Drum workshopDW DRUMS


Drum workshopDW DRUMS
Drum Workshop, Inc. guarantees that DW Collector’s Series® Drums are free of material and workmanship defects for a period of six (6) years
from the original purchase date. Drum Workshop will repair or replace defective products free of charge to the original purchaser upon delivery of
the product to an authorized DW Drums dealer. Proof of purchase and status as the original purchaser are required for warranty coverage. DW’s
maximum liability pursuant to this warranty is limted to the monetary value of the product that is the subject of the warranty claim. This is a summary only; please see the actual limited warranty for additional terms and conditions.
#prca05dr Specifications subject to change without notice.
—max weinberg
warmest, fattest,
most satisfying sound i’ve ever had.”
“dws are the
—nisan stewart
—tris imboden
“ i hav e nev er seen a drum comp any w h e r e
better and better
just keeps getting
“no matter where i am
and there is an
in the world, people
immediate respect.”
—chester thompson
“the difference between
all other drums is
DW drums
and better!”
—mick fleetwood
see that i play dw
The DW Story
Exotic drum finishes
Graphics drum finishes
Lacquer drum finishes
dw drum production
Satin Oil drum finishes
FinishPly™ drum
snare drums
—zak starkey
best sounding and most
drums you can find for
—marco minnemann
“really the
recording or live.”
—abe laboriel jr.
“dws are the
rolls royce of the drum
Once you play them,
nothing else
a joy to play.
best sounding, most consistent
“my dw drums are always
will do.”
—tommy igoe
They are the
on the planet.”
—chad wackerman
“seems like
i’ve been playing
forever... why? ‘cause everything
dw drums
else sucks.”
—tommy lee
©2005 Drum Workshop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. DW lug is registered in the U.S. and being
protected around the world. True-Tone®, TechLock®, TimbreMatch®, True-Pitch®, FAST-Tom®
and Collector’s Series® are registered trademarks of Drum Workshop, Inc. Drum Workshop would
like to thank the House of Blues for their support in the production of this catalog.
every single day and
they never let me down.”
“I play dws
want to
play any
t Drum Workshop, The Drummer’s driving to teach at a local music store
Choice® is more than a slogan, it’s a where I had taken lessons.”
fact. After more than thirty years of innoSeeing an ad for Drum Workshop in
vation and tireless dedication to improv- the Yellow Pages, John Good, now DW’s
ing the way drum products are made, Vice President, signed up for lessons at
DW drums, pedals and hardware are age 17 to improve his drumming and
the standard by
reverse what he
which all others
refers to as “bad
are measured. To
drumming hab“ T h at ’ s h o w t h e
get here, it takes
spark and enthumore than a work“After three
siasm got started.
ing knowledge of
months of lesW e w o u l d ta l k
the instrument or
sons, Don apfor hours about
a few good ideas;
our ideas for creit takes a true pasand said, ‘You
sion for designing
know, I’ve had
ating better prodand manufacturlots of successful
ucts. Before we
ing the very best.
students. I don’t
knew it, we were
“It’s remarkthink you’re goworking togethable that in our
ing to be one of
31st year, the exthem’,” John says
—John Good
citement level of
laughing. “So I
coming to work is
said, ‘Great…now
every bit as much
what are we going
now as when we started,” DW Founder to do?’”
and President Don Lombardi says.
Realizing that overhead was eating
It all began in 1972 when Don, at up his profits, Don brought in investors
age 26, opened a small teaching studio in and additional teachers and began selling
Santa Monica, Calif. He called the studio sticks, books and drums to help subsiDrum Workshop, offering both private dize the expenses. Hiring John as a partlessons and monthly workshops.
time sales manager, the two spent hours
“My fascination with drums started discussing different ways to improve
at 12 with a neighborhood teacher at a the art of drumming through improving
local music store,” Don recalls. “Over the drum products.
years, I had such great experiences with
“That’s how the spark and enthurenowned teachers that as my love for siasm got started,” John recalls. “We
playing drums grew, so did my love for would talk for hours about our ideas for
learning and teaching about drums. The creating better products. Before we knew
day I got my driver’s license, I started it, we were working together.”
Out of these brainstorms came the
first DW product: Don’s new design for a
height-adjustable trap-case seat. Selling
about a dozen seats a month, John quit
his day job and went to work full-time for
“After teaching all day, we would
move the drum sets to the side and bring
out the tables to make the seats,” Don
remembers. “Then I’d usually leave for
my playing job, and John would stay into
the night to build the seats and fill the
orders. I even bought a sewing machine
to sew on the top of the seats, but John
put his foot down and said, ‘No sewing: I
don’t sew.’”
When DW received a purchase order for 100 seats from Camco Drum Co.,
Don and John realized that they had an
innovative product that would sell. Thirty
years later, DW is now offering a new
version of the trap-case adjustable seat,
made out of a lighter weight material,
called the 6100 Adjustable Trap-Case
“I always dreamed about creating
a lighter weight seat, but we didn’t have
the money to do it back then,” Don says.
“I’m as confident about this new seat as
I was when we made our first design.”
However, when DW created the
original trap case seat, they had the
capacity and personnel to create only a
dozen seats a month, not 100. Don was
still teaching and playing a nightly gig
while John built the products. Shortly
thereafter, Camco Drum Co. owner Tom
Beckman approached Don in 1977 with
an offer to sell him Camco’s machinery,
dies and molds, everything it took to search for ways to further improve it.
make Camco drums and hardware—evThe addition of the Chain & Sprocket
erything except the Camco name itself. drive system in 1980 not only vastly imThis gave Don the opportunity to expand proved the DW pedal, but also helped set
his capacity for creating the seats and to it apart from others on the market. Three
expand his product line.
years later, DW introduced a double bass
At that point,
drum pedal that
Don made the
decision to acunique
DW’s 5002 Double
cept the offer
Pedal ushered in
and change the
a whole new era
direction of Drum
Double Pedal not
in drumming since,
Workshop from
only filled a need
for the first time,
teaching and selland
single bass drum
ing to manufacDW’s
in the market
p l ay e r s c o u l d
“The idea of
now use both
failing never really
in a
f e e t t o c r e at e
occurred to me,”
whole new era in
new rhythms and
drumming since,
increase speed.
“Based on our
for the first time,
mini-success with
single bass drum
the seat, we had learned that if we could players could now use both feet to creoffer drummers products that would ate new rhythms and increase speed.
improve their drumming, we could be Throughout the ‘80s, DW created other
successful. Of course, having a desire innovative DW hardware, such as the
to go into manufacturing and having rotating two-leg 5500T and the remote
the money to do so are two different (cable) 5502LB hi-hat stands, to meet
the needs of DW Pedal endorsers like
Borrowing most of the money from Travis Barker, Abe Laboriel Jr., Vinnie
his parents and some from outside in- Colaiuta, Gary Novak and Carter Beauvestors, Don purchased Camco’s tooling ford.
and reintroduced the Camco 5000 nylon
As Don was developing DW Pedals
strap bass drum pedal under the DW and Hardware, John was on the road
name. The pedal was refined to improve building his expertise as a drum techniconsistency, quietness, smoothness and cian.
adjustability of its mechanical operation.
