Canine Companions 2007 Annual Report


Canine Companions 2007 Annual Report
Life. Unleashed.
2008 Annual Report
Canine Companions for Independence®
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • i
Exceptional Dogs
for Exceptional People
Building the human animal bond,
creating independence.
ii • Canine Companions for Independence®
Table of
Leaders of the Pack . . . . . . . . . . 2
2008 at a Glance
Leading Without Time Zones . . 4
What Has 39,000 Square Feet,
Humans and dogs.
Just mentioning
the two together makes us smile. Conjures memories. The first time we
saw our childhood pet. The spontaneous laughter watching our dogs
bark and run as they play. The uplifting joy when our dogs welcome
us home, wagging their whole bodies. It’s a unique bond between
a human and a dog. A sustained connection filled with love, loyalty,
devotion, joy, and friendship.
At Canine Companions for Independence we value, trust and
have faith in this bond. We’re lucky to experience and witness the
accomplishments this bond can inspire. Each of the over 3,000 CCI
graduate teams (partnerships of an adult or child with disabilities and
their assistance dog) provide examples of how valuing and nurturing
this bond changes experiences, lives, families, and communities.
All the work done at CCI, from breeding to professional training,
holds at its heart our value of the human animal bond. This bond is
made possible by you, our loyal and generous benefactors.
This CCI Annual Report shares snapshots of how our work
provides an opportunity for this human animal bond to express all of
its complexities and simplicities.
We hope you enjoy this publication, and again thank you for
making it possible for CCI to serve people with disabilities.
140 Legs, 70 Ears and 35 Wet
3,000 and Counting . . . . . . . . . . 6
Will the Dog Really Be Able to
Open the Refrigerator Door?
One Team. Two Heroes . . . . . . . 8
Wounded Veterans Initiative
Help Is a Four-Legged Word . 10
Some Angels Have Wings,
Others Have Tails
Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
We Get Dressed to Go to Work,
She Goes to Work to Get
Puppy Breath—The Leading
Cause of Puppy Addiction . . . . 14
Anne Gittinger
Chair National Board
Corey Hudson Chief Executive Officer
Canine Companions for Independence® is a non-profit organization that
enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained
assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.
Colleagues with Collars
CCI National News . . . . . . . . . 16
CCI Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Financial Results . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 1
Leaders of the Pack
Since 1975
2 • Canine Companions for Independence®
2008 at a Glance
Puppies born Breeder dogs Instructors Apprentice Instructors Active puppy raisers Volunteers
Volunteers Volunteer Chapters Graduates
Teams graduated in 2008
Service Dog teams Skilled Companion teams Hearing Dog teams Facility Dog teams Active teams Graduates since CCI founding in 1975
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 3
Leading Without Time Zones
Jean Schulz from the west coast
and John and Kristin Miller from
the east coast gave lead gifts to
make The Miller Family Campus
for our Northeast Region a reality.
4 • Canine Companions for Independence®
What Has 39,000 Square
Feet, 140 Legs, 70 Ears and
35 Wet Noses?
The Miller Family Campus
To the left, John and Kristin Miller
and Jean Schulz stroll with Snoopy
down Schulz Lane at the Miller
Family Campus.
n October 4, 2008, over 500 people fl ocked to Medford, New York, to celebrate the grand opening of CCI’s newest campus, The Miller Family Campus. Graduates, puppy raisers, supporters and friends toured the facility, attended demonstrations and sampled tasty food and wine. Graduate dogs greeted their puppy raisers with “whole body” wags. Visitors came away impressed by what Canine Companions does and with a greater understanding of what this incredible campus will be able to accomplish through the generosity of donors varying from ten-years-old to one-hundred-years-old from the Pacifi c to Atlantic coast and everywhere in between. Additionally, Anne and Wayne Gittinger of Seattle, Washington offered a $1.5 million matching grant to complete the campaign in 2009.
“The Miller Family Campus brings us twice as many kennels, four times the number of training rooms and fully equipped and accessible dorm rooms to better serve Team Training participants and fully meet the needs of the Northeast Region,” said Corey Hudson, CEO of Canine Companions.
“It’s amazing to see how the miracle of a CCI dog improves the lives of so many people—not just the graduate. The Miller Family Campus will serve people in ways unimaginable to most of us,” shared John Miller.
“The campus was incredible and completely accessible. I got to focus
on learning—not worrying about if I had everything I needed.
Being in the dorms with all my classmates and cooking and eating
together gave us a chance to get to know each other and really build
a community.”
—C aMEron S HaW -D oran , S ErVICE D oG Z ILLaH
New Hampshire
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 5
3,000 and Counting
Our 3,000th Graduate Team,
Emily Elkins and her mom Kelly
graduated with Skilled Companion
dog Jacklyn in August 2008.
6 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Will the Dog Really Be Able to
Open the Refrigerator Door?
Skilled Companion Jacklyn carries
Emily’s lunch sack for her.
s Kelly and her thirteen-year-old daughter Emily, challenged with cerebral palsy, traveled to Canine Companions for their Team Training to receive an assistance dog, they felt excited and nervous at the same time. Will the dog really be able to open the refrigerator door? Will junior high girls be more accepting of Emily if there is an assistance dog by her side?
Now, they know that Jacklyn can open not only the refrigerator door, but also the sliding glass door and pick up the pencils Emily drops while she’s doing her homework, and reach the light switches, and carry bags and other things, including her bright pink lunch sack. They also know that the junior high girls aren’t just more accepting, but now they’re also more educated about people with disabilities. And the Elkins family sees that Emily’s life has changed and will continue to change thanks to the independence, confi dence and self-esteem that Jacklyn helps to create for her.
For Emily independence looks like a black lab wearing a blue vest and carrying a bright pink lunch sack to the kitchen counter. Confi dence is entering a junior high gymnasium in a wheelchair with Jacklyn by her side, and educating classmates about the skills of an assistance dog and the realities of disabilities. And self-esteem is Emily’s ear-to-ear grin next to Jacklyn’s wagging tail as Emily’s mom Kelly says, “Thanks for bringing your laundry basket Emily,” after Jacklyn carried the laundry basket for her.
Visit to learn how our
Skilled Companions help children with disabilities.
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 7
One Team.
Two Heroes.
Soldiers hold a CCI puppy
moments before being
deployed to Iraq.
8 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Steadfast loyalty.
Elite training, and
a cold wet nose.
Jeffrey Adams and Service
Dog Sharif; below, Nico
and Lisa Marcolongo with
Facility Dog Tali
Wounded Veterans Initiative
veryone is moved in one way or another by our veterans returning home. At CCI we knew we could help, and we launched a special Wounded Veterans Initiative. In February 2008, Jeffrey Adams, a veteran of the Iraq confl ict graduated with Service Dog Sharif to be our fi rst wounded veteran team.
In 2004 Jeffrey lost his leg while serving in Iraq. Since then Jeffrey has recovered from his injury and walks with a prosthetic leg. Additionally, he has learned to ski and is a professional ski instructor helping severely wounded veterans learn to ski and experience sports post injury, just as they did before their injuries.
Service seems to be the common thread in these major life changes for Jeffrey. He lost his leg in service for our country. He volunteers to serve other disabled veterans. And now he has a Service Dog, Sharif, from Canine Companions for Independence.
Independence is a part of who Jeffrey is. Katie, his wife, explains, “He’s as independent as his stubborn brain will let him be.” Now, CCI Service Dog Sharif helps Jeffrey express his independence.
“I left the fi eld. Retired from the military. And CCI hooked me up with a different kind of battle buddy to watch my back,” shares Jeffrey.
“My goal is to
hopefully help the
healing process for
veterans coming home.
I don’t want anyone
else to suffer.”
—n ICo M arCoLonGo &
F aCILItY D oG t aLI
US Marine Corps
Visit to learn how our assistance dogs are increasing
independence for wounded veterans of the current and past conflicts.
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 9
Help Is a Four-Legged
Thanks to her Hearing Dog she no
longer misses smoke alarms, phones,
door knocks, timers, pagers, alarm
clocks, doorbells or tea kettles.
10 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Some Angels Have Wings,
Others Have Tails.
e vowed to always be there for her but he had to work out of town every weekend, so he fi lled out the Canine Companions for Independence hearing dog application for her. She loved to laugh with friends; he loved to see her laugh. How would she hear her friends ringing the doorbell? He completed the application for her. Michelle is hard of hearing and her husband knew that a Canine Companions hearing dog would alert her to different environmental sounds that Michelle might miss on her own. Sounds like a doorbell, microwave timer or smoke alarm.
