Structural transect of the southern Chihuahua Fold Belt between
Structural transect of the southern Chihuahua Fold Belt between
TECTONICS, Structural transect VOL. 13, NO. 6, PAGES 1445-1460, DECEMBER 1994 of the southern Chihuahua Fold Belt between Ojinaga and A!dama, Chihuahua, Mexico PeterH. Hennings Departmentof GeologicalSciences,The Universityof Texasat Austin Abstract. A restorable structural transect has been structed across the southern end of the Chihuahua Fold conBelt segment of the Cordilleran foreland fold and thrust belt of northeastern Chihuahua, Mexico, and west Texas. The 160- km transect begins near Ojinaga and ends near Aldama, Chihuahua. It has been found that the Mesozoic Chihuahua Trough was inverted by Laramide tectonism and regionally shortenedapproximately20 km (about 9%) along the transect to form the ChihuahuaFold Belt. Along the transectthe belt consistsof two allochthonsof opposingvergence directions. The d6collementof the eastern,northeastvergent allochthon shallowsfrom within the Jurassicevaporites,along the center of the belt, and surfacesin Upper Cretaceousclastic rocks at the eastern thrust front south of Ojinaga, Chihuahua. The eastern allochthonwas shortenedapproximately 6 km and may be divided, from west to east, into main ranges and an eastern frontal zone. Structures of the main ranges are detachedin Jurassicevaporitesand were greatly influencedby syntectonicflowage, resultingin salt-coredanticlines and salt withdrawal synclines. To the east the d6collement shallows over the Tascotal basement block which formed a buttress to northeastwardtransport forming a frontal zone containing ramp-relatedanticlinesand emergentthrusts. The westernallochthonis southwestvergent. The ddcollementcuts up section from the center of the belt, where Precambrian basement is detachedin the PlomosasUplift, to Lower Cretaceouscarbonates of the western frontal zone. The western allochthon was shortenedapproximately20 km at the Paleozoic level and approximately 11 km at the Mesozoic level. Local basementinvolvementin the PlomosasUplift may result from strike-slip deformationalong a northwesttrending basement fault. Introduction for the Chihuahua segmentof the Cordilleran fold and thrust belt. This paper presentsa 160-km long cross section (Plate 1) constructedto studythe style of deformationof the southern end of the belt and the resultsare used to proposea tectonic model for Laramideevolutionof the region. Traversemapping was conducted along the transect and integrated with well data, previous geologic maps, space shuttle and Landsat photography,and published geologic data to construct a restorablecrosssection. This traverseis possiblebecausethe Conchos River has removed the closed basin fill that buries Laramide structuresto a higher level elsewhere in the fold belt. It has been found that the senseof vergenceof the belt was bidirectional, northeast on the eastern side and southwest on the western side. Therefore the belt can be divided into eastern and western allochthons. Each allochthon may be subdivided into main ranges and frontal zone tectonic domains. NE transportof the easternallochthonhalted as allochthonous Mesozoic rocks were stacked against the Diablo Platform in Texas and eastern Chihuahua, which acted as a buttressthat restrained Laramide shortening. The eastern main ranges overlie regions of Jurassicor Early Cretaceous evaporites,which were mobile duringthrusting. Folding and flowage of ductile material into upright to asymmetric folds accommodated more horizontal shortening than did thrust faulting. As is typical in fold and thrust belts with a thick evaporited6collement,the senseof vergenceof structuresof the eastern main ranges is bidirectional in the plane of transport [Davis and Engelder, 1985], however, northeast vergent structures predominate. East of the eastern main ranges, the regional detachment shallows to the level of Lower Cretaceouscarbonatesand parallels stratigraphyfor 30 km, forming the eastern frontal zone. Deformation of the upper plate of the easternfrontal zone is characterizedby ramp anticlineswith less than 2 km of structuralrelief. The thrust surfaces on the eastern side of the belt near the Rio The Chihuahua Fold Belt of the Sierra Madre the southern continuation of the North American Oriental is Grande, 5 km south of Presidio. Cordilleran Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks deformed by Laramide fold and thrustbelt into Mexico. It is a NW trending belt that extendsthroughoutmost of easternChihuahua,Mexico, and adjacentpartsof Trans-Pecos Texas (Figures1 and 2). Until this study,no regionalcrosssectionshave been constructed 1Nowat MobilExploration andProducing Technical Center,Mobil Researchand DevelopmentCorporation,Dallas, Texas. Copyright 1994 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number94TC00800. 0278-7407/94/94TC-00800510.00 1445 tectonism occur at the surface in the Chihuahua Fold Belt only in the Placerde Guadalupe/Carrizalillostructuralmassif, herein called the Plomosas Uplift (Figures 1 and 2). The Plomosas Uplift is the dominant tectonic element of the westernallochthon. It appearsto havebeenhigh duringearly ChihuahuaTroughtime and remainedfree of evaporites. The PlomosasUplift is herein proposedto have resultedfrom a combinationof regionalhorizontalshorteningand left-lateral wrench faulting along a NW trendingstrike-slip fault, herein nmnedthe Plo•nosasbasementshearzone. The uplift consists of two thrustswhich place Precambrianthrough Cretaceous rocksover Lower Cretaceousrocksforming the la[geststruc- 1446 HENNINGS: STRUCTURALTRANSECTOF SOUTHERNCHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT 105 ø NEW MEXICO IIIIIIII •IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIiiig ,ELPASO ß TEXAS IIIIII Figure 3 OHIHUAHUA i:/-?':-?::,:}!: Plomosas Uplift :.'