“Even though I wasn’t a professional
As the pedal was rapidly becoming “the player, I always had an ear for drums and
drummer’s choice,” Don continued to a knack for fixing them,” he says. “I
March 4: Don Lombardi
opens a 450 sq. ft. teaching studio and calls it
“The Drum Workshop.”
Don invents heightadjustable trap case
seat and teams with
student John Good to
make roughly 12 per
Drum Workshop
purchases Camco
Drum Co. molds
and dies and reintroduces Camco
5000 pedal under
the DW name.
The company introduces DW Drums to
the world in a Modern
Drummer ad featuring
first drum artist Nick
DW moves to
1500 sq. ft.
expanding pedal
production and
with drums.
DW moves to 750 sq.
ft. building and changes
company direction from
teaching studio to manufacturing.
DW is the first
introduce a Chain
Drive® pedal.
DW introduces the
first practical double
pedal design, ushering
in a whole new era in
wound up on the road with bands like
Earth, Wind and Fire and Frank Zappa.
As I was out there tuning drums, I would
find out what did and didn’t work. I then
came back and used that knowledge I
was gaining to improve our products.”
As a drum technician, John also
discovered that each drum has a unique
range where it sounds its best, eventually leading him to create DW’s unique
Timbre Matching system.
“I found out that everything about
a drum’s shell construction, shell size,
bearing edges, heads, hardware and
finishing individually and collectively
affects the quality of a drum’s sound,”
John says. “Don and I began making a
few sets a month, always concentrating
on perfecting each one of these acoustically critical elements.
“As I learned about each drum’s
timbre, or tonal range where the drum
sounds its best, I became extremely
interested in trying to control the timbre
of the shell and, in doing so, improving the balance of the entire kit,” John
continues. “We later called this process
‘Timbre Matching’ and I’m proud to say
that DW’s ‘Timbre Matching’ caused
a wholesale change in the way drummers think about their drums. I’m also
extremely proud that every set we make
today is made with the same care and
attention to detail as when we were only
making a few sets each month.”
By the ‘80s, with endorsements by
the world’s top drummers, an expanding
dealer network and a strong marketing
campaign, DW’s full line of top-quality
dw story
dw story
bass drum pedals and hi-hat stands had
created a unique market position for the
small American company. Meanwhile,
DW Drums were starting to attract attention throughout the drumming world,
as well. To accommodate the increased
demand for its hardware products, DW
doubled its manufacturing space, moving to
Newbury Park, Calif.
“I remember being on the road with
Jonathan Moffett and
Madonna in 1987 and
calling the shop to check
in,” John recalls. “Don
said, ‘You need to come
home. If we’re going to
make this thing happen,
it needs to be right now.’
When you hear that in
someone’s voice, you
basically pack up and
follow your heart.”
“One of the things
that helped convince me that we might
have a chance with the drums was when
Tommy Lee (Motley Crue) came into the
shop to have his pedals tuned up,” Don
adds. “While he was waiting, he sat down
at the set of drums John had in his office.
He started playing and wouldn’t stop; he
was amazed at how the drums sounded.
A light then went on in my head that
Tommy Lee represented a generation
of drummers who hadn’t experienced
handcrafted drums.
“A short time later, Tommy bought
a kit from us. That was March 7, 1989. I
DW introduces first
remote hi-hat and
first two-leg hi-hat.
DW also expands
its facility to 4500
sq. ft.
Don’s son Chris and
daughter Carrie begin
working in assembly
and shipping while in
high school.
remember the date because it was such a
big event that I made a photocopy of the
check, which I still have to this day. He
was endorsing another company at the
time, but within a year, he became an official DW Drum endorser.”
With Tommy joining Jim Keltner,
Chad Wackerman, Larrie Londin and
other high-profile players, DW produced
their first serious drum catalog and went
to the January 1990 National Association
of Music Merchants (NAMM) show, hoping to interest a handful of their top pedal
dealers to each take one drum kit.
“At the end of the first day of the
show, my son and sales manager, Chris,
pulled John and me aside and told us
that we had a real problem,” Don says.
“Chris had taken orders for 60 sets and
it was only the first day of the show. We
spent the rest of the year trying to catch
up on orders before the next NAMM
show. Fortunately, most of our customers have hung in there with us.”
Since its first debut at NAMM, DW
has pioneered the Delta Tri-Bearing pedal
system featuring the patented Delta ballbearing hinge, the Edge brass/maple
snare drum, the concept
of smaller F.A.S.T.®
tom-tom sizes, the
Woofer Bass Drum Tone
Enhancer and the TruePitch® Tuning System.
In addition, DW has
perfected a wide variety
of Lacquer, Satin Oil
and FinishPly™ drum
finish choices. Today,
drummer’s drummers
such as Sheila E., Terry
Bozzio, Neil Peart, Marco
Minnemann and Gary
Novak, along with drummers of popular acts
such as Madonna, Bruce
Springsteen and the E Street Band, Dixie
Chicks, Incubus, Mana, Missy Elliott,
Avril Lavigne and so many more have
chosen to play DW Drums, Pedals and
Hardware exclusively.
To accommodate an increasing need
for space, DW moved to its current facility in Oxnard, Calif., in 2000. That same
year, DW created a new line of drums
called Pacific Drums and Percussion to
meet the demand for entry to mid-level
players. The new line still uses some
custom techniques, but primarily uses
computerized machinery to cut costs
First DW Drum catalog features
Tommy Lee, Larrie Londin, Jim
Keltner, Mick Fleetwood, Chad
Wackerman, Jason Bonham
and Danny Seraphine.
March: Tommy Lee buys
DW set for $2700 and by
year’s end officially endorses, bringing DW Drums into
mainstream rock.
DW introduces 9000
Series complete line
of stands.
and reduce steps to create high-quality to create DW’s Timeless Timber line,
drums in large quantities. DW moved featuring 25th Anniversary Lake Superior
most production of Pacific drums to a Maple sets in 1997 and DW’s 30th anniDW-run factory in Ensenada, Mexico, versary Lake Superior Birch sets in 2002
in 2002. Pacific Drums have now made (pictured at left). DW has also continued
DW’s innovation and quality available this tradition by releasing rare woods as
to a larger market, while still maintain- limited edition Private Reserve kits.
ing the reputation
of DW drums as
ex“I ’m proud to say
high-end unique
claims. “It was
that DW’s ‘Timbre
practically an acM at c h ® ’ P r o c e s s
Pacident that these
caused a wholecific kits are highlogs were even
sale change in the
way d r u m m e r s
think about their
not custom,” Don
treasures. Both
drums. I’m also
says. “With Pacific,
the birch and
extremely proud
you’re not so much
the maple have
t h at e v e r y s e t
a rare musical
features, as much
w e m a k e t o d ay
as you’re selling
due to the cold
is made with the
the opportunity for
water curing the
same care and ata person to get into
wood, but each
tention to detail
playing drums no
also has its own
as when we were
matter what their
only making a few
ability level.”