“He did the application for me because he wanted to make sure that I was taken care of in his absence,” shares Michelle. “He passed away suddenly just before I was accepted into the CCI program, but having Marguerite is a way of him taking care of me in his absence,” Michelle continues.
Now Michelle and Marguerite are quite the inseparable team. On the way to work at a busy medical center, Marguerite keeps Michelle aware of the sirens all around by pointing her nose in their direction. As if the traffi c and emergency vehicles weren’t enough to negotiate, the hospital is also being renovated and the hazards of a construction site are all around. “Marguerite lets me know if there are construction noises around the corner or behind me so I don’t get run over,” explains Michelle.
After work it’s off to the park for a run where Michelle is known as “Marguerite’s mom.” Then back home, where things have changed since Marguerite came into Michelle’s life.
“My neighbors stop by to visit me now. I used to not hear them ring the doorbell, but now Marguerite alerts me to them and I feel like a part of the neighborhood. This is the fi rst time in my life to live alone, and she keeps me from truly being alone,” says Michelle.
Maria Karunungan with Hearing
Dog Jared took time to help share
the life changing abilities of Canine
Companions Hearing Dogs as they
starred in a new Public Service
Announcement (PSA) made possible
by DG Entertainment. Tom Kenny,
the voice of Sponge Bob Square Pants,
donated his talents to give Jared a
voice. Visit to view all of
our Public Service Announcements.
Photo on left, Michelle and Hearing Dog Marguerite. Photo By: Kristi Zontini
Visit to learn more about how Hearing Dogs
help people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 11
Facility Dogs
assist professionals
working with people
with disabilities.
12 • Canine Companions for Independence®
We Get Dressed to Go to Work,
She Goes to Work to Get Dressed
ilvija motivates. Interacts. Anticipates. Inspires. All admirable capabilities, and all necessary for successfully increasing independence and enhancing the quality of life for children with disabilities. She can also catch a frisbee like nobody’s business! Silvija is a yellow Labrador and golden retriever cross from Canine Companions for Independence. She graduated after completing six months of professional training at Canine Companions for Independence and being matched with Amy, a speechlanguage pathologist who works with children with developmental disabilities. “Silvija is a huge motivational force in treatment,” shares Amy. As a team, Amy and Silvija help students develop many necessary skills, including language. Silvija aids Amy by interacting with and engaging the students. Amy explains, “Children learn through play and Silvija engages the children in play. By playing dress-up with Silvija the children are learning vocabulary and also getting some sensory integration by touching Silvija’s fur.”
More than that, Silvija is a constant professional. Children can be unpredictable and Amy relies on Silvija to be completely predictable, steadfast and reliable in any and all situations. Above, Facility Dog Silvija patiently
helps Amy engage a student in
educational play. Amy and Facility
Dog Silvija are featured in a new
Public Service Announcement
produced pro bono for CCI by DG
Entertainment in Los Angeles, CA.
Visit to view all of our
Public Service Announcements.
Left, Amy Johnson and Facility Dog
Silvija with student.
Visit to learn more about how Facility Dogs assist
professionals working to improve the quality of life for others.
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 13
Puppy Breath—The Leading
Cause of Puppy Addiction
CCI puppies are born in
the homes of volunteers and
are raised by volunteers.
Volunteers make every aspect
of our work possible.
14 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Colleagues with Collars
n 2004, Jeff Greene and Allan Lepine became volunteer puppy raisers and brought their fi rst puppies, Harley IV and Daniel respectively, into their lives and into their workplace. Since that time another colleague, Donna Sword has also become a Canine Companions volunteer puppy raiser. Jeff, Donna and Allan all work for P&G Pet Care where dogs and companion animal nutrition are part of the water cooler discussions. The three colleagues arrange lunchtime play dates for the puppies and act as support and inspiration for each other. Of course each puppy brings their own personality to the offi ce with them as well. Donna shares, “Inga will pass the time in the offi ce by sticking her nose in the water bowl and blowing bubbles.”
Allan, Donna, Jeff and all Canine Companions volunteer puppy raisers provide the puppies with basic obedience training and lots of socialization opportunities. Beyond that, they give limitlessly of themselves to the puppies they raise for one reason, to change the life of a person challenged with a disability.
“Being a small part of Canine Companions for Independence is something I’m very proud about. They change the world the old fashion way, one team at a time,” shares Jeff.
P&G Pet Care (Iams/Eukanuba brands) have supported CCI in a variety of ways for many years. CCI puppies are fed Eukanuba to keep them healthy and optimize their growth. Visit to learn
more about this unique volunteer
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 15
CCI National News
Seattle, WA—the Puget Sound Chapter held its most successful auction and gala
Denver, CO—CruVin Dogs Wine Group bottled the Lucky Cabernet featuring CCI Service Dog Lucky
Portland, OR—the Elkins family returned to Portland as the 3,000th CCI Graduate Team
Santa Rosa, CA—Northwest Region held its most successful event in the region’s history
Los Angeles, CA— CCI Skilled Companion Ilia named ASPCA Dog of the Year
Oceanside, CA
Southwest Region held the fi rst “CCI Salutes Independence” open house
Oceanside, CA—Dean and Gerda Koontz presented $1 million donation at Southwest Region Graduation 16 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Chandler, AZ—Successful Dog Days of Summer Golf Classic fundraiser for CCI
Columbus, OH—North Central Region hosted the Snoopy® Dog Fest
Arlington Heights, IL—Chicago volunteers hosted the most successful Day at the Races event at Arlington Park
Detroit, MI—North Central Region hosted the Snoopy® Dog Fest
Medford, NY—Grand Opening of
the Miller Family Campus
Medford, NY
NY—Northeast Region made its 500th Graduate Team placement
Nashville, TN—CCI Service Dog Cary named AKC Service Dog of the Year
Huntsville, AL—Iraq Veteran Jeffrey Adams returned home with CCI Service Dog Sharif
NM rst ever NM—fi
Enchanted Canine Golf Classic fundraiser for CCI
Orlando, FL—Jo Ann Guise, Southeast Region Advisory Council Member and volunteer puppy raiser was presented with the Jack Warnock Volunteer of the Year Award. 12th Annual Tails and Tales Gala raised over $300,000.
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 17
CCI Supporters
We are grateful to all the generous individuals, foundations, and businesses supporting Canine Companions for Independence and sharing our passion for enhancing the lives of people with disabilities.
Follow the snapshots of a typical CCI puppy experience.
$100,000 +
Foglia Family Foundation
French Masserini Fund
Estate of Jeanette Anne Allison
A-B Petroleum
Claire Giannini Fund
Estate of Dorothy N. Amend
Alesia Family Foundation
Estate of Ronald L. Giblin
William & Sharon Bauce Family Fred & Jean Allegretti Foundation
The Gordon-Lindeberg Family Foundation
Estate of Gladys M. Anderson
William & Joanne Bergold
Bagatta Associates
Richard Grand Foundation
Estate of Mildred R. Buhrmeister Bakersfi eld Breakfast Lions
Horace & Amy Hagedorn Long Estate of Anna U. Cisar
Bank of The West
Island Fund
Wayne & Anne Sandra Atlas Bass Aurther & Kathryn Hall Trust
& Edythe & Sol G. Bruce & Susan Hall Family Atlas Fund, Inc.
Adelaide S. Healey Foundation
John K. Bastien Thomas P. & Thelma B. Hart Foundation
Dean R. & Gerda Foundation
Ann Koontz
Bell Charitable Charles & Linda Hawthorne
Estate of Ilse & Kurt Charles W. & Miriam L. Kratz
Helen V. Brach Heinzeroth Charitable Trust
Estate of Martha Penn McCrary
Violet T. Hilton Trust
Carol C. Brand
Lions Project For CCI
Estate of Mary Urann Hollidge
Brewster West Foundation
McKernan & Ruby Family Horne Family Charitable Foundation
Estate of Betty J. Bruce
Foundation Estate of Helen P. Miller
Butler Animal Health Supply
Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable John D. & Kristin Miller
Castro Family Foundation
P&G Pet Care Colorado Veterinary Medical IBM Employee Service Center
Association Auxiliary
Estate of Mary Rose Samson
Ingebritson Family Foundation
Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Estate of Carl H. Sandin
Carl W. Johnson Foundation
Marketers Association
Jean F. Schulz
Steven & Judy Kazan
Edward T. Cone Foundation
Gary & Mary West Foundation
The John B. & Nelly Llanos ConocoPhillips Company
Kilroy Foundation
Joy E. Cook
Knapp Swezey Foundation Inc.
Helen K. & James S. Copley KSC Freight, Inc.
Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation
Darlene & Harry Lambert Foundation
James M. Cox Jr. Foundation
Irrevocable Foundation Trust
Candlelight Foundation Rose Y. & J. Samuel Cox Allison Rubinstein Levy
Charitable Trust
Charitable Fund
Robert & Audrey Lien
Arlyne R. Dryer Trust
Cru Vin Dogs Wine Group
The Lincy Foundation
Estate of Marion F. Egly
Danford Foundation
Estate of Agnes Powers Lombard
Louis W. Fortunoff
Danzi Family Foundation, Inc.
The Sharon D. Lund Perry & Donna Golkin
Katherine De Bernardi
Marlane F. Guilford Trust
Discount Tire / America’s Tire
David & Sondra Mack Lon & Mary M. Israel
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Foundation, Inc.
Clifford & Marjorie Klose The DLBL Fund
Estate of Yvonne D. Charitable Giving Fund
Dmarlou Foundation
Newman’s Own Foundation
Donation Dogs, Inc.
Paul M. & Barbara Jay & Rose Phillips Family Mark & Debra Dougherty
H. Mandel
East Coast Collectors
Mathewson Sonoma County Community John & Joann Elliott
Charitable Lead Trust Three
Geary Family Fund
Victor M. & Susan C. Matloff
The Spurlino Foundation
Estate of Virginia Gidge Farber
McBeth Foundation
Mary H. Storer Foundation
Florida Federation of Women’s Herbert L. McPherson Trust
Sulentic Family Foundation
William & Miriam M. Meehan
Irene White Trust
* Miracle Maker donor – supports Canine Companions for Independence with a monthly contribution
18 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Merial Limited, Heartgard & Frontline
Harry C. Moores Foundation
P.A. Morabito Family Offi ce
Michael & Mardene Morykwas
Stephanie L. Motley
Mustang Club of Ohio
Lura F. Myers
National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation
O’Leary Gift Fund
Once Upon a Time…
P&G Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Pacifi c Life Foundation
Elias & Colleen Pars
Richard & Barbara Penn Fund
Roy D. & Yvonne Polatchek
Mrs. Cheever Porter Foundation, INC.
Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund
Bill & M-L Reinking
Donald R. & Nadine R. Roberts
Harvey S. Roseff
San Francisco SPCA
Sanders Dickinson Foundation
George H. Sandy Foundation
Estate of Paul & Dorothy Saylor
Lawrence K. & Rochelle N. Shapiro
Mary B. & James Shipp Charitable Remainder Trust
Helen M. & Fred Smith 2008 Trust
Special Distribution Account United Way
Dennis W. Sproule & Natalie Woods-Sproule
Patricia S. Sterling Charitable Trust
Rex & Dulciza Stevens
George B. Storer Foundation
Hadley & Marion Stuart Foundation
TGI Friday’s
TREA Memorial Foundation
United Way of San Diego County
Valley of the Sun United Way
Andrew Family Foundation
Sarah Faye Angevine Revocable Trust
Irv & Bee Apatoff Foundation
Nicholas Applegate CM LLC
Demaris Arce
Arizona Public Service Company Bernard & Audrey Aronson Charitable Trust
Arts Des Provinces De France, Inc
Assurant Health Foundation
Galen & Renea J. Aswegan*
Atlanta Braves Foundation, Inc.
Atmel Corporation
AT&T Services, Inc. / AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Tom & Julie Atwood
Robert S. & Mildred F. Auguston
Stuart J. & Nancy H. Babendir
Stanley & Joan Baer
Bank of America Foundation 401 Diagnostic, Inc.
Matching Gifts
ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
Barclays Global Investors
A&R Engineering Co., Inc.
Mary Bardon
Accounting On Computers
Ben & Melanie Barnes
Don E. Ackerman
James T. Barnes Foundation, Inc.
David C. & Beryl L. Adcock
Sam E. & Ann Barshop
Adikes Family Foundation
Tab & Colette P. Barth
Matt Adler & Mason A. Dye
Gay L. & Terry W. Barwald
Aetna Foundation, Inc./ Partners John & Nellie Bastien Memorial In Community Giving
The Ahmanson Foundation
Heidi & Michael Baumann
David & Judy Albertson
Nancy & Jeff Baumann
Charles Aldrich & Susan BlochBaxter International Foundation / Aldrich
Matching Gift Program
Christine M. Alexander
John L. & Sandra C. Bayley
Jerry & Jan Alexander
All Saints Lutheran Church
Bear Creek Men’s Club Steve Allen
The Allergan Foundation
Susan Beckerman
Thomas A. & Valerie J. Allison
David T. & Sharon K. Beckman
Galen W. & Cynthia J. Alpeter
Arch A. & Ann B. Beasley
Alpha Sigma Phi
S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity Armando T. Belly
Epsilon Chapter
Bemis Family Trust
American Electric Power
Kevin L. & Angela B. Bemiss
America Society For Prevention of Albert & Pamela Bendich
Cruelty To Animals (ASPCA)
Toby Benedict Charitable Fund Amgen Foundation / Amgen of the Nevada Community PAC-Match Gift Program
Zwie & Ronit Amitai
Edward & Joan Benson*
Amityville Woman’s Club
Robert D. & Ann T. Benson
Judith Ammerman
James & Joan Berger
Amos Family Fund
Gerald E. & Susanne Bergeron
The Martin Andersen-Gracia Andre & Carol Biane
Andersen Foundation
Ronnie J. Lee & Mary K. Warren Anderson
Charlene Andrew
Volunteer Center/Human Race Santa Rosa
Walgreens Distribution Center
Ray E. & Peggy A. Watkins
Estate of Anna B. Weber
Carol C. Weldin
The S. K. Wellman Foundation
Julien & Vera Welles Foundation
Wescom Credit Union / We Care Foundation
West Sacramento Rotary Club
Mary M. Whiting
Keith R. Wieland & Maureen DaleyWieland
The Wildwood Foundation
Alexander Wolf Trust
Woodlawn Foundation
Biedenharn Foundation
Edward E. & Lillian H. Bishop Foundation
Jacqueline Blake
Thomas S. & Leona C. Blankley
Arlien G. Block
Block Scientifi c, Inc.
Bloom Family Fund
Bloomingdale’s, Inc.
Fred Boettcher
The Bond Foundation, Inc.
Courtney B. Borntraeger
Billie Bosser
Bougainvillea Clinique
Sarane Bowen
Louis F. Bower
Ann S. Bowers
Francis P. & Margaret Brady
Peter S. & Denise Bray
Nancy Brecheisen
Henry R. & Christina Bredenkamp
Ruth Brentari
Forrest & Anne Brinkley
Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee Giving Program
Peter M. Britten*
Lynne S. Brodell
Lela Cook Brown
Milton V. Brown Foundation
Brown-Buntin Associates, Inc.
David Bruce
Brueckner Family Foundation
The Brunetti Foundation
Brunton Enterprises, Inc.
Nannette Empey Bryan Foundation
Adrian H. Bubb*
The Bubba Fund
Carrie Burckhartt & Calra Infante
Bonnie K. Burger & Gordon E. Baum
Betty Lou Holmes Burton Trust
Amy A. Bush
John Byram
John & Katherine Cahill Trust
Christopher E. & Judith G. Callen
Calstar Helen Cameron
Campaign To Re-Elect Sheriff Ric Bradsaw
Amy Campos Memorial Fund
Canine Campus of Castle Rock
Lisa Canter
Cardinal Health Foundation
Cardinal Health Foundation Employees CARE Matching Program
Millicent W. Carducci
Kimberly A. Carlson
L. Baylis & Valerie Carnes
Marsha L. Carson
Robert O. Caseldine
Bradley D. & Sara E. Castelli
Fonda & Don Cerenzio
Richard & Carolyn Chace
The Donald & Carole Chaiken Foundation
Chain O’Lakes Kennel Club
Jean Chambers
The Champions Volunteer Foundation
Pauline Chang
Ralph L. & Bonnie B. Chapman
Chapman Chevrolet Isuzu
Chardonnay Foundation
Robert & Veronica Chasanoff
Mary Lacy Chase Clifton
Jay W. & Heidi A. Chesky
Chevron Humankind Employee Fund
Cheyenne Mountain High School Student Republic
Chicago White Sox Charities, Inc.
Keith & Elaine Christian
Cingular Matching Gift Program
Citigroup Foundation Matching Gifts Program
The City of New York
Civitan Club of El Monte
Clarke Fund - Community Foundation of the Verdugos
Cleveland Metroparks
Rex Clonts
Trust of Betty J. Cochran
Marilyn C. Cohen & Chris Malburg
Robyn J. Cohen
B. R. Cohn Winery
Kenneth W. Cohn Memorial Fund
Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Cares
The Colen Foundation, Inc.