.!!! i-:-.'d.! (outcrops ofPzrocks) -•:.•: •___•.•.o • evaporites (Jur, base Chi. C,.••,• trough) "• 30 ø •'............... •........... •; Chihuahua ;:•.•........... .•: trough(Mz) platform (Mz) Chihuahua Belt Tectonic COAHUILA ALDAMA, 3'Laramide Thrusts Plate 1 0 i Frontal 6o i 120 i 150 i km Figure 1. 1987). Structural elements of theChihuahua FoldBelt[afterGriesandHaenggi,1970;Handschy et al., turein the belt. The regionaldetachment parallelsbedding Mesozoicand CenozoicStratigraphyand Tectonics westof the PlomosasUplift forming a westernfrontal zone containingemergentthrustsand ramp anticlines,structures that are similar in geometryto those of the easternfrontal DevelopingMesozoic basinsin northernMexico formed a more or less continuous feature from the Gulf of Mexico. zone. Basindevelopment wasprobablylinkedintimatelywith the Phanerozoic GeologicHistoryof the Region openingof the Gulf of Mexicoin the Jurassic [Salvadorand Green,1980;Salvador,1987] and probablyreflectsextensionalor transtensional processesassociatedwith the move- PaleozoicStratigraphy and Tectonics A shelfenvironment existedthroughsoutheastern Arizona, mentof SouthAmericaawayfromNorthAmericaduringthe early Mesozoic[Dickinson,1981; Andersonand Schmidt, 1983]. southwestern New Mexico, and centralChihuahua during A lateJurassic through middleCretaceous marinetransgresCambrian to Mississippian timealongthe Paleozoicpassive sionresulted in thedeposition of 3650-6400 m of sedimentary margin of North America. In eastern central Chihuahua and rocksin theChihuahua Troughwhichrestunconformably on westTexasthe passivemarginevolvedinto the Pedregosa rocksof thePedregosa Basin[GriesandHaenggi,1970]. Late foreland basin, as tectonic activity associatedwith the Jurassic deposition of evaporites marksthe beginning of maOuachitaorogenyincreased to the southandeast[ Greenwood rinedeposition in theChihuahua Trough [DeFord andHaenggi, etal., 1977](seeFigure3). Thedominant sediment typesdur- 1970;Cordoba, 1970] (Figure 3). One of the Petroleos ingthePennsylvanian werelimestone andshale,withlarge Mexicanos (PEMEX)CuchilloParadowells(Plate1, well 5), quantifiesof coarseterrigenousclasticdebriserodedfrom surlocatedon the crestof an evaporite-cored anticline,drilled roundinguplifts. Armin [1987] conducteda detailed examina- 2,300 m of rock consistingof 80% halite and 20% clasticma- tionof Wolfcampian conglomerates in the Pedregosa Basin andconcluded thatthesouthern partof thebasin,including theregionof thePlomosas Uplift,subsided slowlyduringmost of Paleozoic time but rapidlyevolvedinto a deepforeland basinduring early or middle Wolfcampianas a result of terial[Ramœrez andAcevedo,1957]whichhasbeenpalynologicallydatedas Kimmeridgian [Salvador, 1987]. Hennings [1991]estimates thatthe evaporites hada depositional thicknessof approximately 1000m. In theChihuahua Troughthe Cretaceous sequence beginswith a basalconglomerate, fol- Ouachitatectonics. The lack of any deformationin the Plomosas Uplift whichcan be directlyattributedto Ouachita tectonicsimplies that the PedregosaBasin resided in the forelandnorthwest of the Ouachitaorogenic front[Bridges, 1964;Flawn et al., 1961]. lowed by interbeddedquartzosesandstoneand shale of Neocomian age [DeFordandHaenggi,1970](Figure3). The clastic-dominated sectiongradesupward into interbedded shaleand limestonewith minor amountsof evaporitein Aptinn time. Platformal carbonate formations dominate the HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT 1447 Figure 2. NASA spaceshuttlephotograph(frame 61A-47-025, oblique) of the southeastern ChihuahuaFold Belt. The boundariesof the frame are shown as the dashedpolygon on Figure 1. The locationof the transect and Highway 16 are shown. Abbreviationsare A, Aldama, Chihuahua;C, Coyame; O, Ojinaga; P, Presidio, Texas; PU, PlomosasUplift; RC, Rio Conchos;RG, Rio Grande; S, Sierrita; SCP, Sierra Cuchillo Parado; SG, Sierra Grande; SGz, Sierra Gomez; SL, Sierra La Santa Cruz; SM, Sierra Morrion; SS, Sobaco Syncline; and SSo, Sierra Soldado. Scale is variable; the transectline is 160 km long. Albian throughearly Cenomaniansection and constitute the rigid structuralmember in the deformed Mesozoic sequence. Most anticlinal structures in the fold belt are eroded to the level of the Albian carbonates(Figure 4). The structurallyhigh Diablo Platform formed a steep-sided easternbasinmargin for the ChihuahuaTrough. The dramatic westward thickening of the Las Vigas Formation and to a lesserextent, the Cuchillo Formationand Aurora Group, are interpretedto be the result of extensional growth faulting along the western margin of the Diablo Plateau Lehman, 1986;Hennings,1991] (Figure3). The patternof stratigraphic thickeningof the Lower Cretaceoussectionacrossthe trough suggeststhat only the northeast side of the basin is fault bounded. The southwesternboundary of the basin is the 1448 HENNINGS' STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OFSOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLDBELT C_onchos gravels lavaflows(unnamed) El Picacho Fm San Carlos Fm 70 km Ojinaga Fm ChihauhuaTrough - Buda Fm Del Rio Quitman Mtns - DiabloPlatform VanHornMtns WylieMtns Loma Plata Fm Benevides Fmj Finlay Fm =' O n.. O L;•grima/CoxFm Benigno Fm Cuchillo major ,' unconformity--¾, Fm Las Vigas Fm _.._._ , Navarrete (abundant evaporites) ' ,' LaCasitaFm ,,' presumed normalfaultsforming Plomosas Fm eastern margin of Chihuahua Troughandcontrolling thickness of Mesozoic strata Pastor Limestone • 0 - Monillas Fm SolisLimestone Sostenes Fm N •E Figure 3. Diagrammatic trough-to-shelf transect (see Figure 1forlocation) [after Amsbury and Reaser, 1988] andgeneralized stratigraphic column ofPaleozoic [after Bridges, 1964] through Mesozoic rocks [after Gries, 1970]in theeastern Chihuahua Trough. AldamaPlatformwhichremained stableduringChihuahua