Yr 2 11th August 2014 - The Quintilian School


Yr 2 11th August 2014 - The Quintilian School
News from Year 2
We have enjoyed a smooth start to Term 3. The children have been
working beautifully and we have been particularly impressed with their
enthusiasm and attitude towards their learning.
Food Attitude Incursion
The children thoroughly enjoyed our incursion last week. Jo was
fantastic in explaining the human digestive system to the children. The
children were then given the opportunity to create their own ‘Coco
Banana Bites’ using banana, orange and coconut. The focus was on
combining flavours, making choices and trying new things. I’m sure they
would love to make this delicious snack at home for you!
28th July 2014
Dates for
your Diary
13th August
Midweek Munchies
‘I loved the incursion because it was really fun’- Jackson
‘The best part was trying new things’ – Emily T
‘I loved the incursion because I learnt lots about our bodies’- Jack
‘I really liked the coco banana bites because the banana was nice and
juicy’- Hudson
22nd August
Book Week Parade
9th September
School Photos
Healthy Lifestyles
Fitting in nicely with our incursion, we have been looking at healthy lifestyles in Health. We discussed
the things that make us healthy- eating well, drinking plenty of water, exercising, getting enough rest
and sleep, staying clean, using our brains and spending quality time with family and friends. We then
cut out pictures from magazines and used them to represent a healthy person. Can you guess who the
models were from each class?!
Visit from Glenda
In History we have been looking at different aspects of the past and how much things have
changed. We were lucky to have Glenda come in and spend some time with us talking about
what school was like for her. The children were so engaged in looking at old photographs and
hearing her stories, comparing them to what school is like for them now. We are going to use
this information to write a letter pretending that we have just finished our first day of
school in the ‘olden days’.
Midweek Munchies
Our last Midweek Munchies for the year will be this Wednesday. Just a reminder to cancel any preordered Schools Online lunches if your child is having a munchie.
Science Week
See the website below for information regarding a free science festival at the Perth Cultural Centre
on the 16th of August as part of Science Week.
Book Week Parade
This year’s Book Week parade will happen next Friday 22nd August at 9am in the Music Room. The
theme this year is “Connect to Reading”. Children can also just dress up as their favourite book
character if they wish.
What Winter?!
Making the most of the beautiful weather- Diary Writing outside!
Have a great week!
Mandy & Alana 