Cynthia D. Collett
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 19
Common Cents New York, Inc.
Gilbert E. & Karen J. Cook
Charles F. & Diane Bell Cooper
Nancy Cooper
Louise Copeland
Milada A. Copeland & William C. French
Corday Family Foundation
Cosanti Foundation Cause Fund
The Country Friends
Russell & Jackie Cowgill
Edward J. & Darlene M. Coyne
Deborah & C.A. Craig, II Family Foundation
Jon & Jodie Crase
Louis J. & Penny A. Croce
Daphne Seybolt Culpepper Foundation
Cush Family Foundation
CVS Corporation / CVS Caremark Volunteer Challenge Grant
Dalio Family Foundation, Inc.
Danford Foundation Inc.
Darden Restaurants, Inc.
Darien Lions Club
Claire C. Davis
Donna K. Dawson
Deacon Charitable Foundation
Don Dean
Sheila A. Dean
Dee’s Specialty Cakes
Mike A. & Mary L. Delaney
Delta Theta Tau Sorority Nu Tau Chapter
Linda S. Demers
Dennis Family Foundation
Delong-Sweet Family Foundation
Joseph DePaul
Margery De Schweinitz Revocable Trust
Design Lab, Inc.
Bernhard & Christine Deutsch
Daniel & Emily Dibert
Angeline M. Dick
Disabilities Affi nity Group - Texas
Disney VoluntEARS Program
Dixie Dog Pet Accessories
Doggieday Group, Inc.
William B. & Carolyn C. Doherty
James J. & Barbara S. Doran
Christine M. Ducey & Howard S. Bissell
Susan E. Dunn*
Herbert M. & Jane R. Dwight
Morgan, Terry & Jean & Earle
Ebocom, LLC
Elaine Gail Edinburg
James R. & Ramona A. Edman
Rolayne Edwards
Robert P. Eichler
Electrical & Communications Contractors
Henry Elghanayan
Zach S. & Stacey Elizondo
Judith Elkin & Ralph Carabetta
Diana S. Ellis Foundation
Ellison, Schneider & Harris LLP
Estate of Milton Ely
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Arlan & Beverly Emmert
Employees Charity Organization of Northrop Grumman (ECHO)
The English Family Foundation Epstein-Whitman Family Foundation
Eugene W. & Barbara Erickson
Joseph F. Eschleman
Especially For Pets, Inc.
Wilfredo Esteban & Lauren Smoyer-Esteban
William Ewing Foundation
Exchange Bank
Estate of Paul Fabricant
Fastening Systems International
Joseph M. Fenelon & Kirby
Peter A. & Jeanne Fellowes
Martin Ferrero
Charon J. Fisher
FM Global Foundation Give With Liberty Program
Howard Filleman
Anthony N. & Marie M. Finazzo
Robert Fischer
Gordon Flesch Charitable Foundation
Florida’s Blood Centers
Florida Hospital
Ramsey Flower
Barry L. & Bonnigene B. Fly
Glenn S. & Maureen C. Foley
Peter I. & Janice A. Ford Kenneth C. & Carol S. Forester
Forrest Plant Fund For Distinguised Attorneys
Buelah R. Fox Heidi Fox
The Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation at Union Bank of California
20 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Betty E. Freeman
The Walter Henry Freygang Foundation
Carol Frick
Kristin B. Friddle
Friedman French Foundation, Inc.
Fritch Foundation
Castor L. Fu
Fulton Financial Corp.
Gadsden Correctional-CCA
Ilene Gaglione-Degregorio
Michael & Carol Ann Gaich
Ronald R. & Vicky Gallagher*
Ron & Sara Gambassi
Stephen H. & Grace D. Gamble
John D. Gannett
John Garbaczewski Family Foundation
John D. & Deborah L. Gareau
GE Capital Solutions
Carol L. Gebhardt
Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Nancy J. Geltman & David A. Resnick
General Electric Evendale Plant
General Reproduction Products Inc
Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation
Georges & Germaine Fusenot Foundation
Luke, Rhonda, & Timothy Gerhardt
Jere J. Gerszewski
Brenda G. Gey
John Giacomazzi
Gilbane Building Company
James Gill
John C. & Kay Gist
Mark K. Glasser
James J. & Sandra A. Globa
Goal Enterprises Inc.
Godwin Groves
Golden High School
The Golden 1 Credit Union
David S. Gordon
Joseph B. Gould Foundation
Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania
Grange Insurance Companies
The Grainger Foundation
The Gray Foundation
Greenbaum Fund — Community Foundation of the Verdugos
Mary Jo Greenberg
Greenberg Tauring, LLP
Joe & Jody Greenhalgh
Gretchen L. Greve Living Trust
Ruth E. Greve Trust
The Marion & Louis Grossman Foundation
Angelica B. Guckes
Judith G. Guilmette*
Jo Ann & Ernie Guise
Russ Gurevitch & Terry Van Horn
Jan K. Gurtner
Leo A. Guthart
Richard & Kari Gyde
Sharon A. Haag
Gregg & Trudy Hakala
Scott E. & Christina Dodd Ham
Laurie Hamid
Lee H. & Nancy Hamilton
Richard & Susan Hammerstone*
Cynthia A. Hanna
Gwenda & John Hanson Fund
Marvin & Angela Hanson
Hanson McClain, Inc.
Lila G. Harman
Gary W. & Andrea Harper
Harris Hooker Huber, LLC
Alice M. Hathaway
Jerry A. & Margaretta Hausman
Heart of Florida United Way
Roger & Cynthia Hedgecock
Robert & Kathy Heihn
Richard & Suzanne Heiny*
Donald A. & Linda S. Helms
Leslie A. Hennessy
Edward I. Herbst
George A Hesik & Associates
Eileen J. Hetzel
Gail R. Heverly-Smith
Mary Hewitt
Hewlett-Packard Employee Charitable Giving Program
William J. Hickey
Kent B. Hickman
Sharon J. Higgins
Bernard F. & Julane C. Himmelsbach
E. Stanley Hobbs
Ethel K. Hockerman
Wayne & Mary Hockmeyer
Richard F. & Carrie S. Hogan
Robert W. Hoke
Sherry Holladay
Todd Holland & Scotch E. Loring
Tommy Hollenstein
Hollister, Inc
Dennis & Aideen Honzay
Jack & Lisle Hooper
R. E. Hopper
Horizon Middle School Cherry Creek Schools
Law Offi ce of Mark L. Horwitz
Bob & Aubyn Howe Foundation
Howe Foundation, Inc.
Ruth S. Hubbard
Corey Hudson & Kathy Matonak
Robert W. & Barbara J. Humes
Kirsten Hungate
Kari G. Hunter
Huntington Bank / Huntington Foundation
Mark & Lisa Hupfer
ICI Homes
Illinois Federation of Women’s Clubs
Independent Benefi t Supporters, Inc.
Independent Charities of America
Industrial Developments International, Inc.
Paul & Mary Ingels
Institute of Real Estate Management
Inter Continental Hotels & Resorts
Katharine H. Irwin
James A. Isaacson
A. C. Israel Foundation, Inc.
ITW Illinois Tool Works Foundation
M. Ivie
Allen & Linda Jackson
Trust of Frank D. Jackson
Jackson Animal Clinic, Inc./ North Madison Animal Hospital
Rona Jaffe Foundation
Doreen Jakubcak Fund
Cheryl A. Janson & Ward W. Smith
Jayvee Foundation Charitable Trust
Susan M. Jensen
Jetronics Company
Dr. & Mrs. John Johnson
Lisa E. Johnson
Ray & Ardy Johnson
Johnson Family Foundation
Johnson & Johnson / Matching Gifts Program
Diane Jones
Janet E. Jones
Jones, Hurley & Hand
Jordan Fund
The Carl Jud Foundation
Bill & Sheila Julian
Junior Woman’s Club of Des Plaines
Stephen Kafka & David Sunkin
The Ray J. Kahler Foundation at Union Bank of California
Edmund F. & Carol K. Kallina
Steven & Violette Kanner
Bette & Bernard Kaplan Foundation
The Kara Foundation
Donna J. Kelley
Richard S. & Elizabeth P. Kent Family Fund
John Keohane
Kevin M. & Elizabeth M. Kerns
J. Kerry
Keynotes & Concerts, Inc.
Mary Ann Keyser
Murray S. & Jeanie Kilgour
Art & Irene King
Lillian Kiss
Robert G. & Chris Kittredge
Ann R. Klee
Joel B. Kleinman
Edwin Klinck
Thomas E. Knapp
Glenn C. & Susan S. Kral
Joyce & Paul Krasnow Charitable Foundation
Kenneth J. & Jacqueline M. Krebs
Jennie Kreischer
Francene L. Kristoff
Charlie & Margie Krystofi ak
Kurzrok Foundation, Inc.