UpperCretaceous sediments, whicharewell-preserved in the Troughsubsidence [Handschy andDyer, 1987]. OjinagaBasinwestof Ojinaga(Plate1), are tectonostratiSubsidence confined to theChihuahua Troughceasedin graphically correlative with the pretectonic to syntectonic Cenomanian timepriorto thedeposition of UpperCretaceous Cretaceous clasticwedgesfoundin otherforelandareasof the clasticrocks. The transitionfrom marineto continentalfacies NorthAmerican Cordillera. By analogy thisimplies thatthe occurredin Santoniantime [Lehman, 1986, 1991]. These ChihuahuaFold Belt was distal to the interior of the HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT 1449 Andres Mountains of southern New Mexico [Drewes, 1988]; undeformedvolcanic rocks (47 Ma) in Sierra Samalayuca in northern Chihuahua [Drewes, 1991]; and undeformed ignimbrites (44 Ma) resting over thrust faulted ignimbrites (53 Ma) [ Goodell et al., 1988; P. C. Goodell, oral communication, 1990]. On the basis of these dates and stratigraphic relationships,Cordilleran deformation in eastern Chihuahua rangedbetween74 and 44 Ma. Widespread rhyolitic volcanism blanketed the region in mid-Tertiary time. Along the transect between Cuchillo Parado and Aldama are remnants of thin but formerly extensive rhyolite lava flows, which unconformably overlie Cretaceousrocks and generally dip at lower angles [King and Adkins, 1946]. Late Cenozoicnormal faulting, possiblyassociatedwith the southerncontinuationof the Rio Grande Rift, has over printed many of the preexistingMesozoic structuresin the Chihuahua Fold Belt [Gries, 1979]. The general trend of Late Cenozoic faulting is parallel to the Laramide structuralgrain and has accentuated the elongate range/intermontane basin physiography which is characteristic of the region. Intermontane basins (bolsons) in the southern segment Chihuahua Fold Belt generally contain up to 100 m of Quaternaryage coarsegravel interbeddedwith clay named the Conchosgravels [Burrows, 1910]. Structural Figure 4. View east of the Rio Conchoscanyon through Sierra Grande showing exposuresof the CretaceousAurora Group (see Plate 1 for location). Canyon is approximately 300 m deep. Abbreviationsare L, Loma Plata Formation;B, BenevidesFormation;and F, top of Finlay Formation. Cordilleran orogeny during Late Cretaceous time, but the ensuingdepositionof coarser clastics during Santonian time implies that the deformationfront was progressingeastward. Laramide tectonism produced a north-northwest trending fold and thrust belt with an arcuate eastern front that roughly parallels the Texas-Chihuahuaborder between E1 Paso and Presidio (Figure 1). The exposedportion of the Chihuahua Fold Belt, east of the Tertiary ignimbrite cover of the Sierra Madre Occidental,is approximately200 km wide and extends 400 km southfrom northwestof E1 Pasoto an abruptsouthern termination south of Presidio. The structure and evolution of the southern segment of the Chihuahua Fold Belt is the subjectof this paper. Precisedating of Cordilleran deformationin the Chihuahua Fold Belt is difficult becausethere are few preservedsyntectonic deposits. However, timing bracketsmay be placed on the deformationby combining the following data: dikes (65 Ma) with preferredorientationin the Sierra Del Cuervo area; deformed Cenomanian rocks (97-91.5 Ma) cut by an undeformed andesite dike (47 Ma) in the Jfiarez Mountains of northern Chihuahua[Handschy and Dyer, 1987]; syntectonic debris (74-58 Ma) of Chihuahua Trough provenance in the Tornillo Basin of west Texas [Lehman, 1986, 1991]; transition from syntectonicto post-tectonicdepositionof the Paleocene to Eocene Love Ranch Formation (57-44 Ma) in the San Transect of the Southern Chihuahua Fold Belt The formation of the southern Chihuahua Fold Belt will be summarizedby describing a transect between Ojinaga and Aldama, Chihuahua (Plate 1). The location of the transect has been chosenso as to crossall significant structuresof the southernChihuahuaFold Belt and depict the overall structural geometry of the region. The eastern half of the transect is constructedfrom new field mapping at 1:25,000 scale augmented by data from five PEMEX wells. The western half was traverse-mappedat 1:50,000 scale and augmented by previousstudiesin the region of the PlomosasUplift. cross section is shown in deformed The and restored states. Where possible, the methods of Suppe [1983], Jamison-.[1987], and Mitra [1990, 1992] were used to aid in projecting surface geometryto depth. Eastern Frontal Structures Zone of the eastern frontal zone of the Chihuahua Fold Belt are exposed throughout the Ojinaga Basin (Plate 1) These fault-related folds are detached within the Lower Cretaceouscarbonatesection. The thrust front is exposedon the Mexican side of the Rio Grande in segmentsbetween 12 km southand 37 km northwestof Presidio. Along the transect the frontal structure is called Sierra La Santa Cruz which is an east vergent, fault-cored anticline exposedat the level of the Loma Plata Formation (Figure 5 and Plate 1). Its structural relief is approximately1.6 km and topographicrelief is 300 m. The controlling thrust is west dipping and places Loma Plata Formation over Upper Cretaceousclastic rocks. Modeling Sierra La Santa Cruz as a fault propagationfold predictsthat the controlling thrust ramps up section from the Benevides Formation. Detachment at this level along the easternside of 1450 HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT Figure 5. West view acrossthe Rio Grande(RG) of Sierrala SantaCruz (seePlate I for location). The range is a fault propagationfold in the hangingwall of the easternthrustfront of the ChihuahuaFold Belt. The fold plungesinto the subsurface at either sideof the view. The exposureis at the level of the Loma Plata Formation (L); the vergencedirectionis towardviewer. Topographicrelief is