CEF MARCK Newsletter.July August.2015


CEF MARCK Newsletter.July August.2015
Soaking up the Son
July/August 2015
MARCK Messenger
CEF of Morrow-Ashland-Richland-Crawford-Knox
Counties of OHIO
A great group of enthusiastic believers joined
together for summer
training at
University in June. 63
around the state of
Ohio and 10 came from
our area to be trained
CYIA, Luke Howard, helps
with 5-Day Club demo at
the local CEF Office.
to work with CEF
reach children for
Christ. Christian
Youth In Action®
(CYIA™) is a
ministry for teens
and adults. Pictured on right,
back row (L to R) Pictured above are 7 of the 8 youth
Pursley, who participated in summer training.
Cade Noel, Luke Adam Caldwell had to leave one day
Jon early to go on another mission trip.
Two adults from our local area also
Collin came to take Teaching Children EffecHubert,
Joel tively™ Level 2.
Baer; Front:
fostered much laughter,
Wentz, Katie Walthour,
along with personally
Patty Arvidson and
challenging each perPauline Bullock. Patty
son to walk closer with
& Pauline took TCE 2.
the Lord. Please pray
for each of these dediA special speaker and
cated servants of God
youth pastor, Kevin
as they share Jesus
Bass joined everyone
with kids this summer.
for the week who
I’m Gonna Let It Shine
New CEF Staff member, Patty Arvidson, is
pictured, receiving her
Effectively™ Level 1
certificate. Patty just
completed the in-class
portion of TCE Level 2
during the CYIA training mentioned above.
Patty is in the midst of
raising support to work
full time with CEF of
MARCK this September. She is excited to
see how the Lord will
continue to guide and
provide for her as she
seeks to walk in His
path. Her immediate
goal is to raise $1,000
per month in pledged
This would
allow her to quit her job
working at a factory in
Loudonville. She plans
to take on-line training
through CMI (Children’s
and then actually go to
CMI™ to take the rest
of the training she
needs to come on staff
with CEF. Right now
she has 50% of her
financial support raised.
Will you prayerfully
Patty Arvidson & Dale Baer
with CEF to help Patty
work full time reaching
children for the Lord
Jesus Christ?
you for your prayers
and support for Patty.
(See enclosed response slip
to pledge your support.)
Sizzlin’ Opportunities to Serve
Add a spark of His light to
your summer by participating in
summer ministry! 5-Day Clubs®
are in full swing now, and fair
ministry will begin in the middle
of July. Trainings are soon to
begin for fair ministry and
volunteers of all sorts are always
needed and greatly appreciated.
If your church would like to
“Sponsor A Day At The Fair”,
call the office today and pick a
day at a fair in your county. We
have 4 fair trainings scheduled
currently (see below).
CEF provides all the materials
needed at the fairs. Churches
provide the volunteers and the
follow up of decisions for Christ!
The Scoop on Fair Training Dates/Locations:
(trainings are identical)
 Thursday, July 9th, 7-9 PM at First Alliance Church, 1955 Hopley Ave., Burcyrus, OH
 Sat. July 18, 9:30-11:30 AM at Green Valley Southern Baptist Church, 1680 Old Delaware Rd., Mt. Vernon
 Thursday, July 30th, 7-9 PM at CEF Resource Center, 827 Lexington Ave., Mansfield, OH
 Tuesday, August 11th, 7-9 PM at Edison Enterprise Baptist Church, 3055 ST. RT. 95 W., Edison, OH
 Please RSVP (419-756-7799) one week before these trainings to reserve your spot.
 No cost for these trainings, but a FREE WILL offering may be received to help cover costs.
Fun in the Late Summer Sun!
Local Fairs
Fair Dates:
Crawford County Fair (Bucyrus)
July 19—25
Knox County Fair (Mt. Vernon)
July 26—August 1
Richland County Fair (Mansfield)
August 9—15
Morrow County Fair (Mt. Gilead)
August 31—September 7
Ashland County Fair (Ashland)
September 20—26
Loudonville Street FREE Fair (Loudonville) October 6—10
If your church would like to “Sponsor—A—Day—At—The—Fair” by
providing volunteers (e.g. painting faces, balloon sculpting and sharing the
Gospel) or financial support please call the CEF office (419-756-7799) for
more information.
The children are waiting! Will you
be the one who says to God,
“Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)
July 2015 Prayer and Praise
1. Praise God for Canada’s 148th anniversary today! Pray for lost children to be
saved and for the ministry of CEF to continue to expand in Canada.
2. Praise the Lord for seven salvation decisions/assurances at the Hedges 4-Day
Club in Mansfield this week and for 28 children enrolled there.
3. Praise the Lord for the Veteran’s Park 5-Day Club® in Shelby this week and for
all the children reached with the Gospel by our CYIA™ team.
4. Thank God for our country and the liberty we still have to share the Gospel with
children on public school property and public parks.
