Awards - Thomas Hassall Anglican College


Awards - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Term 2 I 21 June 2016
Today is the shortest day of the year – the winter solstice. It’s the day when
the Sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere, and
tomorrow begins the journey towards summer and the warm weather. That
might be a comfort to you in the middle of winter and in this our last week of
the term ahead of a vacation period. College will recommence on Monday 18
Are you surviving the election battles – not just in our own country, but in the
United States as well, where that country has been in election mode some 18
months ahead of the vote later this year. The battle in all elections is for our
hearts and minds; perhaps even about the high ideals of democracy and a
vision for the future of the country. There’s always a tension in the air as
politicians seek to win our vote.
The United Kingdom votes this week in a referendum to decide its future in the European Union,
and tension has led to the shooting death of politician Jo Cox, an outcome that we find very hard
to believe. Our hearts go out to her family; to families of other victims of politics and social
change, like those in Orlando in the USA. In the west we live in a time of economic prosperity,
yet it is also a time of significant change at social and policy levels. This can be a time of
anxiety for many, and as a community we do well to encourage stability and predictability. We
do well to communicate more with others.
There are several social issues on the community table of discussion – family breakdown;
questions around gender and marriage equality; the plight of refugees in the country; work
futures for young people; the impact of the digital age and social media in our lives. We know of
people close to us, don’t we, living through anxious times or times of grief and loss. These are
important issues to understand and hold an opinion about so that we might contribute to the
decisions that will be made. For the Christian person, such issues are full of questions about
biblical values, and it’s a worthwhile and thoughtful time.
It’s interesting to engage with young people here at the College around the state of the broader
society. They are surrounded by complexity and in the main adapt very well to change and
innovation. It’s an information rich world, and our College students are keen to learn new skills
and understandings – they are keen to engage in problem solving. The role of parents and
teachers is to also convey wisdom and understanding; to teach and strengthen values and to
provide opportunities that allow questions to be raised. We will teach from a Christian
perspective. To assist, over the next few months, the College will provide a small number of
events to inform our discussions. The eminent psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg will visit the
College. Later in the year the SMBC will present 2 ‘Hot Topics’ for our thinking, and there will
be presentations by our own staff in relevant areas. Speak with us if necessary, about the
concerns of your children at home or at the College. Join with us in praying for families
undergoing stress or loss.
Ross Whelan
‘Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help us in our time of need.’ Hebrews 4:16
Kiara Rojas
Amy Johnson
Sienna Keroulis Sava Dokic
William Weston
Matthew Delianachi
Stanton Collyer
Madison Georgey
Gabriel Gonzalex
Salvatore Barone
Lucia Garrido
Sebastian Petrovski
Adrian Viggiani
Kushal Singh
Isobel McTavish
Anne Bunch
Isaac Harb
Erdwan Kalid
Alex Lotorto
Luke Micallef
Eliza Palmer
Ritisha Singh
Joseph Mikhail Ella Webster
Alexandra Ofori Joy Ofori
Sophia Kaltsas Caitlyn Panes
Brooklyn Moriana
Pietro Sanfilippo
Matthew Vongprachanh
Sharneece Nakhl
Isabella Scarfone
Andrew Thach
Elijah Cruz
Faith Aguero
Andy Lay
Callie Bedding
Aleksandar Matic
Jordan Youkhana
Nicholas Demasi
Aleksia Maksimovic
Emilie Sullivan
Following the busy time of examinations and final assessments students and
teachers will look forward to having a break. Meanwhile, reports are being
prepared to be distributed in the coming weeks. Early next term parents will
have the opportunity to speak with teachers at the scheduled Parent Teacher
Nights; please take the time to catch up with your child’s teachers to discuss
their progress.
This week we have our Year 10 students out on work experience. This is
usually a very productive time for students as they consider more seriously ‘life
after school’. Some students discover what they are passionate about and what
they want to pursue as a career choice. Others discover that they don’t want to
work in a particular area and so set out to attend their studies at school with
more purpose. Either way students grow and mature with the short experience
that they do have in the workforce.
In the past week or so we have had numerous groups engage in a wide variety
of events both inside and outside of the College. The recent highlights have
included: the State Championship of the Giants Cup in Wagga Wagga; ongoing
participation in the Bill Turner Cup Soccer Competition, this competition has
been going all term and will increase with difficulty at each exchange; students
competing at the NASSA Athletics and AICES Cross Country Competition;
continuing participation in the HICES Debating Competition; the successful
completion of the Year 9 Camp; students starting off the journey on the Dukes
of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme to achieve their Bronze Level with another group
of senior students completing a major hike that will contribute towards their Gold
Level in the Dukes program, this hike involved traversing the beautiful Southern
bushland of the Budawangs, a location west of Ulladulla; performance nights
were held for Years 10 and 11 Drama, and 11 & 12 Music. There was also a
series of excursions and of course a very successful House Spelling Bee
Competition. In each of these events there have been some excellent outcomes
for all concerned. Students and teachers have risen to a challenge and have
had to dig deep in order to do their personal best. I am very appreciative of all
the work that teachers are doing behind the scene to facilitate all these
opportunities. These programs don’t just happen; the programs themselves are
driven by passionate teachers whom are committed to providing opportunities
for students to stretch themselves. To explore God’s world in all its complexity
and to be part of the celebration of life which is an important part of what we do
at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.