approximately250 m. the eastern frontal zone is corroborated by data from the PEMEX Ojinaga I (Plate 1, well 1), located 18 km to the the oldest stratigraphicinterval to be depositedacrossthe ChihuahuaTrough and Tascotalblock with relatively constant southwest of Sierra La Santa Cruz, where the Benevides and thickness. Loma Plata Formations are repeated by a thrust fault. The western normal fault of the Presidio Bolson (graben) cuts the be eastern limb of Sierra La Santa Cruz. The Bolson contains the Tascotal continuation of block the can be considered Diablo Platform to into Chihuahuaduring Mesozoic time. at least 800 m of late Cenozoic fill [Groat, 1970]. The level of regional d•,collement deepens to the west under a fault-bendfold nmned Sierrita. The PEMEX Chapo 2 (Plate 1, well 3), along strike of Sierrita, drilled a thrust fault that places Benigno over Del Rio Formation. The southwest limb of Sierrita dips more steeply than the northeast limb becausethere is a west vergent back thrust in the core of the structure. Therefore a southern Eastern Main Ranges Sierra Grande is the easternmost structure of the main rangestectonicdomain. In the regionof the transectmap it is a broadanticlinewith a slightlysteepereasternlimb (Figure 6). As a topographicfeature, it extends250 km to the north into the Eagle Mountainsof west Texas. In the map area, Sierra Grande has 1 km of topographicrelief and 2 km of structuralrelief. At depth the structureis interpretedas an eastdirectedstep-upin the level of d•,collementfrom Jurassic evaporites to the Aurora Group carbonates,over an older normal fault that was inverted during Laramide thrusting. The easternfrontal zone contains the largest area of preservedUpper Cretaceousrocksin the region, herein called the Ojinaga Basin. This present-daystructuraland topographic low coincideswith a Bouguergravity high called the Tascotal Gries and Haenggi [1970] and Gries [1980] believe Sierra Uplift [Handschyet al., 1987|, which was topographicallyhigh during sedimentationin the Chihuahua Trough. A relatively Grandemarksthe easterndepositionallimit of Kimmeridgian thin Las Vigas and lower Aurora section is present on the evaporites.I agreeand believethis is a normalfault boundary that forms the westernedgeof the Diablo Platform. Presumed Tascotal Uplift (block), and there are no Jurassicevaporites down-to-the-westmotion on the normal fault(s) formed the [Cantu et al., 1985]. In addition, the PEMEX Ojinaga 1 well encounteredno Paleozoic units younger than Devonian and margin of the Jurassic evaporite basin (early Chihuahua drilled into basementconsistingof quartz-monzonite,yielding Trough)and provideda mechanismfor westwardthickeningof a Rb/Sr age of 977+78 Ma [Lopez, 1988]. These data, in the Las Vigas through Aurora section (Figure 3) [Lehman, addition to the observations of Handschy et al. [1987], 1986; Hennings, 1991]. Similar tectonostratigraphic relationshipsare proposedfor the Diablo Plateau/Chihuahua strengthenthe postulatethat the Tascotal block was uplifted and eroded as an "ancestral Rocky Mountains" block [ Kluth Trough boundary as far north as the Eagle and Quitman and Coney, 1981] in the foreland of the Ouachita orogenic Mountains segment of the Chihuahua Fold Belt [Hennings, 1991]. Reversal of motion along the normal fault during front. Although covered by all formations of the Lower Cretaceous system, the Tascotal block remained relatively Laramide time is herein invoked to explain the structural elevation of the region between Sierra Grande and the high until Albian depositionof the Finlay Formationwhich is HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT 1451 $6 Figure 6. Southview of SierraGrande(SG) from Chihuahua Highway16 (seePlate 1 for location). This broad,asymmetricanticlineformsthe easternstructureof the main rangesand marksthe easternlimit of involvement of evaporites in Laramidethrusting.The topographic reliefis 1 km, andtheexposure is at thelevel of the Loma Plata Formation. RC is Rio Conchos. Cuchillo Parado anticline comparedwith that of the Ojinaga Basin. Structureswest of and includingSierra Grande are detached at the level of Jurassicevaporites. The anticlines are broad, and many have been breachedto .the level of the evaporites, leaving distinct hogbacksof Las Vigas and younger rocks. Outcropsof evaporitesare scarcebecausethey are typically covered with a thin veneer of alluvium. The Cuchillo Parado anticline,with 3.5 km of structuralrelief, is coredby evapor- o ites and is the largeststructurein the easternmain ranges (Figure7). Palinspasticrecontructions[Hennings, 1991] indicatethat the sourceof the salt was the Sobacosynclineto the westwherecompletesaltwithdrawalresultsin a presumed disconformable "salt weld" betweenthe Las Vigas Formation and Paleozoic rocks. Characteristicallyassociatedwith breached anticlines in the eastern main ranges of the Chihuahua Fold Belt, includingthe CuchilloParadoanticline,are overturnedpanels sop Figure 7. View southwest of theeasternflankof CuchilloParadoanticline(SCP)fromChihuahua Highway16 (seePlate 1 for location). Abbreviationsare O, overturnedbedsof Loma Plata Formation;V, verticalbeds;and RC, Rio Conchos. 1452 HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT Figure 8. Aerial view southof a "pop-up"anticline(P) located5 to 10 km northof the Rio Conchos(RC) and ChihuahuaHighway 16. It is adjacentto an overturnedpanelof Loma Plata Formation(O) on the easternflank of SierraGrande. Pop-upis approximately500 m wide. See text for explanation. of upperAuroraGrouplimestonewhichform recumbentfolds after delaminating along shale sequencesin the Cox or BenevidesFormations(Figure 8). Adjacentto the overturned panels,it is typical to find a narrow symmetricanticline (Plate 1, "pop-up")with lengthequalto that of the overturned panels. The wavelengthof these folds and the dip of their limbs indicate detachment is at the base of the Loma Plata Formation implying considerableflowage in the underlying Benevides shale section. The pop-ups form as accommodation structures for material that moved out of the Figure 9. Kink folds in Cox Formationon easternlimb of Cuchillo Parado anticline (see Plate 1 for location) The outcropis approximately50 m high. Plate I. Structural transect of the southern Ch/bualma Fold Belt 105o15 ' 29 ø15' 105o30 ' 105c45 ' t05•15 ' 105 ø 104 ø45' 29"30' '•,.