RACK ON - McGraw-Hill Construction
RACK ON - McGraw-Hill Construction
2015 snap Media kit >> At a Glance >> Advertising – LEADS INSIDE july / august 2014 NOW INC ORPORA TING THE SUSTA MAGAZINE OF INABL E DESIG N SWEETS NEWS AND PRODUCTS STARTS ON Print Display Ad Sizes PAGE 49 Bleed Non-Bleed 10.625” x 12.75” 9.875” x 12” Spread 21” x 12.75” 20.25” x 12” Half-Page Spread 21” x 6.42” 20.25” x 5.67” 2/3 Page 6.875” x 12.75” 6.125” 11.50” 1/2 Page Vertical 5.125” x 12.75” 4.625” x 12” 1/2 Page Horizontal 10.625” x 6.42” 9.375” x 5.375” hard at play page 24 Full Page partners in design ARO and FilzFelt launch new acoustic solutions page 146 M e x te rior li g hti ng | dayli g hti ng & s u n control | hvac | concrete & m a son ry Designers explore products that hold up in recreational settings Freesia Bench by Victor Stanley, featured >> ADVERTISING RATES >> CONTACTS >> EDITORIAL CALENDAR >> about sweets ul tip b ITY liC ike rack from La ndscape Forms p age 3 1 in Made in the USA page 44 sweets news and products RACK ON yves béhar and fuseproject design a site furniture line for landscape forms 1/4 Page Square JULY/AUGUST 2014 4.5” x 5.67” read the digital edition of snap at sweets.com 1/3 Page Square 6.875” x 6.42” 6.125” x 5.67” 1/3 Page Vertical 3.625” x 12.75” 3” x 12” Spotlight Super Spotlight 4.6” x 2.6” 9.375” x 2.6” SPOTLIGHT SPECIFICATIONS: For more information regarding production questions, contact your media campaign manager at 1-800-367-7987. mediakit.construction.com | sweets.com 11 2015 snap Media kit >> At a Glance >> Advertising – LEADS >> EDITORIAL CALENDAR >> about sweets INSIDE NOW INC ORPORA TING SWEETS NEWS AND PRODUCTS THE SUSTA MAGAZINE OF INABL E DESIG N STARTS ON PAGE 49 e du c ation solution s | floori ng | pai nt s & coati ng s | hardware & acce s s control get a grip •P ublisher requires that ad materials be supplied in PDF x1-a (2001) format. • Printing: SNAP is printed web offset Note that this format is an output option in InDesign and will embed fonts and flatten transparencies automatically. • Binding: SNAP is perfect-bound. •F or optimal reproduction, a maximum ink density of 300 is recommended. • Images must be high resolution (300 dpi). roger thomas’s latest collection for rocky mountain hardware PAGE 41 that’s entertainment! The architecture of performance spaces page 18 old into new Retired aircraft reborn as metal tiles page 34 •C olor space must be CMYK or Grayscale. No spot colors, RGB, LAB color, or embedded color profiles. •A ll transparencies must be flattened. •A ll fonts must be embedded. •M inimum size of type intended to knock out is 8 pt. •A ds that are intended to bleed must be supplied with .125” extra image beyond the trimmed edge. •P lease submit ad materials through our online portal at www.adshuttle. com. Follow the system prompts to set up an account and submit the PDF. Adshuttle will perform a preflight test on your file during the submission process. mediakit.construction.com | sweets.com >> ADVERTISING RATES >> CONTACTS • Paper: SNAP uses 40# coated body stock and 80# coated cover. • Trim size: SNAP trim size is 10.375” x 12.50” • Safety: Live matter safety is .25” • Material will be stored for 12 months only and then destroyed unless otherwise requested by advertiser in writing. • Publisher recommends that a SWOPcertified color proof be submitted for press color guidance. Send proof to: SNAP Production Manager 2 Penn Plaza, 10th Floor New York, NY 10121-2298 Contact your media campaign manager at 1-800-367-7987 with any questions. 