August 2016 NEWSLETTER - Peace Grue Lutheran Parish
August 2016 NEWSLETTER - Peace Grue Lutheran Parish
PEACE † GRUE AN ELCA PARISH TO BECOME THE VOICE AND HANDS OF JESUS 2016 Inside this issue: MUSINGS from the Pastor PEACE Sunday school News VBS News VBS PHOTOS PEACE WELCA News GRUE WELCA News BIRTHDAYS-August GRUE News –Council 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 Recipe & Potluck Picnic 8 PARISH WORSHIP-PICNIC Sunday, August 14th ASHBY Park at 10:45am peace hosting Bring your favorite summer dish to share...and a chair ————————————————–—————————- Grace Lutheran Church Luncheon 9 Eagle Lake Lutheran Luncheon 9 Salvation USA Gospel Crusade 9 Lutheran Social Services Peace Council News June Peace Council News July 10 11 12 CONFIRMATION STUDENTS that will be getting confirmed in September CONFIRMATION RETREAT Please mark Saturday, August 13th for your confirmation retreat. It will be at Faith Haven We will gather from 9am – 3pm on Saturday, August 13th to work on our faith statements, renew what we are doing in affirming our baptism, and talk about the responsibilities of church membership. This is a required retreat. If you are struggling to finish up sermon notes, please talk with Pastor Tom to get caught up. Page 2 MUSINGS from the Pastor “They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 Our parish has been waiting for the Lord to call a new pastor for nine months. That’s how long it takes for a baby to be born! You would think that would be enough time to find the right person for the job. But searching for a new pastor is not the same as bringing a baby into the world. There is no set gestation period. Instead, the call committee must carefully negotiate a series of steps before the interviews can begin, and then each interview must be arranged taking into account the individual circumstances of a number of people. Every call process is unique and requires patience on the part of the committee and the congregation. The success is to keep trusting the Lord to find the right person for this call. This is the Lord’s work that we are doing. It is his church that needs a pastor, and we need to believe that he will supply a shepherd for his flock. In the meantime we must cling to the promise that Isaiah gives us in this text that!!They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength!! The people Isaiah was writing to waited for seventy years to be restored to their homeland. Hopefully, our wait won't be as long as that! But however long it takes we know that our Lord is watching over this process and that he will complete the good work which he has begun in this parish. To God alone is glory. Your servant in Christ, Pastor Tom OFFICIAL ACTS MONTH OF AUGUST: WE REMEMBER: Eunice Evavold August 21, 2015 , Roger Skaar, 08-28-2015 Doug Larson 08-02-2015, James Enderson 08-31-2015 Page 3 PEACE SUNDAY SCHOOL PEACE SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE FOR September 2016 †† † † † † † † †† PEACE SERVICE 9:00AM / SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:15AM September 11th September 18h Sunday School Teachers meet after church SS @ 9:30 - 10:30 1st Day of Sunday School – Rally Day Tote Bags to Preschoolers, 3rd Graders Receive Bibles, 4th Graders Receive Small Catechism, Investiture of Teachers & Blessing of Backpacks during Church September 25th SS @ 10:15– 11:15 MARK YOUR CALENDAR’S PEACE SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL News Living out Love! July 24th to July 28th, 2016 Vacation Bible School is off to a great start! The topics this week include Justice, Forgiveness, Care, and Service, and the entire week is centered around the theme of “Living out Love!” We are fortunate to have four excellent counselors join us from Luther Crest to run the camp. Maddie Hanson from Detroit Lakes is the leader. She is joined by co-counselors Hannah, Carla, and Gavin. Each day of camp consists worship, Bible dives, crafts, stories, songs, and plenty of fun and games to burn off that Summer energy! The Vodegel residence was the home-away-from-home for the counselors again this year – Thank You Don and Jo Ann! Frank and Janet Novak, Val and Terry Fick, Erin Peterson, Justin Eberhardt, and Lee Peterson hosted dinners for the group. Thanks to Donna Grover, Darlane Miller and to everyone who made this week possible! - Education Committee Page 4 2016 Page 5 PEACE WELCA NEWS Greetings; I hope everyone is having a good summer and fall will be arriving soon. With that, it is never too early to start planning the Fall Bazaar.I will be getting in touch with the WELCA board & group leaders to get it all organized. The pie social in the park over Appreciation Days went very well. A huge "thank