These drums are
like no other in
sets each month.”
to expanding its
the world. What
—John good
product line, DW
a way to celcontinues to create
ebrate 30 years
new drum concepts. John now carries in the business.”
the nickname as DW’s “woodologist,”
Along with expanded product lines,
continually searching out different wood DW’s 30th anniversary year included
to create unique sets. In the late ‘90s, the addition of a new position, promotJohn learned of 500-year-old hardwood ing Chris Lombardi, to Chief Executive
that had sunk in Lake Superior 100 Officer after 16 years of work with the
years ago. The logs were harvested by company.
underwater treasure hunters and used
“Like every small business, over the
DW advances pedal design with
patented ball-bearing hinge.
DW moves to
17,500 sq. ft. building in Oxnard, CA.
John designs and patents
Edge snare drum and introduces patented TruePitch® tuning rods.
DW begins making its
own shells, continuing
with its patented TimbreMatching process.
DW expands to offer
drums in all price ranges
by introducing Pacific
Drums and Percussion
and moves to current
53,000 sq. ft. building.
Chris Lombardi is named
CEO after 16 years of being
with the company.
past 30 years, we all had to wear different
hats,” Don comments. “With Chris taking
care of the company’s day-to-day functions, John and I can continue to focus
on creating new products that improve
DW’s 30th anniversary also marked
the release of the most technologically
advanced pedal on the market. A limited
number of precisely machined Titanium
9000 single and double pedals were
released as testament to the custom features and patented technology that has
continued to make DW pedals an industry standard. The numbered collector’s
pedals featured a titanium footboard,
lightweight aluminium cam, patented
Delta hinge and a certificate of authenticity. Later that year, the road- worthy
production version of the 9000 series
pedal was released and featured patented
Floating Rotor Technology. This feature
optimizes speed, power and precision
with friction-reducing ball bearings in
the rotor, mounted on a free-floating
drive shaft, and incorporates several of
the unique features that makes the 5000
Series line up of pedals standard issue
for the world’s top players.
Over the years, one thing has
remained constant, a ceaseless enthusiasm and the desire to keep making
things better so that drummers can
continue to raise the bar.
“We are always thinking about how
to make things a little bit better,” John remarks. “We try to respond to that thread
that runs through every drummer’s
9000 Single and
Double Pedals are
the only pedals
designed with freefloating rotor.
dw story
dw story
Exotic Drum Finishes
“I’m looking for something a little more unique.” He leads me along a small
dirt path from the wood mill to a crumbling stone building just outside
Frankfurt, Germany. As I ducked my head to walk down the stone steps into
the basement, the musty air down below filled my lungs. As I descended into
the darkness, he tugged on a small chain and a flickering light bulb revealed
log after log. As I carefully stepped through the room, examining each variety
of wood, I began to think that I would not find any logs with the wood grain I
was searching for. It was then that I noticed a dusty black tarp covering logs
in the corner. Making my way over to the corner, I stepped through cobwebs
and finally reached it. Touching the dusty tarp, I wondered what it hid. As I
pulled back the corner of the tarp, my breath caught in my throat. “That’s it!”
“DW Drums are
the rhythm
of my heart.”
Photo by Rob Shanahan
-Sheila E.
Collector’s Series® Maple drums with Tobacco Burst lacquer with gold hardware.
18x22” bass drum, 9x12”, 11x14”, 13x16” toms, 6x14” copper snare drum.
There are many reasons why DW Collector’s Series® drums are the most
sought after in the world. Reason one: sound. The only way to assure
that every kit sounds like a true “drum set” is to hand pick each and every
shell for desired pitch. Each drum is ear matched by Drum Workshop
Vice President and Drum Designer, John Good. Once selected, each set
travels though the manufacturing process as a family. In fact, just before
final assembly, the drums are tested by a
special chromatic tuner and assigned
a specific note value. That note
value is then stamped directly on the inside
of the shell— proof positive that a DW kit is
Timbre Matched® for optimum tonal quality
and superior tunability.
Put quite simply, a DW Collector’s Series® tom
is designed to achieve maximum resonance. Its
resonant quality and tone are what make a drum
really “sing.” The DW STM™ (suspended tom
mount) was specially engineered to cradle the
drum while still providing much needed stability.
Equipped with a DW TB12 tom bracket, the
STM™ employs soft rubber gaskets
that fully grip each lug, while avoiding any metal to metal contact and
still allowing easy head changes.
STMs are available in all four of DW
drum hardware color options.
All DW bass drums feature
heavy-duty die-cast claw
hooks to evenly capture
counter hoops, while still
maintaining a low-profile
appearance. Each claw
hook is felt lined to protect
that stunning Collector’s
Series® finish. Available
in all four drum hardware
color options.
Collector’s Series® Maple drums with Candy Black Fade lacquer over Kurillian Birch exotic with chrome hardware.
20x22” bass drum, 9x10”, 10x12”, 14x14”, 16x16” toms, 7x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
exotic Finish availability
curly Maple
olive ash
olive ash
red cedar
spider pine
mapa burl
Exotic veneer is adhered to the full surface of the all-maple or birch shell using
the same heat-pressure methods used on all Collector’s Series® shells. The shell
will then be sanded smooth, lacquered and buffed to a flawless, elegant finish.
Collector’s Series® Birch drums in Burnt Toast Burst Lacquer
Specialty Finish over Mapa Burl exotic with chrome hardware.
18x22” bass drum, 8x10”, 9x12”, 11x14”, 13x16” toms, 5x14”
Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum
(shown with optional MAY Internal Miking System)
ollector’s Series® Exotic finishes take DW’s drum finishing
expertise to the ultimate level. Exotic wood veneers are
rotary-cut from logs that are searched the world over for their
unique figuring and stunning beauty. The exotic plies
are combined with solid maple or birch to create
a look that is totally unique and a sound that is
unmistakably DW. Add to that a virtually endless
selection lacquer colors and you have a truly
one-of-a-kind, high-end finish option.
graphics Drum Finishes
She tosses her hair as she rubs the smudged ink off her forefinger. She
continues to sketch the solar flares with her pen. She remembers how she
used to blow the ink dry and hang the tattoo designs with the others on the
wall of the tattoo shop. For almost 10 years now, she’s been drawing for
tattoo artwork and auto detailing. This time the flares won’t appear on a bicep
or a car, they’ll come to life in brilliant oranges and yellows on a custom drum
kit. Her sketching now complete, she blows the ink dry and walks the sketch
down the hall, “I think this is what you guys were looking for.”
graphics Finish availability
barbed wire
cards & Dice
Solar Flares
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Barbed Wire Graphics with chrome hardware.