\']' / CHIHUAHUA '' • TEXAS •. Cuchillo Parade betweenOjinagaandAldama,Chihuahua.(top) Stripgeologic mapof thetransect.(middle)Transecttopography andapparent dips. (bottom)Present-day structural geometry, transect restored to pre-Laramide configuration. Pz is Paleozoic section; Mz is Mesozoic THANSECT GEOLOGIC MAP • Sierra de Gomez Quaternary I Placer de Presidio Guadalupe • • • Sierra Monii(as I .. CROSS SECTION __ • ß section. . [&Tertiary e,,uvium & cofiuvium X.border Tertiary volcanics I Ilot3er •, paved highway J( • or all-weather LINE SierraSo)is EE2ZIZ2 /r,•,,•, It' (Cuohi,o• thrust faett [_.,_L,_E] •'•'•'•'• Picachos .• r• through Lama / carbonales Plata Fins)-{ normal fault 1.::<:. rv {N•,varmte I":,/' :' -I/,.,,,,• '1•"•'•; • throughLa..q j_ . ,. Figure12 -- "• '.?:':. Jtlrasslc ßS[erraMortion S salt-cored anticline I:• •'.q evaporites Piemesas • .... • und,vided IX'x.'X'Fa.•eozolc • • lineofproiection • we•l number '..•'/proiected well I,',',". 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' -"x ...... •c e MONILLASTHRUST• / C I' C •' I• I' IN,.>'•.. •.•ts•errataeninas Estacion P'resentEros'o• n Suna '-'--•1; .;1 ;,,1 ,'I';I"•'-• '..•------•_• •/' Picac, hOs ] SOLIS THRUST •,,•'• • II •mo deChilicole/ Eastern Ma•n Ranges CUCHILLO PARADe ANTICLINE .-'•..-• S!erra Cuch/{o Parado -- SYNCLINE / • ' ;'•' iI • •/ be beds known lo overturned Eastern Frontal Zone •' OJ/NAGA BASIN FRONTAL THRUST .... •h bc::•is rotated by laulting Sierra LaSanta Cruz •io_ fault. dashed where interred multiple episoOos at fautt arrow near motion, fault is earlier noverticalexaggeration •`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•```•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•<`•`•`•` • * ,',','-','•,',',','-',',',',', •,•,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,•,,,.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,%,,•,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, PLOMOSAS BASEMENT SHEAR ZONE mO ...... [' I 'l'l •I •] T' -............I I '1 I'1 'l' t . '1..... I .'I I'""1 I I ß f..... I [ I ) • t.,•.-:.'."..--:.-.. I'1' I"1 I""1 [ I r-...,...-....:.,.:'•,..".-,:....-. I I I I I"'l I • '1 I I } -.......•. } '1 i Iß '•..... • I ......-....vj-.-.....-........•.I '• I I 1r I I I"l'l I 1 I' I'"' I I I I I I I. I I• I I_I I 1 I I I I I I [•1 i ] I • I • I I • I • I,,,• I I , f , I , { ,,{ , I , I , l,,,1, I , [ , 1 , I •, , , "-,. I I I I I•J I I } ßI- I I I I I I ( P••I I I •I •1 • , , ...... , , . . .. , , , , , ,, , , , ......," l•'l'l'rl' -.-..... III't.".-'...... I•'I'1'1'1'1 •' I"lTl '"'':: .... t'l'irl '. I I 1 I[I I '1I I I. I I I I_ •1 I I I I ) I I I•tl I tI I I I I I I •} •I •) •} •I I •I I I. I •1 ] I•l /I , [ , [ ,., • ,t, [ , { , • , [ , • , i , , ,•!.', • , , , , , , , , ,!, , , , , • , • , , ,,, , , ,•, x ',';',',';',';';',';',',%',, •.•`•`•`•`•`•`;`;`•`•`'`;`•`;`•`;`•`•`•`•`•`•`;`•`•`•`;`•`•`;?;`•`'`•`•`•`•`•`•`. •.','.'.'..'.'.'>.',.%'.%'.'.>..•',•.h'.'.'.'.'.•'.'.?.'.'..' ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````•```````````•```````•`•`````` sho•ening ofwestern altechthen: Pzlever =20km, Mzlevel =11km pre-Laramide fau•t(notrestored) ' loose lines: dashed forwestern allochthon, solidforeasternallochthon /• 11 •• -'"'''.'-" '"' "'1' """-".":"'" ':' ;.,'.'>,";-;:;i:'""" ';"'ß '"'' "': ' '"' ' I "1". ".' • r'F'-" ( I ."" I I I'1'1 : •:1 ': ' "<,"r' -CHIH AHUATRO GH- '1 l'l [ I • I t•_ ,[ ,[ , I ,I ,i ,I , I ,I ,I ,I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , ,, , ,, ,, .,..•,..,,,,,,..,.,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,,.,,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,,,,..,>>>,> -'. , , , ............ ', ,':'"', z'•" • ...... ..........-" ' '"'' .... ,., , , , , , ,.' ' ' ' ..... .'.'-'L '''•. '...'w,.'. • ' . •'• ' •', • ..,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, x ........... 6•-• , , , , RESTORATION TO PRE-LARAMIOE TIME. reslored fault , , , ,,, ,,,,,,, , ,, shortening ofeastern ailochthon: Pzlevel =O,Mzlevel =6km ' • II ' ,,,, -2 -4 -6 m,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','-',',',','>,•,•,:,•,•,•,•,. , , , • , , ,, , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 km ,,, .... total sho•enmg =20kmor9• -8 , ,,, , -10 HENNINGS' STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT 1455 adjacentrecumbentfolds. The limbs of the evaporite-cored PlomosasUplift foldsare typicallycut by numerous tear faults, which separate The transition between the eastern and western allochthons overturnedpanelsfrom thosewhichremainedupright. Three scales of folds are associated with the Cuchillo occursacrossa broadbolsonin which thereare no outcropsof Paradoanticline. The uprightto overturnedlimb of Cuchillo pre-Neogenerocks. The bolson is interpretedto be a half Parado anticline, the first-order fold, has been greatly grabenwith a homoclinalnortheastdip. Sixteen kilometersto thickenedby second-order kink folds (Figure9). Third-order folds are found in outcropsof highly contorted Navarette the southwest, the transect crosses the northeast limb of the Formation on the east side of the core of the anticline (Figure 10). Thesethird-orderfolds are interpretedto directlyoverly evaporitesand thereforeprovide a hint to their structural complexity.The threeordersof foldshave a paralleltrend, suggesting contemporaneous