JETSETTER Summer 2015: "Perfect 10"


JETSETTER Summer 2015: "Perfect 10"
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JETSETTER Summer 2015: "Perfect 10"
A “Perfect 1 0” is a score reserv ed for top performers, and as we celebrate our tenth anniv ersary
this September, we hav e hand picked those prov iders we feel deserv e a Perfect 1 0.
As we look towards the future and anticipate the trends that will influence trav el in the coming
ten y ears, the v alues that come to mind center around prov iding access to otherwise inaccessible
corners of the Earth, and doing so in a sustainable and soulful fashion, all while deliv ering the
highest lev el of personalized serv ice.
In this edition of JETSETTER, our Lux ury Trav el Adv isors share their own ex periences with our
“Perfect 1 0” picks through heartfelt narrativ e, again demonstrating our belief in hav ing “been
there and done that” before inv esting y our precious time and resources. We hav e ev ery
confidence y ou too will agree with our selection!
When it comes to incredible supplier partners, Linara Trav el sets the bar high. Linara v isits their
destinations annually , so if y ou’re curious to know where the most lav ish ov erwater bungalow
can be found or the where to order the most delicious cocktail at a beach front bar, they hav e the
Linara is passionate about distinct personal touches for clients, and as such can be reached at a
moment’s notice. I once had a client call with Linara’s CEO, Lindsey Wallace, while he was on the
other side of the world inspecting properties in the Maldiv es! True dedication!
We would like to recognize Linara Trav el as one our inspirational “PERFECT 1 0” partners as we
continue to collaborate in creating once in a lifetime ex periences for our clients.
To create y our nex t lav ish v acation ex perience, please contact Michelle Gordon.
"Don't sweat the small stuff."
This is just one of the beautifully hand-painted mantras on the wall in the Mar House at Play a V ik
that will ensure y ou begin y our day with positiv e affirmations and an ov erwhelming sense of
Play a V ik, Estancia V ik and Bahia V ik, bring the bohemian chic culture of Uruguay to life through
sculpture, graffiti and murals by local artists. Abstract images of the female form by By zantine
artist Carlos Musso grace the walls of the "Musso Room" at Estancia V ik. At Play a V ik, the
contemporary architecture of Carlos Ott shines through in the main building, which is known as
The Sculpture, since it is built out of titanium and glass, which sparkles with the reflection of the
Jose Ignacio waters.
V iña V ik in Chile is no ex ception. It, too, blends locally inspired design with their v iti-v inicultural
concept. Focusing on science and technology to enhance their grape production and wine
quality , the property and its production are true forms of art.
From the jacaranda wooden bathtubs to the mud-sculpted fireplace, the feeling of ex periencing
Uruguay and Chile through these v isual and tangible art forms is a sensational and transforming
ex perience. They leav e the impression that y ou are a trav eler - rather than a tourist - and offer an
ex clusiv e insight into the heart of these South American cultures.
To book y our own transformativ e V ik Retreat, please contact Lindsey Woodcock.
Elev en Ex perience beckons y ou to ex plore some of the most unique, secluded, and authentic
locations around the globe. "Elev en" quenches a thirst for unprecedented adv enture in authentic
hideaway s with deeply personalized journey s for the Alpha Ex plorer.
Scarp Ridge Lodge in Crested Butte blew me away - as well as our group of friends from around
the world. We climbed the backcountry to 1 2,000 feet in a tricked out snowcat while watching
awesome ski v ideos and jamming to loud music in preparation for some of the best skiing we
would ev er ex perience! The champagne powder was untracked and waist deep, which pushed me
to a whole different lev el of skiing. With my own personal Irwin Guide, I learned more in a few
hours than I had in y ears. For lunch, we dropped into the Mov ie Cabin to warm our boots and
fuel up with delicious homemade soups, sammies and cookies. At the end of the day , we tossed
back a few cold beers while ov erlooking the gorgeous terrain of the Elk Mountains and laughed
about some of the legendary falls from the day 's runs. We returned to the lodge to steam, soak in
the rooftop hot tub, and indulge in well deserv ed massages before an incredible "foodie" meal that
was prepared by our priv ate chef. It was a "PERFECT 1 0" day . And as I fell to sleep in my
ox y genated suite, I was already dreaming of my return!.
To quench y our thirst for a global adv enture contact Jill Tay lor.