Coyote Howler 2014-07 - Cerro Coso Community College
Coyote Howler 2014-07 - Cerro Coso Community College
014 2 Y JUL CER RO CO EGE L L O C SO COMMUNITY Honors Program Celebrates Graduates L to R: Greg Kost, Matt Hightower, Brian Schuldt, Chris Camilleri, Christine Abbott, Chris Cooper, Dennis Jensen. Also, on the tv screen: Christine Swiridoff. ESCC Recognizes the Outstanding Student of the Year This May, ESCC was proud to recognize a transferring senior, Christopher Camilleri, as the Outstanding Student of the Year. Christopher’s journey has been an inspiring success story to witness. Lauren Patridge, LAC Faculty Coordinator, worked with Chris since his first semester, when he showed up in the Mammoth LRC, frantic for help with his ENGL40 assignments. She saw him completely transformed in that time. Chris nearly failed high school and started college with very little academic confidence. He told Patridge once that the turning point came right before his first semester at college, during a trip to rural Ecuador. He said that witnessing extreme poverty “snapped him out of it,” so-to-speak, and he finally realized how privileged he was to be an American citizen with an opportunity for an education. Up until the end of his final semester at ESCC, Chris still came to the LAC for help with his work—though he traded Basic Skills assignments for Honors projects and university application essays. All who worked with him were consistently impressed with his work ethic, his thirst for knowledge, and his excellent rapport with peers. It is hard to imagine a better example of the ideal symbiosis between the myriad ESCC offerings (local foundation scholarships, student services, etc.) and pure student motivation and grit. Chris’s award was given on one of the final days of spring semester in his English 102 class. Christine Abbott, his professor, was there to facilitate the award presentation, which several of Chris’s past and present teachers also attended. In addition, fellow English instructor, Chris Cooper, brought his class along to attend the ceremony! Deanna Campbell, ESCC Director, presented him with the award, and Christine Swiridoff was present via iTV to personally recognize him for being the first student at ESCC to graduate through the Honors Program. L to R: Katrina Forrest, Amber Ricker, Lucy Bui, Armando Contreras Sandoval, Chance Salmon, Zachary Bell, and Taylor McDowell. On Saturday, May 10, the Cerro Coso Honors Program celebrated its 2014 graduates: Katrina Forrest, Amber Ricker, Lucy Bui, Armando Contreras Sandoval, Chance Salmon, Zachary Bell, Taylor McDowell, and Christopher Camilleri. The graduates, their families, Cerro Coso faculty, and fellow Honors Program students attended the luncheon to recognize these outstanding students. Two $500 Faculty Honors Scholarships were awarded to Armando Contreras Sandoval and Taylor McDowell, and a $1,000 President’s Honors Scholarship went to graduating high school student Chelsea Foulke (Mammoth High School) for her exceptional academic performance. Inside this Issue ESCC Outstanding Student of the Year 1 Honors Program Celebrates Graduates 1 Spring 2014 President’s List 2 Donation Welcomes Students at Bishop 2 Exam Slam at ESCC 2 30th Annual Student Awards Ceremony 3 “X” New Addition to Sculpture Garden 3 KRV Student of the Year 4 CCCC Foundation’s Star Party & BBQ 4 Art 121 Project 4 2 COYOTE HOWLER Spring 2014 President’s List Cerro Coso Community College is pleased to announce that 140 students made the President’s List for the Spring 2014 semester. This includes 61 students from the Indian Wells Valley Campus, 16 students from the Kern River Valley Campus, 11 from the Eastern Sierra College Center in Bishop, 9 from the Eastern Sierra College Center in Mammoth Lakes, and 38 CC Online students from various locations. This list is comprised of all students who achieved a grade point average of at least 3.75 while earning a minimum of 40 grade points within the Spring 2014 semester. It is the goal of Cerro Coso to recognize students who have significantly excelled in their academic studies. “The presence of students with high academic standards serves as an inspiration to both faculty and students alike,” stated Jill Board, President of Cerro Coso Community College. Cerro Coso Community College is proud to honor the following students for making the President’s List for their scholastic achievements during the Spring 2014 semester: Indian Wells Valley (61) : Sebastian Acosta, Crystal Akeredolu, Lydia Amador, Grant Argain, Melissa Bacher, Mikayla Bayless, Alan Bengtson, Lucas Boggs, Enrique Carrillo-Sulub, Amanda Cobb, Jennifer Colangelo, Anthony Cummings, Kelli Dean, Wendy Delaney, Heather Dobbs, Nicolas Elder, Katrina Forrest, Sheena