formation. The southwestlimb of Sobaco syncline is truncated by a down-to-the-west normal fault, forming the northeastern boundary of the Llano de Chilicote, which is, in turn, truncatedon its southwestern sideby anotherdown-to-the-west normal fault. The Llano de Chilicote is mainly flat lying along the transect,but to the southit is folded into broad northwest trending anticlines and synclines, forming the westernmost exposure of theeasternallochthon.Southwest of the Llano de Chilicote, the effects of syntectonicevaporite flowage are absent. PlomosasUplift, which is a complexly deformed domal structure exposing rocks with ages that range from Precambrian throughTertiary (Figure 11). First interpretedby King and Adkins [1946] as an anticlinorium with several east vergent thrusts,the area was reinterpretedby Bridges [1964] to be a southwestvergent Laramide structure with recumbent anticlines and thrusts. Ward [1977] found evidence of three folding events which locally involve Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks,but he was unableto place them conclusivelyin an orogenic framework.He suggeststhat a Laramidephaseof northeast directed shorteningpredateseast and southeastdirected shortening. On the basisof thesepreviousstudies,analysisof existing 1:50,000 scale lithologic maps and 1:250,000 scale geologicmaps,and first-handfield observations, I proposethat the Plomosas Uplift may be geometrically modeled in the region of the transectas a southwestvetgent fault bend fold, placingPrecambrianthroughLower Cretaceousstratain thrust contact with Lower Cretaceous strata. This thrust (herein called Solis thrust) continues to the southwest, in the local directionof transport,as a detachmentwithin the lower Aurora Group. The level of detachmenthas been deduced from the •;..::.:x:•:;:• ::•:•:•:•::•::'•.--•'•....•::::•:' ..... thickness ...•:.. • .•:. •..• ...... ":'•-.-M; •.,• .... ,•;...•:.•:•'•:.:• •.•:::..." ' •g•.• ..... ...•:•;F•:;•:•:• ß :.:.•:;.••s.-• •:• :5.:::.y.- •.•,-:•.:•f:'• .......... :::•..: ß.,• ....•;•4•} .'.' >-'.-. ....... ?. .:•:7'• ..;:.-•:;•: ': ..<'. •'• ..: section at Sierra Morrion and co- tween 30ø and 50 ø and constrain the western limb (forelimb) of the fault bend fold. The Monillas thrust splaysoff the Solis thrust and places erosionally resistant conglomeratesof the .... . Plomosas -.::. .... ß :L•. ß i.... of the thrusted incides with a 100 m (maximum) gypsum bed within the Cuchillo Formation. Displacement along the Solis thrust at the Precambrian/Paleozoiccontact, in the Plomosas Uplift, exceeds8 km. Structuralrelief is approximately6 km. The Solis thrust produces a north-northwesttrending anticline at the surface,with exposuresof clasticrocks assignedto the La Casita and PlomosasFormations. A completesection of La Casita through Buda Formation is exposed between Sierra Solis and Sierra Soldado. Theserocksdip to the southwestbe- '.'•::.::.'• .... •" .... ?.. Formation over La Casita Formation. At Sierra Monillas, beds of the La Casita Formation in the footwall of the Monillas thrust have been locally overturnedby southwestard displacementof the overlying Monillas thrust sheet. The Monillas thrusthas one hangingwall splay that duplicatespart of the Plomosas Formation. The restoration of the transect, as discussedbelow, suggeststhat the Monillas thrust sheet is, in part, a wedge that was inserted above the Solis thrust sheet and below the overlying Mesozoic section. Modeling the PlomosasUplift in the vicinity of Sierra Solis as a fault bend fold suggeststhat the Solis and Monillas ::i:.: ?:••:-:'•r •' • ::•:• thrusts detach within Precambrian rocks. A sliver of meta- morphic Precambrian basement [Quintero, 1984] has been .............. -•........... .... •::• ..... :::•:•. .:.:... :.....•:. .....:.•:.:::...::•:•.:...•:•:•:•:::::•::•:•.•:gL•:•:..•:•.•::•:.?:.:...;•....:•*•.:.:•.:..*• ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .......................... :.:..•x ............... :• .>?.::.:..: ...... Figure 10o Highly contortedNavarrete Formationat the southern end of Cuchillo Parado anticline (see Plate 1 for location). Thesebedsoverlieevaporitesand attestto their complexdeformation.Outcropis 3 m high. thrust to the west over Plomosas Formation at Cerro Carrizalillo, 15 km to the southof Plomosas[Dyer and Reyes, 1987], indicating that detachment within Precambrian rocks occursin the region. Jurassicunits contain no significant evaporite beds in the vicinity of the PlomosasUplift, although thin, discontinuous 1456 HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT .... -•" '--•'....•.,• .. ß......... --4 . • :•.. • '" ... 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P is Permianconglomerates in hangingwall of the Monillasthrust(seetext); W is westdippingpanelsof west side of Plomosasuplift. gypsumbeds do occur in both the La Casita and Cuchillo Formations. Thus the westernlimit of Jurassicevaporitesthat form the regional detachmentfor the easternallochthonmust lie between the Llano de Chilicote and the eastern limb of the PlomosasUplift. The transitionfrom an evaporiteto clasticdominatedJurassicsection is schematicallyshown in Plate 1. Occidental. West of Sierra del Cuervo, the cover of Tertiary volcanicrockspreventsobservationof underlyingstructures. PrecambrianthroughCretaceousrocks crop out in Sierra del Cuervo, but Laramide deformationwas minor [Handschyand Dyer, 1987]. Therefore I believe that Sierra de Gomez forms the westernboundaryof the ChihuahuaFold Belt. Discussion Western Frontal Zone Structuresto the southwestof the PlomosasUplift lie in the western frontal zone of the western allochthon. These struc- tures result from detachment, back thrusting, and folding above the Solis thrust which I interpret to be continuousfrom the PlomosasUplift to the western edge of the Chihuahua Fold Belt. Sierra