Part of the celebration of life was the recent funeral of our beloved Soccer
Coach and College parent, Mr Ramsin Shamon. I have already written about
Ramsin in another part of the newsletter; however, suffice to say that students
and families from across the whole College community were in attendance at
the funeral. Whilst it was difficult to find the right words of comfort it was good to
see people come together to celebrate Ramsin’s life. It was also a very
important expression of community. Please continue to lift up the Shamon
family to the Lord through this difficult time.
Make the most of this holiday with family and friends to rest and rejuvenate in
preparation for Semester Two.
"Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
Mr Roger Young
Term 2
Diary Dates
Week 9
Wednesday 22June
AICES Football Championships U15
Thursday 23 June
Year 11 Parent Teacher Night
Term 3
Week 1
Thursday 21 July
7 & 10 Parent Teacher Night
Friday 22 July
Term 3 Class Parent’s Meeting
It has been a sad week for the College with the passing of Mr Ramsin Shamon.
Ramsin had a very strong connection to the Junior School as a Dad first and as
a soccer coach throughout the Junior School. Ramsin touched many lives, he
was passionate about soccer and about the College. He was keen to connect
and support the College in any way that he could. He enjoyed coaching not just
our elite players but also wanted to instil a love for the game in all our children.
He was always encouraging, enthusiastic and brought the best out in the
children. Thank you to all our students and parents who attended the funeral,
sent messages and prayed for the family, it was a testament to how much
Ramsin was respected and loved. Our prayers are with Jacqui, Braxton, Reggi,
Aliyah and Kendra at this very difficult time.
The term is coming to an end and the Semester One reports went home on
Friday. It has been a pleasure reading the comments and seeing the progress
of each student. The reports have changed slightly, the course outlines have
been added to give parents a glimpse of what has been covered in each subject
and we have introduced an Integrated Course which covers our new History,
Geography and Science outcomes. Please take the time to read the whole
report, the focus is not on the overall grade for each subject but on the skills the
students have learnt, what they do well and where they can improve. It is
important that it is read in conjunction with the Portfolio Tasks as this shows you
what is expected and gives feedback that will help the child develop.
The end of term also sees some staff changes in the Junior School. Mrs Kylie
Ford will be leaving us to take up a position at St Andrews Cathedral School in
their Indigenous Education program. This has been a passion for Mrs Ford since
she and her husband Andrew served the indigenous community in Broome.
Mrs Ford is an amazing teacher and will certainly be missed by all but she will
be a blessing in her new position. Mrs Faye Bilawczuk will be taking over KF as
Mrs Sally Arthur will be returning from maternity leave and will take over the
Prep classes. Mrs Kelli Flack will be commencing her maternity leave and we
wish her well as she and her husband Peter welcome a new addition to their
Mrs Christine Bessant
Term 2
Diary Dates
Week 9
No events scheduled
Term 3
Week 1
Friday 22 July
Term 3 Class Parent’s Meeting
God is our Refuge and Strength
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Recent events in our local and global community have shocked us and caused many
to ask; where do we turn in times of trouble?
Locally, it was with great sadness that we mourned the loss of a beloved parent and
football coach at Thomas Hassall, Ramsin Shamon. Ramsin, also a Southern
Districts Football coach, was diagnosed with cancer not that long ago and lost his
battle very quickly. He will be greatly missed.
It is in these moments that we come to rely on faith.
Some think death is nothing to be feared or denied. Rather. It is an inevitable part of
human experience.
It is difficult to imagine, however, what comfort this would be to families in our
community who are in deep grief. We cannot simply say, ‘Chin up, it's just part of the
human experience.’
Globally, we were horrified at the events in Orlando with America’s worst gun crime
in history. An event that caused the deaths of nearly 50 people at the hands of a
man with a semi-automatic weapon against the LGBTI community. Tragic.
Christians condemn violence in all its forms; domestic violence, street violence,
xenophobic violence, religiously motivated violence and violence against the LGBTI
This is because God’s love knows no bounds. He extends his love to all without
distinction and without prejudice. So when one, let alone 50, bearers of God’s image
are murdered, God grieves. When a further 53 are injured and hospitalised, God
grieves. For our God is a God of compassion and grace, and in the depth of our
sorrow and pain, he offers to carry us through the valley of the shadow of death.
We should search own hearts, as evil exists in each one of us. We have all fallen short of the glory of God. None of us
are without fault. God responds to acts of unimaginable pain and hate with unprecedented love. He sent His Son, Jesus,
who experienced our pain and took the punishment of our sin. Tragedy will not shake God, like it does us. He is our
refuge and strength. He is all we need when we are in need.
Rev Stuart Tye
We rejoice with Marissa and Steven Benham as they welcomed their precious little
girl, Lillian Grace, on Tuesday 14 June. What a blessing! We wish them much
happiness for their future as a family with lots of cherished memories.