Funke, Alyssa Gaska, Nicole Gifford, Michele Haskins, Kaylene Havig, Nolan Havig, Nicholas Higdon, Darcy Kirkpatrick, Natalie Kuttor, Cameron La Brie, Angel Leiva, Kylie Maas, Jaime Martinez, Sierra Martinez, Dorcille McCollister, Taylor McDowell, Rebecca McGuire, Mitchell Metz, Cynthia Mikiel, Karen Montanez, Kristiana Ogilvie, Carson Owens, Terrie Owens, Erika Pena, Savannah Piepmeier, Christine Poole, Ryan Richard, Chance Salmon, Ashley Servin, Hannah Small, Ty Smart, Barbara Smith, Evan Smith, Andrew Southard, Patricia Swearengin, Matthew Taylor, James Tesch, Melissa Tesch, Kenneth Vallance, Jr., Jessalyn Vanscoy, Angela Vierra, Tyler Walent, Justin Weich, and Jesse Wigfield. Online (38): David Alonso, Eduardo Cervantes, Olivia Christensen, Michael Colange, Bridget Duman, Carlo Espino, Kyle Fairbanks, Destiny Garcia, Esiquio Garcia, Ashley Giamona, Eduardo Gonzalez, Michael Gonzalez, Richard Griffee, Miguelangel Gutierrez, Natalie Horikoshi, Britnie Horton, Adam Kach, Candace Kizer, Victor Lopez, Georgiana McNamara, Louellen Monte, Corey Pack, Shilpa Panech, Eva Rafik-Diaz, Jennifer Ray, Marcie Ristich, Roberto Rivero, Jesse Rodriguez, Nancy Rodriguez, Miguel Saldana, Stephanie Sanchez, Jared Saulque, Emma Sawyer, Wendy Silver, Mackenzie Sinclair, Marisa Smith, Lanetta Spencer, and Charles Wilson. ESCC Bishop (11): Tammy Andersen, Alsion Bishop, Kathryn Cowley, Shealan Cruise, Abigail Don, Elizabeth Field, Brian Grevenkamp, Cheryl Hames, Ambrosia Knox, Cole Means, and Michelle Snoderly. ESCC Mammoth Lakes (9): Christopher Camilleri, Chelsea Foulke, Ximena Garcia, Sandy Graves, Raychel Limnios, Jamie Morris, Maria Ramirez, Josh Samucha, Jonathan Stanovich, and Keila Yanez. Kern River Valley (16): Alisha Bounds, Katy Harvey, Daniel Hoskins, Chelsea Hunt, Allen Ibarra, Sean Jarrett, Britney Johnson, Karley Johnson, Michelle Lundberg, Gloria Middleton, Courtney Nelson, Andrea Robinson, Sara Ruiz, Donna Smith, Chandler Snyder, and Daniel Szymanski. East Kern (5): Rachel Evans, Eva Goins, Richard Heeb, Lonnie Moon III, and Ruthanne Welling. Donation Welcomes Students at Bishop Campus Promoting higher education in Bishop, the Inyo County Superintendent of Schools (ICSOS) has donated a new sign at the CCCC Bishop campus that welcomes students and community visitors. Focusing on improving the college campus in Bishop, ICSOS’s donation will bolster student success as students’ transition from high school into college, and from college admissions to completion, creating a stronger educational pipeline for Inyo County residents. ICSOS’s generosity is helping to bring the Bishop campus to life, making it an exceptional place for self-exploration and higher education for students. The Educational Pipeline: Big Investment, Big Return. Christine Abbott (right) helps a student studying for finals during the ESCC Exam Slam. Exam Slam at ESCC! This past semester, thanks to the valiant efforts of ESCC’s own Christine Abbott, both Bishop and Mammoth campuses held a finalexam study event. With the help of our administrative staff, Abbott organized the first-ever “Exam Slam” for ESCC, featuring faculty support, free pizza, refreshments, and a whole lot of studying fun for all. The event was a great success, with dozens of students in attendance. Although the ultimate effect on final exam scores can only be speculated, the enthusiasm shown by faculty and students alike suggests that the lively group-study made a huge difference come test time. In any case, ESCC is proud to report on a fantastic show of student services and collaboration, one that will hopefully become a tradition for semesters to come! COYOTE HOWLER 3 30th Annual Student Awards Ceremony The Student Government of Cerro Coso held their annual Student Awards and Recognition Ceremony on Thursday, May 8, 2014 in the College Student Center. Designed to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of Cerro Coso students, faculty, and staff, the event is a time honored tradition to celebrate and bid adieu to graduating students. The following awards were presented: President’s Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards Shari Allison Nadeem Alim David Alonso Jesse Althaus Grant Argain Joshua Baca Shealan Cruise Barbara Dolan Elizabeth Field Ashley Glenesk Kaylene Havig Nolan Havig Natalie Horikoshi Sean Jarrett Kristopher Love Courtney Nelson Alyssa Smith Evan Smith Kristhomas Snyder Kimberly Sullivan Daniel Szymanski Jesse Wigfield Department Student Award Recipients l to r: Katrina Forrest, Science & Engineering; David Jensen, Industrial Arts; Armando Contreras, Social Sciences; Chance Salmon, English; Gage Ramlose, Child Development/ Education; Nathan Brannon, CIS & Business; Evan Smith, Mathematics; Kelly