5. Pray for Good News Across America® (July 13—25) in Indianapolis, IN. CEF
staff and volunteers all across the states gather to reach about 3,000 kids with about
100 5-Day Clubs in one week in one city! Pray for God’s blessing on this ministry.
6. Please pray for the four 5-Day Clubs going on this week in our chapter. Two at
Little Blessings Day Care (Mansfield), 1 in Howard and 1 at East Park in Galion.
7. Pray for the final approval to be given by the principal at the Fredericktown
Elementary School to hold a Good News Club® this fall. God has provided workers.
8. Praise the Lord for a grant from In His Steps again this year to help CEF partner
with more churches to “Sponsor A Day At The Fair”.
9. Thank God for Risa Canfield and for her willingness to host a 5-Day Club at her
home in Howard this week, and for Pauline Bullock who is helping to teach it.
10. Praise the Lord for Luke & Joel Howard (CYIA) who are both leading an elementary age 5-Day Club at Little Blessings Day Care in downtown Mansfield.
11. Pray for many children to register for the Lexington Community Park 5-Day Club
(July 13—17 @ 3—5 PM) at the open pavilion. Teachers: Sharma Swanger & Dale.
12. Praise God for over 150 children registered for the Mega Sports Camp at Mansfield Christian School. Pray for good weather and for lots of kids to be saved.
13. Pray for Bryan & Trish Coe who are hosting a 5-Day Club this week at their
home in Shelby. Pray for Luke & Joel Howard as they teach this club.
14. Pray for people willing to accept the challenge of “40 Days of Prayer for CEF”.
(Call the CEF Office—419-756-7799 if you will take the challenge & get prayer items.)
15. Praise God for Patty Arvidson as she makes plans to come on staff with CEF of
MARCK full time this fall. She is at about 50% of her 1st goal of $1,000/month now.
16. Pray for Dale Baer as he will be sharing the Gospel with over 100 children at the
Ontario Christian Fellowship VBS this morning. Pray for many to be saved.
17. Pray for the Lord’s blessing on the Cornerstone Grace Brethren Church
5-Day Club in Ontario, Ohio, which starts on Sunday, July 19 at 6 PM.
18. Pray for God’s blessing on the Knox County Fair Training TODAY (9:30—
11:30 AM) at the Green Valley Southern Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon.
19. Pray for God’s blessing on the Crawford County Fair starting today in
Bucyrus. Pray also for the Lord to provide enough volunteers each day.
20. Today is “Mr. O Day”! Pray for people to share the Gospel with children
today in memory of Mr. Overholtzer’s (CEF Founder) birthday today.
21. Thank God for 16 5-Day Clubs scheduled so far this summer! Pray for the
Lord to cause people to be burdened for children to plan more clubs even now!
22. Pray for Mary Elkins & Daniel & Anna Wolfe as they conduct a weekly
5-Day Club at the Ashland YMCA on Wednesdays from 10 AM to 12 Noon.
23. Pray for teachable hearts, both for the Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA)
students and also for the children to be reached this summer (Psalm 119:73).
24. Pray for spiritual and physical protection over all staff, CYIA members,
volunteers and especially the children (Ephesians 6:12).
25. Gay Parade in Mansfield today: Pray for the children today to understand
that homosexuality is a sin and shouldn’t be supported in any way (Lev. 18:22).
26. Praise God for the Knox County Fair which starts today in Mt. Vernon.
Pray for good weather and lots of volunteers to help reach kids for Jesus.
27. Pray for Chris Connolly’s 5-Day Club which starts today in Mansfield. Pray
also for Katie Walthour (teacher) that God would help her share the Gospel.
28. Pray for sound Christ-like minds (2 Timothy 1:7) for CYIA members and for
all CEF staff and volunteers reaching children with the Gospel.
29. Praise the Lord for 9 children saved so far at the Ashland YMCA 5-Day
Club with a couple dozen children enrolled in this club!
30. Pray for the Lord’s blessing on the Richland County Fair Training this
evening (7—9 PM) at the CEF Christian Resource Center in Mansfield.
31. Pray for Mary Elkins as she is planning to conduct another 5-Day Club in
Ashland this summer yet. Pray that everything will work out and that lots of
children will come, hear the GOOD NEWS and be “Turned Around” for Jesus!
August 2015 Prayer and Praise
1. Pray for the strength of the Lord Jesus for each person involved in serving.
Philippians 4:13 states; “I can do all things through Christ...”
2. Praise God that He is our JEHOVAH JIREH—Our Provider! God has
provided 17 prayer partners for Patty Arvidson. Pray for 200 Prayer Partners.
3. Pray for two 5-Day Clubs taking place this week! Pray God to convict
children of their sin and of their need for Jesus and be “Turned Around”.
4. Pray for God’s blessing on Patty Arvidson (CEF Staff) as she teaches
another 5-Day Club. This week it is at Heise Park in Galion (6—8:30 PM)
5. Thank God for Ann Hulver who is hosting a 5-Day Club this week at New
Liberty Baptist Church in Lexington. Sharma Swanger & Dale Baer teaching.