Sean & Janet Lachman
Edward T. & Kathleen M. Lahey
Estate of Fred R. Lahm
Harriett Lake Family Trust
Lake Wylie Lioness/Lions Club
Carole Lamar
James & Bunny Landis
John Lang
Charles R. Lansing*
Lathers Union Local 68-L Pension Fund
Robert C. & Terri Jo Laundon
Peter Laventhol
The Lawrence Foundation
Cindy Lawton
Leadership Orange
Lowell H. Lebermann
Stephen K. & Kimberly Ledford
Sara Lee Foundation
Geo Zoltan Lefton Family Foundation
The Lehrer Family Foundation
Brad Lemons Foundation
Jerry Levendowski
Ian Leverton & Jill P. WrightLeverton
Mark S. & Sharon A. Lewis
Rose-Eve K. Lewis
Liberty Cabinet Company
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Fay J. Lindner Foundation
Matha D. Livingston
Carolynn D. Loacker
The Loran Marketing Group
Martin Loth & Joan Cook-Loth
Betty White Ludden
H. John Lyke
Frances J. Lyon
Anne MacPherson
Macquarie Group Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
The Chesley G. Magruder Foundation
Henry L. Mahan
John F. Maher Family Foundation
Mark & Pamela Maier
Anthony W. & Jane M. Maihan
A. V. Malatino Charitable Trust
Edward R. & Viola F. Malde
Richard & Mary Lou Manfredi
Mary Emmie Mangum*
Manitou Springs High School
Frederick W. & Ann K. Mann
Tammy A. Marek & Robert M. Stansel
Mariners Care
Estate of Carolyn Marsh
Joe & Mollie Marshall
Curtis Martin Job Foundation
Jean Martinez
Marvelous Mercer
Maryland Charity Campaign
Master Vac Industrial
Peggy Matsuda & David Spangenberg
Florence May Canine Rescue Trust
Estate of Lenora Grant Mayer
Cornelia H. Maytag
McArdle Foundation
Stephen P. McCarthy
Mary Kay McCaw
Peter R. & Susan McClung
Malcolm M. & Angela McCluskey
Angel McConnell
McCulloh McTavish Foundation
McDevitt & McDevitt Construction Corp.
M.L. & J.L. McDonnell
Rod N. McDonald Family Foundation
Diana G. McDowell
Eileen A. McEvoy
Harold W. & Suzanne McGraw
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./ Employee Giving Campaign
John S. McKinney & Susan Campbell
Patricia Ann McKlem
Hazel V. McMullin
Dreux & Lynn McNairy
George A. & Marguerite S. McWilliams
Marilyn Mead
Measure - X
Med Center Medical Clinic
Medco Health Employee Giving Campaign
Terence S. Emily S. Meehan
Janet E. & David L. Meeker Fund
Mark Mehta
Mendelson Foundation
Donna Rae Mentink
Merck Partnership For Giving
Mimi Murray Meriwether
Mesa AZ Petty Cash
Robert J. & Gloria M. Messey
MetLife Foundation
RD Michaels Inc.
Microsoft Giving Campaign / Matching Gifts Program
Roy G. Michell Charitable Foundation & Trust
Michigan Volunteer Group
Cynthia Sue Mielke
Mile High United Way
Douglas Miller
Read & Carol Miller
Andrew Minden
Eleanor Sattler Minturn
James R. Moffett
Gary M. Moody
John D. & Ramona M. Mooney
Denise D. Moore
Lloyd Moore Foundation
Donald V. Moorehead & Claudia A. McMurray
Bruce & Donna Morse
John Stewart Morton
Morton Foundation
Robert J. Moss
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 21
John G. Most
Jerry A. & Linda K. Mosteller
John & Linda Muckel Foundation
Shawn & Katherine Murphy
Mark & Esther Murray
Estate of Valere M. Murray
Virginia Musante
Jim & Ellen Myerberg
Jane E. Nagy
Nationwide Foundation
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Jean A. Navickas
NE Westerville Realty Association
New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs
Estate of Carolyn Newcomb
Stephana Nichols
Kathryn Nikkel
Patrick & Gloria Nolan
Curt R. & Marlena Noland
Linda E. Northrup
NWI Vision Homes, LLC
The Calvin & Flavia Oak Foundation
James J. & Katie O’Brien
Martin & Karen T. O’Gorman
Tom & Carole O’Hare
O’Keefe Family Foundation Inc.
Jack Okon
Olympus Homes, Inc.
Christine E. O’Neal
Sharon O’Neill
Gerald Oppenheimer Family Foundation
Orange County Community Foundation
Orange County United Way
Kerry, Katherine & Kyle Orent
The O’Shea Foundation
Michael C. Oster
OUC - The Reliable One
William F. & Sheila A. Owen
Tim Pagliara
Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies
Palos Verdes Breakfast Club
Papapietro Perry Winery
Linda A. Paquette
Kathleen K. Gann Parish & Jim Parish
Mary Parish
Michelle L. Park
Park Shore Kennel Club
The Mary E. Parker Foundation
Graham & Pauline Parry
Susan K. Parson
Pascucci Family Foundation
Blyth Gilmour Patel
W. Thomas & Jane C. Paul
Paumanok Veterinary Hospital
Richard & Joyce Payne Fund
Pearson-Rappaport Foundation
Pender Pet Caring Foundation
David G. & Diane Pennock
Robert P. & Barbara R. Perkaus
W. R. Persons Charitable Trust
PETCO Foundation
Pet Supplies Plus
Anne Marie Peterson
Cheryl A. Peterson
Pettus Foundation
Pfi zer Foundation Matching Gifts Program/United Way Campaign
PG & E
Stanton D. & Marilyn S. Phelps
The Philanthropic Collaborative
Phoenix Mercury Basketball LLC
John T. Pickens
LeAnne Pickering
Pickford Realty Cares
Marhta L. & John H. Pieper
Gary & Candace Pilger
Jeffrey D. & Lynne P. Pisto
The Pless Foundation
Brian D. & Bonnie B. Plikaytis
The Polk Foundation
Ann C. Poll
Rich J. & Lori Porrello
David & Regina Porter
Judith Posnikoff
Post Integrations
Kevin Potter
Clifford R. Powell
William L. Price Charitable Foundation
Annette Priest
Prudential Foundation
Publix Super Markets Charities
James A. & Michele C. Purton
RBG, Inc.
Dawn & Lewis Ramsey
Rancho Bernardo Lions Club
Bernard & Audre Rapoport
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
Norman E. & Laurel A. Reilly
Reinsch Pierce Family Foundation
Marietta J. Reinking
22 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Richard A. & Marilyn Renk
Brenda Revette
George A. Rice Frank D. & Susan Rich
Ann T. Richards
Paul Richards & Donald Ferro
Sy Richards
Mary K. Richter
Riegle Financial Services
Peter P. Riely
Ridenour, Hienton, Kelhoffer, Lewis & Garth, PLLC
Riegle Financial Services
Peter P. Riely
Lera R. Riley
Harriet Nard Rivers
Riverside Animal Hospital
Anne H. Roberts*
Lori O. Roberts
Evelyn & Paul Robinson Family Foundation
Venus Roby
William G. Rodkey
Meg-Monique Roe & Tom Gregory
Ted & Donna Rogahn
Irene T. Rogers
Lisa Rolke
Patricia Ronning
The Rose Hills Foundation
Howard B. Rosen
Rosen Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
Elizabeth Rosen-Ducat
Rosendin Electric Inc.