18x24” bass drum, 10x13”, 14x16”, 16x18” toms, 6x14” Collector’s Series®
Copper snare drum.
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Old School Flames Graphics with chrome hardware.
18x24” bass drum, 9x12”, 12x14”, 14x16” toms, 5x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum,
6.5x14” Collector’s Series® Brass snare drum.
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Tribal Flame Graphics over Kurillian Birch exotic with chrome hardware.
18x22” bass drum, 8x10”, 9x12”, 12x14”, 14x16” toms, 6x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
Collector’s Series® Graphics finishes are hand airbrushed by DW’s lacquer artisans utilizing the same
durable high-gloss lacquer paint and finishing techniques
that have made Collector’s Series® Lacquer finishes the
most sought after in the world.
ollector’s Series® Graphics bring
new meaning to the term “state
of the art”. These five new hand airbrushed lacquer finish designs can be
combined with limitless color choices
and drum hardware color options to
create a drum kit that’s sure to steal the
show. Utilizing the same manufacturing
techniques and attention to detail that
have made Collector’s Series® Lacquer
world renowned, Graphics finishes are an
ultra-custom way to make a personalized
statement every time you play.
Collector’s Series® Birch drums in Solar Flares Graphics
with chrome hardware. 18x22” bass drum, 9x10”, 10x12”,
11x14”, 13x16” toms, 5x14” Collector’s Series® Birch
snare drum.
Lacquer Drum Finishes
It’s his fourth time to the showroom this week. Track lighting reveals the many
facets of the high-gloss finish. He’s been waiting for this moment for 15 years.
Just last week, he had the same conversation with his friends that they’ve
had a million times. While his friends were rambling on about Mustangs and
Lamborghinis, he would always respond “Lexus White, the drum set, not
the car.” “There it is!” He points to the kit next to the snare drum display. A
salesman approaches him and asks if he can be of service. “I’d like to test
drive your Lexus White, please,” and he begins to hit the toms one at a time,
then an impromptu drum solo.
lacquer custom Finish availability
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Lexus White Lacquer Specialty
Finish with chrome hardware. 18x22” bass drum, 9x10”, 10x12”,
12x14” toms, 5x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
aztec gold
black solid
candy apple
regal blue
root beer
royal blue
Several labor-intensive steps are used to create a
Collector’s Series® Lacquer finish. The hand-applied color
coat is followed by multiple layers of clear coat
that is wet sanded and buffed over and over
to create a stunning, mirror-like finish that
will last for years to come.
sea green
rom brilliant solid
colors, to bursts,
fades, sparkles, stains
or anything you can dream up,
Collector’s Series® Lacquers are
the perfect way for drummers to
visually express their creative vision
before they ever play a note. Both
standard Lacquer “Custom” colors
and Lacquer “Specialty” finishes
undergo a series of hand-applied
steps to achieve that flawless, glossy
appearance. Shells are sprayed, wet
sanded and buffed numerous times
before a protective clear coat is
applied. The result is a pianolike finish so jaw-dropping
that the only thing more
impressive is their
BDM bass drum mount
DW’s unique BDM (bass drum mount) is optional equipment on Collector’s Series®
drums and is perfect for drummers who prefer their toms be mounted from the bass
drum. A nylon insulator assures a solid and rattle-free union to the bass drum shell
and an easily adjustable slide-track adds increased adjustability from front to
back. The tom mount itself is the same design as DW’s popular 9000 series
tom stands, utilizing ball and socket technology for virtually limitless tom
white solid
Collector’s Series® Birch drums in Pearlescent Yellow Lacquer Specialty
Finish with black hardware. 18x22” bass drum, 7x8”, 8x10”, 9x12”,
11x14”, 13x16” toms, 6x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
lacquer specialty Finish availability
“my DW Drums continue
to be a joy to play
and to listen to. they
truly are a source
of inspiration.”
-neil peart
Photo by Andrew MacNaughtan
burnt toast
blood red
black mirra
white mirra
candy apple
red solid
regal blue
cherry stain
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Burnt Toast Fade
Lacquer Specialty Finish with chrome hardware. 18x22”
bass drum, 7x8”, 8x10”, 9x12”, 11x14”, 13x16” toms,
5x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
ebony stain
The patented round lug design is DW’s trademark.
A distinct look that’s become synonymous with that
world famous Collector’s Series® sound. Each lug
features a spring-loaded lug rod receiver that acts as
a tension shock absorber. The lugs are available in all
four drum hardware color options.
the dw drum production process
To craft the finest drums in the world takes more than a just a commitment to quality, innovation and the art of drumming itself. More than
anything else, it takes a passion for creating drums as sonically distinctive and visually unique as the drummers who play them.
Featuring American Rock Maple logs grown in the forests of the
Northeastern United States and Heartwood Birch logs carefully selected
for their exotic appearance, each drum kit is a work of art begun by nature and hand-finished by DW.
DW craftsmen begin forming the drum shell by laying up two
to three plies of thin wood veneer that are cut to DW’s specifications
from select maple or birch logs on site at the mill. Each ply is placed in
cross-grained directions, adding strength and stability to the shell. The
strength, consistency, thickness and roundness of the shell, along with
the type of wood used, are the prime factors in determining the quality
of sound the shell will produce. Once the plywood has been heat pressed
under extreme pressure �, each lay-up is then trimmed to the exact
length required to form the specified diameter of the drum shell with no
gaps or overlaps in the seams. The craftsman then applies a thin layer
of specially formulated adhesive to both sides of the core plies and hand
rolls the shell, staggering the seams for strength before they are placed
in a diameter-specific circular press �. A combination of heat and pressure forms the wood into a round, consistent and uniform drum shell
Thin maple reinforcing hoops are then added to the top and bottom
of the shells, and the shell is once again pressure heated to secure the
hoops. While thin-shelled drums have a deep, warm tone, the addition of
reinforcing hoops helps increase the strength of the shell at the point of
greatest tension and raises the pitch of the shell to increase its articulation and projection. DW reinforcing hoops are graduated so that their
depth increases as the shell’s diameter increases.