12 2015 snap Media kit >> At a Glance >> Advertising – LEADS march / april 2014 INSIDE NOW INC ORPORA TING THE SUSTA MAGAZINE OF INABL E DESIG N THE MAGAZINE OF SWEETS STARTS ON Freesia Bench by Victor Stanley, featured >> ADVERTISING RATES >> CONTACTS >> EDITORIAL CALENDAR >> about sweets Production Charges offi c e solution s | doors | fi n i s h e s | c arpet Reproduction Quality Custom Design The publisher cannot assume liability for the quality of the printed ad if the files and proof supplied do not conform to specifications. Any costs incurred to make material meet specifications will be billed back to the advertiser. SNAP’ offers custom print and digital design services at a rate of $100 per hour. PAGE 49 in Made in the USA page 44 sitting pretty manufacturers in four mid-atlantic states toughed it out over the last five years, but now business is looking up PAGE 44 you’ve arrived Architects combine form and material to create memorable entrances. page 18 joey shimoda: l.a. experimental the magazine of sweets The Los Angeles–based architect on what products and materials he’s working with. page 23 amazing glaze Chicago’s O’Hare Airport gains a vibrant ceramic-printed glass installation. page 32 Production Revisions* For a fee of $75, SNAP’s production team can make minor changes to your existing print or digital ad. Please provide an unflattened PDF or native files for a same-size ad along with detailed instructions of changes to your media campaign manager. For a custom quote, please provide details regarding materials and copy to be submitted, along with design expectations to MHC_adoperations@ mcgraw-hill.com and a media campaign manager will contact you. There is a minimum charge of $100 for custom ads. *Minor text changes only. No resizing. mediakit.construction.com | sweets.com 13 >> At a Glance >> Advertising – LEADS >> EDITORIAL CALENDAR >> about sweets >> ADVERTISING RATES >> CONTACTS CONTACTS Laura Viscusi VP and Publisher Architectural Record, SNAP and Sweets 212-904-2518 [email protected] Assistant: Pina Del Genio 212-904-6791 [email protected] New England, Eastern PA Joe Sosnowski Account Manager 610-278-7829 [email protected] Assistant: Pina Del Genio 212-904-6791 [email protected] Northwest/Western Canada Bill Madden Account Manager 503-557-9000 [email protected] Assistant: Pina Del Genio [email protected] Midwest (IA, IL, MN, MO, WI) Liz Tuke Account Manager 312-233-7416 [email protected] Assistant: Pam Crews 404-843-4772 [email protected] mediakit.construction.com | sweets.com Southeast/Mid-Atlantic Susan Shepherd Account Manager 859-987-9913 404-386-1709 [email protected] Assistant: Pam Crews 404-843-4772 [email protected] Pacific/Texas Sherylen Yoak Account Manager 760-568-0465 [email protected] Assistant: Sherry Mickaels 415-357-8193 [email protected] KS, NE, ND, SD, NY, Inside Sales & International Risa Serin Account Manager 212-904-6041 [email protected] Assistant: Pina Del Genio 212-904-6791 [email protected] Midwest (IN, MI, OH, Western PA), and Eastern Canada Lisa Zurick Account Manager 513-899-2145 [email protected] Assistant: Pam Crews 404-843-4772 [email protected] SWEETS SALES TEAM Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Wesley Loon Account Manager 714-371-6619 [email protected] OH, IN, MI, Western PA, KY, WVA Jill Ann Buckeye Account Manager 216-816-8428 [email protected] Midwest Jon Schacht Account Manager 312-316-4451 [email protected] West Coast J Pearce Rowley Account Manager 714-371-6619 [email protected] Southeast Don Sharkey Account Manager 941-786-3890 [email protected] Southwest Shannon Johnson Account Manager 817-458-1184 [email protected] 14
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