Mortion is a northeast vergent, emergent back thrust off the Solis thrust. The back thrust is on the northeastside of the range and places carbonatesof the AuroraGroupagainstUpperCretaceous clastics. The hanging wall of the back thrustdips to the southwestin the northern partsof therangebut is foldedinto an anticlineto the south. The westernmoststructuresalong the transectat the southern end of Sierrade Gomez are interpretedto be a pair of west vergent,fault propagation folds,eachwith approximately1.6 A restorationof the transecthas been performed to check the viability of the structuralinterpretationand to determine the magnitudeof shorteningacrossthe fold belt (Plate 1). Becauseof the opposingvergencedirectionsof the eastern and westernallochthons,the pin lines for the restorationare the east and west ends of the transect. The loose line for both sidesof the transecthas been placed near the center of the belt on the east side of the PlomosasUplift. Tertiary age normalfaultswere removedfirst by elevatingthe downthrown sideto the level of the upthrownblock. Contractionalfolding and faulting were then removedby layer-parallelshear. The salt was restoredby areabalance. Gaps and overlapsalong the loose lines for the two allochthons were minimized. The entirebelt was shortened approximately 20 km or 9%. The Mesozoic section of the eastern allochthon was short- a singleanticlinalstructure,formingthe main body of Sierra enedapproximately 6 km. The detachedmassis a northeasterly taperingwedgewhich variesin thicknessfrom 5 km on de Gomez. There are numerous west vergent contractional the southwest side to 2 km at the eastern thrust front. structuresalong Highway 16 road cuts through Sierra de Gomez (Figure 12). These, along with the asymmetric geometryof the first-orderSierrade Gomezfolds,attestto the ened other than minor inversionalong the preexistingnormal km of structural relief. These folds coalesce to the north into overall west vergenceof the structure. Sierradel Cuervo(seeFigure 14) lies 23 km west of Sierra The autochthonous block of Paleozoic and older strata was not shortfault under Sierra Grande. The Paleozoic section of the western allochthon was short- enedapproximately 20 km by displacement andfoldingalong de Gomez at the transition between the Chihuahua Fold Belt the Solis and Monillas thrust faults that form the Plomosas and the Tertiary volcanic cover of the Sierra Madre Uplift. However,theMesozoicsectionwasshortened only 11 HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT 1457 ß .. : •, .. -::.?-::•:'. < ß ..• ...... •.:'.:•:,•'---•:•.•...: ....... ::...-.•.e.• ......:.. :,•,.,-. .<,•:: .: ::.:..... _ .... :::::::::::::::::::::::: .•.•.:•: <:::?.:::.:: •.<:': "•'"•- •.:.•.•:'.?': •...:',.•:.':-'":•' i'::', ':':':.'-.'.::,•:::: ,. '. '<:•- :' -?. • ...... .......•.•.. 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'•:•.: Figure 12. South view of one of numerous,minor, west directed contractionalstructuresin Loma Plata FormationalongHighway 16 roadcutsthroughSierrade Gomez(personis 1.6 m high, seePlate 1 for location). Thesecontractionalfeaturesprovideadditionalevidenceindicatingwest vergenceof the parentstructure. km, including 4 km that were transmitted to the western frontal zone along the Solis thrust, forming the structuresof Sierra Morrion and Sierra de Gomez. The western allochthon tapersfrom 9 to 3 km alongits length. There are no significantgapsor overlapsin the Phanerozoic section of the restoration because the excess length of the Mesozoic section of the eastern allochthon relative to its autochthonous block has approximatelythe samelengthas the excess length of the Paleozoic section of the western allochthonrelative to its Mesozoic section. During shortening the Monillas thrust sheet was wedged under Mesozoic rocks along the eastern flank of the Plomosas Uplift to preserve structuralbalance acrossthe belt (Figure 13 or Plate 1). This requires the existence of a detachmentat the base of the Jurassicsectionalong the easternflank of the PlomosasUplift. This has not been observed in the field, although PaleozoicJurassiccontacts along the eastern flank of the uplift are isolated, small, and poorly exposed. The isolated domal outcropsof Albian carbonatesat EstacionPicachos[Bridges and Deford, 1961], probably belonging to the Benigno Formation,are in thrustcontactwith underlyingLas Vigas and Cuchillo Formations [King and Adkins, 1946]. Several minor thrustsplaysat the baseof the Picachossuggestthey traveled northeastrelative to their footwall. King and Adkins [1946] believed these blocks to be klippe representingthe farthest outlier of a major thrust,which guidedtheir interpretationthat the PlomosasUplift is a northeastvergent structural massif. Alternatively,I suggestthat they result from a splay off the upperdetachmentof the Monillas thrustwedge. The isolated involvement of the entire Phanerozoic section andthe deeplevel of detachmentin the PlomosasUplift sug- gest that the mechanismof origin is different than that of the rest of the fold belt. There is evidencein the central part of the transect suggesting that left-lateral wrench faulting occurredin conjunctionwith horizontal shorteningto form the PlomosasUplift. A prominent ESE trending discontinuity, evident on Landsat images (Figure 14), extends east from the Sierra Madre Belt. It crosses the transect Occidental the Plomosas Uplift. Estacion Picachos across the southern between Chihuahua Estacion Picachos Fold and I suggest that the syncline NW of and the folds in the Llano de Chilicote owe their anomalous NW trends, compared the typical NNW trends of the southern Chihuahua Fold Belt, to left-lateral shear displacementalong a deep-seatedstrike-slip fault zone. In addition, I suggest that the isolated involvement of the entire Phanerozoic section in the Plomosas Uplift