Once the shell is completed, a master drum technician begins the
TimbreMatching™ process by tapping the shell to hear its fundamental
pitch at the point where the shell resonates most freely � & �. With
the basic pitch of the shell determined, a “family” of snare drum, tomtom and bass drum shells are chosen to fill the high, middle and low
positions in the kit’s frequency spectrum. Each TimbreMatched™ set of
drums assures minimization of pitch overlaps and maintains the desired
intervallic relationships. The shells are also inspected for consistency
and richness of grain. Just before final assembly, a digital tuner is used
to find the exact note-value of each shell. The note is stamped on the
inside of each shell, indicating the drum’s tuning “sweet spot” and later
becoming a convenient reference point for tuning. The kit is then labelled
so that its individual drums will remain together from this point on.
Following TimbreMatching™, one of the five different types of DW
Drum finishes is applied to create the custom look and maintain the custom sound that have made DW Drums famous. Each of these five styles,
FinishPly™, Satin Oil, Lacquer, Exotic Lacquer and Lacquer Graphics has
been developed to provide drummers with the widest variety of finish
choices available, while at the same time protecting the shell and providing the stunning appearance that is synonymous with a DW drum.
FinishPly™ finishes have become a very popular Collector’s Series® finish option due to the durability of the laminate and proprietary
manufacturing techniques that insure the drums achieve DW’s superior
tonal characteristics. Satin Oil drums are an excellent choice for studio
applications. They are hand-sanded to smooth the surface and enhance
the wood grain �, and are then given a vintage-style, low-lustre treatment that is applied by hand to color, seal and protect the wood. Whether
Exotic, solid, stain Specialty or Graphics, Lacquer finishes remain a staple finish choice for many of the world’s top players. Lacquer can require
over a dozen separate steps that include staining, spraying, sanding and
buffing, depending on the color and transparency desired �. Following
the completion of spraying and sanding, the shell is buffed to a mirrorlike gloss using a combination of hand and patented machine buffing
techniques �. For Exotic Lacquer finishes, a veneer of rare highly fig-
ured wood is cut to size and used as the outer ply of the outside lay-up
during shell creation. For Graphics, the drums are custom airbrushed in
one of five available Graphics finishes. Regardless of the finish selected,
all DW Collector’s Series® drums pose the same quality construction
and superior sound that have made DW The Drummer’s Choice® for
Once the finish is applied, DW craftsmen continue the production
process, which consists of several steps that further refine the kit’s
sound producing capabilities and prepares it to become a complete
musical instrument. The first phase of drum production is the multi-step
application of each drum’s vitally important bearing edges. The shape,
position, consistency and uniformity of the bearing edges are critical
because the quality of the edges will determine how efficiently the head
will vibrate. Ultimately, this is what makes a drum truly “sing”.
The edging process begins with grinding the shell on large sheets
of sandpaper to achieve a perfectly level surface, then cutting the top and
bottom edges at a precise angle and position. Using specialized table
routers, DW’s expert craftsmen cut somewhat sharper angled bearing
edges on snare drums and tom-toms than they do on bass drums, bringing out the snare drum’s and tom-tom’s upper frequencies and attack
and the low-end and punch of the bass drums �. A 3/16-inch countercut is applied to the outside of the shell to provide a more concentrated
narrower edge for better articulation. In conjunction with the slightly
undersized diameter of the shell itself, this countercut creates a more
traditional floating-head system, optimizing the head-to-shell marriage.
Since the quality of the bearing edge is so important in determining the
quality of the drum’s sound, DW’s edges are inspected and re-inspected
at regular intervals to ensure their perfection. The new, optional ESE (Enhanced Sound Edge) employs an even sharper angled bearing edge that
is cut on the resonant side of 8” through 13” toms only and can provide
an even greater resonant characteristic if desired.
Snare beds are then added to the snare drum, and the holes for
lugs, vents, badges and mounts are carefully measured and drilled using
a variety of conventional and computer-controlled manufacturing equipment ��.
Once the drum kit has been created, it reaches the final step in DW’s
custom drum making process, final assembly ��. This is where custom
hardware in chrome, black chrome, satin chrome or gold is installed.
In assembly, the drum kit is first equipped with rattle-free air vents
and a numbered badge. DW’s trademarked “turret-style” lugs are then
attached to each shell using torque wrenches that are set to tighten the
lug screws without choking the shell. To achieve maximum resonance,
rack-toms receive DW’s custom-designed, patented STMs (Suspension
Tom Mounts) complete with TB-12 mounting brackets. Floor toms feature TB-12s with unique resonant floor tom legs that are also designed
to promote maximum resonance.
Bass Drum Muffling Pillows are then placed in the bass drum, while
optional MAY Internal Drum Mics are factory installed. It is also at this
point that the top and bottom sections of Edge Snare Drums are added
to their wood centers.
Nearing the end of assembly, each drum is equipped with specially
designed, crimped-hoop/Clear-Coated heads. Toms and snares then
receive heavy-gauge, cold-rolled steel, proportionate counterhoops and
bass drums receive matching wood hoops and die-cast claw hooks.
Snare drums also receive a patented DW Delta or swivel throw-off and
custom DW TrueTone® snare wires as well as optional die-cast counterhoops. Finally, to facilitate increased tuning range, DW’s patented TruePitch® tension rods are installed.
The one-of-a-kind drum kit is then tuned by hand ��, carefully
inspected and packed for shipping. A DW Collector’s Series® drum set
can be played right out of the box and, just as any fine acoustic wood
instrument, will mellow and sound even better with age. It’s an investment that can be coveted for years and rest assured no detail has been
overlooked. Quite simply, it’s your style, your sound, and your set.
satin oil Drum Finishes
It’s New York City in mid summer. The club is small and crowded, even at
1AM. The jazz isn’t overly abstract, just straight-ahead bebop. The vibe is so
real. The kit is cherry red, revealing the beautiful figuring of the wood. The
chrome lugs and retro-style hardware gleam in the minimal light from the
makeshift spotlight just feet away that hits the slightly raised stage. The sound
of the kit is traditional and true, as classic as the art form itself. Heads are
tight with dark shading from weeks of brushes, night after night. The threepiece is burning, and glasses clink, echoing the light tap of the ride cymbal.
Voices whisper, adding a soft hum to the room. It’s the last set of the night
and nobody is ready to leave, especially the drummer.
satin oil
satin oil
“nothing sounds like
my DW’s... They’re
Photo by Gregg Roth
-gerald heyward
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Tobacco Burst Specialty Satin Oil with chrome hardware.
16x18” bass drum, 8x12”, 14x14” toms, 5x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
vailable in a wide variety of solid colors and “Satin Specialty” options, Satin Oil
is a hand-rubbed finish that not only protects and seals, but also brings out the
natural wood grain beauty of any Collector’s Series® kit. Once meticulously sanded
smooth, the environmentally friendly, water-based color is evenly applied to the
shell and then hand rubbed to further penetrate the wood’s surface. This low-luster
finish is preferred by many of the world’s top studio players for its acoustically
organic tonal quality and its classic understated appearance.