Class Parent News
It was lovely to meet with our Class Parents Team again on Friday over coffee
and croissants as we reviewed the first two terms of fantastic events and began
to plan Year Group stalls for the South West Festival – lots more news will
follow next term so look out for information about how you can get involved and
support the activities of your child/ren’s Year Group/s.
Prep Class Parents have planned a fun disco at Lollipops Playland in the
holidays – see ad in this edition of The Way. Many thanks to the Taylor Family
for their generous support of this gathering.
South West Festival - Business Stall
Holders Bookings Are Open
Thomas Hassall Anglican College is very pleased to stage the South West
Festival on Saturday 3 September from 9am-3pm on the College grounds. As
you may know, the event has grown annually to become one of the largest
festivals in Sydney’s South West … attracting over 6,000 visitors from the
College, the local community and beyond.
Last year’s record breaking crowds along with the vast range of stall holders,
exhibitors and activities helped to ensure the best ever event and bookings will open very shortly for business stall holders at
the 2016 event. If you or someone you know is interested in taking a stall, please encourage them to contact me as soon as
possible. The Class Parents have already begun to plan the activities and stalls they will run during the event, however, as the
school holidays are often a time when the pace slows a little and we catch up on jobs we have been putting off, we have a few
ideas for you!
Year 5 Class Parents have nominated to run a second hand book stall at the Festival. Therefore, if you are planning
on a clear out of your bookshelves in the holidays, please don’t take your books to the op shop but bring them in to the
College. We are happy for donations to be brought to the Maintenance Shed during the holidays if this is helpful to you.
This stall will be co-ordinated by Mrs Cindy Lousada.
Prep Parents will be asked to contribute items towards our much sought after Gift
Baskets Stall and will receive a form about how to help with this great fundraiser
before the end of the week. The holidays are a great time to take the children shopping
and involve them in selected items to donate for the gift baskets. This stall will be coordinated by our ‘Gift Basket Queen’, Mrs Neviene Georgey, Year 8 Class Parent and if
you are interested in assisting with this activity, please let me know.
There will be lots more information about the Festival at the start of Term 3 so please keep
your eye on the newsletter and do not hesitate to contact me should you have any
Important Diary Dates for all families (and friends)
We are very pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Liverpool
Chamber of Commerce to host a Community Forum on Wednesday 10 August
at 7pm with guest speaker, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. Many of you will know
of Michael as the resident parenting expert of Channel 7’s Sunrise breakfast
program and author of nine books including a best seller on adolescence.
Michael is one of Australia’s highest profile psychologists, a columnist for a
number of publications including Girlfriend Magazine and he founded CanTeen
over 30 years ago with a group of young cancer patients.
Michael will present a session titled ‘Raising Happy and Resilient Children’
and this forum is a must for all our families. There will be no charge and you are
welcome, and encouraged, to invite friends and family to attend this unique
opportunity. Registrations will open in Term 3.
Another diary date . . . Class Parents are organising a ‘Girls Day Out’ Warehouse Shopping Bus Tour on Saturday 19
November - just in time to do your Christmas Shopping! Make sure you save the date and look out for booking details next
term as seats will be limited. The air-conditioned coach will leave the college at 7am and return at 6.30pm and will include
stops for shoes, handbags, clothing, homewares, manchester, toys, Christmas chocolates and nuts. The cost will be $60
which includes a two course lunch and there will be lots of giveaways and fun along the way.
Blessings for the holiday break.
Mrs Jo Hutchens
[email protected]
Year 8 Visual Arts
Artists from Year 8 have been practising their drawing skills, not on white paper but on black. They were encouraged to
consider tonal areas and the textural qualities of fur, feathers, hair rather than outline and colour-in. In this way these
animals give the illusion of emerging from the darkness. Congratulations go to these students for their beautiful
Mrs Cheryl O’Mara - Visual Arts
Michael Milone - 8.1
Danica Harkness - 8.1
Melanie Eggins - 8.1
Jordan Karampour - 8.3
Dejan Miljusevic - 8.1
Allysan Choy - 8.1
Emily Fitzgerald - 8.3
Lily Joseph - 8.3
Dukes Fun - June 2016
Two great expeditions were enjoyed by our students
recently. Twenty Year 9 students responded well to their
orientation training and delighted in a fascinating
exploration of the country from Winmalee to Yarramundi
for their Preliminary Bronze Expedition. This involved
map work, cave exploration, pack techniques, camp craft
and a river crossing. Thanks to Miss Friel for her help
and encouragement.
Five Gold Participants rose well to the colossal challenge
of a 4 day, 4 night trek into the wilds of the Budawangs
west of Ulladulla. They exhibited superb teamwork,
preparedness and remarkable stamina to conquer what
was often an extremely arduous and difficult trip, showing
excellent navigational technique and considerable
patience. Well done boys!
Thanks to the leaders who helped – Mr Beckinsale,
Mr Ward and Mr Booy.