Harold O. & Rita E. Rosser
Marianne Rossi
Trust of Katherine S. Roth
Rothkopf Family Charitable Foundation
Roub Family Foundation
Robert Rowell Memorial
Nell & M. Bernie Rude
Rudisill Charitable Foundation
Arthur N. Rupe Foundation
Charles Edward Russell
John B. Russell
Ronald J. Russell
Theresa Alessandra Russo Foundation
Ryan Elementary PTO
Salt River Project Sam’s Club Foundation (WalMart Foundation)
San Joaquin Kennel Club
San Marcos Community Foundation
San Pablo Animal Hospital
Paul R. & Robin W. Sanchez
Frank Santos & Dan Dantin
Saponas Foundation
Joanne Sarro
Harry J. Savage
Save The Starfi sh Foundation
The Schafer Family Foundation
John L. Schaffer
Robert & Doris Schaffer
Barbara Schapel
Robert & Joan Scheel
Schlinger Family Foundation
The Schlum Charitable Trust
Donald A. & Yvonne D. Schmidt
Kathleen L. Schneider
Kurt & Julie Scholle
Bruce & Ruth Schomaker
Carole J. Schrager Private Foundation
Alfreda J. Schueler Trust
Schuff Steel Company
Robert A. & Priscilla Schultz
Schultz Foundation
Marcia L. Schulze
Christopher Schwartz*
Stephen & Laurie Schwartz
Francis P. Sciaretta
Lois M. Scott
Michael Scott
Charles B. See Foundation
Chad Robert Seeholzer & Nancy Elizabeth Ward-Patterson
Elliot & Jacquie L. Segal
Dan Seligman Charitable Foundation
Sempra Energy Foundation
Joseph G. & Alice B. Servais
The Setzer Foundation
Barbara A. Severance
Robert Shack
Estate of Rosalie M. Shaffer
Shattuck Venture Fund
Suzy Shechtman
Katherine L. Shelton
Susan Ann Sherman
Nelson Shing
Gloria Shinn
William M. & Susan Colen M. Shulman
Forrest N. & Patricia K. Shumway
The Signature Group Financial, LLC
Tracy & May D. Sikora
Arthur Silverman
Sydney I. Silverman Charitable Foundation*
Lary Simon
Clyde & Kay Sisson Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Judee Slack
Slesmar Family Foundation
Alexandra D. Smith & Alex T. Marr
Chester Smith*
Edward C. Smith Charitable Annuity Trust
Frank P. & Nancy B. Smith Charitable Foundation
Jeffrey Q. Smith
Robert T. & Annetta C. Smith
Roger A. Soape, Inc.
John & Iola Sobecki
Bob & Joan Solon
A. Jay & Alberta B. Somers
Cari Sommer
Soroptimist International of Oceanside Carlsbad
Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Sottil Gallery Partners, Inc.
Southern Delaware County Realtors Association
Stacey A. Spohn
Starline Printing
Max & Robin Steen
Nancy L. Stegens
Ericka M. Steiner
Chad Stenerson
Susan Stern
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Peter & Sybil Sternlieb
William E. & Jarona J. Stevens
Kathryn Stevenson
William P. & Beth Stevenson
Donald D. Stoddard
The Straetz Foundation
John A. & Catherine F. Strautman
Bob Allen & Pamela Street
Eleanor P. Stuart and Mary C. Stuart Family Foundation
Michael & Gloria Sullivan*
Sean M. Sullivan
SunTrust Bank
The Sundt Foundation
Richard Swearinger & Maria Duryee
Kevin Swett Photography
Swift Memorial Health Care Foundation
Syosset Central School District
Taussig Foundation
P. Ross & Anne S. Taylor
Nancy Teague
The Tecumseh Foundation
David & Linda Temin
Harral S. & Patricia F. Tenney
Carolyn J. Therrio
Thomas Publishing Company LLC
Blyler Thompson Foundation
Christopher Thompson
Thompson Miller Funeral Home, Inc.
Janet R. Thornton
Stan G. & Dotty Thurston
Timba Cigar
TisBest Philanthrophy
Toll Bridge Tolers
Elbert Y. & Janet Sue Tomai
Tonnancour Family Trust
Erica Torbik
Torrey Pines Kiwanis Foundation
Tri-City Healthcare District
Charles L. & Jennifer R. Trojan
Carol Truhan
Salvatore J. & Marie P. Tuccelli
Judith Rubin Tucker
James & Kimberly Tuckwell
Mark Tye
Patrick & Pamela Tyrrell
Gayle Uhlenburg
United Healthcare
United Media
United Way of Bartholomew
United Way of California Capital Region
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Central New Mexico
United Way of Central Ohio
United Way of Delaware County
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
United Way of King County
United Way Metro Chicago
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc.
United Way of New York City
United Way of The Bay Area
United Way of The ColumbiaWillamette
United Way of The National Capital Area
Universal City Development Partners
Universal Orlando
Peter L. Van De Brundt & Eugenie Van Assendelft
Jeff Van Harte
Lois M. Van Kerkhoven
Estate of Grace H. Vance
Rodney Varner
Joseph Verbalis & Virginia SteenVerbalis
Jana L. Vermeer
Mary Viancourt
Viera Women’s Club
Vision Service Plan
Robert Volk & Michele Thompson
Rory M. & Susan A. Wade
Matt & Jessica Wagner
Thomas & Marian Wagner
Kimberly Walker
Shirley Joan Walsh Administrative Trust
John S. & Leann B. Washabaugh
Washington Mutual Matching Gift Program
Button & Jon Watkins
Wayzata church Ministries Board of Women’s Fellowship
WD-40 Company
Irving S. Weinstein Philanthropic Fund
John Weir & Marita Spragge
Hal Weiser
Wells Fargo Bank
Toby Wells Foundation
Lawrence & Elizabeth Wenner
West Franklin City Chapter — Thrivent Financial For Lutherans
West Grand High School
Hugh & Nancy Westermeyer
Western International Aviation, Inc.
White Castle Foundation
Howard M. & Margaret W. Whitehead
W. Raleigh & Theresa Whitehurst
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp.
Roberta Whitman
Whole Foods Market
Mitchell & Isobel Wiener
Charles R. & Kathleen L. Williams
Conni Williams Trust
Dan & Emily Williams
Jeanne Williams
Rosalie J. Williams
Willspring Foundation, Inc.
Diane B. Wilsey
C.J. & Jill Winckler
Karin E. Winner
Wise Foundation
Richard H. Witmer
Ken & Joan Wohlpart
Woman’s Club of Carlsbad
Woman’s Club of Santa Ana
Woman’s Club of Vista
Damon, Monika & George Wood
Nicholas Wood
Woodbrook Elementary School
Rexanne L. Woods
Woodward Family Foundation Endowment Fund
Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School
Worthington Hills Elementary School
Allen & Joyce Wrenn
Nick & Phylis B. Wright
Wrightson Ramsing Foundation, Inc.
Peyjen Wu
Margaret J. Wyllie
Louise Yale*
Ted & Sally Yeh
Joyce L. Young-Stewart
Dragos, Ioana, & Antonela Zanchi
Mark & Donette Zbikowski
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 23
Corporate Partners
At Canine Companions for Independence we are grateful to the corporations and businesses that support our mission by providing cause marketing and in-kind support. Their generosity and creativity help us continue to provide exceptional dogs for exceptional people.
ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
ABC Network
Boomerang Graphics
Boston Red Sox
Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation
CBS Network
CBS Outdoors
Corning Cable Systems
Cru Vin Dogs Wine Group
DG Entertainment
Entertainment Apparel
Fortune Fashions, Inc.
Fox Broadcasting
Goldman Promotions
Jarden Consumer Solutions
Legoland California
Mascot The McGraw-Hill Companies
Media Networks
MyNetworkTV (UPN)
OUC – The Reliable One
Pacifi c Life
Plum TV
Rosen Hotels & Resorts
San Pablo Animal Clinic
Henry Schein Cares
Seattle Mariners
SeaWorld / Aquatica / Discovery Cove
Sony Pictures Television
Luis Sottil & Wyland Galleries
Studio North
Sundance Graphics
TV 8
Titan Worldwide
Tribune TV Network
Virbac Animal Health Bequests
We are grateful to the families and advisors of the following individuals who made generous gifts to CCI through their estates in 2008.
Estate of Jeanette Anne Allison
Estate of Dorothy N. Amend
Estate of Gladys M. Anderson
Sarah Fay Angevine Revocable Trust
Bemis Family Trust
Estate of Frances Blackburn
Estate of Betty J. Bruce
Estate of Mildred R. Buhrmeister
Betty Lou Holmes Burton Trust
John & Katherine Cahill Trust
Candlelight Foundation Charitable Trust
Estate of Christopher Canino
Estate of Anna U. Cisar
Trust of Betty J. Cochran
Estate of Cornelia Myers Cogsdell
Arlyne R. Dryer Trust
Estate of Marion F. Egly
Estate of Milton Ely
Estate of Paul Fabricant
Estate of Virginia Gidge Farber
Joseph M. Fenelon & Kirby
Estate of Ronald L. Giblin
Marlane F. Guilford Trust
Aurther & Kathryn Hall Trust
Adelaide S. Healey Trust
Charles W. & Miriam L. Heinzeroth Charitable Trust
Violet T. Hilton Trust
Estate of Mary Urann Hollidge
Trust of Frank D. Jackson
Lillian Kiss
Estate of Ilse & Kurt Kratz
Constance S. Lagravinese Trust
Estate of Fred R. Lahm
Estate of Agnes Powers Lombard
24 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Estate of Yvonne D. Maggio
Estate of Lenora Grant Mayer
Estate of Carolyn Marsh
Estate of Nell B. McCormick
Estate of Martha Penn McCrary
Herbert L. McPherson Trust
Estate of Cecilia Miller
Estate of Helen P. Miller
Estate of Valere M. Murray
Estate of Carolyn Newcomb
Trust of Katherine S. Roth
Estate of Mary Rose Samson
Estate of Carl H. Sandin
Estate of of Paul & Dorothy Saylor
Estate of Rosalie M. Shaffer
Alfreda J. Schueler Trust
Margery De Schweinitz Revocable Trust
Mary B. & James Shipp Charitable Remainder Trust
Clyde & Kay Sisson Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Estate of Calvin Roscoe Smith
Helen M. & Fred Smith 2008 Trust
Patricia S. Sterling Charitable Trust
Estate of Frederick & Marian Turner
Estate of Grace H. Vance
Shirley Joan Walsh Administrative Trust
Estate of Anna B. Webster
Irene White Trust
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society honors the community of dedicated people who have made a gift to support Canine
Companions for Independence through their estate plans.