6. Pray for lots of people to register for the CEF of Ohio Curriculum Workshop at Beulah Beach (Aug. 24—26). This prepares people for fall GNCs.
7. Pray for the CEF International Headquarters for God to provide more
financial support for them. Recently 14 CEF staff have been laid off.
8. Praise the Lord that the Truth Chasers Club™ is still active and providing
FREE lessons in the mail for children 17 & under. No adult lessons anymore.
9. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! One blessing is the Richland
County Fair which starts today! Pray for lots of kids to be saved this week!
10. Pray for people to get their registration ($25) in by today for the CEF of
Ohio Curriculum Workshop and they save $10 on the total amount.
11. Pray for lots of people to come to the Morrow County Fair Training this
evening (7—9 PM) at the Edison Baptist Church in near Mt. Gilead, Ohio.
12. Today Cornerstone Grace Brethren Church Day at the Richland County
Fair CEF tent! Pray for many children to be saved today at the fair!
13. In this ever changing world we can praise God that “Jesus Christ
is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
14. Pray for laborers to be raised up; youth that will have a heart to follow the
Lord throughout all of life, both from CYIA and from children reached.
15. Pray for Good News Club® teachers and helpers to plan to attend the fall
“Kick—Off” Training. Either Sept. 12 (9 AM) or Sept. 14 (6 PM).
16. Pray for safety for people on VACATION this summer, and also pray that
families will have fun playing and enjoying the beauty of God’s creation!
17. Thank the Lord for a wonderful theme for this fall’s Good News Club
program. It is called “God SpeaksTo Me”. (It is available now to purchase!)
18. Praise the Lord for “Awakening Morrow County & Beyond”. This is a 3
day gathering for revival. More info visit: www.awakeningmorrowcounty.com
19. Pray for God to bring hope to the hopeless at “Awakening Morrow County
& Beyond” (Sept. 17, 18 & 19 @ 7 PM at the Morrow County Fairgrounds).
20. Pray for “Christmas Across America” as CEF is uniting across the USA to
reach 100,000 children with the TRUE meaning of Christmas in 2015.
21. Pray that many people will reach out to un-churched children this Christmas. If they do this with CEF, they will receive a FREE CHRISTMAS KIT!
22. Pray for the Morrow County Fair (Sept. 1—7) which starts on Tuesday,
September 1 in Mt. Gilead. Pray for lots of volunteers to help at this fair.
23. Praise God for his faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23) in helping us to
reach many children this summer through 5-Day Clubs and fair ministry!
24. Pray for Mark & Kathy Horner (CEF of Ohio State Directors) as they lead
the CEF Curriculum Workshop (CW) at Beulah Beach (Aug. 24—26).
25. Pray for all the CEF staff & volunteers of Ohio gathered at the CW this
week to be encouraged to share the Gospel this coming year with children.
26. Pray for safety for all people going home from the CW today. Pray that
the Lord will multiply their efforts as they prepare for fall Good News Clubs.
27. Pray for all scheduling of fall Good News Clubs® to be accomplished with
order, the peace of God and clear communication (1 Corinthians 14:40).
28. The movie “War Room” starts playing in theaters today! Pray for many
people to go to see this movie which encourages Christians to pray HARD!
29. Praise God for children who will be saved at the Morrow County Fair this
week and pray for health and strength for the volunteers sharing the Gospel.
30. Praise God for His sovereignty. He is always in control (Prov. 16:1-4).
31. Pray for many children to be saved at the Morrow County Fair this week.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Mansfield, Ohio
Permit #385
CEF Christian Resource Center
827 Lexington Avenue
Mansfield, OH 44907
Open M-W-T 10 AM - 2 PM
Office phone: 419-756-7799
Dale Baer, Local Director
Email: [email protected]
2015 Fundraising Banquet Platinum/Gold Sponsors
Wedgewood Estates
Mansfield’s Premier
Retirement Community
Weekley Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep
Company of Butler
Child Evangelism
Fellowship® of MARCK
Local Committee & Staff
Banks & Associates CPAs,
Jim Banks: 419-525-2828
Vice Chairman: Fred Pursley
(Two Dates—Same Location)
Treasurer: Mark Boyd
Fundraising: Shirley Davidson
Assistant Secretary: Sue Packard
Office Secretary: Jaime Householder
Prayer Coordinator: Ellie Hitchman
Child Evangelism Fellowship®
Fall GNC® Curriculum
Saturday, Sept. 12
(9:00 AM—12 Noon)
Secretary: Gail Graham
Members: Randy Boquist and
Verizon Wireless Retailer
Ron Stephan: 419-528-4477
Church Coordinator: Kaye Hahn
Missionary Fieldworker: Patty Arvidson
of America
State Farm Insurance
Scott Sharrock:
Mark Your Calendars!
Fall Good News Club®
Local Director: Dale Baer
Modern Woodmen
Monday, Sept. 14
(6:00—9:00 PM)
Location: CEF Office
827 Lexington Avenue,
Mansfield, OH
RSVP Today!
Fall GNC® Curriculum