Mr Jim Ward
Dukes Coordinator
Dukes Fun - June 2016
In Memorium : Ramsin Shamon
Our community at Thomas Hassall Anglican College was shocked and deeply saddened by
the sudden passing of Mr Ramsin Shamon this week. Ramsin passed away after a relatively
short battle with cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Ramsin’s wife, Jacqui, and
children, Braxton (Graduate, 2015), Regis (Year 11), Aliyah (Year 7) and Kendra (Year 2). I
was deeply moved by the strength and courage shown by Jacqui and her children as they
openly shared their journey with the many friends, family and members of the College
community. The Shamon family’s openness and willingness to be vulnerable at this time
has been incredible and something I will treasure. I would encourage the College
community to continue to lift up the family in prayer, asking God to comfort and strengthen
them at this time.
Ramsin has been a parent of the College since 2008 and has more recently served the
College as our specialist Soccer Coach, involved with students across the College in both
the Junior and Senior years. Ramsin’s passion, besides his family, was soccer. For many
years Ramsin had shared a vision to see Thomas Hassall Anglican College become a key hub for young people
aspiring to play soccer at the highest level. While we had considered the idea we had never been in a position to
embark on such a program until we decided in 2014 to give such a program a trial. Since this time students across the
years, have spoken warmly of the difference Ramsin had made in their lives and particularly in their soccer
development. Parents have also communicated their appreciation of Ramsin’s input. It is hard to measure our
influence upon others’ lives in the role we might have at work or at home; in Ramsin’s case we saw tangible
improvement in the skills of each student and with that, a corresponding sense of positive well-being as they
progressed through the football program. We will miss Ramsin’s friendly smile and his positive approach to life and in
particular his desire to pass on his passion for soccer.
Mr Roger Young - Head of Senior School
The soccer program is suspended for this term and we will be assessing the best way forward in the new term. Special
thanks to Southern Districts Football Association for their support of Ramsin and the Shamon family in the past months
and in the time ahead.
Student wear black arm bands in memory of their coach, Ramsin Shamon at IPSSO match this week.
On Friday 29th July at 6.30pm there will be a Benefit Night for the Shamon Family at Novella Events.
Tickets are $150.00 per person, with all proceeds going to the Shamon Family. Tickets are limited. There will
be raffles, auction items and games. Please contact the SDSFA Office of 9892 1962 or email [email protected].
The College is compiling a condolence book for the Shamon Family from students,
parents and staff. If you wish to contribute special memories, messages of sympathy,
poems, artwork or reflections please contact Mrs Jo Hutchens, Director of Marketing,
Enrolment & Community Relations E: [email protected] with your
contribution before the end of Term.
Host Families Needed
The College is excitedly looking forward to hosting students from
both our Japanese sister schools. The first visit is from
Takayamamura Junior High School and will involve 42 students
visiting. They will be arriving on Thursday 4 August and departing
Monday 8 August. The second visit is from Fukuroi Senior
High School and will involve 25 students visiting. They will be
arriving on Friday 19 August and departing Sunday 28 August.
We are seeking host families with students at the College who
would be willing to have 2 students stay with them.
Host families will be paid $45 a day per student.
This is a great opportunity for families from the College to share in a rich cultural exchange. Students studying
Japanese will benefit greatly in their language learning from this opportunity so come and pick up a form from
Mrs Byrne or Ms Raft in the P Block Staffroom and join in the fun.
Mrs Fiona Byrne
Senior School Teacher - LOTE
Disability Provisions for the HSC
Important Message for Parents and Care Givers of students sitting the 2017 Higher School Certificate
In order to create a level playing field for all of our students in the Higher School Certificate Examination, Disability
Provisions are available to a small number of students in Year 12 with documented medical or learning difficulties.
Disability Provisions may include the use of reader writers, withdrawal, rest breaks and occasionally, for extraordinary
circumstances, extra time.
BOSTES requires detailed evidence before provisions are granted for certain conditions. If you believe that your student
may be eligible, please contact myself or the College for details of the Board of Studies requirements.
Disability Provisions may be available even though your student has accessed provisions before.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding Disability Provisions,
Mrs J Smythe
Learning Support Co-ordinator, Senior School
Kokoda Track Trip
We have a large group participating in the Kokoda Track Trip this year,
Some of the participants who are undertaking the Kokoda Track these
holidays are Kurtis Watts, Michaela Day, Ebony McMartin, Lydia Quartiero,
Evan Flitton, Christopher Collins and Cameron Eggins. They will be
joined by Mr Kaye, Miss Mugridge, Miss Friel, Natalie Girgis, and 6 other
participants from our larger community. We wish them safe travels and
pray for safety and a wonderful time of cross cultural living.
Years 3-6 Sport - Term Two
IPSSO Winter Competition – Term Two Draw
The Winter IPSSO competition commences in Term Two and continues through to the end of Term Three.
Term 2
Game Time
Girls Netball
Softball &
Newcombe Ball
Boys Soccer
River GS
12.20 - 2.10
Hoxton Park
Hoxton Park
Term 3 Sport - for Years 3 - 6
The Winter IPSSO competition continues into Term Three. Students currently in Winter IPSSO
will remain in that team for Term 3. Training will continue each Wednesday 7.30 – 8.15am.