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Cherry to Black Fade Satin Oil Specialty with gold hardware.
16x22” bass drum, 8x10”, 10x13”, 13x15”, 14x18” toms, 6x14” Edge snare drum.
proportionate counterhoops
It’s the details that define a finely crafted
instrument. DW’s proportionate Vari-Hoop
system is no exception. Ranging in thickness from 1.65mm to 2.3mm, each steel
triple-flanged hoop is married to a drum’s
specific geometry. A concept that considers the important relationship between a
drum’s size, weight and overall mass. Available in all four drum hardware options.
Standard on all maple Collector’s Series® toms is a
3-ply all-maple reinforcement hoop that is specially
configured for the size of the drum. This detail
recognizes that the reinforcement hoop on an 8” tom
is proportionately smaller than that of a 16” tom for
example. Due to DW’s advanced shell construction, the
hoop itself is not added for strength, but rather for a
more focused sound. Reinforcement hoops are optional
on Collector’s Series® maple drums and do not come
standard on Collector’s Series® birch.
DW designers created this unique floor tom leg
design to mimic the resonant quality that is generally
characteristic of a suspended tom. Available in all
four drum hardware color options, the radical 90°
bends include specially-machined diameter relief
for maximum transformation of vibration, while at
the same time providing a wider base for increased
stability. The 1/2” legs are firmly captured by DW’s
own TB12 tom bracket and matching memory locks
are included for easy set-up.
burnt toast
cherryblack fade
Color is added to the shell using a proprietary rolling machine that spins the shell slowly to allow the finish to be evenly applied. The shell is then hand rubbed to remove excess stain and
further penetrate the wood’s surface. The result is a matte finish that accentuates the beauty
and figuring of the wood.
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Natural Satin Oil with chrome hardware.
16x24” bass drum, 8x24” Woofer™, 5x8”, 5x10”, 6x12”, 7x14”, 10x16” toms,
5x14”, 6x10” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drums.
satin oil
satin oil Finish availability
satin oil
finishply™ Drum Finishes
A loud echo can be heard from the parking lot as 65,000 screaming fans fill
up the outdoor arena, the enthusiasm bursting into the night sky. Entering
from the side of the stage and peering into a hole between the monitor board
and the guitar tech, I see the stage is filled with brilliant white light. The
spotlights flash from purple to red to deep blue and reflect the thousands of
pieces of shattered glass covering the kit. Cymbals are virtual reflectors as
they shimmer and further explode in an array of color. Head down now in full
concentration, the drummer’s brow furrows as the solo begins. The crowd
claps, matching each cannon-like boom from the 24” kick. Big sounding
drums, as big as they get. For a few minutes there’s no guitars, no vocals, just
drums and the crowd. Staring down at my backstage pass, I think to myself,
“Man, I love this job.”
F I N I S H P L Y™
finishply™ Finish availability
black oyster
black oyster
black swirl
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Black
Oyster Glass FinishPly™ with chrome
hardware. 18x22” bass drum, 8x10”,
9x12”, 11x14”, 13x16” toms, 5x14”
Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
black velvet
blue oyster
blue silk
popular choice for drummers who prefer the bulletproof
durability of a protective laminate and the look only
FinishPly™ finishes can offer. Available in retro-style oyster,
sparkle and marine, as well as chrome, broken glass and a
myriad of other unique designs and colors, FinishPly™ finishes
provide a dramatic appearance that oftentimes can’t be found
anywhere else. Proprietary features such as overlap seems and
machine rolled full-surface adhesive application assure every
drum sounds exactly like a DW Collector’s Series® should.
deep blue
Few would argue, one of the most important factors in
drum making is the bearing edge. It’s the contact point
where the drumhead meets the shell. That’s where the
relationship between vibration and resonance really comes
into play. A DW bearing edge is cut and sanded by hand,
then carefully inspected over and over to ensure a true
surface. A unique design that was created after years of
road and studio testing that employs a 1/6” backcut which
almost floats the head on the shell for maximum shell
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Black Velvet FinishPly™ with black hardware.
18x22” bass drum, 10x10”, 12x12”, 12x14”, 14x16” toms, 7x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
F I N I S H P L Y™
“pedals since I
was 12, drums
since I was 15. I’m a
dw lifer.”
-josh freese
purple silk
red silk onyx
red sparkle
navy blue
solid black
ultra white
ultra white
white marine
FinishPly™ laminates are roll-pressed onto the drum using
specially selected adhesives that cover every inch of the
shell’s surface. This unique application combined with
hand-cut overlap seams guarantee that every FinishPly™
meets DW’s stringent quality standards.
white moire
Collector’s Series® Maple drums in Red Silk Onyx FinishPly™ with chrome hardware.
18x22” bass drum, 9x10”, 10x12”, 11x14”, 13x16” toms, 5x14” Collector’s Series® Maple snare drum.
FinishPly™ Finish availability
Photo by Alex Solca
collector’s series®
snare drums
The air in the tracking room is stale. “We’ve been getting drum sounds all
day!” The fluorescent lights in the studio are burning my eyes as I try out the
next snare, to no avail. “It just doesn’t have that crack.” Rubbing my eyes, I
let out a sigh. The second engineer bursts in, “Have we tried this one? It’s an
Edge Snare Drum.” I’ve heard about these and my buddy has one, but I’ve
never had the chance to try one. The producer smiles and takes another sip of
coffee. I hit the drum without tuning it. “Why didn’t we try this one first…cue
up the click, we’re ready!”
solid shell
Edge Series snare drums incorporate a handcrafted 10-ply, all-maple
center section with top and bottom
bands of extra-heavy gauge brass.
U.S. Patent #5377576.
Tonally, the classic solid maple
shell offers a characteristic blend of
low-end body, midrange focus and
high-end crack.
5x12”, 6x12”, 7x12”
5x13”, 6x13”, 7x13”
5x14”, 6x14”, 7x14”
4.5x12”, 5.5x12”, 6.5x12”
4.5x13”, 5.5x13”, 6.5x13”
4.5x14”, 5.5x14”*, 6.5x14”
4.5x15”, 5.5x15”, 6.5x15”
*also available in solid shell exotic
woods: Claro Walnut, Cocabola, Purple
Heart, White Ash and Zebrawood (all
exotic woods subject to availability).
DW’s Collector’s Series® snare drums are based
on a legendary design that adds 6-ply reinforcing
hoops to a 10-ply all-maple shell.
