity pass down prevent progress pull qualified quote realistic realize slogan succeed talent thicken tolerance train unfortunately viewpoint worth UNIT 12 advance adventurous anger argument be important for beg blast blindly break out cautious confirmed confusing cool delay disappointing disorganised dynamic flat-back furniture forgetful get frustrated grocery improve intellectual interfere interrupt issue keep up messy observant personality praise private refresher refuse response short temperendness spontaneous strength suspicious trust weakness UNIT 13 accent ashamed capitalization caring cashier colourful common concentrate courage depend directly do well education elevator experience fail furthermore get panic get rid of get stuck have a try health worker hide ignore illiterate immigrant immitate immitating including laugh literacy nod punctuation relieved repetition require reward scan scared silent stragedy subtitle surrounding technology teletext visualize UNIT 14 agency appliance avalanche be infected with breathlessness careful careless carry out cause chest collapse cough crowd defence system deliver develop disaster drought earthquake equipment fever flammable flood 184 flue give out holder improve leaflet loose loss of appetite mall measure miserable overpass pitch portable precaution precautionary protect public rock safe sensible shake similar sink sneeze socket solution stay away surgical mask survival kit swine flu switch off switch on symptom take care of threat tiny tornado underpass virus volcanic eruption vomit UNIT 15 accept breed breeze brochure bungee jumping civilisation cultural eco fauna finest flora head for hearthy holidaymaker inclusive inquire instructor jungle kayak kayaker kayaking load machinery outstanding paragliding parasailing prefer preference professional raft rather reach resort resting roll scenery set out settle into skim snowboarding spectacular stable sunrise technique trekking valley UNIT 16 administrator agree blacken bold bullying care about complaint completely diminish disagree drop empathy excellent gasp get grape grief head for hesitate impressive impulse irritated judge knock misunderstanding moan munch respect seek show gratitude snatch stock violence 185 BIBLIOGRAPHY Blanchard, Karen, Ready to Write, Longman, London, 1997. Bozdoğan Zülal, Okulda Rehberlik Etkinlikleri ve Yaratıcı Drama, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara, 2003. Brancard, Ruth; Jeanne, Hind, Ready to Read,Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989. Murphy, Raymond, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. English Language Curriculum For Primary Education (Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8), Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 2006. Nunan, Raymond, Syllabus Design, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001. Demirel, Özcan, ELT Methodology, Usem Publications, Ankara, 1922. 186