January 2015 TPIE Green Travel Tips


January 2015 TPIE Green Travel Tips
January 2015
The On-line Magazine
for Interior Plantscapers,
Green Walls, Green Roofs
and Allied Associates
Green Travel Tips
Photo copyright by Kathy Fediw
In this edition...
From the Editor
Making the Most of TPIE by John Mendozza, Morning Dew
Tropical Plants
Traveling Green by Kathy Fediw, LEED AP ID+C, CLP, CLT
Upcoming Events for 2015
International Design Contest
TPIE by FNGLA (Florida Nursery, Greenhouse and Landscape
TPIE Trade Show Floor Plan
Directory of Green Earth-Green Plants® Certified Businesses
New CEU Program from Green Plants for Green Buildings
About the Cover:
TPIE, the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition, is an annual event held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The finest
tropical plants grown in the Sunshine State are on
exhibit and it has become a destination for many winter-weary interior plantscapers. Beautiful displays
abound, such as this exhibit by Morning Dew Tropical
Plants from last year’s exhibition.
You’ll find more information on TPIE in this issue of IPlants Magazine—see you there!
Photo by Kathy Fediw
Feel free to forward this to your staff, colleagues and clients or subscribe them at www.I-PlantsMagazine.com. If
you’d like to use one of our articles in your newsletter please contact the author. All materials in this magazine
including photos are copyrighted and may not be used without written permission by the author or editor.
Interiorscape Suppliers and Associations:
Interested in advertising with us? Contact [email protected] to find out how you can access interiorscape
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© 2015, Johnson Fediw Associates, The Woodlands TX. All rights reserved. If you wish to use any materials in this publication you must
contact Kathy Fediw at [email protected] first for written permission. Thank you for protecting our copyrights.
From the Editor
Happy New Year! I love fresh beginnings and this year is no exception. You may
have noticed something different about this magazine—it’s 2 weeks early! We
decided to change the schedule beginning this month and bring you I-Plants
Magazine the first week of each month instead of the third week, since many of our articles are
time-sensitive, such as the articles you’ll find about TPIE, happening this month on January 20-23.
Information on the schedule, plus a copy of the trade show floor plan, have been provided by
FNGLA, the sponsoring trade association for this very popular exhibition. John Mendozza of Morning Dew Tropical Plants gives you his tips on making the most of your time at TPIE, based on his experience as an attendee, speaker and exhibitor. And you get my tips on “traveling green” found on
page 12 of this month’s magazine.
Plus, Green Plants for Green Buildings is debuting a new CEU program, Living Walls Advanced Case
Studies at TPIE—see the last page for details or visit www.gpgb.org
I’ll be there, too, walking the aisles, looking for news for next month’s issue, reconnecting with old
friends and meeting new ones. So stop me and say hello when you see me at TPIE!
Happy Trails to you, your green plants and green travel advocate,
Kathy Fediw, Publisher and Editor
[email protected]
PS: Last month we featured the Gaylord National Harbor Resort as a past First Place Winner in the
Holiday Décor category. This project was designed and installed by Choice Plantings, Inc., not Premier Plantscapes as stated in an early version of the magazine. Our apologies to Choice Plantings, and
a round of applause for a terrific project! (Premier Plantscapes is a past winner, too.)
Please support our advertisers who make this publication possible and free to you! Click on their ads and tell
your suppliers you read this magazine! Then be sure to spread the word and subscribe.
Tropical Computers
Aquamate/American Granby
No Sweat! Liners
Plant PAWS
Morning Dew Tropical Plants
Johnson Fediw Associates
Green Plants for Green Buildings
NewPro Containers
Flow and Grow
Soil Sleuth Soil Probes
Southwest Products: Brand X, etc.
PLANET (Professional Landcare Network)
Green Earth-Green Plants® Certification
Join our list of advertisers and reach interior plantscape owners, managers and sales associates throughout
the world. Just CLICK HERE for your free media kit.
©2015, Johnson Fediw Associates. Feel free to forward this publication to your friends and colleagues. Contents are copyrighted and
may not be sold or duplicated without written permission. Please contact Kathy Fediw at [email protected] for details.
Making the
Most of TPIE
Guzmania ‘Milena’ and John Mendozza
By John Mendozza, Morning Dew Tropical Plants
The Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition, January 21-23, 2015,
offers the best gathering for anyone interested in foliage and
tropical plants. TPIE is the only
national trade event for tropicals
and has some of the best speakers and workshops.