you" to Missy Evavold, Kristyn Fick, Val Fick, Sharon Nelson, Steph Nelson & Suzanna Wing. Thank you to all the people who made the pies as well! The Northwestern MN Synodical Women's Organization Convention will be Sept 16th & 17th at Calvary Lutheran Church in Perham MN. Registration is due by August 12th. If anyone is interested in attending please contact me. It isn't the big pleasures that count the most; it's making a great deal out of the little ones. Jean Webster God Bless, Teresa Ohren WELCA President GRUE WELCA NEWS GRUE WOMEN Grue Ladies will meet at Mabeth Jenson’s on August 16th at 6:30 P.M. for Bible Study and business meeting. Please join us as we decide on projects and activities for our summer and fall season. Grue Sunday School Starts † † † † †† †† † †† † † † † † † †† September 11, 2016 @ 9:30 a.m. Page 6 PEACE 3rdAnnual Barbeque BIRTHDAYS AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Grilled Pork Chops =================== _________ August 1st Chris Roley August 3rd Laverne Peterson Brad Barry August 4th Beth Odens Andrew Aamot Teresa Magnuson Sharon Nelson August 5th Katlyn West Moe Pauline Martinson August 8th Annah Evavold August 9th Dorothy Albertsen August 10th Darel Runningen Vicki Dorn August 11th Charlotte Woldahl August 13th Linda Williams Courtney Koefod August 14th Nick Story Gwen Lillemon Jacob Rasmussen Cory Van Santen August 15th Vickie Ness August 17th Jeannette Evavold Klair Sorenson August 19th Laurize Ruof August 21st Frances Beck Bernice Hohbein August 22nd Doug Godwin Jacob Rein August 23rd Edith Johnson August 24th Courtney Neterval Savanna Melberg August 25th Mary Ann Torgrimson Traeton Nelson August 26th Erika Heibel August 27th Amelia Barry Christian Miller Greg Lillemon Dennis Evavold August 28th Linda Bahnson Mitchell Griep Marcia Koefod Blake Ohren Dylan Barry August 29th Gene Jensen August 30th Betty Rustad If I don’t have your birth date or if I have it listed incorrectly please e-mail or call me 747-2273 / [email protected] June scheduled Saturday, September 17th M/S/C Proceeds will be designated to complete work on bell tower. GRUE women meet: Tuesday, August 16th @ 6:30pm. Mabeth Jensen hosting. RUTH / REBECCA Circle meeting: Tuesday, August 16h @ 9:30am. Page 7 GRUE COUNCIL NEWS Grue Council Meeting Notes 7-10-16 Meeting opened by Les Evavold president Members present - Les E., June B., Bea R., Chad V., Vonnie E., Greg L Members not present - Darlane M., Dylan B Secretary’s report, last meeting canceled Treasure’s report, last meeting canceled Additions - call committee report, new nominating committee Old Business: rotating times for Christmas eve service from 4:00 to 5:30 M/S/C New business: Confirmation banquet. Grue hosting menu for meal has been set. 10 students will be confirmed this year. Banquet set for Sept 18th. Next years class will be asked to help serve. Gifts for confirments: June will order for Grue. June will ask if Peace would like the same. Call committee: Call committee member went to hear Pastor Briggs, no report back as of yet. Maunumaki’s have asked to use dining room for Joans confirmation celebration. M/S/C A gift of $250.00 each was sent to Bill Klimp & Brenda Jones. Nominating Committee for 2017: - Chad, Scott & Char Grue Breakfast and silent auction set for Oct. 2nd, Patty V. & June B. - in charge of breakfast Andrea N. & Gwen L. - in charge of baskets Free Harvest meal: set for Nov. 19th. Scott & Darlane in charge. Motion to adjourn M/S/C Closed with The Lords Prayer MARK YOUR CALENDARS EARLY!! GRUE Breakfast and Theme basket Fall Fundraiser Sunday, October 2th At the Ashby American Legion In Need of a Volunteer to Head this event-contact GRUE council members if interested. Page 8 Streussel Filled Coffee Cake By Dorothy Sorenson 3 Cups sifted flour Bake 375 Time: 30 min. 3tsp baking powder 1 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter 2 eggs beaten add to I cup milk and 2 tsp. vanilla. Beat just enough to mix. Grease and flour a 9 x 13 cake pan. Pour half of batter in pan. Then sprinkle with half of the filling. Add remaining dough and sprinkle rest of filling on top. Filling 1 cup brown sugar 4 tbls. Flour 4 tsp. Cinnamon 4 tbls, melted butter 1/2 cup nuts—chopped (pecans) Mix flour, sugar, spice. Blend in butter and nuts. Mix well. Grant County Senior Potluck Picnic Monday, August 8, 2016 12:00 Noon Powers Park in Barrett Community Building if inclement weather. Bring a dish to pass and come enjoy the beautiful weather and your friends and neighbors! Page 9 Brandon Grace Lutheran Church Eagle Lake Lutheran Church Page 10 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES Page 11 PEACE COUNCIL NEWS JUNE PEACE COUNCIL MEETING –June 8th, 