5x13”, 6x13”
4x14”*, 5x14”*, 6x14”*, 7x14”, 8x14”, 10x14”
4x15”, 5x15”, 6x15”
Featuring the dryness and clarity of Aluminum, the brightness and explosiveness of Bronze, the
subtlety and sensitivity of Copper and the warmth and projection of Vintage Brass, DW’s Collector’s Series® metal snare drums provide the widest possible range of tonal and performance
5x13”, 5x14”
4x14”, 5x14”, 6.5x14”
Vintage Brass:
5x14”, 6x14”
5x14”, 6.5x14”
*also available in 6+6 shell/hoop configuration for a
slightly darker tone.
drummer’s choice snare drum collection
The Drummer’s Choice Snare Drum Collection is inspired by many of DW’s top artists. Each drum is an exact replica of the snare drum
each artist chose from the many Collector’s Series® snare drum options available.
Abe Laboriel, Jr.
5x14 Aluminum
Natural/Chrome 
Matt Chamberlain
5x14 Copper
Natural/Chrome 
Billy Ward
5x13 Aluminum
Neil Peart
6x14 Edge
Red Sparkle Lacquer/Gold 
Brian Tichy
6x14 10+6 Maple
Vintage Marine FinishPly™/Chrome
Nisan Stewart
6x14 10+6 Maple
Ebony Satin Oil/Black 
Carl Allen
5x14 6+6 Maple
One Guy Red Lacquer/Chrome
Richie Hayward
5x14 Edge
Rich Red Zebrawood/Chrome
Chad Wackerman
5x13 10+6 Maple
Jewel Green Lacquer/Chrome
Sheila E.
4.5x13 Solid Shell
Sheila’s Hair Mapa Burl/Chrome 
Gary Novak
5x14 10+6 Maple
Tobacco Burst Satin Oil/Chrome
Stephen Perkins
7x14 Edge
Champagne Sparkle FinishPly™/Chrome 
Josh Freese
6x14 Bronze
Natural/Chrome 
Terry Bozzio
5.5x12 Solid Shell
Ebony Satin Oil/Black
Julio Figueroa
6.5x14 Vintage Brass
Tommy Lee
5x14 Edge
Ebony Satin Oil/Black
Kenney Dale Johnson
6.5x15 Solid Shell
Tangerine FinishPly™/Chrome
Tommy Stewart
5.5x13 Solid Shell
Ebony Satin Oil/Chrome
Marco Minnemann
5x13 10+6 Maple
White Wash Ash/Chrome
Zak Starkey
6.5x14 Solid Shell
Cherry Satin Oil/Black 
graphics snare drum collection
DW Collector’s Series® Graphics Snare Drums are ultra-custom lacquer finishes available on any of DW’s Collector’s Series® wood shell
configurations. Shown above from left to right: Barbed Wire (gold hardware), Skulls (satin chrome hardware), Cards & Dice (chrome
hardware), Solar Flares (gold hardware) and Tribal Flames (chrome hardware). Graphic Finishes snares are available in all of DW’s hardware finish options.
There’s no one feature that truly separates a Collector’s Series® drum from the competition. There are countless refinements and design innovations that make DW Collector’s Series® snares The Drummer’s Choice®. From the new Delta
ball-bearing throw-off (U.S. Patent #6,573,442B1), to True-Tone® copper snare wires, a Collector’s Series® Snare is built
for sound and built to last. Add to that solid shells and shell ply options, serious metal shell choices, vintage-style tube
lugs, die-cast hoops, Remo USA heads and virtually limitless finish and color choices to get the most complete line of
custom snares available today.
Created to act as a sub-woofer for the drumset, this
specialty drum is designed to utilize the sympathetic
frequencies from the bass drum to further enhance the
roundness and low-end punch most drummers seek.
The 8”-deep drum comes in 18” or 28” diameters and
does not include a reinforcement hoop. A May-ATM25BD
is factory installed (internal miking for the bass drum is
also recommended). TB12 tom brackets can also be factory installed on the bass drum and Woofer™ for sturdy
set-up. For temporary use, a cradle is also available.
vertical low timbre™
reinforcing hoops
Because of DW’s sophisticated
shell manufacturing techniques,
reinforcement hoops are no longer needed for strength. Although
they do, in fact, serve to ensure
the shell never goes out of round,
reinforcement hoops provide a more focused sound that many drummers
prefer. The 3-ply all-maple hoops for toms and 6-ply all-maple hoops for snares
and larger bass drums are also proportionate to the size of the shell. The larger
the drums, the deeper the hoop. Just another way to ensure each drum within
the kit is customized for optimal sound and performance.
edge snare drum
Combining the high-end crack of a brass drum and
the warmth of wood, the Edge was designed to give
drummers the most versatile snare sound for both stage
and studio. Available in a wide selection of depths and
diameters, the Edge’s solid brass rings are carefully
press fit onto either side of a wood center that is also
available in most of DW’s wood shell and finish options.
It’s a patented sound that the world’s top drummers have
come to cherish.
piccolo toms
In experimenting with different exotic woods as alternate shell making materials, DW’s
Custom Shell Shop discovered that in addition to the different tonal qualities inherent in
every unique type of wood, slight alterations in the shell’s construction can also greatly
influence sound. Some of the woods sampled possessed a vertical grain pattern that
when tested, dramatically lowered the pitch of the shell. Thus, VLT™ (Vertical Low Timbre™) was born. For those players who prefer a lower overall tone while still maintaining
maximum resonance and attack, VLT™ can be ordered as an option on all Collector’s
Series® Maple Drums.
gong bass drum
cocktail kit
Designed in conjunction with
legendary drummer Terry Bozzio,
piccolo toms feature a 2” deep
chrome-plated steel shell that’s sure
to surprise you with its full, rich
tone. A versatile add-on, they are
available in 8”,10” and 12” diameter
and feature DW’s mini lugs and
TB12 tom brackets for mounting on
any DW tom stand, multi-clamp or
DogBone™ attachment.
The new Collector’s Series® cocktail kit combines many of DW’s patented innovations
into one unique, travel-friendly set. From
its distinct “woofer-tom” to its new Sidekick
offset pedal design, no other cocktail kit offers such full, rich tom and bass drum tones.
With the use of multiple DogBone™ clamps
the kit can be easily transformed into almost
any configuration imaginable. Best of all, the
kit can be ordered in any of DW’s extensive
variety of finishes, drum hardware colors,
shell configurations and sizes to create the
most eye-catching and custom cocktail setup available today.
Developed in conjunction with DW Drum artist Marco Minnemann, DW’s
gong bass drum incorporates several design innovations and mounting options to better meet the needs of today’s progressive players. Featuring a 21”
or 23” 10-ply undersized all-maple shell for increased projection, the gong
bass drum is available in any of DW’s finish and drum hardware choices. The
gong bass drum also comes equipped with two TB12 brackets that can be
used to mount the drum on tom stands or a rack. Floor-tom style legs and
brackets are optional.