You’ll find cool products and be
able to attend great networking
events such as TPIE Happy Hour
and National Foliage Foundation
Here is an overview of some of
the key features of TPIE and
some tips on getting the most
out of attending TPIE.
There’s always something going
on at TPIE. Their schedule of
events can be found at
Knowing what is taking place at
TPIE will let you make the most
of attending. Here are 15 tips to
help you make attending TPIE a
Make a plan:
Talk to people that have attended TPIE
in the past and ask them questions.
Know ahead of time which booths,
workshops, and events are your “must
plish by attending the show. For exhibitors, your goal might be finding
new leads, educating people about
your company and products, or gathering information on trends in the
If you’re an attendee, maybe you’re
in the market to find a new supplier,
find new products, or strengthen
relationships with friends and col-
You can find exhibitor
booths on the TPIE
exhibitor map found
on TPIE’s website.
Know which workshops and other
events you want to
attend and put these
on your schedule.
Build in time for
browsing and networking. This is a
great time to find
something new! Be
flexible in your schedule for distractions
and waiting in lines,
and have a backup
plan for workshops or
events if your schedule requires changes.
Guzmania ‘Fancy’
Set a goal for what
you hope to accom-
©2015, Johnson Fediw Associates. Feel free to forward this publication to your friends and colleagues. Contents are copyrighted and may not be
sold or duplicated without written permission. Please contact Kathy Fediw at [email protected] for details.
orscape on Tuesday are
also great opportunities.
There’s always something
going on!
Adapt - Maybe you found
out about a cool event,
saw a booth that will lead
to your next big idea, or
got information that
needs to be shared now.
Plans and schedules can
change, and being able to
roll with the changes can
lead to great results!
Go mobile – TPIE has a
mobile-friendly version of
the website (m.tpie.org)
you can use on your
Keep the goal in mind as you
budget your time and expenses.
Bring business cards. These
are often one of the last
things you pack and can easily be forgotten.
Wear comfortable shoes.
Long periods of walking and
standing on concrete floors
(even when carpeted) can
take a toll on your feet and
Bring government issued
photo ID – the convention
center is located behind port
security checkpoints that require photo ID (your TPIE
badge won’t qualify).
Attend as much as you can!
The show runs Wednesday at
8am through Friday at 2pm.
The TPIE Road Shows for Garden Centers and Interi8
smartphone while at the show.
Recap after the show:
Take time after the show to recap and learn.
Gather and review the information your team gleaned from
attending TPIE and make a plan
on how you are going to implement the information gathered.
Follow up with contacts you
made at the show to strengthen
new relationships or follow up
on literature or sample requests.
Share what you learned from
TPIE with your team.
Plan for next year: talk about the
Here are some of the happenings at TPIE:
Trends & Mindsets – Creating Success Today by Anticipating
tomorrow’s Consumer Trends and Needs, Wednesday 9-10am
Plant Design Trends, Wednesday 11-11:45am; 2-2:45pm
Living Walls and Green Roofs, (separate event) Wednesday 15pm
Plants with a RePurpose, Thursday 10am-10:45am; 1-1:45pm
The Art of Plants, Friday 10-10:45am; 12:30-1:15pm
high points and some things that
could have been done better to
accomplish your goal.
TPIE is the best event around for
tropicals I have attended every
year for the last 31 years, and I
always learn something new. It’s
a great place to connect, learn,
and have fun!
For more information on Morning
Dew Tropical Plants go to
www.morningdewtropical.com and
stop by their booth at TPIE!
TPIE Show, Wednesday 10am-5pm, Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-2pm.
TPIE Booth Awards Presentation, Wednesday 1-1:30pm
National Interiorscape Awards Presentation, Thursday
TPIE Cool Products Awards Presentation, Thursday 2-3pm
ECGC Vendor Award Presentation, Thursday 3pm
National Foliage Foundation $1000 Raffle Drawing, Friday 11
TPIE’s Innovation Lounge
TPIE Happy Hour, Wednesday 5-6pm
National Foliage Foundation Reception, Wednesday 5-6:30pm
FNGLA Horticulture Career Fair, Friday 10-11am
TPIE’s Innovation Lounge
Exhibitor-hosted events
Guzmania ‘Milena’ and John Mendozza
By Kathy Fediw, LEED AP ID+C, CLP, CLT
We’re all going somewhere,
even if it’s just around the corner. Whether you are going to
TPIE, some other conference,
vacation, or the neighborhood
coffee shop, these tips will help
you “go green.”