Anonymous (295)
Michael & Janice Abbaticchio
in honor of son Michael &
Leila II
Wallace & Susan Adams
Gerard D. “Jerry” Abdo
Margaret S. Ager
Karen Lee Alexander &
Madison Lee AlexanderGuenst
Judy Allen & Jim Hummer
Estate of Mary E. Amos
Ronald & Joan Apatoff
Michael J. & Sandra M.
Alice E. Arnold
Dr. & Mrs. Arnold E. Aronson
Kathleen Ann Aston, in
memory of Blackie
Sharon Lea Aukerman
Jeffrey E. Austin
Vicki L. Avery
Donna Grace Bahlke
N. Renee Baker
Debra Ball
Catherine Barbiers & Pretty
Mrs. Helen F. Barnes
Jean S. Barto
Sharon & David Beckman
Shirley & Don Beierle
Carol Belmont
Lucy D. Benjamin
Jewel K. Bennett
Sondra & Otto Bennett
Edward & Joan Benson
Harriett Benson
Dorothy Curtin Bernard
Margaret Bingham, in memory
of Ruth & Otto Maixner
Dorothy Bleavins
Karen Bloom
Cheral L. Bond
Howard & Evelyn Boroughs
Carol Bowes
Emma Brander
Christina Ann Bredenkamp &
Henry Roger Bredenkamp, Jr.
Louise E. Brewer
Randie S. Britton & Family
Rebecca L. Brock
Scottie Brooks
Gene & Vada Brown
Gary & Sharon Joy Brunner
Dorothy & Warren Bullard
Michael Layton Burchfield
Joyce E. & W.L. (Bill) Butler
Christine A. Buzby
Joan Ellyn Callahan
Barbara Camp
Marie Castellano
Trevor & Tonni Caughey
Sara & Bradley Castelli
Pauline Paochi Chang Trust
Robert & Barbara Chown
Michael & Victoria Cleghorn
William & Linda Cleveland
Bryan B. Close
Jo Anne Cohn
Beverly R. Coke
Nancy Ann Conner
Samuel H. & Emily S.
J. Conroy
Joy Cook
Anne Coulter
Barbara & James O. Cox III
Charlie Creasy
Creative Change, Inc., Roger
C. & Linda S. Kansier
Richard L. Creed
Ronald & Susan Crispin
Christina Criswell
Debra Crow & Marshall Taxer
Terry & Kathy Davis
Mil Day
Joe & Sally DeAngelo
Stevan & Kim deArrillaga
Deborah De Lucha Hall &
Daniel F. De Luca
Angie DeMeyer
Deborah Jane Dengler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dengler
Elizabeth Devlin
Joan Dewey
Cindy G. Dickert
Cdr. Fred W. & Joyce P. Diehl
Steve & Niessa Diehl
Richard & Kathleen Dionne
Jay Donovan
Christine M. Ducey &
Howard S. Bissell
Melanie & John Dutcher
Robert Eckstein
Katie & John Eells
Mark Eggold
Lawrence R. & Vicky C.
Patrick & Barbara Emmett
Gary Enersen
Eugene W. & B. Martha
Alvie R. Fairall
Concetta Fields
Irving & Sybil Fischer Family
Trust Fund, c/o Ben Fischer
Martin & Catherine Fischer
Dale Flashberg
James C. Flint
Krista D. Flores
Josephine E. Forth
Dr. & Mrs. Jacob J. Foster
Dr. David Fox
Mr. & Mrs. C.M. Freeman
Bruce C. Froh, Carolyn G.
Froh & Tara D. Froh
Mary & Bob Fulleman
Shirley Gaetano
Trish Gailey
Stanley H. Garber Jr.
Judith Gartenberg
Lois Gartlir
Lois Girard
D. Wayne & Anne Gittinger
Jennifer Glasser, in memory of
Guy II
Stephen & Kimberly Goad
Michelle Goldammer
Jill Goldman
Juanita Gonzalez
John P. & Suzann M. Gorham
Judith Graziano
Patricia (Patti) Greenman
Helen Grgich
Mr. Jan Groscost
Eugenia H. Grow
Walter & Sally Gryzwinski
Jo Ann T. Guise
Joseph & Joan Gulledge
Christopher Gunning &
Christine Kjellson
Russ Gurevitch & Terry Van
Ann Hamachek
Alvina & Oliver Harris
Jean L. Harris
Marcelyn Harris
Paul D. & Lone Harter
Ivan Helfand
Sue Henderson
Dorothy B. Henning
Robert L. Henning & Marsha
S. Bailey-Henning
Trisha Hensley
Peter & Paula Henze
Catherine Heuertz-Meo
Gary & Joan Heymann
Bob & Connie Hinnant
Tom Hogan & Pamela Pearson
Angela Holmes
Mary Ann Hood
John Wm. Hopen
Barbara Hopp
Estate of W. H. Howard
Karen E. Hubbard
Alice M. Hudson Trust
Corey Hudson
Rosamond Hughes
The Humphries
Jean M. Hutchison
Ingebritson Family Foundation
Mary Jane Irwin
Judith W. Isaac
Catherine & Bud Jacobs
Allen & Linda Jackson
Diane James
Don Jarrell & Jona Milo
Trish Jeansonne
Alice C. Jensen
Arlene Jerstad
Margery B. Johnson
Estate of Ruby Johnson
Elizabeth W. Jones
Lory A. Jones
Donna & Lanny Julian
Danielle Kamine
Ms. Edie Kassing
Jocelyn Kauffman
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Kaufman
Bonnie Jean Keith (nee Wild)
Marri & Cynthia Kellman
Jean Kelly
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 25
John & Lynne Kennedy
Kathy Kent & John Dolinsek
George & Audrey Kern
Kathleen Kilpatrick & Erin
Margaret W. Knight
Gary & Marie Koenig
Mark & Rose Kowalski
Karen & Marilyn Krieger
Sandra & John Krisch
Elaine M. & Jeffrey R. Kubach
Kristy Kussman
Cindy & Paul Lambert, in
honor of their little happy
companions Lucy & Riley
Lee Ann Laraway
Ruth Larsen
Carol Lee Laskowsky & Elsa
Joan D. Leister
Linda D. LeMieux
Denise & Brian Lester
Terry & John Levin
Muriel J. Lewis
Brad & Doris Lighty
Celynn Lindgren
Mrs. Ruth B. Loudermilk
Gladys Lyle & Linda Johnson
Frances Lyon
Barbara S. Maas
Joyce S. Malkin
Megan Maloney & Gary Baty
Barbara & Paul Mandel
Ann K. Mann
Carroll & Barbara Mann
William P. & Sandra R. Maple
Karen V. Mappin
Michael Maresca
Phillip G. & Rosemary A.
Barbara A. Marks & Joseph
Marian R. Marshall
Judith McConkey
John & Linda McDonald
Jane Mclntyre
Maureen A. Meany
Heather Michet
Cynthia & John Miley
Donald E. Miller
John D. Miller
Mary C. Miller
Susan & Mark Miller
Betty Millward
Walter & Margaret Milton
Sue Ann Misiak
Mona Mitchell
Bessie Morgan (Neesha &
Thurston Mosley & Rochelle
Ellen Moss
Jennifer Moss
Estate of Margaret E. Muench
Susan Zima Neff & Michael
J. Neff
Cindy Neill
Lin Nelson, in memory of
Alma M. Barnes
Mary E. A. Nelson
Daniel R. & Carol J. Nemitz
Marcus Nerone
Jette Noble & Jerry Shultz
Fredrice E. Nord
Rhonda & Dennis Norman
Roger & Virginia Nugent
Anita J. O’Connor
Robb & Jerri Ollett
Dr. Phyllis M. Olmstead
The Late Mr.Jeffery W.