Term 3
Training team
William Carey CS
St Mark's
William Carey CS
Wet Weather
St Mark's
Semi Finals &
CIS Athletics
Game Time
1.00 - 2.20
12.30 - 2.20
12.20 - 2.10
12.10 - 2.00
12.30 - 2.20
Or Training
12.30 - 2.20
Grand Final
William Carey
Hammondville Pk
Hoxton Park Res
William Carey
Hammondville Pk
Hoxton Park Res
Hoxton Park Res
if teams make it
AFL and Softball
William Carey
Hammondville Pk
to Grand Final
Newcombe Ball
William Carey
Hammondville Pk
In the event of wet weather, IPSSO training will be cancelled for the day.
Students who are not involved in IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program. All sports are taught
by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term. There is no cost associated with the program as is covered by
College fees.
Yr 3 Boys
Yr 3 Girls
Yr 4 Boys
Yr 4 Girls
West Tigers League Clinic
Yr 5 Boys
Yr 5 Girls
Yr 6 Boys
Yr 6 Girls
Cricket Clinic
Primary NSW CIS Cross Country
The NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Championships were held at Eastern Creek on Thursday 6 June. The students
competed well and ran wearing black arm bands in memory of Ramsin.
Congratulations to the following students who represented NASSA at the Carnival:
8/9 years girls - Angelina Sanfilippo
10 years boys - Braeden Webster
10 year girls – Dahlia Logozzo
10 years boys - Bailey McDermott
10 year girls – Jessica Weston
10 years boys – Luke Moran
11 year girls – Isabella Walker
10 year boys – Callam Agar
12 year girls – Isabella Logozzo
11 years boys – Adrian Veleski
12 years boys - Dominic Ticic
8/9 years boys – Joseph Demasi
12 years boys - Wiremu Taylor
8/9 years boys – Domenic Trovato
12 years boys - Aydin Dursun
Years 3 –6 - Athletics Carnival
The Yr 3-6 Athletics Carnival was held at the Campbelltown Athletics
Stadium on Friday 10 June. It was a lovely day and all students had the
opportunity to participate in a variety of track and field events.
Overall, I was impressed with the high level of sportsmanship that the
children displayed both on and off the track. It was great to see
everyone striving to do their best. Thank you to the parents who
assisted on the day. Your support was greatly appreciated.
THANK YOU…A huge thank you to Mr Palmer and the Year 10
Secondary PASS students who ran the field events. You did a
FANTASTIC job and because of you the carnival ran smoothly and
Congratulations to WILBERFORCE, who won the House Point
The Primary Carnival results were;
1st – Wilberforce
1,952 points
2nd – Carmichael 1,877 points
3rd – Liddell
1,502 points
4th – OPAC
5 – Lewis
1,243 points
948 points
The following students were the Age Champions:
8 years
Lillian Evans
Matthew Moran
9 years
Breana Steele
Joseph Demasi
10 years
Jessica Weston
Luke Moran
11 years
Brooke Fulton
Sebastian Ghisso
12 years
Sarah Casanova
Wiremu Taylor
Full results will be placed on the Junior School Sports noticeboard.
Prep – Yr 2 Tabloid Sports Carnivals
PREP, Kinder, Year One and Year Two will have their own Tabloid Sports Carnivals at
College in Term 3.
These will be held on:
Friday 16 September – Prep Red, Prep White, Kindergarten
Thursday 22 September – Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Years 1 and 2
CIS Boys Softball Trials –
Kye and Zane Finneran
On Friday 17 June, brothers Kye and Zane Finneran attended the trials for the NSW
CIS Primary Boys Softball team. The boys played well and the experience of being in
the team last year was evident during the trial. Congratulation to both boys on being
selected in the NSWCIS team to travel to Wagga Wagga in Term Three. We look
forward to hearing of your results. Well done!!
PE and Sport Reminder
It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to
ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise. A frozen drink is also a great
idea. All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting
Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term Two
Week 3 -
Wednesday 3 August – NSWCIS Girls Softball trials – Blacktown
Week 3 -
Thursday 4 August – NASSA Boys Cricket Trials – Years 5 and 6 – Onslow Oval, Camden
Week 5 -
Thursday 18 August– NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival - Campbelltown
Week 6 -
Thursday 25 August – TIGS Trophy Soccer Gala Day (Yr 5 & 6 Boys and Girls team)
Week 8 -
Wednesday 7 September – IPSSO Winter Finals
Week 9 -
Wednesday 14 September – NSWCIS Athletics Carnival – Homebush
Week 9 -
Friday 16 September – THAC Prep and Kinder Tabloid Carnival
Week 10 -
Thursday 22 September – THAC Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 Tabloid Carnival
Athletics skin/tights
Students representing the College wishing to wear athletic tights or
skins under their College sport shorts are only permitted to wear the
College athletic tights. These are available from the College uniform
shop at a cost of $25.00. Tights should not be visible or hanging out
from underneath the College Sports uniform.
Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Co-ordinator
Bill Turner Cup 2016
The Bill Turner Cup competition is a nation-wide U’15 knockout
competition that is run annually and sees the BEST young male
players from across Australia pitted against each other.