1. Bring along a travel mug and/
or water bottle and use it. According to WikiPedia, “Over 6.5
million trees were cut down to
make 16 billion paper cups used
by US consumers only for coffee
in 2006, using 4 billion US gallons
(15,000,000 m3) of water and
resulting in 253 million pounds
of waste.” I hate to see the sta-
tistics for 2014. It took 17 million
barrels of oil to make the disposable plastic bottles for bottled water
consumed in the US in 2006. It also
takes more water than what the
bottles hold to produce a plastic
water bottle.
Reusable travel mugs and water
bottles will decrease the environmental impact of your travels, and
save you money. Water bottles can
be refilled many times, and many
shops will discount your coffee if
you bring your own travel mug.
2. Plant a tree for every trip you
take. You can donate to a
worthwhile non-profit, or
plant a tree yourself in a
neighborhood park or your
own back yard. This is one
way to compensate for some
of the emissions you’ll be creating, whether you fly, take a
bus or train, or drive. It’s not
the perfect solution, but it’s a
step in the right direction.
3. Use the shuttle. Most urban airports have shuttle service to the major hotels,
whether they are offered in-
dependently or by the hotel itself.
Other ride-sharing services are also
available. Check before you leave
and make reservations if required.
Many conferences also offer shuttle
service to and from the convention
center and hotels.
No shuttles available? Ask a friend
if they’d like to share a taxi (but
don’t ask strangers for safety reasons.)
4. Walk as much as possible. Many
hotels are close to the conference
center, restaurants, shops and other attractions. Walking instead of
taking the shuttle or taxi will help
you keep fit while saving on fuel
consumption and emissions.
Some cities, including Fort Lauderdale, offer bicycles for rent by the
hour or day at stations close to conference centers.
©2015, Johnson Fediw Associates. Feel free to forward this publication to your friends and colleagues. Contents are copyrighted and may not be
sold or duplicated without written permission. Please contact Kathy Fediw at [email protected] for details.
5. Recycle everything you can.
Many hotel lobbies and conference centers now have recycling bins. If yours doesn’t, ask
them about it. The more requests they get, the more likely
they will eventually begin recycling.
6. Check with speakers to see if
the handouts are available
online or by email. Many conferences have stopped printing
out handouts, which usually get
thrown out any way. Check
with the conference planner or
the speakers to see if they have
a copy you can download instead. Use your tablet or laptop for taking notes.
7. Take an exhibitor’s business
card instead of their price lists
and brochures. Print brochures, catalogs and price lists
cost money and consume large
amounts of energy, paper and
inks in their production, along
with energy costs in shipping.
Guzmania ‘Gazpacho’
If you see something you like,
take a business card, write a
note on the back, and then
check out their website for the
information you need.
8. Pack only what you really
need to save on fuel and laundry. There’s no need to pack
cocktail attire for TPIE, or that
hiking vacation
in the mountains. Do, however, pack one
extra top and
set of underwear in case
your flight is
delayed, or you
actually do
make it to the
9. Skip the daily laundry services at your
hotel whenever possible. Let’s face it, most of us
don’t launder our sheets and towels
every day. Many hotels are now
cutting back to laundry service every 3
or 4 days instead of daily. This saves
on energy, water and phosphatebased detergents.
10. Buddy up with a roommate when
possible. Have a friend who’s also
going to the conference? See if they’d
like to share a room with you. You’ll
be using half the amount of energy and other resources than if
you stayed by yourself, and
splitting the costs, too.
11. Use daylight and open the
drapes in your hotel room.
Turn off the lights when you
leave. Adjust the thermostat if
you’ll be out all day to save on
12. Look for locally grown, organic
foods and beverages.
Many restaurants now
offer local produce,
meats, wines, craft
beers and other goodies. You’ll be helping
the local economy and
cutting down on the
fuel used to ship food products
long distances.
13. Make your trip multipurpose. Going to a conference?
Can you extend your stay and
make it a family vacation? Or
meet with several clients while
you’re in town? Or visit a supplier
or two while you’re in the area?
Can you piggy-back on with a trip
to another city? Multipledestination flights are usually
much less expensive than taking
two separate trips, and require
less fuel consumption.
14. And finally, eat and sleep
where they have plants! We all
know the many benefits of indoor
plants, yet many hotels and conference centers still do not have
plants. Make this a criteria for
where you spend your money.
