1 Final Fantasy 14 Mastery Guide
1 Final Fantasy 14 Mastery Guide
Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Final Fantasy 14 Mastery Guide ~ Gil Guide ~ Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 1 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Table of Contents Short & Hot Lists……………………………………………………………… Pg 3 Introduction…………….…………….…………….…………….……………. Pg 13 Leves…………….…………….…………….…………….……………………. Pg 22 Farming Guide....…………….…………….…………….……………………. Pg 29 Gathering Guide.…………….…………….…………….……………………. Pg 47 Crafting…………………………………………………………………………. Pg 58 Alchemist's Guide……………………………………………...…….. Pg 78 Armorer's Guide………………………………………………………. Pg 82 Blacksmith's Guide…………………………………………………… Pg 87 Carpenter's Guide…………………………………………………….. Pg 92 Culinarian's Guide……………………………………………………. Pg 97 Goldsmith's Guide……………………………………………………. Pg 100 Leatherworker's Guide………………………………………………. Pg 103 Weaver's Guide………………………………………………………... Pg 108 Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 2 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The Short List Things you may stumble across in your travels Before getting into the bulk of the gil and crafting guide, I just wanted to cover some valuable items that you might stumble across in your travels as you level up and do quests. Many new players do not even realize what they have is valuable until they vendor it, so here is a short list of items to watch for: Note: Prices are my recommendations, but my vary server to server. If you ever have an item and are unsure of its value, try to /shout and see what you can get for it. With some of the more odd items, be patient. Sometimes it may take a day to find a buyer do not sell yourself short. Scale Bugs - Scale Bugs of all types of valuable, as they are used by Alchemists to create very valuable dyes. The dyes for Hempen cloth are least valuable, but practically every other bug is worth at least 1,000 gil. I have personally sold bugs for over 5,000 gil for some of the rarer dyes (like buffalo leather dye). The most valuable types of bugs are the Red Ochre and Soot Black ones (these 2 types of leather are more valuable). Obsidian - These drop commonly off of Will-'o-the-Wisp type mobs. These stones are used to make a Gladiator weapon and are worth about 4,000 gil a piece. Flax - This item is dropping in value pretty quickly, but can still fetch about 2,000 gil for each one. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 3 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Cotton Boll - Used to make practically every type of level 15-25 Weaver piece. It is worth about 500 gil per piece. Many monsters drop this, so you can easily get quite a few of these. Buffalo Hide / Leather - A lot of leves reward this, but it is not easily farmed. Players often pick these up for leves and then fail to charge an appropriate price for this. Make sure you get at least 5,000 gil per hide or 3,000 gil per leather. Hippogryph Talon - Updated: Dropping in value pretty quickly, but still worth something. Wind Shards - Wind Shards are the rarest shard type and currently fetch 200 + gil per piece. Crystals of all types should fetch at least 1,000 gil each, no exceptions. Alchemists can break crystals into 16-32 shards, which makes all crystals inherently valuable. Lightning Crystals - Pretty much essential for leveling up a Weaver. As a result, these crystals are worth 2,000 gil a piece. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 4 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The Hot List Monsters which you can farm which players will pay a lot of money for right now! Note: if you are under level 13, start leveling up and do not worry about gear yet! Skull Eyepatch (black) - Earning potential of 250,000+ gil hourly! Me and a friend made 1.5 million gil in one afternoon of farming this very lucrative drop. There are a few conditions that need to be met: - You need your tank to have at least 1,200 HP and be level 27 or above. - You need a class that can cast shell (i.e. 16 Conjurer) . - You need one of the following weaponskills: Concussive Blow II (Pugilist), Skull Sunder II (Marauder) or Shrieker (Archer). For this drop to fall, you have to kill Skeleton-type monsters after "incapacitating their heads". See the level 28-33 farming section for more details, as getting this drop takes a bit of strategy. Roselings - Roselings drop Flax; this is a well-known hot item, but it is valuable thing to farm for a low level player. They also drop Red Landtrap Leaves, which are worth 2,000-5,000 gil a piece. You can farm it off Roselings, which are rich in the following locations: North of Camp Emerald Moss (recommended levels 13+): Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 5 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE West of Camp Bloodshore (levels 18+): Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 6 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 7 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Northwest of Camp Bloodshore (levels 18+): All of these contain Roseling spawns. Roselings also drop Dodo Leather, Growth Formula Alpha, and Cotton Bolls, all which are valuable. As a result, farming these monsters is quite profitable. Sea Slug (recommended level 22+) - This is, in my opinion, one of the most profitable and under-the-radar gil-making mobs at the moment. It spawns in various caves around Camp Bloodshore; here are two notable locations: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 8 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Viscous Secretions - Dropped by the Sea Slugs and used to make a solid Conjurer weapon among other things. I have been selling these routinely for 5,000 gil and the drop rate is high. Pro tip: put these in your bazaar near the Carpenter's Guild and they will sell very quickly. Hawksbill Shell - Dropped by Sea Slugs and used to make Tortoiseshells. These are a very high-demand item for crafters. Sell for 10,000 gil until the masses catch on to this drop. Important: These monsters have an area of effect attack that does a lot of damage. It has a very interesting mechanic though - rather than being a traditional TP move, all Sea Slugs routinely perform this ability every 30 seconds, whether or not they have been attacked. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 9 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE If you are standing in range when it goes off, you will be hit by it - even if you are not fighting the slug. The solution is to simply to fight your current Sea Slug away from the others. After attacking it, make sure you have some distance between yourself and the other Sea Slugs in the cave. Growth Formula Beta - Made with Red Landtrap Leaves by Alchemists (~Level 17 in skill, requires 1x Quicksilver 1x Red Landtrap Leaf and 1x Rock Salt). They are used as a repair material for mid-level Conjurer materials, so you can often sell dozens of these to the same person. Cactuars (high level players) - For the players at the top, Cactuars present a monster with a very, very lucrative farming potential. They drop various Scale Bugs with a very high drop rate, which is used to make in-demand dye. The drop rate is incredible and the bugs go for 1,000-5,000 gil a piece. You often get several bugs off a single cactuar you just have to be able to kill it. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Cactuars spawn all over Ul'dah, but are very concentrated inside these mountains: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 11 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Recommended Resources Yellow Goblin - http://ffxiv.yg.com/ Yellow Goblin has an up-to-date, searchable, convenient recipe database that you can use for free. You can also list items you have for sale there, which is a great way to make extra gil. Another great feature they have is that if you cannot find the NPC you are looking for during a quest, you can type the NPC name into Yellow Goblin and it will display the NPC's location on the map for you. Our guide is not a recipe database, but rather a walkthrough of the best recipes to craft along with the best areas to farm for gil. You will want to use this database to browse through a variety of recipes. FFXIV Pro - http://www.ffxivpro.com This site is like an auction house for each server. You can look through what people are selling and buying to get an idea of how much each item is worth on your server. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 12 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Introduction The crafting and gil guide is a continual work-in-progress. As more content becomes available, more recipes are discovered, and players reach higher levels, the economy will continue to evolve and there will be new ways to level up your craft and make gil. As a result, we will be posting new versions of this guide regularly in the member's area, so please do not lose your log in information! You will be able to download updated versions in the member's area, so you will need to log in to access them! Right now, the best way to make money is to be at the "edge" of your particular field. It does not matter if you are adventuring, crafting, or gathering - everything is profitable if you are a high enough level in your particular field of interest. Regardless of what you decide to do, there are some gil making principles that you need to be aware of. Do not make these mistakes that nearly everyone else does. Bazaaring goes for both your retainer and your own personal bazaar. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 13 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE 1. Your Bazaar Should have a Minimum Price You can only list 10 items in your bazaar (or 5 items for repair!). You will find that you have many more than 10 items which you will want to sell at a given time. Here is my personal rule: Every slot in my Bazaar is worth 10,000 gil every 24 hours. If I cannot make that much money off the slot, I will not list the item. By sticking to this rule, you will not clog your bazaar, inventory, and retainer with items that might be worth a little bit but just are not worth the hassle. This does not mean you do not sell items worth less than 10,000 gil. It simply means if an item is worth less than 10,000 gil, it needs to sell very quickly. For example, a stack of 12 Cotton Bolls will sell for 6,000 gil (500 a piece). This usually sells within an hour or two. If you constantly had 1 stack of Cotton Bolls taking up 1 bazaar slot, you would make much more than 10,000 gil per day. However, if you find a certain rare scale bug which is worth 5,000 gil to the right buyer, you do not want to list it in your bazaar if it takes 4 days to find "the right buyer". For specialty items such as this, you need more than just 1 (unless the item is worth more than 10k). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 14 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE For example, Viscous Secretions are an item I like to farm and sell for 5,000 gil a piece. It usually takes about 2 days for the right buyer, but when someone comes along, they usually buy the entire stack of 12 (60,000 gil total). This means I earned 30,000 gil a day off that bazaar slot. 2. Never Leave Your Bazaar Empty Your bazaar's space is worth money and it goes both ways. While you do not want to sell items for 300 gil a piece in your bazaar, you also do not want to have empty bazaar space. A great way to make your bazaar constantly valuable is to keep a few overpriced reagents on hand. For example, if you are a leatherworker, you know it only costs about 3,000 gil to make 12 Antelope Sinew Cords. You can then list those cords for 4,000 gil a piece in your bazaar. Players will overpay the 4,000 gil for the sinew cords just for convenience sake. They usually only need 1-3 of the sinews, so they are not afraid to overpay for them. If I ever have bazaar space, I do this. I have been able to sell a few sinew cords a day for 4,000 gil (above my 10k a day minimum) and have made a few hundred thousand gil with this strategy. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 15 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE It does not have to be antelope sinew, but it can be literally any item needed by various professions - nails, rivets, buckles, straps, sinew cords, decorations, grips, cloth, and so on. If you have nothing else to sell, throw up a few reagents and mark the price up and someone will buy it eventually. 3. Pick an Appropriate Price for Buying and Selling When selling an item, you want to never want to under-sell (your bazaar space is worth money as it) and you never want to pay too much. In order to figure out what a fair price is for your goods, you can use a price check. There are two websites which work good for this: http://ffxiv.yg.com/ http://www.ffxivpro.com/ Both have buyer and seller averages for an item. For example, if you looked up Obsidian on http://ffxiv.yg.com, you will find that (at the time of this writing), that the median (best number to look at) sale price is 5,000 gil, and the median buyer's price is Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 16 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE 4,000 gil. Generally, the true market price is somewhere in between these two values. Here's why: Generally, buyers are too cheap to buy the items in game, so they are trying to find people on a website to get the materials from cheaper. Sellers on a website are overcharging in-game and cannot sell the item so they are looking for buyers on a website. The exception to this is for very rare or unique items. You can expect your item to sell very quickly if you list it at the buyer's price. You can still expect it to sell at the seller's price, it will just take longer. It will really depend on how quickly you need to sell it. If you have 12 Obsidian and are going away from the keyboard for awhile, list it at the seller's price. If you have only 1 Obsidian and want to sell it quickly to free up the bazaar slot, list it for the buyer's price. 4. If you have rare and expensive items, list them on YG. Since it is so hard to find what you are looking for right now, Yellow Goblin has a listing feature where you can list items for sale. Register an account at: http://ffxiv.yg.com/bazaar-manager ..and then list your rare items for sale. It is worth doing if you have a lot of an item to sell. I had about 20 Black Skull Eyepatches I wanted to sell; I listed them on Yellow Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 17 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Goblin and put them up on my Retainer. You can even list what ward your retainer is in. I have sold many eyepatches by listing them on YG. Listing items on YG has made me a few million gil in sales. 5. Theme your Bazaar and Sell at an Appropriate Location Right now, since there is no auction house, if you want to sell items you need to find the right buyers. Here is what I have found: If you want to sell weapons and armor on your retainer, set yourself up in the Battlecraft Ward (most travelled for whatever reason) and grab a stand whenever they are available. Retainers behind stands make much faster sales I have found. Additionally, try to always sell the same type of thing on your retainer if you are a crafter. If you always sell crafting tools, players will come to know your retainer as the place to go for crafting tools and check it first. This is a viable strategy until the search feature is implemented. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 18 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE If you want to sell weapons or armor for adventurers, standing by Aetherytes or Aetherial Gates of the appropriate level. If you want to sell level 25 armor, stand by the Aetherial Gate in Cassiopeia Hollow - your armor will sell incredibly quickly. If you want to sell level 12 armor, hang out by Camp Drybone or Camp Skull Valley. If you want to sell reagents, hang out by the guild that uses them. Obsidian and Viscous Secretions sell quickly at the Carpenter's Guild. animal skins and dyes sell quickly at the Leatherworkers guild, Cotton sells quickly at the Weaver's guild, iron at the blacksmith's guild, and so on. Crystals and Crafting/Gathering armor sell quickest by the repair NPC in Ul'dah. This seems to be the spot with the largest congregation of crafters in the game, so you will want crafters looking through your bazaar. As far as Market Wards go, Ul'dah seems to be the most crowded city so the Market Wards there are best for buying and selling. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 19 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Picking Your Class By changing weapons, you can change classes. If you desire, you can do both the Battlecraft and Fieldcraft leves. However, note that you can only do eight total Regional Leves, and Battlecraft and Fieldcraft Leves share the same timer. As a result, at some point you should decide on whether you want to level a Miner/Botanist/Fisherman as your primary class or opt for a Discipline of War/Magic. It is actually very tough to level up both a Discipline of War or Magic class along with a Discipline of the Land. Mining and Botany truly do take a lot of work to level up since all of these types of classes share the same 8 Leve per reset cap. With that said, leveling up a craft alongside another job (Discipline of War, Magic, or Land) is not nearly as difficult. If you want to focus on crafting, it is not a bad idea to level up a Miner or Botanist (whichever compliments your craft). If you want to focus on fighting, it is not a bad idea to level up whatever profession repairs your weapon (so you can do your own repairs). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 20 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Next Step Below, you will find guides for earning gil via Leves, adventuring (fighting monsters), harvesting (Disciplines of the Land), and crafting (Disciplines of the Hand). The crafting guide is both a leveling and gil guide. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 21 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Leves Right now, the easiest method for getting Gil is by completing Leves. Leves are the quests available in each major starting city. You can pick them up from the person behind this desk: In particular, this is the desk in Ul'dah, but every major city has the same graphic (many drawers behind a desk with the same blue aura. You find this desk in the Adventurer's Guild in each city. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 22 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The person in the middle of the desk issues Regional Leves, which are what pays out gil and equipment as rewards. These are the quests you want to always do. There are two types: Battlecraft and Fieldcraft leves. Battlecraft Leves involve killing monsters and are best suited to players who are playing as a Discipline of War or Magic class (Archer, Pugilist, Gladiator, etc). All of these quests are fairly straight-forward: go out to the Aetheryte crystal in question, open up your menu, and initiate the quest. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 23 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Even the level 10 Leves pay out 2500+ gil, so it is a good idea to do them early and often, at least when starting out. Higher level players may find there are better ways to make gil, but this is a good way to get some gil to get started. Fieldcraft Leves involve completing gathering objectives and can only be completed by players currently playing as a Disciplines of the Land class (Miner, Botanist). However, any player can be a Miner or Botanist. You simply need to buy the required weapon (only costs about 1,000 gil; easily earned by completing a few level 1 Leves). Here is a town map demonstrating where you can find the right goods: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 24 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The Red Map indicates shops where you can buy equipment such as weapons (the Sword and Shield icon depicts stores which sell most if not all of the Discipline of War and Magic starter weapons). The Necklace icon indicates a place where you can buy some starting jewelry and get some bonus stat points. The blue areas indicate NPC shops. These shops should sell all the gathering and crafting profession starter weapons. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 25 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The Green areas indicate guilds. If some starter weapons are absent from other shops, you can find them in the guild. For example, to get a Pickaxe (needed for mining), you need to visit the Miner's guild to buy one. When picking a Fieldcraft Leve, you can select all the quests for as many different professions as you like: Select all that you feel like doing (I recommend picking one at most - it will be tough to level up more than one Fieldcraft), then go out to the Aetheryte and follow instructions. ____________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 26 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Regional Leves The level 1 Leves do not pay out much money, but they will give you enough to buy a gathering piece of equipment. The level 10 Leves, however, start paying out solid gil. You can get anywhere from 5,000-15,000 gil for each Leve you complete. The thing is you can only do a set of them once every 36 hours. As a beginner, you will want to complete all level 10 and above Leves that you can every 36 hours to earn gil. This way, you can buy good weapon and armor pieces, earn faction points, and eventually start farming for drops once you hit a higher level. Trading in Leves When you get a new set of leves and use the "Exchange" function, the payout from your new leve increases based on what you exchange it with. It seems to increase 10% for each "star" rating you received for the quest. In other words, if you turned in 4 "2 star" quests for a leve, that would increase the reward by 80%. You can use this to your advantage by only exchanging leves for the most profitable quests. You can boost your leves with this method to earn over 50,000 gil per leve! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 27 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Here is an example of this in action: One of the level 30 leves offered ~25,000 gil as the reward; I traded in 2-star quests x4 (stars are the difficulty you choose when completing the leve the first time around): If you want to make a lot of gil from leves, be sure you take advantage of this and only exchange your leves on the most valuable quests. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 28 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Adventuring / Farming Guide Even if you choose not to seriously pursue a craft, there are some monsters which do drop valuable things. Here is a list of valuables, though prices will vary server by server: Levels 1-12: Really, I would not recommend farming from levels 1-12; you need to focus on leveling up before you can really start to make any decent gil. However, some of the recommended leveling monsters to indeed drop these items which are valuable: Limonite - Drops of Mole-type monsters and 5 Limonite convert into 12x Iron Nugget. This item is often undervalued - it is not a "trash" item at all and actually can be sold for 5,000+ gil per stack. Moles spawn at literally all 3 cities - check the Leveling guide for plenty of caves with moles in them. Marmot Pelt - Drops off of marmots (found Ul'dah and Gridania areas) and sells to the vendor for 450 gil a piece. These may also become valuable at some point (no known major crafting recipes currently require these). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 29 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Levels 12-18: By this level, there are some more attractive options for farming. Flax: This drops off the Roselets by Camp Emerald Moss. Here are the spawn points (in red): With that said, this camp has a lot of competition so I still think you are best on focusing on leveling up with these two spots: Wind Shards / Crystals - These are one of the most in-demand crystal types and savvy adventurers can sell the shards for 150-200 gil a piece and the crystals for 1,000 gil a piece. These shards are most easily picked up off of Bug Swarm type Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 30 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE mobs. Level 12+ Syrphid Swarms spawn in abundance just north of Camp Horizon. Here are some good spawn points: All the areas boxed in green indicate areas rich in swarms. When leveling up in these areas, you can easily pick up 300 or so wind shards and then turn around and sell those for 50,000+ gil (depending how many you get). Copper Ore, Tin Ore, and Fire Shards. The areas in the maps above are also very rich in Coblyn-type mobs. These mobs drop Copper Ore and Tin Ore in very Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 31 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE large amounts in addition to dropping Fire Shards. Copper and Tin Ore can usually be sold quite easily for 2,000-3,000 gil per stack and Fire Shards are worth about 100-150 gil a piece.\ Levels 18-22: At levels 18-22, there still are not any amazing methods of farming gil, but your options definitely increase: Wind and Water Shards - Water shards are also fairly valuable shards and drop in abundance off of Jellyfish-type mobs. Jellyfish mobs also drop wind shards and occasionally ice crystals (one of the most valuable crystal types), making them doubly profitable: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 32 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The red areas include places where the easier types of Jellyfish spawn in abundance. The top-right area also has a few Roseling spawns, which drop Wind Shards & Crystals, Dodoskin, Flax and Growth Formula Alpha, making them quite profitable. Roselings are a great monster to kill for earning gil, but they do not spawn in farmable numbers anywhere. Flax, Wind Shards, and Wind Crystals. The bug swarm monsters at this spot in Cassiopeia Hollow make a great farming spot: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 33 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The spot is marked in blue on the map above. You have to run into the area with the Aetherial Gate and around, follow the red boxes and the green line across the water, and will eventually end up in a small room with 3 Bug Swarms. The bug swarms have a very, very fast respawn rate and drop Wind Crystals, Shards, and Flax, all which sell for a lot of gil. It is a really great farm spot. You can level up here from 18-22 and easily walk away with 100,000 gil+ in items the process. Be sure to dump the garbage items so you can save up all the Flax that might drop. The red spawn areas are all for higher-level Jellyfish, which do make a good leveling spot (as noted in the leveling guide. Dodoskin (levels 16-22): This island near Camp Bearded Rock has a very high spawn rate of Dodos. You can easily kill these to mass Wind Shards and Dodoskin in a very short amount of time. The Dodos respawn at a very fast rate so you never are bored, even at higher levels. Here is the spawn area: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 34 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The red box marks the best Dodo spawn area, and the black box marks Camp Bearded Rock for your reference. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 35 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Levels 23-28 Finally, by level 23, you are able to kill some monsters which are actually worth something. The only downside is that at this point you might actually have to spend some time finding the right buyer (Ul'dah is usually the best place to sell your wares). At any rate, here are the items of interest: Antelope Sinew - This item is currently hot and will be valuable for a few months surrounding release. You can find this off the Antelope Doe, which spawn around Camp Tranquil, as you approach the Aetherial Gate Longroot. They also spawn just Southwest of Gridania, just west of the Aetherial Gate Humblehearth (look at your map). This item is high in demand among level 15+ Leatherworkers. Also, if you head just west of Camp Emerald Moss and into Coerthas, there are a lot of low level Antelopes right by the zoneline for you to farm. Viscous Secretions - This little-known item is used to make the Pine Crook, a great level 18 Conjurer weapon. It is a very easy synth for Carpenters and this is the only "rare" ingredient. It drops in abundance off the Sea Slug monsters in these caves by Camp Bloodshore marked in blue: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 36 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE If you can find a Carpenter to pair up with, you could make a nice amount of gil selling Pine Crooks (the weapon which requires the Viscous Secretions). Hawkbill Tortoiseshell - Another little-known item used to create Tortoiseshells. Tortoiseshells are then used to create various valuables, most notably the Tortoiseshell Hora (great level 26 Pugilist weapon). These also drop off Sea Slugs, marked on the map above. This makes the Sea Slug a very valuable enemy! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 37 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Farming level 28-33: Skull Eyepatch (level 28 with 2 players, level 33+ solo): The Skull Eyepatch is currently the most lucrative item in game. I have personally earned over 1,000,000 gil in a single day by farming this item (and getting some good experience points at the same time). The Skul Eyepatch drops off of any type of Skeleton (Wight), but only after you knock its head off. When you use, Concussive Blow II, Skull Sunder II, or Shrieker on a skeleton, you damage its head. Once its head is damaged, you will see a message in the chat log: "Skeleton Swordbreaker's (or Magicked Bones) head is incapacitated". This is an indication that the Skull Eyepatch can now drop. However, it is not that simple. First off, you have to use your weaponskill from the front in order to damage the skull. A Concussive Blow II from the rear does NOT damage the skull. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 38 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Secondly, one hit usually is not enough to incapacitate the skull. If you are under level 35, you will need to use 2 or 3 weaponskills to actually break the skull. The final thing you have to watch out for is that when bone-type monsters use Minions of the Pit, they collapse. When they come back from their collapsed state, their heads will no longer be incapacitated and the eyepatch can no longer drop. Unless you are level 50 or using a horde of players (not recommended), it will be very hard to kill a Skeleton without Minions of the Pit going off. As a result, I recommend getting the Skeletons to around 50% HP and saving up a full TP bar. Tank them and wait for them to use Minions of the Pit. Once Minions of the Pit is cast and they return from their collapse, break the skull. Be sure not to kill the Skeleton until the skull is incapacitated. This may involve not attacking and simply using weapon skills until two weaponskills land. Once the skull is broken, quickly kill it. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 39 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE It is a lot of work, but the Skeleton Eyepatch sells for 75,000 gil very quickly (server average is 100,000 gil). Who knows how long the price will stay high - but you might as well take advantage of this while you can. Most people do not know where to get these so people are spending a lot of gil on them. I have managed to sell 10 in 8 hours @ 75,000 gil a piece. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 40 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE A couple of finer points regarding strategy. - You will make the most money by duoing these; 3 players at most. You do not want to have to divy up eyepatches between 10 players as there just are not enough skeletons. The ideal party is one Conjurer + a Discipline of War class - just make sure someone has the weaponskills needed to break the skull. - Skeletons are very tough and do a lot of melee damage. You will need a Discipline of War class to tank - casters generally do not have enough HP. - Skeletons use Sickle Slash, which does 400+ damage in a cone (600+ to casters). The tank and healer should stand on opposite sides of the skeleton so that Sickle Slash only hits one player. - Skeletons use Minions of the Pit, which is an AoE attack that does 600-900+ damage and has a very large range. Fortunately, Shell reduces the damage taken to 150-300. As a result, a Conjurer or someone with Shell is a near necessity. - Skeletons bunch up in their rooms, so you will need to pull them out. However, if you pull them out too far, they will reset and bug out. Be careful not to let the knockback on Sickle Slash push you back so far that the monster bugs out. The best thing to do is wedge yourself in the wall so that you do not leash the monsters (and make them reset and heal): Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 41 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE When getting hit by Sickle Slash, I am pushed into the corner created by the wooden beam and the rock wall, which prevents me from getting moved very far. I am also just out of range of the other skeletons inside the room. The downside is that this is very hard to do solo unless you are a higher-level player. While skeletons are a pain, they do make up for it in that they pay bonus experience points (more per hit than normal monsters of similar levels): Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 42 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Spawn Locations Skeletons spawn all over the place. They are lottery pops in many caves (especially near Camp Horizon) and also spawn at the tops of caves in Limsa Lominsa (south of Cedarwood at night, they are all over the place). However, I do not consider these to be reliable or highly profitable as you are hoping they spawn rather than getting guaranteed spawns. As a result, my preferred spot for farming these is in Nanawa Mines, where there are several rooms where you are guaranteed to find Skeletons. The blue boxes on the map below indicates rooms with skeletons: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 43 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE There are 7 rooms in Nanawa Mines (entrance north of Ul'dah), which each have 3 Skeletons a piece. As a result, competition should not be a problem as there can be several farming parties each at different locations of the mine. Note that the 3 southern-most rooms are very small and as a result can be difficult to clear (you may end up fighting several skeletons at once). If you are having trouble, the Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 44 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE 4 northern rooms all are much bigger and you should not have a problem pulling them one at a time. Other Locations There are a few locations in Cassiopeia Hollow which have Skeleton Swordbreakers as well. The easternmost room is a very large, open room with 6 Skeleton Swordbreakers and can support a single party. Repops are a bit slow, so it does not hurt to bring some crafting materials while waiting on respawns (seriously!): As you head towards the South-westernmost room in Cassiopeia Hollow, you will find 2 Skeleton Swordbringers as well. While there are not as many spawns as in Nanawa, it can be worth it if you are over that way. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 45 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Hippogryph Talons & Sinew (Level 28-33) These are a bit overfarmed, but you can still generally ask for Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 46 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Gathering Guide Mining I believe that Mining is the most profitable and unfortunately most tedious gathering profession. Here is a brief tutorial: How to Mine Mining is quite simple, though not very intuitive. Here is a brief tutorial: Step 1: Make sure your mining gear is equipped and find a mineral node. Mining nodes are very easy to fine; they glow brightly from a distance. Use your Lay of the Land ability to get an idea of where to head for these. This is what they look like: Step 2: Approach the node and select the "Mine" interaction. Easy enough, open up your menu and click "Mine": Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 47 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Step 3: Pick your location. You will be asked to pick a spot to strike the node. It does not matter where you pick at first, just pick anywhere: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 48 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE What you should know is the area you strike a node has similar rewards between mining attempts. In other words, if you pick a node in the middle of the bar pictured above and it pays out nothing, you will want to change spots on your next gathering attempt. If you hit the mother lode, stay in the same spot throughout subsequent attempts. Step 4: Pick a striking difficulty. This is like a hot and cold game. You will have to guess where to strike at first and then adjust your swing strength based on feedback. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 49 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Note the "remainder" bar indicates how many mining attempts you have to hit in the right spot. If that bar is used up before you hit the right spot, your attempt ends and you get nothing. To start out, I pick a hard swing (you don't have to do this, just swing it the first time around!) and here is my feedback: Step #5: Adjust based on feedback. "You feel nothing promising" is my feedback - in other words, I am in striking in way off base and need to completely change my striking area (i.e. smaller). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 50 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Here is what the feedback means: - If it says you feel nothing promising, you need to change locations. - If you change locations and it says you are warmer or colder, you need to change locations (head further in the same direction if you were warmer, head the other direction if you were colder). Do not mine the same spot. - If it says "you feel something promising" or "you are close to extracting something", mine the exact same spot and you will likely be successful. Based on my feedback, I hit it much closer to the center next time around, and end up with the feedback "You are close to something, but cannot yet extract it." This means that you want to strike again in the same spot, which I do: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 51 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE And there I go! A bunch of ore and fire shards. Next time I mine this spot, I will want to pick my initial starting location (in the middle of the vein, see step #1) to be the same since it paid out well. Unfortunately, Copper ore is not worth much! For the good ore, you will need to hit level 10 in mining and start exclusively focusing on Grade 2+ nodes if you want to earn some cash. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 52 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Valuable Ores: Zinc Ore - Standard price for this is 4,000 gil a piece. You can find this rarely in Grade 2 and above nodes. Silver Ore - Standard price for this is 5,000 gil a piece. It is a rare drop in Grade 3 and above nodes. Iron Ore - Copper and Tin are very devalued since Coblyn drop so much copper and tin ore. However, there are not any lower level Coblyn which drop Iron Ore. As a result, this ore should fetch 6,000+ gil per stack for a long time. Gold Ore - This has not been found much, but demand will be sky-high soon. I am guessing Grade 4 and above nodes only for this ore. If you are one of the first people to get one of these, do not let it go for less than 10,000 gil (maybe 20,000). Once other miners get to that level, I still assume this will fetch a huge price, given you need 3 Gold Ore to make Electrum Nuggets. Other Unusual Valuables The Scale Bugs (especially ones for Buffalo Leather) that you can get via quarrying tend to sell for 2,000-5,000 gil a piece. Save these. Humus also sells for a solid 5,000 gil as it is used for weapons. Obsidian is also used for weapons and should be sold for 4,000 gil a piece. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 53 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Botany I feel that Botany works best if you are also leveling up a Carpenter or a Weaver alongside it. From what I have seen, the prices of logs and fibers are greatly diminished, because Weavers rarely use logs and Carpenters rarely use fibers. The end result is that high-level Weavers are also leveling up Botany and selling the logs, and high-level Carpenters are also leveling up Botany and selling the fibers. Your best bet is to only pursue Botany if you plan to pursue Carpentry as well. However, there is some gil to be made for high-level Botanists; here are the valuables: Valuable Logs Ash Logs are used to make lumber which goes into nearly every level 12-20 weapon. Check on your server to see what the going rate is, but these should be worth several thousand gil per log. Chestnut Logs are used to make the Round Chestnut Shield, which is a highdemand shield. Partner up with a Carpenter (or level it yourself) if you can and you should be able to sell Chestnut Logs for a few thousand gil a piece. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 54 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Valuable Fibers Cotton Boll - These are worth about 2,000 gil a piece. Put these in your Bazaar in the Weaver's guild in Ul'dah and they will disappear very quickly. Flax - Worth 5,000-6,000 gil a piece, but is only harvestable by very high level Botanists. Valuable Dyes Any Moss generally fetches 4,000 gil plus - check out http://ffxiv.yg.com for a price check for how much you can sell dyes for. Hang out in the Alchemist's guild in Ul'dah if you want to sell these quickly. High Level Logs These higher-level logs are not used much by the current low-level player base, but will gain value with time: Pine Log, Oak Log, Spruce Log, Rosewood Log, Teak Log, and Ebony Log. Hold these for the next few weeks until they gain more value. Pine Logs will have more uses soon, so keep an eye on the market. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 55 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Fishing While Fishing probably will not make you rich, there are two valuable items. The first is Fish Glue. It can be synthed via several recipes by using the following fish: - Indigo Herring x5 and Sea Pickle x1 - Dark Bass x3 and Sea Cucumber x1 - Wahoo x1 and Razor Clam x1. Any of these fish are worth 600-1,000 gil a piece to the right level Alchemist. However, the easiest recipe to complete right now is the Dark Bass and Sea Cucumber. Sea Cucumbers and Dark Bass can both be caught in the Camp Drybone area. Sea Cucumbers seem to be easily caught in La Noscea using Lugworms as bait. Dark Bass are a bit harder to catch, but people report a lot of luck in the lake closest to Camp Horizon by using Syrphid Baskets and Chocobo Lures as bait. Fish Glue routinely sells for 2,000 gil a piece, and each of the recipes above produces 12 Fish Glue. It is clear that fishing can be quite profitable. It works best if you take the middle-man out of the equation and level up Alchemy yourself. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 56 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE The valuable fishing item is the Blindfish, which is needed in some alchemy synths. Blindfish routinely sell for 10,000 gil a piece as they are used to make Illuminating Salts, which are required for a Guild quest. You can fish these out of Grade 4 Water, such as that in Cassiopeia Hollow. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 57 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Crafting Guide Crafters - If you have a lot of time and patience, Crafting professions can turn you into the richest player on your server. Here is why: - Players start off with level 1 weapons and armor. - There are weapon upgrades from NPC-run shops are limited and expensive - There are no quests which award weapons at level 12, and quests rarely award armor. - Players can craft level 12 weapons which are upgrades. - Crafting is somewhat tedious and difficult, chasing away low level players. If you put this all together, you will know that the only viable way to get upgrades is to buy it from a crafter.. and that crafter could be you! Below, you will find leveling guides for each class. I will focus on two things, leveling up cheaply and making gil. This is not a crafting bank, as that would take up 100s of pages. I will simply list the most profitable and easiest recipes to level up. *** If you want a recipe database, I have found the one at http://ffxiv.yg.com/ to be the best.*** Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 58 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE How to become a Crafter To become a crafter, you simply equip the weapon of the appropriate class. Here is a chart detailing where to get weapons: http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/topics/detail?id=7a48e3eae8cfe86408678450550 b1bbe7fde1b20 Quick note on the crafting guide: All of guides are a bit conservative. I am assuming you are wearing below average crafting tools, do not have a full set of crafting gear, and are not using guild support. If you are using these things, you can craft recipes several levels higher than recommended for better experience points. For example, where I recommend making Copper Fishhooks until level 14 as a Goldsmith, At level 14, I recommend switching to Copper Rings. In this instance, I am assuming you still have a level 1 tool. If you have the Ornamental Hammer (level 12 tool), you could safely start crafting Copper Rings at level 12. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 59 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Which type of synthesis to pick and what the colors mean: Many players want to know whether to pick Standard Synthesis, Rapid Synthesis, Bold Synthesis, and when to wait. Here is a brief description of each type of synthesis: Standard Synthesis: When it works, you often do not lose durability. It is most effective for synthing recipes around your current level. For example, if you are level 10 and attempting to synth a level 11 recipe, you should use Standard Synthesis exclusively. Rapid Synthesis - Low quality, but finishes the item quickly. Rarely used once you get above level 15 - standard/bold combos tend to increase quality more, and you can use Hasty Hand (or similar skill) to instantly finish low level recipes if you are not concerned about quality. Bold Synthesis: When it works, you gain a lot of quality and often do not use durability. However, if you fail, you lose a ton of durability. It is most appropriatewhen you significantly outlevel your current recipe. For example, if you are a level 11 Goldsmith, Bold Synthesis can be good when trying to get a high-quality level 1 synth. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 60 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Wait: This is best used when the element becomes unstable. Whenever your synthesis gets an aura around it, you can sometimes use the wait function to get it to go away. Additionally, wait can often change colors. This generally costs 1-2 durability. Colors of the Synth White - Highest chance of success - improving progress with moderate increase in quality and low durability loss. Yellow - Moderate chance of success - improves progress high, moderate increase in quality, low durability loss. Failures cost a lot of durability. Red - Low chance of success - if successful, often improves progress and quality with no cost to durability. Flashing - The more frequent the flashing, the lower the chance of success - if successful, often improves quality greatly. If you are just trying to complete a difficult craft, you want to use the "wait" function if the synth is not white (but do not use it too many times in a row as durability penalty increases each time you wait). This can make the color change to white, which ensures the highest chance of success. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 61 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE If you want to HQ and item, you never want to use the wait function. Your chance of failure constantly increases as you synth back-to-back, but successful synths when the colors are changing is key to producing high-quality items. Quick Note About Quality The amount of experience points you earn per craft is influenced by the quality of the item you produce. Producing a 100+ quality can increase the amount of experience points earned by 20-25% as opposed to a 30 quality item. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 62 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Crafting Guide Levels 1-8 For Levels 1-8 for every single craft, do the level 1 and level 5 Local Leves. Do not try to craft prior to level 1, as it is a waste of materials. You will fail too frequently and honestly nothing good can come of it. Do not waste your time and money. Here is a local Leve tutorial if you have not done one yet: Local Leves When leveling up a craft, the fastest and cheapest way is via Local Leves. These Leves give you all the items you need to craft with and will allow you to level up very quickly and cheaply. You definitely do not want to try crafting at level 1; materials are expensive and you do not want to waste them. The Leve system lets you level up your craft for free. You grab them in the Adventurer's Guild in the same location that you would pick up other Leves. Instead of talking to the person in the center of the desk, talk to the person to the right of the desk and pick up your Local Leves: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 63 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE However, instead of heading to an Aetheryte to active them, you start them right in town. When asked if you would like to active, select yes: This actually does not activate right away. Rather, you are tasked to head to one of the camps out in the world, such as Camp Bearded Rock for some of the level 1 Leves. Each Local Leve runs one of two courses, regardless of profession. You are either asked to go to an NPC inside the city or a camp outside of the city, craft items, and turn them in, or you are tasked to craft items and then deliver them to an Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 64 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE NPC or a camp. The only difference being in the first type of Leve, you have to craft at the camp, whereas in the second Leve you can craft in town and turn them in at your leisure (or not turn them in at all!). Your quest log will tell you whether or not you have to get the items from camp. Not Sure Where To Go? Look on the "Levequest Location" and "Delivers to" sections of your quest journal (open up your journal and select Local quests then click on your quest title): Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 65 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE As you can see from the quest description above, this quest is turned in at Camp Skull Valley (Levequest Location) and the specific NPC I turn it in to is E'ptolmi. Sometimes, the location will be much larger than "Camp Skull Valley", especially when turning quest into town. If you cannot find the NPC you are looking for, simply pull up a database like the one at http://ffxiv.yg.com, and type the "Deliver to" NPC name into it. For example, a lot of local Leves in Limsa Lominsa will have "Lower Docks" as the location and "Delivers to" an NPC such as H'rhanbolo. If you type H'rhanbolo into the database search, you end up with a map that looks like this: By using the database to find NPCs, you never need to worry about where to go when doing quests. This PDF file would be incredibly lengthy and hard to navigate if we tried to put descriptions and maps of each local Leve for all 8 professions. It will be much Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 66 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE easier for you to find where your Local Leve (or any in game quest) by searching the NPC's name into one of the many FF14 databases. Again, I prefer ffxiv.yg.com as it generates a lot of nice maps so you never need to worry about where to go. NPC First Versus Materials Right Away Some quests give you the materials right away, whereas others make you pick up the materials in camp (the same NPC you deliver the item to). Each leve will say in the quest description whether or not you have to visit the NPC first. You will also get a message. You can use this to your advantage when accepting leves. If you do not have a lot of time to play, you can just accept the leves which give you the materials right away. Then, you can craft right there in town and actually skip turning the leves in. You will still get your experience points; you just will not get your reward. At low levels, Carpenters, Leatherworkers, Alchemists, and Weavers seem to get the best Leve rewards. Copper ore is so cheap that Blacksmiths, Armorsmiths, and Goldsmiths can usually make better use of their time and simply buy some copper ore from another player. If you are asked to go to the camp first: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 67 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE First, go to one of the various camps outside of whatever city you picked up the quest in (your quest journal tells you the appropriate one). Once you arrive, you will talk to the head NPC at the camp, such as Didiwa at Camp Bearded Rock: Once you talk the NPC, select yourLeve (Baderon's New Sword in this case): Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 68 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Now, this will start the Leve. However, before you start crafting, be sure to pick up support from a different NPC at the camp, if it is available: This is only 200 gil and you will make more from the Leve, so do not worry about the expense. The experience points you earn will be well worth it. However, this is not available at every camp, particularly the higher level camps. Once you get support, it is time to start the leve. Bring up your menu, select "Synthesize" from the interactions menu. This will allow you to start crafting. From the next menu that pops up, select the "Requested Items" tab: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 69 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Then, select "Main Hand" to start crafting: This will bring up the Synthesis menu. For the Leves, you want to select Rapid Synthesis every time. For some reason it has the highest success rate of completing a low-quality item. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 70 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Since you do not want to use the item yourself, you just want to complete the quest. If you fail the item you are trying to create too many times, you will fail the quest. Just select Rapid Synthesis each time to ensure you complete your craft. Once you complete the crafting, you will have to turn in your completed goods. Talk to the head quartermaster of the camp you were assigned to and you will complete the quest. If the Leve Lets You Craft in Town Follow the same crafting procedure as listed above, but know that you can turn in the items at your leisure. You can craft all your items in town and then turn them in whenever you feel like it (such as when you do Battlecraft Leves at that particular camp). You can pick up synthesis support all over town; the NPC who repairs your gear in particular offers support for all classes. You can also craft all your items at the first camp (Black Brush, Bentbranch, or Bearded Rock), as these places all offer crafting support for 200 gil. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 71 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE If you are doing Leves above your recommended level, be sure to pick up support, as otherwise you are likely to fail. Crafting Beyond Requirements - Double Your EXP This is a great tip that will double the experience points your Leves will give you. After you complete the items you need for you Leve, you can continue to craft. Most Leves give you the items you need to create 4 items, but only require 2 items for the quest. You can continue to craft after meeting the quest requirements until you have used up all of your supplies. You will continue to get good experience points for each quest. Other Local Leves You can accept up to 8 Local Leves, but each City only issues 3 Leves per craft. In order to speed up the rate at which you level your craft, you can travel from town to town (as recommended in the Level 15 and Beyond) section of the leveling guide. You can do the same thing for local Leves. So if your goal is to level up Blacksmithing, pick up 3 Blacksmithing quests in Ul'dah, then teleport to Limsa Lominsa and grab 3 Blacksmithing quests there. Be careful though, as you do not want to spend all your anima up by teleporting. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 72 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE It is best to teleport only when going from city to city, and then run from camp to camp once you are in each city. Otherwise, you will run out of anima very quickly if you are teleporting all over to complete these Leves. Grinding So if you want to level up beyond local leves, you can do some "grinding", or synthing things repeatedly. Once you hit level 8, this is perfectly viable, especially if you have a day to play the game and want to get a few levels of crafting done straight away. However, if you do want to do this, you will need a lot of shards and crystals. Below, you will find a list of ways to get crystals and shards. Crystal and Shard Gathering If you are a high level crafter with a lot of gil to spend, you can always buy crystals and shards in town. However, if you are looking to power level your craft, you will need an ample supply (it costs thousands of shards to move from level 10 to level 20, for example). Here are some locations to farm Crystals and Shards: Fire Shards & Crystals - Best earned off the Coblyn monsters, which spawn all over the north end of Camp Horizon. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 73 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE All areas marked in blue are areas rich in Coblyn-type monsters. Wind Shards / Crystals: These are commonly found off of flying-type monsters. In the picture above, you can easily get them at the spots marked in green off the Syrphid Swarms (need to be about level 13-15 Discipline of Magic / War to kill them, though). The area marked in blue on the map below (Cassiopeia Hollow) also makes a great farming spot for these (levels 16+). Note: The entrance to Cassiopeia Hollow is by Camp Bloodshore. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 74 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE These shards also drop off jellyfish mobs, which spawn in the red areas on the map marked below (class level 22+ to farm): Earth Shards / Crystals: These are the most common type of shards. You can find these off moles, which literally spawn in every cave in practically every zone. I Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 75 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE recommend buying these off adventurers, as you can usually grab them for as little as 50 gil a piece. It is not really worth your time to farm for these. If you level up any Discipline of War or Magic, you will get plenty of these just moving from levels 1-10. Water Shards / Crystals: These are easy to grab off the Bloodshore Bells, which spawn northeast of Camp Bloodshore (levels 18+): Ice Shards / Crystals: These also drop off jellyfish type mobs. However, the crystals seem to be a much more common drop off the higher-level Jellyfish (22+) in Cassiopeia Hollow (map a page above). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 76 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Lightning Shards / Crystals: These drop off the Syrphid / Bug swarms. To get the crystals regularly, you will have to kill higher level monsters like the ones found in Cassiopeia Hollow (marked in blue on the map two pages back). Now that you know how to farm (or buy) crystals, it becomes much easier to grind levels. Below, you will find the recipes based on each Discipline that allow you to level up cheaply and effectively. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 77 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE General Crafting Blueprint Each craft will follow roughly the same blueprint, although the recipes change from craft to craft. Levels 1-8: Local Leves for EXP. Levels 8-13: Local Leves for EXP and then grind crafts. Levels 14+: Once you hit level 14, Leves start no longer can be your main experience point source. You will have to set aside an hour+ at a time and grind out the cheap recipes listed in this guide. Mass materials and start crafting the same recipe repeatedly. it is currently the only way to level up a craft in a decent amount of time. Levels 20+: Grinding is now your sole source of XP. Do the level 20+ local leves as they are available to earn Guild Marks (all level 20+ local leves award guild marks). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 78 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Alchemy Guide As mentioned previously, from levels 1-8, perform Local Leves. You will still regularly perform local leves to supplement the recipes listed throughout the guide. Levels 8-14 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can. Skill Ups Beyond that, there are a couple of cheap ways to level up. Distilled Water (1x Muddy Water) is a ridiculously cheap synth and only costs about 250 gil per attempt. You can then vendor your distilled water or save for later use. You can use this recipe practically all the way to 10. From levels 10-14, you can take that Distilled Water you made and turn it into Table Salt (Distilled Water x1 + Rock Salt x1). This is another very, very cheap synth. Use it as long as it still gives you skill points. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 79 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Gil Once you hit about level 10, you are safe to start making Sheep Leather Dye (1x Linseed Oil, 1x Taupe or Slate-grey Scale bugs). Flax is hard to come by, but you can farm it off Roselings (see the farming guide back at the beginning of this guide for locations) and then convert it yourself into Linseed Oil. You can then make the Dye, which sells for about 12,000 gil for a stack of 12. Hang out in the Leatherworker's Guild to sell this quickly. Levels 14-22 Alchemy is very easy to level. For these levels, you can convert crystals (earth crystals are cheap and easy to come by) into shards via using 1x Fine Sand plus whatever crystal type you want. This recipe is practically free, given that you can then turn around and sell the shards to other crafters or use them yourself. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 80 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Gil Fish Glue is a very profitable recipe for players level 15+ - you just have to find the fish. You will find it easiest to complete the 3x Dark Bass + 1x Sea Cucumber version of this recipe. Try taking up fishing yourself (see Fishers section for details on where to find these fish) or buy them off other players. Fish Glue generally sells for 2,000 gil a piece, and 1 synth creates 12 fish glue. Levels 22-29 For these levels, it is cheapest if you can farm Jellyfish Cnida and Jellyfish Umbrellas. These drop with a very, very high drop rate off of the Cassiopeia in Cassiopeia Hollow and the Bloodshore Bells on the North East. If you do not feel like farming yourself, walk into Cassiopeia Hollow and /shout asking to buy these items. Since they are of no use to players and players are often leveling up in this zone, you can often get multiple players who will sell you stacks of Jellyfish Umbrellas for next to nothing. 6x Jellyfish Cnida -> 4x Paralyzing Powder and 2x Jellyfish Umbrellas -> 12x Jellyfish Humors. The other great thing about these recipes is the very, very low shard cost. Alchemy is very easy to level via these methods. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 81 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Making Gil The easiest way for an alchemist to make gil at this level is to sell Red Ochre and SootBlack Buffalo Leather Dye along with Horn Glue. Black Dodo Leather Dye also works. Red Ochre Scale Bugs + Linseed Oil = Red Ochre Buffalo Leather Dye Soot-Black Scale Bugs +Linseed OIl = Soot-Black Buffalo Leather Dye Midnight-Black Scale Bugs + Linseed Oil = Midnight-Black Dodo Leather Dye 3x Aldgoat Horn + 1x Hippogryph Talon = 12x Horn Glue Set up a Retainer with Fish Glue, Horn Glue, Black Dodo Dye, Black Buffalo Leather Dye, and Red Ochre Buffalo Leather dye. Place this in the Tradescraft Ward and you will do just fine. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 82 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Armorer's Guide As mentioned previously, from levels 1-8, perform Local Leves. You will still regularly perform local leves to supplement the recipes listed throughout the guide. Levels 8-13 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can. To start out, you will actually need to change to Goldsmithing (level 1 is plenty) to create Copper Nuggets. Next, create Copper Squares (3x Copper Nugget yields 12 Copper Squares). This will take you all the way to 13 without a problem. Levels 13-15 You can then synth Copper Toes (2x Copper Squares) from levels 13-15. This is all from those initial 16 Copper Ore, so it is a pretty efficient way to level. You could make the initial batch have more Copper Ore to get even more levels. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 83 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Levels 15-23 From here, if you can you want to buy a few stacks of Bronze nuggets (about 400 if you really want to power level). This should not cost more than 100,000 gil if you shout for a Blacksmith. If you provide the materials (a few stacks of Copper Ore and a stack of tin ore), you should only have to pay around 10,000 gil. Given that this is enough materials to get you 10 levels (combined with locals), it is definitely worth the cost. Turn all your Bronze Nuggets into Bronze Squares (3x Nuggets per synth). If you get enough Bronze Nuggets, this can take you up to level 17. You can then turn all your Bronze Squares into Bronze Sallet Visors (2x Bronze Square per synth, will need guild support for the first few levels). This recipe can take you all the way to level 23 if you get enough Bronze nuggets. Making Money By Level 18, you can start crafting a few easy recipes which yield a good amount of gil: Bronze Barbut and Brass Alembic. The Bronze Haubergon is also a great recipe but is a bit harder to make (in terms of requiring a lot of materials). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 84 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Bronze Barbut (1x Brass Plate, 1x Sheep Leather, 1x Bronze Rivets, 1x Bronze Plate) - Make the Bronze Plate and Bronze Rivets yourself, buy the Ingots from a Goldsmith. Sheep Leather can be purchased from the Leatherworking vendors in each city or bought from a Leatherworker for very cheap.; Brass Alembic (1x Brass Ingot, 1x Brass Plate, 1x Brass Rivets) - Hook up with a Goldsmith to get your Brass materials, and then create this Alchemist tool. This should sell for a solid 30,000-40.000 gil. Bronze Haubergon (1x Bronze Chainmail Vest, 1x Bronze Chain Sleeves, 1x Bronze Chain, 1x Sheep Leather Strap, 1x Brass Buckle, 1x Undyed Cotton Cloth). This is actually a complex recipe, but these things sell like crazy for 100,000 gil a piece. Everyone seem s to want one. As a side note, you need to do a few synths in order to make this: Bronze Chain - 6x Bronze Rings Bronze Ring - 1x Bronze Wire Bronze Wire - 2x Bronze Ingots Brass Square - 3x Brass Nugget Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 85 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Bronze Chainmail Vest - 2x Bronze Chain, 1x Bronze Rings (Bronze Rings are made from 1x Bronze Wire, which is made from 2x Bronze Ingot) Bronze Chain Sleevs - 1x Bronze Ring and 1x Bronze Chain Brass Buckle - 1x Brass Nugget and 2x Brass Square The Sheep Leather Strap should be bought from a Leatherworker (should be able to get for 1,000 gil or less) and the Cotton Cloth can be bought from a Weaver (should be able to get for about 5,000 gil a piece). There are a lot of other recipes you can make (http://ffxiv.yg.com/) but these are certainly the easiest. If you have a lot of crafter friends, take a look at the more difficult recipes. Otherwise, craft these easy ones to get some money to fund your next 10 levels, as the higher your craft, the more money you will make. Levels 23-30 For levels 23-30, you will need to first get quite a few Iron Nuggets. You will have to buy these off a Blacksmith. You can expect to pay about 700-1000 gil per iron nugget and a stack of 99 iron nuggets will yield 300 synths. So, to hit level 30, you will need about 800 iron nuggets (perhaps 100 more or less depending on the amount of local leves you do). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 86 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Your first job is to turn all your iron nuggets into iron squares (3x Iron Nuggets yields 12 Squares). This can take you up to level 25 if you get enough Iron Nuggets. Now, you can turn your Iron Squares into Iron Toes (2x Iron Squares). This recipe will take you up to level 30. Note that you do not have to get all 800 Iron Nuggets and convert them at once, as this would leave you with 3200 Iron Squares - you are not likely to have inventory space for this. It is more convenient to get about 100 Iron Nuggets at a time, convert them to Squares, and then convert the Squares to Iron Toes. You can then vendor the Iron Toes to make a little bit of your money back. Levels 31+ Coming Soon Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 87 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Blacksmithing Guide As mentioned previously, I recommend performing Local Leves to go from levels 1-8. Once you are level 8, you can start crafting for skill ups. Levels 8-13 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can. Bronze Nuggets From levels 8-13, you can earn a lot of skill ups simply by converting Copper Ore and Tin Ore into Bronze Nuggets (3x Copper Ore and 1x Tin Ore for the recipe). Save the Bronze Nuggets, you will need them later. You will want to create a few stacks of 99 Bronze Nuggets. You can get the ore from buying it from players or farming it from Coblyns. A few hours of Coblyn farming can turn into 80+ Copper Ore which will power plenty of synths. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 88 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Bronze Ingot Create a stack of Bronze Ingots (12) for some extra skill ups; you will need these as well. Levels 14-19 Skilling Up First off, you will want to do all your Local Leves straight-away. Once you are done, you can start grinding. The best recipe at this level is the Bronze Fishhook (1x Bronze Nugget). This is perfect because it requires a lot of Water Shards (which you rarely get to use as a Blacksmith) and it only requires 1x Bronze Nugget (which you should already have from the last step), so it is practically free to make. You can vendor the hooks when you are done. This is a level 11 synth, so it can literally take you all the way to level 19 quite easily. Making Money Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 89 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Once you reach around Blacksmith level 15, you have a lot of profitable recipes available to you. You can start to make quite a few weapons. For a full crafting database, I recommend visiting http://ffxiv.yg.com. Here are the easiest recipes: Bronze Dagger (Bronze Dagger Blade, Maple Dagger Grip, Animal Glue, Brass Nugget. The Bronze Dagger is easy because the Maple Dagger Grip is available from the Blacksmithing Guild NPC in Limsa Lominsa, Animal Glue can be picked up off any Alchemist, and Brass Nuggets are for sale via each city's Goldsmithing NPC (stand or Guild). Birdsbeak Hammer (Birdsbeak Hammer Head, Ash Hammer Grip, Bronze Ingot, Undyed Canvas). This recipe is a little tougher but much more profitable. The Ash Hammer Grip is an easy pick-up off of a Carpenter, but the Undyed Canvas (Weaver) is tougher to find. You make the other two ingredients yourself. I have seen this item routinely priced at 50,000 gil. Chocobo Tail Saw (1x Brass Square, 1x Bronze Nugget, 1x Iron Rivets, 1x Bronze Saw Blade, 1x Ash Saw Grip). This is a tough synth, but very profitable. You can buy the Brass Square and Iron Rivets from an NPC, but you will have to find a Carpenter for the Ash Saw Grip. Usually you can get a Carpenter to make 5 handles for you in exchange for 1 saw. This way, you can sell 4 saws and get your 5 handles for free! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 90 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Levels 19-21 or until you gather ~1,000 Iron Nuggets - whichever comes last From levels 19-21, you need to acquire a large supply of iron. You will have to buy Limonite, Iron Sand, and Iron Ore from miners and adventurers. You can then convert it via the following recipes: 6x Iron Sand +1x Fire Crystals -> 12x Iron Nuggets 4x Iron Ore + 2x Fire Crystals -> 12x Iron Nuggets 5x Limonite + 2x Fire Crystals -> 12x Iron Nuggets You will likely have to buy both the Fire Crystals and the Iron Ore / Iron Sand / Limonite. You will want ~1,000 iron nuggets in order to proceed to the next level step (even if you are not level 22 yet). Levels 22-30 Once you hit 1,000 Iron Nuggets, it is time for the next step. You will convert all your Iron Nuggets into Iron Needles (1 Iron Nugget). This means you have enough nuggets for 1,000 synths - the bigger challenge will simply be getting all the shards. You can vendor the Needles to recover a lot of your lost money. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 91 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Making Gil Once you hit level 25, you have access to 3 very profitable (and very easy to make) items. The Iron Awl (Leatherworker level 27 off hand tool) only requires 3x Iron Nuggets to make. The Iron Pliers only requires 5x Iron Nugget. Another profitable but harder to make item is the Iron Dagger. It requires 1x Iron Dagger Blade (5x Iron Nuggets), 1x Horn Glue (easily picked up for 5,000 gil a piece from an alchemist), 1x Iron Nugget, and 1x Elm Dagger Grip (should only be 4-5k from a Carpenter). Levels 31+ Coming Soon! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 92 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Carpentry Guide As mentioned previously, from levels 1-8, perform Local Leves. You will still regularly perform local leves to supplement the recipes listed throughout the guide. Levels 8-13 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can. When it comes to hitting level 13, there are two simple steps. First, collect Logs of any type (reward from your local leves) and turn those into Lumber (1x Log yields 4 lumber). Next, create the following two synths that only require 1 piece of lumber and are a level 5 skill. These are the Lauan Half Mask and Maple Knife Grip. Save other types of lumber for higher level synths. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 93 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Making Gil A level 13 Carpenter can start to make gil by selling Shields and Wands. Square Maple Shield - 2x Maple Plank, 1x Bronze Plate, 1x Sheep Leather Strap, 1x Bronze Nails, 1x Bronze Rivets. It requires a lot of materials, but most are low level. Buy the Bronze Rivets from the Armorsmith Guild's vendor in Limsa Lominsa, buy the Bronze Plates off an Armorsmith, the Bronze Nails off a Blacksmith, and the Sheep Leather Strap off a Leatherworker. These often sell for 20,000 gil and can be produced and sold in large quantities. Alternatively, a Maple Wand simply requires 1x Maple Branch and 1Growth Formula Alpha and are worth around 7,000 gil. Levels 13-17 For these levels, we will be working with Elm Lumber: Elm Lumber (1x Elm Log) Elm Dagger Grip (1x Elm Lumber) These synths can take your character efficiently to about level 17. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 94 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Gil Making Recipes While there are several weapons Carpenters of this level can make, I recommend the following two recipes for easy gil: Elm Cane - 1x Elm Log, 1x Growth Formula Alpha. Very easy recipe to make and can be sold for 15,000 gil when finished. Ash Macuahuitl - 1x Ash Plank, 4x Obsidian. Obsidian is easily procured by shouting in town and offering a few thousand gil per piece. You can then sell this sword for 40,00050,000 gil (at least on my server) Willow Wand - 1x Willow Branch and 1x Growth Formula Alpha and worth 20k a piece; very easy gil. Levels 17-24 These levels are very easy. Simply convert 1x Willow Lumber (Willow Lumber is made from Willow Logs) into 1x Willow Half Mask. The Willow Half Mask is great because it requires very few shards - this recipe literally pays for itself when you sell the masks to a vendor. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 95 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Levels 24-29 For this level, you can create Cedar Sword Grips or Cedar Skillet Handles. They both are a level 24 Carpentry skill and can take you up to level 29. Making Gil By level 25, you have access to two profitable recipes: Walnut Wand - 1x Walnut Branch and 1x Growth Formula Alpha - can sell these for 50,000 gil no problem. Plumed Willow Shortbow - 1x Willow Shortbow, 1x Yew Lumber, 2x Cock Feather, 1x Iron Square, 1x Iron Rivets. You can buy the iron reagents off of an Armorsmith. This recipe is quite profitable and you can usually sell these for 100,000 gil without an issue. If you have Alchemy leveled up to 15, you can also make the Budding Willow Wand (Willow Wand, 1x Humus, 1x Growth Formula Beta). These sell for around 75,000 gil pretty easily as well. Levels 29-36 The Oak Half Masks are the best synth which require 1x Oak Lumber a piece. You will need a lot of Oak Logs but you can make most of your money back simply by selling the Oak Half Masks to the vendor. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 96 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Culinarian Guide Note: Unfortunately, there is not much interest in food in a new game. As players hit higher levels and understand the benefits of food, a market will appear for this. For now however, there is not much gil to be made in cooking. As mentioned previously, from levels 1-8, perform Local Leves. You will still regularly perform local leves to supplement the recipes listed throughout the guide. Levels 8-12 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can. Sea Sand - Finger Shrimp x1. This is a very easy recipe to use as the jellyfish mentioned frequently throughout this guide drop Finger Shrimp in large quantities. You can easily farm several stacks of Finger Shrimp in a few hours and get all the materials you need to earn several levels of cooking skill. Boiled Egg - Chicken Egg, Mineral Water. If you want to spend some gil and save some time, you can create Boiled Eggs. Chicken Eggs and Mineral Water are for sale at Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 97 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE the various city vendors that line up in the markets. You can cook this for a few hundred gil per synth. Levels 12-16 In addition to your Leves, Maple Sugar (1x Maple Syrup) is a very cheap synth for a Culinarian. You can buy Maple Syrup from the Culinarian's Guild vendor for a low price and then synth it into Maple Sugar until you hit level 16. Levels 16-24 For these levels, you get a very easy synth. You can created Dried Prunes (1x Pixie Plums) and Pixie Plums can be bought for 403 gil a piece from Roderic in Gridania (North and slightly east of the Carpenter's guild). Levels 24-30 The easiest synths for these levels all require fishing. You can use one of three recipes: Bianaq Bream x1 -> Sea Sand, 1x Nautilus -> Sea Sand, 1x Rock Lobster -> Sea Sand, or 1x Helmet Crab -> River Sand. These are the only simple recipes to use for these levels. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 98 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE There are other more complex recipes, but literally require 5+ ingredients. I recommend taking up fishing Levels 30+ coming soon! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 99 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Goldsmithing Guide As mentioned previously, from levels 1-8, perform Local Leves. You will still regularly perform local leves to supplement the recipes listed throughout the guide. Levels 8-15 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can. Copper Nugget Create a few stacks of 99 Copper Nuggets by using Yellow Copper Ore x4 or Copper Ore 4x. You will need a few stacks of Copper Ore to get started. Copper Fishhook Now, start converting your Copper Nuggets into Copper Fishhooks (1 Copper Nugget per synth). This is an easy craft and will take you all the way to level 15. Levels 15-23 From levels 15-23, you can next start converting your remaining Copper Nuggets into Copper Rings (2x Copper Nugget per synth). This is a pretty cheap synth and you can even turn around and quickly sell your rings for 3,000 gil a piece. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 0 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Making Gil Goldsmiths have quite a few recipes that can be used to make gil. Here are some of the most profitable ones: Bone Hora - 2x Bone Chip, 1x Blacklip Oyster, 1x Animal Glue, 1x Antelope Sinew Cord. Even though it is only a level 6 weapon, it tends to fetch around 30,000 gil. The Antelope Sinew and the Blacklip Oyster can be bought for a few thousand gil. Brass Dagger - 1x Brass Dagger Blade, 1x Maple Dagger Grip, 1x Brass Ingot, 1x Animal Glue. This is a great recipe as this dagger can fetch 50,000 gil and you can easily get all the materials yourself. Animal Glue and Maple Dagger Grips are available from vendors (Maple Dagger Grip is on the Blacksmithing Guild's vendor) and animal glue is sold by any Alchemist or Alchemy vendor (cheaper from players). Levels 23-26 For these levels, first you will need a few hundred Brass Nuggets (3x Copper Ore, 1x Zinc Ore yields 12 Brass Nuggets). You can then turn 2 Brass Nuggets into a Brass Earrings. You can vendor the brass earrings or try to sell them in your Bazaar. The vendor pays over 1,000 gil per earring which will help you recover some of the losses. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 1 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Making Gil A very easy and profitable recipe exists at this level - the Brass Spear, which requires 1x Bronze Spear, 1x Brass Rivets, and 2x Brass Nuggets. You can buy the Bronze Spear off of many player's bazaars and you should be able to pick up Brass Rivets for about 1,000 gil a piece. You can then turn around and sell this item for 100,000 gil a piece! Levels 26-29 For these levels, you can synth Brass Rings, which also require 2 Brass Nuggets each attempt. If you have really good gear and are using synthesis support, you can attempt these at level 23 and do these rings from 23-30. The rings have a better chance of selling in your Bazaar than the Earrings, and you can easily sell a full set of 10 rings in an hour by putting them up for 3,000-4,000 gil a piece. Levels 30-38 For these levels, you will first need to synth around 1,000 (perhaps more) Silver Nuggets (5x Silver Sand -> 12 Silver Nuggets; 4x Silver Ore -> 12 Silver Nuggets) as you will start needing very large amounts of experience points to level up. You can then turn a single Silver Nugget into a Silver Needle, which you can then sell to a vendor. Levels 38+ coming soon! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 2 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Leatherworking Guide As mentioned previously, from levels 1-8, perform Local Leves. You will still regularly perform local leves to supplement the recipes listed throughout the guide. Levels 8-19 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can. Leves in this instance also provide generous amounts of Sheepskin (worth about 1500 experience points a piece) and Dodoskin (used later), so be sure to save the rewards and do these Leves often. Skilling Up The easiest way for you to kill up from levels 8-15 is to convert Sheepskin into Sheep Leather (Sheepskin + Willow Chips) and then convert Sheep Leather into Sheepskin Vambraces. These sell for a good amount of gil to the vendor (10,000 gil for a stack of 99!), so you can literally level for free as the vendor price of vambraces will pay for your shards. This way, you can get 5-7 synthesis attempts (around 1000-1500 experience points) out of each Sheepskin. This synth provides great skill ups and can literally take you all the way to level 19 with no problem. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 3 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Making Gil The easiest way to make gil at level 10-15 Leatherworking is to create Sheepskin Subligars and Sheepskin Harnesses. Both of these require little assistance Sheepskin Subligar - Sheep Leather, Copper Buckle, Hempen Yarn, Mole-Brown or Lead-grey Hempen Cloth. This is a very easy recipe to make. You can pick up a stack of 12 Copper Buckles for a few thousand gil off an Armorsmith. You can then buy Hempen Yarn and dyed Hempen Cloth from the Weaver's Guild in Ul'dah for around 2000 gil. You can craft this and turn around and sell them for an easy 10,000-12,000 gil. Sheepskin Harness (grey) - Sheep Leather, Slate-grey Sheep Leather, Sheep Leather Strap (Grey), Mole Sinew Cord, Copper Buckle. This is a little bit more challenging to make, as you will need to buy some dye for the dyed Sheep Leather off an Alchemist. You can create the Mole Sinew Cord yourself and pick up the Copper Buckles from an Armorsmith. These also sell for 15,000 gil quite easily. Levels 19-27 For these levels, you will be working with Dodo Leather. You should follow a similar pattern; turn Dodoskins (earned via Leves or farming, but should get plenty via Local Leves) into Dodo Leather, then turn Dodo Leather into Dodoskin Vambraces (1 dodo leather per synth). Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 4 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Both recipes are around level 18-19 and can take your leatherworking all the way to level 27. You can then turn around and sell the Vambraces to the vendor for almost 16,000 gil per stack. This is a ridiculous amount and again makes Leatherworking pay for itself. You can also make some money with your Dodo Leather, but first you will also need to make some Antelope Sinew Cords (1x Antelope Sinew + 1x Beeswax yields 12). Antelope Sinew is currently not easy to get; you will have to pay an adventurer or farm these yourself (level 23+ or a group required) off Antelope Doe near Gridania. Fortunately, you will only need 1 or 2 of these cords to make some good coin and make it to the next tier. Making Gil By around level 17, you should not have a problem creating Dodoskin Harness. There are a lot of other recipes at this level, but this one is the easiest. The other ones require too many ingredients from other crafts and I have not found them to be very profitable. Dodoskin Harness - Sheep Leather (grey), Sheep Leather Strap (grey), Dodo Leather, Copper Buckle, Antelope Sinew. You can make everything yourself except for the Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 5 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Copper Buckle, which are cheap. These sell routinely for 20,000-50,000 gil, depending on how desperate the person you are selling to is. Antelope Sinew Cord - 1x Antelope Sinew + 1x Beeswax yields 12. You can literally throw up a stack of 99 of these for 4,000 gil a piece and have a steady revenue stream for a few weeks. I am able to sell a couple of these per day like this and literally is 350,000 gil profit over the few week's time it takes to sell them. Levels 28-30 For these levels, you want to focus on turning your Buffalo Hides into Buffalo Leather (1 Buffalo Hide + 1 Walnut Chip -> 4 Buffalo Leather), and then your Buffalo Leather into Buffalo Leather Spetches (1 Leather -> 6 Spetches and Straps (1 Leather -> 12 Straps). You can get Buffalo Hides via local leves and buying them off other players. Making Gil Leatherworker get some very easy and profitable recipes at this level. Buffalo Leather is used in practically everything and I find it to be one of the most profitable recipes. What you want to do is set up a Retainer with the following materials: Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 6 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Undyed Buffalo Leather @ 5,000 Gil a Piece Soot-Black and Ochre-Red Leather (add in a dye along with the Buffalo Hide and Walnut Chip) @ 25,000 Gil a Piece Undyed Buffalo Leather Straps @ 3,000 Gil a Piece Soot-Black & Ochre-Red Leather Straps (1x dyed buffalo leather) @ 6,000 Gil a Piece. Place these in the Tanner's ward behind a stand. Some Armorsmith or Blacksmith will come along eventually and buy up a lot of these materials, even at the perceived "high" price. It is very easy to synth these, they sell surprisingly well, and the profit margin is excellent. Levels 31+ Coming Soon! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 7 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Weaving Guide As mentioned previously, from levels 1-8, perform Local Leves. You will still regularly perform local leves to supplement the recipes listed throughout the guide. Leveling Recipes With that said, Weaver is not nearly as easy as the other classes to level up. Here are the basics. To level up quickly, you will want to convert raw materials (Moko Grass, Cotton Bolls) into yarn (Hempen Yarn, Cotton Yarn) into cloth (Undyed Hempen Cloth, Undyed Cotton Cloth). This way, you get a lot of synthesis attempts out of just a few materials. Levels 8-14 As usual, you will want to start with all your Local Leves. Let them take you as far as they can First off, you will need a few stacks of Moko Grass (36 is a good start). You can get this via local leves, from Botany, or from buying it off of other players. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 8 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Turn all of your Moko Grass into Hempen Yarn (2x Moko Grass per synth). When you have done that, turn all of your Hempen Yarn into Undyed Hempen Cloth (3x Hempen Yarn per synth). 12x Moko Grass turns into 72 Hempen Yarn (6 synthesis attempts - about 1,500 experience points) and 72 Hempen Yarn turns into 24 Undyed Hempen Cloth (24 synthesis attempts - about 6,000 experience points). As you can see, each stack of Moko Grass is worth about 7,500 experience points to a low level player. Three stacks plus Local Leves should take you to about level 14. Levels 14-19 These levels will take a similar path, but using Cotton. First, get several stacks of Cotton Bolls (up to a few dozen for these levels if you really want to power-level; you will not need as much if you do a lot of local Leves and are taking your time). Turn all of your Cotton Bolls into Cotton Yarn (2x Cotton Bolls yields 12x Cotton Yarn). Hoard your Cotton Yarn as you will need a lot of this for the upcoming levels. I cannot emphasize that enough. You can craft nothing but Cotton yarn from levels 14-19 and still use every bit of it in the upcoming levels. It is that important! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 10 9 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Levels 18-25 Once you have done that, turn some of your Cotton Yarn into Undyed Cotton Cloth (3x Cotton Yarn per Cloth). Again, each stack of Cotton Bolls is worth about 7,500 experience points; you just need more experience to move from levels 14-22. Save some yarn though, because, you can cash in on all that cotton you just made. Levels 25-30 For levels 25-30, there are two options: Dodo Fletchings (3x Dodo Feather) - This looks like a cheap recipe on the surface, but in reality it requires 10x Wind Shard which makes it somewhat expensive. If you have a bunch of wind shards sitting around, this could be a good way to level up. Canvas Cloth - 4x Cotton Yarn. This will be the recipe of choice for most players, as Canvas has a lot of value once it is finished. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 11 0 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Making Gil Weavers have a lot of options open to them and can make a lot of armor. For a full database, visit http://ffxiv.yg.com. Here are the most profitable and easy-to-make recipes: Undyed Canvas - 4x Cotton Yarn. This is a very, very easy synth and it is a very valuable material. Canvas is used to make the Birdsbeak Hammer (Blacksmithing Weapon) and as a result, it is a very high-demand item. It is used in many other recipes too, and alone can be sold for 10,000 gil. Dyed Canvas - While you can sell the Undyed Canvas for 10,000-20,000 gil a piece, and can also set up a retainer selling each type of dyed canvas (4x Cotton yarn + Sunset-Auburn dye for example). You could then list these for 20k a piece and sell 12 of each color variety and charge 20,000 gil a piece. List the items on Yellow Goblin and you are sure to make some sales from crafters. Cotton Cowl - 1x Cotton Inner Cowl, 1x Cotton Outer Cowl, 1x Cotton Hood 1x Hempen Yarn. Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 11 1 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Now, to make all these ingredients, you use cotton. Cotton Inner Cowl is created by 3x Cotton Cloth and 1x Cotton yarn, Cotton Outer Cowl is created by 4x Cotton Cloth and 1x Cotton yarn, and the Cotton Hood is created by 2x Cotton Cloth and 1x Cotton Yarn. This is probably the best body and head piece that a level 20-27 caster can get and you do not have to rely on another profession to make it. You can also do it with all the materials you used to level up! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 11 2 Chrono Guide FINAL FANTASY 14 MASTERY GUIDE Conclusion Now that the game has been out a month, there are viable ways to earn gil, whether you prefer to farm monsters, gather, or craft. This guide covers levels 1-30 and will be updated weekly until the entire game is covered. Be sure to log back into the Member's area to grab your updates - they will be posted frequently! Copyright © 2010,ChronoGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 11 3