The Thomas Hassall Football squad have fortunately progressed
to the next level of the Bill Turner Cup after a win against Picton
High School (2-0). The boys were up at 2-0 at half time and the
score could have gone either way after the interval with both
school's gunning for the win. Our defensive team maintained the
score line and our team secured the win. Special mention to
Stefan Todorovic who saved a penalty and Adrian Neoklis
who was untouchable as he weaved around players with the
football glued to his foot.
The boys played with their heart on their sleeve, with passion and with drive. Every player took the field and played
remembering their late coach Ramsin Shamon. The game began with a minutes silence and all the boys wearing black
armbands. Ramsin has been the Bill Turner Coach for the last couple of years. He has been a large part of the love for
football and skills displayed by this team and the wider community. His legacy is not only seen in their skill but in their
sportsmanship, and support of one another on and off the field. He loved the game, and despite being recently
diagnosed with cancer, he was still heavily involved in the numerous football programs at College. He sadly lost his
battle earlier this week and will be sadly missed by all of the football and College community. We extend our deepest
sympathy to his family and will continue to pray for them as they come to terms to this devastating loss.
The team consists of Thomas Camilleri, Gabriel Crissani, Milos Djakovic, Aleksandar Gvozdenovic, Goran
Gvozdenovic, Dylan Joseph, Matthew Lennox, Joseph Leto, Luka Maksimovic, Adrian Neoklis, Dejan Neskovic,
Joel Opsal, Timothy Roberts, Michael Ruhs, Dylan Sacco, Gabriel Safi, Zachary Taylor, Stefan Todorovic.
Tristian Vidic, Bailey Zygadlo, Jaydon Casanova (reserve), Avishkar Prasad (reserve), James Scundi (reserve).
The team will now play in a pre final for our area against Freeman early next term.
NSWCIS Cross Country Championships
The NSWCIS Cross Country Championships held last Thursday is a major event on the CIS Calendar, the only
Championships combining Primary and Secondary events on the one day. Once again the event was organised
meticulously and as a result both the performance and experience of our students on the whole was superb. This year
CIS used a chip timing system which proved to be an efficient and reliable method of recording performances. This
was further enhanced by being able to access Live Results on the CIS Cross Country App.
Our students involved can be extremely proud of the way they represented our College. Congratulations to Noah
Campbell and Adrian Neoklis who both finished in their respective age groups in the top 22. To run in a cross
country event at this level is a great accomplishment and you should be proud of your achievements.
I hope the students involved in the cross county teams have enjoyed their running throughout the season. We look
forward to our students having a renewed hunger to reach such high levels and set a higher personal best in 2017.
A final thank you to all the staff involved with training as without their support we would not be able to run such a
comprehensive and challenging training program.
Giants AFL Cup Championships
Coming off a superb charge to the finals last year and a win at
Blacktown Sports Park in the Northern Finals, Thomas Hassall
signalled the intention to hit the ground running in 2016.
On Thursday 16 June our Thomas Hassall Open Girls AFL team
competed in the Giants Cup NSW Finals held in Wagga Wagga.
The carnival saw our team represent the Northern NSW zone
against winners from the Southern NSW regions including Wagga
Wagga, Southern Riverina, and South Coast to find the eventual
State winner in the GWS cup. Each team played two pool matches
followed by possible finals. Thomas Hassall's results for the day
were as follows:
Game 1: Thomas Hassall 5:2:32 defeated St Francis, Leeton 2:2:14
Game 2: Thomas Hassall 1:2:8 loss to Billabong 2:2:14
Our Open girls team had a competitive day at Bolton Oval in Wagga, winning one of their pool games, having a narrow
loss and eventually finishing second in the state. Our first game saw St Francis, who dominated early possession in the
first half, apply scoreboard pressure to Thomas Hassall with an early goal. Thomas Hassall lifted, and despite St
Francis' best efforts, were able to kick the next several goals to record a solid victory in some crisp conditions.
Our team backed up straight away against Billabong, a team consisting of several Australian youth AFL players. The
game against Billabong was a highly contested game with Thomas Hassall fighting throughout. We were by far the
smallest on the day, however, despite this, our passion, drive, speed and grit kept knocking this team to the ground.
Unfortunately Billabong came away with the win. Some bad calls, injuries and playing teams with Australian players
didn't pull our team down. They played with aggression, with passion and with heart.
The Open girls team were formed when some of the team members were in Year 7. Over the next 5-6yrs they have
grown into a team that are known for their competitive nature and continual energy when they take the field. This team
is now not only known as the Northern State champions but as the team that upset the Southern zone who have AFL
running through their veins. To come away with losing by 7 points to the State Champions surpassed the expectations
of the AFL convenors and imprinted this team as one of the best in the state. The seniors in this team have led the girls
for a number of years, we are sad to see them go but thank them for helping instil the passion for the game and the
long lasting legacy they leave behind.