Kathy Fediw is the founder of the
Green Earth—Green Plants ® business certification program. For
more information go to
January 2015
January 14, 2015: Healthy Plants, Healthy You, a one0day event sponsored by eFIG. For
more information go to www.efig.co.uk
January 21-23, 2015: TPIE (Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition), sponsored by FNGLA, Fort
Lauderdale, FL. For more information go to www.tpie.org
January 21, 2015: GPGB Train the Trainer Session, Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more information on this event go to www.gpgb.org (registration is separate from TPIE.)
January 21, 2015: Deadline for submissions for eFIG’s Gold Leaf Awards. For forms and
more information go to www.efig.co.uk
April 2015
April 9, 2015:
Longwood Gardens, Kennett
Square, PA,
sponsored by
For more info
go to
July 2015
July 11-14,
2015: Cultivate’15, Columbus, OH,
sponsored by
For more info
go to www.am
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Out of respect for our loyal paid advertisers may promote their products and services on our social media platforms,
thank you for your cooperation and giving them the respect they deserve.
To advertise, please contact [email protected]
PA was one of the first interior
plantscape businesses in the
United States to offer holiday
decorating services to their commercial clients on a large scale.
For many years they opened
their doors to the industry and
offered classes to other interiorscape businesses, freely sharing their experiences, sources,
designs , “recipes” and calculations on how to offer these services and make a profit. They
recently answered our Facebook
search for holiday photos and
sent us these photos of the
Christmas trees they designed
and installed this year.
Plantscape, Inc of Pittsburgh,
Guzmania ‘Milena’ and John Mendozza
What’s Trending in 2015? TPIE!
The Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) leads the way in
providing a comprehensive look
at consumer trends, design
trends and trending products,
particularly related to tropical
plants and foliage. A highlight of
TPIE-only activities and opportunities which not only have trendfocus but will allow attendees on
gather pertinent information,
collect smart ideas and connect
with helpful people.
TPIE’s Opening Session –
“Trends & Mindsets – Creating
Success Today by anticipating
tomorrow’s Consumer Trends
and Needs.” Christine Boland, a
leading international trend
watcher and analyst, will give
her take on social, retail and
consumer trends and how to
apply this information to your
products and business for increased sales and profits. This session takes place Wednesday, Jan.
21 at 9 a.m.
TPIE Create Theater - Located on
the show floor, this activity center
offers twice-daily presentations by
American Institute of Floral Design
(AIFD) designers on Plant Design
Trends, Plants with a RePurpose
and the Art of Plants. Each session
will include hands-on, take-away
tips of the trade as well as inspiring
design ideas for upselling plants.
TPIE Road Show – Education On
The Go is the theme for this interactive day of education. Sessions
start in the classroom to set the
stage, then participants climb
aboard buses to visit nursery operations and garden centers to learn
first-hand production and retail
trends implementation. Tracks are
specific for interiorscapers and retailers. The TPIE Road Show is an all
-day event on Tuesday, January 20,
with separate registration required.
TPIE Cool Products – Facilitated by
The Garden Center Group, this session showcases the top 15 cool
plants and products at TPIE voted
by buyers at the show. Exhibitors
will share more information
about the wining items on Thursday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. at the Create Theater. This session is a
quick and lively way to see
what’s trending at TPIE.
TPIE Exhibitor Showcase of Products at the Innovation Lounge is
the place to see the new plants
and products being introduced
into the industry, as well as those
which exhibitors think are special
enough to put in the spotlight.
Located on the show floor, the
Innovation Lounge is open during
show hours with comfortable
Guzmania ‘Fancy’
©2015, Johnson Fediw Associates. Feel free to forward this publication to your friends and colleagues. Contents are copyrighted and may not be
sold or duplicated without written permission. Please contact Kathy Fediw at [email protected] for details.
seating to relax and power
outlets to recharge.
In addition to the many
ways TPIE keeps you on
track with important trends,
additional activities such as
the TPIE Happy Hour, give
time to connect and share
with other industry professionals in an informal, yet
informed setting.