2016Attending: Tom Graham, Donald Hanson, Jackie Anderson, Tim Cunningham, Wayne Risbrudt, Craig Koefed, Justin Eberhardt, Pastor Tom Olson and Janet Novak Absent: Mary Johnsrud and Harlan Balgaard Pastor Tom led us in devotions from Bishop Wohlrabe’s 2016 Studies entitled Truth and Love at the Crossroads. Speaking Truth and Love:The Doctor Is in..Mark 10:17-27. We had lively discussion about finances and breaking the silence about money. Meeting called to order by President Tom Graham. M/S/C to accept secretary’s report M/S/C to accept Treasurer’s Report Pastor Tom provided an overview of ministry and the congregation. COMMITTEE REPORTS Stewardship – No Report Christian Growth – No Report Education – Only 15 kids currently signed up for Vacation Bible School but have paid for and have capacity for 28. We will put ad in paper and Pastor Tom will remind Pastor Matthew at Presbyterian. It is scheduled July 25-28th Property & Mgmt – No update regarding elevator. We also discussed the importance of finalizing the repair of the bell tower and other options. Worship – no report OLD BUSINESS Furnace: We have been aware our furnace is outdated and starting to need repair. Don presented a formal quote for $8,900. Discussion on timing of replacement and budget availability. Audio Board Tech Position (should this be paid position) tabled until next month. Call Committee Update: Val confirmed our Ministry Site Profile is in and being circulated but no candidates yet. NEW BUSINESS 3rd Annual Rib Fest scheduled Sunday, September 11th. M/S/C Proceeds will be designated to completing work on bell tower. Next Council Meeting will be July 13th at 7:00pm at Peace. M/S/C to adjourn with Lord’s Prayer Janet Novak, Peace Council Secretary Page 12 PEACE COUNCIL NEWS JULY PEACE COUNCIL MEETING –July 13th, 2016 Attending: Tom Graham, Donald Hanson, Jackie Anderson, Tim Cunningham, Wayne Risbrudt, Justin Eberhardt, Mary Johnsrud, Harlan Balgaard Pastor Tom Olson and Janet Novak. Absent: Craig Koefed Pastor Tom led us in devotions from Bishop Wohlrabe’s 2016 Studies entitled Truth and Love at the Crossroads. Speaking Truth and Love: Doubt...John 20:19-31. Because there is room for doubters like Thomas in the Bible, there is room enough in God’s story for doubters like you and me as well. Meeting called to order by President Tom Graham. M/S/C to accept secretary’s report M/S/C to accept Treasurer’s Report Pastor Tom confirmed he will be gone on 8/7 and 9/4 and on vacation 7/24-7/30th. Pastors Homme and Halvorson will be leading us in his absence. COMMITTEE REPORTS Stewardship – No Report Christian Growth – No Report Education – 19 kids currently signed up for Vacation Bible School scheduled for 7/25-28th. Property & Mgmt – Our elevator contact indicated we did not be concerned at this time. Harlan shared information and potential cost to repair floor of bell tower and desire to do in August. M/S/C to allow this committee to do work and manage the costs. Worship – no report OLD BUSINESS Furnace: Terry Fick gave us an overview of condition and options. He indicated it was not essential to replace immediately but to plan for near future as repairs needed would no doubt be more frequent. Formal quote to replace is $8,900. We discussed the option of a capital fund drive for all current building needs. Audio Board Tech Position (should this be paid position) tabled until next month. Call Committee Update: A candidate identified but learned he already had prior potential commitment. Rib Fest - planning meeting Tuesday evening, 7/19 at 6:30. Date switched to 9/17 NEW BUSINESS Traveler’s Fund has been in place for several years and allows local businesses to assist stranded individuals traveling through our community. There is a cap of $20 for food or gas. It is registered in Peace Lutheran and Presbyterian’s name with no official activity in four (4) years although Pastor Tom brought it to our attention that Todd Finkelson, T&B, has given out $20 worth of gas three times. M/S/C to put account in Tim Cunningham’s name and inform First State Bank of Ashby to remove all former names and reimburse Todd as well. Requests from Lakes Area Archery and Destiny House to use our lot for Ashby Community Days. M/S/C to allow both with understanding each entity bear all liability and church is not responsible for any incident. Harlan agreed to pull Peace’s bell in the parade. Justin will make signs. Call Committee for 2017 reviewed as D.Godwin,T.Fick,T.Barry,J.Anderson and J.Novak Parish Meeting scheduled for 7:00 pm on August 10th at Peace. Council Meeting will follow. M/S/C to adjourn with Lord’s Prayer Janet Novak, Peace Council Secretary
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