The Team consisted of the following girls:
Cody Burchell, Alana Cenatiempo, Georgia Cosier, Rhea D'Mello, Tamara Goonetilleke, Chloe Lam, Chloe
Makko, Caitlin Markuse, Erenie Michael, Anthea Mihalatos, Taylor Mock, Rosa Oliveri, Beth Purton, Lydia
Quartiero, Shannen Safi, Tatijana Skrobonjam Sandra Srun, Stephanie Taylor (Captain), Tiana Todorovic,
Courtney Woods, Emily Kiosoff (absent), Domenica Labbozzetta (absent), Alana Sankovic (absent)
Mr Palmer and Miss Mansour lead the team with their skill and love for the game. Their encouragement of the girls both
on and off the field ensured a very cohesive team who represented the College well. Special note also to the morning
devotion and pep talk by Mr Palmer which focused our girls ready for the day.
Thank you also for the parents who made the long trip down to support us, their help on the day were greatly
appreciated. We look forward to the development of our AFL program in the coming years as we continue to make our
NASSA Athletics Championships
The annual NASSA Athletics Championships were held on Wednesday 15 June
at Campbelltown Sports Stadium. The event is always a highlight of the sport
calendar and showcases some of our best athletes.
There was evidence of good sportsmanship on the day, especially in the
encouragement for the runners on the track and athletes in field events. We were
very lucky with the weather, as the rain held off until the carnival had finished.
Our recent Athletic Sprint training conducted by Olympians and world record
holders, ensured that our sprinters and field athletes were at their height of their
game. Every student competed extremely well, especially against some tough
competition, and showed great determination and perseverance. When returning
back to the grandstand, the team had big smiles on their faces and were
congratulated by those around them for their fantastic effort. Our athletes showed
great maturity especially as last minute changes and extra events meant many of
our athletes had to compete in numerous events on the day. It was a privilege to
watch them compete with such skill, pride and heart. We proved that despite our
reduced number of athletes, due to a number of our students attending Ramsin
Shamon's funeral, we are a competitive College that can hold our own. Once
again, all our athletes wore black armbands and competed in their various events
with a passion and emotion driven from our College loss.
We look forward to next year as our Athletics program builds and our College
makes its mark as one of the elite in NASSA. The final results will come out later
this week, with several of our students making it through to the next carnival held
on the 31st August.
I would like to thank the students and the teachers for their support and
assistance on the day. Special thanks to Mr Butler and Miss Seeney who
managed the team, Mrs Byrne who manned the results and ribbons table, Mr
Geering who marshalled every track event ensuring the smooth running of the
carnival, and Ms Friel and Mr Williams who ran and coordinated Discus.
Congratulations to all our athletes and we look forward to your future
competitions where you will undoubtedly shine.
JetBlack MTB Championships
This weekends 8th JetBlack NSW All Schools XC MTB Championship (both
Saturday’s Skill Session and Sunday’s race, 18-19 June 2016) was postponed.
Yellomundee Regional Park had a real dousing 10 days ago, and the forecast of
heavy rain meant the highly anticipated event could not be run. With the need to
preserve the MTB tracks in the Park – the coordinators decided to postpone the
event until later in the year. A new date will be advertised soon. Students who are interested in competing at this event
in the future are advised to keep an eye out for the update.
FIVB World League Match
Congratulations to the students who had the honour of being flag bearers at the FIVB World League Volleyball match,
Australia v Belgium! Well done to Dylan Mosiejczuk, Yulika Stratti, Tamara Stijacic and Adrian Neoklis for doing our
nation proud! 10 of our Year 9 and 10 volleyballers, Daro Kiet, Jayden Kiet, Joe Leto, Lachlan Marlow-Conway,
Dylan Mosiejczuk, Adrian Neoklis, Sandra Srun, Tamara Stijacic, Yulia Stratti and Anthony Trimboli, had the
privilege of assisting on and around the court with Mr Loane and Mr Butler. It was a great night even though Australia
went down to Belgium.
Upcoming events:
* MISA Dance Championships Tuesday 21 June
* MISA Term 2 Grand Finals Tuesday 21 June
* U15 AICES football Wednesday 22 June
Throughout the year, there are also NSW CIS trials for some sports which do not have a Gala Day as an entry path.
If your child plays a representative sport outside of school please ensure that you see the PE staff to indicate your
expression of interest to be nominated for these sports. The most current details for sport nominations will be in the
Daily Bulletin. Students are also encouraged to let the PE staff know the competitions students partake in local
competitions. We are always happy to report and celebrate with the sporting successes of our students.
Ms Ana Mugridge
Senior School Sports Co-ordinator
Parent Portal
A reminder to all parents :
Please update any changes to contact details including phone numbers and email addresses to ensure that all
correspondence from the College is received.
All student absences need to also be verified through the Parent Portal within 7 days of each
day of absence.
Any enquiries please email [email protected]
All About the Music
Tutor Profile:
We are pleased to introduce Tamryn Kyselov as the newest member of our Vocal tutor
Tamryn is available for Vocal lessons, private or shared.
Please click the link below for all Music Program information and application form.