Register no later than January 5 for the discounted
price of $15 for a trade
show badge and the
discounted price of
$120 for the TPIE
Road Show. Even at
the regular rate of
$30, the TPIE trade
show badge is a great
value, including three
days of admission to
the premium tropical
plant and foliage
show in the world,
complimentary admission to the TPIE
Opening Session, a
free seat at any session at the Create
Theater, admission
to the TPIE Happy
Hour, including a
complimentary drink
ticket, access to the
Innovation Lounge
and introductions to thousands of
smart and creative industry professionals. The TPIE Road Show gets you
all the above, plus invaluable access to
retail and interiorscape expertise in
classroom sessions, on the buses and
while touring nursery operations and
garden centers. Bus transportation
and lunch is included, all for only $150
after the Jan. 5 pre-registration deadline.
Take advantage of TPIE’s hotel reservation service through EventSphere,
TPIE’s official housing company. Stay
at TPIE’s host hotels for the best
pricing and extras provided only to
TPIE attendees. Shuttle buses run
from each of TPIE’s host hotels to
the Broward County Convention
Center on show days.
For more details on TPIE visit
www.tpie.org. TPIE is produced by
FNGLA, with proceeds from event
returned back to serve the industry.
Guzmania ‘Victory’
Guzmania ‘Fancy’
more information
Join the growing number of companies becoming
Green Earth-Green Plants Certified Businesses!
Plant Solutions, Inc. IP
Scottsdale, AZ
Phone: (480) 585-8501
Owner: Joe Zazzera, LEED AP,GRP
McHenry Plantation, Inc. IP
Phone: (714)689-9992
Owner: Nicole McHenry
Interior Tropical Gardens IP
Huntley, IL (Chicago area)
Phone: (866)427-5268
Owner: Mark Martin
Mimosa Interior Landscape IP
Elk Grove Village, IL (Chicago area)
Phone: (847) 545-1800
Owners: Paul Zaccarine and David
Biggus, CLP
Phillip’s Interior Plants & Displays
Oak Brook, IL (Chicago area)
Phone: (630) 954-3600
Division Manager: Jean Berg
plants inc IP
Chicago, IL
Phone: (773) 478-8208
Contact: Jane Rodgers
Hoffman Design Group, Inc. IP
Philadelphia/New York/Delaware
Phone: (800) 550-3655
Owner: Bryan Hoffman
Plantarium Living Environments, LLC
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: (215) 338-2008
Owner: Bob Bashore
Good Earth Plant Company, Inc. IP
Silver Level
San Diego, CA
Phone: (858) 576-9300
Owner: Jim Mumford, GRP, CLP
Growing Roots IP
Long Beach, CA
Phone: (562) 773-7027
Owner: Jennifer Bermudez-Perez
McHenry Plantation, Inc. IP
Costa Mesa and San Diego, CA
Phone: (714)689-9992
Owner: Nicole McHenry
Steve Wolff & Associates, Inc. IP
Villa Park, CA
Phone: (714)282-1155
Owner: Steve Wolff
Design Perfected, Inc. IP
Denver, CO
Phone: 303-817-8070
Owner: Patty Seabolt
Atria, Inc. IP. Platinum Level
Cheshire, CT
Phone: 203-753-6200
Owner: Bruce Crowle
Tampa, FL area
Phone: (813)258-1940
Owner: Steve Stanford
Maryland/DC area:
Interior Plantscapes, Inc. IP
Laurel, MD
Phone: (301) 498-5028
Owner: Sandra Mobley
Office Greens, LLC IP, Silver Level
Shakopee, MN (Minneapolis area)
Phone: 612-396-4856
Owner: Abe Quiring
New Jersey:
South Carolina:
Foliage Concepts IP
Spartanburg, SC
Phone: (864) 576-9186
Owner: Les Love
Green Oasis Plantscapes, Inc. IP
San Antonio
Phone: (210) 653-8900
Owner: Mike McAbery
Plant Interscapes, Inc. IP
Most major cities
Phone: (210) 696-4003
Owner: Mike Senneff
Silversand Services, Inc. IP
Houston, TX
Phone: (713) 722-0336
Contact: Lisa Hathaway
North Carolina:
Buckingham Greenery IP
Buckingham, VA
Phone: (434) 969-4711
Owner: Connie Hom
Greatscapes & More IP
Richmond, VA
Phone: (804) 657-7080
Owners: Meg and Rob Watson
Foliage Concepts IP
Asheville, NC
Phone: (828) 253-2888
Owner: Les Love
*IP: Interior Plantscape
Raimondi Horticultural Group, Inc. IP
Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ and New York/New Jersey/PA areas
Phone: 201-445-1299
Owner: Chris Raimondi