Lori A. Olson
Shirley Olson
Paul L. O’Neil & Sally L.
Nina Pae
Diane Roell Paris
Rosemary & Edward Pasahow,
in memory of Charlie
Donna L. Patterson
William Paul & Jamie A.
Joe & Susan Pavlakovik
Sylvia M. Payne
Richard Perlman & Cynthia
Harry & Susan Peters
Memorial Fund
Tim C. & Jan M. Peterson
Margaret Panko Pfleger
Colonel James H. Pierce, USA
Ret. & Elizabeth A. Pierce
Judith Pierson
Lance Plaza
Doug Plowden
Fran Pollari
Karen Posner
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Pronske
Alma Purcell
Thomas Quickstead & Allison
Janice & Richard Rader
26 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Cheri A. Railey & Russell L.
Celeste Ramsey-Zamin
Ray & Sherry L. Reed
Alison Reedy
June Reglen
Earl J. Reiss & Edna A. Reiss,
co-trustees for the Reiss
Family Trust
Jill & Donald Richards
Estate of Beverly E. Ritch
Maria C. & Frank V. Robinson
Anita Sprinkle Roberts
Anne H. Roberts
Kathleen A. Robl
Julie Rodarme
Ted & Donna Rogahn
Roberta J. Roth
Jeane Rothschild
Linda Rubin
Margaret Y. Rushing
Jack & Masako Ryan
Elsie Saccone
Dr. Deborah L. Saks, Ph.D.
Jeff & Anna Saplis
Bille Corinne Sarzin
Nancy & Ramesh Sawhney
Jeanette & David Schaefer
Mrs. Day P. Schaff
Paula E. Scherer
Janet & Richard Schmidt
Jeana Lynch Schneitman
Mary Ann Schroeder
Alison Schultz
Estate of Robert Schutrum &
Frank Piteo
Estate of Jacquetta F. Schulz
Jean Schulz
Drs. Richard & Janet Schwartz
Lois M. Scott
Charlotte M. Selenski
Katherine J. Shelton
Richard & Jane Shoemaker
Vicki J. Siegel
Paula M. Silverman
Marro & Amber Skalski
Earl H. Skinner Jr. &
Madelyne A. Skinner
Marjory B. & Morley S. Smith
Muriel & Gene Snyder
Mark & Carol Spisak
Edward, Elaine & Marlane
Dennis W. Sproule & Natalie
Corinne St. Clair
Virginia Meri Stanley
Erika M. Steiner
Carla & Steve Stark
Kay & Ted Stern
Beverly Steveson
Doris L. Stewart
Ruth Stewart
Diane H. Stokes
Karen M. Stoney
Kenneth & Sharon Strecker
Rita Sturgeon
Linda Sutherland
Judith Clark Taylor
Sondra Thiederman & Tom
Neva Thompson
Leo A. Thralls
David Z. Thrush & Mary Lee
Albert Frank Todd
Randy & Barbara Tomczak
Colleen E. Trawick
Betty Trentanelli
Trione Family Foundation
Steven Troy
Dave & Martha Tuthill
Tom Martin Uldall
Lynn S. Uram
Jeanette Vacek
Roger Von Oehsen
Linda M. Von Rhine
Ms. Connie Van Schaick
Tammy D. & Eddie Voynik
Michaelene J. Wadolny
Barbara Wamser
Virginia G. Ward
John & Judith Warnock
Carol C. Weldin: In memory of
Donald R. Weldin, DVM
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. N. Welks
Bill & Karen White
Marilyn J. White
Joni C. Withrow & Gary C.
Ann Williams, in memory of
my son Lane
James D. Wilmoth
Brad Witt
Peter & Linda Wolcott
Karen L. Zawacki
Thomas L. & Kathleen A.
Carl Zerbe & Audrey F. Morris
Leadership & Locations
Canine Companions for Independence national and regional boards are comprised of enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers who come from diverse backgrounds and who are committed to helping fulfi ll CCI’s mission. They provide valuable leadership in setting the direction and future for CCI. The current leadership is:
Board of Directors
National Headquarters
Santa Rosa, CA Anne Gittinger, Chair
John McKinney, Treasurer
Jean Schulz, Executive Secretary
Corey Hudson*
Chief Executive Officer
Alan Feinne*
Chief Financial Officer
Paul Mundell*
National Director of Canine
Pat Callahan
National Director of Development
and Marketing
Patty Minaker
National Director of Human
Clark Pappas
National Director of Participant
Bob Ehlers, ex-officio
Joann Elliott
John Elliot
Barrie Graham
Russ Gurevitch
John Hopen
Chris Kittredge
Glenn McIntyre
John McKinney
John Miller
Dr. Pauline Parry
Anne Roberts
Nancy Sawhney
Robert Solon
Dennis Sproule
Bob Street
Emily Williams
Northwest Regional Center
Santa Rosa, CA North Central
Regional Center
Delaware, OH Judy Myers
Regional Executive Director
Mark Rush
Regional Board President
Chicago Satellite Office
Woodstock, IL Debra Dudzienski, Coordinator
Northeast Regional Center
Medford, NY Debbie Dougherty
Regional Executive Director
Susan Winters
Regional Board President
Southeast Regional Center
Orlando, FL Kathy Pierson
Regional Executive Director
Meg-Monique Roe
Regional Board President
Honorary &
Associate Board Members
Southwest Regional Center
Judy Allen
Jack Hanna
Dean & Gerda Koontz
Terry Levin
Madeleine Paulson
Evert Person
Jon Provost
Jack Warnock
Linda Valliant
Regional Executive Director
Tim Gackstetter
Regional Board President
Oceanside, CA Margaret Ager
Regional Executive Director
Nancy Baumann
Regional Board President
*Corporate Officer
Colorado Satellite Office
Colorado Springs, CO Paul O’Brien, Director
Connect with CCI at, MySpace,
YouTube and FaceBook
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 27
Financial Results
The generosity of our supporters has allowed Canine Companions for Independence to provide the highest
quality assistance dogs and services to people with disabilities for 33 years. We look forward to the partnerships
that will allow us to continue these services into the future.
Statement of Activities
2008 2007 Unrestricted
Public Support:
$ 7,613,953
$ 171,448
$ 75,000
$ 7,860,401
$ 8,345,540
Capital campaign support
Change in value of beneficial (199,356)
interests in trust assets
Net assets released from
Total public support
Special events
$ 1,245,487
$ 1,245,487
$ 1,425,600
Program service revenue
Sale of merchandise
Net investment income (loss)
Total revenue
Total public support and
Program services:
Breeding and puppy raising
$ 2,050,283
$ 2,050,283
$ 1,864,396
Training and follow-up
Public information
Total program services
Support services:
Fund development
General administration
Total support services
Total expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets, beginning of year 27,649,048
3,079,579 40,067,964 39,625,245
Net Assets, end of year
$ 30,749,450 $ 5,285,007
$ 3,154,579 $ 39,189,036 $ 40,067,964
All figures are based on our year 2008 financial statement and auditor’s report by Hood & Strong LLP, San Francisco, California. To view a copy of this report and our IRS Form 990, visit our web site at CCI is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, established in 1975.
Federal ID number: 94-2494324
28 • Canine Companions for Independence®
Statement of Financial Position
Cash and cash equivalents
Contributions receivable, net
Pledges receivable, net
Bequests receivable
Assets held by community foundation
Property, equipment and improvements, net
Notes receivable, trusts and other assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Accrued payroll and related expenses
Gift annuities payable
Loan payable
Deferred compensation
Total liabilities
$ 3,820,782
$ 43,843,475
“I know that Canine
Companions for
Independence will use my
donation to directly serve
people with disabilities.
Their stability and fiscal
responsibility as an
organization is especially
important to me during
these challenging
economic times.”
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
2008 Income
General Contributions 97%
Capital Campaign Gifts 1%
Special Events 1%
Other 1%
—F rank A S antos
$ 43,843,475
$ 42,064,674
Chief Financial Officer
Rosen Hotels & Resorts, Inc,
Southeast Regional Board
Member, Canine Companions
for Independence
2008 Expenses
Support Services 23%
Program Services 77%
Training & Follow-up 36%
Breeding & Puppy Raising 15%
Public Information 15%
Veterinary 11%
Fund Development 16%
Administration 7%
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People® • 29
[email protected]
Copyright ® 2009 Canine Companions for Independence, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in
USA. Canine Companions for Independence®, its logo, and Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional
People® are trademarks of Canine Companions for Independence, Inc.
30 • Canine Companions for Independence®