was the result of contractionaldeformation at a right step along the strike-slip zone. The strongestevidencein supportof this is the limited lateral extent of the structureswithin the uplift, comparedto its deep detachmentlevel. This implies that the driving mechanismthat incited deep detachmentwas also of limited lateral extent. Several NW trending shear zones have been postulatedto exist in northernMexico and west Texas, including the Mojave-Sonora Megashear [Anderson and Schmidt, 1983], the San Marcos Fault [see McKee et al., 1990], the La Babia Fault [Charleston, 1981], and the Texas Lineament [Muehlberger, 1980]. The most significant of these is the Mojave-Sonora Megashear which is thought to have accommodated800 km of left-lateral offset during the Late Jurassic. The Texas Lineament is thought to have accommodated left-lateral strike-slip displacement during Laramide deformation. 1458 HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT WESTERN ALLOCHTHON EASTERN ALLOCHTHO Ranges 'T' Zone ..• WesternFrontal Zone .._1_.Plomosas '-J-' Eastern Main Uplift ._1- Eastern Frontal To preserve structuralbalance across the be/t, a wedge of Paleozoic rocks was thrust(Monillas thrust)under the Mesozoicsectionalong the eastern flank of the P/omosas Uplift. SW NE The Plomosas Uplift owes its deep detachment level to wrenchingalong a leftlateral strike-slip basement UpperK ._L• shear zone. 6 clastics& "•1 carbonates'4 topography •----•'='F T I'• /A \ km -2 Lower K red beds •... [:1.. I..... I., .I... I_ .I'=. -2 % Paleozoic undivided ' / / / / j/l•Ul i iu/JUl I I km 20 i / / / / / i' / % / % / % / I 40 % / % / % / % / % / % / % / , / i? I I 60 80 vertical exaggeration= 5 Figure 13. Schematiccrosssectionof the ChihuahuaFold Belt depictingpresent-day geometry. SeePlate 1 for explanationof geologicsymbols. Upper Cretaceous clastic rocks at the thrust front of the Summary eastern frontal zone. The main goal of this work has been to characterize the generalmorphologyof the southernChihuahuaFold Belt so that a first tectonic model could be devised. It has been shown here that a model invoking Laramid½basin inversion, horizontal shortening, and minor basement wrenching can fully account for the observed surface structures in the southern end of the fold belt. The most critical issue remainingin unravelingthe tectonic history of the region is a more thoroughunderstandingof the structure and kinematics of the PlomosasUplift and how it interactedwith the rest of the fold belt. Eastern Aliochthon The eastern allochthon extends the entire length of the ChihuahuaFold Belt and may be divided into two tectonicdomains. The eastern frontal zone is characterized by a relatively thin Mesozoic section, no Jurassic evaporites, an emergentthrust front, and fault-related folds which are detached within the Aurora Group. The easternmain rangesare characterizedby a relatively thick Mesozoic sectionwhich is folded into asymmetric evaporite-cored anticlines and salt withdrawal synclineswhich are detachedin Jurassicevaporites. The regional d•collement for the eastern allochthon shallows from Jurassicevaporites under the main ranges to The allochthon was shortened 6 km. The easternfrontal zone rests on the Tascotal Uplift which was high during Late Paleozoic and pre-Albian Mesozoic time. The westernmargin of the Tascotal Uplift is modeled as a normal fault which formed the eastern facies limit of Jurassic evaporites, controlled the thickness of the Las Vigas and Aurora section, and formed a buttress that restricted northeastward:notion of the eastern allochthon,resulting in the formation Western of Sierra Grande and structures to the west. Allochthon The PlomosasUplift, a fault bend fold with severalhanging wall thrustsplays,formsthe centralstructureof the westernallochthon. Its deeply rooted detachmentlevel is the result of left-lateral wrenching along a NW trending strike-slip fault zone in basement. The regional d6collement shallows from Precambrianrocks under the Plomosas Uplift to within the Cuchillo Formation, forming the fold and thrust structuresof the western frontal zone. The western ened 20 km at the Paleozoic allochthon was short- level and 11 km at the Mesozoic level. Acknowledgments. This paperrepresentsa portion of the author's dissertation research conducted at The University of Texas. From conceptionthrough completionthis study has greatly benefited from HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA FOLD BELT 1459 o •..... ........:.:.....:,.. % * •, .,.'•.•..•?. ....... •:' ......... •--'.: ::•½. ?'"':....•r• • • ..... •:•' 71.',., .:,.., •.•-.• "'½•W•?•% •'" ..-,.',...½:.<:,•;•.;:•/' • • • .... ß• • ..... .. . •, .....;$. ß . -•. o .•: ...• ,, ........ ";•........ ... 1460 HENNINGS: STRUCTURAL TRANSECT OF SOUTHERN CHIHUAHUA the ideas and enthusiasmof Bill Muehlberger. Careful reviews by Kevin Burke, Harold Drewes, Walt Haenggi, Bill Muehlberger, and Dave Wiltschkogreatlyimprovedthe manuscript.Fundinghasbeen providedby a TexacoInc. graduatefellowship,The Universityof Texas Geology Foundation,and studentgrantsfrom the American FOLD BELT Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Geological Society of America, and Sigma Xi. I thank Lynn Glover, Fred Read, and the Departmentof Geological Sciencesof Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University and Mobil Research and Development Corporationfor use of facilities. References Amsbury,D. L., and D. F. Reaser,Lower Cretaceous of western Trans-Pecos Texas, Centennial Field Guide, South-Central Section, pp. 401-406, GeologicalSocietyof America, Boulder, Colo., 1988. Anderson,T. H., and V. A. Schmidt,The evolutionof Middle America and the Gulf of Mexico- Caribbean Sea region during Mesozoic time, Geol. Soc.Am. Bull., 94,941-966, 1983. Armin, R. 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