Upcoming Gigs:
Engadine Band Fest: Friday 24 June – Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band
Year 4 Band Concert – Wednesday 22 June – All Year 4 Students
HUB – Lunchtime Concert every 2nd Wednesday (Week A) at Mrs Ritano’s Kitchen - Soloists
Canberra Girls Grammar School Band Collaboration – Friday 22 July – Intermediate Concert Band, Senior Concert
NSW Band Festival - Sat 23 July – Senior Concert Band
Ensemble Highlight:
Each edition of the way we present to you an update on an ensemble at the College. For more information regarding
ensembles, please visit
Senior Concert Band
The Thomas Hassall Anglican College Senior Concert Band is one of
our oldest ensembles at the College and has grown significantly in the
last year. The band involves students from Years 7-12, performing
repertoire ranging from Broadway and Musical Classics, Classical
Music and Symphonic Wind arrangements. Instruments used in the
Concert Band include flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets,
trombones, tubas, baritone horns, euphonium, drums, string bass,
oboe, percussion (including Timpani). Students have a group lesson
with experienced professional musicians, who then sit in with rehearsals
and model appropriate technique and tone.
The group is conducted by Mr Byron Mark and assisted by Mr Alan
Steedman, Mr John Tweed, Mrs Kendal Cuneo, Ms Gaye Thomas. The group has an upcoming performance at the
NSW Sydney Band Festival and is also doing a combined workshop/performance with the Canberra Girls Grammar
School. Recent tours have included New Zealand and Queensland.
If you are interested in joining one of the College ensembles, please contact Mrs Joanne Hazell at
[email protected]
Year 4 Band Update
All students in Year 4 learn a concert band instrument as part of the compulsory band program. Each child is given an
instrument to take home and practice.
Currently, Year 4 band are learning 3 long pieces. They are practicing Power Rock (a medley of Queen Songs), Mickey
Mouse March and the piece Music Music Music.
They have a performance next week in the Junior School Assembly on Wednesday. The students will need to bring in
their instrument for this date.
The group has improved significantly under the conducting baton of Mr Alan Steedman – one of the College’s
woodwind tutor. They are understanding rehearsal etiquette and how to listen to other parts of the concert band.
Students that have shown a great deal of improvement and signs of regular practice are encouraged to consider joining
the Intermediate Concert Band – please email Mrs Joanne Hazell for more information on how this process works.
The Hub
The last HUB for the term was in Week 8. This HUB featured students from
the year 10 elective music class. Rebecca Good & Gemma Navarrete
(guitar) performed a vocal duet; Damien Chandra (guitar), Katrina Fusca
(vocals), & Michaela Day (djembe) performed an improvised piece with Mr
Byron Mark (saxophone); and the last performance was from a brand new
student to the college, Krestian Khanou. Krestian performed a solo piece,
multitasking on acoustic guitar and voice, and received thunderous
applause. It is great to see new students to the College sharing their talents
with their new community.
It has been a great term of HUB performances, featuring many students
from the elective music program. We look forward to hearing what our
students have ready for us next term! Thanks to all those students who
have performed throughout the term.
Student Quote:
Each week, we interview a student to see how music plays an important
part in their lives.
Ali Dursun (Year 11 elective music student; Bass player):
“I feel that being involved in the College music program allows me and
other students to be part of a much larger world and have a strong sense of
belonging, and the extraordinary feeling of performing together with others
on stage. Jamming and improvising is a recent musical skill I have enjoyed
adopting into my performance style along with other band members"
Important College Dates
Term 2
23 June 2016
Year 11 Parent Teacher Night
24 June 2016
Term 2 Concludes
Term 3
18 July 2016
Term 3 Commences
21 July 2016
7 & 10 Parent Teacher Night
28 July 2016
8 & 9 Parent Teacher Night
4 August 2016
P - 6 Parent Teacher Night - 3 - 6:30pm
9 August 2016
P - 6 Parent Teacher Night - 3 - 5:30pm
10 August 2016
Community Forum with Michael Carr-Gregg
‘Raising Happy & Resilient Children’
25 August 2016
Illuminate : HSC Showcase
Father’s Day Stall (Prep, Blue & Purple/Senior School)
26 August 2016
Father’s Day Stall (P-6)
3 September 2016
South West Festival
5 September 2016
Mid Term Break - Staff and Students
16 September 2016
Prep Red, Prep White and Kinder Tabloid Carnival
22 September 2016
Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Yr 1 & 2 Tabloid Carnival
23 September 2016
Year 12 Class of 2016 Graduation Assembly
Term 3 Concludes
11 October 2016
Term 4 Commences
13 October 2016
HSC Commences
18 October 2016
Immunisations (Year 7)
Friday - Sunday
21 - 23 October 2016
JAM Camp
26 October 2016
SMBC Hot Topics - ‘Healing: Understanding & Misunderstanding
2 November 2016
SMBC Hot Topics - ‘Who am I? Gender, Transgender & Identity’
3 November 2016
Year 11 Parent Teacher Night
14 November 2016
Mid Term Break students
19 November 2016
Class Parents ‘Girls Day Out’ Warehouse Shopping Bus Tour
25 November 2016
Volunteers’ Thank You Breakfast & Term 4 Class
Parents Meeting
5 December 2016
Year 10 Formal
6 December 2016
Junior School Celebration
7 December 2016
Senior School Celebration
8 December 2016
Term 4 concludes
Term 4