Worden, Public Services; and Nolan Havig, Visual and Performing Arts. Department Awards Marjorie Dedace, Allied Health Nathan Brannon, CIS & Business Gage Ramlose, Child Development Chance Salmon, English David Jensen, Industrial Arts Evan Smith, Mathematics Kelly Worden, Public Services Katrina L. Forrest, Science & Engineering Armando Contreras, Social Sciences Nolan Havig, Visual & Performing Arts Cerro Coso Community College Foundation, Inc. Athletic/Academic Achievement Award Ian Schultheiss, Men’s Baseball Site Student of the Year Christopher Camilerri, ESCC Steve Chisholm, East Kern Marlo Sheckells, Kern River Valley “X” New Addition to Sculpture Garden The Cerro Coso Art Department has installed their latest sculpture to the fence line of the Luis Miro Memorial Sculpture Garden at the Ridgecrest campus. Designed by Cerro Coso student Jonathan Chavez, the piece titled “X” is approximately 8’ x 14’.5” and is constructed out of 32 scavenged and reclaimed car rims. “X” pays homage to Jonathan’s fascination with Los Angeles’ Hispanic car culture and his desire to be inspired and involved with this cultural movement. Weighing in at an estimated 1,000 pounds this piece projects a light-hearted and whimsical approach to art making due to Chavez’s design application, fabrication techniques, and color choices. The effects of gravity seem to disappear on “X” resulting in a transformation in which cloud like properties are bestowed upon what was once a pile of neglected auto parts. 4 COYOTE HOWLER KRV Student Marlo Sheckells and Campus Manager Lisa Stephens. KRV Student of the Year All work and no play is….no fun! At Cerro Coso’s Kern River Valley campus located in Lake Isabella they work hard and make time to have fun and celebrate student success. The KRV campus had a chance to recognize and celebrate success of some of their shining stars at their annual Awards and Recognition Ceremony on Friday, May 2. Outstanding student awards by discipline were handed out by faculty. Marlo Sheckell’s was named the Kern River Valley “Student of the Year” for 2013-2014. Educational Advisor, Reese Weltman received the award for “Staff Member of the Year” and Debra Rundell received the prestigious “Faculty Member of the Year” award both selected by the students of the KRV campus. KRV graduates were announced for 2014 and the newly selected Student Government Officers for the 2014-2015 school year were introduced. The evening concluded with a wonderful dinner, dessert, and live entertainment. Whether it’s eating food, dancing, of simply thanking each other, the staff and students of the KRV campus keep each other motivated, enjoy what they do, and celebrate student success. FOUNDATION FEATURE Star Party and BBQ Coming Soon The Cerro Coso Community College Star Party and Barbecue will be held at the Ridgecrest Campus on Friday, September 26, 2014. Mark your calendars and join us for this family friendly evening of music, star gazing, and good food. Sponsored by the Cerro Coso Community College Foundation. Standing from left to right: Beverlee Wood, Alyssa Smith, Todd Middleton, Jennifer Colangelo, Rhia Perez, Jenna Fowler, Chuck Bolt, Mariana Gray, Valerie Avitto. Kneeling, from left to right: Myles Obenza, Brandon Yang, Janice Stephens, Vickie Forbes, Danielle Moore, Delia Perales, Rachael Brater. Art 121 Project Students in Lisa Darty’s Art 121 drawing class at Cerro Coso’s Ridgecrest campus pose in front of a large scale picture they drew individually and as a group; a reproduction of a self-portrait by Albrecht Durer, originally created in 1484. An image of the original was printed and cut into 2-inch squares. Each student was given a square, which they were asked to scale and transfer to a 20 inch square paper, without being able to see the entirety of the original portrait. After each student completed his or her portion of the drawing, the class as a group compiled the pieces and fastened them together to create the large scale, composite reproduction you see here. Art C121 is a studio course that introduces the principles, elements, and practices of drawing, employing a range of subject matter and drawing media. A strong focus is placed on perceptually based drawing, observational skills, technical abilities, and creative responses to materials and subject matter. BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE CERRO COSO COLLEGE PORTERVILLE COLLEGE About this Publication The Coyote Howler is a publication of Cerro Coso Community College. For more information about the stories in this publication, or to include information in this publication, contact Natalie Dorrell, Public Information Manager, at 760.384.6260 or email [email protected].
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