ESE™ or Enhanced Sound
Edge is a revolutionary
new concept in bearing
edge technology. Over the
years DW has lead the
way in refining the way
drums are constructed to
optimize both overall tone
and resonance. The ESE
edge features a sharper
backcut that is applied to
the resonant head only
and provides increased
resonance on higher pitched
toms (recommended for 8-12” toms). This sharper resonant edge has
proven to add increased attack and a longer fundamental tone. This
feature is optional on all Collector’s Series® drums. (U.S. Patent #6,525,250)
birch vs. maple
It’s an age-old question with so many players, birch versus maple. Some
prefer the clarity and full tonal characteristics of maple, while others are
partial to the high-end attack of birch. For many years DW has preached
the benefits of 6 and 7-ply hard
rock maple, but because The
Drummer’s Choice® should be
just that, there’s an even broader
range of sonic possibilities. DW’s
Collector’s Series® all-birch shell
is made from heartwood, which is
cut from the center of the log. This
process provides highly figured
wood not unlike an exotic wood
finish. Birch shells come standard
without reinforcement hoops, but
can be ordered with them if preferred. Whether you choose maple
or birch, you’ll enjoy the versatility
and attention to detail that make
DW shells second to none.
auxiliary clamps & arms
DW’s patented STM™ (suspension
tom mount) system allows drums
to vibrate freely, allowing maximum
resonance while securely holding the
drum in place. Because there are no
washers or grommets inhibiting the
lug rod receiver, choking is reduced
and tuning is as easy as ever.
(U.S. Patent #5520083)
DWSM808 - Drum Key Multi-Pack
Includes standard DW drum key,
drill-bit key, drum key keychain,
Speed Key and heavy-duty key.
These Terry Bozzio-designed rods
are available in True-Pitch® or
standard thread sizes and feature
a locking plastic sleeve that
provides incremental tuning and
acts as a lug lock, maintaining the
desired tension.
A shell’s fundamental pitch is where it wants
to be tuned. No more fighting with heads to
find the sweet spot. We’ve done it for you.
Every set that is crafted at DW is done so as
a family. Before the shell is sanded, bearing
edges are added or even one hole is drilled,
every drum is ear-matched to belong together
for life. In a word, tuning made easy.
(U.S. Patent #5770810)
Bass drum spurs
Solid and reliable, DW’s workhorse spurs can
rest snug against the drum for easy pack-up
and feature telescoping legs for increased
adjustability. Spikes are perfect for drum rugs
or carpet or the rubber feet can be screwed in
place for wood or other hard surfaces. Available
in all four DW drum hardware color options.
From the SM991 Auxiliary Tom Arm which features a ball-and-socket adjustment for easy
placement to the SM770 retro-style bass drum mounted cymbal arm, DW SmartPack™
Accessories provide all the flexibility and setup options any drummer would need.
Every Collector’s Series® snare comes with TrueTone® custom wires for enhanced response and
snap. The wires feature specially designed coils
and end plates for perfect snare-to-head contact.
drum hardware Colors
Collector’s Series® Drums are available in four distinct hardware color options.
Shown from left to right: Chrome, Satin Chrome, Black Chrome and Gold.
DW Clear-Coated heads by Remo USA come standard on
all Collector’s Series® drums and feature a coated tone
ring for just the right amount of muffling and a crimped
heads for maximum vibration and durability.
(U.S. Patent #5920021)
14-strand snares for 10” snare drums
14-strand snares for 12” snare drums
16-strand snares for 13” snare drums
18-strand snares for 14” snare drums
20-strand snares for 14” snare drums
22-strand snares for 14” snare drums
MAY Internal Drum Miking System
To give drummers even more
control over their sound, DW
created its patented True-Pitch®
rod system. The rods feature
10/32 threads rather than the
10/24 that’s standard on most
other drums. The result is a more
exacting tuning process. TruePitch® rods are only available in
chrome and gold.
True-Tone® Snare Wires
Clear-coated heads
shell construction
The recipe for a structurally sound shell starts with
raw materials. Hand selected veneer is cut to DW
specifications and delivered form the mill to the DW
Custom Shop where the process begins with the plies
themselves. To make the perfect plywood for making drums takes years of drum making experience
and know how. Special glues are formulated to allow
sound to travel actively through the plies, then grain
is cross-laminated for superior strength. Once cut to
size the shells are precisely rolled and heat pressed.
Reinforcement hoops are carefully installed utilizing a
finger joint and heat activated glue. Once again undergoing heat and 2000 lbs. of pressure, the raw shells
raw edges are cut and the shells are ready for timber
matching. It’s the most advanced, yet hands-on way
to make shells.
MAY e604SD/R/F
MAY 604C
Shock Mounts
MBM-1 BD Mount
MBM-2 BD Shock Mount
AVC Audio Vent Adapter
Rack Tom
Floor Tom
Bass Drum
Tunerz™ Tension Rods
10-pack 1-3/8” length True-Pitch® threads (5mm)
10-pack 1-5/8” length True-Pitch® threads (5mm)
10-pack 2-1/4” length True-Pitch® threads (5mm)
10-pack 2-3/4” length True-Pitch® threads (5mm)
DW Drum Polishing Cloth
Recommended for regular use on DW
Drums and Hardware, this cloth is specially blended from 100% Egyptian Cotton for use on all types of drum finishes,
hardware and cymbals.
MAY patented shock mount systems are optional equipment on all DW
Collector’s Series® drums and can be factory installed upon request or
purchased as an after market accessory. The mics can be permanently
drilled into the shell or mounted via non-drill AVCs (Audio Vent Connectors) that utilize the existing vent hole. MAY Miking Systems feature
the world’s most popular microphone models by the industry’s leading
manufacturers. Internal miking provides added isolation for those who
truly want to control their sound.
MAY ND868BD (shown below) with optional AVC-2
“quite frankly they’re
the best
most amazing sounding
“I haven’t seen
simply the
“dw drums are
best sounding
drums i’ve ever played!”
—joey kramer
in the world!”
—alex gonzalez
dream come true!
—victor loyo
from anybody.”
—jim keltner
the ‘strativarius’ of drums
—terry bozzio
sound of a dw drum is like
fat and juicy!”
looking drums ever made. period.”
—shawn pelton
from the gods
—herman matthews III
“when I need to get some
conversation, my
dw drums
are always there to
talk to me
after night
sound beautiful while doing so.”
handle night
of all i can give them, and
—scott underwood
“on my gig, I need
and [dw]
“i feel i
“if I
play my best with my d-dubs.
in production
show up for a gig and there’s a
DW drum
“if all you want to do is play on a
always sound great!”
—deen castronovo
extreme versatility,
has it all.”
—kenney dale johnson
my passion in performance.”
—dan wojciechowski
set there, I know I’m in good hands.”
—kerry griffin
sounding drumset
, DW drums